#they've got that slinky look
transingthoseformers · 9 months
Like, I thought of siberian tigers because Ravage definitely looks more pantherine and I generally prefer the "sleeker" look of tigers to sabertooth cats. But sabertooth cats delivering precision bites with their fangs feels very Ravage. So why not tiger with sabertooth fangs?
Ooooo so that'd turn out interesting!
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jungle-angel · 9 months
The Little Bookworm (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob can't get enough of your kids being obsessed with books
It was the gloomiest of fall days with the skies over Montana having gone darker than expected, almost as if night were setting in at lunchtime.
Auggie had been perched on the little bay window seat in the living room, the rain battering the diamond paned windows while the woodstove in the living room made the house warm and cozy. Bob didn't particularly like having the tv on all day, but The Nightmare Before Christmas seemed like the perfect background noise on a day like this and with Halloween fast approaching, it made it even better.
Bob smiled a little seeing his little mini-me completely engrossed in one of the books you had gotten him. Auggie had always loved pulling books from the shelf, no matter how big or how small they were and loved making up his own stories to tell you, Bob and the rest of the family.
"Auggie, come and eat," Bob called from the kitchen.
Auggie giggled and shut his book, running right for the kitchen and seating himself into his chair. Bob had definitely outdone himself this time, grilled cheese with bacon, a side of kettle cooked potato chips and a kosher dill pickle on the side.
"Whatcha reading buddy?" Bob asked him.
"Um.....I dunno," Auggie chirped with a big grin on his face before taking a bite out of his sandwich.
"You don't know?!" Bob questioned, pretending to be shocked.
"It's about these three guys and a bad guy who doesn't like them so they've gotta stop him," Auggie explained.
The more Auggie chattered, the more Bob couldn't control the broad smile on his face. The Three Musketeers had been one of his favorites growing up, one that his father had grown up reading as well. Now that Auggie was reading it, he was proud beyond words that his love of the book had been passed down to his son.
As soon as lunch was done, Bob took a look at Auggie's bookshelf and made a list of other books that he didn't have, noting that they would most likely be his Christmas gift that year. He made his way upstairs while Auggie scooted back to his little corner, hoping you were still up in your shared bedroom and sure enough, you were.
"Still working away Mrs. Floyd?" he asked, scooting in next to you.
"All I can do Bob," you told him.
You had been needle-felting all day as a movie played out on the tv that was mounted on the wall. Bob felt awful that you were on strict bedrest, but after the last ultrasound appointment, you both knew it was what you and your baby girl needed. Luckily Reagan and her husband, Elijah, lived close by in case anything came up, but it still made Bob nervous whenever you got up in the middle of the night to pee.
Yet he was in awe at the Halloween decorations you had made for Auggie's kindergarten class, little pumpkins that looked like fairy houses, witches in their pointed little hats and little brooms in their hands, fuzzy little bats with googly eyes and silly looking little spiders, black cats with slinky little tails, ghosts with their mouths wide open and even two little figures that turned out to be Jack and Sally and even a little Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
"Did you do all this while I was downstairs?" Bob asked, picking up the soft, fuzzy little figures.
"Yep," you answered proudly. "Kay told me that while the kids were outside playing in the yard, Auggie, Gabe, Nicky and Pete were all collecting sticks and wanted to bring them home. I figured I could use them to make a little Halloween tree."
Bob remembered having been a kid at that type of school and having had Kay's mother for his kindergarten teacher. They were wonderful days, learning how to make fresh bread and soup for lunch, playing with his friends, listening to stories and plenty of playing outside. Yet they had been tough too. Bob remembered some days when his father had gotten a deployment notice. He would hide out in a corner of the classroom and cry until Kay's mother had to gently coax him out. Bob had made damn sure that Auggie, Patrick and any other children you might have, would never have to go through that when they started school. But luckily, Bob and the rest of the Daggers had been fully and honorably discharged by the time Patrick had been born.
"You've gotta teach me how to do this because I'm curious now," Bob chuckled.
"Believe me I will," you told him. "I need a partner so I can keep from getting bored."
Up the stairs came those familiar little feet you heard running through the house day after day on the weekends. "Daddy, Daddy," Auggie chirped again. "Can you read to me?"
"C'mere buddy," Bob said, lifting him up into the bed with his book and putting him between you both.
You rode out the rest of the rainy afternoon, reading The Three Musketeers and the adventures they had lived. Auggie was practically jumping with excitement whenever Bob read the swordfight scenes, the both of you happy and proud that he was your little bookworm.
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body-face-words · 3 months
Michael Sheen and David Tennant BBC The One Show Interview - Body Language Analysis
The atmosphere was already off before Michael and David appeared.
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Above is Zoey and Nicole. They both have they legs crossed, but Zoeys legs are tightly pressed together, away from Nicole.
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Michael and David walk in, Zoey and Nicole stay the same. David begins to get comfortable and lean back. Nicole rests her elbow on the couch, observing them. Zoey stays the same and Michael sits up straight. Zoey and Michael barely change the way they're sitting throughout the whole interview.
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Zoeys and Nicoles body language is closed - crossed legs and arms in front of them - gives off an unwelcoming vibe. But like established, they were already like that before M and D appeared.
Zoey leaning back with her elbow resting on the couch could mean 3 things.
1: she's trying to see Michael and David.
2: reason 1 combined with feeling superior.
When someone sits like that, they feel or are trying to be seen like the boss. "This is my territory." But with her right arm across from herself, she's putting up a shield.
Zoey stays the same with her legs tightly pressed together. She doesn't want her personal space evaded, or she doesn't want to evade someone else's space.
Michael and Zoey are sitting close to each other. That'd why they're both sitting up straight. Not wanting to cross the other. But Michael could easily lean more towards David, however if there was already tension before he went in, Michael could've picked up on that and took a more defensive posture. Leaning back or towards David would make him more open/vulnerable. People usually do this unconscious. Michael is uncomfortable, he's not going to lay back.
David is more physically relaxed. He changes the way he sits throughout the interview and he also takes up more space. Leaning back in either direction, spreading his legs, crossing them, and repositioning himself. He tends to move around in most interviews.
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When one of the hosts says "they've clicked" Michael nods - agreeing and feeling what she said is true. David smiles a genuine smile. Eyes become small, corner of the lips are pointed upwards. When David truly smiles, he tends to show his teeth. Michaels cheek bones become more prominent and a soft expression appears.
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Davids face is just funny here. Utter unpleasant surprise. Eyebrows raises, eyes slightly more open, stiff face, and frozen "smile". He's not too sure what they're about to show.
Almost 5 minutes in and none of them have changed how they're sitting.
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"Slinky hips" Michaels, when he says this, instantly snaps his head to see Davids reaction - which was what he's expecting. David laughs a sincere laugh.
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Nicole is asked how he got into acting. While answering, Zoey sways from side to aide, staring off, restless. Could be she disassociated or went into her own head for a few seconds. Then she stops swaying and listens to Nicole more actively.
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The host says "it has been such a fun show". Zoey disagrees. Eyebrows raises, eyes half open, and horizontal smile. She thinks that's false. "Uh huh, right. Whatever you say..."
David says something (probably a joke) then looks off to the side (maybe someone off camera). He decides to ignore the comment, most likely consciously. Michael just smiles and says nothing.
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Some few words are exchanged and the video ends. They have not changed the way they sat throughout the almost 15 minutes of interview. Nicole is away from Zoey with her arms as barriers. Michael said something, joking around, and Zoey joined in but before this she had her arms on her knee. Michaels legs stayed the same and David, like the rest of the interview, continued to move around.
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Something quick I want to add: when David leans away from Michael, his left arm was back and his hands were close to Michael. His left arm is not across him. It's back exposing himself, unlike Nicole that would put her entire arm in front of her, creating a wall between herself and Zoey.
Michaels had his ankles crossed + covering his genitals, protecting himself. This also means the person is closed off and not open. Not very welcoming. He would genuinely smile and laugh, but he still felt unsafe. Never did he truly and HONESTLY relax. Michaels defensiveness, from what I gathered, was due to how Zoey and Nicole were acting. He was closer to them than David. He could probably feel the uneasiness from Zoey.
Zoey the few times she spoke played herself down. The whole interview, even before Michael and David walked in, back straight, legs crossed tightly, and her arms in front with her hands grabbing her left knee. She did not move at all. She was uncomfortable, which in turn made her closed off, the entire time.
Nicole would observe and her body language was one of superiority. Chin up + leaning back. "This is my space." "I'm more important." To observe, she would tux her chin slightly in, and when it was her time to speak, she would go back to normal or stick her chin up.
David, from what I've notice, has his chin up most, if not, all of the time. It's his default (someone who doesn't know him might take this as aggressive. However, when David IS being aggressive, he sticks his chin up, and up, and up. "Come at me bro!"). He would change positions a lot. Right leg over left leg, left leg over right leg, legs opened, ankle of his leg, leaning towards and away from Michael.
Conclusion: Zoey and Nicole were not comfortable with each other. Nicole giving off, whether she meant it/truly felt like that or not, an air of superiority, and Zoey not vibing with that basically.
Michael felt the tension. People can read up facial expressions and body language, without knowing anything about it. If you notice/feel someone is closed off, chances are you're going to also be closed and uncomfortable because you can't just be. IF Michael consciously or unconsciously notice Zoey and Nicole and their tension, that could've caused his uneasiness. Michael would laugh, in a controlled way, looking down, or looking at David.
David, being further away, could relax a bit more. Michael was the wall between himself and Zoey/Nicole. David was a lot louder than Michael. He used his arms and hands to express himself more and laughed without limiting himself.
When the interview was ending, Michael AND Zoey both relaxed a bit and moved their arms around.
That's what I picked up on! Please let me know if I missed anything!
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pulpitude · 2 months
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i haven't yet gotten to book 2 but i read the wiki just in case and then i got to this part... WHAT. like literally what. i'm guessing what's happening here is one of two options
what they actually mean is "the third option depends on your character's pronouns, unless they use they/them pronouns, in that case it depends on their body type" but they didn't actually word it like that because it'd seem transphobic as fuck
they really do mean it depends strictly on mc's body type, not pronouns at all, meaning an mc that looks fem according to body type but uses he/him pronouns will still be called "queen" by the game and viceversa
long ass rant incoming lol
and it's not even specifically this fuck up in a supposedly "inclusive" book that makes me so mad but the fact that there's also the one MAH scene, the scene that discusses queer identities openly and maturely in a book that's supposed to be one of the most inclusive and queer friendly in the entire app, that when it's mc's turn to speak on what they've experienced, if they have a body type that doesn't match their pronouns and have romanced a li with the opposite pronouns (ie feminine body type, he/him pronouns and romanced stevie, or masculine body type, she/her pronouns and romanced a male li) the game treats mc like a cishet person by default and completely ignores body type. i don't know about y'all but i certainly find it ironic that, again, in one of the most queer friendly books, the only option to be considered queer "by default" by the game (and thus get the question of what you've experienced) if you're playing as a trans mc is to date someone of the same gender.
but let's go back to crimes of passion for a moment, eh? specifically the very first chapter. despite the dialogue here depending only on body type instead of pronouns, in the case of the first chapter (specifically the scene where trystan and mc first meet) it's a completely different situation, here it does depend strictly on pronouns even if it literally doesn't make sense. in my first ever play, i played as my usual mc, a nb!mc romancing m!trystan, and me being nb, trystan called me "a stranger". not particularly unusual, right? after all, "stranger" is gender neutral, and so i thought that was the dialogue in all cases. well... it's not. i decided to play differently, specifically with the masc body type, she/her pronouns, and f!trystan. she literally called me a "strange woman" despite not being able to guess that mc's pronouns are she/her just by looking at her, because obviously there's only two body types, fem and masc, and it's not like we ever get gnc clothing styles. that, and in all cases mc never tells trystan their pronouns, so even in the nb!mc play i got quite startled at "they're a private detective". yes, that can be interpreted as trystan simply not wanting to assume genders or it being a case of culture shock from drakovia, but then what about my masc f!mc?
and that's because pb never intended to add inclusivity in terms of binary trans mcs, or even just queer mcs beyond "gay, lesbian, bi, or non-binary BUT if they're nb they have to be either fem or masc" (see: option to pick specific sexuality for mc only appearing in the elementalists and then never again, except in the royal masquerade but they removed the option to be ace so that doesn't count for me). they never intended for players to play as a masculine looking mc that uses she/her or a feminine looking mc that uses he/him.
if they really cared about inclusivity, they would let mcs be androgynous. they would add skirts, dresses, stereotypically "fem" clothing - or just clothing that isn't just a plain t shirt or a suit in formal situations for amab or masc looking mcs. they would add more pants, baggy clothing, more stereotypically "masc" clothing - or just options that aren't always incredibly revealing slinky dresses or crop tops and short skirts meant to "emphasize your sexy feminine curves" for afab or fem looking mcs. THEY WOULD ADD NON BINARY LIS AND MORE TRANS LIS. they wouldn't have the only option to play as an explicitly trans mc (or, well, the closest thing to "explicitly trans" there can be given there's absolutely no dialogue or even implication about mc being trans in any pronoun of choice book, save for MAH but i already complained about my problems) be playing with an extremely feminine/masculine body type and having the pronouns as the only indication mc is trans, completely ignoring the dysphoria that'd give many actually trans players.
no, that's not their intention and it's never been that. their sole reason for adding the "body type separate from pronouns" is to categorize mcs that use they/them and tell them they have to be either feminine or masculine, no androgynous or gender non conforming options at all. basically the question "but are you a GIRL non binary or a BOY non binary?" they would've probably forced she/her or he/him mcs into their respective body types and only ask "but are you a pretty feminine afab enby or a handsome masculine amab enby" to they/them mcs but they knew they'd get the backlash of their lives for that so they just went "we'll just ask for body type regardless, it's not like players will actually pick he/him pronouns while playing as a WOMAN right???"
conclusion/tldr. if pb actually wanted inclusivity, they can actually put in the work and acknowledge that people do want to play as an explicitly queer mc beyond just same gender relationships and performatively adding they/them pronouns to only SOME goc books, or else just don't do anything and show they don't care at all. not pretend they care but only add the bare minimum and pat themselves on the back for it.
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What if fem Crowley got their period? Being useless, they would probably think they've got haemophilia, and have to be comforted and reassured by Aziraphale.
Thus I present to you: fem Crowley, featuring a stunning bed-head and a slinky black silk nightie, scared absolutely shitless.
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And obviously, once Azi had explained things to them, they would mope, wallow in self-pity, and generally hang around looking for attention and comfort.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 9 months
Prom with Vaxleth?
26. Prom setting this in grow with the flow! buckle the FUCK UP
It starts with a social media post—Vex's, to be specific. Vax groans, his phone hovering just a few inches above his face, and Keyleth turns her head away from the business email she's been writing and rewriting for the last half hour to ask, "What is it?"
"Look." And then the phone is shoved in her face, and she's looking at—
"Is that you?"
All limbs and sharp angles, a teenage Vax in an ill-fitting tuxedo, his hair slicked back with what must be an entire container of hair gel, gives a sultry look to the camera. He's back to back with his sister, who's wearing a shimmering blue strapless gown that makes her legs look a million miles long. They each wear a snowdrop, him on his boutonniere and her on her corsage.
"Is this your prom photo?" Keyleth snatches the phone, grinning from ear to ear, to look even closer. "You two look so good!"
"We look so dorky." Vax tries to grab the phone back, but Keyleth keeps it deftly out of reach. "Apparently, today's the tenth anniversary, and Vex decided to air our dirty laundry on social media."
Keyleth scrolls down to read the comments, and since Vax is tagged, the Grow with the Flow audience is having a field day. "Oh yeah, this is fun. It's half bullying you, half asking to have a threesome with you and Vex."
Keyleth finally returns the phone. "Did you guys at least have fun?"
"Well, I hooked up with both the prom queen and the theatre teacher, so...yes."
Keyleth's jaw drops. "At the same time?"
"No." That prompts more questions than it answers, but then Vax asks, "What about you? I wanna see sexy prom photos."
She snorts. "Good luck. I didn't have a prom."
Vax sits up in bed. "For real? Why not?"
"I wasn't kidding when I said Zephrah is small. My graduating class had eleven kids in it. We just had a bonfire instead. That was the first time I successfully shotgunned a beer. There may be pictures of that somewhere!"
Vax pouts, hooking his chin on your shoulder. "So you've never gotten to dress up all pretty, make all the boys and girls go oooooh?"
"Um, well, I got a pretty nice dress for my mom's funeral."
"Oh fucking hell." Vax swings his legs out of bed and snags up his phone. He paces a line in the kitchen, dialing someone and pressing the phone to his ear.
"Who are you calling?"
"My sister. We are fixing this."
Honestly, Keyleth forgets about it. The podcast is really taking off, and pretty much any time not spent researching and scripting and recording and editing is spent coordinating sponsorships and doing the annoying paperwork that comes with owning a business. Vax has some project that he's working on, but he won't tell her what it is, which is fine, because she has more than enough projects on her own plate right now.
She doesn't think to question it when Vex tells her they're going shopping one weekend. Vex likes to shop—well, no. Vex likes to window-shop. Vex rarely spends actual money. Except this time, they go to a little corner boutique, one that sells gowns for weddings and galas. She doesn't know why, but Vex is insistent that she get this long-sleeved emerald green dress that hugs her curves. She tries to argue that it's a ridiculous expense, but Vex promises her they'll do a photoshoot with it for the podcast, and hey, they've been making some pretty good ad revenue these days, so she caves. It's especially hard to say no when Vex buys a dress herself, a slinky black number that makes her look like danger.
She definitely doesn't connect the dots when Vex and Pike burst in unannounced one afternoon when Vax is out, each laden with bags of makeup and hair products. Keyleth's tugged away from her editing to get dolled up, for fun, they insist. The next thing she knows, they're all dressed up, each in their own beautiful gown—Pike's poofy golden dress makes her look like the sun incarnate—and Keyleth's being shoved out the door.
She probably should have figured it out before Vex pulled her car up in front of the botanical garden, where a red carpet lined with silver and gold balloons leads inside the building, but no, it takes Vax, dressed in a sharp black suit that fits like a glove with a slim green tie that matches her dress perfectly, stepping out holding a homemade sign that reads Will you go to prom with me? that she finally fucking gets it.
Crying, she throws her arms around his neck, chastising him for keeping such a momentous secret from her, but Vex is there to scold her for ruining her hair and makeup. Her friends lead her inside, where she's shocked to find the gardens filled with people, most of whom she does not know. Vax explains that he put the call out for anyone in the city who missed out on their high school prom and wants a second chance, with all profits from ticket sales being donated to Keyleth's favorite conservation organization. Keyleth dissolves into a mess again, but Vex and Pike get her cleaned up enough for the evening to begin.
And oh, what an evening. Scanlan's band plays them through a night of dancing, drinking, and all around fun. Keyleth has never spent so much time on a dance floor in her life, but even though she takes plenty of spins with Percy and Grog and the girls, she is happy to have so many with Vax, who can go from an elegant waltz to a shockingly gymnastic twerk with a simple key change.
Some of the other prom attendees are podcast listeners, and Keyleth is so grateful to get to put faces to the numbers she spends more time than she likes to admit obsessing over. Everyone takes thousands of pictures, and she is so excited to see the #growwiththeflow hashtag come morning. The gardens are filled to the brim with people just loving life and enjoying each other's company, and Keyleth, who had never put much thought into what it meant to miss out on such an adolescent right of passage, is beyond grateful to experience this night with these people.
When the evening is winding down, and most of the revelers have either gone home or gone to another location to continue the party, Vax tugs her by the hand deeper into the gardens, far from the area set aside for the event. He boldly strides past a sign forbidding entry, saying "This is not even in the top ten most interesting places I've trespassed" when she stutters in protest.
He stops when they're surrounded by the most beautiful blossoming cherry trees Keyleth has seen since she left Zephrah. The glass ceilings of the botanical gardens let in the light of the stars above, and the entire scene is so fragrant and beautiful. "Vax...this is lovely."
"So are you." She wrinkles her nose at him, and he kisses it. "Did you have fun?"
"I don't think I've ever had so much fun in my life. I can't believe you kept this a surprise from me for so long."
"I can't believe you didn't catch on. I mean honestly, Keyleth, don't tell me I have to be the brains in this relationship, because if that's the case, we're screwed."
She punches his arm. "Jerk."
"Yeah, well, this jerk has one more surprise for you. Look over there." He points over her shoulder and she turns. She squints in the low light, but she sees nothing beyond the cherry trees except more plants.
"I don't understand, is there supposed to be—" She cuts herself off as she turns around to see Vax on one knee, a small box in hand. Her hands fly to her mouth, her eyes instantly watery.
"Keyleth, I am not a man of the gods." His voice is cracked, strained, like he's choking back tears of his own. "There is little that I have ever had faith in in this life. Until you. Until I fell in love with a girl I'd follow to the ends of the earth. Until I learned that fate did not mean that my life was a cart on a track, hurtling toward an uncertain future I couldn't avoid, but rather a certainty, a knowing that in this life, in any life, I am yours until I die and long after. And now my faith is in how much I love you, in how much I know you love me. And I may be a lovesick fool, but I have every faith that love will carry us through whatever the gods have in store for us." Keyleth is openly weeping, her breaths coming fast and sharp. "So, then, Keyleth..." He opens the ring box, revealing a pair of rings, one with a gorgeous smokey gray stone. "Will you marry me?"
She doesn't answer him, choosing instead to tackle him into a kiss that knocks him pack onto the stone pathway of the gardens. She kisses him until she can't breath, until the crying and the laughing and the hyperventilating has him sitting her upright before she passes out. Her hand trembles as he slides the rings onto her finger, and it isn't until he closes the ring box again that he pauses and asks, "Uh, wait, was that a yes?"
"Oh, you are definitely not the brains in this relationship." And she kisses her fiancé again, beneath the stars and the cherry blossoms and the eyes of the gods.
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invisibleraven · 4 months
"I'm sorry for staring, I just can't seem to look away." for Rulie?
Julie glances around the table, wondering why Flynn has gathered this many agents in for-it can't be a regular mission. So it must be a big fish, needing lots of coordination, planning, and manpower.
Then she sees Reggie enter-which means business. He's the agency's best assassin, and if he's been called in, it's not good news for whomever their target is-Reggie always gets his man.
He nods at Julie, offering her a small smile as he takes a seat further down the table. They've worked together before, and she's always enjoyed it-Reggie's professional, thorough, and actually pretty funny outside of the job. She hopes they get to work together again soon-they've proven to be a good team already, so that has to weigh in their favour.
Flynn enters then, all business, taking her seat and tents her fingers as she waits for everyone to quiet. Then she says a name that makes the room go silent.
"Caleb Covington."
She knows she has their attention now-Covington is a major mob boss, responsible for taking out a fair number of their own, and various other crimes. They've been trying to either get him arrested or rubbed out for ages, but every time they get close, he slips out of their grasp. At this point, some of the agents are starting to give up they'll ever take him down-hopes seem low.
"Covington is throwing a masked ball for all his associates in two weeks time," Flynn announces. "We suspect he plans on eliminating a few key players, or announce some new nefarious scheme. Either way we've never been closer."
"So how do we get in?" Kayla asks.
"We've got a hold of a lower boss in a stroke of luck-wrong place, wrong time," Flynn explains. "The higher ups offered him immunity for turning on Caleb and for his two invitations."
"Just two?" Willie clarifies.
Flynn nods. "We might be able to sneak a few of you in with the staff, but it's unlikely-you know better than most how Caleb likes to vet everyone working under him."
Willie shuddered, and rubbed his wrist-he had tried to infiltrate Covington's operations a few years back, had gotten pretty close, but when Caleb caught him snooping he'd broken said wrist, and it was only because of Willie's partner causing a distraction that he was able to escape with his life. Nick hadn't been so lucky.
Flynn placed her hands on the table. "Look, I know it's dangerous, and we're asking a lot. But we might never have this chance again. We need to get in, get evidence, or Covington himself, and get out. Total destruction if you get caught-no coming back."
That made them all sit up straight-there had only been one other target that had such a stipulation, to give up your identity and job to keep the agency safe. Julie was sure in the older days agents would have been expected to give up their lives instead, so she's glad that is no longer an option.
Flynn hands out folders, giving each member their assignment, and Julie notes that there is a copy of the invitation in hers, along with a fake identity, maps, and a profile of her partner in crime-being played by Reggie.
She offered him a smile, which he returned, and she made plans to meet up with him, go over their backstory, and coordinate the plan.
Two weeks later though, even with all their preparation, Julie felt nervous. This was it-the biggest fish there was. She smoothed out the slinky red dress she was wearing, the lining full of knives, and darts, even though it was still incredibly comfortable. She had straightened her curls and done her hair up in an updo, and put a fancy gold mask over her face. Looking in the mirror, Julie barely recognized herself.
She went to the car bay, where Reggie was waiting-looking very smart in his suit, and he seemed to freeze as he caught sight of her.
"What? What's wrong?" she asked.
"I'm sorry for staring, I just can't seem to look away," he said, then whistled. "You clean up good. Pity we don't get to really enjoy the night with a beauty like you on my arm."
Julie swatted him playfully, thankful the mask covered her mask and got into the car. They went over the plan one more time-they weren't going in blind, but once they entered the mansion, it was doubtful they would have any back up.
They pulled up to the mansion, and Julie sucked in a breath at the grandeur, and the number of guests who had a prominent spot on Most Wanted List. "You ready?" Reggie asked as they headed towards the opulent front door.
"As I'll ever be," Julie assured him.
"We got this," Reggie promised, and slipped his black mask over his face. "Let's go fishing."
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aceofshitposts · 2 years
👀 AU where Bruharley meet at a masquerade gala ❤️‍🔥
This is supposed to be that 5 head canons but my heart heard "Cinderella au", then ran with it and then never really got to the Cinderella part anyway so we just rounded back around to meeting at a masquerade ball 😂 WHATEVER ENJOY
𝓐 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽, 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽, 𝓪 𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓵𝓵 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓮𝓮...
Bruce isn't fooled. He knows what this is about and it isn't really to celebrate his skills as a leader or the period of peace times the kingdom was currently enjoying or whatever Dick and Alfred had cooked up. He knows that's not what this about.
His family is worried about him, he gets that. He just wishes they didn't insist on interfering when Bruce was perfectly happy, thank you. His failed engagement to Selina was… alright, it was still a little sore but that was to be expected. But it was better than before, Selina had even sent letters on her travels in the last year. So.
He was fine.
He was fine and absolutely did not need to meet new people under the guise of a masquerade ball.
And yet here he was.
Nursing a glass of wine, hoping desperately not to catch anyone's eyes. From across the ballroom he can see Jason and Tim conspiring together, their red and black masks inconspicuously matching. Bruce suspects half the sudden insistence on him meeting new people is in part due to Jason and Tim returning from their latest trip where they certainly eloped.
The night was still young, unfortunately, which meant Alfred expected him to continue mingling for at least another three hours. He'd already danced with more than his fill of prospective hopefuls, some better than others at hiding their intentions. Bruce appreciated the gesture, sure, but he wasn't sure how else this was supposed to go.
He catches movement to his left, as much as he can with the mask obstructing his vision, a woman in a slinky yellow dress with a large ruffle down the side approaching swiftly. Surely Alfred can forgive him for avoiding just one dance tonight? He turns sharply and heads for the gardens hoping to lose the woman in the shuffle of bodies.
The night air is a welcome relief, the gardens are mercifully quiet compared to the crowded ballroom. Quieter, anyway, since as Bruce rounds the corner of a hedge towards the fountain he immediately starts hearing the sounds of a struggle.
"C'mon you stupid thing…"
Sitting on the edge of the fountain is a woman, her silvery white bodice bleeding into a extremely voluminous red skirt made up of multiple jagged layers which was currently bunched up in her arms as she tried desperately to do up the strap on her heels.
"Would you like help?" The words are out of Bruce's mouth before he even fully processes the offer, the woman's head snapping up to look at him.
Her masquerade mask resembles a harlequin, red and black diamonds edged with silver. Curly blonde hair cascades over her shoulders, several pieces falling into her face from where they've come loose from a half updo.
"Well, ain't this embarrassing," she huffs, "didn't even make it into the party before having a wardrobe malfunction."
Bruce finds himself chuckling. "That's alright, the party isn't all that great anyway."
Crimson lips curve into a smile. "Oh, yeah? Then I guess I got all dressed up for nothing."
"I wouldn't say that. May I?"
She shrugs and sticks out her foot, having to gather the many layers of her skirt up in order to reveal the unbuckled shoe.
"I like your bat mask," she says after releasing the layers of her skirt so far they all hit Bruce in the face, "very mysterious."
"It was my youngest's idea," Bruce mumbles, backing away from the woman as she unnecessarily dusts herself off.
"Youngest? There isn't a Mrs Bats I gotta be looking out for is there? Because I will find out and tell her you were out here fondling a poor girl's feet in a heartbeat."
She rounds on Bruce, lips turned down in a severe frown as she points an accusatory finger in his direction. It's quite the sight, a woman in quite possibly the biggest ball gown Bruce has ever seen looking like she was one step away from trying to beat Bruce within an inch of his life for someone she didn't even know existed.
"No," Bruce chuckles, holding his hands up in surrender. "There is no, uh, Mrs Bats, as you say."
She assesses him for a moment more before relaxing. "I am choosing to believe you but if you're lying…"
"I'll hold you to it." Bruce holds out his hand, a smile tugging at his lips as he asks, "would you care to dance?"
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flying-elliska · 2 years
I binge watched Our Flag Means Death yesterday and holy shit !!!!!! I'm in love !!!!! Everyone should watch this, I want at least 10 more seasons (or you know, however many it takes to get to a good conclusion)
- It is very much "Black Sails but a rom com" which already makes it a win in my book, with themes about stories and perception, piracy as this sort of very queer anti-imperialist space of freedom that also often really sucks. And it's hilarious but also there is a lot of depth and angst in there under the surface
- It's also What We Do In The Shadows with pirates instead of vampires in that there is a cast of mostly pathetic lunatics bumbling around and committing atrocities while also being surprisingly lovable, compelling and written with a lot of empathy. Also there is a slow burn romance btw a pathetic but caring little man who seems way out of his depth but has hidden reserves of badassery, and a scary badass with a dark past having a midlife crisis. But it feels less like an outright farce than WWDITS.
- Like i didn't expect it to be so actually romantic ? But there's a slow burn btw the two main (male) characters where they've both gotten dissatisfied with their lives and the roles they've had in life and so they really want what the other has to bring to their life and they're uniquely placed to understand each other and it's really sweet? And the show makes fun of both of them but not for having feelings (but definitely for being emotionally constipated lol). Now in most shows this would be haha broManCe "isn't it too funny that these guys are acting kinda gay hahaha because gay ppl are funny get it" material but in this one you have an actually confirmation that one of these dudes has been with a man before and when this guy shows up the other MC starts acting super jealous and they fight and the others actually call it a break up, also the crew textually says "you like each other" in a way that just doesn't work for friendship (the reviewers still calling it that are honestly delusional). There's tons of scenes that are straight of a fanfic - clothes swapping, practice sword fighting in the moonlight, sexy stabbing, loaded compliments, revealing secrets nobody else knows, longing looks, etc. It's great.
- Also it's just super queer in general, there are two crewmembers who have an open relationship and we see them kiss on screen, and then there's Jim, a really cool nonbinary character hellbent on revenge raised to be a killing machine by a scary nun (amazing) who gets addressed by they/them pronouns and also has an angsty thing with another crew member.
- Also it has lots of characters of color in rich, complex roles and some very blatant send up of racist cliches you can usually find in pirate stories (like the "savage island cannibals" thing). All the English present in the stories are buffoons (and the French are even worse it's very funny). There is a scene where two Black crewmates set some slaves free by basically inventing the Nigerian prince pyramid scheme scam. It's great.
- Taika Waititi delivers some amazing acting and he's also super hot walking around in slinky leather, which I think is totally on purpose as he's got guys swooning for him left and right, he's the hot girl of the show (also he's got 'cat energy' according to the creators) and that is just an incredible take on Blackbeard, scariest pirate of all time. Also he's created this bigger than life image of the terrifying pirate around him because he thinks he was doomed to be a monster but now he's tired of it and it's all very Captain Flint of him. Love it.
- Also saw someone call it "Ted Lasso with pirates" and that tracks, for the whole "lovable doofus who's way out of his depth tries to coach a team of losers and wins them over with his heart of gold even though it takes a while and he has no clue of what he's doing" (is Blackbeard Trent Crimm, with the long grey hair ? Lmao)
- The first two eps are a little slow, I would say it really gets its wings after Blackbeard shows up so it's worth sticking with even if the first two don't entirely convince you.
Watch it ! It's ridiculous and fun and sweet and probably everything you didn't know you needed👌👌👌
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justnerdthings · 3 years
Just a collection of Alex, Echo, and Jo incorrect quotes from a generator.
Jo: Some people are like slinkies. Echo: What? Jo: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs. Echo: Echo: Please don't push Alex down the stairs. Jo, pushing Alex down the stairs: Too late.
Alex: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Echo has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them. Jo: By forcing them to have fun at a party that they don’t want to be at? Alex: I knew you’d understand.
Alex: We're having a baby. Echo: Oh, congradu- Jo, slamming adoption papers onto the table: It's you, sign here.
Echo: It’s impossible to make a sentence without using the letter a. Jo: Despite your thinking, it is quite possible, yet difficult, to form one without the specific letter. Here’s one more to further disprove your theory. Alex: Fuck you.
Echo: *gets a text* Oh! It’s Alex. Jo, excitedly: Did they get me the stuff? Echo: Yeah, they say they got you the clown costume, the power drill, and 12 gallons of blood. Jo: Wow! Where’d they find 12 gallons of fake blood? Echo: You wanted fake blood? Jo: Echo: I’ll go call Alex.
Alex: Nice rock. Jo: Thanks, Echo gave it to me. Echo: I threw it at you! Jo: Aren't they the sweetest?
Alex: Who wants to make fifty bucks? Jo: How? Alex: I need someone to take the fall. Jo: What did you do? Alex: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked. Echo, from the other room: Oh my god. Alex: ... Echo: OH MY GOD! Jo: Make it a hundred. Alex: Deal.
Echo: So, what is Jo to you? Alex: The reason I wake up every morning. Echo: ...That’s adorable. Jo earlier that morning, barging into Alex′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Alex: I mean. Echo's just standing there now. Alex: Waiting for me, I guess. Alex: But it's okay, I think they've pretty much settled down. Jo: Settled down? Alex: Well, they only stabbed me once.
Jo: Can we go out to get icecream? Alex: Did you ask Echo? Jo: They said no. Alex: Then why did you ask me? Jo: They're not the boss of you. Alex, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Echo: Would you slap Alex- Jo: Yes. Echo: I didn't even finish! Jo: Sorry, continue. Echo: Would you slap Alex for 10 dollars? Jo: I would do it for free. Alex: Rude...
Echo: Is this your plan B? Alex: Technically, this is plan P. Echo: Plan P? Is there a plan M? Alex: Yes, but I marry Jo in plan M. Jo: I like plan M.
Echo: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it? Alex, looking at Echo: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful? Echo and Alex in unison: *sighs* Jo
Alex: So are you gonna explain how the hell you crashed my car? Jo: Well we were driving and there was a deer in the road, so I said "Echo, deer!" Alex: ...And what did Echo do? Jo: ...They said "Yes, Honey?"
Echo: Did Jo just tell me they loved me for the first time? Alex: Yeah, they did. Echo: And did I just do finger guns back? Alex: Yeah, you did.
Echo, at Jo: Would you like to stay for dinner? Alex, from the kitchen: Would you like to stay forever!?!
Echo talking at Alex’s funeral: You do know we’re burying a great person today! Jo, shocked: Did someone else die?
Echo: Hey I just got a pet snake. What should I name him? Alex: A pet WHAT?! Jo: William Snakespeare.
Alex: Jo has no survival skills, their need to win has replaced them. Echo: That can't be true! Alex: Watch this. Alex: Hey Jo, race you to the bottom of the stairs! Jo: *Throws themself out a window*
Alex: What are you guys doing? Echo: Like in life in general or- Jo: Not much. Why, what's up? Alex: I dunno, I’m bored playing AC. Jo: Assassins Creed? Alex: Animals Creed. Echo: Assassins Crossing.
Echo: How are we supposed to put a tracker the size of a penny on Alex without them noticing? Jo: Hey, Alex, I bet you 5 bucks that you can't swallow this penny. Alex: *takes and swallows tracker* Pay up, loser. Echo: ...
Alex: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed. Echo: Echo: I'm gonna tell them. Jo: Don't you dare.
Echo: What time is it? Jo: I don’t know, pass me that saxaphone and we’ll find out Jo: *BLASTS the saxaphone* Alex: WHO THE FUCK IS PLAYING THE SAXAPHONE AT TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING Jo: It’s 2 am
Alex: Would you take a bullet for me? Echo: ...yes? *Jo angrily burst into the room* Alex: *running away* Great, thanks!
Jo: What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter? Echo: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes. Alex: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
Alex: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees? Echo: Bees? Alex: THEY HAVE SELECTED THE BEES! Echo: Wait- *Jo approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly*
Echo: Jo and I were crossing the street, and this man drove by and honked at us. Alex: What did you do? Echo: Jo chased him to the next red light, and reached into his window, and- Jo: *walking in* Who wants a steering wheel?
Jo: I lost Echo. Alex: How did you LOSE Echo?! Jo: To be fair, they are very small.
Echo: Who do we know that has handcuffs? Alex: Well Jo and I- Jo: *elbows Alex* Alex: ...wouldn't know.
Jo: What’s it like being tall? Jo: Is it nice? Jo: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? Alex: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. Echo: It was one time!
Jo: I told Alex that their ears turn red when they lie. Echo: Do they? Jo: No. Echo: Then why did you tell them that? Jo: Because I can do this. Jo: Hey Alex! Do you love us? Alex, with their hands over their ears: No.
Jo: Is Alex always like this when they lose? Echo: Oh, yes. You should've been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015. Alex: You bumped that table and you know it!
Alex: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Echo's birthday invitations. Jo: Well, what are they supposed to say? Alex: "Echo's birthday". Jo: So, what do they say instead? Alex: "Echo’s bi". Jo: Jo: Works out either way.
Echo: Alex got into a fight. Jo: That’s bad. Jo: Jo: Did they win?
Echo: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it? Jo: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?” Alex, scoffing: Oh, please. Jo, to Alex: Hey, how you doin’? Alex: Alex: *giggles and blushes*
Echo: That shirt looks great, Alex. Alex: Thanks. Echo: But I bet it would look even better on Jo's floor. Jo: Are you hitting on Alex... for me?
Echo: Hey, do you know the password to Alex’s computer? Jo: Fuck you, Echo. Echo: Hey!! Jo: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouEcho". Echo: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
Jo: Hi, sorry I’m late. I was doing a couple of things and got distracted. Alex: I’m “a couple of things”. Echo: I’m “got distracted”.
*playing twister* Echo: Right hand red. Jo: *ends up on top of Alex* Alex: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Echo: I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice.
Jo: Where are my fucking keys? Alex: Jo, Echo is around, can you say it a little nicer? Jo: May I ascertain the whereabouts of my FUCKING KEYS?!
Alex: A sprite is anything not static. Echo: A sprite is a variable object, be it 2d or 3d. Jo: A sprite is a fucking soda. Jo: You god damn geekass bastards.
Jo: Echo! What did I tell you about lying? Echo, looking down: ...That it only works on Alex.
Echo: What are you writing? Alex: The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's private information. Jo, looking over Alex's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Echo: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?! Alex: Probably because I’m a dangerous sociopath with a long line of violence. Echo: Oh... Jo, from across the room: I don’t understand how you keep forgetting that.
Alex: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like... a lawyer to you. Ok? Echo: Okay. *later* Jo: Echo! Sit down on the chair, you're in trouble. Alex, whispering: Deny everything. Echo, loudly: That isn't a chair.
Jo: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one. Alex: Erm... it’s nice see your smile when you win! *later* Jo: They're probably just staring at my ass, aren't they. Echo: Yeah, probably.
Echo: *speaking Spanish* Jo: I know, I know. Alex: You speak Spanish? Jo: No. I just know the phrase, 'this is all your fault' in every language Echo speaks.
Jo: Alex, what are you doing? Alex: Making chocolate pudding. Jo: It's four in the morning, why are you making chocolate pudding? Alex: Because I've lost control of my life. Alex: Here's your pudding, Echo. Echo: Oh that's okay, I'm not hungry anymore.
Alex: I know you love them. Echo: I am not in love with Jo! Alex, staring at Echo: I never said who... Echo: *realizes* Echo: Shit. Well, anyways-
Echo: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body. Jo: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot. Echo: THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! Alex: Hmm... I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from...
Jo: Yo dumbass, get over here. Echo: Okay- Alex: *gleefully runs past* I’m coming! Echo, sadly: I thought... I was dumbass...
Jo: But what about Alex? Echo: Don't worry about them. Echo: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Echo: I hope you have an explanation for this. Alex: We have three actually- Jo: Pick your favorite.
Alex, to Echo: You know, Jo can be really aggressive, so it's important to take all the necessary precautions when approaching. Alex: *blows airhorn at Jo* GET FUCKED!
Echo & Alex: *accidentally set the kitchen on fire* Echo: We need an adult! Alex: Echo, you are an adult! Echo: We need an adultier adult! Get Jo!
Jo: Are you a painting? Alex: What-? Jo: Because I want to pin you to a wall. Echo: OH GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY YOU WANTED TO HANG THEM OR SOMETHING-
Alex, bursting into the room: You two are having sex! Jo, not looking up from their book: Really? Echo, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
Alex, excitedly: Heeyy!! Echo: Hey, someone's excited. Jo, deadpan: Yeah, and it's making me sick.
Echo: When Alex has daiquiris they get really into how beautiful they are. Alex: Hey, I dare you guys to dare us to make out. Jo: Hey Alex, you know that’s a mirror, right?
@chadillacboseman @roofgeese
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Boss fight
As everyone was still trying to process the absolute ridiculous way those guys came in. Junior used the door like a normal person. His hair may be a mess but he's ok.
"Junior!" Catie ran up to the turtle like dragon and got him in a head lock, burrowing her elbow into his skull and nooging him. "You made it!"
No thanks to you!
"?" Catie looked at him confused
What do you mean?
Junior crossed his arms and rolled his eyes as Catie let go of him
I saw you in the hall, you didnt respond at all when I was captured
Catie seemed to flinch before looking very apologetic, scratching the back of her head
Sorry about that bro, I must've zoned out. Oh! But speaking of that!
Catie dragged Junior over to where Boook was and held her hand out, gesturing to her
This is Boook!
Said ghost looked rather confused. "A-are you guys alright?" They've been having an entirely silent conversation with themselves and it was getting freaky.
Huh? *Catie raised an eyebrow* Of course we are, why wouldn't-oh wait we're doing it again aren't we? *She smacked her forehead before going to clear her throat, standing up straight afterwards.* "Y-yeah. Just an.....inside joke"
No one believed that.
"ARE YOU GUYS DONE?!" An angry shriek entered the room quite rudely. And everyone kinda just slowly turned towards the Throne. The plant queen looks mighty annoyed at the fact she was completely forgotten and looked over.
"No" Answered Catie, before turning towards the caged heroes. Looking them straight in the eyes she raised her arm and made an "I'm watching you" gesture. Before turning back to the Queen. "Ok NOW we're done!"
At this point Daisy and the two from the ceiling vents had gotten up and were standing around the rest of their group.
The plant queen groaned, massaging her nose "why are you guys even here?? You dont seem to even care about fighting! I-"
"We're here to maim those guys" Catie said, cutting her off and pointing behind her to the heroes in cages. "But seeing you're going to be a problem sooner rather than later. We should probably get rid of you in the long run. Right guys?" She asked, looking behind her. Everyone nodded, agreeing that this would probably be the safest route of they wanted to keep living.
The Plant Queen sighed once more. These guys are SUPER HECKING nonchalant about this and it's making her feel smaller and inferior than she usually is! She got up and prepared her magic for a fight. "HAVE AT YOU THEN!"
The fight didnt last long. She tried. So hard. And yet. Shes the only one left standing. She looked around her, tired and terrified.
Slinky had tried to release the heroes as backup but but got impaled by several thorny vines that came straight outta the walls. Hes barely breathing now.
Emily and Daisy were knocked into each other and were down for the count by one of the Queen's attacks.
And then Junior.......Boook had fled before the fight started, stating that she wasnt built for fighting. But Junior was the first to be taken down. Get rid of the Firetype first she guesses. Smart. But still. All her friends aren't moving, barely breathing. This is all her fault.
She shouldn't have dragged them into this
Now they're hurt
And she doesn't know if she can heal them
They're dying!
This is her fault!
She should've been faster!
She held her head, wincing at the pain of it all.
It hurts
It's the owl all over again!
She cant do this anymore!
She cant stand the look of that thorny bitch
Shes going to kill her!
Shes going to tear her head off!!
If she does that
She'll Truely be a monster.
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One by one the lights went out, shrouding the hall in darkness except for the lights around the throne. Leaving the queen (BlEsS HeR HeArT) who waited for her patiently to continue, uneasy and on edge.
Catie looked up at her, making the queen flinch when two piercing red eyes glared back at her.
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An unnatural scream was the only thing to warn her as Catherine suddenly charged at her. What lept out the shadows was no longer human. Even though it wore her skin, shadow tendrils leaked off of her like blood.
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She was fast! REALLY FAST! PQ almost didnt dodge her attack. Unfortunately she failed to notice a magic attack behind Catie as it slammed into her gut, knocking the wind out of her as she crashed to the ground. She tried to get up but was quickly wrapped around by....a-are these tentacles?! They were about as black as the shadows that surrounded her. And clearly served the demon that calmly approached her.
"Hook....line...and sinker~" the creature practically purred in her ear. She shivered. This aura.....JUST WHAT IS THIS THING?!
"Too easy." Catherine pulled the plant Queen out of her trap in a spin, proceeding to dance around the hall in a waltz before spinning so fast PQ almost lost her lunch.
Finally she was launched into her throne, her quickly trying to scramble to her feet but once again getting tangled up in that-that THINGS magic! She started screaming "PLEASE!!! SOMEOME HELP ME!!! IM SCARED!! I DONT WANNA-ACK!!" Catherine put a swift kick to her chest, PQ coughing to try and get air back in her lungs.
"Quiet. In fact I'll do it for you." Catie Covered her mouth with her magic. She looked over this pathetic piece of plant when she noticed her crown.
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"There. You won't need it anyway where you're headed." She snapped her fingers, PQ suddenly beginning to sink into her chair. The poor thing started struggling, fruitlessly trying to escape. Eventually she disappeared. And Catherine walked away.
Did I have to go so far?
Yes of course. She was a problem
We could've been friends
She could've KILLED you!!
She already killed your friends!-
Catie snapped out of her self hate and looked to the mostly unconscious forms on the floor. They saw almost everything didnt they? Her right ear twitched. Thats new. She put a hand up to it to investigate, only to find it Sharpened. Like an elf she thought half heartedly.
Wait when did that get there?
Ashamed, she covered her ears with her hands and tried to leave the castle at a faster rate than what she was walking.
Daisy coughed "where are you going? We still need to let the others out"
Ah right. The others. She almost completely forgot about them with how stunned Into silence they were.
Out of pure frustration and nothing more she kicked Daisy across the hall, not noticing the gasps from everyone.
She put a little too much force into the kick she admits. And the gasps of shock DID hurt her a little. But that's enough. There's no going back. Not now. She hurriedly stomped over to the door.
But she couldn't bring herself to leave.
At least not leaving the others there on the floor like that.
Not looking behind her she sent magical energy that she hoped was healing to those she still considers as friends. Before lighting a flame in her hands. Cant have them following her. Shes too dangerous.
A villain
She set the plant matter castle on fire, it immediately becoming ablaze. She lept out of the castle doors and set fire to the whord of no longer active guards outside, weaving through the flames in such a manner shes almost positive no one could follow.
Only for a grip on her ankle to stop her.
She never thought that the guy from earlier could still be there.
And she never did. She left, fleeing into the woods. She wishes that one day they could forgive her.
And that she could forgive herself.
Meanwhile in the burning castle Junior had sped off after Catherine, disappearing into the flames. Everyone was shouting at him to help the others but they all fell on dead ears, leaving everyone else to find their own way out.
"I swear when that brat comes back I'm going to ground him!" Bowser grumbled as he tore off his magic concealing collar, it now useless without it's masters protection.
"Daisy are you ok?!" Peach asked, helping her stand
"Y-yeah. I just can't believe she betrayed us like-"
Slinky and Emily cut her off "SHE DIDNT BETRAY US!!" They both flinched and looked at each other before smiling and standing their ground.
"Didnt you see the look in her eyes?! She didn't want to do this!" Slinky gestured to the burning castle.
"Then why did she?" Mario asked, looking over everyone's wounds.
Emily pondered before remembering how she grabbed at her new changes and tried to flee "I think shes scared of what we'll think of her. The real her. So she fled to avoid confrontation."
"Then why did she kick me?!" Daisy practically screamed
"You're terrifying." The three, including Rope said in unison, shutting Daisy up.
"Guys can we not fight until AFTER we're out of the burning castle?!" Luigi cut in, making everyone remember their soon to be grave if they didnt get out of there anytime soon. Everyone gave a nervous chuckle and they managed to escape through a hole in the wall.
Meanwhile BowserJunior is still in the field of fire. Thank his genetics for being fireproof as he desperately tried to find his friend. "CATIE!!! COME BACK!!! IM NOT MAD!!! ITS NOT SAFE HERE!!!" Then again wouldnt she know that? Maybe she already left? Wait hold on. What's that up ahead? He ran through the fire an found a figure laying unconscious.
"Hey wait a minute. You're...." that's the guy from earlier isn't it?! "Dont worry! I'll get you out of here!" Maybe if he helps him, he could help him look for Catie as a thank you!
He got the stranger in his arms and looked for the exit. It wasnt far and he lept through it. It was when he landed on the other side did he see footsteps that only Catie could make. "So she did make it out." That's a relief. But that also means she could just about be anywhere by now. He frowned. This could be a problem.
He was reminded of the stranger in his arms when he felt him move. He looked over and in the fire light he actually got a good look of his face.
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It was an owl! Or at least......he thinks so. This guy was really tall, feathers everywhere. He seems to be wearing a suit and a mask. Just makes this guy more mysterious.
He set the guy down, watching him gain consciousness again.
The owl suddenly sat up, gasping for breath before suddenly turning towards him as he was suddenly aware of his presence.
"Where did she go?!"
Junior huffed, smoke spilling out of his mouth. "That's what I want to know! But WHY do YOU want to know?!"
"Because she blames herself for my death!" The owl said quite quickly. Geez this guy was really in a rush wasnt he? I mean he is too but this guy is making it seem like the end of the world!
"Yeah. I would assume me being an owl would give that away"
Woah woah woah this means Catherine can do NECROMANCY!! But wait if she can grant wishes that means if it was HER wish then..... "WAIT NO IT WOULDNT!!!! THINGS LIKE YOU SHOW UP ALL THE TIME!!!!"
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d-noona · 4 years
Chapter 8: Saturday Night
Jung Hoseok x Reader
Reader as Kang Hyeonji
SUMMARY: When Kang Hyeonji transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Seoul stood up and took notice. But her make over was for Jung Hoseok’s benefit alone. He began to show interest in the new look but not in the way she wanted. Suddenly he was over-protective, perhaps a little jealous. It seemed that the idea of having a relationship with her couldn’t be further from his mind. The girl however wants more. So it was time for an ultimatum. If Hoseok didn’t want Hyeonji to lose her virginity to another admirer, he had no option but to make love to her himself.
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Hyeonji could not concentrate on her work. How could she, with Choon Hee besieging her with suggestions from the moment she arrived at work on Monday morning and spied the newly made-over Hyeonji.
Choon Hee's main advice was directed at Hyeonji's choice of clothing for the big night. The trouble was, she changed her mind every day. On Monday she insisted Hyeonji buy black. Lace, preferably. Black lace was so-o-o sexy!
Hyeonji didn't think she could carry off black lace and told Choon Hee as much. So on Tuesday Han Byeol came to the office and butted heads with Choon Hee, they now moved into getting Hyeonji a red satin...before they realised red would clash horribly with Hyeonji's new hair color.
From Wednesday to Friday the girls went through every possible color in the rainbow, plus every possible style from strapless and sexy to tight and slinky, then finally to white and virginal.
This last, desperate idea was an attempt at reverse psychology, since Tinashe would never dress in such fashion. Hyeonji was glad to leave work on Friday afternoon, having informed her avid friends thay she would simply buy something that suited and flattered her. Choon Hee had pulled a face before pressing the solemn promise from Hyeonji that she would finally wear the perfume she and Han Byeol got for her on her birthday.
"And buy yourself some drop earrings," had been Han Byeol's last hurrah. "I was watching this body language expert on television the other day and he said dangling earrings projected highly sexual messages on some subtly primitive basis. Apparently there's this tribe in Africa where women stretch their earlobes with heavy rings and weights. The ones with the longest earlobes are considered the sexiest, so the longer the earrings the better."
Choon Hee laughed out loud yet nodded to have Hyeonji wear some drop earrings for more appeal. Hyeonji had sighed and agreed to wear long, dangling earrings as well as the perfume.
Saturday dawned slightly overcast but the sun came out during Hyeonji's short train trip up to the shopping center. The forecast that morning had predicted twenty-eight degrees, average for their small little town in March. Fortunately, the humidity was low so Hyeonji would mot have to worry about perspiration ruining whatever dress she bought.
She arrived just as the shops opened, her mother's gift of five hundred and forty-five dollars tucked safely in her purse. Four hours later her mission was finally accomplished, and her purse was pretty empty. Hyeonji could hardly contain her excitement on the train ride home, hugging the parcels on her lap.
She would never have thought she could look so good, or sexy. Of course, it was to be seen what Hoseok would think of her, but she could never reproach herself for not pulling out all the stops. She hurried home from the station, puffing a little as she struggled up hill with her bags. It was one thirty and Hoseok's car was nowhere in sight. His mother was, though, Mrs Jung waving from where she was attending to her pot-plants on the front porch.
"Been shopping for tonight dear?" She called out, her smile bright just like her son. Hyeonji was grateful to stop for a minute. "Yes, Mrs Jung. I've been very extravagant," she confessed rather breathlessly. "New dress. New shoes. New everything, actually."
"Oh you must come in and show me. I'd love to see them," says Mrs Jung. Hyeonji hesitated, then glanced back down the hill. She didn't want to be caught by Hoseok coming home. She didn't want him to see her today until she was ready.
"Don't worry," Mrs Jung said "Hobi's not due. He has to work all day today. He just rang to say he'd get ready down and arrive straight to your place. Come in. You can have a cool drink while you're at it. You look hot."
Hyeonji was hot, but it wan't from the shopping. Suddenly, tonight was all too real. It was also her last chance. If nothing came tonight with Hoseok then she would give up all hope. Total failure was less than a few hours away.
"What lovely dress!" Mrs Jung exclaimed when Hyeonji drew the silk bit of nothing out of the bag. Mrs Jung held up the clothing "Oh yes, that's just the thing." She chuckled delightedly.
"You're certainly going to make that boy of mine sit up and take notice in that dress, aren't you my dear?" Hyeonji's eyes rounded at Hoseok's mother, who gave her a softly knowing smile in return. "You think I haven't guessed all these years that you're in love with my son?"
"You don't have to say a thing. Just listen. Hoseok does not love Tinashe. She is, however, a beautiful and clever girl who panders to his not inconsiderable ego and knows exactly how to handle him." Hyeonji was all ears as Hoseok's mother went on. She'd been riveted from the moment Mrs Jung had said Hoseok didn't love Tinashe.
"I know my son very well, Hyeonji. I know his strengths and weaknesses. Basically, he is a good, kind, loving boy, but he has an obsessive workaholic personality with a one-track mind. I'm sure you've seen evidence of this yourself. I used to have to set an alarm clock next to his computer to get him to school reasonably on time. When he becomes absorbed in a project nothing can distract him, not even his male needs, which I might add are as strong as any other normal red-blooded man's."
This wasn't any news to Hyeonji. She'd seen the trail of girlfriends, all of them not exactly the types you just talked to on a date.
"You think Hoseok has only ever been attracted to the most beautiful girls," his mother went on. "That he's like a moth drawn only to the brightest of flames."
"Well, his girlfriends have all been stunners, Mrs Jung." Hyeonji pointed out.
"True. So I suppose if I said it was their personalities which won him you would be sceptical?" Mrs Jung chuckled.
Hyeonji laughed.
"I understand your cynicism. Nevertheless, what I am saying is true. The only girls who've attracted Hobi have been the ones who had enough confidence in themselves to break through his absent-minded nature and force him to notice them. I have no doubt most of them approached him first, made none too subtle passes and flirted with him outrageously in order to win him away from his other, all-consuming passion."
"Naturally, the only girls who have such a degree of confidence are usually very beautiful ones which gives them that added edge. Once they have Hoseok's attention, they have the equipment to ensnare his sexual desire as well. Even so, he usually tires of them rather quickly. Either that or they themselves become frustrated with his tendency to forget dates, and they leave the relationship of their own accord."
Hyeonji intensely listening and nodding to every word Mrs Jung had to tell her, felt like having a fairy god mother by her side.
"Tinashe, however, has hung in there. I think she must be very good in bed. I also think she knows Hoseok's net worth and wants to hitch her wagon to a star. I suspect this so-called trial separation is suppose to frustrate Hoseok enough for him to agree to marry her. I don't know if it will work. I sincerely hope not, because she does not love my son and it will make him miserable in the end. He doesn't believe in divorce, you see. Hoseok needs someone who truly loves and understands him. In short , Hyeonji, he needs you."
Hyeonji was speechless.
"You have the perfect opportunity to put a spanner in Tinashe's work tonight, my dear," Mrs Jung continued in a conspiratorial voice. "But you must be bold. And daring. Make him notice you, in more ways than one. Flirt with him. Let him know you want him. You do want him don't you?"
All Hyeonji could do was nod.
"Then go after him, with as much cunning and ruthless as Tinashe did. In short SEDUCE him."
Seduce him?
Hyeonji went home with those daunting words ringing in her ears. How did an inexperienced virgin seduce a man like Jung Hoseok? According to his own mother, he'd had coubtless sexy, beautiful women do just that and do it superbly! What chance did she, Kang Hyeonji, have?
Made-over she might be, but that was only a skin-deep transformation. Inside, she was still a quiet, reserved kind of girl. Basically, she was not bold. Or daring.
Okay, so she'd spoken up for herself a few times recently, but only in private and with people she knew well. The thought of openly flirting with Hobi in a very public place at a well-attended formal dinner sent frenetic butterflies fluttering around in her stomach.
At six-thirty she still found those butterflies still in full flight. Yet her reflection in the dressing-table mirror went some way boosting that confidence Hoseok's mother had insisted she find. Outrageously long, the green crystal drops hung nearly to her shoulders, swaying seductively whenever she moved. They've been worth every cent of the fifty dollars they'd cost.
"Oh Hyeonji, you look gorgeous."
Hyeonji swung around at her mother's voice, the A-line skirt of her dark green silk dress flaring out before settling into more discreet folds against her thighs. Not that a skirt that short could ever be discreet. It ended a good five inches above her knees. When combined with the four-inch heels of her strappy, bronze-colored Jimmy Choo's shoes she looked all leg.
"Do you think so, Mom?" Hyeonji was desperate of reassurance, her own eyes not to be trusted. Zil's admiring gaze traveled from her daughter's shimmering hair, down to her perfectly made-up face, past the flamboyant earrings and finally to the little sexy dress which showed off Hyeonji's recently reshaped curves to perfection.
The low, scooped neckline hinted at a very adequate and perfectly natural cleavage, the tight bodice nipped-in waistline showing that Hyeonji could rival Scarlett Johanssen in the hourglass figure department, and with out the help of a corset.
"Turn around," her mother said. "Let me see the back again."
Hyeonji did so a little tentatively. She knew the lace-up back was daring, exposing a deep section of creamy flesh right down her back to her waist. This was part of the style of course, but it precluded the wearing of bra, even a strapless one. The only underwear Hyeonji had on, in fact, was an expensive set of lace silk panties.
Hyeonji turned back to find her mother frowning slightly. "What's wrong?" She asked, panicking. "Do you think the neckline is too bare? Should I wear a necklace instead of these earrings?"
Zil smiled reassuringly. "Not at all. Those earrings are perfect. No. I was just hoping everything turns out right for you tonight."
Hyeonji scooped in a steadying breath. "I do too..."
Zil came forward to take her daughter's hands in hers. "Whatever happens, you look absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you Mom." Hyeonji smiled at her mother fondly.
"You smell lovely too. What's that perfume you're wearing?" Zil tilts her head in curiosity. "It's the one Choon Hee and Han Byeol have me for my birthday. It's called....SEDUCTRESS."
Zil's eyebrows shot up. Mother and daughter looked at each other, then laughed. "Let's hope it has a secret ingredient," Hyeonji said, shaking her head ruefully, "because I think I'm going to need it."
"You'll do fine my love. Just be your sweet lovely self and Hoseok will be enchanted." Now Hyeonji felt confused. She had Hoseok's mother telling her to be a vamp, her own advising the natural approach she had an awful feeling neither would work. The only time she'd had a real response from Hobi was when he'd been jealous of Mr X.
Maybe that was the way to go. Mr X had been very useful so far...Hyeonji had been speculating on how shw could use Mr X to further advantage tonight when the doorbell rang. Her stomach immediately crampedm oh, dear heaven.
"That will be Hoseok," her mother whispered. "I won't come to the door. Say I'm in the bath or something. If he has those papers for me, just put them on the hall table. Oh and don't worry about how late ypu get home. I won't. In fact i won't worry too much if you don't come home at all."
Hyeonji's hazel brown eyes rounded at this amazingly broad-minded mother she'd suddenly acquired. "Mum," she said. "I'm shocked but I love you for being so understabding. Still, I think you'll find I'll be home soon after midnight like a good little Cinderella."
"I don't know about that," Zil said wryly with another glance at her striking-looking daughter. "Now off you go," she added when the doorbell rang the second time.
Hyeonji picked up the bronze clutch purse which matched her shoes and made her way carefully downstairs, taking her time lest she trip over in her new high heels. Be confident, she kept telling herself as she approached the front door. And bold. And daring.
Schooling her face into a cool smile, she swung open the door, prepare to accept Hoseok's surprised admiration as though it were the most natural thing in the world. Unfortunately, she hadn't prepared herself for being confronted with Hoseok standing there looking blistering handsome in a superbly tailored black dinner suit.
Most men looked good when dressed in a tux.
Hoseok however was breath taking.
She stood there in speechless admiration of his beauty and missed his initial reaction to her own appearance by the time she recovered sufficiently to look into his eyes he was shaking his head at her with a mildly rueful reproach.
"I can see this is going to be a long and difficult night."
Hyeonji was taken aback. Did he like the way she looked or not? "What do you mean?"
"You know very well what I meant you minx, my God, are you wearing any underwear at all under that excuse of a dress?" Hoseok says.
Hyeonji blushed and bristled at the same time "I'm only following your suggestions. You told me you don't like women who wear pants."
His shocked brown eyes zoomed to where the hem of her skirt ended at mid-thigh. Hyeonji rolled her own eyes. "That's not what I meant. I do have pantyhose on with built in panties," she said dryly. "I was talking about my wearing a dress and not pants suit."
"Oh, that's a dress you're almost wearing, is it? I thought it was a left-over from a lingerie party." Hoseok added furiously.
"Very funny. Truly, Hobi, you're acting like some over-protective big brother, though I don't know why. You never have before." Hyeonji getting all frustrated as Hoseok answers back. "Well you've never looked like THIS before."
"Is that a compliment or an insult?" She replied. "It could be a damned problem." Says Hoseok.
"I don't see how," she said airily. But she wasn't as thick as she was making out, and the reality of Hoseok's brooding reactions thrilled her to bits. He was perturbed by how she looked. And really jealous of any other man she might attract tonight.
His own mother's words popped into her mind. "Go after him, with as much cunning and ruthless as Tinashe did..."
"So," Hyeonji went on, twirling around and mercilessly pretending she had no idea of the effect the back of the dress would have on him. "Will I knock 'em dead at dinner?"
"I don't know about the others," he growled, grabbing her wrist to stop her from twirling around again "but I'm in my grave already."
She feigned a flustered frown. "But I'm not talking about you, Hobi. I was thinking of all those successful and possibly available businessmen at this dinner night."
Hoseok glared at her. "So that's why you changed your mind about partnering me tonight? Because you want to parade yourself for other men's eyes, like you're in some kind of meat market?"
"Well...I wouldn't put it quite crudely. And I'm really only interested in ONE man's eyes." Hyeonji only meant she wasn't the sort of girl who played the field, but immediately Hoseok took it the wrong way.
"One man?" He frowned, then scowled. "Oh my God. Don't tell me your infernal Mr X is going to be in this bloody dinner tonight!" He bit out.
Hyeonji tried not to color guiltily, but failed. For the first, the use of Mr X had backfired on her. "Damn it Hyeonji!" Hoseok exploded. "You should have told me."
"Why? Would you have refused to take me if I'd said he was going to be there?" She asked, even while her mind raced Mr X simply had to be disposed of once and for all, she decided he'd been very useful up till now, but suddenly he was beginning to get in the way.
Hoseok opened his mouth to say something, then snapped it shut again. "It's and irrelevant question anyway," Hyeonji went on swiftly. "Because Mr X is NOT going to be there. Mr X has been wiped from the planet from this moment onward. I've decided to take your advice Hobi, and move on. This is me moving on. Now, do you think WE might move on and get going? Or do you want to be late and make a grand entrance?"
"With moving-on-Hyeonji by my side?" He mocked. "Heck, no. I'd prefer to slink in the back door."
"There's no pleasing you tonight, is there?" She snapped as she stepped outside and banged the door shut behind her. "I only did everything you told me to do. I happen to think I look very nice."
Hoseok gripped her nearest elbow and began urging her along the path. It set her crystal earrings swinging, along with her unfettered breasts. She kept her eyes straight ahead but had a feeling Hobi was staring daggers at her highly mobile bust. She hadn't realized till that moment what substantial movement did to bra less breasts. Ones of her size, that was.
"Nice is a very ineffectual word to describe how you look tonight" Hoseok muttered. Hyeonji extracted her arm from his grip once they reached the passenger door of his car. "So how would you describe how I look?" She challenged.
His brown eyes blazed as he yanked open the door and waved her inside. Not a word passed his lips while she lowered herself into the seat, but his eyes spoke volumes when they dropped to take note of the way her skirt rode up dangerously high when she sat down.
"Provocative" he snarled at last, then banged the door shut.
"Good" she snapped back, once he'd settle himself behind the wheel. "That's exactly the look i was looking for tonight."
Hyeonji dropped her purse into her lap, noting with some dismay that the smallish bag covered almost half of the minuscule skirt. Had she gone too far with the dress? She wanted to attract Hoseok, not revolt him. She'd had no idea he could be such a prude. He certainly wasn't around Tinashe. Good God, some of the gear that girl wore was downright disgusting.
Still...at least she did have his attention that was something. Pulling the seat belt out, she was in the process of buckling herself into place when Hoseok's hand shot out and gripped her chin she gasped when he wrenched her face around this way, then gasped again when his mouth was suddenly covering hers.
His lips pressed down hard, insistent in their demand for surrender she yielded more from shock than any immediate passion. Her lips fell apart again his tongue plunged deep into her mouth. Her whimpering moan seemed to snap him back to the reality pf his quite savage kiss, for his head whipped back abruptly, his eyes widening. She just stared at him, the back of her left hand coming up to cover her still stunned mouth.
He groaned and shook his head, clearly appalled at himself. "I'm sorry Hyeonji. I don't know what got into me." Hyeonji didn't believe him. He knew darned well why he'd done what he'd done. By adopting ignorance of his very male actions he was throwing the ball in her court. How she acted now would set the tone for the whole evening.
Her hand trembling slightly, she removed it from her mouth and reached out towards him, letting it come to a shaky rest against his cheek. She twisted and leaned towards him till her mouth was only inches away from his. "I'm not," she whispered, and made the momentous decision to close those inches.
His shock was even greater than hers had been. For a few excruciating moments his mouth froze under kiss. Hyeonji hesitated herself. Good God, if he wrenched his mouth away, what would she do? Impossible to laugh it off. She would utterly be crushed.
Don't be tentative, came the voice of desperation. Be bold! Be daring!
She lifted her mouth from his and smiled. "What's the matter, Hobi? Haven't you been kissed back by a girl before?"
He didn't say a word, just kept staring at her as if she were a stranger. Sighing, she dropped her hand away from his face and settled herself back in the passenger seat. If nothing else, she'd taken the initiative and salvaged her pride.
"It's not that," he growled as he fired the engine. "Let's be honest, Hyeonji. It's not me you really want to be kissing anyway is it? Look I won't say you're not a temptation, looking as you look tonight. But might I also remind you that I'm supposed to be getting back with my girlfriend tomorrow? I don't like complications in my life, and if I don't watch you might become a complication. So let's just keep our old status quo going, if you don't mind. We're good friends. Nothing more. I'm sorry I kissed you just now. I promise you it won't happen again."
Hyeonji bit her bottom lip and turned her face away to stare through the passenger window. Her immediate response to Hoseok's words was to sink back into herself and oblivion. Underneath, she'd expected failure, hadn't she? Game, set and match to Tinashe.
But is seemed her new appearance had imbued her with more confidence in herself that she would ever have believed. Or maybe it was everyone else's confidence in her. Whatever, her mind gradually turned more positive, clinging to the fact that Hoseok hadn't mentioned Tinashe as his first excuse for backing away. His initial withdrawal had been because he thought she didn't really want to be kissing him. He mistakenly thought he was just a substitute for Mr X.
Hyeonji's frustration was acute. She heartily wished she'd never invented Hoseok's mysterious alter ego. She toyed with telling Hoseok the truth during the tensely silent drive down to the event. That he was Mr X, that she was crazy about him and would do anything for him.
But by the time Hoseok turned into the club car park ten short minutes later she'd abandoned that idea. It smacked too much desperation and would send any man running the opposite direction. No, her mission tonight was to seduce Hoseok, not openly declare her undying devotion.
Tomorrow several hours away and she aimed to make the most of them. Now, what worked best for her this past week or so?
Not over Mr X this time, she decided. Over some other man. Hyeonji hoped and prayed there would be a suitable candidate at this dinner tonight, and that he would find her as provocative as Hoseok had...
Chapter 09
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Juvia: >.>
Erza: >.>
Juvia: Doesn't Erza-san have a former criminal to be canoodling with?
Erza: Doesn't Juvia have an Ice Wizard she should be stalking?
Juvia: >____.>
Mira: It has been pretty slow today, huh? ^___^
Lucy: *suspiciously* You're not egging them on, are you?
Mira: I think you and I both know those two don't need encouragement.
Lucy: But you ARE the reason this guy they're waiting for is taking so long to get here.
Mira: Not I~.
Richard: *walks up to Lucy and Mira with a flushed face*
Mira: How'd it go?
Richard: H-He will be here... soon.
Lucy: Seriously? You and Richard are playing Cupids?
Mira: They would've been suspicious if I stepped out.
Richard: L-L-Love should always be encouraged... oh yeah...
Mira: Hmmm. Something tells me the 'shopping' didn't go as planned. >.>
Richard: I-I-It did... sort of... ^^;
Mira: It either did or didn't. Which. is. it?
Richard: I just can't help but blush at what he did pick out... Did you perhaps... influence his choice, Mira-chan? ^^;
Mira: Hmm! This sounds promising! Tell me, tell me! *Richard looks shiftily at Lucy before leaning over and whispering in her ear; now Mira is sporting a healthy blush* Damn it... I should've been there! That... This is either going to end hilariously, or it's going to end hilariously and he's going to be in the infirmary for a while...
Richard: *nods sheepishly*
Lucy: Hey! What'd he get them?! >____.>
Erza and Juvia: Train? o.o
Natsu: *waves a job request lazily in the air* Yeah, remember? Juvia picked it out yesterday, and we were gonna head out today.
Juvia: ... Juvia did forget, after Juvia saw what holiday it was. ^^;
Erza: *huffs* I may have got caught up in the moment... >____
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