#things about to be snappy
sxnsetqueen · 1 year
@void-multimuse continued
"Oh do spare me the theatrics."
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"Unlike you I'm not dying with curiosity." If only she could have avoided him of all people. While this may be a different version of the man who singlehandedly destroyed her entire life alongside another bastard, she'd atleast thought she could have gotten away from this mess sooner than later. Being caught now only meant he must have picked up something linking her to another. The successor of this world's Wukong. He doesn't have the blood running through his veins but the similarities are all there. It makes her want to gag. Frankly, the boy has it far better than she ever did. Yet that doesn't mean those memories don't lurk at the edges of her mind. If this one was anything like hers had been, it would be easy to atleast lay him flat on his back and run with that moment of distraction.
Even still she won't be caught with her hair down as some would say. Gripping the edges of the bucket filled to the brim with apples a bit more tightly. How easily he moved out of the shadows before her made her fur crawl, carefully crafted glamors made her always appear human. She needed to be in a world that was unlike hers. Staying anonymous was her best bet here. She was given a second chance and she'll take it. Though many of her questions will always remain unanswered. Why did she alone survive when her world died? Why did she end up here? Has those events already taken place or is she just unlucky in being thrust into a world of a past time?
"....so what brings the legendary six eared macaque my way. Surely those ears of yours didn't pick up anything interesting from my lips. I haven't the habit of talking nonsense."
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nerdetiquette · 1 month
I don’t think Juno is one to open a halfway house or anything like that, but I get this feeling that his office will become something like that after the finale.
Like all the kids and young adults in new town (or anywhere else honestly) who need help and places to stay and have lives to rebuild all coming to his office at odd hours of the night only for Juno to find them passed out in front of door, let them in, and give them a guide on how to reset their life.
He has regular students coming in after school for help on how to get money and he helps them with jobs and scholarships and little tips he’d learned. There are people he only sees once and people he’s seen three or five times before but he still helps them because they’re trying.
It starts so slow at first, but eventually there’s as many kids as cases and he has to hire another secretary to help keep the kids organized and work out the logistics. Even though he does that, he still talks to the kids by himself, every one of them, and Detective Steel becomes a common name in new town if you need help, investigative or getting your life on track.
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bigevildoeeyes · 2 months
What if i was a monster and you were a human and for all reason we should be opposed to the other yet fall in love anyways? What if it actually happens exactly Because you are mortal and i undead? What if we had an eye for finding the cracks in everyone but only recognized it in ourselves with eachother? What if i couldnt stand dragging you down to the hell of my nature so i free you to live without the burden of remembering what its like loving me?
What if you loved me for my power, how unfathomably supernatural i was, but then met me for the first time again 50 years later as an obedient servant and you still couldnt take your eyes off me? What if i was above you then below you and intrigued you just the same?
What if we loved and hated eachother and continue to do both because its all just different ways to say “you have a hold on me i cant shake?”
Because what if you became the first person to understand me as a being beyond the roles ive lived? What if I am not just the devil, master, slave, servant or hurting child i once was, but all of it and more, wholly incapsulated under the title of being your lover?
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milksteakkk · 2 months
writing evan as sarcastic and irritable in kleinsen fanfics is not mischaracterization. in fact i highly encourage it
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iceyrukia · 1 month
i really think some "feminists" were very shortsighted with the whole "oh i split the bill and pay for my man because I'm an independent feminist that doesn't need a man and I feel like I owe him something if i don't pay".
Like I'm sorry to tell you this but a man isn't gonna respect you any more or is inherently more "feminist" if he always you to pay. In fact it just gives men another thing to benefit from women without them even doing the bare fucking minimum of even addressing serious issues that actually affect women's lives like sexual assault, rape or even other actual oppressive gender roles like being expected to do domestic labor or "sexual labor" for men. Men are not oppressed for paying a bill on a date because that transactional relationship that they complain about as "oppression" was their own doing so please stop trying so hard to prove to men that you're not a "gold digger" because I promise you that a lot of men will TAKE AND TAKE AND TAKE from you without any fucking shame or self-awareness because of their male entitlement. Your feminism doesn't owe men shit and your only goal should be to liberate yourself from male control and any man who tries to tell you otherwise in just another self-serving moid.
This is not me advocating for gender roles or hyper-gammy btw I'm just trying to highlight how men use feminism for their own gain.
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mods are asleep. post new oc concepts.
Say hello to your local Noble Ranger!! She’s a bit tight lipped about how exactly she secured her wares, but they are such a point of pride for him that you can be confident that the sphere doomer feathers are genuine! What a odd guy…
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Traditional sketches with POSCA markers. Bonus cat helping me out
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sciderman · 11 months
Am i the only one always kinda anoyed at the "i don't carry wallet with me, ruins the lines of my suit" joke from Deadpool 1 for the simple reason of missing a great set-uo for a belt pouches joke?
i always thought the joke was a dickish excuse for wade to get away without paying when he very clearly has pouches with which he can very easily carry a wallet - classic "i am a dick" behaviour from wade wilson, my favourite dick
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cold-neon-ocean · 2 years
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Something soft of my bees Hunnie and Poppy! I’ve had this lying around for a while and decided to post it! Eventually I’ll get around to rendering it
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poisoned-pearls · 9 months
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@kirexa h- how did you know. Two of my favorite headcanons about them-
AUGH but seriously- I think when Azul and Jamil sleep together they’re almost IMPOSSIBLE to pull apart. Azul has an octopus grip on him (using all of his strength with both arms and legs wrapped around him + his head tucked into whatever space he can find) and Jamil has a vice grip on him (general instinct from having to constantly grab the back of Kalims shirt from stopping him from doing stupid shit. Helps him feel like Azul is safe)
(So much of Jamil’s love feels like willing service. It’s not the fact that Jamil’s serving him, it’s the fact that he doesn’t have to. He chooses Azul, and that is what matters-)
And yeah!! Jamil DOES cook for him because 1. You know it’s one of his love languages and 2. Because he has the boyfriend override on Azul’s ED. Azul doesn’t want to waste the food Jamil worked hard on so he’ll eat it. If he made food instead and Jamil feels like he didn’t eat enough he’ll feed him by hand (like using a fork and such-) until he’s satisfied that Azul ate more than a spoonful, because Azul is so shocked at the action (and flustered) that he just, lets it happen.
(If they’re out to eat, and Jamil is concerned because Azul only ordered a small salad or something, he’ll purposely order a bit too much to say “ah, I don’t think I can finish this all. Azul, do you want some? I don’t want it to go to waste.” And it works)
I also think that after Azul tells him more details about his overblot and childhood (and Ed) Jamil becomes very… idk gentle with that part? Jamil is kinda all about what he chooses to willingly for others. He’s already looked up every way to handle it (and he’s luckily in like, the best position to help because of how much Azul adores him. If Jamil tells him something he’s gonna believe it) and he never comments on Azul’s body except to compliment him. Every time he sees him in the morning he calls him handsome or beautiful, and every time Azul just has to believe it because it’s Jamil Viper telling him it. Like he’s shocked Jamil is saying it at all.
and YES- when Azul has to size up Jamil is so happy for him. Azul is so upset about it because his weight is so heavily tied to his internal image of himself that he’s afraid he’s gonna become his childhood self again. But then he mentions it to Jamil and Jamil’s just. So happy about it. He gives azul some of his uniforms to wear in the mean time (which helps Azul transition over) and when he gets his own Jamil jut continues telling him how good they look on him. And he means it
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elftwink · 11 months
you guys know that "landlords are leeches get a real job" is a haha funny bit you say to illustrate the hypocrisy of the rhetoric surrounding work and what qualifies as 'contributing' to capitalist society and not a coherent leftist belief right? you guys are saying that because it's funny to watch landlords sputter to come up with a response to the kind of attitude they have always subjected tenants and renters to and not because you genuinely believe your worth is determined by the money you earn under capitalism, right? you understand that once you believe it is possible for someone (even landlords) to be a 'leech' on society if they arent working (or aren't working enough, or aren't doing the right kind of work, etc), this will bleed into the way you think of everyone else too, right? you guys know that legitimate and meaningful critiques of landlords are not and can never be based on whether or not they are working because that is irrelevant to the fact that they own property for the express purpose of charging other people for access to shelter, which is a basic human need and shouldnt be controlled by the whims of Some Guy just because its his name on the deed... right???
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ghoul--doodle · 3 months
There’s a kid who recently started working at the charity store I work at and we’re usually working at the same time
And he’s a sweet kid but.
He stims all the time and in such a way that it triggers my misophonia and I feel SICK and there’s ✨sweet fuck all✨ I can do about it
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fisherrprince · 1 year
i have been rotating your ffxiv specbio in my head for several days so if you don't mind my asking, would you be willing to elaborate on some of the specbio for miqo'te and lalafell, if you've not done so already?
OF COURSE im gonna focus a bit more on miqo since the main points of lalas were in that doodle 
first of all: miqote would be lesser cats — unable to roar, but able to hiss and purr and chirp and yowl! and they do, do this, often. baby miqo are constantly mewling and chirping and crying, and that’s where a communal child rearing culture comes in handy, because you would not make one parent deal with a very needy (and blind for a month) baby alone. Adult miqo use vocalization for emphasis, along with gesture and expression. They very often express two emotions at once while in conversation with their words/expressions and body language, which makes understanding others’ intentions harder for them. Ex: sad tail, angry ears = upset, happy tail, angry face = teasing, angry tail, angry hands = furious. They might get confused if there’s no tail to denote teasing. Tails are used for balance And emotion, ears are used for listening and emotion, etc, sometimes more so than facial expression, which can sometimes look inexpressive to those who haven’t taught themselves how to emote communicatively among other races.
They are fuzzy all over! like my friend izutsumi. Sun cats are usually less furry, having only translucent-to-tip colored fuzz but some moon keepers can get VERY furry, like Maine coons. It tends to be longest on the forearms, ankles, back (like a cheetah ruff, some miqo have a line of long fur going down to their tail. Whole body Mohawk), and stomach trail, and shortest on the face, most having only peach fuzz up there. Fur length can vary no matter the miqo, and fur pattern also varies - unlike cats, stripes or spots will sometimes color the skin as well. Prominent fur patterns are pretty rare. Please do not shave your miqo’te, it was a bit more popular a few years ago and it turns out it can lead to very patchy or ingrown coats that require shaving for the rest of ever. They have rough tongues and they have brushes and combs, they can take care of their fur, and sometimes other miqos’ fur. Grooming, though, is either for baby or for people you’re close with. Babies are scrungly.
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My friend Izutsumi vv
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Miqo can digest raw meat, but it’s really more of a you can eat tree bark if you’re lost in the woods situation. The correct thing to do is bring the hunt back home, so everyone can cook and eat. They are not obligate carnivores, but their systems need more meat than a hyur would. They have non-retractable claws, and every miqo has fangs, though sun seekers tend to have bigger chunkier fangs and moon keepers thinner and longer canines. It has to do with the size/type of their prey. 
They also have slightly looser skin like a cat. This doesn’t really mean they have wrinkles all over, it means they’re a bit stretchy? They can wriggle their naturally lithe bodies into weird positions to climb and run, and if you give a miqo a mochi kiss it will look like a cartoon. Older male cats (mostly, but it can happen to anyone) will often develop tomcat jowls as they age, and it’s basically balding for a cat in the societal sense, because miqo don’t bald with age. Their fur gets scraggly (but there are hairless cats out there). It’s often considered attractive! Some families consider it a sign that the cat is getting too old. 
Miqo’te can see in the dark, and have a reflective layer in their eyes. moon keepers are very adept at darkvision, having near perfect vision at night, and have a little trouble in bright desert sun, while sun seekers have to deal with vastly reduced color perception at night and have pupils that can go very thin to block out sun. Their cheetah face marks help with this!
Lalafell, too, have a difference in eye biology across their species. Only dunesfolk have a thin third eyelid, to repel sand while keeping their eyes open, while plainsfolk have eyes that work similar to a sun seeker. No layered eyelid, just a vertical pupil. All of them have tapetum lucidum. 
Also, last point for fun, lalafell stay the same size from 8 years old to 100 years old, and before then they’re about the size of a small hedgehog (baby) to about the size of a kinda small Lala (3-8). A point of annoyance for elezen, who stay the size of a child until they’re 20 or so and then have the worst growing pains in history at a point where complaining about it is less acceptable than getting mad as a kid because your legs hurt. The reason you don’t see very many baby lala is the same reason you don’t see many baby pigeons. You either do and don’t realize it, or they’re VERY SMALL and bundled in blankets or sitting at home and not in the city. A good way to tell if you’re talking to a ten year old or a thirty year old Lala (aside from their intelligence and mannerisms) is by looking at their ears. The tips will darken with age — young lalafell will have light colored ears, sometimes with white fuzz, mature lalafell will have dark ear tips. Good to know for bartenders. 
Baby lalafell also have sharp needle teeth. Much like baby miqo, roe, and au ra. Unlike those three, the sharp teeth go away. They’re helpless pink beans when they’re newborns, they will not hesitate to bite you if you bother them too much. 
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mariathechosen1 · 6 months
Was Anyone But You a good Much Ado About Nothing adaptation? No, not at all, but fuck it was fun!
#y’all know I have many thoughts about this play and these characters#but even though the movie didn’t completely live up to my expectations as an adaptation#I still really enjoyed it!#and I really despise all those people making posts about how sydney sweeney can’t act#idk it seems a little rude#my main problem is how they messed up the benedick and beatrice characterization and dynamic#I love that they played up the ex lovers thing (which is left up to interpretation in the play)#and i love love queer Hero and Claudio!!!#but their hatred of each other didn’t really pack the same punch as in the original#I suppose I wish they weren’t afraid to make the characters bigger assholes?#ya know- give them more flaws?#because right now the enemies part doesn’t really feel believable for big parts of the movie#They really could have leaned more into making Bea a bit of a cold and snappy mess (as she is in the original)#and Ben more of…ya know…actual human disaster who can’t commit#both of their characters in the play are driven by their desire never to marry and their distrust for the opposite sex#They included this a bit with Bea (her not believing in true love and all that)#but her break up with Jonathan (because he was too nice???) didn’t really convince me of it#They also keep insisting that Ben is a fuckboy but we never really see it demonstrated?#I personally don’t mind the fact that they changed up the whole ‘convincing them that the other secretly loves them’ bit#especially considering this is only loosely based on much ado#but I do think they made it a bit messy considering they included the gulling scenes but only as a joke#I wish they’d either leaned fully into the much ado plot or ditched it#I think what a lot of adaptations get wrong is that they’re either too afraid of leaning into their og media#or too afraid of seperating themselves from the og media#oh god I’ve reached the tag limit help#anyways- rant over#anyone but you#maria talks about things#much ado about nothing#beatrice x benedick
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sneez · 2 years
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a whole bunch of drawings of my warhammer 40k oc tervis :-) they are a tech-priest dominus and they have a horrible life and then they die. i love them extremely. i also put them in pathologic and mechanicus just to see what would happen
/ id in alt text, except the text in the final two images which was too long to fit. the text in the penultimate image reads:
Tervis: “Why do you force me to live? Damn you! Your cure is poison to me. Now I shall never be blessed. You should have left me to bleed.” Below are three dialogue options: “Don’t be absurd. I wasn’t going to watch you die.” / “What makes you think you deserve suffering?” / “I wish I had.” At the bottom of the image is a line of dialogue which Tervis has just spoken: “The air is foul. There is rot in this place. The stench of corruption shall be -- what was it? What was it? The stench of corruption shall be...swept aside...”
The text in the final image reads:
Tervis: “There is no time to delay. This place reeks of corruption. We linger at our peril.”
end id /
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tswwwit · 2 years
Had a very funny thought in my head of bill successfully getting a cult started at some point between reincarnations just bc he’s bored. By coincidence dipper gets reincarnated into a kid who grows up in said cult and bein all culty n stuff. When it’s finally time for bill to pick up his human he’s low key annoyed that dippin dorks all culty. Problem is immediately fixed when dipper remembers everything and goes back to normal.
The experience becomes a very funny story at dinner parties where dipper cringes and bill thinks it was a wacky time. I imagine the cult gets broken up by dipper bc i want to give them a happy ending too.
Oh boy, poor, poor Bill. It's one thing for Dipper to pretend to be subservient - that's all fun and games, not real. But a version of Dipper where he's actually, sincerely, bowing and kneeling before Bill? That gets a full on 😬 Sure, he likes weird! This is certainly that!
But it's like. The flipped version of Dipper watching Bill cheerfully working at a soup kitchen, or tenderly nursing a baby bunny back to health or something. Not what he should be doing. Bad. Just so wrong. Man, he's gonna be glad when his feisty little guy gets his brains back
Also contains: One confused Dipper, whose 'god' is actually really... annoying?? And for some weird reason, it seems to make said 'god' happy when he finally gets fed up enough to be bitchy about it.
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Has anybody else found looking through the kirby tag literary impossible right now because of all the spam bots or is it just me
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