#and consistently makes fun of aranea
shipstucks · 1 year
Hello hi !! Im ikna :D you might know me for my main blog iknaenmal
I have seen many many blogs like these so i thought it could be fun to make one too !! Its basically a blog where you can request any rarepairs or sexuality headcanons or all that stuff ! Non rarepair ships are also allowed :] I promise i will try to um. ACTUALLY set a consistent queue of one drawing a day or something. Maybe. I hope
But yeah !! Anything is allowed except. You know. Clearly problematic ships :/ have fun !!
-transfem tavros <3 transneu equius
-vriskat, both transfem
-transmasc vriska <> june
-transmasc nepeta <3 transfem dirk
-damara <> dirk
-dyke it/its haudenosaunee dave and calliope
-transmasc nonbinary lesbian tavros <> pansexual transfem nonbinary aradia
-janedave w plus sized jane
-transfem t4t erikar
-transmasc t4t equikat
-rufioh x aranea
-t4t transmasc fefeta <3 karkat
-pale davejade with nb jade
-transmasc nepeta <3 transfem agender sollux
-pale scourge sisters
-humanstuck junenep
-pale davegamtav
-flushed soljane
-pale solkat
-pitch araroxy
-pale vrisdirk
-pitch soldirk
-kankri <3 mituna
-karkat <3< feferi
-davesprite x jake
-pitch erifef
-WV and AR
-davenep but dave is a girl and nepeta is a guy
-transmasc jane and transfem kanaya
-equisol with bigender sollux and nonbinary equius
-pale rosekat
-joey <3 xefros
-signless <3 disciple
-pitch johnrezi
-flushed vrisjohn
-pale jade and kanaya
-pale erivris
-short nonbinary/catgender nepeta with tall transfem roxy
-transfem eridan/roxy
-pale erikat
-t4t transfem junevris
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arachnexdragoon · 7 years
▲ five time my muse thought about kissing yours, and the one time they did. (Ghost AU)
send me a symbol for…
“Ohmygosh, I could kiss you!”
Aranea realized a bit too late that she had voiced thesethoughts aloud – well, more like her relieved thoughts, and less like carnalthoughts. But at any rate, Ardyn had heard her and he chose to smile and to bowhis head lightly like a true gentleman, showing her the right way for the nextline transfer.
“Well, I suppose it is delightful to be rewarded for a gooddeed.”
“I’m so sorry. I was… Just too happy to see you. I clearlyunderestimated the subway,” Aranea replied with slightly reddened cheeks asthey walked through the crowd of busy-looking salarymen and high schoolstudents, all of them very aware of where they needed to go… Except for Aranea.She had lucked out, really – the closest station to her campus had no romajifor the station names and she ended up buying the wrong ticket and getting lostright after a first transfer in Shibuya.
Shibuya, of all places – well, at least it hadn’t been TokyoStation. Using her newly acquired mobile to phone Ardyn and to beg him torescue had seemed like a good option… Or rather, the only option.
“But if you’re feeling generous, then we could perhaps pick upsomething to eat on the way home.”
“My treat, Izunia-san~.”
“It’s beautiful…” Aranea whispered, her hands open against thewindow and her face as close as she could to the glass without making it foggywith her warm breath. It was the first time it snowed in Tokyo since herarrival – and it looked straight out of a picture, especially considering thebeautiful view offered from Ardyn’s penthouse.
“You mentioned you had never seen snow before, yes?” Ardynqueried, coming to stand right beside her. Aranea was too entranced by the viewoutside to realize that her host didn’t have the same effect to the clear glassand appeared not to breathe, or that his reflection was also not showing up.
“Never. I’m from the southern part of the States, so it rarelysnows… Never got lucky with schools closing up for day and stuff like that,”she mentioned with a smile, but her eyes barely moved from the scenery outside.Ardyn hummed in agreement, hands folding behind his robe as he glanced at hisguest and smiled as well, although for other reasons.
“Have you acquainted yourself with the local lore, Aranea?This weather calls for the yuki-onna, it seems…”
“Snow… Woman?” she translated hesitantly, turning around toface the man and finding out Ardyn looked… Different. Maybe it was the waythe lighting inside was set, but he seemed to be outlined by the lamps, almostas if a faint glow enveloped his form and giving him an ethereal vibe. “What doyou mean?”
“The legend varies, my dear. Each region has its own version,but my personal favorite version is the one of the snow woman that appears whenthe first heavy snow falls, and who comes to steal the vitality and life forceof the men with deadly kisses. They supposedly freeze their victims to death…”
Aranea hadn’t realized she had been staring at his lips untilthey curved into a smirk once more. “Well. Not a bad way to go, yes? A kissfrom a woman in a white scenery like this.”
“No… Not bad at all.” It was also harder to swallow now, butAranea chalked it up to the ghost story.
When Aranea’s skills with the local language advanced enough, shewas able to tell her classmates about the place she was staying at and how herhost looked like. She did notice a couple of her friends made surprisedexpressions at the moment she disclosed the location, but the description ofArdyn changed their stunned expressions into excitement.
“Aranea-chan, that man sounds like a really handsome one!”
She had to giggle – of all the comments she expected, that wasdefinitively the one she thought Japanese girls would be too shy to make, butapparently… They could get really comfortable with you once you made it as afriend, “I kind of… Agree, I think? He probably is old enough to be my dad,Sayuri-chan. Maybe I haven’t been exactly thinking about kissing him…” Or hadshe?
“Oh, that’s not a problem at all. My parents had an arrangedmarriage back at my home town and he was her senior for a lot of years… Still,they are still happily married.”
“I had this friend too, from high school… She used to dateolder men to get expensive gifts from them. Minako would certainly got a lot ofthings from a man like Izunia-san!”
At this point, Aranea wished she had pictures to show them –why was she always forgetting to take pictures of Ardyn? Maybe she could borrowone of the portraits she saw on a bookshelf, he looked like he fancied gettingpictures taken at these places where you dressed up with clothes from bygoneeras – at least the gentlemanly personality matched.
“Look, I’ll bring a picture over and you guys can help me ifit’s super wrong or not, okay?”
Hanae and Sayuri giggled, then exchanged a glance beforeeyeing Aranea again. “Aranea-chan, you’re weird. There’s nothing wrong aboutage.”
“That is so lame.”
Ardyn merely turned his head around, amber eyes focusing onthe expressions Aranea was making at the movie they were watching. Horrible,cliche horror movies from decades past had become a tradition of sorts at theIzunia household on Friday (the day also seemed to be the best suited one forthat, even if Japan had no issues with that particular day of the week as onethat could bring bad luck). The woman had a glass of wine in one hand and apackage of tiramisu-flavored pocky on he lap – really classy.
“What do you mean, my dear?”
“I mean… Seriously, you’re a girl and you’re driving byyourself, and then the car breaks down. Conveniently close to this big housewhere just this one guy with that eerie vibe about him lives. Of course itstarts to rain and clearly the phone is down, so you have no choice but tosleep at this old bedroom with a 4-poster bed and all that stuff.”
Her host was now outright smiling at her, stealing one of thesweet sticks for himself – Aranea remained amusingly outraged at the lady inthe movie, which was ridiculously ironic given the fact she was in a verysimilar situation herself – despite not knowing it. “This guy is obviously notalive… Or worse. And she is, like, accepting his offer to stay the night!”
At this point, the older man laughed and the sound of hisvoice broke Aranea out of her movie-induced reveries. She locked gazes withArdyn, realizing how she had felt that laugh more than heard it originally,being so close to his body when they were both sharing the couch and how it hadfelt… Nice.
Damn her friends at school, really. And damn Ardyn for beingsmirking and smiling all the time – it was hard to keep her mind off… Certainplaces and certain things when he did that.
“You’re laughing because you’ll never need to ask a strangerman to sleep at his house for one night, right? I know I’m bound to do it oneday, if I’ve learned anything from these movies.”
“Perhaps it won’t be such a ghastly experience, Aranea. Maybeyou’ll even… Come to enjoy…” his hands went for the snack again – or so Araneathought; but then the digits veered into a different direction and brushedagainst her chin, tilting her head up ever so slightly so their eyes could lockand she could feel the soft caress of a thumb over her lower lip, “Theexperience itself.”
“…The experience?”
“The experience of spending one night with a strange man.After all, aren’t you living with someone you never thought you’d meet before?”
Oh, that.
“I’d hardly call you a stranger after these months, Ardyn.”
He smiled – again. And Aranea’s pale green eyes followed thattransformation, eagerly and more hungrily than she cared to admit.
“Good to hear that, my dear.”
Karaoke had started out as something meant to help Aranea getused to one of the favorite pastimes of every salaryman in Tokyo, as well aspracticing her Japanese reading skills. But the moment she found out thatalcohol was served and these lovely places were open 24/7, she started to likethem a lot more. The woman had a fidelity card from Big Echo and could nowvirtually greet the staff of the closest unit by name.
It was that bad.
Sometimes, she would go there with school friends; sometimes,she would drag Ardyn. He had a nice voice and he knew a lot of really old,dramatic songs that were wonderfully enhanced by his timbre and it was kind ofamazing to see how he transformed from the moment he picked up the microphone.Aranea was more of the pop songs of the current days, and she tried to stick tothe new singles and releases that played on the radio.
But eventually, drinking made it impossible for her to readeven the basic kanjis and she switched to cheesy and iconic western pop music.As someone who had grown up during the 90s, she knew an embarrassingly hugeamount of Britney Spears songs by heart – and although one could think it didn’tmatch her personality, a drunk Aranea made for a very good dancer and Britneyimpersonator.
Luckily for her, while it wasn’t Vegas, there weren’t camerasin the individual rooms.
‘Break the Ice’ had been her pick, and she had started itnormally enough, barely looking at the screen since she knew it all by heart;instead she used the available furniture as props for her dance moves,eventually landing on her host’s lap while singing: “Let me break the ice / allowme to get you right,” she dipped her head lower then, lips brushing againstArdyn’s ear shell, “But you warm up to me / baby I can make you feel…”
The woman knew, deep down, that she was pushing her luck – butwhen Ardyn responded to her teasing by holding her close and whispering intoher own ear, Aranea dropped the microphone and the song played without anyvoice over for a while – she was too busy staring right into these amber irises.
But the moment he smirked, again, her eyes were drawn downwardsand she actually when groaned when he licked his lips and widened the smile. Itwas official – Ardyn was now tempting her, seeing just how far she was willingto go.
And Aranea maybe would have done it if the phone hadn’t rung,letting them know that their time was up. The girl almost fell to the floorwhile trying to remove herself from her lap, but Ardyn was entirelycomposed as he picked up the phone and announced they were going to be headingdownstairs.
While winter had been magical in Japan, nothing compared tothe summer – for one, it was way hotter than anything she had experienced backin the US; but the sheer amount of traditions, special foods and fireworksfestival was memorable.
The hanabis were a must-see, Ardyn told her. Something thateveryone took part in and that was well worth the expense of buying a yukata.Aranea did so, and she was really happy to have followed Ardyn’s advice to buyone with a ready-made obi knot – it was fucking hard to do it by herself. Themoment she finished getting dressed and stepped in the living room, she couldswear that her host had stopped breathing for a second.
“You look beautiful, my dear.”
She made a small bow, a smile on her lips for once – well, atleast she could still get him speechless after so many occasions where thereverse thing happened. Ardyn looked really regal in a somber yukata – his darkhair and pale skin made for a striking combo and she was really pleased to seehow mesmerizing they were as soon as they passed a mirrored wall on their wayto the subway.
Their destination was Asakusa – a traditional place for that,Ardyn told her. Aranea was very much her own woman, but she was enjoyingwalking around with their arms linked and buying all the food available at thesmall street stands, as well as laughing at his observations and enjoying thecheerful atmosphere.
She was caught off-guard by the first firework – her hostlaughed at her, but hold her firmly against him and made sure they had a nicespot to watch the hanabi. Aranea spent almost the entire time looking up, inawe of the different colors and shapes – it was nothing like the 4thof July. But eventually she found herself looking to the side, and watching theprofile of her host being illuminated by the fireworks instead.
“I’m afraid you’re missing the spectacle, my dear.”
Of course Ardyn had caught her staring – he had an uncannysixth sense. But in the middle of all these people and considering all themonths they had spent together, Aranea merely smiled in return. This was it –she had enough. She had pondered time and time over this and she had a verdict.
Aranea stood on her tiptoes, tugging at his yukata sleeves toget his attention before pressing their lips together. Ardyn was… Smiling. Thatmuch she could feel, but it was quickly gone in favor of parting his lips andallowing her entrance, indulging Aranea before claiming control of the kisshimself and leaving her breathless at the end, with her heart out of controland the blood drumming in her ears loud enough to override any firework.
“No… The spectacle has just started.”
Predictably, Ardyn smiled – and it was fucking great nothaving to hold back and kissing the infuriating smirks away.
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tipsygnostaljic · 2 years
What is your personal take for each of the classes, particularly for key verbs or functions of each? It seems every classpecter has their own flavor and unique perspective. I look forward to seeing more of you and your ideas!
Wooooo I have not been on tumblr in a LONG time sdjfhsfkdsj
Luckily for the requests still gathering dust in my ask box after…
checks watch
three years I’m still an autistic light player! Also I am SO glad you asked this because not only do I love getting to hear what other people think of the Classes but I am also very set in stone on my own!
Because there’s a grand 14 classes, this is going to be a bit of a long post but let’s go in order of appearance in the comic and their counterparts!
Starting with our beloved Manipulation classes! Now that sounds bad, but thankfully the Active Witch and Passive Heir aren’t going around manipulating people (not inherently, at least). The Manipulation class is all about manipulating their aspect! For the Heir, a passive class who manipulates their aspect for the gain of others, they are able to control their aspect- and even become the embodiment of said aspect! A great example of this is everyone’s beloved Egbert! An Heir of Breath who is able to control the wind and air and even physically become breath itself! For the Witch (Active), they are just as direct in manipulating their aspect! For example, Jade! A Witch of Space who can directly control and physically manipulate the size or velocity of any inanimate object! 
Also quick little fun fact, but Jade’s teleportation powers don’t at all come from her being a Witch of Space! Though it would make sense that she would be able to “manipulate space” by transporting it, these powers are inherited from the First Guardian in here when she was fused with Becquerel via means of sprite prototyping and dream self shenanigans!
Moving onto the Seer and Mage: the Knowledge classes! The more active Mage gains knowledge of their aspect through studying and understanding it and then using this knowledge for their own benefit. A great example of this would be Kurloz Makara, Mage of Rage! He gains knowledge of his dancestor, the bard, and how things will plan out and uses this knowledge to set things in motion for the Mirthful Messiah. The more passive Seer is more of, well, a seeing class! They gain visual sight of their aspect which then gives them insight of what’s needed for a successful session! For example, Rose gets a hold of the magic crystal 8ball that lets her see into different timelines and such so she knows to tell Dave that he has to go back to stop John from listening to Terezi. Then later on after she ascends, her godtier powers as a Seer of Light give her the ability to see into the optimal future to see what must be done in order to reach this most optimal outcome!
Next up is the manifestation class consisting of the Knight and Page! The Knight, as more passive manifests their aspect directly for the purpose of protecting others. We see this in Dave as a Knight of Dave really only utilizing his powers of time hopping in order to save and protect his loved ones! The active Page is also a manifestation class but it’s hard to classify them with a verb other than that. Pages are defined as people who are severely lacking in their aspect until they manifest what they’ve built up a,l along in one big implosion of aspect! We get an up-close look at this with Jake as a Page of Hope, but also with Tavros even though he never ascended- at least story-wise. I’ll cover that if I ever get to Page of Breath!
Then we’ve got the fixing classes: Sylph and Maid! The active Sylph is one who “fixes” by using their aspect to heal! Though she did so in a very indirect way, Aranea as a Sylph of Light “fixed/healed” all of the dancestors by relaying the information she gained from Echidna and telling Damara to initiate the scratch in order for them to avoid permanent death. The Maid is one who mainly cleans up things around their session by utilizing their aspect for the sake of others! We’re lucky enough to see TWO maids in action with both Jane and Aradia! Aradia cleans up the trolls’ session by going around in time and making sure that everything is setup and ready for the necessary events to happen! Jane, as a Maid of Life does so by, well, using her life powers to “clean up” her session mates and heal them!
After that would be the Stealing classes of Thief and Rogue! As a Thief myself, we are an active class defined by our ability to steal our aspect directly or steal by utilizing our aspect for our own benefit! Vriska (and myself) as a Thief of Light steals the luck of others and uses it to further her own ventures. Not only that, but Vriska truly embodies the Light aspect and goes as far as to also steal knowledge from people when she dies and gets all the info she needs from the dancestors in the dream bubble to go and fight Lord English, and then she also steals the narrative spotlight and takes up a lot of the comic on her own! Rogues, as the more passive counterpart to the Thief, steal their aspect or by utilizing their aspect for the benefit of others! For example, Roxy doesn’t so much steal the void itself, but they steal from the void by stealing ideas and concepts and bringing them to reality! 
Lastly of the main common classes are the Destructive classes that I have covered a LOT on this blog: the active Prince and more passive Bard! Normally the other classes aren’t very strict on if they affect their aspects directly or if they utilize their aspect to affect the world around them, but the destructive classes are very strict about this. The Prince is one who destroys their aspect directly for their own benefit. Not destroying by using their aspect, but going in and completely eradicating their aspect and the concepts tied to it. For example, Dirk as a Prince of Heart is able to extract someone’s soul out of their body entirely and destroy it- thusly destroying what makes that person truly alive and possibly even killing them. I would love to make that theory concrete but unfortunately, we didn’t get to see him actually destroy Aranea’s soul before he was interrupted. Another example is Eridan as a Prince of Hope because even though he never ascended, he destroyed hope by killing his angel consorts and the creatures he was supposed to help in his session but also in destroying the matriorb and destroying the hope that the troll species can live on past the meteor. Bards are defined as ones who destroy by utilizing their aspect normally for the benefit of others. Take Gamzee as a Bard of Rage who is able to go into a frenzy of rage and bloodlust to destroy pretty much anything around him.
And Finally, the Master Classes. The active Lord and passive Muse.
Lord and Muse are a special case because they appear very rarely and only in two-player sessions. Not only that but other than being the two Master Classes, they aren’t connected in any way. The Lord is the Commanding class, defined as one who both commands their aspect directly and one who utilizes their aspect to command others and the world around them  for their own benefit. We see this in Caliborn and how he uses his Time powers to go about collecting the Leprechauns/Felt and beating his entire session in what would have and very well should have been impossible time. He also goes about as Lord English commanding the very fabris of spacetime and destroying it entirely.
The Muse is an inspiration class defined as one who inspires and calls to action their aspect and those around them. We see this in Calliope as a Muse of Space where even though they don’t end up ascending, they are able to inspire everyone else (particularly the Alpha Kids) so that they rise up and fight alongside the beta kids to beat Lord English and eventually the game itself, leading to the creation of Earth C.
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pumpkinofthedale · 3 years
Here’s the fanficfic! Sorry if I stepped on any toes, and I hope you enjoy it :)))
The party was bumping. Though you supposed that was to be expected, given who was hosting it.
Unlike that first Christmas party, however, this one was being thrown for a much different occasion: to end Eridan’s summer vacation with a bang. There were fewer people this time; the guest list mostly consisting of Eridan’s friends, Cronus’ friends, and some of their friends by extension, along with a few tertiary friends thrown in for good measure.
But you weren’t really one to keep track, so you just showed up in a nice blouse and shorts with the intent of sticking by your boyfriend for the evening.
Of course, it was Eridan who greeted you at the door, toothy grin on his face when he saw you. “You came!”
“Of course I did.” You smiled, “Wouldn’t want to miss out.” He let you in, escorted you to the outlandishly large backyard, and you beelined for the food.
The spread was, as usual, incredible. Bowls of fresh-cut fruit, plates of barbecued burgers, hot dogs, fish, and chicken, and a whole table dedicated to drinks. You grabbed a skewer and scored yourself a glass of lemonade. Elsewhere on the grass, a group of kids about Eridan’s age were playing in a sprinkler.
You glanced towards the pool—and oh, it was so big—but made your way towards the hedges near the edge of the yard to enjoy your food in relative peace.
You watched as other guests, troll and human alike, filed in, and wondered how much longer you’d have to wait until Cronus showed up. Not that he was the only reason you came, but he was one of the main reasons you planned on staying.
You’d gotten about halfway through your second glass of lemonade when your boyfriend finally showed up, tight white tank top emblazoned with his sign.
You had to double take when he spotted you, though, because you hadn’t expected him to be wearing booty shorts.
It was definitely a good look on him, though.
You took another swig of your drink as he stalked over to you, shark-toothed grin plastered on his face.
“About time you showed up,” you teased the moment he made it to you. “Almost thought you might not show.”
“And miss this view, babe?” His eyes flicked up and down your body, hands straying towards your hips. “You know I love seeing your pretty eyes up close, doll.”
You took his hands in yours, mostly because you weren’t sure you wanted them on your hips right now.
“Oh, and uh, sorry for being so loud, Tuesday night.” He apologized. “I’ll try to tone it down next time, kitten, so you don’t get quite so many noise complaints.”
You finished off your lemonade. “I don’t know,” and then you leaned in, tugging your boyfriend down by the shoulder so you could whisper in his ear like the smooth, sexy person you so obviously were, “I kinda like it when you’re screaming my name.” You pecked him on the cheek.
Cronus’ face flushed, fins fluttering as he trilled quietly. “Oh… yeah, okay.”
You held up your glass, “I’m gonna go refill my drink real quick, okay?” You turned around and made your way to the middle table, grabbing another chicken skewer as you went.
It was as you were refilling your glass that you were approached by two unknown trolls.
Wait, no, you think you might’ve been told about them by Cronus before. You nodded your head in greeting. “Meenah and Porrim, right?”
Porrim nodded. “And you are?”
You gave them your name.
Meenah cleared her throat. “So how much is that buoy paying ya?”
It took you a second to process this. What did she—
You weren’t sure whether to laugh or be mildly offended. “He’s… not?”
Porrim frowned. “Are you quite sure?”
Being completely honest, you fully understood where they were coming from. Hell, you from eleven months ago probably would have felt the same.
But at the same time, you were mildly offended that they pegged you as so shallow, so easily bought. “I am telling you with one-hundred percent honesty: Cronus isn’t paying me a dime.”
You pushed past them, fully intent on returning to Cronus (and maybe laughing about this little incident), but were stopped by Porrim’s grip on your arm.
“Oh, dear,” She all but whispered, aghast, “It’s okay, we can help you.”
…You didn’t think you liked where this was going.
You tried to wrench your arm free, but Porrim was holding it in an iron grip. “Look, I’m not gonna lie and say that I don’t see exactly where you’re coming from here, because trust me, I do.” You set your lemonade on the table and carefully pried your arm from Porrim’s grip. “Believe me when I say that if Cronus was violating the boundaries I’ve set I would not hesitate to dump him, okay?” You smiled, but it didn’t feel quite as genuine as you hoped it looked. “Now, if you’ll excuse me,” you grabbed your lemonade and shuffled past them, “I’ve got places to be.”
The table wasn’t that far from the spot you had picked, so there was no doubt that Cronus would have been able to see Meenah and Porrim interrogating you. As you approached, though, you realized why he hadn’t come over: another troll (Aranea? Yeah, you were pretty sure that was Aranea) had him pressed up against the hedges without even touching him, talking him into submission. As you got closer, you could start to make out what she was saying.
You resisted the urge to snort. She was pressing him for information on your relationship, likely out of the same concern that had Meenah and Porrim approaching you earlier.
She hadn’t noticed your arrival. Cronus had; there was a silent plea in his eyes.
Right. You’d told him you weren’t exactly comfortable spilling every detail just yet. It actually made your heart flutter a little to see him trying to respect that, even if the result was him being cagey and trying to be anywhere but under Aranea’s scrutinizing gaze.
You cleared your throat. “Hello.” Aranea turned to face you. “Aranea, right?” You offered your free hand. “I don’t believe we’ve met before.”
She smiled, “It’s nice to meet you,—?”
You gave her your name. “And before you ask, no, Cronus isn’t paying me, and no, I do not need help dumping him. Nor am I trying to.”
Cronus made a sound akin to a dying fish being put through a wood chipper.
“Oh!” Aranea startled. “And you’re certain of this?”
“Yes.” You stared her down, taking a sip of your lemonade.
Aranea shrugged. “Well, I guess some people just have terrible taste—” Cronus gasped in offense— “But to each their own.”
She started walking away, but paused, “Lemme know if he ever hurts you, though, so I can get the girls together to give him a good thrashing, okay?”
You shrugged. “Sure.”
Aranea chuckled, then left.
“Wow, Chief,” Cronus sidled up next to you, tentatively slinging an arm across your shoulders, “That’s quite some nerve you’ve got there. Care to show me what else you can do?”
You took another sip of your lemonade. “When we’re not in public, Cro.”
You could feel his eyebrows wriggling. “That a promise?”
You laughed. “Yes.”
Holy shit!!!!! This is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!
You are absolutely not stepping on my toes or anything like that Though I did have a few things already planned out. It’s very cute seeing everyone’s interpretations and I’m so happy people are having a lot of fun and theorizing about things! It’s really amazing and I love it so much
after all, good endings only is based around the same kind of principle that pesterquest and friendsim are where there are a lot of ways things can go down and that’s part of the fun. So while this isn’t the primary ending it is like a fun little offshoot to explore!
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kettlequills · 3 years
10, 22, 36 for Laat
This was super fun !! Thank you so much!
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Hmm. Probably that they claimed they don't know why they committed the Whiterun Massacre, or that they don't care about their solitude and distance from others.
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Laat doesn't tend to get jealous at all. Jealousy, as an emotion, conveys a fear of loss, and of identifying with having something to lose. Laat doesn't really identify with the concept of ownership, in the sense that they are so subconsciously afraid of losing everything, so certain of it as an inevitability, that they view everything and everyone in their life as temporary things that will be taken from them eventually, and completely beyond their control. Laataazin, historically, hasn't really had the option to really "own" anything or exert power over any aspect of their life. Their first memories are waking up in a cart bound for execution, with a body whose story they don't know, for crimes they don't remember, and it gave them the sense of continuing a life that isn't actually theirs. There's very much a disassociation in Laat between themselves and the rest of the world. Studying with the Greybeards only widens this mental gap that Laat has, the sense of their actual self as completely separate from any physical interaction and completely powerless against the whims of fate, others, and time.
Even their wife they didn't "get" of their own choice, they simply woke up one day and made the best of it. A running theme for Laat. They don't live with Moira, or indeed, see her for long periods of time, as they both have very busy and separate lives.
Ik I talk about Laat's relationship with Miraak literally all the time but in this case it is actually supremely relevant, as Laat does get the chance to develop a sense of protectiveness, possessiveness, and an actual fear of loss, over him. Laat does quite often feel protective instead of jealous or possessive, over dragons, for example, but it rarely has the chance to actually develop into a strong connection since Laat tends to associate wholly with people capable of defending themselves very ably, who do not need Laat's protectiveness, or with people that they simply help and then move on.
Miraak, however, who in Laat's "canon" where they both make it out of Apocrypha, takes a few years of recovery from having a tentacle to the back. Whenever I answer these questions, I always answer in this canon, where Laat saves Miraak from Apocrypha and he lives for a few years at the Chantry of Auri-El with Gelebor, Aranea, and Venfokest, and, intermittently, Laat. Miraak is never able to walk unassisted for longer than a couple of paces again, and uses mobility aids like a wheelchair or crutches depending on his pain, and requires skilled care. He, of course, flourishes as the already extremely capable mage and Dragonborn he is, but while he recovers, Laat is given the chance to actually protect someone (temporarily) weaker than themselves who doesn't have their own life in which Laat only awkwardly fits into, that they nonetheless view completely as a peer.
Miraak is incredibly accessible for Laat, and they truly develop a sense of possessive protectiveness over him. Whilst Laat only initially saved him because they had the power to avoid his death, the novel experience of having someone consistent in their life who is reliant on them yet also extremely powerful and capable in his own right, begins to make them feel quite comfortable that they won't lose him, enough that they actually start becoming jealous and protective. It reaches a point, actually, where Laat becomes actively reluctant to let him go into the outside world, and it's a bit of a battle of wills that ends with Miraak getting quite close to kicking Laat's ass in a fight and then them agreeing to going together anyway.
Even then though, they aren't sexually jealous of Miraak - Laat is much more likely to suggest sharing.
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Laat doesn't actively seek connections of any kind. They don't, as a whole, socialise with anyone else beyond the requirements of their quests, and as such, largely don't have friends or personal relationships with people. They don't really consider the people they meet who become friendly with them after they help them as friends, because frankly, Laat just doesn't really consider them at all. They help them because they have the power to, and because they may as well make a positive difference in the world whilst they're out there, as a form of penance for some of the things they have done they regret. Laat only ends up in two romantic relationships in any given canon, one with Moira, one with Miraak, and both of those are special cases that rather fall into their lap. Seperate from their disconnection from people, I wouldn't say they were very given to romantic feelings at all.
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friendly-peep · 4 years
Which Homestuck characters would read Homestuck and their opinion
idk i’m bored. What’s Homestuck^2? What’s epilogues? We’re strictly Homestuck in this house. Also only doing main characters, I’m not going to dive into the Felt or caparacians, I want this to be done today.
Beta kids:
June: Avid reader. Got in early and read the whole thing. Got shirts, unironically liked it.
Rose: Got in late, but got into it. Loved the tarot deck, uses it to pretend she’s reading while she just tells people their truths. Noticed some narrative issues but overall liked it.
Dave: Got in shortly after June did, read for a while, but his irony poisoning led to him sassing the HECK out of it. Made a diss blog. Kept reading it “ironically” and cannot tell if he actually likes it or not. Got a god tier hoodie he wears at home. Sampled some of the soundtracks for his raps.
Jade: Loved it. LOVED IT. Got the full soundtrack. Made remixes. Got all the shirts. One of the blogs that posted “UPD8!” whenever an update happened. Big fanartist during the Gigapauses.
Beta Guardians:
June’s Dad: Tried to get into it to connect to his daughter’s interest, but the memes were too much, so he became the “Are ya winning, daughter?” dad. Very supportive but would need fifty slow paced “Homestuck explained” videos.
Mom Lalonde: Read it, but was too intoxicated to remember most. She holds obscure knowledge and will remember minute trivia, but don’t ask her about any of the large plot points.
Bro Strider: Too busy being A Mess Of A Human Being to sit down and read.
Poppop Harley: Too busy being A Dang Explorer to sit down and read.
Alpha kids:
Jane: Takes time to read it slowly. Has a blog of theories she constantly updates. Was upset about how some plot points got dropped and underdeveloped.
Roxy: Much like Jade, loved it. While Jade made remixes, Roxy cosplays. She has killer cosplays of most characters. Screamed about updates on twitter. No filter, accidentally drops spoilers left right and center.
Dirk: Deep, DEEP character examinations. Draws diagrams, writes essays. Unironically liked the potential of Paradox Space, may have even submit his own stories to be a guest artist.
Jake: Read the whole thing, liked it, missed many connections and plot points, was satisfied with the ending. Got some merch, can say “I read Homestuck” in public and be blissfully unaware of any positive and negative baggage that comes with saying so.
Alpha Guardians:
Jane’s Dad: Much like June’s Dad, tried to get into it. Unlike June’s Dad, watched and read his daughter’s theories (and Dirk’s explanations when Jane linked them to him) and became A Walking Homestuck Encyclopedia. Jane is unsure how to feel about this. He, however, does not reference it.
Roxy’s Rosemom: Too busy fighting the good fight to read. It’s in her radar but didn’t get the time to read it.
Dirk’s Davedad: Read it as a novelty. Sent Hussie a gold-plated Bad Dragon dildo. Put offhand references to it on his movies, but they were so oblique that even readers didn’t get it.
Jade English: Too busy running her own baking good company to read Homestuck. Not even in her radar.
Alternia Trolls:
Aradia: Much like Dirk, got REAL DEEP into it. Makes youtube vids explaining classpects and narrative points. Actually wrote a dissertation on Homestuck.
Tavros: Tried to get into it, but the first few acts were not to his taste so he never got to the trolls ironically enough. Likes the character designs though.
Sollux: Next level Dave. Critiques the FUQUE out of it on every platform he can. If Hatedom is a thing, he made it. He’s the founder. It’s him. But he read it to the end.
Karkat: Read it, loves it, does some interesting character relationship examinations. Predicted who would end up with who with 100% accuracy. Wasn’t a vocal fan, didn’t get merch, but still liked it.
Nepeta: The shipper who launched a thousand ships. She writes crackfic but with deep care, making sure it makes sense that characters would end up together. Got one of every homestuck shirt. Very into it.
Kanaya: Got into it only because her friends got into it. If Karkat hadn’t talked about it she would not have gotten into it but she did because she wants to be able to carry a conversation with her friends. Not a huge fan.
Terezi: She can and WILL correct you if you get trivia wrong. She did not sit through hours of text-to-speech pesterlogs for some scrub to get it wrong. Defiant Homestuck defender. She’ll cut you if you say you don’t like Homestuck (she won’t, but she’s judging you from the other side of the room)
Vriska: Skipped the first acts and jumped right into Alternia. Little context, little care. Pretends she didn’t, gets facts hilariously wrong which Terezi takes as an invitation to tease her. Fanartist.
Equius: Another fanartist. He made physical media as opposed to drawings. Slow reader, got into it late and didn’t finish until way after the comic had ended. Did not get to experience the comic without Random Paradox Arms all over the place. Loved by the community for his short reaction posts about what happened at the point he’s at.
Gamzee: Either first person to post “Update” when comic updated, or doesn’t read for months and then catches up in two days. Skips many chat logs, but still gets most of the plot no problem. Remembers exact phrasing of the posts he does read though.
Eridan: Another Character Analysis blogger. He dives into (pun unintended) why some characters are The Absolute Worst and writes fanfic of how they would be if they had a chance to be in a different circumstances. The Problematique fan, but only because people assume the worst of him. He’s actually pretty chill.
Feferi: Superfan, and Super Content Creator. Started making plushies and charms and eventually started selling them. Her stuff became a badge of honor and people posted themselves hugging their plushies during the gigapause.
Too busy caught up in their personal turmoils to read any of it. Except the Condesce. She sent Hussie a diamond-studded Bad Dragon dildo.
Beforus trolls:
Damara: Big fan, but doesn’t express it because of the crowd she’s with. But she has a blog where she tries to get in touch with new readers and is always open to answer questions others might have. Not a Big Name fan, but she’s much more vocal online than in person, and even then it’s through an alt account.
Rufioh: Got people into it, but he himself didn’t finish reading after the Scratch. Said he would but he just never got to doing so.
Mituna: Prone to ranting when updates happened. Very emotionally invested, nearly died when Game Over happened.
Kankri: The nitpicker to end all nitpicks. He critiqued everything, and hated that there were hero mode, simplified and silly drawings. Genuinely disliked all characters for faults that he himself has, yet never self-examined. Got a following that  consisted three-quarters of people who made fun of his rants and one-quarter of people who were as intense as he is.
Meulin: Big, BIG fan. Prolific fanfic writer, if a character pairing exists, rarepair or not, she wrote a fic about them. Likes all characters and as such thinks she must devote roughly the same wordcount for everyone she can. Disappears for months then reemerges with twenty new fics.
Porrim: Moderate fan, great cosplayer. The more complex the outfit, the more she wanted to make it. Routinely goes out in Jade’s Dead Shuffle and Three in the Morning dresses because she is incredibly proud of them.
Latula: Not a big fan. Knows most of what she knows through cultural osmosis because her friends got into it, but she’s not likely to ever read it herself. Likes how into it her friends are though.
Aranea: Much like Jane’s Dad, she’s the walking encyclopedia, except she memorized the content of almost every page, and if she doubts her knowledge, will immediately go to her computer and look up what she is unsure of. Tries not to talk people’s ears off and will only talk about Homestuck when asked about it.
Horuss: Super into it. To a maybe creepy degree. Doesn’t show in public but if you get access to his secret blogs it’s more like character shrines. Don’t dig too deep into it.
Kurloz: Read it, kinda into it, but not that big of a fan. He will talk about it but he’s pretty lukewarm about the whole thing.
Cronus: Read it to impress a crush, got genuinely into it, but isn’t a vocal fan.
Meenah: Didn’t read it, much like Latula learned about it because everyone around her talked about it. Unlike Latula, she mocks everyone for liking something she says is “for nerds”. Still kinda wants to read it to be part of the conversation but her pride of Not Knowing About Homestuck is too great to overcome that hurdle.
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heystuckstuck · 5 years
humanstuck au headcanons
aradia is half italian, half black, with olive toned, light brown skin and dark brown eyes. she has long, curly brown hair that she does not brush or comb. she’s tall, about 5’10, and thin, with minimal curves, though she is not stick-thin. she often plays d&d with tavros, vriska and terezi. her closest friends are feferi and tavros, with whom she likes to larp and play videogames. she has an outstanding interest in archaeology and collects dead insect wings. she also dabbles in self-taught taxidermy. she’s odd, but fairly friendly, so she’s well-liked at school and amongst her friends. she lives with both of her parents and is an only child. her cousin damara lived with them through highschool, but the two of them didn’t get along very well. she has a sheepdog named frogger, who she takes on her adventures to potentially haunted places. 
tavros is mexican and has hesitant speech with a fairly heavy accent. he’s got tanned skin and dark brown hair styled into a fohawk and brown eyes. he’s got freckles scattered across his face and nose. he’s fairly small, standing at only about 5’6, and his chest is thin with a tiny amount of pudge collecting at his tummy. he also has fairly muscular arms, from after his accident, when he was wheelchair-bound. he, vriska, terezi,and aradia were in a car accident their freshman year, killing his mother and causing his legs to be amputated from the knee down. he has robotic prosthetics gifted to him by the members of his school’s robotics club. he is very interested in disney, particularly peter pan, pokemon, and likes to watch anime. his best friends are aradia and nepeta. he also has a service/emotional support dog, a pomeranian named tinkerbell. he’s also vegetarian. 
sollux is half korean, half swedish and has both heterochromia and a lisp. he doesn’t show much of the swedish side at all, with his olive toned skin and black hair, which he keeps fairly shaggy. he doesn’t like to cut it. his twin sister is nepeta, but he doesn’t spend a ton of time with her. his closest friends are karkat and feferi, who he sort of both hates and loves simultaneously. he has bipolar disorder and forgets his medication fairly frequently, despite leaving post-it’s all over the house to help him remember. he likes to play video games and code things and he’s pretty good at it, which is a fact he doesn’t let people forget. he’s tall, 6’0, and very skinny because his diet consists of coffee and cheetos for the most part. he has debilitating migraines and a tendency to have somewhat prophetic dreams, so anytime he has a nightmare, he feels paranoid beyond all belief. 
karkat is half indian, half greek, which evens out his skin tone so he’s in between light and dark skinned. his eyes are hazel and he has thick, heavy eyebrows. he actually has a very pleasant looking face, appearing very approachable until he opens his mouth. he has a very grating sense of humor, which tends to hurt people’s feelings, but he doesn’t really mean any of the harsh things he says. he enjoys watching romcoms and helps his girlfriends paint their nails and braid their hair and does so with only a traditional karkat grumble of it being too much effort, not that it’s emasculating. his closest friends are dave and sollux, which he would never admit because he is too busy pretending that he hates their guts. he considers himself the leader of their friend group and so does everyone else, relying on him for begrudging advice and tough love, despite really being a softie underneath it all. he’s fairly tall as well, 6’0, but pretty thick and slightly muscular. he doesn’t work out a ton, just enough to keep himself toned. he is the only other person to join nepeta and equius in their daily gym routine. 
nepeta is sollux’s twin sister, so she is also half swedish and half korean. they are fraternal twins and she picked up all of the swedish genes. all of them. so many swedish genes. she’s fairly small in stature, barely scraping 5’4 and has short, honey blonde hair and blue-green eyes and thin lips. she also had a cleft palate when she was younger and has a scar on her upper lip from getting it fixed. she’s very muscular and tough, and extremely strong despite her small size. she has a full six pack. her closest friends are equius and tavros. for the most part, she spends her time with equius working out and arguing and utilizes her time spent with tavros to practice her other hobbies, like larping and d&d. she has a pet cat that she named pounce de leon and she takes her for walks, which she enjoys. 
kanaya is armenian and originally from england, and so has an accent. she has short ink-black hair and hazel eyes bordering on the green side. she is very elegant and wears a full face of makeup everyday, with dark lipstick ranging in tone from ruby to emerald to black sometimes. she likes to practice her makeup skills on her friends, including the boys, which, excluding eridan, will not let her. she is a lesbian and is out and fairly proud of her identity. her mother is a fashion designer and kanaya is following fast in her footsteps. she enjoys spending her time gardening and reading erotic vampire romance novels, which she shares with karkat. her closest friends are karkat and vriska, both of whom she fusses over and drives them absolutely crazy. she has a penchant for knitting and gives her friends homemade scarves for christmas every year. it’s a tradition. she’s fairly bottom heavy with curvy hips and a small chest, which brings her great embarrassment. she also has very long legs and is quite tall, standing at about 6’1. 
terezi is korean and adopted by her mother’s friend. this friend happens to be the mother of the person she has dubbed her scourge sister, vriska. terezi is slight and made of all angles and bones and stands at 5’7. she wishes she was taller, because she’d be a more threatening presence that way. she has braces, always with bands colored teal and red. she has black hair and dark brown eyes and is so thin because she exists on a diet of sugary snacks and that alone. she’s the captain of the school’s debate team because she refuses to admit defeat. she has an albino ferret called chief deputy pyralspite, which serves as the mascot of the debate team. her best friends are karkat and sollux, who she consistently harasses and refuses to leave alone. her hobbies include mock trials, eating fruit snacks, and searching abandoned buildings with aradia, in the hopes of catching a spook. she thinks it would be fun. 
vriska is 6’2 and thin. not quite as thin as terezi but she’s still very angular. she has long blonde hair that she dyes blue at the ends with kool-aid and dresses in baggy flannels and t-shirts that do nothing for her. she’s of swedish descent and looks it, with her extremely pale skin and hair. she’s adopted sisters with terezi and latula and the younger sister of aranea. things get more complicated when you throw in her step brothers, eridan and cronus. her mother married their dad when she was in 7th grade and she’s been spitefully teasing eridan ever since. she’s lanky and awkwardly built and doesn’t have much charm about her but makes up for it by meddling with her friends. she lost and eye and her arm in the car accident she was in freshman year and sometimes she thinks her left arm still itches. it doesn’t cause it no longer exists. her closes at friends are tavros and kanaya, who she likes to mess with. she likes spiders and creepy crawlies and often can be found begrudgingly helping aradia find them. 
equius is tall and exceptionally broad at 6’4. he has long hair that he wears down all the time despite his tendency to sweat and really likes horses. he really likes them. he works out daily with or without nepeta, and defends her daily. he’s odd and people find him vaguely off-putting more often than not. he has a weird obsession with gamzee that nepeta insists is a crush. his best friends are nepeta and gamzee, despite his inability to either take it easy or smoke weed. he finds most of his friends to be bothersome but he likes them anyway. he’s native american and has black hair and eyes that are bordering on black as well. 
gamzee is a stoner. he’s exceptionally tall, 6’7, and very very thin, despite constantly eating. he’s dark skinned with vitiligo and tends to have a slow reaction time. he’s weird but he’s so nice that everyone likes him except his friends, who sort of hate and love him at the same time. his attempts to learn to ride the unicycle have all ended in failure but he is determined. his best friends are tavros, who raps with him, and karkat, who pretends to be unable to stand him. he has wild messy hair and giant hands. he’s a juggalo and listens to icp and loves them, despite being nonviolent. 
eridan is from australia and has a watered down aussie accent that he tries to make as english sounding as possible. he’s on the swim team with feferi and has thick muscles and a broad chest. he’s 6’3 and actually very handsome, with an angular face and a sharp nose. he wears huge glasses and dyes a chunk of the front of his hair blonde, which offsets his attractiveness. his hair is medium brown and his eyes are a bright shade of hazel. he’s half indian, half white and so his skin is deep medium brown and covered with soft freckles that he is embarrassed about. he loves history class and is also on the debate team and is the only person who can even come close to arguing terezi down. he enjoys watching war documentaries and actually appreciates historical musicals (exhibit a: fiddler on the roof). he enjoys all of his friends, despite pretending not to, and he will participate in all of their hobbies with them. he often comes across as pretentious but has been dialed back a lot by the teasing of his friends. his closest friends are feferi and karkat. 
feferi is hawaiian. that’s all. just kidding. she has long curly hair and bright brown eyes. she’s in show choir and on the swim team and the class president and nobody knows how she manages to balance all of them. she’s thick and muscular, about 5’10 and bubbly very consistently. she is one of the few who is rarely annoyed by her friends. she enjoys swimming, exploring and actually quite enjoys playing games with her friends. her closest friends are eridan and sollux who don’t get along very often and constantly bicker despite caring for each other a lot
john has pale skin and black hair and the bluest eyes ever. he’s got a lopsided smile that he wears almost all the time, with those goofy too-big teeth. jade is his older half-sister, with whom he shares a father. he enjoys terrible movies and pulling pranks on all of his friends. no one is safe. he’s known for always joking and never really being serious, unless it’s about whatever movie he’s most recently watched. he’s never seen a movie he didn’t like, with the exception of every movie that karkat likes, mostly to irk him. his closest friends are dave and karkat and he spends most of his time with them. he’s the proud owner of a small golden cocker spaniel named casey. he’s 5’11 and fairly trim due to his fast metabolism. 
jade is john’s older half-sister. they share the same father, who is white, but her mother is a pacific islander. she was raised by her mother until the age of ten, when she passed away. she then moved in with her dad and half-brother, john. jade has long, dark hair and deep hazel eyes. she’s tall and fit from years of adventuring. she often goes barefoot and has very calloused feet and hands. she enjoys gardening and has a strong love for animals. her closest friends are tavros and feferi. she’s tal, 6’0, taller than john, which bothers him, of course. she was gifted a white german shepherd named bequerel for her thirteenth birthday. 
dave is tall, 6’2,  lanky and pale with little muscle mass to be found. he’s not albino and has light blonde hair and reddish brown eyes. he spends most of his free time mixing songs that he shows to no one. he explores haunted places with aradia and they share a mutual fondness for dead things. more than anything else, he enjoys giving his friends a hard time. he enjoys swords and takes up boxing his freshman year, which he’s surprisingly good at. he joined the debate team with terezi purely for shits and giggles but ended up enjoying it far more than he expected. he’s the proud owner of a pug dubbed “the mayor of can town” and a white german shepherd named maplehoof, who is beq’s littermate. 
rose is shorter than her twin brother, standing at only 5’2. she makes up for her lack of height in sarcastic and analytical spirit however, and patronizes all of her friends to the point that they don’t even know if she likes them or not. she does. she has short blonde hair and a  pinched face with thin lips and large eyes. she’s a proud lesbian and is very open about her sexuality. she enjoys reading and actually gardens with jade and kanaya a lot of the time. she’s an enthusiastic knitter, her specialty being sweaters, which she makes for her friends and siblings. she has a sturdy tuxedo cat called jaspers and she likes him but also doesn’t at the same time. 
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leorugiet · 7 years
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altuniver · 6 years
Homestuck characters at school (Humanstuck)
Karkat: Blasting his headphones to drown out the morons beside him who won't shut their talk-blasters, without realizing the entire class can hear his romcom soundtrack.
Kankri: Preparing a speech for Speech and Debate while running for School President and downing his third cup of coffee. Getting yelled at for constantly checking his Tumblr and threatend by his pupils for consistently barging in on people's business.
Aradia: Paying close attention to the teacher, and asking an abundance of questions
Damara: In the principle's office for smashing Rufioh's head into the lunch table and smoking cigarettes on campus.
Tavros: Daydreaming about wild adventures and Pupa Pan, then realizing he's behind on notes.
Rufioh: In the nurse's office after getting his head beaten in by a table.
Sollux: Skipping literature to reside in the Computer Lab and hack the school's system into giving him an A for that class and to clear his absence. Then, writing viruses.
Mituna: Skipping with Latula and getting told to take off his helmet
Nepeta: Attempting to understand geometry by doodling in her math notes
Meulin: Running a matchmaker service in the cafeteria and ruining everyone's relationships by accident
Kanaya: Trying to ignore the hiddeous "trendy outfits" around her alongside the kids who like to use juvenile 6th grade jokes as an outlet to their inner depression. Finding resource in the library to study.
Porrim: Getting Kankri out of trouble with his classmates. Swooning most of the school.
Terezi: Trying to figure out who stole her glasses and hitting people with her cane in the face of justice.
Latula: Skipping with Mituna and being a total B4D 4SS
Vriska: Stealing Terezi's glasses and cheating off her phone during tests.
Aranea: Also running for school president. Assisting in the library and spreading rumors on accident.
Equius: Enjoying two gym classes and an additional weight training class, accidentally breaking the majority of the equipment and internally panicking about having to pay for it.
Horuss: Being everyone's handy man and repairing virtually anything and everything. Also constantly daydreaming about Ruhfio.
Gamzee: Being made fun of for his face paint and coming to school high. Laughing with his bullies like they're his greatest pals.
Kurloz: Not being made fun of because everyone is batshit terrified of this motherfucker
Eridan: Bragging about his grade on his history exam but then raising hell for managing to fail English for refusing to work in a team.
Cronus: Only goes to gym to pick up the ladies. Failing gym on account of not participating because everyone is playing "unfair :("
Feferi: Making good grades, while prepping for the cheer team meet. Accidently being stuck up but people like her anyway.
Meenah: Bullying people but sticking up for some. Only some. She would do cheer but it's overrated. She's Queen Bee but doesn't really care, because she's on top in her mind anyway.
John: Busy planning his next prank on Dave and Karkat, and arguing in the middle of the library about his favorite movies and how they're the best creations known to MANKIND.
Jane: Frusterated with people making Betty Crocker references and doing her work but still getting test anxiety.
Dave: Constantly getting bitched at for wearing his glasses and refusing to take them off. Making passing grades and snapping yet another obscure photo for photography club. No one talks about photography club. No one. Did someone say pho-
Dirk: Really? He watches My Little Pony FOR ACADEMIC REASONS ONLY. Comes close to beating Sollux with his technological skills. Very socially inept on occasion. Argues with teachers on why they're wrong.
Rose: Making straight A's and achieving over a 5.0 thanks to AP classes. Studying virtually everywhere and annoying classmates with questions that cause teachers to go on tangents. Writing convoluted wizard stories when she's beyond ahead of everyone else.
Roxy: Comes to school late and drunk but that's okay. Being a good GOOD friend and listening. Also constantly falling asleep in class. Running an Anti-Bullying program.
Jade: Talking gleefully to her friends and gardening some pretty amazing plants in her science class. Running five clubs.
Jake: The ladies man. No really. Like no I'm not kidding they really dig this guy for some reason. Gets yelled at for watching Netflix on his phone in class.
Calliope: Writing fanfiction in the middle of science.
Claiborne: He's the high school bully. Picks on everyone and makes Crocker References. He's relentless and will stop at nothing.
Andrew Hussie: The Principle of this shithole.
Doc Scratch: Assistant Principle. No one likes this guy
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b1uecandlehomestuck · 5 years
Speaking of that tier list, I made a tier list, a personal ranking of the Homestuck characters. Nothing definitive or objective. Feel free to comment on it, or send me your own tier lists for me to judge.
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I’m gonna put the rest below a “read more” just because, after writing it, I’m realizing it’s insanely long so I’m not gonna dump this monster of a text post without a nice little cut-off point. I encourage you to read more, but you don’t have to.
I’ll start from the bottom and go up.
For starters, I think the bottom tier is pretty much objective and inarguable.
F. This tier is reserved for characters I consider to be failures. Personally, I feel like HIC is just not a very satisfying “main antagonist” for the trolls; I don’t specifically mean that she didn’t fullfil her role well, like other characters in this tier; it’s a good base for alternians to have a tyrannical ruler who was responsible for throwing their society into the fucked up mess it is. However, as for HIC herself, she feels very lacking. She’s greedy and merciless. That’s it. She’s merciless because she’s greedy. That’s about the extent of her depth. The same goes for Meenah, they’re basically the same characters. She had some potential to grow with (Vriska), however, the fact that she simply decides to abandon (Vriska), while it does serve to show how HIC is inherently merciless, damns her to F-tier. I’ll admit that I may have a negative bias to the troll-sprites, but they always felt like an insult to the people who were upset at the deaths of the trolls. The ones that aren’t effectively silent no longer represent their own characters, and just feel like a suppliment to the character they’re fused to; Erisol is a little funny, but is otherwise inneffectual. Fefeta seems like an intentional insult to the people upset by both Nepeta and Feferi’s deaths to just have her permanently mute for no reason. Davepeta never really felt too much like Nepeta, just a continuation of Davesprite’s story. ARquius, again, just felt like AR with some of Equius’ quirks. Corrupt Jane and Corrupt Jade have no personalities and basically took away any character from the two characters who needed character development more than ANY of the humans. They have a few cool moments, but are ultimately fail to be proper characters. I forget Dancestor Eridan’s name. I’m not crazy about the Dancestors, I don’t think many people are, but he’s one of the most noteless. Eridan... I will admit, maybe I shouldn’t put him as low as he is. He’s not really a failure in terms of his literary goal; Eridan is a very good antagonist. He’s an angsty, alternian-equivalent neo-nazi ultra-angsty teen, and he sits in that role absolutely perfectly. On the other hand, as someone who loves Feferi as much as I do, it’s hard not to loathe him. I know, it’s a very biased reason to dislike him, and I mean no disrespect to those who do, but I would be remissed if I didn’t put him at the bottom. He really isn’t as bad as his placement would imply, I just have a personal vendetta. Jake. He’s just Jake. Literally the only reason he exists is to fulfill the need to have Jade’s guardian be one of the Alpha kids. Beyond that, he’s basically just a robot who says old-timey words and we’re told is very attractive. Dancestor Gamzee is down here for the same reason as Dancestor Eridan. Noteless, and related to a character I hate. Biased? Yes. But this isn’t an objective list.
E. This is for characters who annoy me personally, more or less. Except for Tavrosprite. Tavrosprite is here because he’s a troll-sprite; however, he’s consistently funny, and is mostly used very sparingly. Also, Tavros gets more of a major role later on, so maybe it leaves less of a sting. I also really like Tavrisprite. They’re probably the best sprite. They get a really cool theme and are a funny joke character. I didn’t give a shit about Dirk until the Epilogue. It says a lot when the Epilogue manages to make a character more interesting considering the Epilogue is the worst part of the comic. That being said, it takes him from “awkward angsty teen” to “evil omnipotent god-character”, so it’s not really much of an improvement. Most of the time, when Dirk comes up, it sends a signal to my head saying “oh god, here comes a long, drawn out, over-complicated spiel about ultimate selves and bullshit like that”. Sollux had his moments early on; he was a much better character early on, but quickly became a weird, kinda depressing character? I dunno. In hindsight, maybe he should be in E. I think I just dislike him because he’s with Aradia and Feferi and I think they deserve better but that’s a dumb way to think so whatever. Give him like an E+. Jadesprite. She cries a lot. There are some funny moments but ultimately, not crazy about her. She has none of the parts of Jade I liked and didn’t exactly serve to improve Jade in any way. Lord English... too complicated. Why’s he got so many origins? I dunno. Caliborn added much more to him, but I’m gonna separate “Caliborn” and “Lord English” into two characters. On his own, Lord English is just kinda nothing. A big spooky boogeyman. Vriska. That’s right, THE Vriska. My thoughts on Vriska are extremely complicated. There are hints at something more under the surface, but I feel like there was too long of a stint of her being a straight-up Mary Sue who kills everyone and is super cool and is never punished. I’ll talk about this more when we get to (Vriska). Moving on.
D. These are characters who have done nothing for me, or are otherwise just a step below “neutral”. Dirkbot is kinda the only entertaining thing to Dirk as a character. Dirk is basically the “host” to the real star of the show in terms of Dirk’s characterization, Dirkbot. Lemme get some bonus shout-outs to Sawtooth and Squarewave. I really like And It Don’t Stop, a comic Hussie made long ago, which is what they were based on. I feel like if Dirk kept that aesthetic more, I’d like him more as a character. Calliope... An interesting concept, I really like some concepts in relation to her, but as has been discussed, I feel like Hussie and the writers like to frame her as being perfect and they sort of refuse to dig deeper into what could make for a very interesting character. Dualscar looks cool but otherwise doesn’t do much for me. I REALLY like the Ancestors besides HIC, so instead of being plopped down to F like the Dancestors, the “nothing” Ancestors get put in D. Grandpa Harley is just kinda around, much like Jake. Horrus... is kinda interesting. Kinda cute. I like him. And he’s related to a troll I really like, so he gets a boost. Rufio is a joke character, but he’s a decent joke character, so he gets in D. Mindfang and the Summoner are here for the same reason as Dualscar. Mom Lalonde has EXTREMELY limited relevance, but her short time is decent. Now that I’m thinking about it, she doesn’t really deserve a D. Maybe a C-. I’m gonna be really honest, Porrim gets to be in D because she’s pretty. That’s about all the reasoning there is.
C. This is my “neutral” point. Everyone here is the middle ground. (Vriska) is the Vriska we see getting abandoned by Meenah in Act 6. She’s the Vriska who’s grown as a character, and experienced deep resentment for how awful she was, and then faced how horrible she was first-hand. I’m gonna be honest; I love (Vriska). Unfortunately, Hussie, being the horrid subhuman that he is, decides that after putting (Vriska) through the worst, and then getting abandoned by the only flushed interest she’s ever really had, we would never see her again. (Vriska) deserves to be in A, but Hussie cut her down to a C. Aranea is interesting; aside from having an involved and reasonable part of the plot, she’s a very enjoyable character. Lord knows I can relate to somebody with a very special interest who adores to just ramble and ramble and ramble paragraph after paragraph about them, just like what I’m doing at this very moment. Good dog. Best friend. Lil’ Cal is a joke character who becomes a surprisingly pivotal character in what seems like a stupid way at first, but eventually makes genuine sense. An interesting character to think about. If you can even really call him a character? Damara... well, I think she’s pretty. Also her dialogue is funny after you translate it. So she gets a +1 on Porrim. Davesprite is funny. Dave’s funny, so a second Dave is also funny. He’s no all-star, but he’s alright, yeah. The Desciple is cute and a good relation to Nepeta. The Grand Highblood is extremely intimidating. I think he’s a really cool design for an intimidating, horrible warlord. That’s all. John... is interesting. Funny and dopey, but as far as character development goes he really starts to slow down and become... kinda... weird. I’m not really sure how I feel about him, ultimately. So, C. I really liked Jane, but then they turned her into a mindless bad guy with a tiara, and then they turned her into a mindless bad guy because capitalism. I like Rosesprite. I think I like her considerably more than Davesprite, give her a C+. She’s definitely the best of the sprites; she represents Rose well, but also twists her personality in a new and interesting way by making her very peppy and really playing with that silly side of Rose that’s so rare. Kankri... I’ll admit it, I think he’s kinda cute. He’s fussy. Whiny, sure, but I dunno. Meulin is extremely cute, but her actual writing irks me. Not because it’s bad, it’s just... you know. Doc Scratch was a fun antagonist for the time we had him. Certainly a lot more fun than any of the other antagonists (sans one), even if a lot of his writing hinged on being all-knowing. Karkat and Sollux’s ancestors served good story roles so they get C. Obviously we don’t really know anything about their personalities, but they give you some stuff to think about.
Oh god this is way too long, I’m too tired to finish this shit. You can ask me about the rest of you’re curious, g’night.
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bladesandstars · 6 years
Based on AO3, it seems like you're fond of HighSpecs, CrowNea (AraCrowe?), and IgNyx. What's a word (or maybe two?) that you would use to describe each pair? :)
Okay this was a SUPER FUN ASK to think about.  Thank you! I cheated, because I gave you a word or two for each but then explained copiously.  :)
IgNyx: Disarmed.  This applies to both of them. Ignis gets to set aside his starched Citadel persona and be someone else for a while, and he really appreciates that Nyx can see other sides of him. I’m currently writing/imagining them with the full age gap, which is significant at ten years. Nyx, while much older and more experienced, is a bit disarmed as well - Ignis manages to get beyond the funloving good time guy and touch a few real emotions, and that surprises Nyx, I think. Aracrowe: First Love. Once I figured out that Crowe and Aranea were just a few years apart in age, I went with a military school backstory fill/AU and they have become my sweet, fluffy, often bumbling young college couple. They are alike enough that I really enjoy drawing out their differences, if that makes sense. Highspecs: Deep. There’s a lot that goes unsaid with these two, and a strong current of mutual respect and fascination. They’re both smart and competent and often dismissive of those around them, so there’s an air of competition too. At least in the vaguely canon-consistent land, they connect at a time and in circumstances where they are both focused on other things, so their shared independence is important as well.
Again, thank you so much for this fun ask.
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dahniwitchoflight · 7 years
on the topic of the inversion theory, do you have a basic explanation of how john and aranea were inverting when they were?
yes, because Inversion extremely often has environmental or outside factors as well, because often people don’t just wake up one morning and decide “welp, im worthless” something or something made them feel that way in the first place
and it can be that removal of the person from what influence or situation or mindset that causes them to think their own self is worthless happens fast enough, then they don’t have to go off the complete deep end
for John, his inversion was entirely self contained to the one part of the comic where he was forcefully contained to somewhere he couldn’t escape for a long period of time which also contained a slowly lessening amount of opportunities for fun and spontaneity
the three years he was stuck on the ship in the yellow yard with Jade
and his “inversion” (i put in air quotes cuz he never really inverts to the same extent that Rose did earlier in the comic) consisted of him basically reacting to his environment suffocating him with its lack of Breathy ideals like freedom, fun, spontaneity etc and drowning him in Blood
there was nothing to do except the same things over and over, stuff like his movies, which previously he enjoyed because he could enjoy them at his own whims, but now he cant enjoy because because he forced to enjoy them or enjoy nothing at all
there was no new people around, just him Jade and Davesprite, and what happens when you spend a lot of time around people? You get closer to them, you know things about them, and in John’s situation, you get TOO close for comfort and know TOO many things about them
there where no new places to be or visit, nowhere to stretch his feet and roam
John’s problem was also that he probably felt he had a lack of privacy on the ship, cuz theres only so many places you can be, Jade and Davesprite likely felt the same, but John as a natural Breath player has a different level of sociability and privacy need, not having those things feels unbearable for him while it might have felt simply irritating for Jade and Dave
and just the entire situation was literally suffocating John to the point where he felt he didn’t have enough space to breathe, so thats ends up building up a lot of stress that he cant release until he ends up exploding at the things he decides to blame for his cramped feelings, the fact that other people are taking up “his” space, his movies for not being “fun” anymore because theres nothing new about them for him to experience anymore, so he gets volatile and unhealthily explodes at them at them both
and that the gist of John’s basically
and also thinking about it now, I think Aranea’s may have actually been more that she was overembracing her role, rather than inverting
before i focused on the fact that while she was attempting to create something new, the new Alpha timeline, she only ended up bringing destruction to everyone and herself and doomed the timeline entirely with her actions
but thinking about her behavior and her intentions, her whole mindset was basically “I think I can make myself more important than Lord English, I can become the lynchpin for a new alpha timeline without any of his influence, because I can make myself have a stronger importance and influence to the Alpha Timeline than him, I can use my powers of Light to do this because I and I alone am uniquely powerful enough and good enough to do this task, everyone else is merely a pawn I am using to complete my goals, and whatever influences or importance they have isn’t actually important, just me and my plans are important”
like just the way that she completely disregards anyone’s else thoughts or ideas or will, like Gamzee’s or Jake’s especially, Gamzee because she was trying to overthrow LE sure, but also Jake’s and everyone’s because she simply didnt care about what they thought, because she believed she was more right/more important then everyone else and that’s all there is to it
her own hubris still brought about her downfall, but it was entirely because she wasn’t as powerful or as important or as right as she assumed she was, she tried to create and she failed, because she failed to take into account anything except her own ideas
so that’s basically how I see both of their situations
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gothamcityneedsme · 7 years
The Prince of Heart Begets a Prince of Blood, or, in Which I Support the Theory that the Auto-Responder is a Prince of Blood   (Part 1/?)
Part 1: The Popularity of Classpecting
Speculation concerning classpects is an incredibly popular subset of the Homestuck fandom, with several blogs interpreting their own versions of the classes, coming up with theories, and figuring out what they think every possible class and aspect combo would consist of.  This is mostly something people do because they wish to classpect themselves, as this kind of classification system is very popular in media.  It is fun for readers to connect to the source material through making themselves part of a group within the fictional world (a common example of this is how readers of the Harry Potter series choose Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw for themselves).
With its complex and in-depth system, Homestuck opened the door to increased reader-inclusion, and it is likely one of the reasons Homestuck is so popular.  This kind of speculation and theorizing can make readers really feel connected, and it can motivate them to continue to be involved with the fandom.
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As the majority of Homestuck characters have known classpects, this sort of critical thinking towards Homestuck generally isn’t directed towards finding a character’s classpect (since we already know), but instead, the focus often is shifted towards examining how the character is representative of their classpect.
What do we learn about Space through Jade, Kanaya, Porrim, and Calliope? What do we learn about Heart through Nepeta, Dirk, and Meulin?  What do these characters have in common and how do they each reflect their aspect? We do something similar with the classes (which are even more nebulous to define than the aspects):  How do Pages function through Jake, Tavros, and Horuss?  How do Knights function through Dave, Karkat, and Latula?  And so on.
The canon classpects in Homestuck exist to define the characters, but we can use them additionally to supplement our vague knowledge of the classpects and add to our understanding so that we can more accurately predict what a particular classpect might consist of.  Of how that class and aspect combination would work, what kind of powers the person with that classpect might have, and perhaps even which classpect would suit another character (or readers themselves) best.
For instance, we can theorize what classpect would best suit the Auto-Responder, a character who is unclassed (a rare occurrence in Homestuck).  And, additionally, we can theorize what a Prince of Blood would be like (and, consequently, observe how the Auto-Responder shares traits with the Prince class, the Blood aspect, and how he could function as the classpect, Prince of Blood).
In this essay series, however long it might be, I will be examining the Auto-Responder as a Prince of Blood.
 Part 2:  Defining the Prince of Blood, the Destroyer of Relationships
First, in order to place him as a Prince of Blood, I must define both the Prince class and the Blood aspect separately.  Then I will describe how they would likely function together. Finally, establishing this will allow me to continue my argument to move onto how the Auto-Responder reflects this classpect.
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The Prince class is one of the few we have explicitly described to us in the canon.  Assuming that Calliope is correct (which we will, as we don’t have a reason not to in this), the purpose of the Prince class is one of the clearest:
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The Prince is Active, a Destroyer class.  They actively pursue and destroy their aspect, even though they also reflect it. Examples of Princes offered by Homestuck are Dirk, Eridan, and Kurloz.
Dirk, the Prince of Heart, is obviously important to consider (and we will talk about him later and throughout this piece).  He is the starting-point for the Auto-Responder and is his creator.  Dirk destroys Heart through his splintering of himself into several fragments, and this is evidenced through all of the different Dirks that exist throughout canon (and, of course, the Auto-Responder is one of these splinters).
Eridan, the Prince of Hope, destroys Hope through breaking the Matriorb, the only way that the troll species could continue to propagate.  He single-handedly completed the genocide of his species that he had been seeking for most of his life.  Thus, he destroyed Kanaya’s Hope and the Hope of all trolls.
Princes are also suspiciously devoid of their own aspect, Dirk splinters his own soul, Eridan has no hope for his own life, and Kurloz is mostly emotionless and does not display anger.  Thus, they destroy their aspect both outside and within themselves, and their powers revolve around them using their own bodies/powers to also conduct that destruction in their surroundings.
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The aspect of Blood is largely believed to concern connections and close relationships.  Friendships, love, alliances, and anything similar likely fall under the category of Blood.  The Blood aspect, through Karkat especially, seems to signify bonds and the forging/maintaining of them (for example, how Karkat sees himself as such an expert of the quadrants).  Blood can be connected to leadership, partnership, and overall group dynamics (with a focus on uniting a group into a team).
Proof of this can be found when Kanaya insists right before the final battle, that Karkat is a leader and that his life is important:
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And, continuing, Karkat’s connection to blood and creating bonds and causing unification connects to Echidna’s claim that Karkat is necessary to guiding the future of the trolls:
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This claim itself connects to both Kankri and the Sufferer, as Aranea infodumps about Kankri’s failures (which connect to the Sufferer’s failures in unifying Alternia, which leaves Karkat with that legacy, the mission to unify trollkind, which is what Echidna believes he will live up to):
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Compared to Karkat, Kankri is a failed Blood player who does not unify his allies as he should have, or as he was trying to (just like how the Sufferer ultimately failed due to adversity and conflict).  Blood as a failed concept still connects it to ultimately creating unity, and does succeed on some degree, as the Sufferer in particular still did create a movement that had many members still following it, unified even after his death.  Additionally, throughout canon and specifically during the events on the Meteor before the humans arrive, we witness Karkat failing and struggling as a Blood player.  Blood seems to be a difficult aspect to master, at least it is for Kankri and Karkat. And although Karkat could be interpreted in succeeding through his moirallegiance with Gamzee, which diffuses one of the tensest standoffs in the comic, that connection doesn’t last very long.
Blood players, it seems, often struggle and fail in their aspect.
The Auto-Responder, conversely, succeeds in his role as a Blood player, but this may only be because his stance as a Prince is much more negative towards his aspect.  He succeeds as a Blood player by failing to maintain bonds and by destroying unification.
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So, ultimately, I am defining a Prince as an active destroyer, even of himself, and Blood as an aspect having to do with bonds, relationships, and unification.
With these definitions, a Prince of Blood is basically ‘a Destroyer of Relationships’ both internally and externally.  Through his actions and inherent nature, a Prince of Blood destroys his connections to people, destroys the relationships of others, and ultimately causes groups to break apart.
      Part 3:  Considering the Auto-Responder
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While not being quite as popular in the fandom, the Auto-Responder still gets quite a bit of attention and he plays a rather major role in Homestuck.  In terms of word count in dialogue, according to this post, the Auto-Responder is the 20th character with the highest word count, clocking in at 8015 spoken words in the comic.  Although this might not sound like much, it is also important to consider ARquiusprite, who definitely has dialogue that is more like the Auto-Responder rather than Equius.  ARquiusprite has 3558 words, some of which can arguably be added to the AR’s word count. Also, considering how many characters have dialogue in Homestuck, scoring in the top 20 isn’t that bad at all comparatively.
And, of course, a character’s influence on the story isn’t necessarily tied to their word count, but to their other actions in the story as well, and we know that the Auto-Responder does quite a bit off-screen (and on-screen in part of the comic without wordcounts, like [S] Unite and [S] Synchronize.
(Disclaimer:  I did not check the above numbers myself, and I am curious if the creator of these statistics considered the AR pretending to be Dirk as Dirk or as the AR.)
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I have seen several people try to tackle classpecting the Auto-Responder, although none have been in extensive detail.  Most answers I have found have given him a connection to the Mind aspect, which makes sense, and at first, I thought I agreed.  It makes sense, the Auto-Responder is a very cerebral character, he is a splinter of Dirk’s mind, he is literally only a mind because he does not possess a body.  Mind is all that the Auto-Responder has.  I agreed with this for quite a while, until I started to seriously consider classpecting the Auto-Responder.
I did so during a time when I was thinking in general about the 12 aspects. I wanted to think about how I could fit all twelve of them in with the human session, since the human session is outstanding in the aspects of Doom, Rage, Blood, and Mind.
This is why I considered Mind for the Auto-Responder at first, since it filled a hole in the session.  But, as I continued to think though, I wondered if I should try to see him as another aspect, to figure out if perhaps something else suited him more.
He was always a Prince to me, I think he mirrors Dirk too much to not be a Prince (since he still is Dirk, and if he is not a Heart player then he surely still must be a Prince, he is a splinter but not a shatter—he is still a part of Dirk, he is still Dirk), so he had to have another aspect.  Mind was first.  But then, I thought, what about Blood?
Prince of Blood.  What if the Auto-Responder was a Prince of Blood?
For a long time, I was stuck between considering him a Prince of Mind or a Prince of Blood, and I wasn’t really worried about it immediately, so I let the concept sit for a while.  I let it stew as I kept thinking it over whenever it occurred to me.
And the answers I reached made Blood seem all the more fitting.
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So, why a Prince?
Dirk, to me, feels like a character of innate destruction.  He cannot help his nature, and that nature is to rip things apart, both within and without himself.  We see it so much in Homestuck with Dirk as a Prince of Heart, we get to know his class and aspect so well through him that it is one of the ones we understand the most.
The Auto-Responder is Dirk, the only difference is that he is split from Dirk’s experiences from the age of thirteen—when Dirk took the scan of his brain and created his robotic counterpart and copy.  I don’t think that this split is enough to fully separate the Auto-Responder from Dirk as a character, so I am not fond of thinking of him in classes that aren’t Prince.  The Auto-Responder, as Dirk, would have to share either Dirk’s class or aspect.  I think it makes more sense for him to share the class, because I believe the event of splintering actively creates/changes the Auto-Responder’s aspect.
Why Blood?
Blood comes from the Heart.  Blood splits off of the Heart.  The Heart creates Blood.  Dirk created the Auto-Responder.
The Auto-Responder is associated with the color red (the color, ironically, that connects to Dave, and thus connects to Alpha Dave as well—the Auto-Responder grasps a color that Dirk does not, grasps at a relationship that already doesn’t exist).
Blood connects to relationships and bonds, and throughout Homestuck we can absolutely see the Auto-Responder as connecting to connections, as interfering with Dirk’s and other’s.  He puts a wrench into character development and interactions, complicates things concerning the makeup of the Alpha session.  As we move forward in this essay and I start to pull apart events from the comic, we are going to do so through the lens of Blood, focusing on relationships and how the Auto-Responder interacts with them (both within and without himself).
As a Prince, the Auto-Responder will not have his aspect within himself as much as some of the other classes, and he will actually tend to break and destroy even his own aspect in himself (like how all of the other Princes in Homestuck do, to some extent).  I think it’s easy to see how the Auto-Responder destroys his own relationships and bonds, his very existence serves that purpose, and I will go into more detail on that later.
He is the Destroyer of Relationships, the Destroyer of Bonds, the Destroyer of Unification, and the Destroyer of Friendships.
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(an aside, from this moment forward I am going to call the Auto-Responder Hal, simply because doing so is simpler.  AR would work too, but it doesn’t look as good in writing as Hal.  Although I believe that Hal is a name that the Auto-Responder picks purely for irony and that he doesn’t actually feel any connection to it, the fandom has adopted it, and I have gotten accustomed to it.  Honestly, I think that the Auto-Responder thinks of himself either as the AR or as Dirk, but I am obviously not going to be calling him Dirk, that would be far too confusing.  Thus, Hal is the name that I will be using continuing forward).
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THE 03/22/17 UPDATE
gASP! What’s this? Could it be? Consistent updates? Wow, I am on F I R E. Let’s see if this lasts more than two days. Anyhoo, last time on Act Omega, we were getting caught up with team PMMVKFSLAD (real fun to pronounce). The ragtag group of leftovers from the deadly laser pointer that is Lord English. United by the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP, they shall overcome this challenge and persevere! If Vriska chills the fuck out, that is.
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VRISKA.. Just chill out, let a semi good thing be a semi good thing. Even if the amount of good makes up like like... -16% of the thing. 
I’m having another moment where I just suddenly snap out of typing mode, and look at what I’m writing, and question if I can even qualify as a competent human being.
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This is good Vriska. This is acceptance. You may be running a team full of morons with no motivation whatsoever. But you’re also running a team full of morons with no motivation whatsoever with a powerful LEADER. And as that powerful leader, you will UNITE THE SEA AND LAND DWELLERS AS ONE RACE, AND REDEFINE CULLING FOR YOUR ENTIRE RACE.
Ahem. I mean, you’ll use the power of friendship or something to kill lord english. wooooo.
VRISKA: Fiiiiiiiine. VRISKA: Thank you. VRISKA: For........ VRISKA: Sticking around. I guess.
Good girl. Now hold hands with them and write a song about your friendship.
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Oh goodness, some more friends to add to the bunch. Equius and Horrus. I guess it’s time to update team PMMVKFSLAD to... PEMMVKFSHLAD. Even funner to pronounce.
VRISKA: Well. Might as well t8ke stock of our freshly downsized crew.
Dammit, have I been wasting my time keeping track?
VRISKA: There's myself, Meenah, Tavros, Aradia, Sollux...
SMAVT (these arent gonna stop being fun to pronounce.)
VRISKA: Davepeta, I guess? Whoever you are?
Come on Vriska, COME ON... Obviously it’s a dead Nepeta who was prototyped fused with a bird version of Dave from another timeline who was also prototyped in order to create the most badass sprite yet.
VRISKA: Feferi, hi. Nice to see you, I guess. At least, one version of you.
Pft. I just love this greeting for some reason. There’s something about the words “Feferi, hi. Nice to see you, I guess.” That keeps making me laugh for some reason.
VRISKA: Equius! Yeah, hey neigh8or. Lovin’ the new getup.
Goddamnit Vriska quit talking so casually I’m giggling like an idiot.
VRISKA: A 8unch of dancestors? I swear I know all your names. VRISKA: Aaaaaaaand that’s. It. VRISKA: Like... 13 people. VRISKA: That’s just. VRISKA: SWELL!
Vriska, you must fight the urge to off 5 of these suckers. Also, just gonna check and see if my math adds up. Alright, nope. PEMMVKFSHLAD only has 12, which means I haven’t seen everybody yet or Vriska’s counting was wrong. Or there are two Kankri’s but let’s just pray that isn’t the case. Also just gonna mention the fact that Horrus looks really upset over there.
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I’m just gonna hope this isn’t sarcastic happiness.
VRISKA: Well at least I know pretty much everyone here! For the most part! VRISKA: 8etter than nothing! A decent collection of powers and skills. VRISKA: Davepeta, you have wings, and claws, and pro8a8ly some com8in8tion of time and heart powers that HAVE to come in handy somehow, right? VRISKA: Yeah!! VRISKA: Hahahaha!
Ooooh fuck. She’s gonna lose it.
(that goddamn moment when you forget how to put images on tumblr posts and then beat yourself up about it because you feel like a dunce)
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Hmm. Yeah. Yep, she seems happy. Good.
VRISKA: This is fine! Everything is fine! VRISKA: I can TOTALLY work with this!
That’s right Vriska! Just embrace the power of friendship!!
VRISKA: And I know exactly what went wrong with the plan! VRISKA: Don’t 8et all your money on one horse! A horse that you don’t even know for sure is a8le to run!!
Oh it sure did run. It ran right on outta here with your fiancé (gotta get the fancy e) on it’s back. Too bad it didn’t just. Ride away with Lord English.
 VRISKA: Stupid, stupid, dum8!!!!!!!!
: )
VRISKA: 8ut I can learn from my mist8kes. Just like I always have. Say something doesn’t work. So what? Get right 8ack up and keep trying! Look at it from a new angle. 8ecause there is w8y too much at st8ke not to!
You’re goddamn right Vriska! I mean, if Lord English destroys the universe, Jade can’t totally get with Rose- Oh right. Jade’s all grimbark and shit. And I just remembered, that battle’s still going on isn’t it. Ha ha. Why do I pray for these ships to be canon. Are they really the most important thing for me during this fuckfest?
VRISKA: I 8et there's a totally reasona8le explan8tion for everything that went sideways. What the weapon actually fucking did. Why my luck ran out. Whatever that HUGE G8PING HOLE in the Furthest Ring is!
s’called the Green Hole™, learn the lingo sweetie.
Did somebody say overused and practically decaying meme?
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Yeah. Nobody said that.
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OH FUCK THAT’S A TROLL I THOUGHT THAT WAS A WEIRD STRUCTURE OR SOMETHING? AND. It’s Aranea. Just who we needed to see right now. Hopefully she doesn’t get everybody killed again! :  )
VRISKA: No fix8ting on the past. That’s all 8ehind me. VRISKA: I just have to FOCUS. I’m sure the answer is right in front of my f8ce. VRISKA: Hell, may8e it’s been lying in pl8in sight this entire time!
Yes, and the answer is to LEAVE right now before anymore trolls join your lil powwow.
MEENAH: yo fishka MEENAH: dont mean to burst your bubble or nothin MEENAH: like watchin you lose it and blubber at yourshellf has got a serious entertainment factor MEENAH: but you might wanna actually MEENAH: look behind you
NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS ENTERTAINING, And now is NOT the time to look behind you because we don’t need Vriska gone wrong fucking everything up with her hidden agenda’s again.
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Goddammit stop acknowledging  h e r 
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F U C K  Y O U  A N D  Y O U R  F U C K I N G  F A C E  Y O U  S P I D E R  B I T C H ^ 2
ARANEA: Why, hello there!
Fuck you
ARANEA: It sounds to me like you might 8e in need of my particular talents and services.
FFFUCK... you
ARANEA: Luckily for you, I’ve come to offer just that.
ARANEA: You’re welcome, in advance.
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s the end of the update.
this was a fun one.
wooopty dooooo......
alrighty, bladda bladda outro seeya later
spider bitch^2
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joeatasfaposts-blog · 7 years
Australian funnel-web spider
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Spider-Man Character: Spider-Man
Scientific Name: Australian funnel-web spider
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Arachnida
Order: Araneae
Family: Hexathelidae
Genus, Species : Atrax
These spiders are medium to large in size, with body lengths ranging from 1 to 5 cm (0.4 to 2.0 in). They have a hairless carapace covering the front part of the body.
A male spider deposits his sperm into a sperm web, holding it in his palps. ... The male spider deposits the sperm into an opening on the underside of the female spider's abdomen. The female fertilizes her eggs with the stored sperm and then lays them into an egg sac.
Funnel-webs make their burrows in moist, cool, sheltered habitats—under rocks, in and under rotting logs, some in rough-barked trees (occasionally metres above ground).
They are commonly found in suburban rockeries and shrubberies, rarely in lawns or other open terrain.
Funnel Web Spider prey consists of insects and small vertebrates such as lizards and frogs.
Fun Facts:
I’m 67 years old.
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