#this audio literally dropped like…A WEEK AGO
sri-rachaa · 2 years
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david shaw aka husband material
ft. the angel wings wedding ring (!!!)
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tenjikufag · 3 months
omg such good haikyuu teams i totally agree!! coould i request a bokuto x m!reader with a little angst to comfort bcuz i love hurt/comfort a little too much 🤭
Bokuto x Male Reader
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-hurt/comfort, temporary split, long distance, pro!Bokuto
-this was requested quite some time ago! So sorry for the wait.
Dating an athlete is not an easy thing to begin with, when it’s a professional, worldwide known athlete.. it only further complicates things.
Being with an athlete you never really know where you are on the priority list with them, this sport is quite literally their life and their job but when does a life partner come into play?
Highschool was a far easier time to date Bokuto, you’d see him in class, during lunch, after school, the weekends- basically anytime you wanted he was there! You even travelled to the different schools and districts with parents, siblings, and other players’ partners for the games.
But, once you graduated it got quite a bit harder.
You were settling into your own education and career, as was he. He was set to become a professional volleyball player like he had always dreamed about and what you had always hoped for him..
That meant long periods away from each other while you both did your own things.
It was steady and you both came out the other side successful and happy,
It wasn’t until he started with MSBY black jackals that there were true signs of trouble. It was getting harder to see eachother, even harder to just get a call or text back from one another because of timezones and offset schedules.
It broke your heart, his too.
There was a promise between you two to stick it out and that you’d always be there for eachother but you just.. weren’t sure of it these days.
It’s been two weeks since you last were able to call Bokuto, 6 months since you last saw him. And texts were far and few.
“What am I supposed to do? We can’t even talk about it because we can’t get in touch, it’s not like I can just catch a plane to see him either..”
You sat across from your childhood friend, Akaashi. He was an editor and basically worked from home so you could call him up whenever.. he was there to listen to all your relationship worries and other worries outside of it.
“You’re both my friend, there’s really nothing I can do or say to help you choose what to do, you know that. He hasn’t been in contact with me for even longer, I’m really no help..”
He mumbled, taking a sip of his drink with a frown. You knew he was right, there really was nothing you could do.. not until you could call him atleast.
Bokuto picked up his phone, frowning to see no notifications from you.. quickly he texted you and asked if you could call him later because he would have a gap between training sets.
He was beaming with excitement to finally be able to call you, and he had a surprise too! Quickly he showered and changed into casual clothes before heading out of the gym and off to his apartment..
As soon as he got into his apartment his phone went off, a text from you. With a smile he opened it
‘We need to talk, please make sure you actually have the time to talk this time.”
Tilting his head, he knew he had atleast 3 hours to talk to you and do whatever he needed to get done.. he dialed you, listening to the ringing with a smile
You paced the room, flinching when your phone started to vibrate and Bokutos contact came up. Sighing, you answered
“Hey babe! How are you? I miss you!”
“Yeah.. I said we need to talk and I’m gonna cut to the point..”
The visual of his face dropping flashed in your head, the disappointment of no loving greeting in the face of his you imagined.
“Oh! What did you wanna talk about?”
“I think we should split up. Take a break.. or end things entirely..”
The audio seemed like it dropped, complete silence on your boyfriends end..
“I said we should break up.”
“..why? Did I do something? What’s wrong, what are you talking about?!”
Bokuto panicked on the other side, you bit your lip and tried to find the words
“Please don’t do this, you still love me.. right?”
A sob throbbed in your throat, squeezing your eyes shut the tears started to fall with every single one of his questions
“I do.. I love you so much. I just can’t do this anymore, it’s too hard Bo… I’m sorry, I miss you too much and I can’t keep up with the schedules! I feel like I’m not doing enough for you, and I feel like you’re slipping away from me!”
You whimpered into the phone, Bokutos breathe was heavy in the speaker- evident he was ready to cry too.
“We can make it through this! I promise, once everything settles down-“
“And when would that be?! What if it never settles down? It’s not fair to either of us to keep doing this!”
He cried, your heart shattered hearing him cry.
“I can’t do this without you, I don’t wanna do this without you.. I promise-“
“Just stop.. it’s already hard not doing this in person.. I’m sorry Bokuto. I love you, I miss you.. but I can’t do this anymore.”
“..I love you too! Please, just wait-“
You hung up, not wanting to hear what else he needed to say- you knew it would only make this worse, worse than what it was.
There was never a life you’d envisioned without him in it, you both had the whole future planned out.
It was just too hard, and you accepted the defeat.
But Bokuto wouldn’t.
“Woah, what happened to you?”
Atsumu raised a brow at his teammate, Bokuto was known for being a lively and energetic person but right now he looked like a wet bird.. drooping and moping around the gym; his body barely moving through the stretches.
His teammates were even more shocked to see the male ignore them and move to the other side of the gym to continue his stretches.
“Maybe he’s just sad about going home..”
Atsumu shrugged his shoulders. Not giving it much more thought but kept an eye on his teammate..
When practice was over, Bokuto continued to sulk and it got even worse through the scolding he got for appearing lazy in his practice.
“Don’t take it too hard, last practice and you gotta keep yourself from getting hurt before you get back to Y/n, hm~”
Bokuto felt an elbow nudge him in the side, he only glanced over to the yellow blonde.. lip quivering at the mention of you.
“He.. he broke up with me.”
Barely above a whisper, Atsumu went pale- he felt like an ass! Cringing to himself he pulled away and apologized.
“Are.. are uh, you still goin’ home then? You can uh.. come visit my brother with me if you want?”
He didn’t know what to say, it was an extended break for the players so he really wasn’t going to have anyone here to keep him company.. Atsumu also didn’t wanna leave his friend alone so visiting his own family was the only thing that came to mind.
“I’m still going home.. I wanna see him at least one more time, maybe he will change his mind!”
Bokuto perked up, no longer looking as soggy and limp. Atsumu forced a smile and mumbled a ‘yeah, sure!’ And watched the owl-ish man stride out of the gym once again..
He wasn’t going to let you go that easily, with a new determined mind he packed his things and caught the plane home, to you.
You sat in your living room, a depressed mess of packaged foods and drinks scattered around where you sat yourself down.. it’d only been maybe a day or two but the radio silence from Bokuto was deafening- not hearing his ringtone or a text notification made you sick- you were always on edge trying to hear if any notifications came. You’d gone longer without a notification but the fact that you probably weren’t going to get one again was hard.
“Why did I do this..”
Wrapping your blanket around yourself, you let yourself fall over onto your side. Tears pricking your eyes once again.
The heartbreak made you ill, your stomach ached and knotted up whenever you tried to move, eat, or even think of doing something. Your head pounded and the anxiety washed the colour out of your skin.. the full body fatigue on top of it all made you feel miserable.
This was harder than anything you had ever had to do.. it took everything in you not to call him or text him.
Sighing, you tried to fall asleep.. as tired as you were the sleep didn’t come easy.
You would try to be a normal person tomorrow, maybe this heartbreak would be easier then.
The familiar scents brushed in his nostrils and filled his lungs, with a bright smile he exited the plane and made his way through the airport. Unknowingly, Bokuto has started to look for you; only to upset himself when he remembered you wouldn’t be here. He sighed sadly, hailing a cab that waited on the outskirts of the exit.
You were so close, he needed to prove to you why this would all be worth it and wanted to show you how much he loved you and needs you.
The cab ride was long, almost falling asleep only to be jerked out of it from bumps in the road.
Looking out the window, he saw your town, where you’d be! Excitedly he pointed to your complex to the driver, ready to fish out money from his bag to run into the house as fast as he could.
“You’re from the Jackals right?”
“Rides on me, I’ve been rooting for the jackals since I was a teen.”
Bokuto beamed, thanking him profusely and hopping out of the car and dragging his bags behind him.
His heart was beating faster than it ever had, even when doing the miles and miles of running this is the most his chest had hurt.
The man calmed himself down, taking deep breathes to soothe his aching heart. Putting down his bags, he fished around in his pants for the key and unlocked the door quietly; sneaking in and putting his bags behind the door. He looked around, and saw the mess and a lump of blankets and pillows.
Quietly, he stepped towards the lump of blankets and saw tufts of your hair peaking out… his heart swelled and he went to kneel in-front of you, watching your sleeping face.
Lightly tapping your forehead with his finger, he checked to see how deeply you were sleeping.. you didn’t react so he figured he’d be able to pick you up and bring you to the bedroom. He slid his arms under your body and softly lifted you, being mindful of the mess in the room to not make any noise.. he would clean it before he woke you up.
He laid you down on the mattress and tucked you in, making sure you had enough blankets and pillows.. he took off his jacket and placed it on the bed before scurrying out and cleaning the living room- he wasn’t a great cook but he could atleast make sure your snacks were out and organized!
You woke with a start, the sunlight from opened curtains dared to blind you for a second.. you were in your room. With a groan you tossed over, hearing something fall off the bed. Sitting up, you looked to the ground to see what had fallen and it was a jacket.
Bokutos jacket.
Furrowing your brows, you tossed your blankets off your body and picked it up.. he hadn’t left this jacket here and you were sure of it, atleast you thought so.. frowning you couldn’t help yourself from hugging it- it smelt strongly of his cologne, did you fish this out last night? Come to think of it you don’t remember making it to your room..
Holding onto the jacket, you walked into the living room and saw your mess was gone.. you also don’t remember cleaning it. That was when you heard someone else walking around in the apartment.
You froze, not wanting to move.. did someone break in?! It’s an apartment complex how the hell-
Arms wrapped around you tightly, a familiar scent and body melted into you.
“You’re awake.”
Tears choked you, are you this delirious and heartbroken to imagine Bokuto?!
Whipping around, you met his face. He was worried, looking almost as if a child that had gotten in trouble..
“How.. how did you get here?!”
He nervously fumbled with the hem of his shirt, avoiding your gaze and mumbling.
“I told you to wait.. but you hung up the phone..”
“..was going to surprise you to tell you I was gonna come home.. we got a break and.. then..”
He started to cry, you took him into your arms and let him cry. Bokuto still tried to babble out an explanation, clutching onto the front of your shirt and leaving tear stains on your shoulder.
You began to cry too, hearing him on the phone was heart breaking enough but to hold him and hear it in person shattered you.
Bokuto pulled away, wiping his tears with his arm.
“Do you still want to break up with me? I.. I can get my things and leave…. If that’s what you want..”
He hiccuped, distancing himself from you and getting ready to pack his things up again.
“Don’t go.. let’s talk.”
You hugged him tightly, he returned it with even more force and led you to the couch.
The two of you talked for hours, not even just about the split but about everything.
It was like he never left
It was like nothing had ever happened.
As the day grew into night, you found him cuddling you and sitting on your lap.
You kissed him, the two of you kissed for what felt like minutes but what hours.
When he pulled away with slightly bruised lips, his hair and face dropped- a frown glossing his lips
“Is this a goodbye? Is this it?”
Rubbing circles on his hips, you pecked his lips again.
“No, of course not. I would’ve been gone and taken my own things if I didn’t want to see you again..”
He perked up, a smile twitching at the corners of his mouth
“We.. we are back together?”
He began to shake, catching your lips with his and pressing into you.
“I’m taking you with me, everywhere now. I can provide fully, take your education and job on the road with me! I can’t leave you again!”
“We’ll talk about it.. let’s just enjoy your time here..”
Bokuto smiled brightly, leaving kisses all over your face and thanking you.
“We’ll make it, I promise!”
“I know.”
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sgiandubh · 2 months
C might mean well, but I find businesses using charity to sell suspicious.
Dear Provocative Anon,
What you say deserves an audio (there have been two of them two weeks ago, compensating for last week's silence). I have many things to tell you and please excuse the delay:
They really can't win, with people like you, can they? And that goes for both C and S, mind you. No matter what they do and try to promote as a side project, there is always going to be someone unhappy and vocal about it. When it's not you complaining 'business using charity to sell' is 'suspicious', there's the other fuckwit asking recently why S hasn't given all MPC's profit to charity, as Paul Newman did with Newman's Own.
So, I will be brutally honest with you, Anon. I have thoughts and questions about your own point of view and this is partially why it took me so long to answer you. It would seem you are not familiar at all with what is called 'corporate social responsibility' (CSR), since at least the Sixties. Which means, in a nutshell, companies who choose to focus part of their activity and dedicate part of their profits to charitable projects. It is done with various degrees of ethics, success and bona fides all around the world, and it is often used as a strong marketing and sales argument.
Think about these people, whose brand is probably immediately recognizable wherever you go, spare perhaps Pyongyang:
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I just picked this Coca Cola Foundation recent CSR project in Brazil totally randomly, using Google. Some might think it's just another cynical diversion: one of the world's biggest corporate profiteers, happily contributing to the current obesity pandemic (including in Latin America), suddenly showing one of its biggest markets they do have a conscience, after all, and a social one to boot. And addressing, at the same time, one of the continent's post-colonial bleeding wounds, which is to say, the organic imbalance between rich and poor, as far as access to means of production, land ownership and use and sales opportunities go. 480 farmers benefitting from Coca Cola's magnanimity is probably but a tiny drop of hope in an ocean of dour social injustice, but the truth is, Anon, if nobody does anything good, then nothing good will happen at all. It is as simple as that, and while their modus operandi is probably not exactly my cup of tea, you will have to admit it works, at least to some extent and for some people. Plus it greatly enhances the company's do-good, sensible and reliable global image, because of course, what happens right now in the state of Minas Gerais is but a tiny part of a bigger strategy.
Might I add that even those robber barons, à la Cornelius Vanderbilt or Jay Gould, who made their ruthless fortunes building the railroads of a still very young United States of America, ended up giving a very small part of their same fortune to various charities. It wasn't nearly enough what we would consider as 'reasonable', in 2024, but it did start a philanthropic trend, that took considerable speed after the 1919 Boston Molasses Disaster. The Sixties have just added more pragmatism and gave a name to what was, at its very start, quite an opportunistic endeavor.
Even so, Vanderbilt and Gould themselves did not invent anything, really. One should look to good old Europe to find what is probably the first big CSR project in human history, still going strong since 1521. May I introduce you to the Augsburg Fuggerei:
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[for even more pious charity: https://www.fugger.de/en/fuggerei]
Renting one of those wonderful Hansel and Gretel houses for less than one euro/year, plus three daily Hail Mary is something to behold, right? Jakob Fugger the Young, the guy who had this brilliant idea (which, might I add, is still run and operated by the Fugger banker family, even nowadays) was literally a ruthless kingmaker, a colonial trade and exploration pioneer, but also a religious bigot who flatly refused to extend his charity to Protestant families. Still, his pious dream goes on - the Fugger Family Foundation even actively plans its next 500 years. This is Germany, after all 😉.
Those people’s money stinks more of corruption and crime than S or C’s ever could, Anon. Still, they are remembered as benefactors, by many. History is seldom cruel to those who are willing to pay for their posterity.
But you know what, Anon? Compared to the Fuggers and the Vanderbilts and the Goulds, S and C are really small fish in an even smaller, fickler pond. I think they are doing it out of their good heart and I think they are honestly, genuinely responsive to the idea of giving a chance to young, struggling artists. But, in the process, are they also trying to market themselves as more approachable and less controversial, considering the (oh, I shall never tire to repeat this, with gusto) cosmic amount of bullshit plaguing their respective public images? My somewhat cynical answer is also yes, Anon. To which may I immediately add that it's not even important: all that counts are the tangible results of whatever good things they do with their booze and/or fitness profits.
Results and helping trigger a change in one's life is all that really interests me, Anon. It seems to bother you, though, so I will cheekily end this long rant with a couple of questions: do you have a problem with poverty? do you believe in giving people a (second) chance, or do you think only the rich are worth considering and valuable?
If so, I honestly pity you, girl. For the real indigent in all this might be you.
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As requested:
I stand before you, pen and clipboard in hand. "And how are we feeling today?"
I am met with a moan of... pain? Pleasure? A mixture thereof? Like the lowing of a cow, though at this point such a comparison is way too generous. Nonetheless, I jot down my findings and begin my routine checkup.
At your current size, it takes a whole minute of straight walking to circumnavigate your body, or more precisely your belly. It's a colossal thing, a literal mound of flesh that I could crawl atop of. And every square inch is packed with babies, hundreds of them according to the latest ultrasound. Layers and layers of children overlapping one another. There are babies deep inside you that have never known the caress of an outside hand; only the hands and feet of their many siblings in every conceivable direction, all competing for a little more personal space.
As such, your belly is never still. Your flesh, impossibly taut as it may seem at a glance, is always subtly writhing, undulating like the sea. You certainly have enough amniotic fluid sloshing about inside to masquerade as one. As a matter of fact, I write down that idea: *Record audio of amniotic fluid, test against actual ocean noise, ask subjects to discern the two.*
I continue my rounds, looking up and down the expanse of your belly for anything concerning, noting places where new stretch marks and bruises have formed for later lotion and oil application. In the last few months, we've gone through lifetime supplies of both, which is only appropriate, on second thought. You're creating many, many lives within you. I squeeze your protruding belly button--long lost to you--as I pass by it, but the sensation might be lost on you, when you're constantly contending with the squirming of your brood.
After several minutes, my evaluation is complete and I meet you again, face to face. "Looks like you've grown a few more inches since yesterday," I cheerfully inform you. Again, you moan piteously, not even making eye contact. Understandably so. You're so pregnant that it occupies your every waking thought. I'm barely a presence to you. Which suits me just fine. I mark the time, document my intention, then I click my pen closed and set the whole thing aside on a nearby table.
The rest of your body is elevated off the ground, so I must climb a few steps to reach the platform we’ve built around you. Out in front of you, there is a recess for each of your titanic breasts, which have similarly swelled to titanic proportions in order to feed the legion growing inside you. You started producing milk six weeks ago, and since then we’ve had industrial-strength siphons attached to your breasts, pumping around the clock so it doesn’t painfully build up. Even so, you produce almost as quickly as we’re able to safely extract. Every drop we manage to wring out of you is bottled and placed in cold storage, as there won’t be enough time in the day for you to breastfeed every one of your babies. In this regard, and others, you have exceeded our wildest projections. You’re too good at this.
I slip behind you, comfortably settling on the same seat you are. There is ample space, which your body seems to have taken as a challenge. Your ass cheeks are huge and pillowy, a natural consequence of how many calories you’re forced to consume to fuel this impossible pregnancy and the sedentary lifestyle said pregnancy enforces. Needless to say, you’ve grown quite fat. Your ass cheeks alone, huge and pillowy, threaten to engulf my form as I spread them apart to reach my objective: your quivering, constantly dripping pussy. You may be barely cognizant of your surroundings, but your body immediately recognizes mine.. Your hips instinctually align with mine for easier docking. “Such an obedient pet,” I whisper into your ear as I press my cock inside you, grunting with some effort since you’re so tight and swollen. My hands glide across your tender skin, raising goosebumps with just the tips of my fingers. "Your whole body is so sensitive." Your moaning increases in pitch. "Perhaps some part of you recognizes that I am taking advantage of you. But what can you do about it? Your brain is mush, all scrambled from being a baby factory. And to think, you volunteered for this. A post grad student hoping to pay off his debt. How could you have known we would turn you into this," I squeeze some of your flesh. "A fat guinea pig is what you are. Nothing but a pair of tits and a womb. You're not even a person anymore, you're property-a piece of equipment, hardware, in our mission to push the limits of human potential. Hundreds of babies are growing inside you. So who's going to notice one or two more?" That is when I begin to fuck you in earnest, causing your fat to quiver and ripple with each thrust of mine. Pathetic sounds tumble out of your mouth every time I push, but you can't possibly form the words telling me to stop. You haven't burst yet, but that's always a concern at the very back of your mind. You're much too pregnant already, surely you cannot stomach even one more baby, the next one will surely be the one to break the camel's back (or water, in this case). But that exact thought has run through your mind before, every time I've fucked you over the course of this pregnancy, every morning after evaluation, and though your body complains every time, skin creaking in protest as it's forced to expand further... I can't recall a single drop of my seed ever escaping your pussy. Truly, your reproductive system is insatiable.
I check the watch on my wrist, and register surprise. "Evaluation took longer today. Guess I'll have to speed things up. But don't worry, I'll have you screaming by the end of this like always~"
My children. The brood. The populace in my gut. Yet another baby plumps up my stuffed gut. My stomach cries at the new addition to the batch. I become more distended, breaking a new record for the new hour.
I can’t stop the cycle. I’ve lost everything to you. My dignity, my humanity, my body, my mind, my freedom. But I’ve accepted it to some degree.
Throughout all the trauma inflicted on my womb and pangs of pain of being such an overburdened papa, I do still find pleasure. My body has been receptive to all the arduous challenges you have tasked upon me and parting my legs was always the easiest part.
Taking in your cock is natural, of course, your seed is the consequence and pregnancy would have been inevitable. But the sheer number of occupants…?
Well, I almost can’t blame anyone else for this predicament other than myself. At one point, I could have refused. But I just kept taking you on and giving into this pleasure and this hedonism that is so deep within me.
Now, there’s really nowhere else I can turn to… but you.
I can hardly remember the outside world or who I was before. It wouldn’t matter now; it’s not like I can return. I’m serving a new purpose. I’ve become something bigger than that what I was before. Both literally and figuratively.
I can’t quit. No, not until I pop or when all these babies eventually pass out of me.
Or when you eventually grow tired of me, which I highly doubt would ever happen. Many things escape my hollow mind, but I knew as much that I was your plow horse; your cum disposal. Not your life-size doll, but what is yours and bigger than life.
And I’m disposed to you. You’re my mine as much as I am yours but perhaps, this “relationship” is still less than mutual. My pussy aches whenever you are around. You have sown my appetite and it becomes fiercer with each encounter I have with you.
Satisfy me, even though it hurts.
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Slug, have you had a chance to listen to the new rhyme anima+ album yet? I’m interested to hear your thoughts on it, even though a fair amount of people think it’s not as good as the first season songs. Personally, I can forgive any and all sacrifices in quality just because the dotsuhon/mtc song might be the single greatest song ever created (and no, I’m not just saying that because they sing the line “Go shawty! Go shawty!”. Although I’m not, not saying that…). As always, dotsuhon never misses.
I finally finished watching it with a friend a couple weeks ago, and I liked most of the songs. Let me do a quick relisten and run down the list...
Also, the "Go shawty! Go shawty!" got to me too haha. Literally dropped everything I was doing to Google "shawty 意味 [definition]" in the hopes of getting some clarity on what they meant. (I was not successful. Presumably, this is another "wow, cool English word!" moment.)
Rise From Dead feels very anime-ish to me, so it's not something I would listen to on its own. But idk, it's fun and bouncy.
Bring it on is fine. BBs continue to be solid rappers. Doesn't do a ton for me in audio only.
Shinogi (Pay Respect) is a fun blend of genres that I normally like, but it's slower than I would like. Feels like the whole is worth less than its parts.
SANITY's instrumentals slap. Solid rhythm. Feels like it'd be good for a workout playlist but probably not something I'd listen to on its own.
New World's instrumentals are where it's at. I would listen to this one on its own. Dancing at my desk as I type this.
Dive in's rapping and instrumentals seem oddly disjointed with one another. (<- knows jack shit about music) Not sure if I'm a fan of this one.
An Idol has a really fun rhythm, and I like the singing. I feel like this will grow on me easily.
We go with the flow is bopping. Ichirou and Kuukou's VAs kill it as always. This would make very good workout music. Dancing at the desk again.
PUMP IT UP bring more of the dance music. And the infamous "Go, shawty! Go, shawty!" ??? out of 10. I think I could enjoy it if I pretend I don't speak English. There's a song I'm enjoying atm where the rapper keeps dropping the word "pussy" in places "pussy" should not be, and I can vibe w/ it so long as I assume I am a newborn babe and all language is indecipherable to me. Same deal here, I feel.
FIGHTER'S ROAD... Oh, this episode was an art form. I like Horsefumi's and Gentarou's sections. Without the absolutely batshit visuals, though, I don't think this is something I would voluntarily seek out.
BATTLE ANIMA+ 01 is blatantly a battle song, and I don't usually listen to them on their own. That being said, I like the rhythm and most of the rapping. The autotuned sections are cool.
BATTLE ANIMA+ 02 falls into the same camp as the previous one. A bit slower, so less up my alley, but I still like the rhythm and autotuned bits.
BATTLE ANIMA +03 sounds like RPG music. I can vibe with it. Would be good for workout playlists.
RELIEVE is...it sure is a song. That sounds like a bad thing, but it's just... I have no opinion about this whatsoever. This is music that exists. Zero idea if I like it or not.
Next Stage is FUN! It's long enough and repetitive enough that I wouldn't listen to it on its own, but it would be a much-loved addition to a workout playlist. I really, really like this one.
Yeah, I can see why some fans might be disappointed. Most of them don't strike me as stellar without their visuals, but it also takes me a while to warm up to (get Stockholm Syndromed into, maybe?) Hypmic songs in general. I'll probably be a big fan once I hear more of them.
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aimwigs · 10 months
little aimwig ficlet that possessed me like a demon when i was walking home from getting my dinner earlier ft an epic established relationship argument on the pod
“Hey, real quick, flower check,” Ludwig says with a smile, reaching across the fake campfire to pat Nick on the knee.
Aiden sinks down in his seat and lets his face fall into his hands. “No, dude.”
Nick thinks about it for a moment. “Month and a half ago. It was our anniversary.”
“Real flowers this time?” Slime prods, smiling like a fucking idiot.
Nick doesn’t bother answering, he just flips him off. The audio listeners will have to do without it.
Ludwig tsks. “Kind of a long time, man. You should really get on that more. Personally, I bought Aiden flowers last week. He had a bad day at the office and I thought I’d cheer him up.”
Aiden holds out a hand. “Now, hold on. Are we going to talk about why I had a bad day at the office or are we going to just skip over the fact that you scratched my fucking car on the gate?”
“Mmm, nope,” Ludwig says, looking upward thoughtfully as if he was actually somehow considering his point.
“So we’re counting apology flowers now?”
Slime winces and slaps Ludwig on the arm. “You’re pulling flower check over apology flowers.”
Ludwig holds up a hand. “Dude, you haven’t dated anyone in fucking months!”
“Well, I still know it’s cheap to do a flower check when the last time you bought flowers was because you wrecked Aiden’s fucking car.”
“I didn’t wreck his car! It’s a fucking scratch that I paid for.”
Nick shakes his head. “Messed up, dude. This is why I win the fucking flower check.”
“Wait!” Ludwig says, holding up a finger. “Flower checks aren’t about winners, they’re only about losers.” He turns to Aiden. “Your turn, babe. Flower check.”
Aiden turns toward the camera and hunches over a little to hide his face from them.
Slime’s jaw drops. “Oh my god.”
“Not once in our entire relationship has Aiden bought me flowers.” Ludwig is so fucking smug when he says it, smiling like he won the fucking lottery.
Aiden pinches the bridge of his nose and turns back toward him. “You don’t even like flowers!”
“Everyone likes flowers,” is Ludwig’s reply.
Nick points at him. “He’s kind of right. Everyone likes flowers.”
He shakes his head in disbelief. “Dude, when was the last time Zipper 2 bought you flowers? If everyone likes them so damn much shouldn’t your girlfriend be getting you flowers?”
“Well, I like flowers but I don’t really care about them.”
Aiden throws up his hands. “Neither does he!”
“Aiden,” Slime says, reaching over to slap at his leg and get his attention. “Aiden, listen. Ludwig clearly does care about flowers because otherwise, he wouldn’t have started this stupid argument that we’ve wasted ten goddamn minutes on.”
“He doesn’t fucking care about flowers! He cares about getting a fucking gold star for being a good boyfriend!”
Ludwig turns to him. “Well, do you think I’m a good boyfriend?”
“Go fuck yourself.” He rolls his eyes before ultimately relenting and adding, “Obviously I think you’re a good fucking boyfriend.”
He holds his hands out triumphantly. “That’s right, I’m a great fucking boyfriend. Something that none of you fucks can relate to.”
Aiden crosses his arms over his chest. “Oh, so you think I’m a bad boyfriend then?”
“Absolutely dogshit,” Ludwig laughs, slapping his shoulder. “You haven’t bought me flowers one fucking time.”
“Oh my god!” He sinks back down into his chair again. “What about all the other shit I’ve done for you?”
“Dude, literally name one thing.”
He falters for a second. “I don’t think you want me to talk about it on the pod.”
Nick snorts. “Bro…”
“Are you implying that your only value as a boyfriend is the fact that you fuck his tight little asshole like you’re a fucking stallion?”
His face somehow gets redder. At least this time Ludwig is red too. “I fucking hate you all. I’m a great fucking boyfriend. How many fucking times have I driven across the city for you because you forgot something? Or how about the fact I’ve planned like 90% of our dates? And even if Slime is clowning me, we both know that the sex totally fucking counts, by the way.”
“Does the sex count, Ludwig?” Nick asks.
He nods reluctantly. “Fine. The sex counts. He’s a giver.”
Aiden does a little dance in his seat. “I’m a giver. And a great fucking boyfriend. And you love me.”
Ludwig cranes his neck to look at Zipper. “How much time we got left?”
“Fuck you, dude.”
A sigh escapes Ludwig’s lips. “I love you,” he tells him softly.
“I fucking hate this podcast,” Slime says.
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acaplaya-musings · 2 months
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New VoicePlay video premiere has appeared!
So yes, I've obviously already seen this on Patreon - it dropped three weeks ago for me (same day as the Big Iron early access, just a couple hours earlier), and I know the original song too! Bonus! (But like honestly who doesn't know at least part of The Way You Make Me Feel?)
Not a lot to say on this one, so I won't bother making a post about it tomorrow, but it's definitely a lovely arrangement, such a vibe, and another one that proves VoicePlay can do literally anything and don't always need a super-theatrical video or a really epic high-energy song in order to be good. Their 'stripped-back' stuff is just as nice, and this has definitely already been added to my VoicePlay/Geoff playlist! (The audio is already up on Spotify.)
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lqfiles · 3 months
i feel like the tiktok audio that’s like KENDRIIIICCCKKKK!!! DROP ANOTHER DISS TRACK AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!!!! when i consume lqfiles angst i love lqfiles angst lqfiles is the only writer ever to do it right thank you god for bestowing lqfiles on tumblr dot com. ALSO THE CHATGPT APOLOGY HELPP THATS SO ME I LOVE USING CHATGPT FOR EVERYTHING SO MUNDANE
on a side note… she’s just overthinking things in regards to rina…right……. there won’t actually be…. angst…. with karina….. right…….only hyuck…….right…….
HSKDHSJDHSK those years of consuming painful and heart aching angst on wattpad did me good.. look at what i’m bringing to the function.. and this not even the angst fr just wait till we get to the ANGST…. what can i say i just rlly love angst, like yes give me the heartaches and emotional turmoil!
brooo tmi but a few weeks ago i was tryna log into chatgpt from my phone except i forgot my password and literally could not remember it, until i remembered i had it saved on my laptop, but it was useless because my account got literally BLOCKED (mind you i had an assignment due the other day) but we fixed it WITHOUT chaptgpts help #WOMENINSTEM
well yes she is! won’t mean i’m not gonna make that part angsty tho 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
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snailpdf · 1 year
hiii! i'm feeling a little bad about the *checks calendar* really long delay in the posting of the next chapter of my rhysothy fic the devil doesn't bargain sooo.... i figured i'd post a little snippet of the chapter to maybe tide people over?
i have the first chunk of the chapter written (edits pending) & that's what you'll find under the cut! 👇👇👇
The first thing Jack says when Tim picks up his call is, "Are you ready to behave?"
The last time they'd spoken was when Tim was on the ship to this stupid, tiny, rains-all-the-time, wet as fuck planet. As if to sell his point, a fat drop of cold water drips off the back of his helmet into the space between it and the collar of his jacket, freezing, down the back of his neck. Tim shudders and moves further under the awning he's sheltering under. The rain is coming down sideways so it's mostly useless but something something the illusion of… whatever.
Anyway, he's been sending regular updates on how things are going here but Jack hasn't directly replied to any of them: all of Tim's orders are coming through a series of intermediaries. And given how well the last call had gone, Tim isn't particularly excited for this one. He suppresses the desire to reply with something snarky like I'm great, Jack, how are you? or Go fuck yourself.
"Yes." He says, answering the somewhat vague question the way he knows Jack wants it answered.
"You sure?" Jack says, "You seemed pretty bent out of shape last time we talked, just wanna make sure you've had enough time to chill out before you say or do something you'll regret."
Tim casts back to being sent to this shit-hole of a planet weeks ago, to the conversation he'd overheard Jack have with Rhys. The way Jack had spoken to Rhys. He hadn't reacted well.
"I'm sure." Tim says, hopeing Jack is calling to give him a new assignment. He would take a job doing freaking mall security over being constantly damp and cold in this miserable place.
"Fantastic!" Jack says, "We're coming up to the end of the quarter and Hyperion has, yet again, broken our previous record for profits. The board wants to do a little celebration for the hard working employees." The call is audio only but Tim gets the impression that Jack does finger quotes around hard working.
Normally this is where Jack would tell him he doesn't want to go, and that he's going to have Tim fill in for him, but that doesn't make any sense. Tim did something stupid and Jack's mad about it. He doesn't want him anywhere near Rhys. So that can't be it.
"Thing is," Jack continues, "Hyperion employees are fucking lame and I don't wanna go. So that's where you come in."
"You… want me to go to the event in your place." Tim says, half-disbelieving.
"On Helios?"
"Uh huh."
"Is that wise?" Tim says, in spite of himself.
"You questioning me?"
"No, I mean, isn't Rhys going to expect you to take him?"
"Well, yeah."
"... You want me to take Rhys to a Hyperion event… as you."
"What's with all the questions? I don't feel like this is an overly complicated concept. This is literally the whole reason for you! Like, what's the point of having a body double if you don't use them to do shit you don't want to?" Jack says.
"That's not really what I'm concern—"
"Ugh, it's fine! You've done plenty of these before, just play pretend for a little bit, make the board happy, give the nobodies a little bit of attention, show Rhys a good time, and call it a night. I mean, obviously you're not allowed to fuck him, just send him home at the end of the night. He's used to it by now."
Tim is sure Jack understands that this is not standard fare. Jack has to know that Tim pretending to be him around Rhys is going to be a special brand of torture. He doesn't understand what Jack is going to get out of it, is the thing. Sure, he can watch via the cameras but so far he's enjoyed rubbing Tim's face in things more directly and in person.
The only conclusion he can draw is that Jack is starting to get bored. Which might not spell anything good for him or Rhys.
"You really don't see an issue with this?" Tim says.
Jack makes a drawn-out frustrated noise, "Are you telling me you don't think you can handle it? I guess I could probably scrounge up one of the other doubles I have stashed away somewhere but they're not quite as convincing… Whatever, it's not like he'll notice."
"No, no, I'll do it."
"Yeah? Not gonna be too difficult for you?"
"It's fine, I can handle it."
"Glad we got that settled. I'll get a shuttle sent out to collect you. Make sure you're ready for it." Tim's ECHO chimes with a message indicating where and when the shuttle will arrive.
"And Tim?"
"Yes, Jack?"
"Don't do anything I wouldn't." The call ends abruptly. Tim stares out into the grey expanse of the sky overhead.
He's going back to Helios.
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mysicklove · 1 year
1.It's such a peculiar feeling, I'm an outdoorsy guy. I drink my coffee black. Work on my car, love working with my hands and fishing but when we play it's like all that fades away. I lose any need to prove myself and it's freeing. Lol as dumb as it sounds I just kinda melt.
2.Overstimulation is great! It's the perfect mix of pleasure/pain. Depending how it's done it can be soooo incredible. Being assaulted by multiple sensations, not being able to decipher what feels the best and worst. Your mind literally can't process it all and goes into a haze where everything just blends. Lol I'm a big fan
3.Mmmm I don't really "see" her it's kind of a feeling more than an idea. It's someone I feel safe with, someone I trust and I do mean TRUST. Someone I would go to nearly any length to make happy. It's like I'm not looking for a dom I'm looking for a best friend.
4.It 100% can be, you can rapidly find yourself doing something you don't want or feel not right with. But that's the importance of trust in situations and relationships like these. All I have to say are two words and I know she would drop anything and everything and make sure I'm okay. I've also experienced it to where as things are happening I'm okay with them but once I'm out of that fog it hits you and that is just as scary. This is why aftercare is soooo important.
5.YES! it goes along with the submission like its yet another layer of me giving in and giving her full control. Tie me up put a blindfold on and do whatever you want to me. It drives me wild and I think the power trip does it for her too.
6. I've personally never got the whole leather or latex "thing" maybe because it gives a slightly bad guy/girl in charge feel. If she likes it go ahead but it's not a positive or negative in my mind.
7. If she really wanted to try maybe. I'd be more apt to having a more dominant person with her than another sub at her beck and call with me. Sounds weird but I'd much rather be her only sub.
8. It's 100% different. It's so much more in depth I guess you could say? The build up is completely different and once you finally do get there you are riding wave after wave of pleasure. From what people have said it's pretty similar to how the opposite gender feels orgasms.
9. Definitely NOT a myth. Not to go into to much detail but I had experienced my first about a week or two ago and it was insane! I wrote about it on my page if you are at all interested.
10.Oh boy. This topic always makes me blush. They are the most infuriating thing ever. And yet something about it deep down does something to me not just physically but mentally. Putting it on or better yet having her put it on and seeing that lock click never fails to give me chills. It's a full submittal to their will. Even if at that point I wanted to play with "it" I can't and something in my head LOVES relinquishing that power. It makes me instantaneously feel subby. It takes the whole concept of you can look but not touch idea and ramps it up 1000%. Once it's on its hers. She decides if she wants it played with or not and it's a rush.
11. Turn ons that really get me? First and foremost are marking like hickeys or bite marks, let everyone who happens to catch a glimpse of them know that I'm yours. Edging and denial are way up there too, the buildup compounding on itself over and over are so intense and it drives me wild. Lastly audio, whisper into my ear all the fucked up things you want to do to me, tell me I'm a good boy, tell me what your going to do in detail. I LOVE the sound of my doms voice especially when she gets into it. Her tone changes her voice gets ever so slightly deeper and it never fails to make me feel more subby.
questions from here
we talked a bit on messaging, but thank you for feeling comfortable enough to share! i really enjoyed seeing your perspective on this :)
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'GamesRadar+ verdict: 4.5 stars
A near-perfect end to the Doctor's 60th anniversary adventures. David Tennant and Catherine Tate bow out of the series in an often jaw-dropping episode that points the way to a bright new future for Doctor Who. Allons-y!
Doctor Who's trilogy of 60th anniversary specials comes to an end with The Giggle, the biggest and, by quite some way, the boldest episode of this show for many years. There's a returning enemy, a global threat, and a long-awaited regeneration - but that's just the half of it.
In some ways these episodes have mimicked the structure of returning showrunner Russell T Davies' seasons past. The Star Beast was a fun and frothy family adventure reminiscent of season-openers like Rose or Partners In Crime. Last week's Wild Blue Yonder recalled the show's mid-season turns to the weird in episodes like Midnight. The Giggle, then, is a classic RTD season finale, epic in scale, with wild swings of tone and mood, big ideas, UNIT battles - and a dance.
Wild Blue Yonder ended with a touching reunion with Bernard Cribbins' Wilfred Mott. It was, sadly, the only scene the Doctor Who production team were able to film with the beloved actor, though he does make a brief audio cameo this week (in a dialogue sample snatched from season 4 episode The Poison Sky). The Doctor (David Tennant) and Donna (Catherine Tate) have returned to Earth, only to find the planet in chaos caused by the arrival of the Toymaker - played by Neil Patrick Harris with malicious glee. A sinister laugh transmitted through every screen on planet Earth has caused everyone to become convinced that they are always correct, leading to a wave of violence that UNIT are desperately trying to keep in check. To put things right the Doctor and Donna must enter the Toymaker's realm and, quite literally, beat him at his own game.
That's the initial premise, anyway. The Giggle takes many bizarre and surprising twists and turns across its 61 minute run-time, including a visit to Soho in 1925 (which provides the episode with a distinctly creepy image in the laughing form of ventriloquist dummy Stooky Bill) and a memorable raid on the huge new UNIT headquarters (which has strong Avengers Tower vibes and will surely be an easy target in the next alien invasion). It's all leading up to a moment that we've known has been coming for the last 19 months: the regeneration of David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor into Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth incarnation.
As most of you reading this by now will know, there's a lot to talk about there (and if you need a handy recap, we have an in-depth ending explainer right here). For now though, and with our spoiler-free remit in mind, we'll simply say that Gatwa makes an immediately winning first impression: charismatic, funny, and with an edge of unpredictable danger. I can't wait to see where this Doctor goes and what they do next. Thankfully it won't be a long gap, with the show returning on Christmas Day with another special, The Church On Ruby Road.
But let's not forget David Tennant. His reprisal of the role caused many a raised eyebrow in the admittedly easy to wind up world of hardcore Doctor Who fandom, but it may yet prove to be showrunner Davies' canniest choice on returning to the show that he revived all those years ago.
Whatever your thoughts on the quality of the last few years of the show, there's little doubt that it had fallen out of the public imagination somewhat, even if the rumors of its imminent demise from the worst sections of the internet were undoubtedly overblown. Bringing back the most popular actor to ever play the part before handing over to a brand new Doctor, played by a rapidly rising talent, was both a smart headline-grabbing action and a chance to find new shades in both Tennant and Tate's performances.
Because, while the Fourteenth Doctor is, in many ways, simply an older version of the Tenth, that difference in age and experience is important, as The Giggle makes clear. This Doctor runs as fast as ever, but they're sadder and more care-worn. They've been bruised by the events of the Flux, which left half the universe destroyed (what seemed at the time to be a dangling loose thread, now beautifully woven into the Doctor's character), and by everything else that has happened to them over the course of, for Donna, 15 years and for the Doctor, literal aeons. Crucially, they're willing to give up everything to protect their companion. OK, so the Doctor was never afraid of self-sacrifice, but there's something more than that here. "It's not about me," Donna says at one point, and Tennant's "Oh yes it is!" is said with desperate conviction. This was never simply a lap of glory for Tennant, but a chance to round out the character that made him a household name in the UK.
Tate, too, is fantastic. Donna has also aged, but she's only grown warmer, wiser, and more determined. A scene where she faces off against one of the Toymaker's traps is laugh out loud funny as she unflappably deals with a monster in a wonderfully straightforward way.
Elsewhere, Neil Patrick Harris makes for a wonderfully sinister villain - by turns camp, silly, and genuinely terrifying. A handful of throwaway lines may hint at bigger threats to come (and perhaps the return of another old enemy), but there's something unknowable, strange, and - as the Doctor puts it - "elemental" about this character. They invoked superstition in last week's episode and now here they are, tussling with what is effectively a god. This is Doctor Who played on a grand and mythic scale.
Not everything works perfectly. The Vlinx, a surprising new bit of UNIT tech, is left unexplained for now and strikes an oddly goofy note in the episode. The nature of the giggle itself offers Davies the chance to make some pointed statements about the state of our world, but fades into the background as soon as the Doctor and the Toymaker meet. And while the episode looks generally pretty amazing, there are some spotty VFX in places. But so it always was with Doctor Who, a show that never let a lack of time or money stop it from going to places much bigger shows would never dare.
These are small quibbles in an instalment that marks a near-perfect cap on a trilogy of episodes that have been simply a joy to watch these last three weeks, and which point to a blazing future for Doctor Who, one that feels genuinely unpredictable and unmissable again. Farewell David and Catherine. Welcome Ncuti! Next stop: everywhere.'
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celestial-requiem · 11 months
@plaidypus tagged me in some thing so I guess I'll do it
Three Ships: In no particular order other than the first three that come to mind.
Sora x Riku - Kingdom Hearts: The ship of my childhood. Pretty sure the only fandom ship I have ever written fanfic for (when I was in high school....it has almost certainly been lost to time now). I fell off of KH for nearly 10 years but picked up Dream Drop Distance a couple years ago and MY GOD the gay pining. These bitches gay, good for them.
Luck x Ludovica - Tiger, Tiger: I love them, your honor....Complete nerd who's so far in the closest even she doesn't realize she's gay meets flirty eldritch god beast with a massive ego. It's a perfect combo.
Buggy x Crocodile x Mihawk - One Piece: Listen. I'm not even at Cross Guild stuff yet but the fanart. It's so spicy. It's like 75% of the reason I even started watched OP in the first place. I can pinpoint the exact piece of fanart that made me go :eyes: maybe I should watch this show... And here I am, over 300 episodes later and still going. I'm fully aware that I'm not getting to Cross Guild any time soon but I'm hooked without it anyways rip in pieces to me.
First Ever Ship: This for sure was not my first but it's the oldest one I can think of. Kovu and Kiara from Lion King 2. I have always been a sucker for the misunderstood bad boy(/girl/NB/person). Also One of Us is literally Disney's best song don't @ me.
Last Song: Tot Musica by Ado I have been listening to nothing but Ado for three weeks now and it's almost entirely because of One Piece kjahsf although my buddy introduced me to her music before the movie came out so I was already into her stuff.
Last Movie: Rocky Horror Picture Show at a Halloween party lmao. We also watched Us and Coraline.
Currently Reading: Pretty sure it was Isles of Abandonment by Cal Flyn. Very interesting read about the impact that humans have on a place after they've abandoned it. I really need to get back into listening to audio books while I'm at work...
Currently Watching: You might be surprised to hear it's One Piece. But I have slowed down a bit because Water 7/Enies Lobby broke me a little bit ;_;
Currently Consuming: Water and some mini cookies n cream bars...(my mom sent us so much fucking Halloween candy help)
Currently Craving: Nothing. Had a delicious dinner of fish and chips with some green beans that Py made and I am satisfied.
I ain't gonna tag anyone because I'm a lazy fuck. Fill this out if you wanna. Or don't.
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televinita · 7 months
tagged by @empress-of-snark to post my recent, current, and future reads! (Which: hahahahaha! an excuse to GET LONG)
recent: Like in the last week? Love Interest by Clare Gilmore (still tap dancing between 4 stars for overall joy and 3 due to demerits); The Seat Filler by Sariah Williams (perfect hand-claspy fluff of fantasies! once I washed the author's notes out of my brain); Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart (a quick but delightful read! brought to you by: "when I left this morning I thought I was just dropping my parents off at the hospital but actually I'm staying with Mom the whole time and will end up staying at the house overnight"); Penhale Wood by Julia Thomas (disappointing meh after I loved her debut).
and on audio, Texts From Jane Eyre (which is a STELLAR listening experience; it's just two narrators but they are full on voice actors bringing the literal equivalent of a script -- with no stage or other directions -- to life. While I only vaguely remember the original...blog? Twitter account? website?, this had me cackling)
God, we haven't even made it to Current Reads yet, huh.
current: Meanwhile Farm by Margaret Cheney (70s back-to-the-land memoir by a widowed and middle-aged feminist -- bought it at a book sale ages ago and when I was at the house, it ended up being the one that spoke to me most as a Next Read. it's interesting but overwritten, so probably not a keeper but still worth the read); When You Get the Chance by Emma Lord (underwhelming; I really thought LiveJournal was going to play a far bigger role than it has so far, 2/3rds in); Emily Wilde's Map of the Otherlands (💖) (so much so I haven't gotten past chapter 3 as I keep putting it down to squee)
and on audio I'm working through Goosebumps #10 (The Ghost Next Door) to fall asleep to -- childhood favorite! -- and just started The Only One Left by Riley Sager.
future: it's incredibly dangerous to even think about next books given the state of the above section, but since there's still a bit of a queue for it and it's checked out right now, will probably try Starter Villain. Beyond that, it could be anything from this list (copied from my temp. pinned post, since it's liable to change):
the first two books in the Maxie & Stretch cozy mystery series by Sue Henry
A Barn in New England: Making a Home on Three Acres
The Big House: A Century in the Life of an American Summer Home
The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus
Deep Creek: Finding Hope in the High Country
and an outside shot at A Bird in the Hand and a Bear in the Bush, which I almost picked over Meanwhile Farm and which definitely looks more fun, a 70s memoir of a family who moved to the country and started rescuing/rehabbing orphan/injured wild animals. Also bought ages ago at a book sale.
Please consider yourself tagged if you wanna talk books! Credit me even! (let me look at your words about books) (even if you simply list titles. which is probably what everyone else does. i simply cannot be contained or even modestly restrained is all) (see also: these extra-unnecessary parenthetical asides)
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akgaereporter · 1 year
nct: taeyong and haechan's silly ass "scandals" recently
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tldr: a week or so ago taeyong posted a tiktok with chaewon's "dododok" mistake and got so much hate from knetz he deleted it + a few members were dancing during yuta's ment at nct nation and people were calling them disrespectful for that but only focused on haechan.
so im coming to tumblr to rant because twitter stans are getting on my fawking nerves and i know everything i say on that hellish app is pointless because dumb btches will always be dumb btches.
honestly being an nctzen on twitter has never been enjoyable for an extended period of time because this godforsaken fandom is literally a homeless shelter for so many deranged chronically online kpop heads to beg for their pennies of attention. if we're being fr a lot of it has to do with the fcked up management of the group itself.. sm entertainment when i catch you in the streets ..
but recently the way two members in particular have been treated.. i cant even blame the fckass company for this level of degeneracy. yall just bitter and have an average screentime of 10 hours because how can you get so bored of supporting your fav you just start hating on them??? for no reason at all???
a couple days ago ty posted a tiktok with a silly remix audio of chaewons "dododok" mistake she made at a le sserafim's show on tour. that mistake literally went viral and basically all of the kpop industry laughed and copied it and called it cute, because that's what it is, just a cute little mistake we can giggle at and move tf on. the audio ty used was funny and created a trend that is currently going viral in korea.
instead of laughing, calling it a cute interaction, and going about their lives, knetz decided to wake up and be horrible people. what else is new bruh. of course big bad ty had an evil plan to mock the poor defenseless kim chaewon for her terrible mistake that deeply affected her..
please i almost kilt myself when i saw he deleted the tiktok. this is how jesus fans felt when he died like ty is quite literally an angel, his eyes sparkle and he giggles instead of laughing, how can you take him in as a person and still decide to actually bully him for next to nothing. like.. maybe you need to die idk.
and what gets me is the way they were acting like she said her dad died and he used an audio of that. its not that fcking serious dawg. she laughed at the damn joke herself and if they dont stop and pray that he privated the vid instead of deleting i will actually place a generational curse upon the families of pannchoa girls who cant keep his name out their mouth and I STAND BY THAT
and my bias, my boyfriend actually, my snookie ookie pookie bear haechan, god give me strength before i type this bullsht : during the last nct nation concert yuta started giving his ment in japanese, and some members at the other end of the line began dancing and messing around. they immediately stopped when ty motions them to. again, it isnt that fcking serious, but jobless neo investigators created discourse out of it. they didn't interrupt yuta or cause a fuss, they were literally just fidgeting around to pass the time because 20 speeches is a whole lot to listen to in silence.
but of course, its way more serious for nctzens, and furthermore haechan is the main evil villain of princess yutas fairy story. literally half the line started doing the dance but the only tweets getting likes included haechan's name. what the fck is wrong w these hoes seriously when i saw those tweets i thought they punched yuta in the face or sum. when i watched it i had a damn jaw drop at the audacity of these folk. they just keep getting worse at masking the animosity they have for their own favs, haechan in particular. yall claim to be his fans but jump on a hate train that isn't even 2 seconds old like.. are you even trying to like him? the video clearly shows the other members moving too, but somehow their eyes can only see haechans pretty little face and they just cant stand seeing him babygirling the way he did on the 17th of september 2023. it was never that fcking serious bitch, keep your nasty sticky keyboard fingers away from husband 1 and wife 2, i actually cannot stand seeing yall harass them for the stupidest pettiest shit this far and this many hits into their career. you literally know none of them have any ill intent behind the actions they do publicly, unless they say or do something outright offensive or malicious. so until they tell chaewon she's a stuttering ass bitch or roundhouse kick yuta off the stage, shut it up and stop using them for hit tweets damn
all of this just ties back to the fact nctzens are constantly watching THEIR OWN FAVS waiting for them to slip up. knetz chose ty and intlzens chose haechan. yall need to choose yourselves and get the fcking help you need because its not normal to hate on people you have a fan account for. be careful who you call oomf cause these fawking hybrid bitches got split personality disorders, all it takes is alt account and a dream. this is what happens when you choose silly idol boys instead of therapy and i mean that in the most helpful way
going to sleep mad asf smh
-also i was looking for taehyuck pics to put as a header for this post and i realized there's literally almost none?? hello?? haechan taeyong do yall even know each other?? not even a photoshoot or anything just some 10p quality debut pictures like damn haeyong nation yall are dead as hell 😢
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saltysaccharin · 1 year
• characters :: shigaraki tomura, ryouga atsumu, himegami kuroi, extras
• genre :: crack
• warnings :: written while high. not literally high bc drugs are bad kids but like high in spirit /ij none
prompt / synopsis :: "call him baby girl"
word count :: ~900
a/n :: i had SUCH a day today. very eventful /pos. i should be sleepimg bc i'm tired from said day but bro. smth took over. and i churned out like 900 somwthing words of utter stupidity.
dw, not canon to elysium at all bc. frankly it's TOO stupid to be 🫶
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Himegami ordering Shigaraki Tomura to get an updated-daily social media account was supposed to be serious. He was supposed to upload short 'reports' on his life rooming with Apollo every day, not.. whatever this was.
"'Call him baby girl for me'? What the fuck?" Shigaraki barked out a laugh, muttering the comment aloud as he read it and clearly finding it entertaining rather than taking offense to it (as he definitely would have a year or two ago). "Fine. I need to find the fucker first, though."
The audio translated the shuffling off of a couch very well; he had been blessed with a really good phone model by the very person he was planning to make fun of. Oops. Hey, he had to give his audience something, didn't he?
Nice place.
holy shit its actually happening someone clip this quick
rly went 'bet' lol
Idk what y'all expected ofc he'd do it XD
Shocker, the symbol of fear has no fear?!?!?
Shigaraki casually walked through the spacious penthouse, still using the front camera as the Live continued. His watchers' expressions of disbelief and amusement flooded the chat as he continued his search for a certain doctor.
talk about upper-class
Do u guys need an extra roomie maybe?? 🥺
Address drop or no balls
where is that
Finally peeking his head and his camera around the master bedroom's doorway, the lens focused on his prey. There, sitting at his work desk, was Ryouga Atsumu — otherwise known as Doc Apollo — tinkering with a foldable bow. The brunet grunted ever so often every time he ran into a particularly frustrating component to calibrate.
it's a wild apollo!
Sexy Heroes in your area right now! Click the link: <https://www.insertcreativedomain.com/japan-no-2>
help mods theres a fucking bot
@/ERĀ Mod get the bot pls
Im jealous ngl how come u get to live w/ him :(
@/ERĀ sic it
An especially impatient fan sent a Gift into the Live in an attempt to encourage Shigaraki. The loud notification from it managed to catch Ryouga's notice, dragging his attention from his weapon directly to Shigaraki.
"Oh, hey. Need anything?" Ryouga smiled softly as he spun his chair to face the correct direction. With a hum, he tilted his head before pointing at the phone in Shigaraki's hand, "Is it rolling? Daily check-in?" He asked curiously.
"It's live," Shigaraki replied, stepping out of the concealment of the doorway since he'd been discovered. He straightened his camera as well. "People are watching in real time."
Ryouga made an O with his mouth in understanding and nodded. "Right, yeah. Well, you know I don't involve myself much with social media, Shigaraki; I have a whole group of people running my account for me."
omg he's a boomer in disguise. i knew no guy could be perfect </3
Was this not common knowledge?
knowing Apollo having a team just for managing his Tweetr made my fucking week
Send help
Shigaraki waved his free hand in dismissal, "Yeah, yeah, I know all that—" He paused, suddenly narrowing his eyes as he stared directly at the former, "—baby girl." Delivered with absolutely no shame, accompanied by a singular finger gun and a tongue click.
Ryouga only stared in response, seemingly frozen in time. Mouth slightly agape, he blinked twice, then a bunch more times in quick succession before leaning forward in his chair and shaking his head. He knitted his eyebrows as he squinted at Shigaraki for answers.
"Baby what?"
Shigaraki snickered as his focus transferred to the live chat, his thousand-or-so viewers currently blowing up the inbox at the speed of a bullet train. The number signifying how many people were watching went up a slight amount as more people joined the stream.
"Nonono, you listen here," Ryouga pushed himself up from his seat before marching toward Shigaraki, who watched him approach through the camera rather than directly with his own eyes. The red-eyed man only grinned as the doctor gave him an incredulous look.
Quite the switch in expressions compared to their less amicable times with one another.
"Ryouga, it's fine, it's a fucking meme—" Shigaraki managed to explain between every other chuckle as he raised both hands in surrender, the camera angle disregarded as the screen now barely showed either of them fully, much to the dismay of the people watching. It captured a diagonally-warped perspective of Shigaraki's face as he looked at the off-screen Ryouga.
this is honestly hilarious i cant do this im gonna die today
Nooo the videooooo
he looks like he's getting an earful
All the viewers could experience from that point on was hearing Ryouga chuckle and go: "Oh no, I know. I don't keep up with online trends but I'm not that blissfully unaware of my surroundings!" He huffed, albeit overdramatically just to prove his point.
"You.. know? Then why the hell did you give me that look? I thought I upset you!"
"Well, I'm not 'baby girl,'"
A brief shot of Shigaraki's lips being pecked followed that statement, the culprit disappearing from sight as quick as they had committed the crime.
"You are."
"...I'm not sure you know what 'baby girl' entails." Shigaraki coughed into his shoulder, attempting to hide the blush creeping onto his face.
Oh my GOD
nvm not an earful. mouthful maybe LOL
This was disgusting & I don't mean that in a good way smh
I feel like i've intruded on a moment here
Aww what a cute couple (is sleeping on the highway)
gay gay homosexual gay
@/ERĀ you and me when
Dudeee wtfff (do it again)
When is it my turn to be happy
wait WHAT is happening i literally thought apollo and hawks were still a thing help me
Himegami slowly breathed out into her intertwined fingers as she deadpanned at her laptop screen.
What in the nine circles did she just watch?
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bubsub69 · 1 year
Entry 10
4/6/2023 00:13
happy entry number ten, just kinda procrastinating studying for internet security.
I used one of the starters, if she found any of the ads and unfortunately she said she hasnt but said she's looking which i guess shows that she still cares about me but my anxiety wont let me believe it, ive tried talking to a couple more people on femdompersonals but i havent gotten any replies, even if i wanted to move on from her its kinda hard since no one else gives a fuck about me, whats annoying is that i "can't" make an ad myself on it because she could see it and i dont want anything that could risk this at all, and its not like im missing much, when i posted it i got 2 replies, her and someone who i skypped with who got bored of me and never talked with me again, i didnt either to be fair but yeah, though even if its just 2 people seeing those notifications felt really fucking nice, and seeing someone that opened as a human being and seemed to show actual care would be a nice feeling to repeat, but yeah i dont want to risk her seeing my post in case she follows me.
I don't know what else to write i just want to not study security but its only like 1 more week then working on the project so i just gonna push through for a bit more..
I'm getting really attention starved, just seeing a notification that i think is from someone but turns out to be an auto message absolutely crushes me, i just wish she talked to me, what do i have to do to get that, try to drop a mistery? tell her of something that im gonna do in the future? i'd just like to look at my phone for once and see a notification from her out of nowhere, but i guess i have nothing interesting going on for her to want to talk with me.
She also posted on twitter, cant belive its been only a week since she made it it feels like i've checked that thing for a month, time can really move weird, school deadlines are coming in super quickly and yet trying to wait my being annoying cooldown to talk with her seems to take forever, but yeah she posted 2 memes on the 30th which surprised me cause apparently i spent 2 days without checking it but she also complained about not being used to kilos and i replied with a little joke to it, no response from there either and that was like 2 days ago but i guess theres really no big reason to answer me there, and she might not even know it was me who commented that.
but hey at least stalking her twitter gave me another small topic to talk, unit problems, maybe itll go well with asking how her portuguese is doing
but yeah another day another 24h of trying to get her to talk to me, maybe i should just go all in and ask her if she wants to hear my boy moans since she considers that erotica inspiration, i should probably also hear more of her audios just to try and get some more starters out of it if i can push through the crushing loneliness i get from hearing it, but i guess i should wait for the important deadlines to be over to do it.
Heres to hoping she starts a conversation of literally anything, even if its to tell me to go fuck myself so i can completely move one guilt free and with a crushed soul and 3 liters of tears lost.
Oh also that ace thing kinda of faded away on day 3, she's not completely gone but not really been showing up, neither has the bad one either so thats good i guess.
pls fucking text me
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