#third time not killing it is the charm?
seabeck · 3 months
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I found this just down the road from me :3
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crimson-nail · 1 month
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same guy
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winepresswrath · 5 days
i'm sure this has been said before but it's also so funny that after all of louis' "it's just the vampire bond," "he's just my maker, that's all" we see the vampire bond via louis-madeline and it's deeply uncomfortable because they're strangers feeling each other so intimately. what makes the bond with lestat so powerful is that he can feel lestat and he can feel lestat's love. that's what he can't get over. their literal feelings for each other. and what does this mean for lestat-claudia? what are they feeling from each other?
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transthatfag · 4 days
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first time trying out digital collage
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avellanaslesbianas · 5 days
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Forever mourning this panel not making it into the anime
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hotcinnamonsunset · 5 months
seam rippers exist FOR A REASON sewing projects are meant to BE DESTROYED and RECREATED it doesn't have to come together ON THE FIRST GO i've got to get this through my thick skull istg
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sage-nebula · 1 year
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If Whisper wasn't halfway stuck in eeby deeby, Eggman would be dead right now. She shot him through the heart.
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homicidal-slvt · 2 months
I can't eat spaghetti unsupervised.
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savage-rhi · 6 months
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This certainly explains some recent shit...
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potential-fate · 8 months
Might actually get my computer back on Tuesday. Hopefully.
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Finally made a sugarkin! (Sugarkin made by @razzytism) I haven't come up with a name but the idea is that this sugarkin is made from atomic warhead sour candies, and that gives them radioactive properties. Which then causes a excessive amount of energy to be built up in their body. Their power being that they use that energy to produce explosions and lazers from their body as well super strength.
I haven't gotten around to alot of the finer details but this was really fun.
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glareandgrowl · 1 year
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Stageplay- A poem
Life's a stage
My role undefined
I spend my days
Toeing the line
Between what version of me
Will fit the bill
What mask should I wear
For these roles I'm meant to fill
Will I be the villain today?
Or merely in the background
Of someone else's story
Unable to make a sound
I shuffle through the scripts
Given to me by time
Unamused by any jokes
Or seemingly heartfelt lines
The script was not written for me
That much I know is true
But I can't help but despise
Those who can make it through
Their performances are flawless
Gone down without a hitch
Meanwhile I flounder
Just to make my own pitch
Life's a stage
My roles all make me sick
Like a marionette I am refused
To have my own pick
As the curtain draws
Anxieties swell
Auditorium sits empty
As directors yell
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nebulamist · 2 months
I'm 19, but I feel like I've lived less of life than the average 9-year-old.
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ladyinthebluebox · 8 months
Me when I had a cute shot set up and my game decided to give up on working for the second time in a row:
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benjenren · 2 years
ok ok when I first saw the "laenor fakes his death" rumor I dismissed it as wishful thinking because, lol, this is asoiaf not ofmd, the bad explanation is usually the right one.
but I keep seeing it and... I can't help it
first and foremost, killing off joffrey/laena/laenor in back to back to back episodes is uhhh quite the egregious diversity loss for a modern tv show. it's plausible the writers are aware of that and want to avoid completing the trifecta. think of the tweets. hbo probably did.
secondly, since there are screencaps of a fight, I have a theory that if qorl was actually sent to kill laenor, it will turn out he was sent by vaemond not daemon. (larys kinslay inspo icon.) the show already had daemon unambiguously jumpscare murder rhea. having him also kill laenor just feels... tired? it's not fresh, it's not exciting, it's not popping. in f&b after laenor's death, vaemond starts calling rhaenyra's kids bastards and insisting he's the rightful heir to driftmark. he's a plausible plotter. wildcard!
thirdly, and this is just personally entertaining to me, I would find it very funny if, after repeatedly insisting on his valyrian right to have multiple wives, daemon ends up in a two husbands marriage with rhaenyra and laenor. I would personally quite enjoy that reversal. (plus daemon is bisexual in the supplemental materials now, so, bonus.)
I'm prepared to be disappointed but...
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Who would have thought the hardest part of being an exchange student is filling out the questionnaires about what it was like?
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