#thinking abt my dr design for him hehe
berryblu-soda · 6 months
if lloyd´s gold eye color came back after the Dragons Rising conduit thing, would that be messed up or what?
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hxllo-nana · 3 months
Just want to say, while I don't really know Yandere High School at all, ur stuff of it has been pretty cool. Like that recent animation thing u did about the Winged Guy (Yuki? Does he have brown or black wings?).
Also, ur Stickers of Dead Ringer Dust Sans, Chara, Frisk, Phantom (I am pretty sure), and Papyrus all look great!
I want to try to get stickers for all of them at some point, hopefully, because they look beautiful, and I love them! But I am trying to decide on which one(s) should be small, medium, and large (I am probably going to get large for Dust and Frisk at some point, because while I love how they all look as stickers, I Really Love how they look). And I don't know which usually tends to be better matte, glossy, or transparent. I get stickers sometimes, but usually bundled with other stuff and/or not so much, that I would know. So I am indecisive.
I love how the stickers had the cool similar BG's with the same colors (like blue and purple) and the nice-looking shapes). And the general blue, purple, black, and red coloring for them (which makes sense, since they are from Dead Ringer). To talk about the red coloring specifically. I like how (all of them, I think), had some kind of red thing on their sticker, which really made them pop out even more and/or kept a similar, cool theming between the stickers. Like Dust's knife (boy loves his knifes), and Frisk's Froggie (I now really want to see their Froggie stuffed toy/toy in the Dead Ringer series, if we haven't already). Also, Frisk's and Dust's eyes. But I am more talking like items or clothing in this case.
On the topic of eyes, kind of. I didn't really know where to say this, at least currently. So I am going to say it here. The way u do eyes in Dead Ringer (in general, really, but I am talking about Dead Ringer here, because w/watching the series/with the series, I somewhat have more to talk about) is gorgeous and awesome! Esp. in Ep3 and Ep4 u did so many cool things with them. Like with Sans in the flashbacks, Dust's eyes just in general tbh, Phantom's weird, creepy, interesting eyes he had going on, etc. Frisk, Chara, and Paps' also had some great eyes and/or coloring of eyes too.
Dust Sans, Sans, Chara, Frisk, and Paps' defin. have some of the best eyes and/or use going crazy with their eyes in the series. Mettaton has pretty and intense eyes too though, and I love how goat-looking and also pretty the Goat family's eyes look. And etc. Just love ur eyes in general in Dead Ringer, with some favorites ofc. BonnyTale ofc has some great eyes too (like, I can look into Sans' eyes all day. They are so pretty. Gaster, Paps, and etc. have some pretty eyes too), and same with the Hazbin Hotel UT AU. But again, mostly talking about Dead Ringer eyes in this Ask.
hi again!
YHS is an old roleplay series i used to watch when i was a baby so it’s not very popular as of today but i’m hyperfixated with it (and there’s nothing i can do abt it 😭) The winged fella is Grian. He has brown wings in the animation.
I love how the stickers turn out as well and i’m glad others love it too! I prefer matte stickers than others as they look nicer. Mr. Froggie has been shown in the recent DR Ep! Frisk was using him as a flashlight (the stuff animal’s eye glow red in the dark). Fun Fact: Mr.Froggie is an actual stuff animal i have hehe
Eyes play a big part in everything I do which is why i try to make them stand out. Especially coming to Bonnytale, the eye design is really important to me. Glad you like them!
Still redesigning HH, but since i have so much going on it’s been in the back of my mind (i’ve been watching HH redesigns to cope with my lack of time fshsjsj)
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vndooms · 4 years
4-5-6-14-15-16-17-21-22-30-34-38-45-46-47-57-67-68-69-99 ☺️☕️ go all out bb
thank you anon!!!!! just woke up hehe gonna do these to get my brain moving for the day
4 favorite character? big surprise it’s imposter. it used to be sakura then it was asahina and now it is imposter!!
5 best girl? asahina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh!! i actually love asahina so much, i think her character has a lot of interest and depth and i think abt her a lot.
6 best boy? fuyuhiko! he literally shook me so much this time watching sdr2...... when he greeted them for the first time... thinking abt it DAILY!! i really didn’t like him at first but of course the sdr2 trials are so intense i was already warming up by the end of the second trial n then through the game... uhg... hes so good.
14 what do you think about the danganronpa 1 anime? i watched the first episode when it came out and i was sooo excited but then the animation wasn’t very good and also i don’t think video games adapt well to anime for a reason so i never finished watching it... i’ve since found that a lot of people actually got into dr from the anime tho so i’m glad for it for that.
15 your absolute otp? i answered this one: imposter/ryota is who i think about Every Day!!
16 your absolute brotp? asahina and naegi are important to me and close to my heart 🥰 i’m also still thinking abt mukuro and rantaro and also mukuro and imposter a lot.
17 do you have an ot3? naegirigami!!!! ahhhhhhhh they’re so ideal.... all three relationships involved are so dynamic and interesting and in love!!! i think abt them often. also ive created a hallmark christmas movie for them in my mind and it’s good.
21 favorite voice actor? this is a hard one...... probably teruteru’s though.
22 favorite talent? ultimate cook!!! ultimate chef!!!! teruteru’s free pass to do whatever he wants is bc the second i found out there was a chef he was already a fave!!! the passion for food and making people happy!! but also just proving your the best and being a snob!!! it’s great. great talent.
30 which character would’ve deserved to survive? hmmm... oh ibuki. genuinely when she died i was so upset bc i love her but also she brought a special heat to trials that the comedic survivors just couldn’t match... like imagine her there in the finale??? i actually can’t but that’s why it would’ve been so good... she was smart but random and silly...
34 best character design? i literally do love twogamis design sooooo much!!! other than him, probably rantaro!
38 favorite eyes? i don’t have an answer for this...... ibuki?
45 unpopular opinion? i think fuyupeko have too much baggage wrt their existing relationship w each other to ever have a healthy romantic relationship.
46 unpopular headcanon? oh hm... i’m not sure if i know this fandom well enough to know if any of my headcanons are unpopular.... um imposter is nb And uses he/him pronouns? i think people usually just give him they/them pronouns exclusively when they hc him as nb so. this counts.
47 a headcanon you have about a character? i think abt these characters all day long and then the second i need to recall that it’s all gone 😭😭 ok lemme try... naegi drinks instant coffee bc coffee snobs kirigiri and togami have a whole obnoxious coffee setup in the kitchen and one time he tried to use the french press but didn’t change the grind setting to coarse on the grinder and he got dragged to hell for that one so he just went out and bought some instant like he used to drink when staying up all night to cram for exams and is like listen. i can’t do this guys. you’re just gonna have to accept me for me.
57 character who should’ve lived longer? i just wish imposter could’ve been in a trial 😭😭😭😭😭 it’s just not right!!! i know there’s no other way this could’ve shaken out but..... i’m so depressed.
67 which character would you never want to meet in real life? i mean.... junko
68 which character would you want to meet in real life? imposter join my relationship and help me pay rent 🥰
69 choose a character to go with you on a trip? yasuhiro. i just think he’d bring a certain heat also we could fall in love perhaps.
99 your absolute notp? disregarding the obviously horrible ones, togami/fukawa.... please can i never see them interact again it’s absolutely painful 😭😭
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yumenosakiacademy · 6 years
metr0c0n 2k18 thursday
hewwo!! first day over aa.. this is 4 future me, but i suppose u can read it~? cosplayed: tsumiki (sd/r2)
started off the day rly eqsy bc apparently the lunch rush traffic was held back by a crash? i left after eating some cereal n packing n stucc n dad n i listened to The Eagles on the way there n i got all Registered then walked around for a lil while until my DD/lC panel. i saw a shiki (s1dem) tho n went “!!? bc i didnt think id see any s1dem cosplays here this weekend but!! oh i also saw my old friend Lynds (still cosplaying casual rapunzel like last year) n we talked abt how we became more depressed over junior year n how, when she went to d!sney trvia, she should just start singing tangled songs bc thatd b “a power move” n “have big dick energy” lol 
so anyway i went to the panel n it was just all of us writing poetry in near silence then sharing em n some ppl had serious poems or short dumb ones or funny ones n the joker/akira next 2 me wrote a rly good poem abt akira!! i wrote one abt a beast pouncing on someone in the woods n devouring em, w each line as 6 syllables! then shared one of my old poems abt my negative thoughts regarding my weight then the panel ended soon enough! 
then i got 2 walk around for 2 hrs.... i rly just kind of circled the dealer’s room n sometimes the con floor n i visited the idol table but only rly found one shinou keychain i wanted so.. oh1 a tsumiki i emt turned out 2 b the mei i befriended like 2 years ago at the con tho! n i was like “aaa it’s nice 2 see u again!” n they had the junkrat too (the junkrat wasnt junkrat tho, i just mean it was the same guy as the junkrat i befriended back then w the mei) HOWEVER at an itabag booth, i thought the person running it w pink hair looked like tori n i was like “oh my god r u cosplaying tori?” n they went “yea! n this is my Eichi!” n pointed 2 their fellow booth runner n i was so excited n asked 4 their pic n the eichi had 2 put on their jacket (they were the dance gcha versions) n i was like “oh my gosh dude i luv ES i was actually gonna go as tsukasa today we coulda been the rich kid trio omg” n i showed them my ES buttons/straps then left n a while after, i met a komaeda n took their pic n we talked abt despair n DR n joked around n hs was brought up n he apparently has a jake engl!sh cosplay at home n we were just joking around for a while abt DR n hs n h!veswap n stuff until i parted ways 2 go back 2 the dealer’s room. before that in the dealer’s room, i met a homare n after my pic i said “uhm.. prec/ure, thank you for saving everyone!!”  n found that kind of cute. a junko also took selfies w me aa.
i also met an aoba n took their pic n told them abt the official english localization coming soon n they were stoked bc they didnt kno abt it b4 n they told me there was a noiz at the con too so i was like “!!” n i eventually found them n apparently they were semi-new to the dm/md fandom? they said they were Late but i told them abt the localization too. while i was talking to the noiz, some lady at a nearby artist booth was like “are those ur real nails? omg can i take a pic” so i let her photograph my hands n we talked abt nails n how she usually kept hers long but has to cut em shorter for cons bc they break at cons due to the lifting she has to do n stuff.
the LL panel!! we mostly asked the 3 ooc questions abt idols n stuff after they did their trivia and dances. speaking of trivia, i won a d!sney villain lanyard, makkach!n sticky notes, n p0kem0n socks bc i answered like. 4-5 questions right haha some of the questions were rly easy tho sooo
then i walked around More. i explained to a group that i was giving out lollipops bc mikan’s a nurse n lollipops r like a doctor n the yukine went “i kno ur source ur no-!” n i went “i kind of am! but ur right, maybe im kind of like junko;’s mistress...” i saw a pregame saihara, kaede, n maki n when i gave them shots 4 their lollipops, i said “saihara, maybe thisll cure ur depression!” on impulse but jtggth. I ALSO MET A REI COSPLAYER n i was like “aaaa i luv ES hewwo... reiPs united” n they were like “im actually not a reiP, but ppkt hink since i cosplay him that im one haha. im a ritsuP but i cosplay rei bc who loves ritsu the most? rei!” n we talked abt events n how u have 2 try rly hard n they said that ppl think the next gacha or event will b leo n i was like “the knightsP are already Here...” n i said that if happyele brought out chiaki i’d die but b Ready n then we started talking abt how chiaki is so effing GOOD n ryuse!ta! being Good Boys n they were like “i wouldnt cosplay ryuse!ta! but chiaki, maybe... yknow, i actualy dont like subaru that much bc hes rude/cold to chiaki tbh.” n i was like “also arashi” n they went “...dont like him.” n then “how/why could/would anyone reject chiaki’s hugs?? they say he’s sweaty but like, ill hug tou so much dude” n i was like “YEA id hug him a thousand times over” n i was like “yknow how he pats anzu’s head n says good girl i wish that were me.. but hes so Good” n they were like “he obviously drops hints at anzu, saying things like ‘haha well this could/would happen If You were My Girffriend...’” n i was like “YEA the boy isnt Subtle.. he’d b like ‘wow i wish i could have a gf that could make me a bento.. wink.wink. oh, anzu u can cook? [scoots closer] hm. that’s-” they had 2 leave after a minute but ANYWAY they said they were gonna b kanzaki on saturday n im READY
THEN the whose line panel! it was RLY funny but writing all the details would take FOREVER okay.. im not that dedicated. maybe another time, kay? anyway, i saw a farz n a vincent n took their pic n went “oh, did yall see/kno there was a lawrence here earlier?” n the vincent pointed to farz n said “that was them” n they said “that was me haha...” n i went “...oh my GOD im so effing stupid i cant remember faces well im so sorry” but anyway the panel was funny n for the prompt “things u say abt ur cosply but not ur s/o”, i went up n i said “i could prob buy this for cheap...” then for “cheesy promomercials for anime characters” i said “welcome to kyu/bey’s magcal girls! u can become a magical girl w a low price. our prices r so low, but dont lose ur Head over em!” 
anyway i didnt kno the panel was 2 hours but i left a lil after halfway thru to go to the fr33! anel n they did trivia (i didnt get any of the questions.. i got CLOSE on a question tho. they said, “in 50 off who was nagisas boss” n i said “master dave” but it was “easter dave” so the other person got the prize (it was a poster or a button, idk) n i chose the number 5 for the dare n had it w rei, n rei had to propose to a random audience member n they nervously proposed to a hanayo n it was funny hehe. i also asked truth/dare 6 w nagisa n it was “whats ur dream/dream job” n he said an astronaut who’s also a penguin farmer pff anyway it was fun!! i also asked what if they were to b idols n i think rei said hed b the costume designer? i also asked if they could rap freestyle n they said “we’ll take a hard pass on that one haha”n i was like “hehe its fine i was Joking”
then i kind of loitered around blasting hypm!c songs then st down until i had 2 go hooome!! TIME 2 GO 2 BED
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