#think him v denise in season 2
I think probably my favorite thing about any iteration of Walkernatural is how possessive Liam is of Cordell as a brother and how that impacts his relationship with the Winchesters
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Starship (Rewatch #4, 9/30/2020)
YouTube publish date: April 30, 2011
Number of views on date of rewatch: 4,171, 828
Original Performance Run: February 11-23, 2011 at the Hoover-Leppen Theatre in Chicago
Ticket price: $25
Director: Matt Lang
Music and Lyrics: Darren Criss
Book: Brian Holden, Matt Lang, Nick Lang, and Joe Walker
Cast album price and availability: $8.91 on Amazon and iTunes
     Release date: April 29, 2011
Parody or original: original content, inspired by Starship Troopers, The Little Mermaid, and Alien
Main cast and characters:
Bug - Joey Richter
February - Denise Donovan
Commander Up - Joe Walker
Taz/Buggette - Lauren Lopez
Tootsie Noodles/Pincer - Dylan Saunders
Mega-Girl - Meredith Stepien
Junior - Brian Holden
Roach - Brant Cox
Specs - Julia Albain
Krayonder - Joe Moses
Musical numbers
Act I
“I Wanna Be” Characters: Bug, Roach, and Ensemble (playing inhabitants of the Bug World)
“Get Back Up” Characters: Taz, Up, and Starship Rangers
“Life” Characters: Bug
“Hideous Creatures” Characters: Starship Rangers and Bugs
“Kick It Up A Notch” Characters: Pincer, The Mosquitoes, and Bug
“Status Quo” Characters: Bug
Act II
“The Way I Do” Characters: Tootsie Noodles, Mega-Girl, February, and Bug
“Beauty” Characters: Roach and Bugs
“Kick It Up A Notch (Reprise)” Characters: Junior
“Beauty” Characters: Company
Notable Notes:
This production won the 2011 “Best New Work” award from BroadwayWorld’s Chicago theatre awards
Starship is Starkid’s first show that they produced independently from the University of Michigan! The show opened in Chicago, where the following few shows were produced before a majority of the most active members moved to Los Angeles prior to The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals, which opened in 2018
StarKid had their own short segment on MTV that highlighted certain aspects of the production such as Criss’ music and the puppetry (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlnIXIGrjVg). At that point in time, Darren Criss was already a television favorite due to his role as Blaine Anderson on Glee, who joined the cast during its second season
The show’s cast album debuted at number one on Billboard’s Top Cast Albums within three days of its release and at the 134th spot during that week’s Billboard’s Top 200 chart (x)
The opening sequence features cameos from other StarKid members such as Chris Allen, Tyler Brunsman, Richard Campbell, Britney Coleman, Arielle Goldman, Devin Lytle, Lily Marks, Nicholas Joseph Strauss-Matathia, and Brian Rosenthal.The same sequence was narrated by actor Bob Joles (AKA Man Ray in Spongebob Squarepants)
***Fun Facts provided by Abby:
Nick and Dylan think the worst StarKid song is ‘Hideous Creatures’
During a rehearsal, Joey told Nick that he thought the choreography for ‘Beauty’ was boring. Then Nick asked him, “Do you want to choreograph the number?" and then walked out of the room.
There was a theoretical sequel to Starship in which Taz and Up arrest Spaceclaw but get injured by an explosion. Up ends up in the hospital because of his injuries, and while Taz waits for him to heal, she has flashbacks of when they first met and the missions they went on together (Taz’s quinceañera, etc.)
Lauren: I'd like to imagine that Taz has that same hairstyle just in a big quinceañera dress
Once during rehearsal, they were all in a bad mood during ‘Beauty’. Darren wanted to surprise the cast with a visit, so he burst into the theatre singing the song and was just met by silence
At LeakyCon 2014 on Orlando, StarKid were invited as guests and performed a staged reading of a one-act sequel to Starship called Starship: Requiem.
Official synopsis: The story follows the adventures of Mega-Girl the robot and her half-witted Starship Ranger husband. The newlyweds are sucked into a black hole of trouble when they go to visit Mega-Girl’s human-hating family, including her overbearing mother-unit, her jealous sister-unit and the return of her hunky ex-boyfriend-unit. (x)
Cultural Context: 2011
The production’s MTV segment aired a little over a week after Glee’s “Original Song” episode, which featured Kurt and Blaine’s long-awaited first kiss [rip Pavarotti]
Prince William and Kate Middleton get married
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 premieres on July 15th
Beyoncé announces her pregnancy during her performance at the MTV Video Music Awards
“Friday” by Rebecca Black gets released in March
In early May, President Obama announces that Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces
New York becomes the sixth state to legalize same-sex marriage on June 24th
The 9/11 Memorial Museum opens to the public on the tenth anniversary of the attacks
Content Analysis:
During my time on social media, I have found that Starship is one of the StarKid shows that gets discussed the least. Up until the show’s debut in StarKid’s history, the only shows they’ve done were AVPM and AVPS, both major viral hits, and MAMD, which reached popularity partly because it was released after StarKid became known for AVPM. Coming off of their great and unexpected successes with these productions, one would think that there would be a bigger fandom for Starship. It’s their second show that is based on original content rather than being a parody, and the production quality is the strongest in their repertoire, considering the funds they gained from their album sales for MAMD and their growing merchandise sales for their Potter musical series.
Personally, it’s one of my favorite StarKid shows because of the production quality and because the performances are so strong. Joey Richter makes a perfect leading man, and seeing how his general abilities as a performer have grown since MAMD has been delightful. His vocal range got stronger and more pronounced and he has a very confident stage presence, especially since Starship was StarKid’s first production independent of the University of Michigan’s monetary assistance and performance space. Lauren Lopez and Dylan Saunders do such an incredible job at playing two completely different characters themselves within the same show. Saunders plays Tootsie Noodles, a lovable idiot with a heart of gold who falls in love with a robot of all things, while also playing Pincer, the villainous instigator of the plot. Lopez has a similar about-face in character portrayal. She plays Buggette, a bug who’s in a helpless one-sided romantic relationship with Bug, and then two seconds later Lopez transforms into Taz, a kickass Latina Starship Ranger with excellent comedic presence and the undisputed leader of the group before Up regains his confidence as commander.
Starship is very unique in that about half of the characters in the show are portrayed by puppets, which themselves are incredibly designed, but unlike other productions that use puppets, they do not detract from the actor’s performance of the character. StarKid did a very good job in ensuring that the puppets are not a gimmick, but rather a compliment, to their individual actor’s portrayal of the character. All actors who play puppet roles do such a great job of vocalizing their character that, despite the design of the puppet not having the ability to change facial features, make the puppets feel so alive that it’s almost like watching a live-action animated movie (the good kind we’ve yet to experience, not the Disney kind). If there is any one thing that Starship represents for the company as a whole, it’s that character creation and embodiment make up the heartblood of the performances. Aside from the vocal performances, the facial expressions and physicality of the performances add so much to the puppetry performances, even when the focus on the character isn’t their physical representation but their dialogue and place in the plot. Regardless of whether or not the recording is emphasizing the puppet itself during a scene, the actor controlling the puppet is using perfect facial expressions and has matching body language with the puppet, which not only helps the actor stay in character, but gives more life to the puppet itself.
While I am eternally grateful that StarKid to this day ensures that their musical productions are put on YouTube for free, there are two very clear downsides that make themselves especially present in the recording. One is that, unlike in live theatre where any audience member can choose who and what to look at onstage at any given time, the camera is the one dictating what each audience member can focus on. Generally speaking, that isn’t too much of a detriment as most of the shots StarKid uses tend to showcase the most important characters during each scene, which any audience member would do if they were to attend a production live, but because StarKid members are so adept at character performance, it really makes me wish that I can look more at the ensemble’s performances during group scenes, or secondary character’s reactions during smaller scenes in which their character may not be the main focus.
Another thing was the general editing style. Though it did not necessarily take away anything from the performance itself or make watching the recording any less enjoyable, there were some editing choices that I felt were too distracting for what the scene called for in the show. For example, when Crayonder mentions to Taz that he thinks that Commander Up has “gone soft” since the injury he sustained in the Robot War, twice does the camera pause on his face and a record scratch and ‘booooo’ track is heard overlaid onto the scene. I understand the comedic nature of that bit in retrospect, but for a viewer, regardless of whether or not they are watching the show for the first time, it’s very distracting and forcibly shifts the audience’s focus on the story and the characters to a one-off joke. For a first-time viewer, that editing choice especially does not have as much impact as it does for a recurring viewer, as at that point in the story, the audience is only just being introduced to the characters and has no personal connection to Up and his backstory, making the effect of the joke less successful. As well, throughout the recording, and during the first act in particular, the show has a lot of quick and experimental cuts in the frame that I feel don’t allow the audience to sit enough with the action and the performance happening onstage, instead making the audience pay more attention to quick facial gestures rather than allowing the audience to take in the performance of an individual actor or an entire scene as a whole. Overall, the editing just reminds me that I am watching this beautifully done live-performance through a screen rather than being there for the performance in person, and lessens the potential impact of the recording as a whole.
Regardless of the editing, Starship still has some of the best character performances and musical numbers in StarKid’s production history. One that really stood out for me during this rewatch was Denise Donovan’s portrayal of February. Her character gets introduced as a classic ditzy character who initially doesn’t have a lot of agency in the story, but through good writing and likable performance, grows into the most sympathetic and dynamic character in the show. Donovan’s performance makes February more human than the trope she represents, and plays off her character so well that her jokes make her more endearing than a throw-away character that’s used just for laughs and a love-interest. Starkid tends to do this with a lot of the trope-y roles that they write for their productions . The writing and the direction have a very unique way of taking seemingly predictable, one-dimensional characters and fleshing them out into entire human beings with backstories and arcs, making their comedic impact all the more enjoyable because the audience genuinely likes them.
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potterandpromises · 6 years
Timeless, Garcy, and Jessica Logan?
Favorite character: hmmm… probably Lucy when it comes down to it.
Least Favorite character: I certainly don’t like Wyatt as much as the show wants me/expects me to–but if he was given a proper character arc I would like him. No one immediately jumps to mind who I absolutely despise… I’ll go with Nicholas Keynes.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Garcy, Riya, Wyjess, Emma x Jessica (not as like a healthy, longterm ship, but I think it’s an interesting idea to explore in fic) Denise x Michelle.
Character I find most attractive: this is a show full of attractive people and you expect me to pick just one? For shame. (Is another way of saying Idk)
Character I would marry: I wouldn’t marry any of them.
Character I would be best friends with: I think I’d get along pretty well with Jiya.
a random thought: I really do want a season 3 if we pick up from 2x10. Even though I don’t trust the writers anymore.
An unpopular opinion: I actually don’t think Amy should/should have been saved. I think the narrative is pointing toward Lucy accepting  that Amy can’t be saved and  that being another layer of her motivation to destroy Emma and Rittenhouse.
My Canon OTP: Garcy
My Non-canon OTP: I don’t have one.
Most Badass Character: there are a lot of badass characters but I’ll go with Flynn.
Most Epic Villain: Emma, I love Emma. She’s this completely irredeemable yet sympathetic villain. And she is fascinating; from her believe that a person’s worth comes only from their achievements to her willingness to justify anything to get what she wants; she is one of my favorite villains in anything I’ve encountered thus far.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Lucy/Wyatt. They needed each other in season one, but aside from Wyatt’’s actions after Jessica’s return (unhealthy and incredibly selfish). Lucy has outgrown Wyatt. He’s still the same dude as he was when they met, just with his issues pushed to the surface. Whereas Lucy has changed and groom a lot since the Hindenburg, since her time with Rittenhouse, since everything. And I don’t think Wyatt understands that at all. Plus even if that wasn’t the case, what do they really have in common?
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): if we’re including the Christmas special? Literally all of them. Otherwise no one really jumps to mind–but I kind of wish we’d gotten more time with certain characters like Noah or Bam Bam. But I don’t know that that would actually benefit the story so much as I just like them.
Favourite Friendship: Flynn and Rufus. The two funniest characters in the show and you put them together? Magical.
Character I most identify with: I identify quite a bit with Lucy’s emotional state in season 2.
Character I wish I could be: errrrr, I don’t envy any of them.
When I started shipping them: the beer scene, maybe? Definitely by the end of 2x06. I binge watched so I’m not sure exactly.
My thoughts: this beautiful, intense relationship built on friendship, respect, reading the other’s journal which was given to him by her in his darkest hour, being there for each other in the worst moments of their lives, and an unknown future together.
What makes me happy about them: s o f t,  c o m f o r t,  l o v e
What makes me sad about them: I suppose the ‘sad’ things about don’t make me feel that way exactly–but to answer the question that would be their separate beliefs they aren’t worthy of love.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: the opposite of the things I look for I guess? And this isn’t suspect  to this ship but having the other characters ship it, like they don’t have lives outside of these two characters. Although I do find the ‘taking bets’ trope to be be funny under certain circumstances, depends on how it’s done.
Things I look for in fanfic: a sense of respect and deep affection.
My wishlist: like in terms of moments? A hug, a bridal carry, Lucy calling him Garcia to get his attention when he’s in a bad place, a proper São Paulo scene, Flynn saving her from the car accident she had in college, bed sharing, and a kiss all come to mind (and that’s just off the top of my head).
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Flynn doesn’t really have any other ships (aside from Lorena who he would not stay with if she were to be brought back). If not Flynn, I’d like Lucy to end up with a woman.
My happily ever after for them: I don’t see the 2.5 kids white picket fence life for them. With Flynn’s trauma and Lucy’s family issues I don’t see them planning on having kids–but if it ware to happen accidentally they would go with it. I envision them moving in together after the war and figuring out how to deal with jobs and trauma and this new life together. I also  think they would have an undefined relationship for quite a long time. I’ll leave that there sense I have a partially written post-war fic and a few plot bunnies for others.
Jessica Logan
How I feel about this character: I think she has enormous potential.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Wyatt, and like I said earlier, her having a  relationship with Emma would be an interesting thing to explore in the context of a future redemption arc.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I actually think it would be interesting to see her and Flynn interact. Obviously there are ill feelings there but I don’t think it would be completely lost on them that they aren’t all that different. They both believed in a cause and did bad things for it. The only difference is Flynn was correct all along while Jessica was groomed by a cult-like organization into believing hers.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I could go either way on whether or not she and Wyatt get together if she wore to have a redemption arc. Working out their issues for the sake of their child and ending up together would be interesting to see. But so would A functional divorced relationship.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: (ignoring the Christmas special). Even though her Rittenhouse ‘plot twist’ was  obvious, I can ignore that if it were to lead to something interesting being done with her conflicting feelings related to Rittenhouse and Emma, the  fact that she was groomed as a child, the fact  she’s an anti-villain rather than a true villain. And I think a redemption arc would be perfect for that.
Favorite friendship for this character: she doesn’t really have any. She had one with Jiya but even if she were to join the team I don’t see them being friends in the same way again.
My crossover ship: I don’t really think much about crossover ships
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SIR Rebekkah Holylove : A Funk Lesson in Solitude
At sixteen Luther Vandross founded and served as the official president of a famous diva’s fan club. I can see him now, watching her seasoned shoulder bounce and measuring the funk in the black church two-step she makes across soul music platforms. He’s standing stage left, holding onto the curtain for balance. He’s lip syncing every song, calculating the mastery of her diction and phrasing. He’s studying her like a text; setting the stage for his own practice—one that would place him at microphones behind David Bowie, Chaka Khan, Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler and Donna Summer. He was Twenty Feet from Stardom and rising. Luther Vandross, the teenage boy, understood how Patricia Holt-Edwards from Philadelphia, became the legendary kick-your-shoes-off and snatch-your-own-wig when the tension builds between audience, music and voice; Luther Vandross presided over the fan club of Queen Motha Patti Labelle.
Strange things happen when an artist is moved to a new depth by another; we become fanatical about the fantastical beings who place us deeper into the abyss of craft. The management of details of who these artists are and how they come to being becomes a rite of passage. We obsess over the decisions they make to bring an album to fruition and take pride in knowing all things, from the major to the mundane; collaborations, music video direction, hair color, shoe size, inspiration behind the lyrics.  We fancy ourselves experts of our muses. And when it comes to black music, the stakes are higher—people stay questioning our responses to the brilliance of black artists; reading them as tribal reactions, as opposed to a focused study of mastery. But no. I’m from the school of Luther—committed to scholarship, research questions and methodology when pursuing the legends.
 There’s a strong chance that I became the unofficial president of Joi’s fan club twenty-five years ago. For twenty-five years, I’ve paid attention to her musical movement. Today, I feel confident that if asked to build a theoretical framework around the genius of her crunk-funk sound, I’d have my fucking PhD. Dr. DJ Lynnée Denise.
She’s a beast.
Joi occupies space in the lineage of artists who thrive across genre lines. How is that possible? Ask Prince, Ask Aretha, Ask Nina. Ask Stevie. Black people live hyphenated lives, so it’s fair to say our musicians embody and shift the context of what DuBois called “Double Consciousness,” musical cross pollination made available to the Souls of Black Folk. 
The three of us—Joi, DuBois and myself—have something in common: Nashville.
I saw Joi for the first time while I was sitting in the living room with a group of artists I met during my freshmen year at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee. She was in a straightjacket hanging on a meat hook in a blue lit walk-in meat refrigerator squirming with hopes of being released. The video was for the song “Sunshine in the Rain,” her first single. I’ve not turned away since.
DuBois graduated from Fisk in 1888, 109 years before me. Joi is the daughter of legendary NFL football player Joe Gilliam. She was a legacy student at the historically black public university Tennessee State on Nashville’s Jefferson Street. The intersections of our lives and the black excellence it carries spans centuries.
The artists in the room knew who she was and dismissed my awe with, “oh that’s Joi.” I was in her hometown. She was their hero. “Joi from down here” they said with regional pride from blunt stained lips, “she been on that different shit for years.” I took that to mean Joi was ahead of her time and an inspiration to the folks who watched her take shape.
I copped her debut album The Pendulum Vibe (1993) and listened to it nonstop for a good year. It filled the void created by LaFace’s TLC and the Sean Puffy girl group hip-hop soul phase. Don’t get me wrong, I fucked with Mary J Blige from day one and still do, but had real questions about the war on originality that was creeping into the black musical lexicon in a Bad Boy kinda way.
The Pendulum Vibe, ironically produced by the mind behind TLC—Dallas Austin, was a game changer, a call to arms for folks looking for sophisticated melodies and enough lyrical depth to drown in. Songs like Fatal Lovesick Journey had me pondering co-dependent relationships while puffing Black & Milds and drinking Alizé. There was well-placed wailing, playful and unapologetic sexual confidence and a genre defying southern rooted sound. Anti-formulaic, the music from this album spoke to my heart and gave me hope that Black America had something to compare to the brilliant UK Soul coming out of London and coming from my speakers. Though raunchier in her approach, Joi was in the Mica Paris and Caron Wheeler category for me. My ears recognized her as a kindred spirit. After the fiftieth listen of the Pendulum Vibe I sat myself down and said with all honesty, "this a bad bitch and the masses ain’t gon’ understand," hence her long-term relationship with the abstract term, the underground.
I'm torn.
Ever since I can remember I’ve been one of those people who rolls my eyes when I hear my favorite song from a new album I'm spending time with being played on the radio. I'm suspicious of what becomes widely accepted; afraid to see the artists I love hand over their authenticity to the police of mediocrity guarding the door of pop music in America. And yeah, everybody gotta eat, but why eating gotta equate to contractual agreements that alter your purpose? Prince’s decision to pen the word slave on his face in the 90s gave us an idea of what can happen when sitting down at the negotiating table with corporations who measure your worth by your marketability to an underdeveloped and musically ahistorical masses. I wanted to keep Joi underground where she was protected from the fuckery—following her own north star to musical freedom.
Her performances embodied all the funkiness my little soul had been waiting for at a time when black radio was pinned under the thumb of payola. She’s cut from the same cloth as Hendrix. Betty Davis. Vanity. One minute she gives you seasoned performer on a FunkJazzKafe stage alongside Too Short; then range and multi-dimensionality on stage with FishBone and De La Soul the next. Embedded in her vocal chords is a deep knowledge of Funkentelechy and Parliamentarian Cosmology, a heavy load of legacy to carry, but she’s bout it and lives inside the mashup.
Between 1996 and 2006, Joi recorded three more studio albums Amoeba Cleansing Syndrome (1997), a highly desired cult classic shelved before release due to the collapse of Universal Records.  It can now be purchased through her website, a gift for fans who were diggin’ through the crates in search of a copy. She produced the next two albums Star Kitty’s Revenge (2002) and Tennessee Slim is the Bomb (2006) independently.
Joi had a major hand in shaping the Atlanta Dungeon Family/Organized Noize sound; she sang background on Goodie Mob’s classic first album Soul Food; she worked closely with many artists, among them George Clinton, Sleepy Brown, Big Krit, 2 Chainz, Queen Latifah, and Tricky from London; she collaborated with Raphael Sadiq’s on his Lucy Pearl project; she joined Outkast on their final tour in 2014; and became a backing vocal for D’Angelo during his Black Messiah Tour in 2015. And still, with curriculum vitaé in hand, Joi found time to help, as she would say, “wipe down,” a few aspiring singers through her artist development business.
Upon moving to Los Angeles, after a twenty-year stint in Atlanta, she sat her ass down in a studio and pulled diamonds from a year of solitude to create a new gem of an album. S.I.R. Rebekkah Holylove. But don’t call it a comeback.
There’s a white-supremacist-mean-spirited-anti-intellectual-creamsicle-looking-fuckboy in the white house. I applaud anyone who can navigate this political shit show and turn away from social media long enough to concentrate on their respective practices. I live for the kind of high art that can offer the world a break from this reality fiction, and for these reasons and more Joi came through.  The journey of the album begins with three words that pushes us to the other side.
“Bitch I’m Free”
S.I.R. Rebekkah Holylove is what happens when anticipation meets expectations. Noteworthy is that this album, too, was produced independently in the spirit of Prince. He was one of the first artists to sell an album exclusively through a website because “Record company people are shady.”
Living liner notes are positioned between each track giving us poetic reflections that contextualize the song that follows or precedes it. Everything we need to move through the world of this album is provided, including a video for “Stare at Me” produced by Bruce Coles (Passerine Productions) and a cinematic vignette directed by Rahsaan Patterson. 
Joi’s is the only voice on the album. Don’t be fooled into thinking that there are three fellow bad bitches in the studio making it happen. It’s just her. She writes all the album’s lyrics, arranges all its vocals, and produces some of the tracks. She uses very little of the vocal compressor, an effect that most contemporary singers rely on, creating distance between authenticity and the voices you think you love.
I had a chance to spend some time with Joi in her studio, a live/work space she calls “The Funky Jewelry Box.” Inspirational posters and album covers drape the walls from Dolly Pardon to Led Zepplin and Natalie Cole to Minnie Ripperton. It’s an incubator for critical artistic thought up in there.
As I settled and began to think about questions that would unlock the door to the mysteries of this project, she was unwrapping a detox products from Dr. Sebi. “It’s a perfect time to fast,” she says, while removing the bubble wrap from a dark brown bottle of bodily goodness. She’s sitting at her recording station in an electric blue velvet cushioned vintage chair, “a rare find from a spot in LA,” she brags “undiscovered by hipsters and still affordable in its dealings.” The chair is perfect for the matriarchal themed nature of this album. Above her is a classic studio microphone that looks committed to its job and familiar with the racy nature of her spirit. There’s an intimacy between the two. We agree to listen to the album. She presses play and guides me through the sonic journey—joint in hand, ears on guard.
 “Ruler,” the album’s opening track sets an important tone. It’s a theme song straight out of The Wiz; a Glinda the Good witch anthem for women who understand the magic they walk with; Not Black Girl Magic, but Black Magic Women and their dominion over the proverbial Oz. Mind the distinction. Produced by Brook D’ Leux, Joi describes the song as a “declaration and celebration of the historical facts, a firm reminder of the greatness of women.” It’s a timely tune given the national dialogue concerning the crumbling of patriarchal-powered privilege. At the same time “Ruler” avoids being reactionary and trendy, there are no hashtags connected to this reckoning. The chorus is a command: “It's a never-ending, pitch black, goddess situation/Pussy power, life giving, matriarchy, salvation.” Period.
Joi takes the lead production credit in the song “Berlin,” and invites us inside the mind of a wanderluster fantasizing about a life alongside the people of Germany. While many artists fixate on cities like Paris and London, Joi paints a different kind of dance with a country rarely explored as a destination for aspiring Black American expatriates. “I’m on my way to Berlin, I hear it’s my kind of town.” She places herself under the light of a Berlin moon drinking a vintage glass of wine, but like a true gypsy spirit never commits to the place. “I want to call it home sometimes.” The song was written while Joi was getting her bearings in California. She uses the lyrics to negotiate a plan of action giving herself two years to make it happen, and when it does, the people of Berlin will know she’s arrived as an ATLien “Givin the Deutschland something they’ve never seen…High Priestess Funk Supreme.” Bopping her head from the blue chair she says “Berlin is one of my landing pads on the planet, it’s still on my mind and manifesting itself. The song is a call out to a future site.”
Joi’s racy songs have a long-standing history. On previous albums “Narcissica Cutie Pie” (Pendulum Vibe), explores sexual fluidity and bright dark fantasies about the spectrum of desire, while songs like “Lick” (Star Kitty’s Revenge) and “Dirty Mind” (Amoeba Cleansing Syndrome) help us hold the power of sex as a powerful tool that embodies Uses of the Erotic.  Sir Rebekah HolyLove builds on Joi’s collection of sex positive cantatas with “The Edge” produced and arranged by Joi with additional editing by Brook D’ Leux. A bass heavy funk monster that promises listeners a key to cities where “We can fuck until the dawn, making love til cherries gone”. I mean, yeah you’re married boo, but this is a acomplicated situation, the song implies. Cheating could become an option if good dick [or fill in the blank] is involved, and not many of us are willing to share that kind of ethical vulnerability on wax. And I don’t mean no disrespect to your official union, she asserts, but “you fuck me right and you’re mine tonight.” We never once forget that Joi is a human being dealing with the most undesirable and the most pleasurably outrageous scenarios that life asks us to consider; infidelity, heartbreak, orgasmic accomplishments. But the appeal is that she’s aware of the costs; “I’m standing on the edge with you/so if I jump will I fall or fly?”
In the song “Kush,” Featuring 2 Chainz and produced by Joi and Organized Noize we get another low bass banger. This time about a woman and her healing smokable herb, and what it means to pass one with a person you know good-and-well you’ll be taking home that night. Smoking as a form of foreplay is under-discussed. High sex deserves a love song and she delivers.
Far from insane to the membrane Cypress Hill or Snoop Dog indo smoke antics, we get reminded of the overlooked relationship that women have with a strain of weed that finds home in our exhale. Both Joi and Rihanna manage to pull off their relationships to weed well. It’s tastefully performative, radically unladylike and part of the pleasure in her solitude.
“Kingless” is a soundtrack for heart work and not surprisingly, the last song. Reflective and heavy with confession, admission and surrender. Produced by Joi, it gives us space to imagine what it might feel like to return home alone with all your matriarchal musings, global adventures and funk fantasies without a mate to share it with.  What does partnership look like for a rooted rock star? How does confidence read to potential companions who may or may not have received the necessary training one might need to be the queen’s match? Nevertheless, the desire (without desperation) to walk through the world with a lover is palpable. “Kingless” is the album’s only song that can be categorized as a ballad, should you feel compelled to pin it down to a style. But I heard it as a place of departure, a new turn on an old road. A shift in the spirit of the project, a bookend to a shelf of emotional intelligence in song. And she asks very simply who can match my royalty? My peer in love? My friend? Her answer; “Not a prince half grown”.
The song “Stare at Me” produced by Joi and Brook D’ Leau enjoyed an early release as a music video, but it strikes an important chord. I hear the song as a public health announcement about the egoist and narcissist nature of social media. She describes the song’s intent as representing “The multi-layeredness of wanting to be seen and of wanting to be left the fuck alone, also wanting to control the way you’re seen.” Social Media has created a kind of “hand-held seduction, hijacking my point of view.” Everybody’s watching she says “and I wish I didn’t care, I want to care less, but I want to be on your mind.” The video and the music do the song justice, there’s a visual narrative reinforcing selfie culture and the unwillingness to think through the nuances of big issues that’s shaping how we all relate. Instead, we get our opinions “hijacked” and find ourselves following the wave of the crowd. Musically, “Stare at Me” is so well constructed. The pauses and spaces, the kick drums and lyrics that dance through the bars.
 S.I.R. Rebekkah Holylove is a tribute to an album culture long forgotten. With the push for iTunes singles and music streaming culture, the intimate relating of album between artist and audience has been compromised. The album also holds its own up against a culture that produces albums at a rate impossible to enjoy, I’ll be listening to S.I.R. Rebekkah Holylove for years to come and “The Pendulum Vibe” brought me here.  Joi says she drew from various experiences to produce this album and she’s continued to work on other major projects (both in television and music), without compromising the integrity of her solo work. In her words “I have one of the most peaceful lives than anyone I know, but I recognize that solitude and peace is something I earned and it was necessary for this particular juncture.” 
Writing this piece felt like that time when Patti Labelle, and a fully established Grammy awarded Luther Vandross, shared a stage one glorious night in 1985. It’s that moment when student, fan, and gatekeeper of the musical masters graduate into a league of their own with a platform to articulate the many ways they’ve been shaped, artists marked by the legends.  And because Joi’s work has been canonized by a global community my work to unpack her work is really a citational practice. S.I.R. Rebekkah Holylove, is on a Black Atlantic continuum—a fantastic voyage will be had.  
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alamble23 · 6 years
Re-watching The King of the Delta Blues ....
JFC, you guys, are they EVER going to stop torturing us with the clips from “Hollywoodland” during the previouslies? RUB A LITTLE MORE SALT IN THE WOUND WHY DONTCHA?
I feel like a broken record pointing this out every week, but the casting and music departments on this show KILL.IT. Kamahl Naiqui is amazing as Robert Johnson.
The infamous, incredibly tasteless, truly awful joke: I just seriously don’t get what Anslem Richardson and the writers room were trying to accomplish here. Lisette over at Fangirlish theorizes that Rufus is making fun of Wyatt for loud sex that isn’t actually happening (because things between Wyatt and Jess aren’t going particularly well), and I suppose I can get behind that interpretation, since nobody else makes mention of it? I just really think this could have been done in a way that was A. WAY less ambiguous; and B. didn’t make Rufus and Wyatt look like idiotic jackasses. 
Anyway, moving on to Wyatt and Lucy being barely civil to each other.  Wyatt, honey, own this.  This is like the mother of all “be careful what you wish for” scenarios, dude. 
Rufus is now in the lead for “worst bunker boyfriend ever” but it’s gonna be a dead heat as long as Jessica remains on site and Jiya’s visions keep getting worse.
Speaking of Jessica, no Tonya Glanz in this episode, and to be quite frank, I didn’t miss her. No offense to her as an actress, but there’s plenty of tension to be mined there without Jessica actually being on my screen.
That Lifeboat cockpit is pretty effin’ cramped. How do they even have ROOM to add a fourth seat?
Drunk Uncle Connor is funny and sad all at once. 
“Well, if you’re not here to provide intelligence, what are you good for?” I love snarky Wyatt.  (And he has a bit of a point, even if he made it as meanly as possible) 
Oh, Connor, being drunk on your first mission is not an issue with this crowd. Just ask Wyatt. 
Mama Bear Denise, laying down the law about Flynn going on the mission, and handing over the one thing he’s wanted since he showed up in the bunker - a gun.
“Keep them safe.” “I wouldn’t have it any other way. *wink*” Of course Flynn is going to be flippant when Wyatt is deadly serious. 
In the Bunker of Terrible, Horrible, No-good, Very Bad Decisions, Mama Bear and Brother Bear plan the Rittenhouse raid while Baby Bear looks on, horrified. 
Incidentally, ladies, the word is C-A-V-A-L-R-Y.
I would love to know what lie Wyatt came up with when he told Jess that he was gonna be gone all day. 
Mason waxing philosophically about the wonders of time travel, rudely interrupted by alcohol-induced travel sickness. You lasted longer than Wyatt did, at least. 
I’d say Don Law took this whole mess rather well, all things considered. 
Much of Robert Johnson’s life is not very well-documented, which allows the show to really play up the urban myths surrounding him; another variation on the fate-vs-free will argument. 
Meanwhile, at Rittenhouse of Horrors #1, Wyatt gets in just a little TOO easily, until he’s ambushed by a redshirt. (also, Mama Bear, get your clock straight - that was Wyatt’s two, YOUR eight. The redshirt came at him from the front and to his right.)
That fight sequence was hella confusing - I still can’t figure out how Wyatt managed to turn his sidearm back on him. And why is Wyatt not using the phonetic alphabet? Jiya may be a civilian but I’m pretty sure she could have figured that out.
The lack of security at Rittenhouse of Horrors #1 leads me to believe that Carol might have gone a little bit rogue with that snatch-and-grab job last week on Mama Bear. 
And Mason as good as admits that he had a pretty good idea what he was getting into when he accepted funding from Rittenhouse.  Asshole. 
This conversation between Flynn and Lucy ... ugh. It just makes me stabby. “Sometimes I feel like I know you better than you know yourself.” NO.  JUST NO.  That shit is not romantic, it is fucking creepy. My apologies that I can’t remember who posted this analysis not long ago, but someone made the argument that Flynn is treating the version of Lucy that wrote the journal like a ficitonal character, not a flesh-and-blood person. It’s an excellent bit of meta, and frankly, I wish I’d seen it sooner. 
Hi, Sleeper Agent! I am guessing that the individual they killed at the top of the episode was actually a backup agent, who might have been sent back when Rittenhouse discovered that the team went back to San Antonio? It’s about the only explanation that makes sense to me.
True story: when I woke up yesterday morning and got caught up on the West Coast live tweets, I saw tweets from Matt and Abby referencing strawberry milkshakes and I had NO IDEA WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT. 
So, this conversation basically confirms that Lucy’s journal does not reference every mission, correct? If it had, wouldn’t Flynn have avoided the Hindenburg? Or does Lucy just specifically not reference Amy? Too confusing.
Mason, do you honestly think that Mama Bear is jusst gonna let you waltz out of the bunker? SHE HAD YOU ARRESTED, YO. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN JAIL.
Back at Rittenhouse of Horrors #2, what the heck was Wyatt doing while Jiya was cracking firewalls? Did he go back to the bunker?
I am totally here for Jiya defending Wyatt. 
That being said, Mama Bear has a point.
And we get to the fateful, yet too-brief confrontation between Wyatt and Carol Preston. Wyatt, of  course, can’t take the shot at Carol, I think partly because he recognizes her value as a potential source of information, were he to get her out of there alive, but mostly, let’s be real, because he couldn’t do that to Lucy. She knows nothing about this mission, and she would never forgive him for making that decision. He;s caused her enough pain already, he won’t add to it, not like this. Not if it’s avoidable.
Good lord, Nicholas Keynes is a TERRIBLE shot.  I mean, yes, modern weapons are very different than what he would be used to, but they didn’t have him go to a gun range or something, just in case? No wonder he died in WWI. Also, the fact that Wyatt is barely winded, tells me that none of Nicholas’ bullets did more than graze him. Bullets+Kevlar leave NASTY bruises.
And add Connor Mason to the list of people who have been put in the untenable position of “kill-or-be-killed” on a mission. If they do this to Jiya at some point, IMMA REVOLT.  
“Fanboys don’t save the world, Rufus!” - Yeah, but Fanboys and Fangirls do sometimes save their favorite show!
This scene between Rufus and Connor is so brilliant.  Malcolm and Paterson just knock it out of the park.
Speaking of Paterson knocking things out of the park .... this pep talk is amazing. 
It reminds me a little of one of my favorite quotes from The West Wing: “Decisions are made by the people who SHOW UP.”
Free will wins again.  
Poor Jiya. You think she feels left out, always having to stay home? 
Oh, Wyatt.  That is the face of someone DEEPLY REGRETTING his recent life choices. 
Imma just pretend that the episode ends right here, with Mason joyfully reliving his small part in making music history. “That was my yeah!”
Nope, Lucy’s new drinking buddy DIDN’T HAPPEN. Jiya’s vision of what is clearly the season finale DEFINITELY DIDN’T HAPPEN. 
I’m going to be at the beach next weekend, hopefully indoctrinating some friends into the Timeless cult. Until then, #Clockblockers!
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twdmusicboxmystery · 7 years
Analyzing Sneak Peeks - They’re SO Giving Me the TD Tingles!
Good morning! First let me say that it doesn’t look like I’ll get the Titles meta up until next week. My apologies. I’m still wrestling with it, and there’s just so much going on this week with the premiere so close.
Yesterday, my FB group was just afire with all the stuff we saw in the recently-released sneak peeks. They make me super-happy, so I wanted to go over them with you.
First there’s this sneak peek. Watch it here:
Yeah, a certain dark ship is freaking out about the hug, but whatevs. As I said in my group yesterday, Daryl seems utterly uninterested. But that’s not even what I want to talk about here. What caught my attention is the dialogue. After the hug, Daryl says, “It’s gonna be fun.” Carol answers, “No it isn’t.”
Sound familiar? It should:
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That’s the exact same phrasing used in Still. And no one’s talked about killing walkers being fun or not fun since Beth and Daryl did. This whole thing FEELS a lot like Operation Lead the Walkers Away in 6x01, but they didn’t say anything like this in S6.
Other things in this sneak peak:
When we first see Morgan walk toward the group, there’s a crashed, upside-down car behind him. Despite being upside down, it STILL has it’s trunk open. What are the odds of that?
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Side Note: Also notice the fire hydrant on the left. There are actually 3 in this scene. The other two are in the other direction. One on the left of the red car (which is red, but looks a lot like the one Carol drove when Rick exiled her from the prison in S4) and the other in the distance on the corner. 
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What block has 3 fire hydrants so close together? Goes back to the Daryl = Fire, Beth = Water Theory.
I’m curious about Tara’s line: Pleasure doing business with you. Not sure what it means or if it’s even a TD thing. It’s just an odd thing to say at a time like this. It has the ring of a deal, like the way things are run at Grady or the Sanctuary. Or even the prisoner exchange?
Daryl’s, “Better than letting things be though, right?” just reminds me a lot of, “We might as well do something.” Even if it’s not an exact dialogue parallel.
Same when Carol says, “It’s started.” And Daryl says, “Yeah, it was always gonna be that way.” Kind of like, “It went the way it had to, the way it was always going to.”
Onto the next promo. 
This one’s way crazier. Watch it here:
Okay, so let me just go over the symbols I’m seeing quickly and then we’ll talk about the super-important ones we can really sink our teeth into.
There’s the clock, which I’ll come back to.
Purple flowers by the bedside. This mirrors the purple flowers Rick saw in 1x01, as well as the ones Maggie saw when she woke up at Hilltop in 7x05. Tons of Beth parallels there. 
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There’s a repeat sign in the metal work.
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Kind of like we saw in the trees here: 
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Kinda points to Oceanside maybe? Although we do also see them around Morgan and the mailboxes a lot. Actually, given the clock stuff you’ll read below, I’m wondering for the first time if this could represent the V-shape of the clock hands.
I like that Daryl sends a message with an arrow. Not sure how to interpret that yet, but I think it’s interesting. I think Daryl is showing lots of self-control by NOT shooting Dwight just like Dwight did to Denise. And for the record, watching Dwight look terrified when the arrow hits, I almost feel like it’s a death foreshadow for him. Who knows when he’ll die–maybe not for a long time–but I wonder if they’ll kill him just like he killed Denise?
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We see him through the spokes of a bike. (X, X, X) And even the “tomorrow” on his note is important. I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ll talk about it more in my Titles meta when I get it posted. In short, we think “tomorrow” = war, but also winning the war and also probably Beth in some way. Again, details coming.
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Tara writes in a journal (like Beth’s journal), has red licorice in her mouth (Red Object) and is wearing the sunglasses she found in 7x06. (Linked to Beth’s possible blindness.)
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There are school buses in the background when Rick is giving his speech. I’ll come back to that one too. 
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Okay, that’s most of the small things. Just lots of symbols we’ve seen a lot in recent seasons. 
Onto the two BIG Things:
1. School Bus Parallels.
Just a few bars of a song are played at the beginning. It sounds a bit like an Irish jig, but M-Nonny was able to identify the song as a parody of “Another One Bites the Dust” done by Weird Al. It’s called, “Another One Rides the Bus.”
I’m sorry? The bus? As in School bus parallels? (X, X)
Two thing about this:
1) In S4, Maggie thought Glenn was on the school bus. He wasn’t. They did a minor death fake out for him. It turned out he was back where they’d originally come from at the prison. No one knew he was back there or thought to look for him there. Massive Beth parallels there, because they went back looking for her in a car, but she was back at Grady, where they’d come from. No one thought to look for her there. Chances are they circled out from the car, just as Bob said they’d made circles out from the bus, looking for Glenn.
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2) The other major bus they used was the one Abraham and Team D.C. took toward the capital in 5x05, Self-Help. Remember that this bus had the same license plate as the car that kidnapped Beth in Alone. That bus was headed to D.C. So “another one rides the bus” suggests some other character we haven’t see that fits into both these molds. In other words, Beth.
2. Let’s talk about this damn clock. Did it strike anyone else as SUPER suspicious?
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First of all, we’ve seen this time before. In 7x06, at Oceanside, Cindy looks at a clock that reads the same time: 8:22. In terms of episodes, that points to 8x04, which is the episode I personally think Beth will show up in. But it’s SO much more than that.
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It’s an upside-down mirror image of the clock from Still. Look:
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In Still, the clock’s hands point out and up. The time is 2:52, which is 8 minutes before the hour. Remember that it says this time the first time Beth and Daryl pass it. After going into the gift shop room, where Beth puts on her yellow polo (escape), they pass the clock again and it chimes the hour, which means 8 minutes have passed. Probably an indication that things will come back around in season 8.
This clock that we saw Oceanside and now in this sneak peek has hands that mirror the Still clock, but they point out and down, with the time at 8:22, or 8 minutes before the half hour. Not entirely sure what that points to, but no way it’s a coincidence, especially as we’ve seen it twice now. Could mean something big for 8x06, or for the MSF (8x08) which is half way through the season.
Either one works as ep 6 would mirror 6x06, Always Accountable and 7x06, Swear, which were both super-heavy on the Beth symbolism. And of course the MSF could also potentially be big. Not only bc it’s the MSF, but also it will be exactly 3 (Rule of Threes) seasons after Coda, and it’s also the second date listed on the headstone in Alone. All of which make me happy.
@bluesandbeth also noted that this clock had no second hand. What came to mind for me is the clock from 5x09. This one:
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@paolo_pedini (IG) told me that the red dial there isn’t a second hand. (I wouldn’t have even thought about it on my own.) If you watch, it doesn’t move. It stays in place. It has something to do with the fact that this is an alarm clock.
So this clock from the sneak peek mirrors the clock BETH CONTINUALLY STARES AT in 5x09, in that there is no second hand.
But look at this clock in 5x09 more closely. Yes, it is a different time. It says 5:10, not 8:22. But if you look at it, including the red hand, it points to three of the four directions we’ve had indicated here. We have one roughly on the two (ten after the hour), roughly on the 4/5, and roughly on the 8. The only one we’re missing is the one pointing to the 10.
Not sure how to interpret that, but maybe as an “in-between”? The clocks prior to Beth being shot (the one in Still and the 10:10, Get Well Soon on her wall) point upward. All the clocks in 5x09 point to 5:10 (which also point to the episode where the music box wakes up) and now in S7 and S8, the clock hands are all pointing downward. Do what that what you will.
M-Nonny also pointed out that we see presentations of the positions these hands point to in the second hand of Beth’s ticking clock in Slabtown.
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See? The meaning of these clocks is SO much more complex than we ever realized!
I also looked into the Westclox brand. It’s a company that’s been around a long time. Since pre-WWII. They’re best known for their alarm clocks and, wait for it, pocket watches. Glenn anyone? Also, randomly, their headquarters was burnt down back in 2010. The work of two arsonists, who were convicted. No idea if that went into the planning, but Still didn’t air until 2014. Beth and Daryl would qualify as two arsonists in Still. And then there’s The Arsonist’s Lullaby. Now that brand of clock is being shown, front and center, in S8. Just saying.
Just gonna throw in the 8 here in the background (on the black back pack on the right side of the picture) while Beth plays, still sings, and looks at the 5:10 alarm clock.
(Creds to a Nonny in my inbox who I haven’t answered yet for pointing this out to me. 😉💖)
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Okay, that’s basically all I have. If you’re anything like us in the Safe Zone, you should be freaking out about now. Happy Saturday, Everyone. ;D Episode 1 tomorrow night!
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everythingtimeless · 7 years
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Welcome to EverythingTimeless’ Weekly Roundtable, a sprawling discussion in which your friendly neighborhood Mod Time Team breaks down episodes of our favorite show, Timeless. We can’t promise to be coherent, but we’ll try our best. Lovely header gif courtesy of our pal @lady-demelza.
This week: Season 1, Episode 1 - Pilot
Sarah: I think that we should first state that we are currently blogging this from what we consider the present: Wednesday, the 11th of July.
Ann: I hate to break it to you, Sarah. But it is actually the 12th of July.
Sarah: Well, I am in the past. Apparently. Changing it.
Ann: *Lucy screams in the distance*
Sarah: Can we call ourselves The Time Team? Time Team Part II?
Gissane: I like The Time Team Part II!
Ann: So I am actually just now rewatching the pilot (because if there is anything I excel at it's procrastination) and I still die over 2 things right off the bat: the cinematography of this show and MA'AM.
Sarah: That scene? With Lucy, Wyatt, and Kate silhouetted by the fire? Gorgeous.
Gissane: Agreed. It's STUNNING. And good grief, ma'am. Ma'am is everything.
Ann: Omg, for a minute I thought you were talking about /our/ Kate and I was VERY confused.
Kate: Ma'am forever and always. The little battles that Lucy and Wyatt have in that first episode create some great tension.
Ann: I swear she is a little happy when he gets time travel sick. And I appreciate that level of petty.
Sarah: Oh, definitely Ann. In retaliation for that self-satisfied look when she couldn't handle all of the seat belts. Surely.
Kate: He gets that same look when he tells he he needs her very modern bra.
Sarah: Perhaps we should start from the very beginning? I'm told it's the very best place to start.
Ann: The very best.
Kate: Maria Von Trapp was a wise woman.
Sarah: Lucy: First impressions.
Kate: Besides her phenomenal hair game? This woman is incredibly intelligent, but even better, she is witty. But Lucy in that classroom? All confident and full of facts. Leading lady swoon.
Sarah: Leading Lady Swoon™
Gissane: I loved Lucy's excitement! She puts so much heart into everything she does, and she is flat out perfect.
Ann: My first impression of Lucy was OH BUT I LIKE HER. She's a nerd through and through, in that she is hella passionate about history and is basically just Jazzed Beyond Belief about it all.
Sarah: I could definitely do with more of Professor Preston.
Kate: And having trouble with the establishment bros getting tenure? I was indignant on her behalf. But it leads nicely into her struggle to start her own legacy or fulfill her mother's. Which I think if you juxtapose with the last episode makes you go DAYUM.
Gissane: Amen to that, Kate!
Sarah: Definitely, Kate. But is also makes her intelligence and success working as part of the Time Team more satisfying. She's the fricking best.
Kate: She really is.
Gissane: Lucy was so easy to love from the moment she was on screen. Maybe it's because Abigail Spencer is a brilliant gorgeous unicorn, but she just had so much personality.
Ann: It's funny rewatching this after so long, and after being such a fan of everything about it, how different they all were at the beginning. It's like as much as I loved Lucy from the get-go, I did NOT like Wyatt.
Kate: So true. They became such a cohesive and indivisible unit i was hard to go back and see them before.
Sarah: Amen, Ann.
Ann: He was brash, kinda ruthless, and a little unhinged, to be honest.
Sarah: I thought Wyatt was boooorrring.
Ann: The dimples happily remain unchanged, however.
Kate: And besides the ma'am that stopped my heart, I was so very worried that Wyatt was going to be Vanilla Male Lead #950643
Sarah: Yes, Kate. Yes. I was like - Oh. Pretty and Generic.
Gissane: You know what I just realized, we never get a scene of what Wyatt's doing before he gets called in. We have Lucy's life and Rufus', but Wyatt nothing and now I'm very intrigued. Are we even told where he was? My memory is blanking on this.
Sarah: No! You are so right, Goose.
Sarah: We start in medias res on Wyatt.
Kate: I think Wyatt is meant to be the mystery as he is the military man. Shrouded in secret missions and all that.
Sarah: I think it also keeps him as Generic Military Pretty Boy.
Ann: I really expected him to be a cardboard cutout of the media's interpretation of a Super Soldier. As well, this episode did a really good job painting him as such. I was so happy to be surprised later on.
Gissane: And I agree. I didn't have any thoughts on him particularly rather that I didn't care. But then he mentioned his wife's death and I was like oh? Tell me more. Tell me more about the mysteries behind those blue eyes. Please and thank you.
Ann: I am at that scene right now. The whole jail scene with him and Lucy really deepened my interest in all of the characters.
Kate: And Rufus. Rufus is never not just everything and more.
Ann: E V E R Y T H I N G.
Sarah: I think that's one of the aspects of this show that really hooked me: It took character archetypes I thought I knew, and made them real, likable, and interesting.
Gissane: That entire scene in the jail is perfection. I get chills every time I think of Rufus' speech to the guard. Brilliant. EPIC.
Sarah: Fun fact: Malcolm Barrett improvised most of that speech!
Ann: He did?? I didn't know that!
Kate: That scene is even more profound now.
Gissane: That's when Rufus went from aww, what a sweetheart to OH MY GOD, YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME.
Sarah: Yeah! Kripke and Ryan talked about it at the screening I went to. He also improvised the "the back of the bus was great" line.
Kate: What this show does with Rufus, giving him this complex, meaty character and actually allowing for discussions of race through history is one of my favorite parts of the show.
Sarah: Yes, Kate.
Gissane: All the awards because that scene was the episode's best -- context and performance wise.
Ann: Hard agree, Kate. And they did it right from the start and kept it up the whole damn season.
Sarah: The moment Rufus says to Mason that it has never been a good time to be a black person in history was when I knew this show was self-aware. You can have fun, you can have irreverence, you can have a family show and still address very real, very important, very serious issues.
Kate: It's a perspective that demands to be told. I could not be happier they were brave enough to.
Sarah: And by Malcolm Barrett, who is the most perfect cinnamon roll as Rufus.
Gissane: This show's self-awareness is what makes it so unique. Time travel? Cool, it's been done a couple of times. But to actually highlight the negativity in history makes it much more unique and intriguing.
Ann: Another thing the show does well? Guest characters you care about. These random, one-off historical people...somehow relevant and fleshed out in 45 minutes every week.
Kate: I could write sonnets about Timeless and their guest characters. Maybe I have and they are hidden in my sock drawer... you don't know.
Sarah: Kate Drummond appears. Could be some sort of Male Brand Strong Female. But is somehow so careful and wonderful
(EDITOR’S NOTE: Delve into the kickass history of the amazing female journalists who could have served as inspiration for the fictional Kate Drummond with this week’s Historical Hour with Hilary, our resident historian!)
Kate: She is ballsy and capable. I love her.
Sarah: Both Lucy and Wyatt's interactions with her.
Ann: Exactly! Kate Drummond was brilliant. Also kickass red lipstick, which is bonus.
Sarah: Are meaningful and lovely.
Gissane: And so dedicated to her work. No distractions. I loved that!
Kate: And I think it is important they chose her, a character she who was fated to die. Because they make us love her and it makes the implications and the desire to change history to save her real for us. Just as it is real for the Time Team.
Sarah: Right, Kate. Contextualizing what it means to change - or not change - history. Kate is someone Lucy admired and had to watch die. Kate is someone Wyatt identified with immediately on a very intimate level - and had to watch die.
Ann: It's so powerful.
Sarah: Wyatt, as we see briefly here, is obsessed with saving his wife because he feels responsible. But in the very first episode, we see him save someone from their "fate" - only to see that effort thwarted minutes later.
Ann: OH A WILD GARCIA APPEARS. Quite literally wild. But also dayuuum.
Sarah: AND WHAT A FINE SPECIMEN HE IS. I will never not love Goran Višnjić.
Gissane: WHAT A COMPLEX SPECIMEN. And now he is someone I literally couldn't for the life of me imagine caring about and yet, here we are.
Kate: I could stare at those broody eyes, flippy hair, and angular cheekbones all the days.
Sarah: He could have chemistry with a piece of anthracite.
Kate: Yes, Goose. I knew the second he was supposed to be our "villain" we were in for a much more layered portrayal of a man with much more to show us.
Ann: That's the brilliance of well-written character-driven stories. I demand more.
Kate: We all did, so much so they were forced to renew it. Hahaha But I digress.
Ann: You also speak the sterling truth. (CONGRATS CLOCKBLOCKERS.)
Gissane: Can I just mention how much I love that fandom name?
Kate: You most certainly can, and I will heartily second it.
Ann: Also can we talk about the supporting cast for a quick second? A Denise Christopher or a Jiya Marri perhaps? Because again with the fleshed out, interesting REAL secondary characters.
Gissane: YES. And right from the start they're both such a presence on screen. You instantly want to know more.
Kate: I love Denise and her no nonsense attitude. I need to you save time guys. You will do it. I will need you again. You will do it. Wonderful, thanks, bye.
Ann: Ha ha ha, exactly!
Kate: And smart, capable Jiya! Rufus was making heart eyes at her in the very first scene and I both understand that on a spiritual level and am here for it.
Ann: Again though, another example of characters I expected them to just leave as cardboard cutouts. But nope. Not Timeless. No simple Hard Liner Bosses or Nerdy Tech Girls here. We get warm, lovely, interesting people.
Sarah: And then he asked her out like a normal person instead of weirdly objectifying her. And then she said yes like a person instead of being some strange Unattainable Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
Gissane: Shout it from the rooftops, y'all. From the rooftops!
Sarah: Yes - Annie. We actually get people!
Kate: And these people are women! How often does that happen?!
Ann: This and Wonder Woman? *laughs to keep from crying*
Kate: And women of color, no less. Be still my heart.
Sarah: I think one thing that really struck me upon rewatch was what a STRONG pilot this is. I always give myself the 3 Episode Rule.
Ann: Yes Sarah! I was just thinking that as it concluded. I immediately want to watch 15 more.
Sarah: Which is: Watch 3 episodes of a show before deciding it it's worth a watch. There wasn't huge amounts of obvious exposition. The plot was not throw-away.
Kate: It really had everything I was looking for.
Sarah: We were invested in the characters. And, as a person who is very picky about time travel, it handled that aspect so well.
Ann: I think, aside from Back to the Future, it's one of the only pieces of media that has handled time travel in a way I enjoy. Because OBVIOUSLY Back to the Future.
Kate: You can always tell when writers care about their characters because they give you no choice but to also. And they managed that with all of them which is no easy feat.
Gissane: See I liked the pilot. I didn't LOVE it. Until like the second rewatch after I'd already been invested, but it was just right to keep me wanting more. And then episode two happened. I have never looked back after that.
Ann: Oh man, episode 2. I think that is still my favorite episode.
Kate: I am not emotionally prepared to discuss episode 2. Lock it up, you two.
Ann: Gah, ok. You're right. That's for next week.
Sarah: So if we're going to sum up our feelings on rewatch:
Lady Swoon™
Wild Garcia Yes
Rufus FTW
No One Likes Wyatt Yet
(except Kate for shallow reasons only)
Sarah: Because that hat. Always the 40s fedora on classy, attractive gentlemen.
Gissane: He should always wear hats.
Kate: Ah yup. I mean all the Timeless men are yummy. I just want them all in various period hats for my viewing pleasure and I am not sorry.
Ann: And you shouldn't be.
Sarah: Never apologize.
Kate: The ladies, too. We are blessed.
Sarah: Any final thoughts on the first episode before we bring this Lifeboat back to dock?
Gissane: It's a damn good pilot when you think of it. So rich and full. And so very promising. I've converted about five of my friends into fans already. I'm stupidly proud of this.
Ann: I've got a question: What time period would you you guys travel to?
Gissane: One cannot simply choose. Nope. Don't make it.
Kate: Time travel questions are hard because being a lady in history could truly suck.
Ann: Yes it could. And probably will?
Kate: But I am not going to pretend like I didn't read all the Jane Austen and wish I wasn't Elizabeth Bennett.
Gissane: S A M E.
Ann: Oh hell yes. Or watch Meet Me in St. Louis and want to wear one of those outfits Judy Garland sports and sing on trolleys?
Sarah: Don't want to go all Owen Wilson on y'all, but send me back to that Lost Generation in Paris 1920s.
Ann: Only if I can drink with Hemingway.
Kate: Obvi.
Sarah: So long as you are Brave and Strong, Annie.
Kate: Can we just quickly pour one out for poor Amy?
Gissane: I wasn't prepared for that one, Kate. BRING AMY BACK.
Kate: Timeless and their twists man. MY HEART STRINGS CAN ONLY TAKE SO MUCH.
Sarah: *frantically makes buttons and posters* BRING BACK AMY. SAVE AMY 20K17.
Gissane: Seriously. MAKE ALL THE POSTERS.
Kate: They rip her away from us and Lucy and right before the episode with Robert Todd Lincoln. It is too much. I need to rest.
Sarah: May Robert Todd all carry us softly to sleep. Thanks for the great chat, ladies. Cannot wait to really unpack and dig in.
Gissane: Cheers to that. Til next week!
Kate: Agreed. Until next time!
Ann: See you IN THE FUTURE! #godiamsolame
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yessoupy · 6 years
please ignore this, it is a shitty primer for my beta.
season 1 - start at a camp at “the quarry” outside of atlanta. daryl’s asshole brother merle gets left handcuffed on top of a roof, this starts out daryl and rick’s relationship on shaky ground. daryl throws a bunch of dead squirrels at him. they go back for merle, they only find his hand. they go to the CDC where they learn there’s no cure. the doc tells rick they’re all infected (meaning if you die however, you’ll come back as a zombie). doc is gonna blow up the joint with everyone in it but they get out.
season 2 - starts on the interstate. they get stuck, a herd (bunch of zombies) comes through and they lose carol’s daughter sophia. while out looking for her, carl (rick’s son) gets shot. the man who shot him (he shot a deer and carl was standing watching the deer, deer shot clean through) brings rick and carl and shane (rick’s bestie and also his partner in the police department) with him to the farm where he lives. this is hershel greene’s farm. hershel is a vet. hershel’s daughter maggie goes out on a horse to find lori (rick’s wife and carl’s mom) to bring her to the farm. the whole group stays at the farm for awhile searching for sophia. my fave episode is 2x5 “chupacabra” where daryl’s like “fuck all y’all i’m gonna go find sophia” and instead he like, falls down a hill and gets stabbed by his own crossbow bolt and when he finally gets back he’s limpin’ around and andrea thinks she’s a zombie so she shoots him in the head but the bullet just skims him. anyway, shane got lori pregnant and think rick’s gonna get em all killed so he goes nuts and rick ends up having to kill him in a field and carl sees that and when shane rises up (rick hadn’t told everyone that they’re all infected) carl shoots him in the head. i think. ANYWAY a herd comes through and they get run off the farm (glenn and maggie are together now) and rick declares himself in charge.
season 3 - starts out with them on the road, everyone’s real skinny, rick and daryl find the prison and the group clears it of zombies. (group, aka team family: rick lori carl carol t-dog daryl hershel beth (maggie’s sister) maggie glenn.... andrea went missing after the farm, she links up with michonne, who has a katana and also two zombies with their jaws and arms off on leashes. anyway they’re living there when they come up against the governor. he’s got a town called woodbury. he’s fucking insane. andrea and michonne end up there, michonne sees him for what he is and andrea sleeps with him bc that’s what she does. oh, the governor has merle as his henchman. lots of this season is “UGH will daryl get to see his asshole brother again???” answer yes: they’re both in a gladiator ring and the governor wants merle to kill daryl. eventually the governor attacks the prison and rick’s group sends him off, he’s pissed, the governor kills almost all his people who were fighting on his side and disappears. oh also, merle tries to save team family and gets himself turned into a zombie and daryl has to put him down. sad. oh also, lori has the baby when they have a zombie problem and maggie has to cut the baby out of her and carl has to put her down. baby is judith, but her first name is lil asskicker. soon as she’s born daryl goes out on a run to get her formula and is the first to feed her. ohhhhhh my ovaries.
season 4 - still at the prison, they brought the woodbury people in. it’s awesome! but then an infection takes hold and people die and turn into zombies and it’s a mess. rick sends carol away because she killed and burned up a few sick people. the governor builds a new group with one of his old guys and brings them to attack rick’s group at the prison. hershel gets his head chopped off, michonne kills the governor, but the prison falls and they go on the run. tara was with the governor but she stays with rick’s group. she’s a lesbian.
season 5 - they find this new place called terminus, they think it’s a sanctuary, but really the terminus people are cannibals. they get out because carol saves them, carol and daryl reunite and it’s heartwarming (lots of caryl shippers, but i see it v much as platonic soulmates. daryl was beat by his daddy and carol’s husband was abusive. he got et in season 1). they’re on the run again. THEN this random guy starts leaving them water and food and shit and long story short (lmao) his name is aaron and he and his husband eric (they kiss! on screen!!!) are recruiters for a walled community called alexandria. after some dithering rick takes the group there. alexandria is full of naive idiots. shit goes down, the leader’s husband gets killed, blah blah, rick ends up in charge. oh there are these fuckedup people called the wolves who infiltrate and a bunch of people die.
season 6 - idk, maybe the last bit of what i put under season 5 goes here? whatever, who cares. by episode 10 they’re all chill in their houses with solar powered everything and showers and alexandria is a nice place. episode 10 is when they come across jesus (my name’s paul rovia, but my friends used to call me jesus)
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who eventually brings them back to his community, the hilltop. (oh, by now rick and michonne are together. richonne goes canon!) hilltop has a problem with this guy called negan, who makes people work for him for protection. i fucking hate negan. he’ll kill glenn (lots of fics just ignore that because it was so fucking stupid), terrorize everyone. jesus also takes them to the kingdom, where ezekiel is with his tiger (yes.)
seasons 7 and 8 - oh so basically they fight a war against negan for 2 years??? negan takes daryl hostage and tortures him for weeks. JESUS SAVES HIM and he lives at hilltop so negan can’t find him. blah blah, carl gets bit and dies, rick goes to crazy town, they beat negan but don’t kill him, instead imprisoning him at alexandria forever. oh, aaron’s husband gets killed in the war and then hours later rick shows up with this baby whose daddy he killed so aaron takes her (her name is gracie). in the comics, jesus and aaron get together. carol and ezekiel get together. tara gets a girlfriend, denise, but she ends up getting killed bc some guy (dwight) is aiming for daryl and gets her instead. 
most fic doesn’t give a shit about season 9 (current season) bc they killed off jesus in episode 8 for stupid shit reasons. the best of the daryl/jesus fic was written in 2016/2017, which was just after the introduction of jesus. jesus doesn’t have a lot of screentime in season 7 or 8, which was disappointing. but he does come out to maggie near the end of season 7, so at least we got that lil bone.
big m/m ship is rickyl, for obvious reasons. oh in season 4 daryl ends up with this weird group of biker dudes and then they run across rick and try to fuck him up and one guy tries to fuck with carl and rick bites out the guy’s jugular and then after calls daryl his brother.
oh, maggie is pregnant at the end of season 8 and has baby hershel by season 9. 
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alisaint · 7 years
lmao denise you make laugh so much with the got blogging, i do watch it, is the only thing keeping me alive during this zrought, i dont think jon will identify himself as a targ, like his idol is ned, he loves the north so much so that doesnt really bothers me. also i sadly dont think the prophecy will be fulfilled by jaime. after she blew the sept i thought hed be done buuuuut he just let het her spit on tommen like that...
ok so i cut this into two parts in case u Do know the spoilers and in case u don’t, the half above the read more is Safe n Spoiler Free meanwhile under the readmore isn’t so !!!!!!!!!!!!! stay Safe
it’s the only thing keeping me alive too!!!! can u tell by my sporadic blogging that i’m going around peaking into different shows n movies trying 2 find smth to keep me afloat until zayn makes the world His again. rip rip rip.
i see what ur saying but also........ i’m Scared :( jus bc ned is his idol n the north is his home n Blah Blah Blah don’t mean ............ that he wouldn’t act on his targ blood .... n i’m biased as FUCK cos i don’t like dany i don’t like her politics etc etc she’s always fallen flat as a character to me and i don’t !!! want!!! him!! near!!! her!!! stay in the norf, jon
i feel like j x c’s relationship is toxic as a whole and the love he feels for her is not wholly jus romantic love i think it’s also “we’re stuck with each other” “we’re all we have left” and bits of obligation as well n nikolaj has spoken abt that himself also which i kno it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day bc he’s the actor not the visionary of the show but. he doesn’t ring as Equally evil to me as cer///sei. and if the show does fan service bc everyone loves tyrion n expects him to be the one to do it then that’s also fine but.... as someone that likes 2 see villains get what they deserve n ppl leave toxic relationships n be with ppl who make them better it would be Very Nice if jaime was the one that did it :p
i get what ur saying abt how she blew up the sept and isn’t openly mourning for their son but i think that’s because she already knew this was going to happen to her and is channeling her grief into something different, read: anger + revenge. she’s fighting for what’s theirs, she’s fighting for their house, and trying very hard to keep them from following their children’s fates and i think that’s v important to note, too. jaime was taken aback by it bc he didn’t receive that prophecy, and also, while yes he was their father, he wasn’t really much of an active parent. he only really felt like one when he had that moment with myrcella before she died. that was his first actualized OMG I’m A Dad™ and ofc despite their position he didn’t have any idea that they [ at least tommen n myrcella ] would die when and how they did, in such a short succession. they’re both grieving jus in different ways, and later on cer///sei after a meeting discussing white walkers says she wants them to kill off all her enemies for her jaime ends up being disgusted bc holy shit woman did u not listen to Anything at all is that what ur brain is abt and leaves. he actually gets on his horse and leaves her in king’s landing. do u wanna kno where he goes?
which...... not to make it obvious that i’m fucking pissing myself and crying but .... u kno who’s also up north? brienne.
a kind, noble, and honest woman. that makes him better. “it was always yours” wha thef uck kyle
gorl...... jon n dany get it on ..... that only intensifies my fear bc while idk if he actually is told he’s a targ before that (the spoilers don’t say, it’s jus known that others find out before him) they have a family tradition of like. incest pretty much. n even tho rhaegar broke that.... a lot of ppl ship them together and the show prob is gonna go that direction since i doubt they’re going to introduce another love interest for jon. rip in pieces jorah and that other pretty boy whose name i always forget somehow but can remember his quotes in complete detail
and i’m also scared that he’s gonna suffer the Mixed Kid Syndrome n while the norf loves him n he’s fought for them n literally lost his life for them that him bein a targ might change things a lil..... like wrow fellas.... and again im scared abt that fan service binch and the foreshadowing like robb left n died n while i don’t think jon is going to die yet (if he does, it’ll be next season prob since it’s not this one) i think sansa does.... end up being the queen of the north. like idk. idk. i’m torn. jon , despite not being a full stark, has the stark face the attributes he’s a northerner he’s the white wolf he loves his people he’s just like them but he’s also a dragon. he’s part of the family that will most likely get the throne. u can’t jus.... like.... ignore dat. u kno?
anyway im scared and always crying thanks for tuning into this mess
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thisdaynews · 5 years
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By Denise Evans
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#nufca few months ago when we had a decent front three and an excellent manager…..
from Neil Johnson here
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Video caption: Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp praised his team’s mentality after their win at SouthamptonLiverpool manager Jurgen Klopp praised his team’s mentality after their win at Southampton
Full quotes here
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Posted at 7:367:36
Luiz left Arsenal due to ‘ambition’
Arsenal 2-1 Burnley
David Luizleft Chelsea for London rivals Arsenal on transfer deadline day.
He’s now explained his reasons why, after making his debut for the Gunners on Saturday.
Chelsea, who beat Arsenal in the Europa League final, came third in the league last season with Arsenal fifth.
“I am a guy with ambition and that is why I moved. I like a new a challenge and new things in my life,” said Luiz.
“This is what gives me oxygen and gives me motivation and also to really enjoy this moment.
“I could have chosen a comfortable zone and got money and be cool and that is it.”
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Posted at 7:327:32
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Obah Christopher:“It’s the hope that kills you”? I think Barcelona playing Liverpool last season needing just a goal to progress, and eventually not getting it.
Not in this game, obviously, but VAR has given the ‘hope that kills you’ new meaning this season, hasn’t it?
Posted at 7:327:32
Dani’s dream debut
Arsenal 2-1 Burnley
Daniel Cabelloswas named man of the match after his sterling display against Burnley on Saturday.
It was the kind of showing that made you wonder why Real Madrid let him go.
Loanee Ceballos recorded two assists on his full Arsenal debut, recording four key passes in all and registering as many shots as strikers Aubameyang and Lacazette (three
An ever-modest Daniel took to social media after the game to commend his team-mates for a tough win. Nice to see, if you ask me (alliteration not intended).
Posted at 7:277:27
Gunners edge out Burnley
Arsenal 2-1 Burnley
Arsenal’s striker duoPierre-Emerick AubameyangandAlexandre Lacazettecame to the rescue yet again with a goal either side of Burnley’s Ashley Barnes.
It was Saturday’s lunchtime kick-off and it got everyone licking their lips for what was to come over the weekend, as the Gunners were forced to fight for their win at the Emirates.
Arsenal bossUnai Emerywas full of praise for his team, especially Aubameyang.
But it was new boyCabelloswho had the fans the most excited, after he shone in his home debut after arriving on loan from Real Madrid over the summer.
More on him in a sec…
Video content
Video caption: Arsenal boss Unai Emery praises Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang for his winner against BurnleyArsenal boss Unai Emery praises Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang for his winner against Burnley
Posted at 7:227:22
Get Involved – ‘it’s the hope that kills you’ goal
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Lisa Crowe: Sol Campbell’s goal against Argentina
SMS Message: It’s the hope that kills ya …
Gazza sliding in and missing the ball by inches, Euro 96 semi V Germany. from Darcey’s Dad, Colne, Lancs.
It’s the hope that kills ya …
Gazza sliding in and missing the ball by inches, Euro 96 semi V Germany.
Posted at 7:197:19
Everton 1-0 Watford
Ummm…is that motivation ‘don’t be like them, Watford?’
Posted at 7:127:12
Post update
Everton 1-0 Watford
Bernard scored the only goal as Everton got their 2019-20 Premier League campaign up and running.
But Watford’s poor start continued as they failed to turnaround their 4-0 thumping to Brighton on the opening day.
ManagerJavi Graciawas hoping for a reaction from his players at Everton, but despite a better second half, they failed to deliver as the Toffees stood firm.
Stay tuned as I continue to rattle through the weekend’s games, as a gentle reminder of how the second Saturday of the season panned out.
Video content
Video caption: Watford boss Javi Gracia wants his players to be ‘angry and hungry’ after 1-0 at EvertonWatford boss Javi Gracia wants his players to be ‘angry and hungry’ after 1-0 at Everton
Posted at 7:077:07
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Tracey Payne:I don’t really understand the controversy about the disallowed City goal. Yeah, it was harsh but that’s the law now. VAR just followed it. The same law was applied when Wolves had a goal disallowed last week. No-one complained that much then.
Bob: It’s not the disallowed City goal it’s the foul on Rodri in the box not given by Ref & VAR whereas Sterling gets booked for same outside the box. Inconsistency causes upset & confusion
Posted at 7:057:05
Goodison Park a fortess?
Everton 1-0 Watford
Everton boss Marco Silva certainly hopes so.
Video content
Video caption: Marco Silva is focused on keeping clean sheets at home after a 1-0 win over WatfordMarco Silva is focused on keeping clean sheets at home after a 1-0 win over Watford
Posted at 7:007:00
Stalemate on the south coast
Brighton 1-1 West Ham
Chicharito put West Ham in front at Brighton, butLeandro Trossardlevelled things up minutes later.
The Belgian had a goal disallowed in the first half, after VAR ruled he was offside.
Brighton have four points from two games after thrashing Watford in their opening game.
The Hammers meanwhile will have to wait until the their next match against the Hornets on Saturday for their first victory.
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Posted at 6:526:52
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Oh the agony, Ryan…
SMS Message: The couple of minutes between full time against Sunderland and “Aguerooooooo” as a United fan. That was a long walk back through town with a Champ19ns shirt on. from Ryan
The couple of minutes between full time against Sunderland and “Aguerooooooo” as a United fan. That was a long walk back through town with a Champ19ns shirt on.
Posted at 6:516:51
Villa fall short
Aston Villa 1-2 Bournemouth
Bournemouth’s solid start to the season continued as they sneaked past Aston Villa at Villa Park.
The hosts will be disappointed not to come away with a point after losing concentration for the first 10 minutes of the game, with the Cherries 2-0 up within the first 12 minutes.
“We made two big mistakes, they had two goals in 10 minutes and it’s difficult to come back from that in this league,” Villa managerDean Smithtold BBC Match of the Day.
“You’re always chasing at 2-0 and it allows them to slow it down and kill the game a little bit.”
The newly promoted Villa next play Everton on Friday.
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Posted at 6:466:46
‘VAR disaster’
Man City 2-2 Tottenham
The Times
Henry Winter sums up the mood surrounding VAR pretty well here
Posted at 6:456:45
Get Involved – what’s your ‘hope that kills you’ game?
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Francesca Gunn:England… Frank Lampard… need I say more?
Peter Collins: I’m not a Liverpool fan, but I suspect their title chase last season falls into the “it’s the hope that kills you” category. Every week hoping City would drop a point, every week being disappointed.
Hellworld99: ‘It’s the hope that kills you’ Pretty much Liverpool before June 1st
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