#things should b back in order by tomorrow though :)
goatlottin · 8 months
my winner
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in which you surprise your winner after his match. in turn, he surprises you.
genre: fluff
a/n: this is actually so short i really thought i wrote sm more but!! i miss writing so hopefully this brings me back x enjoy!
inspired by rwmsdale
You texted Kylian around 7 to let him know you would probably come by. You unfortunately had piles of work to complete, and couldn't attend his home match today and instead chose to just wait for him until he got home.
You two didn't live together. Yet. Kylian died to have you be here all the time. He always felt happiest with you, and he believes he's the most entitled to absolutely all your spare time you have.
On the other hand, you sometimes enjoyed the quiet space of your home. And still wanted time to thing about it.
As you waited up for him, you had tried to fight the tiredness, but it got difficult and you ended up passing out on the couch. At least you could say you tried!
As predicted, Kylian ended up getting home just after 10.
His smile from ear to ear, his PSG tracksuit and small bag in hand. It was a sight to see. After the win, he thought he would come home to you, celebrate for a bit, then head to bed. To his dismay, you had done that last part without him.
He noticed the disorganized array of books and notebooks lying on the small lamp-side table. Likely your last minute studying you cramped in.
His smile faded as he opened the door to a fast asleep girlfriend that he assumed had been here waiting for him. As he shut the door behind him, you startled awake.
He couldn't pretend he wasn't just the tiniest bit happy about it. He knew he would now have that long awaited bit of time with you.
As you began to sit up, he quickly ushered towards you.
"It's okay baby, stay there." He kicked off his shoes as he placed his belongings on the couch adjacent to the one you resided on, opting for cleaning it tomorrow morning.
He found a position that was comfortable beside you while he placed an arm under your head, urging your head to tilt upwards to him. You both looked into each other's eyes. Him, into your sleep ones, you, to his glassy, brown ones.
You brought your hand up to touch his face. He leaned into your touch, and turned to kiss the inside of your palm. "What a lovely surprise to have the most beautiful girl cuddled up with me right now."
You blushed a rosy tone. You found you always had this rosy blush to you anyways. Given your boyfriend had a way with words that always seemed to turn you into mush.
"Had to be there for my winner." You replied, rubbing your right hand up and down his chest affectionately.
You moved your movements to his face, that was begging to be shaved. His face filled with small stubble.
"Did you enjoy the match?"
"I enjoyed your goal, of course. Fell asleep right after."
He threw his head bad lightly in a fit of laughter, grazing your cheek with the thumb of the hand that still had a grip on your face. "Nice goal though, hmm?"
"I mean, I guess so." You teased
He rolled his eyes, immediately understanding you were playing around "You guess'? What can I do better, coach?" Kylian's nose found his way to your neck, where he left small kisses.
"Well, I think you can try practicing more fre-" you were interrupted by a small love bites just right to your collarbone. "Stop! I can-" he continued his assault of kisses while you giggled.
You wrapped your hands around his neck while he lifted his head to reach your gaze once more.
"Should we order in? You must be hungry." you questioned. "Or shall I cook?" deep down, the two of you knew you were an awful chef. Not only were you terrible, but the food was actually sometimes inedible.
However, sometimes you loved being oblivious. Still offering the service to Kylian.
"Let's not waste ingredients, chérie. I'll grab my phone." Leaving one last kiss on your cheek, he jumped off the couch to locate his phone.
After you guys had finished eating, you sat beside each other at the coffee table. It was quiet, but you both sat there enjoying each other’s company, no words needing to be said.
Kylian sat his fork on the plate before stacking both his and yours. “Can I ask you something?” He suddenly turned to you.
“Anything.” Fixing your posture, you turned to face him.
“Why don’t you move in here?”
The question threw you off guard. You guys did talk about this before. But briefly. Ending on a “maybe when things are more serious” note. But that was almost a year ago. Needless to say, things were definitely more serious.
“I love having you here. You just being here after my match, to greet me, even though you were asleep! It felt so… natural. I want it like that everyday. I’m so in love with you, and I can’t help but feel I need to be with you all the time.
“Your books sprawled out like that? I want that for us. I want this to be a place you call home as well.”
You were in awe at his words. Knowing how passionate he was not just about you moving in but the overall relationship.
You were so, so incredibly lucky to have him.
He took ahold of both your hands once he saw your hesitance. Looking into your eyes with such pleading but proud eyes.
“I don’t know Ky. It’s a big step. Are you sure you always want me around?” You tried to make light of the serious situation by throwing in a joke. You were actually terrified for this step.
“I genuinely do not think that’s possible, hon. Like, at all, ever possible.”
“Okay, but what if you realize I’m too messy? Or what if family are over and I’m being overbearing? And some of the colours in this house are really..”
“Baby,” he interrupted with a breathy laugh. “I would love to have that mess here everyday. You’re part of my family, and you have my utmost permission to change whatever you would like in this house.” He brought one of your knuckles forward to leave it a kiss. “Please,”
You decided that these were just one of those things you knew in your chest. You trusted Kylian with everything in you. And wanted this change, you realized.
You nodded before he fell on top of you into a hug.
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A Second Chance Is A Better Chance - Part 15
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Witch Reader, eventual ? x Omega Witch Reader and Alpha Steve Rogers X Omega Witch Reader
Theme: A/B/O / True Mates
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Summary: Rejected by your true mate at 21, you’ve given up on the Fates and the Moon Goddesses giving you a second chance. Being a Roamer for the last 9 years, you’re an Omega hardened by the world. You’re safe on your own because of your witchcraft, but it doesn’t stop Alphas and plenty of others sniffing around, especially when you’re an unmated Omega witch, who’s wolf also happens to be white, the rarest kind. You don’t need anyone, but why do you keep coming back to Brookville and why do you keep walking into trouble and helping people that you don’t know but for some strange reason feel like family. And where is that smell of apple pie coming from?
Series Warnings: A/B/O, eventual smut, violence in parts, witchcraft, shapeshifters
Chapter Summary: The reader prepares to leave Frank and Billy.
Chapter Warning: Sad everyone.
It takes two weeks and a whole lot of healing for you to be ready to leave for Brookville. There’s an underlying tension between you, Frank and Billy. They’ve resigned themselves to the fact that you’ve probably heard their conversation as your hugs get shorter and you suggest moving out of Frank’s bed and into the guest room.
You’ve also started to sort through your things that have been left there, making sure they fit in your car and giving them away if they don’t. When Billy tells you it’s fine to keep your stuff there, you tell him it’s not fair to anyone to have stuff scattered everywhere, reminding him you’re a roamer and everything should fit in your car. He huffs and helps you after Frank gives him a knowing look.
As the full moon rolls around and after a conversation with Logan you know it’s time to head to Brookville. Storm is nesting heavily and ordering people around to clean the whole house from top to bottom. She’s also been very vocal about your avoidance when asked about an arrival date.
“Maybe don’t leave today though kid. It’s a full moon and the pack will be tense enough without you up and leaving.” Logan tells you on the phone.
“They’ve asked me to run out with them.”
“I need your advice.”
“My advice? Hang on, let me sit down for this.”
“Haha.” You replied dryly.
“Well, to be fair you’ve never asked me for advice before.”
“You know what, it doesn’t matter.”
“No, go on, I’m being an asshole. What’s up kid?”
“Would it be wrong? Would it be rude if I say no again?”
“You’ve never ran with them before right?”
“No, they’ve asked and I’ve always declined, just doesn’t feel right.”
“How so?”
“It’s weird. I’ve changed forms in the house but it doesn’t feel right to run out with them.”
“Go on.”
“It’s weird.”
“You said that already.”
“It feels like….” You let out a sigh. “It feels like it doesn’t fit. Like a shoe that’s the wrong size.”
“Then there’s your answer.”
“What do you mean?”
“If it doesn’t feel right there’s a reason for it. You’ve changed and ran in Brookville right?”
“And before that?”
“A couple of times in hotel rooms when I’d left it too long but not outside and then, well, back home.”
“I think you’ve answered your own question kid.”
“I’m not sure I have.”
“You have, just think about it.”
“So, you’ll set off in the morning.”
“Let me know when you’re near and I’ll have Scott meet you there.”
“Logan.” You huffed. “I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, Stark’s security guy already explained how to get in and the security system. I just want to get in and get settled. I’m used to staying at the Coulson’s, I need to figure out the place. Scott will just get under my feet and piss me off.”
“Yeah he has that effect on people. I checked with the Coulson’s, their place is still off limits.”
You make a joke about being inconvenienced by their daughter going into labour there and assure Logan you’ll set off tomorrow.
You finish off packing the last of your things and putting together the gift box you’d started for Frank and his pack. You always left them a couple of things, oils, candles, healing potions and anything else you felt they might need, but this time felt very final and you made sure to get a bigger box and fill it well.
It’s late when you hear the howling of their return. You’ve been soaking in the bath tub for the last hour, taking a minute to ready yourself for the journey tomorrow. There’s soon sniffing by the door. Billy in wolf form.
“Hey pervert, I’m in the tub.”
He huffs and you hear him flop by the door. You can hear his tail flicking against it impatiently and decided to get out the tub before he tries to get in. When you open the door wrapped in a towel, he’s already rolling on to his back for you to rub his belly.
“Really Bill?” Frank says, wandering in, black sweatpants low on his hips. “I said fetch her, not ask for belly rubs, you damn idiot.”
You laugh as you reply.
“What’s up Frankie?” You ask as he approaches you. He wrapped his arms around you and planted a kiss on your head.
“Throw some clothes on and come outside.”
“Please just put something on and come outside.” He says leaving the room, calling for Billy to leave you to get dressed. He follows but the direction of his ears tells you he’s annoyed at not catching a glimpse of you naked.
You pull on a pair of boxers and an oversized T-shirt before strolling through the house to the deck, where you quick discover the pack and a select few of the extended pack members, along with Violet and her husband. They are chairs and tables set up and fairy lights wrapped around parts of the decking, candles are lit and there’s a pile of pizzas from your favourite place.
“What’s going on?”
“Aunty Witch, Aunty Witch. It’s a party for you.” Called Dani as she attempted to climb up your leg.
“What?” You said looking around at the group as you picked her up.
“Well, Frank said you’re probably leaving tomorrow.” Luke said. “And we’ve never got chance for us or the town to say thank you.”
“What for?”
“Really rarity? I don’t know maybe saving our town from Agatha, being part of finally taking down Hydra and everything you’ve done for us.” Elektra added, her voice starting firm but growing soft towards the end.
“We wanted to do a bit more than pizza but a little birdy told us if we did you’d probably turn us into frogs.” Matt added.
You looked towards Frank.
“Hey it wasn’t me baby.” He said pointing towards Violet, who shrugged nonchalantly.
“You didn’t have to do this.” You said quietly.
“Sure we did. Now, can we eat because I really need to get these feral kids to bed.” Added Jessica.
“Hey I’m not feral! Am I Aunty Witch?”
“No of course not.” You smiled.
The night passed as drinks were passed around, pizza well eaten and stories shared. Frank’s arm finds your shoulder and you don’t pull away this time. The same as when Billy’s hand finds you knee and begins rubbing circles on it with his thumb. Hours have passed when Luke lifts a sleeping Dani from your lap. Telling you to call if you need anything, just like he always does. Jess hugs you and looks like she’s about to say something deep but kisses your temple instead, a lump in her throat as she tells you to text her. Elektra slaps your ass as you clear away the pizza, never one for goodbyes. Matt hugs you briefly and is firm when he tells you to call him if any of the agencies start bothering you. Foggy hugs you tightly like you’re going to war and leaves without saying anymore. Violet hugs you too as Frank shakes hands with her husband, thanking them for coming.
Then it’s just the three of you.
“Bed?” You ask and they both smile and follow you inside.
Full of beer and pizza it doesn’t take long for you to drift off but even a sleepy you feels Frank and Billy hold you a little tighter that night.
The next morning you wake up to an empty bed. You think about slipping away but a quick sniff lets you know Frank and Billy aren’t far and someone’s making pancakes. You get dressed and freshen up, heading out to the kitchen to find them both shirtless and making breakfast.
How you had managed to not climb these two like a tree was a damn miracle. Billy shot you a wink and you worried for a second you might have said that out loud.
“Sit down princess. Can’t have you leaving on an empty stomach.” Billy smiles, nodding towards the table. You don’t miss that the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. Frank squeezes his shoulder before bringing you a tea, quickly placing it on the coaster and dropping a kiss to your head before returning to Billy’s side.
“Violet sent over some danishes and a fruit salad for you to take with you, with a message to eat the fruit first.” Frank told you.
You smiled and said a quiet thank you, pulling out your phone to send her a message.
“Here you go princess.” Billy said, placing a plate down in front of you. It had at least six pancakes stacked up, bacon, egg and was covered in syrup.
“Bill I can’t eat all this. I’m still full from all that pizza.”
Your stomach rumbling confirmed your little white lie.
“Baby, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. Being hungry on a full moon is normal. Don’t listen to anything that mother of yours told you. Eat up. I can’t have you leaving here hungry.” Frank tells you.
You rolled your eyes playfully and started to eat as the three of you made idle conversation. Once you’d all finished there was a long moment of silence. The three of you knowing it was time for you to leave but this time it feeling so very final. Frank sighed and then broke the silence.
“Baby, I want to be really clear on something OK, if you ever need anything, anything at all, you get in trouble or you need a place to stay, you come here or you call us. Doesn’t matter if it’s tomorrow, next week or a year from now, we’ve got you Omega, OK?”
You nodded tearfully.
“What if you find someone though? What if your second chance rolls in? What’s she gonna think of me strolling in and out?”
Frank reached out and squeezed your hand.
“Baby, if ain’t you, if you’re not the second chance, it’s never coming.”
You nodded and let out a shuddered breath. Unable to hold in your emotions anymore and with the lights starting to flicker you let the tears pour down your cheeks. Frank stood and pulled you into his arms.
“I’m sorry Frankie, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry it’s not me.”
“Me too kid. Me too.”
A chest against your back and sniffling in your hair let you know Billy had joined you both. You stayed like that until the tears slowed and the buzzing of your phone pulled you apart. You glanced at it.
“It’s Logan, wants to know if I’ve set off yet. Storms getting angsty.”
“Well you better not keep the pregnant lady waiting.” You laughed lightly as you wiped away your tears, pulling away to get the last of your things that hadn’t made their way to your car.
It didn’t take long and shortly after you were in your car and pulling away from Frank and Billy’s and their pack. You told yourself you were fine, even as tears rolled down your face and you started to play your sad songs playlist.
It took you a few hours to reach Brookville and the compound that housed Stark’s cottage. The gate looked heavy and reinforced and was surrounded by cameras, but opened as you neared it. You’d have been concerned if you’d not been asked for your number plate before. You drove down the gravel path and looked around at the heavy woodland. It wasn’t what you expect from Stark and was so different from that enormous and ugly skyscraper in the city.
When you pull up outside your new place to stay you’re quick to mutter ‘cottage my ass’ and decided you’d text Stark’s security guy, Happy someone, some quip about it not being a quaint cottage like he’d described. Sure it was nice, but it was also bloody huge. Again, cottage my ass. There’s a pretty little white picket fence around the garden and you wonder why there’s a need for it if Stark is part of the pack or an extended part at least and this is all pack land.
You decided to head inside first to familiarise yourself with the place before unloading your car. You take the side door and input the code Happy has given you. A projection of the him suddenly appears and he greets you as the door unlocks and tells you the keys, security tablet and a welcome basket are inside on the kitchen island. You thank him and go in, leaving the door open ready to bring in your things.
Your eyes go wide when you enter and you’re wondering if they really meant to loan you Stark’s actual cottage. Happy had told you it wasn’t quite finished and you’d expected a building site. How was this not finished?
You scanned around the lower levels. Mostly open plan and decorated in light colours. Homely but also very sleek and fancy. The kitchen was brand new and full of every Stark device you could think of. Before you had chance to peek upstairs an electronic sounding voice sounded.
“Welcome Miss Y/L/N, please register.”
You remembered then that Happy had told you over email to go straight to the tablet on the kitchen island to register yourself on the security system and that it you weren’t quick enough an alarm would sound.
Shit. You really didn’t want to piss off the pack by setting off alarms when you’d just got here. You found the tablet quickly and filled in your information, thankful that your basic info had already been part filled in. It finished by taking a photo of you, which you weren’t overly comfortable with but decided you’d get over it once you’d drank the wine in the fancy welcome basket.
“Thank you Miss Y/L/N, your registration is complete.”
You looked through the welcome basket to see what treats you’d been left, macrons, some fancy snacks, fresh bread and……….apple pie? You could definitely smell apple pie and it smelt delicious. Like all American homemade apple pie. Even nicer than the one in Violet’s diner. Not that you’d dare tell her that though. You rummaged through the basket as your mouth started to water but couldn’t find it. A chiming sound coming from somewhere sent you to the oven. But there was no pie there either? The smell got stronger and then your wolf picked up the sound of footsteps. Had Logan sent Scott with pie? The chime went off again.
“Why are you chiming? Where are you chiming? What are you chiming for?” You said putting your hands on your hips. There was a sudden surge in the scent as the footsteps neared and then a voice. But not Scott’s, a voice you didn’t know.
“It’s to let you know someone’s coming up the path.”
You swung round to find a figure in the door way. Definitely not Scott Summers and definitely not a beta.
At least 6ft 6, with quite possible the broadest shoulders you had ever seen. Blond hair pushed back from his face, and a beard a little darker than the hair on his head. Your eyes met his and you found bright blue eyes staring back at you.
Your alpha. Your second chance.
Enjoy this fic? Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
@animegirlgeeky @mrsevans90 @jvanilly @slut4rogers @otterlycanadian
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bokunosoul · 2 years
𝙄 𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪
Yuno (Black Clover) x Reader
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𝙉𝙎𝙁𝙒 requests are OPEN
MINOR DNI, for requests i don't accept reqs for ageless blogs, anonymous blogs or minors
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : f-ngering, m-sterbation, d-rty talk, b-ow job, cursing, hate sex, v-yeurism, s-xual assault on reader by an opponent, reader and yuno has some experience, aged up, public intercourse, d-flowering, rushed work etc.
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Being part of the golden dawn and being part of nobility, you seemed like you have the best life ever.  That means you have to make the best reputation out of yourself.
But you can't.
You endes up being compared by your family to yuno, your colleague. You hate to admit it but he's really good at doing those missions all by himself, no wonder he became a vice captain in such a young age.
He's also kinda.... goodlooking.
Now here you are trying to be composed infront of you captain along side with yuno receiving orders.
"Y/N, Yuno, you will be going to explore an dungeon and report back immidiately once you've completed this mission. You will be leaving early tomorrow. Get along well and make sure to rest."
The captain said and you both saluted to him. Once you got out of the door you glared at him and turned your back.
"What a snob!!!" bell, his sylph said and stick out her tongue behind your back.
"Stop it bell." Yuno said
You looked at him one last time, hw just stared plainly with those attractive eyes. Blushing in fury you just marched away and layed frustrated in your room. Why the fuck does he stare at me with those eyes? You can't help but to blush replaying what happened earlier.
The very next day you both set off to your mission. You both just rided your own brooms and it was very pleasing to watch the sun rise whilst you ride in the air.
You both arrived at the dungeons amd split off. Came across a bunch of opponents. But as always they were no match for you. You sighed as you thought things were over and you were about to call it a day.
You were suddenly taken aback by a man and you can't escape from his arms. You started attacking him one by one with your magic but still he doesn't budge.
A fucking diamond mage. This is bad.
"Get of me you pervert!" you shouted at the guy and he just gave off an disgusting smirk.
"What's a pretty girl doing here alone in the dungeons? hmmm? "
"None. Of. Your. Fucking. Bussiness. "
i cursed and proceeded to struggle to get off him.
"You must want to know my name sweetie, the names Ragus. "
You started to tear up as he started to linger his hands to your thighs along to the part where your mother told you to save for your marriage.
"N-no, p-please. "
Everything came in so fast. The guys suddenly was thrown across the place, none other than yuno. He looked so enraged and shocked, even though your eyes were blurry from the tears you still saw it.
"I didn't asked for help. "
He came closer to you, taking off his robe and wrapping it around your waist. Your'e faced started turning red as he carried you in his arms bridal style.
" Put me down. "
" No. "
" I hate you. "
This man so frickin persistent, it was annoying. You just kinda stared at him for a while and gave in.
Now it's night fall at the moon shines brightly, and it was not safe to travel as some beasts and bandits rome this area. Yuno decided to cook a meal and you decides to go take a stroll to clear your mind.
Replaying on what happened earlier, you felt disgusted. That mans perverted touch, gaze still lingers on my skin.
Thankfully,  you can hear there's a waterfall up ahead so you can go take a bath.
You were mesmerized by the scenery infront of you. A thousand stars can be seen, and the moon is so full up above.
' No one can should be looking right? '
You carefully slipped out your clothes and hopped onto the water. Leaving you naked in all of your glory. You dove upon the cold water and like any normal person would do in the bath.
Sighing you sat in a nearby boulder and dried off your body. You were frustrated, you embarassed yourself earlier infront of him.
The way he looked earlier.....
You started to feel hot as you imagined his look earlier. You can't think straight anymore whilst your breathe hitches and body heats up.
I moaned as i inserted one of my fingers inside my needy cunt, while your other hand massages your breasts.
You imagine yourself getting fucked by him. His cock so deep in your needy hole as you moan in pleasure. You hate him, hate that he makes you feel this way.
All that pent up feeling all you do was just to do it solo by yourself. Your parents conservativeness, heavy burden, past relationships and stress makes you feel dry.
"Hah~ yuno~ oh fuck yes!"
"Yes! ~yes!~yes! "
Now here you are desperately pumping your fingers back in fourth in your slit making vulgar noises, thinking of the hot mage. Causing you to come all over the place.
'Fuck i made a mess.'
You suddenly heard a rustling noise in the bushed. You hurriedly covered yourself with your clothes.
I heaved an sigh of relief as the figure appears to be an deer. You decided to just get cleaned and dressed and head back to him.
"I'm back."
You said and sat in the ground infront of the bonfire. You can't see his face but it looks like that he is eating.
It's been 30 minutes and he still hasn't talked nor faced me. He just sat down facing the other way round.
Weird. He normally would discuss about what will we report about to captain....
You asked as you walked towards him. His face seemed red and he looks so flustered.
' does he have a fever? '
You nervously put your palms on his forehead to confirm. Your eyes widened as he suddenly pinned you to a wall.
'W-what the fuck?'
He stared at you like a hungry wolf who targeted it's prey. Meanwhile you just stood there shock.
"You have much courage doing that in public, Y/N."
Yuno whispered onto your ear, making you instantly blush in embarassment. He saw that. HE FUCKING DID!??!
You looked away and shut your eyes tight. His hot breathe just hitched right at your neck.
" such a slut, moaning my nme like that. "
" HAH, you must be imagining things you perverted freak! "
You lied, facing him red. He smirked.
"I saw that, clearly Y/N, clearly. " yuno said firmly wrapping his arms on my waist.
" S-so? it's not like i like you or something. D-dumbass. " i stuttered and pushed him away, lightly.
" spit it out. "
"What? "
"I know you like me. "
"Are you sure?"
"N-no? "
He frowned and stopped, he started to walk away. You can't help but to feel frustrated.
"That's why i hate you. "
He stopped walking and slammed you hard against the tree.
"Really? you hate me that much huh? I will prove it to you that i am better than that." he replied smugly
"Then you have my consent, bastard. "
You smirked as your faces become closer and our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together and our tongues battle in dominance.
It's the first time she ever felt like this.
He suddenly stopped.
"Before we do anything, do i have your consent? "
"Yes, just fucking take me. "
His hands pressed under her shirt, quick to shove aside my bra. My voluptous breasts spilled out and his impatient lips hungrily sucked it off.
"Oh~ah shit!" you can't help but to moan in his touch.
He paused and threw your robe and bra on the ground. He goes down and down and down towards you legs as he carefully caresses, his hot breath along my thighs.
You gulped as you watch him lift your skirt revealing your thong. You feel embarassed as he stared at it for a few moments and take off your skirt along with thongs. Leaving you naked only for his eyes.
" so beautiful. " he whispered.
That was the last straw.
You straddled him, caughting him off guard as you lean in for a kiss.
"Where's all that courage coming from? "
"Shut up. "
My hands fumbled upon his trousers and onto his underwear revealing his erection. You blushed, since it was your first time seeing a man's part like that. You only see it in books......
His breatgour hand slowly travels on his cock. Pumping it back and fourth. Yuno looked so pretty like that, needy and desperate.
"Hah, just like that. "
He purred.
Slowly you started making kitten licks on his cock. Swirling your tongue along his tip, it then became much more intense. Gathering up the courage you slowly started going down on him, sucking his cock. You were gagging- but you couldn't care less.
"Hah~Ah shit y/n...." He let out an pleased hum whilst making eye contact with you, running his slender fingers through your hair.
You let out an shriek as he suddenly
forces your head down, causing you to choke on his cock. Bucking his hips into your mouth you can only tear up in the sensation you are feeling whilst he talks dirty to you.
"You fucking slut, the way you stare at me makes me go crazy everytime, now look at you choking at my cock. "
He said in his cool usual tone and slammed my body to the ground. Sorry mother, but i can't resist this man.
"I-it hurts yuno, hah~. "
You whimpered as his length was buried deep inside you. It was painful at first but it suddenly was replaced with pleasure as he slowly thrusted inside of your tight hole.
"I-is this your first time?"
Yuno sounded concerned and you looked at him and nodded shyly.
"Shit, i should've been more careful, are you okay? "
What's with this man...
"Yeah, it looks like you have just taken my virginity, vice captain. "
You said locking your arms on his neck and staring deeply on his amber eyes.
"Then fuck me hard, yuno." you whispered and he did.
Well that rest was history that night you and him just enjoyed the starry night and eachothers warmth on the moonlit night.
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💌 : This is the celebration of my man turning 18. This was frickin rushed and amateurish since im new to this writing style👹
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avengersfantasies · 1 year
Anymore - Chapter 7
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Summary: Bucky tells you to do whatever you need in order to move on from Steve.
What to expect: fluff, angst
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taglist: @kandis-mom @missvelvetsstuff @mavrellover91 @natashasilverfox @vicmc624 @blackhawkfanatic @haruvalentine4321 @felicitylemon @vonalyn @aboobie @stinkerbelle007 @crist1216 @je-suis-prest-rachel @buckysforeverprincess @bathwater101 @frickin-bats @lovely-geek @winterslove1917 @opheliabarnes
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There was an immediate change in your demeanor, and Bucky noticed it.
    ��       “Babydoll?” he softly spoke – wanting to know what had been sent to you. “Is everything alright?” You sniffled and wiped the tears from your cheeks before handing him the phone. When he saw what had been sent to you, he grew furious. Without thinking, Bucky typed up and sent a response.
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When you realized what he had done, you glared at the super soldier.
            “What the fuck is wrong with you?” you scoffed – snatching your phone from him. “I already have one of you being an asshole…last thing I need is for both of you to be dicks.”
Bucky closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “Just can’t stand it when he hurts you.”
“Please don’t stoop to his level, Buck,” you pleaded with teary eyes.
He looked down and nodded. “It won’t happen again, babydoll.”
You absentmindedly nodded, and your hand made its way to your stomach – starting to rub the small baby bump. Bucky looked down and noticed this – watching your hand move back and forth slowly. The words were on the tip of his tongue, but he didn’t know if he should ask or not. He wanted so badly to make you feel like you weren’t alone in this situation, but he was afraid that you wouldn’t let him actually do it.
“C-Can I uh,” he began stuttering – hovering his hand over yours. “Would you-you mind if I—”
“Please,” you practically pleaded with tears in your eyes.
Bucky gently kissed your lips with his, and he carefully placed his hand on top of your small baby bump. His hand slowly and lovingly rubbed the little bump while your tongues danced. There was something about his touch that made you feel whole. The moment was something you never wanted to end, but unfortunately, the sound of a text message broke the two of you apart with a sigh.
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“Should we talk to him?” you asked Bucky softly – needing him to help guide you through this.
His metal hand rubbed your back. “I can’t tell you,” he answered with a trace of regret in his voice. “As much as I want to be with you and help you raise this little one…I can’t tell you what to do…I can only support your decisions.”
You looked to him with tear-filled eyes. “Would you?”
“Would I what?”
“Support my decisions?” you clarified. “No matter what?”
He nodded and rubbed your cheek with his thumb. “No matter what.”
You looked down and felt yourself forget how to speak. “W-Wou-Would you think I’m like…crazy or something if-if I felt that Steve and I needed a like…if we needed like one more time together?”
“As in…break-up sex?” You silently nodded – instantly feeling ashamed of yourself. “Is…that something you want?”
“I want you, Buck,” you sniffled.
The super soldier gently held your face in his hands. “Then you listen to me, babydoll,” he spoke softly – getting your eyes to look up at his. “You do what you need to so that you and I can move on with our life together, okay?”
“Even if that means Steve and I need to—”
“Yes,” he interrupted. “Even if that means you need one more time with him…do what you need to do, baby…I’m not going anywhere.”
Without saying anything, you pulled him to your lips and kissed him deeply. His hands held your hips, and the two of you swallowed each other’s moans – the feeling of your tongues inside each other’s mouths was a feeling neither of you wanted to ever let go of. Finally, though, you pulled away from him and nodded – your forehead against his. “I’ll do what I have to do.”
“I’ll see the two of you tomorrow,” Bucky smiled softly – planting a kiss on your belly.
You smiled and blushed hard. “Yes you will.”
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            You stood outside Steve’s room, too nervous to bring yourself to knock on the door. It was now or never though. You knew you needed to get this over with. You and Steve needed to come to an understanding and agree on the situation with the baby. Knowing that Bucky was supporting your decisions before you even made them gave you a burst of strength, and you knocked on the door gently. Steve must’ve been waiting because it took him mere seconds to open the door.
            “Hey beautiful,” he greeted you with a soft smile and stood to the side. “Come in.”
You didn’t respond, instead, you just nodded and walked into his room.
            “Steve,” you began – your hands picking at each other from nervousness. “We need to...figure this out.”
“I agree,” he sighed – leading you over to sit on his bed with him. It was quiet for a few moments while the two of you thought about what to say and where to start. “So…Bucky?”
You blushed and looked down. “Uh…yeah…Didn’t mean for you to hear.”
“It was hard not to,” he chuckled. “Seemed like you were enjoying yourself.”
“Steve,” you snapped – looking up at him. “Please don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Make this about Bucky,” you answered. “Steve…what is it going to take for us to move on from each other?”
He chuckled incredulously. “Well, you’re carrying our baby,” he reminded you. “Do we really need to move on from each other?”
“You said it yourself,” you reminded him. “We’re bad together.”
“It’s not just about us anymore,” he insisted. “There’s a baby involved…and I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna be there.”
“You can be there,” you told him. “I’m not saying you can’t.”
“But I’m supposed to be okay with you being with Bucky?” he scoffed. “So, what? Bucky’s gonna be our baby’s stepdad?”
“No one said that,” you argued back. “But I’m with him, and he’s with me.”
Steve chuckled. “So, now you’re a couple? Wow, you moved on quick.”
“You moved on before we even broke up.”
“And I ended that relationship,” he reminded you. “For you…for us.”
You tearfully looked into his blue eyes. “Bucky told me to do whatever I had to so we could move on,” you told him. “So, what is it gonna take for us to move on?”
Without a word, Steve pulled you to him and planted his lips to yours.
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tryingtograspctrl · 5 days
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SUMMARY: A firefighter on B-shift touches you inappropriately and when Bobby finds out the guy is as good as dead
Warning: Mentions of sexual assault, mentions of violence, mentions of blood, etc.
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Bobby's birthday was tomorrow and you were throwing him a big surprise party at the firehouse, unbeknownst to him.
You, Hen, Buck and the rest of the 118 had secretly been planning the entire thing right under his nose, he of course had his suspicions but he couldn't put his finger on what you were hiding so he let it go.
The night before the big day you made some random excuse as to why you had to leave and though he didn't fully buy it he let you go.
You got into your car heading to the firehouse to meet Buck and Hen in order to start decorating.
You arrived first, neither of their cars in sight.
You decide to head inside, waving to a few of the firefighters standing around on your way to Bobby’s office.
You grabbed the key from your purse, unlocking the door.
You sat your purse down on his desk, moving a few of the picture frames and knick knacks on the bookshelf around to find something.
You heard footsteps approaching behind you but you didn’t pay them any mind, too focused on the task at hand.
“My my what do we have here?” A voice spoke from behind you.
You tensed up as the stranger grabbed your ass, squeezing it roughly.
You whipped around quickly, elbowing the jackass in the nose in the process causing him to double over.
“Have you lost your fucking mind?” You stared at him wild eyed.
He didn’t answer, groaning in pain still clutching his nose.
“Say goodbye to your job you piece of shit.” You spat before storming past him, making your way outside to your car.
You shot Hen a text explaining that you couldn’t making it tonight and that they were just gonna have to decorate without you.
You took a few shaky breaths before starting up your car again and pulling out of the parking lot.
The whole way home you were contemplating on whether or not you should tell Bobby, tomorrow was his special day and you didn’t want him to have anything like this on his mind but at the same time that asshole had assaulted you.
You decide to tell him after the celebration tomorrow, wanting him to enjoy his day.
“Back so soon?” Bobby asked from the couch.
“Yeah. Turns out everything is under control.” You half smiled.
“That’s good news.” He smiled too.
“Come sit, watch a movie with me?” He pat the spot next to him hopefully.
“Of course my love.” You happily took a seat next to him, snuggling into his side.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulder pulling you closer.
“Try to stay up this time yeah?” You looked up at him, teasing tone.
“I always stay up.” He lifted your chin with his finger planting a soft kiss on your lips.
“Sure you do.” You smiled hitting his chest.
The two of you spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, you tried not to let earlier’s events bother you, tried not to outwardly express the disgust and discomfort you were feeling on the inside in order to not worry your husband but your mind couldn’t help but drift back to everything every once in a while.
You knew one thing for certain, he was gonna lose his mind when he found out.
The next day
Turns out you were correct.
The day started off fine, you managed to get Bobby to steer clear of the firehouse until it was time for the party to start and it’s safe to say he was pleasantly surprised.
“Are we there yet?” Bobby asked for what felt like the 1000th time during your ride to the firehouse.
“Almost baby, be patient.” You laughed at his antics.
Once you made it you ran to the other side of the car, unbuckling his seat belt and helping him out of his seat.
“Okay we just have to walk a few steps then you can remove the blindfold.” You grabbed his hand leading him to the entrance of the firehouse.
You smiled at everyone standing around, poppers in their hands and looks of excitement on their faces.
“Okay baby, take it off.” You squeezed his hand.
He removed his blindfold and everyone shouted surprise in unison.
His smile was so big you swore his jaws were gonna be sore by the end of the day.
“You organized all this for me?” He asked a little while later once everyone was settled.
“Of course, anything for you Mr. Nash.” You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Well thank you Mrs. Nash, i really do appreciate it.” He placed his hands on your thick waist, pecking your lips.
“Alright love birds it’s time to cut the cake.” Chimney called out.
The two of you walked over to the table but you stopped in your tracks upon seeing the man from last night.
“Y/n what’s wrong?” Hen shot a worried glance your way.
“Nothing, nothing, i’m fine.” You shook your head, forcing a smile.
“You’re not.” Bobby pulled you to the side.
“What’s the matter?” He grabbed your hands, searching your face.
Your eyes darted over to the man from last night to find him already looking at you, a smug smirk on his face.
“I knew something was off with you last night, does he have something to do with it?” Bobby glanced at the man then back at you.
“Bobby please, i don’t want to do this here, not on your birthday.” You held his hands tighter.
“Did he do something to you? Did he put his hands on you?” He looked into your eyes, voice dropping dangerously low.
Your gaze lowered to your feet and he immediately had the answer to his question.
He let go of you, marching toward the man.
“Baby wait!” You tried to catch him but it was too late.
A nasty crunch sounded through the air as his fist collided with the man’s face and once he fell Bobby got on top of him, repeatedly punching him.
“Bobby stop!” You rushed over trying to pull him back.
Buck wasn’t far behind grabbing your husband’s arms and lifting him off the man.
“What the hell is going on?” Hen asked rushing up the stairs.
“Bobby started wailing on jones out of nowhere.” Someone spoke up.
“It wasn’t out of nowhere, he put his hands on my wife!” Bobby tried to shake out of Buck’s hold, going to finish what he started.
“What?!” Buck clenched his jaw.
Everyone looked at you.
You nodded your head, confirming.
Buck and Eddie wasted no time scooping the man up, dragging him down the stairs and tossing him to another firefighter to clean him up and get him the hell out of there.
Someone quickly grabbed a mop, cleaning up the trail of blood he left behind.
“You okay?” Bobby grabbed the sides of your face, a worried look lacing his features.
“Me? I should be asking you that.” You forced him into one of the kitchen chairs, grabbing the first aid kit and beginning to patch him up.
“Why didn’t you tell me from the start?” He held your wrists for a moment, stopping you.
“Because today is your birthday, i didn’t want you worrying about me, i wanted you to have fun.” You confessed.
“Baby i could care less about my birthday, what i care about is your saftey and wellbeing above all else.” He pulled you into his lap.
“I’m sorry.” You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Don’t be, just tell me next time, i don’t care what day it is, what time it is or what i’m doing.” He rubbed your back comfortingly.
“I will.” You nodded, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
A/N: Bobby “Keep your fucking hands off my wife” Nash ladies and gents!!! Peter Krause is soooooo fine i had to write another Bobby fic. 🌻
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ageless-soul-au · 20 days
If someone was to start getting into asau, which order would you recommend? (Asking for a friend) (Definitely not for me) (Not at all) (Nope) (Nu uh)
I recently reordered the ao3 series, so it should be accurate now! Counterpart, Confidential, and Altars are the only ones you need to read for the main au (in that order) (and even then you could probably skip Counterpart but it's a short read so it's up to you. The series doesn't really start until Con). If you want to read the nsfw (P&C), some of it relies on plot things and some of it doesn't. It's different per chapter since Peaches & Cream is a catch-all.
If you wanna read the spinoff stuff, we have a separate au series for that! It's also linked in the pinned post. Faction is its own thing which receives semi regular updates, and the Lifeblood series is also separate (porn with plot, solely written by me). I need to go back and edit the fic Lifeblood since I wrote that first and then wrote the prequel. I'm kind of working on the third installment but it's slow going.
We're actively updating Altars and Faction, with an Altars chapter lined up for tomorrow (Sunday, Sept 1). Reading the main series is not required to read the spinoffs, though the characterization slightly differs between mainline, Faction, and Lifeblood.
A Condensed Guide to ASAU Fics:
Do you want to read slowburn romance that takes 30+ chapters to resolve? Confidential. Legend and Warriors spend that fic picking up (almost) every hero and having several miscommunications while learning about each other and falling in love. They deal with ✨traumaaaa✨ (and sexuality and gender) with kind of a B plot of the Quest Setup.
In The Stolen Altars, it picks up right where Con left off. With pretty much everyone assembled, it's time to get started on The Quest finally... After almost 300k words... They encounter dungeons and monsters and talk to deities, all while being toyed with by the main antagonist! A few more heroes join the cast! Be forewarned that this fic includes temporary death of major characters. It's tied in with the plot, you'll understand when you get there. This fic has surpassed Con's word count and we still have two more eras to go. It will be followed by a sequel. The main fics will maybe turn out to be a trilogy?????? But if it stretched to a 4th fic I wouldn't be surprised. The timeline on this is years lmao, I can't predict how wordy we'll get.
Faction is a political drama dealing with international relations and war, with a side of romance. It's got all the characters you know and love, but some slightly to the left! General fantasy setting with a bit of Zelda lore mixed in. It'll most likely be completed in one fic! WAOW!!!
The Lifeblood series is vampires and smut. What else do you need to hear? (Real talk tho, The Copper Kettle is higher quality/more cohesive in theme than Lifeblood the fic, gimme a little bit to fix the inconsistencies hxhdbsbsn)
Hope this helps! Happy reading! And don't forget to COMMENT!!!!! (probably with some context bc in some cases it's been years since we wrote this hxhxhsjs)
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Overall Assessment of Season 6
I’ve completed 15 detailed “Constructive Criticisms” posts regarding season 6 and I wanted to wrap everything up with an overall assessment for the entire season.
Even though 17% of the season’s 18 episodes were ok, overall, the majority of it wasn’t anything to be excited about especially since 9-1-1’s had some awesome seasons in the past (season 3 was the best). There were three good episodes but the rest could have been sent in an email or yeeted to the sun.
6x3 “The Devil You Know” had great cinematography and the acting from the main and recurring characters along with the guest stars was superb but in my opinion the storyline should have been included in a different franchise.  Mainly because it was so dark and heavy that it seemed like it would have been a better fit for “Law & Order: SVU” especially since Tonya Kingston was a special victim.  One thing 9-1-1 did EXCEPTIONALLY WELL BEFORE SEASON 5 was balance the lighter storylines with the heavier ones but for the past two seasons they haven’t done a great job of it.  Season 5 was heavy enough with Maddie’s PPD and Eddie’s PTSD storylines, therefore the third episode of season 6 shouldn’t have been that heavy and dark.  On a positive note, it was part of Athena’s origin story regarding why she became a cop and it properly closed out her storyline even though it started back in season 2.
6x6 “Tomorrow” was good but someone didn’t fact check a lot of the details for it and they didn’t ensure the continuity was there.  At the end of 6x5, the promo for 6x6 included Karen calling 9-1-1 but that scene was NOT INCLUDED in the episode.  Also, in CANON it was never mentioned that Chimney orchestrated Hen and Karen’s blind date.  Finally, the closeout of Hen’s medical school storyline wasn’t fact checked either since in 2x6 she said the reason she became a paramedic was because she got shot when she was 16 and the paramedics who came to help took care of her.  Then in 3x9, she told Karen the woman they saw at the spa, Stacy Mullins, was the reason why she became a paramedic.  So which one was it or was it both?  The audience will never know especially since she didn’t mention either option at the end of 6x6 during her explanation to Karen regarding why she decided to drop out of medical school.
6x13 “Mixed Feelings” was my favorite episode overall because it included A LOT OF BUCK & EDDIE, BUCK & CHRIS AND THE BUCKLEY-DIAZ FAMILY.  FULL STOP!  Their relationship was missing for 99% of 6A; therefore to see Buck and Eddie side by side along with the Buckley-Diazes spending time together again like they did in 6x1, it was absolute PERFECTION.  I’ve already explained in post “#15 – Buddie” how Buck and Eddie’s relationship is the main reason why I watch the show so I won’t elaborate.
All the other episodes didn’t meet the expectations that 9-1-1 established during previous seasons.
6x10 “In a Flash” could have been one of the best episodes of the season but IT WASN’T because the Buckley parents’ and Sang Han’s presences ruined it.  It was supposed to be about Buck being struck by lightning (which was shoved into the last 5 minutes of the episode) but they spent the first 40 minutes showing more of his parents, Chimney’s dad and Albert’s mother than they did showing the 118, Athena, May and Chris.  Also they SPOILED the majority of Buck’s injury a month before it aired with all the stills and promos they released.
Overall, my biggest criticism about the season is the show didn’t commit to anything.  Everything seemed like it was a false start which is kind of sad since they "thought" (I still don’t believe they thought it was the last one) or wanted the audience to believe it was going to be their final season.  My false start metaphor can be compared with a “false start” in a track meet.  When runners are on their marks and one of them starts before the starter pistol is fired, everyone must go back to the beginning.  That’s how I feel about season 6 because every main character was sent back to the beginning instead of showing how far they’ve come.  No one, not any individual character or their ships were shown to have moved forward.  The finale was a rushed mess and none of it made any narrative sense.
Basically, it appears there was no real purpose for season 6 and if there was one, it got lost in translation since things were discombobulated and all over the place.  Storylines were unequally distributed, recurring characters’ arcs were rewritten to make them likeable and the metaphors just kind of fell apart in the end.  If there really was a purpose, what was it?  The items below are overall assessments for the nine main characters.
Athena needed more storylines than what was provided in 6x3
Bobby’s AA sponsor storyline was atrocious and shouldn’t have been included
Buck’s gazillion storylines should have ended better
Chris deserves his own storylines.  He’s a main character but he never gets his own storylines even though Denny (bio dad) and Jee-Yun (Maddie’s engagement ring) had individual storylines this season
Eddie NEEDED MORE STORYLINES!  (I’ll keep screaming it because EDDIE DESERVES BETTER!)
Hen’s, Chimney’s and Buck’s quest for interim captain should have been handled better
Hen’s medical school storyline should have ended better
Maddie and Chimney deserved a better plot for their proposal storyline than that raggedy IRS Income Tax mess
May had one main storyline for the whole season but after that, she was barely there
After 6x18 aired, it seemed like someone had an idea about where they wanted the season to go but they didn’t know how to execute it in a way that would make the audience want to return after the HIATUS.  Additionally, a lot of time was spent copying storylines from other shows and it appears they didn’t think anyone would notice but it’s apparent from the comments that were left on social media sites, some viewers who watch similar series did notice and they were vocal about it.
In the past, 9-1-1 was unique but somewhere along the way they lost the thing that made them special.  In the wastelands of network TV, it was refreshing to watch a show that included everything instead of having separate shows for the police, firefighters and dispatchers like other franchises.
When the season ended, I asked myself the same question I asked after 15 of the 18 episodes aired; “Is that it?”  Maybe my expectations were too high but I don’t believe they were since I still watch episodes from seasons 2-4 (3x2 - 3x3 – the Tsunami were fantastic and 4x13 - 4x14; Eddie being shot still haunts me but I love Eddie so I'll watch all the episodes where he gets the screen time he deserves).
Was season 6 supposed to be their legacy? If so, then it was filled with a bunch of raggedy storylines that focused primarily on Buck while ignoring the rest of the main characters.  It was like they didn’t want to commit to anything risky or something that would have cemented the show as a groundbreaking TV series that would have audiences talking about it for the next decade or maybe even longer.
This is my overall assessment of season 6 and whenever the show returns, hopefully it will have returned to being uniquely 9-1-1 instead of some knock off version of the other 3 or 4 firefighting shows out there in the already oversaturated market of emergency television shows on network TV.
I’ve included links to all the “Constructive Criticisms” posts below along with their topics.
#1 - Lack of and/or inconsistencies with interviews, promos, stills, trailers, etc.
#2 - Recurring Characters OVERSHADOWED Main Characters
#3 - Undeserved and Unearned Parent Redemptions
#4 - Unequal Distribution of Storylines
#5 - Continuity Errors and Forced Narratives
#6 - Season Six or Season of Sex
#7 - Stereotypes in Season 6
#8 - Lack of Professional Development and Growth
#9 - The use of Metaphors, Themes and Theories
#10 - Bathena
#11 - Henren
#12 - Madney
#13 - Evan “Buck” Buckley
#14 - Edmundo “Eddie” Diaz
#15 - Buddie
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thaliaisalesbian · 7 months
i get myself twisted in threads
Chapter 20: when you see it's me
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21
Nancy’s stuck in her head at lunch, but Jonathan knows he is, too. His grades have never been the highest—his average is probably a B, honestly—but with everything going on he’s let them slip a little more. He’s been pulled aside by both of his teachers today so far.
He needs to pick up his grades again, or he might not get a scholarship like he needs to in order to go to NYU for photography.
He doesn’t try too hard to draw Nancy into conversation; he managed to get a couple of extra credit assignments, and he’s going to be doing make-up points on a test tomorrow. He can get his grades back up, and then when he’s going into exams he won’t have to worry as much about getting an A in order to keep his Bs in his classes.
If he wants As, he’ll have to try a little harder.
He hadn’t realized that all the time he’s been spending with Steve had been affecting his schoolwork this way. Given how much time Steve has been spending on his own schoolwork, he probably should be doing better.
“What time did you want to leave today?” Nancy asks, as they’re walking out.
“I’ll be in the dark room,” He says. He hadn’t had a set time in mind. “Just whenever you’re done, I guess.”
“Okay. I’ll try not to take too long.”
She walks away, like she’s got a plan in her head; at least more of one than she’d had this morning.
It’s then that Jonathan realizes he hadn’t even asked her how her test went.
finish on ao3 or under the cut
He’s got a lot of film that he needs to work on, with all of the pictures from the other Saturday, and a few that he’s taken for his portfolio.
It doesn’t help that he hasn’t been in the dark room… probably since before Steve went missing. He hadn’t had any pictures to develop and look at like he had when Will had gone missing.
He’ll have to remember which ones he needs to make multiple copies of, too.
It’s nice to fall back into the easy rhythm of processing the negatives; he’s practiced enough at it that he can almost zone out as he works.
By the time Nancy knocks on the door, he’s got a couple rolls of film hung up to dry. Since he booked the room for the night, no one’s going to disturb them, so he leaves them up. He’ll get them in the morning before he goes to class.
“Your mom won’t mind me staying for dinner?”
“Never, you know that.” She’s got a little crease between her eyes. “Find anything?”
“A little. Our best bet is still probably talking to Steve, though.”
“Should we stop at the public library?” It’s a lot bigger than the one here, and it might have something else.
“No, by the time we get back to your house it’ll be dinner time anyway.”
Will and Mike are at the table when they walk in; that probably means that Steve is in his room.
“Mom called and said she’ll be home soon.” Will pauses the conversation to tell him. “And I already put dinner in the oven!”
“Good job, Will.”
“I was just following Steve’s directions. He’s in your room, he was out here but when Mike came over he left.”
“Thanks, Will.” Jonathan ruffles his hair, just to annoy him. Mike’s making a face at him, but that’s nothing new. He stopped being cool as soon as he started dating Nancy, apparently. 
He wonders what Mike would think if he knew that Nancy was dating both him and Steve now. He knows that Mike had had more than a few things to say about Steve at first. He’s cooled off now, which is probably for the best.
Steve’s got some of his work spread out on Jonathan’s bed; he doesn’t look up when they come in.
“Hey,” Mom probably won’t say anything with Mike here, so he shuts the door. “Anything fun in there?”
“No. Is there ever?”
“Probably not.” Still, Steve’s gotten almost all the way through his make-up work. Jonathan would have taken the year off, but he knows that Steve doesn’t want to hear it again. He just thinks it’s really impressive, how much work Steve has gotten done.
“I have bad news for you, Steve.” Nancy sets her bag down and pulls a folder out. “They gave me more work for you today.”
“I’m not even done with everything they gave me last time!”
“You’re pretty close, though.” Jonathan sits next to Steve, careful not to disrupt his papers.
“You want to talk about last night.” Steve guesses, before either of them says anything. “I don’t know why it happens, it doesn’t happen a lot, and I can’t control it. I wasn’t ignoring you, Jon, I wouldn’t do that on purpose. I just… couldn’t talk.”
“I looked a few things up.” Nancy launches into what Jonathan’s sure is going to be a long description, filled with psychological terms, more clinical than personal.
It’s what she tends to do, when she’s worried or scared. He doesn’t know how to talk to her about it.
“Nance,” Steve stops her after a few minutes. “Thanks for looking that up, but it’s all going way over my head.”
“Steve, I’m trying to find an explanation!”
“I know you are.” Steve soothes, and Jonathan doesn’t think he’s seen this particular side of Steve and Nancy before. “It’s nice that you want to help.”
“I can help! We can figure it out and we can stop it, or make it easier for you. We can have a plan for what we’re going to do when it happens again, a signal or something.” She looks like she’s about a second from stomping her foot on the floor. If this weren’t supposed to be a serious discussion, Jonathan would laugh at her.
“And we can do that. But, Nancy, come on. We don’t need a reason why it happens, we don’t need a bunch of fancy words right now. We can have a plan without those.” Steve holds up a hand before either of them can say anything, taking a breath and letting it out slowly. “Besides, I’m pretty sure it’s just a trauma thing. It’s not, like, tied directly to anything happening, but sometimes everything’s just too much and I shut down.”
That… could be right. It’s the best explanation they have, at least. Or at least it’s part of it.
“You did this before the Upside Down, Steve.” Nancy accuses, like that really matters. “You can’t just brush it off like that!”
“I’m not brushing anything off. We can come up with a signal or something, for when it happens, but I don’t think you need to be looking into that much.”
“What if we can stop it? What it’s something we can fix?” Her voice cracks on the last word, and Jonathan looks between Nancy—arms crossed tight over her chest, fingers twitching, and tearing up because she’s so frustrated—and Steve—sitting straight up, very stiff and still, and with an eerie blankness in his face.
He feels like he’s just learned something, about both of them, but he can’t describe what it is.
“I’m not a project for you to fix, Nance.” Steve says softly, shaking his head, and there’s a little warmth in his voice, breaking the frozen image.
Inexplicably, Jonathan’s fingers itch for his camera.
Nancy visibly stops herself from saying something. “I just want you to be okay, Steve.”
“I know.” When Nancy sits on Steve’s other side, not as careful of his work as Jonathan was, Steve pulls her into his side and then reaches for Jonathan to do the same. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier, Jon. I didn’t think it would happen.”
“It’s okay.”
“How long do we have until Will and Mike come looking for us?” Steve leans in a little. “We could clear off the bed, and it’s not like your door is open…”
“Steve.” Jonathan says. “No, my mom is coming home soon.”
“Not even a little making out?”
“No.” Besides, Jonathan’s not sure why Steve wants to do anything right now; while he’s healing, they’ve been told very firmly by Owens, Irene, Mom, and Hopper (that one had made Jonathan want to crawl into a hole and never come out) that until Steve’s cleared for more vigorous activity, they can’t try anything.
“But it’ll be a good distraction!”
“From what?”
“We can be distracted from our homework and not be making out.” Nancy rolls her eyes, looking at him for backup.
Steve also looks at him, but he’s doing an exaggerated pout, and somehow it doesn’t even look all that funny on him.
Jonathan does want to kiss him now, actually.
“I don’t know, Nance, Steve might have a point.”
“Not you too!”
“But it’s fun, Nancy! Don’t you like kissing us?” Steve must poke her side from the way she jumps.
“That’s not the point! We have things we need to be doing, and talking about, and two little brothers just outside in the living room!”
“Your brother being in the house has never stopped you before, Nance, don’t pull that card. Holly being in the house hasn’t stopped you, at least Mike knocks thirty percent of the time.”
“Will knows how to knock, and you really think he’d let Mike come in without knocking?” Jonathan says, just to get a rise out of her. It works.
“If you don’t want to kiss, that’s okay.” Steve tells her, leaning a little more into Jonathan’s side. “Jonny and I can entertain ourselves.”
Nancy buries her face in her hands and mumbles something. Steve laughs, close enough now that Jonathan can feel his breath on his face. It’s just a light kiss, at first, but when Jonathan pushes a little harder, Steve follows his lead.
When he needs to breathe, he pulls back just a little; he can’t even really see much of Steve’s face.
“What was that, Nance?” He knows he sounds just a little breathless; it’s what he was going for.
“You’re going to kill me!” She says, looking up at the end of her sentence, right in time to see them kiss again.
Jonathan feels the bed shift as she moves, but he’s more focused on pressing Steve down into the pillows, carefully settling his weight over Steve’s hips.
They’ve just gotten comfortable with it—he doesn’t think he and Steve have actually kissed quite like this before—when Nancy steals a pillow and whacks him with it.
“I thought you wanted to do homework?” He asks, a tad too innocently. “What’s with the pillow, babe?”
“It’s my turn.” She’s got her arms crossed again, but’s a little looser than it was earlier.
“With who?”
“I don’t know! Both of you! Move, Jonathan.”
“If you don’t know, why does he have to move?” Steve gets hit this time. Jonathan would kiss him again, but Steve’s laughing too hard for it to work.
“Mom’s home! She says it’s time to eat!” Will calls through the door, and Nancy huffs.
“Do you think she’ll let us eat in here?”
“No, not when Steve and I look like this.” Jonathan says, and Nancy’s eyebrows draw in as she gives them both a once-over. Steve’s hair is more of a mess than usual; he hasn’t been styling it lately, but it’s noticeable, and Jonathan’s sure his is too.
“My turn, then. I mean it.” She kisses him first, and he lets her take the lead.
Before they’d started dating Steve, Jonathan had never gotten her wound up like this on purpose. Probably couldn’t, not in the same way, at least. But god is it fun.
She doesn’t shove him off of Steve, just lays down so she can grab his face and turn it towards her.
It’s probably a good thing that his mom knocks when she does. 
“Don’t make me open this door, I know you heard Will. You’ve got five minutes.” She says sternly, but underneath it she’s laughing a little.
Maybe they can get her to tell a story about her teenage years tonight. Jonathan doesn’t know much about what she was like at his age. 
“Coming, Joyce.” Nancy pulls away to answer. “Fix yourselves up, boys.” She says it like she’s not red in the face either, her lips a little swollen.
“Oh, shut up.” Jonathan tells her, if only because he can’t think of anything else to say. 
Jonathan climbs off of Steve, and he sits up a little too quickly if his wince is anything to go by.
“You good? Do you want your crutches?” Steve’s hardly been using them, even if he’s still supposed to. “Nah, I’m fine. Hey, how much footsie do you think we can get away with under the table?”
“Don’t even start, Steve.” Nancy warns.
“Well, yeah, we’re not at the table yet.”
“Steve. Jonathan, control our boyfriend.”
“I dunno, it sounds fun to me. Mom won’t care. Unless we kick her.”
“I am going to sit far away from you. I’ll sit next to Mike.” Nancy threatens, but Mike would probably kick her if she did that and she knows it.
“No, you won’t.” Given that she beats them to the table, she easily could have, but instead there’s a spot for Steve across from her and a spot for Jonathan next to her.
Will makes a face at him behind Mike’s back, and Mom gives him a look, but other than that, no one says anything.
The air around the kitchen table feels lighter than it has in a long time.
It almost feels like it did during the kids’ sleepovers, before the Upside Down stuff started.
Jonathan doesn’t know much about psychology, but something about it feels a little like healing.
<;- 19 21 ->
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kinetic-elaboration · 1 month
August 6: Half Day
I think I should get tomorrow off for pure out of it reasons. I'm calling in the stars aren't aligned.
I only worked a half-day in person, furthering my belief that half-days could be full days if we didn't have to be crushed under the heel of the ruling class because I accomplished plenty. Then bought an expensive sandwich and came home. I felt kind of out of it though... just drained I guess.
I sort of worked, ordered books... I really hate working from home in part because my personal laptop doesn't like doing things like running an ILS and the screen is the wrong size for all the stuff on it and it's just a pain. Anyway the power was out for 2 hours so it probably was for the best that we closed early.
I took a sort of nap/rest after, which I think long-term helped but was ...hard to pull myself back from. Did so valiantly but accomplished nothing. B came over at about 6 and we zoomed into our mini-reunion with R and L together. It went really well--exhausting in a way, and all sort of a blur now. It was nice to catch up with L in particular. I... forgot the pure fucking chaos that is R and L together. I would like to get the four of us together in one place physically and a part of me is like, sure that's possible adults can make plans--I've been burned before. I don't know.
Afterwards I actually had to eat. Stupid constraints of the body. Talked to @riotsquirrrl because I am a person with a packed social calendar.
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tokyogruel · 8 months
1 4 and 5 muu for ask thingy!
1. favorite song lyrics?
after pain:
"If I was gone, If I had just disappeared I overheard, I found out How much I’m not needed"
"I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe?"
"ごめんなさい」は届かないよ (いつか届くかな) 「ごめんなさい」は届かないよ (いつか届くかな) 「ごめんなさい」は届かないよ (いつか届くかな) 「ごめんなさい」は届かないよ"
"I don’t want tomorrow to come, I want to forget yesterday I was miserable, someone please help me"
"Let’s meet up inside the pain, a place just for me Postmortem makeup to hide my heart, how to solve it is a secret The stabbing of the little devil’s voice, counterattack being a suicide note"
its not my fault:
"I told you I’m queen, and it’s always the same God gave me everything, everything is as I wish"
"Sorry for hurting you, but I didn’t mean it I am doing this is just because of being bored"
"I told you I’m queen, and it will never be changed I’ve got EVERYTHING, everything is as I wish"
otome dissection:
"ドキドキしたいじゃんか誰だって 恥をしたい 痛いくらいが良いんだって知った"
"Without you, none of that matters Both of us with our masks on, we flirted"
"This disease, the whole package, I'll send it to you as an attachment I don't wanna go so far as to share all the things that cause me pain I just wanna run away from this love…"
"君が別の人のことを好きになるって夢を見たんだ 否定してほしい ねえ愛して?"
"乙女解剖であそぼうよ 涎をバケットの上に塗って 確かめよう 期待外れ最高潮だった あの夜から"
"言っちゃった もう一時だけ隣りに居たい"
"I’m sorry, come back Carbon dioxide, your atmospheric concentration"
"浸ってたいよ 泥沼の夢に 身勝手だって言われても��ロリ"
"It’s not uncertain, there’s no future I want to be reborn with your face"
"Even if you flip over the words “I hate you” There’s no “I love you” hidden there"
"I’m mad with idealism, imagining a smile My bloodshot wish will soon be relieved
But there’s no love anywhere that’s “just fine”
"だから妄想感傷代償連盟 愛を懐いて理想を���んだ 行き場のない愚者のメロディー 再挑戦・転生・テレポーテーション 何回だって 重ねて逝くんだ 終わりなき愛の隨に さあ"
"怒ってる? …怒ってない。 阿吽の呼吸でズレるビート"
"The topography I protected by hating love Is beginning to warp properly Isn’t it the worst? It’s like an interpersonal lotion We’ll hurt each other over and over A blended love philosophy"
fun fact: muu's songs are some of my favorites of all of the prisoners. i have listened to the MKDR instrumental more times than i can count
4. favorite minigram episode/moment?
hands down.
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5. favorite voice drama line/moment?
crying b:
"Muu No… No way. This is so messed-up. I… Even though I'm not the one in the wrong, they want to sentence me to penal servitude… That's so messed-up."
(hm,,, strong aversion to servitude, huh muu?)
"Muu Guard-san, what you're saying is pretty difficult to understand and I can't keep up. Say it in a way which'll be easier for me to grasp."
"Muu What should I do then? What should I do in order for you to forgive me, guard-san? I'll do anything! Um… Anything painful or embarrassing is out of the question though… And, I don't wanna do anything scary either…"
"Es Haruka's loyalty towards you is one thing, but with this kind of relationship, I think it's only natural to wonder if you're using him for something.
Muu Ehh… Guard-san, do you not have any friends?"
"Muu Wow, poor thing~... I'll teach you! Friends aren't like that, you know. Rather than using each other for something, we just get along because we're comfortable around each other. That's all."
(i really dont understand when people say muu and harukas relationship is toxic or unhealthy... muu explicitly states she is not using him, theyre friends, she gives him things with no expectation of getting gifts in return, and he listens to her. which i doubt she would point that out... unless other people dont listen to her when she talks)
"Muu … Guard-san, I think you're really doing something bad. Isn't it a bad thing to act like there has to be something wrong with someone for them to get bullied?"
"Muu Besides, even if I've done something wrong, there's nothing that could justify bullying someone. Guard-san, I thought you were a nicer person."
"Muu But if you were like, "I won't forgive you, Muu! Revenge is bad!", then wouldn't that imply that it's also bad for me to bully someone back after they bullied me? Since we've all done something bad anyway, doesn't that mean that I've not done anything wrong in the end?
Es …I think I'm kinda… starting to get your point… maybe…
Muu … Guard-san, are you maybe not that intelligent, after all…?"
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lokiforever · 1 year
New teachers at School 🏫❤️
A/N : Sorry guys I forgot to mention the reader and her best friend live together in an apartment
Chapter 2
Tom : For the first thing please call me Tom when we're alone and for another......
Knock Knock
Tom : Excuse me
Tom opens the door slightly
Tom :Hello mate, mornin' miss Carter
Jk: Hey!!
Y/B/F/N: Morning, Professor
Tom : What brings you here?
Mr Jungkook : I was going to the library so I thought you would like to join...
Tom : Oh, I'd love to...but I have to discuss the teaching assistant thing with miss Y/L/N
Tom opens the door further so you were now visible
Y/N : Hello, professor
Jk: Hello, Miss Y/L/N
Jk : She can also join, anyways miss Carter would also be joining us.
Tom : Oh, that's great. Let's go!
Jungkook : Mmhmm
In the library
Tom : So girls are you having any issues with any of the topics in History, English or Science?
Y/N : Thank you so much, Professor. But, no, everything is clear. All thanks to you both.
Y/B/F/N:Thank you, professor. Me neither...
Tom : Anytime!
The rest 1 hr passes by, discussing some Shakespeare and reading.
*After I hour *
Mr. Jk : Miss Carter?
Y/B/F/N : Yes, professor?
Jungkook : I think we should go now......we have to discuss tomorrow's timetable, remember?
Y/B/F/N: Oh, yeah... Right. Let's go.
Jk: I gotta go. Bye Hiddles
Tom : Ok, Bye Kook
They give each other a quick nod and a friendly /manly hug.
After a few minutes......
Tom : Uhhh..... Miss Y/L/N?
Y/N : Yes, Mr Hiddleston?
Tom : May we go to my office, if you'd be comfortable there? Otherwise it's fine, we can sit here ...
Y/N : No,no it's fine. We can go to your office.
Tom : Ok then, let's go
God, this man!!!!!! How can someone be so perfect? He is just amazing. Not to mention the fact that he resembles very much to Loki, your mcu crush and comfort character. 'He's your professor y/n for God's sake ' you thought.
In Mr Hiddleston's office
Tom : Miss Y/L/N, tell me about yourself cuz as we will be working together, we should know each other.
Y/N : Firstly please call me Y/N.
Tom : Mmhmm
Y/N : Uhhhhhh..... I like to draw, cook, I recently started writing. I hate it when people put fake allegations against me and my favorite color is not specific.......but I guess we can say black.
Tom : Really?! I'd love to see one of your works someday....
'No you wouldn't cuz they are about you only....and Loki I only write fan fictions!!' . It was only when your professor's soothing voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
Tom : Y/N??
Y/N : Y-Yeah, s-sure why not?
Two more hours pass by, discussing the syllabus and even talking about your and his interests.
*After two hours *
You yawn
Tom : I guess it's enough for today..... Would you like to go to the cafeteria for some tea, coffee or something to eat? It'll be on me.......maybe cuz it's your first day as my teaching assistant
Y/N : Tom you really don't have to -
Tom : Please, I insist!
Y/N : Ok, fine
*At the cafeteria*
Tom and you were standing at the counter.
Tom : Hello, I'd like an Earl gray, please.
Y/N : Hey.A cup of hot chocolate , thank you!
You both took your orders and headed to the tables and couch. There you met someone.....
Y/N : Hey, Mr Jungkook. Hi, Y/B/F/N.
Tom : Hi Kook, Miss Carter *nod*
Both of them greeted you back. They were sitting on the couch, talking, smiling and laughing.
Mr. Jungkook : Miss Carter was a little tired, so I thought a cup of coffee could help.
Tom : It indeed was a long day.
After finishing your drinks you all headed out and said your goodbyes. You and your best friend sat in your car and returned to your shared apartment.
In your apartment
Y/N : So, how was your day, my dear?!
Y/B/F/N: Couldn't be better!! How about yours?!
Y/N : Amazing!! Though I frequently had to remind myself that I can't fawn over my professor 😂😂😂
Y/B/F/N and you start laughing and talking about your days
********* TIME SKIP *********
'November ; time for the annual feast '
You and your best friend were getting ready for the annual feast. It was an amazing event ; dance, food, drinks and dresses.
Your dress 👇🏻
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You let your hairs down in waves and wore some plain black heels and a simple makeup ;neither too much nor too less. You were taking your car for going there but your bestie had to go to her mother after the feast, so she'd be taking a cab.
*At the feast *
Tom and Jungkook's jaw dropped after seeing you both and your by seeing Tom. Same was with your best friend except the fact that she was enchanted by Jungkook and you by Tom.
You were standing in the middle of the hall with a drink in your hand. A guy named David was constantly trying to make conversation with you. But oh lord, you could already sense the negative vibes from him. It was when Tom came to the rescue. God bless him!
Tom : Would you mind if I steal miss y/l/n for a minute, Mr. Richard?
David Richard : Of course not, professor. Take your time!
You followed Tom untill that David guy was no longer in veiw.
Tom : You look ravishing today, my dear!
You blush at the compliment
Y/N : You don't look any less either, Professor.
Tom extends his hand for you to take it. From the corner of your eyes you could see that your friend already found someone. You were really happy for her.
Tom : May I have this dance, my lady?
@holdmytesseract @dishahaldar @jennyggggrrr
Hope you like it! See you guys in the next chapter. Bye. Have a good night /day 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻💗💗💗💗
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batfamscreaming · 2 years
i've always kind of meant to fic rec more and even when sometimes I can post a fic i'm reading on here I always feel bad I don't do it more often. The ao3 share option always feels hard to read and you always wanna edit the summaries to expand on what you as a reader found compelling instead of what the author thought to put... anyway, tonight i finally mustered myself and ignored everything I usually do at night to spend (checks watch) 2.5 hours putting this list together and fighting tumblr formatting. They're in no particular order, and every single author you should check out their other fics; a lot of them have updated other things since I read these in my AO3 history. If you've never read fics for fandoms you're not in: this is the list to pic one from and just go. Crossovers may be posted in multiple sections, just in case. This is just a list of fics that, when I found them in my history I said, "I remember this one! It was so good!" and a lot of them are ones that, every time they show up in my inbox, I drop everything to read (or I stow them away for the upcoming three hours I desperately will need them). Because of that, a lot of them are fucked up, so check warnings once you get on the page. But like. I think they're fucked up in a delightful little way.
Also a lot of them are long. SUPER long. You all did this for free. Do you know how much I owe you for nightshifts alone, much less long trips and difficult, depressed days that I just had to get to tomorrow and a long fanfic gave me somewhere else to be?
Please give them some love.
∞:∞ ((to infinity and beyond)) - Divisionten
Post KH3, spoilers ahoy. He got off the pavement, wet, dirty and alone. They left the beach, ready to chase him down. She gripped her Keyblade, twisting it tight enough in her hands to leave marks. It was time to go home. ((Sora and Riku arrive in Shibuya after KH3 just in time to be mistaken for cosplayers. Extremely good Neku))
From the Top - garamonder
Miles let go. Peter B. Parker closed his eyes as he dropped back through the rift, heading home. It would have been nice if he’d ended up there. Instead, the veteran hero makes an unintended pit stop in another Peter's universe - one where he's an Avenger, of all things. (Takes place in the MCU, post-hypothetical-Avengers 4)
Weight the Dice - tuesday
Tony's aim was off the first few tries. It was an imprecise art, time travel by magic rather than science, for all that it could actually change things instead of branching the timeline. He wanted early enough he could still make a difference, but not so early he had to go through puberty again. ((the only fic on this list under 5k, youre welcome))
Less Wise and More Dangerous - DeepWatersWaiting
Fleeing the Balrog and Orcs in Moria, Legolas Greenleaf is shot down with an arrow. He dies upon the bridge, unaware of the fates of his Fellowship, and wakes up moments later with the intention of finding his mother, escaping the Halls of Mandos and re-joining the War of the Ring. This would be a lot easier if he was actually in the Halls of Mandos however, instead of at Losgar as the Noldor arrive in Beleriand from Valinor for the first time.  ((i don’t know who any of these people are besides legolas i’m just having a good time and think this one needs more eyes))
Legend of Zelda: One Link
Third Eye - StudioRat
In which we climb the dark tower into the dawn. ((Link wants a third option. Ocarina of Time climax.))
Navigator [Act One] - SaltySaph
A Ganondorf/Link Slowburn Adventure narrative, first of three Acts. It is not based on, or connected to, any of the games in the franchise; but instead a largely invented piece using the Zelda formula and tropes as a base. This is not an Enemies to Lovers piece, because even though they are enemies in the games? They never have any personal or direct enmity toward one another.
The Inevitable - Phlyarologist
A hero falls. A hero rises. Repeat as necessary. Ravio gets an unpleasant lesson in the cost of legends. ((the only good take on heroic deaths))
The Legend of Zelda: Ten Thousand Year Elegy - winklepickers
Months after Calamity Ganon's defeat at the hands of the Princess and the Master Sword's chosen hero, Hyrule is approaching something resembling peace. That is, until Link and Zelda go missing following a disastrous archaeological expedition. Meanwhile, in Domino City, Japan: a dimensional domain emulator belonging to one Kaiba Seto abruptly self-destructs, causing an explosion that catches Mutou Yuugi and his friends in the crossfire. Unexpected? Yes. Unforeseen? Maybe not.
Legend of Zelda: Multiple Links
Please Don't Come for Me - sister_dear
Hyrule gets chucked headfirst through a mysterious portal. He feels the magic of fairies nearby and transforms, intending to ask them for help. Unfortunately for him, Time also found the fountain, and he has something of an effect on fairies. A “Hyrule meets the chain” story where Hyrule encounters each of his new companions in fairy form first.
Language Barriers - Kastaborous
The group made their way over to the two Hylians, where the individual they had rushed to save was conversing with the newcomer. The newcomer was heavily scarred on his left side, and from the bow on his back, he was the archer who had brought down many of the monsters. “Hello,” Time said, as he nodded to them. “Could you point us toward Castle Town?” The scarred man blinked. “Nanda?” … The Heroes of Courage are spread across ages. Hundreds to thousands of years between them. It should come as no surprise that they are having some trouble communicating. But when they’re dropped in a world of alien technology and a language wholly unfamiliar, they really wish Hylia had thought ahead. Or, the gang-meets-wild fic in which there is an appropriate amount of linguistic drift between Links, Hylia does not provide Google Translate, and Wild is a linguaphile among other things.
To Isolate - Poltea, sky_squido
Sky has only just figured out that Ganon is the manifestation of Demise's curse when he starts noticing... something working its way up the chain. Nobody is okay, Sky least of all, but he’s determined to figure out what’s going on or die trying. He has no idea what he’s getting himself into. This is a story of pain, fear, loss, and somehow, despite it all, courage.
Yu Gi Oh
((Basically All Crossovers & Literally The Best Section Of This Whole List u just gotta trust me))
The Power Of Friendship (And This Gun I Found!) - GallusRostromegalus
Honestly, Mokuba deserves to have a gun. And everyone else deserves to go absolutely Off The Fucking Rails. YuGiOh, but they're all appropriately feral little gremlins. Kind of a Reconciliation of the 4Kids Dub and the Horror-Comedy Manga, but mostly me wildly overthinking the setting and deciding to lean into the weirdness.
Shed Some of This Black Light to Surrounding Towns - arinrowan
What Yuugi wants is simple. He wants Izuku to get into Yuuei with him. He wants the rocket engines designed for KaibaCorp to work. He wants to launch his emotions about his father’s family into hyperbolic orbit. Unfortunately, Yuugi and his friends find themselves in the middle of a plot to manipulate the course of history that leaves him struggling to answer two very not simple questions. What does it cost to build the future? And who decides who pays?
The Legend of Zelda: Ten Thousand Year Elegy - winklepickers
Months after Calamity Ganon's defeat at the hands of the Princess and the Master Sword's chosen hero, Hyrule is approaching something resembling peace. That is, until Link and Zelda go missing following a disastrous archaeological expedition. Meanwhile, in Domino City, Japan: a dimensional domain emulator belonging to one Kaiba Seto abruptly self-destructs, causing an explosion that catches Mutou Yuugi and his friends in the crossfire. Unexpected? Yes. Unforeseen? Maybe not.
While Mighty Oaks Do Fall - WitchofEndor
High Sage Kenji blesses Fire Prince Zuko with the resilience of the reed, who bends in the wind and never breaks. When he is done, Fire Prince Ozai narrows his eyes, seemingly displeased by this blessing. But Kenji does not speak for himself; he is only a vessel.  The newly-crowned Fire Lord Ozai offers his firstborn son to service in the temple. This turns out to be a catastrophic mistake.
Boomerangs and Rainbows - mindbending
At Sokka’s behest, the Gaang skips rescuing Zuko during the Siege at the North Pole. Instead they leave him, unconscious, buried in the snow. In completely unrelated news, Sokka’s haunted by a ghost now.
Mountains and Badgermolehills - Glass_Onion
After the Blue Spirit frees the Avatar from the Pohuai Stronghold, Admiral Zhao captures Prince Zuko under suspicion of treason. Isolated from his Uncle and his crew, Zuko has only one ally: the chatty prisoner one cell over.
You Ever Sabotage A Wedding? No?...Would You Like To? - All_five_pieces_of_Exodia
Izuku gets invited to Kacchan's wedding as the "Worst man". He thinks it's a joke. Or My story based off a post I saw on Tumblr: > Hot wedding idea, the worst man, it's his duty to try to prevent the wedding at all costs. > The best man and worst man engage in Spy Vs Spy shenanigans until the wedding is done.
That time I got reincarnated as a doomed side character - Gentrychild
Izuku wakes up in the recent light novel he read called “ My Hero Academia.” Unfortunately, he’s in the body of Midoriya Izuku, a minor character killed off early in the manga to motivate the main character Katsuki Bakugo on his Hero’s Journey. Izuku decides he’s going to do whatever it takes to stay alive in this stupidly deadly Isekai. Unfortunately, Izuku isn't aware that in the last novel of the series where the minor character who died is revealed as the main villain’s son All for One has relived his son’s death multiple times, unable to change the outcomes. But something has changed this time.
Locked In Digital - RogueDruid (Icarius51)
A day goes bad to worse for 14 year old Izuku Midoriya, as he wakes up trapped in a computer simulation with nine different Horror games. The only objective given by the madman who locked him in? Beat all nine games, or be deleted. A year later, a very different Izuku shows up at the Gates of UA to take the entrance exam What horrors has he faced?
Ill-Gotten Gains - ghostmaybite
When his father and Tomura start planning the USJ attack, Izuku makes a plan of his own. It’s simple, only four steps: 1. Steal Eraserhead’s quirk 2. Use it to kill All for One 3. Give Erasure back, hopefully 4. Go to jail, probably He’s prepared for the plan to fail at any time, but surprisingly, it’s not until step 4 that things fall through.
Shed Some of This Black Light to Surrounding Towns - arinrowan
What Yuugi wants is simple. He wants Izuku to get into Yuuei with him. He wants the rocket engines designed for KaibaCorp to work. He wants to launch his emotions about his father’s family into hyperbolic orbit. Unfortunately, Yuugi and his friends find themselves in the middle of a plot to manipulate the course of history that leaves him struggling to answer two very not simple questions. What does it cost to build the future? And who decides who pays?
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burakkuhardt-wrsf · 5 months
(Character interaction, for personal notes)
The first time Reuben sees Corey, it's from the windows of the coffee shop. Reuben is working his typical shift, a job of choice and not necessity, wiping counters. But when he looks up and catches a glimpse of an anxious figure outside the glass doors, he pauses. Corey is pacing back and forth quickly, though he unsteadily wobbles over from time to time from the motion, body no longer able to make quick movements without dizzy nausea.
Reuben watches him from the corner of his eye as he gets back to work- concerned, but not all too surprised. It wasn't exactly uncommon to see students pacing anxiously around here, being so close to the study hall- although typically it's around exam time, and not on a random weekend.
For four days, Corey is back at around the same time every day, pacing and stumbling and biting at his nails. Never trying to come inside. He makes a few close attempts, even grabbing the door handle once, before quickly changing his mind and retreating. Reuben becomes increasingly concerned each day, wondering if he should call someone to help the kid.
The next day, Corey finally makes the step to come inside. He doesn't pace or build up his courage, he immediately walks straight to the door and flings it open; he looks strung up, in a tight ball of stress, as he walks. Reuben looks up from the counter and smiles, relived the kid finally found some form of courage. But as soon as he goes to give a greeting- as soon as their eyes meet- Corey is retreating once again, practically running out the door and hitting the ends of multiple tables painfully in his hurry
Reuben thinks that will probably be the end of it, that the kid will find a different place or unfortunately just stop trying. But, surprisingly, he's back the next day. Corey doesn't pace, he simply opens the door, this time with his head down. He makes his way carefully over to the counter, avoiding eye contact, and waits for his time to speak
Reuben: Welcome in, what can I get for you hun?
Reuben says calmly, voice low and avoiding direct eye contact as to not scare the boy away
Corey takes a steadying breath and goes through his order one more time in his head before speaking. It was purposely simple, quick and easy for his first ever attempt ordering something away from the island
Corey: Sm-small co-cofee pl-please
Reuben: Alright
Reuben gives him a small smile, admiring the effort he seemed to be putting into this
Reuben: Can I get a name for the order?
Panic washes over Corey as his script dies. He didn't know they would ask that- he didn't know how this was supposed to work. Was he supposed to just stand here? But they wouldn't need his name for that. Was he supposed to leave? Would they call him? Was he supposed to sit at the booth to wait or was that for food? He can't order food from a public place he can't-
Corey breathes in sharply, trying to cool the panic, before quickly turning around and retreating. He's almost to the door when he stops, heart racing
Corey: I'm s-sor-sorry
Corey says with his back to the barista
Corey: I'll be beh-b-back tomorrow!
He quickly makes his retreat, Reuben left staring at empty doors. But, he'll be back tomorrow. And that still feels like progress.
The next day, Corey is back as expected. He seems calmer this time, silently making his way inside and sitting at a booth instead of heading to the counter. Reuben smiles, grabbing a menu just in case and carefully walking over
Reuben: Welcome in, what can I get for you?
Corey looks up to the barista, 'Reuben' his name tag states
Corey: Sm-small diner coffee. Please.
He sounds a bit more sure this time, the order is still clearly rehearsed, but there's more of a sureness to it- like he had asked someone to make sure it was the right thing to say. Which, considering the slight change in order and behavior, Reuben thinks he must have. Ordering at the front for coffee to go, or for the study hall- ordering at the table for sit-in dining and diner coffee
Reuben: Sure thing- I'll leave this here in case you need it
Reuben slides the menu on the table, slightly off to the side so it wouldn't feel like a command
He brings the coffee over, plated with a napkin and metal spoon, and sits it carefully in front of the now-customer
Reuben: If you need any fixin's, help yourself to the cart behind you
Reuben gestures to the coffee cart of creamers and sugars that rests against the counter, tucked in between the wall and the booth Corey was sitting in
Corey: ....thank you
Reuben smiles softly
Reuben: If you need anything, just wave me down. I'll be around.
He looks nervous, like he wants to say something, so Reuben waits a moment
Corey: Uhm. My...my name is Corey. I kn-know Bohan? A bit? He sa-said...he said you kn-know each-ch-chother and tha-a-at this wou-would be a good place to c-come for my sp-speech home-m- work.
Reubens face lights up
Reuben: Oh! Yes of course, Bohan is a big regular here- isn't he just the sweetest thing?
Corey makes a noise somewhere between a snort and a scoff, clearly knowing something Reuben didn't
Corey: uuuuh s-sure haha
He looks down, playing with the napkin in front of him
Corey: But I just wa-a-anted to say thank you, you were re-eally nice and p-p-patient with me even when I was be-eing weird.
Reuben laughs, lighthearted
Reuben: Well you're just a sweet thing too, aren't you? You're always welcome here when I'm around, no worries. Weird and all.
He starts making his way back to the counter, but looks at Corey one last time
Reuben: And tell Bohan he better get his butt back in here soon!
((Alternate version))
The next day, Corey finally makes the step to come inside. He doesn't pace or build up his courage, he immediately walks straight to the door and flings it open; he looks strung up, in a tight ball of stress, as he walks. Reuben looks up from the counter and smiles, relived the kid finally found some form of courage. But as soon as he goes to give a greeting- as soon as their eyes meet- Corey is retreating once again, practically running out the door and hitting the ends of multiple tables painfully in his hurry
But before he can make it completely out the building, he runs face first into Bohan, that music guy who was helping the tech lab carry in boxes. Corey tries to regain balance, wobbling back and forth unsteadily and head beginning to spasm from the impact.
Bohan: Woah man, are you ok? Where's the fire??
Corey: N-n- c-c ih-
Corey breathes in sharply, words not coming out right. He carefully makes his way over to the wall and slides down, holding his head so it stops shaking. Bohan joins him, cautiously sitting on the floor across from Corey and blocking the view of onlookers.
Bohan: ...should I be calling someone? Do you need a doctor?
Corey slowly shakes his head, still holding it firmly. He breathes in again, more slow and deliberate this time. After a few minutes of tense silence, the shaking stops. He carefully lifts his head to look at Bohan, who is patiently waiting with a surprisingly soft expression.
Corey: I'm s-s-orr-sorry. I'm f-fine-ne-now.
Bohan: Alright...
Corey goes to stand and Bohan gives him a hand up; it was a surprisingly easy gesture, as if this was a simple routine of friends and not almost-strangers.
Bohan: Was there...uhm- something you were running from? Am I gonna see big burly guys comically running through the halls after you?
Corey: Do you w-want to see b-big b-burly me-men?
Bohan scoffs, surprised, and smirks at the other.
Bohan: Well not if they're gonna pummel you.
Corey smiles back at him, a bit awkwardly. If Skylar was here, he could keep this conversation going. If Skylar was here, he'd make dirty jokes and distract the cute helpful concerned citizen so he didn't ask anymore questions. If Skylar was here....Corey would be standing off to the side. In the background. Not a part of the world. If Skylar was here- Corey wouldn't be making a connection with someone.
Corey: Ac-actually I was tr-try-ying to g-go to the caf-fé, but I chick-ck-ckened out.
Bohan glances to the clock on the wall, then back to Corey.
Bohan: It couldn't be crowded, could it? It's usually pretty dead at this time.
Corey: Empt-ty actually....
Bohan: And...the usual barista is in, right?
Corey: I th-think so...d-d-do you have it me-memorized?
Bohan: I'm. Uhm.
Bohans face goes red, very clear on his pail freckled skin.
Bohan: ...a big fan of coffee?
Corey gives him a small, skeptical look
Bohan: and I know the barista. Kind of. A bit. He's really nice. Like, way too nice probably. He's like the nicest person you'll ever meet. Just, you know, really...uh...
Corey: ....nice?
Bohan: Yep!
Bohans face goes impossibly redder
Bohan: What I mean is- if you're anxious about ordering or whatever, don't be. He won't bite your head off or whatever.
Corey looks unsure, scratching at his nails and avoiding the others eyeline
Bohan: What if I went with you? I was on my way anyway...maybe having a friend around would help?
Corey looks up at "friend", surprised. He quickly reminds himself that people here use that word a lot more loosely than on the island. It doesn't mean anything.
Corey: ...I cou-could try. I guess.
Bohan beams at him and puts his arm around Corey's shoulders, leading them back over to the shops doors
Bohan: Then- we're off!
The door chimes and Reuben looks up to see Bohan, one of his regulars, with his arm around the anxious student from before. The two are talking amongst themselves animatedly (Bohan more so than his friend) and they look a lot more comfortable than before. The pair walk straight to the counter, the room basically empty with no line, and Bohan gives him a bright smile
Bohan: Heyyy Sammy! How's it been?
The anxious student looks at his name tag, confused, which has "Reuben" written in a clear font
Reuben: Quiet per usual- isn't it kind of nice? Everything's been on it's best behavior!
Bohan chuckles, taking his arm away from Corey to lean over the counter in a clear familiarity
Bohan: Even the foamer?
Reuben glares at the foam maker on the latté machine
Reuben: ....never the foamer.
He looks back, this time carefully glancing at Corey instead, trying not to startle him
Reuben: What can I get you two?
Bohan: Usual please~
He says with his head resting on his palm, staring almost dreamily at the barista. Corey suddenly understands why he's such a devoted regular
Reuben: ...and for you, love?
Corey takes a deep breath, willing his voice to work properly and hoping he doesn't embarrass himself
Corey: J-just a sm-small co-cofee pl-please.
Reuben gives him a small smile. The order was carefully spoken and very clearly rehearsed, but he felt a weird pride for the kid. His son was quite anxious too- not as much as this young man was, but enough to where he understood the struggle. He looks back to Bohan, who quickly changed his posture as if he wasn't staring
Reuben: Are you sitting in?
Bohan gives Corey a questioning look. Corey glances anxiously at the door, but steels himself; looking determined not to run away again
Corey: Yes pl-please.
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staarri-au · 7 months
previous part
contents: light cursing, your first name is KIWO—Y/N is a placeholder for your middle name or last, its your choice, gn!reader (so they/them prns)
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“My god, Furi. Is it this one?” I say through the call, picking up a random book with an identical title.
Anyone who knows me can already tell I don’t have the patience for this kind of thing. The smell of bookshops are nice—but actually spending hours in this place makes me a bit annoyed.
I mean, you should atleast have a way to get the book you want immediately, right?
“No, no no. This can’t do… Quick, check the fiction area! There still might be a copy in the stands.” Furina panics, I can already imagine her pacing around the hotel room.
“Fine, but this is the last one. If we still can’t find it then i’m sorry—we’ll go tomorrow, okay?”
“Alright, deal. But if its out of stock i’m blaming you.”
“Whatever,” I roll my eyes. I head over to the fiction section, phone still in hand.
“This one?” I flip the camera so she can see it, her voice immediately lights up.
“That! Exactly that one. Get it, I order you!” She squeals.
“Yeah, yeah I already am… Stop screaming, everyone can hear you!”
“Uh—excuse me please.” A voice says, right beside me.
“Oh, yeah sure. Sorry.” I back off immediately, going to the corner of the shelf.
Their hair is covering their face, purposely hiding their identity in a way. I don’t mean to be rude anyway. They steal glances from time to time, as if trying to make sure of something.
I realize that maybe what im wearing might be strange. All denim, ripped cloth, it’s not really their fashion here in Fontaine. Either way, its not that big of a deal. I get stares all the time.
“Thank you,” they whisper and I start to turn the other way. They reach for the fiction isle I was just in. “Have you seen any books on this table by any chance?”
They look at me. For a long time.
It makes me a little nervous.
“Um, yeah. You mean this right?” I show the book in-hand. Furina says something about not giving it away, but I dont listen and hang up the call immediately.
“Yeah. That one.” They say, looking back at the table and realizing there are no other copies left.
“Is this like a popular book or something? Everyone seems to be getting it.” I scan the book for any details why—I mean the cover isnt anything interesting at all. Just a fancy white and gold mask with feathers.
A chill R&B song plays in the shop’s speakers, filling the atmosphere with something playful.
“I mean a newspaper just recently covered it. This is just the collectors edition, so anyone who really liked the book or likes to collect would buy this.” They point at the book. “The unique thing about is that there are only a total of 500 prints. It makes that really rare.”
“So you must really want this, then?”
They nod once more.
“One of my favorite books of all time.”
“I see… Well you know my friend, Furi, she really wants this book and I—I didn’t know you needed this too.” I try to explain, “I mean im just assuming you want to buy it?”
“No, its okay. She can have it, I don’t mind.” They wave their arms, no.
“Are you sure? Like, really?” I stutter.
I could just give it to them, I mean Furina wouldn’t mind—we’ll find another copy elsewhere.
“I swear, it’s really okay.”
“Im just, gonna go pay for this then. See you around…” I wait for them to say their name.
“Oh—well my name is Kiwo, or Y/N. I don’t mind which one you use.”
“Okay. See you then, Kiwo.”
I thought about saying my name, but that might just cause a problem for my managers.
So we settle for Kiwo instead.
What a pretty name though, Y/N.
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foxys-fantasy-tales · 2 years
OC Kiss Week - Food (LyraXNoel)
This is late, but a surprise week long visit from mother-in-law and other factors have had me scrambling to do these. This one turned out really good though! Here's your first taste of some of the main characters in my book to be released in October, Made to Taste!
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The hustle of working in her kitchen was nothing new, but Lyra was having difficulty keeping up tonight. Her hands flew over dish after dish as she added her usual special touches, yet she continued to disappear after about every fifth one. Her scarlet heels were kicked off in favor of a pair of folded up flats she kept in an otherwise unused drawer in the crowded room. As she wiped some sweat off her brow, Noel tapped on her shoulder and passed a glass of ice water into her hand when she turned. 
“Oh, thanks,” Lyra mumbled. The drink was sublime and soothed all the way down her parched throat. The glass was held to her forehead. Condensation fell and blended in with her own perspiration. 
“You should take a break. You’ve been in here all night long. You know I got this by now.” 
“I do.” She smiled warmly and took another sip before she could speak. “You’ve proven yourself well over the last year. That’s why.” 
The mischievous allusion flew right over his head as Rosie jumped up into the serving window from the other side. Her sing-songy tone had dropped as usual around the end of shift, but she was just as light on her feet as ever. Lavender buns were coming a tad undone over her pointed ears. Lyra stood to go warn her, but her legs wobbled and leaned her back against the counter by force. 
“I got this one,” Noel said. 
“No, really. It’s fine.”
“Stay,” he insisted. 
She watched his ice blue hair disappear from the slit of a view to the dining room. The door stopped its sway and banged back into place over the most annoying loose board in her restaurant. She had to get back to it, so with a groan of effort Lyra raised herself back to full height and returned to work. 
With the workday winding down and only that last order on her to-do list, Lyra called an early close and sent Noel to the front with Rosie to keep him preoccupied with her gossip. Sheryl had to head out for her father’s sake, so she was left plenty of space to finish up dishes. However, Noel eventually noticed how the place began to carry a sweeter scent. Her hands stopped when she heard him mention it to Rosie, but she played it off as well as Lyra could have asked for. Having a best friend with so many sugar hungry fae siblings had a perk or two. She’d get some actual cookies by the dozen for it tomorrow, if she still had feeling in her wrists at least. 
The last ring of the front doorbell signaled their patron had left. Rosie waved farewell not long after as Lyra peeked through the serving window and yelled for her to have a good rest. That only left the two, her and Noel. Her ears burned as she tried to hide a cloche  with her back, but she was far too thin for that with how Noel’s eyes trailed straight to the silver glint. 
“What’s this?” 
Well, she was going to tell him anyway. Even if it wasn’t optimal now, no way to go but forward.
“It’s, uh, a gift for you.” 
“A gift? Feel like you barely let me do a thing tonight. What would I need a gift for?” He huffed and slumped into the stool by the sink. All black clothing swallowed him up like a void while he flipped a bit of shadow between his fingers. That pout was enough to crush her.
“I thought you deserved a bit of a break. After all, you’ve taken over multiple times over the last year when I’ve been ill.” 
“Ill?” He scoffed. “You mean hurt.” His eyes closed as the shadow grew in his palm, but then it closed and the lump dissipated into wisps, then nothing. 
“Yes, hurt,” she whispered. The topic was sensitive. Not a great place to go when she meant to be romantic. No, she put too much effort into making this a surprise. 
The cloche was removed to let the salty, savory scent of nacho cheese out into the room first, but the sweet undertones followed and wrinkled up his nose with confusion. Surprise, confusion, she’d take it. 
The chair leaned back and careened back onto all four legs as he jumped up with a thump. He shrugged up his shoulders, as if stalking the plate like a hunter. 
“You don’t need to be so tight,” Lyra said. 
“You made me…cheese fries?” He swiped one to try. Once the soft crunch of the crinkle cut potato gnashed between his teeth and spread gooey cheese and mined peppers and onions along his tongue, he hummed. “Tastes just like the first you made me.” 
“Right on the money.” Lyra beamed and held another soaked fry close to his lips. He licked the cheese off slowly while making direct eye contact, causing her to drop the fry to the floor with a heavy flush of her cheeks. 
“Why’d you go and hide this then?” He chuckled. 
“W-Well,” she rasped, “It’s been a year. A year to the day has gone by since I hired that beat up guy at my restaurant who couldn’t even hardly pay for some regular fries.” 
“And yet you made a supreme platter with the works out of them along with a whiskey sour and gave them free of charge, like a madwoman.” Noel crunched into another, salivating over the delicate mix of textures and spice. There was a burger sat onto the tray as well that drew his eye. Even for her, the composition looked too perfect. 
“I gave them because you needed it. This place has always been meant to be a haven for our kind, and you aren’t the only free meal I’ve given out. But, the point here is…” Lyra paused and ran her hands over one another. They were dry and cracked from the winter cold. Even when she fed regularly, winters were hard for her kin. 
Noel paused his feast to grab both her hands and shake his head. His piercing powder blue eye and constant void of the other stared through her own until she had to duck away in shame. 
“I thought you said you were getting blood from Jasper lately.” 
“I um… I did. Once, at least, I did. I got distracted here lately. It’s been so nice to be back at work again.” 
“Lyra.” His eyes narrowed. That simple namecall was enough to make her heart race, but he added more heat with his fingers tugging gently through the red waves of her matted hair. “You should have just asked me. You know you can feed from me anytime.” 
“I know! But, since your incident… You’ve been a touch averse to seeing your own blood. I wanted to give you time to heal.” 
“You think seeing you starve is gonna help?” 
“I’ve lasted without before,” she argued. 
He held her hands up to her face. The bits of flaking skin and the off color of her skin were beginning to really show. Lyra frowned. 
“Seeing you hurt is worse for me.” Noel’s voice went low, almost husky as a bit of shadow skirted his lips and slipped back between into his mouth. He groaned and bit to vanish it like the rest. Her back arched over the counter as he leaned her back nose to nose. The beating of her heart and his were all she could hear, the call of his blood to her as her own cried out. 
She was weak to it where once she’d been so resilient. Noel was to blame. Decades of abstinence from blood, yet her fangs suck into his freely exposed neck as the butterscotch flavor suffused her with the same energy as the real thing. The rush of adrenaline and nutrients made her body sag in relief. A bit too fast, as Noel failed to catch her and they both sank to the floor together. He’d grabbed a handful of his gift, as she heard him feeding as she did. A chuckle caught too deep in her throat to hear aloud, but the sucking and soft growls were just theirs. Their little secret. 
Noel rubbed at her back with his clean hand until she finished. He was weaker, more pallid, but his smile was free and light. He reached for a dish towel to clean off the bit of blood still running before it reached his shirt, then the cheese from his fingers, or what wasn’t licked off at least. Lyra was still in a rosy haze as he stood with some support from the counter. That burger looked damn good now. He licked his lips and Lyra looked up just in time to watch him take a big bite, but he noticed too late her eyes were wide with horror. 
What was expected to be a needed boost of protein invaded his mouth with clay texture followed by the soft give of cake, then more clay that was so sweet his tongue became a sticky, terrible mess as he tried to chew and not spit. 
“It’s a cake! I thought it would be cute to make a cake to celebrate and go with the fries! Oh dear…” Lyra clasped her hands over her mouth. His face said it all, but he managed to swallow. Suddenly, pealing laughter erupted from him so hard he had to hold his stomach. 
“Don’t make it look that goddamn good then! Putting a cake next to actual food? Lyra! That’s villainous!” 
“It was supposed to be cute! You didn’t give me a chance to warn you!”
The laughter went on for a full three minutes before it began to subside. Lyra had been helped to her feet and set on the stool to give time so her feeding could kick in. Noel went back to snacking on the fries as the cake burger lay untouched.
“Was it that bad?” Lyra asked. 
“I wouldn’t say bad, but unexpected. We can share it with the others tomorrow.”
Lyra nodded. She’d bask in the shame until then. Her ears were still burning as he tucked back some of her hair. 
“Hey,” he whispered close and warmed her by a few more degrees. 
His answer was a swift kiss, so soft and sudden she’d nearly mistaken his intention before he leaned in to make it known. Shadows at his back were the last she saw as her eyes shut, then their heated grasp wrapped around her as an embrace. Her arms were entangled, but even they couldn’t tell which was the hunter now. Her fangs still glistened with blood and leaked iron into their kiss. His void threatened to pull her into a bliss she wouldn’t wish to leave. 
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blametheeditor · 2 years
Jeremy Messed Up: Chapter 5
The Sequel To Mike Messed Up  
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Mike was just a night guard waiting to be killed by the end of the week. Now, he is the proud, and soon to be sole owner, of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Business is booming, animatronics are teeming with life, and Foxy is back in the spotlight after so many years. Even so, the dark past of Freddy's is slowly encroaching upon them. One with more ties than they could ever imagine.
Content Warnings: Mentions of death and murder, want to harm someone, cursing (lots of cursing), mentions of tracking someone down. Mentions of teasing about being in a relationship when not.
AAAAAAAnd we’re back! Again!
Mike only grins at the glare currently being aimed toward him by the world's most unintimidating kid, definitely not taking advantage on how terrified his guest is over the animatronics by opening the door and stop any denials. There's no scream of not letting their wonderful star of the restaurant into the office, so he'll call it a win. A silent terror making it clear there will be screaming if one of animatronics does come close is much better than one that makes him louder than Bonnie, sure. But nothing yet.
The only problem is, instead of handing over the first-aid kit and leaving them alone, Freddy holds Parts And Nervous' savior high above his head. And on the one day Mike actually wants to act like a responsible adult. "Yeah, I'm not jumping to try and reach that. Tomorrow will be a different story though."
"Michael," the bear murmurs. And even though he's pissed about the whole Henry thing, which he has not forgotten, the tone shuts him up. "Mind bringing me up to speed about your prisoner?"
Mike shrugs, avoiding the glassy blue eyes giving quite the disappointed look.
What? He's allowed to befriend a random kid who hid under his desk. Based on the list he's created in establishing someone's chill enough to keep around:
A. the kid hasn't tried to kill him.
B. he hasn't run saying the man's humor and nicknames aren't appreciated.
C. hasn't told him he's insane for saying to respect robots.
If anything, the bear should be happy he's making friends. Especially considering every time he's asked, it's always the same answer of 'who needs friends anyway?', in which the four stare at him with sorrowful expressions.
Which they shouldn't because it's not sad, it's practical.
"I haven't gotten the full story yet. Just that he got chased and needs his boo-boos fixed up."
Freddy raises an eyebrow. Mike flips him off.
The animatronic sighs long and hard as the first-aid is finally handed over, finally accepting the fact he's fighting a loosing battle. "Should I be concerned with your level of trust?"
"Hey, I trusted you even after Phone Guy said you'd kill me," the man points out.
Freddy goes quiet for a bit too long, Mike wincing at the realization he brought up that specific topic, maybe a little scared he's about to get lectured over airing dirty laundry like that without warning. The kind a murderous animatronic isn't proud of and never really wanted to bring up unless it was bothering him. Which it has, and the man's been the one listening to his worries, so he really shouldn't talk about it when he's been trusted with so many details.
A paw being set on his shoulder lets him know he hasn't fucked up this time, looking up from the floor he silently hoped wouldn't be his deathbed in order to meet the clearly hurt expression.
"I'll be here if you need me," is all Freddy says before walking halfway down the hall in the attempt to not make Cake Snatcher nervous.
Well wasn't he a massive asshole just now?
Mike rubs his face as he punches the door button again in the attempt to lock out the conversation entirely, suddenly not wanting to really deal with anything else today. They've got bandages for their impromptu refugee, but he can ask questions tomorrow. Or maybe not ever! Just get the poor guy home and pretend this never happened. Including Henry visiting.
"It-he r-really cares about you, huh?"
The restaurant owner glances over at the shaking hand ruffling the still mud-caked curls telling him the younger almost wishes he didn't say anything.
"He's a pain in my ass most days, though."
Parts and Nervous grins. "My mom is too."
Mike opens his mouth before closing it. Because those are one of the few things he has no idea how to respond to. "So, since you started the questioning train, what's your name? Unless you adore my brilliant nicknames."
"Oh yes. 'My boyfriend' is by far the greatest compliment I've ever received," Definitely His Boyfriend smirks. "I do prefer Jeremy, though."
"Well met, Jer. I bet you heard Fuckbear, but unless you're putting my ass in timeout, it's Mike."
"Naw, is Michael too formal?" Jeremy grins. The shorter leans forward in order to grab the first-aid kit from hands that haven't even opened it, pawing through the options himself before finding something useful.
Thank fuck because Mike wouldn't know how to start. And he shouldn't, cause that's Chica's favorite job. How rude would he be trying to take her place as head doctor.
He watches Not A Criminal wince as a bottle labeled 'anti-septic' is poured onto one of his knees before slapping a band-aid onto it. "You, uh, were having a fight with it-him?"
Mike huffs. "Honestly, I'm not pissed at Fuckbear. It's Mr. Perfect who wants to fuck up all my hard work."
"Mr. Perfect?" Jeremy snorts, grinning at the look stating what. The man was an absolute dick and therefore deserves a dicky nickname. "No wonder you looked like you'd kick the desk in two!"
"Keep laughing and I'll make time go backwards so this time I ignore your pleads for mercy."
"The guy was pretty handsome," Jeremy laughs.
Mike attempts to not show his smirk because he should be upset at the judgement currently being passed. Very unfair judgement. Just because the entire conversation was heard doesn't mean he knows all the details! "Well then who's your Mr. Perfect?"
Cookie Thief tenses up. At the worst moment too, dumping a lot more than what's needed on a long cut along his elbow. Grey eyes quickly look up, afraid, and not as comfortable as he's been letting on. "N-No one. What's, uh, what's up with the b-b-b-back room?"
"Nothing much," he shrugs easily, the kid breathing out in relief for not getting an interrogation out of passing on a question. Obviously he can relate to not enjoying thinking about the Henry in your life. He thought Mr. Fuck had been bad. "We've got a bit of a bad past around here. Nothing to worry about now, though."
Jeremy slowly looks up from finishing cleaning up the cuts he can see. There's a moment of him trying to find the right words to respond. Mike doesn't interrupt him with a big spill of why he shouldn't be worried, complete with details of what happened only a year ago to make that possible, or maybe even yelling the wonderful phrase 'Gotchya!' and explain his new best friend should maybe be a little worried.
Not when the kid opens his mouth to say-
"Oi, Mikey!"
The man in question turns with the want to either glare for the interruption, or grin because finally the rest were realizing he had disappeared. Turns out, he snickers at Not A Criminal's face going pale white when he spots Foxy waving at them from the window opposite of where Freddy guards. Realizing they're now trapped on both sides by animatronics.
"Ye didn't tell us ye had a special guest o'er!"
That's when Mike gets a wonderful idea.
"Shit, Foxy, you're right!"
Jeremy's eyes narrow as Mike move to lean against the West Hall door. A glance at the elbow sitting right beside the door's button causes the grey eyes to blowing up wide in under a second, the kid leaping to his feet in terror in the attempt to shove the taller away. "W-W-W-WAIT!"
Too late. He's already pressed it. Gently shoved Parts And Nervous out into the hallway as he immediately cowers away from their resident puppy.
Mike is quick to throw his arm over the narrow shoulders, keeping his best friend and official ex-prisoner from gaining the courage to sprint right back into the office. "This is my good friend Jer! Jer, this is Foxy."
You can say whatever you'd like to about him, but the new restaurant owner knows how to be a proper douche bag. So instead of Jeremy getting overwhelmed by Chica's mother Henning he faints, intimidated to hell and back by Freddy's need to seem superior, or scared shitless by Bonnie's enthusiasm, they're left with Foxy being the most aware of how terrifying he can seem to others.
That means the fox carefully closes his mouth shut so his voice box can function without making it seem like teeth sharp enough to cut your hand off will be coming any closer. Makes sure to hunch down so the over 7 feet in height is just 7 feet. Not perfect, but slightly less scary to comprehend. Able to see he's making an effort to come off as welcoming instead of the murderous robot he is.
And guess who's fascinated with the attention to those details he's no longer trying to leap out of Mike's arms?
"Well hello there, lad. How are ye?"
Mike can hear the gears working at seeing Foxy treating him like any other kid who walks into the pizzeria. Jeremy clearly confused but not scared. "I-I-I-I'm ok-k-kay."
"Well, it looks like Mikey 'ere hasn't been the best host." The paw finally fixed to adorn soft Faux fur yet has been ordered to be locked away until there's nothing but metal is held out for an invitation. "Want ta get yer stomach filled and join in on a few sea chanties?"
Jeremy looks up at Mike for support, a bit of a surprise considering he just forced him to interact with the animatronics he's been absolutely terrified of. Screamed his head off with pleads he doesn't summon them.
The weirdest part is that he was already nodding before he could fully process the thought of how much trust he's earned.
Foxy's offer is taken before he can say something corny as shit. "Don't ye worry. M-M-Mikey's coming."
"Fucker, if that nickname sticks!"
The animatronic cackles, mouth opening for a proper expression to rub it in his face. Jeremy doesn't move to yank his hand back either despite such dangerous teeth on display. No, he's willing to let it slide to aim a shaking smirk to say Mike's finally getting payback for the boyfriend thing.
Or constantly making fun of how nervous he is. Or thinking of him in terms of criminal, not criminal. "Don' ye worry. We'll be finding the best thing ta call 'im."
Shit, he's dismantling Bonnie for the day.
Prologue  |  Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |  Chapter 6  |  Chapter 7  |  Chapter 8  
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