#thinking about a girl I went onna date with once
the-fiction-witch · 3 years
NSFW 100 Paul
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1. What's the dirtiest thought you've ever had about a total stranger? About a stranger? Ohh I don't know? Maybe that time I thought about having sex with that girl with the huge boobs in the bus but that was years ago.
2. Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or NOW? I like morning sex, theses something sweet and cuddly about it
3. What's your favourite way to be seduced? It's gonna sound weird but like pet me, like run your hands down my arm, or my neck, or stoke my chest or my hips or something just literally touch me and I uhhh I am good.
4. What's the dirtiest fantasy you've had at work? At work? What are we counting as work? Because I don't really think about much other then music.
5. How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance? Who are we classing as my boss? Our manager? Ooohh noo no no thank you.
6. What do you do when you get horny in public? Just kinda... Untuck my shirt and use it to cover my pants. And usually notify my girlfriend to uhh help with that.
7. Have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom? No! Have you been in a men's public bathroom. I don't even wanna go in there unless I absolutely have to and even then if I can't just piss in a bush, there usually three blow jobs, a murder, a drug deal and someone with horrific diahrea... I don't wanna step food in there.
8. What's the weirdest thing you've thought about while touching yourself? I don't know I don't really think all that much, I thought about a cup of tea once but to be fair I did just want one when I was finished so...
9. What's the strangest prop you've used to get yourself off? ...... A shower head. Look we have an old rickety shower okay! And when the water comes out the whole head like moves and stuff we had to put an elastic band around it so it actually stayed on the wall it moved around so much and, one night after me and y/n has been, kissing a little in the early dating stages I kinda just held it to my shaft and ... You can imagine what happened
10. Do you remember the first time you felt aroused? Yes! The first time y/n came over in this little blue dress she had always worn fairly high neck dresses and such but uhh this was a uhh well low cut and I saw cleavage and boobs and I uhh yeah I got very very hard.
11. Who gave you your first orgasm? I did! We technically my pillow did, same night after y/n had gone home I uhh yeah kinda just wrapped my legs around the pillow thinking about her and next thing I knew I was cumming. That was an eventful day.
12. Do you remember what that first orgasm felt like? Not at all. All I remember was that it hit like a tone if bricks and I had to bite the pillow so I didn't scream
13. Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you never knew? Not sex. I've got a blow job from someone I didn't know the name off but that was before me and y/n where dating.
14. What's your favourite thing about a quickie?
Hearing her trying to be quiet it's so adorable and cute.
15. What the most sexually daring thing you've ever done?
Sex onna bus! Yeah we where heading home to my flat one night after a gig and we where sat at the back of the bus all alone and I pulled her on my lap and we uhh yeah we had sex.
16. Have you ever fantasized about fucking one of your teachers? No I have not. That's a weird thing to do.
17. Do you ever mentally strip strangers just for kicks? Nope. I do not have the time or the thought capacity
18. And then imagine, in dirty detail, what it would be like to fuck them? Nope. You know who I imagine does thought. John.
19. Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
Yes.... George. John dared us! I got him back I made him show is cock at a gig.
20. What inspires you to make the first move? Ummm Im not sure, usual just the thought comes into my head we have been sitting her a while or kissing a while or whatever so my hands just kinda take that as there sign to uhh do something already.
21. In your opinion, what does it mean to be good in bed? To pleasure your lover.
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend or girlfriend because you just couldn't help yourself? No! I saw the other boys do it and saw how it ruined everything, I love y/n far to much to ever hurt her like that.
23. Have you ever pushed the boundaries of fidelity to the brink and then retreated just for the rush? No!
24. Do you have a go-to masturbation fantasy? Y/n climbing out my shower wrapped up in her little towel, dripping wet, coming into my bedroom putting my shirt on and nothing else and getting all cosy in my bed and maybe playing with herself a little... But I'm usually done by then
25. What kind of porn turns you on? I don't mind some of the magazines, not the ones where there like fully naked I like the little linguee and long shirts kinda magazines
26. Have you ever had sex with your eyes closed? Many times, not on purpose I just get overexcited and shut my eyes
27. Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner? No, but... If y/n would like to I have no issue with that.
28. Does naughty talk get you aroused?
Yes... 29. Are you sure about that, my dirty little forest nymph of a sex god?
Never sure my sexy babydoll
30. What's the dirtiest thing someone's ever said to you during sex?
I don't know honestly she doesn't talk all that much
31. Have you ever watched another couple get it on without them knowing?
32. Have you ever watched another couple have sex with their permission?
No! What is with the pervy questions!
33. How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their "third"?
No thank you I have a beautiful girlfriend and I am very content with her
34. What's the most flattering thing someone's said about your naked body?
So beautiful, so sexy, I want you inside me now!
Yeah we both went a little nuts that day
35. When's the last time you had a vivid sex dream?
Like three weeks ago, I don't sex dream all that much maybe were having to much sex to make me horny in my dreams?
36. What do you think an orgy would be like?
Hot, sweaty and gross, no thank you
37. Have you ever propositioned a total stranger?
A couple of times usually egged on by john, but the most that ever came out of it was a blow job
38. What does your ideal one-night stand look like?
A nice sexy time, maybe a spoony cuddle, a cup of tea and then off home
39. How long does it take you to get yourself off, on average?
Myself about twenty minutes but I don't usually count when I'm with y/n
40. What's the weirdest thing that turns you on?
Seeing her in my clothes... That does things to me that I can't explain but it's so hot! My shirts, my boxers, ummm she looks so good!
41. Have you ever had a naughty dream about a close friend or family member?
I guess y/n counts before we where together as she was one of my best friends
42. Have you ever woken up humping your pillow?
Yes. Many times.
43. When's the last time you orgasmed in your sleep?
Years ago. I don't do that anymore now I just wait till I see y/n luckily she usually right in bed with me
44. What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you while hooking up?
John walked in on us during a uhh delicate time, as I was literally about to fucking cum! And now he knows to fucking knock!
45. Do you like touching yourself in front of the people you sleep with?
Many times y/n likes to watch me sometimes, and she likes to call me up and listen to me while I listen to her
46. What's the dirtiest text you've ever sent or received?
Well she once handed me a note that said "My house tonight parents are out x p.s being by favorite toy please xxx" ummm just thinking about it makes me hard.
47. Do you prefer professional or amateur porn?
48. What's your favourite blowjob technique?
Uhhhh suck I guess I don't know if you have it in your mouth I'm happy
49. If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?
I think I am... Submissive. Just a little bit, maybe a lot
50. Is there anything you won't do in bed?
Anything with anal can fuck off on me or her
51. What's your dirtiest sexual fantasy?
Y/n coming in the room in my shirt pulling me around by my tie, tieing me to the bed and ummmm letting her do whatever she wants to me and I'd be bad just so she'd spank me.
52. How many people have you slept with?
Uhhh I think two. Maybe three? But I think two.
53. Where's the weirdest place you've had sex?
On john's apartments kitchen counter, he and the other guys went out to get take out for dinner and uhh we may have had sex on his counter top... Sorry John.
54. What's your favourite part of Y/n's body?
Her boobs. Or her hips I like both
55. Have you ever had anal sex?
Yes and it can fuck the hell off! I do not get what guys love about it so much it was had for me bad for her, the only time it was tolerable was when it was me! Ohh... I don't think I should have said that.
56. If you could choose what Y/n was wearing right now, what would you choose?
My blue boxer shorts and my red button down... Ummm with half the buttons undone
57. Where on your body is your favourite place to be touched?
My chest, I like when she pets me there.
58. If you could have sex anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Our bed of course?
59. When did you first had sex?
Ohh it was a terrible night, bent her over a bench in the park, the boys could hear us it was a weird time and I didn't enjoy much of it at all as I really liked y/n and this was just some pub girl named alice then but after it I got some courage and asked y/n out and we've been happy ever since
60. What's the best sex you've ever had?
The first time we did it in my apartment, we could be loud, we could take as long as we wanted, we could be kinky, we didn't have any worries and it was amazing!!
61. What's your favourite position?
I like to be ridden. But what boy doesn't?
62. Have you ever been caught having sex?
Yes, many times, john, my dad, her mum, all of my band, we get caught alot
63. Do you watch porn? I look at magazines
64. What kind of porn do you watch?
65. How often do you masturbate?
Before y/n and I where dating actually even we where dating, before we became sexual in our relationship, twice a day at least now... I don't I literally haven't for over a month y/n takes care of me now
66. Name a sex position you'd like to try?
I wanna try reverse cowgirl so badly!!
67. Do you prefer to give or receive?
Give! I like hearing her gasp and moan for me
68. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Yes! It was fun I wanna go again but it's really really cold.
69. What's the most sex you've had in a day?
Ten I believe is the record.
70. Are you loud or quiet during sex?
Loud, we are not a quiet couple
71. Have you ever tried using food during foreplay?
Yes! We used honey my god it was so sticky never again!
72. What's the first thing that sexually attracts you to someone?
Personality, the boobs.
73. Would you say you have any fetishes?
I like to be spanked. And tied up.
74. When it comes to BDSM, how far have you gone/would go?
She has tied me up, and she spanked me sometimes, and... We may have done anal on me but that's it
75. What's your favourite toy?
Either the shower head or... Y/ns little spanking paddle she keeps at mine
76. Do you ever read erotic fiction?
No, but that sounds fun
77. Have you joined the mile high club?
No but I shall one day I vow to do so!
78. Do you think you could take off Y/n underwear with no hands?
I know I can I have done it many times I use my teeth and my tongue
79. Would you say you're kinky?
I don't think I am that kinky but y/n is and I just allow her to do whatever she wants to me
80. Do you enjoy shower sex?
Yes!! It's so good, so warm, and wet and the shower is good too, plus we get to use the shower head on each other fucking hell she sqeauls!
81. Where's the weirdest place you've ever masturbated?
Under the table at the school library, I couldn't stop thinking about y/n and yeah I uhh did that
82. Do you like to be spanked?
Yes... but only when I've been a bad boy
83. Have you ever fantasised about someone else during sex?
Once, the first time, I imagined she was y/n
84. If y/n caught you masturbating, would you stop or would you finish?
I would do whatever she asked me too but I know she'd likely wanna watch me finish for her
85. Have you ever had an inappropriate crush?
Not really, y/n was pretty normal a crush so no.
86. Have you ever cried or fallen asleep during sex?
I have cried many times,
87. Do you prefer eye contact or not during sex?
I like it but it tends to make me louder and more needy
88. Do you like to kiss during sex?
Very much, the more kisses the better
89. Do you get tired after sex?
I do, usually I cuddle up to y/n and give her a kiss and we fall asleep in each other's arms
90. How many positions do you think you've tried?
Uhh not all that many four I would say as a guess
91. What's the longest you've ever gone without sex
I guess about a week, if we are not counting before time
92. How high is your sex drive?
Medium, y/n has a higher drive then I do
93. What's a surefire way to turn you on?
Rub your hand across my neck as we kiss and all the way down till your rubbing my cock, fuck it makes me hard!
94. Sex with lights on or lights off?
On! I wanna see what's going on
95. Do you like dirty talk?
I like when she calls me a bad boy, especially if she is also rubbing on my cock or spanking me at the same time the dirty talk adds to it
96. Do you prefer one night stands or longer-term sexual partners?
Long term
97. Do you prefer to be on top or bottom?
98.Rough or romantic?
99. Quickie or marathon session?
Marathon! I wanna go for hours and hours!
100. What's the best thing about our sex life?
Awww, that we have complete faith in one another I don't worry about you while I'm gone and you know you don't have to worry about me, so when we get together again I get to have my perfectly smutty girly that I love ever so much, that and it's fun when the boys ask where I get my brusies from and I get to say there hikis from my sexy girlfriend, even if they are in usually places.
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thetravelerwrites · 4 years
Monster Match 33: Futakuchi-Onna
The Traveler's Masterlist
For @artless-whimsy : “I'm a bi cis lady, she/her. During non-pandemic times, coffee shops are my natural habitat. I'm quite small and get cold easily, but love sweater weather. My passions include cat/kitten rescue, reading, long walks, D&D, writing, and mental health advocacy. I write and edit for fun and profit, and I crochet to help manage my anxiety. I'm shy but friendly, and my family says I talk too fast. :p
In a partner, I love wordplay and being able to talk for hours, particularly about stories, but the most important thing is kindness (whether that's something that comes easily to them or something they work hard at). I'm happy to be the talker that draws someone else out, as long as they give me something back. My love languages are quality time and physical touch, but my partner's don't have to be exactly the same.
Monsterwise, I love creatures that are pretty but deadly (or misunderstood)—think vampires, faeries, ghosts, shapeshifters, demons—but honestly? Please just have fun with it; I can't wait to see what you come up with! As for NSFW-content, I'm happy either way and would rather you write what you're inspired to! I do love kisses, and I think I'd prefer more lime than lemon, if you go that way?”
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You’ve been matched with a Futakuchi-Onna!
A futakuchi-onna, or "two-mouthed woman," is a type of Japanese monster characterized by their two mouths; a normal one located on her face and a second one on the back of the head beneath the hair. The origin of a futakuchi-onna's second mouth is often linked to how little a woman eats. In many stories, the soon-to-be futakuchi-onna is a wife of a miser and rarely eats. To counteract this, a second mouth mysteriously appears on the back of the woman's head. The second mouth often mumbles spiteful and threatening things to the woman and demands food. If it is not fed, it can screech obscenely and cause the woman tremendous pain. Eventually, the woman's hair begins to move like a pair of serpents, allowing the mouth to help itself to the woman's meals. While no food passes through her normal lips, the mouth in the back of her head consumes twice what the other one would.
TW: Eating Disorder, Abuse, Mental Illness, Hospitalization
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“Cute girl!”
“Shut up!”
You looked up from the counter at your favorite cafe and tried to find the source of the voices, but you only saw one woman sitting alone by the window. You could tell when you looked at her that she had been staring at you and had looked away just as your eyes met.
“Talk to her! She’ll leave!”
“Stop it!”
“Hey,” You said, walking over. “Are you okay?”
She sighed and looked up with a strained smile. She was Asian and very pretty, with long, dark hair flowing down her back, though she seemed rather thin, perhaps unhealthily so.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” She said. “I have… a… growth or something.”
“That talks?” You asked.
“Unfortunately,” She replied, turning in her seat. Her hair lifted of its own accord and sitting among the tresses was a mouth, identical to the one on her face, except with sharp teeth.
“Hallo!” It said at you.
You blinked in surprise. “Well then.”
“Yeah, sorry,” She said with a sigh. “I used to hide it, but it’s gotten so loud lately that it’s just easier to explain and wait for people to run off.”
“Well… I mean, it’s unusual, but I don’t see why people would run off in this day and age.”
“If people look human and then aren’t, it weirds people out.”
“I get that, I guess,” You said, sitting down. “So, does it have a mind of it’s own?”
“No, no, it’s just says what I’m thinking but don’t normally say out loud.”
“So you think I’m cute?”
She looked up in shock and blushed hard. “Oh… I was hoping you hadn’t heard that.”
“You’re pretty cute, too, you know,” You said, smiling. “Can I buy you a coffee?”
“Oh!” She said, a surprised, shy smile creeping across her face. “Yeah, thanks, that would be wonderful.”
Her name was Kyoko and she was a yokai, or Japanese demon. She’d apparently once been human and became a demon over time, which is something that happens pretty regularly to both humans and animals in Japan. By the end of having coffee, you’d left with her number and a promise to see each other again.
The two of you went on a few dates together, and it was about a month before you realized something: you’d never seen her eat. Not once. Maybe as a yokai, she didn’t need to eat, but you’d seen her drink coffee and tea and things, so you weren’t sure. You decided to ask her about it.
On your next date, you went to a local park to feed some ducks. The mouth on her head was chattering incoherently. It was doing that more often, you noticed
“Hey, Kyoko?” You began, throwing out some peas and corn for the ducks to peck at. “Can I ask you something kinda personal?”
“Yeah, sure,” She said, holding out a handful of oats.
“Why don’t you eat?”
“Hungry!” The voice in the back of her head said.
“Stop!” She said, smacking the mouth lightly. She took a heavy breath. “I’m a futakuchi-onna. Do you know how my kind are created?”
“No,” You replied.
“It happens after years of under-eating and malnourishment,” She said. “In stories, it’s usually a stingy, selfish husband that causes a woman’s suffering, but for me it was my mom.”
“What do you mean?”
“My mom used to make fun of me because of my weight. I wasn’t even that overweight, but she decided when I was really young that I needed to diet and start fasting. She would make me not eat for days, and then feed me broth twice a day to make me lose weight quickly. She used to say that if I wasn’t thin and pretty, no one would ever love me and that I’d never be worth anything. Around my eighteenth birthday, the mouth appeared. My mom kicked me out when she found out I was a monster.”
“You’re not a monster, Kyoko. Your mother is.” You took her hand and squeezed it. “Why has it been getting so loud recently?”
She looked away. “I haven’t been very nice to myself recently. The mouth eats at night when I’m asleep, so I don’t eat during the day because I don’t want to gain weight.”
“How long has it been since you’ve eaten anything while you were awake?”
She shrugged. “Two weeks?”
Your mouth dropped in shock. “Kyoko, that’s not good! Are you seeing anyone about this? Like a therapist? This is an illness and needs to be treated.”
“I know,” She said, ashamed. “But I don’t want anyone to judge me or…” She stopped when her hair grabbed a handful of the oats and stuffed it in the mouth. “Stop it!”
“Come on,” You said, getting up off the ground and holding out your hands. “We’re going to the hospital.”
“What?” She said. “Why the hospital?”
“You need help now,” You told her. “I’ve been concerned about you since the day we met and this just confirms my fears. I don’t think we should wait.”
“Will you stay with me?” She asked, beginning to cry.
“Of course I will,” You said, pulling her into a tight hug. Her hair wrapped around you. “I’m not going anywhere.”
The doctors discovered that Kyoko was thirty pounds underweight and immediately recommended that she enter an inpatient rehab facility. Kyoko sobbed but agreed to go. You swore you would visit her as often as they would let you.
The two of you visited at least twice a week and talked to each other on the phone every day. Despite the fact that you couldn’t be with each other while she was in treatment, you’d grown very close during that time. After sixty days, she was released. She had lost her apartment during the time she was in rehab, so you moved all her things into your apartment and asked her to stay.
You went to pick her up and take her home, and she threw herself at you, laying a big kiss on your lips. It was the first kiss the two of you had. She looked radiant.
“How are you feeling?” You asked.
“Better,” She said. “The mouth hasn’t spoken in weeks and the staff said it quit trying to sneak food days ago.”
“That’s wonderful, babe, I’m so proud of you.” You gave her another kiss and set her down, taking her hand and squeezing it. “Let’s go home.”
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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bunny-wk-fanfic · 5 years
Could I possibly, maybe, get a cute fic with Kuwabara being all sorts of nervous about his first date with Kagome, who he met in class at college? Yusuke and Keiko can be his coaches, while Kurama is trying to make him all suave and debonair and Hiei is being Hiei? Cause I've been craving some Kuwa/Kag something fierce ❤
Despite what his friend was saying, he was nervous. His palms were sweating, and he kept rubbing them against his pants, and all he could do was try and smile at the conflicting advice he was being given.
“Uh, guys?” his nervous call went unanswered as the only couple in the room were more occupied with each other on whose advice he should follow.
“No, Yusuke, he shouldn’t display his power in front of the poor girl.” Keiko shook her head, frowning up at her smug fiance. “He might end up scaring her for life.”
Yusuke snorted. “It won you over, didn’t it?” he smirked in her suppressed cry of anger, easily taking the smacks to his arm as if they were nothing. Which, in his case, they probably were.
“Why- Oh, you ass!” her gaze narrowed when she realized that her slaps to his arm were doing nothing, instead, reaching up to snatch an ear and pull Yusuke to her height. Teeth gritted at his surprised yelp. “It’s their first date. First dates shouldn’t involve fighting of any kind! Ya got that!”
Turning away from the two that had been eager to help him when he first revealed his interest in a classmate, he turned to a certain redhead that appeared amused by the couple obviously lost in their own world. “Kurama?” when he had his friend’s full attention, he offered a shaky smile. “Ya got any advice that I can follow?”
Smile turning into something, suave, Kurama nodded his head. “Of course.” red hair was flicked over his shoulder as green eyes took on a more golden hue. “Make the entire night about her. Compliment her, keep eye contact with her throughout the night. It would be better to keep some form of physical contact with her as well. You’re the male in the relationship, so take the lead but be polite and subtle about it.”
Kuwabara had been nodding his head, understanding some of what his friend was saying, but it slowed before stopping completely when the advice would end up hurting his chances with the girl more than help him. “Say what now?”
“If, for whatever reason, she seems to be bored with whatever you’re talking about, don’t be afraid to show her that you have options.” more of the kitsune spirit began to leak through, the tone and words taking on a slightly more devious quality to them. “Flirt with other women if you have too. You might even be able to swing both women into a night-!”
Keiko’s screech and a resounding slap interrupted Kurama’a continuation, thankfully in Kuwabara’s opinion. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand as his friend blinked a few times, coming back to his senses. “What did you ask for again, Kuwabara?”
“Tips on my date tonight?” his smile was still sheepish, hoping that Kurama would now have valid advice and dreading that it could also spiral into something that may have sounded like a skin flick reject.
“Oh, yes!” green eyes brightened. “Be polite and courteous. In these days, give her the option when it comes to certain things, but also let her know it’s no trouble. Such as paying for the meal, opening doors for her.”
Swallowing, Kuwabara soaked up the more helpful advice. This was something that Kurama often did when he accepted a few rare dates with a coworker or classmate of his own. Seeing it work for his friend had been the main reason he asked Kurama for assistance, he didn’t want to think about what could happen should their relationship became more intimate.
Looking back up, he halted when he saw that Kurama was currently attempting to keep Keiko from scaring Yusuke too badly when the filter between his brain and mouth apparently stopped working. Instead, he turned to the last member that could offer some sort of words of wisdom, if he was willing. Seeing the heavy red gaze on him, he took a chance to ask. “Anything you want to add?”
Hiei snorted, gaze turning away. “I couldn't care less if you mate the wench or kill her. I’m just happy Yukina got over her little infatuation she had with you.”
Blinking, he pulled back at his words. “Yukina had a crush on me?” the scowl his question earned had him attempting to real back to save his neck. It was somewhat flattering that Yukina had a crush on him, he would have thought she’d be more attracted to Kurama or another yuki-onna. But, like Hiei, she proved to be more than what she appeared to be. “Ah, don’t worry, don’t worry! I see her as a sort of kid sister!”
Obviously sensing the truth in his words, Hiei scoffed once again and turned away to observe the world outside of the window he claimed as his current perch. Looking at the clock, Kuwabara stood up from his seat and attempted to straighten out his outfit. “Well, I gotta get going, guys. Thanks again for all your help!”
Keiko and Kurama looked up at him with bright smiles. “Good luck, Kuwabara. She’s a lucky girl.” Keiko’s comment had him ducking in an attempt to hide his blush.
“I agree. You ‘ll do fine, just be yourself.” Kurama muffled Yusuke’s mouth, no doubt stopping any raunchy comments from being heard.
With another wave, Kuwabara left and made his way to where he was picking his date up, from her home. He found it admirable that she took such a long trip to get to and from their university, so she could stay and help her family with their home. When he came to the right address, he now understood what she meant by not being surprised and waiting for her to come to greet him. Looking at his watch, he realized he was early, so he decided to climb the steps that led up a steep hill. To think that she walked up and down these steps every day! Although, they weren’t as many as at Genki’s place, but there were still a lot.
Cresting on a humble shrine, he was instantly wowed by that large tree that towered over the courtyard, the late evening sun casting the tree’s over the small home that was tucked away in the back, guiding his way. There had never been a tree that he crossed paths with that felt like that huge tree, it was calming and now it was no wonder how his date seemed to maintain the same air around her all the time.
When he knocked on the front door, a boy blinked up at him. “Woah.”
Smiling, Kuwabara waved in greeting. “Hiya, little fella. Your sister home?”
The boy didn’t answer him, instead his eyes narrowed as he looked him up and down. “You’re weird looking.” with a shake of his head, ignoring Kuwabara’s slight miffed expression, he opened the door wider allowing him entrance as he called out into the house. “Sis, your date is here!”
“Coming!” her voice echoed from somewhere upstairs, instantly easing Kuwabara’s growing tensions.
Closing the door, the boy looked back at him, gaze still narrowed and lips pursed. “You better not do anything to her.”
The accusing tone had Kuwabara jumping to defend himself. “Oh! No! No, I would never!” he was just about ready to jump and defend his honor. If there was one thing his sister made her he knew growing up, it was to treat women right and with the utmost respect.
“Souta! Quit it!” exasperation accompanied by quick steps, had both turning stairs, watching as a young woman they were waiting for approached.
To saw Kuwabara was floored would be an understatement. He always thought she was pretty, but right now, she was beautiful. She left her hair free to curl about her shoulders, a dark blue dress that had faded flowers printed brought to point just how petite she truly was but made her all the more feminine. Simple silver earrings with a matching simple delicate chain was all she wore for jewelry, and as for makeup, perhaps some mascara and tainted lip gloss.
“Kuwabara!” her expression immediately bloomed into a bright smile, cheeks blushing slightly as she reached his side. As she stood on the tips of her toes, she tugged his taller frame to meet her half-way so she could kiss his cheek. “I told you that I would meet you at the bottom of the stairs.”
“Nah.” smiling down at her, he forgot all his worries when her small hands kept holding onto his arms as she slowly dropped back to her feet. “I’ve climbed more than that. And it wouldn’t be proper to make you climb all those stairs alone on our first date.”
Both of them blushed when his words seemed to make them realize that they were going out as a couple on their first date. The moment was interrupted when Souta spoke up. “Sheesh, talk about a couple of saps. I’m gonna get a cavity with all this sweet lovey-dovey crap.”
Kagome’s expression soured when she turned to her brother. “Keep that up, and Hitomi won’t stick around for much longer.”
Souta blushed and backed away from his angry sister. “I- I- I’ll be leaving now! Have fun! And if you hurt her, I’ll hunt ya down, ya got that!”
Kuwabara chuckled, but agreed to Souta’s threat, welcomed him to keep his promise even. He smiled when Kagome huffed and shooed her brother away. “So annoying!” her cheeks flushed as she pouted.
“He’s just doing his job as a brother!” Kuwabara chuckled when he poked a puffed out cheek, mentally cooing at how cute she was. “Are you ready?”
With another huff, she muttered about just needing to put her shoes on. He happily helped her, giddy when she accepted his held out hand to keep her balance. With a few careful taps, she looked back up at him with a bright smile. “I am now!”
Grin widening, he turned them to the door, bidding her family farewell with a promise to bring Kagome back home at a reasonable hour and unmolested, he set them out on their first date.
“I’m happy you accepted.” he was on cloud nine with Kagome on his arm, there was nothing that could get him down.
Ducking her head, Kagome blushed as she peeked up at him “I’m happy you asked.” a quick kiss to his cheek nearly caused him to trip and drag her down with him. Her giggles echoed around them as they walked down the sidewalk, Kagome asking if he was alright and him assuring her that he was.
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sou-kk · 3 years
Karma Duet (SP Void Menreiki) Event Story Transcript - Part 02
Date: August 12, 2021 (Global Server)
Part 01 | Part 03
Yuki Onna woke up alone in a strange chamber.
YUKI ONNA:                         Urgh, what is this place? I was supposed to be on Mt. Gloom. But why…
YUKI ONNA:                          It’s strange…my body. It’s stopped cracking and melting. It’s not deteriorating any further…
YUKI ONNA:                          Deteriorating… Right, I remember…
YUKI ONNA:                          After returning from the Demon Domain, we received a lead and went to Heian-Kyo to find the spirit who can help me.
YUKI ONNA:                          So we went looking. If I’m not separated from them, was I attacked?
YUKI ONNA:                          My head hurts. I seem to have lost…part of my memories.
YUKI ONNA:                          Argh, I’ve already caused so much trouble for them. I can’t…
YUKI ONNA:                         I must find them as soon as possible.
Yuki Onna started to explore the dim mansion on her own. Then a scurrying sound broke the silence. She stopped and waited for the sound to come closer. As the door before her was pulled open, frosty crystals flew out and stopped midair.
GIRL (UBA):                           It should be safe here… Ah!
YUKI ONNA:                         …
GIRL (UBA):                           Please! Don’t kill me!
YUKI ONNA:                          I have no intention of taking your life.
GIRL (UBA):                          Ah…
GIRL (UBA):                           Were you also caught and brought here?
YUKI ONNA:                          I don’t really remember how I ended up here. You?
GIRL (UBA):                           Then it must’ve happened to you. We were both caught and brought here by a monster!
GIRL (UBA):                           This is that monster’s turf. She catches people from the outside world and brings them here to force them to kill each other until there’s only one survivor.
GIRL (UBA):                           I was brought here with my best friend. But now we got separated.
GIRL (UBA):                           You look powerful. Can you help me, Miss?! I promise I won’t run around. I only wish to find her!
YUKI ONNA:                          I…I got separated from my companions too.
YUKI ONNA:                          What’s going on with this mansion? Are there many people here?
GIRL (UBA):                           There’s monsters here! And there’s a lunatic among the humans as well!
GIRL (UBA):                           I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Someone was wearing a mask and attacking people with a knife!
GIRL (UBA):                           She was walking around the mansion wearing blood-stained white clothes!
YUKI ONNA:                          But you’re also wearing white clothes and a mask…
GIRL (UBA):                           Huh? What are you talking about, Miss?
GIRL (UBA):                           I’m not wearing a mask.
The girl touched her cheek as if she was trying to prove something. She failed to feel the Uba mask even when her finger ran over its crumpled surface.
GIRL (UBA):                           See? I’m not wearing one.
GIRL (UBA):                           Let’s not waste time on this, Miss, let’s just start looking for them!
YUKI ONNA:                          (What’s this all about? Her mask… Forget it, it’s none of my concern. I’d better not ask too many questions.)
Yuki Onna and the girl with the mask set off together. Monsters appeared and attacked them as they walked. Luckily, Yuki Onna was powerful enough to deal with them.
EVIL SPIRIT:                          Rarrr! Die!
YUKI ONNA:                          …
EVIL SPIRIT:                          Stay, stay here!
YUKI ONNA:                          Freeze.
GIRL (UBA):                           Wow, you’re so powerful, Miss! They’re frozen!
YUKI ONNA:                          No problem.
GIRL (UBA):                           But why did you only freeze them? Wouldn’t it be better to turn them into an ice sculpture and smash them?
YUKI ONNA:                          Smash them… There’s no need for that.
YUKI ONNA:                          If the ice is smashed, they can never return to how they used to be.
GIRL (UBA):                           Oh, I see…
GIRL (UBA):                           With you here, I won’t have to worry about being attacked. The people you’re looking for must be as powerful as you.
YUKI ONNA:                         Sure.
GIRL (UBA):                          What kind of people are they? I’d love to meet them.
YUKI ONNA:                          Well, they’re…
Yuki Onna stood there and zoned out. As she thought of her companions, their images in her mind were blurred and covered in frost. She realized that as she ceased to melt, something was disappearing.
YUKI ONNA:                          (What’s happening to me? Why can’t I remember them…? Are they my companions?)
YUKI ONNA:                         (Companions… I’m sure they exist. But why can’t I remember them now?)
YUKI ONNA:                          (Memories. Is this house eating away my memories?)
YUKI ONNA:                          Uhm.
GIRL (UBA):                           Are you alright, Miss? Do you have a headache?
GIRL (UBA):                           Try not to think too much, if you have a headache. Those monsters are breaking free from your ice. Let’s get out of here first.
YUKI ONNA:                          Urgh, okay, sure. I’m fine.
YUKI ONNA:                          (I can’t stay here any longer. I must leave now!)
YUKI ONNA:                          The mansion is very strange. We must leave here as soon as possible.
GIRL (UBA):                           But we still haven’t found… Okay, nothing.
GIRL (UBA):                           Let’s keep moving. It looks quiet ahead. There should be no one there.
As the girl explored the mansion with Yuki Onna, more and more monsters appeared and attacked them from all corners. There were even humans among them.
YUKI ONNA:                          Were they the humans who were brought here?
YOUNG MAN:                       Wait, please don’t kill me. I won’t attack you! Ah…
GIRL (UBA):                           Wow, you froze them with just one move, Miss. Impressive! They look more frozen than the earlier ones!
Cold frost flowed and froze everyone else. Then Yuki Onna and the girl decided to rest in a corner. They sat there among the frozen bodies as if they were sitting on a grassland, as if they couldn’t feel the chilling air around them.
GIRL (UBA):                           Are you a spirit, Miss? Why are you here?
GIRL (UBA):                           With your power, you should be able to live a free life anywhere.
YUKI ONNA:                          My power? No, I’m not that powerful.
YUKI ONNA:                          We’re in a strange place. And…my power seems to be resonating with the mansion.
YUKI ONNA:                          It seems as if the frost I conjure likes it here.
YUKI ONNA:                          As for why I was brought here. It’s because I met… Umm, who did I meet? No, it’s so strange. I…
YUKI ONNA:                          I thought I’d met someone. And I left the frosted world for Heian-Kyo because of that particular someone. But who?
YUKI ONNA:                          I can’t remember.
GIRL (UBA):                           Don’t waste too much energy thinking if you can’t remember. Rest and we’ll leave here soon.
YUKI ONNA:                          Hmm…
GIRL (UBA):                           But I’m quite curious. Since you’re made of snow, can you touch something warm?
Stricken by a sudden sleepiness, all Yuki Onna could see was the outline of the girl amongst the white frost. A bit distracted, she answered.
YUKI ONNA:                          I could. Warmth…could hurt me once. But I don’t hate that feeling now.
YUKI ONNA:                          After all, I couldn’t feel anything once… Yes, that’s right, someone taught me the meaning of warmth.
GIRL (UBA):                           Even if it’s harmful to you?
YUKI ONNA:                          There’s something more. Many things have happened since then… And my empty and cold heart was filled with warm memories. They’re still scorching, but…
YUKI ONNA:                          But I’m happy.
YUKI ONNA:                          (Why am I sitting here telling her all that?)
GIRL (UBA):                           Is that so. When we leave here, please take me with you, Miss. I’d love to see the outside world.
YUKI ONNA:                          Leave? Yes, we’re leaving here…
YUKI ONNA:                          (No, I shouldn’t leave. I…I have to find someone. But who am I going to find?)
GIRL (UBA):                           But if you leave here, won’t the outside world melt you?
YUKI ONNA:                          Melt… It could happen.
GIRL (UBA):                           I got it! It’s okay, don’t worry!
GIRL (UBA):                           Just do what you’ve been doing and freeze those warm things in exchange for a cold and hard heart.
YUKI ONNA:                          Exchange? What are you talking about? I wasn’t…
GIRL (UBA):                           But I thought those warm things could hurt you. If you freeze them, you’ll be okay.
GIRL (UBA):                           Turn the forest you’re living in into a snow land and turn the spring breeze into a cold front. Freeze your companions so they can stay with you.
YUKI ONNA:                          That could work…
GIRL (UBA):                           Look. Isn’t he one of your masterpieces?
The girl stood up and pushed one of the frozen men towards Yuki Onna. He was dressed in a kariginu and holding a paper fan in his hand. He was reaching out his hand as if he was trying to talk to someone. The frost froze that moment as well as his body. The girl gave it a little push, and the statue fell over, smashing into pieces.
YUKI ONNA:                          Who…who was he?
YUKI ONNA:                         Have we seen him before?
GIRL (UBA):                           Have you? But I thought you’d involuntarily discarded you memories, hadn’t you?
GIRL (UBA):                           Do you still feel pain in your body?
FROSTY YUKI ONNA:         No… Have I regained my power?
Sleepiness rose again. The frozen chamber became bright. A white light seemed to be devouring the world for Yuki Onna.
GIRL (UBA):                           Would you feel pain if you hurt your companions?
GIRL (UBA):                           You were born from ice and snow. Can you really feel any kind of warmth?
Emotions faded like the tide in the blinding white light. Yuki Onna was left alone with nothing but pure, clean ice. Slowly, she lost the ability to experience feelings.
FROSTY YUKI ONNA:         I should feel sad and in pain, but I’m not.
FROSTY YUKI ONNA:         Companions. Have I ever had any companions? I can’t remember.
FROSTY YUKI ONNA:         I had the same thought back when I was sleeping in that snow world a long time ago.
GIRL (UBA):                           It feels nice sleeping in a snow world, doesn’t it?
FROSTY YUKI ONNA:         (No, that’s not right… I don’t want to sleep. And I shouldn’t sleep here.)
FROSTY YUKI ONNA:         (But falling into that white void and deep slumber is indeed nice…)
GIRL (UBA):                           Good night, Miss. Have a nice dream in this pure white world.
FROSTY YUKI ONNA:         No, I shouldn’t…
Yuki Onna was devoured by the white void before her. Voluntarily or not, she discarded all her memories and feelings, in exchange for the great power she used to have and a frozen heart. What remained of her consciousness kept warning her not to, and yet, there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening. Then suddenly, a feather appeared out of thin air. It was pale, suggesting it was from the distant past. Although it was light, the feather cut through the frozen world with little effort. Then an amulet smashed the ice as a vortex brought forth more feathers. Warmth and colors flooded into the pure white world that Yuki Onna inhabited.
VOICE:                                   Wake up, Yuki Onna.
YUKI ONNA:                          ?!
YUKI ONNA:                          Urgh…Ngh..Ahem…
YUKI ONNA:                          What, what’s going on? What happened to me?
Her exhaustion lifted and she felt a scorching feeling deep in her chest. It woke her up completely. Then she saw Ootengu and Dark Seimei standing before her.
YUKI ONNA:                          What, what have I done?
OOTENGU:                            You’re finally awake. Are you alright?
OOTENGU:                            I just met up with Master Dark Seimei. Then I sensed cold air, so I came over.
DARK SEIMEI:                      You lost control of your power.
YUKI ONNA:                          I met a strange girl, and we were attacked by many monsters. I froze them all…
DARK SEIMEI:                      There’s no one else here. It’s just us.
Yuki Onna then realized that the chamber was covered in frost. And she had been standing inside a giant ice bubble. It was Dark Seimei who broke the shell with an amulet.
OOTENGU:                           This fell to the ground.
Ootengu picked up a cracked mask from a pile of ice. It was an Uba mask. The frost added a little sadness to the emotionless face.
OOTENGU:                            You were affected by the mask.
YUKI ONNA:                          A mask…
YUKI ONNA:                          Why didn’t I remember… This is Menreiki’s mansion. And she’s the one we’re looking for.
DARK SEIMEI:                      We noticed it as well. These eerie masks can possess people and affect their memories and feelings.
DARK SEIMEI:                      Are you feeling better?
YUKI ONNA:                          I’m fine now.
OOTENGU:                            In that case, let’s get out of here first. Achoo!
OOTENGU:                            If my guess was right, the little dog who’s been following us on the streets was dragged into this as well. Tsk, what a troublemaker he is.
DARK SEIMEI:                      Anyway, our goal remains the same. We must find the spirit Menreiki first.
DARK SEIMEI:                      Let’s go.
YUKI ONNA:                          Yes, Master D—Dark Seimei!
DARK SEIMEI:                      Huh?
YUKI ONNA:                          No, nothing.
YUKI ONNA:                         Hah…
OOTENGU:                            We don’t often see you smile. What happened?
YUKI ONNA:                          Did I smile?
OOTENGU:                           The feather I gave you seems to have been attacked. It was snapped. What did the mask show you?
YUKI ONNA:                          Nothing worth noting.
OOTENGU:                            Okay. Let’s go then.
YUKI ONNA:                          Sure.
After making sure she’d got the name of her companions right, Yuki Onna quickly followed Ootengu and Dark Seimei. Together, they left the pure white world she had created. She still couldn’t refuse warm things even if they scorched her. She chose to follow her trusted companions and travel with them.
GIRL (UBA):                           I failed…
GIRL (UBA):                           It happened sooner than before. Ha, looks like I need to change my strategy…
???:                                         …
GIRL (UBA):                           I see you’re here.
GIRL (UBA):                           Come on. End my life already.
The monster in black slashed across the girl’s chest with a knife. Something red spilt on the monster’s chest and grew darker.
GIRL (UBA):                           Urgh, it’s pointless. Everything’s pointless.
GIRL (UBA):                           You knew what would come in the end.
GIRL (UBA):                           Stop looking down on us. You’re just like us—everything you do will be for nothing!
GIRL (UBA):                           Throw away your useless emotions…
MENREIKI:                             You can’t talk about the end until the very last moment.
MENREIKI:                             I’m sure you agree with me.
The girl in white didn’t answer her. She closed her eyes, and her body turned into dust and dissipated. The monster in black looked in the direction Dark Seimei had gone and followed silently.
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arachnexdragoon · 7 years
▲ five time my muse thought about kissing yours, and the one time they did. (Ghost AU)
send me a symbol for…
“Ohmygosh, I could kiss you!”
Aranea realized a bit too late that she had voiced thesethoughts aloud – well, more like her relieved thoughts, and less like carnalthoughts. But at any rate, Ardyn had heard her and he chose to smile and to bowhis head lightly like a true gentleman, showing her the right way for the nextline transfer.
“Well, I suppose it is delightful to be rewarded for a gooddeed.”
“I’m so sorry. I was… Just too happy to see you. I clearlyunderestimated the subway,” Aranea replied with slightly reddened cheeks asthey walked through the crowd of busy-looking salarymen and high schoolstudents, all of them very aware of where they needed to go… Except for Aranea.She had lucked out, really – the closest station to her campus had no romajifor the station names and she ended up buying the wrong ticket and getting lostright after a first transfer in Shibuya.
Shibuya, of all places – well, at least it hadn’t been TokyoStation. Using her newly acquired mobile to phone Ardyn and to beg him torescue had seemed like a good option… Or rather, the only option.
“But if you’re feeling generous, then we could perhaps pick upsomething to eat on the way home.”
“My treat, Izunia-san~.”
“It’s beautiful…” Aranea whispered, her hands open against thewindow and her face as close as she could to the glass without making it foggywith her warm breath. It was the first time it snowed in Tokyo since herarrival – and it looked straight out of a picture, especially considering thebeautiful view offered from Ardyn’s penthouse.
“You mentioned you had never seen snow before, yes?” Ardynqueried, coming to stand right beside her. Aranea was too entranced by the viewoutside to realize that her host didn’t have the same effect to the clear glassand appeared not to breathe, or that his reflection was also not showing up.
“Never. I’m from the southern part of the States, so it rarelysnows… Never got lucky with schools closing up for day and stuff like that,”she mentioned with a smile, but her eyes barely moved from the scenery outside.Ardyn hummed in agreement, hands folding behind his robe as he glanced at hisguest and smiled as well, although for other reasons.
“Have you acquainted yourself with the local lore, Aranea?This weather calls for the yuki-onna, it seems…”
“Snow… Woman?” she translated hesitantly, turning around toface the man and finding out Ardyn looked… Different. Maybe it was the waythe lighting inside was set, but he seemed to be outlined by the lamps, almostas if a faint glow enveloped his form and giving him an ethereal vibe. “What doyou mean?”
“The legend varies, my dear. Each region has its own version,but my personal favorite version is the one of the snow woman that appears whenthe first heavy snow falls, and who comes to steal the vitality and life forceof the men with deadly kisses. They supposedly freeze their victims to death…”
Aranea hadn’t realized she had been staring at his lips untilthey curved into a smirk once more. “Well. Not a bad way to go, yes? A kissfrom a woman in a white scenery like this.”
“No… Not bad at all.” It was also harder to swallow now, butAranea chalked it up to the ghost story.
When Aranea’s skills with the local language advanced enough, shewas able to tell her classmates about the place she was staying at and how herhost looked like. She did notice a couple of her friends made surprisedexpressions at the moment she disclosed the location, but the description ofArdyn changed their stunned expressions into excitement.
“Aranea-chan, that man sounds like a really handsome one!”
She had to giggle – of all the comments she expected, that wasdefinitively the one she thought Japanese girls would be too shy to make, butapparently… They could get really comfortable with you once you made it as afriend, “I kind of… Agree, I think? He probably is old enough to be my dad,Sayuri-chan. Maybe I haven’t been exactly thinking about kissing him…” Or hadshe?
“Oh, that’s not a problem at all. My parents had an arrangedmarriage back at my home town and he was her senior for a lot of years… Still,they are still happily married.”
“I had this friend too, from high school… She used to dateolder men to get expensive gifts from them. Minako would certainly got a lot ofthings from a man like Izunia-san!”
At this point, Aranea wished she had pictures to show them –why was she always forgetting to take pictures of Ardyn? Maybe she could borrowone of the portraits she saw on a bookshelf, he looked like he fancied gettingpictures taken at these places where you dressed up with clothes from bygoneeras – at least the gentlemanly personality matched.
“Look, I’ll bring a picture over and you guys can help me ifit’s super wrong or not, okay?”
Hanae and Sayuri giggled, then exchanged a glance beforeeyeing Aranea again. “Aranea-chan, you’re weird. There’s nothing wrong aboutage.”
“That is so lame.”
Ardyn merely turned his head around, amber eyes focusing onthe expressions Aranea was making at the movie they were watching. Horrible,cliche horror movies from decades past had become a tradition of sorts at theIzunia household on Friday (the day also seemed to be the best suited one forthat, even if Japan had no issues with that particular day of the week as onethat could bring bad luck). The woman had a glass of wine in one hand and apackage of tiramisu-flavored pocky on he lap – really classy.
“What do you mean, my dear?”
“I mean… Seriously, you’re a girl and you’re driving byyourself, and then the car breaks down. Conveniently close to this big housewhere just this one guy with that eerie vibe about him lives. Of course itstarts to rain and clearly the phone is down, so you have no choice but tosleep at this old bedroom with a 4-poster bed and all that stuff.”
Her host was now outright smiling at her, stealing one of thesweet sticks for himself – Aranea remained amusingly outraged at the lady inthe movie, which was ridiculously ironic given the fact she was in a verysimilar situation herself – despite not knowing it. “This guy is obviously notalive… Or worse. And she is, like, accepting his offer to stay the night!”
At this point, the older man laughed and the sound of hisvoice broke Aranea out of her movie-induced reveries. She locked gazes withArdyn, realizing how she had felt that laugh more than heard it originally,being so close to his body when they were both sharing the couch and how it hadfelt… Nice.
Damn her friends at school, really. And damn Ardyn for beingsmirking and smiling all the time – it was hard to keep her mind off… Certainplaces and certain things when he did that.
“You’re laughing because you’ll never need to ask a strangerman to sleep at his house for one night, right? I know I’m bound to do it oneday, if I’ve learned anything from these movies.”
“Perhaps it won’t be such a ghastly experience, Aranea. Maybeyou’ll even… Come to enjoy…” his hands went for the snack again – or so Araneathought; but then the digits veered into a different direction and brushedagainst her chin, tilting her head up ever so slightly so their eyes could lockand she could feel the soft caress of a thumb over her lower lip, “Theexperience itself.”
“…The experience?”
“The experience of spending one night with a strange man.After all, aren’t you living with someone you never thought you’d meet before?”
Oh, that.
“I’d hardly call you a stranger after these months, Ardyn.”
He smiled – again. And Aranea’s pale green eyes followed thattransformation, eagerly and more hungrily than she cared to admit.
“Good to hear that, my dear.”
Karaoke had started out as something meant to help Aranea getused to one of the favorite pastimes of every salaryman in Tokyo, as well aspracticing her Japanese reading skills. But the moment she found out thatalcohol was served and these lovely places were open 24/7, she started to likethem a lot more. The woman had a fidelity card from Big Echo and could nowvirtually greet the staff of the closest unit by name.
It was that bad.
Sometimes, she would go there with school friends; sometimes,she would drag Ardyn. He had a nice voice and he knew a lot of really old,dramatic songs that were wonderfully enhanced by his timbre and it was kind ofamazing to see how he transformed from the moment he picked up the microphone.Aranea was more of the pop songs of the current days, and she tried to stick tothe new singles and releases that played on the radio.
But eventually, drinking made it impossible for her to readeven the basic kanjis and she switched to cheesy and iconic western pop music.As someone who had grown up during the 90s, she knew an embarrassingly hugeamount of Britney Spears songs by heart – and although one could think it didn’tmatch her personality, a drunk Aranea made for a very good dancer and Britneyimpersonator.
Luckily for her, while it wasn’t Vegas, there weren’t camerasin the individual rooms.
‘Break the Ice’ had been her pick, and she had started itnormally enough, barely looking at the screen since she knew it all by heart;instead she used the available furniture as props for her dance moves,eventually landing on her host’s lap while singing: “Let me break the ice / allowme to get you right,” she dipped her head lower then, lips brushing againstArdyn’s ear shell, “But you warm up to me / baby I can make you feel…”
The woman knew, deep down, that she was pushing her luck – butwhen Ardyn responded to her teasing by holding her close and whispering intoher own ear, Aranea dropped the microphone and the song played without anyvoice over for a while – she was too busy staring right into these amber irises.
But the moment he smirked, again, her eyes were drawn downwardsand she actually when groaned when he licked his lips and widened the smile. Itwas official – Ardyn was now tempting her, seeing just how far she was willingto go.
And Aranea maybe would have done it if the phone hadn’t rung,letting them know that their time was up. The girl almost fell to the floorwhile trying to remove herself from her lap, but Ardyn was entirelycomposed as he picked up the phone and announced they were going to be headingdownstairs.
While winter had been magical in Japan, nothing compared tothe summer – for one, it was way hotter than anything she had experienced backin the US; but the sheer amount of traditions, special foods and fireworksfestival was memorable.
The hanabis were a must-see, Ardyn told her. Something thateveryone took part in and that was well worth the expense of buying a yukata.Aranea did so, and she was really happy to have followed Ardyn’s advice to buyone with a ready-made obi knot – it was fucking hard to do it by herself. Themoment she finished getting dressed and stepped in the living room, she couldswear that her host had stopped breathing for a second.
“You look beautiful, my dear.”
She made a small bow, a smile on her lips for once – well, atleast she could still get him speechless after so many occasions where thereverse thing happened. Ardyn looked really regal in a somber yukata – his darkhair and pale skin made for a striking combo and she was really pleased to seehow mesmerizing they were as soon as they passed a mirrored wall on their wayto the subway.
Their destination was Asakusa – a traditional place for that,Ardyn told her. Aranea was very much her own woman, but she was enjoyingwalking around with their arms linked and buying all the food available at thesmall street stands, as well as laughing at his observations and enjoying thecheerful atmosphere.
She was caught off-guard by the first firework – her hostlaughed at her, but hold her firmly against him and made sure they had a nicespot to watch the hanabi. Aranea spent almost the entire time looking up, inawe of the different colors and shapes – it was nothing like the 4thof July. But eventually she found herself looking to the side, and watching theprofile of her host being illuminated by the fireworks instead.
“I’m afraid you’re missing the spectacle, my dear.”
Of course Ardyn had caught her staring – he had an uncannysixth sense. But in the middle of all these people and considering all themonths they had spent together, Aranea merely smiled in return. This was it –she had enough. She had pondered time and time over this and she had a verdict.
Aranea stood on her tiptoes, tugging at his yukata sleeves toget his attention before pressing their lips together. Ardyn was… Smiling. Thatmuch she could feel, but it was quickly gone in favor of parting his lips andallowing her entrance, indulging Aranea before claiming control of the kisshimself and leaving her breathless at the end, with her heart out of controland the blood drumming in her ears loud enough to override any firework.
“No… The spectacle has just started.”
Predictably, Ardyn smiled – and it was fucking great nothaving to hold back and kissing the infuriating smirks away.
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pear-otter · 7 years
[A quick, short letter to Emi, written in a cafe in Blackedge, to be posted before Ai ventures out beyond the school limits. Anytime I use a gendered pronoun, know that it does not come across that way in Japanese, which is what this letter would be written in. The back home fluff background: Jirou, one of Ai and Emi's friends, has two older siblings, Ichirou and Aki, and Aki has been away at university.]
Dear Emi,
Sorry I haven't written in a while, the school year is coming to a close soon so it's been really hectic! I can only manage a short letter, but I'll try to write with more frequency.  I'm glad you and Aki are spending more time together, and I'm so looking forward to seeing her again when I come home! Did she say what she's planning to do now that she's back in Japan? I bet Jirou and Ichirou are jealous that she's back and stealing everyone's attention, the educated Aki!
It's Etsuko's birthday soon, you remember she's the futakuchi onna, and Clea and I are planning a birthday party for her! I really want to introduce her to some of my favourite treats from Japan, since she doesn't have much contact with Japanese things I think, but it's so difficult to find stores that sell what I need! I'm in the town Blackedge right now, but I'm going to have to bicycle to the next town, off campus totally, and hope it's a bigger city with more diverse supermarkets! I've got Gabriela to help decorate and I think another classmate I don't know that well, Bronwyn is going to help me with the food, just a little. I don't want them to get too involved because I don't know how they are in the kitchen and I want everything to be perfect! We're going to have a "girl's night" with makeovers and games and such, and Ines and Daisy and Valentine are going to be there! I wish you could come and meet them, I'm sure you would fit in with them much better than I do, Daisy and Ines and Karim are very outgoing like you!
I'll fill you in on how the party went once it's finished! I have something else to ask of you. I told you in my last letter about prom, that I'm going to with Valentine, but I need some advice about what to wear. You are much more fashionably aware than I am, and maybe you can consult Aki too? I don't want to wear a typical prom dress, actually I kind of don't want to wear a dress at all. I want to wear something daring, you know! I need your help, because I want it to be a surprise for everyone here! Except for Valentine of course, since she's my date and we have to coordinate, but I don't think she's very fashion forward. Since Aki is an adult, she must have an email, so maybe for the prom advice we could email each other? My email is still the same!
Love from,
Kawada Airi 
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frequent-phases · 8 years
Heart - Part 13
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A/N: After this, I only have the epilogue! I’m kind of sad to see it go, but I’m also very excited to start the next series!
| Last Part | Masterlist |
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I sat at my vanity, putting the finishing touches on my coral lipstick when my mom came up behind me holding up the beautiful dress that Lydia had picked for me.
“Maybe I should just stay home.” I said and my mom gently laid the dress on my bed before walking over and kneeling beside me, grabbing my hands.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” 
“Stiles is going with Lydia, Scott is going with Allison and I have no one. I don’t want to be that pathetic girl in the bleachers that just sits there because no one asked her to even go in the first place.” I looked down at my hands, feeling slightly pathetic, but my mom put her hand under my chin and made me look her in the eyes.
“Olivia, you don’t even have that amazing dress on yet and I already know that boys will be knocking each other out just to be near you.” One of the many things I love about my mom is her contagious smile, you could be in the worst mood ever, and one smile from her just makes you instantly feel better.
“Thank you, Mom.”
“Of course. Now, let’s get you into this dress.” 
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I pulled the Charger into one of the empty parking places close to the entrance to the school and shut it off, sighing and pulling down the mirror, playing with my makeup in hopes of stalling for a little while.
I saw the flash of headlights as a car pulled into the spot in front of me. When they shut off, I glanced under my mirror to see Jackson’s Porsche with... Allison sitting in the passenger’s seat? I was not expecting that.
Not even two minutes later, I saw Roscoe pull into the spot next to me out of the corner of my eye and I steeled myself, hoping that I wouldn’t feel that pit again. 
I sighed once more as I reset one out of place curl before I flipped the mirror back up and grabbed my sparkly white heels and my cream clutch from the passenger’s seat. I opened my door and bent over to slip on my heels as I heard one of the squeaky doors of the Jeep open, a feminine sigh following, causing that annoying pit to return.
“Jackson. You look handsome.” I heard Lydia say, a scoff following as I finished up the strap on the first shoe.
“Obviously. It’s Hugo Boss.” Jackson said before I heard his footsteps fade away.
“I don’t care. I don’t want compliments. I refuse to fall prey to society’s desire to turn girls into emotional, insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark.” Lydia ranted with a dramatic huff.
“Well, I think you look beautiful.” Stiles said, and the pit got deeper.
“Really?” Lydia asked, her voice hopeful and the pit continued to grow.
“Well, I know I could use a compliment or two. I feel slightly ridiculous this dressed up.” I said as I stood up, finally finished strapping my heels and I saw Lydia and Stiles gaping at me.
“Wow. Didn’t I tell you it was the perfect dress?” Lydia asked, looking me up and down, proud of her work. She then proceeded to turn on her heel and strut inside, but Stiles stayed behind.
“You look amazing, Liv.” He complimented and I glanced at my feet... blushing?
“Thanks.” I muttered, not daring to look at him.
“I’m sorry that Scott and I kept you out of the wolf loop..” Stiles began but trailed off for some reason, causing me to look up as he sighed. “When we heard that you passed out again, we got worried, and didn’t want that to happen again because of us, so we agreed to keep you as out of it as much as we could.”
“I can understand that, but you guys could’ve just talked to me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still mad, but you know what, it’s my last night here and I want to enjoy it with my friends.” I declared with a small smile, which Stiles gladly returned before making a funny face and turning to the school, holding his elbow out to me.
My smile grew even wider and the pit in my stomach all but vanished as I rested my hand in the crook of his elbow and we strode into the school together.
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Lydia, Stiles and I had been sitting together, doing absolutely nothing for about fifteen minutes when we spotted Allison and Jackson dancing, apparently, this spurred Stiles into wanting to dance with his date. I can’t say that I blame him, I was starting to get really bored just sitting there.
“You wanna dance?” He asked and Lydia barely glanced at him.
“You know what? Let me try that again.” Stiles said as he stood up and leaned over that table that we were at. “Lydia, get off your cute little ass and dance with me now.”
“Interesting tactic. I’m gonna stick with no.” Lydia mused, but that didn’t help the regrowing pit in my stomach.
“Lydia, get up! Okay? You’re gonna dance with me. I don't care that you made out with my best friend for some weird power thing, I don't-. Lydia, I've had a crush on you since the third grade. And I know that somewhere inside that cold, lifeless exterior there's an actual human soul. And I'm also pretty sure that I'm one of the only ones who knows how smart you really are. Uh huh. And that once you're done pretending to be a nitwit, you'll eventually go off and write some insane mathematical theorem that wins you the Nobel Prize.” Stiles was slightly out of breath at the end of his rant and Lydia looked around for a few seconds, speechless, but me, it felt like I was about to be swallowed up by the hole that kept growing inside of me.
“Fields Medal.” Lydia finally said as Stiles’ face went blank and I started to pick at my manicured nails.
“What?” He asked, confused as Lydia stood up and walked over to him.
“Nobel doesn’t have a prize for mathematics. A Fields Medal is what I’ll be winning.” She said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him onto the dance floor, causing Stiles to fist pump and despite my sinking feeling, I couldn’t help but laugh and feel happy for my spastic friend.
“McCall!” Coach’s voice suddenly rang out over the music as he shoved dancing kids out of his way. “I see you! Come here, buddy. Come here. McCall! Get outta my way! McCall! It's a small gym, buddy. I'm gonna find you. I gotcha, McCall! Come here, come here! Get outta my way! McCall!”
I looked around, trying to spot my friend, only to find him dancing with... Danny? I let out a snort as Coach found them and a random spotlight suddenly shone down on them.
“McCall! You're not supposed to-. What the hell are you do-. What the hell are you doing?” Coach asked as the music stopped and quite literally everyone was giving him dirty looks, assuming that he didn’t like gay people when in all reality, Coach couldn’t care less.
“Yes, Coach?” Scott asked as he pulled himself closer to Danny, who looked like a deer in headlights and everything was silent for a minute.
“Okay.” A coach said before he started to laugh. “Hold on, you- I was just saying he's not supposed to-. I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't-. You guys don't think -. You don't- I- I was-. Just dance, everybody. Just dance! Dance! It's a party!” Coach laughed nervously as he backed away. The music started again and everyone began to dance, immediately, Scott rushed away to, I’m assuming Allison, leaving Danny and his boyfriend to just stare awkwardly at each other before Danny grabbed the, no doubt, spiked drink and chugged.
The next song that came on was slow and still, not a single person asked to dance with me. I was right, I dressed up for literally nothing. My eyes drifted through the mass of dancing couples and I spotted Scott and Allison dancing together and I couldn’t help but smile, they were perfect for each other. 
My eyes continued their drift until they landed on Stiles and Lydia who looked like they were actually a couple. Stiles’ hands were around her waist and Lydia had one hand around his shoulders, the other clutching his arm, they each had their heads resting on each other’s shoulders. 
Suddenly, it felt like I was strapped to a runaway train that had just collided with a cement wall. I liked- no, I think I loved Stiles, I had this whole time. The fact that I always wanted to hang out with Stiles before Scott. The fact that I actually started to care about how I dressed. When I found out that Scott and Stiles were keeping me out of the werewolf loop, I was mainly mad at Stiles because of how angry he sounded when he said that Scott made out with Lydia. The pit in my stomach. I had only realized it because it seemed highly probable that Lydia and Stiles would be a thing soon and I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle that with my realization.
I quickly stood up and speed walked my way out of the school, fumbling to retrieve my keys with shaky hands. I slid into my car and drove home, feeling...blank, that is until I pulled into my driveway, that’s when the dam broke and the tears began to fall. I managed to make my way inside before sobs began to wrack my body.
“Liv? What’s wrong, honey?” My mom said as she made her way down the stairs, wrapping me in a hug.
“I-I think I love him, Mom, but he’s never go-onna see me as a-anything but a friend-d.” I sobbed.
“Who? Honey, who is it?” My mom asked as she held me and stroked my hair.
“Stiles. I think I’m in love with Stiles.”
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After a very long, hot shower, I sat on the living room couch dressed in my tardis slippers, yoga pants, and my overly large Captain America hoodie, a tub of Salted Caramel Core resting in my lap and my damp, wavy hair, slowly soaking the back of my hoodie. My mom had gone to bed a few hours ago, but I was still up, blankly staring at whatever late night movie that was on, really just trying to figure out when I began to fall for my best friend.
I shoved my spoon into my mouth, trying to think back, but I was ripped out of my thoughts when a frantic knocking came from the front door. I groaned as I stood up, setting my ice cream on the coffee table and walking over to the door, complaining loudly.
“Ugh! It’s freaking midnight! Who could possibly want what from me at midnight on a Saturday?” I whipped the door open to find a very panicked Stiles, who seemed to immediately relax when he saw me, pulling me into a bear hug.
“Thank god you’re okay. I was so worried. You just disappeared from the dance and then Peter showed up and now Lydia’s in the hospital-” Stiles began to ramble but I cut him off.
“Okay, slow down. I’m fine. Now, why don’t you start with who Peter is.” I said as I lead Stiles inside and sat down on the couch ignoring the way that my heart fluttered when Stiles hugged me.
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“So Peter is Derek’s uncle who killed Derek’s sister and became the alpha, killed lots of people, including Allison’s psycho aunt, who was part of Allison’s family of werewolf hunters. Allison’s aunt tried to convince Allison to kill not only Derek and Peter, but also Scott, but that didn’t work. Then you and Jackson come in with Molotov Cocktails and with Allison’s help, you guys burned Peter to a crisp, but then Derek kills what’s left of him, becoming the new alpha. Did I get that all right?” I asked, trying to process all of the information that Stiles had given me.
“Yeah, that’s right. The only thing that you missed was that during the dance, Peter bit Lydia who is now in the hospital, but she’s healing too slowly to be turning into a werewolf.” Stiles pointed out and I nodded.
“That is a lot of information.” I muttered as I took a bite of my ice cream.
“So why did you leave the dance?” He asked, and I focused all of my attention to the empty tub of salty deliciousness that rested in my lap.
“I wasn’t having any fun, in fact, I was kind of miserable.” 
“What went wrong?”
“You, Scott, Lydia and Allison were all busy. No one even bothered to ask me to dance even though I’m one of the best friends of the most popular girl in school. Overall it was just a bust that I was practically forced into, so I left.” I lied, setting my spoon into the tub.
I looked up and saw Stiles looking over every inch of my face with a slight smile, not saying a word.
“What?” I asked and Stiles shook his head, smiling.
“What do you say we have one more sleepover before you leave?” Stiles asked and the smile that grew on my face was so huge that it actually hurt.
“I’d like that.” I nodded, discarding my ice cream tub and climbing up the stairs to my room. Falling asleep curled up against my best friend and crush for what would be the last time for three months.
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| Epilogue |
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 6 years
‘A World of Fragile Things’ Chapter 2: Long Lost Words Whisper Slowly to Me
Okay, so I’m putting a warning here that this chapter mentions an old Japanese urban legend that ends violently, just in case anyone wants to skip past the end of that part.  It is based on the Legend of Kuchisake-Onna, but I changed the circumstances of it to fit my KP universe. Also, does anyone know the band whose lyrics I’ve been using for the story title and chapter titles?
It was just a typical day; nothing special. Shego sighed at the thought of what her life has become. It seemed to be the same routine constantly now that she was living without the villainy. She didn’t regret turning back to side of do-gooders, but she didn’t particularly care for the humdrum of what constitutes a ‘normal life.’ She loved adventure, and while Drakken had adjusted too easily to such a life, Shego hoped he’d be up for switching things up a bit. It was just a boring, uneventful day up until she stepped inside the old lair.
Boxes. Were. Everywhere. The lair was so barren with all of their belongings packed away. For what reason, Shego hadn’t the slightest idea. Most of the furniture seemed to be gone too.
“Uh, Doctor D?” she called out, but no reply came forward. Her fingers skimmed the flaps of a box labeled Shego’s CDs. “Drew?” She raised her voice slightly.
“Hmm? Shego! You’re back!” he approached her, a little too enthusiastically, those ridiculous pink-lensed goggles strapped to his face. They always made his eyes comically large. She’d never say, but it never failed to make her laugh after a particularly grueling day.
“What’s with all the boxes?” Shego asked him impatiently.
“Oh”—he paused a moment—“we’re moving.”
“Say what, now?” This wasn’t the adventure Shego was looking for. They were perfectly fine living where they always have been.
“You didn’t expect us to live out the rest of our days in this dump of a lair did you?” Drakken asked, mulling over which things he should throw out or pack.
“Please tell me we’re not living in Go Tower.” Shego was still getting used to being part of the team again. Living with her brothers would be the last straw that sends her over the edge into insanity.
“Not a chance,” Drakken replied, tossing out an old ratty t-shirt. “I found us an apartment in Go City. It’s quite spacious, and surprisingly affordable.” Shego had to admit, she was impressed. He really seemed to have thought this all through. The only thing that annoyed her is that he did it all without even consulting her. After all, they’ll be living together like they have been for the last six, almost seven, years.
“As much as I appreciate your thoroughness of this whole idea, don’t you think you should’ve talked to me about this first? It’s not just your life you uprooted; it’s mine too.” Shego shook away the annoying voice in her head that told her to pick her battles, but she refused to listen. Drakken was partially in the wrong here, and it needed to be pointed out. Though she couldn’t understand why she was so upset over it. No, he didn’t consult her on this major decision, but he was still doing the right thing in her eyes.
“It was supposed to be a surprise; I can’t even begin to list the countless times you complained about not having a real place to live, so I took initiative,” Drakken explained. “Now I see that was probably the wrong way to go about it. I’ll consult you from now on. Scout’s honor.” He held up his fingers.
“Why do I have a hard time believing you were ever a boy scout?” Shego folded her arms, a look of amusement on her face.
“Because,” Drakken turned to her, “you’re a smart woman.”
And that was all it took. Shego felt warmth spread throughout her, her face flushed for the first time since she had turned her back on being good. She was blushing. The moment she realized it, she turned away so he couldn’t see, but the small smile on his face was enough to let her know he already had.
“I’ve got you in my sights now,” Kim muttered to herself. She waited for the perfect moment to strike. This took precision from her position. Ready, aim, fire. Kim launched the water balloon at Ron from where she sat among the tree branches, laughing so hard at his reaction, an embarrassing snort came from her nose.
“Oh I see how it’s gonna be,” Ron shouted up to her, fighting the smile that was so plainly on his face. Kim hooked her legs over the branch, swinging herself upside down to face him.
“So, what cha gonna do about it?” She smirked, ignoring the blood rushing to her head. He brushed his lips against hers, both caught up in the reverse Spiderman moment. “Truce?” Kim asked between kisses. A cold splash of water spread over her black tank top, and she opened her eyes to see Ron’s smug expression. Sitting right-side up on the branch once more, she hopped down effortlessly from the tree, facing her opponent. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” she told Ron, tugging him closer by the belt loop on his jeans.
“I think I’m luckier for other things,” he replied, tucking Kim’s copper hair behind her ear.
Kim’s face softened at his words. “That’s so sweet, Ron.”
“Oh,” he began, “you thought I was talking about you? I obviously meant it for all these homemade nacos.” He gestured toward the picnic table.
“Shut up,” Kim told him playfully, giggling as if they were in the honeymoon stage of their relationship once more.
“Kids! Burgers are done!” Mrs. Stoppable called out to them, a bright smile on her face. Just like Ann Possible, Andrea Stoppable had always hoped Kim and Ron would end up together. She even remembered a time that she joked with Ann about refusing to approve of any girl Ron brought home for her and her husband to meet, unless it was Kim, and they already knew her. He had dated Zita Flores for a short while, but they were never serious enough for that step. Seeing the two of them together always made her happy. They’ve been through a lot together to get where they are now. Call it mother’s intuition, but she had a feeling, deep inside, that the worst had yet to come.
He had watched and learned his surroundings in Middleton for a week now. The daily routine of the Stoppable family was a fairly simple one. Three-year old Hana would be an easy target. He needed her to begin his plan…and to complete it. Tonight will be the night he takes the girl under his wing. Little did he know, someone was watching from the trees in the Stoppables’ backyard. Fukushima leapt onto the roof, making his way to the girl’s room. Upon approaching it, the figure in the trees sprang into action, blocking his path.
“Ha! Yori,” he laughed. “I should have known you’d be here.”
“I won’t let you take little Han. To get to her, you’ll have to go through me,” she challenged him. He made the first move, attempting to knock her legs out from under her. Yori lunged at him, gripping his gi to try and swing him off the roof. They fought stealthily in the night, evenly matched in every way. Just when she thought she had the upper hand, Fukushima revealed the Lotus Blade. Though he was unable to command it, he used the hilt to hit Yori on the back of her head, knocking her out cold with a loud thump.
The sound must have been heard, because he saw a light from the house next door turn on. The face that appeared in the now-open window was that of Kim Possible.
“Hey!” Kim shouted up at him, grabbing her grappling hook. She hooked it around the Stoppables’ chimney, launching herself up to the roof, slamming her feet into his chest. The Lotus Blade slid off the tiles and onto the ground. Fukushima flipped onto his feet, fighting Kim so close to the edge of the roof, she slid, hanging by one arm grasping the gutter. He took this time to rush into the bedroom window of Hana Stoppable, emerging from the front door victoriously.
Dropping down onto the ground carefully, Kim attempted to carefully get Hana out of his arms. Neither wanted the girl to be hurt, making it nearly impossible to fight one another. Kim saw an opening, and took it. Hana was nearly in her reach when Fukushima blew a strange crackling powder onto her, rendering her immobile. She felt herself going into stasis, unable to even blink.
“Until next time, Possible,” he waved her off, escaping with Hana Stoppable. Ron’s little sister.
“KP!” Ron shouted, running out the door in only his pajama pants. Fukushima had taken Hana, and now Kim wasn't moving. Having brought his kimmunicator with him, he contacted Wade, who appeared on screen looking extremely sleepy. Upon seeing the panic on Ron’s face, he became wide awake all at once.
“Ron, what happened?”
“Kim’s not moving, or speaking,” Ron told him. She’s still breathing and her eyes are open, but that’s it.”
“Scan her with the kimmunicator so I can take a look at what may have caused this,” Wade spoke calmly. He analyzed the strange powdery substance that stuck to Kim’s clothes, but seemed to seep into her skin. Ron stroked Kim’s hair while waiting for the results. “It’s strange.”
“What? What is it?” Ron asked frantically. This had Fukushima written all over it. Just as the thought crossed his mind, Yori landed beside him, having finally come to.
“It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before,” Wade told him. “It walks the line between mad science and magic. I’ll contact you if I find anything.” Just like that, the screen went black.
“It’s a mixture born of science and old magic,” Yori explained. “I’ve only ever heard of such a weapon used in the War of Darkness.”
“The what now?” Ron questioned, lifting Kim up in his arms.
“Centuries after founding Yamanouchi, in the Heian period, Toshimiru, found himself on the battlefield once again, facing his one true enemy, Yakunan. The name itself means evil and misfortune.” Yori paused to give Ron a chance to bring Kim inside his house, laying her on the sofa.
“Centuries? How was he still alive?” Ron kept a hold of Kim’s hand as he and Yori settled on the floor.
“For all the good deeds he had done, Toshimiru, being the very first Monkey Master, was granted a sort of immortality. He would not live forever, but he would live for a thousand years. Yakunan wanted to take over the world, and there was a woman he wanted by his side while he did it. She trained at Yamanouchi, and was in love with Toshimiru, who thought her as the most beautiful woman in the village.”
Ron was captivated by the story, wondering how it all fit together. “I take it this woman was an important part of the war?”
“She was,” Yori confirmed. “You see, though the two warriors had been battling on and off throughout the years, it didn’t turn into a war until the woman, Kuchisake-Onna, came into their lives. Originally, she had been kidnapped by Yakunan to be his bride, but was rescued by Toshimiru, and was brought to Yamanouchi to train alongside him. They fell in love, which angered Yakunan enough to sneak into the school, and effectively slit her mouth so that she’d no longer be beautiful.”
“That’s…dark. What does this have to do with the weird magical powder?” he asked.
“Yakunan used the powder to put her in stasis. It is because of that event that the War of Darkness began. The quest to take over the world was thwarted by Toshimiru, but he could not save his love, for he had no antidote. She remains in stasis, even now, buried deep within a temple. It’s only temporary as long as you have an antidote for it, but I do not have the means to make one. We would need the help of a mad scientist.”
“I happen to know just the mad scientist to help us,” Ron told her. “Stay with Kim; there’s a certain doctor I need to visit.”
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