#wayyyyyyy worse
I think probably my favorite thing about any iteration of Walkernatural is how possessive Liam is of Cordell as a brother and how that impacts his relationship with the Winchesters
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fangsforfags · 3 months
t-shirt tht says "my necessary medical surgeries butchered my body worse than my gender affirming surgeries ever could"
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planet4546b · 11 months
i’ve been telling my boss that idc if i get moved to the bakery or stay in the dishroom but i’m realizing that is not at all true. my physical + mental state is literally night and fucking day in the bakery
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witchblade · 2 years
why do they have wendy yelling 24/7 in all their songs now why is she getting the volume event
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nickisnecromancy · 4 months
Happy pride month! Now I'm not saying if I have a crush or not ;3 but have your got anyone in your life you're crushin on?
uwaaaahhh ur just gonna Leave me Hangin?!?!
yeaaaa theres someone i gotta huge crush on but she doesnt like me back (which is p much how it always goes lol) i was being too annoying i guess
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gendertroublemaker · 1 year
I’m trying to be a more understanding person and less angry. Is it working? 🫣
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desmorotu · 2 months
Redacted Headcanons: Smoking Edition :3
honey is really giggly and affectionate when they’re high (as stated previously)
guy is less “millennial humor” and wayyyyyyy more affectionate. think the personality of fool!guy but with his continued affection
david smiles a lot and can’t keep his eyes open for too long before squinting them; he does giggle
angel falls asleep almost instantly
milo doesn’t participate unless sweetheart is present
morgan can feel the rhythm of time and falls into visions more often
geordi gets a kick out of hearing cutie’s thoughts
cutie won’t stop laughing at the funny things they think
sweetheart has trained themselves to look sober
darlin needs a significant amount more for it to hit
baaabe knows exactly what to do to make it a good experience and their tics (they have mild tourette’s) become more frequent; does cause small problems on rare occasion
asher’s millennial cringe gets worse; more dad jokes, stupid voices, and bad puns
sam (before turning) would go nonverbal and zone out
vincent (before turning) was always with friends
lovely did it to fall sleep on occasion before their turning
aaron and smartass have a blast giggling and unwinding after work together
elliott comes up with some craaaazy dreams for sunshine
anton doesn’t smoke, but when he does, it’s only been to cope with the project and the isolation from his partner
james does it as a way to unwind—mostly ends up with him in tears thinking of his spouse
damn crew has a night out of the month where they all get together for it
freelancer loves watching damien burn a hole in the floor over mario kart
lasko’s loose lips become even looser and he stutters less
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cocoon2010 · 2 months
Jealousy is an emotion I can almost always consciously acknowledge as stupid and unwarranted but it's also unfortunately capable of manifesting psychosomatic pain responses and the intersection of these two realities just makes it wayyyyyyy worse
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utilitycaster · 16 days
Do you get the impression CR has been subtly trying to tamp down speculation C3 is the last campaign lately?
No, I do not.
I'm guessing this was prompted by the WE'RE JUST GETTING STARTED video but that just tells us that they have ongoing production plans going into 2025, which, we knew, because if nothing else the Mighty Nein animated series is still in production. They will still exist as a production company that puts out new stuff long after they stop running longform campaigns.
I want to stress that what I'm about to say is not directed specifically at you but at the fandom at large based on some patterns I've seen - this ask felt like a good opportunity to do so because it touches on some of those patterns but please understand I'm not holding you accountable for all of this; I just use anon asks as this sort of jumping off point sometimes.
I think the cast overall cares WAYYYYYYY less about what the fandom is doing and saying than much of the fandom thinks they do. I think most of them are barely aware of what the fandom is doing and saying. When they do know and care, they are not shy about saying when they think the fandom did something they think is obnoxious (Bowlgate freakouts, sharing Braius's original backstory, thinking Orym or Ashton should have stopped Laudna; or on a more serious level, Liam and Marisha both did a lot of damage control after Molly's death when people were being hostile towards Matt and Ashly Burch and told those people to cut it out and be nice to their guests.)
I've gotten a few questions about whether I think C3 is the last campaign, and my genuine answer is I feel less certain it is than I was before, but as I have zero insight into the CR cast's discussions or priorities or production plans, this means literally nothing, because I was guessing wildly then and I'm guessing wildly now. (I'm pretty solid on making narratively-based guesses but that goes out the window when it comes to production decisions). But also I saw a poll yesterday on whether this is the last campaign, and like. Look. Someone asked me towards the end of Campaign 2 if this was the end of Campaign 2 and I was like "Surely not! We still have Molaesmyr!" and then Campaign 2 ended like 3 episodes later. It's normal and understandable to try to say "but we'll get more, right? RIGHT?" and I've done so myself, but that poll could get a 100% response rate of "OF COURSE THERE'S A CAMPAIGN 4!" and then 5 months from now we could get an announcement that C3 was the last longform campaign, because no one answering that poll knows the answer. It's very normal to want an answer and to hope for more campaigns - I would be thrilled with a Campaign 4 - but literally we don't know. It's entirely possible the cast is still deciding; and if they have, this is probably information that only the company and like, their immediate circle of friends know, if that.
It's literally impossible to shut down speculation, and even subtle attempts to do so are likely to backfire. Without going on a rant about one of my most deeply felt subjects, while fandom is a great place in which I've met many wonderful people, it is also fertile breeding grounds for conspiracy theories, a thing I loathe with every fiber of my being. Again, I think that the cast could run a QA panel in which every single cast member said in unison "The canon ships in TLOVM are Vax and Keyleth; Vex and Percy; and Pike and Scanlan" and someone would be like "well, I saw Taliesin in the bathroom two hours later and he took precisely 47 seconds to wash his hands and from this I can conclude PERCY AND VAX REAL." And from what I understand regarding anime fandom it's about a million times worse, which is to say, I think the cast knows that and knows to just not bring up a Campaign 4 until they're good and ready and to let the fandom do what they will.
tl;dr the cast cares way less about what any of us think than many of us think; you will almost certainly not find out if there's a campaign 4 and what system it is in until the cast announces it; and the thing about wild speculation is that there exist people who will straight up ignore direct unambiguous statements in order to persist in their own personal alternate reality.
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museofthepyre · 9 months
do you know what everyones problem with elijah is? Im new to to fandom and im so genuinly confused as to why people seem to like think elijah is the worst (as in evil) character in the series. like i dont think people find him poorly written, they just, dont like him? which is fine yknow like who you like, but then people act like jedediah is a flawed but good character? which confused me a lot since I actually dislike jedediah more, as he just hurts in a more personal way it feels like. Elijah was sweeping Sydney in with promises of love that he hadnt gotten from jedediah, sydney only accepted that because of the way jedediah had been shunning him for years. It really bothers me that people forgive jedediah for his bad behavior, but then crucify elijah for behavior that while yes was very bad, had been hurting syndey way less for way shorter, and the only reason sydney was that vulnerable was because of jedidiah. Im asking because i am genuinly confused and I cant find anyone talking about the why of disliking elijah, i dont know if im missing something because of personal bias (jedidiahs mistakes that hurt sydney hit much closer to home than elijahs) sorry if this is a bit rambly, Im just very disenheartened to see so many people say they hate elijah when I just dont understand why, you dont need to answer this ask btw its mainly just curiousity
I think you kind of touched on the answer a bit already- imo it definitely comes down to what hits closer to home for any given listener. We all have unconscious biases. We all consume media through the lens of our own life experiences, and… ok ramble incoming
Elijah and Jedidiah both think/ behave in ways that are profoundly human, they represent very real concepts (see my whole Jedidiah= unhealthily distant, withdrawn and cold attachment style, and Elijah= unhealthily obsessive, suffocating and intense attachment style rant). These aren’t your typical innately evil villains, they’re just unhealthy people with warped ideas of love. That is an all too common thing to see irl. I think because of that… many of us can relate one or both of them to people we‘ve known in our own lives… alternatively, we can relate them to ourselves. I’ve heard some people say that Elijah’s actions hit a nerve because of past traumas with toxic relationships… aaand I’ve heard people say the exact same thing about Jedidiah! I think Elijah receives more scrutiny because his actions were… well they were actions. Visible, overt, right in front of you. You can point at them, pick a line from the transcript and say “that right there is bad”. Jedidiah’s wrongs often came in the form of neglect and abandonment, an absence of action, that’s so much harder to pinpoint. Maybe he’s slipping under people’s radars? Maybe more people see themselves in him and have a sense of understanding (which is valid, he embodies some very relatable neurodivergent struggles). Maybe it’s because he steps up and works on himself by the end and we don’t see that from Elijah (yet). Maybe people find Elijah “worse” because he reminds them of a more common negative experience, I’m not sure. One could speculate.
I’ll speak personally as an example of what I mean: I am wayyyyyyy more upset by Jedidiah’s actions. And that’s because of… you guessed it… my own personal experiences and how they influence my perception 🎉🎉🎉 I’ve got BPD, and I have an all consuming fear of abandonment. The idea of loving somebody and then having them suddenly withdraw, avoid you, and treat you coldly all the while providing NO EXPLAINATION WHATSOEVER… just leaving you to spiral and pick apart your own behaviours under a microscope, thinking you must be the problem— it’s a major trigger of mine. I’ve lived it!!! I grew up with it!!!!! It hits a huge sore spot for me and I admittedly struggle to overlook that sometimes when I see him.
Conversely, Elijah… I unfortunately connect with in a much deeper way. My own default attachment style is obsessive, intense, and often leaves me tunnel-visioned and unstable (…BPD), and he speaks a language I understand? If that makes sense. I see so much untreated, pre-awareness me in him. I know what it is to be involuntarily engulfed by an all-consuming obsession/ delusion. He doesn’t scare me, because I know what he’s made of- I see what’s beneath it all when I look in the mirror. Or at least that’s the lens through which I interpret him, I’m sure many disagree and yk what? Absolutely valid!!!!
There’s no one correct way to consume media, yada yada you get the idea, CHNT is unique because no character is intentionally malicious or evil (not counting Adam maybe… Lucille you’re on thin ice) and it’s fascinating how there’s such a dichotomy between the love and hate for these two. I may have swayed a bit off topic I just have many thoughts. I might come back with more later.
Ok rant over 🪱
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graybluejay · 1 year
I keep wondering to myself, did Prime learn how to STAY young or did he figure out a way to BECOME young?
Did he leave his universe because he found a clue to become immortal? What is the difference between other Ricks and Prime? What made him become the “Rickest Rick”?
Well, if he somehow learned how to STAY young, something must’ve happened that made him wayyyyy ahead of other Ricks. (Almost) all the Ricks in the Citadel and Prime’s universe share the same timeline. Then, what made him leave his family early than others? And why did he think it was a good idea to “team up” with Ricks? What did he find out that made him take action?
It is more believable if he figured out a way to BECOME young. If so, he probably made himself young in the future and time-traveled to the past to “team up” with Ricks. If he did time-travel back, he probably managed to deal with the time paradox thingy. Maybe he somehow figured out a way to re-set the multiverse except himself. Maybe he saw something in the future and wanted to change it.
If the theory above us true, then he might not be that bad. Maybe he thought that killing one Rick’s family wasn't that much of a deal since he saw way worse things in the past. And C-137 most likely wasn’t one of the smartest Ricks in the future since he probably would’ve chosen his family over science if Prime didn’t intercept.
Woah, I got carried on wayyyyyyy too much... Lol. It was fun imagining this.
I’m sorry for not posting for a long time! I was busy with schoolwork and my major. My final term ends in a few days, so I’ll try to post more frequently after. Thank you! :D
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puckandgossip · 28 days
two things can be true at once; rutger is looking out for his future and wants to do what he can do to succeed and fit where he and his family feels comfortable. however, it is kinda self entitled that he told the jets he wouldn’t sign bc it “didn’t feel right” or he didn’t automatically get a roster spot. like ik nazar and brindley signed but they are on wayyyyyyy worse teams then the jets so obvi there’s gonna be less of a chance to break in. like do u think every player absolutely loves where they’re drafted to? no, but it’s the honour and opportunity u get being drafted to the nhl and u at least try to make it work. and i’d LOVE to be a fly on the wall in the pens locker room this season if rutger makes it. like i’ve been a casual fan for a while and think he’s great and im sure no one on the team will have anything bad to say abt him but idk if u think crosby the most selfless player in the league isn’t going to let him know that it’s abt team and humility i think you’re naive. and btw the almost exclusive list of players telling the team that drafted to kick rocks are coming from the ncaa american players… which i think teams are picking up on and may be indicative of another problem but i can talk about that later. just saying that im glad in a sense he’s doing what he thinks is best for him but it was kind of arrogant and self entitled in a way which i think other players and teams around the league aren’t gonna like very much
it’s all very true, It’s honestly just a bad start overall and a terrible look… i guess we’ll see how this all plays out!
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
I'm not sure anything can really live up to Pro-Life Floyd.
But I'm very excited to be proven wrong!
I genuinely don't think "pro life floyd" is actually the craziest part of the au, that line i said was one of the best mostly bc of him "doing a line off his boyfriends torso". We've gone WAYYYYYYY worse than Floyd being pro life. Abd this next chapter takes it to another level of drama, of both the genuine fucjed up soap opera AND the inane Internet varieties
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raspberrysmoon · 3 months
notes to self
- flip four and five. change four completely. make it less near death experience and more fitness test. not by a lot though
- five is wayyyyyyy darker. less death, more permanent injury/disability. carry that to six and seven actually
- no dragon in four. ugh
- make one longer. expand the evil of the first chapter to be many chapters. four or five at least. really hit it home. make them worse
- make two more dangerous. and worse. and longer probably. have giw be pulled out of school for three out of fear of her dying (already almost happened once, what if?)
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moonstruckme · 2 months
Mae, I’m sorry for whining but my family is sick of me whining, so now you gotta bear with me, lovely.
My knee pain just decided to transfer to both knees and now it’s hurting so much worse, even walking only small distances makes it worse. My mom won’t get me an appointment at the doctor’s and says that it can’t be that bad. I’m starting to think that I’m being like wayyyyyyy too dramatic or something. It’s also better when I don’t walk much but my parents are forcing me to, and when I say that not walking makes it better, they say that I must be faking then. I don’t know how that makes sense, but I’m starting to believe that. And I don’t know what to dooooooo.
I do actually have like a knee brace that makes walking more bearable but I can’t wear it around my parents (for obvious reasons) and every time I wear it in public I feel like I’m faking a disability or something. My friend says I’m not faking because why would I. But then she says I should stop walking so slow and that it can’t be that bad if I can still walk. What do I do, Maeeeeeeee?
Feel free to ignore this because I really shouldn’t whine to you or so, but thanks anyways <3
I’m sorry you’re in so much pain lovely!! Families can be weird about that stuff sometimes, I think everyone has their own preconceived notions that are sometimes based more on their own experiences than science and it can be super frustrating when that results in you being invalidated. Depending on how old you are and/or how much you’re willing to risk causing conflict with your parents, you could always make your own doctor’s appointment or make a telehealth call? But in general I’m not sure what to do, it seems like a sucky situation :/
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fearsomeandwretched · 9 months
I've noticed that a lot of ppl think or at least act like they believe saying mean things is wayyyyyyy worse than actually committing horrible actions. And I think it's a very white middle class liberal sentiment and I don't fuck with it A T A L L
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