#this Jeff is gay he was just so fucking deep in the closet it was crazy 💀
swirly-lemonade ¡ 5 months
Since we already know what you think about Ben what do you think about the rest of the people you are around while in the mansion?
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“Sorry this one took so long to answer… something happened that we needed to deal with… but the good thing is in the end moth was ok”
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medusapelagia ¡ 3 months
Love at first sight
written for @corrodedcoffinfest (Prompt 6: HEARD IT IN A LOVE SONG) and @steddie-week (Day 6, Prompt: Dizzy / drunken confessions) Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve/Eddie TW: none Words: 997
The music pumps in his ears and Steve might have drunk a little bit too much. Not enough to run to the bathroom but enough that he feels dizzy and happy for no reason, so he slams his glass on the bar counter and moves toward the dance floor.
The people are dancing around him like a human tide and all he wants is to go adrift. Someone grinds against his ass but he doesn’t even turn. Steve needs this, a little bit of human contact, the feeling that he’s wanted even if his parents just sent him their last check with a letter saying that from now on he’s on his own.
He should have told Robin, but she was on a date with the pretty barista she had a crush on since forever so he just crumpled the letter and threw it in his drawer, took his keys, and got to his favorite gay bar and started to drink the last money his parents gave him. No better way to spend it after all.
Someone bumps into him too hard and Steve loses his equilibrium. Trying not to fall on the ground he grabs the first thing he can, which apparently it’s a leather jacket.
Leather jackets mean bikers or metal heads, usually closeted ones that will get really angry.
“I’m sorry…” he slurs, “I tripped and…” Steve starts to apologize, but the man that’s looking at him is the most beautiful man he has ever seen. Long curly dark hair, deep dark eyes, and a mischievous smile painted on his face.
“You ok, sweetheart?” He tells him, holding Steve up, “Too many drinks, huh? It happens to the best of us.”
The man chuckles, making sure Steve is stable enough on his feet before turning toward his group of friends, but Steve’s hand is still holding tight on his leather jacket.
“If you could let go of me we could go back to our friends, sweetness,” the man smiles, prying Steve’s hand open.
“No? Don’t you want to have fun with your friends?”
“No friends.” Steve tries to explain, and the man frowns.
“You here alone?”
Steve nods, but the sudden movement makes him feel dizzy again. Luckily the other man grabs his arm and stabilizes him once more.
“Sorry… my head is spinning.” Steve apologized, hiding his face behind his free hand.
“Why don’t we sit for a moment, huh?”
“Eddie, come on! This round is on you!” Someone yells next to them, and Steve notices at that moment that he’s not in the middle of the dance floor anymore, but close to the bar counter.
The man grabs his wallet from his back pocket, one hand still holding Steve’s arm tight, “Need to get back to the table. Take what you need.”
“But how can I bring all the beers back?”
“I’ll ask Jeff to help you, don’t whine!”
Steve looks at the dark-haired man and asks, “Eddie?”
“Yeah. That’s me. What’s your name, sugar?”
“Nice to meet you, Steve. Why don’t you sit with me and my friends for a moment?” he proposes, dragging him toward the bar's private area, “We’re celebrating. We just signed our first contract with a musica label.” Eddie winks, “What about you? Something to celebrate?”
“My parents officially disowned me. And I’m drinking the last money they sent me.”
Eddie hums with a sad smile, “I know a thing or two about shitty parents. But maybe getting drunk in a bar alone isn’t the best choice to deal with things like that. People could take advantage of your state.”
“Are you going to take advantage of me?” Steve asks innocently, “I would let you if you wanted to.”
Eddie snorts, “Thank you for the offer but I’m the kind of guy who prefers full consent to drunk consent. Hey guys! This is Steve! He’s having a bit of a hard day so he’s staying with us until he feels a little bit better and we can send him home safely.”
“Hi Steve, I’m Jeff. Would you like a glass of water?”
“That’s a great idea. Why don’t you get one for him while helping Gareth with the beers? I gave him my wallet.”
“You gave your wallet to Gar?” another man asks, ginning, “He’s going to spend all your money. I bet twenty dollars he will come back with the most expensive bottle he can find.”
“Not my problem, Freak. You know I don’t really care about money.” Eddie shrugs, sitting next to the tall boy who keeps grinning.
“So you found another stray, Eddie?” Freak asks, scooting over to let them sit.
“I can't tell one from another. Did I find you or you find me?” Eddie replies, turning toward Steve who stares at him in confusion, “It’s a line I heard in a love song, always wanted to use it, never got the occasion. Till now.”
“Maybe wait for him to be sober before hitting on him, huh? Don’t worry. Eddie is dramatic like that, but he’s a good guy.”
“I think I love him,” Steve whispers to Freak way too loudly, and the big man chuckles.
“Look at you, Eddie! You just signed your first contract and already found yourself a groupie!”
Eddie reaches out for the glass of water that Jeff is holding and gives it to Steve, “Drink it all like a good boy.”
“I do.” Steve insists, taking Eddie’s hand and putting it over his chest, “Can’t you feel my love for you? It’s like you said. We were meant to find each other.” 
If Steve wasn’t drunk he would feel ashamed of himself, but what he said it’s true. He never believed in love at first sight, but now he would swear by it.
“Ok. Ok. Now drink your water and if tomorrow morning you’ll feel still in love with me,” Eddie says, fishing a chewed pen and writing a number on a napkin “call me.” 
Now with a second part
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jonathan-mcgregory ¡ 7 years
Something About the Way You Look Tonight
Day 11- Klaine Valentine’s Challenge
Author: Porcelain and Leather
Rated: T
Kurt grinned as he pulled into his father’s driveway. He looked at Blaine and took his hand. “Are you ready for this?”
Blaine smiled and kissed his hand. “I’m ready, baby.” He kissed him softly. “Do you think he’ll like me?”
Kurt looked at him lovingly. He pressed his head against Blaine’s and sighed. “Babe, He is going to love you.” He kissed him softly and cupped his cheek. “Because I love you.” He pulled back, smiling at his boyfriend.
Blaine smirked at him and leaned into his hand. “You love me?”
Kurt giggled and nodded. “Yeah, I do. You are a pretty amazing, man.”
Blaine pecked his lips. “We should go inside before your dad comes out to check on us. He might not like us making out, in his driveway.”
Kurt laughed. “Oh that would not end well.” He climbed out of the car and met Blaine at the door. He took his hand before heading inside. “Dad? We’re here.”
Burt walked out of the kitchen wearing an apron. “Hey, I was just putting the food back into the oven.” He grinned at the two teenagers. “Why don’t you two make yourself comfortable?” Burt looked down at their connected hands and rolled his eyes, walking back to the kitchen. He told himself to remain calm. Kurt was an adult now.
Kurt bit his lip and blushed. “That was okay, I guess.”
Blaine smiled at him. “It was. He is trying to be supportive, but It’ll be a bit of a struggle.” He walked over to the couch and sat down. “Come sit with me.”
Kurt sat down and nodded. Blaine’s gift was helpful, sometimes.He caressed his hand and took a breath. “I think I’m more nervous that you are.” He chuckled softly.
“Kurt, this is important to you?”
Kurt gulped and nodded. “If I’m going to be with you, for eternity, I need my family to love you.”
Blaine sighed and looked down, guiltily. “I hope... because I really do love you.” He looked back up and kissed him. He wanted to tell Kurt the truth but he did not want to upset him yet.
Burt coughed as he walked back into the living room. “Okay. Enough kissing.”
Kurt jumped back and giggled, blushing deeply. “Sorry, Dad.”
The man shook his head, chuckling softly. “No, it’s fine. I’m not some old prude.” He sat in his chair, facing the boys. “So, Introduce me to your boyfriend, Kurt.”
Kurt sat up and fixed his shirt. “Dad, this is Blaine. Blaine, this is my father, Burt Hummel.” He looked between the two men and smiled.
Burt offered his hand to Blaine. “It’s good to meet you son.”
Blaine took a deep breath and took Burt’s hand. “It’s good to meet you too.”
Burt raised a brow at him. The boy was freezing. “So, I heard you say, you love my son?”
“Dad!” Kurt screeched, looking panicked.
Blaine chuckled nervously. “I do, sure. I know it’s only been a few months, but I can safely say, I love him. It’s hard not to.”
“Good answer.” Burt chuckled and looked at his son. “It’s alright Kurt. I’m done asking the tough and embarrassing questions.” He sighed softly. Hia son really was growing up. “Would you like anything to drink?”
“I would love a glass of water.” Blaine thought a moment, wanting to seem normal.
Kurt licked his lips. “Let me get that. Dad, can I talk to you in the kitchen?” He got up and went into the kitchen.
Burt got up to follow him. “What’s up, buddy?”
Kurt bit his lip as he filled a few glasses of water. “Well, what do you think?”
Burt smiled and grabbed a tray for the water. “I think he is a very polite young man.” He took the glasses of water and put them on the tray. “I’m just worried that you are going too fast.” He looked at his son. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Kurt nodded and smiled at him. “I know, dad. Blaine and I have talked about this.”
Burt nodded. “And what did you decide?”
“Well, we are not going to get married or anything, but we have decided to share an apartment in New York. He is going to Columbia and hopefully I get into NYU.” Kurt sighed hoping that his dad would not catch him in a lie. He looked at his father.
Burt closed his eyes and took off his cap rubbing his face. ‘It’s not easy living with someone Kurt.” He opened his eyes and shook his head, “I’m not sure I like this. Are you really sure you want to risk it?”
“Yes, I know that I’m young but this feels right.”  He shrugged taking the tray from his dad. He was pretty sure that Blaine had heard everything but wanted to keep some semblance of privacy. “I need you to be supportive dad, and if it’s a mistake, I’ll talk to you first.” He sighed and went back to the living room with the waters.
Burt did not like it but he knew that Kurt was right. It was his choice, and he would support him.
Kurt giggled as he Blaine kissed his neck. He ran his hands through his boyfriend’s hair. He really loved when they had alone time. “Babe. I love when you do that.”
Blaine growled playfully. “I love doing it.” He nipped at his ear. “God, you are so beautiful.”
Kurt moaned and pressed his body against Blaine’s. He pulled him into a deep kiss as he rolled them over, straddling his waist.
Blaine growled into the kiss, gripping his hips. “Fuck, so hot.” He nipped his lip rolling his hips.
Kurt gasped and threw his head back. “Don’t stop.” He whimpered gripping his shoulders. He body felt like it was on fire. “Feels so good.” The door opened and kurt cursed. He glared at his roommate, as he rolled off his boyfriend’s lap. “Hello, Hunter.”
Hunter smirked at them. “Did I interrupt something.”
Kurt grumbled and shook his head. “I thought you were going to be out all night.” He leaned back into Blaine’s arms. Blaine kissed his forehead and sighed.
Hunter shrugged putting his keys in his dresser. “My date got called into work.” He looked at the two and smiled. He really wished he could be as open as them.
Kurt gulped and nodded. He knew Hunter had a hard time, with himself but he was a little annoyed. “Well, I hate to be rude, but our date was still going on. I leave you alone when you have guys over.”  
Hunter groaned and rolled his eyes. “Honestly, I thought you guys would have been heading to your little Glee practice, by now.” He snapped back. Usually he admired the pair’s talent and dedication, but he was not in the mood to argue with Kurt. “Or are you two just going to spend the night not getting lucky, but getting really close.”
Kurt growled at him and threw a pillow at his face. “Shut up, Hunter.” He took Blaine’s hand. “He’s right. We really do need to get to rehearsal, Wes will be pissed of we miss another.”
Hunter just waved after him as he stormed out of the room with BLaine. Blaine squeezed his hand. “Why do you let him get to you.”
Kurt sighed as he started to calm down a bit. “It’s just, makes little snide comments, about me being gay, but he sneaks around and with college guys.” He huffed. He would be a nicer guy, if he’d just stop beating himself up, about it. Damn, I am tired of closeted guys who take it out on me.”
Blaine stopped him and pulled him into his arms, kissing him tenderly. “There has been more than Hunter?”
Kurt took a deep breath and nodded. He had no idea why he had never taken the time to tell Blaine about Karofsky. “My bully, back at McKinley. His name was David Karofsky.” He closed his eyes trying not to let his emotions show. “I got tired of him pushing me around and I confronted him.”
Blaine cupped his chin and kissed him. “Hey, did he hurt you?”
Kurt chuckled, a tear falling down his cheek. “I wish. He told me to get out of my face. I thought he was going to punch me, but he fucking kissed me.”
Blaine growled at that. “He forced himself on you?”
Kurt shook his head. “I pushed him away and he stopped. I just… I had never been kissed before. I started dating Noah, the next day.” He blinked his eyes open. “I told him what happened and…” Kurt smiled at the memory. “He said he’d take care of it. Then he asked me to go to dinner with him.”
BLaine nodded smiling. “Noah, he was the guy you were dating when you transfered.”
Kurt nodded. “I was okay, for a few months. Noah never really came out and said we were dating, but he was so sweet when we were alone. David left me alone for the most part, but then he got scared I would out him.” He gulped. “So he got me alone, and told me if I ever told anyone about the kiss, he’d kill me.”
Blaine held him tight. He was afraid that if he let him go, he’d go after David, himself. “And that is why you changed schools?”
Kurt nodded, feeling a little ashamed. “Yes, I told my dad, and I was afraid he’d get sick again. So My brother Finn, and I found Dalton, and I secretly applied. When I got the scholarship, I asked my dad if I can transfer and he reluctantly said yes.” Kurt shrugged. “I ran away.”
BLaine shook his head and kissed him. “No, you survived. This Karofsky could have really hurt you, and, on the bright side, If you had not have transfered, I never would have met you.”
Kurt chuckled and nodded wiping his eyes. “True.” He rolled his eyes and decided he was done talking about this. “We should really go to practice.”
Blaine shrugged but nodded. “I guess so. Just promise me, if he ever tries to hurt or scare you again, tell me?”
Kurt nodded. “I promise.” He kissed him a final time before walking to the chior room.
Wes stood in front of the group. “Okay, I think we are ready for Nationals.” He looked at the agenda. “We do have a request. Kurt and Jeff have prepared a number for us.” He motioned for them to start as he sat down.
Kurt moved over to the piano. “Thank you, Wes.” He nodded toward Jeff who sat on the piano. “This is for Nick and Blaine.” He started playing the opening to “Something About the Way You Look Tonight.”
Jeff: There was a time
I was everything and nothing all in one
When you found me
I was feeling like a cloud across the sun
I need to tell you
How you light up every second of the day
But in the moonlight
You just shine like a beacon on the bay.
He hopped off the piano and walked over to Nick, kissing him softly.
Kurt: And I can’t explain
But it’s something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
It’s that feeling I get about you, deep inside
And I can’t describe
But it’s something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
The way you look tonight
Kurt smiled as Blaine came to sit next to him.
Blaine and Kurt : With a smile
You pull the deepest secrets from my heart
In all honesty
I’m speechless and I don’t know where to start
Jeff: And I can't explain
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Oh, it takes my breath away
It's that feeling I get about you, deep inside
And I can't describe
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
Kurt: The way you look tonight
Jeff: The way you look tonight
Blaine: The way you look tonight
Jeff: The way you look tonight
Nick: The way you look tonight
Kurt: The way you look tonight
Jeff: The way you look tonight
All four: (The way you look) the way you look tonight
The way you look tonight
The choir room broke out into applause as the couples kissed. Wes banged his gavel laughing. “Alright, get a room, you guys.” He smiled at the look of love in his brother’s eyes. He got a call and answered the phone. “Yeah, Alice?”” He chuckled softly. “He is busy, at the moment.” He laughed and shook his head. “Yes with Kurt. I’ll have him call you later.” He hung up the phone and smiled. “Alright. Everyone, I guess the meeting is over. Blaine, can you and Kurt stay?”
BLaine nodded as he watched the other’s leave the room. He walked over to Wes. “Is everything alright?”
Wes nodded patting his shoulder. “Yeah, That was Alice. He said that Jane and Alec are coming, this weekend.”
Blaine gulped, his eyes going wide. “How is that alright? They only bring bad news.”
Wes smirked and shook his head. “They are coming so that Alec can ask Sebastian to return with him, again.” He grinned and licked his lips. “Apparently he is miserable about your brother.” He chuckled softly. “I just need you to cool it, while they are here.”
BLaine nodded and smiled. Sebastian was going to lose his shit with them here. “Maybe Kurt and I can go to New York this weekend, avoid them all together.
Kurt’s stared at him. “Are you serious? I can’t afford to go to New York.”
Blaine waved it off. “Don’t worry about it baby. It’s on me. Trust me, you do not want to meet Jane. She’s kind of a vindictive bitch.”
Kurt gulped. “Will she hurt me?”
Wes nodded. “Quite possibly. She is adamant that every Volturi ruling is carried out ot the letter, and her gift is,” He thought for a moment. “Shattering.” He let out a sigh. “And she loves using it.”
Kurt nodded and looked at his hands. “So, you want me to hide my feelings for Blaine.”
Blaine wrapped an arm around him. “We don’t have to, if we go to New York, and we can spend the time looking at apartments.”
Kurt looked at him lovingly. “Alright. But I insist on helping, pay for the trip. I’ve told you before, I’m not okay with you spending so much on me.”
BLaine nodded and kissed him. “Can I at least take you to see a show?”
Kurt grinned and nodded. “That, I’m okay with.”
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whitesockluv-blog ¡ 7 years
My Fantasy
A Dreams tangibile, can BECOME actual! Dreams become reality. Fantasy's are not tangible, or actual but a fansy Story an impossible dream  I GET BLACKMAILED My name is Jeffery, I'm a senior in high school & the MVP Batter. The weekend i missed a game, my best friend Brandon stopped by after his wrestling match ,he never does that. I knew rite then sumthing was up. Anywayz he asks if my folks r home, their not, they're gone for the weekend. Brandon says cool and sits in my dads  recliner an throws his cell on the side table. I realize, Oh shit my movie is on the table & he just threw his phone on top if, Im thinkin' , SHIT! FUCK he's gonna see it. I'm thinking of how to explain the movie being In my house.     He start saying he's exhausted and his feet are sore as hell. He had  gone to the Gym before the wrestling match then straight to the match. I notice he's still wearing the team uniform but OMG he's wearing pair of size 11 chuck taylor high top vans that were leather. {his feet had to be drenched with sweat. I pray he doesn't take um off. If he does he'd see my instant hard-on & how I'd be hypnotized by his socks .}         A text message goes off on his phone,  i recognize the ring tone it's his girlfriend he reaches for it, an see the DVD cover box "Gay Guy Blackmailed By A Straight Guys." He reads the text real quick an calls his her, he calls her,  while talking to her, he picks up the DVD an looks it over. He has a curious confused look on his face. He tells his girl that He's got sum Wrestling team stuff to take care if b4 the next match tomorow. Tell's her he'd just call her tomorrow. He hangs up & turns his phone . I think WTF? *{*{Everything inside these brackets is to describe the pictures on Cover }*}* He flips it over and skims the back. 1st story starts out with: A small town High School's MVP All Star Baseball Player who's a "Closet Case" & he's got a SOCK fetish. {*{1st Pict} So after ever home game, he'd be the last 1 in the Locker room (he had keys & AS DID Varsity wrestling Team Captain ) . He'd check the showers and weight room & if everyone was gone, he'd roll the laundry bin to the benches a long the lockers and pull all the teams socks out the laundry bin while there still hot and sweaty an lay some on the bench to lay on, and cover himself with the rest and masturbates all over all the socks........ {next Pict}well one day he didn't check to see if the locker room was empty & couldn't hear the shower in the wrestling room & the Wrestling team caption, his best friend who is Straight was in the shower. when he's getting out of the shower he's drying off an hears a quiet moan so he wants to investigate, he sneaks up on the sound and sees his best friend Jeffery  laying on the bench covered with dirty socks jackin off" .... Brandon has an evil thought - Black mail. An sneaks out the locker room}*}* *{*{Everything inside these brackets is to describe the pictures on Cover }*}* I haven't told him or anyone I'm gay.   I'm thinking FUCK  WHY IS HE'S STILL LOOKINGAT IT.  he has a mischievous  look on his face like he's  about to have fun at someone else's expense (probably mine). OH SHIT I'M  BUSTED.  How do i explain the this.    He puts down the DVD takes a deep breath sits on the couch and kicks his feet up on the coffee table & says Jeff come sit down we need to talk.I think OH THIS IS BAD.       So Tuesday  after school after my match I was in the wrestling room showering....An ummm while I was toweling dry I um heard a noise and well I SAW U JACKIN' OFF COVERED IN DIRTY SOCKS.WTF DUDE?(My face turned pale white) So ur gay and nobody knows. So I'll keep ur secret But ur gonna do something for me whenever I tell u to! After every match & whenever I feel like it. Understand! ( I can't believe this, he's blackmailing me. what choice do I have? I don't have any choice) So he tell me to take off his shoes, he shoves his sweaty socks in my face an say "U know u like it boy" & to "get a good whiff boy." Now massage my feet! " I massage for a while he's not looking i run my lips across ur hot toes. Ur hard by now u say  "Ok boy u want my socks u gotta work for um, Jack me off, I haven't busted a nut in a few days"after a few min u mumble "Suck it."{u intended to cum on across my face} It felt so good u shot all 6 streams that hit the back of my throat. (I didn't even have to swallow).So I keep sucking, u want me to stop but i don't so u start to fuck my tight hot warm mouth thinking i'll start choking  an stop {HA HA. I don't got a gag reflex} 15 min later out the corner of my eye i see his toes curl ,his legs trembling, his body convulses as he shot off load after load down my throat again. ( I stopped countin after the 5th load . Double the 1st round, Unbelievable). He had stored up a lot of cum. (My 9inch  cock is rock solid an dripping wet,it hurt. u can see a large wet spot on my jeans, I thought i might have pissed myself.) While he try to catch his breath still trembling he says   "Get on the Floor here NOW". He lays on the couch his legs dangling over the end of the couch and had me laying were he couldn't see me,his feet dangled 1/2 an inch over my face for what seemed like forever, I was inhaling the sweet stench of his dirty socks,  I felt the heat from his feet, my crotch throbbing, i go to unzip my pants but I'm stopped  by a foot, he start rubbing against my crotch at the same time he puts his other foot across my face covering my forehead, my nose resting his sweaty toes on my lips. I start convulsing and opened my mouth to let out a cry of frustration but was muffled by his curled toes in my mouth, I tried to grab my crotch again  so he  rub harder across my cock in a stroking motion, he won't let me touch my dick. There was an evil sound to his voice wen he says  "Should've stopped wen I cam the 1st time, I didn't say keep going Did I. I'm gonna torcher u, an make u squirm & beg b4 I say u can jack-off. Once he let me, he shoved his toes in my mouth to muffle the moans, saying Shut the fuck up! And rubbed the other foot across my stomach and chest, a few min later i cum. I cum on his sock'd foot on my stomach and i hit the foot in my face." He looks furious. I didn't say u could cum on my socks DAMN IT!......... From now on ur my best friend & my slave (Bitch)! I know ur secret & I'll tell everyone unless u do what I say when I want! I saw how u turned yo putty when I took off my shoes and am gonna take advantage of you. An u'll like it. Right }:) I mumble Yes Master, He shoves a foot back in my face ( I convulse violently. He says I didn't hear you. I say louder Yes Master
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365daysofj2 ¡ 8 years
Surrender (Library Boys, NC-17, 16/?)
“I’m so glad you live here now, because if you’d gotten snowed in at your old apartment, I would’ve cried. For real.” Jensen cards his fingers through Jared’s tangled bed hair. Jared rolls over and looks through the half-open blinds to see a thick blanket of snow covering their driveway, the little bit of yard they have, their sidewalk, and the empty parking spaces across the street. The actual street itself has been plowed enough to get one car through, but that snow is piled up in front of all their driveways. Thank God their homeowner’s association payment goes to the crew that shovels the driveways, because they’re gonna earn their fucking money today. “Yeah, I’m really glad I’m here with you. We’re not going anywhere for a while.” “I can’t believe Jeff waited until 8 o’clock last night to close the system, and didn’t even put in on social media until 11:00! Eleven o’clock at night, it finally goes up on Twitter. What the fuck.” Jared groans. “It’s too damn early to talk about work.” He turns back over to face Jensen. “I can think of better things to do with that mouth.” “Oh really?” Jensen brushes his lips against Jared’s jaw. “What did you have in mind?” Jared meets Jensen’s lips with his own. He lightly traces the tip of his tongue along the seam of Jensen’s mouth, until Jensen parts his lips and lets Jared inside to sweep the last traces of the evening’s mulled wine from inside Jensen’s mouth. “Mmm, spicy,” murmurs Jared. “And sweet.” “This is the best Tuesday morning I’ve ever had,” replies Jensen. “And it’s only 7:30.” “Yeah, no work, no shoveling…” Jared’s voice drops down an octave. “No reason to leave this bed.” “I was just thinking that,” purrs Jensen, sliding a hand down Jared’s belly to his cock, which is sporting a fairly impressive case of morning wood. “And you’re just rarin’ to go, aren’t you, baby?” “Your mouth. My dick. Now,” growls Jared. “I promise to return the favor posthaste.” “Ooh, busting out the big words this morning.” Jensen peppers Jared’s neck and sternum with fluttery little kisses. “Once a librarian, always a librarian.” “You are the worst dirty talker in the known universe.” “Maybe I should read The Sexy Librarian’s Big Book of Erotica, get some pointers.” “We sent that out in delivery and it never came back, as far as I know,” replies Jared, grinning. “Maybe you should put a hold on it. With your staff account.” Jensen throws his head back and laughs. “Do you have any idea what Osric or Briana would do if that hold came up on my staff account? I’d never hear the end of it!” “Are you kidding? Osric would probably put it on hold for himself.” “We’re talking about work again,” Jensen points out. “We are the fail at being horny gay men.” “But we’re fucking awesome librarians,” replies Jared with a smirk. “We should try and convince Jeff to sign the new outreach van up for the Pride Parade.” Jensen honest-to-God cackles. “Oh my God, I would pay to see that! I might have to try, just to see what Jeff and Kim would say.” Jensen drops his head onto Jared’s chest, still chuckling, and vibrating Jared’s nipples in a surprisingly pleasurable way. “We are unforgivably nerdy.” “Librarians through and through,” agrees Jared. He reaches down and wraps his long fingers around Jensen’s half-hard dick, giving it a couple of sensuous strokes and bringing it up to speed with Jared’s own massive hard-on. “But you’re gonna blow me now, and then we’re gonna get in the shower.” “When did you get so bossy?” complains Jensen, but he pushes himself up and starts licking a trail from Jared’s navel down to the shaft of his dick. He laves a thick stripe down the top of Jared’s shaft to the tip and licks off a bead of precome. “Since I moved in,” replies Jared, tangling his fingers in Jensen’s hair and holding his head in place over Jared’s painfully hard cock. Jensen slides the tip of his tongue around the underside of the head and then teases the slit some more. Jared drops his head back against the pillow and moans. “Yeah, babe, tha’ss it.” Jensen closes his lips around the head and hums. Jared almost loses it right then and there, but forces himself to stay in control by reciting Dewey Decimal numbers in his head. 0-.01, Computer Science. .01-.02, Biography, .02-.03, Library Science, .03-.04, Encyclo— Jensen flutters his tongue over Jared’s slit and Jared sees white sparks at the edge of his vision. Jensen turns his attention to the underside of the shaft, fluttering his tongue all the way down to the base and then behind Jared’s balls, and that’s it. Jared shoots his load all over the sheets and lets out a stuttering moan. Jensen’s head pops up and he grins wolfishly. “Okay, now I’ma strip the bed and meet you in the shower.” “Gimme a minute, I don’t think my legs work yet.” Jared takes a few deep breaths and tries to slow his heart, which is currently jackhammering against his ribcage. “You’re a fuckin’ menace, you know that?” “My tongue is legendary,” replies Jensen with a wicked smirk. “Admit it: you are in awe of my blowjob skills.” “I’m in awe of your ego, that’s for sure,” replies Jared. He runs a hand through his sweaty hair and pushes himself up on his elbows. “You do that laundry thing you mentioned, and I’ll warm up the shower.” Jensen tosses off a mock salute. “Yes, sir.” He shoves Jared toward the end of the bed. “Can’t take sheets off while you’re on ‘em.” Jared gets to his feet with some difficulty and staggers toward the bathroom. “I’m getting too old for this shit.” Jensen cackles at that, too. “You’re too old? I’m a fucking decade older than you.” “No, you’re not,” retorts Jared. “You’re six years older than me. That’s only half a decade.” “It feels like a fucking generation,” mutters Jensen. “You put holds on every single graphic novel we process. I read David Foster Wallace and Elena Ferrante for fun. You and I could not be more different.” “And that’s why the sex is so fucking awesome!” replies Jared. “We’re opposites in pretty much every way except sexual orientation. We’re never gonna get bored.” “Just get in the damn shower so I can wash the sheets?” Jared leans against the wall outside Jensen’s—well, actually, their—bedroom. “Comme tu veux.” “Oh, you remember that.” Jensen strips the sheets off the bed with practiced ease. “I checked the Berlitz French course out from AFL,” says Jared. “Je t’aime, mon petit chou.” “Embrasse-moi, ma puce.” Jensen kisses Jared on the lips as he reaches for the closet door behind him. “Je voudrais faire un câlin. Mais, après la douche.” “You want to do…something…after we shower?” Jensen smiles. “Not bad. Faire un câlin is cuddle. But we can totally fuck first.” “You’re so generous.” Jared slaps Jensen’s ass as he passes by with the dirty sheets. “Just turn on the fucking hot water already!” calls Jensen as he starts down the stairs. Jared goes into the bathroom and starts the shower. He’s got the water nice and hot by the time Jensen comes back up to join him. Jensen steps under the spray and moans out loud. “Tu es le meilleur.” “I am the best?” Jared presses a kiss to the junction of Jensen’s neck and shoulder. “Merci beaucoup.” “De rien.” Jensen wets his hair and then steps aside so Jared can do the same. They end up sharing the shampoo, but it takes Jared so much longer to rinse out his hair that Jensen gets impatient, seizing Jared’s free hand and guiding it to his dick. “Ooh la la,” murmurs Jared, fisting Jensen’s hard length in his hand. “Someone’s impatient this morning.” “T’as bien raison,” growls Jensen, grazing his teeth over Jared’s pulse point and thrusting further into Jared’s grip. “What does that mean?” “Damn right.” Jensen starts to suck a claiming mark onto Jared’s shoulder, and Jared responds by jacking Jensen roughly from shaft to head. Jensen groans and leans into the touch. “Ça c’est bien. Très, tres bien.” That doesn’t take any translation at all on Jared’s part: very, very good. He continues to jack Jensen’s hot, heavy cock until he can sense that Jensen’s getting close. Then he shoves Jensen up against the wall and wraps an arm across his chest, letting the hot water sluice down his back and into his ass crack. He pumps Jensen’s cock until Jensen shoots his load all over the shower wall and eases him through the aftershocks. Then he draws back and lets Jensen clean himself off under the spray. Jared’s feeling a little endorphin-high himself, and he grabs a washcloth from the bar and soaps them both up with Jensen’s Old Spice body wash. They both rinse off under the water until Jensen shuts off the spray. He hands Jared a clean blue towel and takes another one for himself. They both dry off and hang the wet towels back on the towel bar. Then they brush their teeth, sharing the small vanity sink by pressing their hips and thighs together to fit in the space. Jensen dries his hair with a smaller towel and then offers it to Jared, who ends up soaking it through with all the excess water from his chestnut mane. Jensen shakes his head and hangs it over the shower curtain rod. “Breakfast?” asks Jensen. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” “What’s on the menu?” “I’ve got eggs, ham, cheese, and bread. Omelets and toast okay?” “Sounds great,” says Jared, following Jensen into the bedroom to throw on a robe and slippers. “I’m gonna check my email and then I’ll be down.” His email is pretty much empty except for a class assignment from Samantha, so Jared accepts it and then heads down to the kitchen, which smells so much like Jared’s childhood home that he’s momentarily transplanted back to his kitchen in San Antonio, banging on pots and waiting for his mom to finish grilling his hot ham ‘n cheese sandwich and tomato soup. It’s not a terribly sexy image, but it’s comforting. Jensen turns around when he hears Jared’s plodding footsteps. “Yours is almost ready. Go hit the button on the toaster oven?” Jared does as he’s told and the toaster oven timer starts ticking. Jensen plates a beautiful-looking omelet just as the timer starts beeping so Shirley Jared mistakes it for the smoke detector. “Holy shit, that’s the toaster oven?” “Yeah, it’s kind of obnoxious,” replies Jensen, handing Jared the omelet and opening the toaster oven door. He grabs the sourdough toast with tongs and throws it on a paper plate, which he carries to the table himself. He sets the plate down next to a butter dish and silverware, and Jared places his omelet plate on the placemat. “Thanks for this,” he says, pressing a quick kiss to Jensen’s jaw. Jensen grins. “De rien, mon coeur.” He kisses Jared’s cheek and heads back to the stove to start his own omelet. Jared takes his time with his toast so he can wait for Jensen to join him at the table. Jensen brings his own omelet and plate of toast over and steals the butter from Jared’s side. “You could’ve asked,” says Jared. “Less fun.” Jensen grins and slathers his toast in butter. “I don’t know how you manage to fit in your pants if this is the way you eat at home.” “Only today,” replies Jensen, smirking, “because I know I’m gonna work it off later.” “Oh, do you now?” Jared takes a bite of his omelet. It’s really damn good, and Jared is even more convinced that moving in with Jensen is the best thing he could’ve done. “Again, you could at least ask.” “You plannin’ to hold out on me?” Jensen quirks an eyebrow. “I should,” says Jared, spearing a piece of ham, “but I won’t.” “That’s my boy.” Jensen takes a bite of his own omelet. “I should’ve gotten some fresh cheddar at the store. This is a little bit stale.” “Really? I couldn’t tell.” Jared takes an experimental bite. It tastes utterly fantastic to him. “Maybe you just have ridiculously high standards.” “Well, I date you, so how high can they be?” Jared throws his napkin at Jensen. “You’re in quite a mood this morning.” “I don’t have to deal with patrons this morning,” counters Jensen. “I’m over the fucking moon about that. No Carletta, no Chang…I’ve earned a fucking break.” “Yeah, you have been pretty stressed lately.” Jared finishes his omelet and starts on his last piece of toast. “I hereby declare this house a library-free zone. No more talking about work until the day we go back.” Jared glances out the back door at the thick wall of white. “And it’s looking like that might be even further in the future, if this doesn’t slow down soon. There’s gotta be a foot on the ground already.” “They said one to two inches an hour, and it started snowing around eight last night,” says Jensen. “That’s almost twelve hours, so twelve inches sounds about right.” “I’m just glad we don’t have to shovel it.” “A-fucking-men,” says Jensen with a smile. “That’s what I pay the big bucks to the homeowner’s association for. I don’t know when they’ll come by, but it’ll be before the end of the day.” Jared smiles back. “I love your house.” “I love having you in my house.” Jensen reaches over and places a hand on Jared’s knee. “Now, finish up so we can spend the rest of our well-deserved day off in bed.” Conversation is put on hold while they both finish eating. Jensen collects the dishes and puts them in the dishwasher, then puts a few beers in the fridge to chill. After that, he extends a hand to Jared. “Allons-y, mon coeur.” “Oui, mon cheri.” Jared follows Jensen up the stairs to the bedroom and helps him put clean sheets on the bed. Then he reaches into the nightstand drawer for the condoms and lube he knows Jensen keeps there, plus a little surprise he stashed there yesterday. Jensen stretches out on the clean cornflower blue sheets that do wondrous things for his green eyes and freckle-dusted alabaster skin. Jared takes advantage of his drowsy, sated state to clasp one cuff around his left wrist, wind the chain through the headboard slats, and fasten the other cuff around his right wrist. Jensen’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline and his eyes widen enough to see that, despite his obvious confusion, his pupils are blown wide with lust and excitement. “What the fuck?” “Relax,” murmurs Jared, tracing a fingertip down the inside of Jensen’s arm to his elbow and then to his chest. “Just go with the flow.” He takes one of Jensen’s nipples between his lips and flicks his tongue over the sensitive bud until it stiffens under his ministrations. He lightly runs his tongue around the base and then flutters the tip of his tongue over the hard little bud, making Jensen growl deep in his throat. Jensen pulls at the cuffs, but they’re lined with fleece; they won’t leave bruises or friction burns. Jensen’s perfectly safe. He just doesn’t think so…yet. Jared turns his attention to Jensen’s other nipple, coaxing it into hardness with strategic flicks of his tongue and light grazes with his teeth. Jensen’s moaning with abandon now, still straining against the bonds. “Jen, seriously, you gotta relax. It won’t be any fun if you don’t.” He brushes his lips feather-lightly over Jensen’s. “You’ve gotta give a little to gain a lot.” “Now who’s the one not askin’?” hisses Jensen. “Don’t you trust me?” replies Jared, breathing hot and heavy over Jensen’s cheek. “You know I do,” answers Jensen quietly. “Then just trust that I have your best interests at heart, and surrender.” Jared murmurs the last word right into Jensen’s ear, and the hot breath on sensitive skin raises goosebumps on Jensen’s arms and chest. Jared nips at the shell of Jensen’s ear and then sucks Jensen’s earlobe between his teeth. Jensen shivers, and Jared presses his chest to Jensen’s to warm him up. Jensen’s skin is cool and slightly clammy; Jared’s is flushed and heated from within. Jared slides a hand down Jensen’s side to his hip, and then rolls off to give himself better access to Jensen’s cock. “You want me to fuck you, babe? Split you open and lay you bare, till all you can do is scream my name? You wanna submit to my every desire?” Jensen nods, eyes still dark with lust. “God, yes,” he hisses. “Fuck me, Jay. Fuck me so hard I forget my fuckin’ name.” Jared smirks. “I can do that.” He squeezes lube onto his fingers and inserts one into Jensen’s hole. Jensen’s a little tight, but he relaxes quickly and lets Jared work his magic. Jared coats the ring of muscle with slippery lube in a slightly sloppier fashion than he’s used to, but he can sense that Jensen’s getting impatient. He adds a second finger, then a third in quick succession, and starts to scissor. Jensen’s panting and groaning, desperate for some relief from the tension. Jared covers Jensen’s protesting mouth with his own and kisses Jensen until he stops fussing and is forced to concentrate on just sucking in enough air to keep from suffocating. Jared opens the condom, but Jensen jerks his head up and knocks it out of his fingers with his chin. “You’re clean, I’m clean, we’re exclusive. Fuck it.” Jared nods. “Comme tu veux, bébé,” He tosses the condom aside and coats his dick with lube instead. Then he positions his dick at Jensen’s entrance and eases in. Jensen gasps, but quickly adjusts to let Jared in. Jared pushes in as far as he dares and then pulls back. He starts to thrust, pressing his hands to Jensen’s shoulders for balance, and Jensen bucks his hips, forcing Jared in even deeper. “Hey, hey, calm down,” he whispers, his breath hot on Jensen’s cheek. “I’m in charge here. No fair muscling me out.” “Nothing about this is fair,” barks Jensen, pulling at the bonds. He bucks his hips again and Jared’s cock slides past the ring of muscle to hit home. Jensen cries out with pleasure, finally giving up the little bit of control he’s fought for and letting Jared take the reins. Jared hits home again, but then draws back, wanting to stretch this experience out as long as Jensen will let him. It’s a lesson he feels Jensen needs to learn—he’s not the almighty Branch Librarian in the bedroom. In the sheets, he’s just Jensen, and he’s at Jared’s mercy. Jared’s the almighty in the here and now, and he intends to teach Jensen a very important lesson about submission. Jensen’s panting breaths start to include a noticeable wheeze, and Jared decreases the intensity of his thrusts. “You okay, babe?” “Never better,” gasps Jensen. “Keep going. I still know my name.” Jared picks up the slack, slamming his engorged cock into Jensen’s slick, sturdy hole. He hits the sweet spot once, twice, and then a third time, and that’s it for Jensen. He comes like a fucking shotgun all over Jared’s abs. Jared speeds up his thrusts until his own orgasm crashes into him like a tsunami. He shoots his load into Jensen’s ass and pulls out with as much finesse as he can manage. He collapses on the bed next to Jensen and reaches for the handcuff key on the nightstand. Jared unlocks the cuffs and Jensen immediately yanks his hands free. Jared sticks the empty cuffs in the drawer and watches as Jensen rubs circulation back into his abused wrists. They’re not red or bruised, though, just a little numb. Jensen tips his head back and struggles for breath, making the cords of his neck stand out. “Fuckin’ hell, that was hot.” “You didn’t think that a minute ago,” Jared points out. “I was delusional.” Jensen sucks in air and pushes himself up on one elbow, but he’s not upright for long before he sinks down onto Jared’s slick chest. “You were right. About everything. Is that what you wanna hear?” Jared grins and kisses the top of Jensen’s head. “Indeed it is. You trust me now?” “Implicitly.” Jensen kisses Jared’s jawline until he makes it to his lips, and then covers them with his own in a somewhat daunted display of affection. “You are a god among men.” “Remember that the next time I tie you up and you wanna give me lip.” Jensen nods solemnly. “I will, I promise.” His head falls back down onto the pillow and he rubs his free hand over Jared’s back. “Where did you learn that, anyway?” “I ain’t tellin’ you!” Jared kisses Jensen’s forehead and slides an arm over his stomach. “Some things will just remain a mystery.” “Until I get The Sexy Librarian’s Big Book of Erotica back.” Jensen’s breathing is somewhat close to normal, and he’s speaking full sentences with only one or two pauses. “Then I’m gonna learn all your secrets.” “You’ll never learn all my secrets,” insists Jared. “I’ve got moves you’ve never even dreamed of.” “I look forward to finding out.” Jensen kisses Jared’s jaw. “Until then, you gonna keep tying me up till I listen to you?” “Maybe,” says Jared. “Maybe not. You’ll never know, now, will you?” “God, that’s hot.” Jensen pushes sweat-damp hair out of his face. “You’ve more than earned your Sexy Librarian badge.” “Guess you’ve got some catching up to do,” replies Jared. Jensen grins wickedly. “Yeah, I guess I do.”
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