#lr looks so good in green.
crimson-nail · 21 days
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same guy
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constantcrisis19 · 10 months
Bleeding Out - Part 3
Simon "Ghost" Riley x GN S/O
Main Page
Warnings: Blood and injury, Needles, Violent thoughts, References to Ghost's backstory.
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Ghost grit his teeth when you went limp against his back, his desperate grip on your thighs tightening in a way that would have been painful for you if you weren't currently conscious. He pushed into the medical tent like a man on a mission, ignoring the various moans and cries of suffering soldiers and shoving past anyone who didn’t get out of his way fast enough.
He gently lowered you down onto one of the open beds, your sweaty hair falling into your face as your head lolled to the side, Ghost reaching out in a brief moment of weakness to brush the limp lock of hair out of your face before turning his attention to the wound on your thigh.
The neck gaiter that he had tied in place over the injury was stained a deep red, the cloying scent of iron so thick that Ghost could practically taste it even through the thick fabric of his balaclava as he peeled the sticky soaked cloth away from the wound in order to get a look at the damage. 
He felt grateful for his mask since he couldn’t help how his face twisted up into a snarl at the frankly obscene amount of blood that had oozed into your clothing, soaking your right side all the way down your pant leg to your boots, staining the material a deep crimson.
One of Ghost’s hands released his hold that he had on the cloth that he’d wrapped around your thigh in favor of grabbing the wrist of the person that had made the mistake of touching his arm, his grip so tight that he could feel the bones grind together under his fingers.
“Uh… sir? I’m here to help, what’s the situation?” A soft voice abruptly broke through the rush of blood ringing in Ghost’s ears and he was unceremoniously dragged from whatever haze he’d fallen into, causing him to violently snap back into focus.
He managed to pry his dark gaze away from your sallow figure, bringing his attention to the person who had been brave enough to approach him, the wide green eyes of a medic warily watching him as if he were a feral animal.
Ghost let go of the medic’s wrist as if the touch had burned him and he curled his fingers into a fist in order to hide the way that they wanted to tremble and, in an attempt to distract himself from the panic he could feel lingering on the edge of his awareness, he turned his attention back to the saturated fabric that was plastered to your leg.
“Deep laceration on upper left thigh from a bullet. They were conscious and verbal about two minutes ago before they began showing signs of hypovolemic shock and became unresponsive.” Ghost replied in rapid fire as he pressed down on the wound, continuing to apply steady pressure and trying to ignore how your unnatural lack of reaction to the painful contact made him want to hit something.
“Okay. Elevate their legs and keep applying direct pressure to the wound. We have a category one! I need a suture kit and an IV, stat!” The second half of the medic’s commands were directed to the rest of the staff that were bustling about the packed tent, more medics hurrying over with the necessary supplies, and it took every ounce of self control Ghost had to keep from taking a swing every time someone accidentally brushed up against him in their rush.
“Blood pressure is dropping, start them on two liters of LR.” The green eyed medic warned as someone set up an intravenous drip, pushing the needle into the tender skin of your right arm before taping the tube down to keep it in place. 
More people joined the fray and Ghost viciously repressed the urge to bury one of his knives deep into the eye socket of the medic that bullied him out of the way since he knew that it wouldn’t do him any good in the long run, so he stepped away and allowed the other man to take over, the medic cutting your pant leg away from your thigh and pulling the unsalvageable neck gaiter away, letting it hit the floor with a wet sound before replacing it with a sterile pad of gauze.
Ghost just stood there and watched in complete silence as the medical team surrounding the cot all frantically tried to keep you alive, all their voices blurring together into a cacophony of indecipherable noise as the feeling of something wet dripping down his side distantly registered. 
He looked down at himself and swallowed back bile at the sight that greeted him. The majority of Ghost's right side and thigh had been stained by your blood due to the fact that he’d carried you for so long, the thick red liquid marring his already filthy fatigues. 
He numbly tracked a drop of crimson with his eyes as it slowly oozed down from his hip to his thigh before being soaked up by the fabric near his knee, the sensation of blood creeping down his leg making his skin crawl.
Ghost’s gaze snapped up from his soiled fatigues when someone came up next to him, his eyes darting over to the medic that had been brave enough to approach him, their hand hovering over his shoulder for a moment before thinking better of touching him and dropping their limb back to their side. 
“We have the situation under control now, but we’re already running low on space so we need you to wait outside the tent, sir.” The medic spoke softly, the woman hovering in a way that spelled out her desire to usher him out of the medical tent, but he didn't move. Ghost’s feet were rooted to the spot, medics and patients alike all moving around his still figure as if he were a shark in the water. 
“No.” Ghost declared bluntly as he turned his attention back to the crowd swarming the cot that you were laying on, noticing how the medic shot him a startled look out his peripheral vision, but he didn’t care. Let her judge him, let her question his intentions. Let her think what she wanted, but he wasn’t going to move until he got confirmation of either your recovery or your death.
And the poor soul who drew the short straw and was tasked to give Ghost the news better pray to whatever God that they believed in that it was the former.
“I’m sorry?” The medic asked, their incredulousness battling with their self-preservation in the face of Ghost’s blatant refusal to be separated from you. Ghost turned his head just enough to make eye contact with the medic standing next to him, the rest of his body eerily still in a way he knew other people found off-putting as he leveled the medic with his signature cold stare.
“I’m not leaving until they're either stable or dead.” Ghost declared, his tone leaving no room for argument, but the medic he was talking to was either an idiot or was unaware of Ghost’s reputation because she stubbornly persisted. 
“But-” She began to say before Ghost unceremoniously cut her off.
“How’s their condition?" He asked, his voice low and rough. He could feel the cooling, sticky blood oozing between his gloved fingers as his hands clenched and released reflexively, his fingertips tingling as he wished for the familiar weight of his rifle.
“Uh, it's still too early to tell…” The medic began hesitantly before sighing, seeming to reluctantly accept the fact that Ghost wasn’t going to be leaving anytime soon. "But we're doing everything in our power to help." She told Ghost with a worried frown, her concerned gaze like a physical weight, her unwelcome sympathy causing Ghost to glance away before he did something that would make Price give him that disappointed look in order to wipe that fucking annoying look off the young woman’s face. "Do you know them? Are the two of you close?" 
The question caught him off guard and helped clear some of the red from his vision, Ghost’s dark eyes shifting back over to the cot he had deposited you on as if magnetized, his gaze visibly softening from his usual blank stare when he caught a glimpse of your familiar figure in a gap between the medics swarming you. 
Ghost watched as personnel read off stats from the various machines that you were hooked up to, each announcement so bogged down with medical jargon that Ghost could only pick up on a few terms here and there as they worked to keep the area around the wound clean as it was meticulously stitched shut.
"...yes." He admitted quietly and, while Ghost wasn't exactly thrilled with telling some random medic about his attachment to you -in fact, he would rather go through several hours of torture over voluntarily being emotionally vulnerable- it was a necessary risk he had to take if he wanted to appeal to the women's sentimental side and gain more leniency when it came to being kept in the loop about you during your stay in medical. “Are they…? Will they pull through?”
The medic opened her mouth to reply but was unceremoniously cut off when the people that were crowding around your cot burst into a flurry of movement, the medics shouting to each other as they all scrambled for medical supplies. And while it may have looked chaotic, it was clear that there was in fact a method to the madness.
"We have a shortage of A+ and O- reserves. We’re going to need to perform a direct donor-to-patient transfusion if we have a chance of bringing them out of critical condition." A random voice that Ghost didn’t recognize called out just loud enough to carry over to where he was standing, and Ghost's blood ran cold.
"What blood type are you?" The medic next to him suddenly asked, sounding equal parts frantic and determined, her tone pulling his dull eyes away from the medics crowding around the cot that you were laying on to her. Her eyes were wide as she stared expectantly up at him, Ghost eyes widening as he caught onto what she was implying.
"I’m A+." Ghost replied immediately, already rolling up his sleeves to reveal his pale skin, his body moving before his mind even caught up with what he was doing, his feet taking him toward you and subsequently all the medical personnel that were currently treating you.
"We have a compatible donor!" The medic trailing behind Ghost yelled to be heard over the commotion as she followed him, easily keeping up with the rapid pace he’d set. It didn’t take long for him to be surrounded, Ghost ignoring how each unsolicited touch reminded him of the smell of petrichor and rot, the telltale squirming of maggots against his skin, and instead stubbornly kept his gaze locked onto your sallow face now that he was close enough to see you.
"We're doing an emergency transfusion." A male said as he rushed over to the pair, giving the female medic at Ghost’s side a needle and a tube while another medic simultaneously rolled up his left sleeve and wrapped a tourniquet around his bicep before tapping his inner elbow with two fingers in order to find a vein.
“Sir, have you had any unprotected sex in the last six months? Or have any blood-transmitted diseases we need to know about?" The male asked as he wiped down a patch of skin before pushing the hollow needle into Ghost's vein, almost as if he already knew that Ghost was clean and was just asking because it was protocol… so it seemed that his reputation proceeded him.
"No. None." He replied, holding eerily still and watching with keen eyes as medics prepped the major arteries in your arm, connecting you up to Ghost on the other side of the tubing.
Ghost felt an odd tugging sensation in his arms as the transfusion began, glancing away from you for the first time since he’d walked over and down at the tubing just in time to see blood so dark that it almost looked black being pulled out of his veins and down the tube, lazily making its way towards your own arm.
"Here, take a seat." The female medic from earlier said as she reached for his arm, Ghost jerking away from the threat of her touch and causing her to pull her hand away, the woman intelligently choosing to instead gesture to the unoccupied chair at your bedside that someone had dragged over. "Let us know if you start to get dizzy or feel nauseous, alright?" She asked as he obediently sat down, her kind eyes a stark contrast to the usual distant and clinical gazes he'd get from most medical personnel who worked for the military.
Ghost gave her a single, succinct nod in lieu of a verbal reply and turned his attention back to the blood that was traveling through the tubing, his free hand loosely wrapping around the arm of the plastic chair that he’d claimed. 
“The blood is dark.” He said suddenly as she began to step away, halting her in her tracks before she once again turned to face him, what was originally meant to be a question coming out more like a statement because of the cold numbness that was spreading from his chest and Ghost fingers subconsciously tightened on the unforgiving arm of the chair, his grip now more of an attempt at grounding himself than anything else.
When Ghost managed to pry his gaze away from you, he noted that the medic looked surprised, the shock only lasting a few seconds before she seemed to some conclusion or another and her features softened into sympathy and understanding. She clasped her hands in front of her and gave him a soft, reassuring smile as she patiently explained the phenomenon to him.
"Oh. It's perfectly safe. What you're most likely used to seeing is the bright red blood, yes?" She asked and Ghost was begrudgingly impressed with her ability to maintain steady eye contact with him when there were even some higher ups that he’d had the displeasure of meeting who couldn’t say the same. 
He didn’t look away as he nodded, confirming what she’d already suspected and she shot him another gentle smile before continuing. "It's just a chemical reaction with the oxygen in the air that makes it that color but, while it's in your veins, it's actually much darker."
Ghost is the one to break eye contact first, unable to keep looking at her kindhearted expression without wanting to scream at the woman that he doesn’t want her compassion, that she shouldn't waste such a useless emotion on someone like him, who didn't want or need it.
He nodded to make sure that she knew that he’d been paying attention and turned his attention back to you, his hands clenching as he resisted the urge to reach out and take your limp wrist into his own, to measure each sluggish beat of your heart from the source despite the slow beep of the machine next to him.
“Give it to me straight. I want to know if they’ll live.” Ghost said suddenly into the silence that had descended over the two of them and the medic took a deep breath, her lips thinning into a thin line.
"Well, due to your help, they’re odds have just gone up exponentially. They'll probably need a few transfusions though, and you'll need breaks between every one in order to eat, drink and replenish your strength. It's not going to be pleasant for you, but it's doable." She stated softly, her hands unclasping as she paused for a moment in order to seemingly think something over before voicing her thoughts. "Though, you're free to stop giving blood anytime you'd like, I'm just saying there's a better chance that they'll pull through if you do multiple sessions."
“I’ll give whatever it takes.” He admitted quietly, his tone determined and reverent in equal measure as he gave in to the impulse to reach out and lightly brush his calloused fingers over the thin, sensitive skin of your wrist, sliding up your arm to the joint of your elbow where the tubing was taped down before just resting there.
He could never tell the medic the truth about how far he was willing to go for you no matter how nice she seemed because the level of devotion he held for you was something that would scare off any normal person. 
He would most likely be stripped of his rank, discharged, and locked up in a padded room with white walls before being drugged up to his eyeballs if he ever confessed to how deep his obsession with you runs.
He would do anything to make sure that you would stay with him. He would destroy cities, tear down governments, kill anyone who got in his way without a second's hesitation. 
He would go to the ends of the world to bring you back, so giving you his blood, that he’d already spilled several pints of over the years -enough for him to be dead ten times over- for a violent cause that wasn’t even his, was nothing compared to the atrocities that he’d be willing to commit for you.
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pkmn-aide-mel · 11 months
[A small package with lots and lots of packing peanuts and wrapping paper arrives. In the middle of all that trash is a vial with a deep blue liquid. It seems there are some tiny green objects floating inside, almost resembling small leaves. They float up and down, but never settle. The vial has been decorated with a single black rose petal. You can make out a few faint scratches on the stopper that could be two letters: one is possibly an L, or maybe just an I, the second could be an R or maybe a K. There is also a scrap of paper attached which reads (barely intelligible) "no drink". In addition, there are two cupcakes with yellow pikachu-icing, wrapped in parchment paper. There is some more scrawny writing on the parchment, reading "eat ok"]
oooh!! it looks so pretty :0
i know it says not to drink but i wonder if it's okay to just open...
hm, the letters are interesting though.
LR, like "left, right", like directions? or IK, as in, "i know"? spooky. ... i wonder if putting together all the letters that everyone who got one of these has would make it make more sense
and cupcakes!! they look so good, even if it's a bit ... sketchy... not sure if they're pokemon-safe so just to be cautious i'll keep em away from the team
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sevarix-blogs · 1 year
16th of the Lone Moon. Sunny, with nary a cloud on the horizon.
As you join me to sit beneath the gazebo in the airy courtyard I slide a delicate china cup across the table. Finely frothed ceremonial matcha with just enough milk added to colour the drink a lovely shade of green matching enlightened Byleth's hair*. I give you a moment to take the first sip before delivering my poignant opener.
A dissonant note plays. You appear displeased and move to pack up your things. This is my last activity point and I need one more Charm to recruit Hilda, so I hurriedly smash LR+-.
The scene resets. I offer you another cup of tea, this time a subtle honeyed-lavender blend. For my second try, I deign to consult my notes, in which I have listed a number of conversational tips, tricks, and topics with which to carry out an exemplary and completely normal social interaction.
Hopes for your future…
The opera…
The conversation is wildly engaging! Emboldened by my success, I lean forward and adjust the zoom on my primary lenses until they reach their full 8.0x capacity, protruding several inches from my head. You laugh nervously. Not to worry! I am merely observing - respectfully, of course!
I Tease. You look displeased. I Joke. You look displeased. Desperately, I Nod. To this, you pump your fist and smartly rejoinder, "Still fighting the good fight?"***.
Alas, the day grows long and there are tasks to complete. I retract my lenses and stand to go.
*I am unsure a matcha of this colour would actually be a good matcha. **I wrote this before you actually answered the ask. She is not there :C I ask anyway. **A real quote Catherine says when you Nod at her in Three Hopes.
I drink the tea happily, wondering why you have a conspicuous notepad in front of you. But then I hear a name that makes me perk up.
"She is the best girl," I reply. "Recently though she has been scared of bugs in the house. It is distressing."
You nod. I sip my tea.
"Hopes for the future..." you say.
"I hope Molly feels better soon," I reply. "I also hope work continues to go well. And I hope that the laws in my land do not force me to move. But that's a rather depressing topic."
You nod again, frantically looking down at the notepad. "Yuri..." you say.
"OMG I LOVE YURI SO MUCH," I reply. "He is my blorboest blorbo."
You nod sagely.
"I was just looking at art of him again. Art I commissioned of him! "
You click the link. You are amazed. Then you look at the notepad again. "The opera..."
"I need to go again," I reply. "it's been too long since I've gone to the opera. I love opera! They're doing Carmen this season. I should go."
You nod again. Then you get out a lens and point it at my face. You look at it incredibly closely:
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(yes this is a real picture of my face very close up)
You do a few actions that displease me. Then you nod. I eventually say "Still fighting the good fight?" because I heard someone say that once and wanted to try it out. I'm still confused as to why you are zoomed in on my face.
Then you suddenly retract your lens and stand. I thank you for the tea and watch you go.
I sit there and wonder if I got a good score in Social Interactions which is something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve.
(lol ty friend this was fun)
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schnabel53 · 8 months
JJ2 update + event dialogue
The new update changed some things that I think were interesting, like the bot brain fights you in, changing from red to green. Just a couple of observations, plus event stuff, some of the conversations are unfinished because I only screenshoted what I thought was interesting.
Brains’s bot
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The machine brains fights Barry at the end of Legitimate Research changed color, along with the legitimate logo being added. It was originally red, a better contrast to brains hair. But I think the color change happened because Red Photon’s final fight is also a red bot. Just to differentiate the boss fights.
The sticker album still has the red version, interestingly enough.
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Big Stomper background
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Before this update, the background for Stomper would be wherever you were before getting the vehicle token. Just the base background for whatever level you were in. This was the only vehicle without a distinct background, the Galaxy Ship had a space background, the Gravity Suit had a vapor wave background and Wild Wild Rex had a desert. After the update, the background is a trash yard outside of Legitimate Research.
I don’t know why, this really hit me how different this is to what we’ve seen of LR so far. It’s so gray and foggy in the background, looks like they’re burning coal and releasing the fumes. It just looks so sad to me, Barry crashing through their walls everyday hasn’t stopped the progress and destruction of LR. I’m thinking too far into this, but still just shocked me went I saw it the first time
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Sometimes Rory will appear on one of the trash piles, just hanging out.
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Sometimes SAM will appear behind the trash piles, broken and thrown away. I know every time Barry uses it, it eventually breaks, but this is telling us he’s not coming back this time.
Event Dialogue
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This is the second piece of dialogue, the first being Craig telling Barry he’s gonna tell him some JJ facts and Barry asking if it’s to him or the player. These screenshots are missing Barry’s response to Craig, but it was similar to Betty’s.
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There is a response from Robo-Barry that he wasn’t listening because he was on power saving mode.
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I think this is all the dialogue for this. Also in the main game, the crying brains sprite is never used. I’d love if there was an event where we went to Betty’s universe, seems like it would be fun.
Craig says you can play JJ with one finger. Barry responds we’ve all done the tutorial, Craig.
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Barry being Barry, what else do I have to say.
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This is interesting because there is no Robo-Betty, unless she hasn’t been made yet or the talking toaster is Robo-Betty. If the former is true, this means their universes have more variation then just gender-bent characters.
I ran out of room for photos :( I’ll put the transcripts for the rest (these two dialogues are my favorites too!):
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(This is the only one I can fit, transcript below, I am missing one piece of dialogue I can’t remember that comes before this one, but it’s part of a jingle.)
*Tailor: We’re still working on that jingle…*
*Tailor: Mention code BARRY for a 25% discount!*
*Tailor: Otto’s Tailors! - expert in sleeve reattachment for thirty five years!*
I think this is interesting, because this means that Otto has been Barry’s tailor since he was a kid. Or there’s a weird amount of people losing there sleeves, but it’s thirty five is around the estimated age of Barry. Plus the sprite I showed isn’t used when you originally meet him.
*Barry: I had all my inheritance in the gramophone business…*
*Barry: I was gonna be rich…*
*Barry: Then those MP3 players came along and ruined everything!*
*Barry: Thank goodness for floating coins! *
He’s talking to Craig btw. But this is so interesting to me. MP3 players were invented in 1997, and if he is 35 years old, he would have been born in 1988, in 1997 he would be 9. He couldn’t have invented his money at before that time unless he is much older. This would also match up with Otto because it would be when he was a kid when he would start ripping his sleeves. He would have to be born in 1979 to be at least 18 during that year. Another option for this is his father invested the money and the gramophone business that his father was working at/already invested in, took Barry’s inheritance and invested it and told Barry they would be rich. This would make him being around 35 and we know Barry’s father isn’t the best dad.
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atretimus · 4 months
Mk II LRS part 2
Part 1
              “Good morning, folks of the Fifty Fourth Company Assignment. I’m your lovely Captain speaking, Airman Nemari. As we fly the coop here, this bird will hit a bit of chop. We are just about at flight altitude and by noon local time we will hit low orbit.” Leslie was seated between Ducas and Ansel. These Cargo Lighter Class boats always felt odd to him. They seemed too big. Clearly their blueprint was based off a time where capacity was significant to their use, lifting tanks, cars, supplies, a full company, but the few pallets in the center seemed paltry. The dozen occupants didn’t take up any space even with their kits. He supposed the Shells may fill the cargo hold below them, but still didn’t fill the space. “Daughter of Dust will then leave the Thuces XVI system for Ingig in the Jabain.” Nemari’s voice cut back in to Leslie’s consciousness. It was a sweet voice, and the Airman had obviously put an air of arrogance on. It was charismatic nonetheless. “And if you look out the portside you can just about see the ponderous Oris sun rise one last time.”
Leslie looked to his peers, feeling rather itchy himself. Sgt Ducas had his nose in an old paper book, Squires and Sensors: Late House Battles by Bosco Stella. A firsthand account of the House Wars. Leslie hadn’t read it, but Bosco had been known as a genuine tactician. Detailing tactics and movements in depth. Meanwhile, Ansel had dozed off clutching a paper bag, they had a smudge of something on their nose. “Want one?” One of Ansel’s eyes had popped open. The Corporal looked about his age, late 20’s. Saturated green eyes that were very stark against their pale ever so pink skin and short black mullet that didn’t look dyed. Ino was of average height and was built like a gymnast or a dancer, lithe yet tough.
“S-sure.” Leslie grinned hoping it would cover the flush of embarrassment. Corporal Ino Ansel reached into the bag and produced a fist-sized golden-brown pastry with a cocoa frosting on one side as if it had been generously dipped. It looked like it had been in the bag for a day, but retained it desirable qualities. Leslie took the donut, nodded “Thank you.”
“Aye,” Ansel produced another and bit into it, “they help me sleep.” Leslie ate it while gazing out the window. Clouds broke and the new day did too. Bright sunlight scoured across the jagged dusty landscape of Oris. Wiping cocoa from the corner of his mouth, he sighed.
“And sunlight hits the face of Oris’ stony beauty. Farewell. For further queries or concerns during the flight, please address our own beauty, Lieutenant Bosiek.” Airman Nemari spoke once more. Bosiek looked like she was about to say something about matching corset and garters made from ribs and guts, but then decided to grin and return to reading a tablet.
“Specialist,… Specialist Southman. Grab your kit, we have arrived. Fall in, soldier.” Leslie blearily opened his eyes and stood. Spotting a Sergeant 1st Class signifier on the uniform in front of him, and he threw together a salute. The officer had already turned away. “You passed out quick after that donut. We are on the Daughter of Dust. I don’t normally make wake up calls, but I figured I would introduce myself. Squad leader Sergeant 1st Class Haskins. I’m your immediate command and your back up.” Leslie’s eyes finally cleared. Haskins stood perhaps half an inch taller than him and her skin was a dark rich brown. Haskins’ uniform was obviously tailored to fit as her frame was broad with muscle. “Come on, let’s catch up with Ducas and Ansel. We will get our kits stowed, get some lunch, then I set aside time for our squad to meet with Specialist Khan.” Sgt Haskins strode forward and down the boarding ramp. Leslie slung his bag over his shoulder and quickly followed. “Let’s be clear about one thing, Specialist. If I have to personally wake you up again it had better be after this contract and you are prepared to make breakfast for us.”
“Ma’am?” Leslie scratched his head.
“Hmm, yea don’t get your hopes up,” Haskins stopped and turned, “I’m kinda new to this role, got a good couple small team contracts under my belt. Listen, just don’t make my job any harder and we won’t have any issues. Let’s go.” She patted at her cornrows and turned to continue walking, “And Specialist? Don’t be shy. I’m only teasing.” She said over her shoulder. Leslie paused before following. Was she nervous? The shuttle bay was small, but normal for a frigate class. The cargo lighter they came in on, the Brickhouse, was backed in. As soon as Leslie and Sgt Haskins had disembarked, a full deck crew moved in to unload their gear.
Daughter of Dust was built by Far Sun ingenuity, but someone like Specialist Khan or Southman would recognize the signs of manufacturing. Bulkheads designed by Spiker, screens and electronics from Compass, defense and weapon system made by Voidbreak, and the infirmary was probably stocked by Stella. The reality was that it is far cheaper to buy than invent. Leslie smiled as they walked. Mercenary ships looked just like pirate ships just with newer parts and better paint. Lower decks were cargo bays, the workshops, and storage. Mid decks were personnel quarters, armory, and engineering. Upper decks were systems and bridge. Before they reached the Mid decks, they could feel the Daughter thrum to life beneath them as it kicked out of the orbit of Oris and began chugging along at a high sub-light speed. Daughter of Dust would probably take twenty hours to reach safe distance for a drill from Thuces XVI to Jabain, about a week of travel, then another sixteen-ish hours to Ingig. Great, one hundred and eighty hours left to spend.
Personnel Quarters were basic, company-issue, single occupant dorms. A communal latrine and bath facility off to the side was labelled ‘bath house’ and across from it was a training hall. Next to the lift to the Upper decks was a lounge and a mess hall across from that. Crew quarters were closer to the mess, lounge, and bath. Passengers or visitors were down further on the central corridor. Leslie and Sgt Haskins arrived at where the would be staying. It seems officers were given a modicum more comfort by having rooms closer to the amenities. Though the Lieutenant was in the guest quarters on the deck above them, which was with the captain and their officers, and was provided a suite with a restroom, but also had a private officers lounge and restaurant. However, the quality difference was minor from what Leslie had been told. Though, more usage meant more mess from his experience.
Leslie entered his quarters. A single occupancy company standard room. It was not luxurious, but it was private. Leslie had worked on Spiker Clan Milita frigates and various other vessel before and while with Far Sun Collections, and privacy was not always a guarantee. Single bed with fair quality bedding, a work desk with a comm station on it, and a hard case bolted to the floor. Sometimes a sink and mirror were also included, but not this time. Of course, the comm station would require his credentials to use, which would prevent him from using anything except the FSC Comm Net. As per his contract, no outside communication while on mission. He could only send missives to others on the same assignment, but he would receive messages from the company at large. Company messages were often ad-reads, company news, and heavily sanitized sector wide news. Rules about usage are a little more technical depending who you are or who is messaging, but once the mission ended ‘full’ capacity would be restored. Trust people, not systems.
“Hey Shy,” Cpl Ansel’s came from behind him, “lunchtime, c’mon.” Leslie tossed his bag in the hard case and shut it.
“Corporal, did you get the bigger room?” Leslie turned.
“Nah, you definitely did. You ever serve on a military ship? This is levels above that.”
“Yeah, I was just thinking about that. Barracks-style bunks all in a line. Makes me shiver.”
The Mess Hall was just a set of three banquet style tables each with two benches stretching the length table, with the galley in the back. There were only a few of the crew grabbing a late lunch. “Ah, Ansel, Southman.” Haskins waved them over. On the table in front of her was a pot of what looked like chili, probably used fresh mushrooms from Oris. They were native and most recognizable for their meaty texture and flavor. Pothold mushroom grew with a teardrop shape, point up, but the bulb would hollow and appear like a tiny pot. When mature, these ‘pots’ would split and fan out. This chili featured them generously as well as other local fresh vegetation. Ah, right the crew is mostly locals or Far Sun employees, makes sense.
“Alright let’s talk info.” Haskins was scooping bowls of the chili and passing them out, “So anyone know about the planet?”
“Well, lotsa political turmoil in its past. Warlords to Oligarchs to Proletariat revolt. Except the uprising was manufactured by a Labor Party that placed itself in power. Hup, ya got Oligarchs all over again. Oh also, it is covered in forests and mountains. No oceans, though there are dozens of massive lakes. There are a few steppes and plateaus scattered around.” Haskins just gawked as Ducas spoke.
“Yeah, plus, House Wars era, Actolyt left forward bases when they pulled out after a good portion of their fleet was destroyed. Spread thin, they had no way of defending them. Just left caches of tanks, weapons, and shells in storage.” Leslie chimed in. Haskins nodded.
“So, you are saying this occurrence was probably bound to happen. Political strife mixed with free powerful armaments.” Haskins followed and took a bite of chili.
“Hm, yeah, but they must have some access to advanced weapon manufacturing if that thing is still hurling plasma.” Ansel responded. They all took a minute to eat the fresh chili made with local ingredients. They wouldn’t be eating like this for a while.
“Sgt Haskins, did you notice the crew manifest?” Ansel spoke after a bit.
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Two squads of marines?”
“What? Is that out of the ordinary?” Leslie interrupted.
“Hm, they maybe expecting heavy losses.” They all looked at Haskins sternly, “Well yeah, I mean eight soldiers, two pilots, and a mechanic against what, a cohort? They can’t very well throw a whole mess of Far Sun down there. We get noticed; we would be doing the opposite of what we are getting paid for. So yeah, small teams with good weapons to dissuade a much larger enemy from taking our client’s toys. Replace a fallen employee here or there.” Haskins expounded.
              “Personally, I think the squads are meant as manpower to protect the Daughter, that and property retrieval.” Ducas argued, “See it comes back to the mission at hand. We have been commissioned by Silverlight to protect their facility, nothing more. Both the Lieutenant and the contract said so. Plus, I’m guessing they didn’t want to pay for more than two fire teams all dressed up in combat shells.”
              “Makes sense. It would be the play if Silverlight wants to avoid being involved in local politics, especially if it hasn’t told any of the local factions that the facility is there.” Ansel chimed in.
              “Honestly, I don’t think that it matters all that much. We are mercenaries. This is what we are getting paid for.” Leslie’s input was frowned at by Haskins.
              “Well sure, but when the odds are inordinately high of me dying, I will be upset about it.” Haskins responded.
              “Are you… are you concerned that we are playing part in a larger conspiracy?” Ducas seemed to pick up on a subtle vibe from Haskins.
              “Politics, what gets soldiers killed.” Ansel slouched into their chili. Leslie spaced out, gazing at a particularly uninteresting wall panel. Leslie’s assumptions of late seem to have had adverse effects on his relations. Thinking backwards, he probably snubbed a lot of folks over the years with aggravating input. Hell, he wondered if he might’ve been wrong more often than not. Honestly though, these unclear circumstances of the seemingly straight forward guard duty mission could pull them into a larger conflict.               It made sense for Silverlight Association to use mercenaries. They were a corporation, so in a post-House Wars Innhild Xi sector, they would be held accountable by the TAA. The Trade Accords, upheld mostly by corporations, would prevent a corporate entity from taking power away from a governing body. This included, but not limited to, industrial monopoly, claiming territory, or rising and maintaining a large security force. Obviously, they would have to be cautious with these guidelines, but how often were these things enforced? Usually after something horrific has already occurred do the details come out. So, they have already perpetrated these violations. The Accords never prevented the bad thing. Silverlight would hire mercenaries, but would Silverlight set up those mercenaries to accomplish something…. Probably.
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castle-dominion · 9 months
castle 7x4 child's play
the kindergarten episode liveblog
Sunset not a place where kids come out of the woodworks... Just idles into a wall with the music still on there was someone in there!?!? who was alive? I assumed there would just be one dead guy!
Ice cream. I always love the parallels that they put in this show *grips alexis in shock* Potato chip fudge <3 I love these folks this family this is so sweet Gram & I have it covered! *gram makes a face* but u should clean if they cooked, esp if you need a break before dessert RC: They are glad to have me back. And if fussing over me makes them happy – (he drops his voice) - enjoy it. Like you ought to be enjoying this potato chip fudge ice cream sundae. It’s got that whole salty/sweet thing going on. It’s just – just like me. xd just like me HE ANSWERS HER PHONE WHEN HER MOUTH IS FULL
RC: no kids lining up to buy Bomb Pops around here Me: yeah this is the neighbourhood where they buy bombs Oh no poor dad! Right, first gear.
I made a bunch of ukrainian friends yesterday, or a few ago. They drink like you wouldn't believe. The issue is, I don't speak ukranian so I couldn't play charades very well. Except for footsoccer which I called soccer & they called football, instead of handsoccer which I call football & they call soccer. These folks are from abkhazia tho.
Ooh graphic design.
rysposito matching outfits. nice set design Ryan going off to the station my man's stuff all gone Love ryan's tie btw
Wow his eyes are so blue Oh no it was a kid! Today's date
Castle chewing gum *grabs the toy off his desk* point for the adhd headcanon except adhders like me would NOT solve a puzzle,, ever. I'm too dumb for that. (some adhders would be great at it tho.) I like the youth officer's badge & character design *talking about him w/o realizing*
KB: So … basically we’re looking for someone who won’t intimidate them. An adult presence, in the classroom, that eight year olds will view as a peer. Someone that they can consider one of their own?
KB: Thank you, Mrs. Ruiz, for letting Castle spend time in your classroom. Leslie Ruiz: I wasn’t given much of a choice. KB: Well, then we apologize for the imposition. RC: Yes, but being 90% kid myself I have an ability to get into the minds of children. LR: Have you ever been in a room with twenty second graders, Mr. Castle? Me: yeah when I was one of the second graders
I thought it was haffe not djaffe
The quiet voice of a teacher. Wow very second grader of him. rude. Wow same kid rude. It's a good trope, adult having beef with some random kid. Castle kid moments *making faces* he started it *getting in trouble* it really solidifies his "just another kid" position Except for you at the end you're looking at the wall
the girl withthe tea party
Outfits my beloved. Killer was looking for smth. the field trip form!
these eight year olds have better hand writing than me holy-. Juicebox "feel free to use my desk" it's the only adult sized place there is
L Ruiz: That’s not it, Mr. Castle. These are kids and it’s my job to protect them. Even from people who mean well. thank her for the juice.
Where is ryan? we have especkett Ooh this would be a good point for ryan to jump in with a fac-- or not. Or yes! There he is & HOLY CRAP THAT VEST & HOLY CRAP THOSE EYES I AM TURNING A LITTLE BIT GAY
that's green?
yes but in this story the giant had a gun. Castle gets to play in the dirt at recess I love it giving information aaaand it's a movie. *covered in grass* & the little shit is back. He reminds me of the kid on my bus who I hated so much I transferred schools. But I wasn't allowed to hate him bc his parents died (& that's probably why he was so messed up ig...) *takes a picture* Even the kid he was playing with is laughing. I mean getting bullied will also solidify the idea that you are on the same level as these kids.
Dead drop, just like every other time we get a po box or safe deposit box. Russian accent or generally slavic? Where is ryan? I mean I LOVE especkett but where ryan? (the way esposito holds open the door hhh I wish I had better hands... men's hands, & then look at his posture)
Castle *getting beat up by children* I love it. & his full body gestures as he talks to bekcett Ok but if you stad stil you'll be fine, all the kids who were jumping would fall. & besides you need a lot more marbles than you think, it's like floor curling wax. What a thud! Emily!!! Emily helping him! She is opening up--NOOOOO HSDHUFIHFDSKLJ Typical teens.
AC: Where do you think you’re going? RC: Um … second grade? AC: Not without finishing your breakfast. She rushes toward him with a sack lunch and a forkful of breakfast. RC: I ate most of it and I just – I’m late. AC: Come on, Dad. Just one more bite. She holds the fork out to him. RC: Alexis, I do not have time – She forces the fork into his mouth. BECKETT tries to hide her laugh. I should clip. AC: Now, don’t forget your lunch. RC: takes it slowly, chewing. He grabs BECKETT’S arm and drags her to the door. RC: Okay, you’re right. It’s weird. I’ll talk to her.
I like how castle doesn't just go along with whatever she says, but takes it sideways. he was drinking tea, she offered sugar, he decided Yes And, it is not sugar but low glucose index fairy dust. Esposito would so make fun of him for looking like this but ryan would totally understand. One princess to another! jhdfjskdsfdlkjfjlk Jason >:( Castle giving good dad advice. RC: Emily, do you know why people do mean things? (EMILY shakes her head) Because it makes them feel strong. Really though, you and me? We’re the strong ones. We just keep our strength inside. So sometimes we forget it’s there. Emily: Like sometimes I forget I have gum in my pocket. RC: Exactly
Mrs ruiz was able to hear that lol Girl power! Oh jason's parents.. yeah jason is a bully bc jason is a bully. yes! Yes I have made progress! I've eliminated two & I'm building trust! & also they should just,,, check to see who has their permission slips in their backpacks or handed them in. That would narrow the pool by at least a couple students.
Where are their computers? I don't like ryan's 'fit. Do like how he's taken over the desk across from beckett tho. Every time I hear jaffe I hear readwrite chrome reading me fanfictioin where it says javier like ha-vee-erre (not jav-yed like I say it) & it says dja-vi not hah-vee
dun dun dun bratva
wikipedia: Abkhazia is located in the western Caucasus, on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. On the north, it borders the Russian Federation, on the east Georgia's Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region.
that country has like, a quarter of the mount of ppl in the city...
Clear? clear? ryan thigh holster yucky yuckly. At least he died on the tarp.
Oof you can hear she still is smelling it. Get some vapo rub on yo nose babe. Esposito eyeliner moments. (also wearing thigh holster.) sounds like a bad joke: Why kill a mob enforcer, an ice cream man, and a retired cop?
Oh all the goodbyes I love it! "I'm always in trouble!"
He got upgraded to leslie!!!
Ooh beckett looks good, those girls? in that denim? Mm! I'm turning from a kevin ryan lesbian to a kate beckett lesbian here. (*is not even a real girl*) Passport forgery? ryan is smart! the graphic design stuff! Caslte didn't sound right...
Castle is back "are you two married?"
OH NO IT IS THE KID WITH BEEF!!! He's a jerk-face! Both his parents were lawyers. Using the beef to pressure him.
not again! another one who wasn't there!
Oh but it was his sister. Was she small enough to fit in the ice cream place?
oh NO IT WAS NATALIE BARNES (also wow different dads is right)
Ah yes immigration.
NB: Anton’s route covered Brighton Beach. And there were a lot of Russians there. And he’d seen so many of them come here with the promise of a job and then their papers would be taken and they’d be forced to work in sweatshops or – or worse and Anton was trying to get them back home. NB: Well, Anton heard that Jaffe had a connection that could get blank passports, and Jaffe worked Brighton Beach as a cop, so he knew what was going on and – and he was sympathetic to the immigrants. KB: And you were the one with the high-tech design software. That’s why Anton took your class.
My man is being forced into making a passport for the guy who tried to kill him!?
It must hurt to watch & not be able to do anything.
Yeah man she needed the information to make him a passport
Bring your vests! Or not!
wait NO NOT THE CAMERA CASE *pans down to polkovnik*
*holds up hoto* *puts down photo* *face stays* Ooh the music!
Ooh the marbles!
KB: u ok? RC: Yeah. I’ve taken worse. In this classroom, as a matter of fact. (compared to getting beat up by a murderer & militia leader who is wanted for war crimes in the region between georgia & russia as well as three related homicides in new york)
Truce? truce. *both put signs on each other's backs*
MRS RUIZ GETS A MEDAL I'M SO PROUD OF HER. you're with second graders & you call castle a challenge! *making faces* Beckett's reaction lol
Remember when you did the same to her? Maybe let her leave the gps on. But don't let her check it.
*rolls in on a scooter* girl idk if aggravating her is a good idea She's so pretty & grown up. RC: I would feel the same way. Matter of fact, I did. AC: After paris
AC: Being an adult really sucks. Me: I'll drink to that bro Ice cream? How about pixzza.
get it from the nicks!
It's geetting late & I have a job interview tmrw.
Here's the plan: I'll wake up on like 4.5h of sleep, take a shower or maybe a bath so I can really scrub, wear my towel while I print off my letters & signed form thing & time sheet & all the stuff on the virtual classroom, & then I'll get dressed & pack my stuff & grab my bike & go... except idk if there will be a place to store my bike so I'll just bus. Let's say I have my interview at 11.00, the bus only gets there every however many minutes so I'll get there by 10.30, it's abt 45 mins & I need to leave the house at about 9.45, let's say it takes me 10m to get my shoes on (& stop whatever I'm doing & put on my binder) except let's round up to 15 bc then it's 9.30 which is a nicer number, 1h to get dressed & pack my backpack, 1h to print off my stuff & put it in my backpack & wait to dry off, 1h to wash, so that's 6.30 I need to wake up. (the waking up time & heating up the water won't take too long so I'm including it in the bath time, which is whyI am so so overestimating these numbers. I'm including more than I say.)
Wow for someone with as poor time management as me I would need to wake up at 6.30 for an interview at 11... holy crap. I'm broken my dudes.
0 notes
badboyfriends · 4 years
i thought i might share my ideas for how the twin/brothers au goes
when Wilbur and Grian’s parents split up, neither actually wanted the twins. each of them, however, hated the idea of their former spouse having them both even more than the idea of having a child, so Grian went with his mom and Wilbur went with his dad. they were young, and their memories of the time before were hazy. Grian went to Japan, all by himself, and Wilbur went to a boarding school in England. neither parent paid the twins any attention, and so Wilbur and Grian grew up separate with only faint memories of the other.
Dream was born years later, after their mother had remarried, but time had not changed her views on children. He was sent to live with an uncle in another world, learning how to survive in a wilderness far unlike his world of birth. He knew he had older brothers only from a few scattered clues, but that was enough for him.
Once Wilbur graduated school, he was quick to leave. Setting a course for another widely populated server with a guitar in his hand, he didn’t look back. The next day, Grian made a deal and destroyed the world, gaining immortality and the guilt of having killed his twin brother.
Grian was taken by Watchers for training as Wilbur began to build a career as an entertainer. Dream, still the youngest, learned how to run and fight, how to survive in the cruel worlds, and how to slay dragons. Dream eventually made two close friends, a bespectacled man named George and another who wore a white hairband named Sapnap, and the three of them set off to explore and adventure through the many worlds the universe offered.
Eventually, Dream and his friends settled down. They found an empty world and began to make it home, inviting friends to join them. This whole time, Grian has been doing Evo and training with Watchers, who tell him that he has a younger brother (and maybe even that it’s Dream) for some reason, maybe motivation? Dream meets Wilbur randomly, but they become good friends, and Dream invites Wilbur to join the SMP. L’Manburg happens, and it’s all the same bc Wilbur doesn’t know that he has another brother and Dream has almost forgotten that he has two older brothers. Eventually, Wilbur goes to an MCC and meets a teenager who looks strangely familiar and introduces himself with the name of his long-lost, presumed dead, brother. Wilbur doesn’t believe it at first, and reacts a bit strongly, but Grian proves it somehow. They compete in the tournament pretty much as usual, but exchange numbers and plan to meet up again.
Grian visits the Dream SMP, where Wilbur has been living for a while, and gets a tour. Eventually, Wilbur gets to explaining the war, and starts grumbling about “Dream, the stupid little green bastard” who Grian figures out is their brother, just as Dream himself happens upon them. In his excitement, Wilbur maybe forgot to tell Dream that he was inviting Grian, so Dream is confused when he sees Wilbur with what looks to be a younger, hyper, version of himself. Stuff happens and Grian lets it slip that actually all of them are brothers, and the other two have a quick moment where they try to wake up.
other things: grian, tommy, and tubbo as youthful chaotic bastards that everyone quickly learns to avoid
Wilbur angst as he remembers Grian and how close they used to be
people find out about this and all just die bc how is this real??
smajor had an idea that this might be the case when he invited grian to mcc and he is absolutely thrilled when they tell him. he did not predict dream being a part of the family tho
wilbur and dream fistfight the watchers asmr
anyways, i love this au, can’t sleep, and have thoughts! thanks for reading all of this! have a good day!
HASJDUIASDA OMG!!! this is... oh god oh god i love this i think you did a really good explanation for your thoughts. THere’s just so many explanations and possibilities for this au and!! I love it!!
also.... god tommy, tubbo, and grian. Grian teaching them how to be even more fucking chaotic?? I stan
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codenamesazanka · 3 years
Jumping off of my previous post about Harima Oji:
From the Databook 2:
張間歐児 | Harima Oji
A thief who wore a strange costume. He mainly targeted the rich and gave away the stolen money to the needy. Such deeds were criminal acts, but it seemed he had the support of some of the public.
So here was a guy called the Peerless Thief, the quirky HeroAca version of Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. He used his quirk without an license, he technically committed a crime, sure, but from what we know of him, he sounded like a good guy, a true hero in spirit, with people who considered him so.
Yet according to Gentle in Chapter 171, history knows him as a Villain (Criminal) that lives in infamy, compared to the likes of All For One. Pretty harsh.
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But this makes sense, in a twisted way. Harima Oji started his criminal career as a response to the establishment of the Hero System. It was his protest, his message demanding reformation. He saw early on how the new system was flawed, and probably became one of the first officially labeled ‘Villains’ by refusing to abide by it.
Lady Nagant, and other characters both in the main series and side material, have said that Heroes and everything they do are supported by the trust of the people. This was the foundation of the whole thing, and it needed to be unshakable.
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Because it’s just a promise, a social contract, it’s like the “consent of the governed” - Heroes are allowed to use their powerful, sometimes even lethal, quirks to help the public, as long as the people sees them as necessary and good, and accept this use of power. Beating someone up real bad, even if they’re a criminal? Buildings and property being wrecked during a fight? Civilians dying as collateral damage? Even more ‘minor’ things like amassing wealth enough to become enviable to the typical middle-class person? These are accepted as long as Heroes prove they are more beneficial than costly to society.
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That requires a tremendous amount of faith, a belief that Heroes are always righteous and will come through, that the people will be okay placing their lives and safety in their hands. The Hero Public Safety Commission knows this. That’s why they have Lady Nagant taking out enemies too strong or subversive for the typical Hero to handle, as well as taking out corrupted Heroes that will show a terrible public image if their misdeeds are exposed.
But Harima Oji threatened to ruin all of this, right at the very beginning. Here was a criminal running circles around Pro-Heroes, uncatchable by supposedly well-trained and powerful individuals. Here was an ‘informal’ hero just as popular, exposing the legal Heroes’ corruption and greed, not only taking them to task but helping to recompense the victims. Here was just a single man who was destroying all of the HPSC’s hard work, undermining the Hero System before it could even get really started, erasing the very trust they were trying to cultivate. Especially in those early days, when things were touch and go and if they fail, it could mean a return to the darkness of societal chaos, it would be the end to their legitimacy to rule.
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Of course the HPSC would hate Harima Oji. Of course they would paint him as only a Villain through and through, and try to change the narrative of good and evil, making out Heroes to be completely just and infallible while the opponents they fight are evil, maybe barely-human monsters.
Of course the HPSC must keep up this black and white illusion, to deal with unsavory Heroes themselves before their scandals and crimes are exposed to the public and to point-blank execute any Villains before they do anything that could make their Good Heroes look weak.
Have a sham hero get made a fool of, expose them to public knowledge, and one can possibly spark a debate among the people, a desire to tackle this issue, to change attitudes towards the current system and modify the power structure; kill the sham hero and everyone is left in the dark, blissfully ignorant and agreeable. Then kill the people threatening to reveal this lie. Kill your own, kill your supposed values, kill the rules you had promised, had swore to uphold at your convenience. All a necessity, for this Hero Society.
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SO WHAT IF Mr. Compress during his days of being a phantom thief, carrying on the family tradition, trying to make his great-great-grandfather’s dream a reality— What if Mr. Compress had discovered this ugly truth, this fragile system maintained with the blood of its enemies and its own? What could you do against someone who breaks the rules of engagement; who uses secret, extrajudiciary killing to prevent even a whisper of change?
Maybe that’s when you want to tear the whole thing down. Maybe that’s why Mr. Compress joined Shigaraki Tomura, who has promised exactly just this - the destruction of Heroes and everything they’ve built.
(but what about the innocent? what about the cost of this? what about Harima’s reformation? what about the fact that Shigaraki sees no future and wants not a better world, but just an empty horizon?
Well, Mr. Compress never was and never did claim to be a Hero.)
Mr. Compress: “Grandfather said to follow Harima’s example and keep just stealing and making fools out of the Heroes and that will eventually bring reformation… But I just saw the two dudes I was trying to expose get killed in cold blood by a HPSC sniper. That sort of thing changes your perspective.”
thank you @aysall and @stillness-in-green for helping me brainstorm this! thank you every one for reading and sorry it’s so long!!
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criquette-was-here · 4 years
Long Awaited Replies
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Hello everyone! It’s been awhile since my last activity here. Stuff’s just got real last few months and I am now experiencing some heavy RLS which makes the future of the whole Feverfew project quite uncertain. I’m very annoyed by the fact I have to move the release date over and over again, but, fingers crossed, I’ll be able to manage to make it this year. But before I post any updates, I need to answer my inbox!
@landgraabsims​ said:
feverfew is absolutely gorgeous!! is it inspired by any real-life places or towns? i live in england and it reminds me of a few in-the-middle-of-nowhere villages i've visited c:
Thanks @landgraabsims​! Yes, Feverfew is based on British countryside aesthetics without any towns or villages in particular. It has a bit of everything, really. It’s a fantasy place after all. But I do use a lot of real life references for making landmarks for it.
Anonymous said:
any idea of the date of release for feverwood? just redownloaded sims 2 and im in loveee
Hey Anon! I’m glad you like it! I really hope to make it happen this year.
Anonymous said:
i would die (or pay) for zagoskin omg it looks like TS3
Oh, thank you, Anon!
@katzengirl​ said:
Hello Criquette! I don't have a challenge or a question or a request. I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate the things you've shared with us! I hope you're having a good day.
Hello Kristina! That is so sweet, thank you ^___^ I hope you’re doing fine too!
Anonymous said:
Hi there, Criquette. Been having fun with your Rural Charm set and the Better Lighting.  Ran into one small problem with the RC. One of the narrow curves picks up the texture from a road section with a crosswalk, so that looks a bit odd (30degree inner?).  And a question - is there a Better Lighting for the Iron Bracket street lamp with the seasons banner?  Thought the iron bracket would work, but it's not. Anywho, Thank You for ALL the work you put into making our hoods look fantastic!
Hey Anon! Thanks! Depending on the road DR you’re using, there can be some  texture issues here and there since Rural Charm is optimised for road texture without any markings (apart from the broken white line). As for the Iron light post with a banner – no. I’ve only made 2 Maxis’ base game lamp posts.
Anonymous said:
It's amazing how this one game embraces so many different types of players. I'm planning to create my very own nh from scratch, and I'd be a liar not to recognize how your game pics inspired me to the task (not to mention your ever impressive work of hood deco cc throughout these years). For all that, as much as I'm just another anon, thank you, sincerely. But that left me wondering: do you also/still play with the other ts2 game modes or they no longer interest you?
Oh, that is so kind, Anon. Thank you! Yes, I do love to actually play the game. I enjoy building/decorating lots as much as live mode. In fact, I often get carried away during playtest sessions and just keep playing in lot mode and that’s why there are lots like ‘The Tower Inn’ or ‘The Moose & Beaver’ or sims like Tilda Phidbach, WHT-FC28 servo and their field lab.
Anonymous said:
Criquette, do you know something about this project? thesims1master tumblr (the idea is to make the game look like the beta version. I ask, because I liked it so much, but I haven't been able to find the person behind it and I'm very curious to see more or download it, as well as his world, which I've been waiting for since last year lol)
Hey Anon! Oh, I don’t think I know anything about this project, no. But it looks rather interesting!
@forever-evenfall​ said:
Hey Criquette! I just downloaded your Lighting Remedy (because I only just realised I needed to change the txt file and not just download it lol) and when I placed your lighting text in the program files, the lighting itself worked, but the terrain itself was flashing red. Do you know what I did wrong? I literally don’t think I can play without the fix lol. I am using UC and I placed it in the Fun With Pets/SP9/TSData/Res/Lights folder. Should I have put it somewhere else?
Hello Eve! I might be wrong, but isn’t it Mansions & Gardens SP that stands for UC? Anyway, flashing red terrain is really weird consequence for just replacing a txt file. Neighborhood terrain doesn’t have any dynamic light. It has a light map instead which comes with Lighting remedy too. If you only just replace the lighting txt file without putting LR light map into your ‘Downloads’ folder, the only issue you should get would by unsynchronized light directions for hood decos and the terrain itself.
Anonymous said:
I'm having a problem: not all the decorations I put in the neighborhood are showing up in simulation mode, even with the fade off and the long-range vision on. I think there is some code that I need to add to the game files to make all the decorations appear. But I can't find how to do this: c Can you help me?
Hello Anon! Basically, there’s only one type of hood deco that isn’t showing up in lot mode and that is neighborhood effects. All the decals, flowers, fields, all the animated stuff (except for texture animation, e.g. Maxis’ marquee sign) is not showing up in lot mode. There’s nothing we can do about it. Yet. If you think that there’s a proper hood deco that isn’t showing up in lot mode, please PM me with some screenshots and we could try to sort it out.
Anonymous said:
Hello--Anon who asked about additional pieces for the Rural Charm set--I see now, thank you for explaining about the floating intersections.  Is there anything you recommend then, to add on to existing roads? Otherwise, thanks for taking the time to explain.
Hello Anon! Oh, you’re most welcome. There is a tedious way to replace a texture on the existing tile of the real road, to make in into intersection so that it would connect better visually with decorative road pieces. But that takes time. What you have to do is to determine the tile you want to edit using technique described in this tutorial and then you have to change the texture name in the corresponding line. The texture names for the intersections (their index name parts) can be found in any road DR beforehand.
@sunradersimblr​ said:
Hi, I'm just wondering if you've ever done hood deco of a highway rest stop like the type we see in the U.S. along interstates and state highways, just a green space, usually, with toilet facilities and a place for a picnic and parking lot? I need one for a story and thought I'd check with you. Thanks for all the great work you share! 
Hello Sunrader! That would be really nice addition for the highway set, but I haven’t made it. Thought it’s quite possible to make something similar if you use ‘One side exit piece’ from the motorway set and add some picnic tables, umbrellas and benches using street tables & benches set. There’s also many 4t2 deco conversions for toilets and other small size decos that would help to create a decent resting stop.
@nataliepop​ said:
Hi there Criquette! There's a new game called Townscaper which I think you'd like. The architecture has an English aesthetic and you build cities or towns but it all starts on an ocean. It's in early access, so I hope by the time it officially releases they add boats and piers. Look it up on Steam or Youtube. I saw it via someone who usually does Cities Skylines videos. Btw, have you ever played that? Also, apart from sims what else do you enjoy playing? Anyway, hope you are having a good day!
Hey Natpop! Thanks for a lovely game suggestion! I’ve checked it out and it looks really fun. Can’t say I’d play it though XD All my free time (which I don’t have atm) is reserved for simming hood deco making working on Feverfew ^^
Anonymous said:
hey~ i love all of your stuff, you're so talented (๑♡⌓♡๑) i wanted to ask, do you think you'll ever release feverfew's sc4 map? 
Thank you Anon! That’s very kind. I’m not sure if there’s any point in releasing SC4 map I used for Feverfew because it’s completely differs from the way it looks now. The road layout is different, there’s no canal, no islands on the river, hills are different, etc. It has been heavily terraformed and edited during development process. I’d recommend just to wait till the Feverfew neigborhood release.
Anonymous said:
Hi! Do you have any idea of when Feverfew will be released? :) 
Hey Anon! It will be released this year, hopefully!
Anonymous said:
Hello :D Is it possible to get your linden trees as lot objects in build/garden section? I love them and they beautify my neighborhood but could really use an option to select them on lots too :)
Hello Anon! Yes, that’s possible, though I can’t say if I could make it myself. What I can say though, is that there’s a linden trees redux coming soon. It would make linden trees look better and highly optimised so that it would only take 4,5 Mb instead of 60 Mb without any losses in texture quality and resolution. 
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mrsreinhart · 5 years
Lili Reinhart Tells AD the One Thing You Won’t Find in Her Home
When it comes to interiors, the young star is still figuring out her personal style
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The blockbuster success of Hustlers last month undoubtedly took Lili Reinhart to a new place in Hollywood. But the 23-year-old, who starred (and pole danced!) alongside the likes of Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu, Keke Palmer, and Cardi B in the strip club heist film, still has a day job starring as Betty Cooper on the beloved Archie comics–inspired show Riverdale. This keeps her in Vancouver, British Columbia, for nearly 10 months out of the year, and the temporary nature of her living arrangement has her dreaming about the day she can put down more permanent roots.
“Vancouver is my home base right now. That’s where I have an apartment. I don’t have a place anywhere else,” Reinhart told Architectural Digest at an event celebrating the relaunch of the American Express Green Card on October 24. “To be honest, I have to say that I don’t really make it homey. I really want to live in L.A. That is the goal. That’s where I want to settle down and buy a house.”
Instead of sprucing up her space, Reinhart says she spends her downtime exploring her adopted city and reading books—quite voraciously. Below, she tells AD about the few touches she has added to her Vancouver apartment, and about her wish list for her future home.
Architectural Digest: You said you don’t have much in your place in Vancouver, but do you have any fun items from the sets of Hustlers or Riverdale lying around?
Lili Reinhart: I didn’t take anything from Hustlers. From Riverdale I don’t think I actually have anything, because I’m not even allowed to take anything since we’re still filming it. I do have a lot of [Betty’s] hair bands. I'd maybe like something from [the diner] Pop’s, like a souvenir of a menu or something that I could frame.
AD: Your book of poetry, Swimming Lessons, is coming out soon. What do you have on your bookshelf at home?
LR: I really enjoy reading on set. When you’re in a world of make-believe all day, it is nice to kind of distract yourself. When you’re working at the same place for 16 hours a day, you need something to keep you busy in your downtime. So right now I have been watching a lot of Dragons’ Den on Netflix—which is the Canadian equivalent of Shark Tank, but then I’ve also been reading a lot lately. Right now I’m reading We Are Lost and Found by Helene Dunbar. It is about a teenager living through the AIDS epidemic in the ’80s. And this past year I read Educated by Tara Westover, My Lovely Wife in the Psych Ward [by Mark Lukach], which was a memoir. I just read My Year of Rest and Relaxation [by Ottessa Moshfegh].
AD: You're a huge bookworm!
LR: Conversations With Friends [by Sally Rooney]. My Sister, the Serial Killer [by Oyinkan Braithwaite]. I’ve got a good bookshelf going on!
AD: Do you have any art or trinkets on there as well?
LR: I do have a piece of art that a girl I met on Instagram made for me. She is really talented. Her name is Kyra Kendall and her username is @kendallkyra. She does really cool portraits and I have one of those framed. I also have a Jughead Funko Pop doll on my shelf.
AD: So when you do settle in to a permanent home, do you have any idea what your interior design style will be like?
LR: That’s a great question, because I have no idea. All I know is, I don’t like that whole rooster theme. You know when people have like roosters all over their house? I’m not about that. I don’t like that. My mom is really good at decorating, so I feel like she will help me a lot. I kind of want the aesthetic of Anthropologie.
AD: Your character in Hustlers has sort of a bohemian apartment. Is that your vibe?
LR: That’s a little too rustic for me. But I love an open floor plan.
AD: Any other big must-haves when you’re looking for a place?
LR: Balcony, bathtub. I love taking baths. That’s part of my self-care regime. Oh, and a big closet!
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ikkleosu · 5 years
So, what do you think now? Because you predicted what gonna happen about C0nnie and I didn't believed in you theory and am surprised but also worried. I am also so tired of this trolling with C0nnie and am afraid that Kang trying to tell us that Carol doesn't love Daryl that way 😔
Okay my friend, I forwent watching His Dark Materials with hubby for this, and he’s not chuffed so... let’s get on with this. :D
Kang has ALREADY told us that Carol does love Daryl that way, in Carol’s dream. It’s clear that happened when it did, at the start of this arc with Connie, Daryl and Carol, to show us Carol’s inner feelings. I said at the time, that dream scene was HUGELY important. And this proves how much it is!
But let’s talk about why this is good for us and why D*nnie isn’t happening:
1) This really is the most important thing, and does kind of make everything else I’m about to say moot, but I’m doing to do it anyway. LR stopped filming around ep9/10. So either Connie is dead, or offscreen for most of the rest of the season.
Again, go back to Norman’s words about it being right, being one and done, they have to take their time and make sure it fits Daryl. Therefor there is no way that Daryl’s one BIG love story is going to happen, start to finish over 3 episodes. 
That said, it’s not the main reasons I think D isn’t happening. That’s merely a side issue for me. And I would honestly prefer is Connie lived and stuck around for many reasons.
Edited to add: i’ve seen people saying Connie could just be offscreen injured and thus comes back in s11 for the big romance. But here’s the thing. LR is off because she is in a MASSIVE Marvel movie, chances are she’ll be in more. Are they going to have Daryl’s one big forever love be someone who is off screen for most of the season repeatedly? Or will leave in 2 seasons.
Also, to be honest, LR’s stand-in made it pretty clear LR was done with the show.
2) Again, this is ep 6. This is EARLY in the season, you don’t play out your BIG romance story this early. If this was building to D, we already know Connie likes Daryl, we have Carol pushing him towards Connie, all that’s left is Daryl doing the do and making a move. And then, that’s it? That’s the big love story played out and settled by ep 8? Seems unlikely. ESPECIALLY when you consider Kang said Carol and Daryl’s relationship is the heart of this season, and Norman said the stuff with Caryl plays out through the season. So, we’re not done with this story. Not by a long shot.
3) Cast your mind back to the start of s9, when it was revealed by Kang and others that Carol and Zeke were together and engaged/married. They talked about that stuff with ease. Now, look at the quotes I have posted several times - Kang says she can’t say too much, but the audience and characters are in the same place when it comes to Connie and Daryl. That’s fairly revealing - enough for me to guess how it was going to play out, at least.  
You don’t spill the romance that is the big thing for the season before the season starts. 
4) This for me is one of the most pivotal things in how this is all going to unfold - Daryl’s dream. The spoiler from Skybound’s Johnny which STRONGLY hinted we’d get Daryl’s dream too. 
Now, were D*nnie happening, why would we need to see inside Daryl’s mind? He’s got the green light form all corners, just go for it, right?
The fact we’re going to us he’s inner thoughts/desires tells us it’s going to reveal something “surprising” or not what we see on the outside.
And that’s the same reason we saw Carol’s dream. They are showing us that what they are professing to feel on the outside is NOT what’s going on in their heart and minds. 
I predict we will see a Daryl dream in ep 7 or 8, that will reveal what he’s not saying - that he has feelings for Carol.
5) EVen what Carol SAYS to Daryl is telling us EXACTLY that this is about their true feelings for each other. 
She’s telling him there aren’t many good people around anymore - she is 100% not including herself. She doesn’t think she’s good. And certainly not good enough for him. She thinks Daryl needs someone - and she’s right, he needs her. He literally said that in ep 1!
She also point out Daryl is doing his own version of running away - hiding away with Dog. They are both running away, hiding away, from a lot of stuff but largely their feelings for each other.
What Daryl needs is Carol to stop running away, and Carol needs Daryl to be open to her about his feelings. They both need to truly deal with their inner fears, and that means facing them with each other.
6) Daryl is lying to Carol about Zeke. He says the King sends his love. We know he didn’t. That scene last week was important. Daryl is trying to see if there’s something there with Carol and Zeke, shouldn’t they be together? Didn’t Zeke make Carol happy? He’s confused and as scared as Carol is. He is worried she’s going to go back to Zeke, so he’s afraid to feel for her. and he’s testing the water, just like she is.
I’m sure there’s other stuff I’m not thinking of right now, but as I said this has played out EXACTLY as I thought it would. The next revelation will  be what’s in Daryl’s heart. And THEN we can take the next step to canon. 
I don’t know how long that will take to all unfold, but I would say we’ll get Daryl’s dream in the next 2 episodes. And we do get our hug in the MSF, when we know Connie, Kelly and Carol are in the same group with Daryl and SOMETHING could be said, or happen.
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fortheheavenssake · 4 years
72. July 1
MM ANON ……… Hong gone ………… Melbourne hellbourn……… Britain made a wedding profit ??? …………… 4 th July closed. …………… Independent’s bug. …………Maple Kate forever……… George is upset…………… 🎼follow er of fashion 🎼………………… MM, a legend in her own lunchtime ……………… Wigan bin in ……………………air Bridge of size.
73. July 2
MM ANON ………OMG your under arrest………… video link………… across the border Scotland ……………surprise George …………… Charlotte leads………… Kate&William on top again ………… MM pathetic and mendacious ………… fakency lies……………… “ nice to be going soon cabbage“………… “ yes , I’m looking forward to a drive around the grounds” ………… “ shooting party’s this year” ……… “ doctors approval Philip “ …………” we’ll bring Sydney “……… “ Ahhh, that reminds me,Sydney!!”……… “Philip, it’s tic toc.”
74. July 3
MM ANON ………… 0600 hr. ……………… build,build,build, drink ,drink,drink …………… 🎼Braaaaaazil🎼……………… business as unusual …………… speak to the Guinness ………… TSDONY………… Subpoena ad testomonium…… theatre/ no theatre ……………… but not America ………… Lone Ranger……………… Mt, Rushmore ………… a bad day in LA ………… still hiding
75. July 4
MM ANON ……… formula sprog………… madness will spill………… stupid father………… no she wont’ yes she will……… Nigel’s illegal pint………… Williams cider………… Spain’s pain……………… ahhhhhh, blonde bits …………… 🎼only the lonely🎼……………… for love or MONEY …………… HMTQ ( NENC) ………… with the contempt she deserves …………… it’s all a gamble , Arrrrrr!!
76. July 8
MM ANON ……… girl up the creek………hostage man. ………… half free meal………… drug exposure …………… …staff redundancy at HMTQ …………… boarding rules …………… most popular royal ……………… mines a cider……… ( where’s pg 💜💜) ……………”it’s Balmoral Philip, but not as we know it) …… out of his Depp-th… “ more 🎼Braziiiiil🎼…………… Spanish flu?? ……… 🎼we’re all going on a summer holiday 🎼
77. July 9
MM ANON …… HMTQ The long wait ………… BLM Trumps ………… no taxes………… boarding Charlotte 🥳🥳🥳……Boarding George 😱😱😱😱………… open the Jim…………… Brazil el Presidente……… Amber Amber,red……………IOC allow protest? ………… school 😷 masks. ……………cricket lovely cricket ………don’t cruise ………………glee, not today …………… tic-toc down. ……… red crane down.
78. July 10
79. July 10
MM ANON …… fly high Vera…………… Johnny poo…………… Murray mint Kate…………… now Pneumonia …………… Break cover……………… without merit ……… cover up Boris………… stop and search 😱😱😱…………… open theatre …………………… “ we want gan gan !! “ …………… “ we can visit Catherine “ …………… “ yes’ before Scotland “…………… “ clandestine William “ ……… “your grandfather will be ecstatic 🤣🤣🤣”
80. July 11
MM ANON ………… relaxed on zoom…………… Leeds bleeds ………… office no office ………… compulsory …………… Brooklyn!! Yawn. ………… Smith, Will deny …………… “Well” , solve the mystery???…………… STONE cold guilty………… Bollywood in hospital ……………Beach sleep………… Tapes😱😱😱😱………… In secunda Eboracum venit ………… Boo-Hoo !!
81. July 12
MM ANON ……… keep my sex life private…………… farm infectious …………… we don’t have to wear them…………… elephants virus ……………… sad swim ……………… down and out in LA…………… Burton blocks…………ROYAL BUTLER. ………… Fourteen Times!!!! ……………… Ritchies holiday camp …………ATMs lockdown ……………… electric scooters😱😱😱😱😱………… Kate tops poll
82. July 13
MM ANON ……… heartbroken …………… musky Amber…… sleepy ice cream………… sad Lake……………… more organ warnings …………… huge slave factory’s ……………… tin foil………” never call your babies…???………………… second safest road ……………Forest Rambo…………………” you go old thing , it’s for the best” …………… “ I may stay!! “ …………… Ken. Palace bubble.
83. July 14
MM ANON …… NO BAIL……… happy little people ………… gymnast aghast ………… George is not happy ………… a woke joke…………………… masked rats………………… carry on up the Amazon …………… “ so are White People” ……………… a new rash ……… HMTQ Royal zoom…………Black-burnt ……………… cut my card up………… veggies break out………… blame the dog-poo………………up up and Huawei………”
84. July 15
MM ANON …… Now a “married”abomination ………… girlfriends!! …………… HMTQ,will she , won’t she…………… Kate’s amazing ascension ……………… the feeding machine ………… a future Queen in all but name. …………… “ Yes!! A homogeneous bubble” …………… a sterile palace ………black Colorado ……… sir Tom?? …………… a hush hush holiday. …………… awoke to a scathing review.
85. July 16
MM ANON …… “ after re-watching the Crown how on Earth did HMTQ accept the DOEs dalliances…………… it’s a miracle she never castrated him……… GBHMTQAOGC
86. July 16
MM ANON ……… TODAYS RIDDLE IS A TRIBUTE TO OUR GLORIOUS MONARCHY … GBHMTQAOGC. …… Dear anons, take your time , this riddle is not a race …… GOD BLESS THE QUEEN.
87. July 16
MM ANON …… HMTQ ……… The engagement …… The courtship …… The wedding …… The commonwealth tour……THE CORONATION …… The dalliances of Philip ……Her stoicism……… The children …… The 50/60/70/80/90…………PC/… W&K…… OUR MAGNIFICENT MONARCHY ……… The future legacy. ……… GBHMTQAOGC 🇬🇧
88. July 17
MM Anon for PG💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON ……… DEAR PG. such a magnanimous and eloquent tribute for all anons to enjoy and wonder at your historical recollections and memorable facts. A thousand thanks. A labour of loving and informative joy. My thanks is to say we’re so lucky and blessed to have a PG. …… BRAVA!!
We are indeed! This was such a labor of love, truly wonderful, we are blessed indeed!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
89. July 17
MM ANON …… Bea-discreet …………… “ give them a wave Philip, its a wedding “…………… “ I’m looking forward to congratulating the happy couple and sharing a few jokes “ ………… “ No Philip”…………… “ don’t be silly, I won’t say anything ……… “ NO PHILIP!! “ …………” what’s this Philip” ……… “ just a few notes” …………… “ you can’t say this!! ……… “ OK… bloody hell , it’s a joke” …………… “ if you said this , Italy would declare war!!” ……… “ bloody hell !!”
90. July 20
MM ANON ………… honeymoon Italia…… “hello my old China “…………… more engagements ………… Balmoral cottages ………… secret snaps ( eyes only) ………………”once upon a time “…………T. R. Ah. …………… the green eyed trasher ………… close the beaches …………… a coach full …………… Bea-frugal ……… unknown posie.
91. July 21
MM ANON … Hello anons , I have a hospital appointment today at 10.00. At the RD&E for tests and an MRI ,Sounds all a bit dramatic, I hope not , things could be better but ……… one day at a time ! I love you all ,dear Skippy,PG , LK …… all you beautiful anons who fill my world with love and humility. I sincerely love you all , acceptance is the answer to ALL my problems. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜much love and hugs. ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️
MM ANON...” in hospital at the moment, RD&E , so I cannot sleep, catheter!! I’ll attempt a riddle to keep myself awake. Much love to all
Oh…poor you! Prayers for you dear MM Anon..we are here for you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
92. July 22
MM ANON ………7 into 99…………The “wishing well”……… “ I can hear a canary singing “ …………… “ good news MM ANON, it’s not c***er🙏🏻………… By-polar …………… “ what , not the nurses” …………Biker Justice …………… Cor,i bin apologising …………… “ I wish her hell”……………… LA to stay away ……………… kiss and MAKE UP ………………Colonel Cam. ………… scouse rouse.
93. July 23
MM ANON ……… love life exposed …………… gift of jewellery ……………… it’s all a mask ………………… sister protection ……………… yippee ,Balmoral …………… 15 Bank accounts??……………… return to school??? ……………… “ it’s the theatre Jim, but not as they show it”………… Sending in Federal Troops ……………………Bojo crabs ……………… a strong union 🤣🤣🤣……………… 4 million. …………” are you coming Sydney”………… “indubitably sir”…………… “ stock the cellar!! “ ……… “ your request is my command sir” ………… “ and don’t tell anyone I’m driving the LR.”
94. July 24
MM ANON ……” since 1948 ,no changes ………… wags wobble………… phone a drone ………… Kim-vorce ……………… masked burger………… flowers for team Johnny ………… bailed out by old Bailey…………… Ban her from the palace ………………… tell all will destroy her……………… K&W&LCG will sunny fly to island???……………” I’ll drive Sydney!! “ ……… “ I’ll walk sir” …………… “ bloody get in”😱😱😱
95. July 25
MM ANON … … “ SHOWGIRL”…………… “that girl” ………… “ I don’t trust her “……………… quarantine …… “we never consulted the authors”😂😂😂……………”it’s a gym Jim, but not as they row it”………… “coming for a swim”…………… knock em for SIX……………Four!!!…………… “jump Frankie”…………” it’s only to the Glen Sydney “ …………… “ it’s three miles sir” ……… “ get the bloody hamper” ……… “I’ll drive back sir” ………… “ not a bloody chance Sydney” ……… “ then I refuse sir” ……… “get your bloody arse in the LR” … “reluctantly sir “😱😱
96. July 26
MM ANON ………… BARC-ALONE-A……… no Transport home………on ya bike …………… obesities ………… floating for Vlad…………… Kim-jong-corona ………… Hurriicant ………… Moderna………Daisy down……… dog collar reunion …………………”more than kin and less than kind” ………… “ a three-pounder Sydney,the Gillie can smoke it” ………” Sydney, Sydney ……… SYDNEY???”
97. July 27
MM ANON:…… arrivals !!…………… HMTQ, “ ego lava manus meas”……………” you bloody talk to them”……………Kate cry’s lies………… lying interview……… O ‘no!! …………… one man and his dog…………… a foggy moggy……… “ let’s go shooting Sydney “………… “ with guns sir” ……… “ lots of bloody guns” ……………” O dear”
98. July 28
MM ANON …… colourful Cam !!…………… Fast Far-raar-ri blast. …………” let your daughter breathe “…………… A niece wedding …………… Inappropriate funds??………… Bush tragedy ……………… inappropriately shamed royal ………… a pricey disinfect ………… “ you’re a spot on gun Man Sydney!!”………… “ a privilege sir” ……… “ how’s the shoulder?” ……… “ I’ll recover sir “……… “ it’s stopped bleeding “ ……… “ just a flesh wound sir “ ……… “ next week Sydney? ……… “ I hear the Gillie comes highly recommend sir”……… “Ahh, spiffing!! “
99. July 29
MM ANON………… Peter,Crouch with William ………… 🎼Son in Law🎼…………Facebook , Apple, google …………… 5 friends , Shhhhhh !!!……………… very upset islands………… MM is leaking 🤣🤣………… Refund , Shmeefund.…………Heath-row row!!……… “Why is ones arm in a sling Sydney ??…………… “ I slipped exiting the LR ma’am………” where was Philip ?………… “ sitting in the back ma’am”……” hello old thing, what’ho Sydney “ ……… good afternoon sir”……” Sydney had a hiatus Philip “……… “ O dear, looks sore Sydney “ ……” yes sir”…… “VERY!!”
100. July 30
MM ANON ( BALMORAL ANON )…… “ who’s this Sydney?” … “ Mr Angiss sir, he’s come to install Netflix “… “ Ahhh, EPIC, what’s your first name?”… “Angus sir “…Ehh !!!, Angus Angiss”…”yes sir “… “ bloody hell, that’s unfortunate “ … “ My mother had a sense of humour sir”… “ bit like me then, what say you Sydney?……………” indubitably sir” …… “ bloody marvellous, The Queen wants to watch Ozark, she loves a bit of the old ultra violence “……… “ right ‘ refreshments Sydney,I’m parched!!”…… “yes sir “
101. July 31
MM ANON …… Kate being scilly ……… ……… Borix nails down the caughin ………… roving explorer …………… phew! What a scorcher …………… Lions Arm-y…………… climate is a changing …………… ( get well mr, skippy 🌈) ……………beaches,stay away 😱😱………………Peer- pressure ‘ O brother!! …………… tick tick bite!! ……………”doctor, what’s growing on my arm.” …………… Williams conservs film
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mmjjbbaannkkss · 4 years
20200608 From the Ground Up
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvBoWezahOo << Sevendust, Black.  #7D
You would have someone rejuvenate, invigorate, and understand the dynamics and functions of muscles, now that you’re all going back to the gym, watch a taiji video comparatively do a warm-up set with light weight, see if your fascia/surface muscles are acting different than your deep tissue; good circulation and healthy kidneys are important for this transferable thing, and tbh, might’ve turned me into a zombie, 5 months ago, for a day. Good blood vessels come from combining or alternating the light/heavy, stretching/calistenic, to/fro styles. Don’t kip, lopping weights into the air b/c quarantine set your size back, your nerves still run the route and need a week or two to reboot. My gains are dense, carbs at 150, protein at 100 per meal, isn’t fun, but the app says it’s working, if can’t stop being jiggly tracking calories idk, it says in someways was starving myself, and in other ways, sugars for example, over; it’s not deducting my exercises, so’ve only been going over with 35g/25p whey isolate, tastes less fatty, keeps fresher, 1lb bags come in some flavor variations, it might be ‘lean bulk’ of a cut, or will go heavy low rep after 20lbs leaner.
MON/ Push reps/pump pros/cons abs/daily >> Shldr Press 10lb 30/30-30/30 > Hoist/Raise ½ 5lb 20*2, 10lb 20*3 > Lat Raise 5lb 20*5 > Chest press 30lb 20*3, 50lb 20*2- > Cable punch ½ 20lb 20*5 > Pec Deck 55lb 20/20/20/15/15 > Dips 10/10/int/narrow 10/10/10-qtrs > Rear Delt ½ cable 5lb 30, 10lb 30/30/17- > Triceps 10lb 25/20/20/15/15- > Armrest abs (+ext pec) 75lb 30/30-30-30- > Twist 30lbs 50/50, 50lb 30/30, 70lb 25/25-, 90lb 15/15, OT; si; > T receta, sweet/peppermint perrenial hybrid, green, and lemonade caffeine B-comp; Need some rev/hoist for outer pecs, maybe the crunch machine 2*1?
Tue/ Pull Volume >> Wide Lat ½ 30lb 20*5 > H row ½ 20lb 20*5 > L row ½ 20lb 20*5 > Pulldown ½ 10lb 20*5 > Row 20lb 20, 30lb 20*4 > Shrug 2*45lb 20, 50lb 20-, 45lb 20/20/20? > Archer ½ 15lb 20/20/15/20/15 > Supine curl 20lb 20*5 > Prchr ½ 15lb 20/20, 30lb 20/15/15- > N curl 30lb 15*3- > Ab twist 50lb LR 30*3- > Push row ½ 30lb 30*3- shaht > MTH right abt 100g, 200 too, despite previously had, ph the quarantine diet; LTFFA; Prolly knew needed to rest, recover for skipping advert to gym, all day long, so know if about it now or have been all
Wed/ Legs Reps >> Mule ½ 50lb 20*4 > Hack Squat /x that’s a big fat no, base > Side Bend ½ 45lb 2*20/2*20 > Deadlifts 60lb 15*5- > Horizons ½, self+10lb 20*3- > Leg Ext ½ 30lb 20/15/6- > Leg Curl ½ 30lb 20/15/12-/15/12/6- > Heel Raise ½ 30lb 20*3/20*3 > Ab 1 push row 50lb 30*2 > Ab 2 /x Drop 5lb from rep to get concentric with it; I know shouldn't have lived on dry stuffs and coffee for three months; 
Thu/ Push Reps >> Shoulder Press 10lb 30/20/20/20/10 > DB Lat Raise ½ 5lb 20*4 > Front raise ½ 5lb 20/20/20/17 > Chest press 30lb 20, 50lb 20201515 > Cable punch ½ 20lb 40, 25lb 30, 30lb 30/25- > Pec deck 85lb 20/15/12/12 70lb > Crossover 2*15lb 20*3 > Rev hoist 40lbs20,50lb20,65lb20,50lb20*2 > Pulldown ½ 10lb 20*3 > Push row ½, 50lb 25*4 > /X
Fri/ Slow Pull >> H Row 25ct lbs2025303550 > N Pulldown W 70lb 15*8 > Lat Pulldown ½ 30lb 20x5 > Low Row ½ 30lb? 20*5 > DB Shrug 30lb 2020, 40lb 2020, 50lb 2020- > Archer ½ 15lb 20, 20lb 20*3- > Supine curl 20lb 20*5 > Prchr ½ 30lb 15*4 > Prchr hmr ½ 15lb 15*3 > Twist ½ 50lb 50*3 > Dexterity v pre-exhaust, during quarantine abt 6wk in, right trap atrophy made the knot that tore everything, and now reticent; 35/25 whey tastes better IDK if from freshness or storage leaner, looking forward to 1lb varieties; rectangle bottle, 
Sat/ Lite Legs >> Mule ½ 50lb 20*8 > Cable side bends, 25lb 20*4 > Leg ext ½ 30lb 20*4- > Leg curl ½ 30lb 20/10*4- > Sit Calves ½ 30lb 20*5 > Side bends wider obliques than twists; they close earlier on weekends; under macro, lack of intensity, plateau? 
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bluespiritfire · 4 years
Dissidia NT ideas/wishlist
Just a list of characters/things I’d like to see in NT and maps that could come with them.
XIII - Caius Ballad Vanguard Memory/Map: Etro’s Throne (Unseen Realm version turning into the dark LR version or visa versa) or Valhalla beach (could have some really cool second stage effect with time gates opening/closing and maybe Amber and Garnet Bahamuts flying in the air, or the huge green glass thing shattering.) (I will never not be salty that Snow got in the (first?) antag spot when Caius is responsible for like...everything. Snow was just depressed and needed a hug and some support, like Noel.)
VII - Genesis Rhapsodos Vanguard Memory/Map: Junon SISTER Ray (Second stage could be the cannon itself suffering from mysterious slash damage, cutting it apart.) or Banora (second stage being after the bombs drop around the battlefield and turning into nighttime with the Mako glowing in the distance)
XV - Ardyn Izunia (seriously where is the gourmet trashcan? I hope that article wasn’t lying) Specialist? Assassin? Walking trashcan with a thousand hats? Memory/Map: Insomnia - Throne Room (Give Noctis a reason to use that voice line guys)
XV - Ravus Nox Fleuret (He’d make a good antag if Ardyn’s moveset is too copy/paste) Vanguard Memory/Map: Zegnautus Keep
XIII - Serah Farron Marksman or Specialist Memory/Map: New Bodhum (something similar to Besaid with the time of day changing to night with Cocoon lighting up on the horizon)
XIII - Noel Kriess Vanguard or Assassin Memory/Map: 700 AF aka Dying World
VII - Zack Fair Vanguard Memory/Map: Aerith’s Church (Second stage could be the Church aging from Crisis Core through to Meteorfall and ending with the flowerbed bursting into the water fountain from Advent Children)
VII - Aerith Gainsborough Marskman Memory/Map: Forgotten City
XV - Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Marksman Memory/Map: Altar of the Tidemother
IV - Rosa Joanna Farrell Marksman Memory/Map: It’s been so long since I played 4 I can’t remember, but maybe somewhere in Baron? All I know is a healing archer would be BOMB.
Other fun ones I don’t know enough about would be, of course, the rest of the Chocobros - Gladio would add to the Giant Swords Club that Garland, Cloud and Jecht have going, but he could also have a shield. Ignis would be another nice fast dagger wielder, maybe with some emphasis on magic? And Prompto would be a great gunner, along with LaGUNA *loud violent coughing*
I haven’t played a lot of the games, so I don’t know the various casts very well and who is popular enough to join the Dissidia ranks.
Oh and bring back L A G U N A and Prishe please. And Gilgamesh (if he’s not already in the works).
Non Character Wishes
MORE 13-2 MUSIC K THANKS. Etro’s Champion is such a lackluster track from that game???? Like....??????!??!? Come on? You have a dozen others that are amazing? Unseen Abyss? Followers of Chaos?! There’s some sick AF battle music in there guys! BEAUTIFUL HEROES! Sub point: Also more LR songs too please? YUSNAAN HAS SOME AMAZING THEMES GUYS. YOU COULD HAVE ADDED THAT IN WITH SNOW. And Crisis Core music would be GRAND.
Free outfits (Legatus of the XIIth Zenos is an amazing example of this. The helmet even filters his fricking voice, go and grab it now if you haven’t already). Even if you just add them to the Gil shop. Like...recolours are bland. Bring back the ones from previous titles and don’t make them cost an arm and a leg. I love KH Squall and Cloud but I’m not paying $30+ AUD for them. Where’s Golbez’s Duodecim one???? Where’s Kain’s Exile outfit? WHERE. IS. DANCER. BARTZ?! AND EMPERORS CRAZY COUTURE BATHROBE?! Terra’s pretty Narshean Princess outfit, and her black and white one?? AND NO SHIRTLESS SEPHIROTH THIS TIME?! C O W A R D S ! (Will say Kuja’s alternate is actually really pretty this time). 
Don’t make us pay for characters and looks we already had in the previous installments. That’s shitty. (Wishful thinking I know *sigh*)
Please make the Manikins more than just poorly looking recoloured models. Make them look like they’re actually made of crystal again (the super garbled voices this time around are great though, really makes them feel not right)
More on Spiritus and Materia would be really cool. Give us more on Washing Basket and Discount Ansem please! PLEASE! I’m pretty much asking the way Catelyn Stark says at the Red Wedding here, Square.
We need. MORE. STAGES. Can we have Ultimecia’s Castle, Dream’s End, and Crystal World from the last games back? M.S. Prima Vista and Orphan’s Cradle would be bomb also. AND SNOW’S PALACE FROM LR WOULD BE FRICKING AMAZING? Why wasn’t that added with his release!?
Can we just have some new stages for new people? Like I said, Snow’s Patron’s Palace would’ve been so cool, with the big ice monument and the party decorations strewn everywhere in the panic, like in the opening cinematic for LR. Zenos could’ve had the Royal Menagerie or the throne room.
There’s probably more but I’ve been sitting on this for ages. How about you? Anyone you’d like to see added?
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gul-dukat-cc · 5 years
PT Barcelona Report
Shoutouts to Detective Dhaliwal/David Rood for lending me a bunch of cards for the PT, and to Callum Smith for lending me Seasoned Pyromancer on Magic Online. Notes on my modern decklist / choice : I felt with open decklists + london mulligan you had to know your deck inside and out to fully use those systems, you had to know what the mus were about as you had so much agency so I chose UR Phx, I played seasoned pyromancer to work with my leylines vs hoogak so I could mull to 4/5/6 and not die to random bloodghasts which is a real issue as thing/arclight are very weak on very low cards. pryomancer is just very good with leyline. I played gut shot over surgical main because my sb had almost no removal and my deck just wouldn’t sb smoothly without gut shot. plus gut shot is fine vs hoogak stops them convoking and fine in mirrror kills thing. I tried desperate ritual/noxious with aria so I could goldfish turn ¾ vs hoogak but gave up on this cause lazy. I tried dreadhorde arcanist main so I could keep more hands but I found the effect is kinda weak, without open decklists I value cards like flame slash/sinkhole pretty low sine I am mulling to goldfish but with opendecklists I can value these powerful but narrow effects properly, basically like having sb cards main. I played 2 aria main 1 side since I found it is tough to split payoff/enablers, but I felt 3 aria was a bit too much and I would draw aria too much when trying to go off, and it made more hands mulls with the red finale and it being clunky but it was a close call. I also thought about set adrift cause hits hoogak/chalice/aria but My experience in the best with it was not great. I tried titanshift but 0-2d a league vs neoform and mirror, I tried burn but it felt kinda weak to me 3-2d a league lost to uw with timely and rug where they force of negation to blow out my searing blaze on their goyf when I swung with spearo.
I did ~280/300 matches of MH1 Limited in prep for the pt including a trip to GP Seattle where I was granted a nice 12-3 finish (1 bye). I am a newer limited player having only begun really playing it about last year, but since then I have mostly been playing limited as I feel I have a lot more agency in the games and prefer the format. However, since I am relatively new to limited I don’t feel I was able to truly process the amount of information I was receiving as most of what I was learning about in my games, is just what drafting a “master” set is about, and how to handle combat and complex boards in this type of limited environment, so a lot of my attention was drawn away from the actual evaluation of cards and trying to understand how to maximize my value in the game in-game decisions. My plan going into the PT was to soft force black, I wouldn’t just force it if it clearly wasn’t open, but I wouldn’t be shocked if your win rate would be higher taking any black uncommon, or even common over the best green rares and blue mythics p1p1. I found the black decks had so much more synergy and power than the other colors, (I felt the snow decks could trainwreck quite easily and just wasn’t very impressed by springbloom druid) Br and Bu being premium whilst the other black decks were about the same as any other archetype, I wasn’t sure about my read on the format since I am not a limited master and I saw players had different evaluations, but in a practice draft the day before Max Mick agreed this strategy seemed fine, and Malavi/Lars Dam had hit a 2030 elo drafting black every single time. I just found I would win a lot more with black decks and they felt much better, with my previous experience I felt soft forcing black was a reasonable approach. First Draft I get a pretty good BR deck, p1p1 raredraft w6, p1p2 Bogardan Dragonheart p2p3 feaster of fools, black and red cards kept flowing and I didn’t pick up any particular signal except ninjas might be open, pack two I got a pick 4 pashalik mons, but at the end of the draft I probably could have a had a simliar power level ninjas deck but I prefer BR slightly. Round 1 vs Van Vaals, Michael (1966) Michael was in the same Canadian Group chat as me, I was not happy to be paired vs him as in the draft I felt too many good cards were going late and it implied to me the pod mostly consisted of primarily constructed players. Luckily for me he got a bit manascrewed g2 and g3 so I was able to win, he had a BR deck splashing blue for the uncommon ninja and keranos, he also had two hoogaks, indicative of my weekend to come. Round 2 Verdiani, Luca (1869) Versus a UW Flicker deck, not much happened just curved out and stomped. g3 we both mulled to 5, I also played really poorly g2… wake up call for me to not be a doofus. Round 3 Rask, Love (2008) Michael told me there was some insane snow rare deck in the pod his opponent told him about, filled to the brim with rares, I looked at my legion of putrid goblins and they didn’t look too happy, but I trusted in that feaster of fools. My opponent cast a turn 2 bladeback sliver and i’m not feeling afraid anymore, later he curves out hermit druid + dead of winter and I won pretty easily, so I was feeling pretty confident for g3. I had passed a dead of winter in the pod so I messed up a bit g1, it was a bit of a complex line of basically using my Munitions Expert on myself to grow my Scavenger past Dead of Winter, but it could also have backfired in some cases to so it was reasonably hard. After the match my opponent says my deck is insane and his deck is garbage nice.. iirc feels good man. 3-0 Round 4 Maynard, Pascal (1967) Open decklists cool, I see a hoogak deck and look quickly at the manabase and removal spells, g1 Pascal mulls to 5 and I am luckily to kill him on turn 3 or 4 with arclights at 1 life, lucky lucky. G2 my hand was just obscene, looting + 2 arclight + leyline… think there might have even been a force, Pascal just had pretty weak hands so I was able to win. Round 5 Busson, Etienne (2006) Recognized this as the Mono Red player, I was sitting at table 4 and feeling if I win another game or two I could get a feature match maybe so was happy, but wasn’t happy to see this mu. g1 I mulled to 5, game was kinda close, coulda made some slightly different decisions maybe, if I was a bit luckier and hit an extra arclight could have won. g2 turn 1 critter into turn 2 eidolon, coulda maybe ignored the first creature but killed it, interesting choice perhaps, needed to hit an extra arclight or two to win, game was super weird and I tanked the most here, basically opp had an eidolon and I had 2 arclights and I had to decide how to attack and block with the arclights, for example when opp was at 20 life and Iwas at 12 I just attacked with 2 arclights as I felt that was my best chance tow in, was pretty hard, think I made the correct choice, opp agreed game was pretty tricky after. Round 6 Futamata, Yojiro (1798) Open decklists opp is on Hollow Gaak, kinda scared and would prefer a normal Gaak list so I don’t sb poorly or whatever, a bunch of cryptbreakers main and even push. g1 I can’t remember exactly but I think my opp might have mulled once or twice, I had a thing in the ice but opp had push so we move on. g2 I kept with a leyline, opp mulls to 5 I believe, my hand was pretty good, 5 or 6 can’t remember exactly, however as the game progresses I feel I run a bit poorly not being able to trigger arclights or flip my thing for a while,  my opp casts a cryptbreaker and just make zombies and I just whiff and whiff but they mulled to 5 and my hand was good so it runs even plus doesn’t matter to my decisions, coulda made some slightly different decisions in relation to fetching to thin which I normally do aggressively, but not sure felt I played fine at worst, in the end I need to dodge either fatal push or bloodghast for one turn to untap and win but opp topdecks the ghast for exactsies feels bad man but feel I played fine. Round 7 Luong, Marcus (2019) Hoogak Dredge, g1 I needed opp to whiff on their last dredge, they had bloodghast conflag and creeping chill as outs, sadly for me they hit and I died. g2 I kept a 5 or 6 with rav trap and the card just sucks vs hoogak so I fire it off a bit early to not get gaaked and die horrible. maybe Rav Trap gamed me as I kept hands assuming it would do stuff and then it just makes me die. Round 8 Nass, Matthew (2015) Table 69, I tell Matt we have the nicest table in the room, I think he agrees. He is also on Gaak, I lose g1 pretty quickly, g2 I keep a hand of like thing + force of negation, maybe was too weak, I tried to bluff I had a leyline by having 1 card I was about to slam in play. Matt keeps a hand with a lot of removal and floods out pretty hard so I am able to win a game I felt I got pretty lucky to win. but idk. g3 I just have 2 leyline + seasoned pyromancer. Feels bad to go 4-0 into 5-3 but I feel I played fine in my losses, didn’t play perfect but I mostly play magic online and find it hard to process information irl and didn’t feel I made too many savage punts. DAY TWO My draft pod has Javier Dominguez, Raph Levy and various other pros. I am sitting next to vidi, p1p1 I take urza over mob mostly due to being 50$, p1p2 I slam a manowar, rp1p3 there is goblin war party lightning skelelemental and ninja removal spell entwine. I think wow br seems open. I remember the lr advice, I can take one of these nut br cards and get passed an a+ br deck potentially or stay on ninjas and get a maybe b ish deck on average. I took skelelemental but some of my friends who are better said first of all there aren’t many rare blue cards better than manowar so manowar is a light blue signal, second of all they said skelemental isn’t that good and they said thirdly the two blue cards are too good so they’d try really hard to play it. Might have messed up my draft as RB was very very not open, I continued taking UB cards but Vidi was also in UB, p2p1 I took a fallen shinobi and didn’t feel black was being cut til mid pack 2 but was too late then, still I feltmy deck could win games. Round 9 Wijaya, Vidianto (2013) We play a Ninja Mirror, I just wait til he taps out both games and use fallen shinobi, I accidentally stole one of his lands and when I return it to him later he says fucking fallen shinobi. Round 10 Levy, Raphael (2112) g1 was pretty close, I had a choking tethers and every turn just needed him to have 1 less spell to get lethal, he had a marit lage enchantment and kept playing snow lands every turn, I Had 2 strings so I wasn’t too scared but cascade sliver + lots of removal was enough to kill me in a close game. g2 I had 18 lands due to 3 cycling ones, I side out a talisman for a spell snuff since talisman is in my deck to ramp into cards liek pondering mage/urza/first sphere/other nonsense vs more aggresive decks where I need to get on the board, here I want to be aggresive but those cards aren’t that aggresive and I felt spell snuff would be good. I keep a 2 lander with choking tethers as the hand is just good with an urza in it but sadly I get stuck on 2 lands and draw both spell snuffs, i’d sb the same again but felt kinda bad. Round 11 Matsumoto, Yuki (2000) vs BR, g1 my opp casts a silumar scavenger I spell snuff and untap, my board is urza + 5/6 lands with talisman and 2/2 token, my opp has like 4ish cards in hand and board of changelign outcast + bladeback sliver + 5 lands, my hand is like fallen shinobi + strings, can’t remember exactly what else I had in hand, I believe I also might have had a preordain in my graveyard. My deck doesn’t have much removal really outside of 2 strings and choking tethers so I try to be aggresive and close game quickly, I bounce the bladeback with strings and fallen shinobi the urza, Ken Yukihiro sitting next to us laughs,I hit a land and volatile claws *fuck* and pass. opp hardcasts an igneous elemental killing my 2/2 token, I can’t attack with shinobi so I cast urza and pass, they now goatnap shinobi I chump with token they cast dragonheart and suddenly i’m way far behind and feeling terrible, I feel I prob messed up this game somewhere, I just saw an insane line and went for it, coulda thought more but honestly likely would have came to same conclusion, g2 is pretty close but pretty much my opp casts a bunch of big creatures and removal and I die since my deck is just very medium and leaning on fallen shinobi or smoke shroud to win. Feeling pretty bad since my winrate in MH draft is muuuuchh higher than modern but I felt I just need to learn more for next time, feels bad but here we are. I felt my choices were mostly reasonable even if they might not have been the best I tried. Round 12 Vorel, Andrew (1847) VS Hoogak, can’t remember much, just leyline g2 and g3. puts me to 3-2 vs hoogak and I was doing well vs it on modo idk close mu. feels good to win Round 13 Jones, Derrick (1817) Izzet Phoenix Mirror, g1 I go turn 2 thought scour myself mill phx I scried on top, gut shot + bolt your thing in the ice and end up winning by goldfishing better I suppose. g2 my opp has to surgical random things to protect his thing from my flame slash but I am able to have a nuttier hand and win. feels good to be winning in modern atleast today. Round 14 Prosek, Dominik (1969) We get into a disagreement late into g2 whether a card was in my hand or graveyard, I believe I went to cast bolt and grab dice for aria and when I looked again my bolt was in my graveyard and I didn’t say I cast it, but it is possible I just messed up somehow, we end up with like 7 judge calls and with diminishing time extensions get a draw in a g3 I felt very far ahead in (two arias on 5 on turn 5 of time) but opp didn’t slowplay as they also believed they would have won close game, my first really fun game of teh weekend as g2 and g3 were just extremely grindy both players slamming haymakers, mostly said my favorite cause I was just winning a long game. Round 15 Wijaya, Vidianto (2005) I get pretty lucky and win a PHX mirror, I make a small misplay maybe g1, drew my 1 of rav trap g2 and draw pretty nutty, but that’s what I signed up for. Round 16 Stihle, Julien (2008) For 750$, I didn’t know at the time but I sure did after, g1 and g3 I mull to 5 vs UW, still kinda close, feels pretty bad wish I would have shuffled more idk, think I played the games fine,g2  felt pretty good though as I get to use the gy ability of two seasoned pyros and win a drawn out game. kinda bummed at myself for getting a draw in round 14, but I think I played fine, got slightly sloppy when time approached but that is fine by me considering the circumstances, I shouldn’t have spammed the judge calls so much but I don’t play much irl so I learned my lesson. a painful one. also I felt kinda dumb about the second draft but I still liked my decisions based on my previous experience even if I got a 1-2 record. happy with 9-6-1, felt I played ok but I feel next time if I can queue I will be able to focus a lot more. PT was overall more fun than I expected, the venue was a lot nicer than a GP one, you also get to spend a lot of time around die hard mtg players whereas at a GP I feel more like an outcast since I play way too much mtg, here I felt most players also do so. You get lots of cool stuff and etc. Also drafting is fun and you don’t even need to day 2 sealed to do so.
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