#idk idk; major headcannoning here haha
berryblu-soda · 6 months
if lloyd´s gold eye color came back after the Dragons Rising conduit thing, would that be messed up or what?
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bigmack2go · 9 months
I dont like the headcannon of davey being jewish.
Why? I am glad you asked!
Now listen dont get me wrong here!
Representation is so important especially for religions because in that department even the most popular ones r being bullied these days and then that religion isnt just any but the most hated one in history. The religion that was blamed for practically anything bad that has happened in the last 500-1000 years. In ww|| children didn’t even know this WAS a religion. In Germany they were taught that the word “jew” stood for a monster, like the wird rabbit stands for an animal. Idk if this makes sense but they LITTERALLY didn’t know any better which i personally find makes it worse. The ppl KNEW that they were wrong, and that they couldn’t convince poursouled children of anything unless they made up lies. The thing those children hated was justified. Anyone would hate a monster that only brings evil upon us. But they conected it to a name that describes something else.(the movie jojo rabit brings this accross extremely well and truthfull! It’s available on netflix and i think on prime!) And thats the problem. They knew they were wrong but they needed someone to blame for their own failures and problems. ANd WhO bEtTeR tHaN tHe OnEs ThAt HaVe BeeN aT bLamE fOr ThE pAsT 700 YeaRs???
This began with the germanians spreading Christianity around Europe when jews were still a majority. It was generally a seen as a sin to get along with a Christian, and as we all know in the middle age there have been some babaric events towarts (but also by) religious ppl.
In thirteen-sixty-something the thing got to a whole new level when in (i think it was italy but idk) a fountain was moisted with bacteria and brought back black plague for a lot of people, which obviously got word all around the world quickly. And with that obviously also rumours. The thing is that those rumors were LOADED.
Thats how the hatred toward jews specifically began. People thought they were witches that poisoned their food causing them all to get sick.
(Sry i didnt mean for this to turn into a history lesson hahaha)
So yeah. Representation is so important and I totally stand behind that!
That being said however i genuinely don’t like it with Davey and here’s why:
Im have no problem with the headcannon itself and obv not with people having thah headcannon. What bucks me is how that came to be.
It just feels sooo cliche taking the one character named david jacobs and saying he’s jewish.
I mean
David jacobs
David. Jacobs.
David and jacob (lemme guess his sisters name is sarah hAHa- oh wait-)
Like it might be just me but that’s loaded with stereotype.
This might sound weird and/or mean but i genuinely get the feeling, the only reason ppl hc him as jewish is his name.
On top of that theres the fact that i generally just feel like its forced at this point. Again. I stand for representation with everything in me. but people just decided (rather than felt/knew) they needed to represent jewish folks and picked out ONE (1) (s i n g u l a r) character (LITTERALLY NAMED DAVID JACOBS!! Idk if u can tell but im getting rly worked up abt this)and said his family is jewish.
(Then if course theres the fact that i cant deal with the fact that he would have been killed at least in wa|| if not earlier due to being an non-arian jew but he prolly would be killed in one of the worldwars anyway so thats not much of an argument lol)
THATS IT! TYSM if u read this completely!
I also wanna take the opportunity to compell everyone to support palestina!!!!! I’ll put some links down below!
As a Christian i am lucky enough to not be bothered with shit by people i cant deal with but not everyone has that! So here’s just a gerneral reminder to educate and support people of any minority!!!
I will put some links so u can read up about the history of discrimination towards religion and jews!⬇️⬇️
1 Wikipedia article generally summarising antisemit!sm
2 definition
3 antisemit!sm+ history of rivalry between Christianity & Judaism
4 on discrimination and hate/ harassment towards religions in school and workplaces
5 discrimination WITHIN religion
6 some facts
7 using religion as an excuse to BE descriminating
8 read about judaism as a religion, rules and beliefs
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sempsimps · 1 month
toga head cannons + dating bits
so mha what a show i have been violently thrown back into it and currently re watching it along with another 4 animes anyway here i am ready to make this since I have like *checks notes * 16- nope 19- nope hold on 24! drafts and I can see more on the horizon so I'm finally letting my bisexual self get some crazy girls on my list
She likes Hello Kitty. I think she would love Kuromi (I don't know for sure, as I've never watched it. I'm not really into Sanrio stuff.)
she has some skills with drawing but nothing too major. maybe a really good sketch once in a while, on some important documents (definitely got into a lot of trouble for doodling on her school books or anything like that. ik i did)
She chews on pens or pencils. possibly hoodie drawstrings, just anything, to be honest.
I feel like she loves dinosaurs, like at least knowing some random facts from like stolen picture books or remembering an interesting thing from a museum, and I guess the Internet exists
Dating stage
she has been rejected a few times, which is obvious, so when she finds you, she is nervous about falling fast yet again and getting left. again. but she can't help it, and when you say you feel the same, she could happily fight and die for you x10 more than she already felt like she would
Blood jewelry absolutely 100% like a pretty heart-shaped pendent that's suspiciously liquidy and a beautiful red like take all my money (I will for the precious bean)
She is a criminal, so getting more domestic dates is kind of difficult. so there's options 1 she drinks someone else's blood to disguise and just dresses different from them, so it's less obvious and go to a coffee shop or something. OR 2 screw the domestic stuff! and go out to steal sweets or candy and idk steal a shopping cart, go spray paint some rich guys house, and do stupid shit like getting arrested only to call dabi or shigaraki for help as you both laugh at how stupid that was.
She would love it if you knew how to style hair or let her style yours and be matching
Speaking of matching toga would absolutely have pj's/ onesies for the both of you. examples I can think of would be the night and light furry ones (I think they neat) also those two peice ones so sharing two sets like, skull top and pink short and then having pink tank top and skull trousers.
Love language is physical touch, words of affirmation, and gift giving all the way. Holding hands? "Ah! We're holding hands haha, suck it, dabi your bitchless!". she needs soothing words during a cuddle session like fr tell her she's an amazing girlfriend. Anything you get her stuff like that is definitely her new bragging right, new hair clip? It's on, and she refuses to take it out until you do it yourself. A little pin it's going on her skirt, a keyring? She's putting at least two of those on the handle of her favourite knife. You made her a painting/ printed a photo/ wrote a poem or anything? It's getting framed and hung above her bed
She probably had lots of photos before you dated, but now she definitely has. 2 folders one is a digital file on her phone, and the other is stashed away, filled with secretly taken ones that she looks at when she misses you
If you're a hero, she'll make it a point to watch you and look at all your fan base online. "It's my turn on the TV my adorable partner is on." She would also want to go on every mission close to where your agency would be. If you have any merchandise, she has it already. If she sees other people wearing your clothing line, she would either compliment it or want to stab them (I can't decide)
That's all i can think of, and i want to do more, so anything else in the comments would be nice. im trying to ease my way into writing female characters. i might be bi, but i can't talk to women, so this was fun and a little difficult for me
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herakosmos · 4 years
@dreamyjaems: “hi babycakes!! i loved your “target headcannons” and it was so enjoyable to read! i was having a rough night, so reading it brought a huge smile on my face 🥰 so if you don’t mind, could you do the “target” headcannons but with goshiki and atsumu! thank you very much and i hope you have a lovely day! i look forward to reading more things from you and good luck on your blog! 💓”
hi bb! ty for the kind words🥺 im glad it made your night <33 you’re my first request, so im kinda nervous😭
im not too familiar w/ goshiki and atsumu, so i’m sorry if they’re ooc :((( i really hope you like it tho!
going to target w/ their s/o
{hcs for goshiki and atsumu}
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“BABE!!! i’ll go get your favorite cereal brand for you!”
✰ would run all the way across the store just for your favorite type of cereal LMAO
✰ when he comes back PLS praise him 🥺
“goshiki you’re so sweet how did you know?”
✰ stands proudly, chest out and smiles ear to ear
“well..i always see you eating this type of cereal in the morning!”
✰ he would probably get really flustered from pda, so don’t do it unless you’re ready for an overheated baby
✰ pushes the cart for you the moment you guys enter target and would insist to push it until the very end of the trip
✰ IF you’re feeling a little mean today, your hand would “accidentally” intertwine with his on the handle bar
✰ goshiki.exe has stopped working
“u-um y/n what are you doing?”
“nothing, i just want to push the cart with you” :)
✰ tries to loosen up a bit, but his heart would be pounding so much that it’s the only thing he could hear <\3
✰ still tries to suck it up and look like it’s not making him sweat at all (even though it is)
✰ he’ll get anything and everything for you
✰ no matter what height you are, goshiki would still want to grab the items on the highest shelf just to impress you. he’ll put it in the cart so proudly knowing how cool that was of him
✰ sometimes it’ll either leave him with a proud smirk or a face of defeat when you aren’t looking HABQAHBSAHS
“did you see that y/n!?”
“huh? what do you mean baby?”
✰ you’ll leave him stunned and kinda hurt tbh
✰ this won’t stop him from trying though!!!
✰ i feel like goshiki would also want to check out the sports section. his eyes would automatically land on the children sports gear and turn soft. he would get MAJOR baby fever from the sight of it and immediately turn to you about it
“i know what you’re thinking goshiki and nows not the right time to talk about it” 
“goshiki -.-”
“yes ma’am!”
✰ salutes you cutely and that leaves you in a giggling mess. he loves to do dorky actions just to make you laugh and he succeeds every time🙈
✰ probably thinks about what ushijima gets from each aisle you guys pass through. even though you always remind him he doesn’t need to BE like him in order to beat him lmao
✰ 100% pays for everything. he flexed his money and bought $100+ worth of junk food
✰ practically broke afterwards, but doesn’t really care because it was spent on you🥺🥺
✰ going back to the car, he’ll put you in the cart too with the grocery bags like kuroo, but would do it to only show off how strong he is haha
“baby are you sure this is fine?!”
✰ he of course would start to load the car for you. maybe roll up his sleeves just a tad for you to see his ya’know 👉💪😼
✰ you’d be so grateful to have this little bean like??? he’s so sweet :(
✰ you of course had to do something in return. before goshiki could even say a word out of his mouth, you connected his lips with yours for a light peck. his eyes would be WIDE open while receiving it omg
✰ goshiki: 👁💋👁
“thank you for everything today goshiki….i love you”
✰ the kiss made him blush 10x more than from inside the store and starts to muster up a sentence to try and say how he wants another one
“m-maybe we c-could do that a-again?”
✰ of couse you would give another one for the cutie. this time he actually lets it last for at least 5 secs before letting you go
“i love you too baby...always!!”
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✰ you being his first ever long term s/o, going out to target with his partner was a first for him. atsumu honestly just came because he had nothing else to do...or at least that’s what he told you
✰ atsumu is a man of physical contact, so expect A LOT of pda. he honestly doesn’t give a fuck😭 he’s THAT ballsy to try anything in public
✰ he would be the type to put his arm around your waist while in the midst of choosing between two snacks. this little punk would slowly start to trail his hand lower...and lower....and low-
✰ you smacked his hand off before he could do anything perverted😭 boy would be sorta pissed at either the fact you didn’t let him do what he wanted to do or because you slapped his hand wayy too hard and its turning red now JANXNC
✰ although atsumu can be protective, you can’t be protected from his jabs of teases and pranks lmao
✰ he would purposely take an item out of the cart and put it on a random shelf until you’ll notice something is missing 
✰ when he sees you getting all riled up or show some sort of irritation he can’t help but admire how cute you look all mad. doesn’t try to show any expression though and hides it with a smirk
✰ 100% only does it to get a reaction outta you😭
✰ drags guides the cart to the toy section and checks to see if they have any cool action figures (idk why but i feel like he would collect those kinda stuff)
✰ turns out there’s only those science toys
✰ (kuroo?👀)
“why is there only fucking science shit”
“HUN there’s children next to us don’t say that”
✰ looks at the children and then back at you with a lazy smirk
“ffffffuuckkk” says it in slow-motion 
✰ omg you would just roll your eyes at his immaturity and leave him there with the clueless children 😭😭
“awww come on princess don’t be like that, i'm just teasing”
✰ another eye roll came from your face at how stupid he is, but can’t hold back a small giggle as well
✰ ah how he loves that adorable giggle of yours
✰ the sole reason for this target trip was to look for furniture and it was the LAST stop you guys took from this whole time
✰ atsumu would straight up lounge on a couch even though it would say do not sit on it’s only for display
✰ AGAIN mans does not give a flying fuck he does what he wants😎
✰ if an employee tries to tell him to get off his reply would be:
“if i wanna buy it, my ass needs to approve”
“babe! i don’t think there’s anything here that’s nice we should look somewhere else”
“ahh seems like my princess and my ass doesn’t seem to approve this leather couch of yours we’ll be writing reviews on yelp”
✰ hey, his baby didn’t find what they wanted 🤷‍♀️
✰ rumor has it the employee’s jaw is dropped to the ground till this day lmao
✰ once you reach the check-out area and pay for the junks you got, you put the groceries into the cart and atsumu squishes your face to stop you 
“babe, we’ll find you a pretty couch in no time”
✰ not gonna lie you were kinda bummed from not finding anything
“i know just what to do to make you happy again”
✰ debby ryan smirks 🌚🌚
✰ he immediately lets go of your face and starts jogging towards the lines of carts to get one for himself.
“lets race!”
✰ your face immediately lit up from the request of a pisshead (who wouldn’t want to wipe that smirk off of that handsome face🙃)
✰ you two both started to race each other on carts towards the car and you won. he probably would say he made you win on purpose just because you were a bit pouty
✰ laughter filled the air from how THIS was his way of cheering you up. it was so cute for him to “lose” for you 
“babe you’re such a loser” 
��� your lips suddenly met his cheek for a light peck
✰ you thought it didn’t really faze him until he asked you to slap both of his cheeks till they turned red
✰ the only reason he told you to do that was to hide the fact his cheeks were burning from that tiny peck LMAO
taglist: (i’ll add more in the future!🥺)
@deadontheinsidebut @kat-writes-haikyuu @lovetsuki
want to request hcs or a matchup? here are the rules!
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solarcitymelodies · 4 years
Wowza sorry y'all about the random massive Rockafire spam, I'm pretty sure ??most?? People on here? know me for just Knight Rider because that's the only thing I've ever REALLY posted about--
but I Do Not Care it's RAE hours right now so uhhh here's some headcannons that probably aren't Canon compliant very much because I just got into RAE like last week
So like. I feel like Mitzi is a Good Amount younger than the rest of the band like she was in highschool when she joined, the rest of em were all Adults™ and she was a little bit nervous about it because...... ADULTS™
She was just lookin for a place to get her singing voice out there, because ya girl REALLY wanted to perform, and showbiz happened to have a slot open, but she did not expect all of the members to be older than her (although looking back, she realized she probably should have expected that)
It was intimidating at first but Billy Bob and Fatz were just the absolute sweetest and they introduced her properly to the rest of the band because she was like "oh I barely talk to them because I get nervous :(" and the resident dads p much said "aight we can do all the talking for you then, how about that?" And badabing badaboom she's now attached to these two and like honestly who isn't or maybe that's just me but ANYWAYS I feel like the band would become a second home/safe space for her
Yeah fr some reason I have BIG long headcannon for her joining the band but the rest of them? Nobody knows how they got there for all I know they just Showed Up One Day
Also I came across this
Which got me thinkin about what my headcannons were as far as sexuality/gender stuff
And I find the concept of Billy Bob being Very Much Straight And Ignorant but trying his hardest to be a good ally SO funny like if someone came out to him he'd probably be like "oh!! I don't understand why you would choose that lifestyle but I respect you!!" not realizing how incredibly stupid he sounds sjkrjh like I don't think he can very easily wrap his head around how people are just. not cishet. so he's like "OH then it must be a choice, right? like you can choose to be gay but you're born straight. Right?" and everyone just shakes their heads in the background but he does earnestly try his best and my man would rather DIE than disrespect someone's pronouns I know this for sure
Fatz is pretty similar, straight ally and a lil confused but he's got the spirit, you know? He still least knows being gay (as well as,,, m o s t sexualities that aren't straight, although some he doesn't get/know about at all) isn't a choice but he hasn't quite grasped that being trans is also not a choice. He will respect your pronouns to hell and back but by god he doesn't get it,,, he's trying though and he feels very accomplished in himself that he's starting to get the hang of using they/them even though he slips up a lot
The rest of the band encourages the HELL out of these two because they're. Trying their best and making an honest effort which is more than a pretty good chunk of people would give
Rolfe, Earl, and Dook are the reasons Billy Bob and Fatz are trying so hard to understand it lmao
Rolfe took it upon himself to hang up a MASSIVE gay pride flag backstage, being the flaming homosexual that he is, and the rest of the squad quickly realized "oh he's GAY gay he wasn't kidding" because at first they literally thought he was joking as he was actually just being openly and obnoxiously a raging mlm (and like I mean no shade to him this isn't me tryna to make fun of it because my dumb sapphic ass almost crashed my car once because I saw a pretty girl walk down the street. And by "once" I mean. Yesterday.) Anyways yeah that's when the rest of em Realized and were like "OH" but after the massive pride flag was hung up that prompted Dook to come out and they were all like "???? YOU TOO????"
Dook is a non-binary ICON he's a demiboy and goes by both he/him and they/them and probably would have a bunch of pride pins I think,,, I'm not really sure of his sexuality though!! honestly he kinda gives me bisexual vibes but Who Knows . Not me. He has a HELL of a time trying to explain his gender to the rest of the band (except for Rolfe because like. He's a part of the community so he knows) and basically he was met with "so you're just a dude but ✨spicy✨?" and it was like, "no, but I have no idea how to explain it in a way that will make sense to you, so. yes?" And that explanation seemed to suffice for most of them
Mitzi went in knowing NOTHING about what being non-binary was so she asked a l o t of questions about it, which Dook just kinda dealt with answering (he's heard most of it before, and it gets tiring after a while. if you're nb or trans or honestly any part of LGBTQ+ you know what I mean) but he thought it was really sweet of her to be so determined to learn about it and eventually she did get a grasp on it ish, so she was able to understand why it wasn't just ✨spicy male✨ (the conversation pretty much went "well if i was just male, don't you think I would label myself that way instead?" "....oH TRUE!!!") and she ended up a VERY passionate ally, and she'll ask occasionally about how to be better at it, bein a queen as she is 👉👉 also definitely started questioning her sexuality after a while and just went with "maybe bicurious" and Rolfe, Dook, and Earl were all like "ONE OF US, ONE OF US"
Earl has never once spoken about his sexuality in his life, because 1. He's very aware that's an awkward conversation to have with a puppet, and 2. He's aroace anyways, which is basically what people assume even if they don't realize it just for their own peace of mind, because seriously, puppets and any identity that ISN'T aroace creates a really uncomfortable mental image for... Most people, pretty much. So it's not like he ever needed to say anything about it, which is convenient for him because he wouldn't want to say anything either way. not worth the risk of embarrassing himself and making everyone feel awkward
(side note ish though Rolfe 100% came out to Earl first and was met with "I already knew that but okay." Rolfe was mildly offended)
And spEAKING OF EARL he's VERY much sentient but he can't say he's particularly enthusiastic about it because Rolfe has to carry him around everywhere
He can move on his own but it's limited and generally annoying to maneuver around with his tiny body so he just says screw it half the time and stays on Rolfe's arm or hitch a ride on Random Object, but like... Yeah, the majority of the time Rolfe just has to deal with only having one arm available and a puppet directly next to him making fun of him at every possible chance
They high-key have chaotic and unorganized college roommate vibes (like they're actually roommates because... Where tf is Earl supposed to go?? So Rolfe took him in) and idk if this is really like a part of my headcannons or if I just think it's funny so I keep entertaining the idea of it but I think it would be Fantastic if Rolfe had no idea how to cook but Earl somehow did so this idiot is trying to take instructions from a puppet, who can't physically show him what to do, and it's like Hell's Kitchen live featuring a furry and a sentient stuffed animal
Aaaaamd going off of my Rolfe and Earl headcannons still Rolfe for SURE has some sort of executive dysfunction issue. ADD or ADHD I'm not sure (probably ADHD) but he definitely has it also this totally isn't just me projecting how dare you accuse me of that
And!!! More about Dook!!!! I don't know how or why I thought up of this but I cannot possibly imagine him any other way now-- he's autistic and space is his Big Huge special interest, and if you ever ask him about it you have to be prepared to get infodumped or possibly even shown a PowerPoint presentation, because GOD he loves space!!! He wants everyone to know all about it!! He knows not everyone thinks it's as cool as he does so he tries to keep his mouth shut but when someone asks about it he can't help himself and will infodump a LOT, also haha drumming stims go brrrr, playing the drums isn't really a stim but he likes to just take his drumsticks and whack em around in the air and get that good ol Wavy Arm Action (wavy arms is best stim change my mind you can't it's GOOD)
Also i bbbbelieve earlier I reposted somethin about someone else headcannoning that he has echolalia, which I don't really know enough about to say anything on it?? But even if he doesn't have echolalia he'd probably repeat phrases over and over until he gets tired of them (which is,,, something I do lmao, it's either memes I get stuck in my head or things I've heard from various medias I like the inflections in (like one tiktokker I saw was talking about their tourettes and their vocal tics and one of them was "uh oh! How unfortunate!" and now I CAN'T STOP SAYING IT)) but like uhhh yeah :))) repeating phrases that get stuck in your head for various reasons for the win
This is already really long so I'm just gonna vibe out thanks for coming to my Ted talk feel free to ask questions I probably won't be able to answer a lot of em though because my headcannons are a Mess hehe >:)
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septiembrre · 4 years
GG Headcannons
Tagged by @sothischickshe. Thanks, boo ;-) 
Ship: Beth x Rio -- in honor of our lovebirds day for GGWEEK2020
38. What is/are their love language(s)?
Haha, this has already made its way into one of my ficlets. I am also writing love languages into my next chapter of Better Be Mine. I can’t let it go!! I don’t actually care about them as tool for my irl relationship but it’s so easily identifiable for Brio. So my headcanons here... 
Rio’s love languages: 
Rio prefers to receive love through Quality Time. 
Rio shows love through Physical Touch. 
Beth’s love languages:
Beth prefers to receive love through Words of Affirmation.
Beth shows love through Acts of Service
49. Do they have differing political opinions?
Lol, @sothischickshe I can’t believe you tagged me in this!!!! Stop reading into the underlying vibes of Beth/Rio conversations in my fics! 
So the short version of my response is: yes. 
Now the absurdly long response:
I think about Rio & Beth a lot. I think about them talking about politicized issues quite a bit and imagine them in conversation with each other, teasing their beliefs apart. I like picturing these conversations instigated by hard parenting moments, things in the news, and things that come up as they finally start saying more words to each other. I think Rio could also just directly ask Beth about her political beliefs (I can’t necessarily picture the reverse yet).  
I think Beth is definitely more conservative than Rio -- and that’s an assumption I make because Rio’s a Latinx guy who probably came up with lack of access to wealth, and Beth as a white woman in the suburbs who formerly perceived herself/her family as wealthy. 
Beth’s characterization is complicated -- sometimes it really leans into Karen stereotypes/white woman privilege (lol, I cannot believe they literally had her show up at Gil’s workplace. I CRINGE!) and other times her beliefs and actions positively surprise me. Personally, in my fic writing, I love leaning into an idea that Beth grew up more working class/experienced neglect from her parents. I don’t want to romanticize these experiences but trauma around financial insecurity & complicated family relationships personally resonates with me. Ugh, I love writing about it, and it’s something that I read in her childhood that I like to lean into. That flashback in Season 2 really humanized Beth for me and it really made me love her. 
Okay, that was a major digression about class, but her life experience must lend itself to her political beliefs. She married into a wealthier family -- a family that owned it’s own business, was financially stable and just... a family perpetuating all the harmful effects of white heterosexuality and problematic gendered labor. And she conformed to it! Beth diminished herself to make herself fit there, to find safety and stability, to feel worth. So, I think her politics as an adult are also “safe” and probably echo the popular moderate trends in normative, toxic parent groups. Honestly, irl as a queer WOC who is anti-capitalist and been forced to be political for my own self-preservation and preservation of folks I love, I would not seek out PTA Beth’s friendship for multiple reasons, but I still have such a soft spot for Beth as a character?
That being said, Beth in the context of Annie & Ruby is obviously a different Beth. She loosens up in these spaces, she speaks her mind much more freely and in these scenes she comes as a normal, relatable human and she’s funny and prim and awkward. I think she comes across as somewhat liberal but not particularly educated on the issues/progressive (as is the way most characters are characterized on network TV). In this vein, she throws around a lot of white privilege and because some of it has gone un-interrogated in the context of the show... I’m not sure how intentional these vibes are or if it’s just par the course of it being white-owned network TV. Obviously characters are allowed to make mistakes and do shitty things, but I wish there was more on-screen acknowledgement of race in the show, and more intentional naming of things. In regards to Ruby + Beth in particular, I feel like an American white woman can’t have a life-long/multi-decade friendship with a Black woman and not be intentional about acknowledging racism/the specific misogynoir that Black women face. But the show hasn’t really acknowledged this aspect of Ruby + Beth’s friendship... 
*stares at the camera like I’m on The Office* 
It would be such a rich opportunity to discuss the challenges of interracial friendship if done well. Also, what an opportunity to delve into what it’s like to maintain friendships across the years (um, it’s hard!!! Even with people you love so much! Tell us more about Beth & Ruby’s ups and downs!). Beth and Ruby care about each other so much. When they and Annie get friendship beats -- I cry! Just make it make more sense! If the show filled in these blanks, it would be so great. Beth is obviously awakening~ definitely so in regards to her gender and her power and it could shift her political opinions? The show definitely poked a little fun at her crime “wokeness” by having her push back on cultural appropriation with those other PTA parents. Just by the exposure of her own relationships, Beth has experience with the lack of American safety net, our terrible, impoverishing health-care system, and inaccessibility of higher education. 
So, on one hand the show tries to do a thing where they equalize and don’t name race in the context of the three leads, “they’re three women”, but then they play on racial tropes with Beth and Rio’s relationship... I would like for their interracial relationship to be more overtly discussed/acknowledged outside of Rio’s somewhat performative call outs of Beth’s white lady fragility. 
So anyway -- Rio’s politics. We don’t know a ton about Rio so we don’t have too much textual evidence to go off of. But, we do know that Rio picks at Beth’s facade of white women fragility all the time -- sometimes with more hostility and other times simply teasing. When I write him, I give him my own experiences of having to become well-versed discussing politicized issues by the default of growing up experiencing racism and xenophobia. Rio, like any Mexican-reading man, has probably been told to “go back to his country” throughout his life -- and I can’t imagine it not politicizing him... Though, conservative Latinx exist and constantly shock me with their assimilationist audacity. *stares at the camera like I’m on the office again* But, idk, it’s something about their characterization of him of being so worldly~~ I imagine him being informed and up-to-date on the American news. I want him throwing around his power and $$$ by donating to local, progressive candidates of color. But, this is all projection~ :-) 
Ha, I feel like this was too critical of my forever otp (and on ship day to boot)!! And of Beth. The show has a habit of putting Beth through the physical and psychological wringer, and what I want instead is for our baby to be out of harm’s way, financially stable, divorced and independent, and also forced to interrogate the more harmful ways she deploys her whiteness. Lol, no one would watch my show. I know. 
I love Beth & Rio. They thrill me. And like many others in the fandom,  I often want to remove them from the GG canon and make them have harder/real/necessary conversations -- and generally converse about anything/everything because they barely do that on screen. I love the drama of their scenes, but my happy place is skipping a year ahead and building headcanons about what they could look like in actual relationship with each other... and one of these daydreams is Rio pushing Beth on her politics. I’m in an interracial relationship with a white woman myself -- and one of the things I love is endlessly discussing political issues and processing and growing together, and I like transplanting that to Brio in my fic perhaps too much, and it makes them OOC in my writing at times. 
Okay!!! This got long again. Thanks for tangling with this if you’ve gotten this far. There were a lot of assertions up there and I’m happy to unpack something further (but, thats at your own risk y’know. Clearly I don’t know when to stop when it comes to writing these ridiculously long posts).
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I was JUST doing a college au roleplay for destiel and basically the premise is that Cas and Dean share an apartment, and Cas (aka me, kinda? because i'm rping as him in this prompt) is like, "hey, please don't bring back any one night stands and don't get drunk here tonight". the person playing dean was like, "I think you're thinking of yourself" and I was like, "no, haha, I'm not thinking of myself." [1/?]
[2/?] so they were like, “yeah you brought home 3 people last week in varying degrees of sobriety” and I just. d/c because that rubbed me the wrong way. like YEAH I get that I had cast Cas as a punk in the prompt, but I was very clear that it’s more about his appearance. (ex: some tattoos & piercings, rides a motorcycle, leather jacket, etc.) then it is about me fundamentally changing his personality. because to me I don’t headcannon MY version of punk!cas as someone who sleeps around a lot.
[3/?] So when they said that it just made me feel really weird because it felt like god-modding. Like, “Oh, you did this thing last week that you’re asking me to not do tonight in our apartment, and it’s something that I don’t really do in the first place, so the only problem is if you do that”. idk if I’m making sense? but yeah it just really frustrated me because on the inside I’m like, “Can you maybe not dictate what my character did in the past?” I don’t know if I’m overreacting or not…
Well, first of all, I think you’re entitled to feel however you feel. And it’s okay to feel like that and disconnect with someone. I’ve done it before.
I can definitely see both sides of this. Obviously I’m only hearing one side and you didn’t submit the log, but from what you’re telling me I don’t think you’re overreacting at all. I think that in some cases, it’s kind of a gray area when it comes to god-modding. When anyone headcannons Cas - or Dean, or any fandom character - as punk,  there’s definitely distinct physical markers like what you mentioned, and then there’s behavior. So someone might think, “Well, OP is saying that Cas is punk and this is what he looks like, which is drastically different from what he looks like on the show. I feel like I can safely make the assumption that he probably isn’t as restrained sexually in this roleplay and would sleep around some”. That might be what your rp partner was thinking. They might have just thought that you were only clarifying what he looks like for the sake of the roleplay so that there’s absolutely no confusion about Cas’s physical appearance, so they didn’t see their sleeping around comment as god-modding. 
There was one situation like a year ago when I was roleplaying destiel, and to me adding in details about Dean’s life felt normal because they were childhood best friends, so of course Cas - that’s who I was roleplaying - would reference past stuff. And I tried to leave it open ended so that my partner could be like, “No, you misheard me when I was talking about wanting to major in x”, or “Oh I was joking/drunk when I said that”. That way it wouldn’t be taken as god-modding, but she still said I was god-modding even though it wasn’t my intention at all to control her character.
That being said, I also get where you’re coming from completely because I’ve been in your shoes too. What I think people kinda need to get is that if someone states something in their prompt, then that should be taken as like, “canon” for the roleplay, if that makes sense. Like you said, OP, you were talking exclusively about Cas’s appearance as you’d made him punk in the roleplay. And to you, even as a punk individual, Cas wouldn’t sleep around. I’m kinda going out on a limb (so correct me if I’m wrong, please) but Cas was only fundamentally changing his appearance and mode of transportation to fit this specific aesthetic. He wasn’t changing his behavior. 
In a way I think your partner was god-modding, but that’s just my personal opinion. They’re saying your character did something very very recently in the rp and kind of not realizing that to you, Cas still wouldn’t have sex before marriage/wouldn’t sleep around drunk. It’s sucky and shitty that it happened, but sometimes things be like that on Omegle. 
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