#things that are more doodly end up in ‘scribbles’ but there’s not much in there
mildmayfoxe · 1 year
hey, do you have an art tag?
yeah it’s just “art tag” hahaha
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silent-scribbs · 2 years
I'm just gonna assume I should could maybe can might need to maybe not have to
for smth revealed at the end of Inscryption
anyways 👀
I like doing study-esque stuff of the scrybes and stuff before I draw em "officially"
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Drawing the details and looking into them, then simplifying down at least 2 times, then those are how I draw them :) The simplest tends to be the roughest and doodly-est one, aka lazy scribble style or smth
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^ Close-up on the notes and study sketch ^
Sorta rant stuff about her underneath :3
I got to learn a little more in the notes. Like how she REALLY looks like her skin is made of foil lol. I did notice the cuts and the chunk of flesh missing on her right (perceived left) cheek, and how she actually has pretty much a human-like head. How she's sorta missing the bottom of her left ear and a bit of flesh in front of it. PLUS THE MARKINGS ON HER FOREHEAD AND THE ONE ON HER CHIN THAT I DIDN'T REALIZE WAS ONE
Her whole thing is the undead deck, as is pretty much the title of it, so like others have suggested, she could be a necromancer or smth, I think she is DEFO a zombie, if not anything else. She even has the mainly green hair, and all the flesh wounds. Ngl her hair makes me think of one of those ROBLOX ones, aside from the poly look the scrybes got goin' on
Plus she kinda metal/rockin' tho, she has fingerless gloves and purple nails :D She really goth(?), purple eyeshadow and lip color and stuff, and then the skulls, love her for having some of my fav colors I would absolutely have a physical "lifesize" model of her just for Halloween, and then I keep it for when I eventually get a building of my own that I can decorate how I want >:3
Also. It's as if I was doing a timed drawing challenge lol, 1 hour 10 minutes 1 minute XD Which, to be fair, is sorta accurate except it's more like 2-4 hours, 5-10 min, 1 min (gotta include them ranges)
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roxannarambles · 5 years
This is me playing around again with ideas, after I saw a fanfic with a premise I liked and wanted to toy with the idea myself. (Premise: Little My rifles through Snufkin’s tent and finds sappy poetry about Moomin)
just a doodly drabble!
"Hey! Hey, Moomin! Hello up there!"
"Hello there, Little My!"
About two thirds up a birch tree, Moomin twisted around and waved down below. Little My hopped up and down impatiently.
"Come down here, I got somethin' to tell you!"
"Oh, okay. Why don't you come up here though? It's a nice view!"
"No, you come down here! And hurry up, you're gonna wanna hear this!"
Moomin grumbled-- he'd only just climbed up--but he relented and started climbing back down the tree again. It took a minute or two, during which Little My looked like she was going to pop from waiting. As he neared the bottom branches, she started shouting at him anyway.
"Wow Moomin you're slow, next time I might not even wait! What I'm about to tell you's a big secret, okay? Boy, you're lucky I decided to share! This is really special, I found it out just now!"
Moomin's eyes grew wide and he stopped climbing, paused on the last branch.
"Well what is it? What did you find out?"
Little My's smile we delighted and almost devious as she reported,
"It's about Snufkin!"
Moomin's eyes grew even bigger.
"Wh-what? A secret about Snufkin? What are you talking about?"
Little My rubbed her chin thoughtfully.
"Hmmm, how much should I tell you, though?"
Moomin felt himself tensing up, his grip tightening on the birch branch. Was this going to be something bad? He glowered down at her.
"Come on, Little My, don't tease me, tell me what's going on!"
Little My just laughed.
"Don't be such a spoilsport, Moomin. This is really fun for me. Anyway, Snufkin writes poetry about you and hides it in his tent."
"He-- WHAT?!" Moomin slipped off-balance, spinning his arms, and briefly scrambled to catch the branch again. He failed and went crashing down to the ground, crunching into a bush.
"Aren't you a graceful one?"
"What do you mean, Little My?! Snufkin-- he-- he doesn't even write poetry! At least not that I know of."
"Well that's cos it's secret, duh!"
Moomin struggled to unstuck his fur from the pricklies in the bush.
"And how exactly do you know this?"
Little My smirked.
"Because I snuck into his tent and found it, obviously."
Moomin thought for a moment. He wasn't sure whether to believe her or not. Little My had told him a lot of fibs, but she had also told him a lot of things that had ended up being true.
"And were they really about me?"
"Yep! You want to know what it said?"
Moomin shook his head.
"If he really is writing poems and they really are secret, that means he wants them to stay secret. I'll just go ask him about it. He can tell me if he wants to."
"Sheesh, you're way too considerate a friend, Moomin."
Moomin quirked a brow.
"I'm not really sure if I believe you, so it's partly because of that, to be honest."
"Suit yourself. Just be sure to ask him about it!"
"I'm going to right now," Moomin answered, already on his way down the path.
"Oh, can I come? I want to see his reaction!"
"I'd think you'd better not, Little My. He might not tell me if you're there."
Little My scowled.
"Uggh, that's true. Well, tell me about it later then!"
Moomin hadn't heard her, though-- he had run off as fast as his feet would carry him.
Moomin finally found him perched on a fence in the field to the north, next to the path they usually took for the Lonely Mountains. Overjoyed, he bounded over to him, shouting.
"Snufkin! Oh, Snufkin, there you are!"
As he reached the fence, his friend dropped a fond look down upon him.
"Hi, Moomin."
Then he returned to playing his harmonica.
"Hi. Um, I had something I wanted to ask you."
Moomin rubbed the back of his head and hesitated a moment, but Snufkin simply carried on playing. So he just blurted it out.
"Little My told me you've been writing poetry."
Snufkin's music halted abruptly, ending on a few loud, soured notes. His expression didn't change, but he sat very, very still. After a few silent moments, he replied steadily,
"Did she now?"
Moomin looked away, suddenly feeling very nervous under Snufkin's undivided attention.
"Ummm, yes."
Moomin grabbed his own tail and fiddled with the tip of it, willing himself to spit the rest out.
"And I was wondering if . . . maybe . . . that is, if it's all right with you . . . well, you could read some of it sometime to me? I'm sure it's very good and I'd just love to hear it, Snufkin, and it sure would be a treat, I haven't heard any poetry in a while you know, and I had no idea that you wrote any."
After his babbling, he glanced back up. It was hard to tell what Snufkin was thinking. Of course, that was true almost any day.
"Well, I don't know, Moomin. I wouldn't exactly call it poetry. More like silly scribblings. I'm afraid you'd be pretty disappointed."
Moomin perked up, grabbing onto the fence and bouncing.
"Oh, but I'm sure it's wonderful, Snufkin! I really would love to hear it."
Snufkin smiled mildly at him,
"Why don't you ask Moominpapa to read you some poetry? I'm sure it would be much more fun to hear from a real writer. I bet he's created some wonderful epics. He could probably use the encouragement, too."
Moomin sunk down a little, sagging in disappointment.
"O-oh. Well. Yes . . . I could ask him. I might do that. But I really would like to hear what you wrote, Snufkin."
Snufkin chuckled.
"I don't need to bother you with anything so dull as that. I promise, it's nothing special."
Moomin frowned. It was the answer he expected, but it still was unhappy to hear. Why was Snufkin like this? He never seemed to understand-- to understand just how . . . wonderful he was.
"It would be special, though," Moomin muttered stubbornly,
"Just because it came from you."
Snufkin stared at him for a little while, before a smile lit upon his features and seemed to warm his entire face, his auburn eyes glowing softly.
"Thank you, Moomin. I'll make you a deal. If I ever write anything I think is worth reading out loud, I'll be sure to let you know first. All right?"
Moomin's eyes grew wide.
"Really? Do you promise? That's wonderful! Oh, I can't wait!"
Snufkin chuckled again,
"Just realize that day might take quite a while to come. Excuse me a moment, my friend, I have to check on something."
Little My yelped as the world went spinning, a strong grip seizing her by the back of her shirt and yanking her skyward. She kicked and swung her fists about.
"Let go! Let go, I'll fight you!"
"All right, Little My. Where'd you put it?"
Little My crossed her arms as Snufkin brought her up to his eye level, glaring at her.
"Oh, it's you. What's up, Snufkin? You look worried about something."
"Where'd you put it?" he repeated, his voice sounding almost dangerously calm.
"Where'd I put what? I have no idea what you're talking about," Little My answered, grinning openly at him.
He sighed.
"So it's blackmail then, is it? What is it that you want? Gold coins? An exquisite banquet held in your honor?"
"Wow. That poem's really worth a lot to you, isn't it?"
Snufkin narrowed his eyes at her.
"Only because I know you'll make a great big fuss over nothing."
She laughed.
Her grin became even smarmier. She clasped her hands together and wore a sappy expression, gushing dramatically:
"Even now I feel his presence,
Soft and pure as the first day of snow,
Winter's gentle caress upon the landscape,
Whisp'ring secrets only lovers know--"
Snufkin whapped a hand over her mouth before she could say anything more.
"Cut that out," he hissed, looking ten different kinds of horrified. Little My squirmed and bit at his hand, so he dropped her unceremoniously to the ground.
"Nothing, huh?" she repeated from the ground, smirking up at him.
"Little My . . . please."
"Oh, relax," she groused, getting up and dusting her clothes off.
"I don't want to blackmail you for money or nothing. There's only one thing I want."
He crossed his arms.
"And what's that?"
She pointed at him.
"If I give the poem back you've gotta read it to Moomin."
He frowned.
"Don't be ridiculous. You can't be serious."
"I'm very serious!"
He stared. Little My stared back, unflinching. After a number of moments, Snufkin seemed to realize she really was serious. He balked at her.
"I can't do that!"
"Hmmph. Would you rather I read it to him instead?"
Snufkin seemed to pale-- he almost looked sick.
"Little My . . . you wouldn't . . . oh, who am I kidding, of course you would."
He scrubbed his face with his hands a moment in exasperation before looking back up at her.
"Give me a little time, all right? It isn't finished, you know. I still need to write the end and do some editing."
Little My eyed him suspiciously.
"Some editing? You're not going to go and change the whole thing, are you? I'm not letting you get out of things that easily."
"No, nothing like that. Minor changes. I give my word."
"Hmmm. I guess that's all right . . ."
He gazed at her sternly.
"You'll give it back, then?"
Little My hesitated, but eventually came around.
". . . fine. But I'm warnin' you, no funny business-- I've got my eye on you."
She pulled something crumpled from her pocket and waved it in front of Snufkin's face. He snatched it from her, saying incredulously,
"You had it with you this entire time?!"
Little My grinned,
"Of course, I'm no dummy!"
Snufkin turned to leave, apparently more then finished with the conversation.
"Hey! I'm looking forward to your performance!" she called after his retreating form.
"Mooooomin! HEY, MOOMIN!"
Little My heaved an enormous sigh.
"Oh, for Pete's sake! Where's he gone off to now?"
She sat down on the foot of Moomin's bed, bouncing up and down.
"Moomin! Moomin, hurry up! Hm?"
Little My's bouncing had disturbed Moomin's pillows, and she noticed something sticking out from underneath one of them. Crawling over, she grabbed at it. They were sheets of paper.
"What's this?"
The paper was scrawled with ink in very sloppy handwriting.
He's the springtime
I close my eyes and I wait through those long, cold nights,
Until that first day when I can hear his song again.
Floating to my ears,
That beautiful sound, better than a million birds
I jump up and run out then,
And I throw my arms around him, and it feels like hugging spring
Wrapped up tight in soft flowers and warm sun
Butterflies dancing in my tummy.
He laughs and I want to listen to it forever,
Snufkin, oh Snufkin,
please come back soon,
bring the spring with you,
and thaw my heart,
"Oh my GOSH it just goes on and ON," Little My complained, flipping through the sheets of ink-blotched paper.
"Bla bla bla . . . it's practically a novel here! Sheesh, Moomin's writing this junk too? These guys are ridiculous."
"H-hey! Little My, what are you doing?!"
Moomin rushed from the doorway into his room and grabbed the sheets of paper from her, his face red.
"Give me those, that's, those are private! Don't you know not to go snooping through people's personal stuff like that?"
Little My rolled her eyes.
"Oh, please. What're you afraid I'll find out? Everyone already knows how crazy you are about Snufkin--"
"I'm not crazy!" Moomin huffed, opening a desk drawer and stowing the sheets away inside it.
"Uh-huh. Y'know it's kind of sad, really, you two writing about each other and you won't even talk about it."
Moomin made a disgruntled sound.
"Little My, I very much doubt Snufkin's poetry has anything to do with me at all. He probably writes about all the adventures he has when he's exploring south, he's seen an awful lot of stuff, after all."
Little My stared at him a moment.
". . . just wait, Moomin."
Moomin twitched an ear.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Just that. Just wait. You'll see soon. Hey! I have an idea!"
She sprang up to her feet.
"Why doncha go read some of that stuff to Snufkin? Maybe it'll encourage him to share his own poetry!"
Moomin's eyes widened and he gasped.
"Oh, NO. No, no, no! Absolutely not!"
"Aw, why not?"
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animatedaf · 3 years
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It’s that time of year again, time to look over the last twelve months of creative productivity! This year was a very on-and-off one, with many months of next to nothing and a few months where I was super busy with animation work! Read on for full details on each month (with links to things in bold)!
Started the year mainly keeping myself busy with gaming livestreams on my Twitch channel. Near the end of the month me and the rest of the Lucky Hit crew made the tough decision to retire the YouTube channel so we could focus on our individual Twitch channels. We did come back to the channel for the odd podcast and salt or hype stream throughout the year, along with some backups of gaming streams from Twitch. Lucky Hit was a massive part of my life for the last nine years but we all agreed it was time to move on.
Art wise I was commissioned by PCwrzd to make a set of emotes for his Dreamcastic Channel (7 made in Jan, with an extra 8th in Feb), one of which can even be bought on a t-shirt! I also started on a Dreamcast related experiment...
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Most of this month was gobbled up by a fan translation project for the game Bokomu no Tatsujin on the Dreamcast that I on a whim made a start on despite no real knowledge of Japanese! I mostly used translation sites and software to roughly figure how the text then put my own spin on the games quirky script. 
The game also has a lot of big cartoon font work so I decided to re-do these hand drawn! The first (and so far only) release on the project came out in March. This release has pretty much all the in-game text translated, only thing missing is subtitles for the cut scenes which tbh is a task far too big for lil’ ol’ me. Check out his article I wrote on the Dreamcast Junkyard about the process and I also talked about it on a YouTube video in October!
There were also more gaming streams throughout this month, with help from my newly acquired OSSC and GDEMU!
I really got trapped in an artist block for most of this year up to this point. So after another month of mostly streaming games I decided to finally do another art stream and out popped this quick art based on early Fantasy Zone concept art! Soon after I finally did a full-colour illustration of Drillbot ViVi’s little sister ReV, an emote for my Spelunky streams and a Phantasy Star Online commission for PCwzrd!
Despite that rebound into making art in the last week of March I almost immediately fell into another art block for most of this month! I made birthday card art for CherryT, doodled a new OC and did more game streams. That’s about it! Wheels were turning at the end of the month for something BIG, however!
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So May and June were quite possibly two of the busiest months in my working life! To start with I worked on an animated project called ‘Annabelle’s Journey’, with characters based on a child’s drawings with a simple scribbly style on top of photos of note paper. While only one out of eight chapters are available to watch publicly, this was the longest piece of animation I have ever worked on, clocking in at 7 minutes and 20 seconds, with only one month to work on it!
To make matters worse at the very same time lockdown ended and I returned to my cinema job with half of our staff quit, meaning I had to somehow juggle the animation and lots of shifts! It was a rough time with very little sleep, but the animated short was really fun and one of my proudest projects!
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Previously unseen concept art for the ‘Not on your telly’ intro.
With the money from the Annabelle project I finally upgraded from my old Wacom Intuos 4 to a XP-Pen 15.6″ Pro....a tablet with a screen on it! I was expecting a steep learning curve but I was surprised how quickly I got used to it, which is just as well as another animation project with a short deadline landed on my lap: an intro to a online variety show called Not On Your Telly! This was a mix of doodly drawn bodies and photo based heads lip synced to lyrics. It’s only 28 seconds but I also had about a week to make it! 
I also made a new animation showreel, because...well *points at the above two months*
Boy did I need a break from drawing after all that! So outside of a Worms commission for PCwzrd I did exactly that and just did game livestreams throughout July!
This month was very, very busy at work so most of my spare time was spent resting off. I made time for a couple game livestreams including a seven hour one about SAGExpo 2021.
A pretty active month when it comes to drawing...for myself for a change! This included five character pieces celebrating the release of the new Wario Ware, a fan art of Amy Rose (been yonks!) and an illustration of ViVi and Rev together. I also spent an absurd amount of time making this page of my website organized.  I managed to hit 500 followers on Twitter, so I did an OC art raffle to celebrate! The winner was revealed in...
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Twas a good end of the year for YouTube stuff!
The result of the Twitter OC art raffle was this illustration of Farnoggin’s character Drex Apex. This was livestreamed and it gave me the idea to do a sped-up timelapse of the whole process, something I haven’t done for years! This made me wanna start uploading semi-regular videos on my AnimatedAF YouTube channel again, using moments from my art livestreams as a basis.
I celebrated my 1 year anniversary on Twitch with a silly doodle, cut together videos about me talking about the times I did work for SEGA and the BBC, and reuploaded some videos/streams from Lucky Hit that were not strictly gaming related. Speaking of Lucky Hit, more gaming streams were backed up there including this years Sonic Hacking Contest and 30 Years of Toejam and Earl.
Finally I did another commission for PCwzrd, this time for a parody trading card of Ryo Ha’nuk’i.
A very quiet month for art, with only one fad-chasing illustration to speak of. I also did a bunch of doodling in the game ART SQOOL on stream which I then cut down into a let’s play for my Youtube channel.
Literally the first day of December I came down with the you-know-what and was shut in for ten days. Once I started to recover from that I got back to work on more time-lapse videos of art streams from last year and a couple more reuploads from Lucky Hit, one of which I illustrated a new thumbnail for.
I also made birthday card art for my mum of her Wurlitzer jukebox and a new Christmas illustration featuring my OCs and an elf and toys. It hasn’t been released just yet as of writing but I also made an OC secret santa over on Newgrounds. Oh, and one of those Art vs Artist things if that counts for something.
Previous years: 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016
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gulescamisade · 7 years
New York:  Day 7
MEULIN: -She can't quite sleep; her dreams have been sort of weird. It's not too unlike usual, but having been bashed through a wall and dealing with serious pain in her ribs isn't the best for rest either. Her sylladex is back, so she's got her overhead light on and her notebook in hand, scribbling new lines. She's writing about Dave and Karkat currently, because they won't answer in the bulletin feed. She's anxious.-
JOEY: =Ugh, plane rides always threw off her sleep schedule, now more than ever since it had been near a decade since the last time she was on one.=
JOEY: =Seeing Meulin's light on, she weaved through the aisles until coming up to her row, sleepily rubbing an eye.=
JOEY: having a hard time zonking out too?
MEULIN: -She had kept the glasses on idly, but words scrolling across the screen startle her a little with how "quiet" it had been for some time.- OH... -clears throat, trying to be quiet.- MMHM...
MEULIN: -glances over at looks at Joey more fully- HEY, SO... WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?
JOEY: tons of places, really...
JOEY: i lived on alternia for quite a while before bouncing between earths and alternias
JOEY: and now im finally back where i started :)
MEULIN: HAVE YOU NEVER B33N TO BEFURUS? -chirps with interest, wiggling in her chair to face Joey more fully-
MEULIN: -she doesn't seem to quite be grasping the plurality. She thinks it might just be a glasses typo-
JOEY: oh....no I dont think so
JOEY: my travels were stuck between the two switching back and forth
JOEY: thats actually a correlation I never really thought about... it's something to tell jude when he's awake haha
JOEY: =is the seat open next to Meu? if so she's taking it. Funny enough, she found trolls easy to trust, having lived around them for so long. But Meulin was a stranger.... WELL, not for long!!=
JOEY: well see, it all starts with a long story, but the abridged version is that ive been trying to find my way back
JOEY: from different universes
MEULIN: -IT SURE IS, until Joey takes it.-
JOHN: -he's been listening for a little bit, he didn't want to interrupt- it's the real deal, meulin. jake showed me a picture and everything.
JOHN: -he's right here. he waves-
JOHN: haha, sorry i didn't mean to startle you. i was listening to joey.(edited)
JOEY: oh...im guessing different universes are common knowledge here? hehe i thought i was revealing a whopper of information that would totally blow your mind out of the mind ballpark
JOHN: hey i don't know about all that. all i know is jake is from a different universe too. and he showed me a picture of dirk from a different universe.
JOHN: but as far as i know he only went once. he didn't just...ping pong around like you're saying.
JOHN: -eyes her curiously-
JOHN: my mind equals blown.
JOHN: -mimes the "mind blown gif thing"-
JOEY: oh
JOEY: well ping ponging might only work under very specific circumstances JOEY: at least in my case
JOEY: did jake come through a doorway?
JOLENE: ... -shifts a uncomfortably where she's sitting nOW THAT I'M PAYING ATTENTION-
JOHN: man...i don't know. i never asked him.
JOHN: sorry!
JOHN: don't worry though. you'll get to talk to him soon when we go get him.
JOEY: i hope so :)
JOEY: it would be an interesting conversation
JOHN: so uh, what was it like being a human on alternia?
JOHN: i mean tbh it sounds pretty terrifying.
JOEY: the trick is not to be a human on alternia ;)
JOHN: -???-
JOHN: okay now you've got me all intriguied.
JOEY: well as long as you look the part, walk the walk, and talk the talk, trolls can be easy to fool =glances over at meulin= no offense
JOHN: haha wow. really? so you slapped on some horns and face paint and that fooled the alternian authorities.
JOHN: wow. great job guys.
JOEY: well learning the language, registering as a maroon, and getting a sustainable job was a touch harder, but =shrugs=
JOHN: -raises his eyebrows, impressed.-
[SPEAKING OF TRAVEL PLANS, it's been getting a little bit harder to keep going the direct path they've been going in this plane-- between the border patrols protecting against the CANADIAN RESISTANCE LEAGUE and the ships that keep passing them by-- often requesting identification or confirmation of some kind-- it's been getting downright dangerous. The fact that they wound up in the middle of Ontario just to avoid some of the heat is beginning to make this a harder affair than it should be-- especially since they can see several other blips on the plane's radar rapidly approaching them.]
JOHN: -observes this bullshit- aw man...........
MEULIN: -after all her restlessness, she actually ended up falling asleep at last, leaned over with her head in Joey's lap, snoozing soundly. Prr prr.-
JOEY: =She's also sprawled in the chair, one hand on Meu's shoulders and a bit of drool running down her chin. A beautiful sight. Are the passengers able to hear the blips? Or see "blip" scroll across glasses in a lovely marquee?=
[The restfulness is interrupted by a few shrill chimes... it would seem the blips are getting MUCH closer. And much more interested in getting a straight answer out of this vessel.]
ROSE: -She sits up abruptly, waking from some kinda dream where her eyes are open, glancing around the cabin.-
JAMISON: =WHAT THE HOODLY-DOODLY? Is Jamison or Jolene driving either way he's ALERT and peeps at the radar= We seem to be the hot new thing in the clouds!
[also it's jamison if u want it to be]
MEULIN: -She is deaf to the chimes... at least unless something else wakes her up.-
JOEY: =She jumped in her seat at the sudden shrillness of it. The movement may be enough to rouse her.=
JAMISON: =What should he do... should he LIE? He'll lie. Takes on a weird high-pitcher voice= Oh.... hullo!
JAMISON: We're simply a jerky craft delivering jerky from questionable products as anticipated bipbip right right! =Casually flies... how many are there? AIRFIGHTING is much more of a delicate dance than fighting on land and sea... it requires...... surprise=
JOEY: =she's rubbing her face, trying to wake herself faster=
[ There's a good four of them... and it IS a cargo vessel. So it's not exactly handling like a dream...]
[ There is some mumbling and rustling on the other end.]
MEULIN: -snorks and CHIRPS out of her sleep, ears perked despite nothing to listen to.- WHAT...?
MEULIN: WHAT'S WRONG? -adjusts sunglasses on her face-
[ 'warning shot?' 'yeah dude warning shot' ] [ ' should i do it or--'] [ 'YOU ARE BOTH COWARDS'] [that one was less of a mumbled rustle as it was a scream, as a missile flies directly towards their tail.]
[ the one who evidently named the shot and is ALSO evidently named Koleta shouts something back.]
ROSE: I-- I think you can cut the com channel.
JAMISON: Frigs Koleta! =SWERVES plane=
JOEY: =she puts a finger to her lips, signing "Contact" and pointing to the cockp--= JOEY: =SCREAMS!=
[ There is a muffled BOOM as the plane shakes. But the blips are getting closer-- at least there's no obvious major damage.]
MEULIN: ~(=ΦェΦ) !!!
JAMISON: We may very well have to make an emergency landing, all!
ROSE: Slightly.
JAMISON: Perhaps if they clip us with another missile we can use debris as a cover while they chase the bum plane on auto-pilot!
ROSE: We're... not too far from a town. I think. -She squints at her phone.- ROSE: That's actually a good plan.
ROSE: We can lay low and secure another transport.
ROSE: And they may possibly believe we're dead.
JAMISON: Right-o!
JAMISON: In which case everyone brace yourselves for a good bailing! =He'll have to pay attention and time this right=
[BOOM. BOOM. And then, BOOM. it sounds like the other three pilots were all showing of that thEY know what a god damned warning shot is.]
ROSE: Do we have... parachutes?
ROSE: I haven't been able to do much, since the falls.
JOEY: yes! =flinches at the booms=
MEULIN: -reading as fast as she can- BAILING??
MEULIN: -scrambles out of her seat-
JAMISON: Of course, no good explore leaves without one!
JOEY: they seem a heck of a lot bigger than bullets though!
JUDE: -absolutely has a parachute? you never know when you're going to need one.-
JAMISON: =He's so proud of his kids....=
JOHN: well uh, i can carry a few peeps but a big group might be a target.(edited)
ROSE: Right. Right. Visual cover or something.
JOEY: =She ducked out into the aisle and began throwing open compartments to see if there's anything useful in there? like additional parachutes.=
JOEY: =calls over to jude= we should skydive until we reach a safe distance from the ground to avoid being sitting targets in the air!
JAMISON: I do have a raft which could cover a few souls!
JAMISON: =Hide them behind a raft falling out of a plane.=
[There's some supplies! There's actually a flaregun in there, some walkie-talkies... not that they've needed them, since they have communicators.]
JOHN: oh hey good idea!
JOEY: =He likely knows this of course, but everyone knowing their game plan is nice= JOEY: =She scooped them into her sylladex anyway.=
JOEY: =brilliant minds=
JAMISON: =Good on ya Joey!! :D =
JOHN: - flips the raft on its side and holds on to it firmly- well anybody without a chute grab on tight!
JAMISON: =YES OF COURSE, they do well for lighting people on fire=(edited)
JOHN: the egbert airline express is ready for take off! :D - salutes-(edited)
ROSE: -Takes a deep breath and grabs onto it.-
ROSE: It cannot possibly be worse than going over niagra falls.
JOHN: smooth rides guaranteed. sorry no peanuts. (disclaimer: smooth ride not actually guaranteed.)
JAMISON: Those with be sure to cover yourselves with the chunks blown clean from our very own flyer!
[ SOME MORE MUFFLED BOOMS. Hitting the aircraft, in fact. And less muffled. And more shaky.]
JOHN: nyoom! - SCREAMS THE WORD NYOOM, double checks that everyone is grabbing on and then JUMPS-
JAMISON: =He waits for all to vacate in the smoke and wreckage= GO GO GO!
JOHN: - It's not as difficult to hold on as if they were simply falling. it's more like going down a VERY VERY long and steep slide with the Breeze carrying them- pchoooooo!
JAMISON: =Once they've gone he sets the plane on auto-pilot and dives for the door as well, covering his body with some debris and free falls. Doing spins to appear like normal wreckage.... gotta committ=
[The planes don't seem to pick them up-- all going directly after their cargo plane. They probably see them whooshing overhead, following the trail of smoke and fire.]
JAMISON: =Excellent, he ditches the debris and dives a little closer to the ground before deploying his parachute=
[ Prepare for a ROUGH LANDING. They're near a road-- one that hasn't been upkept all that well, but still a road no less! And a sign of nearby civilization.]
JOHN: - now that the danger seems to be gone he enjoys the rest of the ride, holding onto the raft tightly and at the last second, laughing and flipping the raft over so they land on it-(edited)
MEULIN: -WELL SHIT THEY SURE ARE FALLING. She can almost sort of hear a little bit of this with what tiny hearing she has left, with all the wind whipping in her ears.-
JAMISON: =DOOF! But he doesn't blow out his shins! He's hastily folding the parachute up and shoving it back in his dex, it can be used later!=
ROSE: -kind of wheezes as she looks around...-
ROSE: ...About half a mile south.
ROSE: Is. The town I mentioned.
JOHN: -remains spilled over on his back, looking up at the sky upside down.-
JOHN: great day to be in canada, eh? weather looks fine, eh?
ROSE: John, please.
ROSE: You were practically Canadian already.
ROSE: I've met your father.
JAMISON: Mighty fine weather to be not where we were! =Dusts himself off and looks ahead=
ROSE: I'll agree to that.
ROSE: -She rubs her back, sitting up and looking around. A moose is staring at them, knowing no fear.-
JOEY: =floats to the ground shortly after, Meulin in her arms=
MEULIN: 333333!!! (ノᄌ<。)
MEULIN: -no less than CLINGING to Joey. she glances at the sky to see if their plane is going to spiral down and explode somewhere, since it's likely she won't hear it. She is sort of distracted by that moose, though.- (´⊙ω⊙)
JAMISON: =Instantly distracted=
JOEY: look at that majestic creature JOEY: :D
JAMISON: =Slides out his knide slowly=
JAMISON: (Sssshhhhh.)
MEULIN: -shakes her head, freeing the fur hair.- B33 ARE B33. -crawls off of Joey to prowl...-
JAMISON: =MEULIN gets it!=
JOEY: D: =but it's a moose!=
JOEY: =earth wildlife!!=
JAMISON: =Imagine the honor it'll have to be our meal then..... also if it's running... he's in pursuit=
JOEY: =WE MEAN NO HARM OH MOOSE GOD! i mean, meulin and dad proabably do but wow please dont eat us=(edited)
JAMISON: =Hello dinner!=
JAMISON: =He's approaching with fists raised. Giving it a chance to FIGHT for it's life=
JOEY: =s otp=
JAMISON: Have at thee future meal deal! =He watches this charge and is gonna try to duck under the horn charge to CHOKEHOLD a moose=
MEULIN: -SHE'S FLANKING THE MOOSE!!!! and then pounces from behind. EN GUARDE.-
JAMISON: Whoa there! =Is thrashed and HAWs at Meulins pounce=
MOOSE: -WOW????-
MEULIN: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5GnMR2EB54 –
JAMISON: =They'll try to make this quick mighty beast. Once Jamison gets a good foothold in the snow he's going to try and end it swiftly with his old man muscles=
JAMISON: =DROPS IT= Well then! Dinner well caught!
ROSE: There was a town nearby.
ROSE: So we could have—
ROSE: Actually, nevermind.
ROSE: Good work.
MEULIN: -HUFF PANT. Her glasses went flying in the midst of this so she misses that too. Retracts claws and offers Jamison a HIGH FIVE.-
MEULIN: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YMPAH67f4o -
JOEY: =if a baby moose walks out of that forest she's gonna cry=
MEULIN: .... -veal-
0 notes