#this chapter is so LONG OOF
trensu · 27 days
do you think you'll put "Stasis in darkness" on AO3 eventually?
see, when the idea first came to me, I hadn't really planned on doing anything with it because I wasn't sure if I could make it work. there's a level of gravitas in the relationship between a god and their devoted servant that I didn't think would translate well to steddie because, let's be real, those boys are goofy dorks. but the idea wouldn't leave me alone so I typed up the original post in an attempt to work it out of my system and move on.
(the post kind of blew up, which I was not expecting at all!! like, not even a little bit! i post all sorts of rough little ideas for my own amusement and I've been able to do that without drawing much attention until that point.)
Anyway, I wouldn't have done much with it but @acowardinmordor left some comments/tags/what have you that helped me nail down the setting in my head which really opened the door for me to explore how the story could progress. (apologies, strife, I'm not sure I ever properly thanked you for that burst of inspiration, so please accept this shoutout as an expression of gratitude). And the amazing @ent-is-indecisive allowed me to rant about it which really helped flesh out the story. Seriously, there are elements and lore coming up that would not have existed if it weren't for ent. (and thank you once again ent for the ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL fanart you made for the reveal scene, I'm still overcome with joy whenever I think about it!).
Once it got to that point, I knew I wanted it to be a self-contained story and I was afraid that if I did a multi-chapter fic I'd lose the thread and never make it to the ending I want the fic to have. (no, the end scene hasn't been written yet but I KNOW what it's going to be and I hope everyone will love it as much as i do). So I promised myself that I was not going to post it on ao3 until the whole thing was written out completely.
However, I occasionally need a confidence/motivation boost so I've been posting consecutive parts of the rough draft here. you have no idea how much the people who reblogged with tags or left comments have helped me fight off the discouragement my brain likes to bog me down with; off the top of my head, @godsweakestboy , @redfreckledwolf, @fuctacles , @spectrum-spectre , and @lawrencebshoggoth have given me lovely, enthusiastic words of encouragement. and they're only the ones I can think of at this moment. there's so many other people who've done this, so if you've ever left me nice tags or comments, please know that I've read every single one of them repeatedly whenever I need to get over a slump. I'm so grateful for all of you!
Anyway, all this is to say yes! It is going to be posted as a oneshot on ao3 once I've finished writing it. <3
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bleue-flora · 6 months
Mmmmm.... Chair.
“Was the cake good?” Dream asks nonchalantly...
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huskymaine · 2 years
10 Foreshadowing of Kakashi (and Obito)’s story on Wave arc
Inspired by @professor-of-naruto ‘s tags on this post that I agreed so much and prompted me to make this rare Kishimoto appreciation post. I may have some beef with Kishimoto’s writing choice, but there is a reason why Naruto series is so well-liked. Kakashi is one of character who is very satisfying to rewatch because his whole story is unveiled little by little with some hints on the prior, and Kishimoto delivered it (quite) perfectly.
As Kakashi fan, reading Wave arc after knowing all Kakashi’s past story, feel so different and I noticed many details that would get callback on future chapters. I compiled 10 of them, but probably there are other hints that I miss, feel free to correct me anytime.
1. Heroes’ tale start with a bridge
Probably the most obvious similarities on this list, but still very noteworthy. Wave arc is practically the mission that started Naruto’s journey as hero. In the mission to protect the construction of a bridge, Naruto learned to empathized with Inari, learned about Haku’s philosophy and the reality of shinobi, to then he used his ultimate technique of “Talk-no-Jutsu” for the very first time, a.k.a Naruto’s ability to touch people’s hearts by his words and determined actions, that made him the Savior.
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While in the past, on a destruction of a bridge, unfolds a tale that shaped Kakashi’s journey as the formidable hero we all know and admire. Just like Naruto learned many things from Wave arc, Kakashi also got many things from Kakashi Gaiden arc, like his Sharingan, the first time he safely used Chidori, along with his prime philosophy “those who abandon one of their friend are worse than scum”. And in narrative standpoint, both arc and last monologue are treated as “the start of hero’s journey”.
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I personally like how Kishimoto drew hopeful atmosphere of Naruto with the finished bridge, 
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in contrast with bittersweet feeling of Kakashi panel along with the destroyed bridge.
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2. “Please understand him. He has his own side of the story”
There are many things that I feel disconnected with Naruto fandom regarding Kakashi’s character interpretation, but perhaps one of the most memorable whip-slash for me is how most Naruto fandom portray Kakashi as this rigid sadistic military teacher. For example, this video summarized fandom’s collective agreement that Minato is the soft nurturing teacher while Kakashi beats his students left and right during training. I was like, yeah Kakashi has his stern moment, but it was started and ended on Bell test. After that, he’s actually a very gentle teacher just like Minato, if not more. And we’ve shown this even since the early Wave arc, when his student Naruto scolded Inari harshly and Kakashi tried to explained Naruto’s circumstances to Inari. 
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Just like Minato explained the circumstances of Kakashi that made him utter such harsh words to Obito (the difference is in Wave arc Kakashi is the one who took the initiative).
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And then both of these gentle senseis tried to instill that, despite those harsh words, Kakashi and Naruto actually care for Obito and Inari in their own way.
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(seeing those two panel next to each other made my heart flutters, like boy you really grew up beautifully from a bitter boy to a gentle man)
3. Rule-breaker dads, their tragic death, and their changed sons
@panharmonium​ already made an outstanding meta about this (must read!), that Kaiza’s tale is eerily so similar with Sakumo’s tragic story, both violent and quite frankly dishonorable death in front of their sons as the result of “disrupted the order of the land”.
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And just like Inari ripped his dad’s photo from the family picture, Kakashi also never spoke about his father ever since his suicide. After those tragic deaths, memories of their dads must be so painful for both little Kakashi and Inari.
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It was not shown but very likely on that panel above little Kakashi had the exact same face as Inari when he watched Kaiza’s death.
4. “Hero is real, and does exist!”
Our MC Naruto, after hearing Kaiza’s story, felt motivated to train more and be a hero like Kaiza, similar with how Obito validated Sakumo’s heroic action to Kakashi after hearing Sakumo’s story.
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It’s up to interpretation, but I think Kakashi rose up a little from his chair when Naruto made his declaration. Considering how much Kakashi noted how similar Naruto with kid Obito on War arc, I wonder if he saw Naruto’s back and reminded him of Obito’s back on this scene
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5. Familiar Kyuubi chakra
On Naruto’s first Kyuubi awakening, non-Konoha shinobi like Zabuza and Haku were understandably had no clue about the nature of chakra that they felt. They just sensed that it was appalling and dangerous.
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But Kakashi immediately recognized the power, noting how foul and evil it is, how it’s familiar to him, with a little bit denial because it’s Kakashi we are talking about here.
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(sometimes I admire Kakashi’s “innocence”. After everything that happen to him, he still had in him to be surprised when the universe decided to throw some shits on him. Bijuu break-out on your first combative mission? Yeah after your friend turned into Bijuu bomb things like that might as well happen in your life, Kakashi)
400+ chapters later, we’ve shown why the chakra felt familiar to him, because Kakashi is one of people who sensed Kurama’s chakra even before the Kyuubi incident, the incident that took his Sensei’s life.
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6. Break the mask
Honestly my personal favorite parallel because how neat and detailed Kishimoto made them to the point that I squealed hard when I put these side by side. This one is actually more about premonition of what would happen in later story than parallel from revealed backstory, but the scene when Naruto Kyuubi-punched Haku to break his mask,
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has the exact same proposition with the scene of Tobito rasengan unmasking that happen like 583 chapters later, down to the angle, body gesture, even line separation between each panel. 
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After noticing this, I am like 99% sure that Kishimoto already planned Tobito plot-twist (and the major line of Kakashi’s past team story) on Wave arc.
7. “Who are you?”
Speaking about unmasking, there’s a nice little foreshadowing about Tobito plot twist on Wave arc. This cover is from the early chapter 16, the cover that mark the first Obito appearance on Naruto series. Obito who is one of 2 main Big Bad in War arc that happen like 600+ chapter later (I don’t count Kaguya and Black Zetsu is a background party who shamelessly took credit on the last minutes), but Obito is also the inspiration of Kakashi’s philosophy of valuing comrades, that he passed down to Team 7 on Bell Test. 
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The said chapter also the first time Haku’s face were shown behind his mask. Haku, who is one of 2 main antagonist on Wave arc, but also the one who gave Naruto his philosophy to be strong for the sake of protecting his important people.
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These last two points, along with the clues that Kishimoto threw ever since the introduction of Tobi, should made it obvious that Tobito plot twist was planned since the beginning. I think people who still thought that Tobito is a retcon till this day just can’t understand how clever Kishimoto’s storytelling works. 
9. Shinobi 25th rule
The damned rule that literally no one uphold except perhaps Kakashi (which is not healthy at all my man please cry more!) got mentioned first by Sakura on Wave arc.
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And it was talked again on Kakashi Gaiden by Kakashi, obviously. While the rule was treated like off-handed trivia on Wave arc, this no-crying rule is like, big deal on Kakashi Gaiden. They even had a chapter titled “Crybaby” to emphasis this point.
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The arc also shows that this 25th shinobi rule is apparently applied to all shinobis regardless of their nationality.
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(I don’t like this rule at all please tell me someone remove it in the end)
9. Willingly jump in front of Chidori
This point is the content of the post that inspire me, so yeah I add it for good measure, hehe. But seriously, Kishimoto made a very nice (not for Kakashi) parallel between the shocking way (pun not intended) of Haku’s death by throwing himself in front of Kakashi’s chidori,
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It’s so similar with the scene of Rin’s death, along with their last word being the name of someone they loved (platonically or romantically) and willing to die for.
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There’s also notable change of Kakashi’s attitude on the battle after Haku’s death, from being not really invested to the fight apart from his job and protecting his students,
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to take the fight personally and quite possessively, along with gentle treatment toward the deceased Haku.
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Haku’s death by his Chidori possibly reminded Kakashi of the devastation that he felt when Rin committed suicide on his hand. Both scenes also has panels focused on Kakashi’s bloodied hand after he did the deed unwillingly.
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10.”Do you really mean that?”
After Haku’s corpse got kicked by Gato, Zabuza who was still deep in shinobi mentality nonchalantly acted as if he valued Haku only for the service that the boy could provide to him.
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Just like Kakashi in Kakashi Gaiden diminished Rin’s earnest help as “her job”.
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Hearing that, Naruto and Obito understandably pissed off and yelled about how both Rin and Haku cared for Kakashi and Obito with their whole hearts, beyond their role as allied shinobi.
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Facing those cold words, Naruto also tried to ensure whether Zabuza truly meant for the cruel things he said.
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And Obito did the same to Kakashi 100+ chapters later.
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This segment also got a nice callback on War arc like 500+ chapters later, but this time from Naruto to Obito.
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Yum, me love some parallel, preferably with hundreds of chapter gaps. Just like @mabledonut​ said, I want to know how Kishimoto thought on how he crafted his story with such big chapter gaps and callbacks because it’s just fantastic.
Tl ; dr = I really wanna see Wave arc from Kakashi’s point of view. Because I can totally see after Team 7 came back to Konoha, Kakashi laid down on his shuriken bed, contemplation how the hell after he finally passed a team and accepted them as his responsibility, the first combative mission that they had turned into A rank mission that push the majority of his button trauma. Then after Kakashi realized that he was stuck with them for the next years and beyond, he was like,
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(unbeknownst to him, Team 7 shenanigans is the world’s way to give him a giant therapy program)
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cconcerned · 2 years
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my monthly reread of 'Ocean on Fire' was a banger as always (read it. its so good. it'll make your heart melt and ache.)
@theninjamouse I just love them with my whole heart,,, eugh eugh
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justaduckarts · 2 years
Strained Relations
Chapter 12 of One Who Holds A Star is out now to read! 
It’s a VERY long chapter, with a lot going on. :) 
You can read the new chapter here!
Chapter Snippet:
"I could heal him," you said quietly, "if you'll let me." Her demeanor shifted, eyes widening as she cradled her crying child.
"...You would? It's only a scrape," she spoke quietly, "truly, you don't have to, your grace."
"Maybe so," you smiled, "but if it will make him feel better, than I can't imagine why I wouldn't." The woman considered you for a moment. She glanced at Moon, as if to ask if it was really alright. He only nodded. She carefully rearranged Joseph in her arms, so that you could see his knee better. He peeked up at you with watery eyes, confused.
"Joseph, right?" You smiled at him. His mother nodded.
"Let's make this better, shall we?" Carefully, you placed your hand over his knee. He flinched at first, obviously nervous. But as the light of the star washed over him, his crying subsided. He babbled, looking at it. And when your hand fell away, his knee was good as new.
Joseph's babbling came faster now, more excited as he smacked at his knee, trying to figure out how you'd fixed it. You couldn't help a small laugh, looking at him.
"He's very charming," you smiled at his mother.
"Thank you," she smiled at you, "ah, let me get him back to his playpen. And then I will fetch your things, your eminence." She turned and hurried back. You stared after her a moment before turning to Moon. He was staring at you, expression contemplative. You shrank as his hand came towards you.
Your eyes shut. "Forgive me- His hand settled on top of your head, much like it had that morning. He lightly ruffled your hair.
"Good work," his voice came quietly.
Hesitantly, you peeked up at him. He was smiling at you. You shifted, tension falling from your shoulders.
"I'm very proud," he said, pulling his hand back. Turning, Moon went right back to browsing the shelves. You looked up at him in quiet wonder. Proud. Your hand found its way up to your chest. Settling over the thrum of the star.
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pochapal · 1 year
hey. uh. somehow the 1-11 writeup has ended up just as long as the 1-10 writeup. lmao.
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daye-dream · 2 years
People don’t usually get along well with Moon. The Technicians treat him like a bug, the Security Guards treat him like a threat to be avoided. And who wouldn’t, when everybody meets Sun first? When they expect him to be like his counterpart, reality hits harder than it should. And those who aren’t expecting Sun are already AFRAID of him before he’s made an appearance.
First impressions are hard for Moon.
… But what happens if he gets met first? What happens if he makes a friend, BEFORE they’re afraid of him?
Gonna play a moment of catch up and bring my other DCA fic here, too! I started writing on AO3 first, so the first two chapters of OVBM are already up and running! Two for the price of one! <3
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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anyone got any mj and hat bonding centric ideas? While focusing mostly on writing the prologue and my writing improving from doing so, I’ve been using it as a opportunity to rework a lot of the main fic events, specifically the early stuff so it flows nicer and isn’t as rushed, bc there’s not near as many pre manor chapters as post manor ones, while I was able to move one chapter earlier, I couldn’t do it with the other ones, mostly bc those ones relied too much on it being post manor to change (the chapter in question was shapes chapter bc I was able to rework the manor references into foreshadowing/set up and it definitely works a lot better that way as it builds up the tension :3 plus it makes more sense to have a lower stakes thing happen before a bigger stakes thing, and not the other way around yk)
ANYWAY while in the process of adding some ideas or splitting parts into their own chapters I realized I severely need some more dadjumper content, but I’m not the greatest at coming up with fluff scenarios off the top of my head, so yeah like I said any idea suggestions from you guys would be great!
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gregorygerwitz · 2 years
full disclosure: tomorrow’s chapter of Hallmark Au isn’t done yet and I’m so tired from crazy work hours. I have a little more than an hour before I have to sleep, and I’ll see how much I can get done in that time?
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unwcvering · 2 years
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@ardenssolis​ said:
you can face this.
sentence starters | accepting
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       The way his hands tremble, the way his fingers curl into palms to hide the fact — El-Melloi II isn’t so daft or unaware to believe that Ozymandias doesn’t notice. It is truth that he can face anything, has faced far worse, but it does not mean he lacks the ability to ignore his fears. Leather gloves cling uncomfortable to his skin as he flexes his fingers, figuratively grasping for something to keep him grounded to the moment in time. “You have more faith in me than I do myself,” is muttered back, attention straight ahead at the enemy Master. They stand near enough that they could be detected, yet not so close to warrant reason for their paths to cross or combat to ensue. His strategy had been consistent with watching and waiting for the opportune moment, much to Ozymandias’ dismay, but safe meant alive. And they had managed to survive this long; El-Melloi II had managed to survive as long as he had for that reason. 
       “I have no intention of running face first at our opponent. That would be a foolish endeavor.” Only idiots went in recklessly with no plan. It is something one of his students would do, and thankfully, none of them were there to act as an overzealous bystander. No, it is much better if his life as a professor and role as a Master remains separate. 
       Reaching into the inside pocket of his suit, he pulls out a cigar and steadies his hand, attempting to light the end of it. “However, I know you would much rather find ourselves on the upper side of this than acting as we have.” His hand still trembles, flame flickering with the worry slipping through fingertips. “Just stay like this a little longer. I will shine as you always do, Ramses. I will not show you disrespect as to hold you back.”
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transkingcobra · 1 month
I’ve seen the “Halsin masterbating about Tav until the confession scene” around a lot, and it’s fun I like it, but boy howdy has my brain got a chokehold on that thought now that I’ve applied it to Nix and Diex
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everythingsinred · 3 months
as a side note, the monstrously long chapters for subjectives were kinda an experiment for me. my next fic will definitely have shorter chapters. my whole idea was basically... academic decathlon has ten subjects and thus needs ten chapters and i would not be budged on that, so everything was formatted to fit inside those ten chapters without exceeding ten chapters and as a result the chapters are all super long.
i usually prefer chapters that are a bit shorter but still long-ish, so i'll go back to my comfort zone after this, especially because i won't be limited by a predetermined chapter count like i was this time.
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kiwibirb1 · 6 months
jesus fucking christ oh my back hurts okay I have essays typed out for the main girls but I'm gonna do the main plot of the show tomorrow because im kinda sick
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feidude · 1 year
update: so far i did one thing ☝️
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akatsukiofthestar · 2 years
Hm... Maybe i spend time after grading to write fic chapters...
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