#- bottom. like thry have
vampiromano · 1 year
if I had a nickel for every time I've found an artist who I share fundamental beliefs and points of view with, as well as brands of neurosis, but who simply isn't at the same point in life as I am by virtue of having already started recovery from their fucked up-ness, therefore making me feel vaguely alienated from them because I'm not even close to needing or considering recovery yet, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice
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dizzyduck44 · 2 months
Someone finally must have asked McLaren the right questions about Hungary!
Autosport have finally got to the bottom of it. Things we have all been saying since the race.
Andrea Stella admits thry didn’t have a plan that took into consideration Lewis and Max behind them.
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Could you ever imagine Red Bull or Mercedes being caught out like that?
So they put the two drivers into a situation they hadn’t discussed. Lando found himself out in front and assumed this was what the team had planned.
And then the pitwall proceeded to not communicate this to Lando. And seemingly did not know how to communicate it.
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So somehow the guy who is driving round at 300kph is left thinking he needs to up his game.
Being given position, with no prior plan of this and he is looking at catching Max in the Driver’s Championship, what exactly was he meant to think?
However, they realise, without all the information how can they expect either driver to just simply comply.
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The fact that post race the engineers seemed to have a different understanding of the morning meeting than the pitwall mid race is scary as hell. No wonder Lando and Oscar were asking questions from the second pitstop onwards.
They might have been told post race they were free to race after the second pitstop but the radio messages and the fact Lando assumed they were in final positions after that point says otherwise.
Oscar and Lando are many things. Psychic is not one of them!
They have a shot at both championships. This is not a training camp, it’s happening now. This needs sorting out.
I know it must be hard for a team to publicly admit their failings BUT the whole world saw and heard them. At least they acknowledge it. Even if it has taken them all week.
My only hope is they have looked back on the radio messages and privately have realised how damming and manipulative they sounded and have addressed that.
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shocktreatment · 1 year
ok im too blasted now to feel embarassment so im gonna ramble about my favorite gay yaoi slapstick routine now
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broooooo theyre literally like. ok. the amazon rpime page literally calls Bottom a husband wife comedy and theu literally get it so bad. they are literally husband and wife. an "i hate my wife" routine but its a repressed bisexual alcoholic and his middle-agedly gnc gay tory wife. and theyre oh mygoooddddd theyre the best gay rep rver even if they arent technically torgteher even though theyre canonly married as of the first live show and are willing to have sex wirh each other as offfffffff i forget if the 3rd or 4th liveshow. but anyway theyre everything i want in gay rep: stupid, carroonish, a long voyage of their media getting gayer and gayer until theyre fucking each other (a la jay and silent bob and ren and stimpy) richie is gnc but not in a boring way and instead in an interesting way, eddie i was going to say something specifc about eddie thn i got lost thinking about eddie my besutiful wife eddie anyway ummmmm they also rock because theyre total losers and thry suck. and they beat each other up and they fucking kill each other and they have been living with each other for like 15 years and theyre a MARRIED COUPLEEEEEE. thyere insaneeeeeeee i feel bad thar im not doing thrm justice coz i havent been good with my words but theyre sooo special to me and they always will be ok goodnight ok
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 6 months
Looks like I won't be using the medicine my podiatrist gave me for my feet.
Under a cut because body stuff.
For the unaware: my feet like to sweat most when cold. It makes them colder, so thry sweat more. The only to make it stop is to bury my feet under a lot of heat, at which point they stop sweating and start feeling like they're on fire. When hot, they sweat only when I wear shoes, be it sandals or sneakers. Sweating while cold means changing my socks often as well. Having carpet and rugs prevents the sweating because my feet are warm.
I mentioned this to my podiatrist, who prescribed Drysol for me. It's a prescription antiperspirant, and even though I'm allergic to store-bought antiperspirants*, I gave it a go.
Two rounds of this over four days, and I have sweatless feet. Yay!
This morning, I woke up with itchy hands and feet. My last dose was two days ago, and my feet were thoroughly washed at six hours after application. Itchiness like this is exclusive to one thing for me: hives. When I get hives, it's always on my hands and feet. More specifically, it begins there. The last time I had an allergic reaction like this was when I last used Monistat One** in 2020. I woke up to hives from my knees to the bottoms of my feet, elbows to my palms, hives between my legs, and chemical burns. It took around three or four months to get rid of the hives, and those made my skin peel like a bad sunburn. The yeast infection took more than two years of prescription yeast infection treatment, including daily application of of ointment. It was gross.
My hands and feet feel exactly like that right now, minus the visual rash. Hives are a rash under the skin, so it can take a bit for them to show. As soon as the spots show up though, we'll be at urgent care to get me a medicine to treat it. No more Drysol for me though, and I'll be calling my pharmacy to inform them it needs to be added as an allergy now.
Small note:
*I'm allergic to antiperspirants, as well as deodorant. Until I was in my 30s, I had to carry a little bag of wet wipes to wipe down my armpits so I wouldn't stink. From secondary school (i had my forst period at age nine) to high school, i had a note in my student file stating i cannot use deodorant or antiperspirants because of my allergy. I tried every all-natural deodorant i could find, hand an allergic reaction to one, irritated skin to a few more, and none changed how badly i would smell. Then I was introduced to the brand Little Seed Farm, and they make all natural deodorants. They also have sample packs, so I got a couple of them. At this point in my life, I've had to stop shaving due to a severe hair follicle infection that fucked up both armpits so badly, my likelihood of developing another infection is virtually guaranteed. Now I sweat significantly less because my body is able to cool down. The spot tests for the unscented and the activated charcoal samples i ordered produced zero negative reaction. Not even red skin. I use the activated charcoal option, and have zero stink while sweating for about the next 36 hours. It stops stinking (odor), not sweating (perspiring).
**My obgyn says to never use that stuff because compressing seven days of treatment into a single dose is a great way to have this happen. Now I get a little prescription pill I take, no mess, and if I need cream, I get the gentle stuff. If you have to use yeast infection medicine, first test that it's a yeast infection; if it's a bacterial imbalance, you will need antibiotics and yeast infection medicine will make things significantly worse. If it's a yeast infection. Get no concentration higher stronger than three days.
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chaos-grimlin · 2 years
Hi! This is my first fanfic on Tumbler! I also posted this story on wattpad if you guys prefure to read it there!
Why me? (Nubbins Sawyer x Y/N)
Intro:In 1974 a tragedy which befell on a group of six youths, in particular Y/n L/n and he dear friend Sally Hardesty. It's all the more tragic that all of them where young. But they had lived very long lives, thry could not have expected nor would they have wished to see as much of the mad and macabre as they were to see that day. For them an idyllic summer afternoon drive became a nightmare. The events of thst day were to lead to the discovery of one of the most bizarre crimes in the annals of American history. The kidnapping of Y/n L/n and the Texas chainsaw massacre..
Word count:1017
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~~~3rd person P.O.V~~~
The radio blarred as the van drove. Yet no one paid attention to what was being said.
"&to give further details of the case.
It is believed that the indictment is only one of a series to be handed down as a result of a special grand jury investigation.  Grave robbing in Texas is this hours top news story.
An infoment led officers of the Muerto County Sheriffs Department to a cemetery just outside the small rural Texas community of Newt early this morning.
Officers there discovered what appeared to be a grisly work of art, the remains of a badly decomposed body wired to a large monument.
A second body was found in a ditch near the perimeter of the cemetery.
Subseqient investigation has revealed at least a dozen empty crypts,and its feared more will turn up as the probe continues.
Deputies report that in some instances only parts of a corpse had been removed;the head or in some cases the extremities removed,the remainder of the corpse left intact.
Evidence indicates the robberies have occurred over a period of time Sheriff Jesus Maldonado refused to give details of the ghoulish case and said that he did have strong evidence linking the crime to elements outside the state.
Area residents have reportedly converged on the cemetery, fearing the remains of relatives have been removed.
No suspects are in custody as the investigation at the scene continues.
Oil storage units continues to burn out of control at the hugr Texaco refinery near the Texas-Luisiana border.
Three storage units exploded into flames during the night killing at least three workers and injuring a dozen more.
Fire fighting units from three Texas cities continue battling the cause in an effort to congine 40 foot flames.
Smoke from the fire has reached Huston residents some 60 miles to the south.
Health officials from San Francisco reluctantly admit they may have a cholera epidemic on their hands.
Some 40 cases of the highly infectious diseasehave been confirmed.."
The radio was soon drowned out completely.
~~~Y/n P.O.V~~~
Jerry pulled the van over after Franklin had said something to him.
Once the van came to a halt Kirk slid open the sliding door and stepped out. No one really talked while the van wasnt moving, yet the radio still played.
"And suspect sabotage. Police in Gary Indian have been unable to identify.."
Kirk pulled out two wooden planks and proped them up against the bottom of the van so Franklin, who was in a wheelchair, could wheel himself out without getting hurt.
I leaned my head back slightly and looked out the window as Kirk helped Franklin out the van. I grasped at the bottom of my shirt and pulled ot up to my face, wiping away the sweat that had formed under my nose.
It was hotter then hell in Texas and everyone knew it. I dont know why Sally had to drag me out here with her just to see if her grandfathers grave had been robbed, hell i didn't know him.
I looked out the sliding door as Kirk pushed Franklin to the tall weeds. I wished we didn't stop, stopping only made the ride longer.. But...we had to make stops for things like gas or in thise case, bathroom breaks..
All was quiet other then the radio into me a 18 wheeler came driving down the road, throwing up dust and rocks.
Not a second later screaming was heard from outside.
My fight or flight sences kicked in and I instantly pushed myself out of the van just in time to see Franklin lose control of his wheelchair and roll rapidly down the hill.
Pam let out a small gasp. "FRANKLIN!" me and Sally yelles in unison. I jumped out of the van and ran down the hill after Franklin, with Kirk following behind me. I almost fell running down the hill.
My feet tangled with the tall grass, wrapping around my legs, almsot making me trip. I saw Franklin topple out of his chair and roll down the hill, then stopping as the wheelchair harshly hit his side.
I soon got to his side and pushed the wheelchair away. "You okay?" I asked as I slowly grabbed Franklins arm. "I was..shit" he groaned out as I helped him up.
Kirk came by my side and helped me get Franklin back into his chair, since i couldn't have done it alone.
Me and Kirk pushed Franklin back up the hill. I looked down at Franklin and saw that the sleeve of his shirt had ripped open..
After a bit we were back on the road with Jerry driving.
"This heat is just driving me crazy, i don't know if i can take much more" Franklin whined out as he unbuttoned his shirt, showing off his chest.
"Listennn "the condition of retrogradation is contrary or inharmonious to the regular direction of actual movement in the zodiac and is ,in that respect, evil." " Pam said. Reading from her book
I rolled my eyes as she spoke. Pam was one of those girls who believed in zodiac signs and how the planet's and our birthdays affect us people.
"Hence, when maker is planet's are in retrograde. And Saturn's malefic, okay? "Their maleficence is increased" " Pam added then looked up at Jerry.
"Have you been doing tjose Readers Digest word power columns again?" Jerry asked as he took his eyes off the road and put them onto Pam.
"Jerry, it just means that Saturn's a bad influence. Its just particularly a bad influence now becuase its in retrograde" Pam said, adding a whine to her voice.
"How can a planet be a bad influence? That's bullshit" I said. Pam looked back at me and scrunched her face up at me.
"Hey, man, you believe all that stuff your old lady's hawkin about?" Jerry asked as he looked back at Kirk.
A I dont know was all that Kirk got out before Sally shut the whole conversation down before it turned into a huge argument...
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symptoms-syndrome · 2 years
Hi u r rlly rlly cool, ur possibly one of the few levelheaded ppl on this hellsite. Something something they hated jesus and he was preddy smart so
Yeah!!! Love u
Bunny u are a blessing thank u for gracing my inbox 💕
TBH I don't super mind getting hate from online strangers bc like. I don't know u so who cares, it's not like I'm a stranger to the idea that sometimes people hate others for no damn reason LMAO.
Anyway fun fact yesterday I ALMOST made a "your mom" joke to a class of freshmen in high school LOL
AND I had a lot of fun w my friend last night! We got dinner at one of my (and now our) fave restaurants with jackfruit smoothies and then went over to their house and watched ProZD eat like 50 something different Campbell soups
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omg hiiiii 😊 can we get hcs of hanamiya, haizaki, and jason silver’s reacion to yn bring a very shy kind gril but they herd rumers of her chesting with another guy !! 😡😡 but it ended up being a lie, and thry end up hruting her feelings?? 🥺🥺 eould she forgive them too? >…<
Hanamiya Makoto, Haizaki Shougo, and Jason Silver Heard Rumour of Their S/O Cheating With Another Guy.
A/N: Hello there! Thank you for requesting the bad boys of KnB. This is one of the biggest challenges for me because I cannot really relate to them but I will try my best. I hope you like the final result! Also, I admit even though Hanamiya, Jason and Haizaki are the bad boys and bastards of the KnB, they are hot (but not my type). Please never date this kind of guy in real life, they are a walking red flag.
Warning: Mention of violence, ANGST, non-consent touch, a little bit of NSFW and profanity.
Gender: Neutral
Hanamiya Makoto
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Everyone knows that you are Hanamiya's S/O and everyone in Kirisaki Daiichi feared the dead black-haired since he's the most dangerous player among his teammate. However, that doesn't really stop anyone to try to get closer to you.
However, that doesn't stop any guy to mess with you and other students start gossiping about you dating another guy behind Hanamiya's back.
Even if he doesn't have explosive anger like Haizaki and Jason Silver who would shout at you. His wrath was much scarier and more hurtful.
He would humiliate you in front of lots of people and when is aid that. His humiliation is much worse, it could be trying to frame you that you were the villain in the relationship or bullied you with students around to watch.
Reality sucks because Hanamiya definitely knows that it was probably just a dumb rumour made by people around you. I am sorry to crush your hope but he hates honest people so he isn't sorry at all and he is a genius with a high IQ.
Not only he knows that it was only a rumour that people create just to defame you. Instead of helping you out, he is going to use that defamation by degrading you and then using you as a black sheep so he could manipulate you easier and degrading you for fun.
He would make fun of you for letting people easily get attached to you and trying to be a creep. Since you're so kind, lots of people trying to take an advantage of you and trying to make you cheat on Hanamiya or being a creep.
Yes, even though it's canon that he likes the soft, shy, kind and easily manipulated girl (Like Yui Komori type of girl from Diabolik Lovers). He would guilt-trip you and make you feel stupid even if it was just a rumour.
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(By the way, I am not shaming anyone in real life. I am shaming Nobuta Tanaka, the character from Assassination classroom)
A pair of dark grey eyes staring at you with a horrible intention as the delinquent male sauntering up to you like a wannabe model with his horrible spiked black hair swayed around and his pudgy face bouncing like a basketball. Nobuta Tanaka, the most well-known pervert in the Kirisaki Daiichi. His narrow eyes eyeing up at you from the bottom of your skirt/pants to your chest.
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"Hey there cutie, I never see you around in here. Are you here alone?" The male asks.
"No, I am waiting for my boyfriend. Could you please leave me alone? My boyfriend is going to be in here at any moment," you shoo the pervert away.
"Aww don't be like that. Why don't you go out with me? I am a nice guy," he grabs one of your hands.
"H-hey! P-please let me go! Y-You are making me uncomfortable!" You shout, trying to push the pervert away.
"No need to be shy, kitten. It's just you and me alone~" his other arms slowly slid and crept on your back, trying to pull you closer.
" P-please d-don't touch me. I-i don't want to hurt you," You quickly push the guy away but not hard enough to make the person fall, you only push him away very gently before your footsteps fading away.
However, even though you were defending yourself from the pervert. Something dark and shimmering hiding behind a wall, taking picture of the pervert trying to hug you as the edge of the owner of the camera's lips tugged upwards before they leave the crime scene and start their work to destroy your relationship with your boyfriend.
↠ Timeskip ↞
Walking down the hallway, thousands of pairs of eyes staring at you with shock, confusion, resentment, anger, and judgement but the most confusing part is people would quickly get away from you whenever you try to approach them. Raising your eyebrows, you know there must be something bad happening but you don't know what is it because students treating you like a plague.
A footstep getting closer to you as it was getting louder and louder. Turning around, you saw Hanamiya sauntering up with a smile but you know that smile was forced, it was his typical mocking smile with a hint of anger in it like that smile when he is facing his rival before he broke them.
"M-makoto-san, I-" You were cut off immediately by him.
"Hmm~ you called my first name after what you did? That's very surprising~" he pushes you to the locker.
"W-what do you mean by that? I-i didn't do anything! " You were confused, hurt, and frightened.
"Oh? You don't know? Are you stupid or something? HAHA! You were acting cute and helpless as if you were asking him that you're an easy, helpless little creature that can be harassed at any time. I'm sure you're doing it on purpose in front of Nobuta, asking him to be harassed like a little bitch you are..I bet you had fun cheating on my back and letting him touching you" he smiles evilly, watching your face confronting into shock, pain, sorrow, and fury as he shows the picture of you getting harassed by Nobuta.
"B-but..i-i pushed him away and I don't like him like that way. I-i would never cheat on you! T-that picture is when he was harassing me!-" you try to defend yourself.
"Oh my poor baby, you did? Maybe you shouldn't be so stupid and try to defend yourself," he cupped your cheeks, "Maybe you should do something for me to prove that you didn't cheat on me, my darling. After all, how can you make me believe that you didn't cheat on me...." he faked his frown.
"D-don't worry Hanamiya-kun. I-i promise i will show you that I didn't cheat on you" you put on a fake smile, trying to convince your boyfriend.
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Haizaki Shougo
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I am praying for your mentality, your soul and your strength to handle this dude. Unlike Hanamiya, he is much more violent and he's not afraid to hit a woman.
He doesn't respect anyone except Nijimura so to date him. You had to make him respect you the first time. But since we are talking about you are dating him, it was a very rocky relationship between you and his violent and playboy tendencies.
You can imagine his reaction when he hears the rumour of you cheating behind his back. There are many situations that can end up that you hurt because of him.
The first situation is him becoming very enraged at you. Once you are down with your class, he would be likely to march up on you before pulling you to the quiet place where there is no one around and he would scream at you.
If you fight back and try to defend yourself from him, he would be likely to hit you in the face and I am talking about slapping you on the face before he storms away to cool off.
In the second situation, he wouldn't hurt you or slap you but instead. It would be more disgusting because he would cheat behind your back and if you try to confront him. He would be guilt-tripping you by saying you were the one who cheated him in the first place.
This man has a huge ego and I can say his Ego is even bigger than Aomine and Hanamiya (Almost the same as Jason Silver). When he shows he is sorry for hurting you once he knows it was just a stupid rumour, his apology would be forced.
He doesn't want to say sorry but if he has to. It would be like, "FINE! I AM FUCKING SORRY! HAPPY NOW?!" However, if that made the situation worse. He would finally apologize without feeling like he was forced as he give some kind of present (like little trinkets or something).
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Sitting on the bench, you keep looking at your wristwatch with your shoes tapping against the ceramic floor and bounce your legs in a frantic manner. Glancing around the airport, you were biting your nails as you are waiting for your cousin who is an exchange student studying economics and business.
It has been such a long time, you really miss your dear cousin who is also like a best friend to you. He was always there for you when you two were young, he was like an older brother to you but he had to leave you for almost more than five years so he could be the best entrepreneur and start a company once he goes back.
A sound of tiny wheels could be heard from far and you turn around to see your cousin who is smiling at you, "Yo (Y/N), miss me?" he opens his arms. You couldn't help but the run-up to your cousin and give him your biggest bear hug and snuggle your face on the crook of your cousin's neck.
Unknown to you, someone sees everything as she quickly takes the phone away and takes a picture of you hugging your cousin, 'Not only did she take my Haizaki away from me but she cheats behind his back! She will feel my wrath!' she thought as she starts to walk away, leaving you along with your cousin whose searching the trolley to put all of his bags.
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↠ Timeskip ↞
After sending your cousin home, you were on your way to your house so you could rest your aching muscles, "It has been such a tiring day, I wonder how Haizaki is without me...' you wondered. As you were walking home, you could see the back of Fukuda Sougou's jersey with the number six.
The edge of your lips curving upwards as your eyes twinkle in happiness, seeing your man standing there with his braided hair. But the footsteps immediately stop as the glint in your eyes immediately gone in a second and your eyes turn dark as tears start brimming in your eye.
A girl wrapped their arms around your boyfriend as her lips were attached to his lips, kissing him passionately. Seeing you, the girl tightened her arms for a few seconds before pulling away, "See you tomorrow, Shougo-Kun!" She chirped, skipping away happily.
"S-shougo-Kun.....why? Your throat tightened.
"(Y/N)-Chan~ you saw that, huh~" he struts up to you slowly, as if it looks like a predator mocking their prey for getting stuck.
'Tsk, serves you right for cheating with me. Did you think I don't know about you cheating with someone in the airport?" His smirk was replaced with a scowl.
"B-but i didn't cheat on you-!" You try to defend yourself.
But it was a futile attempt as you feel a burning pain on your cheeks, and your eyes widened as tears slowly slipped out from your eyes. Looking at Haizaki, it was clear he was pissed off because the size of his eyes getting smaller.
"FUCKING LIAR!" He shouted.
A hiccup escapes from your lips, "I-I'm not....t-that picture that you give me is my c-cousin. I-I told you from the message! Why can't you believe me!" You never shout but this is your first time shouting at him.
"W-wha?!" He was shocked once he ehars your explanation.
"W-WE'RE DONE!" You ran awya from him.
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Jason Silver
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I am starting to wonder if you are a masochist, have Stockholm syndrome or you just like bad boys who are very violent. I am sorry if I sounded very judgemental but Jason Silver is also as violent as Haizaki.
Angering Jason Silver and Haizaki is like a death wish for a partner and expecting them to be vigilant boyfriends is already too much for them. Instead of talking it out, Jason Silver would be very angry like Haizaki.
Once he hears the rumours of you cheating on him behind his back. I cannot see him talking it to you and asking if it was true. Instead, he would be marching up at you, shoving you until you fall from the ground and yelling profabities or sexist slurs.
He only does that when no one is around or he would be likely to grip a can of beer or soda when he was in public and crush it even though he didn't say anything but peoplw still know he is furious because the way he looks at them as if they were just nothing to him.
But you can tell he is pissed off because of the way he is glaring into your eyes. It was as if like a bomb ready to explode at any second. Even if you try to tell him it was just a rumour, he wouldn't listen to you.
As you two go home together. That's when you know you need to escape from him because as you two go inside. He would be likely to scream at you and slam some stuff to the ground, he would be also could hit you if he's too blinded by the rage.
This is the difference between him and Haizaki. Unlike Haizaki, I can see him feel bad for hurting you. Even though he has a huge ego, he can put it aside once he knows it was only a rumour.
As he feels guilty for hurting you, his eyes would stare at the floor as if the floor is more interesting than you before taking a deep breath and admitting he was wrong for hurting you.
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A can of beer is held by the tall muscular dark skinned man as he looks at the screen of his phone, talking together with Nash Gold and the rest of the Jabberwocky team as everyone inside the chat is either cursing with each other or sending pictures of women slept with.
Taking a sip of his beer. His eyes keeps looking at the chat bar from the team until his eyes landed on a picture of you in the classroom standing in front of a guy who seems to be looking disinterested. His eyes widened upon seeing the picture, "Yo! Silver, is this your little bitch? My friend told me that she was cheating with you with some ugly bastard," his friends texted him.
Gritting his teeth, he began clenching hard on the can until there was a cracking sound from the can, standing up. He began cursing at his phone, typing down a sexist slur before he sends it to your phone. Spamming your phone with abusive and harmful words that were very mean.
𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕕 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟 ℙ𝕆𝕍:
Closing the book, you put the pencil away from the table and put it inside the pencil case, "Do you understand, Shibuya-san?"You ask the student in front of you. The boy groaned, slamming his head "No.....I told you math is too hard for me," he mutters. Rolling your eyes playfully, you put the book away, "It's okay, just study the note that I gave you yesterday so you can ace the exam tomorrow," you told him, trying to cheer your best friend.
"Yeah...anyway, thank you for teaching me math, (Y/N)-san." He says, putting the book inside along with the paper.
"Y-yeah, you're welcome. Just text me when you need me to tutor you in math," you told him.
"I will! Thank you so much! See you tomorrow!" Shibuya waves his hands, leaving the classroom before you clean the classroom and taking your backpack, going home alone.
↠ Timeskip ↞
After a long walk from school to your house, you need your boyfriend so bad to just cuddle you and lay on the bed together, enjoying each other warmth. From the distance you could see your boyfriend a smile reaching your face, you began walking up to your boyfriend to give him a hug until your hand were yanked roughly by your boyfriend, "We need to talk, now..." his voice sent a shiver to your spine.
You could sense the tense air around you and him as the two of you were walking home together and the grip on your hand were getting harder, making you flinch in pain but you didn't dare to object to your boyfriend since he looks like he is ready to murder you at any second.
Slamming the door open, Jason Silver shoves you away to the living room and slam the door really hard that you can hear a crack from it. Backing away, you were scared of this sudden situation because you had never seen him this angry at you. Sure, he may shout at you a lot but he would make it up later by hugging you and saying how sorry he was for scaring you.
"So, you had fun with another guy when I'm not with you?... You were cheating on me from behind my back?" Jason saunters over you, scaring you with his huge height.
"W-what? B-but I never cheated on you-" You were cut off by him.
"W-what do you mean? I didn't hang out with anyone besides my friend" you tried to defend yourself.
A burning pain surged on your cheeks, and your eyes widened because Jason never slapped you before until now. Tears began brimming in the corner of your eyes. "EXPLAIN THIS!" He shouted, shoving the screen of a picture of you teaching Shibuya, your best friend math.
"......." You were speechless.
"WELL?!" He shouts.
"I didn't cheat......I was just teaching my best friend Geometry," you shove the book and the notes as the proof of your innocence.
"....Shit- Babe. I'm sorry," he tried to apologize.
"No...p-please...i-i need some space....i'm so sorry b-but...you hurt me. I-i forgive you but we cannot talk for now...i-it's the best if we stay out with each other for a moment..." You stand up, dusting yourself away and leaving Jason who immediately screamed in anger once you leave him for good, slamming any breakable objects to the ground.
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whumper-whimsy · 2 years
cw for conditioning, past abuse, whumpee as an object, self-harm, scarring, flashbacks, angst, hurt/comfort
whumpee sat at the couch, still trying to pull themself out of a bitter flashback from their time with whumper. They rocked, holding their knees to their chest.
"no, no, no..." they whispered, covering their face with their hands to hide the tears flowing down their cheeks.
they were meerly an object. objects don't cry.
objects are only there to serve, and do whatever they're told.
"whumpee?" caretaker called, their footsteps audible as they entered the room.
no, no, no...
"oh, shit, whumpee!"
whumpee tried their best to stop the tears, their hands practically vibrating as they lifted their head. caretaker was crouching next to them, their hand moving to lay on whumpee's shoulder. this was something caretaker did often; 'grounding,' they called it.
"shit, stay with me here," they looked directly into whumpee's eyes. "whumpee, are you okay..?"
they weren't. they really weren't. they needed to be used, needed a purpose.
"do you need anything, master?" they asked, their voice barely above a whisper.
caretaker sighed, rubbing whumpee's shoulder. "remember, im not 'master.'"
fuck. had they got it wrong? "s-sir?" they guessed, squinting their eyes to brave for some kind of pain. nothing came.
"not sir, whumpee." they flinched as fingers moved from their shoulder and grazed their forehead, pushing their bangs carefully to the side.
whumpee furrowed their brows in thought. what were they told to call the other? they had training in romantics, maybe something more provocative?
as they began to speak, caretaker cut them off. "just caretaker, okay?"
yes! this was doable. they opened their eyes. "do you need anything, caretaker?" they tried their line again, heart sinking as caretaker frowned.
"whumpee, you've been like this before. do you need a task?" caretaker's hand moved away from whumpee's face as they stood to their full height.
a task? yes! whumpee's heart could've flew out from their chest. "yes, m- caretaker."
caretaker paused to think, then offered their hand. "come help with dinner? we're having spaghetti tonight."
whumpee took caretaker's hand gently, using it as leverage to stand up.
as they were led into the kitchen, they were hit with the smells of dinner in the works. they stood next to caretaker, waiting for instruction.
"alright, ive got the sauce here," caretaker pointed to a pan of red liquid and chunks of meat, "and the noodles." whumpee stared at the boiling water, a shiver running down their spine.
whumper used boiling water on whumpee sometimes; often as a punishment. thry remembered one time when they had tripped and knocked over one of whumper's carts of instruments. whumper was mad. whumpee had to be punished.
so whumpee was strapped to a white table, unable to move their limbs. next to them, whumper stood over a stove, boiling water. once whumpee deemed it perfect, they had taken a ladel and scooped up the water, letting it splash onto whumpee's exposed limbs.
oh, whumpee had cried and begged for them to stop, though ironically, the pain only ceased once they stopped begging.
another time, whum-
"whumpee?" they jumped as they were brought back into the moment.
"yes?" they replied, trying not to sound too shaken.
caretaker showed them their phone briskly. "im getting a call. ill be right back, can you stir the noodles for me, please?"
"of course, caretaker!" they replied eagerly as caretaker left the room and began to speak into their phone.
stir the noodles. alright... how?
they glanced down at the pasta spoon. that was caretaker's. whumpee wasn't allowed to touch their owners tools without explicit permission.
they knew what they had to do. they took a step closer, trying to ignore the tremors in their hands.
bubbles danced up from the bottom of the pot, rising to the surface and popping repeatedly. whumpee lifted their hand over the pot, letting it bathe in the hot white steam that rose and twirled into the air.
they lowered their hand dreadfully slow until the ball of their palm broke the surface. whumpee took a second to gasp in pain, but held back the scream that tore at the back of their throat.
they stuck their hand in further at a pace they could only barely stand.
the pain was indescribable. white blurred their vision as they stared down.
their hand was bright fucking red, some of the thinner skin bubbling off and into the pot.
tears silently torrented down their cheeks, landing on the oven beside the pot and sizzling away.
"alright, im back. have you- OH MY GOD-" whumpee slowly looked up, their whole body fighting with their mind; their body screaming to pull their hand out, spare themself from the roaring pain torturing their nerves. but their mind denied the action. they were told to stir the pot- and they would.
that was until caretaker grabbed them by the shoulder, yanking them them away from the pot. whumpee's hand caught the side however, knocking the pot to the ground and splashing the water and pasta across the white tiles.
"no!" whumpee lurched forward, desperate to try and tend to their mess, but was held back by caretaker.
"whumpee! are you okay? holy fuck, your hand-" caretaker looked like they were gonna puke.
whumpee's hand was a bright shade of red, dotted with large, white blisters that seared with agony. in some spots, the skin was completely peeled from their hand, exposing the angry red flesh beneath.
"come here, whumpee." caretaker led whumpee to the sink, turning the handle of the sink to the right so that cold water spewed from the faucet.
"but- the- the noodles!" whumpee struggled uselessly against caretaker as their agonized hand was led to rest under the soothing water.
whumpee whined and tried to pull away; they didn't deserve any mercy. whatever they had done had disturbed and dissapointed caretaker.
they had failed.
"im so sorry... i shouldn't have left you alone like that. this is my fault." caretaker held whumpee's hand steady as they fought back.
caretaker was sorry? no, no, no. whumpee was supposed to be sorry. they had messed up. they ruined dinner!
once their hand was numb with the freezing water, whumpee was dragged to the bathroom, and a cool paste was applied to their hand. It didn't provide much comfort now, but caretaker had stated that it would help once their hand wasn't numb anymore.
"alright, stay still, whumpee." caretaker met their eyes for a moment, then pulled out some white bandages and wrapped them around whumpee's hand.
whumpee opened their mouth to speak, the snapped it shut. they had been so bad, speaking was a privilege they definitely hadn't earned.
"what were you saying?" caretaker asked, though they hadn't looked away from whumpee's hand.
whumpee, given permission now, reluctantly spoke. "it's just- aren't you gonna punish me..?"
caretaker gasped, looking down to whumpee and wrapped their arms around their shoulders, loosening their grip when whumpee flinched backwards.
"i wouldn't punish you, not in a million years. i won't hurt you." caretaker's words were unfamiliarly warm in whumpee's ears, and they let themself relax into caretaker's grip.
"im gonna pick you up, is that alright?" caretaker asked, their voice smirk and comforting.
"mhm. very alright." whumpee answered, gathering their legs up as caretaker lifted them.
___ lil timeskip ___
whumpee sat in caretaker's lap, accepting the spoon of spaghetti-os into their mouth. caretaker had quickly whipped them up as a substitute for dinner.
caretaker's fingers ran through their hair with one hand as they fed whumpee with the other.
whumpee had recovered from their episode earlier, but had profusely apologized to caretaker anyway. the guilt was less, but it was there.
whumpee moved their hand up, attempting to rest it against their stomach, but yelped as pain seized their wrist down, only making it about half the distance.
"shh, it's okay, whumpee." caretaker whispered in whumpee's ear. "i've got you..."
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inexplicifics · 3 years
I got accidentally immersed in historical fashion recently, and started thinking about witchers encountering some of the weirder fashions. "Is the ruff... to deter vampires? Do thry know it won't work?... Wait, if you already have a natural waist, why are you making it harder to breathe and making a fake waist? ... Is that woman actually shaped like that, or is she wearing a false bottom? Is it to conceal weapons? Snacks?"
*delighted giggling*
Oh, the poor confused Witchers!
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starrfault · 3 years
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Actually, while I'm here, here's some actual art?? I do really like these drawings I'm ngl
The two bottom ocs belong to my friends!! Thry have such cool characters I'm ngl 😢
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I have a handful of questions. sorry, couldn't help myself 😁
4, 5, 11, 20, 28
4) mythical creature you like/belive in
Answered here
I didn’t answer which i liked though (whoops) so, Lockness Monster. I just think it’s really cool that someone took this still body of water and went ‘yes, a monster lives at the bottom of that’
I’ve also been to lockness and honestly, i can see why it became a thing
5) favorite form of potatos
Mashed. Only way i’ll eat them XD
11) anything from your childhood you held onto
A few things, but most importantly my baby blanket. I actually had my mom and papa send it over to me from canada so i could give it to my kid when thry were born.
20) favorite disney princess movie
Now listen, i know the movie isn’t named after her but Jasmine has always been my favorite princess so i choose this one
28) last meal on earth
Answered, but again Mac and Cheese with tomato juice XD it’s my comfort food
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multifandom240407 · 3 years
Just a blackinon one shot I had in mind
Warnings: nudity,swearing,mentions of abuse,cuddling
Pairings:Sirius Black and marlene mckinnon
Best Christmas Ever
Year 7
Christmas break
Sirius had moved out of grimauld place like a year ago being in better environment and having James wisen up for Lily had influenced him.
Marlene had found a job at leaky cauldron and had spent the summer break there.She also got inspired by Sirius moved out the hell she was born in.
They started dating in late fifth year after the OWLsbut decided to spend Christmas break in Hogwarts or to be specific with each other. They moved around hogshead had warm dinner with wMinne(Mcgonagall) and were curled up in common room.
"Would you mind sleeping with me in boys dorm for the night? You know its Christmas tomorrow and I have spent all of Christmas break over here till fifth year and just so I thought..."
He hesitantly asked but was cut off by Marlene "I would love to "
"Should go and change" she said heading over to girls dorm
"In 30 min?" He asked getting up himself. She nodded in response.
She cleansed her self since it was way too cold for a shower. Grabbing a black bra just in case something happened and putting on a pajama and a button up. She brushed her blonde curls and letting them fall over her face and shoulders.She smiled at the confident lady staring back at her from the mirror not the miserable girl she used to look down at.
While he washed his face and put on a lose tshirt along with pajama bottoms and a pair of socks since his feet were freezing .He made sure he wasn't stinking ,applied ditiny at a particularly rough bruise as madam pomfy had advised and made his bed since the dorm was presentable itself with all 4 lads gone.
She entered the room to find him going through quidditch through ages. Looking at her he set the book aside and tapped on the space on his bed beside him. She hopped on and got under the covers without saying anything. Even without words they could understand each other than anyone. Now they were both facing each other and somehow sirius' loose tshirts revealed the healing bruise.
"That seems rough "she said tracing the scar making sure not to touch it.
"I've had worse"he said looking at her. She look him in eye with love care and a need to clear all the pain he had to through.
"Do you want to see more?"he asked .She nodded in response.
"I will show you mine after it.". She said helping him take of the tshirt. Revealing many small scars and 2 noticeable ones.
"This one is nasty."She said while looking at the scars on his well built body thanks to quidditch. "4th year "he replied .
"Your's? " he asked."Wait"she said getting up and letting down the button up revealing a bruised back and a black bra .Laying back down with her back facing Sirius.
"They are deep"he said looking at exactly 3 scares on her back.
"They knew where it was the most painful so they striked there everytime making it worse"
"Should I unclapse the bra it must be stinging having it over all day."
"Yes. And by now I have gotten used to it"
"You are really thin"
"Thanks to my parents wanting me to be ladylike and minimizing my appetite. "
By now the fireplace was long gone with only moonlight glistening on their bodies
He hugged her and she took of her lingering bra and placed it on floor. He caressed her breast she didn't have big ones but just perfect to fit in his hands. Together they drifted to a peaceful sleep not to be woken up. They both had lost their virginity but what they experienced today was pure love and intimacy.
They both for once let themselves be vulnerable and thry were valued by each other. Forgetting about Voldemort or deaths out there they let them have a peaceful Christmas. By waking up in each other's arm and cool breeze from the window.
They were ready for what the future held for them even if it meant losing each other at least they had this night to cherish for the rest of their life.
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vikingsarememes · 5 years
His True Wife
                                               ↭    part one   ↭                                next part
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Main Characters: Ivar the boneless, Reader.
Characters Mentioned: Freydis, Hvitserk 
Summary: you are Ivar’s second wife, the only problem is that no one knows about the two of you. 
Word Count:  1556
A/N: I’m trying something new which is to write an actual full-length story with chapters and all, this is basically the pilot, let me know if you want me to continue the story!
warnings: none
You and Ivar were married in secret, shortly after he got married to Freydis, he found out about her treason, he also found out he had feelings for someone else, you, you were a friend of the Ragnarssons, a farmer, but not a shieldmaiden, they always teased you about it but you never cared, combat wasn’t what you were passionate about.
The two of you had the perfect relationship, behind all the anger Ivar showed, he was nothing but a sweet, scared, insecure man, who wanted to be loved, be held, be told that he’ll be alright, he wanted to feel wanted, he wanted to feel human, you gave him those feelings, while Freydis, she made him mad, she manipulated him the way she wanted, even a man like Ivar the boneless can be manipulated by a little smile, a few kisses here and there and sweet talks, you hated the woman, she never cared about him, not the way you did at least.
But Ivar swore that you are the one who has his heart, and when the time’s right, he’d make you his queen, you saw him, the real him, while Freydis used him, used his weaknesses to rule, it wasn’t fair, not for him, not for you.
Your husband sneaked into your hut, far away from the center, far away from the noises and knocked on the door, two times, that’s your code, you opened the door and greeted him with a hug and a kiss “my love! You’re back!” you exclaimed, closing the door after he limped inside, the chair was near the fire for him, a glass of mead on the table next to it, but on the left, near the fire to keep it warm, that’s how he liked it, you knew because you cared Freydis would never notice those small details about him.
“I’m finally home” he whispered at you and kissed you back, once again “come, sit with me, I missed you wife” he spoke as he made his way to the chair, sitting down, taking off his leg braces, with you he didn’t need them, he didn’t struggle to prove himself, he was safe and he knew it, that’s why he’d drop the crutches and the braces, that’s why he’d tell you if he’s hurt or sad, that’s why he’d open up to you, and only you.
You sat on his lap and cuddled his chest, he stroked your hair, so gentle, taking his time to treasure every moment “how’s your week been love?” you asked, he sighed and took a deep breath “you are married to a god now, I’m worshipped don’t you know?” he said, laughing at how ridiculous that sounded “I’ve heard stories about Ragnar being descendant of Odin” you shrugged, he shook his head no “Ragnar was nothing but a man, misfortuned man, who couldn’t love” 
“If you think so then why did you agree on being a god?” you looked at him, carefully studying his face, wanting to know whether you stepped out of your lines or not “because she told me I was special” he said, biting his bottom lip, he knew how you hated hearing about her, but he didn’t want to hide anything from you, “I tell you that all the time” you protested, pulling away from him a little bit “it’s different when you say it, you touch my heart makes me know that no matter where I go, I’m special to you and that all that matters, but when she does, she drives my soul mad, she makes me want to prove myself, I hate it” 
“No you don’t Ivar the boneless, don’t mock me for stupid” you demanded, upset “Y/N, please! I think you are a blessing of Freya! Don’t question how I feel about you!” He pleaded desperately “I don’t wish to hear about her” you huffed and he nodded, taking your hands into his, kissing them several times until you crack up a smile “I would do anything for you, and you know that, you are my wife and the love of my life, everyone else is here for a purpose, while you’re here because I love you” he whispered to you, and you sighed “alright, you’re forgiven” he picked the glass and sipped some mead, his free arm wrapped around your slender body, closing the distance between the two of you if it wasn’t for the fabrics.
“What about you? How’s your week?” He asked you rested your head on his chest “my goat, Thrys gave birth to three healthy babies, I named them Fry, Freder and Freyon after the gods, so they bless us with milk and meat! Hvitserk visited as well, he seemed troubled, look after him for me would you?” You looked at him when you said the last sentence, clearly, he wasn’t happy about it “he visits you a lot my brother, don’t you agree?” He said annoyedly “Ivar he’s my friend, he rescued me” you defended.
“Is he now? I wonder if he’s as friendly with you as I was? Or perhaps you enjoy his company for the things he does to you when I’m not around?” You looked at him with disbelief, you stood from his lap and looked at him “I cannot believe you! A week! I heard nothing from you for a week! And that’s how you treat me? With false accusations and disrespect? I’m going to bed. Husband” you growled and walked to your bed, closing the curtain that separated your sleeping area from the living room, you laid under the fur, angry, but mostly hurt of how the love of your life thinks of you.
You could hear Ivar grunting from his place, it didn’t take him long until he crawled to bed next to you, hugging you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder “you are right, I’m a poor excuse of a husband, and I didn’t mean to upset you, I can be a little skeptical about my brother’s intentions, being away from you makes me feel jealous, I don’t like sharing” he mumbled, you turned to look at him “I don’t like sharing too, but I’m doing it for you, that’s how much I love you, yet, you accuse me of having an affair with Hvitserk” you pouted.
“Y/N, please, I said my apologies, I’m only here for a short while and I need my wife, everyone else is angry at me, or trying to hurt me, please, take me to our world where nothing matters” you sighed and turned your body so now you’re facing him “come” you opened your arms and Ivar didn’t need to be told twice, he got under the covers and between your arms, you placed a kiss on his forehead “I wish things  were different, I wish our lives were different and we belonged to each other” you whispered, he looked at you “we belong to each other” he corrected “perhaps it’s better like this, I feel something bad will happen, and perhaps because no one knows about us, you will survive it” 
His words made you frown, you rarely went to the town, not unless you have goods to sell and other to buy, your farm was filled with everything you need, and the Ragnarssons gave you few slaves to help you with the work, it only made you question how bad it is in Kattegat, and how much Ivar was hiding from you “you will too, right?” you asked, he shrugged “it doesn’t matter love” you sighed and buried your face in his chest as he stroked your hair “they hate me, they think I’m mad, I built walls to defend the city, I did everything to defend us, protect us, yet, they think I’m trying to isolate them, but if I can’t get their love, fear shall do it” he spoke, you knew this can’t be good.
“Ivar… what did you do to Thora?” you asked, remembering what Hvitserk said earlier, about him worrying for her safety “nothing, not as long as Hvitserk leaves Kattegat” he told you you frowned “leave? Ivar why are you sending him away?”, “Are you sad of his depart?” he looked at you, you were unable to believe that the two of you were back to the same point “of course I’m Ivar! We already talked about it!” you huffed, “he wants to kill me” your husband sighed.
“Not everyone wants to kill you Ivar” you protested “true, but Hvitserk does, and I want to be safe, I want to make sure that we are safe, I don’t wish him any harm, I just want him gone” he explained, you knew Ivar had already made up his mind “I don’t wish to speak about it any further if you please” he whispered as he held your body closer to him, you nodded, the two of you cuddled until you fell asleep.
When you woke up in the morning, Ivar was already gone, you hated it, you hated how he had to sneak in like a thief of the night and leave before everyone wakes up, you hated how he can’t spend more time with you, but the heart wants what it wants, and your heart wants Ivar the boneless, the son of Ragnar.
Tags: (let me know if you want to be tagged for this story) @i-am-a-teenage-dirtbaggg
Gif source: stolen from google images.
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peter-lurk-ass · 5 years
If you feel up to it, what are some of the more common fetishist headcanons you see in fandom? I would like to avoid them in the future and I intend to do my own research, but I'd like to hear your opinions too.
Ooh I always feel up to discussing that, no worries.
I'll try to summarise it concisely; but I wrote an essay on it as well, which I will link at the end. It's mostly focused on yaoi, but it applies to a lot of general fandom stuff. Anyway, here I go:
-Projection of heteronormativity:
Making one of the characters more fem, soft, and more recently nb or even make him a trans guy. But never both. Enforcing typical top/bottom tropes as well (tops being tough men and bottoms uwu soft boys). That actuzlly seems to allow a lot of women to identify with the "bottom" and project themselves onto the gay couple. Will often eventually adopt a child in fetishist's fanwork who is often a little girl(another form of projection) as having a kid is top Heteronormativity goals
-Focus on sexuality: general hypersexualisation
Making the characters' sex lives particularly kinky; ignoring boundaries, writing non-con based on a character's internalised homophobia(he only says no bcse he doesn't realise he's gay, but really he wants sex), A/B/O dynamics: Again hyper focused on sex + Reproduction- Makes the whole dynamic a kink (and also heteronormative as fuck, not to mention transphobic)- Also links gay sex to animalistic behzviour. Not cool. Sex used as a symbol of domination.(frequent dom/sub). Association of shame to gay sex (very shy, bashful character who blushes all the damn time)
-Representation of the characters' sexualities:
The characters will rarely be headcanon'd as gay(often bi, as in, hetero but with an exception for the other character of the ship), or be open about being gay/bi/pan, there will be a focus on internalised homophobia or homophobia in general(violent depictions of it with no cathartic purpose) VS almost no rep/consideration of the characters interacting with their own community. Outright disrespect of canon labels (gay charas made bi, ace made allo ect...) is also frequent. I will add that if a m/m character is represented- and they like him- They can reinterpret his sexuality as straight outside of a specific ship. (AC syndicate had that with Jacob, or DAI with Dorian Pavus)
-Misogyny: homophobia and so fetishism is comorbid with misogyny. (The tropes above would be considered quite misogynistic in a m/f pairing) and as such female characters are too often "fangirls" or "obstacles". The last categories attracting very vicious hatred towzrd said fem character for daring to interfere with the m/m couple. (Ive seen that A LOT)
-General disregard of LGBTIA+ rep, in favour of shipping:
For that one; take a look at the good omens fandom. Consider how many fans have complained about the blatant queerbait.
Very little. I myself left tumblr after a... backlash on the topic. Often fetidhists just don't care about actuzl impact of the work so long as they got their ships and "subtext" (thry will tho, use queerbait to justify harassement when there was none: Klance shippers)
And in general ship wars are a good rep of that; esp between m/m ships. No care for rep at all. Their only issue is with their ships.
I'm not saying all of the tropes above are inherently due to fetishism - But it's important to question why you have those HC about m/m characters, and consider if it could be harmful!
Here's the 'essay' :
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inviouswriting · 5 years
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While i have down time to write some more.
Kiya didn't know what made her agree to it, but she suddenly finds herself glad she did. She is laying in the middle of Aymeric's bed, dressed down to one of his shirts.
They had just been together when Aymeric wanted to look over her body. Kiya feels warm from his hands and her heart racing hard still. Her face flushed as Aymeric looks over her body.
Aymeric dotes on her this way post coital. His hands pass over soft skin as he runs sore spots from having her bent in odd angles. He is well spent and simply enjoying her underneath him in a different way.
Kiya tugs the shirt she stole from him more on herself feeling incredibly shy from his eyes on her body. This earns a chuckle and Aymeric lowering his head to kiss her cheek.
Carefully he tugs the shirt back open taking note of how the blue of his shirt compliments her pale skin. He would have to get her a dress in his colors and show her off somewhere.
Aymeric's hands do the work for him, he slides them along the seam of the shirt and opens it till she is bared before him again. Green eyes look up to find blue staring back at her with a look of adoration in a smile he wears. The only thing he is wearing next to that cuff on his ear.
Kiya feels goosebumps on her arms when his hands pass along her hips tracing the spots he had grabbed her earlier.
It is on her hips he notes something he never paid attention to before and he has seen her nude alot is a few lines like on her face. His fingers trace over them making her shiver.
Aymeric also takes a look at some scar marks from her battles. The one that bothers him most is the one near her neck from Zenos. He lowers his head down to kiss that one.
His hands continue to travel along her body, taking a travel of their own. He earns a squeak out of her when he couldn't resist a light squeeze on her chest being careful not to arouse her. Just enough to draw a flustered sound.
Aymeric let's her claim his shirt on her body again. His hands going to her thighs where he lifts one of her legs. Enough to make her tug the hem of the shirt to cover herself a bit more.
Her legs feel powerful in his hands. They have carried her over distances and climbs. Aymeric marvels here at the muscle he feels. When his fingers dance close to a thigh she jolts from the delicate touch.
"Ticklish?" A wicked smile on his lips as his fingers dance closer. Kiya bites her lip and flattens her ears to her head her nose scrunched up at him finding another ticklish spot. She only knows of his sides close to his hips. Yet he finds ones she is unaware of.
"I'll be merciful. This time." He flashes her a charming smile. If she didn't know what those fingers of his were capable of she would innocently smile along. Thry have brought her to many highs and laughs.
"May I?" His fingers slip up the hem of the shirt tugging at the thick silk material. He gets a nod and his hands push the hem up and along the sides of her thighs.
Kiya feels his warm hands dance over her legs till they reach her belly. She sees a look in his eyes. One of hope in them as his fingers dance over the top of her abdomen. She only smiles at him knowing why his hands roam this way.
He hopes for children some day. Children with her, he has voiced his want for them a while back. Seeing his face in awe over her belly in hope that he is successful. She can't help but show an endearing smile.
Kiya runs her hands through his dark hair fingers messing up the perfect fringed bangs. This draws Aymeric out of his daze he leans over her to kiss her chaste she returns it whenever she is kissed.
"My turn." Kiya informs him, Aymeric looks at her quizzically.
"Your turn to lay where I am." Kiya instructs, she is sitting up and ushers him to lay down. Kiya sits in his waist as soon as he is on his back. She is careful where she sits.
Kiya mirrors his hands, she starts at his neck tracing the fine lines of muscle up to his jawline. Aymeric tilts his head with her hands, even as fingers dance along the tuft of hair in the left side of his face.
Kiya is almost in awe over how a man can be so pretty. It wasn't looks she was drawn to at first, it was his kindness and him showing it to her after the events of The Vault.
Kiya feels his hands rest at her hips, thumbs passing over supple skin. Aymeric stares up at her, from the candlelight his eyes seem to glow almost . Kiya visibly shivers when a hand snakes behind her to feel her black tail. The fur that covers it is silky soft.
Kiya's eyes and hands return to his body. Hands roaming along his cheeks and fingers brush over his lips he kisses her fingers when they pass over.
Aymeric feels a light tug on his bottom lip. He gives her a questioning stare then softens when he sees a playful gleam to her green eyes. He retaliates by licking her hand.
Kiya pulls her hand away and pouts from being licked. She leans over and very faint she presses her own kiss to his lips.
Aymeric winds his arms around her pulling her closer to him. Kiya's hands touch on his torso tracing defined muscle and fingers delicate over the scar that almost took his life. A tiny mark now but it pains her as much as the one she has from Zenos.
Kiya scoots down her eyes following the contours of his body from his abdomen to areas he has given her pleasure from to his legs.
Hands roam over thighs and calves then back up. Taking in how unmarked his body is save for a few scars from battles.
Green eyes meet ice blue ones. Aymeric tugs her back up his body and has her lay on top of him, her legs strewn over his as she centers herself again.
Aymeric places his hands on her face and cups it. Thumbs tracing the painted lines there. Kiya's turn to lean her head in his hands. Aymeric raises up to kiss her, suddenly feeling like he wants her again. His hands touch at her shoulders under his shirt on her and tug down the article of clothing. A daring smile as he prepares a question.
"My love. Can we make love again?" Kiya smiles down at him and nods. How can she resist when he has that look on his face.
"I think I will like that." Kiya answers him and sees his face brighten at the idea of more from her.
Aymeric is a gentle soul and one she has fallen well in love to marry him. She just hopes to give him a child someday.
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backbendersokka · 5 years
jesus fuck i put on my bottom braces and it feels like mike tyson punched me in the fucking teeth i cannot handle. this i have taken pain killers but thry arent doing SHIT
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