#this boy deserve some genuine love and Ness too!
eliphante123 · 5 months
GAWD imagine if Kaiser’s mom founds out he’s a football player for Bastard München and wants him back only simply because he’s famous or his dad went to him, telling how proud he is despite the abuses he’d done and forgetting that ever happen ☠️
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beethebisblog · 1 year
I had to watch the episode in short bursts, because people kept needing me for things.
I’m gonna ramble about everything that happened for each character but first I just want to say that I loved hearing more of Tricia’s singing voice this episode, she has been underutilized so far.
At the beginning of the show, Susan was very quickly cast as the pretty but mean popular girl jealous that her ex-boyfriend moved on. Then slowly, they did this thing that I REALLY love, where they gave her more depth, more complexity, and more dimension. They have shown us perfect Susan who works hard to maintain the status quo and please her mother (who is encouraging unhealthy relationships with food and slutshaming her daughter, seriously Mrs. St Clair can suck a rock). And now they’ve shown us another level to Susan, acknowledging that rich white families will ALWAYS do whatever it takes to protect their reputations. Her mother holds this over her head, but it was clearly a very traumatic, very difficult thing for her to do in secret without the support of anyone. Sure her parents made it so that she could get the abortion, but based on how we’ve seen her mother treat her, we know Susan doesn’t get any real support and it makes her actions that much more heartbreaking. When she tries to stand up to her mother, and Olivia (who is neither right nor wrong in her reactions) doesn’t want to believe she’s changed, you can see that she accepts that. It isn’t until Olivia is a steps a little too over the line that she reveals the truth about what she witnessed. Susan is 16-17 and she’s hurt and she’s scared and she’s sad and I love her.
I don’t have much to say on her, except that she really is a sweetheart who deserves better friends. Honestly, sometimes a pity date with the bad boy of the school is way better than sitting there alone while your friends all have dates. She’s so cute. Her poor nose and eye :(
-Hazel & Wally
Doing them together because they were together in all of their scenes. Hazel was giving Cinderella vibes. I appreciate the fact that while Wally doesn’t understand some of her Hazel-ness, he really seems genuinely interested in learning about her interests and getting her to at least attempt to enjoy his too. I loved their duet. I love that during the utter chaos that was the rest of the episode, they got to be in their little bubble where everyone pointed out that they are seemingly perfect for one another. I don’t normally trust media when it says stuff like that, but I actually really like them together.
I love her so so so much. It’s entirely relatable the way a crush can feel all consuming and irritating all at once. Her (and Cynthia’s) song was very much a highlight of the episode. I love that Nancy is just an all in type of person and she doesn’t really stop to hear a no for the answer. I do wish they would give her a little more depth. They’ve done a good job with Susan and Jane and Olivia and Richie and Buddy. All we really know about Nancy is that she is incredibly headstrong, a very talented seamstress/ designer, the daughter of the owners of the frosty palace who may or may not be an only child, a Buddhist who’s not a fan of reading, “scary” and although she hasn’t had much of a romantic life in the past, she has a big crush on Potato. Which is valid, because he‘s great. But still, I want to see a new dimension of Nancy with this new conflict within the Pink Ladies.
She is in the “shit I am gay but no one can know, especially not the person who made me realize it’s true” phase where she fights it HARD. Compulsive heterosexuality hurts. She needs someone to talk to, before she implodes further. That moment with Lydia made me so so sad, but that’s just a real part of quiet culture for someone. Cynthia is hurting, and that doesn’t give her a free pass to hurt Shy Guy like she did, but I understand it. She’s gonna have to apologize bug time, when she comes around. Also, as always, I loved Ari’s part in the duet.
I’ve decided that if her and Richie are twins, she’s the older one for sure. The ages are so hazy, or at least their grade levels, and I’m kinda confused. So my head cannon is that she’s the older twin. Which would explain her protectiveness over the Pink Ladies, without factoring in the slightly homosexual overtures to hers and Jane’s friendship that is not present with the other PLs. Olivia hates Susan, and she does have reason for it. But that really doesn’t explain why she wouldn’t let Jane explain. Because people can change, and they can learn. But Olivia does NOT have forgive Susan, but she should’ve given her so-called best friend a chance to explain. No matter what Susan said, Olivia had NO right to do what she did. She knows what the school is like once they realize you are a “slut” and she knew that the consequences always land on the girl (does she not remember the extent of the conversation at Dot’s party??). Sorry that just made me so mad. And then to tell Richie what happened between Buddy and Jane :/Her moments with Gil were really sweet. But her going back to her abuser does not send a good message at all and I hope this is addressed before the season is over.
She did the right thing not going with either guy to the dance. She was unsure of her feelings for either and did not want to lead them on or hurt them by choosing too soon, and that was a mature decision. Her budding friendship with Susan is interesting and kind of ironic. Her accidentally confirming Olivia and Mr. Daniels is unfortunate, but also something that would reasonably happen to me because I am bad at de-escalation techniques. Jane is very much people pleaser, even after everything, so it makes sense that she would sort of defend Susan. Her coming home to Olivia’s jacket already on her porch (which like, hello Flash because how did she get there before Jane) was almost the opposite of the scene where Olivia brings Jane’s jacket to her house. She did not even really register what Richie told her about Buddy and the election results (which like, how did he find out?)
He is a good guy. He respects Jane’s space; he saw that Dot was devastated about her going dateless to the dance (which also sorta implies she’s never been if they previously had to have a date to register a ticket and she said her friends always had dates but not her). He was very kind to go with her, and go along with her quirks. Teenage jealously makes a person unsteady, and I am just glad someone told Jane the truth about Dick Aldridge.
I am still not his biggest fan, but man was he sad this episode. It seems like everyone is moving forward except him, which is expected when you realize most of your life is a lie. He needs a slap in the face and a hug.
-The others (Shy Guy, Potato, Mr. Daniels)
As for the rest: Potato remains one of my top guys; Shy Guy and Cynthia in the kitchen actually made me cringe because I know she feels nothing what he feels for her; and the predator needs to be imprisoned. I can’t believe he is trying to suck her back in :(
I need my girls back together. I need some proper communication to happen between Lydia and Cynthia.
Also episode 8 comes out the day before my birthday so I hope it’s a good one (they have not let me down so far).
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starglitterz · 2 years
to all the boys i've loved before.
─── CHILDE ! // your best friend.
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─ a short series based on my own personal experiences with love and crushes. a sort of messy goodbye to all the boys i’ve loved before.
warning(s); writing style is quite casual compared to the other parts idk why LOL, reader's hands are mentioned to be smaller than childe's.
series masterlist.
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so. childe. how on earth did you end up dating the most idiotic, most playful, but surprisingly level-headed boy in your class? sure, he isn't as bad as some of the others like scaramouche or dottore, but to say he's well-behaved would be a total lie. yet somehow, you, the 'golden student' of your class, gravitate towards him and his weird sense of humour. you don't know what it is about him that attracts you, but over a few years, the two of you become best friends.
perhaps best friends is a bit of an understatement. best friends who flirt all the time, or best friends with half-benefits of being wingmen for each other, would be a better description. it's funny, really, how you had to listen to him gushing over signora when he was obsessed with her, and he had to listen to you going crazy over diluc when you had a crush on him, but after all that you both fell for one another. (fun fact; the irl versions of signora & diluc became a couple later LMAO)
although when you think about it, it's impossible not to fall for him. seeing his smile practically lights up your world, and he always manages to make you laugh, and the two of you have so many pictures together where you're going :D and he's just -_- to annoy you by not posing properly. you just never expected him to possibly reciprocate your feelings.
you've just got off a call with kokomi and yoimiya where you talked about your feelings for childe, and both of them encourage you to confess. unfortunately, you decline, saying you'd rather not ruin your friendship, but when you see his status as online, a stupid impulse washes over you. maybe it's the fact that it's 2am, or the fact that you're willing to throw caution to the wind at this point, you'll just play it off as a joke if anything goes south, but whatever the reason, you end up texting childe and asking 'hypothetically speaking, if i asked you out, what would ur reply be?'
yeah. basically you're a coward AND a dumbass who can never ask things straight. archons, this is stupid. but then he replies almost immediately, 'yoo??? hypothetically i'd say yes' and you're like ?!?!?!? and then he goes 'hypothetically, if I asked you out, what would you say' and you reply 'i'd say yes too' and both of you are just kinda !??!?! then childe, who has such a way with words (/s), says 'wait can i ask you now' and you're like 'WHAT' and he goes 'can i ask you out now or is it like a bad time idk how to do this' and finally after a lot of flustered-ness from both sides he eventually goes 'y/n, would you like to go out with me?' and obviously you reply 'yeah childe i would'.
anyways, then childe is like 'can't believe i finally got myself a cute s/o' and you're like 'well i finally got myself a cute bf' and both of you are just kinda rambling to each other about how cool is this, and although you're not entirely certain you're pretty sure that both you and childe are equally flustered but also having so much fun.
the thing is, childe manages to say the cutest things ever while seeming so genuine that it really makes you want to spontaneously combust or fly to the moon or just hug him. like that same night he's like "wait i can finally call you cute… oh ur so fucking cute" and then goes on to explain in length all the reasons you are. and you just ?!?! then you say that you can barely form a coherent reply because you're so happy and he's just like 'that's right i always leave you speechless' please slap him. he deserves it!!!!!!!!!!
yk that thing in relationships where they ask stupid questions like 'if i was a bug would u still date me?' yeah childe does that except he says 'if i was a ghost would you still date me', and when you reply 'yeah sure' he goes 'okay good because if you said no i would haunt you'.
also literally every single time you flirt with childe he'll tease you by saying 'stop flirting i'm taken, i have an s/o' and you'll be like 'what a coincidence, i have a boyfriend but he's an idiot.' and he gets so offended,,, but then you say 'he's my idiot though' and he switches up real quick LMFAOOO
as for your friends' reactions to hearing that the two of you are a couple now when you get back to physical school, honestly nobody's surprised. you and childe are the couple that everyone knew was going to happen, even the teachers, and it was just a question of sooner or later.
being in school together is a million times more fun though! you get to spend so much more time with him, and although you've been friends for years and dating hasn't changed much between you both, it's still more fun to hang out now that it's a definite fact that he likes you too.
one time you're in the library studying, and childe stands behind you with his hands on the back of your chair and bends over to ask, "hey, how are you?" you lean back to look up at him and grin, "good now that i get to see you." and he just smiles although his face is turning redder by the second, "you're so cute." now it's your turn to be embarrassed!
also you talk to him all the time in class because you sit behind him, and you just kick his chair whenever you want to get his attention. he leans back and catches your hands with his (they easily dwarf yours and he later tells you that your hands are adorable) and you make fun of him, "are you trying to hold my hands? simp." "yeah, i am!" is his immediate reply, though he can't meet your eyes after that and you end up getting more flustered.
childe brings food for you too. it's just one of the little ways he shows you affection, remembering your favourite and bringing an extra in his lunchbox just for you, it's genuinely so sweet. you always scold him and say that you need to repay him for all this, but he just laughs it off and tells you not to worry, after all, "you being my s/o kinda means i get to shower you in gifts. does that mean you're my sugar baby though?"
his entire family knows about you too! teucer especially likes you, and randomly gifts you cans of fizzy drinks from the vending machine, which you accept wholeheartedly with a lot of gratitude. you and teucer also bond over your shared love of the game genshin impact, and childe complains that teucer gets heart eyes whenever he talks to you about all the characters he has and that childe is really getting jealous. you reassure him that he's still your favourite no matter what, and that satisfies him.
you and childe have a private discord server just for the two of you, with multiple voice and text channels although you don't even really need them. one of the voice channels is named 'childe bullying' and that's the one you've spent the most time in, talking for hours and hours about the stupidest things yet when you're together they become the most interesting stories in the world. you also use the truth or dare bot and have a ton of fun forcing each other to answer the weirdest truth questions.
also, childe is a closeted romcom enjoyer, and you swear he's watched even more than you! he finishes them all so fast too and gives really good recommendations. it is slightly embarrassing though when he tells you to watch 'love chuunibyou and other delusions' and you haven't started it but he's already finished watching 'the pet girl of sakurasou' which you recommended last week. he also reads 'spy x family'! and it's so awesome for you to finally have someone to scream about it with, it makes you so happy that he likes it and you're even happier that he actually takes your recommendations into consideration.
for your birthday, childe gets you a necklace. it's stunning, though honestly if it was from him you'd have accepted a rock. but the fact is, he put so much thought and effort into this gift, shopping at jewelry stores for almost three months and messaging all your friends to confirm what they think you'd like, and eventually buying it and wrapping it and giving it to you. just to tease him, you ask childe to help you put it on, and although he nearly explodes while doing it he finally succeeds at fixing the clasp and promises it suits you perfectly.
and every time the two of you talk and laugh together, you're certain that you love childe, and that he loves you, and for the moment, that is the most wonderful feeling ever.
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a/n ; he also texts u stupid stuff that is somehow cute such as 'can we play val together (romantically)?' ahhh :(
© starglitterz 2022. do not repost or modify in any way.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
the guy at the rock show
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she/they reader x Spencer Reid
request for @boba-king-iroh ♥︎
summary: Y/N lost their parents when they were 17, finding a new home and solace in Penelope Garcia and taking the Garcia name. They're the top forensic specialist in D.C, in a band and they drive a motorcycle... not to mention they are madly in love with the cute doctor who works with their sister.
warnings: fluff, mutual pining, getting together, love confessions, friends to lovers, idiots in love, PDA, secret relationships
word count: 5666
a/n: there will be a smutty part 2 eventually because I can't not do that
Read on Ao3 here!
Taking Garcia’s last name wasn’t something they had to think hard about, Penelope basically raised them; she was like a sister, a best friend and a mother, even a bit of a fairy godmother to Y/N.
They met when Y/N was 17, they were sitting at a support group for dead parents in D.C. Right beside the lovely, overly cheerful, always helpful, Penelope Garcia. At first, Y/N couldn’t stand her, wondering how a person like that could be running a group for mourning people, it made her sick.
It wasn’t until she heard Penelope’s story for the first time, knowing how similar it sounded to her own and how, actually, you can take your grief and turn it into something beautiful. After the meeting, they pulled Penelope aside and gave her a big hug and a thank you.
It was the start of a lovely friendship, one Y/N didn’t know they needed until they were smothered in all the love you could possibly imagine.
The age gap between them wasn’t too big, Penelope was 10 years older than them which meant she was always one step ahead of Y/N and full of advice. Be it fashion, boys, girls and everything in between. They bonded in a way that was unbreakable, they were each other's family.
Penelope even helped her get into med school before she eventually switched to forensic science. Taking on the FBI academy, unlike Penelope, and joining the bureau officially. Penelope was there for her every single step of the way, making her career possible. She loved her dearly and wanted Y/N to succeed more than anyone in the world.
Getting to introduce herself to people as Agent Y/N Garcia, not to be confused with technical analyst Garcia, was one of the best feelings in the world.
Not many people ever mistook them, however, for whatever Penelope was, Y/N was the exact opposite.
Y/N preferred all black everything, she didn’t enjoy partying or close contact or the in-your-face-ness of Penelope’s way of life, she loved her band and motorcycle and being alone. They were quote-unquote edgy, not just for effect, but because it was how they felt the most comfortable, it was who they were and they liked it that way.
They were possibly the best Forensic Specialist the FBI had, keeping her in DC for all the most important cases. Helping her avoid Penelope and the BAU team as much as possible. They were great people, she didn’t hate them at all, it was just a lot of energy that they didn’t have to give to 7 other people all day long.
Spencer was the only one she could tolerate. Rather, he was the one she wanted to spend the most time with, even more than Penelope. He understood Y/N in a way others didn’t.
He was also quiet, like them, he didn’t pick on them or call them mini Garcia, baby-baby girl, or infant as some of them started to call her more recently.
He called them Y/N, he talked to them about star trek whenever he was visiting Penny, and he respected their pronouns. Using both she and they interchangeably, when he spoke of them, unlike most people who only used she and her because it made more sense in their small brains.
However, she wasn’t the only one who got teased. Spencer did as well, almost more because he was around the BAU team constantly. She hated hearing them bully him, he didn’t even count it as bullying but it’s basically what it was sometimes.
They put him down, they didn’t clue him in on things, they called out his stims and didn’t let him finish his sentences, especially when it had to do with his hyper-fixations. He was the brightest light in the room and they just picked his brain till he wasn’t useful anymore, before trying to turn out the light. It made Y/N furious.
They got called Mr and misses genius when they were on a scene together, remembering the first time she ever had a case with the BAU which was also the first time she snapped at someone for being mean to Spencer.
Someone asked Spencer a serious question, to which he did his fucking job and answered. Giving as much detail as humanly possible, being the absolute genius he is and should be praised for, only to have Emily poke him in the cheek and say; “wow, he’s so life-like?”
“Well yeah, cause he’s a fucking human who deserves respect from the people who use his brain all day,” Y/N cursed under their breath from the crime scene, just loud enough for everyone to hear.
Leaving the sweetest man on earth to find them later and give them a hug. Thanking them for all that they do, and appreciating what he has to offer. That’s when she realized she liked him, more than just the guy who sometimes sleeps on her couch because he’s friends with her sister.
It was difficult being surrounded by men unlike Spencer, specifically the older men in her field who didn’t understand anything outside of money, guns, and violence. The worst part of the job being the politics in the background; the hierarchy and ass-kissing all because she worked in the nation's capital.
They were sure it was probably better in a smaller facility, a local police station where no one knew her and they could finally have some peace and quiet.
But she’d miss Penelope, and Spencer too for that matter.
At first, they’d hide in their room when Penelope brought him over for movie nights or when he crashed on the couch after bringing her home drunk from the bar. In the early days, she worried that he was going to be her new boyfriend, taking all of Penelope’s free time and leaving Y/N with nothing.
But then he started coming over all the time just to hang out, sitting on the couch with nothing to say, being the third wheel while Y/N and Penelope spent time together. For the last 7 years.
Over that time they had many conversations alone, she learned that he was really smart, he was a lot younger than most of the team because he blew through high school by the time he was 13, and he was genuinely the sweetest man in the whole entire world.
One time, Penelope was running late when Spencer showed up at the door with chips and candy, ready to watch his weekly movie with his friend. Only she wasn’t going to make it home in time, and Y/N didn’t want him to have to go back to his apartment all alone.
“You can come in and watch it with me if you wanted to?” She offered, smiling softly. “What was it you picked for tonight?”
“It was Penelope’s night to choose, so you can pick instead if you want?” Spencer offered right back, walking in like he owned the place.
He was more confident now than he was in the beginning, but that was probably because he was 23 and she was 18.
Back then he’d barely look at her and sometimes he’d shake when they made eye contact or when she got drunk and hugged him goodbye after a long night with Penelope. He was like that with Penny in the early days of their friendship too, apparently, so she didn’t feel too bad about it.
He warmed up eventually, making her wait 7 years for him to do something about the growing feelings they both shared.
“You like Marvel movies right?” She bit the inside of her lip as she waited for his answer. Watching him walk around the kitchen for a bowl that he could put his snacks in.
“Yeah they’re great, I haven’t watched past the second Thor, I think the next one is another Captain America?” he’s all smiles as he joins her on the couch, closer than normal, as close as he’d sit with Penelope, but then again she was a cuddler and Y/N wasn’t.
Sometimes Y/N would come out of her room to find Spencer’s head on Penelope’s lap, resting on a pillow as she ran her fingers through his hair to soothe his perfect mind after a long day. A few times she’s walked in on him crying or even sound asleep in her arms. They had a friendship Y/N admired, they were each other's person.
They comforted each other in the exact way they needed it; Penelope giving him the physical touch he craved and he would often compliment her. He was always telling her she was the best and buying her gifts to show his appreciation, calling her the most beautiful and smartest person he knew. He knew that she needed to hear it, needed the reassurance that she was still a good person and he made her believe it.
It made Y/N love him more seeing how much he cared for her sister.
“The winter soldier is the best!” She gushed, sitting close so they could share the chips as she waited for the movie to load up.
He was very quiet when he watched movies, smiling and laughing at the right parts but typically he paid so much attention it was like he was a statue. Y/N spent more time glancing at him than the actual movie.
“Is there something on my face?” Spencer asked, nervous when he noticed her glance at him for the 100th time that night.
“Oh, no you don’t,” she panicked lightly, swallowing quickly before looking away.
“I don’t know, I just think you’re fascinating,” she whispered because then she didn’t really say it, and it didn’t really count.
“Oh,” he smiled softly, leaving it at that and forcing his attention back on the movie.
After a while, Spencer started to get even closer. He put the bowl on the coffee table and sat back almost on top of her, reaching an arm behind the couch so that Y/N was right against his side. He had done it with Penelope before, confident in this little living room, almost forgetting it was Y/N beside him.
Y/N rested her hand on his knee, rubbing her thumb over his jeans in a soft little circle as she pretended to watch the movie. More concerned with Spencer’s breathing and the feeling of his hand inching towards their shoulder than anything else.
Then they heard keys at the front door. Pulling away from each other quickly to curl up on opposite sides of the couch and pretend they weren’t just cuddling.
“Hey, you still came!” Penelope cheered, a little drunk from whatever she was doing before.
“I’d never miss a night with the Garcia’s,” Spencer smiled at her, looking calm and collected as ever while Y/N turned bright pink.
“Oh, I love Bucky! Oh my god let me go change and I’ll come watch too!”
That was just the first time they ended up cuddling, certainly not the last.
It wasn’t often that Penelope was too busy to spend time with Y/N, rather the contrary. Sometimes Y/N had to beg her to leave her be at certain events. Like when their band was playing at any of the local bars and Penny started inviting everyone she knew to come and watch her sister play.
It was embarrassing, to say the least, but Y/N loved her support.
When Y/N peaked her head out to see the crowd before a show, normally Penelope was sitting in the front with a drink and at least 4 friends, cheering and chanting their name, ready to rock out to their covers.
Tonight she didn’t see Penelope at all, she knew she wouldn’t, Penelope was in London visiting Emily with Derek for the second time in the past year, leaving no one to come to the monthly show Y/N’s band put on, or so she thought.
Spencer came all by himself.
He was sitting in the front, at a table with a bowl of pretzels and a ginger ale, not interested in the drinking or the socializing, just there to support Y/N. It made her feel giddy, like a schoolchild seeing their crush at recess.
It was so nice of him that it gave her butterflies, and normally that didn’t happen. They could go on and play a show in front of ten thousand people and feel nothing, but the second Spencer Reid was there to cheer them on, they were a mess.
“What song are we doing first again?” Y/N asked Evie, their lead singer and best friend outside of work.
“Who are they?”
Y/N was taken aback, “What?”
“You’ve never been nervous, who came to see you?” Evie clarified her question.
“No one, for fuck sake, I thought we left all the profilers at home tonight?” she sighed, shaking the nerves out of their body as they jumped up and down lightly.
They paced back and forth for a few minutes to wear down the nerves but only managing to make herself sweat to death and discard the leather jacket she always wore on stage. She walked in a circle aimlessly, remembering the setlist in their mind and how the spotlights typically made it so they couldn’t see the crowd anyway so it’s not like she could fuck up by making eye contact with him.
And it’s not like it was the first time he had seen her play, Spencer comes every month with Penelope, he liked a lot of the music they covered from when he was an emo teen in university. They’ve bonded over it before sharing albums and records back and forth, but she was still scared shitless at the prospect of him caring about her enough to come alone.
Especially when he hated being in situations like this in the first place.
It was their turn to go on, the manager of the bar gathering them and telling them to go on and so Y/N started walking towards the stage door, only to be pulled back harshly by Evie’s cold hands.
“Don’t forget your sticks, god who do you wanna fuck so bad it makes you this stupid?” She placed the drumsticks in Y/N’s hands, “get it together.”
“Sorry, it’s the guy in the sweater vest, front row,” they whispered in response, putting their head down and heading to the stage before she could tease them about it.
“The Forensic Lyricists are here once again folks!” The Manager introduced them to the crown, “get ready for them to dig up some classics!” Always the same dumb joke before every show.
Opening with crushcrushcrush by Paramore, thank god she remembered, it was an easy song to play as they warmed up and pushed the nerves away. They could play it in their sleep, with their eyes closed, and so that's what they did.
Eyes closed, mouthing the words as the adrenaline of the night took over the anxiety and made them go insane, like most nights. They didn’t need drinks or drugs to feel hyped at most shows, all she needed was a smile from penny and a good luck text from Spencer.
Playing by memory until she felt more confident and then getting into it. “They taped over your mouth, Scribbled out the truth with their lies, your little spies…”
“Crush, crush, crush, crush crush two, three, four!!” Y/N sung backup for each chorus, finally getting into it.
“Nothing compares to, a quiet evening alone! Just the one, two! of us who's counting on! That never happens, I guess I'm dreaming again.”
They tried their hardest to push the images of that night on the couch with Spencer out of their mind as they sang along, trying to harmonize and cover the backup for Evie as best as she could.
“Let’s be more than this now!”
She always took the bridge, as the drummer and the most passionate one, it only made sense. Y/N always got the crowd on their feet, roaring along as they jumped to the beat.
“Rock and roll, baby, Don't you know that we're all alone now? I need something to sing about. Rock and roll, hey! Don't you know, baby, we're all alone now? I need something to sing about! Rock and roll, hey! Don't you know, baby, we're all alone now? Give me something to sing about!”
“Nothing compares to, a quiet evening alone! Just the one, two! of us who's counting on! That never happens, I guess I'm dreaming again, let’s be more than, noOoo!”
She had a crush on Spencer fucking Reid and one now noticed as they tried their hardest to focus on the words when all that came to mind right now was his body heat and how good he smelled and how nice it was that he came to support them.
“Nothing compares to, a quiet evening alone! Just the one, two! of us who's counting on! That never happens, I guess I'm dreaming again, Let’s be more than this, more than thiiiiiis, oooooooh, mmmmmmhmmm,” she sang the ending of the song along with Evie, their harmony sounding more perfect than any performance before.
Critics always said the performance is better when you mean the words you’re singing. With that, they accepted their crush on Doctor Spencer Reid after 7 long years of knowing him. They pushed through nerves so that they could go and see him after and do something about it, now that Penelope wasn’t home to tease her for it.
Leading right into Dear Maria, Count Me In. Their bass player, Kat taking the lead for her favourite song. Being an all ‘girl’ punk band was her idea, and now they all enjoyed taking turns singing their favourite songs in front of mostly strangers, once a month.
Every single song made her think of Spencer in some way as she remembered the rest of the set, it had 5 songs in total and each one included at least one reference to something she knew about Spencer.
It was hard to not think about him while he stood at the edge of the stage with everyone and bopped his head along to the beat, a smile growing on his face as he also noticed the little references to them in the songs.
The Rock Show by Blink182 was going to hit a little too close to home as she sang the words all but to him, making eye contact with him as he moved to the best spot to see them play, much like Penelope would do every time.
She didn’t realize how much this song actually represented her life before tonight, starting to sing her song alone while Spencer watched. Deciding on the spot to dedicate it to him in the most fucking obvious way possible, taking her chances because he must have come for a reason.
“Hanging out behind the club on the weekends. Acting stupid, getting drunk with my best friends, I couldn't wait for the summer and the Warped Tour, I remember that it's the first time that I saw him there!”
Spencer was smiling then, noticing the lyric change as they made eye contact, nodding along as he watched. Genuinely enjoying himself and the show, it was lovely to see. She couldn’t help but smile against the mic as she sang and played. Wondering how his face will change with the next verse she watched him from the corner of her eye.
Her bandmates turning to see her as they played their guitars, nodding in agreement at the lyric change, they knew what she was up to. It wasn’t the first time they used the stage to bring someone home with them.
“He's getting kicked out of school cause he's failing. I’m kinda nervous, cause I’m sure all his friends hate me! He’s the one, he'll always be there, I took his hand and I’ll make it I swear,
“Because I fell in love with the guy at the rock show! He said what? and I told him that I didn't know. He's so cool, gonna sneak in through his window. Everything's better when he's around. Can’t wait until my parent goes out of town, I fell in love with the guy at the rock show!”
Spencer’s smile was priceless, it made them even more confident to sing all the words, wanting him with zero shame, it’s not like anyone who knew him would know about this.
“When we said we were gonna move to Vegas I remember the look your mother gave us 17 without a purpose or direction We don't owe anyone a fuckin’ explanation”
“Because I fell in love with the guy at the rock show! He said what? and I told him that I didn't know. He's so cool, gonna sneak in through his window. Everything's better when he's around. Can’t wait until my parent goes out of town, I fell in love with the guy at the rock show!” Making the softest eye contact with him, they moved their whole body to play to him.
“Black and white picture of him on my wall, I waited for his call, he always kept me waiting, and if I ever got another chance I'd still ask him to dance, because he kept me waiting!”
“I fell in love with the guy at the rock show! He said what? and I told him that I didn't know. He's so cool, gonna sneak in through his window. Everything's better when he's around. Can’t wait until my parent goes out of town,”
“I fell in love with the guy at the rock show!” She had never been this passionate while playing this song in all the years they had played it together.
Her bandmates taking the lead singing, “with the guy at the rock show!”
“I’ll never forget you,” she sang in the middle of their chants, “I’ll never forget you, I’ll never forget you, I’ll never forget tonight, I’ll never forget tonight…”
She shot a wink at him before turning back in her seat to face the drum set the best way. The last two songs were Evie’s and Kat’s, she covered the backup vocals, making the occasional glance towards Spence as she thought of him.
Counting down the minutes till she could go see him.
Come a little closer by cage the elephant, an obvious title with lyrics that would clearly bring every memory of brushed hands against lower backs as they slipped past each other in crowded rooms, lingering as long as possible before they were gone again. Goodnight hugs when Penelope was already asleep and he could hold her a big longer and tighter, resting his head on her shoulder while she rubbed his back and breathed him in. And that night on the couch, not to mention all the mornings she walked in on him sleeping peacefully, brushing the hair out of his face, softly, in the hopes he didn’t wake up.
“Come a little closer, then you'll see, Come on, come on, come on, Things aren't always what they seem to be… Do you understand the things you been seein' Come on, come on, come on! Do you understand the things that you've been dreaming… Come a little closer, then you'll see! Come a little closer, then you'll see!”
And even when he did she had a coffee ready for him when he sat up and smiled, giving them a few hours alone before Penelope would wake up. Talking all morning about star trek and dr. Who, smacking his knee as he made jokes that genuinely made them laugh while trying to keep her voice down so they didn’t wake Penelope.
Not many people made her feel like that in her life.
“Come a little closer, then you'll see! Come a little closer, then you'll see!” Staring at him, enticing him to do it the next time they had the chance.
The intro to I’d Do Anything by simple plan was one of her favourites to play, smiling wide as she began to drum as her best friends sang the words.
Waiting for the chorus to sing the words at Spencer, really sending the message, he wasn’t dumb, not in the slightest, he would get it. He had to, she had already been so obvious there was no turning back now.
“This could be the one last chance to make you understand,”
Her arms were starting to hurt as she played along with the most energy she has had in years, playing like a teenager whose parents just died and she needed to hit something, once again. It was freeing, playing with what she could only imagine was love in her chest instead of anger. It’s how she was supposed to play.
"I’d do anything Just to hold you in my arms To try to make you laugh Cuz somehow I can’t put you in the past I’d do anything Just to fall asleep with you Will you remember me? Cuz I know I won’t forget you,"
Focusing on the drumming and ignoring the lyrics as her bandmates covered the lyrics, letting her go hog fucking wild on the drum set, almost kicking the chair out from under herself as they kept going. Joining for the chorus again before beating the shit out of her drum set.
I close my eyes And all I see is you I close my eyes I try to sleep I can't forget you Na na na And I'd do anything for you Na na na Naaaaaaa
“I’d do anything!” She closed her eyes as she pushes the words past her vocal cords, again and again, passionately playing the drums as her hair flew all over the place, worried she might break the sticks as she played.
“Cause I know I won't forget yoooou!” She plays the end of the song, snapping the left drumstick in half before throwing the right one into the crowd, right into Spencer’s hand, sending him a wink before saying goodbye to the crowd.
Sweaty as hell from playing the drums, they brushed their long black hair back behind their ears and in a low ponytail so it would fit under her motorcycle helmet on the way home. Putting their leather jacket back on and heading into the main bar to find Spencer.
“Hey,” he smiled as she walked towards him, the drumstick now resting in his pocket as he approached her.
“I can’t believe you came here all by yourself?” Y/N laughed slightly before pulling him into a thank-you hug.
“I wouldn’t miss it, I’ve been coming for a year now, it’s always a great time,” his smile was perfect, his teeth were so white and straight and she wondered how they’d feel against her neck.
“It’s been that long?” She pretended that she didn’t notice, biting their lip as he ran the calculations in his mind.
He nodded with a soft, pressed-lipped smile, the Spencer classic. “Yep, it’s been exactly 14 months straight now.”
“I know you don’t like bars and loud noises and people you don’t know, or germs which makes this like a nightmare of yours I guess because of the close proximity of people and the germs being spread as everyone screams in a crowd,” she ranted before he was pulling her into another hug, “so this means a lot to me,” she finished her thought beside his ear for only him to hear.
“Anytime,” he whispered as he held her, his arm on her back and chin resting on her shoulder.
“Did you need a ride home?” She offered, thinking about how nice it would be for him to wrap his arms around their body as he sat behind her on Patsy, her motorcycle.
“Yeah, unless you wanted to go to your place and watch another movie? I wouldn’t want to keep you waiting,” he spoke just loud enough to be heard over the music.
“Yeah, I’d love that, it’s been lonely while Penny’s gone,” a smile erupting on her face as she got the reference, “come on then.”
She took his hand in hers, interlocking their fingers and dragging him backstage towards her locker. She had a space to keep her things for practice and other shows she did during the week, keeping an extra helmet and jacket in the locker for nights like this, however, normally it was a cute stranger. Not the man she’s been crushing on since she was a teenager.
“Oh, you brought Patsy,” Spencer’s face went white.
“Did you not want to ride her? Come on, everyone wants to ride her at least once,” Y/N teased him as she put the helmet in his free hand.
Her bandmates staring at her with proud smiles as she took the guy from the rock show home; the one in the sweater vest from the front, the one who was the most into the whole show, they both gave Y/N a wave and a smile as they slipped out the backstage door.
They walked out to the parking lot, still hand in hand with their helmets in the other. Stopping at her dark purple Suzuki GS650 GT, it was her most prized possession because it used to belong to her parents.
She put her hair in the right spot before putting the helmet on, sitting down and starting the engine, revving it for everyone in the lot to see as Spencer put his helmet on and threw a leg over the seat, nervous as ever.
He fit behind her perfectly, just enough room on the seat for his chest to press against her back as he placed his hands gingerly on her hips. It made her laugh.
“You’re going to want to hold on better than that pretty boy,” she teased him before revving the engine once more, kicking the kickstand up and speeding out of the parking lot.
Spencer gripped her tightly as she took off down the street, taking the longest route possible to her home. She didn’t hit a single red light for at least 5 blocks, zooming through traffic as Spencer squeezed the life out of her.
He felt amazing, his hands were so big as he fully wrapped around her, reaching around completely so his right hand was on her left hip and vice versa. He was so close she could feel his heartbeat against her back.
He was nervous, he flinched every time she turned and held on even tighter somehow.
So she did another lap of the block, around the park’s bend so she could lean the bike as far as possible as Spencer’s fingers dug into her hips fiercely. Breathing deep enough that she could hear him over the engine, but he wanted her to keep going. Not ready to let go of her yet, this is the closest they had ever been to each other.
When she finally pulled into the parking lot of their apartment complex, they bumped over the curb and his hand grazed Y/N’s boob, he pulled back so fast it was barely there, she just shook her head and laughed. Parking the bike and putting the kickstand back down.
Spencer let out a sigh, relaxing against her as he rested his chin on her shoulder again.
“Have fun?”
“Surprisingly, yes,” he laughed, his voice deep and dry from breathing with his mouth open, it was cute.
He got off first when his legs were finally able to work again, still vibrating from the rev of the engine he walked like Ariel when she got her legs. It was priceless, no one has reacted like that after getting a ride from them, not even Penelope.
She took her helmet off while still on the bike, shaking her hair out of the ponytail as provocatively as possible before getting off. Spencer’s jaw fell open once more as he watched, breathlessly, just as she expected.
Either he liked them before and never told them, or he was going to start now.
Either way, it excited Y/N to their core, taking his hand once more and leading him inside, this time they could be as close as they wanted to and no one was going to walk in on it. She stopped at her locked apartment door, looking at Spencer as softly as possible so he’d know her feelings were real.
“I know this will cause the teasing we already get to skyrocket, so if you wanted to keep it between us, I fully understand,” she whispered.
“Is that what you want?”
He was so sweet it made her heartache, never before had anyone made her feel like this; like she wasn’t in control of her body or mind, like an override in the system her brain and heart chose Spencer and there was no stopping them.
“I just told a whole bar of people that I’m in love with the guy at the rock show before taking you home in front of everyone,” she laughed, “I don’t care if people know, I just hate when they tease us, they belittle everything we do like we’re 17 forever, it’s not fun for me.”
“I hate it too,” he pressed his lips together awkwardly once more, “I’d like to keep you to myself for a while.”
She cupped his face in her hands and pulled in, pressing her lips against his as they both tried to repress their tightlipped smiles. Finally, finally kissing after all those years staring at each other's lips while they explained something, passionately as ever with the most attentive ears.
“Exactly, me too,” she smiled wider as she pulled back from him, unlocking the front door and pulling him inside for that movie he mentioned.
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187 (dm me if you want me to remove you)
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ladyartemesia · 4 years
Fic recs for taehyung? I love your stuff btw I’ve read them all uwu
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As a beacon of extra-ness in an already extra world, I am entirely incapable of just recommending fics like a normal blog. No. I’ve got to wax on like a bloomin connoisseur. I have compiled some (but not all) of my favorite works in several different categories and sorted them accordingly. This crazy list is so long I had to add a “keep reading”... but I simply couldn’t bear to leave any of these off the list. They are all so good!
Fics have been divided into 8 categories. Some are under the cut. 
Insomnia by @hobiwonder
This is one of those fics I read and literally could not stop thinking about. It is wildly hot and honestly hilarious. Poor reader cannot sleep and the beautiful bro she’s tutoring offers a rather unconventional solution.
(Ego) Hoe Chronicles: KTH by @suga-kookiemonster
Listen. If you find a niche fan blog devoted entirely to Ego Tae... I’m not gonna say it’s mine. But it’s probably mine. I once told suga-kookiemonster that I would literally read a story about Ego Tae going grocery shopping on a Wednesday night and I stand by that. In this lurid romp, the reader falls into the clutches of everyone’s favorite bohemian sex lord and he rails her into another dimension.
Falling, Falling, Gone by @johobi
Pining (mutual or otherwise) is not really my thing, but I would straight up read Jo’s laundry list if she posted it. As usual I was blown away by how everything she does seems somehow better than any other version of it. This reader is really unique as well, and her relationship with the wildly popular soccer star Tae comes to a sexy and hilarious head at a sort of bachelor auction. With sharp dialogue, delightful subtext, and fantastic side characters, you really shouldn’t miss it. It’s pretty much perfect.
A Friendly Favor by @baeseoul
This is the classic “teach me some sex for another woman” trope and it is done so well. Sweet best friend Tae is looking to benefit from your experience, but his is not the only world about to be thouroughly rocked.
Officer Kim and the Criminal Crush by @ddaengyoonmin
This is one of the best twists on childhood friends to lovers I have ever seen. Tae grows up to become a cop and reader grows up to be a societal menace. I won’t spoil it, but it’s the perfect blend of nostalgia, tenderness, and smut. This fic technically doesn’t have a name so I had to give it one to link it. It’s part of an AMAZING series Zoe did that I also highly recommend.
Out of the Blue by @jimlingss
This is one of those stories that blooms throughout the narrative until you are left with this gorgeous flower at the end. I loved the journey of these two characters. It was real and it perfectly captures the experience of finding your soulmate in the person you least expect.
Sin Pijama by @brilliantlybasicb
This fic is a switch culture fic. It is wild wicked hot and this Tae is unreal. I love the way he lets the reader think she is in control just long enough. It is a wild romp with an adorable sequel and honestly you should read it.
Girls Like You by @jjiminah
I was in jjiminah’s asks IMMEDIATELY about this fic because I had FEELINGS. The reader begins wordlessly teasing and tempting Tae on their morning bus ride every day until he is literally losing his mind. Everything that follows is fire. Jjiminah has hinted she will wrote more for these two and I NEED IT.
Sighs and Sonnets by @btsaudge
This fic is beautiful. Like it’s basically art. This is a bad boy who is bad for you. But he has the soul of a poet and the stroke game of a renaissance master. Bittersweet and seductive, this fic is a full experience.
The Text by @taetaesbaebaepsae
Tae is your friend with benefits but it looks like feeling may have been caught by one or more parties. When you attempt to soothe your aching heart with another pretty boy, Tae decides to stake his claim. This was very sexy. The whole fic was sexy.
Monster by @neonlights92
Monster and all of its companion series about each of the boys is one of those fics that I reread constantly and also just think about constantly. This is one of the best mafia AUs out there and it’s characters are vivid and unforgettable. Tae’s stubborn resistance to his lovely new wife in contrast with her quiet, clever strength really brings this story to life. A word of warning. The masterlist links are a bit messed up. To read part two you must click on part three. And to read part three must click on part four. The link to part four is at the bottom of part three (or you can just search it on her site. It is definitely all there though).
Dichotomy by @kpopfanfictrash
There is a reason the incomparable Shanna is on this list three times. She is truly incomparable. This is childhood friends-to enemies-to spouses and it is wonderful. I adore this Tae. He is sharp and vulnerable and occasionally heavy handed, but truly a gem. This fic also features one of the best angry sex scenes I’ve ever run my eyeballs across.
Chism by @kpopfanfictrash
The world-building in this story is genuinely awe inspiring. You could write series upon series within this vivid universe. The god of Winter is missing and Summer’s heat burns unchecked for many years. The reader is a warrior with a unique ability tasked with guarding a very interesting prisoner. This story is so good. I mean it is really bloomin incredible. It’s hard to say what I liked best about it, because it was stellar across the board.
Obsidian by @kpopfanfictrash
In the pantheon of delicious Tae incarnations, Obsidian Taehyung is essentially unrivaled as a grey witch who moonlights as a sexy rock star. His extremely erotic clash with a white witch detective plays out as the two of them track down a sinister killer (with the help of some truly memorable side characters).
Out of this World by @ddaengyoonmin
This one is really unique. Tae is a merman scientist on the water planet of Neptune and when the reader and her misguided crew crash into his sea, he takes it upon himself to improve inter-species relations. This fic features excellent world building alongside several twists and surprises. Clever scientist Tae is downright irresistible.
Picking Flowers by @jamaisjoons
So this story is a journey - truly a beautiful one and it’s a gorgeous addition to the hanahaki genre. There is real pain and I cried real tears, but gosh it was so sexy and so worth it. I was surprised by how truly immersed I ended up in this piece. I lost track of everything else. The end is insanely satisfying, but the journey is really what makes this fic unmissable.
Until Yesterday by @jimlingss
This fic destroyed me slowly then slowly put me together again piece by piece. When I say I went through it - I WENT THROUGH IT. The story is loosely based on the movie “The Vow” and it is just fantastic. Beautiful and tender till the last word.
The Foolish Muse by @bibbykins
This is the story of someone who is deeply in love, but knows they deserve better. It is a sexy and evocative work with allusions to mythology that fit seamlessly into the narrative. I think my favorite part is Tae discovering how much the reader meant to him and what choices ultimately lead them to a really delicious conclusion.
Back to You by @ladyartemesia
The last time I did a fic rec list, it got like 700 notes. Ya girl is not makin the same mistake again. I spent hours on this list. My work is comin along for the ride. Kim Taehyung is the love of your life, until one day he disappears without a trace.
Vacancy by @ppersonna
This one is the only idol AU on the list and I normally don’t read those, but Lindy’s work is too good to miss in any setting. I am thrilled I took a look because what I found was a glimpse into a beautiful relationship that weathers and eventually overcomes the challenges of loving in the limelight. There is a LOT of emotional depth and symbolism which really elevates everything about this lovely story. The reader’s internal struggles in the face of her lover’s fame are extremely well done.
▨ HYBRID and ABO ▨ (alpha/omega)
Eye of the Tiger by @opaljm
I am beyond hype about this story which is (very) loosely inspired by Zootopia and features a cocky tiger Taehyung and a fiesty prey hybrid he needs to fake date in order to keep panther Jimin from murdering him. (Tiger Tae got a tad too frisky around Jimin’s mate and now things are dangerously awkward.) This story is already so freakin good. I cannot wait for the rest.
Silver and Blue by @taetaewonderland
What happens when you get on the wrong side of the right werewolf? Very sexy - very crazy times. Chronologically this is the first of the Silver and Blue series which follows barely civilized were-Tae through his courtship and eventually his relationship with the spunky reader. Holla to all my impreg kink homies. This is the fic for you.
Heat Run by @ladyartemesia
As I said before, the last time I did a fic rec list, it got like 700 notes. Ya girl is not makin the same mistake twice. I spent hours on this list. My work is comin along for the ride. Alpha lawyer V is a man of many secrets, but his well ordered reality spirals wildly out of control when he crosses paths with a fiery omega set on saving the world from his wicked ways.
Beautiful Stranger by @interludemoonchild
This was a wild ride from start to finish. Taehyung is a tiger hybrid shifter who escapes from the circus to be close to a veterinary student he bonded with. There is a lot of interesting twists and surprises in this one. I was definitely screaming at the end.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by @jingabitch
A very young wolf hybrid Taehyung adopts you as his pet human when you are just a kid. After Tae leaves to serve in the military he returns to an adult version of his sweet little princess and chaos ensues. Mind the tags for this one folks. It’s excellent, but there are very triggering themes throughout.
Level of Restraint by @lemonjoonah
This is not strictly a Tae fic in that he is only one of three major players in this twisted masterpiece. Lemon is the undisputed queen of the surprise twist and this one is truly brilliant. People dropped this fic in the discord calling it the best fan fiction they had ever read and I am not here to argue with them at all. Fair warning, every word - every inch of this fic is sexy and it’s delicious brand of titillation is wrapped around your psyche good and tight by the end.
Four by @luxekook
The quadruplets next door are fueling your very lurid fantasies. It turns out they have some fantasies of their own... You will need water if you read this fic. This is the original patented Kim Taehyung Horny Hive Mind 4D Experience™
The Heat Wave Series by @curly-bangtan
The original story (chapter 1) in this series is definitely famous, but I don’t know how many people have read all 9 chapters and if you haven’t, you are really missing the incredible journey of two very horny idiots stumbling recklessly towards real and amazing love. Everything is set off when the air conditioner breaks and a pair of wild roommates shed their inhibitions along with their clothes.
Flicker by @chimoona
So this fic started out with adorable neighbor dynamics and ended with erotic rope tying. Baby I was ABOUT IT. This was so bloomin hot and also like sweet and tender. Really a sexy and sentimental treasure.
Not Your Typical Flower Shop Story by @jungtaeyoongles
This story goes from “aww” to “WHAT THE-” real quick. Fast paced plot and twist after twist turn the whole flower shop au upside down and then inside out. I can’t say more because spoilers but like - WOW.
▨ TABOO THEMES and DARK FIC ▨ (Sex Work/Power Imbalance/Very Unsafe Sex)
Extracurricular by @ppersonna
One of my favorite professor-student AUs. The reader writes her gorgeous professor a borderline erotic analysis of several major works of art and he feels compelled to discuss it with her privately. Lindy really outdid herself on this one. It is scorchin. Professor Tae is actually really sweet and somehow that just makes the whole thing hotter.
Akrasia by @nitaescence
This is insanely hot. Emphasis on the insane because it’s basically a super erotic romp where you have sex with a man you don’t know (Taehyung) on a crowded public bus. I literally felt my blood pressure going up the longer I read. Whew.
The Client by @jungkookiebus
This one hit me right in the feels. Taehyung is a sweet and lonely man who has a standing Wednesday appointment with an upscale sex worker. As the story progresses, feelings become involved on both sides. When I say I am checking her page thrice daily for part three... This is so engrossing. And this Tae. I just want to hold him.
Daffodil Dreams by @sombreboy
Tread carefully ladies and gents. This story is excellent, but it is easily the darkest fic on the list and, if you choose to read it, please read the trigger warnings carefully. The reader is a psychologist called in to analyze a very dangerous criminal. As their sessions progress, however, several boundaries are crossed.
Obey by @jjkfire
Taehyung is the most feared and ruthless member of the local mafia and you are the world’s most inept escort. You needed a job, but had no real interest in sex work and you’ve managed to fly under the radar as a glorified waitress until Kim Taehyung himself walks into your agency and decides that you’re the only girl he wants. Oh my gosh I loved this story so much. It was downright amazing and there is a surprise at the end that makes everything even sweeter.
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disfordevineaux · 4 years
Hello ! So if you finished watching season 4, could you share your opinion on it ? Did it meet your expectations ? Was the ending satisfying ?
HELLO! Yes, yes I have. Pretty much the second it came out I was watching it. I have pretty much been in a gif making coma for the last 3 days since its release, and I think the fact it's over has now just hit me.
I really liked s4. It was rushed, yes, but that's understandable considering the context. S4 was clearly not the initial plan. Not many Netflix aminated TV shows reach S6 or past that, so I have a feeling they were going for 6 seasons but had to cut it short. It's better than it getting officially cancelled. Which is most likely why season 4 was full to the brim with actions and character development. So I'm not mad at the quick end but I would have loved at least one more season to really flesh the development and plot points. No more so than the Devineaux development in regards to the new Julia and Chase dynamic.
Before I go into that I want to address the solo Chase-ness that was fantastic. Chase got his ass kicked like 5 times this season, once by a chair.
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And was clocked by a frisbee for good measure too.
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Oh, and landed on his car another time. The pain in his face... I- help this man.
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But he got to kick some of his own asses this season too ofc.
Anyway, Chase really stood up and said ‘I am a Himbo’ this season and it filled me with joy. Just look. veryveryveryvery handsome as always I approve of this message.
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Enough said.
Let me get on with the big thing I want to talk about. The Chase and Julia dynamic reinvention.
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If I’m honest, it did feel quick, due to time constraints, but not out of nowhere. My expectations for Chase and his growth was blown out of the water. I was incredibly impressed with his physical display for admiration for Julia in the end. His way of officially apologising, (as someone said on a rb of one of my posts), Chase is a person of action and his grand gesture of giving Julia the spotlight, as well as a few glowing compliments and a callback and twist of what he used to say, was a great twist on just an ordinary apology. I adore how you can clearly see that he means it.
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It was monumental, if a subtle display of respect that clearly struck a positive chord with Julia, and only could have with Julia. Just look at her face in the gif above, PURE. She clearly seemed as though she had decided to forgive his past transgressions after his help in her rescue.
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Most definitely helping in her decision to return to ACME to be his partner again. Know she isn't alone and that Chase truly has changed for the best. I love how Chase was complete rapture that she had decided to return, even going for a hug. The guy really went from S1 striving to be stoic all the time, to allow himself to wear his emotions and expressiveness on his sleeves. Just, good vibes right there. It felt like the s4 Chase we got was always there but hidden by his ego and by himself deliberately.
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Wholesome stuff my guys. My heart was FULL. I tell you. FULL. I slapped my hand to my chest in awe. He even asked: ‘But your academic career?’ and was happy to be finally able to hunt down real criminals with her, as, and I quote, a family. Adorable.
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Don’t even get me started on the fist-bumping. I would throw myself into a pit of fire for them.
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And those inside jokes? I could be here all day. Their dynamic now, if not nearly displayed a much as I wanted, was nourishing to my soul. Just LOOK
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And that is just one scene.
After the first time jump of 3 weeks, they appeared to be finally enjoying one another company, a true team. Then after 6 months, it seemed even more natural, playful too. They trusted each other's abilities and opinions. Sharing their belief that Carmen was good as well as supporting one another as good partners should, especially Chase. They look so comfortable in each other presence it was immaculate.
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They appeared content, and I loved that most of all. Chase was genuinely interested in Julia’s explanations and it was heartwarming to see. Julia appreciating it too. Watching them interact as close friends now was such a treat. The last 2-3 episodes, in particular, Chase even asking her to continue and adding onto her historical divulges. Awesome stuff. And Julia running into Carmen just as she was about to punch Chase’s lights out was pretty sweet too, as well as her getting one in on Cleo, GO GIRL GO. Julia this season had so much more depth. Loved it.
Also, finding out Chase’s name is in fact a self-given nickname was right on theme with the show. So many people with real names we will never know.
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Back onto the expressions and his enthusiasm. I mean LOOK. This dude- AND THE CAT JACKET RETURNS!
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He just loves his wordplay.
Anyway- The effect Julia had on him was profound and just fantastic to see. He wanted to be better. Chase will no doubt rub off some of his own flairs onto her in due time I'm sure.
Chase working with carmen and the small interaction we got were great as well. Still a little rigid, but full of intrigue.
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Chase wanting to go and save Julia, because he earlier felt as though this was all his fault, was precious too. And the whole Tigress and Chase fight scene was amazing. He trapped her inside a casket, iconic. And Chase showing up as Julia is like ‘omfg Devineaux is that you?’ As he just all suave says ‘fashionably late as always’ and pushes his messy hair back like HOOO BOY you lovely little stinker I would die for you. He was ready to fight 1 v 3. No one has the same determination as a Devineaux. For an ordinary guy, he is really able to keep up with the best, if not behind a tad I MEAN UM. DUDE SLID DOWN THE STAIRS AND JUMPED RIGHT INTO A HOLE. No second thought THEN SWUNG HIMSELF OVER NO PROB? Who is this athlete of a man?
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Like my man, you are not graceful at all please let carmen do it.
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In the end, he really did save them both which was vindication, Speaking of vindication:
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Okay, I really went off track and hardly said what I wanted to say. I got carried away with gifs. I think I said what I wanted to say? Right now my brain is still mushie.
To finalize: I was content with the end. Zack and Ivy joining ACME as Carmen has some time to go truly find herself was an interesting idea. The 2 year time jump at the end left a few holes but hey, I’ll take it. Shadowsan returning to his brother was so nice to see, and Player all alone in the restaurant kinda broke my heart. The entire storyline with Chase and Julia was absolutely, revolutionary. It was what we deserved, what they deserved.
I think my love for Chase really made me live for the scenes and moments we got of him alone and interacting with others. Season 3-4 really were his crowning glory. I'm proud of him.
Also, I want to mention the Zack/Turtle scene because I nearly died when I saw it the way the turtle wiggles and the way he rUNS I- okay goodbye.
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233 notes · View notes
bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
Bex, Bex, BEEEXXXX!!!! So I know you love when I request stuff, so I was thinking, now hear me out. Warwick Wilson part 3?? You and I have been wanting more of the best fancy boy, soooo, what do you say? Dinner at the readers place and she wants to treat him for a change? C'mon, do it! Love ya!
Tina! Holy fucking SHIT! I love this so fucking much, I love YOU so much! This has been a LONG time coming and I super appreciate your patience on me wrapping up this little series. I hope you love it and everyone else enjoys it, all the like five of us who are into Warwick! He is such a good guy, a fucking rad little fancy man who deserves to be spoiled, I went really hard on this and I hope it clicks and fits the rest of the series! Let’s not linger and let’s fucking GO!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 6.5K. Warwick Wilson X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Warnings: Established Relationship. Softness. Domestic-ness. Stressed Reader. Teasing. Banter. Making Out. Oral Sex. Blow Job. Make-Shift Cock Ring. Teasing. Denial. Vaginal Fingering. Vaginal Sex. Premature Ejaculaton. Cream Pie. Cunnlingus. Cum Eating.
Upon Your Table.
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He is so good to you.
That was the thought you had when you woke up before him the morning following your latest date where you went out for a very nice dinner and out to the orchestra. You were still in his bed, he was still asleep, on his side, one arm over you, resting on your waist and you curled up closer as you thought about last night’s events.
You were feeling so warm inside, very happy and content.
And as you laid there you thought about your relationship with Warwick thus far. That almost too good to be true meeting at the art gallery, the myriad of dates and of course that fateful dinner he cooked. In the midst of your recollection he woke up, arms wrapping tighter around you, pulling you closer to him and you sigh as you let him and tell him, “Good morning.”
“Good morning to you too.” He greeted in kind, sounding all too pleased to have you in his bed and wrapped up in his arms. You leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, “Sleep well?”
“Amazingly.” After the night you both had you were sure that he did. After getting home you had a pretty wonderful time on the couch, wore yourselves out hard. He returned that kiss you had given him, dropping an equally sweet one on your cheek, “And you?”
“The same, naturally.” You tease and he scoffs, playful and light as ever, “Flatterer.”
“Guilty.” You say with a smile as you pull back, stretching against the sheets beside him, before sitting up, you notice his eyes on you, he was almost always looking at you when you were together. It honestly took some getting used to, having someone look at you with so much want and affection. It was nice though, you never wanted to be without it ever again.
He is the one to break the silence. “Are you hungry?” You were.
Soon enough you find yourself at his kitchen table, fresh fruit and pastries and coffee and tea as you talk easily about the day you both had ahead. “Just some basic errands and running around, boring stuff, but I am free later and am meeting up with a friend at her place for dinner.”
“Oh and which friend is that?” He asked and you told him it is that same friend that is responsible for you both meeting back at the art gallery. “I seem to remember you mentioning at one point about sending her an edible arrangement, did you ever get around to that?” he teased.
“Did I actually say that out loud at some point?” You asked with a slight laugh, genuinely not sure if you had divulged that to him, you knew you had thought it.
“More like half-moaned something like that a while back when I was between those gorgeous thighs of yours.”
Did you? Honestly you wouldn’t be surprised, you were capable of saying wild things when you were alone with him. You tell him as such, “I cannot be held responsible for what leaves my mouth when you are using yours on me.”
“I’d never dream of it.” He assured, wide grin before he took another sip from his mug of coffee.
You can’t help yourself and tease him as you say, “I am quite sure that you have nothing but the best of intentions always.” you reach out and pick up the newspaper on the table, starting to leaf through it as he replied in a light tone, “Me? Having ulterior motives? Never.”
This was great. Like really, really fucking great. You were so happy with him.
A beat before he asks you, “I was curious about what we talked about last night.”
You reach out and snatch up a strawberry from your plate as you say, “We talked about a lot last night, you’re gonna have to be more specific.”
You glance up from the paper to catch his expression, warm, playfully and clearly jokingly annoyed, it makes you unable to suppress a smile. “Alright, fair enough. I’m referring to what we discussed about you having me over to your place, finally.”
A small laugh left you, “Finally.” You repeated with a small shake of your head, trying to play it off but he did have a point. You’d been seeing each other a long while but you had yet to have him by and honestly you did want to, desperately wanted to correct it. And after all, you DID promise.
Plus there was the added benefit of not having that awul neighbour of his annoying you. It was like she had nothing going on in her life. She was constantly peeking out of windows trying to see what other people were up to, you honestly wondered if she was that bored or if she just had it out for Warwick, she was always looking into what he was up to. She came across as a hopeless gossip. She really needed to fuck off. But the chance of her doing that was not likely.
And so it all seemed to point to you having him over to your place. It would be nice to have a date in your own apartment and away from her prying gaze, and you can finally repay him for all the cooking and hosting he has done in your courtship so far.
“What were we just saying about ulterior motives?” You ask and he says easily in a way that makes you laugh, “I can’t seem to recall.”
You choose that moment to get a little more serious, taking his hand in yours as you say, “I would love to have you over and cook dinner for you.”
It wasn’t like he thought you would never return the favour, it just hadn’t crossed his mind, he had been rather consumed with just planning dates and of course, those lavish and complex dinners he had made for you. He really didn’t mind that you hadn’t had him over yet however he was now excited at the prospect of you hosting him, he was simply dying to taste your cooking. You had bonded heavily over your love of food and he adored to hear your thoughts and opinions on it so finally getting to have you make what he was sure would be a carefully curated and crafted meal was an exhilarating prospect, it was going to be truly special.
In short. He was touched and could barely contain his excitement.
“Name the date and time and I will be there.” His thumb stroked over the back of your hand and he squeezed gently. He seemed really into this and it makes you smile but you also try to get him to slow down a little, “I’m gonna need a bit of time to plan but as soon as I am ready, I promise to have you over.”
He could hardly wait but he said, "No pressure and no rush my dear."
You leave shortly after breakfast, looking forward to it.
That changes kind of quickly. You end up doing something you had a tendency to do a lot, that thing being, overthink.
You poured over those meals he had made for you thus far and where you had gone out to eat previously and wondered how what you make could ever match up. You thought really hard about it, what angle to approach it from, you spend so many evenings looking online or through your recipe books but you feel as if you are getting more and more confused the longer you look.
There were too many options, that is the problem. You need to narrow it down, somehow, even if the reasoning behind it is ultimately bullshit, you have to or you are gonna go nuts just picking a dish to focus on. You knew this had to be good, had to be perfect but perhaps getting so hung up on that wasn’t helping you either.
You recall something he said once and it doesn’t soothe you either, “An artist isn’t just someone who sculpts or paints, or sets the table in a certain way or anything like that, this is art, cooking is art.”
He viewed this as art and you were taking this seriously as a result.
You end up seeing each other a few times throughout the week like normal. A lunch date here or a cup of coffee, another trip through the museum one day. And every single time, he can’t help it, he doesn’t push or pressure and makes sure to know he is fine with waiting but he is so excited for it.
It is cute, endearing but it doesn’t stop you from still feeling freaked out and nervous over making it amazing.
He deserved to be spoiled the way he had been spoiling you and so you push through.
About two and a half weeks later the decided evening is upon you.
It’s a Friday night again, you have the whole weekend ahead, lots of time but he is coming over for dinner tomorrow night and you have to start preparing tonight if you have any hope of getting it all done in a reasonable kind of time frame.
So the evening is spent flitting in and out of different rooms of your apartment cleaning like crazy. You can’t remember the last time you had someone you were this serious back to your place, let alone someone you cared so much about.
One could make the argument that you didn’t need to clean absolutely everything but of course you had to, because knowing the both of you it wasn’t going to be JUST dinner, you were sure that this wouldn’t just be the first time he was in your place but the first time he sleeps over too.
It was only when you were scrubbing the baseboards that you stopped yourself, sitting back on your heels, sponge in one hand and wiping your forehead with the back of your other hand when the thought crossed your mind, “This is too much.”
You threw the sponge back into the bucket with a sigh, you were being ridiculous. He wasn’t going to scrutinise if there were scuffs on your fucking baseboards. You made yourself tear away, picking up your bucket and walking off to the sink, once there you dump the soapy water out and collect yourself. After a few deep breaths you choose to do more productive things, pushing away from the sink as you mutter to yourself, “Get a grip.”
You clean your bedroom and vacuum and wipe down the bathroom, swept up and soon you were looking around rather satisfied with the state of your apartment. This was one of the bigger things crossed off your list. You went to bed that night with a mix of nervous excitement.
The next day you woke earlier than you usually would on a Saturday but there was a lot to do. You are dressed and out the door in less than an hour. You get a drink and breakfast while you are out before beginning your errands. You hit a few places to procure your groceries needed for dinner, not rushing but not lingering longer than necessary either, you couldn't let yourself get sidetracked.
You picked up something easy for lunch so it was one less thing you had to worry about.
Once you were back home you put the groceries away and got to work. First was ensuring dessert was ready. You had settled on a pomegranate chocolate torte and you'd made sure to follow the recipe to the letter. It recommended you make the cake and spread it with the jelly two days before serving for the best flavour so you made it Thursday evening.
You turned on some music to work and carefully pulled the cake out of the fridge. You lifted the lid and checked it out, it looked delicious, here is hoping it tasted as good as it looked.
You set it on the counter and set to making the glaze. Melting chocolate, butter, honey and salt in a heatproof bowl, trying to focus on the task and not get too in your head. Instead choosing to lose yourself to the music playing and to the rhythm of you stirring the mixture, watching as it slowly melted and came together.
You were reassuring yourself over and over that he'd love it, you were sure he'd love it and to stop stressing.
You put the glaze aside when it's done, it needed to cool before you could glaze the cake. Next you need to make the pastry, then sauté the vegetables and cook the meat. You had had the main soon prepared, it would be ready to cook for later, your confidence improved further.
By now you check the time and see you should stop for lunch. You make yourself step away from the kitchen entirely and eat in the living room, worried if you sit at the table with the kitchen in view you won’t be able to stop yourself from picking away at the things you needed to accomplish before Warwick arrived that evening.
You put the tv on and half watch as you eat the pre-made spinach salad you bought, still mulling over what you had to do.
Soon as lunch was taken care of you were back at it. As it gets later you find dinner mostly prepared and the cake glazed, you turn your attention to getting yourself ready. You had carefully chosen your outfit last night, laid it all out on your bed so you were able to easily just slip into it after your shower.
You felt some of your nerves melt in the shower and they were stripped away further once you were actually ready. Looking yourself over in the mirror and you were finally feeling truly prepared. Confident and unbothered. You had gotten dressed and made sure dinner was in the oven and came back to fuck with your hair and makeup and you just knew tonight was going to be everything you were hoping for.
You were seriously wanting to impress and treat him and were positive you would be able to do it.
Click of your heels on hardwood as you finished up, lighting candles, setting the table, finishing up with the food, getting glasses and the wine out, you were totally ready, more than ready, you were anxious for him to arrive and as you looked to the clock again you realised that it was right about time.
And speaking of that there is a knock at the door and you realise that he is right on time. You practically trip over yourself as you race to the door to let him in. You nearly throw the door open but you choose to take a deep breath to steady yourself and then open it, much slower than you wanted to. You find him there with a bottle of wine and a bouquet of sunflowers in hand, a warm smile on his face and looking as sharply dressed as ever.
“Well look at you, right on time and impeccably dressed.” You purposefully let your eyes drag over him and he of course takes notice of how you drink in the view of him. “Trust me, I couldn’t imagine keeping a vision such as yourself waiting.”
“And you call me a flatterer.” You say easily before moving aside and letting him inside, “Please come on in.”
He of course takes you up on your offer, he had been dying thinking about finally seeing your apartment. You closed the door behind him as he started to look around. He was very impressed, your place was extremely clean, well decorated and so thoroughly yours. He could clearly see things that showed off your interests all over the place, books you’ve read and discussed, art you’d bonded over, colours that you liked best splattered around as accent pieces. He could be very, very comfortable and at home here. He wants to really look around but doesn’t wanna be rude, he is a guest in your home, he’s waited this long, he can wait for the official tour.
He turns to you as he says, “Might I say you look gorgeous tonight.”
He offers up the bouquet of flowers, you take them as you say, “Thank you so much. You know I always admire the flowers you have in your place, you gotta tell me who your florist is.” He follows as you lead him to the kitchen.
“Oh I don’t know about that. I kind of like the idea of me being the one to buy you flowers.” You are busying yourself with getting a vase out of the cabinet over the sink when you reply, “Can’t even buy flowers for myself, how much of a control freak are you?”
He couldn’t help but laugh, “If only you knew.”
You filled the vase with water and turned back to face him, scissors in hand you are cutting the ends of the flower stems, “Maybe you’ll tell me sometime.”
“And maybe if dinner is good enough I’ll tell you my florist. If the smell is anything to go by it should be.”
You preened under the praise, you had to admit it did smell fantastic in here right now. He placed the bottle of wine down finally as you finished setting up the vase and you took a good look at the bottle, white, naturally, as expected of him.
Red wine stains the teeth you know.
“You don’t trust my taste in wine Warwick?” You tease him, “I would never insult you like that! And I never said you have to open it tonight. Think of it as a gift for having me over for the first time and perhaps an excuse to have me over again sometime to drink it together.”
“Always scheming.” You sing songed out as you snag the bottle to put away.
You then take the time to show him around, let him get a good look and answer his questions. He praised the aspects he liked about your place heavily, commented on the music and you then once you were back in the kitchen you asked him, “Would you like a drink?”
“I would love one.”
You get him that drink, open the bottle of wine you selected, have him take his seat at the table as you pour for him, he thanks you and then you excuse yourself to serve dinner.
As he sits there, at your table, about to eat the food you made, having some of the exquisite wine that you had selected, he feels thoroughly content.
You had timed it all so well, he wasn’t even alone for five minutes before you were bringing out the plates. You take your seat and proceed to tell him about what you made, you had thought long and hard and decided on tourètire, roasted potatoes you had seasoned well with garlic and rosemary, salt and pepper and thyme and a good mixed spinach salad and he immediately praised the plating and presentation.
He was speaking so casually, obviously so at ease and you were feeling nerves again, waiting to see his reaction to actually trying it. He takes that first bite and his reaction puts you totally at ease. Hand over his mouth with a small groan, grip on his fork tightened noticeably, eyes falling closed with a sigh and you break out in a grin.
“Good?” You ask excitedly and he nods, already going in for another bite, confidently saying, “Fantastic.”
Hearing that from anyone that you have over for dinner is all well and good but hearing that from him? When he had such a spectacular set of skills in the kitchen made you feel genuine pride and warmth. You had chosen the menu based on things he had served you previously that you were sure he would like as well as choosing something he for sure wouldn’t make for himself, something that wasn’t overly complex but showed that you had your own skills in the kitchen. Food you loved a lot, was good, hearty and reminiscent of a good home-cooked meal meant to provide nourishment and comfort.
You finally allow yourself to really relax and start to eat yourself and yeah, it came out fucking great.
He complimented you on it all. Your place, your outfit, the rood, he gushes and you feel proud of yourself.
The meal progresses well and you are both talking, you had just finished telling him about how this week at work was and so you turned that question back onto him, “How was your week at work? Do I finally get to know what you do?”
You ask it in a playful fashion but you were very curious about it all the same. “Oh my work is so dull, so totally uninteresting, but you know what is much more interesting, I finally picked up that book you just finished last week and I have to say that opinion you shared about the ending doesn’t make much sense to me-”
“Wait, what to do you mean?” You ask and he said, “About what the ending means for the arc of the next book, I think you are totally off base.”
And just like that you were defending your opinion, another spirited discussion on literature started and your previous line of questioning pertaining to his job promptly forgotten. Just as he wanted.
Soon he is asking about your art, curious how it was going, thanks to him you had really picked painting up again. You tell him how you had been painting the building across the street, usually after dinner for around an hour at a time, picking away at it but you are really happy with how it was going. He can’t wait to see it when it is done and you think you will actually be happy enough with it to show it to him when it is.
Dinner is almost done and he is regaling you with a story about this couple Chad and Bunny. Tells you about this wild story involving this beach house of theirs and the wine cellar they discover. This one particular barrel of wine is especially good. It becomes their favourite and they drink from it on their wedding anniversary every year and eventually it finally runs dry, they crack it open to discover a dead body had been inside of it for God knows how long and the mysterious way the home owner went missing made more sense. They instead toast every following anniversary with milkshakes.
You didn’t believe it.
You laugh as you ask further, “There is NO way that is true! Absolutely not Warwick, I will admit you told it well, very engaging, tense and with a good amount of humour but no way did this really happen, you can’t believe that!” You did enjoy the story but you are obviously unaffected as you take a sip of your wine.
“It did happen! I swear! It happened to a friend of a friend of a friend of mine!” He insisted and you paused, you could have sworn you had heard what he said before, it sounded so familiar but you shake it off.
“I am so sure.” You reply before asking, “And those names, what kind of names are Chad and Bunny? How did you know this friend of a friend of a friend exactly?”
He answered quickly, “He knew one of the guys in my acapella group at university-”
You cut him off exclaiming, “Acapella?!” he seemed bothered as he said, “Yes acapella. I was quite good at it.”
“I am sure you were. You still got it? You gonna sing for me?” You joked, getting up as you started to collect your plate and his, since you were finished with dinner.
“Oh, no, no I couldn’t. I wouldn’t even know what sing.” He started with a dismissive wave of his hand and you tease him further as you sing out, “Constance Frye, Constance Frye, anytime you call-”
He laughs, loud and genuine as he reaches for the bottle of wine again, “Trading Places, eh? That is your go to?” You shrug as you respond over your shoulder, “What?! It’s a good movie and the first acapella song I could think of, I’m shocked you know it.”
“And why wouldn’t I exactly?”
It’s good.
All of this is so fucking good. The dinner was nice, the conversation and laughter and banter, you realise you should have had him over sooner. You dealt with the plates by simply putting them into the sink before getting the cake and bringing it over to the table. He eyes it as you say, “Chocolate and pomegranate torte’.”
“Pomegranate, hmm? Trying to lure me in with thoughts of temptation?” He asked as you set down plates and prepare to cut into and serve up dessert. A smile as you respond, “Maybe.”
More like definitely. You both would wax poetic about symbolism in the art and books you like and while pomegranates were very obvious it got the message across.
The dessert came out amazing. It was rich and decadent but not heavy, you had portioned dinner well and felt full in a satisfactory way, not like you had too much or felt sick. The tension had been increasing all night, lingering looks and innuendo had been littered throughout the evening but it was only ramping up throughout dessert. Both of you leaning closer to each other, your heel running up his pant leg, his hand on yours, it was clear where this was all going.
You go to clear away the plates again after you are done and he makes a move, apparently trying to take some control. His hand on your wrist he leans up as he tugs you down a little, he kisses your neck. You stiffen at the feeling, unexpected but not unwelcome in the least but still you tell him, “Oh stop.”
“Why should I?” you can hear the smile in his tone, another kiss along your throat, a graze of his teeth and his hand that isn’t closed on your wrist reaches around and grabs your hip.
You move quickly after that.
Dishes forgotten you push his hands away before yours are on him, hauling him up out of his chair and pushing him against the table's edge. He is taken aback, totally shocked by how suddenly you flipped this on him and took control. How shocked he was must have been written all over his face, he doesn’t need to ask because you make your intentions abundantly clear.
“You are a guest in MY home tonight.” Your hand is on the back of his neck, looking into his eyes as he said, “You will defer to me and my needs. You are all about manners and decorum and order, right?”
A small nod from him and you pull him in closer, whispering right in his ear, “So fucking act like it Warwick.”
You had never taken control like this before.
No one dared to treat him like this previously and he isn’t sure how to respond. One thing is clear, he likes it. He kind of melts, he is clearly flustered and turned on and so you don’t back off. You kiss him deeply, he moans into it, his hands on the tabletop, almost nervous to touch you, he was never nervous to do that. He does allow himself to kiss you back, your tongue runs over his bottom lip and his mouth opens to you, he tastes like the wine you chose and chocolate with that distinct fruity undertone that was so oddly him. You nip at his mouth and breathe out his name, pushing him further into the table, your body pressed to his and you feel him hard against your hip.
You pull back, kisses over his jaw as you tease, “Awe, you so excited already?” he nods again and your hand slides down, you feel him up through his suit pants and he actually bucks forward, grinding into your hand.
It makes you grin and emboldens you further. You kiss over his throat, nip at the sensitive skin and squeeze him through the smooth fabric, the moan he lets out is strained and you laugh, “You seem flustered, Warwick.”
He laughed a little himself, it didn't sound the way it normally does, no real humour or mirth in it, sounded unsure, nervous.
You ate it up.
His tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip before he swallowed hard and questioned, “Do I?”
You hummed in response, a lick over his throat tasting the salt of his skin and he arches closer into you, he can’t seem to resist any longer, hands now on you once again, tugging you to be even more flush against him, rocking into your hand.
Oh he wanted it bad.
“You are so fucking selfish.” You draw out the word ‘fucking’ on purpose, recalling that particular rule of his about appropriate language at the dinner table and mocking him for it. His opinion on manners didn’t matter when it was your house and he was the guest.
He was breathing harder as you continued laying affection over his throat, another hard squeeze as he was moving his hips, trying for more friction still as you continued, "You can't wait even a few minutes."
You pull back, fingers hooking into his tie, you tug it down, begin to undo it and he lets you, soon his tie is undone and you slide down, falling to your knees before him. You have the tie wrapped around one hand as you deal with this belt, he groans at the relief from you getting his pants open, he is achingly hard.
You trace one one finger up the length of him, even through the material of his underwear you could feel the heat radiating off of him. You tease your finger up and down again, eyes glancing up to see his locked on you, transfixed by what you were doing, the look he was giving said it all, wondering how you could do so much with the smallest moves.
You wait until you feel him tense even more somehow and then you move that last layer of clothing away, exposing him fully to you and you don’t waste time. You take the tie you’d removed from him and wrap it around the base of his shaft once, holding one end in each hand as you leaned in, your tongue ran under the head of his cock and he inhales so sharply. His hands grip the table’s edge again, he clearly wants to have his hands on you again, wants to hold your head and fuck forward into your mouth, to take and to claim but he is showing great restraint.
You run your tongue from base to tip, a small rhythm starts, up and down and when you feel him start to lightly throb you say in a firm tone, “I’m the host tonight. Understood?”
He does and shows he does with a small nod, breath completely stolen in this moment.
You ramp it up. Start to blow him right there, kneeling on the hardwood floor, still dressed and made up, pretty as one of the paintings you and he discussed regularly, him up against the table’s edge as you wrap your lips around him and slide as much of him into your mouth that you can. Up and down, back and forth, cheeks hollowing, tongue flat along the underside, deep sucks and moaning against his shaft in such a way that he can’t keep himself still. Shifting his weight and subtly moving his hips along with your movements, barely, almost imperceptible, you allow him this small grace as you work him over.
You keep the tie taut, a makeshift cock ring to prevent him from cumming too soon and it is working exceedingly well.
In a few minutes of your talented mouth on him he is practically losing his mind, he wants to touch but whenever his hands attempt to leave the table top you stop and tell him to put them back.
You feel powerful at this moment.
After a little while your knees are sore and you can’t wait any longer, pulling him out of your mouth with a wet pop, he is practically dripping with your spit, you rest his messy cock on your cheek. You are still holding that tie tight as you look up at him and ask, “You ready to return the favour?”
“Dear God yes, please, please-” He is nodding furiously and you remove the tie, you stand up and start heading to your bedroom, beckoning him to follow with a move of your hand, “Come along then.”
He follows, you had a headstart but he is on you quickly and you can’t even make it onto the bed. You make it into your bedroom and his hand closes on your wrist, he turns you to face him, his jacket is gone now, he must have stripped it along the way, and then he is kissing you fiercely.
You are pushed backwards and you both stumble a bit, you don’t care as long you get more of him, you are soaked from blowing him and all the build up tonight, you need some attention.
You are on the floor, your back to the edge of the bed, his hand slides up your dress, parts your thighs before slotting between them, he teases you through the damp material of your underwear and you moan into the kiss. Arching into him as you kiss deeper, one hand fists in his shirt, a roll of your hips as he rushes, he pushes them aside and you feel his bare fingers on you. His fingers find your clit with practised ease and familiarity. He rubs in slow circles, it is more delicious than the meal you shared, you buck your hips up and moan again, breaking the heated make out session to tell him, “Faster.”
He obliges and picks up the pace, your thighs tense and your head tips back, please washing over you, the feeling is deep and so needed, you’d been craving him for days since the last time you had him. His mouth is on your neck, your exposed shoulders and collarbone and you are rutting into his hand, fingers slip inside and he groans at how soaked you are. His fingers curl and his palm brushes your clit and your legs jerk involuntarily in response, you wouldn’t be long at this rate.
There was no more playful banter or talking, just moans, panting, the sound of shifting clothes and you moving together, hot and heavy.
It builds so fast, you tug him back up by his collar, kiss him hurriedly, your tongue in his mouth and a minute later your walls are clenching down on his fingers, clit pulsing into his palm as you cum. The kisses slow down slightly, you are panting out something akin to his name as he doesn’t stop, fingers working you through your high until finally you stop moving, falling slack against the edge of the bed.
He removes his fingers, sucks them greedily, once he has them out of his mouth he tells you, “Nothing tastes better than you.”
You hum and ask amused, “Nothing?”
He confirmed as he started to move you, hands on your waist as he pulled and you let him lead, “Nothing. Better than any fine dining experience by far.”
You are pushed over the edge of the bed, your knees on the floor and your skirt is hiked up, panties are still shoved to the side and he lines up and slips in one solid thrust and you moan his name. He doesn’t even pause to soak in the feeling of you, too worked up from seeing and feeling you cum because of him, on him, he takes, consequences be damned.
There wouldn’t be any because you wanted this just as much, not like he knew that. If he would have taken a minute longer to slide in you would have told him to hurry up and fuck you already.
Hands fisting your comforter as he pounds into you, the sound of skin on skin and your moans along with his heavy breathing.
It feels as close to perfect as you think you will ever get, you are moving with him, bucking back against him, squirming your hips and feeling him grind inside you just right. You love that this keeps happening, getting so in the moment and hot and bothered you fuck half dressed and unable to make it onto either of your beds. You didn’t know it was possible for someone to desire or want you so much, to feel this passionate for you and now that you had a taste you were never going to look back.
You were crying out his name at a particularly good thrust, clenching down on him and it happens, his grip on your hips tightens and he curses, another hard thrust and you feel him cum, spilling inside of you suddenly with a shuddering breath.
Apparently you had teased him a little too much.
You don’t mind, you aren’t mad, in fact, you are even more turned on. You’d never gotten him to cum so quick, it was primal, hot as hell, the fact he was so into this and you that he couldn’t hold back.
Even though you loved it, you play it cool, you tease him some more, “Is that anyway to act in my home? Cumming before your hostess, making a mess inside and without permission-”
He groans and you swear you feel him flex inside of you, round two would definitely be on the table but he would need a little time, you ask, “How are you gonna make it up to me?”
He breathes out, “I would do anything for you, whatever you want-”
You have just the thing. You get up on the bed, turning to face him as you take your dress off. You reclined, your legs spread and you reached down, spreading yourself, showing off the mess of you and him already leaking out as you asked, clad in just your underwear and heels, “You want seconds?”
It is a challenge to back up what he claimed before, would he continue to be a man of his word like you knew him to be?
You don’t have time to ponder on it because he dives in, hands on your outer thighs, tugging you closer down the bed and he devours you whole, not caring or minding his own cum as he eats you out just how you asked for.
It was at that moment you think that you should have had him over much sooner.
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We learned a lot about each of Jesus's followers from episode 3. A lot of what's been beautifully displayed/shown for us had a chance to be articulated and told to us here (in a natural way--great storytelling!). So let's break it down in a meta longer than what any of you asked for:
John - the themes explored in S2E1, which are very present in his gospel, are here again! He expresses awe at the fact that he--"a nobody"--is not only alive at the time of the Messiah, and not only sees Him, but travels with Him and is close with Him. That wonder at the personal, loving relationship we can have with God--that defines both John and his writings. But, we also see him give in to pride (setting up James to be better than the others, and his comment to "ask Matthew") and anger (accusing Simon, even if ostensibly in Matthew's defense, showed both anger and pride (a "you're no better than the rest of us!" mentality)).
Big James - we learn that he loves to study and has more theological/Torah knowledge than almost all of the group. He's a rule-follower, who loves the law and its structure (a foreshadowing of his eventual reluctance to accept Gentile converts who did not first convert to Judaism). More importantly, we see him acting as a moderating influence on the group. He comforts Mary when she expresses her insecurities about her past, and tries to get Simon to stop attacking Matthew. But, we also see how quickly he can become indignant and proud (telling Simon to sit down, instead of simply sitting down himself--"someone else must give in first, not me").
Simon - finally finally FINALLY we get to understand why exactly he's so mad and spiteful towards Matthew. He comes off as kind of a jerk half the time, but this moment (although heart-wrenching for Matthew's sake) helps to humanize Simon too. We get to see the roots of that protective, communal nature that will eventually make him such a good leader, and we see how deeply and passionately he cares for Israel. But we also see that he still struggles to accept those who are unlike him, and this will be a theme for the rest of his life, as he is called to minister to the Gentiles and told that all foods are clean. "Different" is something it takes Simon a long time to get used to. Additionally, his refusal to forgive Matthew is setting up his conversation with Jesus where he asks, "If my brother sins against me, how many times must I forgive him? Seven times?" (This was two-and-a-half times more than the required amount, so he probably thought he was going above and beyond.) I can just see Jesus knowing who Simon is thinking of and telling him, "No, you must forgive your brother seventy times seven times!"
Little James - we get to know a little about him! I just threw him on here since previously we haven't seen much of him and now we understand him a little more. We get to see him bond with Thomas, who's the first person we see really reach out to him, and we see his insecurity and his worry that Jesus will think less of him or change His mind about him. (What a relatable struggle!)
Thomas - what we learn about Thomas surprises us! We're told earlier that "being methodical is his thing" (S2E1), and he seems fairly shy at points, so we assume he must be like Matthew, or Philip. But he's not! He doesn't like the rules. He's somebody who questions things. (Shocker--he questions Jesus's resurrection too! Great set-up and character-building there.) He even says "I'd like to ask Him about that" (referencing Jesus losing His father, but showing that Thomas is someone who naturally asks and seeks). His innate drive to search out the truth is an asset, similar to Nathanael, but also similar is his hesitancy (and at times, flat refusal) to accept the truth because it seems hard to believe. It can also make him combative with those who have more faith, or more respect for the rules (there is some brief tension between him and Big James when discussing Torah, for example).
Mary - we learn that she is eager to learn the Scriptures, something that she as a woman was never allowed to do--and also that she feels she needs to relearn her Jewish-ness. She is ashamed of who she was before and felt that she turned her back on her true identity...sound similar to anyone?? It's no small wonder that she's sympathetic toward Matthew. Simon's outburst directly paralleled them (and Mary did not seem pleased that he used her past in that way). Mary feels that she has a lot to make up for, and has no expectations that Jesus will give her special honors or power--she is humble, and this is why she is more receptive to and understanding of His teaching, despite her lack of knowledge, than the other disciples are.
Ramah - she, too, is eager to learn; for her, this stems mostly from a feeling of never having been allowed to be anything but a dutiful daughter. Her worth was limited and defined by the men in her life. Now she is beginning to explore the possibilities of being defined by God instead, which is a distinctly counter-cultural move. This is why it's so important that she goes with Jesus despite her father's reluctance--she is showing she's willing to be someone other than who she's told to be. Instead, she'll be who she's called to be. But she is still insecure about her lack of knowledge and her inability to take initiative; she is more passive by nature, and even when recounting her imaginings of the Messiah, she doesn't imagine helping Him, just being rescued by Him. This sets her up as someone more able to be used by Him, as, like Mary, she has no delusions of grandeur, but she is still unsure of her role in the group.
Andrew - (this has been more "professional" so far but oh my gosh BABY boy I love him) we learn that he is considerate of others' needs and doesn't want to be a burden (through the "sorry" stories). He likes the rules and is comfortable in order, and things like apologies are meaningful to him because they show respect and consideration for the other person. This is why Andrew gets hung up on the fact that Matthew never apologized for his past and putting them in such a predicament--but John has a point when he stands up for Matthew. Although Andrew is doing it in a nicer way than Simon, both men are setting themselves up as someone who can forgive sin, ignoring the fact that Jesus has already forgiven Matthew (edit: what I mean by this is Simon is loudly excluding Matthew from the group because he's valuing his refusal to forgive over the grace Jesus extended Matthew. Andrew is nowhere near as extreme in this, and is justified in wanting an apology (naturally) but in jumping onto Simon's comments, he seems to indicate that he agrees with Simon's overall attitude--if you don't apologize, we won't accept you). It shows that despite his sensitive nature, Andrew is still proud, and feels that the respect he shows is also what he deserves. He will have to learn, throughout his time with Jesus, that the beauty of grace is that we don't get what we deserve. We are called to forgive those who persecute us, even if they don't ask for forgiveness.
And I'm sure I missed some (I can't even find the energy to cover Jesus's mother Mary, but I loved how they handled her as well) but even with just these we can see how the showrunners are taking such care to develop these characters in a way that their eventual interactions and growth in the later portions of the gospels make sense! They feel so genuinely real, and you can see in them the seeds of who they will become--seeds that Jesus had seen all along. Excellent, excellent work, and an even better witness to the transformative power of Christ!
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
request from nonnie!! “Hi! I loveeee your writing, you’re absolutely amazing! I had a dream recently that i was hoping I could request?? A Georgexreader where they’re dating and the readers love language is touch & affection. Then one day she overhears George saying how irresistible she must find him or something obnoxious like that? So for revenge she completely stops touching him and showing any affection. Maybe a frustrated George in result??? Or something similar? :) Thank you!!”
pairing: george x gryffindor!reader
word count: 3.4k
A/N: this was such an adorable request and one i very much enjoyed writing; i don’t believe i've ever had a request like this one so i was very excited to write it! i didn’t mean for it to be so ~thirsty~ but shoutout to my discord babes -- the thirstiest chat of all has resulted in this story, so thank you! hope you guys enjoy, please leave feedback and reblog if you so please x
tag list: @mintlibri @georgeweasleyx @seppys-return-to-madness @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @darling-details @laneygthememequeen @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @waschbiber @dreamer821 @feffffffy @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic @purplefragile @90shermione @zreads @susceptible-but-siriusexual @parker-potters | message me to be added, loves
Being George Weasley’s girlfriend came with loads of things you couldn’t seem to get enough of -- endless laughter, playful teasing, witty banter, consistent hugging. Snogging. Cuddling. Mostly in private, of course, so as not to annoy those around you with your PDA. But there were always small, shared kisses in the corridors, tight embraces after Quidditch matches. Your fingers would interlock with his during feasts, or you’d place your head on his shoulder in the common room. But you tried to save most of this for just the two of you. So the second you were alone, it was pretty difficult to keep your hands off of one another.
Fred was always calling you an “old, married couple”.
But you wondered now, as George slipped his hands under your shirt, spread his hands out against your ribcage, and moaned against your mouth, if old married couples acted like this.
“Mhmm?” you mumbled, barely breaking from him, not even giving him a chance to speak. You locked your arms around his neck and tightened your embrace. He just laughed against you and ran his hands delicately against your skin. It was almost immediate that goosebumps had appeared.
It wasn’t always like this, though. Not in the beginning, at least. You hardly let yourself even hold his hand, worried that you wouldn’t be able to control yourself. You were embarrassed by just how much you craved his touch -- whether it was just his fingers intertwined with yours, or something a little more -- the intensity of your feelings terrified you. You found yourself jolting awake in the middle of the night and swinging your arms to the other side of your bed, only to be disappointed when you realized, in your groggy state, that he was across the common room and not in the bed next to you, with his limbs entangled with yours.
You restricted yourself from feeling too much. What would he say? You didn’t want to scare him. You didn’t want to come off as one of those people, give yourself a bad rep before even really having been able to create one. You also, if you were being honest, found yourself to be a bit worried that if you immediately handed yourself over to him, George would take it, and leave.
But even all this time later, George had proven himself to be a gentleman, and you scolded yourself for ever thinking he could’ve been anything different than exactly that.
He pulled away from you now, squeezing your hips and checking his watch. “We’re going to be late,” he said flatly.
You frowned. “You’re absolutely sure we’ve got to meet Lee in Hogsmeade? Now?”
He laughed at you and began to button the top of his shirt. “Unfortunately, and I mean that truly, darling -- yes, I’m sure we’ve got to meet Lee in Hogsmeade, considering I’ve canceled on him the last three times.”
You groaned. You and George hadn’t really had a ton of alone time the last few weeks, as your studying had increased and your homework piles began to resemble that of mountains -- plus, with excitement of their shop soon opening up, George was busy with Fred, putting the final touches on every single one of their products. It was sheer luck when you both were able to find even five minutes to spend together.
George noticed the change in your expression as you thought on this; he pressed another gentle kiss to your lips and then one to your temple. “Promise to make it up to you later tonight,”
“I’m holding you to that, you know.”
“And if I disobey?”
The words alone set you aflame, but you resisted the very strong urge to pull him back into you. A comment like that would normally send you into a complete and dizzying overdrive. He knew it, too -- the sensual smirk that appeared ever so slightly on his lips told you exactly what he was thinking.
You swatted him playfully with your hand. “Oh shut up, Weasley.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Ugh,” you groaned again while he fell into a bit of laughter. He was always acting like a git. You supposed it was a good thing that he was so cute. You pushed him away from you and jumped off of your bed in the desolate girls’ dormitory. The tension was still hanging in the air; next to you, fixing his tie as if he were off to a business meeting, George just shrugged gently, playing off the entire exchange. You rolled your eyes, “If you’re going to be a prat, then you at least owe me a drink.”
-- -
“Mate, I’m telling you, I must be irresistible to her or something.”
His voice was relaxed, smooth. You stopped dead in your tracks right outside the empty Transfiguration classroom, where Fred and George were both fiddling with their inventions. You wanted to surprise George right after you finished your lesson -- you were dying to get some alone time with him, especially after having spent your disaster of an afternoon in those dreary dungeons with Professor Snape, who’d scolded you due to your potion, which he’d deemed ‘mediocre at best’. But instead, you stopped where you were, leaned closer to the door, and listened.
“Oh yeah?” You could practically hear the smirk that was, no doubt, growing on Fred’s face. He continued with a laugh, “How so? Y/N yanking you into broom cupboards more often than not?”
By the tone of George’s voice, you could imagine exactly how this exchange must have looked: Fred, eyebrows raised and lips formed in a thin smirk as he waited for more information; George, chest puffed and arms folded across it, his air of confidence engulfing the room entirely. “I’m not that much of a prat. Some things I’ve got to keep to myself, haven’t I?” At least he’s being smart, you thought. You appreciated that he at least wasn’t divulging the very intimate details of your relationship to his brother. “All I’ll say is that she can’t keep her hands off of me.”
Both boys ended up snickering like two young kids. You knew it was harmless; they were two of the most genuine blokes you knew -- they meant nothing of it. It was all innocent. But still, you found yourself feeling a bit embarrassed. Your entire body suddenly felt very hot, and not in the way it felt when you were alone with your boyfriend. Was George really going to be that self-righteous? Well, you’d show him, wouldn’t you?
Instead of turning inside the classroom to greet your best mates like you’d planned, you turned on your heel and headed quickly in the direction of your common room, hellbent on making the next few days of George’s life ones he’d certainly never forget.
-- -
You felt different. Strange. Exposed, even. But you reckoned it was worth it if it taught your silly boyfriend a lesson he desperately needed to learn.
You slid yourself next to him on the bench in the Great Hall, but he didn’t look up from his parchment right away, and you didn’t prompt him too. Instead, he finished scribbling something on a bit of parchment, smirked and said, “There’s my favorite girl. How’s your morning?”
You began to pour yourself a bit of tea and mumbled, “Just fine.”
When he looked up, his eyes immediately widened at the sight of you. It was rude of you to do what you were doing, you knew that, but he deserved it after what he said. He deserved it after acting like a git.
You didn’t meet his gaze, but you were quite certain he was eyeing you up and down, something you were used to since you began dating him. But this, you dressing this way -- this was blatant. This was done purposefully. So to feel his eyes wash over you in this moment felt sort of fraudulent. He immediately began to snake his fingers around your waist. “Well good morning to you, too.”
You shrugged him off and giggled slightly. You knew it would work. You knew it as soon as you’d looked at yourself in the mirror this morning -- the exposed strap of your bright red, lace bralette, the tight knot you’d tied at the bottom of your shirt to expose a bit of your skin at your hipline, just above the top of your skirt -- it was just enough to keep you from going too over-the-top and getting into any type of trouble, but enough to get his attention. Enough to make him sweat.
“George, we’re in public!”
“You’re the one who dressed like you want me to rip it all off of you right now.”
“Our professors are literally sat at the other end of the hall. You do know this, yes?”
After you’d wriggled free of his grasp, he figured he’d try something different -- he leant in, pushed a piece of hair behind your ear, and tried to press his lips to your neck, but stopped just before he did so.
“Bloody hell, woman, are you joking? What are you wearing?”
You shrugged casually, as if it didn’t really matter. “Angelina and Katie bought me this perfume for my birthday. Haven’t ever really worn it before. You like it?”
He scoffed a bit, and you knew you had him wrapped around your finger. It was clearly evident in the way he breathed so heavily into your ear. “Like it? Yeah, darling, you could say that,”
Of course he did. He was mad for it. You had worn it once before, actually, on your fourth date. Things had seemed to escalate a bit quickly that evening. You’d then pocketed this perfume for moments when you’d really need it. Today seemed as good a day as any.
“Anyway,” you breathed, grabbing a piece of toast to-go, “have got to run. Want to get there early for my Dark Arts lesson. Meet up with you later?”
You stood up from your spot and swung your bag across your shoulder; George grabbed your wrist gently and pulled you closer to him. “Mmm, think we can sneak away for a bit?”
“You’re sweet,” you replied, bringing a hand to his cheek and stroking his jawline swiftly with your thumb, “but I don’t think so. Have got loads of assignments I’ve to finish tonight -- plus, you and Freddie have to continue working on your products, yeah?”
You turned on your heel and marched out of the hall -- and just as you expected, he was right on your tail. Once you were out in the corridor, George grabbed your hand and twirled you around, a pained expression on his face. Bingo. “What d’you mean ‘I don’t think so’?” He brought his hands to your cheeks and gently caressed your jawline. He teased, “Aren’t getting sick of me, are you?”
Ugh. You were using every ounce of your willpower not to pull him into you; once again, the craving that overtook you felt incredibly intense. You forced yourself to slowly guide yourself away from him. “Sick of you? Of course not, love. I’ve just been thinking -- I’ve been so busy being all over you lately --” you smirked at how rigid his body went at these words, and you continued on sweetly, “--I’ve realized that I really do need to get a handle on some of my assignments, you know? Have got to get my hands off of you at some point, or another.”
You noticed his jaw clench. “Ah -- I see what this is. Heard me and Freddie chatting the other day, did you?” He threw his hands up in surrender, “Alright, I’m a right git, shouldn’t have said it -- I’m sorry, and I love you. Now can I please kiss my girlfriend?”
Just as he leant in, the bell rang out, signaling five minutes until the start of the first lesson. George groaned very audibly, earning himself looks from passersby. He threw his hands into his pockets and leant against the wall, looking grouchy. You giggled to yourself and pulled your cardigan tighter around your shoulders. “You don’t need to apologize.” You inched closer toward him, ran a hand through his bright red hair, and whispered, just barely grazing his lips, “I love you, too.”
And you swept yourself down the corridor and into your Dark Arts classroom without an embrace, without a snog, without anything, and you were most certain (and proud) that you’d left the most cheeky boy in the entire school completely and utterly breathless.
-- -
It had only been six hours since George was knocked off balance at the sight of you -- but without the hand holding, the embraces, the kisses against your skin -- to him, it felt like bloody weeks.
He supposed, as he watched you practice non-verbal spells and earn yourself tons of praise from Professor Flitwick, that he probably shouldn’t have said what he’d said to his brother. He was just teasing, anyway. He knew he didn’t hurt your feelings -- you had thick skin, thicker than him, even. But apparently he’d poked you enough that you now wanted to poke back, and he was paying the price for it.
When he tried on his own to work on some non-verbal spells and failed miserably, Fred began to laugh quite haughtily. “Not feeling frustrated, are we, George?”
George knew what he meant -- not frustrated about spells, of course. But about other things. He hadn’t realized how much he craved your touch, too, until he couldn’t have it. Until you began withholding it just this morning. He wondered how long he could really last. He found himself getting lost in his thoughts, and his mind almost always wandered to his dormitory, you pinned beneath him giggling like mad, him pressing kisses to your neck. The temptation circulating through his veins was strong. He really needed to snap the hell out of it.
Fred, still laughing, groaned in pain after earning himself a nice elbow jab to the ribs from George.
But it wasn’t just the snogging, or being alone with you with his hands wound tightly around your waist. He missed the small things, like being able to hold your hand in the corridors, gently placing his fingers on the small of your back to guide and steady you through the portrait hole, being able to run his hands through your hair when he was sat next to you during lessons. He missed all of that, and it hadn’t even been one bloody day!
You’d said something to him when you’d first started dating, something about love languages. He didn’t really know much about it, but he found himself becoming incredibly intrigued when you’d begun explaining it. You’d been perched against a tree near the Black Lake, practicing simple Charms as you’d studied for your upcoming exams.
“Sorry -- a what?”
“Your love language,” you’d said casually, adjusting yourself in his arms. You’d explained to him that each person’s love language was what they craved most in a relationship. George didn’t really know his, but he’d been excited to find out. You told him yours was touch and affirmation.
“Oh,” he’d laughed, beginning to tickle you near your stomach, “you mean like this?”
You’d both spent the rest of the afternoon on the grounds, discussing things and snuggling closer together. That was the very first time Fred had referred to you both as an old, married couple. George never let on to how very much he enjoyed that. It was then decided, after much conversation, that George’s top love language seemed to be words of affirmation. Or, so he thought.
But now, leaving Charms, as you wiggled your fingers at him and fled down the opposite end of the corridor to your next lesson, he reckoned he was probably wrong.
Maybe his love language was physical touch, too.
-- -
You were struggling to make it through the week, to say the least. Dramatic, yes, but true. You couldn’t believe this bloody plan of yours -- you should’ve just ignored the comment and carried on as usual, because you today’s lessons felt like an entire month’s worth.
Hopefully George would learn his lesson soon, so you could tug him away and snog him for hours again without him making some silly, childish comment.
Apparently, he was feeling the same way, because at the end of the day, you found him poring over a bit of parchment in the common room, looking positively woebegone.
You two hadn’t embraced, kissed, held hands or anything of the like in nearly seven days. To say you were both going mad was a severe understatement.
He pulled at his hair, looking incredibly frustrated. But his facial expression softened when he looked up and saw you -- his eyes lightened and his face flushed pink, and his smile was relatively bright for someone who looked absolutely exhausted.
“Hi,” he said, not getting up from the armchair.
“Hi,” you echoed him, taking a place on the couch across from him.
The whole layout of the scene was rather dramatic.
“How were the rest of your lessons?”
“Just fine. And yours?”
You were both making silly, stupid small talk, but it was obvious to you both (and the world) that all you wanted to do was kiss one another. Which was normal, wasn’t it? And what was more worth it, you thought -- that, or your bloody pride?
“This is killing me, you know.”
You crossed your arms and smirked at him. He flung his parchment onto the table and made his way toward you. He placed himself down next to you -- not close enough to touch, but closer than you’d both been all day. He let his head fall back dramatically onto the couch and grinned at you. “Glad you’re learning your lesson.”
“Don’t tell me you don’t miss it.”
“Dunno,” you said sarcastically, fiddling with the edge of your skirt, “maybe you’re not as irresistible as you think.”
He groaned and rolled his eyes. He inched closer to you, though. “That’s mean.”
“Maybe it’s what you deserve.”
An evil sort of smirk tugged at the edges of your lips, and he playfully went to poke you in your ribcage, but stopped himself. You both laughed a bit, and he took a deep breath, and started. “I was a git.”
“Yeah,” you replied flatly, “but, to make it up to me, you’ve now got to endure massive amounts of teasing in the foreseeable future.”
Slowly, trying to read your expression, he reached out and began running his pointer finger along the arm of your cardigan -- the most touch you two had seen in days. It sent a spark through your entire body. Again, dramatic, but truthful. He let his hand fall next to yours, both of your pinky fingers touching ever so slightly. “You know,” he began, tracing light circles on your hand, “you’re pretty irresistible, too. Even without all of this going on.” You knew what he meant. The bralette strap, the exposed skin, the lipstick you’d been putting on, the perfume you’d been wearing. The withholding of everything he so desired. “I love you just the way you are.”
His voice had never sounded genuine, and you allowed yourself to gently jab him in the stomach, earning yourself laughs from him. “Wow, Georgie, going soft on me? That was the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.”
He frowned at you dramatically.
“Told you -- teasing in the foreseeable future. ‘m going to take what I can get, love.”
You guessed that he took your sweet smile as an opening, because he reached out and ran a hand through your hair. “Can I bloody kiss you now?”
A sigh of relief escaped the both of you. “Yes,” you said, leaning in. But before his lips touched yours, you pulled away, bit your bottom lip, and wiggled your eyebrows at him. “Irresistible, huh?”
“Never going to hear the end of that one, am I?”
You felt revitalized when he pressed his lips to yours; sure, it had only been a week or so, but a week too bloody long. You loved the feeling of his hands wound around the back of your neck, the way your fingers danced delicately on his chest or in his hair. How you two had managed this long was beyond you, but you were glad this was over.
Just then, Fred and a few others hopped through the portrait hole and waved to the two of you. Fred noticed how close together you were, rolled his eyes teasingly, and called, “There’s the old, married couple. Things back to normal now, I reckon?”
George swiped his thumb across your cheek and pulled you into him. But you had other ideas. Cheekily, you winked at your boyfriend and called to your best mate, “Oi, Freddie! You’ll never guess what George just said about me.”
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Soulmate September - Day 4
Day 4 - There is a trail of color only you can see that marks out where your soulmate has been.
Pairing(s): Platonic Patmile, Aro Patton, Aro Emile
TWs: None I can think of rn, possibly a warning for Pat questioning his aromantic-ness? If I need to tag anything that I’ve missed, please lemme know!
Patton wasn’t sure what to feel even as his own two traitorous feet carried him along the sidewalk in the direction of the sparkling baby pink soulmate trail; he knew he would have one, everyone did. At least, that’s what he was always raised to believe. 
“One day, Pat, one day you’ll meet your soulmate and everything will be wonderful. You’ll fall in love and be happy for the rest of your days!”
Patton loved his nana, bless her, but just remembering her words made his stomach churn more than the nerves he felt watching the trail. He already felt so happy with his best friends;  sure, perhaps a part of him felt a little like the odd one out considering they were all in relationships with their soulmates now, but he didn’t feel like he needed a romantic partner to feel fulfilled. But maybe that just meant he wasn’t truly happy. Maybe.
After all, he had a trail. Heck, he was following it right now! That meant he’d have to face his soulmate. Someone who would be looking for a loving partner who’d shower them with romance. Affection, Patton could do. Heck, platonic kisses and cuddles were practically his second job. Romance, however…. That he just couldn’t seem to grasp. Not that he didn’t know what to do, just the thought made him feel uneasy. The bad kind of uneasy, the kind of uneasy you get when you’re about to hear awful news for the first time, not the excited uneasy when trying something new. 
With an exhausted sigh, Patton tried to remain positive as the trail led to the local high school. Was his soulmate a teacher? A janitor? Maybe a parent stopping by to pick up their kid early? Or were they giving a talk to the students? Either way, Patton checked the time and was thankful that he didn’t have to try and explain to someone that he had to go wandering around the school to find his soulmate. Fifteen minutes wasn’t such a long wait anyway..
… Okay maybe it’s a long wait when your mind is positively racing with anxiety. Patton had been so lost in his own mind, it took a woman - probably a member of staff going by her attire -  talking to him to pull him out of his daze, 
“Sir? The last of the students are leaving, are you still waiting on your child?”
He shook his head, “Ah, no, that’s not it, see, I’m looking for-”
Pat wasn’t able to finish. Just as he looked over her shoulder, he spotted his soulmate, the pink trail glowing behind and around him. Gentle looking, perhaps only a couple of years Patton’s senior, wearing a light brown cardigan over a pink tie and white button up shirt. His pressed black pants would have clashed with his adorable pink sneakers if they didn’t suit him so well. Not to mention the pink streak in his dark hair or the numerous cute badges adorning the cardigan. Oh God this was too soon. Far too soon. As his soulmate pushed up his glasses, Patton became aware of the woman still waiting on an answer.
…… Nope, he can’t do this-
Patton made a small whining noise as he turned and took off down the street. He can’t do this. He can’t face his soulmate. Not like this! Not while he was still a mess!! Not while he wasn’t able to be the partner his soulmate surely deserved. Patton hadn’t even met him formally, but already he knew he didn’t want to let him down, not someone who was so clearly a wonderful person. 
For a moment, Patton began to wonder what was wrong with him. He liked him. His soulmate. That much was clear. One glance and he couldn’t get the sweet expression on his face out of his head, yet he didn’t feel an ounce of any romantic feelings for him. Not one. 
He stopped to catch his breath once he’d hit the nearest bench - he narrowly avoided ramming straight into the damn thing - and tried to work out what to do. Pat knew he couldn’t avoid him forever, of course, after all the trail-
Oh no, the trail-!!
Patton looked behind him just in time to lock eyes with his soulmate while he was tripping over the curb and falling flat on his face in his pursuit. 
“Great, now’s my chance to run.”, Patton thought, but upon noting that the man seemed to be hurt, his conscience wouldn’t let him retreat. Damnit. Swallowing the pit in his stomach, Patton rushed to his aid, 
“Are you alright!?”, Patton asked, offering a hand to help him up.
His soulmate beamed up at him, smiling brightly despite the fact his nose was bleeding from the impact with the ground as he took said hand,
“Yeah! I’m a little banged up but don’t worry about me, are you alright um..?”
“Patton!”, his soulmate beamed, unaware of how it was breaking Pat’s heart, “I’m Emile Picani, do you how do?”
Patton was surprised to find himself chuckling at Emile’s antics despite his growing anxiety. “Oh jeez, he IS my soulmate..”, Patton caught himself thinking, unsuccessfully hiding his disappointment with himself in his expression. Emile noted the crack in Patton’s happy facade and decided to try and be light-hearted in his approach, “Hm, lemme rephrase my question; eeeeeh what’s up, Pat?”.
It was a terrible Bugs Bunny impression, but it did get a smile out of Patton. Oh boy, he still didn’t want to have this conversation…
“.... How about I bandage you up a little, then we talk?”
Emile agreed and the two sat down on the bench while Patton opened up his satchel and took out his cartoon network print plasters, a sight that had Emile excitedly bouncing his leg. Of all the people to be his soulmate, Patton couldn’t have asked for a better match, if only…
“Are you a father?”, Emile queried, catching Patton off guard.
“Wh-What?”, he stammered in surprise.
“Your bandaids, I thought perhaps you-”
“Oh, no, no!! I don’t have kids, but I work at the local daycare. It’s my day off today.”, he explained. Emile nodded, “I see! I work at the high school-  well, you know that you, found me there, I mean I’m the school’s student councillor. I’m sorry if my assumption upset you, Pat.”
Patton shook his head, “No, no, it’s fine!”, he waved off the concern as he silently got to work with the bandaids. The assumption hadn’t upset him, well, not in the way Emile probably thought; he hadn’t known Emile for a day and yet Patton knew he wanted Emile in his life forever, but… surely his soulmate would be looking for a husband. A lover. Someone to have romantic nights out with and someone who would love him back. But Patton couldn’t do that. He felt a form of love for the man but the idea of them getting married or anything like that just-
He was pulled from his simultaneous daydream and bandaging work as he listened to Emile hum something familiar. At first, Patton couldn’t pin down where he knew it from, however, as Emile hummed more, Patton recognised the faint singing he was doing under his breath;
“When you trip on your face and your teeth are misplaced..”
“Friends are there to help you.”, Patton sang in continuation, returning the excited grin Emile bore, “Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy, right? I haven’t watched the show in years.”, he admitted.
Emile beamed brightly, “Oh my goodness, really?! Well I have the entire series on DVD! If you want, we can go back to my place and-”
The churning feeling was back. Patton had heard about this song and dance before. What was it his friend Virgil had called it? Netflix and chill? No, that’s the more R-rated song and dance, isn’t it? Either way, Patton’s displeasure must’ve shown on his face as Emile gently placed a hand over Patton’s, 
“What’s got you feeling blue there, my diamond?”
Patton couldn’t help but give an exhausted smile at that. Steven Universe references now. Lord help him, he’s about to break this poor man’s heart. Gathering what little courage he could muster, Patton tried as best he could to explain,
“Emile, you’re wonderful. I just want to make it really crystal clear, ah ha, that it’s not you, it’s me...”, Patton began, noting the way Emile appreciated his attempt to lighten the mood, “But I can’t return your feelings. Not um, not in the love-dovey way, I mean! I really like you, but as a friend?? Gee, I’m sorry, I wish I could love-love you back, but I-! Romance just, I can’t do it and I don’t want to hurt you because you’re so nice, but- ! Ugh! This is so confusing-”
“Oh thank God.”
What. Patton locked eyes with Emile to see genuine relief wash over him, a couple of tears welling up in his eyes as he explained, “I thought I was gonna have to explain me being aromantic to you and hope you weren’t against it-”
“Wait, wait, aro-what?”, Patton asked, perplexed.
Emile took a second, realising what was happening, “Oh, Pat. Um, right, let me explain; I’m aromantic - and genderfluid by the way, I use all pronouns and such but don’t you worry about that right now.”, Emile assured him, continuing, “Being aromantic means you don’t feel any, or very few, romantic feelings for anyone. You might like some things generally considered romantic but enjoy them platonically! Take me for example! I, much like Olaf, like warm hugs! And platonic kisses are a-okay with me too! But if you’re not into that stuff, of course-”
“Oh, no I am!!”, Patton beamed, feeling like a weight had been torn from his shoulders, “I really like physical affection, but I like it from everyone really! I’m just so happy I’m not breaking your heart here..”
“Aw Pat..”, Emile opened his arms wide, giving Patton a look of genuine adoration, “Awkward Soulmate Hug?”
Appreciating the Gravity Falls reference, Patton chuckled, “Awkward Soulmate Hug.”
The hug was far from awkward. If anything it was the best hug Patton had been given all year.
------------ I hope you all enjoy this one!  I wanted to give a little love to platonic soulmates too so here we go!! @tsshipmonth2020
Taglist [just message me to be added!]: @somehow-i-got-an-account  @cateye-glasses
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There was nothing more tiresome than photoshoots. They drained your energy and demanded your patience and the best version of yourself.
The clock on the farthest side of the white painted room read 1:31pm which meant that it's been six hours since you started working and had a decent break.
But your manager insisted that the more hours you pushed in, you'd get more time to relax and do whatever you wanted afterwards.
You knew that he was right of course but you were tired and on the verge of collapse, but you were determined to stay strong and get your work done.
You loved being a celebrity, so if you had to stand on your feet in uncomfortable heels for hours to take pictures for your fans then so be it.
"You're doing marvelous y/n darling. Just a few more and you can take a ten minute break. We still have to cover the summer collection for next week OK?" Your manager said to you not even looking up from his phone as he walked across the polished floor.
You often prayed to have enough courage to stand up to Timothy. He was a good manager to some extent but he often fails to remember that you were a human being and not a robot.
But you could never, the guilt of doing something like that to someone would eat you alive.
Jimin always says you're too nice for your own good sometimes, and he was right.
Your parents always taught you to be good and kind to the people around you no matter who they were. You never disobeyed them and always strived to be someone they would be proud of.
So as always to decided to suck it up and push through.
When you were granted your well deserved but short ten minutes break, the first thing you did was ask for your phone and headed to your dressing room.
Jimin had called about six times and let a few direct messages for you about an hour ago.
'Hey princess 😘👑'
'Just got done with practice with the boys, tired and missing you lots and lots😚😚'
'How's the photoshoot going?'
'Are you staying hydrated like you promised?'
'Hope that bossy manager of yours isn't over working you🤨'
'If he is tell me and I'll come over to give him a nice chat😤'
'Do you want me to come over again?'
'You know what never mind, I'm on my way.'
You couldn't help but smile at his messages. He was always so worried that you were working too hard and not getting enough rest.
Him and Timothy often bumped heads about what's better for you in both your health and career. Jimin wins most of the time of course but Timothy was your manager and despite his methods he's always keeping you on top of your game.
There was a knock on the other end of your door. You called for the person to come in and you  quickly jumped to your feet in joy to greet your boyfriend.
"Hey Princess."
He wrapped his arms around your waist tightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him full on the lips.
There wasn't a day that went by since you two got together that Jimin hasn't made an effort to see you despite your busy schedules.
You could never figure out what you did to be with someone so wonderful and genuine, but somehow you did.
"I missed you princess. You look tired are you ok? I knew you weren't taking enough breaks, where's that manager of yours?"
"Jimin calm down, I'm fine really. He sent me on break so I have some time to relax."
"Ten minutes isn't a break y/n. You need food and time for yourself. Luckily for you I foresaw this and took the liberty of reserving us seats at that cute little resturaunt you like so much down town."
"As wonderful as that sounds Jimin I can't. I'm on a ten minute break right now and if I'm late you know now Timothy gets."
"Y/n you need to eat and you need to rest or else your gonna burn out."
"I know but it's fine, really. After I'm done I'll have all the time I need to relax."
Of course Jimin could see right through that reassuring smile of yours. He could see the absolute exhaustion on your face and the need to get out and get some fresh air.
"Y/n I'm taking you to get something to eat, put on something more comfortable and we can go."
"But Timothy said-"
"Y/n, don't argue with me. Go get your coat, change your shoes and put on something comfortable. I'll be outside waiting."
You stood there absolutely shocked at the level of authority in Jimin's voice. Usually he doesn't show his more assertive side but when he does it's almost scary.
So deciding not to fight him, you got changed into a pair of baggy jeans and a T-shirt that made you look like a normal everyday person and not a celebrity. You tied your hair up and happily whipped off the layers of make-up your crew had applied.
Just as promised Jimin was outside your dressing room waiting. He smiled seeing that you looked way more comfortable than before.
He laced his fingers through yours and lead you out of the studio. You passed some of the crew members that handled lighting, make up and your walldrobe, all asked you were you were going to which Jimin was happy to answer on your behalf.
"She's taking a break so don't call or bother us for the rest of the day."
You were almost to the elevators, to sweet freedom and quality boyfriend time when you heard Timothy yell from behind you.
"Hold it right there you two!!"
Jimin rolled his eyes behind his pink glasses and turned around to look at a Timothy who was approaching them.
"Where do you think you're taking her we're not done working."
"Yes she is. As her manager I'd think you'd see that she's tired and clearly overworked. So I'm doing for job for you and giving her a much needed break that doesn't last for ten minutes every eight hours."
You watched a little scared as Jimin and Timothy stared eachother down with absolute hated for eachother in their eyes.
Timothy may be in charge but Jimin was not to be messed with, especially when you were involved.
"Just because your her boyfriend doesn't mean you can show up here whenever you feel like Park, Y/n is a five star celebrity which means she has places to be and deadlines to be met." Timothy said clearly pissed.
"I might be her boyfriend but I'm also quite persuasive. So if I'm to mention your negligence to I don't know say the media, how do you think they'll react to you overworking their favourite celebrity. You wouldn't want that kind of pressure over your head would you?"
Jimin had that look of total done-ness with Timothy. His brown eyes showing no emotion whatsoever.
"You wouldn't."
"Do you really wanna find out?"
The tension was thick at this point. Almost half of the crew had gathered around to witness what would happen. Timothy hardly ever caved and Jimin always got what he wanted, things could go either way.
"Fine Park, you win. But you better bring her back in four hours or else I'll come looking for you myself."
A sigh of relief left you, at least things didn't hear up like last time.
Jimin pressed the elevator button and wrapped an arm around your waist.
"You can be pretty scary sometimes you know that Jimin?"
"I know, but you still love me."
"Of course."
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deabbawallace · 4 years
The Umbrella Academy Season 2 overall thoughts (scroll if you don’t want spoilers !)
I’ve watched season 2 twice and here’s what I’ve noticed. feel free to agree/ disagree, let’s have a discussion! :)
- Luther’s character development was amazing this season. although he was mainly depressed and stress eating, he did grow as a character SO much by immediately apologizing to Vanya. he could have easily got away with not telling her the full extent of what happened/ what he did due to her memory loss (and Five also not directly telling her she was the cause, or “bomb”). he’s still struggling with who he is and how he lost his motivation and leadership-ness towards the end of season one. not seeing any of his siblings, especially Allison made Luther feel alone again, like when he was sent to the moon. Luther has SO much more of a idea between when he can lead and when it’s okay for him to follow (example: him telling Klaus to look for Allison while he watches over Five who was obviously upset due to the situation). he was very smart with the whole old/young Five situation, even if he got his ass beat in the process. overall Luther is a great character and deserves so much more of a love interest than his sister.
- Diego. as far as we know Diego and Vanya actually got parts of Klaus’ powers this season. originally in the comics Klaus can levitate and has telekinesis. Diego’s was able to manipulate the bullets in the finale with telekinesis that wasn’t brought up earlier. it made sense and for the character since he already know how to manipulate knives and other things to his favor. another Diego power that wasn’t described that i was quite disappointed about is the fact that he can hold his breath underwater for long periods of time. although Diego’s love interest this season is Lila, i have a feeling he is more infatuated with her than in love. it’s known that Diego loved Patch, and was torn and wished to remember and honor her memory, so there a chance he fell for Lila or his idea of her, mixed with some of the personality traits of Patch. Diego went from basically resenting Vanya and always going toe to toe with Luther to forgiving her and actually working as a pair with Luther, while Luther let Diego have his leader or “Number One” moments this season.
- Allison. wow. we had a minor complaint of her not dating her brother and boy did they take that and run with it. she went from an adored black actress with a white husband and mixed daughter to a time where black and whites couldn’t even enjoy a cup of coffee in the same diner. now i’m not sure if this was intentional but i noticed upon allison’s arrival, 3 white boys are taunting her saying “hey girl”. although i’m not sure, i was wondering if this line/scene is a reference to the Emmett Till case (he died in 1955 so less than a decade then where this harassment takes place). it could be possible since Emmett did get murdered for saying “hey baby” to a white women and i think it’s a good yet subtle part on the show runners half if this was their intention. Allison’s want of showing she loves Vanya showed tremendously throughout this season, she’s basically glowing around Vanya, especially in the scene where she was hanging out with Klaus and Vanya.
- Klaus. Klaus went through so much this season (as it seems like he always does) Klaus’ adventure of seeing Dave and telling him not to enlist is a case of “right intention, wrong time”. he came off too strongly and scared off Dave. eventually Dave wanted to know why Klaus knew so much about him so he visted Klaus at his weird cult house. i will say he obviously did have some influence over Dave since he got dave to enlist in the marines instead of the army. Klaus having a cult makes sense for his character. the lack of “daddy’s love” and attention he got in season one was filled by his cult, even if he was a fraud and only superficial worshipping. he started to push Ben away this season, and ultimately you could argue it helped tainting/ damaging his relationship with Ben a tad bit, but at the same time Klaus secretly wanted Ben to get a break from him and go to heaven, even if that meant loosing his brother from being with him 24/7. i wish he had more of reaction when Vanya tells him about Ben. it could just be usual Klaus, hiding his feelings to not feel like a burden to anyone. with Robert’s acting abilities, as much as i don’t want to see klaus in pain, a meltdown scene of Klaus missing Ben would be startling at how well it can be done.
- Five. Five was an old man before he came back to the Academy in season one and it’s discussed that he messed up the calculations that put them in his kid body. it could be a possibility that when he was going back in time with his siblings he saw his siblings were turning into kids, panicked, and thought of a different equation in his head to make them adults. we have to remember as viewers that since he’s gotten back to the season one timeline he knows what it feels like to be not taken seriously due to his physical age and how he looks. so he wanted his siblings to be adults again? maybe it could also be because he couldn’t emotionally handle seeing the versions of his siblings from over 60+ years ago (in his mind) in front of him again. it could just be a simple miscalculation since math clearly isn’t Five’s strong suit since he’s 0/3, or could have a deeper meaning. you can argue both ways. i will say he developed more into trusting his siblings, even asking for their help on multiple occasions. you can tell he got more comfortable with the family he’s been missing and wishing to go back to for decades.
- Ben. Benerio. i just wanted to start off that it makes sense he wasn’t alive this season. although disappointed, when they were going back in time, none of the kids (Ben included) were born in the 60’s, so it can be argued that even if he was revived, he has no place in this timeline. you can argue none of the kids have a place there, but Five was focused on getting those around him (the alive academy) out of this timeline. Ben not being alive makes the most sense since he has passed before Five travelled. you can tell dallas made a huge tear between Ben and Klaus. i think that dallas was good for Be , even if he wasn’t alive, he got to grow as a person, even if that meant Klaus sort of forgot him and went on his own journey. i cried hysterically in the last two episodes about Ben because he’s such a genuinely caring character. i would compare his qualities to younger Vanya because when Luther locks Vanya up, Diego and Klaus say “Vanya? the one who cried when we stepped on ants as a kid?” also applies to Ben. it made me so happy when he stayed back and goes “i missed you guys” while they exposing each other for what they have done in this timeline to possibly mess it up
- Vanya went through a lot this season. i’m glad they changed the season one ending of Fove shooting her in the end and starting of the dallas storyline her being paralyzed and having amnesia. this season shows that vanya isn’t scared of her siblings anymore. for example, she got startled when Allison tried to rumor her again and accidentally hurt her, followed by apologizing profusely. this season she is unapologetically herself, saying she isn’t a disease and even leans her head on Diego in the last episode even though in last season they definitely were on rocky terms. Vanya frantically wanting to leave with Sissu and Harlan to give them a better and more accepting life in 2019 just proves how much she cares for others. the ending scene where Ben, the literal monster with tentacles basically falling out of him, telling Vanya isn’t a monster is so beautifully done. it’s also interesting how she is in way more control of her powers, even after Reginald made it seem basically impossible for her to control her emotions/ powers.
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cheseyre · 4 years
good news, sluts! my brain's no longer being completely stupid (only mostly), i've seen the new asides and...have some thought-y thot thoughts:
*deep inhale*
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Okay, first things first: this art style is soooo fucking cUTE and I'm a jealous, squealing bitch. Anyone who knows who the artist is, could you link me to them, stat? I think Thomas mentioned them at the beginning of the ep, but nYeh, brain hurt, doesn't wanna do wooork-
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Okay, I'll admit, I was a little...apprehensive when I first saw the thumbnail and title. Part of it's just me being a bitter Remus Stan, but also...okay, deep breaths, controversial opinion time, get ready:
I don't ship Prinxiety.
Like, at all. 
I can see the appeal, and these dorks were so very, VERY cute in this particular ep, but I was honestly turned off by the ship long ago due to how overwhelmingly popular it is and how some fans characterize these two and treat this relationship as if it's the only valid one, y'know, the works—slight tangent, but that's also why I don't ship Logicality or Remile. I honestly vibe much better with ships like Roceit or Analogical, y'know?
Cutting in for another brief tangent: I'm surprisingly okay with Demus/Dukeceit/Receit/Trashnoodle/Whatever-Their-Ship-Name-Is-Oh-God-Why-Do-They-Have-So-Many-Fucking-Names; maybe it's cause they haven't actually interacted in canon and the fan content gives me such good Gay Disney Villain content, idk man im weird—).
Still, their interactions were both hilarious and sweet and like I said, I see the appeal, it's just not my cup of tea. y'all Prinxiety fans got fucking FED and I'm happy for you nerds. Enjoy ze happy boys!
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I guess another factor in my...low-key hesitance when I first saw what the ep was about is that...okay, get ready, another controversial opinion, le gasp: well, I'm not a big Virgil fan. In fact, at times, he swaps places with Patton as my least favorite sides—especially with some of his recent behavior in eps like DWIT (the "prohibit your breathing comment" really triggered me, for example). Sometimes, his attitude, especially around other sides like Roman or Janus, reminds me a little too much of my sister, who I don't have...a very good relationship with. Add to that how the more...intense side of the fandom has a disturbing tendency to turn him into the 'uwu precious woobie emo baby who can do no wrong' while unnecessarily villainizing other CERTAIN sides in the process, and...I think you all see where I'm going with this little rant 😅
However, upon actually watching the ep, he wasn't...that bad? I don't think? I enjoyed watching him be a flustered, disaster-y mess and genuinely excited at the end, his interactions with Roman were nice enough, and him literally pushing Thomas to make a move with Nico despite his obvious panic attack was a nice moment of genuine character development. I like seeing that, that's the good shit right there. And him being all flustered and shit, and smiling so much at the end of the vid was just...well, adorable. This man has no fucking right to be this cute, my god
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Okay, but Virgil not realizing that "cyberstalking in real life" is literally just stalking is both a big ass mood and further proof that, yes, Logan is indeed the only one holding the braincell out of this disaster of a lot. God help them all if he ducks out in the next ep.
And Thomas x Trash Can is my new OTP.  I dub thee ✨ "Trashmas" ✨
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Wait, does that mean Remus actually WAS in the ep? Cause, y'know, trash man?
👀 👀 
Okay, okay. 
With how much Virgil and Roman were going off about Thomas constantly lying, I was (understandably) a tad bit disappointed my snek son didn't even make a fucking cameo, but y'know what? In hindsight, I'm okay with this it's fineee~
He was just off playing with shadow puppets and stealing money from us desperate, content-starved peasants with his sheer extra-ness and, honestly? Gotta respect the hustle. 
Get that precious, precious coin, dapper snake! Wring us poor losers dryyyy!
*evil snek laugh*
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Also, this is a breather ep and adding Janus in probably would've caused unnecessary drama with the Roceit breakup and the constant antagonism between Virgil and him. It probably would've distracted from the point of the ep (flirting with social anxiety, exactly what it says in the tin)—much like it wasn't really Virgil or Remus's place to show up during POF. Does that make sense? I think it makes sense. Sorry, brain going brr-
Still, I can't believe the "Fuck Janus Sanders" Club is actually canon now 😂
God, first Patton in a skirt and now this. 
Thomas Sanders, you delight in fucking feEDING this gremlin nest of a fanbase, don’t you? You RELISH our screams of joy and pain and suffering, dON’T YOU?
What's next, actual canonical Janus and Remus interaction? Patton saying the fuck word? The Dragon Witch comes back? Janus's bowler hat gains sentience and takes over the world, Doris-style? What do you have planned, Thomas? Joan? WHAT ART THOU PLANNING, I MUST KNOW YOU HEATHENS YOU FIENDS-
And Virgil's little "would it be fair to him" comment, tho.
Like, I get in the context of the ep, he was likely talking about Nico and how it wouldn’t be good for a potential relationship with Tomas to be founded on lies, but still...my anxceit heart aches, man. 
Gimme that sweet, sweet angst with a side of mutual regret and possible future reconciliation and maybe something more wink wink nudge nudge on top, pls
...and fries.
Honestly, tho, that entire bathroom monologue was fucking beautiful, man. And relatable, too—i can't tell you how many times I've talked to myself in public restrooms because I just didn't know how to get the words I wanted to say out. It's...kind of embarrassing, tbh
Speaking of embarrassing, uh, crying stall guy.
Crying Stall Guy
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Like, I was expecting someone to come out the bathroom stall after Thomas stopped talking, but...I honestly wasn't expecting that. God, that whole scene was so cringe worthy and fucking hilarious
Honestly, Thomas in the ep in general was a huge ass mOOD and we collective gay/bi disasters ALL related with him, and if you say you don't, you're either lying to yourself or a demon. 
There is no in between 
sorry I don't make the rules
Like, I get this series is literally a gay disaster talking to himself for thirty minutes or longer, but like- EMPHASIS on the 'disaster' part 😂
Like...Thomas, you're lucky you're such a goddamn bean, because GOD, I cringing so hard when he first started talking to Nico
Although, I too have apologized profusely for genuine mistakes and am a flustered bi mess around my crush sooo
And god, Roman's "thirty = old man" jokes made me feel old...and I literally just turned twenty, like, come on, man!
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Maybe that's because I was literally watching this ep after finishing my ACT and had been sitting with a bunch of high schoolers, with their tiny fucking desks and tiny fucking water fountains smeh
*clears throat*
Anyways, uh, we STAN Nico Pintrovert Florés in this house
He gives me such big Carlos from WTNV vibes for some reason and this makes me sooo happy
and YESS, he's a WRITER
And he's??? So sweet?? A pure bean?? Just sits on his laptop at the mall food court all day, like a god-fucking iCON?? A Nightmare Before Christmas fan?? weARS GLASSES??
my hEART
The fandom seems torn between "Nicomas" and "Karrot Kings" as a ship name atm—personally speaking, I'm casting my vote for the latter
*crosses fingers* please dont be another janus x remus multiple ship name issue guys, please please please I can't keep track of them all-
*clears throat*
On that note, I'm guess I'm gonna go try and whoo over my crush with carrots now. If THIS disaster can do it and make it actually fucking work, god damnit, so cAN I
Meanwhile, in hell, my brain's just screaming "CANON LOVE INTEREST CANON LOVE INTEREST CANON LOVE INTEREST-"
God, I hope Nico isn't just a one-shot character, he's too pure and Thomas and him are adorable gay Disney fans and I stan
Oh, I wonder how the other sides'll react to him.
Oh god.
Oh god.
This ep just unleashed a new fresh hell of potential Nico x Sides ships, hasn't it?
Welp, time to prepare for ze incoming flood of fanfics, I guess. I'll get my umbrella and rain boots.
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That last shot of Virgil during the endcard was so fucking ominous oh my god mom im scared can you come pick me up-
Goddammit, Thomas and Joan, I'm NOT fucking ready to be traumatized again, fUCK
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I wish I wasn't a broke ass university student so I could contribute to Thomas's gloriously extra Patreon—both so I can support my favorite content creators who make this amazing blessed content and also, to join my boi Janus in fucking  destroying society by giving money to the people who actually deserve it, fuck YOU GOVERNMENT-
New headcanon time as to why Patton, Remus, and Logan weren't in the ep: they were helping Jan film that Patreon promotional video. 
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Remus directed it, Logan helped with the lighting and script, and Patton was just there as the cheerleader. 
The reason Janus made a dog with shadow puppets wasn't just to flaunt his deity status and prove how he is truly above us mere wretched mortals 
despite that being the absolute truth and we all know it, don't lie to yourselves
No, it was really him trying to do something cute and silly for Patton, because Moceit rights, daMMIT
guys, gals, and nonbinary pals
it’s time forr
the most wonderful time of the yearrr
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Step right up, folks! Hear ye, hear ye, my prediction for the next episode: Prinxiety v. Moceit! With special guest stars: Karrot Kings vibing in adorable gay and Intrulogical, bitter at being excluded aGAIN
Who will win? Who will lose? 
here’s a hint: we all will because in this sick twisted game they are no winners only losers-
Place your bets, folks! ✨
Haha im not readyyy~
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this episode has cleared my skin, watered my crops, and ended my suffering—an adorable calm before the... angsty fucking shitstorm that’s coming far too soon. Prinxiety stans, enjoy your food. Place an 'F' in the chat for me and my fellow grieving Remus stans. Trashmas is the true OTP, but Karrot Kings is cute too I guess. I've only had Nico Florés for 24 minutes, but if anything happens to him, I'll kill everyone in this room and then myself. Purple eyeshadow Virgil makes me question my sexuality aGAIN, and happy gay disney prince rights y'all. Say a big ole 'fuck you' to capitalism by giving your local dapper snake moneys. Concussion makes brain go brr and imma go buy some carrots and be gay now.
psst hey @quarantinevibes2020​ you wanna join me in being disaster-y? i’ll bring my best gay stare and you bring the wine
Until next time, my lovelies! ~ Ches 🖤
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talvenhenki · 4 years
Raffi! :D
! I knew you would ask her :D I saw you like the post and I was all !! it’s gonna be Raffi isn’t it
First impression
Oh wow, she is angry. Picard probably deserves it, though
Impression now
I. Love. Her. Raffi is so important to me, an older woman who, even after multiple hardships gets to find love; that means so much. I love how she was portrayed, how human she is even though she is also very extraordinary. I love the fact that she gets to be weak and it never makes her worth any less.
I just. I love Raffi Musiker a lot and I probably could write a love letter to her.
Favorite moment
Oh boy. All of them. The times when she’s mad, that time when she looks at Picard like really? when he brings Agnes on La Sirena. That time she was trying to get Rios’ broken pieces from the holos (face it, Orion, you love that scene more than you should) and especially that scene where she tries to talk to Rios and ends up talking to Enoch and tells him he’s her favourite holo.
Idea for a story
Five times Raffi got a vacation from everyone’s bullshit.
Alternatively, when Raffi is not doing well and Rios comforts her because they’re bros and we need more content with them being bros :^)
Unpopular opinion
She needs a vacation. Like really. Give Raffi Musiker a vacation with Seven and some free drinks! She had to live through everyone’s bullshit on La Sirena, she needs some time off.
Favorite relationship
Well, obviously I love Seven/Raffi (Saffi?) but I also adore the bro-ness between her and Rios! They really care for each other and would do anything for the other. I need more content with them and the background of their friendship.
Favorite headcanon
Raffi sometimes chills out with the holos. She just spends time with them because she genuinely likes them because they’re a part of Rios and she likes him so she feels like hanging around the holos too. Cris thinks she’s mad because of it but she doesn’t care
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badatusernames · 4 years
THANK U FOR THIS...admittedly some answers may be a lil short just so i can like. Get to them all.
Chouji (man i’ve seen it spelled both ways and i’m just used to typing Chouji at this point sorry)
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual!!  Gender Headcanon: Cis male A ship I have with said character: SHIKAMARU. SHIKAMARU. SHIKAMARU. SHIKAMARUUUU, my god...just, everything about their dynamic makes my heart melt, the way they’re both people who are easily dismissed by others and how they have such UNFALTERING FAITH in each other. chouji knows how much of a genius shikamaru is, knows very well the fact that despite his laziness, once he commits to something he’s in it for the LONG HAUL, the way shikamaru just believes so steadfastly in chouji, considering him stronger than NEJI FOR FUCKS SAKE...they like. get one another, the kind of relationship where you can be yakking away one minute and then just sitting in contented silence the next. they can just laze around. maybe play video games and snack. and sometimes...kiss. and it’s so chill even with that latent tenderness their later relationship develops and they both just feel so safe and KNOWN and familiar like. love your best friend. anyway everyone slept on shikacho and y’all should be ashamed the naruto fandom is enormous and finding pretty much ANY content for it is almost impossible aside from the small (if lovely and amazing) tag and i’m pretty hyperfixated on it if you couldn’t tell holy SHIT.  A BROTP I have with said character: i’m really not a fan of ino taking potshots at him for his weight and outright shaming him, but once she grows out of that i absolutely love their friendship. listen, you know that post thats like--hold on
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thats just them, thanks. A NOTP I have with said character: i have nothing against karui but canon is fucking dead to me and my opinions on p much all the “endgame” ships range from utterly neutral to absolute loathing. their relationship is on neither end of the spectrum, but. eh. definitely not into it. A random headcanon: he keeps nursing injured animals back to health because he’s just that fucking sweet and bringing them back to his house to keep them warm and safe while they recover and his team knows vaguely about this and ino and shikamaru like to poke fun at him for it but since they don’t tend to encounter said animals, it’s not really a huge deal.
of course they stop by his house one day bc he hadn’t shown up for training which is annoying and frankly a little concerning and finding the house mostly empty ino just bursts on into chouji’s room only to immediately have the opossum he’s been caring for latch its little paws on her face and cling.
it’s a bad morning. General Opinion over said character: literally one of my absolute favorites of all time and it really breaks my heart how overlooked he is in the fandom (seriously y’all...). i think kishimoto is kind of a stupid hack and the Fat Jokes are really grating and it sucks to see that so intrinsically tied to his character (like. just let him be fat. jesus christ) but his kindness and overall relaxed, loyal and lovable nature has me just melting. i adore him. 
Sexuality Headcanon: He’s gay, scoob. (I could also talk a lot about how his earlier misogyny is both a product of being a whiny tween and also some internalized frustration of like WHATS SO GREAT ABOUT GIRLS. UGH. I DONT. STOP TELLING ME IM GONNA FALL IN LOVE WITH ONE ONE DAY DAD JESUS. and let’s be real, thats frustrating, even if it aint an excuse)  Gender Headcanon: he uses he/him pronouns because it’s just what he’s used to and comfortable with but man gender is such a drag... A ship I have with said character: SEE ABOVE SHIKACHO RANT A BROTP I have with said character: naruto! he and naruto have a really adorable friendship and i love love LOVE that he and chouji were shown to be kind and accepting of him even when most people were shunning him. also he’s so fucking dumb i love seeing shikamaru meticulously plan out something only to have naruto shriek into battle and ruin all of it. love those guys. stupid bros.  A NOTP I have with said character: ok. im sorry i just. loathe sh*katema i really do. i haaaate the way kishimoto writes this whole “ew a GIRL” “ew a MAN” vibe with the like OOOH BUT THEYRE GONNA LIKE EACH OTHER vibe like. 
don’t get me wrong i adore them as friends, i think they’re fantastic scathing and witty pals who bitch about anything and everything including each other
but they’re also both gay and kishimoto can suck my nuts byeeee A random headcanon: sometimes pakkun just fucking Shows up and chills with him. shikamaru wants absolutely no part of this but is way too lazy to like. do anything about it so it’s just this guy and a dog sitting in a field chillin and occasionally him piping up like ‘hey kid. remember when i bit your hand? yeah? haha, man time sure does fly.” while shikamaru is just. go aWAY.   General Opinion over said character: if you told 9 year old me watching naruto for the first time my favs were gonna be a three way tie of lee, shikamaru and chouji i never would have fucking believed you but here we are. i love him. i absolutely love him. he’s such a whiny bastard and a really good depiction of burnout genius who doesnt want to do ANYTHING, but his intellect is an absolute DELIGHT to watch. i love him very much. 
Sexuality Headcanon: he’s pan!! this is a boy that crushes easily and crushes hard on just about anyone!!!! Gender Headcanon: cis male A ship I have with said character: ok i ship him a lot with neji actually? what with how neji grows during the course of the series to regard lee with the respect he deserves is really sweet and there’s just something so infinitely adorable about him going around being the hammiest, most ridiculously earnest, kind and enthusiastic person and neji, now that he isn’t constantly bitter and angry at the world can finally really see that? lee is always happily dropkicking his way into his life, like he wouldn’t have it any other way, and i think that’s just...so sweet A BROTP I have with said character: SAKURAAAAA. oh my GOD do i adore their relationship. ever since lee saved her and basically just gave her a glimpse of his...lee-ness, the fact her negative opinion of him IMMEDIATELY flipped and gave her such a strong admiration and fondness for him kills me DEAD. she always treats him with so much respect and the fact she’s quick to rag on anyone making fun of him melts my HEART!! and on lee’s side, his little crush on her is adorable of course, but the sheer strength of the friendship that comes from it is more than infatuation could ever offer him. i want them to hang out together and talk about their troubles...i want them to make each other laugh and be so very kind to each other...i want sakura to storm over and throw him over her shoulder to TAKE A BREAK ALREADY when he’s been training too hard for too long. god. A NOTP I have with said character: honestly i’m pretty happy with a lot of lee ships! the only ones i view with obvious disdain are the ones with creepy age gaps honestly. A random headcanon: out of everyone in the leaf genin, he’s probably the closest anyone’s ever come to someone who EVERYONE is at least distantly friendly towards. like god have you SEEN how warm and inviting and concerned he is the SECOND he sees that naruto is feeling down? i get the sense he’s immediately inclined to provide that kind of support to any of his comrades, even the ones that Resist it.
you think sasuke is the most popular among the leaf genin? puh-LEASE. everyone looks on rock lee with at least a LITTLE bit of warmth. thats just fact. General Opinion over said character: since my first viewing of naruto he has been my Absolute fav, and while chouji and shikamaru are veeery close to stealing that spot, one look at him and i feel he’s gonna be on top forever. probably the best written character kishimoto’s ever produced that’s remained in  the main cast (tho i dont speak for shipudden onwards who fucking knows, but the truth of it is is i adore rock lee)
Sexuality Headcanon: Panromantic Asexual Gender Headcanon: kind of like shikamaru, i feel like he uses he/him pronouns but also doesn’t particularly....Care? A ship I have with said character: ok so it wasnt until my naruto rewatch that i really started falling into this but i think him and naruto are super cute? while i loathe kishimoto for ruining so much abt this show he really is good at creating good foils to naruto, and gaara is no exception--and the way naruto changes his life by just kicking his ass (and proving he’s not just a Simp or smth) and then just, extending genuine empathy and a REAL sense of truly relating to where he’s coming from re:his upbringing? the EFFECT it has on him, bro!!!! my god!!! i feel like they’re that opposites attract ship that don’t clash constantly but instead fall into this adorable synergy and understanding? and i think thats so sweet A BROTP I have with said character: ...is it cheating to just put temari and kankuro here? bc they are literally his siblings but my GOD do i love their relationship. there’s something so deeply sad about their initial situation??? like having siblings that either are deeply fucking afraid of you or clearly don’t care for your well being whatsoever, it’s such a tragic scenario, and the times where they really do show legitimate care for gaara just breaks my heart...but the GROWTH. THE DEVELOPMENT. THE HEALING. i love the sand siblings so much, i am a STRONG advocate of seeing the development from estranged family to loving, occasionally bickering siblings who absolutely Love Each Other A NOTP I have with said character: uhhhh same with lee in that i don’t really mind most of the ships i’ve seen him in? while i don’t particularly ship gaalee i think its also Very Cute, and really it all just seems pretty valid as long as people aren’t being creepy? A random headcanon: i’ve been wracking my brain for one for a good 20 minutes and i just don’t have one he’s such a mystery to me/????? i love him but he is an enigma?? General Opinion over said character: oh my god he’s such an edgelord in the beginning. i’ve been doing a lot of this naruto rewatch with my friend @drashseed (a simply phenomenal fella 10/10 follow him) and every single time he talked the only valid response just became “ok gaara”
but his backstory? utterly HEARTWRENCHING. and his growth is just. absolutely divine, i adore him. thank you mister sandman for doing so much for us all.
Sexuality Headcanon: Bisexual Gender Headcanon: cis woman A ship I have with said character: listen. i think kibahina is........Really Really cute. he cares about her so MUCH??? and there’s a certain tenderness to his interactions with her that’s just really evident whenever you see em together? i really love that you get the sense hinata is COMFORTABLE around him!!! like! i feel like hinata really deserves to have a partner who sees her when she ISN’T blushing and stammering? when she’s like? legitimately comfortable and being HERSELF? (dgmw the blushing is adorable i fucking love her but its one of the gripes i have with naruhina that so much of it is just naruto being oblivious and her having a small panic attack) the comfort she and kiba have make for a chill, adorable relationship i just cry over constantly A BROTP I have with said character: so i was GONNA put naruto here, but technically i already put him there for shikamaru’s so i’m gonna say neji!!! uhhh OBVIOUSLY they got off to a. very rough start but the way their dynamic changed (or perhaps in a way reverted back to the times they interacted before neji’s father died and temporarily killed his Human Decency) into this respect and fondness that’s just...such a delight to watch? i’m a SUCKER for slow and mutual reconciliation and there are just so many sweet moments between them. they are FAMILY, BRO!!! THEY CARE FOR EACH OTHER, BRO!!!!!!!!!! A NOTP I have with said character: ...at the risk of sounding like a broken record, i think a lot of hinata ships are quite cute? i guess i’m gonna have to say sasuke. because like.
has. he ever even looked at her. please. jesus christ. she deserves so much better. A random headcanon: she is a LOT physically stronger than she looks!! a lot of her combat techniques rely on taijustu after all so it’d make sense that she puts a lot of effort into physical training alongside chakra control.
i’m trying to say she’s strong. not as strong as sakura but. she can lift her bf up over her head (he’s dying hes dying he’s dYING he lOVES HER SO MUCH). it’s pretty fuckign badass
General Opinion over said character: i LOVE her??? honest to god i really really do--honestly while i dislike the direction they went in canon with her, i really loved seeing her be motivated to grow and change the parts of herself she hated to become a stronger person.
that and she’s so fucking cute and sweet and i just??????? bless her honestly.
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we-rate-tmnt · 4 years
rate RAPH
Bro I love Raph so much, he adds such a nice layer in the dynamic with his brothers in all the series and I’ll go over a bit of this below!
1987 Raphael
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Besides Rise, I feel like this Raph is an overall chill dude. He’s mainly sarcastic and his ‘brute-ness’ is in his insults. Sure he fights a lot, but it’s at around the same level of violence as the rest of his brothers. I really love that he breaks the fourth wall so directly, it’s so neat to me when characters do that, which is a reason why I like Rick and Morty and Parks and Rec (although Parks and Rec is different because it’s live-action and the characters know about being filmed. Rick and Morty has them as cartoon characters that don’t know they’re a show, or maybe not. There’s a lot of theories, but I digress). He’s voiced by Rob Paulson, who also voiced 2012 Donatello, Foot Luteniet in Rise and is the voice casting director for Rise as well (This doesn’t add anything to the rating, just thought it was neat). Sassy, fun, mentions multiple times that the reality he lives in is a children’s cartoon, he’s great.
Next up is the tiny angy boi of the early 2000’s
2003 Raphie
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I love this Raph’s personality! Smart mouthed, hot-headed and quick, I wish I could fire insults as well as he could. In this version, he’s more open about how much he likes fighting and physically trains quite a bit. Although, as a character, I feel that he’s lacking and a bit dry. The only episode I can think of where his character was expanded on was the time he looked out for a kid as hot-headed as he was. After that, I can’t think of anything else. He also HATES bugs for some reason, we don’t what reason, he just hates them and I wish they had more on that. I also wished there were more episodes with just Raph and Casey, they’re fun to watch with one being angry yet smart in battle with the other being semi laid back, but rushing in. On a surface level, he’s a cool character, but since he’s not Leo, he doesn’t get the spotlight that much.
And now, my SON I seriously love him wow
2012 Raph
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He’s still angry, he’s still small but he has some more fun details to him! The rips on the ends of his mask, the crack in his shell, his two pet turtles/fire tortoise (???), his nerdy hobbies. I really liked that they were showing him saying stuff like ‘tickle attack!’ and also keeping the good ol’ ‘I give a flying-!’ kind of attitude. He not only feels like a teenager, but he feels pretty fleshed out. Unlike, 2003, his bug phobia is very prominent in quite a few episodes and I think that was a fantastic decision! He has hallucinations and panic attacks, which really grounds him as a character, his phobia is something that genuinely affects him and he manages to get past it. He still despises those creepy crawlies (who can blame him) but he makes sure it doesn’t get in the way when it comes to protecting his family and friends. Also, he’s just plain adorable, even when he’s ready to murder someone. He’s also the only one out of all the turtles in the 2012 series to have a lovely romantic relationship with this BADASS ALIEN LIZARD GIRL. And she’s not just there as a romantic fill in, she’s important to the turtles space adventures and in the final season as well (despite that we hardly see her after that episode, but I’m not going to get mad about that today). Let’s see, nearly cussed, sarcastic, hot-headed but soft, adopted a cute alien fire turtle, has an AMAZING BADASS LIZARD girlfriend, some noice character progression, squishy face, hit’s quite a bit on my checklist!
He owns all my uwu’s/10
I’ve noticed that this movie has the turtles and other characters involved behave quite differently, so I’m going to add this one to my list!
Half-Shell Heroes: Blast to the Past Raph
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Guys, this Raph was just so goddamn cute like bro. I feel like despite that this is supposed to be a continuation from 2012, the personalities of the characters have some pretty big changes. Raph, throughout the whole movie, seemed much kinder and seemed more open to his brothers. That pterodactyl scene just HMMMMM GOT ME IN THE FEELS. I think this rating is based mostly on cuteness, because it was a movie it can’t really do too much character development (especially for a silly one like this).
Next up is the Raph I just watched last night!
2014 Raph
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I actually really enjoyed this movie! While a lot of people didn’t like the designs, I really liked them quite a bit (except for the antagonists). This Raph I think is one of my favorites, with the more ‘done with this bullshit’ attitude, gruff design and woodworking skills. I really liked how well they dealt with his relationship with his family. They showed how much he cared about everyone so much throughout the entire movie. I wrote that note down even before we got to the part with all of them seemed like they were about to die, and it shows that even before that scene, that impression of Raph is left with us. He also was able to form bonds with April very quickly because he knew that this whole thing wasn’t her fault and could see that she would still stand with him to get his brothers back. They handled his character very well and that’s hard to do with a movie. I also like the little toothpick detail and that he was so stubborn with keeping it in his mouth. Overall, a tough boi with a big heart and loves his family a lot.
Now for the newest Raph and the sweetest Raph to date!
Rise Raph
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I really need to give him more attention! I really can’t give too much analysis because it’s hard for him to steal the scene for me. I only really notice Rah when a scene or episode was directly focused on him. However, when this did happen, they were always fantastic! I really liked the savage and Mrs.Cuddles episodes, which showcased Raph’s weaknesses. He’s big and strong, but I feel like that he just grew up too fast. He has to be careful with his size and strength, which are useful when it comes to protecting his brothers but he knows how much he could hurt them by accident. I really want to see when they’ll expand more on that, perhaps there was an incident involving his brothers in the past? It’s really fun to see how he’s handling the leader role and the dynamics this creates with his brothers. Just a big lovable boi with some trauma.
Next up is our good ol’ comic book turtle!
IDW Raph
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The idea of him being separated from the rest of the turtles for the first couple of issues was so neat! I think it added to him getting his family bonds and making everyone’s dynamics and interactions with him different compared to the rest of the incarnations of him.  It made for an interesting connection with Casey as well. I’m still quite a ways away from the most recent chapter of this series, but will update this whenever I get to it! A good child that deserved a family and got one!
Storytime: I used to think his Sai’s were those little rake garden tools when I was little and would nab my mum’s to play ninja turtle if I was in a Raph mood.
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