#thirteenth doctor imagines
lanawinterscigarettes · 2 months
Gold Dust Woman (Thirteenth Doctor x reader)
Summary: you spend some time reflecting after the Doctor leaves you
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Warnings: abandonment, hurt/no comfort, sad angst, implied unrequited love, mentioned strained personal relationships, implied mental health problems
A/N: gold dust woman by fleetwood mac came on the radio earlier and I was struck by instant inspiration. this is really just a short sad thing feat the fabulous stevie nicks tbh
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She left. After everything you went through, all the battles, all the journeys, all the sleepless nights spent stargazing and the traveling around the universe, she still left, just like that. Tossed you out like you were garbage. Abandoned you.
There was no one you could go to for comfort, as you'd drifted apart from the family and friends you'd left behind. In all honesty, you thought you'd stay with the Doctor forever, but apparently not.
Salty tears escaped from your eyes and down your cheeks, your vision blurry as you lay curled up in your bed, desperate to forget. Forget everything, that's all you wanted to do. Nothing seemed to matter anymore in your life, because she wasn't there.
The radio played softly in the background, though you didn't pay it much attention; you just had it on for some background noise. You'd grown so used to the sounds of the TARDIS that you now found it increasingly difficult to exist in complete silence.
The sound of Stevie Nicks' melodic voice caught your attention, but especially the song she was singing specifically: Gold Dust Woman. You scoffed at it, listening to the lyrics with a newfound sense of melancholy.
"Well, did she make you cry
Make you break down
Shatter your illusions of love?
And is it over now, do you know how?
Pick up the pieces and go home"
The words seemed to be speaking directly to your broken heart and tarnished soul, leaving you with a feeling that was beyond bittersweet. Everything that Stevie was singing, you experienced. Even now, you could still feel the fresh sting of the Doctor's departure, despite it being over a month since it happened.
You buried your face into your pillow, sighing deeply as a fresh onslaught of tears overtook you. Let's see, she did make me cry and break down, and she shattered my illusions of love, but I don't seem to know how to pick up the pieces, you sarcastically thought, shooting the radio a dirty look before sighing.
The Doctor was your gold dust woman, you realized. And like any gold dust woman, you fell in love with her, and then it ruined you.
"But did she make you cry
Make you break down
Shatter your illusions of love?
And now tell me, is it over now?
Do you know how to pick up the pieces
And go home? Go home, go home"
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Headcanons: 13th Doctor x Autistic!Reader with a Special Interest in Steam Trains
@neurodiverse-dumpingground’s request: “Hi could you do a headcanon with the 13th doctor and autistic reader who’s hyperfixation is steam trains please!”
A/N: Here you go – since there are a few possible angles to be interested in for that topic, I tried to cover several of them, so hopefully it's a decent read no matter which part of trains you're into. Enjoy!
The reader here is gender-neutral.
Content warnings: None.
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Want to go back to the industrial revolution to see the earlier steam trains, and perhaps even ride them? The Doctor has you covered!
The moment you started travelling with her, being able to go on (or at least see) every type of steam train you know of became one of the top things on your bucket list.
The Doctor is more than happy to assist with this, especially so other people can see how clever her beloved companion is – and she’ll even take you to see similar locomotives from other planets, so you can learn about more different types beyond those created by humans.
One of them was essentially a steampunk-themed planet, where the train workers you met were impressed by your knowledge and eagerness to learn about their technology!
Whenever you want to infodump – whether it be about different types of trains, or their mechanisms – the Doctor is technology-minded enough to understand every word.
Especially if it’s about how they function, she can talk back with equal enthusiasm, so you both get to bond over them with each other.
If there’s any historically-inaccurate holes in your previous research about them, she’ll also correct it, so you get to know even more!
While the Doctor would rather take you to see the older trains in action than go to a museum, if you fancy doing the latter, she'll be willing to take you there. Nobody pays much mind to the cheeky little smiles you exchange when you see a train you've seen/ridden many years ago.
If you like to collect things regarding steam trains – whether it be models, or just books to read – the Doctor will help you find them, or if you’re not present, she’ll get any she comes across and give them to you the next time she picks you up.
The TARDIS eventually makes an extension to your room to keep your train-related stuff in, so you have it all accessible in one big space!
Chances are that, at some point, one of your adventures going on a train turns into another heroic endeavour. This may or may not lead to you being able to put your knowledge to use by helping to get the train to safety yourself.
The Doctor can tell that this was the best day of your life, and your delight each time you reminisce on it is contagious to her!
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evviejo · 11 months
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july 16th, 2017 introducing jodie whittaker, the 13th doctor
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stere0typical · 9 months
Say what you want about 13 but her outfits were great. The coat WITH a hood? The cropped pants? The BOOTS? Amazing, practical, wonderful in every way I love her <3
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Imagine the Doctor reminiscing about your arrival on the TARDIS...
"Do you remember the first thing you said when you walked into the TARDIS for the first time?" The Doctor asked.
Taking your eyes off the wiring in your hands, you glanced at the time-traveler. Of course you remembered.
The Doctor had told you that the first thing companions noticed was that the TARDIS was bigger on the inside but you - no, you said something else.
"I said it was beautiful."
Humming as the memory resurfaced, a smile planted itself as the Doctor watched you with an almost dreamy expression. "Yes, you did."
~ More imagines here ~
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donutdrawsthings · 4 months
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When I listen to this song I always imagine it's 8, 13 and 15 singing (with 12 silently playing the guitar)
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madrac · 5 months
do you think thirteen dropped yaz off and went to regenerate on her own because she couldn't bear the thought that yaz might've stopped loving her after regenerating. do you think her mind went to clara. to "please, just see me" and "im not your boyfriend" "i never thought you were" "i never said it was your mistake". do you think the doctor feared that, maybe, the kind of love she would've been able to give her after regenerating might not have been good enough. i am miserable
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sparrowatheart · 18 days
“Whole worlds pivot on acts of imagination"
- 13th Doctor, The Tsuranga Conundrum
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lanawinterscigarettes · 5 months
Doctor Who masterlist
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Fluff: ♡ Angst: ♤ Smut: ♧ Headcanons: ◇ May contain triggering content: ☆
Ninth Doctor
Comforting Touch ♤♡
Thirteenth Doctor
Almost Siblings ♡
cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day ♡
What Dies Doesn't Always Stay Buried ♤♡
Gold Dust Woman ♤
Dhawan! Doctor
put on your records and regret me ♤♡
Rose Tyler
Overprotective Older Sister ♤♡
Martha Jones
Worried For You ♡
River Song
Bored In Captivity ♡
Clara Oswald
Hiding Away ♤♡
Lady Oswald ♧
Simm! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
you're a cowboy like me ♤♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Missy/Gomez! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
Oral Exam ♧
Side Effects Include ♡
Kiss Of Doom ♡♤
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
Pay Attention ♧
What Dies Doesn't Always Stay Buried ♤♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Dhawan! Master
The Masters dating someone who's clumsy ◇
The One Who Rocks My World ♡
The Masters + finding rocks that match the color of each other's eyes ◇
Change of Plans ♡
I feel a lavender haze creepin' up on me ♡
The Masters taking care of a sick reader ◇
The reader taking care of the Masters when they're sick ◇
Whittaker! Master
my house of stone, your ivy grows ♡
put on your records and regret me ♤
Burning Red ♡
The Toymaker
Wanna Hippopotamus for Christmas ♡
The Toymaker losing a game to a reader who wants to dance with him ◇
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Headcanons: 13th Doctor comforting a neurodivergent S/O
A/N: I know I said I was going to finish up my M*rvel requests and then take a break – and if my current special interest in Doctor Who doesn’t last until after my uni deadline, I most likely still will – but god. Oh my fucking god. Working on my current project has been absolutely agonising so far, so I just really needed to make something like this. Enjoy!
The reader here is gender-neutral.
Content warnings: One mention of neglecting basic needs (eating and sleeping being specifically mentioned).
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The Doctor is, admittedly, not great at this at first – but she most certainly is trying her best for you.
Her first instinct would be to take you away from the problem by swooping you up in the TARDIS and going somewhere nice, but she knows that this isn’t always the answer, especially considering how often you both inadvertently end up in life-threatening situations. That’s the last thing you need right now.
Since you know that she’ll have trouble otherwise, you’ve likely communicated with her the best ways to help you in various situations that make you feel overwhelmed.
Whether it’s caused by sensory stimuli, something happening in your life, mental health issues, or you’ve just woken up in a shoddy mood, you’ve made sure to give her an idea of what to do.
You’re more than welcome to stay in the TARDIS for as long as you need until you’ve cleared your head. The Doctor can get it to dim the lights, quieten its sound, and find you somewhere to be on your own, if it’ll help.
If it’s related to work or a project, this is likely where the suggestion to do something fun will come in, since she feels that taking some time away and coming back with a fresh mind might help.
She’ll make certain to take you somewhere without any danger she hopes, so you don’t have more stress building up – it will also likely be related to a special interest of yours, if possible, so it’s more affective at making you feel better.
As mentioned here, she’ll have a sensory room in the TARDIS, just for you – so if you need to let out any frustration, agitation or anxiety through stimming, there are a variety of options for how you can go about it.
Since she likes you a lot, she can even lean on or cuddle you as a pressure stim, if you ask her to!
Depending on why you’re not feeling great - whether it be stress, executive dysfunction, or poor mental health - there’s a chance that you haven’t eaten, slept or taken care of your hygiene recently.
While she doesn’t blame you at all for this, the Doctor will absolutely work to fix it, even if she has to carry you to your destination(s) herself. You think she’s bluffing about that last part, until she does indeed bridal carry you to bed, or give you a piggyback while finding you something to eat.
If you want her to talk to you about something to distract you, she’s perfect for the job. Once she finds a subject to talk about, she’ll happily infodump to you for ages.
Not only can she easily take your mind off of whatever’s been bothering you, but you also enjoy the sound of her voice when she’s talking to you about something she’s passionate about. She sounds happy.
Once you’ve managed to calm down and are able to talk about what happened, she really doesn’t know what to say in response most of the time, so she’s better for listening than for trying to comfort you verbally. To her credit, she is a good listener when she needs to be!
More often than not, confiding in her works better for getting your thoughts out so you, yourself, can find solutions to your problems.
Having her with you makes you feel secure enough to gather your thoughts more easily, and to feel more confident in your decisions.
The Doctor is relieved that, even if this isn’t her strong point, she can still be there for you when you need her. She wants her favourite human to be okay, after all!
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bloody-cupcakes · 3 months
Okay but imagine a yandere Master/Missy (or even a yandere Doctor). Imagine them defying all laws of time and space to be with their "one true love", someone who doesn't even know they exist
Imagine how terrifying it would be to find out that not only has this person been obsessed with you and has stalking you for months, but they're a literal Timelord. So that means no matter where you go, or what you do, or how far you try to run, they will always find you in the end. Even if you die or escape, they will without a doubt somehow manage to bring you back, just because they love you so much
Bonus points if this crosses over into regenerations, meaning even if you do manage to get away from them there really is nobody who you can trust, because you never know when they're going to come back with a new form
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specialagentlokitty · 3 months
13th doctor x reader - when I look at you
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I was wondering if you could please do 2024 prompt #3 with the 13th doctor, if you still write for her? - Anon 💜
3 : “He/she/they carry more anger and pain then the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. He/she/they walked through hell a thousand times.” “Why are you telling me this?” “Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in his/her’s/their eyes is when he/she/they saw you.”
Grinning a little bit, you wondered over to one of the alien market stalls, looking at all the strange objects that they were selling.
“What’s this?” You asked.
The being behind the stall smiled at you, picking up the object you pointed to.
“It allows you to find whatever is on your mind, created a hologram map to it.”
“Oh awesome! This is going to help me find the doctor so much easier.”
“You’re friends with the doctor?”
You nodded your head and grinned sheepishly.
“It’s actually why I’m buying it, I have no clue where she went. How much is it?”
The alien smiled a little bit, holding their hands out to you and you held your hands, letting them pass you the bracelet.
“A friend of the doctor is a friend of me. The doctor saved me and many of my people, gave us a home here.”
You smiled softly.
“Yeah.. yeah she’s a good person..” you whispered.
You pressed a button on the bracelet and thought about the doctor, looking at the holographic map that showed she wasn’t all that far from you.
The alien came to stand next to you as you looked around trying to find her, and finally your eyes settled on her just down the street looking at something.
Apparently she had already found you because after a few seconds of looking at her she looked up and beamed brightly at you, holding up her hand, telling you to stay there so you nodded.
You let go of the bracelet and lowered your hand, putting your hands into the pockets of the hoodie you had taken from the doctor a while back.
The doctor got something and she ran over to you, nearly tripping over her own two feet as she came barrelling to a stop.
“I have a surprise for you! Close your eyes!”
You did as she said and you felt her take one of your hands, pressing something into your palm.
“Open them!”
She was beaming with pure happiness like always when she found something to show you, and you looked at the necklace she placed in your hand.
It was shaped like a star, and the middle of it was almost impossibly bright, but it didn’t hurt to look at.
“Wow… it’s so beautiful…” you whispered.
“A long time ago they learned how to harness the light from suns, turn them into jewellery and they’ve fast become popular all over the universe.” The doctor explained.
She took the necklace from you, standing behind you so she could put it around your neck.
“Well, in a lot of cultures it’s a sign that you’re spoken for, others it’s a way for somebody to say they love you.”
You smiled softly, watching as she walked around you.
“Then why do I have it?”
She just grinned brightly at you, taking your hand to kiss your knuckles before she beamed at the alien next to you, speaking in a language you couldn’t understand.
The TARDIS was great at translating but you soon learned that when the doctor was saying something that the TARDIS decided you weren’t allowed to her then you wouldn’t be offered translation.
Usually it revolved around you, something being said about you, nothing bad, always good things, it was the TARDIS respecting the doctors wishes to keep things a surprise.
So, you just stood there happily watching her, every so often catching her glancing at you, giving you the warmest smile possibly before turning to her old friend.
Finally the doctor turned to you and she walked over, kissing your cheek.
“Will you wait here? I’ll be just a few moments I’ve got to run an errand.”
“Of course I will, be safe.”
The doctor smiled ever so gently at you and she jogged away, and you turned back to the alien you were stood with.
They were watching the doctor jog away when they spoke.
“She carries more anger and pain than the whole universe combined, I can see it. Betrayal, hurt, deception, heartache, they’ve been through it all. She walked through hell a thousand times.”
You furrowed your brows a little bit in confusion.
“Why are you telling me this?”
The alien turned to you and they smiled slightly.
“Because the only time I’ve ever seen true peace in her eyes is when she saw you.”
“Oh yes. The doctor looks at you and it’s as if she has just watched the stars being made for the very first time, as if the whole beauty of the universe itself resides within you.”
You looked away shyly.
“I didn’t realise…”
“The doctor loves you wholly with both hearts, I can see that as clear as day, and perhaps, when you feel the time is right, you should act upon the love you have in return, I promise your advances will not be rejected.”
You thought about what they had said.
You and the doctor had always had this one and off kind of situation, you held hands, often she would kiss your cheek or knuckles, and she was insistent on giving you beautiful gifts.
You in return gave her your favourite hoodies to wear if you had to stay at earth for a while, you would always call her every night to tell her about your day and listen to her talk about hers.
You had never seen anybody during this time, and you couldn’t deny how you felt about the doctor.
As the doctor came back and you both made your way back to the TARDIS you were deep in thought.
You didn’t even realise the doctor was in front of you until you felt her hand gently touch the side of your face, and you snapped your eyes to her.
She had her brows furrowed, eyes full of concern.
“Is everything okay…? Did I do something to upset you…?” She whispered.
You didn’t think.
This whole time you had been hesitating, and you didn’t want to hesitate anymore.
You reached up, cradling her face and you leant forward.
The doctor didn’t waste any time in meeting you halfway, connecting her lips with yours, her hand moving to the back of your head as she stepped closer.
You smiled into the kiss and she did the same thing, placing her other hand on your waist, and finally she pulled away.
“Wow… okay.. that was.. wow..” she breathed.
You laughed softly, and she grinned.
“Do it again.”
You leant forward to quickly kiss her again before pulling away.
“Doctor the TARDIS stopped I need to go home.”
You stopped at the door, and turned to look at her.
“I want another.” She beamed
You laughed, leaving the TARDIS and she was right behind you.
“Kiss me again! Please!”
You had to turned away to hide your laughter, and seeing your little grin made the doctor grin even more as she followed you into your house.
You stopped in the hallway to look through your post, and she moved in front of you, moving your arms so she could stand under them, letting you wrap your arms around her shoulders while she wrapped her around your waist, resting her head against yours.
Finally you set your post down, placing your hands on her back, burying your face into her neck.
“Doctor?” You whispered.
She hummed a little bit.
“I love you too…”
She held you a little tighter, beaming brightly with that little twinkle she had in her eyes every single time she looked at you
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Imagine telling the Doctor why you’re hesitant to take another trip…
We should do it again. What do you say to another trip?
You gave your reply and the Doctor frowned, quite honestly very puzzled to have heard the word from your mouth. “Did you say no?”
You nod back unsure of why you felt so shameful about it. You had nothing to be ashamed about. Your reply was based on fact.
“Why?” The Doctor questioned. “We had fun didn’t we? Met new people, ate lots of food.”
Taking a long sigh, you walked around the console, fingers gently tracing the oddly shaped glowing buttons.
“I just - I can’t.” You said and paused to look up at the Doctors face. “It’s not that I don’t love our trips or your company because I do. But I…”
“You what?”
“I’m scared.” You confessed and before the Doctor could begin listing a hundred of the scariest foes you both faced, you continued. “I’m scared of what happens to the people you travel with.”
The Doctors expression dropped. It was unreadable and you hated that it was you who had been the cause of it. Unfortunately, it was the truth and you promised the Doctor early on to never lie unless it was critical.
But right now as you stood before the Time Lord - you wished you had lied.
“Listen, I know it’s not your fault. But I’ve seen the history and it doesn’t lie. To venture with you is like a-” you stopped yourself from saying ‘death sentence’ and started again. “I love our adventures. I enjoy a few risks. But even you can’t guarantee that I’ll return home.”
The Doctor simply stared at you. There was no movement, it honestly had you questioning if the two hearts were even beating. After what felt like ten supernovas, the Doctor moved to the console and flicked at a few buttons and knobs until the TARDIS began to stir.
“Where would you like to be dropped off?”
At the question, you felt a lump in your throat. Swallowing it down, you provided your destination and watched as the Doctor mapped a course before leaving console and disappeared behind a large door.
As you felt your heart break, the TARDIS whined mechanically. Gently rubbing the console, you sighed. “I don’t want to go either. But I’ve been marked with a bio-tracker. Wherever I go, enemies will find us. If I don’t leave now, the Doctors life will be in imminent danger and that’s one risk I’m not willing to take.”
~ More imagines here ~
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lostcosmos · 1 year
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I drew this for Valentine's but couldn't finish on time so!!
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analieninabox · 2 years
Can we please have a companion who just tries to gaslight their way out of dangerous situations while The Doctor figures out a plan? Like:
Dalek: You are a friend of The Doctor!
Companion: *standing next to The Doctor* what? Who’s that? I don’t know any Doctor. Probably not even a real thing. You’re making things up. You’re crazy.
Doctor: wtf r u doing
Companion: shush. This? *points at doctor* this is my friend… Dave.
Dalek: that is the doctor
Cpmpanion: I bet your friends told you that. They’re lying. They’re jealous of what we have. We have a deep connection.
Dalek: What are you talking about weve only just met-
Companion: you’re lying we both know it. You’re just confused.
Dalek: wth-
Comapnion: babe it’s okay just let us go and prove you’re not crazy. I know you’re not crazy. Just let us go.
Dalek: Yk what idgaf just gtf out of here
Doctor: 👁 👄 👁
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