cy-lindric · 2 years
You wouldn't happen to know of anywhere to get the accursed king audiobooks without paying amazon? thank you for your time and the beautiful art. 14-16th century fashion is my absolute favourite and seeing you do it such justice rlly just.. :chefskiss:
Hello ! Unfortunately no, I've only ever had the books as the same old copies I stole from my mum when I was a teen (and admittedly I haven't read them in a very long time). I do use Audible for my other audiobooks, so apart from looking into your local libraries, I'm afraid I can't help much.
If anyone has a rec, feel free to comment here !
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rhobi · 2 years
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these are simply a few of the many fish dish winners, but ask and ye shall recieve
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amarearts · 3 years
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Cyrus hates it here.
Thava Elv belongs to @thirenponds <3. Cyrus being chased by a big buff jedi lady pleases me haha.
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northern-passage · 3 years
indulge or revelation for lea and a stoic mc? possibly.... hints of rivalmance..... ?👀
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You’re not doing a very good job on watch tonight. You paced around for over an hour, trying anything to keep your mind from wandering where it shouldn’t be, in those dark, festering corners of memories and anger you always ignore. But when it’s just you, alone, in the cold woods with nothing to distract yourself, it gets harder and harder not to go there, harder and harder to ignore the way it all creeps to the forefront of your mind – and after peeling bark off a nearby tree for twenty minutes, you broke down and pulled out your flask.
The fire has almost burned out, but you just stare at the glowing embers and ash, the shriveled blackened wood at the center, your hands aching from the cold, intensified from the sharp, biting metal of your flask that you cradle against your chest.
The sound of the tent opening on the other side of the fire startles you, making you tense where you sit on the ground, staring into the dark as Lea slowly emerges from the tent. It takes them a moment, blinking over at you, no fire to light the camp due to your neglect, and unlike you, Lea can’t see in the dark – and there is no moon overhead, just dim stars barely gleaming through black clouds, a shroud cast over the forest tonight.
“It’s fucking freezing,” is the first thing Lea says, their voice still thick with sleep, and they stumble around to the small stack of wood the two of you had made earlier in the night. “What the hell are you doing?” Lea snaps, giving you an annoyed look as they crouch beside the fire in front of you and begin to rebuild it.
You don’t answer. You don’t really know, anyways.
Lea grumbles some more as they stand and fetch fresh tinder, and you just watch as they manage to coax the fire back to life, cupping their hands and gently blowing on the embers until it all reignites. The heat from the fire is immediate, and you glance away from the bright light as the camp is illuminated once again.
Lea sits back on their heels for a moment, before completely dropping down onto the ground, crossing their legs in front of them. You realize they’re shivering, their nose and ears painfully red, slightly purple, and you look down at your own hands and you’re not even sure you can loosen your grasp on the flask, your fingers locked painfully from the cold. You hadn’t even noticed the cold. Probably because you’re drunk.
“Give me that,” Lea says roughly, and you flinch as they reach over and snatch the flask from you, forcing it from your stiff hands and squirreling it away out of sight. “You asshole. Can’t you just let me sleep? A few hours is all I ask.”
You feel your lip curl, and you stand abruptly, glaring down at Lea.
“Fuck you,” is all you say before turning on your heel and stomping off into the woods.
You hear Lea call your name but you don’t stop. Unfortunately, you are inebriated, and it’s dark and the ground is frozen and you’re staggering every few steps, bumping into trees and tripping over rocks and sticks and your own two feet.
You don’t make it very far before Lea grabs you and steadies you. You don’t resist, your head spinning, the two of you just standing among the trees, Lea’s hand tight around your forearm. You glare over at them, but Lea – Lea looks scared, their fingers digging into your arm, their breath quick and panicked, obvious as it fogs in the night air around you.
“You need to be by the fire,” Lea says, pulling you gently back towards camp.
“I’m fine,” you growl, but the vitriol isn’t there, and instead it comes out as a pathetic whine, making you wince.
“I know. You’re always fine,” Lea says, their back to you now as they lead you like a child. You scowl, staring at the back of their head, their bun messy and tousled from sleep, and after a few moments you feel your scowl fade, and you lower your gaze, guilt worming its way through your chest.
The two of you sit side by side back at the fire, Lea carefully feeding it until it burns too bright to look at, the heat making your whole body ache as you begin to thaw.
Lea doesn’t say anything else, but you can see them nervously twisting their thumb ring, their elbows resting on their knees.
“Sorry,” you blurt suddenly, feeling the need to say something.
Lea sighs, before looking over at you, their face glowing gold in the firelight.
“I know,” they say. “You always are.”
You grimace, staring down at your hands. You suppose that’s fair.
Lea sighs again, and you glance over at them, still twisting their ring. But they’re looking at you, their brow furrowed, and you can still see some of the fear from earlier, laced with concern, and – and something else, something you don’t understand, something that makes your throat tighten and chest ache.
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, bowing your head, unable to look at them anymore, unable to hold their gaze.
“I know. It’s okay,” Lea says softly, and you know they’re still looking at you with those dark eyes, but you just stare into the fire, letting the heat of it burn against your face until your eyes water. At least, you tell yourself it’s from the fire. It has to be from the fire.
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nyehilismwriting · 3 years
911 yes hello i need to file charges against a certain author for hurting my feelings relentlessly 🥺🥺🥺 this update was so fcking good aaaa
eheheheheheeehee you'll never catch me 🏃‍♂️💨
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dast4rd · 4 years
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forgot to post my sesan for @thirenponds happy freakin new year baby!!!!!
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llamagirl28 · 4 years
ok so following the aggravain ask, could u tell us a few tropes for all the romances for BoC, just a lil taste
Galahad : enemies to lovers (to enemies if you're evil), belligerent sexual tension, secret relationship
Gawain: childhood sweethearts, angel/devil shipping (evil Mordred)
Elaine : battle couple
Nimue : forbidden love, secret relationship
Sophie : forbidden love, secret relationship
Isac : forbidden love, secret relationship
Agravain : lovers to enemies (to lovers) (if Mordred good), villain couple (if Mordred evil)
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forystr · 3 years
2, 16 and 25, if u want and haven't answered those yet 👀👀
t2. 5 Favourites of your own work? these are my faves! whenever i draw something i t has a shelf life of 2 mins before i dont like it, but these i actualy still like :)
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16. Most daunting part of the process? oof colouring. Not colour picking or anything. I just,, dont colour in the lines well heheasdas
25. Search history here's a literal play by play of my history - encanto little leapord toy - (several different searches trying to identify a c*terp*llar) - cute tiger emojis discord - divine intervention 5e - anime version of elizabeth 2 ((this was for a meme))
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snarkspawn · 4 years
tell 👏 us 👏 abt 👏 ur bg3 characters 👏 blease also the way you draw cheekbones is just chefkiss and i go a little more feral every time i see it
Excellent, then my work here is done lmao thank you! ❤
Anyway, I’m still figuring them all out so there isn’t a whole lot to tell yet, but I’ll make up for it with this cute art ... here be cheekbones:
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Asher is a certified Good Boy(TM), always trying his best, falling and getting back up, very quick to trust (which backfires a lot but he Will Not Stop Seeing The Best In People thank you very much). I imagine that’s how he ended up with a patron too because he was probably like “yeah sure I’ll help you out no problem!! oh wow I can do magic?? this is cool I can use this to help people even more now!!”
he was supposed to romance Gale but it was bugged for me so no smooches for him until the full game is out
Lin is a little more jaded. He’s seen some shit and decided to see the humour in it, so he doesn’t really take anything seriously. Tadpole in his head turning him into a mindflayer? Be honest, Mallory, do these tentacles make me look fat??
very flexible morals but overall not a bad person, just. Pragmatic. Occasionally a little on the cynical side
he’s in a multiplayer campaign so I’m not sure about romances yet. May end up wanting to smooch the cute ranger boy he’s travelling with, we just don’t know
Daevin on the other hand is an opportunist, a thief and an arrogant little shit. I made him mostly so I could finally use the tadpole because Asher never did (not even once lol) and I felt like I’d missed out on a lot because of that. But I really enjoy playing him too, he just doesn’t give a fuck
would probably sell his mother for a shiny bauble, if he had one
thinks Astarion is annoying af but will probably smooch him anyway, bUT HE WON’T LIKE IT (or will he)
I made Siad specifically to romance Shadowheart but I haven’t had time to play her yet so idk. I’ll have to think about her more, or I’ll wait until the full release and choose a different class because I’m not sure ranger is a good fit
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oooocleo · 3 years
mermaid or abyssal, not necessarily eldritch more kinda.. think cryptid
😏 combine these and u get a bog body
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fiddles-ifs · 4 years
i cannot tell u how happy your absolutely feral fans/asks make me. Every time i check this page its just people going absolutely bananas (heehee) and its choice
Did you giggle at bananas because you know I’m allergic to them? :(
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titanharem · 3 years
Honestly going to Europa and the Bray facilities was something Fowl-13 was both pulled towards and quite scared of. Not because of the physical dangers as much as what might be found there. They did end up helping out with patrol duty there, but they were never able to make themself look at what files guardians did find in the bray facilities. It feels like cowardice to them so its not something they are proud of (1/2)
Also on Banshee, i feel like Fowl may have the same discomfort about Myeong-12. Like a fear of "malfunctioning", even if they cant name it to themself. Though Myeong's way of dealing with it might endear him to them quite a bit, against their will. (2/2)
Oh, hell yeah for not being entirely comfortable (or “brave” enough) to actually investigate any further into the Bray facilities on Europa. Lowkey I’d like to hold Fowl’s hand, I think they deserve it. Also, I couldn’t be more delighted by the idea that Fowl-13 would be just a little uncomfortable with the Exo-dread of Myeong-12 “”malfunctioning.”” Then, Myeong’s charm of just knocking his head a couple times eventually endearing himself to Fowl, especially when it’s “against their will.” 
Myeong-12 is just a friendly, himbo Arcstrider scout, and it’s hard to deny that the dent is a part of his charm just like he says. 
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rotten-games · 4 years
I dont specifically remember the phrasing i used but to sum it up, have u considered gender-choices for RO's and if so what are ur feelings on them? there are good reason either way ofc but i ask bc my type is rat-bastards (like dru)
oof just sent my reply back on the first one you did sorry! Here’s a more in-depth response to it. Gonne make this reply public because it’s probably pertinent to other people too.
Gender-choices while I have no problem with them in a vacuum, I feel can make it a bit harder to flesh a character out and actually represent a certain type of person with them (for an example, Arke as a gay man). While I’d love to read/write an entire story full of a bunch of hot men specifically catered to my interests I know it’s not gonna jive with my audience and so I tend to err on the side of locking gender down because I like fleshing characters out as their own person rather than having to think about whether they’re presenting as adequately male/female/etc (which is a matter I have opinions on but that would be a whole other rant I don’t want to get into).
However. I also know that I have a bit of a wider variety of men then I have of women and nonbinary folk and so for future games I’ve elected to go with a mix of characters with locked genders and those with genders that can be changed--the code is tedious but not difficult so it’s not a matter of that, either.
My main issue is just coming up with a character first and not being flexible enough to be able to change their gender in my mind, which is a me problem, I’m well aware. Anyway, tl;dr: I probably won’t change anything for rott, but for the two future games there will be a few rat bastards you can kiss that will either be women or characters with changing genders coded in.
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northern-passage · 3 years
firstly congrats on the update!! its looking excellent as usual but i wanted to ask, chapter 1 ends.. after the first companion routes, when we all meet back up again? cause my game just shows a white screen when merry mentions that we should talk.
no... it should not end there LOL
i don't see anything obvious that could be the problem but it might be how i have it coded. who did you go with in blackwater? and did you choose to go to highfell or blackwater or to wait and talk with lea in the initial convo in merry's office?
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nyehilismwriting · 3 years
Makes kissyfaces at Imxa and Rhaxa but also 7 and 8 for them maybe
What are the last 3 things in their Google search history?
Imxa: systems where murder is legal | murder punishment on koreth | cheap handheld rocket launchers
Rhaxa: what do humans eat | how long can humans survive in space | nearest drive-in (alien friendly)
They can’t find their keys. Where are they?
Imxa: lost in the heat of battle. punches out a window and breaks into the car rather than look for them.
Rhaxa: he doesn't own a car. whose keys were they, anyway? who did he take them from? better not to ask.
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rivvetgunn · 4 years
thirenponds replied to your photoset “as for the comic i mentioned in the last post ……… this is what im...”
IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS ur colours are so fcking good aaaa
WEEPS ON U <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 WITH U BEHIND ME, I CAN DO ANYTHING........
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