#this collab was too cute and i wanted to join!!!!
stardustloserdoll · 9 months
hii can you do friends to lovers with johnnie x youtuber!reader? and the reader is like friends with jake and thats how they met? love your work btw <3
tyyy 🩷
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you know i’ll keep you in my locket
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“y/n you made it! come, i want you to meet someone!” jake quickly grabbed my hand, dragging me through the crowd pulling me in many directions. until he stopped in his tracks, “ah there he is.” jake spoke turning back giving me a smile. “johnnieee.” jake sang pulling me next to him with a big smile on his face.
“what.” the guy johnnie said looking up from his drink to look at jake. “this is y/n! remember i told you all about them?” johnnie nodded his head sending a smile towards me “yeah you yapped a bunch about them.” johnnie replied, making me laugh. “you know me, the yap king. anyways, y/n! this is johnnie.”
i smiled waving at johnnie “hey, nice to meet you. jakes also told me a lot about you. i like your shirt by the way.” johnnies eyes lit up “you like this band?” i nodded my head “i love them! i have all of their cds and posters all over my room.” i laughed putting my hands in my pockets. jake watching us with a big smile on his face.
“oh yeah johnnie! y/n is also a youtuber! i think you guys should do a collab together. it should be fun.” jake said wrapping his arms around our shoulders. “im down.” i smiled looking over to johnnie. “yeah me too.”
ever since that day, johnnie and i have been inseparable. every time i saw him, the bigger my crush on him got. i always got nervous and stuttered around him, probably making it obvious i liked him. i don’t know if i’ll ever tell him how i feel..
"hi everyone, today i have a special guest joining me…johnnie!" i smiled pulling him in frame "hi."
"johnnies going to attempt to do my makeup. i glanced at johnnie sending him a reassuring smile."i know he'll do great."
johnnie started applying the foundation onto my face, patting it down softly. "how about we tell them how we met." i said moving some hair out of my face.
"ooh you're right!" johnnie smiled moving onto the eyeshadow and mascara, "alright so we met at a party, and jake introduced us to each other. jake told me a lot about y/n, but i never got to meet y/n, but i'm glad i finally did."
"aww, johnnie." johnnie smiled tapping my knee signaling he was done. “how’s it looking.” i smiled. "it looks. pretty good actually. i made a mess though." he laughed cleaning where the mascara smudged. "i bet it looks great. now, the hardest part. the eyeliner." i said lifting it up to him. "oh god, if you look like a clown by the end of this im so sorry." johnnie held my face gently as he began applying the eyeliner.
"anyways,” johnnie said resuming “back to the story. it was an instant connection, we liked a lot of the same things, especially our humor. since then, we’ve literally been hang out like..everyday. i'd have to say my favorite person ever is y/n, sorry jake."
"you heard him jake. IM his favorite." i smiled sticking my tongue out. "okay, i think i did pretty good." johnnie said leaning back making sure the wings were sharp. "im really excited to see the finishing product." i said clapping my hands. johnnie set the eyeliner down and told me to open my eyes. "guys look at the matching necklaces johnnie and i got."
"we have pictures of each other in them." johnnie smiled opening the heart locket. "he looks so cute in this picture." i laughed raising it up to the camera. "y/n looks so pretty here." johnnie smiled looking into my eyes, glancing down at my lips.
“why are you looking at me like that.” i laughed pinching his cheek. “what do you mean!” johnnie yelled lifting his arms up. “you’re looking at me like you wanna kiss me.” johnnie turned away, mumbling something under his breath. “what was that johnnie?” he shook his head mumbling a ‘nothing.’ “wait i forgot the lipstick.” johnnie reached over and grabbed the lipstick, carefully applying it.
"okay y/n, are you ready to see your final look." i nodded my head and raised the mirror. “johnnie.” i gasped. “I TOLD YOU IT WAS BAD!” i shook my head. “NO ITS SO GOOD! you have a magic hand.” i smiled setting down the mirror. johnnie smirked at my comment making me hit his shoulder softly.
“okay guys, that’s the end of the video. thank you so much for watching! make sure to like and subscribe, andddd if you want more of johnnie i will have his channel linked down below. say bye johnnie!” i wrapped my arm around his shoulder waving. “baaaiii!”
“i had so much fun johnnie.” i grinned setting my hands on my lap. “me too, i always have fun with you y/n.” johnnie smiled as he played with the necklace. “uh y/n. can i ask you something.” i nodded my head “yeah of course.”
“well,” johnnie hesitated “um i’ve really enjoyed spending time with you lately, and we’ve gotten really close. the more i spend time with you, the more i start to fall even more in love with you.” i blushed placing my hands on top of his. “i feel the same way. ever since i met you i instantly fell for you. i love everything about you johnnie.”
johnnies eyes widened at that, a faint blush spreading on his pale cheeks. “well, what do you say we make it official?” i asked holding his hand. “id love to.”
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potatomountain · 3 months
Bittersweet Neighbors
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💝 Pairing/AU: Single dad Seonghwa x afab neighbor
💝 Genre: Angst, some fluff, single dad au, smut, Rate M for mature audiences
💝 Word Count: 14.1k
💝 Warnings: Mentions and implications of abuse, threats, baby trapping, alcohol consumption, smut warnings under cut, Seonghwa is aged up (roughly early 30s) so slight age gap (5-8 years-ish)
💝 In collab with @daemour Fluff/Angst Dilf Hwa-
💝 Their half of the collab, Fluffy Dilf Hwa, is "I Can See You"
💝 Network: @pirateeznet
💝 Smut warnings: oral (m & f receiving), unprotected sex, slightly intoxicated sex, big dick Hwa, long tongue hwa, pussy drunk hwa
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Kids weren’t your thing- single dad’s with young kids were most definitely not your thing- but something about this one had you pause.
Your new neighbor: Park Seonghwa. 
He looked far too pretty to be moving into the somewhat rundown apartment building you were in, but the young girl with him was probably the reason why. She had to be about seven almost? Maybe eight? The first time meeting them was brief as he just knocked on your door and introduced himself and his daughter Eun-byeol as your new neighbors, then moved on to the apartment across from his.
They were both polite and quiet, almost meek. He wore dull clothes while she was dressed in new and bright clothes, clearly more cared for than her father. Something about that had your heart melting a bit for them.
It was the second time you interacted where you really got curious about them; about him. You caught sight of them at the diner just down the street from your apartment, he was giving her all of his attention and smiling in such a loving way your own heart reacted. You had debated on asking to join them, but didn't want to ruin the cute daddy-daughter date that was going on. 
Instead you sat at the bar and just watched, only to get caught staring when he had leaned over to wipe some sauce off Eun-byeol's cheek. His smile seemed a little more closed off but still friendly, sending you a wave before he turned his attention back to his daughter.
Soft guys like that also weren't your type but it took some time to get your cheeks to stop burning. It was obvious he was a good dad who adored and cared for his daughter with his entire wellbeing, even if this was the second time you encountered him.
But the third time you were just down right concerned. The young girl had knocked on your door, alone, which made you several levels of uncomfortable and confused. 
She pointed at her apartment, where you could now make out yelling from the cracked door: a female yelling. The young girl looked up at you with eyes that matched her father's, filled with innocent worry. “Can you help Daddy?”
You didn't get a chance to ask what she meant, the man in question calling out for her and stepping out. He swept her up in his arms, relief heavy in his tone. “Don't do that Eun-byeol… I was worried.” He checked her over, relief visibly settling his features before he turned to you for an apology. “I'm sorry for the disturbance, I'll talk to Eun-byeol about it.”
“It's no problem- really.” You somehow managed to get out naturally despite your sudden rigid posture. It was blazingly obvious why the little girl had said what she did, a marked cheek and busted lip marred his pretty features. The need to know what was going on was overwhelming, urging your next words. “May I ask what she is concerned about?” 
Seonghwa looked taken aback, glancing down at his daughter who was clearly worried, but neither got a chance to reply before someone else was stepping out of the apartment. “Seonghwa I wasn’t fucking done talking to you- oh.” 
All eyes moved to the woman standing there, head to toe in designer clothes, looking as if she just stepped out of a runway show. She narrowed her eyes on you, looking you over and clearly sneering at your outfit; you weren’t dressed to accept company after all. “Did you really run off mid conversation to bother this?”
“N-no Soojin, Eunbyeol had a question for her.” The panic in his eyes squeezed your heart but not as much as the protective hold he had on the little girl.
You stepped forward, forcing a friendly smile as so much made sense suddenly. “She was just asking me if I was still going to bake some treats for her. I told her to remind me before the weekend.” The lie fell off your lips with ease, and thankfully Seonghwa didn’t let his shock show. “Right Eunbyeol? That's what you were coming over for? I’m sure you wanted to know if I was going to make enough to share right?”
Eunbyeol did look confused, glancing over at the woman before nodding. “Y-yes. Wanted to give some to Mommy.”
Soojin seemed to relax a bit at that, smiling at the girl. “Aw baby, you were just thinking about me?” She stepped over, reaching for the girl who, even to your eyes, seemed a little hesitant to climb into the woman’s arms. “Mmm then I would definitely like some. But you’re coming to Mommy’s house tonight right?”
“I can have them ready for when you get back. Although I wasn’t told when?”
“Sunday. Eunbyeol goes with her mother every other weekend.” Seonghwa didn’t tear his eyes off the girl in question and you could see the sadness in them. “Soojin came to pick her up today.”
You nodded, watching the woman fret over Eunbyeol’s appearance while murmuring about getting her some new things and about shopping. “Daddy is giving Mommy some extra money to get you some more school clothes- and a little for Mommy too. Are you excited?” She giggled, turning on her heel to head back inside. When she looked up at Seonghwa she sneered again. “You are, right?”
“Y-yes. Just tell me how much.” He mumbled, pulling out his tattered wallet. He opened it to quite a lot of cash there, which once more had you wondering why he was living in this shit end apartment.
“All of it.” Soojin held her perfectly manicured hand out. “Nothing less for our Princess right?”
As he handed over every bill, you didn’t think much of that was going towards Eunbyeol at all. Never before had you disliked a person so fast. In fact, your blood boiled and you decided you hated this woman.
She counted the bills in her hands after setting Eunbyeol down, seemingly not that satisfied with the amount. “You think this is enough?”
“I’m sorry, her school fees came out this week.” He muttered, not looking at the angry woman’s face. 
She scoffed, grabbed Eunbyeol’s hand and pulled her into the apartment. “Then find a way to make enough. Deadbeat fucking man.” 
Once she disappeared into the apartment you turned your full attention to Seonghwa, heart shattering at the worn out saddened expression on his face. “H-Hey, Seonghwa? What kind of cookies do you and Eunbyeol like?”
“They like Mint chocolate and Eunbyeol isn’t picky otherwise.” He muttered, avoiding your gaze.
You scoffed, leaning down to capture his gaze. “I asked what cookies you and your daughter like, not her and her… mother.” You could hardly call her that with a straight face.
“I…” He seemed genuinely surprised by your interest, lifting his head to reply when he was called by Soojin. “Strawberry treats… We both love those.” He whispered like it was a secret before rushing into his apartment with a quick wave, saying goodbye to you.
Stepping back into your apartment, you started a google search for easy strawberry baked treats. Now you didn’t bake much, but that was now your plan for the weekend. 
You were going to bake by yourself, but something had been nagging at you. It kept you up all night almost, leaving you a bit restless the next day. One thing was for certain, if Eunbyeol was gone what was Seonghwa doing?
It was obvious the life he had now, the struggle on his shoulders, and you could not turn your head away and ignore him. Not when he looked at Eunbyeol like she was his entire world. Not when that little girl was clearly worried about her father, who definitely needed help. But who were you to tell him what to do? 
You were just the neighbor. 
Instead of being disheartened by that, the next morning you knocked on his door, tapping your foot impatiently. He looked a bit perplexed when he opened up, but offered you a friendly small smile. “Yes?”
“Are you free today?” You blurted out, taking in the baggy sweater he wore before meeting his gaze. “I have to go to the store to get some things, and then I’m gonna bake. Was thinking if you are free, you could come with?”
It seemed to take him a moment to realize you were asking him to accompany you, but when it hit he was smiling with such pure happiness your heart fluttered. “I’d love to.”
Seonghwa was even sweeter and softer than you had thought, so shy at first but by the end of the day he seemed plenty comfortable in your presence: all it took was offering Eunbyeol up as a topic and he had an awful lot to say. He was animated, happy, and just down right adorable talking about his daughter. The only time it dampened was when the subject of her mother came into the picture.
You found out he and Soojin had been college sweethearts and separated for about a year now. He didn’t disclose why the two of you split up, but you didn’t need him to answer it: the way the two interacted yesterday spoke volumes on why.
You hadn’t wanted the day to end with just shopping so you convinced him to help you bake, informing him you really didn’t know how. The laugh he gave was music to your ears, and you spent the better part of the evening messing up your kitchen to try and hear it again.
Not wanting it to end, you offered to do this again. “I work from home so I don’t really have a social life, so whenever Eunbyeol is away maybe we can make something for her? Together?”
He seemed genuinely happy, nodding without a second of hesitation. “Please?” The beady eyes he sent your way made it hard to believe he was in his early thirties.
The next day Eun-byeol was back in the morning, knocking on your door with her mother and some of the treats in hand. You had a feeling Soojin wasn't going to let Seonghwa have any, so you had made sure he had his fill last night. You were glad you did now that the entire leftover batch was in the hands of the two before you. “I see you got the treats?”
“Mm yes, Eun-byeol wanted to thank you. Didn't you Princess? You wanted to have a nice conversation with the nice lady? Maybe watch something with her?” Soojin not-so-gently pushed her forehead, which had you frowning a bit. Her attempt of panning the child off was obvious, and if you didn't like the father of said child you would decline.
But you didn't want to send the wrathful woman onto him and the young girl, so you opened your door wider. “I actually wanted to show you something Eun-byeol, so come on in. I'm sure your father won't mind if I steal you for a bit?” You smiled down sweetly, hoping to ease the young girl's worries.
Eun-byeol relaxed and nodded, stepping into your apartment and waving at her mother. “Bye mom.”
“Mm bye sweetie. Daddy will come get you shortly.” She didn't say anything else as she headed into the apartment next door, and you hoped Seonghwa wasn't going to have another bruise on his face.
Shutting the door you glanced down at the once more awkward girl. Sighing, you bent down to her eye level and held out a hand. “Say Eun-byeol, what do you like to watch?”
“Animal crossing or Lego videos. Daddy likes to watch them when he's sad.” She admitted, playing with the bag of cookies in her hand. “B-but I want to watch those with him.”
You nodded sympathetically, thinking it over. Eun-byeol was Seonghwa's whole world, but you had a feeling that was mutual for the little girl before you. “I understand, and I'm sure your dad can come join us when your Mom leaves. Why don't we get everything set up, maybe find some snacks, and surprise him with it?”
She lit up at the idea, the same way Seonghwa lit up when talking about her. It was endearing how much the two were alike, and under other circumstances you might tease them for it. “Yes please!” Just like with her father, it was easy to get her to open up when talking about the other person. 
Eun-byeol helped you set up your couch with extra blankets and some of the plushies you had- which for the eight-year-old (she had clarified) the plushies had been a very serious decision. The pink bunny you had was ultimately her favorite and she had gotten cozy on the couch while you started prepping snacks. The atmosphere was pretty nice between the two of you, kind of cozy, until there was a slight bang on your apartment wall that drew your attention. 
It was of course the wall connecting you to Seonghwa's apartment. Frowning, you stepped over to the wall, telling Eun-byeol not to worry and instead look at the YouTube videos and find a nice one. Your TV was on the opposite end of your living room, the wall that was connected to your bedroom, so the sound helped the young girl from hearing the next noises that you heard.
You had to press your ear to the wall to hear it a little better, but it was mostly a woman. Your eyes went wide, making out something she said that had your blood heating up and running cold at once. 
“You'll really do anything to keep her won't you? Pathetic.”
Stepping away quickly you went back to grabbing snacks- which really was just your usual assortment that you brought to the coffee table and sat them down. With the video playing you couldn't hear what was going on in the apartment besides the occasional bang. And when you heard that- you tried not to think about the matter.
It wasn't your place, even if you were watching their child.
The bangs didn't last for long and you easily got sucked into the videos, snacking away with Eunbyeol right next to you, mimicking some of the sounds from the animal crossing characters. When there was a knock on your door you went to grab it, not wanting to disturb the young girl. You already knew it was Seonghwa.
He stood there freshly showered and damp hair still sticking to his forehead, looking away as soon as he saw you. “I'm here to get Eunbyeol… I'm sorry you were asked to watch her so suddenly.”
With an easygoing smile you opened the door wider. “It's not an issue, really, she's quite nice to be around. Though I did promise her we would all enjoy some snacks and videos and I would hate to disappoint. So come in?”
Hesitantly he did, shoes pulled off as he stuck his head in and spotted his daughter looking over the back of the couch like a meerkat. Watching their faces both light up the same way at seeing each other you couldn't help but smile fondly. 
Eunbyeol did a good job convincing him to get comfortable and enjoy the snacks, playing another video she had found and then asking you to sit down with her. You gave the two space, and as the video continued you found yourself watching them more than the video. They were in their own world almost, though they would pull you in occasionally to point out something on the screen.
Despite your concerns over awkwardness, there was none. A few hours past and you ordered take out on your dime. The three of you ate and they stayed until Eunbyeol was falling asleep on his lap.
“Thank you for this. It really means a lot that you did.” Seonghwa was picking up the sleeping girl in his arms, her small arms loosely wrapped around his neck as she drooled on his shoulder.
“Again, it was nice having some company. I told you I work from home so I don't go out much. Can I ask you something though Seonghwa?” You were picking up the blankets, your plush forever glued to the little girl's hands so you made no effort to take it.
He nodded, attempting to help you with cleaning up but you gently swatted at his hand. “Ask me anything I can answer.”
“Is this normal for you? Your ex-wife dropping your daughter off and sending her away so she can have adult time with you?” It came out easier than you expected, but you couldn't look him in the eye either. So instead you focused on picking up the snacks.
Seonghwa had gone rigid, his hand halting on Eunbyeol’s back. “Did Eunbyeol-”
“No she didn't hear anything, I kept her by the TV when I first heard it.” You explained, taking the snacks to the kitchen. “Does it happen often?”
When he didn't reply right away you glanced up, heart sinking as you realized he had tears in her eyes. “N-not every time, but whenever she isn't dating anyone or I don't give her enough money. Usually Eunbyeol is sent to her room and told to listen to music or something. I ask her to be quiet but-”
“You don't have to go into details.” You could tell it upset him just to think about it. “She doesn't like that it happens, she can tell that you are sad after. It was her suggestion for the videos.” You made your way over, eyes on the little girl. “I know it's not my place but… the next time, let's do this again.”
He softened at your proposal, nodding. “Thank you, I'd like that.” 
And like that it became routine. Every other weekend would be the same. Eunbyeol would stop by your apartment Friday afternoon and tell you what treat she would like as an excuse to say goodbye. Saturday you and Seonghwa would go shopping, and then bake together. Sunday morning Eunbyeol would knock on your door and the two of you would prepare the living area for video time until Seonghwa would arrive freshly showered and with fresh hickies on his neck. You would order dinner and they would leave once Eunbyeol fell asleep.
It happened for about four more months before Seonghwa's work had him take on overtime, in which you were kindly asked to pick up from school and watch Eunbyeol three days a week. You didn't mind, the two of you had gotten rather close with how sweet she was.
You didn't think it would get old comparing the two of them, the many ways Eun-byeol was like her father, and you did get comfortable enough with them to tease them for it. It had made Seonghwa incredibly proud but also flustered and it was the first time you saw him blush so cutesy. You couldn't tell him you suspected that Eun-byeol mimicked him on purpose just to make him happy, there was perhaps a chance he knew that already.
Soojin never got likable but you hadn't seen another bruise on Seonghwa's face since that first Friday. So you didn't try and butt in. Seonghwa and Eunbyeol were not happy with the woman but it was only every other weekend right? And you did your best to make them smile in your free time.
It wasn't until Seonghwa invited you out onto one of their Saturday daddy-daughter dates that you realized how close you had gotten with them. It meant a lot to you, the three of you sitting at that diner you saw him before, each eating the usual you had separately but this time together.
You both laughed as Eun-byeol got sauce on her cheek, and before Seonghwa could do so, you were wiping it off with your thumb much like a mother would. You hadn't even realized you did it until you were sitting back and caught Seonghwa's bewildered expression. “Oops, I took your favorite part huh?” You teased, only to watch him soften.
With a fond smile, he shook his head. “You just made it better is all.”
His simple admission had heat rushing to both your cheeks, eyes now downcast as you thought of the implications of that statement… and how they made you feel.
You buried those feelings until the next Saturday when you two were attempting to make homemade frosting for a cake. You held out the spatula to him, demanding he get the first taste. In his struggle to refuse some of it got on his cheek and you laughed, pulling the same move again and swiping off the frosting. “Just like your Princess.” You teased, bringing your thumb to your mouth to taste it.
But he grabbed your hand and pulled you forward, locking eyes with you as he wrapped his lips around your thumb, licking the frosting off. There was a heat in his gaze you had never seen before that had lust pooling in the pit of your stomach and halting your breath in your throat. When he pulled away his tongue darted out, your eyes following the motion and realizing he had quite a long tongue… shaking off the direction those thoughts were headed you pulled away.
The air sparked between you two with heavy tension, but neither of you said anything, just stared for a moment. It was the oven going off that broke the spell and you turned quickly, grabbing the mitts and getting the cake out of the oven. You turned all your focus onto that, and when he realized you did, his focus followed.
You dreaded the next day, not because Eunbyeol would come home but because you knew what he would do when she did; and for the first time the thought made you sick to your stomach.
You were distracted as you sat with the young girl, volume up higher than normal so you wouldn't hear the bangs. But you still did, practically flinching with each one as it rammed the realization into you over and over: you were in love with Park Seonghwa.
Being in love with him didn’t mean you wanted to step up and be more than what you were now, not with the relationship he had with his ex-wife. And even without Soojin in the picture, you knew you weren’t going to be a priority to him: His whole world was sitting right next to you on the couch, you didn’t want to take from that.
That didn’t exactly make it easy to look at him. When you heard the knock on the door you paused the tv, forcing a smile down at the confused Eunbyeol. “I’m not feeling too good so I’m going to lay down. You want to head home and watch it with your Daddy alone today?”
The concern on her features tugged at your heartstrings but you didn’t want to get any more attached. She nodded after a moment of watching you, slipping off the sofa and rushing to the door. You could hear her passing your message on to Seonghwa, his concern evident in his tone but he took Eunbyeol and left. That was the first night you cried over him.
You made an effort to avoid Seonghwa since then, declining his offer to join them at the diner the next Saturday, but kept picking up Eunbyeol from school and letting you stay with her. You found yourself dreading the next weekend, no sooner to having your feelings sorted out than the day you discovered them. 
So of course, you broke some hearts. The saddened look on Eunbyeol’s face when you told her you didn’t have the time to bake anything this weekend once more pulled your heartstrings and you wanted to give in right then and there- but if you were going to bake, Seonghwa was going to join you on that endeavor and you couldn’t handle being alone with him. Not right now.
Maybe not ever.
Seonghwa had a different plan, ushering Eunbyeol back to their apartment but not moving from your doorway. When she was out of sight, the question tumbled from his lips. “What sort of plans do you have this weekend?”
You shrugged. “Got some things I got to catch up on work wise and friends to hang out with. Things like that.” Well now you couldn’t just hold yourself up in your apartment all weekend like you had hoped, although being out Sunday morning was beginning to seem like a wonderful idea. “I’ll be out Saturday night, not sure when I’ll be back Sunday so just a heads up on that too.”
“Oh…” Dejectedly he looked away, guilt slamming into your chest because you didn’t think he could make that sort of expression.
Angry more so at yourself, you bristled. “What? I do have other people I see and talk to, you know.” 
Gosh did you have to be so harsh? He literally flinched at your words. “R-right, of course. Well, have fun then.”
You shut the door and relaxed against it, panic beginning to well up. Should you go and apologize? Say it was all a lie? But then you would have to admit why and that was something you most certainly couldn't do. So make the lie the truth then? Who did you know who would be welcoming to your sudden interest in making plans?
There really was just one person, and you dialed their number before much of a thought. He of course picked up, albeit voice thick with sleep. “Hey Wooyoung, can we uh, hang out this weekend?”
“Uh… I have plans to go clubbing tomorrow… I know that's not your thing Cousin.” You could hear another voice grumbling in the background, which had you feeling even more awkward. Was he dating someone?
God, could you be any more alone? “That's fine, I'll go with you. I've been cooped up too much, it feels like I'm going insane. Some chaotic fun and maybe a hookup sounds nice.” If it got your neighbor off your mind then yes, you'd gladly hook up with a stranger.
Wooyoung was just happy you wanted to hang out. “Sure! Want me to pick you up or send you the address? No, I'm coming over and helping you pick a fit. I'm bringing my friends too, including that one I told you is so your type!” He was giddy. “Sannie, my cousin finally agreed to come join us!”
Oh, how could you forget San? His long term best friend and makeshift lover? And of course the friend in question: Jeong Yunho.
Maybe this wasn’t going to be a good idea. “Fine, what time should I expect you?”
“Eight should be good, we’ll head out clubbing about 10. Need food? We can make a stop and knowing you, you live off instant ramen and quick cooking meals.” He huffed out, more shuffling on his side. “Might have some leftovers.”
You knew he was right, at least he had been. One look at your kitchen cabinets and you knew you would find more than that now: meals for Eunbyeol, healthier snacks and your fridge had quite a bit of leftovers from Seonghwa that he often dropped by after noticing the same predicament.
What would Wooyoung say if he knew that? You didn’t want to find out. “Sure whatever you want Wooyo. I’ll see you tomorrow at eight.” You hung up before he got to reply, you had things to do.
And by things: wallowing in guilt and self-pity for a night. You could keep yourself busy tomorrow, drag yourself out to- to what? Were your weekends, your life, really so bland before Seonghwa came along? Just more reason to sulk it seemed. Get it out of your system before you try to think of a solution.
Things just had to change.
Eight rolled around rather quickly the next day, spending most of it like a spa day- you were attempting to get laid tonight after all. As usual, your cousin arrived and didn’t give you time to really think about anything else. It had been months since you last talked to him but he didn’t let it show at all, talking about his life and catching you up as he had you try on half your closet before settling on a dress he had gotten you before that you had never worn. He made sure you had the leftovers he brought, letting you finish before San took over for makeup and he did your hair.
Shortly after nine, you were freshly dolled up and the two were beaming over you. “May I present the lovely centerpiece of our entourage tonight!” Wooyoung happily announced, pulling you out of your room and encouraging you to model the fit for the other two friends they had brought: Yunho and Mingi. Two tall and seemingly intimidating men that Wooyoung assured you were sweethearts.
Now they were the ones that were your typical type. And the lack of pitter patter of your heart at the sight of them was heavily disappointing. Both were only a little older than you, single, no kids, and pretty chill but gave the vibe they could rock your world and take care of you if you let them.
Yet Seonghwa was the one you were thinking about. Damn, you really had it bad. “Well! No more wasting time yeah? Show me what I’m missing in my life dear cousin and company.” You winked over at the two giants, still determined to banish Seonghwa out of your mind.
Once more, easier said than done. Stepping out of your apartment, making such a racket, he was right there. Right there looking like he was ready for bed in cute pjs and messy hair and bare face, holding some garbage away from his body. He was a stark contrast to your party of 5, ready to dance the night away.
His expression did nothing to help the guilt that still sat in the pit of your stomach, almost like a wounded puppy. He muttered your name, drawing the attention of Wooyoung who was fiddling with your hair. 
“Oh who is this? When did you get a hottie in your complex?” Wooyoung wiggled his brows but you gently hit him. “What? He is!”
Scoffing, you entwined your arm with his and pulled him along. “He's got a kid Wooyo, be nice.”
“That was me being nice.” He whined, waving at Seonghwa. “Hi I'm Wooyoung-”
“And we don't have time for this. Come on, I want some fun.” You tugged a little harder, causing him to stumble into you a bit and San to laugh.
“He looks fun-”
“He's just a neighbor San, now let's go.” You cut off the other man, harsher with your words as the five of you did leave. You didn't look back, you couldn't handle it if you did and saw the hurt clear as day on his features.
Wooyoung whistled as the five of you climbed into the car, he and San on either side of you while the two taller sat up front; Yunho in the driver seat. “Well, that was mighty rude of you Darling, what beef do you have with that neighbor?”
You rolled your eyes at him, crossing your arms as he flung his over the seat behind you. “There is no beef.”
San lifted a brow, holding Wooyoung’s hand behind your head. “Oh then a crush?”
“There is no crush!”
“Sure sounds like it. Guess she’s off the market, Yun.” Mingi chuckled, gently tapping the other on his shoulder as he pulled the car away from the curve and into traffic
“No I’m not! He has a kid and an ex wife, like hell I want to get involved with that.” You continued to protest but Wooyoung couldn't miss the flustered way you whined.
“It’s okay, we can all still have a good time here.” Yunho shrugged off the insinuations, smiling at you in the mirror and calling your name. “Right?”
“Right!” They thankfully dropped the subject for the night and to your surprise did make it a fun night for you.
They learned that you were quite the chaotic drunk as well, and quite the dancer, spending most of the time with a drink in your hand or dancing with one of the four. All just to forget the very domesticated routine you had with Seonghwa and your feelings for him. 
This was fun, a part of your life you missed and opted out of after college as your friends had gotten married or focused so wholly on their careers you decided to do the latter as well. But working from home? That didn’t really give you a social life did it?
Besides, Wooyoung and his boyfriend were cute, his friends were easy going and had you feeling included: part of their group. They genuinely seemed to care, enough that even in your deliriously drunken state you vaguely remember Yunho carrying you to his car and having a conversation with Wooyoung about getting you home safely.
You weren’t aware of what had fully happened until the next morning, slipping out of bed with a bit of a headache (okay a big bit) and still in the dress from last night. At least your face was clean and shoes were off, but you had no recollection of getting home or to bed. It was the sound of muffled voices and your front door that had you stumbling out of your bedroom.
Finding Eunbyeol staring up at Yunho was perhaps the last thing you expected, but there she was, looking as confused as you felt. “Wha-?”
Eunbyeol cried out your name and rushed over to you, wrapping her small arms around your waist while Yunho watched with his brows pushed up. “The strange man said you weren’t here though…”
“Uh…” Gently patting Eunbyeol’s back, you tilted your head in confusion towards Yunho. “Can you… explain please? I don’t even remember getting home.”
Clearing his throat, Yunho headed for your kitchen. “Well, you didn’t want to. Said some interesting things as I carried you up here, some of it makes sense now.” The pained smile he turned towards Eunbyeol had you questioning just what you did say. “I hope you don’t mind that I stayed over, you were pretty wasted last night. As for the kid- well, I tried to tell her mother no but she was rather… insistent.”
So Soojin brought her over? And what, didn’t even listen to Yunho about your whereabouts? Just forced Eunbyeol onto him? Your blood boiled, glancing down at Eunbyeol only for your heart to lodge in your throat. “Oh honey- don’t cry.” Kneeling down, you brought your hands to her cheeks, quickly wiping away the tears that were falling freely from her face.
“I-I know it’s mean of me but I… I hate my mommy! She’s always yelling at Daddy and taking his money and making him so sad! I don’t like it when she hits him, Daddy tries to hide it from me but I’m not stupid. I’m eight now and I'm plenty smart! I don’t need Mommy but he says I do, that all kids need both their parents but I don’t want that kind of Mommy!” She threw her arms around your neck and sobbed into your shoulder. “She yelled at your friend too, so much, I didn’t want to cry in front of her-”
“H-hey Eunbyeol, it’s okay. It’ll be okay.” You pulled her against you, trying to comfort the child as best you could. She’s never cried in front of you before, not even when she would fall and scrape her knee she would fight off the tears and say she was a big girl. But here she was, so fed up with her own mother she couldn’t stop crying. She was so upset for her father, and ashamed of the way Yunho was treated.
The little girl was taking on far too much in the battle between her parents, and it wasn’t even a battle, Seonghwa was just trying to keep Eunbyeol as happy as he could. He was doing everything he thought he could for her and that was one of the reasons you had fallen for him- but it was also one of the reasons why you didn’t want to act on these feelings.
However, Eunbyeol had other ideas. “Why can’t you be my mommy? We’re happier with you.”
That was one way to have your heart absolutely crushed. “That’s not how things work sweetie.” This was not something you wanted Yunho to be witness to either. “Um Yunho, I’m going to take her to my room and calm her down for a second. Don’t go anywhere, I still want to know what happened.” Standing up you took the girl’s small hand in yours and brought her back to your room.
Once there, you freshened up and let her choose out your clothes as a way to comfort her. Her words had shaken you to your core but you did your best not to let it show. She was just a child, a very hurt and lost child and was seeking comfort in you; you didn’t want to take that from her by letting her see your own turmoil.
She calmed down rather quickly, quite emotionally mature for her age and that just hurt your heart even more. She shouldn’t have to go through this. Was Seonghwa even aware?
Of course he was, she was his world and he was constantly attuned to her.
When the two of you stepped out again, Yunho looked rather pale, glancing at the wall furthest from your room. You didn’t need a verbal explanation to know what he heard. “Yeah, I’m surprised I didn’t tell you about that.” You mumbled in his direction before setting up Youtube on your tv for the young girl and turning the volume up to drown out the sounds for her, “Yunho and I have to talk for a second in the other room, will you be okay out here sweetie?”
Only after Eunbyoel nodded did you lead Yunho to your room and shut the door with a heavy sign. “So um, sorry… that you got dragged into this first of all.”
“Did you get dragged into it?” He didn’t seem the least bit annoyed, instead features twisted with concern as he watched you. Damn, why couldn’t you have fallen for this guy?
You shrugged, sitting down on your bed and holding a hand to your temple, the whole situation just adding to the constant throbbing. “Yes and no? They certainly didn’t try and hide their dynamic and I didn’t want the kid to get into trouble. I just kept offering my time and company and it just… it escalated I guess?”
“Do you have any idea why he puts up with it? Like I just met the woman and kid- it’s clearly not a healthy situation.”
Once more you shrugged, watching as he sat down next to you. “I never asked, didn’t think it was my place to know. He never indulged either and Eunbyeol doesn’t like talking about her mother. She clams up if she is mentioned or when her dad has a fresh bruise.”
“She really hits him? And he still… fucks her? Holy shit, that doesn’t sit right with me.” Yunho was just as perplexed by the whole situation. “I’m sorry, this must be difficult for you to talk about as well.”
“It’s- yeah, just a bit. But what can I do? Don’t answer that actually. How about you enlighten me to what the hell happened last night.” Changing the subject you stared him down with as much menacing aura as you could muster. 
The soft puppy smile told you it definitely didn’t work. “Well, Wooyoung and San caught an uber and I dropped Mingi off. Was going to just drop you off but I had to carry you upstairs here and you begged me to stay. Told me you didn’t want to hear it, and were crying. I couldn’t just leave you like that could I?”
Rolling your eyes you fought off the heat rising to your cheeks. “Wow, such a gentleman.”
The two of you shared a light laugh. “Mm, I would be if I didn’t have my own intentions. Was hoping to win a pretty damsel over, but you really are taken.”
“There isn’t anything between the two of us, I told you all that last night.”  You protested, gently slapping his forearm.
Now he rolled his eyes. “But you want there to be. I saw the way you teared up when that little girl wanted you to be her mom. It honestly seems like you’re in too deep to back away.”
“Okay fine, then what am I supposed to do about the crazy abusive mother and ex-wife?” Deflating at your words, you got up and headed to your bathroom for some aspirin.
“You don’t do anything.” Yunho followed you. “That’s on him. If you are as important to him as you are to that little girl, then he either needs to step up and do something about her, or risk what he has with you.”
“I can’t ask him to make that choice.” Not only because you were scared of him choosing Soojin just because she was Eunbyeol’s mother, but also if he did choose you: It would feel like you manipulated him, even if you didn’t.
After you swallowed the pills, Yunho stepped closer. “You don’t have to ask him, just show him. I can show you, if you’ll trust me?”
Trust him? You had only met him last night… Yet here you were asking him for advice on your extremely complicated love life. Taking a moment to think it over, you nodded. “Fine, but this stays between me and you okay? Don’t tell Wooyoung about it. Love him to pieces but he will try and meddle.”
He chuckled, nodding in agreement. “Oh I know. I can thank him for a lot of meddlesome situations.”
The two of you shared another laugh before you led him out to the living room. He went over to Eunbyeol and asked to join her. She allowed it while you went about your usual task of getting her a snack. You couldn’t hear anything from the other side of the wall so you assumed Seonghwa would be stopping by soon enough. Would he be taking Eunbyeol right away? Or would he ask to stay and continue your usual routine? Would that even work with Yunho here?
You glanced over at the two on the couch, smiling softly as the tall man made himself small next to her, asking all sorts of questions about the characters on the tv, getting her animated and lively. He too was good with kids, and would make a good father.
Apparently that was your type: Good Dad. You just never dated an actual father before. You couldn’t decide if that thought was comforting or worrying, and you didn’t need to: the knock at the door drew your attention. 
Of course Seonghwa was standing there, freshly showered and wearing a turtleneck that seemed awfully suspicious. You tried to force a smile, instead wincing at a sudden throb in your temple. “Eunbyeol is in her usual spot.”
“Thank you… I’m sorry Soojin bothered you with this again, I tried to tell her that you probably weren’t here today- oh…” He had taken a few steps in, only to freeze up at the sight of Yunho on the sofa, lifting his smile from Eunbyeol over to him. “You have… company.”
Yunho got up from the couch with a friendly smile. “Sorry we didn’t get properly introduced last night, I’m Jeung Yunho.” He made his way over as Eunbyeol watched from the couch, a mixture of emotions from fear to curiosity on her face. You could relate, worried about how this situation was going to go. When Yunho winked in your direction, that just doubled your growing anxiety.
“I’m uh, Park Seonghwa. I hope Eunbyeol didn’t give you any trouble?” He was wide eyed as he stared up at the taller man, but glanced at his daughter when mentioned.
Yunho shook his head. “Oh no, she was an absolute sweetheart, and she got so excited when she saw her too, so cute.” He chuckled, motioning towards you. “Really, I don’t want to pull them apart, so I probably should get going. Just wanted to stick around to see how my girl was doing anyway.” He hummed out, making his way over to you and wrapping his arm suddenly around your waist. “Get some rest, you had it a little too rough last night.” He lowered his voice so the young girl couldn’t hear before dipping his head and whispering in your ear. “Don’t fight me on this Damsel, and I’m apologizing in advance. I just want to be a little selfish with this.”
You had no idea what he would be apologizing for, not until his lips were on yours and he was turning you out of sight from Eunbyeol. Oh he could kiss, your knees weak from the combined hangover and feel of him. He pulled away quickly, leaving you stunned as he said bye to Eunbyeol, hoping to see her again, then he was gone.
The only sound for several moments as you fought your heated cheeks was the tv, both Seonghwa and Eunbyeol watching you with anxious expressions. When you locked eyes with Seonghwa, the kiss with Yunho was already forgotten: he looked devastated, even broken, and you wanted nothing more than to comfort him.
But why did you have to? Why would he be hurt by your kiss with Yunho? Maybe for the same reason you were hurt when you heard him fucking his ex-wife? The idea gave you too much hope.
Eunbyeol thankfully came in with the save, calling out for her father. “Should we go home? Miss needs her sleep right? Mister Yunho said she had a rough night, they were up really late.”
Or she didn’t help at all. Clearing his throat, Seonghwa nodded. “Uh yeah, we’ll get out of your hair. Come on sweetie.” They left almost as fast as Yunho did.
Was this the right play? Hurting him like that?
You would just have to see… the damage was already done.
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Things were definitely tense between you two, but you were making no efforts to avoid him. He never asked for clarification on you and the tall man Yunho, but Yunho was definitely brought up: by Eunbyeol. She would ask when you picked her up from school, wondering if the tall man was going to be there. After the first no, she didn’t ask until the weekend, boldly asking if you were going to spend time with him again… this time in front of her father as they were heading out to the diner. 
You shook your head, offering a smile. “Not until next weekend Sweetie.” You had already messaged Wooyoung for Yunho’s number, the two of you planning a so-called date. You only agreed because he offered to pay for food, and at a nice restaurant as well, while also stressing that you two were just going to talk game plan further.
It still shook you to your core to think he was so eager to help you out with your forlorn love when he had made it known he liked you. The kiss had been proof of that. Though you were still waiting for some proof that this would actually work, considering now Seonghwa didn’t want to be alone with you.
“Is he going to stay the night again?” Eunbyeol asked, ignoring her father who was trying to coax her down the apartment hall.
You shook your head again, bending down to her level. “No, we’re going out to eat, like a date.”
She frowned, looking down at your hands for a moment. “So you like him better than Daddy?”
Locking eyes with Seonghwa, you both seemed equally shocked by the statement. “Eunbyeol- that’s not a nice thing to ask.”
“The answer is no.” You got out, standing up and offering her a small smile. “We are going on a date to see how much we do like each other and see where it goes. If it works out, you’ll see him more.” You glanced up at Seonghwa. “Um, is it okay to have her around him? Or anyone I have over? I don’t mind, and I don’t think they would, but she is your daughter.”
Seonghwa gaped like a fish out of water for a moment before nodding and looking away. “That’s fine, she said he was really nice. And if you trust him… then I trust him with Eunbyeol. Now love, aren’t you hungry? We gotta get there soon if we want our usual booth.”
Apparently appeased with the conversation, Eunbyeol turned and rushed over to her father and took his awaiting hand. She waved goodbye before the two started talking about what to eat. You didn’t need to go with them to know exactly what they would order; and that, as usual, Seonghwa would have to wipe some sauce off the young girl’s face. 
You knew she purposely made a mess to have him dote on her like that, as she was much more careful when eating with you: and told you her little secret. She did a lot to garner the attention from her father, things she knew would bring a smile to his face or make him laugh or call her cute.
Part of you knew you would do the same to be on the receiving end of his affection like that.
For the nth time that week, you really hoped whatever Yunho had planned would work. Otherwise, this was going to backfire immensely.
Your anxiety was spiking about that as throughout the week, Seonghwa wouldn’t look at you. Whenever you opened the door when he came to grab Eunbyeol- and you weren’t disturbed Friday or Saturday, didn’t hear a peep from him. So when Yunho came to pick you up, you spent the entire time ranting to him about how stupid he was and that this totally wasn’t working; all while he helped you pick out an outfit and get ready for your makeshift date. 
He made it up with the food, leaving you to question if he was doing this entirely to try and win you over.
“Oh no, I’m not going to be a dick like that. I wouldn’t be opposed to trying this out for real, but you love someone else and while you continue to love that person, it would be unfair of us both to try and make this work.” He had told you while paying for the meal: which he insisted on doing himself and wouldn’t let you see.
He had purposely dragged the dinner out late, nearly three hours as you arrived back shortly after ten. Because it was late, he insisted on walking you to your door, chuckling as you grumbled even more that you didn’t think the food was going to cover the emotional turmoil of your stomach until this was resolved. Only for him to stop you at the end of the hall, a smirk on his lips. “See?”
“See what? Yunho- oh.”
“Told you it would work little Damsel. If this works out, you pay for dinner next time.” He whispered by your ear before turning back to the stairs. “I’ll leave you two to it.”
He was gone seconds later, leaving you to stare down the hall at the lump that was Seonghwa sitting at your door. Your hands felt like shaking as you exhaled slowly, preparing yourself as much as you could. If he was sitting there, this couldn’t be good. At all.
Yunho was so sure this was going to work out, and your own hope was getting the better of you. Why you trusted Yunho when he was practically a stranger was beyond you but it was too late to question that. One more deep inhale and you headed down the hall, heels clicking on the floor.
You cleared your throat to try and get the lump’s attention. “Seonghwa? Is everything alright?” You asked when he didn’t lift his head at first.
When he did, the bottle of soju in his hand told you plenty of the situation. Softening, and feeling quite guilty, you knelt down next to him, tucking your dress under you. “Seonghwa, how much did you drink?”
He lifted the bottle, one of the larger ones, to show it was half empty. “Just this. I don’t remember being a light weight though.” His speech had only the slightest slur to it, yet you couldn’t tell if that was from the alcohol or the tears in his eyes. “Just needed a little courage, that’s all.”
You frowned, pulling the bottle out of his hands. “For what?”
He stared up at you, eyes glistening with tears and emotions as he searched your face for something. “To make it through the night alone.” He whispered it so softly, his voice shaking and hitting your heart with a big impact.
Fuck, this whole thing had been a bad idea. He looked wounded, and you felt like it was your fault. “Come on, I’ll keep you company for a bit then?”
“What about your date?” He asked, letting you haul him onto his feet just to tower over you even hunched as he was. “Did he-?”
“He went home, the date was a bust anyways.” Taking your keys out you helped him stumble into your apartment a bit, taking the soju away from him as he kicked his shoes off with better motor movement than you expected.
“I’m sorry, he seemed nice.”
“He is, and it’s not like we don’t plan to try again eventually… Just want to be friends first.” You called back, giving some honesty to the situation should this really not work out- had to keep your options open, even if that was years down the line.
If Seonghwa didn’t give closure in one form or another, you had a feeling you might be stuck catering to him and his daughter for years to come just as you were. You couldn’t just leave them like this, not after Eunbyeol’s confession and now this?
It of course worried you that might be the way things turned out, weighing on your mind as you made your way to the kitchen to get him some water. In which you nearly dropped the glass when you felt arms around your waist and a firm chest pressed against your back. “Wha-”
“Don’t try.” He buried his face against your shoulder, squeezing tightly. “Don’t… don’t leave me, please.”
The glass clattered into the sink, splashing water around but thankfully not breaking. Your mind though, definitely short circuiting. Seconds turned into a minute as you stayed frozen, and when he finally realized you weren’t answering, he murmured your name like a plea. Then again, and when you still didn’t respond, again but filled with such desperation it had you moving.
Letting out the breath you were holding you turned off the water, turning your head just a bit to get a better look at him. “Seonghwa, if I date someone that doesn’t mean I’m leaving you.” You tried to comfort him, trying not to admit your feelings for him when you were still lacking context for his own.
He turned you in his arms, pressing his forehead against yours as he locked eyes. “I need you.”
Breath catching in your throat, you could only meet his gaze, floundering for any thought that made sense of what he said. Your mind barely caught up when you noticed his eyes flicker down to your lips, his hand cupping just under your jaw before he was taking away your breath quite literally.
The kiss pushed any doubts you had away, bringing forth a whole slew of emotions you tried to keep buried, and you kissed back without hesitation. The groan that rumbled deep in his throat as he pulled your body closer just had you giving into him even more.
Park Seonghwa, the single father next door that had won your heart so easily, was kissing you with such a fiery passion you wouldn’t mind if it burned you alive. In fact, you were welcoming it as all reason seemed to leave you the longer your lips stayed locked.
You couldn't mistake his intentions now, even if you wanted to hear it. That meant pulling away, and you were afraid if you did that this moment would be shattered. So instead you wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers threading in his soft hair as you pressed closer. 
Seonghwa sighed against your lips as he began pushing your skirt up, breathing out your name. The taste had been easy to ignore but the smell of soju wasn't. Unsure just how intoxicated he was, you tugged at his hair to pull him away, turning your head just for his lips to trail across your jaw.
“-Hwa… hold on.” Stumbling out part of his name, you attempted to push away again.
This time he listened, beady lust filled eyes meeting yours as he hummed softly. “Hwa? Call me that more Angel.” He kept his hands just under your skirt, thumbs running over your flesh and making no indication he was going to give you more space.
Inhaling deeply, you brought your hands to his chest as heat ran up your neck at the nickname. “B-before we do anything more I need you to have some water and relax first. I want… I don't want any doubts that this is a completely conscious decision.” You wanted to be sure he could fully consent and yes… talk.
Understanding flashed across his face as he dropped his hands and stepped back. You couldn't help but notice the overwhelming awe in his eyes, which wasn't helping your own flustered state. “Alright, we'll do this your way.”
Something about the way he said it irked you, but for now you shrugged it off and turned back to the sink to attempt a class of water. “I have some Advil in my bathroom cabinet, go grab some alright? Then we'll sit and discuss what this is.”
“Discuss? Angel… it's whatever you want it to be.” Seonghwa hesitated behind you, and now you realized why his previous statement irked you: he was approaching this as if he didn't have much of a say. Was that how he expected relationships to go? Well, probably, if his only one was Soojin and it might explain why he continued to let her walk all over him to this extent.
“No, it doesn't work like that Hwa.” You turned and handed him the water, then gently pushed him towards the sofa. “Sit, I'll get the Advil, and then we are going to have a very serious discussion about what we both want and how we both want to move forward.”
He nodded slowly, clearly a bit flustered as he ducked his head and mumbled about how sweet you were being. Your heart stung for him a bit if he thought basic human respect was being sweet. 
You didn't say anything about it, heading for your bathroom and taking your time to calm down. Trying not to overthink, because what good would that do right now, you focused on taking care of him first.
Returning with Advil, you set it down in front of him before sitting on the sofa next to him, looking him over as he had his head in his hands. “Hwa… here.” He looked up when you nudged him, first at you then the pills. You didn’t say anything as he took them, encouraging him to drink most of the water before you sat back with a little more distance.
You weren’t entirely sure where to start, or how to go about this, but whatever was blossoming between you couldn’t do so properly until the two of you talked. He had a child, one you adored, and an ex that he was still technically fucking, and both left a lot to address. The longer you sat there trying to piece it together, the more anxious he seemed to become, finishing off the water and staring at your hands that fidgeted on your lap.
“Angel… do you not want-”
“I do want you Hwa, don’t even doubt that. But I just, your relationship with Eunbyeol’s mother makes things very complicated. I know what you do with her on Sundays, when Eunbyeol comes over. I heard you both.” The words fell from your lips like a weight off your chest… but right onto his.
His eyes went round, cheeks pale as it dawned on him just what you meant. “You heard- fuck I’m sorry, I don’t feel that way about her I just-”
“Does she blackmail you into it?”
“What? Why would you think..”
“I can tell you’re scared of her Seonghwa, so I can’t imagine you willing to do that with her every Sunday when she brings Eunbyeol back. So why else?” No matter how much you mulled it over, you couldn’t imagine Seonghwa having those feelings towards Soojin; and after what you had heard, it just made sense to think she was using Eunbyeol against him.
When he averted his guilt ridden eyes, you were sure you were right. “She… she threatens to file for full custody. Says that she would win. I don’t want to take that chance. And I want her to have a mother.”
You could understand that, knowing he would do anything for Eunbyeol, however that left little room for you. “And what about you? Eunbyeol needs her father too, and she is aware of what Soojin does to you. She’s eight Seonghwa, she knows that those bruises aren’t right. What are you going to do if she realizes you put up with it for her?”
His shoulders slumped, tears forming in his eyes. “I know that… fuck I know that but what else am I supposed to do? I just pushed through it, didn’t think about it, not until you came along.” He inhaled shakingly, staring at your hand as you took his hands into yours. “To be honest, I never thought about marrying her, we were young and stupid and when she showed me the pregnancy test, I just thought of the baby.”
Of course he did it for Eunbyeol, which just had your dislike growing for Soojin and hurting even more for Seonghwa. You didn’t butt in though, letting him say what he needed to.
“We got married quickly, and I was so excited for the baby. I took her to all the appointments, took up a side job while balancing university, had her stay home with my parents and just rest for the pregnancy. They were happy for me but also concerned… I ignored their concerns, I took her side more and more through the pregnancy. And then… he was born.”
“He?” You gently prompted when he trailed off, seemingly more depressed by the second. Which, to be fair, you didn’t like where he was going with this.
“He was premature and there were some complications. I didn’t… I didn’t even get to hold him while he was breathing.” When his body started to shake with sobs you pulled him into your arms, resting his head on your shoulder. “I just threw myself into schooling and work after that, going through the motions. Things got worse at home, my parents constantly argued with her, to the point they got us a house just to have her out of theirs. She didn’t work, didn’t go to school, and just kept spending the free money I had. I got… tired of it, I was ready to leave, and I think she knew that. Things got better for a bit, and then Eunbyeol was announced.
“I don’t think I loved her, but I loved Eunbyeol from the moment I saw her. She’s everything to me, being a father is everything I could wish for. I’ll do anything for her.” He let out a shaky breath, pressing himself closer to you.
This just confirmed your suspicions, especially knowing all you did about Soojin. You could confidently say you hated her. It sounded like she baby-trapped him not once, but twice.
“Why did you end up leaving then?” You hesitantly asked, wondering what had been the breaking point.
“Caught her cheating. When I blew up about it, she told me she had always done this. How would I know if Eunbyeol was mine? According to her, our firstborn wasn’t; the baby I married her for. I got a dna test and confirmed Eunbyeol is mine, and then I filed for divorce. My parents happily paid, but I haven’t had much contact with them since we moved out. They only saw Eunbyeol on holidays, and I’ve been too afraid to bring Eunbyeol around them more. They don’t say nice things about Soojin and I didn’t want Eunbyeol to hate her mother.”
“Hwa… she doesn’t need to hear bad things about her mother, she can see it.” Taking a deep breath you cupped his jaw and lifted his head to meet his gaze. “You know that day I first offered cookies? She came over not for anything like that, but her exact words were: Can you help Daddy?”
The emotion that washed over his face tugged at your heart, thumbs wiping away the tears that sprung forth. “She said that?”
“Mhmm. She loves you Hwa, and she wants to take care of you just as much as you want to take care of her. And that means you have to do something about Soojin.”
“But-” You cut him off, thumb against his lips.
“I’m not going to pursue anything with you Seonghwa if she’s in the picture to that extent. It’s not fair to me if I have to listen to the man I care about screwing his ex every other Sunday and then coming over to play pretend family with me and his daughter. And it’s not fair to Eunbyeol to pursue anything with me if her mother is still actively sleeping with you and taking advantage of you.” You pointed out, trying to keep your voice calm though it felt like you were giving him an ultimatum, yet it was a boundary you were putting into place for your own mental and emotional health.
You would not continue this if he kept things the same with Soojin, no matter how much it hurts.
He understood, shifting so his hands were flat on the sofa next to you as he moved closer, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. “I can do that, I promise. I want… Angel, I don't want to lose you. As selfish as it is, I don’t want Eunbyeol to lose you either.”
“It’s not selfish… you’re both important to me. I hope you know that.” You turned your head to press your lips to his. “And I want to stay with you both.”
Another kiss as he nodded, moving closer to you. “So you won’t leave? Won’t do anything with that other guy?”
As he pressed closer, you lifted your arms around his shoulders, kissing him back as you nodded. “I just want you Hwa.”
Like a switch he was pressing against you with such an intense need his lips took your breath away. You returned his fervent kisses, leaned into his touches and got lost in him. You couldn’t deny his feelings with these actions, nor did you want to. His hands on your skin as he pushed your dress up around your waist, then on your thighs as he wrapped your legs around his hips.
Now lying beneath him your skin felt like it was on fire with need, while he touched you with an intensity that matched that need. Kiss after kiss, touch after touch, minute after minute. “You taste so sweet, can I have more?” He murmured against your swollen lips when he finally pulled away enough to let you breathe.
Not that you could, chasing his lips for more of him with no regards for your lungs, so you nodded as an answer. A whine left you as he put more distance between you, just to shriek as he yanked your underwear off and jostled you in the process. “Hwa?”
“Just want a taste.” His head between your legs in seconds was not what you had expected from his words, but any protest died with the fat stripe of his tongue over your cunt.
Pushing yourself up on your elbows and looking down, further protest and breath died on your lips when eye contact was made. The heat in his gaze completely transformed his features and twisted your stomach with arousal. You hadn’t even been aware he could make such a face, let alone at you.
You couldn’t look away, not even as his lips latched onto your clit, or when his unbelievably long tongue pushed inside. You watched his eyes roll back, felt the moan in the deepest parts of you and listened to the sounds of your slick against his face as he continued to devour you.
Tugging your legs around his head you could no longer watch him; not only did the angle not permit it, but it just felt so good. He definitely knew how to use his tongue, pulling moans out of you that just seemed to encourage him more and more. He wasn’t without his own sounds, and not just the slurping and slick of you on his lips, but deep moans that had your brain short-circuiting further.
There wasn’t a single thought in your mind when your climax hit, soaking his mouth. He pressed impossibly close for every drop, his nose rubbing against your overstimulated clit and driving the high longer until it was almost painful. “H-Hwa! W-Wait!” Tugging on his hair you pulled him off, attempting to catch your breath. He wore a fucked out expression, your slick on his nose and chin while his tongue flicked around to lick up every drop. Oh it was long and pointed and you could vividly remember how it felt in your cunt, causing you to clench around nothing in its absence.
He was panting just as heavily as you were, pressing soft kisses to your inner thighs. “Can I go again?”
“W-What? No Hwa-” You paused, biting your lip at his dejected expression, “I want to make you feel good too.”
His shock was evident, only furthering your desire to please him. You could only imagine the number of times his pleasure had even been considered over the years, which was something you wanted to change drastically. Taking advantage of his shock you freed yourself and climbed onto your knees on the floor, situating him as well.
“Wait, Angel, your knees will hurt-” He grabbed your wrists to stop you.
“You’re worried about my knees?” Of course he was. “Give me a pillow then, I’ll be fine. And no more protests.”
He hesitated for just a moment before handing you a pillow with a shy expression. The duality of this man was going to give you whiplash considering how moments ago he had your legs shaking while he licked your cum off his face without an ounce of shame. He didn’t relax as you adjusted the pillow beneath you, in fact he tensed up once you diverted all your attention to his pants. 
The shame on his features deepened as you pulled his pants down, freeing his cock that had been bulging the fabric out for some time. “I know it’s small but I promise to make you feel good anyway I can.”
“Small?” You shrieked out, glancing up at him with wide eyes. “Oh my God Hwa, did she tell you it was small? Did she really make you focus on her pleasure alone?”
The apples of his cheeks darkened considerably, his soft eyes averted from yours. “Was she wrong?”
“Fuck yes. It’s going to be a challenge to fit you.” All your attention was on his dick standing proud and free inches from your face. Definitely above average, thankfully not a monster cock you would worry about hurting you, but there was a chance he was going to ruin you for anyone else. “Your pleasure matters too, and to me.”
He was clearly flustered by your words, but made no further protest. What he did do was nod shyly, clearly flustered, and gripped the couch at his sides. Wrapping a hand around his base, you placed soft kisses to his tip, looking up at him to soak in his expression. His brows furrowed up in concentration, staring down at you with a soft part of his lips.
You just knew he was going to look so beautiful when he came undone by your lips.
You kept your eyes on him as much as you could, taking in every subtle change of his expression and breathing as you lowered your mouth, stroking what you couldn’t fit. Your cunt dripped at the thought of him inside you, hitting all the right places as easily as he hit the back of your throat.
The whiney moan he let out of your name just added to the growing mess between your legs. His reactions just fueled you to ignore the stretch of your throat and the burn behind your eyes, bopping your head a bit faster and pressing your tongue up against the sensitive flesh. He writhed beneath you, heavy pants mingling with soft whines as he was torn between rolling his eyes back and watching you with such a beautiful expression of contorted pleasure.
“Angel please-” His voice was raw, rolling into a deep groan as his head fell back again as you pushed down further, gagging around the majority of his cock in your mouth and squeezing the base. You could taste him, could tell how close he was to exploding his load down your throat and you were debating just where you wanted it when he decided for you.
His hands slipped into your hair and he pulled you away, cock throbbing but he didn’t cum yet. You whined, just to be pulled up onto his lap and his lips crashing onto yours again. You mumbled some protests, but he swallowed them all up in his frenzy. Each kiss was as heated as the last as he worked off your dress. “Hwa please-”
“Don’t want to cum in your pretty mouth. Not right now. Need you too much.” He whispered against your lips as he tossed the dress aside. You held onto his shoulders as he jostled you closer, his pants being kicked off the next second. Any questions you had were answered when he had you pulled down around his cock, stretching you out. You cried out, looking down between you two to watch him push the rest of the way in. “Fuck Angel- Feel so fucking good.”
You marveled at how deep you felt him, as well as how full, shifting a bit just for you to both tense up. Oh he was hitting all the right places, and he was loving how you felt if his heavy pants were any indication. His grip on your hips were tight, the two of you taking a moment to adjust, just marveling at the other.
He switched it up just as quickly as if catching a second wind, flipping you onto the couch and pushing your leg up and onto his shoulder, kissing you again as he dragged his cock out, hitting all the right spots to have you almost instant putty in his hands.
“Fuck you look so beautiful like this Angel- feel so good too.” He moved his lips to your neck as he thrust his full length back in, dragging out and doing so again until he had a steady rhythm. “Didn’t know it could feel so good- ah- please keep making those sounds.” 
You hadn’t even been aware of the whiny moans leaving your lips with each thrust, so lost in how it felt and his own little sounds that nothing else had registered. You were well away now, back arching as a thumb of his began to rub at your clit, his lips against your calf as he had leaned up enough just to watch you.
It hit you that he was still focusing on your pleasure, from his thumb on your clit to the way he shifted to make sure each thrust hit your sweet spot. It almost upset you, if not for the little mumbles he made accompanied by a light blush on his cheeks. “Feels so good, could watch you like this for hours. Angel- my sweet Angel.”
Even as he brought you to a climax, his strokes slowed to a lazy but deep pace to keep you at your high longer but without overwhelming you, even as you made a mess on both of you and the couch.
He practically halted to let you catch your breath, in which you whined and protested, cupping his face in your hands and staring him down. “H-Hwa please… fuck me like you want too. I’ll enjoy it. Promise.”
He seemed hesitant, brows pushed together as if he didn’t understand what you were saying. “Angel-” You cut him off by rolling your hips up, whatever he was going to say devolving into a groan. “O-Okay.”
The force he was suddenly thrusting into you stole your breath away, brows scrunched up in pure ecstasy as you cried out for him. He arched forward, bringing his head to your chest and you immediately latched on. Oh he was making such sweet sounds, almost shy, his balls slapping against your ass with each harsh and quick thrust while he held onto you where he could.
Your nails dug into his back as you held on, crying from the intense pleasure and loving every second of it. You had been right, he was ruining other cocks for you, nothing could compared to how well he was fucking you right now. No toy or previous partner. And no porn could compare to the porngraphic whines he mumbled against your chest either.
Even without his thumb on your clit he quickly had your legs tightening around him in a climax, back arching again as you cried out for him, head spinning from the force of your orgasm. It was clear he wasn’t used to fucking for his enjoyment, as soon as you came around him you could hear him cry out, the sound mixing with your own as his cum was pushed into you with each stuttering thrust until you both were left trembling in each’s others arms with the aftershocks of pleasure coursing through you.
Pure fucked out bliss the two of you were, taking several moments to catch your breath and come down from the high. He scattered like kisses along your chest and collarbone, up your neck and to your lips. “Can I stay the night?”
“Yes… I’d like that Hwa.”
He spent quite a bit of time cleaning you up and taking care of you after that, not letting you do anything but answer his questions about clothes. You told him it was fine to sleep naked, and the two of you ended up laying in your bed naked and clean just staring at each other with soft smiles.
You were the first asleep, curled against him.
You awoke to banging on the door, several muffled shouts and a warm body against you. You couldn’t possibly fathom who it was until Seonghwa sleepily muttered “Eunbyeol-” and rushed out of bed. He scrambled for his clothes while you sat up, listening more intently once the bedroom was open.
It was Soojin yelling for someone to open up.
In a panic yourself, you got out of bed and grabbed your house robe while Seonghwa was rushing around looking for his shirt. You made it to the door before him, calling out for her to stop banging before you swung the door open. Soojin’s familiar face on the other side was twisted with obvious displeasure.
“The good-for-nothing isn’t opening his door. Is he here?” She instantly spat, pushing past you without a care just to scoff a few feet in at the sight of Seonghwa awkwardly pushing the shirt on. “Well I wish I could say I’m surprised but not really. Come on, I spent far too much time trying to find you.” She turned as if to leave, sneering at your neck which you assumed had hickies from last night. “You don’t mind watching the Princess for a bit right? Couple hours?”
Your eyes shot wide open, unable to believe the audacity of the woman. It was clear that you and Seonghwa had slept together and yet she was asking you to babysit so that she could get fucked by him? Anger surged through you, scoffing and narrowing your eyes ready to go off.
“We aren’t doing that any more Soojin.” Seonghwa blurted out, smiling at Eunbyeol who was awkwardly standing in the doorway behind you. “Hey Princess, can you go sit in the next room for a minute? Put on our usual cartoons?”
The girl nodded, moving to rush past her mother who snatched her arm and yanked her back roughly. Both you and Seonghwa acted quickly, but as you were closer, you yanked Soojin’s arm off her and turned her to face you quickly. “You will not lay a hand on her like that.” You hissed out, holding her still while Eunbyeol ran to her father. You knew it was the first time Eunbyeol had been grabbed so roughly by her mother, but if how she treated Seonghwa was any indication, it was only going to get worse from there.
“How dare you! I’m her mother! A fucking skank like you has no right to tell me what to do with my child!” Soojin ripped her hand out of your grip, swinging back to slap you but it never came. Seonghwa grabbed her arm from behind, holding her up and perhaps standing to his full height in her presence for once. “Seonghwa?!”
“Don’t talk to her like that, she’s a far better mother to Eunbyeol than you have ever been! You’re going to leave, with no benefits or money or anything. And don’t even threaten to try and take Eunbyeol from me, as I will already be seeing you in court to not only fight for full custody but a restraining order. Do you understand me Soojin?”
You could tell she was scared of him, nodding quickly and whimpering. You couldn’t believe you saw Seonghwa taking action with your own eyes, expecting it to take more effort, to be a longer battle.
Surprisingly Soojin left, slamming the door behind her and leaving the three of you frozen from the tension.
Eunbyeol broke first, bursting out in tears as she ran to her father. “Daddy! I was so scared!” She cried as he swooped her up out of habit, latching onto him like a koala.
“I’m sorry Princess, I know I was mean to Mommy-”
‘No! Mommy was mean! She’s always mean! She leaves me all alone when I’m at her house, brings over strange men that look at me funny and I just- I hate Mommy! I want her to be my Mommy-” She pointed in your direction, angrily wiping away her tears. “Please don’t make me go back to her. I want to stay with you two, always. Please Daddy.”
He ended up having a very long discussion with Eunbyeol, one you made hot chocolate for the three of you for and joined in because otherwise Seonghwa looked like he was going to faint. Eunbyeol had been strong, keeping a lot of her mother’s actions a secret but she spilled them all. Each one had Seonghwa gripping your hand tighter, his knuckles white and not an ounce of color in his face as she spoke. He managed to keep his expression just one of concern, the horrors Eunbyeol said not reflected even in his eyes. But you knew, you felt your own parental horror over the things she said.
So started what would be a long trial, not only for custody, but criminal charges against Soojin and a few of her boyfriends that had exposed Eunbyeol to questionable things started. He had a damned good lawyer, his parents got involved… and you were by his side at every hearing, every lawyer meeting.
You had friends that questioned why you were going through so much for a guy and his kid? After all, kids weren’t your thing, Dad’s definitely weren’t either… But Seonghwa and Eunbyeol were family. Simple as that.
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Taglist (Form): @candypop1611 | @vannabanana1995  | @piratequeen-queenofgames | @starstruckforyou
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ioniansunsets · 11 months
i discovered your blog today and i have a scenario in mind that i have to share with you!
could you write a Heartsteel!Kayn request with K/DA!reader? — headcanons, fic or even the two of them talking on discord; it could be anything! — if you want to ignore it, i will understand, dear.
✖ Heartsteel!Kayn with K/DA!Reader ✖
✖ Word Count: 1.1k
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: I'm also going with headcanon of the idol thing where they try not to get caught in public together to avoid gossip but people somehow ship you guys and speculate anyway teehee ITS CUTE!!!!! I'm also pretending you guys got together after he joined Heartsteel so its after he got removed from his old band.also PARANOIA DROP IN 10 HOURS LETS GO TEAM!!!!!!!! I LOVE HEARTSTEEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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xxxx On Tour xxxx
-  It sucked so bad! It was touring season and the both of you guys were busy. All your time together were quick video calls over Discord and sporadic updates via message. It wasn't a secret to your bandmates at least so your respective bands did try their best to give you space. Quiet moments in dressing rooms to call each other were now your small moments of peace between practice sets and live shows.
- Somehow still finding ways to love each other apart. Kayn getting Akali to buy you some chocolates from him. You pleading Alune to help you send Kayn some flowers after his show. (She's a sucker for romance so she lovingly helps you.) Or the way he would spend money getting someone to deliver dinner to you after a long show.
- If only one of you guys are touring, the other totally pays and watches all the livestreams and tries to pop by to shows! You're performing 3h from him? He's begging your manager to let him drop by. Waiting for you backstage to congratulate you on your hard work.
- If you're the one waiting for Kayn backstage he always visibly lights up. He tries to look cool and badass on stage but when its after a good show, seeing you wave at him in the halls, his heart soars! He runs over, pulling you in for a tight hug. " Did you hear me! I was good today wasn't I!" He'd smile proud, giving you a kiss as he fishes for compliments. There is no approval he craves more than your own.
- The other boys are surprisingly nice about it, no one really makes fun of Kayn for being so excited to see you (other than Ezreal). They treat you as one of the band, giving you VIP passes to pop by their shows. And you do the same for them! When possible you slip their manager some VIP tickets to your show for them to sneak in. A mutual understanding from both groups to protect you and Kayn from media.
- Pre-debut Heartsteel, Kayn has also went to almost all your shows, front row every time and surprisingly he always tries to match you hair color for the tour. You have bright blue for tour? So does he. Its blonde now? He's the same. Kayn just thinks its kinda cute to safely match with you in someway shape or form, it is just a small thing that paparazzi wouldn't pick up on so easily since so many other fans do it too.
xxxx Off Stage xxxx
- A supportive power couple, you two help each other out with band activities off stage. You aid him when he practices singing. Kayn giving you tips on how to get keep a good rhythm in your verses, and is also a personal cheerleader for dance practices. You'd help him get connections to other companies that K/DA has collabed with, trying to help Heartsteel succeed! Kayn helps out in his own ways too, sometimes playing tunes in his room for you to sing to. It is all really sweet.
- When he drops by your studio its adorable, it was before Heartsteel's debut and shortly after the peak of KD/A's release. Kayn trying to hide from paparazzi for your sake as he sneaks in through the back. Always in a different cap and sunglasses that he stole from Ezreal, he would wait in the practice room, sitting in a corner and cheering whenever you successfully get a dance move down. The other members don't seem to mind him much, he's now a common presence in the studio. The other girls seem fond of him, happy that you have someone so supportive by your side.
- You try to do the same between your busy training schedule too. Dropping by Kayn's place during band practice evenings, Yone always being the one to let you in since Kayn always sleeps in late. You'd bring snacks and a discerning ear. Your feedback being super useful as you're one of the few people Kayn actually listens to. What Aphelios or Sett say would take multiple attempts and a lot of effort to get through to Kayn, as such, the rest of the gang keep trying to get you to push him to not try to squeeze a "totally sick line" into the rap bridge.
- He doesn't show it off but Kayn has all your merch, you offer to give it to him but he refuses, something about manly pride and supporting his partner, he will spend his own money and time fighting with other fans to buy your merch. A lightstick by his bed, your album on his shelf. A limited edition photocard safely stacked in a top loader on his table (he doesn't have a wallet or else he would totally bring it around.)
- You do the same for him, as one of Heartsteel's first fans you own some of their original merch, simple tees with just their logo, a average blank CD with " Paranoia KAYN MIX" scrawled on in messy marker, they are all your treasured possessions. Kayn even let you keep some of his guitar picks, you have one with a hole punched in as a necklace that you wear when apart from him. Your one secret? You have CDs from when he was in his old band, only the album that he was included in of course, but you don't bring up how you were secretly a fan from his early career. - Sometimes you guys try to go out on dates, risky but fun! 3am walks at the beach, alone together as he plays the acoustic guitar for you by the waves as you sing. Expensive private room dinners at secluded restaurants, walking in, both of you with your hair temporarily dyed black with hair spray dye to try and avoid attention. Small things. Fun things. - It was a little embarrassing when rumors first circulated. Fans somehow finding it cute that Heartsteel can be seen at your shows or how sometimes K/DA gets spotted backstage at Heartsteel concerts. They started to ship members together and when a photo of Kayn looking at you with a soft loving smile was snapped, the internet went wild! *Isn't it cute how they can get Kayn to smile that way!* *Ah! It should be me I want to be them so bad!!!!* Kayn would never admit it to you but he likes all the TikTok video edits of the two of you together, he thinks its really cute unironically.
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wongyuseokie · 1 year
One Trick Peony | c.s.c
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Summary:  Choi Seungcheol could only do one type of floral arrangement, and the rest he’d pawn off to you, granted he got a ton of orders, but he would always take the orders for arrangements that he could never do. This time he went too far. He took an ‘only peonies’ arrangement–a painfully delicate flower–and took an order for a wedding, and with your luck, you’re the only two florists available that weekend. 
☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ♕ smut | ☁︎ mild angst |  ♥ completed works  Word Count: 4885 words Pairings: Florist!Choi Seungcheol x  Florist! Female Reader  Genre/Trope(s)/AUs: Fluff, angst, smut, frenemies to lovers, idk if thats the right word they just have a ton of digs at each other but no actual hate. 
Content Warnings: Arguing, but it’s all very childish. Cheol being a slight smartass, but Y/N also being a bit mouthy. Idiots to lover makes more sense, both are dense af. Kissing, mentions of food. Inaccurate depictions of being a florist, idk. Loud and noisy kids destroying things. Moment of self doubt. 
Smut Warnings: Unprotected sex (don’t do this irl), oral (f receiving), sorta dom! Cheol, rough sex (but its more vanilla), big dick! Cheol, multiple orgasms, squirting, riding, overstimulation, creampie, cum licking, hickies, kissing, phew I think that’s it. Cheol is an after care king. 
Authors Note: This has been written for svthub's secret garden collab. Thank you all for letting me be part of this wonderful collab. Please check out the rest of the works written by my talented friends 💕 Banner Credits: @classicscreations
Cross Posted to AO3
© wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved.
You knew hate was a strong word, but that was all you could feel for your coworker, Choi Seungcheol. When Seungcheol first joined the flower shop, you didn’t mind him. You realised he was only capable of making one floral arrangement. 
At first, you found it cute. You’d help him, teach him, but after a while, you realised he didn’t even pay attention, and that’s when your pettiness began, and Seungcheol matched it by being extra petty. 
“Choi Seungcheol!” You exclaimed, knowing he hated being called by his full name. 
“How many times do we have to go over this, Y/N? I don’t like being called by my first name?” Seungcheol complained, and you rolled your eyes at his whining. Seungcheol whined a lot. You’d never admit it, but it was adorable. A grown man who was tall and buff whined like a toddler. Only Seungcheol could be that cute, but he didn’t have to know. 
“Why is there an order in the system for a wedding?” You questioned. “You know that we are short-staffed right now.”
“Look. I do, but it’s only a wedding with 80 people, and this lady and her husband waited for their wedding for five years because life kept getting in the way. You wouldn’t deny a couple of that joy, would you?” Seungcheol asked hopefully, grinning widely at you. 
“Besides, I told them that the best florist in Seoul was the only choice for their special day,” Seungcheol boasted, and you scoffed. 
“Of course I am, but you? You won’t even bother helping. It’ll just be me doing all the work,” you complained. 
“I’m an excellent supervisor,” Seungcheol added. 
“No, you’re just a pain in my ass,” you mumbled. 
“Oh? You know I could help take the pain away,” Seungcheol teased, and you glared at him.
“I will break a flower vase over your pretty head if you even try,” you threatened. 
“You think my head is pretty?” Seungcheol asked, and you glared at him again before storming into the back room. 
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“So, how do you want to get to the venue?” Seungcheol asked you later that evening as you were cleaning up your station. The shop was bustling, and all the arrangements came to you because Seungcheol was incompetent and too busy wooing more customers to buy more flowers without concern for your workload. 
“What venue?” You asked, gritting your teeth. 
“Ouch? What’s gotten you so huffy?” Seungcheol asked. 
“You’re no help, and now you’re here trying to be chatty,” you spat. 
“I got you so many orders, though!” Seungcheol protested. 
“I didn’t need them. You know I’m busy,” you fired back, and Seungcheol frowned. 
“Hey!” A voice interrupted, and you turned to see your manager staring at you and Seungcheol disapprovingly. 
“Look, I don’t know if this is a situation of lovers who are too blind to confess, so they just verbally abuse one another? Or if you two hate each other, cut it out, at least for the weekend. This wedding would be huge for this business, and after that, we can discuss a plan or something that involves less interaction with you both, but for two days. I need you to behave. Can you do that?” Your manager asked, and you looked at Seungcheol, who avoided your gaze. 
“Yes, I can. I don’t know about her,” Seungcheol said, throwing you a cunning smile. 
“Seungcheol,” your manager warned, making him pout. 
“You see what I have to put up with?” You complained, and your manager glared at you. 
“Two days, just two days, make it work,” your manager pleaded, looking at you and Seungcheol, and you both sighed before nodding and agreeing. 
For the sake of your job, you both would make it work. 
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Choi Seungcheol [7:58 am]: Morning, darling, I’m downstairs. On time, the flowers shall be delivered to the venue. I got you coffee, so please make your way down if you don’t want to get stuck in traffic. 
You [7:59 am]: Yeah, I’ll be down. 
Choi Seungcheol [8:00 am]: So cold, should have gotten you something warm to drink instead…
Choi Seungcheol [8:01 am]: See you soon, kitten, xoxo. 
You let out a groan, kitten? How dare he call you that, and not just because that word had you feeling a certain way, but kitten? Who did he think he was? 
You grumbled to yourself, grabbed your duffle bag, and made your way out of your apartment, triple checking to ensure you locked the door four times before heading downstairs to find Seungcheol. 
“Morning, sweetheart,” Seungcheol greeted, and you shot him a look. 
“Why the nicknames?” You asked.
“I’m trying to be friendly.” 
“Well, it’s weird, so stop,” you mumbled. 
“Fine, Y/N,” Seungcheol answered with a pout. 
“Shall we? It’s a bit of a drive, and I really don’t want to get stuck in traffic,” you offered.
“Yeah, let’s go.” 
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“Oh, before I forget, here I put your coffee and some breakfast muffins for snacking,” Seungcheol offered as he pointed to the console. 
“This is really kind of you, thank you.” 
“See, I can be considerate,” Seungcheol bragged. 
“Yeah, one coffee and breakfast muffin won’t change how much of a pain you are at work,” you teased, making Seungcheol pout. 
“But you’re off to a good start Choi Seungcheol,” you added, making Seungcheol groan.
“I told you I don’t like my full name being used,” Seungcheol whined. 
“Okay, why, though?” 
“It feels distant, detached and cold. I feel like I’m being told off,” Seungcheol mumbled. 
“To be fair, whenever I use your full name, I am usually telling you off,” you joked, making Seungcheol frown more. 
“You can just yell at me. That’s better than full naming me,” Seungcheol offered with a grin. 
“You got a degradation kink or something?” You asked. 
“No, but I’ll tell you my kinks if you tell me yours,” Seungcheol teased with a grin. 
“Shut up.” 
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You weren’t sure when you dozed off, but the next thing you knew was Seungcheol was gently shaking you awake. 
“Hey, Y/N, we’re here,” Seungcheol said softly as you stirred awake. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry I fell asleep,” you apologised, knowing you broke a universal law. Do not fall asleep at the passenger seat. 
“It’s okay, traffic was light and honestly it was kind of peaceful,” Seungcheol teased and you glared at him. Maybe you didn’t feel that bad. 
“Come on let’s check in,” Seungcheol said as you slowly made your way out of the car, grabbed your things and headed towards the hotel. 
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“I can’t believe our manager gave us a room to share,” you grumbled, as you entered the hotel suite. 
“Correction she gave us a suite to share with separate bedrooms, it’s really not that bad,” Seungcheol offered and you pouted. 
“Fine, but don’t snore loudly and disturb me,” you mumbled. 
“I do not snore!” Seungcheol protested. 
“You fell asleep in the shop once and you snored so loudly that you woke yourself up,” you teased making Seungcheol sulk. 
“Such a meanie,” Seungcheol pouted. 
“You’re adorable when you sulk,” you said with a fond smile making Seungcheol grin at you. 
“I’m always adorable,” Seungcheol corrected, and you frowned at him, but you did agree, but you’d never tell him. 
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“Rise and Shine. I got you breakfast. We need to be the in the ballroom to start the decorations in an hour!” Seungcheol yelled the following day as you entered the living room. 
“I’m up,” you whined as you towelled your wet hair. 
“Aww, kitten, it’s sunny out. Put a smile on your face otherwise, you’ll ruin the delicate flowers if you’re just angry,” Seungcheol babbled, and you glared at him. 
“Hey, how do you know I like this?” You asked as you looked at the plate Seungcheol set up for you. 
“Simple, I pay attention,” Seungcheol said with a smile and you felt your heart swell. You never expected him to know so much about you, but it was the same way you knew how he liked his coffee, what his favourite colour was, and his favourite author. You didn’t have to know any of it, but you paid attention too. 
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“You keep staring at me, quit it,” you muttered as you delicately arranged the peonies into a beautiful centrepiece. 
That afternoon you and Seungcheol were busy arranging the ballroom with flowers and making intricate decorations for the reception. 
“I can’t help it,” Seungcheol mumbled. 
“Well, you look so beautiful doing what you love,” Seungcheol said, making you glare at him. 
“Shut up.” 
“I can, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that I meant what I said,” Seungcheol remarked with a grin. 
“You see me working all the time. How come you never compliment me then?” You challenged. 
“Because it’s usually in a full shop with other people around, and I don’t know. I only want you to hear the compliments, not everyone else,” Seungcheol offered, making you smile shyly at him. 
“Well, thank you, and for what it’s worth, you weren’t too insufferable during this trip,” you offered with a grin. 
“I call you beautiful, and you call me mildly tolerable. What does a guy have to do to win your heart?” Seungcheol said dramatically, making you grin. 
Little did he know that he didn’t have to do too much. 
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“Cheol?” You called out from your bedroom, hoping Seungcheol could hear you. You detested cocktail gowns for their design, you could never reach the zipper and always ended up asking for help, and this dress had fancy straps that you couldn’t fasten. 
“You hollered?” Seungcheol asked as he entered your bedroom. 
“Seungcheol, can you please help me tie this? I promise I’m not trying to be a smartass. I’ve been at this for ten minutes, and I keep screwing up,” You asked as you held the thin strips of your halter with one hand on the back of your neck.
Seungcheol stared at you for a second and nodded, and you turned around so that your back was facing him, and Seungcheol took a deep breath when he saw that your gown was backless, placing an arm around your waist and pulling you closer.
You melted in his arms; his toned body felt like heaven against you. 
“How tight?” Seungcheol asked, his words making your core throb. 
“I’ll tell you when to stop,” you responded. You could do the same to him if he wanted to tease you. You bit your lip in an attempt to stop grinning when you heard him curse under his breath as he pulled on the straps. 
“Right there?” he asked, and you nodded.
“Use your words,” Seungcheol whispered, his hot breath against your neck. 
“Yes, right there,” you breathed out, and Seungcheol complied, tying the knot, and you felt his hands trail down your neck to your bare back, and you had to bite harder on your lip to not whimper at his touch. 
“All done,” Seungcheol mumbled, and you turned around, his face mere inches away from yours. 
“You look breathtaking,” Seungcheol complimented, making you smile. 
“So do you. I wouldn’t be surprised if all the bridesmaids flock to you,” you teased, and Seungcheol shook his head. 
“They can flock, but there’s only one girl worth my time,” Seungcheol responded, making you gulp. 
“Shall we? We can’t be late,” Seungcheol offered with a grin. 
“Yeah, let’s go,” you mumbled. You’d just have to curb your desire for him for now, but once the reception started, you would rile Seungcheol the way he had riled you up. 
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Your plans were shot to hell the minute you walked into the ballroom, several of your floral arrangements had been destroyed, and you weren’t sure who did it, but you heard the giggles and screams of children in the ballroom and knew you found your culprits. 
Now, you weren’t one to yell at children, but when knocked into you, making you knock into another floral arrangement and destroy it, too, you couldn’t help but comment. 
“Kids, can you not play here? There are delicate arrangements,” you said as kindly as you could, and apparently, that was all it took for them to start crying. 
“Excuse me? How dare you make my children cry?” You heard someone accuse you and turned around to see an angry woman approaching you. 
“I didn’t mean to, but they were running around and destroying the floral arrangements,” you mumbled. 
“Uptight much? They’re children,” the lady sassed, and you were about to retort when Seungcheol interrupted. You weren’t sure when he showed up, but you were glad he did. 
“Ma’am, I apologise that your kids are upset, but really we’re doing our best to ensure the bride and groom are happy. You won’t get blamed for poor floral arrangements, but we will, so please be considerate of that,” Seungcheol responded calmly, and the lady shrank in size and offered a scowl before walking, well stomping out of the hall. 
“Jeez, there’s always someone like her everywhere. Come, I’ll fix the arrangements near the front of the hall, and you fix the pieces at the back of the hall?” Seungcheol offered, and you nodded meekly before heading off in that direction. 
“Hey, you did a beautiful job,” you complimented as you approached Seungcheol a few minutes later; he was just putting the final touches on a centrepiece. 
“Well. I have to. Your hard work shouldn’t go to waste,” Seungcheol said. 
“You have a delicate touch,” you mumbled. 
“I’ve been told I’m good with my hands,” Seungcheol said with a smirk, making you grin and roll your eyes at him. 
“I’m glad to see you smile,” Seungcheol said. 
“Don’t let what the mother said get to you, okay? She’s just mad that her kids embarrassed her,  take pride in your work. I know I do,” Seungcheol said as he leaned closer to place a kiss on your cheek. 
“I have to go help the groom find his boutonniere. I’ll see you later?” Seungcheol offered, and you smiled fondly at him. You watched him leave, and once he did, you placed your fingers over the spot he just kissed, and you swore you felt it tingle.
Seungcheol really didn’t have to do much to win your heart. He had it. The kiss just sealed the deal. 
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“Alright, you’ve been pouting since that little kid knocked over that vase. I’m sure that kid feels awful. Will you now just forget it for a bit and enjoy the evening? Why don’t you dance with me?” Seungcheol offered later that evening when he saw you sulking by the bar during the reception. 
“I’m not upset about that. It’s just that when his mother called me uptight, I got annoyed,” you admitted, and Seungcheol nodded knowingly as he took a seat next to you at the bar. 
“Do you think I’m uptight?” You asked, honestly, you didn’t care for Seungcheol’s opinion, but the alcohol made you extra sensitive, and for some reason, you found yourself seeking comfort in your work enemy. 
“Nah. I think you take pride in your work, so when a kid tramples over it, you’re allowed to be upset,” Seungcheol consoled. 
“When you say it like that, I sound unreasonable, getting mad at a kid at all,” you trailed off.��
“Nah. That kid was getting really annoying. He stomped on my foot a couple of times,” Seungcheol joked, smiling when he saw you return him a brief smile. 
“What I’m trying to say is that it’s okay. It’s okay to be upset, you take pride in your work, and if anyone messes with it, well, it’s fair to be upset,” Seungcheol explained, reiterating his earlier points. 
“Thank you,” you mumbled. 
“Come on. You shouldn’t be sulking at a wedding. Come dance with me,” Seungcheol offered as he hopped off the barstool and stood in front of you, holding out his hand. 
“You? Choi Seungcheol, you’re telling me not to sulk? You’re the king of sulking!” You teased, and Seungcheol grinned. 
“Yes, but I look cute doing it,” Seungcheol boasted, making you frown and swat his hand away. 
“Go away, Cheol,” you grumbled. 
“I didn’t say you don’t look cute when you sulk, it’s painfully adorable, but I like it when you smile more,” Seungcheol clarified. 
“Very, now, dance with me. You look beautiful, and I recall you telling a customer in the past that you love weddings, so why not enjoy this one?” Seungcheol asked. 
“You remember the shit I say?” You were surprised that Seungcheol even recalled that conversation. 
“Of course, now come, dance with me,” Seungcheol pushing his outstretched arm towards you, you smiled as you took his hand, and he guided you towards the dance floor. 
“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Seungcheol asked as he started to dance with you, his arms were around your waist as your hands wrapped around his neck. 
“Maybe, once.” 
“I should say it more, I cannot take my eyes of you,” Seungcheol complimented making you shyly hide your face in his chest. 
“Why the sudden flattery?” You ask. 
“It’s not sudden, I always try to do the same at work, but you’re usually busy biting, actually you are rightfully biting my head off at work,” Seungcheol corrected making you smile. 
“Then why be so annoying?” You asked making him laugh. 
“How else do I get your attention?” Seungcheol asked, and you smiled at him. 
“Okay, I have to know, you sure you don’t like being scolded, like there’s not a hidden sub inside you?” You teased. 
“Kitten, this is the second time you’ve asked about my kinks, you sure you don’t want to just find out?” Seungcheol asked, and you leaned up slightly to softly place your lips against his. 
“Show me,” you whispered as you pulled away from his lips, and Seungcheol couldn’t get the two of you out of the ballroom quick enough. 
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The elevator trip and the walk back to the room was very quiet but not awkward, Seungcheol held your hand the entire way, and you were glad because his grip made you feel grounded when you were starting to float on cloud nine. 
Once you were inside the room, Seungcheol had you Seungcheol pressed his lips to yours, and you kissed him back. His lips were even softer than you could have dreamt of. They felt full and plush as they moved against yours.
You melted into the kiss when you felt Seungcheol’s hands move along your body, his fingers pressing into your waist and back, making you moan into the kiss. 
“Is that all you got?” you teased, as you mumbled against his lips, and Seungcheol smirked into the kiss as his hands moved up your exposed back, his fingers tracing your bare skin and sliding his hands down to your clothed waist, his hands moving up your stomach resting just below your covered breast. 
“More?” Seungcheol asked, moving his lips away from yours to place them on your neck as he started to place soft kisses there, making you whimper at his touch. 
“Can I take this off?” Seungcheol asked, and you nodded furiously, making him smile; he placed another kiss on your lips and quickly stripped you off your clothes, leaving you only in your panties, leaving your breasts exposed to him. 
“Fuck,” Seungcheol groaned out, and you smiled shyly at him as he pulled you into his embrace and carried you over to sit you down on the couch. Seungcheol’s lips found your neck as he sucked love bites into your neck, and his hands gently moved down to your hips. Large hands moved to grab your ass, pulling you tight against him; a string of moans and swear words left your mouth as you felt his hard length rub against your clothed pussy. 
“Cheol,” you whined out. 
“I need you,” you breathed out, and that’s all Seungcheol needed as he carried you into his bedroom, laid you on the bed, and quickly rid himself of his clothes. 
Once naked, Seungcheol crawled between your thighs and groaned when he saw the wet patch on your panties. 
“Fuck, let me have a taste, kitten,” Seungcheol said, and you only whimpered, spreading your legs further to accommodate him; Seungcheol moved quickly, pulling your panties off and throwing them across the room. 
Once greeted by your bare, glistening pussy Seungcheol knew needed to taste you, and he placed his plump lips on your clit, and started to suck, your hands twisted in his soft hair. You felt him sliding two fingers into your cunt, making you moan at the stretch, it felt so good, and Seungcheol stuck his tongue out, flicking your clit, making your back arch. 
Seungcheol smirked against your cunt, as he decided to pick up the pace, moving his fingers more quickly inside you, his mouth never leaving your clit. You kept whimpering and moaning, which only made Seungcheol increase his speed. Your legs shook as you came for him, falling apart on his tongue and finger. Seungcheol groaned as he tasted your cum, smirking, pleased with the results, but he was far from done. 
Seungcheol moved his mouth away from your clit to catch his breath, only to latch his lips back to your clit, making you whine in pleasure and pain. Seungcheol wrapped his lips around your clit while his tongue traced and circled the swollen nub. Seungcheol wrapped both his arms around your waist and held you down. 
Seungcheol moved his mouth to your pussy, shoved his tongue inside you while his fingers found your clit and started rubbing. Your grip on his hair got tighter, and he groaned at the sensation. Seungcheol’s groans vibrated against your cunt, and you held his hair for some semblance as you fell apart on his tongue. 
When he had finally cleaned you up with his tongue, you were shivering and on the precipice of another orgasm. You whimpered, trying to move away from his mouth, you were incredibly sensitive, but Seungcheol wanted to keep going. He wanted you to have a night you’d never forget, so he did and lapped up your release. 
“So sweet,” Seungcheol praised as he sat back and admired your pulsating pussy, wet, sticky, and all for him. 
“Cheol,” you moaned out. 
“Yes, kitten?” 
“Fuck me, please,” you begged, to make him smile as he adjusted your position so you were on your hands and knees. 
Seungcheol held your hips and slowly pushed himself inside you, and you felt a slight burn at the stretch. It had been so long for you since you had sex, and he was big and thick. 
Once Seungcheol realised how you weren’t hissing in pain anymore, and instead, you were moaning and muttering about how good he felt, Seungcheol started to move. He knew he wouldn’t last, not with you clenching around him so tightly. However, Seungcheol thrust into you, his movements hard and deep, eliciting whimpers and moans from you with each movement of his hips. 
Seungcheol needed to cum, but not before you, as he set off a steady pace as he fucked you and slowly reached his fingers down to your clit and rubbed at it furiously; the room was filled with your screams and his guttural moans. 
“Fuck, baby, I’m going to cum if you keep squeezing me like that,” Seungcheol groaned, gently biting your ear lobe at the same time. 
“Inside, me, please, cum inside me,” you begged as he fucked. 
 “Fuck fuck”, he groaned; a few thrusts later, he suddenly stilled and pulled out of and flipped you over so that you were laying on your back, and Seungcheol took a deep breath as he grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist. 
Seungcheol’s hard cock rested against your aching cunt; simply seeing his length made you delirious. His length was perfect, it could go deep inside you, and the thickness made you feel as good as when he fucked you. Seungcheol made you so full you had never felt, and you were sure he had ruined you for other men. 
You bucked your hips against him, rubbing your wet folds against his cock, and he hissed at that. Seungcheol pushed himself into you, and you moaned at the stretch. Seungcheol’s hands moved to unwrap your legs, moving them to position them around his neck. 
The new position allowed him to go deeper, and he pushed deep into your cunt, and he thrust his pace was perfect. Slow enough to make you feel every inch of his cock, and fast enough to make you moan. 
“Baby”, you whimpered. 
“I want to ride you,” you choked out, and Seungcheol had to take a deep breath not to cum right then and there.
You whimpered as he pulled out and adjusted his position so he could lay on the bed and adjusted your position so Seungcheol could lay under you. He felt so good inside you. You lifted your legs and started moving your hips, riding him. You felt his grip tighten on your thighs as he helped you ride him. 
“Fuck,” you cursed as you slowly sank onto his length. 
You wanted to see Seungcheol fall apart underneath you, you trailed your hands to his fingers, and your nails grazed his nipples, making him buck into you. You moaned as his hips pushed his cock deeper inside you. You kept riding him until you felt him still and released inside you. You moaned, feeling his warmth fill up your cunt.
“Fuck,” you gasped as he pushed two fingers into you. Seungcheol stood up slightly as he shoved his middle and ring finger into your cunt and hooked them there.
“Scream for me,” Seungcheol said as he vigorously pumped his fingers in and out of your cunt. He used his other hand to press down your pubic bone, holding you still as you thrashed about.
“Do you hear how wet you are?” Seungcheol asked as he kept fingering you. You whimpered in response, fisting the bed sheets between your hands and screaming as you came hard.
“Fuck. I can’t,” you choked out when you noticed he hadn’t stopped his movements.
 “Yes, you can. I know you can,” Seungcheol encouraged as he repeated his actions, making you squirt all over his hands.
You whimpered in his grip, pushing his forearm, and Seungcheol smiled as he pulled his fingers out of you.
“Fuck,” you breathed out. 
“Good?” Seungcheol asked. 
“Mhm, very,” you mumbled into his chest, making him smile. 
“Noo!” You whined when you felt him move, and Seungcheol swore his heart melted at that moment. 
“I need to clean you up,” Seungcheol said. 
“No, stay,” you whined making him laugh. 
“Please?” You asked and Seungcheol didn’t have the heart to deny you. 
“Fine, but not in this bed, it’s a little wet,” Seungcheol teased making you bury your head into his chest more. 
“Just hold onto me, and I’ll move you,” Seungcheol said as he carried you off the bed and into your bedroom, where he laid you down onto the bed, and used it as and excuse to quickly slip away and bring back a wet towel and gently clean you up. 
“Come here,” you whined holding your hands out for him. 
“Adorable,” Seungcheol cooed as he climbed into the bed, holding you in his arms as you both fell asleep. 
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The following morning you woke up with a dull ache between your thighs, and an empty bed. Before you could worry, you spotted a note on the bed. 
I’m outside, waiting for room service, I thought we could do with breakfast, also I took a shower and left a towel out for you too. 
-xx Cheol. 
You smiled as you read the note, and took his suggestion, and hopped, well hobbled into the shower. 
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You saw Seungcheol sitting on the couch and staring out the window when you entered the living room, you felt more awake after your shower. 
“Morning,” you greeted as you sat down next to him, and Seungcheol immediately turned around to face you, leaning forward to place a kiss on your lips. 
“Morning,” he mumbled against your lips.
“How are you?” Seungcheol asked. 
“I would apologise, but I don’t think you mind, do you?” Seungcheol teased. 
“Okay, but as a dutiful boyfriend, I’ll make it up to you!” Seungcheol declared. 
You didn’t mind Seungcheol being your boyfriend, hell, you loved the idea, but it surprised you, and you were about to respond but a knock on the door stopped you. 
It was room service and for a few minutes you couldn’t say much. 
Once the servers left the room and Seungcheol ws setting up the plates you decided to speak. 
“Cheol. I like kitten.”
“I feel like as my boyfriend you should know what I like,” you said making him grin. 
“I like kitten, darling and sometimes baby,” you added. 
“What else do you like?” Seungcheol asked. 
“Oh? What a coincidence because I also like you.” 
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h8ani · 1 month
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Tooru Oikawa x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k (I tried)
Warnings: MDNI - semi public sex, health code violations happen, unprotected sex, quickie, oikawa has overbearing parents. you're caught, fem!reader
A/N: Here is my fic for the Help Wanted collab with @interstellar-inn It was fun writing this thank you so much for letting me join! Also a big thank you to those who proof read this for me!
Taglist: @bloodsiren @suyacho @kodzukein
Join my taglist! → here (if you've changed your username please let me know!)
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The cloudless summer sky shined down bright on you as you hurried to get to work. The heat wave brought long days and even shorter nights, construction paused and everyone stayed indoors with their a/c on full blast. Unlucky for you, the small ice cream shop you worked at had no air conditioning as of three days ago and your shift just happened to be on one of the hottest days of the week. 
You shouldn’t complain, you’re grateful that you were even able to get a job just for the summer while you were back home and on break from school, plus the owners were this cute couple who welcomed you with open arms and were always so friendly towards you. You shouldn’t complain but, damn this heat. 
You were able to work five days out of the week which was also very generous given that you were part time, and it didn’t hurt that on most of the days that you worked the owner's son would stop by to help out too. Tooru Oikawa, pride and joy of his parents and one hundred percent, without a doubt, off limits. 
The second you met him you figured out pretty quickly just how overbearing his parents were about him, instantly boasting about how great he is. Apparently, he’s some hot shot volleyball player for his own college, you were able to surmise that he’s captain from the team and that his parents absolutely hate all the little fangirls he always has all over him, his mom quickly mentioning that everytime she sees a photo of him with girls falling off his arms she always comments a thumbs down emoji which you couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. 
You couldn’t overlook the quick jabs about his ex either, his mom being very vocal about how she was never good enough for their “beautiful baby boy” and his father just huffing out an unamused sigh when Oikawa somewhat defends her. You mentally noted everything, making sure to stay in their good graces while you worked alongside him. You made sure not to ask for help from him too much or kept yourself busy so you were never stagnant and just standing around him where his parents could give a questioning look or comment. As subtle as you thought you were being Oikawa saw right through it, easily catching on to how careful you were being. He thought you were cute, definitely not like the girls at his school who just threw themselves at him whenever they had the chance. It was refreshing, and during this heat he needed something to cool down and you were now his drink of choice. 
The ding of the door chimed in your ears as you walked in, the thick air from inside the store somehow feeling warmer than outside. You huffed out a sigh while walking around to the back making sure to say hello to both of the owners before stopping in your tracks, in the small section of the back of the store was a table and a few chairs meant to be an area for employee’s to take their breaks and where bags and belongings can go with a few hooks spaced out on the wall. Your eyes met with his, a small smirk taking place on his face as he watched you frozen. Your expression was cute, eyes as big as a doe’s would be while standing rigid in the doorway. “Don’t look so surprised, you’ll make me feel bad for being here,” he chuckles while leaning back in the chair, his foot popping up on his knee as he gets more comfortable. 
“You weren’t scheduled for today.” You quickly state, moving to place your bag on one of the hooks and sliding your phone out of your back pocket to place it on the charger. You turn back to find Oikawa swiveling in his chair to face you, him not even trying to hide the fact that he’s checking you out. He looked at you from head to toe, how short the shorts you wore were and the way they hugged your ass, your shirt showing just enough cleavage to know his mother would pop a blood vessel if she saw it and the slight sheen of sweat he can see due to the a/c crapping out a few days ago. The thoughts of what you’d look like panting for him crossed his mind and made his pants tighter, a small clear of your throat brought him back almost as if you already knew what he was thinking. A shameless smile crossed his lips as he stood up and passed by you without saying a word. 
Thirty minutes in and you already wanted to shrivel up and die, you were using an empty envelope to fan yourself off but even then that didn’t seem to work because all you were doing was pushing more hot air into your face. At this point you were ready to jump into the ice cream display, who cares if you’d be sticky at least you’ll be cold and sticky. 
Glancing over to the empty parking lot you decide to sneak off towards the back while making sure to grab the containers for the toppings, if you’re going to sneak off might as well do a little bit of work while you’re at it. A giant walk-in freezer is your only saving grace as you tug on the heavy handle, making sure to keep it cracked as to not lock you in because as much as you like the cold you don’t want to be one with the ice cream. 
The gust of cold air as you walk-in feels as if you died and went to heaven, immediately your hands reached the hem of your shirt to fan as much air as you could, allowing your body to feel the sweet chill of the air. The subtle hum of the freezer drowning out any outside noise while you close your eyes, not noticing that the cooler door opened more allowing Oikawa to slip in while seemingly shutting it, the click of the door locking drowned out with the whir of the cooler. 
He watches you for a moment, seeing the subtle sway of your body as your shirt rises higher up on your stomach. He smiles at you, he can’t deny that the minute he met you that he thought you were attractive, you were sweet to his parents and always did more than what was asked let alone did more than what you were actually being paid for. You were smart, already catching onto how his parents were which most wouldn’t, he knew this right away because he could barely keep a conversation with you let alone get you in the same place as him, it was charming how you cared about what his parents thought of you. That’s probably going to change after he’s done with you. 
Stepping closer, closing the distance between you two, his arm snakes around your waist causing an audible gasp to escape you before getting cut off by his hand covering your mouth. Your body went rigid as you felt his breath hit your ear while a quiet ‘shh’ leaves his own lips. 
Your heart was thumping against your chest with your eyes opened wide enough that you resembled a deer caught in headlights, almost immediately your hands reach up to his own covering your mouth. You could hear the subtle click of his tongue in disapprovement as you tried tugging at his hand. 
You’ve tried keeping your distance as best as you could and ignoring just how flirtatious Oikawa has been towards you but even then this budding little crush on him couldn’t be stopped. Yes, he was attractive and yes, he might be this college athlete that you may or may not have instagram stalked on one or two occasions since working here and maybe the fact that he’s been off limits from the start made him even more enticing than he should have been but you will not fall victim to a pretty boy getting you alone.
Finally, you tug his hand down while taking in a deep breath. “Your parents-”
“Aren’t here, but they will be back.” He says as he grabs ahold of your shoulders and spins you around, your back hits the wall of the cooler, a chill running through you immediately. You catch sight of him, eyes locking to him but his line of sight went straight to your cleavage, then to your exposed stomach all the way down until they came back to your eyes. A smug smirk was planted on his face as he leaned in, hands planting themselves right by your head caging you in. “It’s your call, princess.” 
The sprouting thought of being fired the moment his parents find out hit your mind causing you to waver in answering. You needed this summer job, hell; you even liked it even if you wish you weren’t being baked alive, but still you faltered and it was obvious to you both about what was running through your mind. You wanted to, fuck, did you want to but you knew better-
“The more you contemplate this the less time we have, so push me away if you don’t want this but I need to kiss you right now.” 
Before you could even comprehend what he was saying one of his hands wrapped around the back of your neck and pulled you to him crashing his lips to yours. He was quick to press you against the wall but was surprisingly slow with the kiss, he was giving you time to push back, say no if you wanted to but it never came. After a moment he pulls away, hand still caressing the back of your nape as he looks down at you, happy to see your eyes clouded with need.
“We have to be quick.” You breathe out, a determination now setting in your eyes. He couldn’t stop the smile that was spreading once he heard you. His lips were back on yours, angling your head so he could deepen the kiss further. You open your mouth letting his tongue mold against yours as he easily pops the buttons of your shorts off, your own fingers quickly tugging his shorts down. Grabbing the underside of your thighs he lifts you up, pressing you in between him and the frozen wall of the cooler. Goosebumps erupted over your skin, the subtle cloudy air you two exhaled was the only indicator of just how cold it really was inside. 
Soon enough your panties were pulled to the side and his warm, hard cock was sliding past your entrance. The burn of the stretch was noticeable, he was big; that much you could tell. “Fuck…” You bit out, wrapping your arms tighter around his neck. 
“Sorry Princess, don’t have much time for foreplay this time.”
“This time?” Your eyebrows raised as you finally caught a glimpse at him. Suddenly the cooler seemed warmer than it was as you looked at him, cock pushed into the hilt, and that same cocky ass smirk plastered on his face. 
“I plan to have you plenty more times that aren’t breaking any health code violations.” He rocks his hips into you, a moan escapes your lips. The angle he had you in made everything feel so much deeper, every thrust he gave you made your body feel on fire, it didn’t matter how cold everything around you was. 
His lips found their way up your neck, making sure to leave wet, open mouthed kisses along the base of your throat until he found the spot behind your ear that made you visibly shiver in his arms. A quiet whine left your lips as you spoke his name, pussy clenched with every rough thrust he was giving you. 
To say he’s been waiting all Summer to get the chance to be inside you was an understatement, the moment he met you he knew he wanted to have his way with you. To have his way with you inside his parents freezer? That wasn’t his plan but he wasn’t one to be picky. 
You cursed after one particularly rough thrust of his, nails digging into his shoulders as you took every roll of his hips. He was keen on making this quick, your back soon being pulled away from the wall and quickly found yourself being laid on top of multiple boxes of what you can expect was an assortment of toppings. If an inspector came in this place would surely be shut down. 
His pace quickened as his thumb easily found your clit, rubbing in quick circular motions to help you reach your end. He was eager to cum and so were you, a flurry of curse words left your lips as you felt the knot in your stomach tightening more and more. 
“Cum for me.” He grunted, voice hoarse as he watched you under him. Oh how he wished he could’ve taken his time with you, he wanted to undress you properly, make sure you were shaking before he even put the tip in. He wanted to make you feel better than you already did. 
Pulling him closer, you bury your head in the crook of his neck muffling the sounds you were making, your walls clenched around him, your climax dragging out of you as he continued the fuck into you. A loud groan tumbled out of him, his thrusts became sloppy as he released inside of you, spilling his seed until it was spilling out. 
You both are breathing heavy, the warm breath that's being exhaled mixing with the chill of the cooler brings a new sensation around you. You don’t trust yourself to stand, the orgasm he pulled from you in such a short time sent your mind to another world that you almost missed the distinct ring of the front door being opened.
“Just customers, too early for my parents to be back.” Oikawa states while planting a comforting kiss on your cheek. You relax back into the now dented boxes from underneath you, he leaned down; now letting his forehead rest against yours as you breathed each other in. You both bask in the afterglow of the orgasms you had until the bright light from outside is shining through, the loud screech of the cooler’s door opening and an overly dramatic gasp and shout of Oikawa’s fathers name is being shouted as you look over. 
Yeah, you can kiss this job goodbye.
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network: @interstellar-inn
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lees-chaotic-brain · 9 months
i want to tell megumi hes the loml
Yes! Omg this is literally so cute I'm in love. @kasumitenbaz i'm willing to bet you'll like this :)
CW: None! fluff, mentions of past trauma I guess, comedic mentions of nudity, crack
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After everything that happened since you joined Jujutsu Tech, you finally had time to relax and enjoy spending time with Megumi. After all, it was New Year’s eve and there was nowhere you would rather be than cuddled up with your boyfriend in his dorm. 
Watching the snow fall outside his window, you contemplated the events of the past year, all the trauma and fear you had endured and overcome together.
Suddenly becoming emotional, you turned in his arms and buried your face in the crook of his neck.
Your sleepy boyfriend inquisitively lifted his head from the pillow and readjusted so the position was more comfortable for you.
“What’s up?”
You snuggle closer to him and smile against his neck.
“I was just thinking about how grateful I am that we can just cuddle like this together. That we made it through, and now we’re stronger than ever.”
Megumi was silent for a moment before responding.
“What made you think about that all of a sudden?”
You can feel the deep rumble of his voice against your cheek.
“I’m not sure. I guess I was just reminiscing about everything that happened this year. And I don’t know, I’m just really happy right now.”
You squirm in his grasp until you manage to pull away far enough to give him a cheesy grin.
His eyes soften as he tucks you firmly against him.
“‘M grateful too.”
He mumbles, before burying his face in your hair and tightening his hold on you. 
“Now stop being all cheesy and philosophical and let me nap. You know that Itadori, Nobara, and Gojo are going to make us stay up all night celebrating with them.”
You chuckle, and comply, letting him use you as his own personal teddy bear for a few minutes before you speak again.
“Hey Megs?”
He makes a vague grumpy sound.
“You know that you’re the love of my life, right?”
Still no response.
“Did you hear me? I said that you were-”
“I heard you the first time!”
He bursts out, effectively cutting you off.
“Hey, what's wrong?”
You forcibly pry him off you to take a look at his face, and to your delight and his mortification, his face is cherry red.
“Babe! Are you blushing?!”
He denies it and covers his face with a pillow.
“Of course I’m not. But you can’t just say stuff like that out of the blue! Give me a little warning at least.”
Giggling you yank the pillow out of his grasp and cup his flaming cheeks in your hands.
“Don’t hide your face from me.”
You exaggeratedly plant loud kisses on each side of his crimson face and coo at him.
“Aw, look at how cute my boyfriend is. He’s getting all red just because I told him he’s the love of my life-”
He grabs you and shoves your face against his chest, cutting your voice off. Tangling his legs with yours, he pulls you up a bit so he can press his face into the crook of his neck. Inhaling deeply, he takes deep calming breaths and enjoys your unique mix of scents that makes him feel at home.
You sit quietly, sensing that he needed a moment to process what you had just said. Sure enough, after about thirty seconds he speaks.
“You know, you’re the love of my life too.”
You can’t stop the massive grin that spreads across your face.
“Megs I-”
Gojo, Nobara, and Itadori burst into the room screaming. Nobara flips on the lights, Gojo tears the blankets off the two of you, and Itadori bangs pots together.
Spluttering, your boyfriend gives everyone in the room (other than you) death stares as he tries to protect you from the cold that seeped in in the absence of your blanket.
“Get out! What is wrong with you guys? What-What if we were naked?!”
He blurted, unable to come up with anything else. The room fell into silence.
Then everyone (including you this time) burst into laughter.
“Seriously Megs???”
You wheeze out between peals of laughter.
“What if we were naked?!”
He just sullenly retrieved the blankets and burrowed under them, yanking you under with him.
As he valiantly fought off the three lunatics from ripping the two of you out of your blanket cocoon, you couldn’t help but laugh.
Yes, he truly was the love of your life.
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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pairing : wooyoung x f!reader
genre : cyberpunk-western, ateez biker gang au, smut, hurt / comfort
word count : 4k
warnings : language, wooyoung gets his bike taken by authorities, a lot of like crying and hints of self doubt (?), wooyoung calls yn a lot of petnames (babe, pretty girl, my pretty y/n)
smut warnings : unprotected sex, sex in a van, slight marking
note : a @cultofdionysusnet collab! this is apart of an eight piece story, so in order to get the full picture, it is recommended to read the other members as well.
check out the fic playlist [ here ]
you and wooyoung have been partners since you both joined the gang. but recently things just haven't been the same especially with the recent mission slowly approaching faster and faster.
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"hey woo, its your turn to go get the food," san says from the back of the van. he moves to where he's closer to the front seats, where you and wooyoung are sitting.
"what? i went last time," wooyoung says, looking at his friend with an almost disgusted face.
"yeah, but that cute girl is working at yeosang's work tonight," san says and you can tell that for whatever reason, he's trying to get wooyoung out of the van.
"hm? what girl?" you ask curious that this is the first time you're hearing about this.
"ah, don't worry about it," he says before shooting san a dirty look. "is there anything you want?" he asks san, a frown painting his lips.
"the usual," san says with a smirk.
"what do you want?" wooyoung ask, turning to you. you can't help but note that coldness in his tone as he talks to you.
"oh, um, the usual," you tell him and nods before grabbing his phone and wallet before getting out of the van. you watch him through the windshield as he walks down the street and around the corner to where the restaurant yeosang had been working at is.
when wooyoung is out of sight, that's when you suddenly turn around and look at san with sharp eyes. your sudden motion seems to take him by surprise as you note the look of said surprise on his face.
"why did you make him go get food? it was my turn?" you asked with a raised eyebrow. you couldn't help but wonder why san wanted your partner out of the van.
"because i wanted to talk to you," he says moving back to his spot before he's patting the seat next to him, beckoning you to join him.
"talk?" you say as you get out of the van and round the back before joining him. you sit yourself on the makeshift bag that had seemingly been both yours and wooyoung's bed for the past few months– well it had been before recently. wooyoung one night suddenly switching to the other side of the van with san. the two of them squished up on san's own makeshift bed. "what do we need to talk about?"
san lets out a sigh before he's looking at you. "the mission we are going on tomorrow, wooyoung doesn't want you coming along. he asked hongjoong to take you off,” he says and you can only look at him in shock.
wooyoung asked hongjoong to take you off the mission? but the two of you always go on missions together, no matter how dangerous they are.
the news definitely didn't help the unsettling storm of moths flying around in your stomach. it was hard not to notice how wooyoung was slowly distancing himself from you. however, there was only so far he could go when you were both trapped in this small van with one other person.
the two of you have been partners since you joined the resistance. wooyoung taking you under his wing basically and always keeping you close to him. any mission you did, wooyoung went along with you and vice versa. wherever wooyoung was, you weren't too far behind. but recently that hasn't been the case. was he getting tired of you? that's the only thing that could explain when he suddenly leaves on his bike at random times. was he just trying to get away from you?
fuck, you think you're going to be sick. was wooyoung really getting tired of you?
“why?” is all you can ask, looking at your other partner who only shrugs his shoulders.
“i think he’s just worried about something going wrong. he doesn’t want you getting caught or hurt,” san explains but it still doesn’t make you any less hurt by it. does he think you can’t handle yourself? "but that's not the only thing i wanted to talk to you about," he says, gaining your attention before you could go too deep into thought.
"what else did you want to talk about?"
"i think you should tell wooyoung how you feel. i'm tired of seeing you both pinning after each other. there's too much tension between the two of you and not enough space for all three of us and it in this van."
"there's no tension san, and besides, you're one to talk about tension and confessions," you say and san can only huff at your words.
"i'm being serious. you guys are basically married with how you act and live. might as well air your feelings out to each other, don't know when you'll get a more perfect chance than this," he tells you and you know he's right.
"obviously not recently," you begin, "wooyoung has barely spoken to me these past few days and he kept going off to who knows where during the day. that's why the fucking authorities took his bike."
the two of you were so close to each other. you were his cardinal, his pretty girl, babe, his y/n. that's why it was so easy to fall in love with him. but it seemed like you and wooyoung weren't ever going to be anything more than partners in trying to take the government and the android guardians down.
"wooyoung is just being–
he is interrupted by the van doors swinging open. promptly startling you both, but you let out a sigh when you see its only wooyoung back with food.
wooyoung's eyes immediately meet yours and you see his relaxed face turn tense when he notices how upset you look. he then turns to san, sending him a glare before asking, "what did you say to her? why is y/n upset?"
it was crazy how despite wooyoung's recent attitude towards you, he can still tell when you're upset. the fact that he even asked or noticed catches you off guard. maybe he can only tell because that's what you get for spending every waking (and sleeping) moment together.
"i told her about the mission," san says, leaving it at that and avoid mentioning the other thing he brought up.
wooyoung looks like a deer in headlights when san's words settle in. and then you watch him look between you and san before his eyes rest on you and your hurt face. he opens his mouth like he wants to say something, but closes it before he looks away from you, ashamed.
"why did you ask hongjoong to take me off the mission? why didn't you talk to me about it?" you ask, the hurt clearly in your voice as you question him.
"y/n... can we talk about it later," wooyoung says, eyes casted downward as to avoid yours. he comes into the van, closing the door behind him as he hands you your food and san his. you honestly don't think you can sit next to him, so you opt to move beside san.
the three of you ate in silence, tension high and noodles shitty as always. you got about five bites in before you lost your appetite and set your noodles aside before climbing out of the back and returning to your seat in the front.
you can hear wooyoung and san whispering to each other, but you honestly don't care about what they have to say. they're probably talking about the mission, which only makes you not care more, but also upsets you more. if wooyoung really did ask hongjoong to take you off the mission the protect you, then why didn't he say anything? why didn't he talk to you about it instead of going behind your back.
"hey y/n," san's voice brings you out of your thoughts as you look up into the rearview mirror, eyes immediately meeting wooyoung's before they move to meet san's. "have you heard from mingi and koa yet?" he asks and you shake your head.
"no," you say, "probably fucking off somewhere," you add with an annoyed sigh as you turn to move your eyes out the window.
you can't help the unsettling feeling in your stomach as you let your mind wander. san mentioning some girl at the restaurant comes back up and you can't help but wonder why san would bring it up to wooyoung. did san want you to confess to wooyoung, so he could let you down. tell you that he was interested in someone else? you can't help the nauseous wave that washes over you at the thought of having to face wooyoung's rejection and still having to work with you.
unless... no. he wouldn't do that would he? does this also have something to do with wooyoung not wanting you on the mission? did wooyoung not want to be partners anymore? did he not want to see you after rejecting you, knowing that you love him? fuck, you think you're going to be sick. you let your head fall in your hands as you try to will the sudden nausea away.
"babe, are you okay?" wooyoung's voice is full of concern as he moves forwards towards where you are sitting. stuff is blocking him from fully reaching you and you are glad for that, not knowing if you could handle wooyoung being any closer.
"i-i need some air," you say, throwing the door open and practically throwing yourself onto the sidewalk. you squat down next to the van and allowing it to hide you from any prying eyes. you hear some movement in the van before wooyoung is stepping out, face full of worry as he rushes over to you.
"y/n, are you okay? what's wrong?" he asks, squatting down next to you.
"i just... i just need a second," you say, taking a deep breath as wooyoung rubs circles into your back. you wish him trying to comfort you was more soothing, but it wasn't. the two of you stay like this for a few moments and you're grateful how wooyoung doesn't speak. despite the things you were previously thinking, you still love wooyoung and the yearning for him near you was still strong.
it was only when you felt cramps in your legs, them slowly beginning to fall asleep is when you stood up. "where's san?" you ask, realizing the boxer was nowhere to be seen.
"he left a while ago," he says, guiding you to the back of the van and helping you inside. "i asked him to leave, so we could talk."
you choose to stay silent as you sit down where san had previously been sitting while wooyoung sits across from you.
"that bastard... san wasn't supposed to tell you. i wanted to," he starts off immediately and you can't help but feel nervous at how he jumps right into it.
"why?" its weak and soft, but wooyoung still hears it.
"i... i wanted to make sure you were safe. the whole mission is just... it's just too dangerous. i wanted to know you would be safe," he says but you can't help the little voice in the back of your head wanting to argue with him.
"are you sure it's not because of something else?" the little voice wins.
but wooyoung looks at you confused, "why would there be something else, babe?"
"i don't know. we always go on missions together and suddenly you don't. you go behind my back with it, like you were trying to hide it, hide something from me."
"what are you trying to get at?"
"it just seems like you don't want to be partners anymore. first it's this mission and then soon it'll slowly add up before boom... we aren't partners anymore, and you're carrying on with your life and i'm left behind," you don't look at wooyoung. don't want to see the guilty expression on his face knowing that you probably called him out.
but not looking at him makes you realize the tears that were running down your face and dripping onto your hands that laid in your lap.
"no, y/n... that's, fuck– that's crazy," you hear him say before he's moving closer. his hands come up to cup your cheeks, so you have to look at him. "i will never leave you behind. i promised you when you joined that we would stick together. this mission, i don't know what will happen– hey, stop crying pretty girl – i can get caught, it's happened plenty of times already, but if you got caught... that's something i wouldn't be able to handle. i just want you to be safe because i..."
"because what?" you ask, searching his eyes in hopes of seeing the one emotion you want him to feel towards. the same emotion you feel towards him.
"because i love you, isn't that obvious," he says, wiping your tears away before he kisses you. you couldn't help the surprise that took over you before you realized what was going on and hurriedly kissed wooyoung back.
you ran your fingers through his semi-long hair and you can't help but grip it in order to help ground yourself. this didn't feel real, wooyoung confessing his feelings right before kissing you. it felt like a dream.
you broke the kiss, the both of you breathless and wooyoung rests his forehead against yours. his eyes never looking away from yours and you can't help but feel a little nervous from his stare. you slip one of your hands out his hair, the other one resting on the back of his neck, fiddling with the ends of his hair. you always did like playing with his hair.
"this isn't a dream is it?" you ask him and wooyoung cracks a smile at you.
"no babe, its not a dream," he answers back before pressing another kiss to your lips.
"this feels like a lot is happening right now," you confess, your stomach twisting up in a rather ugly feeling. wooyoung furrows his eyebrows as he pulls away a little bit, but he reaches over to hold your hand and gives it a comforting squeeze.
"i understand, babe, i shouldn't have kept this all from you plus with the mission tomorrow... we don't have a lot of time left to talk," he says and you nod your head. "i wasted a lot of time already by not talking to you sooner."
"what are you going to do now?" you ask, feeling an odd sense of confidence rush through you as you look at wooyoung.
"let me make it up to you with another kiss," he says, face coming extremely close to your own, forehead resting against your own.
"i think i'm gonna need more than just a kiss for the emotional hell you put me through, woo," you say, moving your head away from your partner and gently pushing at his forehead to tease him.
wooyoung lets out a small laugh before he's pulling you closer to him and moving you to sit next to him on your makeshift bed.
wooyoung pushes you gently by the shoulders, having you lay down on your shared makeshift bed. wooyoung moves to hover over you before he's kissing you again, his uses one of his hands to keep himself propped up while his other hand roams your body. his free hand then goes to fiddle with the buttons of your shirt and you're surprised by how effortlessly he's unbuttoning your shirt with one hand.
you can't help the moan that escapes you as wooyoung softly gropes and squeezes your breast over your bralette. you feel him smile in your kiss before he's pulling away to look down at you.
"is this what you had in mind?" he asked as he sits up to straddle your hips before he's unbuttoning his own shirt.
"hmm, actually i thinking more of a massage, but i guess this can work too," you tease, allowing your hands to come up and feel wooyoung's chest. he lets out a sigh, head tilting back as he feels your hands roam his chest.
wooyoung the leans down, lips trailing from your jaw, neck, collarbone, and finally down to your chest. you feel him leave small love bites on your skin before he's either pressing a wet kiss to the spot and licking at your skin. either way he's sending a wave of pleasurable goosebumps over your skin.
"woo..." you moan out softly, pushing at his shirt to reveal his shoulders. wooyoung senses you trying to remove his shirt and helps you by effortlessly removing it and tossing it somewhere beside you both.
"my pretty y/n," he says as he kisses down your stomach, stopping at the waistband of your pants. he hums softly before he's undoing the button and zipper of your pants. it takes a moment to get your pants off, the cramped space of the van not doing either of you any favors. but wooyoung is quickly going back to kissing your body, grabbing your ankle and kissing up your calf and thigh before he reaches your underwear.
wooyoung rubs you through your underwear and you let out a moan due to the friction it causes. you can see the grin that overtakes his features before he's pressing a kiss to your cunt. you can't help but want to roll your eyes at how he's teasing you.
"aren't you supposed to be making this up to me? not teasing me?" you question as you run a hand through his hair. wooyoung nuzzles into your hand before moving back up to hover over you.
"who knew you had no patience when it comes to getting dick," he teases before pressing a deep kiss to your lips. "fine, i won't tease," he says before hooking his finger in your underwear and removing them a lot more easily than your pants. he leans back down to your pussy, "next time i'll make sure to kiss you properly," he whispers and you roll your eyes, letting out a small laugh as well.
wooyoung smiles at you before he's removing his pants and underwear, and you also quickly remove your shirt and bralette. once you both are naked, wooyoung is quick to settle between your legs. you can't help but think how unreal this is, almost like its too good to be true. you've loved wooyoung for as long as you can remember and to have him confess and between your legs in the same night. unreal.
"hey, what's wrong, babe?" he asks, calling you that silly yet endearing nickname he's always called you. wooyoung's hand comes up to your face and wipes away your tears that you didn't even know you had. "do you want to stop?"
"no... no, i'm just... i'm just so happy. i love you, wooyoung," you tell him and he smiles at you, leaning down to kiss you. swallowing the moans that leaves you as he pushes his cock inside you.
you immediately wrap your arms around wooyoung, one hand running through his hair the nth time tonight while the other runs down his back. your legs wrap around his waist as he thrusts into you.
"f-fuck, woo! ah!" you moan out, back arching as he continues to thrust inside of you. his cock stretching you out and continuously getting closer to hitting your sweet spot.
"you're so tight, y/n, fuck– it feels really good," he says as he repositions himself, your legs unwrapping around his waist as he grabs your hips in a tight grip.
you could feel wooyoung's thrust start to pick up and along with his hips moving faster, you noticed the van also slowly start to shake. you help but think about how if anyone walked by, they would immediately know what you and wooyoung were doing. the thought makes you clench around your partner who lets out a moan.
"f-fuck babe! you can't clench around me like that, i might not last much longer if you do," wooyoung tells you and you can't help but smile at your lover.
"what are you? some hormonal teenage boy?" you attempt to tease, but your laugh turns into a startled moan when wooyoung hits your sweet spot. the pleasure shoots a chill down your spine and wooyoung takes a moment to laugh at you.
"s-so cute, babe. you're my pretty y/nnie aren't you? this is all just for me," he says as one of his hands come to intertwine with your own.
at this point you can feel the whole van start to shake as your orgasm draws closer and closer. you let out a string of sounds that are a mixture of moans, curses, and wooyoung's name. but honestly, he isn't any better as his thrust start to become sloppy.
"are you close w-woo? you gonna come inside me?" you ask using your free hand to run up and down his chest. you can't help but admire the thin layer of sweat on his skin, you notice a bead of sweat running down his face as he moves one last time to hover over you.
wooyoung smashes his lips to yours in one last heated kiss before the both of you are coming with a call of each other's names. wooyoung's hips still inside you as you feel him paint your walls with his seed. the feeling of him filling you up leaves you breathless for a moment as you lay there while your partner presses open mouth kisses to your sweaty skin.
"i love you," he whispers as the two of you lay there still connected.
"i love you, too," you say back, holding wooyoung close to you.
"y/n..." he trails off but doesn't finish and so you let out a small 'hmm' to encourage him to talk. "y/n," why is he just calling out your name?
"wooyoung," you say back. "wooyoung?"
"y/n! hey, babe!" your eyes snap open at the sound of wooyoung's voice as you feel him gently shove at your shoulder.
"what?" you ask with a groan as you feel the sleep melt away as you wake up.
wait. wake up? fuck... was that– was that all a dream?
"gosh what kind of dream were you having, babe?" he asks as you turn to look at him with shocked eyes. your eyes drift to the van clock to realize its only 11:43, fuck. "you kept calling my name? are you okay?" wooyoung adds looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "also you got some drool on your chin."
you can't help but feel embarrassed by the fact that not only did you have a wet dream about wooyoung, but you also drooled. you wipe away the quickly drying drool before you turn to see san still sitting in the back of the van, also looking at you with worry.
"yeah, i dreamed that you were a giant chicken that was chasing me," you say in an attempt to wipe the growing smirk off his face.
"tsk, brat," he mumbles, looking away from you and back down at his phone. "you'll be smirking and laughing when you're by yourself tomorrow," he adds and that's when you remember the mission him and san are going on tomorrow.
"come on, woo, i know you'll miss me," you tease, the dream you just had giving you confidence boost and wooyoung turns to you with a raised eyebrow.
"did me as a giant chicken chasing you give you a confidence boost or something?" he asks and you shrug your shoulders.
"something like that," you say as you turn to look at him. you both share a rather heated glance at each other. wooyoung turns to send san a knowing look making the boxer let out a sigh.
"yeah, yeah, i'll see you guys later," he says before making his way out of the van. once the doors close and you are left alone with your partner.
"why don't you tell me more about your dream now?"
you let out a small laugh, "sure."
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ndl4l · 1 year
The fifth beta squad member.
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This was requested but I accidentally deleted the ask! If this was your request, thank you so much for sending this, I had fun writing this and I hope you enjoy it! 🩷✨
Maybe you’ve joined after the first year, you’ve been friends with Chunks for a while and he thinks you’re funny and talented so he wants you to be a member.
Niko definitely arranges an interview for you.
Ask you weird questions like, have you ever been arrested? Are you allergic to anything?
Chunks yelling at him to behave
Aj and Kenny already love you, so they talk you up to Niko.
Kenny loves that you’re more shy and reserved like him, and makes Niko promise he won’t scare you away.
Aj’s argument being that you’re funny
So Niko is like “go on, tell us a joke then”
After officially becoming a member, Niko definitely gets a contract for you to sign, claiming everyone else did but they’re just fake terms he came up with
You confessed to being attracted to Sharky once, so he definitely puts something related to that, NO dating among members
You getting more brand deals than them, for beauty or skin care products
Aj definitely comments on all your posts cute supportive comments like get your bag girl or skin glowing
Niko comments mean things to be annoying. All that makeup and still ugly or face wash does nothing to you or couldn’t even pay me go buy these
When filming for the beta squad channel, they care more about your opinion and what you think so they make you come up with video ideas because yours get more views.
Sharky is always late so he gets you coffee or tea to not be mad at him
When filming collabs with famous people or not they for sure tease you for liking them and make silly comments throughout the whole video.
Trent definitely flirts with you and they never let it die. Like it’s been months after and they still bring it up, oh your boyfriend is playing today. Your boyfriend just scored. Can your boyfriend film with us again?
Filing something football related, like the extreme World Cup challenges they did and they bring him up a lot, you know who’s good at football? Y/n’s boyfriend.
You know who loves football? Y/n!
No I don’t!
I meant footballers
You’re filming a lie detector test video and Kenny asks if you think you’re better than them and you say no and it’s the truth so they get a little sad and hug you ‘cause they think they’re too mean to you and promise to treat you better
They don’t.
When filming challenge videos, you always win and Niko threatens to kick you out
Trivia questions and you outsmart them every single time and Chunks gets defensive because he doesn’t like not being the smartest one
You being taller than Aj and teasing him about it
Lots of bickering
They are not doing anything without you. Like Kenny gets ready for a date and he FaceTimes you to talk him up. You’re the only one Chunks invites at his family dinners. You’re the only one Sharky allows around his sisters
They are very protective of you. No one is good enough for you.
They have scared a guy you were seeing away before. And they’re like, you deserve better
Maybe when you were all living together you were the only one cooking so after moving out, they still come around for dinner. Uninvited
You always have a date for events. And you don’t even have to beg them to go. Kenny is the only one showing up every time, maybe Chunks.
You’re the first person Kenny hugs after winning his fight, and Niko gets jealous.
Streaming with Aj and playing video games a lot.
Maybe you cook for him ‘cause you don’t like him eating takeaways all the time
People referring to you as the mum of the group.
And you are. But they’re grateful to have you and you love them, so after getting more fame and more opportunities you never leave the group
Niko gives you a big speech and says you can leave at any point.
But you don’t, because you’re grateful to have them in your life and you know no matter what you do, it will never compare with being a part of their little group.
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bsydelver · 1 month
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PART 2- Tamaki Amajiki x Alt/gothic reader.
———>part 1
COLLAB WITH @wolvwa <333 (best plot inventor for real)
Note: Okay, Im actually kinda excited for this chapter bcs Wolfa made such a cute plot for this part so trust us please with this one even if I barely write/wrote fluff 🙏
Warnings (?): Writer should not be labelled a writer, english isn’t my first language, reader slowly falls in love kinda, Mirio and Nejire just being Tamaki’s friends idk how to explain, reader is cute lowkey wanna be Tamaki (hj)
Summary: The four of you are hungry and go to a nice place then follow up and buy things from the cafeteria on campus until something happens and- okay just read.
As Mirio stepped in, a call for him that Nejire did and filled the room with followed. Tamaki lifted his head up too to look at Mirio who was visibly waiting for the room to calm down before fixing his mouth to say anything. Before you could greet him, you couldn’t help but notice the huge bag he was carrying on his back: what would a student be carrying that was this big for some chill out at a dorm with friends, you being you of course, you chose to question him about it; you always started your known interrogations with something simple, “Hey Mirio!” Nejire and Mirio both looked at you and it didn’t take long before Tamaki joined them (he couldn't miss this opportunity after all), “Y/n! How are you?” Mirio replied back, it was simple as you had initially expected- that exact moment was the time to actually ask: “If you don’t mind me asking; your bag looks rather bigger today, what do you exactly have in there?” your tone came off concerned for some reason which made the two other people who had been present before Mirio’s entrance in the dorm at that moment seem even more invested than you were, “Oh yeah!” Mirio let down his bag which kind of made a loud bang on the floorboards but it was much quieter than you predicted it would be actually, “I brought a board game for us to play,” as Mirio said that, you could see stars form in Nejire’s eyes and you couldn’t resist letting out a half smile: they were your closest friends after all and seeing them happy made you happy as well.
Due to Nejire’s obvious excitement, al though not expressed by her directly, Mirio layed out the game without any context and just ordered you guys to pair up into two groups of two people- but he basically hadn’t given you the choice as he had picked Nejire immediately, leaving you and Tamaki. Dice started rolling and true rivalry begun, there was nothing labelled as friendship when it came to you and the group’s board game matches. The only trustable person you had was Tamaki and you didn’t want to waste that, you both gave each other mutual ‘time to finish this’ glances through out the games and a few smiles as well, mostly from your side- but Tamaki had mustered up the courage a few times to actually form some as well. The thing that intrigued you the most though during this intense game were the (not-very-well-hidden) hidden smirks and glances Mirio and Nejire gave Tamaki: were the three of them planning on 3 versus 1 against you, were you just that good?! You decided not to look too much into it though as one hour had went by and your victory was officially confirmed and Mirio packed up the board with a quote-on-quote “disappointed face” that you just scoffed at in a playful manner. You looked at the person who preformed amazingly, Tamaki, and signaled him to do a fist bump which resulted in a few seconds of silence before he raised his fist up to complete the bump part of it.
Mirio’s stomach rumble escaped as he was putting the game back in his bag, you rolled your eyes and did a small giggle, “I heard this new place opened and does deliveries to our campus and we don’t need approval if I remember correctly since they partnered with principal Nezu!” You blurted out in order for you not to seem evil for that giggle that came out from you earlier accidentally (or on purpose, only you knew the answer to that); the group all agreed to your suggestion and after you contacted that new restaurant, you all ran out of the dorm with the idea that by the time you reach the drop off spot at campus, the order would be there.
You guys were right for once actually and you took the order and rushed to your ‘signature’ bench to eat there before anybody else could sit there and claim the place. Everyone slowly opened their order like it was some mysterious box, and they technically were since you had never tried from this place. You noticed that Tamaki had looked at you before taking a bite of his meal, you just smirked at the thought of it and how cute yet simple he was, both were traits you never thought would be coming from him at the time you didn’t know him as much (maybe cute but on a minimal scale, MAYBE). Everyone was digging in, especially Mirio, and you could tell it wouldn’t be the last time you guys would order from that place. Everyone’s mouthes were too full to say anything, all of you guys basically looked like hamsters with nut-stuffed cheeks that were puffed out; Tamaki pulled out a tissue as he chewed and after he swallowed, you could see him start mouthing something to you, “Y/n,” he didn’t continue and just pointed at a spot on his own left cheek, it was obvious now that you think about it but at that moment you were too focused on something else to process what Tamaki was hinting towards. Tamaki layed down his food and took off his gloves, still holding the same tissue, and leaned towards you- gently wiping the parallel spot on your face which he had been pointing at on his own face previously, his fingers were cold yet gave you warmth and before you could thank him: he pulled a similar product to the one you used for your makeup and handed it to you, "I carry this with me just in case of emergencies for you," you smiled at the small yet thoughtful gesture and properly thanked him after swallowing your food which you had been slowly chewing on since Tamaki’s wiping without taking notice.
You all headed back to your dorm and not Nejire’s this time after the much-needed meal with initial plans on a movie night with snacks- recommended by Nejire and Mirio. Something was missing though; it was the snacks part of the whole thing, Nejire quickly took action for this horrible “mistake” she had done and informed you and the group that her and Mirio would be going out to buy some and that Mirio needed to go out anyways to get his bag from Nejire’s dorm. You closed the door behind them with an exhale and looked behind you to find the indigo-haired boy sitting on the floor of your room in awe of the uniqueness of it, there was a contrast between you and him: he was always really quiet and just kept to himself unless you were really close to him and you found that fascinating to you, but you were open about your personality and interests and that always seemed to amaze Tamaki and admire you. Your footsteps quickly cut his observation off though and he had realized you both were alone and for God knows how long you’d be, Nejire and Mirio were menaces for this and they knew exactly what they were doing. You looked down at the distressed Tamaki and decided to sit down beside him to offer some comfort if needed, “Wait I have an idea,” something came over you and you opened the record player you had to practically beg the school to allow for months before they actually did to play ‘Lucretia My reflection’ (wr:sorry had to pull out one of my favs) you put out your hand for Tamaki and pulled him up and started moving ‘with’ him to the beat, you realized he was lost though and decided to take it upon yoursef to be the one to teach him dancing. You told him to follow along with your steps and taught him all you knew and all with a smile on both of your faces. Tamaki was always captivated by you, everything about you felt so different to him yet attractive and to have the opportunity to participate in the uniqueness you carried within you was an honor to him.
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lightsoutletsgo · 2 years
oh, baby! (insta au) dr.3
pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader synopsis: you and daniel have an exciting announcement to make. (in my mind this all happens next year when danny isn't racing) (no face or body claims for reader)
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Liked by y/nricciardo, michaelitaliano and 124,322 others danielricciardo vacation time with the wife! happy 1st anniversary baby, I love you 🤍 view all 3,274 comments y/nricciardo less instagram, more helping me with the bags please 🙄 ↳ danielricciardo on my way! michaelitaliano have fun lovebirds! and happy anniversary! ↳ y/nricciardo thank you michael! I'll keep him in check 😉 thericciardofam they're so cute! 🥺 ↳ y/nricciardo ❤️ ↳ danielricciardo ❤️
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Liked by danielriccciardo, charlottesiine and 15,412 others y/nsworld well... he helped with the bags for the first 5 minutes, lazy butt... 🤷‍♀️ happy 1st anniversary darling! I love you so much 🤍 view all 3,274 comments danielricciardo giving them a sneak peak at our new collab merch I see? ↳ y/nricciardo well it is our anniversary collection! seemed like a good time charlottesiine happy anniversary guys! looking forward to getting my hands on that merch! 💛 ↳ y/nricciardo charlotte my love! can't wait for our brunch date when we get back to monaco. 💛 we'll send you some merch don't worry 😉
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Liked by y/nricciardo, landonorris and 214,181 others danielricciardo there is no better photographer than my wife ❤️ such a special holiday! exciting announcement coming soon 📸: y/nricciardo view all 2241 comments y/nricciardo I think michael would disagree baby... but thank you ❤️ ↳ michaelitaliano I do disagree indeed 😃 ↳ danielricciardo you're a close second mate ↳ michaelitaliano I'll take it 🤷‍♀️ landonorris looking good mate 🔥 charlesleclerc missing you round the track mate but glad you're having a good break! charlottesiine is this announcement what I think it is? 👀 ↳ y/nricciardo 😉
y/nricciardo and danielricciardo
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Liked by danielricciardo, charlottesiine and 108,381 others y/nricciardo just senna doing a spot of light reading... baby ricciardo due september 2023 🤍 view all 3685 comments danielricciardo so excited to start this new chapter with you my darling 🤍 charlottesiine oh my god you guys 😭 so so excited for you both! I haven't stopped crying since you told me at brunch 💛 ↳ y/nricciardo of course you had to be one of the first people we told 💛 ↳ charlesleclerc she's crying again 😭 ↳ danielricciardo I can hear her on facetime with y/n right now... they're both crying ↳ y/nricciardo it's the hormones 😭 sebastianvettel congratulations guys! it's an incredible thing and I know you guys are going to love every second landonorris congratulations! hope you got enough practice looking after me michaelitaliano congratulations! cannot wait to meet baby ric! f1 another honey badger for the paddock! congrats!
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Liked by y/nricciardo, michaelitaliano and 174,110 others danielricciardo y/n is currently taking a nap as the excitement of announcing baby ric has tired her out but I wanted to come on here to thank you all so much for the love and support you've shared with us, it's touched our hearts and we feel incredibly lucky 🤍 view all 1241 comments charlottesiine you make sure you look after her okay? ↳ danielricciardo of course y/nricciardo that nap was so needed 😭 ↳ danielricciardo I almost joined you ❤️ y/nricciardo oh my god you look so dad vibes in this pic I can't deal 😭🥺 y/nanddannypics omg omg omg I still can't believe it thericciardos OH MY GOD THEY'RE HAVING A BABY danielfan I'm so excited for them 😭
y/nricciardo and danielricciardo
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Liked by danielricciardo, f1 and 194,264 others y/nricciardo senna is so excited to announce that he will be getting a little brother! 💙 view all 2387 comments danielricciardo so excited to meet him baby ❤️ ↳ y/nricciardo me too love! landonorris I'm just saying that lando is a great name ↳ charlesleclerc charles is way better ↳ pierregasly pierre is the classiest ↳ michaelitaliano sorry guys, he's gonna be named after uncle michael 😌 ↳ y/nricciardo guys 😭 charlottesiine I'm so excited for the baby shower! 💛 ↳ y/nricciardo omg me too! 💛
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Liked by y/nricciardo, landonorris and 189,461 others danielricciardo not long to go now! starting to feel so real... baby ric, we can't wait to meet you 💙 view all 2179 comments y/nricciardo so crazy to think he'll be lying in that spot in a month 💙 ↳ danielricciardo so excited to have him here y/nricciardo
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Liked by danielricciardo, charlottesiine and 64,273 others y/nricciardo getting that parenting practice in this weekend with some uncle duties ❤️ view all 861 comments danielricciardo these pictures are adorable baby, I didn't even realise you'd taken the second one ❤️ ↳ y/nricciardo mr ricciardo you are going to be an incredible father and I'm so happy we get to experience this joy together ↳ danielricciardo I love you darling ❤️ ↳ michaelitaliano he's crying in the gym toilet 😭 ↳ y/nricciardo oh my god 😭 ↳ danielricciardo way to ruin the mood 🧍‍♂️ daniely/nlove daniel crying in the bathroom is me whenever these two post dannyy/nfam okay but the way that they've shared this whole journey with us is beautiful
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Liked by danielricciardo, charlottesiine and 207,122 others y/nricciardo our baby honey badger decided he wanted to meet us a little early! looking forward to introducing him to the world once we've enjoyed him to ourselves for a little while 💙 view all 1983 comments danielricciardo ❤️ charlottesiine omg! stay safe and keep us updated guys 💛 ↳ y/nricciardo will do! landonorris ahhh so excited! michaelitaliano okay now I'm the one crying in the gym toilet 😭 ↳ danielricciardo mate 😭 danielricciardo and y/nricciardo
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Liked by y/nricciardo, michaelitaliano and 305,921 others danielricciardo hi world, meet joseph sebastian ricciardo 💙 view all 3931 comments y/nricciardo my little angel 💙 charlottesiine he's absolutely gorgeous, I already want more cuddles charlesleclerc congratulations guys! sebastianvettel love the name 😉 congratulations guys, enjoy him! pierregasly I still can't get over how tiny he is! congrats! landonorris I'm not the only one crying right? ↳ michaelitaliano I'm crying again too don't worry mate ↳ y/nricciardo michael 😭 you're worse than me and I have the excuse of hormones 😂 thericciardofam omg omg omg they named him seb I- 😭 danielfan oh my god? they? named him? after seb? 😭 y/nfan omggg he's here!! 🥺
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Liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 174,192 others y/nricciardo my boys 🤍 happy anniversary my love. thank you for giving me our baby boy and loving me each day view all 1,346 comments danielricciardo 🤍 michaelitaliano baby merch next? ↳ y/nricciardo 👀 ↳ danielricciardo now you're giving her ideas landonorris I'm crying in the bathroom again thericciardogram omg this is too cute! y/nnoticeme her posts are always so aesthetic 🥺
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Liked by y/nricciardo, michaelitaliano and 194,127 others danielricciardo happy anniversary baby ❤️ can't believe this time last year it was just the two of us and now here we are travelling with our baby honey badger. thank you for giving me the gift of fatherhood and being such an amazing wife and mother 🤍 view all 1,256 comments y/nricciardo love you 🤍 michaelitaliano happy anniversary guys! landonorris happy anniversary ! charlottesiine happy anniversary loves! thericciardofam the way that the outfits match in each post 😭 sobbing 😭 theircciardos his little feetsies omg 🥺 y/nanddan omg the way that they both posted the other one matching with joseph is so cute 😭
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littleoanh · 2 years
Hajime Kokonoi x fem!Reader x Seishu Inui
Summary: fem!Reader is roommates and became best friends with Hajime Kokonoi and Seishu Inui. Hajime and Seishu are in an established relationship but they feel like something is missing.
Word Count: 2,096  Warning: Koko and Inui are in an established relationship, cursing, and smut (blowjob, making out, groping, eating pussy/face sitting, unprotected sex, little dirty talk, creampie, cum eating, and cum swapping)
Tag: @sweetbbyshion for Sunday Spitroast Collab
Like, reblogging, and kind comments are appreciated.
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[Middle Photo Credit: Nanin]
Your eyes are glued to the monitor, trying to complete the new quest. Only the sounds of loud and fast clicking from your mechanical keyboard bounce off the walls. Yes! You groan in victory, finally grinding long enough to reach the end and get the gold and other prizes. Leaning back on your gamer chair, you feel the dryness in your eyes starting to settle in. You look away from your screen to see the flashing of the time on your clock. Shit, it’s 3 AM. Turning off your computer, removing your headphones, and placing it on a hook, you head for the kitchen to grab a glass of water before bed.
You quietly open your bedroom door, not wanting to disturb your best friends and discreetly tiptoe into the kitchen. The living room is dark but the TV plays some movie credits and the bright lights lead a path for you to cross to your destination. Curiously looking over, you see Koko straddling Inui passionately making out, not aware that you are in the room. Oops, quietly giggling to yourself, you turn away, not wanting to feel intrusive. 
This isn’t the first time you have caught them making out. At first, they (mostly Inui) felt embarrassed but you insisted it’s not a big deal. When it comes to romance, you are open minded. Opening the cabinet to grab a cup, you hear Koko’s cute little whimpers. You smile to yourself, thinking how adorable he sounds as you pour some water into your cup. As you are about to take a drink, your eyes widen when you see Inui stand up, facing sideways from the TV, and take out his cock. You can’t quite see his length or girth but notice that Koko gets down on his knees.
“Suck it.” Inui strokes his cock with a demanding tone, ooh… It is hard for you to turn your gaze away.
“Make me.” Koko’s teasing tone, you imagine Koko sticking out his tongue making a ‘bleh’ sound. Inui grabs Koko’s black hair, shoving his cock in his mouth and making Koko gag. 
“Fuckin brat.” Inui throws his head back, letting out a low groan, pumping his cock in and out of Koko’s mouth. Feeling tingles in your nether regions, you shake your head. What the fuck is wrong with me? You feel guilty for getting turned on by this. But now you’re not even sure how to discreetly go back to your room without getting caught. Gonna have to wait it out. Listening to Koko gag, moan, and make sloppily noises only makes you rub your thighs together, wishing this pressure down south will subside. “Bet [Y/n]’s lips would feel good too.”
“Wha-” You gasp loudly and covering your mouth, fuck fuck fuck! Your face heats up, hearing Inui call your name. Did you really just hear him say that?
“[Y/n]?” Inui definitely heard your gasp, “Are you in the kitchen?” You hear Koko release Inui’s cock with a loud pop sound. 
“I don’t hear her keyboard clicks.” 
“[Y/n], come out.” Inui’s tone is soft, you slowly show yourself from the kitchen. Inui shyly covers his erection. “Did we… scare you?” The end of his question is above a whisper, uncertain how you would think of them. Your eyes widened in surprise.
“No, of course not! I was just-.”
“Come join us.” Koko’s devilish smirk appears, flustering you even more. Is he joking? He lightly smacks Inui’s hand away to show off his erection. “You heard him, didn’t you?” Koko strokes Inui’s cock, “Don’t you want to suck Inupi’s cock?” From the TV’s reflection, Inui’s cock lights up in a way that tempts you closer. He's definitely above average size. 
Gulping, your legs move on their own and Koko scooch over for you to kneel next to him. Now you have a closer look at Inui’s cock, your mouth waters at the curve of his shape. Taking your hand, you wrap it around his cock right above Koko’s hand. Inui’s breath hitches when he feels how soft your hand is. Both you and Koko work together to create a rhythm, Inui lets out a low moan. Enjoying two different hands on him, the softness of your hand and the firmness from Koko.
“Why don’t you suck him off?” Koko whispers huskily in your ear, hoping to entice you. As though you are hypnotized, you nod and put yourself right in front of Inui. Koko sits closely behind you, “His tip is sensitive.” His hands are now on your plush thighs, rubbing them up and down sensually. “Want to start licking there?”
Listening to Koko, you lightly lick Inui’s tip and his breath hitches again, wanting more from you. Your heart is beating rapidly, determined to make Inui feel good. You suck on his tip hard, earning a whimper from Inui’s lips and your panties grow wet. Koko’s warm hands roaming underneath your clothes. Inching to reach for your tits, you arch your back giving him consent and feeling his erection pressing on your back. Koko grabs a handful of your tits, moaning along with you and enjoying how they feel.
“I knew your tits would feel amazing.” Sucking and nibbling on your exposed neck, you relish the rhythm of Koko’s tongue. Seeing how often Koko sticks out his tongue, you guess he knows how to use his tongue well. Now you know very well and from experience. His black irises watch you enthusiastically suck off his boyfriend, smirking into your neck, “You look so pretty with his cock stuffed in your mouth.” Rolling and pinching your nipples, you let out a needy moan and the vibration makes Inui’s cock throbs even more.
Bobbing your head, feeling eager to have Inui to cum inside your mouth but he stops you before he ejaculates. “Wa-wait.” He grabs your chin, staring down at your eyes and swollen lips. “I don’t want to cum in your mouth.”
“Where do you want to cum, Inupi?” Feeling Koko’s smirk on your exposed neck, he squeezes your tits a bit harder.
In the next blurry minute, everyone is stripped from their clothes. Koko lays down on the large wooden coffee table, you are on all fours with Koko’s pretty cock in your face and your wet pussy in his. He can practically smell your erotically divine aroma, making his mouth water. Inui is standing over Koko’s head, legs apart and rubbing his cock along your wet slit. You moan needily and shake with even more excitement when you feel Koko’s heavy breaths on your clit. Grabbing Koko’s cock, you begin sucking and swallowing his entire cock and Koko moans. Inui prod his cock in between your folds, sinking in, feeling your wet gummy walls welcoming him in. 
“Argh…” Holding onto your hips, enjoying the warmth of your pussy.
“How-how does she feel, Inupi?” Koko tries asking his question but the way you suck his cock makes him almost speechless. Licking, sucking, and slobbering over his dick makes him melt.
“S’ fuckin tight.” Wanting to savor the way your cunt squeezing him. “Feel s’ good.” Slowly pumping in and out, hearing your wetness makes him want to unleash his desires for you. He grips your hips tighter to pick up the speed, the sound of skin slapping and Koko’s lapping turns you on even more. Koko flatten his tongue to lick your clit with more pressure, making your pussy clench Inui’s cock. Then he strategically licks from your needy clit to Inui’s dick when he pulls out. Tasting yours and Inui’s essences. 
“Mmmmph!” Crying into Koko’s cock, your stomach tightens feeling your orgasm is coming. Inui feels your pussy squeezing him, he thrusts into you harder and faster and Koko attaches his lips to your clit and sucks on it hard. Squealing, your folds flutter and creaming around Inui’s shaft. Inui ferals over the white ring you create, fucking you even harder.
“Ahhh!” Removing your mouth away from Koko’s cock, replacing your mouth with your hand stroking it faster. “Seishuuuuuu!” The brutal pace almost makes your eyes roll back, the tip of his cock hits your sweet spot over and over again.
“That’s it, Inupi.” Koko moaning and bucking his hips up, fucking his drenched cock into your soft hand. “Fuck her harder.” Getting closer to his orgasm. “Wanna see you cum.” Inui’s movements are growing sloppy and his cock is twitching. Inui squeezes your hips holding it in place for him to spill his cum inside your wet pussy and groans in bliss. Right at the same time, Koko cums all over your hand and moans softly. 
Holding your hips for a couple minutes, Inui releases your hips and steps back while pulling his cock out of your cunt. Koko observes Inui’s cum dripping out of your hole, he grabs your thighs to lower yourself down on his face. His tongue dips into your cum filled hole, eating Inui’s cum along with yours, startling you.
“Oh god, Koko!” You are squirming due to sensitivity, he strongly grips onto your thighs, refusing for you to get away from him. Koko’s cum on your hand is now dripping down to your forearm. You curiously lick it up, tasting a bit of bitterness but its tolerable. Koko enthusiastically slurps your cunt, and in a few minutes he removes his tongue. It signals you to lift your body off of him, Koko pulls your arm and lifts his body up to kiss you. His lips are soft and wet from your arousal and Inui’s, his tongue forces your lips to open. Your eyes widen when Koko pushes Inui’s cum in your mouth. Inui watching the both of you swapping his cum with your tongues makes him hot again.
You and Koko are messily and openly making out, making wet lewd noises, hands roaming on each other’s bodies. Soon Inui’s cum is distributed, you both swallow his cum along with each other’s saliva. Koko gives you small pecks on your lips before leaning in to kiss you deeply. It is passionate and romantic, never had you thought he would kiss you this way. Inui feeling jealous and left out, he lightly cups your cheek and turns your focus on him. He slant his lips against yours, the way he kisses you brings butterflies to your stomach.
“Been wanting to kiss and taste you for so long.” Koko boldly admits his desires for you. Breaking your kiss from Inui, you stare at his black irises in surprise. “Surprised to hear that?” His smirk is smug but his tone is playful. 
“Yes…” Inui, who is now sitting on the coffee table, lays his head on your shoulder. “I had no idea you guys … felt that way about me.” 
“We would’ve told you sooner if you weren’t always playing computer games in your room.” Koko sticks his tongue out to make a ‘bleh’ sound, teasing you. 
“Oh. Sorry.” Feeling your cheeks heats up in embarrassment. Memories flood into your mind when you do have movie nights, they always want you to be in the middle and have you lean on one of them and the other would lay on you. Or when they go out of their way to buy you your favorite snacks or games. Or when you take the train with them, they always shield you so other people don’t bump into you. Or when a guy does come up to talk to you, they always have their hands on you. I’m so dumb…
 Inui snuggles into your neck and wraps his arms around you, interrupting your thoughts. “Don’t be.” Placing soft kisses on your neck. “I hope you know, this isn’t a one time thing. We do genuinely have feelings for you.”
“We want to be with you, that is if you want to be with us.” Koko tilts his head to the side and smiles cutely. 
“Of course, I do.” You would be crazy enough to say no to these sweet guys. Inui smiles softly, squeezing you more lovingly. Koko whips out his phone, looking for something. “What are you doing?”
“Ordering a bigger bed.” Koko scrolls through his options, Inui leans in to look at them too.
“What about this one?” 
“That one is not bad but I want to make sure [Y/n] is comfortable. Like this one.” Koko shows both you and Inui of his choice. You couldn’t help but to laugh softly at how Koko is being so considerate of you. Well this is your new boyfriends for you. 
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2022 © littleoanh — do not repost or translate my work on this platform or any other platform. likes, reblogs, and kind comments are welcome. must be 18+ to interact.
Network: @tokyo-ballroom & @tokyometronetwork                                                 
Albie's Tag List 🏷 : @benkeibear | @littlemouzee | @eroscastle | @anahryal | @knchins | @nanamis-wifey-reye | @mekiza | @1one1person1 | @thisbicc | @lovelygeniegirl1012 | @gigikoala  | @obitohno | @galactict3a | @plaxondry| @neonlavander | @bontensbabygirl | @chloee0x0 
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arc-misadventures · 11 months
The VTuber: Cookie With A Gun
Errant: Hello everyone! Everyone having a good day today?
~~~ Stream Chat~~~
EverbornChild: Hi, Errant!
VIXENFOX389: Hello, darling~!
Kajin@1797: So far so good.
Triffle: Been better.
Kantrop67: It’s okay.
Errant: A resounding, ‘Okay’ then. Alright then. Now as you’ve no doubt seen in the title of this stream, we will be playing, ‘Wizard with a Gun,’ made by, Galvanic Games. Now I streamed the demo version of this game a while back, and I have been patiently waiting for it to come out since. And, now that it’s finally out, we’re gonna stream it! However, I’m not going to be playing this alone…
~~~ Stream Chat~~~
TumbleDownTheBay: Wait! Is this what I think it is?!
GriffinTalon: A rare collab stream?!
CandiceX: Pleasepleaseplease!
14ever: Please be the hot blonde chick!
CaroporealBannana: No, the sexy catgirl!
BlondeInferno: No the saucy brunette!
Jaune’s, VTuber model looked at the chat stream with a soft laugh as he shook his head towards their crazy antics.
Errant: I know two blonde chicks, two cat girls, and several brunettes, so you’ll have to specify who precisely it is you’re talking about. Although… ‘Saucy brunette?’ I know at least two people who would best fit that description. But, this person is none of them, she’s more of a gremlin really, one of two gremlins of the Remnant VTuber verse! I’ve done enough teasing, and who am I to leave a lady in waiting…
~~~ Stream Chat ~~~
GaspingDesire: You can leave me waiting as long as you want handsome~!
VixenVolpen: I can wait dear~!
Tender$$: I’m waiting like a steak ready to be eaten!
Errant: Alright, settle down chat… Ahem! Now, may I present to you everyone’s loveable little gremlin: CookieMonster!
From the right side of the screen soon emerged a girl, who was best described as a brunette with red tips, dressed as a gothic lolita. A girl with a warm, and carrying personality, whose sweet demeanour appeared nonexistent when given a gun. For the, CookieMonster as she referred to herself as was one of the kindest, VTuber’s around, she was also an infamous, and highly skilled FPS player, wining several rewards for her skills, and earning the nickname of: Red Reaper. But, to her fans she was an adorable ball of sunshine, CookieMonster.
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Errant: Hello, Cookie! You excited for today?
Cookie: I am super excited! I’ve been so looking forward to this game, and I am super happy you asked me to join you in playing it!
Cookie’s joy, and excitement was palpable as she spoke in her happy-go-luck aura she excluded over herself. Errant found himself smiling at her words, but it fell as he adopted an inquisitive look across his face.
Errant: Uhh…? D-Didn’t you ask me if I wanted to do a collab, and stream this together?
Cookie couldn’t help but look away nervously at being caught before she nervously replied back.
Cookie: I’m super happy you said yes to doing a collab stream with me!
Errant: Alright. So you ready to play, Cookie?
Cookie: Almost, just gotta say to my chat, and we can begin. Is that alright?
Errant: By all means, go ahead.
Cookie: Thank you~!
Cookie swiftly muted herself so, Errant couldn’t hear him as she looked down at her chat feed. Her face was all smiles before the smile fell, and she screamed in terror at her chat.
Cookie: FUUUUUCK! I screwed it up already guys!
~~~Stream Chat~~~
DrukenBailer: Did you?
FallenStar789: It was a slip of the tongue
Haloboy: Youre fine you got this!
Birdinthesky: Can’t wait to see her flirt if this is the best shes got
Candlebrewer0174: Youve got this!
Kittycat1976: You got this!
DavidStermtiger: I believe in you!
Cookie: You’re right! It’s only just started I can do this! You guys are with me, there’s nothing we can’t do! Such as flirting with my very hot, cool VTuber crush…
Her voice slowly trailed off into a whisper as she grew too embarrassed to continue speaking. Her chat kept showering her in reassuring compliments, and comments on how cute she was. Cookie was soon taken away from her calm stupor as she heard the sound of clicking, and clanking: The sound of a rifles bolt loading a new bullet into the firing chamber. A sound that may have startled many, but it was all to common for, Cookie’s stream since it was her donation sound after all.
Cookie: Hey, SamathaDesires thanks for the ten li…?!
SamanthaDesires: Get your hands off of my man you skank!
Cookie’s mouth fell in shock, her, VTuber model clearly showing to everyone the shear shock she felt, and dispear at the rude comment she had just received.
Cookie: …
Although he couldn’t hear her, Errant could clearly see, Cookie’s model and the way her body spazzed about. Her facial expressions swapping on the dime to convey a wide range of emotions; from despair, to fear, to hope, to an oddly calm sense of serenity, then to absolute fury.
Errant: …
Errant: She does know I can see her freaking out right?
~~~Stream Chat~~~
TumbleDownTheBay: Not likely
VixenVolpen: Doesn’t look like she does.
Vilvian: What is she freaking out about?
Errant: Beats me chat. Unless… Are you guys bullying her? Chat be honest; I won’t be mad. Just… disappointed…
~~~Stream Chat~~~
14ever: That’s dad for mad!
Dinonuggies: Sounds like you will be mad
8teenlover: Anyone else think that was hot?
GrendalWizard: Damn hot
Errant: Great, I can’t tell you lot to behave because some of you will get off to it… peachy. Haa… Is, Cookie ready, or…?
Errant looked back to, Cookie’s stream before doing a double take to look at her in utter bewilderment. HerVTuber model was standing and quickly looking at a writing board, and jotting something down before returning to address her chat.
Errant: When the hell did she pull out that writing board?! And, the devil is she writing; that chicken scratch is so illegible that its like using sign language to speak to a blind man.
~~~ Stream Chat~~~
GriffonTalon: 🤣🤣🤣
VixenVolpen: Oh that’s mean
Falling4Angels: now that’s funny
Allerix: low blow man
Errant: Alright lets try, and get this…? I-Is she barking at them?
Errant looked to, Cookie to see her shouting at her chat, since he couldn’t hear what she was saying she looked like an angry dog barking at someone walking by her house.
Errant: Okay, lets put a stop to… whatever the hell this is.
Errant quickly reopened the chat so he could hear whatever it was, Cookie was yelling about.
Ccokie: And, that’s why I deserve to be his loving waifu, you…?!
Errant: Cookie?
Cookie: AHHHH?!!
Errant: …?!
Cookie: Owwww…
Errant’s little interjection to grab, Cookie’s attention, resulted in her screaming her head off, and falling into a heap on the floor, out of camera. The only sound emanating from her now the was pained growing as she laid upon the ground.
Errant looked towards his chat before uttering a single word that would become to define the events of todays stream.
Errant: Whoops…
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
If you want to could we have a scenario with the cafe tag role reversal au? Maybe readers first time going to the cafe and being met with Clyde and Saber as like a little callback to the first Cafe tag post?
The pet cafe's opening week. Lines spread down the block with the lure of being catered to by an adorable and friendly cast of hybrids joined by a special guest to kick off the launch. Saber was well known in the modeling industry for his looks and charm. Being a high class breed and a hybrid of one of the most common house pets were a clear boost to his popularity. It was no surprise the cafe reached out for his aid which was an obvious success. He had been everyone's first choice for a host, and booked the entire duration of the collab. All this attention was just too much for the poor feline.
"Hello, I'm here for my appointment with Clyde."
Saber's claws leave divots in the table. The hostess manning the front desk offers the customer a warm smile as they lead them to their table, depositing their umbrella in the bin beside the desk. A chipper bee that the customer has to speed walk to keep up with and leaves them a honey flavored sucker as they leave to get their coworker from the back. The poor unaware rabbit ducks behind the coffee table as the doors to the break room fly open.
"Clyde! Your twelve o'clock is here!"
Clyde's pale face drains of color as a menu is shoved in his arms. "What?! I thought you were joking about that...."
"I was at first, but then a real request came in like five minutes later." Robbie pushes their coworker towards the door." Well, don't keep your first waiting. Go, go, go!'
Clyde fits his hair as he's pushed into the dining area. He continues to smooth his curly locks, and tries to make himself look as presentable as possible for his first master of the day. He's never been called on before. He's used to taking meal orders for the guests waiting for more popular pets like that feline. Passing the table were Saber sat crowded by an entire group of people, Clyde feels a chill run down his back as his temporary partner shoots him an icy glare. Creepy. Saber's never been nice to him, but he's never done that before. He could worry about that later. Focus.
"Table six... table six.. Ta- Ah! Here we go. I apologize for the wait, master. Welcome to the cafe, can I get you something to drink to start you off?"
"I'll need a moment to decide. Can you sit next to me until then?"
"Certainly!" Clyde takes a seat on the edge of the booth. It was easier said than done. He couldn't figure out why someone had chosen him, especially a cute human like them if a side view was anything to go off of. Were they using him for something? Maybe they only requested him so they could watch Saber without the wait. Why was he dumping such accusations on a stranger? Why did they feel right?...
"I'll just take a water for now, and sip of whatever you want."
"....Pardon?" Did he hear them right?
The guest looks embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I'd use a separate straw of course, but I thought it would be okay since I saw others doing it and I didn't want you to be left out."
His ears had been tugged on a lot throughout the years - but he heard them loud and clear. They... actually wanted him. Was that him overthinking again? Clyde prayed not. Someone was asking about him. Someone was looking at him. He had been noticed.
The guest looks under the table as their silverware slides into their lap. "Are you alright?"
Clyde holds down his leg, face as red as the tie around his neck. "Y-yes, just- a bit excited. I'll go get those drinks for us."
In the split second it takes for Clyde to hop away from the table, a few face takes his spot. The customer had taken to watching the falling rain outside the window so they remain oblivious to his presence. The slippery feline rubs up against the guest's forearm much to their confusion. They put on their friendliest uncomfortable smile and pull their arm away, waving with a limp wrist.
"Um... Hello"
"Hi there." Saber purrs, switching one leg over the other as his tail falls onto their thigh. "Waiting for someone?"
"Yeah actually, I think his name is Clyde. I thought he was super cute, so I wanted to meet him."
Saber rolls his eyes, picking up the pieces of his friendly facade as he leans on their shoulder. "Awww, don't be like that. I'm sure we could have more fun together than you could with him."
"Really, I'm not interested."
Saber, ever the prideful, refuses to back down. He scoots closer, heavy rain pelting his ears. Thunder claps drilling his sensitive ears with tremendous boom that crumbles his ego and his body to the floor. He covers his ears with his hands and hisses, plugging the holes with his fingers as if trying to make himself go deaf. Hands pulling him away, and cushioning his head with their chest prevents him from doing just that. The guest strokes his head and hushes him as the thunder died out.
"There, there. You're alright." They help him back to the chair and check to make sure he didn't hurt himself. Their hands are so soft. They fade from contact as the guest looks over his shoulder. "Clyde's back. You going to be okay?"
Saber, admitting defeat for now returns to his original table. Clyde bites the flesh of his cheek to keep his smile from spreading too far.
"Master, I'm back. I hope you enjoy milkshakes?"
"Sounds good." The guest scoots back over to their side of the booth, petting the rabbit's hair much to his surprise. Through his salt and pepper locks, they notice a single black dot behind one of his ears. "You don't have to call me master if you don't want to. Y/n is just fine, but if we're handing out nicknames you mind if I call you Spot?"
Spot's leg starts to bounce again. Please let them become a regular.
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sansxreaderbraindump · 3 months
(i want goofy villian reader so i wrote headcanons for it. i got this idea during ht san stream. Goofy readeer) also spoilers on ts underswap tho. if you dont wanna get spoiled (like milk), go watch someone play the full demo or play it yourself on gamejolt. YOUR OWN COOL VILLIAN NAME: DEVIL SIDE Real boring name: [name] ^ From time to time, you always change your villain name like "DEMON HARE, CHAOS BRINGER AND DESTRUCTIVE FUNNER and other cool villainous names you came up with" but you usually just stay with devil side to make it easy on your skeleton nemesis. How you got to this phase of your life: Back in the days, you used to work for Count Koffin-K. cooking up ideas for him, feeding jeremy, joined them on their random schemes, and did the dishes when the boogiemen didn't. Yet, you grown tired and wanted to do villain skits on your own. It was heartbreaking for Koffin-K and his boogiemen to set you off on your own like a parent sending off their child to collage. For one thing, Larry and Harry cried so hard they accidentally made a stream that Woshua struggled cleaning up but managed too victoriously :D. * It been a w-wicked time with y-you..I DONT WANNA LET YOU GO BUD WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! * I-IM W-WITH LA-LARRY I DONT WANNA LET GO EITHER WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-AHHHHHHHHH! LARRY, YOU IDIOT YOU'RE CRUSHING US! "A-as how h-heartwretching and painful this is, like really p-painful! LARRY FOR THE QUEEN'S SAKE COULD YOU STOP CRUSHING US TO DEATH!" As well as the boogiemen crying for you, Koffin-K didn't want you to see him shed a tear. he attempts to hide it away but you see right through him. In contrast, You comforted him and reassured him that on weekends you and him can collab on doing evil schemes together and visit the boss and the gang on the weekends. "aww boss didn't know you would cry for me." * WELL OF COURSE! HOW COULD I NOT WEEP FOR YOUR DEPARTURE! *sniff* *sniff* "aww gonna miss you too boss. but its not like I'm gonna be gone forever. we can Collab on doing evil stuff like ding dong ditch and I'll come visit you on the weekends." * ...Can you still do the dishes. "..there will be some setbacks." ALTER EGO SANS INTERACTION One day when you first met sans (his true form), you were done finishing up some traps and "kidnapping" a random monster who found for crossbones to save (with consent from the hostage. you will take full responsibility if they were to be hurt) You were ready to throw in a brick with an note for crossbones to find until you saw sans (crossbones) and mistaken him for crossbones. "NOW I HAVE YOU IN MY SIGHT CRO-!" "umm sorry but is that you crossbones?" *think again sweetheart. AH HAH! I KNEW IT! YOU AIN'T CROSSBONES, YOUR JUST A FAN "WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM BUT DIFFERENT" (d-did you just call me sweetheart?) - he flirts with you on the daily basis, just to mess with you. its very fun. *also, the telescope costed 257 G. "WAIT WHAT, YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME-" *but for you, it has a discount off 100%. "..." (you ran away, blushing and grumbling while you're at it) *heh, cute.
YOU AND CROSSBONES - Crossbones thinks you're cute and a dork. A cute dork! - First time you guys met was at the costume party. You were planning to create your costume but procrastinated all month and didn't manage to finish it up in time. In shame, you just taped a piece of paper that said "pretend that I have the best costume you ever seen!" to your chest and hang out in the corner, enviously staring at the other people's cool costume. You could just go home but there was free food so you stayed there, eating all the cheese crackers. You thought you could not talk to anyone but you thought wrong. The comedic skeleton came up to you, reading the paper and said "that is the best costume I ever seen." the second meeting was when koffin-k toilet papered all 4 houses with the boogiemen including you. Then crossbones came in, saving the day. In a glance, He recognized you and you recognized him. What a twist a long time stanger turned out to be a villain full of mischief. You were captured with koffin-k but you land out a hand to help your boss escape in a quick sweep. You threw him like a frisbee out of the trenches of a shack. He escaped with your help and yelled out very loudly "I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU WITH BACKUP" while spinning in the wind. so there you were, alone with crossbones in the punishment shack. * nice villain costume by the way. Best costume I ever seen. "you still remember that?" Some interactions I came up, enjoy!
"YOU'LL NEVER DEFEAT ME CROSSBONES FOR I HAVE A PLAN F IN MY SLEEVES" *ok *quick gooey question, what do you want for dinner? "...Pizza." (papyrus in the distant): SANS STOP MAKING DINNER DATES WITH THE ENEMY!! - also if you and crossbones were married 👀, you and him would do enemies to lovers domestic role playing. "WAIT YOU, MY NEMESIS WANT ME TO TAKE ME OUT ON A DATE!!?!? *we are married, you dork. "sans pleaseee, just play along :(" *alr alr if it makes you happy." - Dark side love nicknames for crossbone MY RIVIAL, MY NEMESIS, THE BONES WHO FOILS MY EVIL PLANS, THE BONELY ONE TO STEAL MY SOUL, sans♥ - crossbones love nicknames for dark side dork, cute dork.
- One time when you got grumpy with crossbones because you planned more to show but got captured by him too early. In attempt to get you stop being all pouty, crossbones held you bridal style carry while you were tied up, but that didn't work instead you gave him something even much worse. The silent treatment, But that didn't last for long, he gave a smooch on your cheek to stop you being all grumpy with him. *aw don't turn into the grumpy side [name]. "mmm >:(" *even worse, the silent side. *well good thing I know how to bring them back. *mwah❤ "...FINE FINE YOU WON!" *Welp off to the punishment shack we go.
Extras - i named them devil side because y'know in undertale/deltarune we are the angel (that is what I believe). so I called them the opposite like "ahahaha i am devil side" but inside they are an angel in heart. - also i thought of devil side (you) to be like a character that belongs in this world. I think it was clever, cuz its swap over you the player is now devil side and you belong in this world well a version of you that is...
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linagram · 4 months
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so that raincoat collab..
notes about the meanings of everyone's poses are under the cut!
akio: akio doesn't have an umbrella, he just has his hood on and he has this angry look on his face. back in season 1, akio just wanted to be voted innocent and truly believed he deserved to be forgiven and even though being voted guilty made him change as a person, he still doesn't care about the "moral side" of his verdicts, since now he just wants to be forgiven because being punished again can literally cost him his life. he still doesn't want to do anything with the guards or the verdict system, so he doesn't have an umbrella, but he still doesn't want to die, so at least he has his head covered.
shun: shun was very happy when the guards voted him innocent, since he believed his crime wasn't a crime at all and his thoughts were affirmed. however, he got "betrayed" by the guards since they decided to vote him guilty in season 2. this is why he has his umbrella lying on the ground: he really believed that the guards will still be on his side, but he was wrong.
kei: kei is holding his umbrella. he is accepting his verdicts. even though he was voted guilty by his own brother and brutally punished by him as well, he loves him too much to get mad at him. it also looks like he's offering his umbrella to shun which might look cute OR look like a reminder of how unhealthy their relationship is (kei was more than happy to flirt with shun back in season 1 and shun just acted shy and claimed to be taken, but in season 2, shun gladly joined eiko when she started to basically bully kei and shun got a new outfit to look more like kei) but also.. kei is winking here. the eye that he has closed here is the same eye that shun lost because of kei. think about the implications <3
asahi: he has his umbrella closed, but he's still holding it. asahi doesn't like eiji and he sure will not like hinode, but he likes miki. she's the only guard that he cares about, but he cares about her A LOT. so you can interpret his pose as him still being suspicious of the other guards, but wanting to be as close with miki as possible.
riku: my boy doesn't have an umbrella AND he doesn't have his hood on. sure, riku wants to be forgiven, but also.. he understands that even an innocent verdict won't make his pain go away. in fact, he will most likely just hurt himself even more to keep making the guards feel sorry for him and continue forgiving him. a little spoiler for his trial 3 vd, but there's a moment when he says that there is no verdict that will help him or make his situation better. so his head is not covered, he doesn't have an umbrella with him and he's also holding his hand out to feel the raindrops. riku kuroki why are you like this
aimi: her pose is similar to asahi's and the meaning is similar as well: she only cares about miki. however, i tried to make her pose look a bit more desperate, like she's even more dependent on her than miki's own brother. aimi doesn't care about her verdict. she only cares about finally having a friend.
naomi: naomi has claimed multiple times that she doesn't care about her verdict and she doesn't care about the other prisoners' verdicts as well (not counting asahi. the fuck them kids mindset is still there) so she doesn't have an umbrella with her and it also looks like she's taking her hood off. however, i like to think as this naomi in particular as t2 naomi: getting an innocent verdict and starting to become more confident. confident enough to feel like you don't have to protect yourself anymore. she still got a guilty verdict though so maybe an umbrella wouldn't hurt.
eiko: oh this girl is so happy about her umbrella! look at the way she's holding it! this totally doesn't have anything to do with her obsession with eiji at all! eiko really doesn't care about the verdicts, but she loves her poor little meow meow too much, so she still cares about milgram in some way. there's also her brother being the fourth guard that never got an opportunity to actually do his job and the possibility of her parents having something to do with it.. her pose is also kinda similar to kei's pose which is a nice bonus since they're a pair.
yurika: THE GIRL IS NOT HAPPY ABOUT HER TWO GUILTY VERDICTS. she's the only prisoner that's sitting on the ground. she doesn't have an umbrella with her, showing that she HATES the guards and she HATES her verdicts (and how verdicts work in general), but she still has her hood on. the girl doesn't want to die. she REALLY doesn't want to die. (and her t3 vd will show it well </3)
reina: reina doesn't have an umbrella with her, which was to be expected from miss "i'm actually a serial killer hehe >:D please vote me guilty please please guys i'm begging i would rather die than live with the knowledge of what i've done". she doesn't care about the guards' opinions anymore. she does have her hood on, but in her case it's not related to her life, i simply thought it would fit her vibe well, since she's a person who finds it hard to be honest with others and is very secretive.
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leakyweep · 11 months
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Childhood best friends!Corazon/Reader/Doflamingo
Modern AU
Check out the details and masterlist here!
A/N: ahhh i am so happy to be apart of this collab! i hope this fluffy story is a treat for halloween that you’ll absolutely love! and go check out all the other amazing blurbs written by my friends!
Words: 1.0k
No warnings, just some cute fluff 😌
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Doflamingo leaned over the counter, face to the mirror as he fixed the eyeliner adorning his lids. He smudged it a little to give it a natural, smoky look and leaned back to take a good gander. He double checked the powder white paint covering his face and neck, making sure it was correctly blended. Even though you and his brother had practically begged on hands and knees to join them in the costume contest, he had “begrudgingly” accepted, rolling his eyes playfully as you two did your victory dance.
Now here he was, throwing on a purple and white baseball outfit dressed as a vampire. Oh, the things he did for the people he loved.
Walking out of the bathroom, he listened for the rustling of clothing or the sound of your voice, being led into your room to find his brother trying his best to fix a long, brown wig onto his head. He greeted him in the mirror, commenting on how he looked just like the dramatic Edward Cullen, earning a mocking chuckle from the taller man.
“Aren’t our characters like, enemies?” Corazon asked through the mirror, finally getting the hairline of the wig lined up just right with his own. He then grabbed the werewolf ears from the halloween store bag, fixing them on his head in the wig. He laughed when he saw how pale his brother was with the makeup. “Oh my God, you look like a mochi ball.”
Doffy just brandished a certain finger at him before approaching him and fixing some hair on the back of the cheap wig. Sure, he had just compared him to a soft, squishy ball of dough with flour all over the outside, but Doffy still wanted to make sure he, his brother, and their best friend looked the best they could. “Yeah, yeah. At least (y/n) also has to wear this pale ass makeup too.” He grumbled the words, but Corazon caught them and chuckled.
“I’m sure they’re going to enjoy the effort.” Cora turned back to the mirror for the finishing touches, standing from his chair and to his brother. “They really needed this.”
And it was true; your life had been filled with more downs than ups lately, and while the boys were there for you night and day, it still hadn’t filled the empty feeling in your chest thinking about the future.
But right now, it was your favorite holiday. You and your two best friends were going to a costume party, and all three of you were going to look just like the characters from Twilight, your favorite comfort movie. You had forced the older of the two brothers to join their movie marathon, and in the end, though he found it a bit cringy and corny – he enjoyed it for the sole purpose that you had shown such interest in making sure he caught every little detail of each movie. It made his cold heart warm a few degrees seeing someone he loved so much happy during a season of sadness.
When you emerged from the closet, a huge smile painted your face. Doffy’s powder-white face mixed with Cora’s cheap wig and dog ears made you double over laughing, your hands on your knees. Though, you were only laughing because you knew you looked just as ridiculous as them; dark circles painted under your eyes, your own face pale with white makeup, wearing an oversized baseball shirt and hat. “Oh my god, we look just like them!”
“You’re a liar and we all know it,” Doffy muttered, hiding the smile plastered on his face. You only headed over to where the two men were standing to engulf them in a tight hug, leaning into them when they wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Corazon laughed at his brother’s words.
“Oh c’mon, they’re right! Don’t I look like Jacob?” The lanky man turned his head only to dramatically swing it back towards you and his brother, giving his best smoulder and exclaiming, “Bella! Where the hell have you been, loca?”
Again, your stomach was hurting from laughing, leaning against Doffy as Cora approached you again. “C’mon, you gotta admit that was spot on.”
You looked up to Doflamingo now, running your fingers through your hair with a frustrated expression, doing your best to sound like Kristen Stewart as you grumbled, “I-I don’t know- Edward-I-“
Now it was Cora’s turn to guffaw, putting a hand on his forehead before exclaiming, “That was amazing!” Doflamingo tried his best to steel his expression, but you both saw the corner of his lips turn upwards ever so slightly.
“I guess it was good.”
You and Cora giggled and tried to convince Doffy to do an Edward impression but got no luck. He only shook his head and smirked, offering to carry the treats you guys made the previous day. Heading into the kitchen, the boys put an arm around you, kissing each of your temples. As if speaking for the both of them, Cora sighed,
“We’re lucky to have such a great best friend like you. You are so important to us.”
After the shit few weeks you had, the words brought tears to your eyes. Not willing to ruin your makeup though, you only sniffed a bit, holding the tears at bay. Doffy was busying himself with the ghost-shaped rice krispies and vampire blood punch, bad with feelings and trying to show that he cared in his own way. You had learned over the years that while Cora was skilled in verbal appreciation, Doffy was a giving person who opted to help physically rather than emotionally.
You gave each of them a peck on the cheek for their love, grabbing the dish of jack-o-lantern cookies and following them to the car. With a group hug, you squeezed them tight before getting in the car. Of course you were going to give them a pep talk.
“No matter what, whether we win or not,” you started, staring daringly into the men’s eyes, “we’re going to have fun with our costumes, show everyone our cute little treats, and most importantly- enjoy our favorite holiday!”
With a nod and a kiss on the cheek from both men, you got in the car, heading to the party while listening to The Nightmare Before Christmas songs and- of course- Spooky Scary Skeletons. While you and Corazon sang along, dancing and giggling, Doffy sat in the driver seat, trying to fight the beaming smile that threatened to take over his features.
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