#this drives me up the wall every single time I see it. which is too often
tmae3114 · 9 months
[REDACTED] fandom stop referring to the actively requested mercy-killing of a mortally wounded friend in the midst of a battlefield as "murder" challenge (IMPOSSIBLE. APPARENTLY)
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azullumi · 3 months
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“there’s so many fishes in the sea but i never learned how to swim” ; aventurine
summary — a guide to pining presented by yours truly, aventurine.
pairing — aventurine (w/ gender-neutral reader)
tags — fluff, secret pining but like aventurine can be too obvious, not proofread, 0.8k ; headcanons
tagging — @toorurs (sorry boo i forgot to tag 😭)
note — i know i could have done better with this one, my brain wasn’t just working and im also on a trip. this is day 6 and 7 of writing for him until i get him !!
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Aventurine yearns for connection yet he erects tall walls of self-preservation, fearing vulnerability, attachment, and betrayals (the shadow of his fear of losing someone dear to him all over again will haunt and follow his steps). He’s always distant, seemingly detached to the people around him like a leaf that never touches the ground as the wind carries it away; his only drive for relationships is due to mutual-benefit or a give-and-take situation. So what happens to him when he falls and yearns for someone?
Love is violence, he knows that but his eyes would stumble after your shadow and he wonders what it feels like to live in it. He’ll lie under your gaze and he’ll dream what it feels like to be seen, what it feels like to be loved by you. He will seek ways to be close to you but not close enough that you’ll know the rhythm of his heart spells out the letters of your name. In each moment of longing, it is all tinged with a taste of bitterness as this yearning, though desired, is a precarious precipice—everything will crumble and fall once he speaks about it.
So he settles with stolen looks with wishful thinking that you’ll cast a glance at his direction, he settles with the small things at first before he begins to become selfish—he’ll make up reasons just to see and talk to you, think of excuses just so he could linger a little longer in your presence. He’ll make up games and initiates bets where he knows he’ll always win but would let himself lose anyways; winning or losing didn’t matter to him in those moments with you.
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“Go ahead, guess.”
You fell into a deep thought, staring at the two hands balled into fist that are in front of you. Your eyebrows were scrunched, trying to listen to the voice of your instinct but everything was silent inside your head.
“Take your time. After all, whoever loses has to follow what the winner wants.” Aventurine spoke and you could discern the hint of amusement in his tone as he watched you fall into some sort of predicament—all you had to do was to choose which one of his hands was the coin in. It was just one of the simple games you’ll play with him every time you see each other. Come to think of it, his visits to your department have been quite frequent despite having no particular business, official or not.
“Shh. I’m thinking.” You answer, lifting your index finger to your mouth in a hush gesture. It took you a few moments of silence and thoughtful humming before you pointed at his left hand, “That one.”
But he opens his left hand to show nothing on his palm, his right hand revealing the coin at the same time, and you are hit with a wave of disappointment. A chuckle slips past his lips and you just sighed—there was nothing you could do but to admit defeat. “Well then, what do you want me to do?”
Aventurine, without a single second of hesitation, answered. “Let me take you out to dinner.”
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The thing is you could have laid yourself bare to him, you could tell him all of the sins that taint your skin, the words left unspoken in your mouth, the growing mold in your lungs. He’ll see the rot and will choose to stay, he’ll see the cobwebs and dusty bookshelves, and he’ll love you still, he’ll see the torn wallpapers and ruined floors and he’ll still adore you (he’ll find you where you are most ruined and he will love you there).
(His hand would gently tug and hold at the cuffs of your sleeves, letting the warmth and closeness of his touch linger in hopes that you’ll see him in the sun that holds you gently.)
Many people claim that they love you but do they adore you the same way as he does? Would they cross bridges for you when he’ll swim oceans just to see the way your eyes catch the light? Would they traverse the stars just to listen to the sound of your laughter? 
(He’ll see the dirt in your hands and will help you wash it off when others would simply walk away.)
He’ll think of you as he laid in his bed, satin sheets all wrinkled and messy as his pillows scattered around his form, and he wondered how nice it would be to have your things among his. to have the smell of your perfume mixed with his, to have you in his arms before he sleeps (he has dreams of his dreams and you’re always in it).
All this yearning, longing, and adoration will turn into a sword that will make him bleed the more he holds on to it and you’ll stay in his thoughts as the blood will run dry on his being. He simply hopes he crosses your mind once in a while so that he won’t feel pathetic for thinking of you all the time.
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© azullumi — do not plagiarize, copy, repost, nor translate any of my works.
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melminli · 6 months
Cold Coffee
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - you liked working, and someone else liked you working for them.
word count: 2k+
contains: young president coryo, crack, fluff, secretary reader, coryo being lovesick and shy
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You had a routine. A routine that you strictly followed every day and it started with your alarm clock waking you up at 5 o'clock in the morning. The first thing you did was get up and go to the bathroom to wash the sleep off your face, otherwise you couldn't get anything done. After you had finished everything else concerning your hygiene, you continued with your outfit of the day.
You liked to play around a bit when it came to your fashion choices. After all, you were living in the Capitol. Your job still demanded a certain formality and professionalism, which is why you were perhaps not as free in your choice as others, but that wasn't a problem for you. You always managed to find something elegant to wear since you had all kinds of clothing in different colors and fabrics that were perfect for combining with various other items. Whether vests, suit jackets, skirts, trousers or everything all together, it was entirely up to your mood. (Even though combining everything together was something you hadn't done since your school days at the academy.).
Then the last thing left missing was your hair and maybe some make-up, before you could step out of the house with your pre-packed bag. After a 15-minute drive in your car, you would arrive a few minutes early and were able to go about your duties as planned until it was time to leave at around 4 pm (if you were lucky).
You've been doing this every day for three years. Every day. That may sound exhausting (because it is), but you were also kind of happy about it since missing work would just mean that you had more to do on the following one. You rarely got sick, but when you did it was usually nothing serious so you came to work anyway. On the two rare occasions when you were really seriously ill, you were once off work and once you were lucky (or unlucky) that it was at the time of several public holidays. So yes, you haven't missed a single day of work - until today.
Your alarm clock died in the middle of the night.
"...huh - what's happening?" You asked, slightly drowsy, and it felt like you'd been asleep for far too long, a suspicious amount of long. Your eyes glanced at the clock on your wall, and you had to concentrate to keep the image from blurring. "...It's a quarter past seven." You finally realized, before widening your eyes and jumping out of bed. "It's a quarter past seven! I'm going to be late!"
In your stress to get ready quickly, you decided to get dressed first and quickly picked something out before scurrying to the bathroom to get ready. That was your mistake because while being a bit too hectic when brushing your teeth, you were clumsy enough to get toothpaste on your shirt. "No, no, no - ugh. I can't believe this." You whined and hurried so you could change again.
Hair? fine, make-up? Fuck it - okay, just go out and get in the car. At this point, you were already a whole hour late. When you arrived at the place where your car was supposed to be and couldn't see it, you started to panic and it didn't stop when you realized why. It's in the repair shop! Why, does this have to happen to me?!
"Okay, let's calm down for a minute." You said to yourself and took a deep breath of the cold morning air. It was quiet, only the chirping of the birds could be heard, it was still early in the morning. "That's just the way it is now. I'll just let someone know I'll be late and - " You said and took out your phone, only to realize that it was dead. This all was probably due to a power cut in the night, which also explained why your alarm clock wasn't working this morning. " - alright, I won't do that then. It's cool. Everything's cool."
Your day was off to a pretty bad start already. It would take you at least half an hour to get to work with the train, and you'd have to wait another half an hour since the last one left five minutes ago according to your watch. Yes, the morning commute wasn't exactly popular in the Capitol - the people here usually preferred to sleep in.
"You know what? I'm just going to treat myself to my favorite drink in my favorite café. I really can't do this right now." You finally decide and set off a little more relaxed. "I would argue that I don't get paid enough for this, but I actually get paid pretty well." You admitted but didn't care any more than to laugh about it.
Of course, no one would assume that the secretary to the president of Panem would get a bad wage.
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Hm. Coriolanus looked at his watch again. His eyes had been darting there strangely often since this morning. Well, he didn't see you at all today, and normally you would greet him on the way to his office, and he would greet you back. After a while, you would come through the door and ask if he wanted coffee while you were already carrying it to him in your hand. This was followed by a little summary from you about what appointments he had today, who he was meeting and so on - it's not that important, the point is that he hasn't seen you yet and he didn't know why.
He got up from his seat and opened the door of his office to look out, but like before, you weren't sitting in your seat at the reception desk.
He then decided to look for his nearest employee. "Excuse me, Mr. Pox. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. " He announced his presence as he knocked lightly on the open door with his knuckles.
The man immediately stood up slightly nervously in order to appear respectful. He was older than Coriolanus, but he also wasn't the president. "You're not interrupting anything, sir! How can I help you?" He asked, a little confused. Oh no, he never asks me anything personally, I hope it's nothing serious. I'm not in trouble, am I?
Coriolanus reassured him as he subtly asked his question. "Well, I was just wondering where my secretary was. You wouldn't happen to know anything about her whereabouts?" He said, thinking it was a little stupid of him for not wanting to appear conspicuous. She works for me. I have the right to know where she is. This is not in any way inappropriate.
Pox was relieved when it turned out that this wasn't about him, but immediately felt a little guilty because you seemed to be in trouble. You were his nicest colleague, he liked you a lot. But I can't just lie to the president either. He's literally the president! He'll certainly find out if I do. "No, sir. Unfortunately not, she didn't tell me anything." He replied and just watched as the man in front of him hummed absently, which is why he quickly added. "Maybe she's just late?"
If that were the case, you'd already be three hours late. That was not like you, and Coriolanus began to subconsciously worry a little. She would let me know if she was going to be late. He thought to himself until he realized that you had never been late before, so he couldn't be too sure of his theory. Because that was what it was - just a theory. "Hm. All right, thanks for your time, see you then." He said goodbye to Pox and decided to go back to his office.
There wasn't really anything else he could do - well, except maybe call you. He stopped his steps for a moment at the thought. That feels wrong. Usually, you were the one who called him regularly or barged into his office so he didn't really have to. Well, sometimes he wanted to, but he doubted you would appreciate it if he contacted you after your working hours. He sometimes wished that his thoughts of you would end with your departure, but he hadn't really been successful yet, and for god's sake, he didn't know why. Well, I do - but it's complicated. She's my secretary and this isn't a stupid rom com.
He saw you all day. That is enough. It should be enough. It wasn't like he was looking forward to monday or anything since you started working for him - well, he was, but that was because of other things, for sure. It could be because of other things, he could find joy in other things.
"Oh, Mr. Snow. There you are." Your voice surprised him as he opened the door to his own office and was greated with your face in front of his. "I wanted to talk to you, but then you weren't here. I'm sorry I got in without your permission." You apologized sincerely and took a step to the side so he could enter.
"It's all good. You don't need to apologize." Coriolanus said calmly and sat down in his seat, subtly watching you move in front of his desk. "What is it?" He asked, appearing unaffected - as if he hadn't been thinking about you and what you were doing since this morning.
You looked slightly confused. "Well, I'm three hours late for work." You announced, sure that he would have noticed. "I know this can't be excused, and I'll get straight to work to make up for it, I promise. It's just that my car has a few issues and, well..." You assured him and placed a paper cup on his table. "I know I usually bring you coffee, and this is not the expensive one from here, but from my favorite café around the corner, but well..." You started rambling a bit and were a little more talkative than usual, which didn't go unnoticed. "...It also got cold on the way, and I spilled half of it because someone ran into me on the train." You added when you noticed how his gaze shifted to the stain at your side.
"Sounds like you had a pretty exciting morning. It's all right, don't worry, I'll turn a blind eye since it's the first time." Coriolanus replied with his slightly charming smile. You usually told him so little about your personal life that he unconsciously began to appreciate the little things he got to hear from you.
Like no, he didn't want to hear another stupid story about Mr. Aliose and his fucking hamsters. He almost felt sorry for the guys patheticness, maybe he could live a happier life if he put more effort into finding a wife than getting his pet to do a roll. Or from his other employees who tried to entertain him with uninteresting personal stories he didn't care about - because he didn't care about them.
And the one person he did actually want to hear from, kept their personal and work life very separate. He hated that it wasn't the other way around.
You nodded. "You don't even know. I don't expect you to drink this, by the way. As a matter of fact, I'll make you another one right now. It's just that - I worked really hard to get this to you, and it felt wrong to just throw it in the trash in the end." You let that bit out before returning to your professional self. "I just wanted that at least one thing would go right today."
Stay cool, Coriolanus. Don't freak out, and also, stop romanticizing this. "It's all good. I'm honored that you thought of me." He said, hoping he sounded natural.
A smile graced your face. "Of course, Mr. Snow. I'll be right back." You promised him as you stepped out of his office and made your way to the coffee machine.
As soon as the door closed behind you, Coriolanus let out the breath he had been holding. His hand reached for the coffee cup and turned it in his hand only to discover a small note on it. "For my boss and the boss of Panem :)" He read out loud and smiled as his thumb ran over the drawing of the snowflake. He couldn't help but take the little gesture to heart. "That's so sweet."
I should send out a car to pick her up tomorrow - for business reasons, of course.
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love-belle · 1 year
you can hear it in the silence !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which he knows how lucky he is.
for when you know your stars were on your side when you met them. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - so sorry for not posting yesterday, i was catching up on my hw so !!! anyways, i will try to clear out my inbox by sunday, i have like 10 more requests which i still have to post. you can send me more but please be patient because first i would be clearing out the initial ones!! i love you, thank you so much for reading. hope you like it!!
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, charles_leclerc and 3,427,926 others
yourusername 🤍
username MOTHER
username the reason im bi
lewishamilton roscoe misses you ‼️
-> yourusername can't wait to see u all next week 🫶🏼
username women.
*liked by charles_leclerc*
selenagomez in love
*liked by yourusername*
dualipa the prettiest ever 💞
-> yourusername i love you 💕
username can charles fight?
username im ready to throw hands with charles for HER
charles_leclerc wow im
charles_leclerc hahahahaha are u single ?
charles_leclerc just one chance pls
-> username someone take away this man's phone
charles_leclerc literally on my knees
-> landonorris DUDE
-> yourusername CHARLES OH MY GOD
-> charles_leclerc 🤷
charles_leclerc i love you 💌
-> yourusername i love you more 💗
username sigh can't believe my wife got wifed up by a guy that drives a red car in circles
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, georgerussell63 and 799,315 others
charles_leclerc she is the best thing that has ever been mine
tagged yourusername
username GOODNIGHT.
landonorris please refrain from being in love in front of us singles ❤️
-> charles_leclerc no ❤️
-> username lando spoke for the people and i appreciate that
username god i see what u have done for the others
username microwaving a spoon rn enough is ENOUGH.
danielricciardo disgusting ❤️
-> charles_leclerc stfu ❤️
username i too deserve someone who will post me to taylor swift lyrics :///
yourusername thanking my constellations everyday, i love you ❤️
-> charles_leclerc i love you so much ❤️
username still in disbelief that this mf bagged THE y/n y/l/n like.
username y/n it's ok u can come home now the kids and the cats miss u
username god me when.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton, carmenmmundt and 3,562,728 others
yourusername you can hear it in the silence
tagged charles_leclerc
username oh my god
niallhoran the best people i know 🤍
-> yourusername we love you niall 🤍
username i love them sm omg
username they're so ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
username i want this kinda love rn
carmenmmundt lots of love 💗
*liked by yourusername*
username PARENTS
username alr y'all. having a toaster bath rn.
maxverstappen1 photo credit ?
-> yourusername photo creds to this dude who cursed us for 20mins when we forgot him at the restaurant
-> maxverstappen1 IT WAS SCARY OKAY????
username screaming crying throwing up sliding down the wall bashing my head ripping my hair yelling kicking
-> yourusername u good hun?
-> username ahahahahahahha!!n3++₹(@)#+₹+udusjskjddjkad..zzuzjsjxjj,idejskkakajsjdjsj goodhey.
taylorswift 🤍
*liked by yourusername*
username they're so "you are in love by taylor swift" coded likee
-> username no bc that's literally THEIR song
charles_leclerc i am in love
-> yourusername i am in love with u
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
-> yourusername ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username the way charles always blushing and giggling when he's with y/n like bro's down BAD
-> username if y/n was my gf i would be too
-> username real like who can blame him
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, lilymhe, yourbestfriend and 814,527 others
charles_leclerc my forever ❤️
tagged yourusername
username "my forever" CAN U HEAR ME CRYING
username no bc the bar is literally so fucking high
username my future partners can blame them for my high expectations.
danielricciardo we know mate, u send is a 15min voice message
-> charles_leclerc and i'm about to do it again
-> danielricciardo NO
username he's so in love like it makes me cry up
username no one loves y/n y/n more than charles leclerc
pierregasly a thank you would be nice after i chased you both down the street to click these
-> charles_leclerc we didn't ask you to, you literally ran after us yelling
-> pierregasly no one's asking for details. no one.
username their relationship is a want like.
username im so normal abt them hahahahaha!!! sO nOmaL hahahahahah!!!
username i guess he's good enough for my wife
lewishamilton 🤍
*liked by charles_leclerc*
username imagine getting to call y/n y/l/n your forever like
-> username u wish it was u huh?
-> username yes i do.
yourusername forever sounds so good with you ❤️
-> charles_leclerc i love you ❤️
username my last straw 🧃
2K notes · View notes
smiley-babe · 1 year
i was sending lolly this thirst and got carried away…
so lemme just yell about it lmao
warnings: jealousy, unprotected sex, sort of rough sex, marking, (izuku is thick and he’s a lil mean about it), overstimulation
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my goodness izuku… he’s like the perfect man you could ever ask for. strong, handsome features, kind, attentive. there’s one small flaw that always ends up with you in trouble though.
izuku’s jealousy is hard to see for those who don’t know him. he still looks polite, all smiles. the change is mostly in his eyes. the usual cheery green resembling pools of poisonous green liquid.
so when he finds you chatting it up with an old classmate, a male for that matter he can’t handle it. he has this need to protect you from the opposite sex. men can be… vial. he knows it as a hero and a man himself. as well as the protection, he has this overwhelming need to claim you. to leave the darkest marks on any skin that can be exposed from your clothes with his lips and maybe his hands. his favorite part is pumping you so full of him it ruins the sheets.
“no one can touch you like this, can they baby?” two thick fingers find themselves deep in your cunt, reaching one of your spots so easily. a shudder runs up your spine and you shake your head. “use your words.” fuck his tone is so much more different than normal.
“n- no ‘zuku they can’t.” he usually melts at the whines in your voice but he’s so fucking furious. finding another man touching you, brushing your hair behind your ear intimately. spikes his blood pressure awfully and it takes so much in him not to crush the man’s hand.
next thing you know you’re on a silent drive home with izuku. this is the most quiet he’s been since you’ve been together, usually talkative and full of laughter. not this time. doesn’t even waste time when you get home. “strip,” is all he utters. which is how you end up splayed open on your shared bed while he fills you with two fingers.
he adds a third one and watches you gush all over him. “there you go. give it to me.” he’s so hyperfocused on making you cum, watching your pussy spread open every time he pushes his digits into you.
then when he gets you into the meanest arch, hand wrapped around your throat as cock pounds into you, you know there's no way to stop him. the force of his thrust has the headboard banging against the wall. He's so deep and his tip keeps slamming into your cervix over and over. when you try to move your hips forward he's quick to grip them with large scarred hands. "don't run from it now. take every single inch of your cock."
gets you into a harsh mating press, drilling you deeply and ignoring the incessant whines of how it's too much. "you wanted this," is all he says while he continues to fuck you completely full on his thick dick. your small hands pushing at his lower abdomen is absolutely futile and you don't know why you try.
the man isn't done until you've squirted all over him and he's unloaded into you twice. until your skin is marked almost everywhere, blooming purples all over. until he's made it clear that you're his and his alone.
izuku may seem suffocating with this type of envious behavior but you quite enjoy it. it shows he loves you and he never wants anyone else to have you.
tags: @delirious-donna @chosovixen @luvkun4 @lex-dear @noritopia @heibunniie @satorhime
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You belong with me | L.N.
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Lando Norris x driver!reader
Summary: Nothing is more painful than two people being scared of how much they love each other.
Warnings: angst, fluff, idiots in love <3
Word count: ~2.3K
^^ It‘s funny to look back at the past that had brought you into this situation. Which is being an F1 driver and helplessly in love with your best friend and racing partner.
Lando and you have been inseparable since your early karting days, in turn developing a strong bond over your shared love for the sport which grew more as you got to know each other better. You were both childish still, no matter the fact that you were nearing your mid 20‘s. But that was what you loved about you two as a pair. There was never judgment from the other and what one lacked the other filled perfectly.
Throughout the close friendship there were a few mishaps when the threshold of friendship had been overstepped but there was always a girlfriend or a boyfriend at the time holding you two restrained and loyal.
So naturally when you two finally became single at the same time and got signed into McLaren’s F1 team all you could think about was. This is it. Now is our time.
And as on queue Lando organized you a surprise. Just the two of you, middle of the starry summer’s night with the city lights below your feet. You were smiling so much that night, your cheeks had started to hurt, but how could you not smile when he was next to you, paying his whole attention to you and making you laugh.
You were sure that he was going to ask you out that night.
And then he didn’t’. It could not have been a more painful experience, but you kept up your smile even if your eyes had faded, no longer admiring the boy next to you, that was just too miserable.
Unrequited love was miserable.
Or so you had thought until about a month later when Lando brought in a girl for everyone to meet calling her his girlfriend.
Just then unrequited love became agonizing.
Your Lando was known for his cheerful disposition and infectious laughter. He was easily the happiest boy around! Well until the said girlfriend…
It was only a few weeks later that you noticed your friends’ colours fade.
About two months in the others started noticing and drilling you about it.
“What do you mean you don’t know? You two are best friends, you have to know what’s causing him so much stress lately” Carlos was making too many hand movements due to his own distress.
“I just don’t know, we don’t talk that much these days” you tucked your hair into your cap and stomped away from the Spaniard.
You didn’t want to admit it to Carlos or anyone else, but you and Lando weren’t the great friends you used to be.
You surely kept your distance since he got his girlfriend out of sheer respect to their relationship (and respect to your own mental health). Although it still seemed not enough for his girlfriend as on a few instances you caught her yelling at Lando in the cool offs to stop the friendship you shared.
To say the least that definitely put a wall between you two, but nevertheless it didn’t completely break your bond.
Now, nine months and one nasty breakup later the unrequited love feels excruciating.
A shadow has fallen over Lando’s already tainted personality. He was going through a painful breakup with his now ex-girlfriend. She had been a constant presence in his life for the past year, controlling his every move, every word and god forbid he didn’t get the right amount of points… Safe to say she was sucking life out of him as a ravenous vampire, though Lando was too blind to see that.
The breakup had taken a toll on Lando, leaving him almost senseless now that he was out of her hold, and it showed in his performance on the track. During the qualifying session for the upcoming race, he couldn't find his usual rhythm and ended up with a DNF after driving himself into a wall.
As he stepped out of his car, disappointment weighed heavily on him. Lando felt like he was losing everything now and the sadness from his failures compounded his frustration.
You had been there for Lando throughout the tumultuous relationship, supporting him in all the little ways you could, checking in before and after races and offering a listening ear whenever you could see him about to reach his limits.
But on this particular day, you could no longer listen to him whining about her, you have reached a breaking point. You couldn’t stand by and watch the man you cared for so deeply be consumed by a toxic woman who had done nothing but break him piece by piece for the past year.
"If I was better, she would still be with me." You heard Lando mumble as he laid on the sofa emotionless.
"LANDO STOP! You must be insane to be saying those things. How can you say that you're not enough? She was the one who didn't care about you, who was never here to support you. Lando, it's her who didn't deserve you, not the other way around!" you snapped, voice filled with tears.
"You don't get it. If I was enough, wouldn't there be girls who like me? Because not one of my girlfriends have actually liked me or, god forbid, loved me." Lando was drowning in self-doubt and it was suffocating you to the point where your heart physically ached seeing him so beat up.
"Can't you see why that is? Maybe you don't belong with any of those girls? Lando, maybe you belong with someone who loves you through your highs and lows, someone who can't bear to see you sad, someone who lets you cry into their shoulder in the middle of the night, and, most importantly, someone who can't stand watching you break yourself over some girl," frustration evident in your trembling voice muddled Lando.
"What are you trying to say, Y/n?"
You hesitated, heart racing, as you contemplated revealing your true feelings. "All this time, Lando, and you still can't see it."
Lando was bewildered, not comprehending your cryptic words. "See what?"
You were burning with passion, on the brink of confessing your feelings, but ultimately bit your tongue. You were praying for him, but he could not understand and you believed he never would and to express the delicate feelings right now seemed futile.
"Nothing," you replied, shaking your head to rid of the emotions taking over your rational brain, and left the room to preserve your patched up heart.
As you retreated, a storm of emotions raged within. You couldn't help but wonder if there would ever come a day when Lando would realize the truth you had left unsaid.
Your words left Lando conflicted and he hated it.
You were someone he could always count on to understand. Hell he never needed to read you, you were like a road he had taken day after day, he knew you so well, he could navigate without his senses.
Lando found himself seeking friendly counsel from Carlos, as he was still perplexed by your reaction and couldn't fathom why you had gotten so upset with him.
"I don't understand why she's so mad at me?! Can you believe it, she was even crying. I'm the one that got dumped, and she's pissed at me for picking the wrong girl?!" Lando vented pulling at his hair, frustration lacing his voice.
Carlos regarded him thoughtfully before posing a question that made Lando pause and reflect. "Lando, let me ask you this. If Y/n was dating a guy who constantly made her doubt herself and feel like shit, how would you feel?"
Lando’s response was interlaced with confusion, "Why the hell would she even date someone like that?"
"So to say you'd be pissed as well?" Carlos continued.
Lando struggled to find words to counter Carlos's argument. He had a point, and Lando was beginning to see things from a different perspective. "But I..."
Carlos interrupted him with a knowing smirk forming on his face, "You what?"
Lando thought about it, connecting the dots between his protective feelings for you and the turmoil he had experienced during his recent relationship. Carlos decided to push him closer to an epiphany.
"When you like someone, you don't want to see them hurting, but it's different to feel the pain of the other person. That's closer to-"
"Love," Lando finished, realization dawning. He abruptly grabbed his jacket and rushed out the door with a clear destination in mind.
It was time for Lando to confront the truth he had been avoiding, and perhaps, in the process, he might finally get what he had always wanted. You and love.
Everything was suddenly falling into place for Lando. He began to understand why you had never wanted to hang out whenever he got into a relationship, why you cried when he cried, why you sacrificed your sleep just to listen to him rant about the terrible things his ex had done, and crack jokes to make him smile. It all made sense, and he couldn't believe he hadn't seen it before.
Deep down, he had always known that the girls he dated were just placeholders, a way to distract himself from the perfect girl he felt undeserving of his whole life.
He had a brilliant idea last year when you both secured your McLaren positions. He planned a whole midnight drive and stargazing, which he knew you loved (that also prompted him to learn constellations for weeks before the special day, only to impress you). He wanted to ask you to be his and make it magical, but ultimately chickened out.
When the next day came around he could not face you and instead of spending the last few days before training with you he headed to a bar where he met his now ex. She was pretty and showed so much interest in him he could not not get hooked.
In that moment of absolute weakness Lando decided that having a girlfriend would solve the problem of loving his best friend and potentially ruining the friendship.
He could not have been more wrong. The relationship was an absolute hellhole, filled with insecurities and so many fights that he could no longer see himself as he looked in the mirror. Still no matter how bad his life got, he felt he deserved the purgatory for letting you slip through his fingers when he just had to hold on to you a bit tighter.
He’d never forgive himself for wasting so much time pushing you away. But he wasn’t going to settle for that. Lando was still a fighter. And fighting for you… well that now felt like his birthright.
“It's you!" Lando exclaimed bursting through the door, his voice echoing through the garage, his eyes locked directly on your form, disrupting the calm chatter around the room.
The entire room came to a standstill, eyebrows furrowing, and the atmosphere thick with confusion. Your eyes found his, equally as bewildered as the rest of the staff in the room.
Lando repeated himself, his breathy voice much lighter and softer than before. "It's you."
"Me what?" You asked, face still a mix of confusion as you tried to grasp the meaning of his words.
With each step he took closer to you, your heartbeat quickened, uncertain of the nature of those words, and just how much was hidden beneath them.
"It's always been you," Lando confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "I've never loved anyone because you've held my heart since you smiled at me on your first day in karting. I have loved you this whole time, but I was too scared and too stupid, honestly, to do anything about it, letting myself push away my feelings by running to someone else. But I'm not scared anymore because you don't deserve to be loved silently and from afar. You are the kind of woman that is meant to be loved loudly, with no second thoughts."
“Lan…” words deceived you.
“I love you Y/n and I’m not afraid to feel it and say it anymore. And I hope that one day you can tell me that you love me too” his hands found yours, the touch of his skin on your hands felt different.
Your cheeks heat up with his confession and you search his eyes who confirm his words to be true. He does love you. And you love him too. You’ve thought your love for him unrequited for so long that hearing him say those words to you seems like a daydream.
You realize by his fading eyes that you’ve been too silent through his confession. You know exactly what the look of doubt looks like on Lando’s face and you speak up quickly promising yourself that you’ll never be the cause of that distressing look on his face.
“Took you long enough to realize Norris” you chuckle pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
He catches up to you quickly wrapping his arms around you waist deepening the kiss.
“You belong with me.” He whispers, the warm words fall on your lips right before he kisses you again, both of you smiling into the kiss.
The room erupted in cheers and applause, congratulating the new couple. Finally, Lando had found what he had been searching for all along, right by his side, and you got what you’d been wishing for since you were little. A two sided love. You both were ready to embrace your love openly, no longer bound by doubt and hesitation.
A.N. back again with that Taylor Swift inspiration :3
P.s. I think my neighbors hate me because I be listening to one song on repeat for like 4h..... *skull emoji*
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navstuffs · 10 months
Fun times at the beach
Pairings: Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader, Carlos Oliveira x GN!Reader
Warnings tags: porn without plot, public sex, beach!sex, handjob (m receiving), exhibitionist!leon (im in a mood for that one), tiny bit of possessive!reader, rough!carlos, tiny bit of possessive!carlos, exhibitionist!reader&carlos
Author’s Notes: almost a week to summer to end so i decided to make a small little smut piece to say goodbye to summer for both leon and carlos, separately. i will have a fanfic for the beginning of fall as well hopefully. enjoy!!
Leon struggles to stay quiet.
It is 7 a.m., and the beach is almost empty. Almost. You and Leon found a nice secluded spot, far away from the very few people who decided to jog or walk in the morning. For any distracted outsider, you are just a couple who chose to stay away from the seashore, with a towel above their bodies, relaxing and listening to the waves.
You quickly look around, your hands jerking Leon's cock fast as he whimpers. There is no time to tease, and you both know it. Not that Leon needed leaking pre-cum the way he was since you presented the idea. The idea had been yours, to which Leon gladly accepted. The risk of getting caught was a recent kink you discovered of your boyfriend after almost getting caught fucking in a friend’s bathroom. It seems to drive the more concentrated Leon over the edge, just like now. And you love it. 
Leon lets out another louder moan, calling back your attention. You silence him with a kiss on his lips, no tongue, enough for him to open his mouth, needy for a deeper kiss. You break away from the kiss, jerking his cock fast and hard, and give yourself a moment to admire Leon: his chest raising up and down, semi-open blue eyes staring at you with desire and lust, cheeks pink. His mouth formed an “O,” trying to hold back moans. He is barely keeping together, and you love it: you love how much you can make Leon lose control, just for you. You would ruin him so he would never think of anybody else. When his hips start grinding against your hand, desperate for his release, you move to whisper in his ear, not caring if anything could see you now.
“Such a dirty boy. Do you think we are being careful now? No, anyone passing now knows exactly what is happening: Agent Leon Kennedy likes to be watched as he gets a handjob. How close he is just with a simple handjob. You like to be seen: You want everyone to know how filthy you are, don’t you?”
The words do the trick: Leon moans your name, biting into your neck. You milk him of every single drop until Leon’s body starts spasming under yours. When you finally stop, he roughly brings you in for a kiss. The deep and hot kiss you denied him earlier, also tells you are getting retribution later. When you break away, Leon looks embarrassed. You smile, gesturing with your head toward the ocean.
“Care to join me for a wash?”
He smiles back, shy and adorable, his blue eyes shining against the sunlight.
Carlos demands you to stay quiet.
You nod, the slapping sounds of sex loud enough to make your head spin. You know you are just a few feet away from a packed beach. It is the end of summer, Saturday afternoon, clear sky with the sun out, so most people are enjoying the sunlight they still have.
It is difficult to be silent, especially when you are so close to your orgasm, Carlos's hips hitting against your ass without any sign of stopping. You watch, fascinated, as the drops of water fall onto his shoulder and back, his swimwear down to his feet as you are naked in his arms. He looks delicious: like you are being fucked by a water God who only desires to fuck you until you lose your mind. To which you aren't too far away.
Carlos was the one who discovered the spot: a wall of rocks that shielded any view from the beach, which could only be accessed by swimming. You didn’t expect the small open area when you arrived there, enough for you two to stand together, bodies rubbing against each other. One thing led to another, and now you have your legs around Carlos’s hips as he fucks you hard and fast. You had never done anything like this before, not in public.
A specific thrust from Carlos ends up hitting a delicious spot and your eyes roll with pleasure, a loud moan coming from you. Instantly, Carlos’s hand is in your mouth, and you can taste the saline in your tongue. 
“You don’t even seem to care there are people behind this wall. They could hear us: hear how dirty you are.” Carlos whispers, his hands firmly grabbing your ass as he just doesn’t stop. You don’t know how he is keeping silent; the only sounds Carlos makes are grunts or a low curse in Portuguese here and there. 
Your hands look for his shoulder for support, your toes curling. You will probably have a scratched back tomorrow, but you don’t care. You are so close now, so close the pressure in your core building up to its limit. Carlos knowing you, as only he did, takes the hand off your mouth to lift your chin up to look at him.
“Come on now, meu amor, goza pra mim.” 
Your body, as it always does, obeys, and a very strong orgasm rips through your body. You start to scream, but Carlos places his hand over your mouth, your mind going blank. You don’t even register when Carlos cums inside you, your head resting against his shoulder as he curses near your ear, how good you are for him. How nobody else would have you. How you are his, and just his,
It takes a few seconds to calm yourself, breathing deeply as orgasm still spasms your body. Carlos gently puts you down but still supports you since your legs have become jelly. You turn your gaze to your man, a sensation of proudness to see him out of breath and admire his beauty: looking so hot like he did was criminal. And he was all yours.
“You good?” Carlos wonders, and you laugh weak. Carlos checks the top of your head to see if it got too hot with the sun, but you seem okay. “Come on, let’s go back to the beach.”
“I don’t think I will be able to swim back.”
“You will be fine. I don’t want us to have to call for help. I will be right behind you.” Carlos teases, winking in your direction.
“I wouldn’t mind that.” You chuckle, winking seductively. 
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elyntiasblog · 6 days
A dingus in love P1
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Summary: It might be hard to discern feelings in between the ties of friendship but who if not Henderson and the gang know how to help Steve get the girl of his dreams? Not without embarrassment, of course.
Warnings: fluff, humour, a bit of swearing, typos, Billy’s alive but still a jerk
You nod with a light grin seeing his face come into view as the front door of the Harrington household opens. A flicker of surprise flitted his face before he shook his head lightly and gestured at you, his perfect hair slightly fluttering yet not much. Sprayed and set, as always.
“Something happened?ˮ
“The gangʼs going to watch a movie today, decided to invite you, too.ˮ
He huffed a light snort rolling his eyes.“Those rascals donʼt ever sit at home, do they? Whatʼs the movie?ˮ
“The Goonies.ˮ
“Ugh,ˮ he groans. “Compared to our fights with the abnormal, itʼs a comedy show for five-year-olds.ˮ He glanced at you swiftly before opening the door wider and stepping inside the house. “And, of course, Iʼm coming along. Make yourself at home, Iʼll grab the wallet.ˮ
You chuckle and follow him inside knowing that his pockets would take a strain if the kids will ask for snacks and double portions of popcorn.. which they definitely will.
Your footsteps are soft as you look around the hall before prodding into the main area. The furniture screams opulence unknown to most residents of the town. Then, you gaze settles on the framed pictures hanging on the wall. The matches, games and trips out of town, all of it mostly including Steve in the centre of the attention.
“Theyʼre just fo the show,ˮ Steve mutters behind you with a bit of bitterness covered by nonchalance. “To seem the picture perfect family weʼve never been.ˮ
It makes you grow quiet for a moment before pointing at one of the pictures with a light grin.
“You were a cute chubby kid.ˮ It makes him huff a chuckle as he approaches you standing by the wall, even if the compliment doesnʼt fail to stir something in him.
“I used to be a cute and gorgeous kid, now Iʼm just gorgeous.ˮ
You roll your eyes snorting, “and pretty modest for a mother hen.ˮ
“Excuse me, Iʼm not a mum and trust me, I was nothing but forced into babysitting.ˮ
“Whatever helps you sleep at night..ˮ Y/n chirps as they exit the house and he locks the front door; by the time he approaches his car parked on the driveway he catches her mischievous expression aimed at him, her frame leaning against the hood. “Let me drive your car. I just got my license, need a little practice.ˮ
“With the car that costs more than your house? You wish.ˮ He huffs shaking his head and moving to open the door to the driverʼs seat.
“Comʼon, I wonʼt crash on the road.ˮ
“Of course not, youʼll wreck it on a neighbourhood tree first.ˮ
“Y/n.ˮ He looked up at her as they still stood by the car and shook his head muttering, “No, donʼt think about it. No, no, no—ˮ and finally a glance in your direction with a begrudged huff. “Fine.ˮ
Y/n squeals and jumps into the driverʼs seat before revving up the engine, “Youʼre my favourite person, have I mentioned?ˮ
“Yes and every single time youʼre buttering me up,ˮ he sighs getting in the front passenger seat. “Goddamn, I turned into a babysitter and a do-gooder.ˮ
“Youʼd prefer the idiot jock Steve?ˮ
“Ouch.. and no, that Steve was a dingus.ˮ
“Moron, more like it.ˮ
“I swear to God, Y/n—!ˮ
* * *
The gang or more accurately a bunch of schoolers along with Robin stood by the ticket booth waiting for Steve and Y/n, buzzing about something excitedly before Steveʼs car halted in the parking lot.
Steve grew weirdly suspicious when all of them not so successfully cut off their talking at the sight of them approaching, his eyes instantaneously fixing on Henderson who tried to hold in his smile from widening almost too much.
He nodded in greeting and so did Camille as everyone replied back but suspicion didnʼt leave him entirely only intensifying as he was about to move to the ticket booth as Dustin spoke up chuckling in a way a disney villain would.
“Oh, we already got the tickets for everyone.ˮ
It made Steve quirk a brow and cross his arms incredulously, “Since when youʼre not abusing my money and buy things for me?ˮ
Little rascal simply shrugged grinning and showing off his pearls as Robin chimed in.
“Letʼs say he had a prick of conscience. You canʼt pay for everything, right? Guys, right?ˮ
Lucas, Mike and Will froze for a moment before Dustin stepped on Lucasʼs foot nodding gravely.
“Precisely, itʼs time we repayed you, man.ˮ
Lucas hissed clutching his foot but soon lowered it, Max and El didnʼt even notice the whole thing having been speaking to Y/n the whole time.
Steve grimaced in a bewildered frown gesturing at the boys and Robin. “Youʼre a bunch of weirdos. Today youʼre even weirder. Spill the beans, whatʼs going on?ˮ
“Cut it off, Mr. Monroe hair.ˮ Henderson rolled his eyes huffing unimpressed before unceremoniously walking inside the cinema theatre leaving others to trail after him.
Steve shook his head following. Theyʼd saved the world like —three times now and still acted like brats. Sometimes he wondered how in hell heʼd end up babysitting them and not being the perfect son his father so desperately wanted to see in college and with a proper job.. His chocolate eyes drifted over the group of laughing teens and no, he woudnʼt have ever changed this for—
“Row 9 seats 6 and 7.ˮ
Henderson nearly hammered those tickets into his chest before moving further, he hastily took them with a mutter, “Jesus, man.ˮ
And only after having taken the seat he stopped to think for a sec, his gaze drifting to the rows below that had a few other kids in anticipation and then up to the higher rows above him... Dustin, Robin and Lucas were sitting with cheshire-like cats on their faces, Mike arguing about something with Max as El and Will were sitting quietly glancing around the dark hall. Damn, why the hell did they buy him a separate ticke—?
He jumped slightly and shot a look to his right as Y/n flopped in her seat softly with a small nervous grin. Oh. Oh. Steveʼs eyes widened as his head snapped back to the higher rows — the kids made everything to ignore his glare busy with exploring the worn-down fabric of the seats and caramel popcorn theyʼd bought before coming in.
“Uh, I hope you donʼt mind that Iʼm sitting here?ˮ
Mind? Noooo, Steve was appalled. The little shits set him up like a schoolboy playing one hell of matchmakers.
He gulped trying not to get nervous even if his hands started to sweat. “No, no- of course not.ˮ
He sent her a forced tight-lipped smile before turning to the screen with bewildered eyes.
* * *
“Dingus. Heʼs such a dingus.ˮ Robin mutters as they trail behind Steve and Y/n after the cinema.
“Heʼs a dumb bastard! This was no silver plate, this was the whole damn spoon-feeding and he did nothing!ˮ Dustin raved in whispered yells. Harsh it may be, it was true as they had to observe the pair for the whole damn movie only to get.. nothing. No interaction, no hugging, no kissing, goddamit.
“Told you a moronic movie wouldnʼt set the mood.ˮ Max crooned huffing at their idiocy of choosing the Goonies. Really now, the Goonies for a romantic ambience? She didnʼt know who was dumber.
They shut up as the group stopped in the hall, Robin and Y/n going to the restroom, the rest of them waiting for them. The moment they vanished behind the door Steve turned to the boys.
“What on Earth—?!ˮ
“A brick,ˮ Dustin interrupted condescendingly. “A goddamn brick has more seductive potential than you.ˮ
It made Steve falter blinking a few times and grow embarrassed. “My seduction skills are pretty fine, thank you very much.ˮ
Lucas and Mike huffed beside him before the former spoke up. “Dude, Iʼd already get her head over heels in your place.ˮ
“You? Oh really now, Sinclair?ˮ Harrington folded his arms pursing his lips in annoyance.
Dustin spoke up again. “Dude, weʼve practically got you that chick—ˮ
“Sheʼs not a chick,ˮ Steve muttered tiredly.
“—the hell youʼre not doing shit?ˮ
“I—,ˮ Steve opened his mouth only to close it and bit his lip.
Elʼs tentative voice reached their ears as she looked up at him and glanced at the door of the restroom. “You donʼt like Y/n?ˮ
“What? I—..ˮ He faltered before sighing deeply and running a hand through his hair. “I-I do, of course I do.ˮ It made Max and El grin warmly as boys faked gagging sounds, Dustinʼs face just as excited. “But what if she doesnʼt want me? Ever thought of that, dumbasses? I donʼt want to ruin our friendship because of your braindead predicament if she doesnʼt feel the same.ˮ
Dustin patted his back nodding gravelly, “Man, you have all the chances. Youʼre not so hard on the eye.. not as handsome as me but definitely not ugly.ˮ
Steve quirked a brow as if saying ‘man, are you damn serious?ʼ
Lucas clapped his hands chiming in, “Yeah, dude. I mean youʼre hella rich. The dealʼs in the bag.ˮ
Mike crossed his arms with a frown. “It didnʼt stop Nance from dumping his ass.ˮ
Dustin groaned before speaking up more cheerfully.
“Yes, Nance dumped you for... Jonathan but hey, no broken hearts, remember? You got it, man. I mean, you must be her ideal type. She doesnʼt hang out with anyone but you out of guys.ˮ
Steve nodded slowly and totally uncertain, “Yeah, maybe you’re right..ˮ
“Actually,ˮ Will cleared his throat speaking up as rarely as always. “I saw her talk to Billy in the mall a few days ago.ˮ
Everyone froze staring at him for a long moment as Max rolled her eyes, “and what that moron forgot with her?ˮ
Steve shook his haid before uttering slowly as his panic rose, “Wait, kid. You saw Y/n and Billy together in the mall the other day?ˮ
“Uh, yeah..ˮ Byers muttered already regretting saying it as Steve groaned before throwing hands.
“Damn Hargrove.. I have to compete with that piece of shi—?ˮ
Max cut him off abruptly. “Hey, Iʼd know if they were a thing, pull yourself together. Weʼve still got another phase of the plan.ˮ
“...what phase?ˮ Steve furrowed his brows in confusion just right before Y/n and Robin joined them again.
Soon to be continued..
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pxuvalentinx · 3 months
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Atta girl ✧ High Noon Yone x fem!reader tw: degradation, creampie, abuse (i think??), spanking, forced breeding, dub con (if theres anything else let me know<3) an: i wrote this a while ago when hn yone got first leaked, so if any new lore dropped - i wouldn't know. ✧ ˚  ·    . You swore to yourself that you’d kill every single one of those damn devils — without a single exception. You promised to avenge all the poor souls that got killed by those who made a pact with a devil. Not only that, but you’d give your life to free the west from its curse. It was the least you could do after failing so miserably to save others. So why were you bent over the saloon counter while a man rutted into you? Why were you moaning and whining his name? The name of a man who had made a pact with a devil. Bounty hunter Yone. Such an ironic title when you consider that there’s a high bounty on him as well. He hated devils, too — more than anything. His hatred took him so far that he became one of them. And god, you were thankful for it. Your thoughts were clearly getting manipulated by your tight cunt that was squeezing around his girth so deliciously that it made him growl into your ear. He wasn’t even trying to be quiet — the saloon might’ve been empty, but he wanted everyone to hear that walked by, how he was fucking this once so proud and snobbery woman into his little bitch. How she slowly became his dumb slut. Yone’s hands were on your hips as he thrusted into you from behind, pressing his pelvis against your ass while he leaned forward to whisper sweet nothings into your ear. One hand wandered up your throat, grabbing your chin with it and pulling your head back. His lips were barely two inches away from yours — “Aren’t ya just so pathetic?” He purred. “Just half an hour ago ya were soooo confident about killin’ me, tellin’ me how much ya hated ‘my kind’, how selfish I am, and now… You’re soakin’ and suckin’ in my cock like it’s ya’s life purpose.” The low growl in his voice was making your walls flutter around his dick. You hated to admit how good this felt. His hands were cold, freezing even. They sent shivers down your spine with every touch. He had this frightening and overwhelming aura that seemed to become more distinct with every thrust. His hand let go of your face after he saw the tears roll down your cheeks, proud of his work. From the corner of your eye, you could see his cocky grin. 
“Oh, fuck…!” He cursed. “Makes you this horny? Nasty bitch. Gon’ teach ya a lesson… Make…Ah~ ya regret facin’ me.” Your walls kept pulsating around his cock, massaging all of it like your cunt was made for him. It was driving him crazy, low grunts escaping his throat. 
He spread your ass cheeks with his two broad hands - one gloved. Groans of satisfaction as he looked at the sight. Letting go of one and giving it a hard smack right after, leaving a stinging pain which made you whine out. Music to his ears. Another smack. 
And another.
And another. 
“That ass already looked good in those tight ass jeans ya were wearin’ - but I didn’t expect it to look this good without ‘em” He could feel himself getting harder at the sight, growing even bigger inside of you. “Gon’ make you ride me next time. Want to see that pretty ass bounce on my fat cock. Better show me how much of a cowgirl ya truly are.” 
You turned your face to him, where he was already looking at you with the same cocky smile he had before. The pale skin in combination with his flaming orange eyes made your heart skip a beat. You never thought you’d think of a devil as handsome. Tears were streaming down your face as he continued to abuse your cunt to the best of his abilities. 
Yasuo warned you of him — No, everyone warned you of him, but you didn’t want to listen. You were so confident in being able to defeat him, in being able to get one step closer to peace in the west. And here you were, squirming underneath him, sobbing because his cock just hits all the right spots too damn good, begging him to fuck you harder, to abuse your cunt just a little more because in reality you were a pathetic masochist, who loved that he treated you like a piece of fuck meat. You were begging him to fill you up with his hot seed, to make a mess out of you and your cunt - to mark it as his. 
You didn’t care about the peace of the west anymore. All you could think about was Yone’s cock buried deep inside your pussy while his hands were kneading your ass in such a nice but rough manner. You wanted to cum all over his dick again and again and again. 
“Oh shit, darlin’ - gonna cum. Gon’ fill your tiny little pussy with my seed, ya want that? Fuck~ Tell me how badly ya want it, sweetheart. Tell me how badly ya want to get bred by me.” Yone commanded, the same low husky tone as before. 
Oh, how much this man turned you on, with his stupid low voice and his stupid grunts. “Yo- Ah~ Fuck… Please…fill me up…” 
“Atta girl!” 
His sloppy thrusts eventually ended up in him burying himself deep inside you, filling you up with all he has. The twitching feeling of his cock and the noises he made really hit you hard, making you squirt around him, ruining his chaps. Soft whines and pants leaving your lips. Yone threw his head back at the feeling, his hat almost falling off his head.  A split second before he pulled his cock out, looking at his cum oozing out of your cunt. Yours and his fluids were mixing together on the floor. He slurred out some quiet words, while spreading your pussy to really take in the view. "Think ya can take another round?"
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notjustjavierpena · 1 year
Hate had me in a puddle.
… is there more??
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A/N: Oh, there’s always more if you ask nicely. This is a follow-up to Hate! Ravenous mean!Joel returns!
Summary: Joel accidentally makes you come after making it his mission for a month to not let you.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader/You (No y/n)
Tags: +18 Smut (MDNI!), dub-con, dirty talk, painful and rough piv sex, unprotected sex, creampie, choking, possessive joel, fingering
Word count: 1.4k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48179338/chapters/122332696#workskin
Joel comes back a few times that month after leaving you breathless and pathetically masturbating on the wooden floor of your home. He still takes and takes; fills you up, smacks your face if you get too close and leaves you with an unsatisfied throbbing cunt. It’s beginning to drive you up the wall, because you find yourself touching your cunt more often lately at the thought of him finally letting you squeeze around his cock during climax. You’d even had a day where your clit hurt in the end from your relentless pursuit of coming and coming and coming until your head swam and you could fall asleep without dreaming about his face. 
Which makes it ironic that the next time that you see him is when he is hovering above you and disturbing your sleep. The ambush is going to happen in your bedroom this time, and you curse him for somehow already knowing that you are trying to make him stop haunting your dreams. Why else would he choose here and now?
It’s the middle of the night, so your pulse spikes as he wakes you, but before you can scream, he has a hand over your mouth and is ripping the covers off of you. He smiles devilishly as he realizes that you sleep naked, and you don’t want to think about how many scenarios that has just unlocked in his head. 
“Hey pretty thing,” he growls whilst already undoing his belt and zipper to shove his jeans and underwear down to free his cock. You look down to see that it’s already hard and throbbing, wondering briefly if he has been debating with himself whether to break and enter or take care of it himself. He seems in a hurry so you guess that he has indeed been touching himself, much to your satisfaction, but his expression reveals that he is also angry. You like him angry. 
By instinct, you let your legs fall to the side until your knees almost hit the mattress. Carefully, you reach up to peel the hand away from your mouth so you can let out a soft gasp as he enters you. His size hurts like always and causes your eyes to sting with tears. He is stretching your unprepared cunt out around every bump of the veins along his length. 
You can feel yourself start to get wet as you take him in further, putting a hand on his chest to slow him down, but bracing yourself for his loss of patience that’ll eventually come. 
“You’re gonna stop crying about this like you didn’t know it was coming,” he spits harshly as he bottoms out with a rough thrust of his hips. New tears spring to your eyes, but you rapidly blink them away, “That’s it, don’t let me see a single fucking tear on that face like you’re sorry.”
He brutally fucks you into the mattress with frustration in his moans. You get used to the pain quickly as your slick starts dripping from you, running out of you onto the bed with each pound of his cock. There’s no way of slowing him down anyway, each of his hands finding a knee and pinning your legs down so roughly that you think he might dislocate your hip joints. 
“Fuck. What have I done now?” You rile him up, reaching down to hold his wrists and, hopefully, loosen his grip just a little by pulling. It doesn’t loosen whatsoever.
Something in his eyes go darker, one of them twitching slightly at the snarky comment that you’ve thrown his way. You gasp in relief as the hands move up, the left one on your hip to hold you down and his right one wrapping firmly around your neck. He squeezes, and that is certainly not what you had expected. Both of your hands come up to try and pull it away. 
“You and your smart mouth,” he pushes his palm into your windpipe, watching your mouth fall open in a silent moan as he still drills into you, “The girls told me that you are going on patrol with that new guy. They were all stupid and giggly. Thinking of letting him fuck you in one of the safe houses, huh? That it, you little bitch?”
You shake your head with heavy lids, head swimming as the amount of oxygen going to your head has decreased significantly. He leans down further to intimidatingly get in your face, and suddenly his pelvis grinds against your mound, stimulating your clit. You cannot tell him due to actually choking slightly, but you have no intention of letting him know either way.
“Fuck you for even thinking in that stupid little brain of yours that you’re allowed to do that,” he flexes his hand on your throat to grip harder, causing you to moan loudly for just a second before it’s cut off again. He is spurred on by that, grinning maniacally into your face whilst moaning too. 
The headboard starts slamming against the wall then, his pace dropping to something slower, but his thrusts are rougher, “Look at me… We are never gonna be wedding bells and domestic bliss, but you don’t ever let anyone else but me screw this pretty and fucking infuriating cunt.”
So that’s his deal; he doesn’t want you, but he doesn’t want anyone else to have and fuck you either. It makes you want to tell him that since he is the one coming each time you are the one screwing him. 
Joel Miller is a fucking psycho. 
A psycho that’s about to make you come with the desperate rhythm that he is keeping up, chasing something you guess is proof that he owns your body. He is panting above you, losing himself in the moment with you and not noticing the way that your body is climbing to a high - a thing that he has never allowed you. 
If he doesn’t let go of your throat soon, you think you might pass out, but there’s no way that you are going to distract him from using you and hopefully, accidentally, making you see stars for once. You cannot bear the thought of finishing the night off by making yourself come and letting him leave like he was just a dream. 
Then it happens, your face and chest going red as you feel yourself tip over the edge with him slamming into you. His hand lets go as the first signs of your orgasm hits him, and the sudden rush of adrenaline and oxygen to your brain has you sobbing out of pleasure to the point where people should come running to see if you’re in danger. You squeeze rhythmically and rapidly around his length, causing his eyes to widen as he realizes that he has made you climax and before he knows it, he is coming as well.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he says to himself as he settles inside of you and fills you up like all the previous times. Though this time, you don’t feel like an object to use but rather a human being that he has melted together with. You wish you could read his mind in this moment. He looks taken aback by himself. 
You try to catch your breath, whimpering as he quickly pulls out and frantically tucks himself away, so he can get dressed again. He doesn’t look at you before you reach down to hold a hand over your spent cunt, all red and puffy for him, pushing a finger inside yourself with a tiny gasp as you play with his come. God, you want a reaction. 
“Stop,” he snaps. There’s conflict behind his eyes.
“What?” You continue fingering yourself, “Don’t you like me like this?” 
“I’ll make it hurt,” he warns, “Don’t fucking try me.”
Hurt? You furrow your brow in confusion but Joel just settles between your spread legs again, batting your hand away. He shoves two fingers inside of you without mercy and causes you to moan with the over sensitivity that still has a hold of your body. 
“I can’t stop now,” he says, expertly pressing the pads of his fingers up against your g-spot, “Gonna make it hurt real good now that I know how that look in your eye changes when you come.”
“Please, yes,” you lift your hips up from the bed slightly and his come seeps past his fingers and down onto the mattress. 
“You won’t be saying yes forever,” he notes, setting up a rhythm that has you arching off the bed immediately, “You don’t have a clue what you’ve started. Now try to keep quiet or I’ll stuff my fist in your dumb mouth.”
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Sugar Daddy!Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Overall Warnings: slow burn, angst/comfort, power imbalance, age gap, possessive tendencies, eventual smut, #daddyissues, independent reader learns to let go and relax, emotionally constipated Joel Miller learns to be vulnerable; (more specific warnings to be added to individual chapters if necessary)
Chapter Word Count: 5,464
Summary: You spent your entire adult life supporting yourself and barely getting by. It’s why a life of ease offered to you by a mysterious stranger sounded so foreign and unbelievable. Joel Miller, dressed in flannels that had seen better days, didn’t look like the kind who could promise you the world on a plate, but he seemed desperate to help out. All he asks is that you let him take care of you. That wouldn’t be so hard. Would it?
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[a/n: i love this man, and i love every single person who has taken the time to let me know that they also love this man😌]
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"eye contact is a dangerous, dangerous thing. but lovely. oh, so lovely."
It was nerve wracking getting ready for your date which was mildly ironic since it technically wasn’t even a date. Joel was in essence paying you to be there. That thought process didn’t help much though because it instilled the fear of ‘what if he didn’t like what he was paying for’⏤ which was a terrifying thought that could send you into a spiral if you thought about it too long. 
For the millionth time, you adjusted your outfit before checking your hair once more in the mirror. Joel had texted you that he was on the way to your apartment. You had actually assumed that Riley would be driving you to meet Joel at the restaurant or perhaps to Joel’s home or work. The idea of Joel coming to pick you up himself was so adorably sincere in your mind.
The sound of knuckles rapping against your front door gave you pause. You glanced down at your phone to see that you didn’t have any missed messages from Joel. “Coming!” You called out while shoving your phone and wallet into the small purse that matched your dress. Heels clicking across your floor, you hurried to answer the door. “Hey⏤”
Your greeting fell silent halfway through it as you opened the door to see Joel looking as handsome as ever. It really wasn’t fair⏤ it looked effortless on his part. A gray sport coat with a navy blue button up shirt under the coat sans tie. Joel’s hair had a slightly messy look to it that seemed to be more accidental than planned. As if a long day of stress had undone a perfectly acceptable work style. His lips curled into a smile.
“Hey, sugar.” Joel greeted and it was nice to hear his voice in person again rather than through a telephone. He shifted to pull his hand out from behind his back to present you with a new bouquet of flowers just as gorgeous as the first.
Your eyes widened as you took the variety of wild flowers from him “Joel… These are gorgeous.”
“No, darlin’, you’re gorgeous.” Joel replied without hesitation. You looked up from the flowers to see Joel’s eyes tracing every inch of you. The clear admiration in his emotive brown eyes making your breath catch in your throat. He shook his head once, “Goddamn…”
You could feel your cheeks and the back of your neck warm at the compliment. Clutching the flowers to your chest, you cleared your throat. “It’s the dress. Thank you so much, Joel. I really love it.”
“The dress ain’t nothin’ without you, sugar. Don’t be silly.” Joel let out a small scoff.
“Here.” You motioned for him to come in. “Let me put these in water and we can be off.” While walking to the kitchen to find something that could be used as a vase, you heard Joel close the front door and step in. Your eyes glanced over your living space in mild embarrassment. Joel seemed to be looking around as well and you saw his eyes drift to a few photos you had hanging on your walls. “You really didn’t need to buy me more flowers, you know. I’m still in love with the ones from this morning. The sunflowers are so pretty.”
Joel drifted over, seeming entirely out of place in your tiny home, “Need? It’s about ‘want’, and I want to buy you everythin’.”
“Everything?” You chuckled. 
Joel titled his head just a bit, amusement flashing in his eyes, “Did I stutter, sugar?” You housed the flowers into a glass vase so you could set it next to the sunflowers and roses from this morning. Joel cleared his throat. “Are the flowers too much?” It was the first time since the start of this that you heard hesitance and doubt creep into his voice again. Joel rubbed the back of his neck. “I know it’s kind of cheesy⏤”
“First off, how dare you use the word ‘cheesy’ in a negative context.” You replied and Joel’s smile returned. “Second, I love the flowers. I really do. I… Nobody’s ever bought me bouquets like this before”
“That’s a damned shame.” Joel’s doubt seemed to slip away. “Never?”
“Well, I suppose not never. I’ve gotten apology flowers maybe but never ‘good morning’ flowers and ‘date night’ flowers.” As the words left your mouth, your eyes widened. Early today, you had decided not to refer to this as a date in front of Joel because you were unsure of what to correctly call it. Despite this plan, you managed to screw it up before even leaving your apartment. “Not that⏤ I mean, tonight isn’t⏤ or it⏤ Uh, I…”
Joel chuckled then held his arm out at the elbow for you. “Ready for our dinner date?”
You felt your face warm once more this time partially in relief from Joel’s subtle reassurance. “Very.” You nodded and looped your arm through his. “Let’s go.”
The two of you left the apartment, only pausing to lock your door, and Joel kept his arm through yours to help you cautiously down the stairs and out to the front of the building. The car on the curb you didn’t recognize was a dark maroon truck and it was the one Joel led you to. He opened the passenger door and held your hand to help you climb in. 
“Watch your feet.” Joel said before shutting the door. As he came around, you chuckled and clipped your seat belt. Joel must have noticed your amusement and he grinned. “What is it?”
“I like your truck. It’s not what I expected.”
“What did you expect?”
“I don’t know.” You teased. “I’m pretty sure guys with the kind of bank account you have are supposed to drive lamborghinis and mercedes.”
Joel laughed as he pulled away from the curb. “Those ain’t really my style, sugar.” It wasn’t necessarily true. You could picture Joel behind the wheel of a fancy car and God would he look good there, but the truck felt like him. It had the same 'down to earth' energy that Joel carried when he walked around in his flannels. “Growin’ up, I always wanted a truck like this.” He glanced over at you before his eyes shot back to the road. “It was the first thing I bought for myself after the company took off.”
You ran your hand against the worn leather of the middle console. The truck was well cared for, but obviously a bit aged. That was even cuter to you. Not only was he driving around in a vehicle you wouldn’t give a second glance on the road, but he wasn’t even driving the newest model despite being able to afford it plus more.
“So, tell me about your day.” You said. “Anything exciting happen?”
Joel let out a quiet scoff before casually walking you through some of the disasters he was forced to deal with. You knew very little, arguably nothing, about contracting or his job in particular. That being said, Joel had a nice way of telling stories. It wasn’t just his voice alone, which you had already established was addicting to listen to, but Joel was able to keep a person engaged and wanting more when he spun a tale. He wasn’t overly vocal from what you’ve gathered, but when he did speak the words he chose mattered.
“What about you?” Joel asked without glancing over. The truck was officially way out of your neighborhood and in a much richer area of the region. “That boutique okay?”
“Oh, it was amazing.” You replied and began to tell him all about Kiera. “Honestly, I was nervous to shop at a place like that, but she was incredible.” Joel hummed happily and you began to tell him how you also got lunch with Riley. “I basically had to arm wrestle him into letting me use your card to buy lunch for us because he didn't want to ‘impose’.”
Joel barked out a laugh. “It’s kind of frustratin’ when you wanna buy somethin’ for a person who fights you tooth and nail on it, huh?”
You bit down on your lower lip to keep from excessively grinning. “Shut up. That’s not the same.”
“Oh, it ain’t?”
“I wanted to buy Riley a sandwich, you wanted to buy me a car.”
He shrugged. “I don’t see a difference.” You playfully rolled your eyes and he had been glancing over just at the right time to see it. Joel’s hand reached over to lightly grasp your hand which was resting on the middle console. His warm touch made your breath hitch and you could feel calluses on his palm. Joel gave your hand a tight squeeze. He scolded you teasingly, “Good girls don’t roll their eyes, sugar.”
“I⏤ I, uh, I did warn you that you were gonna turn me into a spoiled brat.” Your voice had cracked at the beginning of the sentence and you were forced to clear your throat to stabilize it.
Joel glanced over again, and he gave your hand a softer squeeze this time. Sincerity replaced his teasing, “This alright? If you don’t want me⏤”
“No.” You tangled your fingers with him in fear that he was going to pull away. “This is fine.”
Joel chuckled and for the rest of the drive to the restaurant you found it hard to focus on anything other than the small circles that Joel’s thumb was tracing against the skin on the back of your hand. You weren’t familiar with the area outside the car window but you found yourself surrounded by skyscrapers. The building Joel pulled up to was well lit and the people traveling in and out of the lobby looked just as well dressed as the both of you.
He parked the truck in the valet lane then squeezed your hand to draw your attention to him. “Stay right there, sugar.” You gave him a nod and watched as he climbed out and walked around the truck’s front. He tossed the keys to the valet with a quick thanks. The valet must have said something you didn’t catch because Joel chuckled and nodded. You shifted in your seat, realizing why he asked you to stay put, and waited for Joel to reach your door. Joel pulled it open, held a hand out, and offered a charming smile. “Ma’am.”
“Sir.” You replied with a grin and took his hand so he could help you climb out of his truck. Joel took your hand and looped it around his elbow. You felt your cheeks warm at the motion. Though you had known he was taking you out in public, a part of you thought he wouldn’t want to be seen with you though. It’s not like you were his dirty secret, the two of you weren’t part of some scandal or affair, but it still felt like something you were supposed to hide. You shoved the doubt out of your mind and let your eyes glance around the lavish lobby. “This place is gorgeous. Where are we?”
“This is the J Hotel.” Joel replied. You briefly stiffened. A hotel? Obviously, this was a hotel. You should’ve noticed from the curb. Was he going to take you to a room? A trickle of concern crawled down your spine. Joel seemed to notice because he set his free hand on top of the one you had holding onto his arm. “Hey. It’s alright. There’s a restaurant on the rooftop. That’s where we’re heading, darlin’.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t been aware you were holding and shot him an apologetic smile. “Of course. Of course, we are. I’m so sorry.” He had been nothing but a gentleman, above and beyond really, and your mind had immediately assumed the worst of him. “I wasn’t⏤ I don’t think you’re that kind of guy I just⏤”
“No need for apologies.” Joel chuckled. “I’d be more worried if you weren’t wary of me. I’m a strange old guy payin’ you to hang out around me.”
You tightened your grip on his arm as the two of you stepped into the elevator. “Not strange. I’d use the words ‘kind’ or ‘charming’ or ‘handsome’ even.”
Joel let out a soft laugh as he hit the button for the sixty-seventh floor. The ride up only took a moment and when the floor opened up you commended Joel for his choice in location. The rooftop restaurant was gorgeous. String lights hung overhead and the seating area was filled with an almost garden-like energy. The maitre d’ spotted the two of you and hurried over to offer a greeting. It was very different compared to the side eye the maitre d’ from the restaurant where you and Nima had met Roaslind. You were led over to a table and you were excited to see it was near enough to the side of the roof that you’d have a clear view of the LA skyline without having to peer around another table.
Joel slid his arm out from yours to pull out your chair. The flowers, opening your car door, pulling out your chair⏤ it was all very little things, but you found yourself enjoying it immensely. Joel sat down across from you and you gave your waiter a double take when you realized he had only offered one menu for the table and he had placed it in Joel’s hands.
“Um…” You began.
“Don’t worry.” Joel replied. “We only need one. This place makes four new dishes a day. I can read you those four options.”
You crossed your arms to lean on the table, amused, “And why can’t I read my own menu?”
“Because,” Joel scanned the menu once more before meeting your gaze, “I know you’ll end up pickin’ your meal based on the price tag rather than get what you actually want.” 
Your eyes widened in slight surprise. He wasn’t wrong, but it caught you off guard that he had thought of it. Joel quickly walked you through the options and you picked a meal that sounded most appealing to you. When the waiter came back, he took the order and offered a few wine choices. Joel nodded to you to decide and you agreed to whatever the waiter thought would work best with your meals.
“You know,” You laced your fingers together with a small smile, “I’m surprised.”
“Most rich people can’t fathom the lifestyle of someone in my tax bracket.” You replied with a small shrug. “Because you were right. I would’ve probably picked based on the price, without even realizing it.”
Joel chuckled, “I wasn’t always rich, sugar.” You knew he hadn’t always been a multi-millionaire, but you assumed he jumped from upper class to that level. “Back in college, and a little while after, I was broke.” He offered you a small understanding nod. “I’ve had those days where you go out for dinner with friends and you pick the cheapest thing on the menu ‘cause you can’t afford nothin’ else.” Your gaze softened at his words, and he chuckled. “Then you’re too proud to accept help from any of your friends so you spend the entire night tryin’ to convince them that corn nuggets were your actual favorite food and that’s why you ordered ‘em.”
You laughed at how relatable his words were. Not too long ago, right before Joel offered you this proposition, you had literally sat in a restaurant with Nima and refused to let her buy you food⏤ claiming you ordered the side salad because you weren’t very hungry rather than admitting you were forced to use your full paycheck for rent and bills which left you nothing for spending. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”
“It was a fair assumption.” Joel conceded. “Most people who make it to my current tax bracket,” He copied your phrasing, “Started pretty near the top to begin with.”
The waiter returned to pour you both a glass of wine and you and Joel both thanked him. You took a sip and savored the flavor. This was absolutely not the boxed wine you had sitting in your fridge currently. A soft groan of approval slipped your lips.
“Good?” Joel asked.
“Much better than the wine I just bought from Target.” You nodded. Joel laughed and you motioned around the restaurant. “This place is amazing by the way. Do you come here often?”
Joel shook his head. “No. This is my first time.”
“Oh. Why’d you pick it then?” You asked curiously. 
“Well,” Joel cleared his throat then offered you a sheepish smile, “I didn’t. I asked my assistant to plan this out.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s just been a while since I did anythin’ date related… If it had been up to me I would’ve taken you to a diner a few blocks down from my office. Best burger in LA, I swear it.”
You resisted the urge to tell him that you would’ve been happy with any place he chose as long as it gave you time to spend with him. That seemed to potentially cross a line from ‘fake date with a sugar daddy’ and into ‘real date with a man you’re crushing on’. A distinction you were making a real effort to focus on. However, you were unable to resist asking the question that had plagued you all day.
“How is it you haven’t done anything date related in a while?” You asked. “How are you even single?”
“You know…” Joel grunted out a vague response and shrugged.
You chuckled, “No, actually I don’t. I find it very hard to believe that a guy like you couldn’t have any woman he wanted, yet here you are. With me.”
“With you is exactly where I wanna be.” Joel replied confidently. You rolled your eyes with a small chuckle. He held his wine glass in his hand, but lifted a finger from it to point at you. “There you go rollin’ those pretty eyes again. You’re askin’ for trouble.”
“No. You know what I’m asking.” You countered.
Joel let out a small sigh and nodded. “I was with a woman a year ago. It didn’t end well.” You took a sip of your own wine but continued to lean on the table listening intently. “It was just a messy relationship. We weren’t… compatible, but we stayed together longer than we should’ve. She didn’t like that I was too cold, and I didn’t like that she was sleepin’ with other guys.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. There was a lot to unpack in that sentence alone. “God, I’m so sorry, Joel.” It was baffling that anybody wouldn’t appreciate what they had with Joel. And cold? You’ve known not even a full month, but if someone asked you to describe Joel the last word you’d use was ‘cold’. “She thought you were cold?”
“She said I wasn’t affectionate enough.” Joel replied in an off handed manner. The way someone would respond to a question they didn’t want to elaborate on. Still, you had a hard time believing Joel was not affectionate with his significant other. Hell he had been more affectionate toward you this last week than your ex-boyfriend had been the last few months of your relationship. You wondered if his old girlfriend hadn’t understood his affection. You were getting the feeling that Joel’s love language was ‘Acts of Service’. To someone who didn’t respond to that then they could potentially make that complaint. “It was a long time ago.”
You twisted your lips, “You haven’t met anyone since then that you were interested in?”
Joel held your gaze for a beat before he glanced at his wine glass and took a sip. He shook his head and met your gaze once more with a small smile. “It just wasn’t a priority.” He chuckled. “Then I got lovingly bullied into the sugar baby idea.” There was obviously a story there that you were curious about, but Joel changed the subject so you were the topic of conversation. “Don’t feel obligated to answer ‘cause I talked about my love life, or lack thereof, but… what about you?”
“Me?” You motioned to yourself.
“Yeah.” Joel grinned. “You’re a catch, sugar. Smart, witty, fun, drop dead gorgeous,” You felt your cheeks warm at his words and you hid your smile behind your wine glass as you took a sip, “How’re you single?”
This wasn’t something you enjoyed talking about, but if Joel could share a bit of his painful past then you could as well. You licked your lips, “I wasn’t single six months ago.” Joel’s eyebrows rose. “I was dating a guy and we were pretty serious.”
“How long did the two of you date?”
“Two years.” You admitted with a slight wince, and Joel looked even more surprised. “The topic of marriage actually came up, but…” You cleared your throat. “He told me I wasn’t marriage material.”
Joel’s eyebrows furrowed, “I’m sorry, what?” You shrugged in response, not knowing what else to say. He scoffed with a shake of his head. “No offense, darlin’, but your ex is an absolute moron who didn’t know what he had.”
“It’s funny you say that.” You teased. “I was just thinking that about your ex.”
Joel’s lips curled up into an amused smirk. He lifted his wine glass toward you, “To our exes then. Without their mistakes we wouldn’t be here tonight.”
“To our exes.” You laughed and clinked your glass against his.
The rest of dinner consisted of conversation topics that weren’t quite as heavy as the history of your love lives. Just like with your phone calls with Joel, talking to him was the easiest thing in the world. Any moment of silence that did occur between the two of you was comfortable rather than awkward, and you never felt pressured to fill the space with words just for the sake of it.
When the waiter came to the table with the check there was no question of who it was going to. He handed it over to Joel who thanked him then pulled out his card to hand back. You finished the last of your current glass of wine.
“Seriously though,” You spoke up, “Thank you so much. This meal was amazing.”
“My pleasure, sugar.” Joel chuckled. “Glad you enjoyed it.” The waiter returned with his card and you watched Joel write on the receipt before rising up. He held a hand out to you to help you out of your seat and you beamed as he pulled your arm through his arm once more. “Night ain’t over yet though.”
Your smile widened as you let him lead you out of the restaurant. “Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm.” Joel replied as you both settled in the elevator. You hit the button for the lobby before he could. He reached into his coat’s internal pocket to pull out two tickets. “Some show in the LA County Museum of Art.” 
He offered you the tickets for you to see what it was for. You recognized the name of the show because Nima had just been talking to you about this only a few days prior. Joel paused with you by the side of the road as the two of you waited for the valet to bring his truck around. 
“Do you know much about this show?” You asked in curiosity. If the few things you did know about him were correct you had a feeling that the same person who picked out this restaurant also chose this show.
“No. It’s some kind of art show, ain’t it?”
“Yes.” You chuckled. “But it’s a sensory experience.” Joel shot you a confused look and you grinned in response. “So… the area is dark and the only light is on the floor to light a path and the art pieces itself, and you’re not allowed to talk. It’s a silent showing.” 
You saw immediate distaste on Joel’s face as he took the tickets from you to scan them. Another laugh bubbled from your lips when you heard Joel mutter a curse under his breath. He blew out a sigh as his truck rolled around. “We don’t gotta do this, sugar, but I don’t really have anything else planned…”
The idea of calling this the end of your night already sat bitter on your tongue. Joel caught the keys thrown to him before opening the passenger seat door to help you climb in. As he walked around the truck, you pulled out your phone to search an address for a possible idea.
“I have an idea.” You blurted when Joel climbed in. He raised an eyebrow at you. “Drive here.”
He glanced at the GPS on your phone, “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“I’m not that big on surprises.” Joel countered skeptically.
“And I’m not good at letting people buy me things.” You smirked. “We’re both experiencing new things today.” Joel bit back a chuckle, but he still gave you a wary look. You leaned across the console with the brightest smile you could muster. “Please, daddy.”
Joel’s lips curled up into a smile and he shook his head with a laugh under his breath. He turned and put the car into drive to start following the GPS. You beamed at him and it felt empowering to know you were able to so easily sway him into agreeing to a surprise. Joel reached out again to lace his hand with yours. “You’re lucky you’re so damn cute, sugar.”
“Here. If it makes you more comfortable,” You said, “When we get there I’ll let you pay for us to go in.”
“Oh, you’ll let me pay.” Joel laughed and squeezed your hand.
“Only because I’m feeling charitable today.”
Joel shook his head with an amused scoff.
The surprise you had thought of wasn’t far and you clocked the exact moment that Joel realized where your GPS was taking him. He glanced over at you before looking back to the road with a voice of shock. “Putt putt golf? Really?” Joel pulled into a parking spot and turned to stare at you in disbelief. “This is what you wanna do for the rest of the night?”
“Mhmm.” You nodded. “What’s wrong, daddy?” The choice to use the nickname again was the correct one when you saw him stiffen in his seat. “Afraid I’m gonna kick your ass?”
Joel’s jaw locked and he snatched his keys from the ignition before climbing out of the truck. Knowing what he’d prefer, you stayed put until he came around to open your door. When he yanked it open you shot him a smug smile. Joel nodded once and held his hand out to you. “Don’t think I’m gonna take it easy on you.”
“I’d be upset if you did.” You replied as your feet landed on the ground and you stood right in front of him. 
The two of you walked in through the front and you picked out a club while Joel paid for the course for you both. When asked if he wanted to do the 9 or 18 hole course he picked the longer one without even asking, and you smiled to yourself. You liked that he enjoyed his time with you as much as you did with him. He picked his own club and you grabbed a dark green ball for Joel and a light blue one for you. 
“We need to make a deal.” You said while you both wandered out toward the first hole. The place wasn’t very crowded which meant you wouldn’t feel rushed. 
“I think we already made a deal, last I checked.” Joel replied and motioned between the two of you.
“Funny.” You bumped your hip into him. “I meant for the game. Like... loser pays for post-game ice cream.”
Joel shook his head, “I’m not gonna let you pay for ice cream.”
“Okay, real bold of you to assume I’m gonna lose.” You laughed and Joel just shot you a confident smirk that fit his handsome features well. You stayed firm. “We need incentive.”
“Fine. How’s this? If you win, then I pay for ice cream.” He started. You followed his statement and narrowed your eyes at his wording. Joel continued. “But, if I win, then I pay for ice cream and I get to buy you an exorbitant and unnecessary gift.”
Your jaw fell open. “What?”
“That’s kind of ridiculous.”
Joel looked smug as you both reached the first hole. “Just win and you won’t have to worry about it.” He dropped his ball down on the green, lined up his shot, and then hit. You watched the green ball roll down the first, simple path and drop into the hole. He turned in place to address your shock. “Or, you can think of suggestions to give me of what you might want.” Joel leaned in toward you just a bit and in a teasing tone added. “I’m thinkin' maybe a small country. Are you partial to Europe or Asia, sugar?”
“You can’t afford a country.” You scoffed. Joel shrugged and pulled back so you could take your turn, but your eyes widened. “Joel, can you afford a small country?” He walked down the course to fetch his ball. “Joel??”
The putt putt course brought out Joel’s competitive side and you loved it. It seemed like years of stress had been lifted off his shoulders as he let loose with you. As you both reached the end of the 18 holes he was in the lead by only a few strokes.
“You’ve technically already lost, sugar.” Joel chuckled as he waited for you to finish the last hole.
“Hush.” You replied.
Joel laughed then motioned toward you. “Look, you make a hole in one here and you win the entire thing.”
“Wait, really?” You perked up in excitement. Joel nodded. You readjusted your golf ball at the start and focused on lining up your shot. Joel continued to tease you while you tried to focus. You shot him a playful glare. “Excuse you, sir. Quiet on the course.”
Joel bowed his head in a mocking gesture and you went back to focusing on your turn. After lining it up, you swung. The ball bounced off the wall and made a beeline toward the hole. You began to bounce in excitement but the light blue ball rimmed around the hole and then sat on the edge without falling in.
“Are you shitting me!?” You cried in alarm. Joel laughed as you hurried over to where your ball sat. You pointed to it and looked at Joel. “Oh, come on. Come on!”
Joel stepped onto the course and kicked your ball in. He reached out to lightly tap the side of his knuckles under your chin making you warm. Joel let out a soft sigh and offered you a comforting smile. “Hey, it’s alright, sugar.” He leaned in. “I won’t buy you a country. I’ll just pick out some gaudy piece of jewelry.”
Your jaw fell again and he laughed. You gave him a playful shove, “I thought you were gonna give me the win!”
“Absolutely not.” Joel replied and took the club from your hand so you didn’t have to carry it. His hand settled on your lower back while gently leading you back towards the putt putt golf house. “I told you I wasn’t gonna take it easy on you.”
“What if I ask really nicely?”
“Aw, sugar, you can try.” Joel set both your clubs on the counter. 
His hand never left your back as he led you back out toward the truck. You turned and resisted the urge to rest your hands on his chest. Instead, you stepped closer and just tilted your head up to face him, and with a sickly sweet voice you tried again, “Please can we call this my win, daddy?”
Joel’s gaze softened as he stared at you and he nodded once. “Still no. Come on, let’s get ice cream.”
“Hey!” You cried as he grasped your hand and continued to drag you to his truck. You laughed and tugged on his arm. “If you were just gonna turn me down again then why’d you even give me the chance to ask nice?”
“It might’ve worked. You never know.” Joel glanced your way once more. “And maybe I just wanted an excuse to hear you call me ‘daddy’ again.” You felt your face grow warm at his comment and there was no hiding the way it made your smile grow. Joel ran his thumb against the back of your hand and chuckled. “So? Ice cream? I’m buyin’.”
You counted your blessings and sent another silent thanks to your exes.
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✨J.M. Masterlist✨
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sturniozo · 6 months
Tutor part Seven
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AN: I’m sorry in advance.
Things have seemed to go back to normal with Chris. He’s still flirty and goofy with me when we’re studying together, but still reserved and quieter when I’m hanging out with him and his brothers.
I’ve learned to forget about the girls Chris flirts with in the halls of our school. It’s a new one almost every week. It still almost drives me crazy, but I no longer run to cry in the bathroom when I see him with someone else.
As for Ty, Chris was sure to talk to him for me. And from what Chris tells me, he let him down gently.
Chris entered the locker room to change into gear before his hockey practice. After he finished he sees Ty walking out into the hallway. Chris immediately walks behind him.
“Hey!” Chris yells. “Hey, Ty!”
Ty turns around and sees Chris. “Hey man.” He says with a smile. “What’s up?”
“Stay the fuck away from her.” Chris spat.
“What?” Ty looks at him shocked.
“Y/n. Stay the fuck away from her. She isn’t interested.”
“I thought she was single?”
“You heard wrong. I don’t want you near her.”
“She told me you guys weren’t dating.” Ty says, confused.
“That was then. This is now.” Chris steps closer. “Don’t go near her.”
I sit on my bed, tapping my pen on my notebook that lays in my lap. Chris spins slowly in my wheely seat, his head leaned back as he tries to balance a pencil between his nose and upper lip. The pencils falls on the floor and he looks down at it before looking back up at me and smiling.
I try not to blush at his stupid, adorable smile. “What?” I ask.
“You’re just so cute.” He says. Chris gets up and sits on the bed next to me. He leans his head on my shoulder. “I’m bored of studying, we’ve studied non stop for weeks.”
“We study twice a week. It’s like a total of three hours a week.” I correct him.
“It’s too much. It cuts into my Y/n time.”
“Your y/n time?” I ask, laughing a little.
Chris pouts. “Yeah, my y/n time. Nick gets unlimited y/n time and I only get three hours a week. And it’s all spent on studying.”
“Maybe you should have thought of that before you got bad grades.” I respond.
“They’re getting better! I have a c in Literature now!”
“Well, that’s good news.”
“I suppose.” Chris shrugs. After a small pause he says “do you think you’d ever had hung out with me one on one if I never had Nick ask you to tutor me?”
I pause and bite me lip, thinking of an answer. I’m not even sure I would have. “I don’t know. Maybe.” I shrug and try to change the subject. “It doesn’t matter, let’s just get back to studying.”
Chris lifts his head up from my shoulder. “I don’t want to study, haven’t you been listening to me?” He sighs and sits up fully in the bed. “You just don’t get it.”
“Don’t get what?” I ask.
“Forget it.” He mumbles. He leans his head back against the wall and closes his eyes. “Let’s just study.”
My shift at the diner was only half over with two hours to go. I write down the order for a nice elderly couple and walk to the kitchen to give the ticket to the chefs, when I see a familiar face. Ty.
I quickly give the ticket to the chefs and watch through the window of the kitchen door to see which section the host seats Ty and his friends in. My heartbeat quickens and I bite my lip in anticipation.
The host leads them to a table in my section and I don’t know whether to feel relieved or excited. I step out of the kitchen and wipe down my uniform. I watch at the host hands them their menus and walks back to the booth.
I make a round to refill drinks and deliver plates to give them time to look over the menu before I walk to their table to take their order.
I take a deep breath before I step to their table and say “Hello, my name is y/n and I’ll be your server today. Can I get you any drinks to start you out with?”
Ty looks up at me in shock. “Oh! Y/n I didn’t know you worked here…”
“Yeah, I started just as soon as I turned 16.” I smile at him.
“I can go somewhere else…” Ty says as he begins to stand up.
“No, no. Why? You don’t have to everything’s fine?” I say as I usher him to sit back down.
“I just don’t want you boyfriend to-“
“Boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend?”
“I told you, Chris isn’t my boyfriend.”
“He told me he is.”
“No the hoodie thing was-“
“It wasn’t the hoodie.” Ty interrupts me. “Chris told me to my face. He told me to stay away from you because you’re his.”
I blink in shock. “He… he what? No…”
“He did.”
“I’m not his.” I say calmly.
“Look, even if you aren’t Chris’s girl, there’s no way I can go out with you knowing he’s pining for you. I’d like to keep all my limbs intact.” Ty stands up and his friends do the same. “If he even finds out I ate here while you’re working here, I’d be in for it.”
I just stare in shock as Ty and his friends walk out of the diner.
After my shift is over I stand outside by my car, looking through my contacts for Chris’s number. I find it and click the call option. I hold my phone to my ear waiting for him to pick up which he does surprisingly quickly.
“Hey y/n.” Chris says happily.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I ask angerly, on the verge of tears that are also a surprise to me.
“What are you talking about?” Chris says with a scoff.
“Him? What about him?” Chris asks, sounding annoyed.
“You fucking told him I’m yours and to stay away from me?”
“Oh yeah, that.” Chris mumbles.
“Don’t oh yeah that me. What is wrong with you?”
“I thought you wanted me to tell him you weren’t interested. I don’t see the problem.”
“You don’t get to go claiming me as yours to guys when you’re sleeping around with every damn girl in our school!” I almost yell into my phone as tears begin to fall down my cheeks. “It’s not fucking fair that you can be with whoever you want and you won’t let me be with anyone at all.”
“I thought you didn’t want to be with him?”
“Because you said he was an ass. Every conversation I’ve had with him has been pleasant and-“
“You fucking talked to him again?” Chris interrupts me.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want, I’m not yours. You can’t tell people I am!”
“Why the fuck would you even want him? What does he have that interests you so much?” Chris’s voice starts getting angrier.
“That’s not the problem here. The problem here is you.”
I stop him. “No. I’m done. Find someone else to help you with your grades. I’m not doing this anymore.”
“Y/n” Chris pleads.
“I’m done. Bye Chris.” I say and hang up the phone. I put my hand to my lips, closing my eyes and sobbing as I slide my back down my car door and sit on the cold concrete of the parking lot.
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shadowbriar · 2 years
George Weasley - Delicate
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Pairing : (F/M) || George Weasley x Reader Word Count : 4.1k Warning : Heavy angst as requested. Notes : I got a little bit carried away with this one.
Their laughter echoes within the walls of the Common Room. Her face was burning, both from fluster and the fatigued muscles of her face from the non stop smile. She was sitting the furthest from the fireplace yet she could’ve sworn that her skin was flaming in fire. Her eyes are glued on him, watching every gesture, every breathy laughter and every cheers he made. He was the centre of her life, the very source of her drive.
But she supposed, so is the whole castle.
She’s reminded every other time they have a conversation that she’s merely one from his long list of admirers. Being the calmer twin only meant that it was easier for girls to approach him. Girls would come at him, giving him love letters and other trinkets in hope to catch just a glimpse of his attention. And every single time, she has to pretend that the gesture didn’t bother her because what exactly could she do? It isn’t like she has a chance with him in the first place.
George Fabian Weasley was the definition of perfection. At least, in her dictionary. He was smart, within and outside of academic achievements. He knew exactly how to brighten the room, which jokes to crack and what prank to do to lift the mood. He was kind and affectionate. Everything a girl could dream of their knight in shining armour would be.
“Have you heard?” Some girl from her left whispered to another yet loud enough for her to hear “Fred Weasley has asked someone to be his date, meaning only George’s still up on the market.”
“Really? Who’s he going with?”
“Angelina!” The other girl answers “It’s no surprise really, seeing how close they are from quidditch practices.”
“I suppose so. Do you think George would ask someone from the quidditch team too, then? Alicia perhaps?”
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if he does. They’re like honey and bees, especially lately. I think they might’ve been an item already.”
She chews on her lower lip, trying to maintain the calm composure she’s losing through her fingertips. She too has noticed the not so subtle closeness George and Alicia have these days. He’s spent more time taking care of the quidditch equipment with her, coming to the Great Hall together for meals, and doing his paperworks together. All the mentioned activities, aside from quidditch practice, were normally done with her, not Alicia. To say that she felt replaced would be an understatement.
But she knew deep down that she has no right to ever feel disappointed and hurt. George was never hers to begin with. The sense of belonging was only felt one sided, never reciprocated by the other end. She was the only one holding onto every little mundane thing they shared as if they were her life milestones.
“Neville asked me to be his date.” Ginny says, whispering excitedly as she squeezes in to sit next to her.
She flashes a smile, squeezing Ginny’s arm in a warm response, “That’s brilliant, Ginny!”
“Mhm,” Ginny nods eagerly “Have you found a decent date yet?”
“Yeah, I’m not so sure that I’ll be going.” She says with a soft laughter “Balls and dances are not my thing.”
“What are you talking about, balls and dances are every girls’ thing!”
She smiles, averting her eyes back to the pranksters who are still cracking their jokes.
Ginny’s right, balls and dances are every girls’ thing. A huge part of her was screaming and hoping that she could go to the ball with her charming prince, spending the night as they waltzed to some romantic song, being completely intoxicated with each other’s presence. But the thought feels like nothing but a mere dream now that she uses her head more than her heart. Exactly how long would she entertain herself with the blissful fake scenarios where her love was reciprocated? 
“It would be a fun night, don’t you think?” Ginny asks, still persuading her “Imagine how beautiful the Great Hall would be, the music, the food, everything! And we get to dress up! Out of these insipid robes for once.”
“I suppose.”
“What is making you so uninterested?” Ginny asks with raised brows “If you can’t find a bloke worthy enough, I can ask one of my brothers to escort you. I’m sure one of them would be delighted to be your date.”
“No, please don’t.” She says fast, afraid the younger Weasley would pursue her wild idea. With Fred escorting Angelina and Ron who seems to be so determined to ask one of the Beauxbatons, George would be the only brother left for Ginny to ask the favour and although it would’ve been nice to have George asked her for the ball, being asked merely out of pity would be the one embarrassment she could not live with.
“You’re right. None of my brothers are deserving enough to escort you.” Ginny says as she watches the twins fuse a firecracker “You know what, the ball is still weeks away. I’m sure we’ll figure something out.”
She remains quiet, only replying to the redhead girl with a small smile.
She knew that the possibility of her being escorted by George to the ball was slim to none. The distance that’s slowly growing between them is becoming a hurtful thorn that’s piercing deeper into her heart each day. From day one she knew that there would be no chance of him ever returning her feelings. Why should he when he could choose literally any other girl?
Her mind was loud. The ball is approaching close and there’s still no news of George having a date just yet. It was as if she was stuck in a labyrinth, every step she took led to another door that just further fuelled her insecurity. Perhaps George has asked someone in private, unlike his twin brother who asked Angelina in public. George has always been the more reserved twin after all.
But wouldn’t he want to share the happy news if he indeed does have a date? She knew that their friendship had been strained for the past few months, but something as special as a Yule Ball date would surely be something he’d want to share with her. She’s been his best secret keeper after all.
Understanding that slumber wouldn’t be her friend tonight, she peels herself off of her blanket and walks outside of the room. Perhaps she could ask the house elves a tiny favour of hot milk and biscuits to help. Or maybe a late night stroll would make her tired enough to fall asleep. Either of which seems like a better idea than to ponder herself with these unanswered questions.
Walking down the staircase, she could hear faint noise of music from the Common Room. Laughter was heard louder as she descended closer. There were two people, a boy and a girl’s voice echoing through the walls. One’s voice she would recognise anywhere anytime.
“Alright, I think that’s enough practice for the night.” The boy says with slight pants “I think tomorrow I’ll ask- Hey, you.”
She was frozen on her spot. The sight she’s just witnessed would be the bane of her nightmares to follow. There they were, her hands resting casually on his shoulders, big happy grins plastered on their faces. The very position she wishes she could be with him. Close and intimate.
“George, Alicia,” She says softly, forcing a smile and fighting the tears welling up her eyes “I didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry, you’re not interrupting anything. We’re about to get to bed, too.” Alicia answers with a warm smile “Where are you heading?”
“Kitchen.” She says short “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Oh, can I join you?” George asks, a warm smile evident on his face “I could use a glass of milk too.”
She stares at George’s innocent eyes with defeat, thankful of the limited light showering them both so he wouldn’t see the disappointment and sadness she’s feeling. How could he stand there and still look as beautiful and charming as he always had when he’s just broken her heart into pieces?
“No, actually I’d rather you not, George.” She says softly, not being able to look at his face a second longer “I need some space and time alone with my thoughts.”
Without waiting for his response, she walks out of the Common Room in a haste. Her tears were flowing just when she reached the staircase, unable to hold them any longer. Her nightmare has happened. Every bad scenario she tried so hard to push out of her head has finally come true. 
George Weasley has a date for the Yule Ball.
The following days have been hell. Hours spent detached to reality while nights would be filled with her silent cries. She has emptied her bottle of non-puffy potion to help ease her swollen eyes, but it was to no avail. Her sadness is bleeding out of her.
She’s tried her best to avoid George. Exchanging her seat in every class they shared and would leave before George could reach her. She doesn’t even take her meals on her usual spot at their table anymore. She reckons that her spot has been long occupied by another now that he’s got a new bird to entertain.
She knew that from the beginning she stood no chance to be with him. She knew that she was just another background girl in his bright and daring life, praying that with whatever miracle there is he would spare just a glance and wave her a smile. Yet with all this knowledge and understanding, why does it still hurt? Why does it still torment her everytime the memory of him and Alicia plays in her mind?
“Love, wait!” George calls, running and barely able to catch her as he pulls her hand “Blimey, do I have a stench or something? You’ve been avoiding me like I was the plague!”
“I’m busy, George.” She says, prying her hand off of him “Now if you’ll excuse me-”
“Not so fast.” He says, stopping her by placing a hand in front of her “I just need a minute of your time, please. It won’t be long. There’s something rather urgent I need to speak to you about.”
She wanted to flee from him. Run as fast as her legs could carry her and go back to her room, hide under her blanket and wait until the weeks passed. She’s demented enough, couldn’t he tell? What could he possibly want to talk to her now that he’s got Alicia? Couldn’t he just leave her be?
“Please,” George begs once more “I’m only asking for a minute of your time.”
Looking at his pleading eyes, she finally gave in and gave a slight nod.
He grins in victory, clapping his hand, “Right, so uh- Godric, I don’t know where to start.”
She stares at his eyes. A sense of nervousness was evident from his face. George rubs his palms to his trousers, trying to maintain his cool composure though it’s clear that he’s losing it. She wonders if these jolts were caused by his excitement for sharing the big news with her. A little bit overdue, sure, but it’s not like she’s given him the chance to tell her that he’s seeing Alicia.
“I have something to ask you.” He starts, a nervous smile decorating his face “It’s, uh, it’s about girls.”
She takes a sharp breath, “Right.”
“I, uh, I have a bit of trouble on said topic.” He continues, beating around the bushes to find the right words to say “You know how the Yule Ball is coming, right? And I, uh, there’s this girl that I wanted to ask to be my date. I know that time’s wearing thin and I should’ve asked her the first time the ball was announced but I just couldn’t muster the courage to ask her, you know? I don’t want to come as too strong or anything, she’s a rather special girl.”
She grips her robe tighter, trying to keep her emotions packed. She couldn’t break down in front of him, not when he looks like he’s flustered and in need of a friend to talk to.
“She’s a close friend of mine.” George says, smiling as he begins to describe her “She’s brilliant, to say the least. I just- I can’t find the words to describe her but take it from me, she’s the most brilliant girl there is.”
She says softly, forcing a smile, “You seem to be so fond of her.”
Fighting her tears, she wasn’t sure why George hadn't mentioned Alicia’s name once when she had already caught them red handed the other night. It wasn't exactly a secret for her anymore, so why not just say her name instead of describing how wonderful she is? Doesn’t he know that it’s hurting her?
“I am.” He nods, looking completely intoxicated with admiration “I’m head over heels for her.”
“What exactly is your problem with her then?” She says, sounding a little bit more rude than she expected to but she clearly couldn’t stand another second hearing him swooning over Alicia “You said you two are close.”
“I- Well,” George stutters, completely caught off guard from her irritated tone “I suppose, I wanted to ask for your opinion. If you were in her shoes, how would you like me to ask you for the ball?”
She lets out a scoff. Is this boy for real now? Asking how she would like him to ask her for the ball? Isn’t that just plain cruel?
“What do you want, George?” She asks with more annoyance in her tone “Why are you asking me this? I mean haven’t you been occupied with Alicia lately? Shouldn’t you ask for her opinion or approval instead?”
“I- Well, I have asked Alicia actually but she said I should ask you.”
“Oh, so you’re here because your plan with Alicia didn’t go well? Is that what this is?” She argues, anger and hurt clouding her mind “Is that really all that I am to you? A back up plan? Someone you go to when things aren’t going well with your bird?”
George raises an eyebrow, looking bewildered, “Love, what- I just- What are you talking about?”
“Look, George, I really don’t have time for this.” She says fast before letting herself get even more angry “I’m sorry that things didn’t work out with Alicia, but frankly speaking you have tons of other girls you can ask with so just pick one and be done with it.”
Before George could utter another word, she left him in a hurry. She takes big angry steps away from the redhead boy, praying that her leg could carry her as furthest as it could. The puppy pleading eyes of his would haunt her. She knew that she’s being an arse for spitting him right on the face where he clearly needs someone to talk to, but she couldn't let herself drown even deeper. She couldn’t let him drag her further to the pit of despair. He’s hurt her just enough.
The dreadful night finally comes. In contrast to the happy and excited looks of her friends, she drank the glass of non-alcoholic drink with a frown. If it wasn’t for Ginny dragging her by the neck, she wouldn’t have stepped a foot to the Great Hall tonight.
Taking the empty seat beside her, Ron let out a huff of annoyance. His shoulders were dropped, hair dishevelled and face red in embarrassment. His date was nowhere to be seen, that is if he’s got one in the first place. The dress robe he’s wearing and the long face he’s showing is making it hard for her to tell.
“You having fun?”
Ron rolled his eyes, “The best night of my life.”
“Mine too.” She sighs “I just want to hex myself to death, you know?”
Taking a look at the room, her eyes stopped at the sight of George, talking casually with his date in the corner of the room. Things worked out in the end, she reckons. They’ve finally sorted their problem and he finally got Alicia as his date. She wasn’t sure if she should feel relieved that he’s finally got to go with her, the girl he so much praised about, or should she hate him even more for rubbing his happiness on her face.
“Where’s your date?”
She shrugs, “I don’t have one.”
“Bullshit.” Ron chuckles yet stops right away as he notices her seriousness “You haven’t got a date?”
Once again, she shrugs.
“But why don’t you? I thought you already had someone, that's why you rejected my brother.”
“Your brother?” She asks, raising an eyebrow “What are you talking about?”
“Well, George’s been saying that he’s going to ask you to be his date since the ball was announced, but a couple days ago he said he’s going with Alicia instead, so I figured you must’ve had a date already.” Ron confesses, face full of confusion “He even asked her to teach him the dance so he won’t make a fool of himself in front of you, you know.”
She closes her eyes as her brain tries to digest the new information. She facepalms herself, realising the grave mistake she’s made for giving in to the bad scenarios she over-thinks about. She should’ve let George finish his words that day. She should’ve waited for him a little longer. She should’ve given him the benefit of the doubt and let him explain himself. All these disastrous nights could’ve been avoided if she had been a little bit more patient with him.
“Merlin, I screwed up everything.” She whispers, turning to Ron “Do you think he’d forgive me? Do you think George would ever forgive me for being such an arse?”
Ron chuckles, “Are you kidding? My brother’s mental about you. You can rip his heart out and stomp it to the ground and he’d still kiss the dirt you stepped on.”
She smiles, cheek tainted in light blush.
“But please don’t tell him I told you that.” Ron said fast, realising the secret he’s spilled “He’ll have my head if he knew I told you about his crush.”
She chuckles and nods.
The night felt lighter with Ron to accompany her. That or the fact that she knew more of George’s feelings about her. Perhaps she’s placed too much attention to his surroundings to ever realise where his eyes are actually at. The girls fighting over his affection had blinded her from the fact that she was the only one he ever wanted to impress. She was the only one he wanted to be with.
“Evening, you two.” A voice greets, an unsure smile plastered on his face “Lovely ball, isn’t it?”
“Right, that’s my cue.” Ron says in a low volume, loud enough for her to hear him before standing up and leaving “She’s all yours, George.”
George squinted his eyes, eyeing his younger brother with a suspicious look but chose to say nothing. He turned to see her, smiling and taking the spot Ron left, “You look lovely tonight.”
“As do you.” She says with a smile “Much more handsome than usual.”
A hint of blush appears on his face. 
George chews on his lower lip, looking as if there’s something fighting its way out of his lips. The palm of his hands were getting clammier, his heart was beating at an alarmingly fast rate. He’s been trying to find the words to apologise to her from their misunderstanding yet now he seems to have lost every word he’s ever known. Perhaps it was because he wasn’t sure what he should be apologising for, but remembering her reaction the other day, he knew that he made a mistake and whatever it was he’s desperate to fix it.
“Do you want to dance?” She asks, breaking his internal argument to stop “I mean, if Alicia’s fine with that of course.”
He blinks, stuttering, “Of course, yeah, sure! She’s fine with it, she couldn’t care less.”
With a satisfied grin, George stood up and held his hand out. She gladly accepts it, letting him lead the way to the dance floor. The music has come to the calmer side now that people begin to leave the Great Hall. It’s beginning to be late after all.
She places her hands on his shoulders as he rests his on her waist. Both were looking visibly nervous, afraid that they would make the wrong move and step on the other’s foot. Neither would mind if such a thing happened, to be truthfully honest. The world could burn and crumble right on this very second and they wouldn’t even notice as they drown themselves in each other’s gazes.
“I, uh,” George stammers, shoulders slightly shaking from the nerve wrecking havoc inside him “I want to apologise for the other day. I don’t know what happened but I figured you’re right, I’ve kind of been too occupied with Alicia lately. I’m sorry for that.”
She shakes her head, “No, don’t be. I was being unreasonable and dumped you my frustration when you were innocent all along. I should be the one apologising, George. I’m really sorry.”
“What were you stressing about?” He asks softly “Mind sharing them with me?”
“It’s silly, really.”
“Nothing’s ever silly about you.” He cuts in, eyes still glued on her “If it’s bothering you that much then it must be something serious.”
She shows a small smile, contemplating if she should be blunt and speak her mind, “I’ve been feeling more insecure lately. I feel like I’m not good enough for someone, like I’m just someone easily disposed of and replaced with.”
“Someone?” He asks, eyes softening and looking guilty “Please don’t say that I’m the culprit.”
She remains quiet.
“Oh, Love.” George sighs, understanding her silence “I’m really sorry. I never meant for you to think that I’ve replaced you, I never intended to. You’re someone I could never replace, believe me. Nothing’s happening with Alicia and me, she was just being a friend, I promise.”
George continues with his long apologise yet she couldn’t process any of his words. Her eyes were locked on his lips, wondering how blissful it would be to kiss them. Her heart was beating fast, she could only pray that he wouldn’t hear its loud thumps. Her skin was hot, an unfamiliar tension building inside her.
“I like you.”
George was stunned. He looked at her with widened eyes. The confession caught him off guard, causing his brain to completely shut down.
“I like you, George Weasley.” She confesses once more, this time with a tone more firm and assured than before “And I’m really sorry that my feelings only caused us to fight. I just- I’ve seen the girls who've tried to approach you. I’ve seen how much prettier, smarter, and better they are than me and I just- I couldn’t help but to feel inferior than them.”
He remains quiet, listening to each of her words with full attention.
“You could pick any girl in this castle, George. You have a long list of admirers and I just-” She paused, smiling pitifully to herself “The thought of you ever reciprocating my feelings is just too good to be true.”
George’s hands moved to cupped her cheeks. He caresses her cheek gently, staring at her with a smile, “Can I kiss you?”
She nods lightly, showing a faint smile.
With a warm smile, George leans in. The kiss was gentle, as if he feared she would pull away anytime. His hands never left her cheeks, gently rubbing her skin as if she was the most precious thing he’s ever held. He’s holding her ever so tenderly, making her feel like she was the most delicate thing he’s ever laid fingers on.
“I’m sorry that you ever feel that way, Love.” George whispers as they pull away, his eyes never leaving hers “For what it’s worth, there’s never been anyone more important to me than you. You’re the only one I have eyes for and I’m sorry for not making it clear before, but if you’ll have me, I promise I’ll spend each day proving that you’re the one best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“You’re going to lose your admirers.” She says, smiling from his lovely confession.
“Fred can have them.” He says, rolling his eyes “I’m sure he’ll be more than delighted.”
She chuckles.
“So, is that a yes?”
She makes a thinking face, teasing the boy, “Maybe I could use one more kiss. To make myself sure and all, you know.”
“Just one?” George questions, chuckling “Here I am willing to kiss you all night.”
“Shut up and just kiss me already.”
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love-belle · 1 year
my sunshine !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which they're the 'it' couple and everyone's obsessed with them, rightfully so.
for when you find your forever kinda person. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // lando norris x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - finally it's here!!! i really hope u like it!!! thank you so much for reading, i love you <3
edit - changed it bc the person who requested it doesn't speak hindi x
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55, lilymhe and 799,416 others
yourusername 💐
tagged landonorris
username i think i just died and went to heaven
username babe wake up y/n is slaying one again
carmenmmundt the most beautiful 🤍
-> yourusername all you angel 🤍
username SHE'S SO 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
username she's everything to me ❤️
lilymhe holy shit marry me ?
-> yourusername wdym you're already my wife???
-> lilymhe even better 🥰
-> landonorris she's stealing my girl again alex_albon
-> alex_albon should've never introduced these two
-> lilymhe stay mad x
username just reject me so i can move on PLEASE.
username her in traditional clothing is something that's so personal to me like 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
-> username im ready to throw these hands for y/n
charles_leclerc lando has been staring at this for 20 minutes
-> landonorris CHARLES
-> yourusername HELP
username lando is me
username just one chance pls 🙏🙏🙏
landonorris woah hahaha hey
-> yourusername hello 👋
landonorris i love love love youuuuuu
-> yourusername i love love love youuuuuu more
-> yourusername IDK WHY ARE U
landonorris marry me 🫡
-> yourusername is this your way of proposing to me
-> landonorris is this working
-> yourusername no
-> landonorris what happened to "i like shiny things but i'd marry you with paper rings"
-> yourusername i have yet to see a paper ring so
-> landonorris wow.
-> usernames honestly parents
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, pierregasly and 872,915 others
landonorris something about taylor swift and saving me a seat at every table
tagged yourusername
username i'll be on the highway if anyone asks
username ahahahahahah im fine!!!!!! im okay!!!!!!!!
username ok.
danielricciardo highlight of the whole outing was watching you crash that golf cart and then cry about it
-> landonorris just because you can type out a comment doesn't mean you should
username LOVER
username they're so lover coded 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
username goodnight that's enough singleness for one day 🫡
username i don't know who to be jealous of tbh
charles_leclerc you should never be near a golf cart ever again
-> landonorris IT WAS AN ACCIDENT OKAY????
username they're so in love it makes me wanna throw up (in a good way)
username screaming crying throwing up sliding down the wall bashing my head
lewishamilton loved seeing you last night!! the golf inchident definitely made my week!!
-> landonorris so glad to know my embarrassment is amusing to you
username i need them to adopt me like now.
username lando i seriously need to know if u can fight or not
yourusername you're my my my loverrr
-> landonorris yes i am 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍
yourusername but they're all right, never drive a golf cart again
-> landonorris NOT YOU TOO
username lando malfunctioning everytime y/n LOOK at him despite being together for such a long time is so relatable of him like ACTUALLY
username god i am not ur strongest soldier 🫤
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, landonorris and 799,725 others
yourusername chellam ( sweetheart )
tagged landonorris
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 913,816 others
landonorris 4ever and ever my girl. i love you.
tagged yourusername
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liked by lewishamilton, carmenmmundt, landonorris and 89 others
yourusername a series of unfortunate events
tagged landonorris danielricciardo
username I DIED OMG
carlossainz55 i feel bad for laughing
-> landonorris at least you feel bad, y/n just laughed for 10 mins and then made fun of me 💔💔💔
-> yourusername but i love you
-> landonorris i love you so much more
-> carlossainz55 THE TONE CHANGE
username i would sell my family to witness this irl
username y/n bullying her bf and im here for every second of it
landonorris did you really have to do me dirty like that
-> yourusername it's my love language
landonorris you promised you wouldn't laugh
-> yourusername i'm not laughing
-> landonorris love i can hear your giggles from the living room
-> yourusername that's not me lol i'm out with lily and carmen
-> username that's what he gets for stealing my wife thank you very much
lewishamilton pity i missed seeing it in person
-> yourusername i just sent you 8 videos of it from different angels
-> lewishamilton this is why i like you more than lando
-> landonorris fuck you both.
danielricciardo is it safe to come out of my hidden place?
-> yourusername negative. lando is still out on a hunt for you.
-> danielricciardo does he still have the fork?
-> yourusername it's a rubber spatula now
-> landonorris not my gf airing out my business to the enemy what is this economy
-> yourusername you're hardly secretive with the amount of noise you make every time you enter a room so !!
username they're so chaotic bruh i love her
-> username it was at that moment he realised. he. fucked. up.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by yourusername, danielricciardo, carmenmmundt and 886,688 others
landonorris sadly only 3 out of 26281927 made it to the gram 💔
tagged yourusername
username SHE'S SO
username IM IN LOVE
username jaw drops to floor eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets heart beats out of chest awooga awooga sound affect pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out slams fists on table rattling any plates bowls or silverware whistles loudly fireworks shoot from top of head pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth wipes comically large bead of sweat from head clears throat straightens tie combs hair ahem you look very lovely GRR BARK BARK WOOF WOOF ARF BARK BARK WOOF ARF ARF WOOF WOOF GRRR BARK GRR BARK BARK WOOF WOOF ARF BARK BARK WOOF ARF ARF WOOF WOOF GRRR BARK GRR BARK BARK WOOF WOOF ARF BARK BARK WOOF ARF ARF WOOF
-> yourusername babe are you okay?
-> username ahsjdjdkeksmssd;;;;72hsshskksk
username she's so 😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
lilymhe girlfriend 💐🤍
-> landonorris right??? MY girlfriend
-> username lando forever getting defensive with lily around will never NOT be funny
-> username it's bc he knows that y/n and lily can and will absolutely wife eachother up
*liked by yourusername and lilymhe*
-> username this is me yelling at lando btw
-> landonorris pretty good haha i know how lucky i am
-> username GOODBYE.
username lando better wife her up before i do (threatening)
*liked by landonorris*
username im SOOOOooooOOO normal about this
carmenmmundt i expect an email with those 26281927 photos
-> landonorris duly noted
username everyone being obsessed with y/n is so real of them actually
username lando norris i am under your bed.
username she's for the girls and the gays i don't make the rules.
yourusername thank you for being my personal photographer ❤️
-> landonorris only for you ❤️
yourusername also thank you for choosing good photos of me 🫡
-> landonorris that's so not true because every single photo of yours is the BEST
-> username im blushing and he didn't even say it to ME
username god me when.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes, charles_leclerc and 896,599 others
yourusername just look at him if you have a vitamin d deficiency ☀️
tagged landonorris
username im love with both of them actually
username no bc he's her sunshine 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
carlossainz55 my eyes hurt from looking at this post for too long
-> yourusername they're being blessed so 😮‍💨
-> landonorris thank you baby 🥰
username lando always being 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘😘😘😘😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 with y/n is so
username i need this couple like serotonin every day im not joking
username god i knew u had favourites
username babe wake up my parents are being cute on the main again
lilymhe opened this app and saw this abomination what is this torture.
-> landonorris BLOCKED.
-> yourusername relax you both can be my side hoes 😘
-> lilymhe SIDE?
-> francisca.cgomes bebé ❤️
-> yourusername kika ❤️
-> landonorris that's a betrayal i did not see coming
-> lilymhe same omg
username that's a look of pure joy like im smiling by just looking at these photos omg
landonorris my ❤️
-> yourusername my sunshine ❤️
-> landonorris i just need to hear those 5 words
-> yourusername i love you so much
-> landonorris cute but try again
-> yourusername i won't wife up lily
-> landonorris thank you ❤️
username sigh this is so 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
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romiantic · 10 months
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how your faves act after an argument
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→ GENRE + WARNINGS: fluff/crack + joking of death
→ A/N: literally had sooooooooo much fun writing this cause I genuinely can see these characters like each category 😭. especially the jjk mfs
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dramatic ass mfs — they are literally screaming and crying, BEGGING for you to forgive them. they didn’t mean to yell at you bae, please take them back. no but for real, please take them back, even their friends are hoping every single day that y’all make up and won’t have to hear anymore crying. they’re constantly replaying y’all arguments in their head and wishing they didn’t say what they said or did what they did. they love you so much and hate seeing you get mad at them, even over the smallest thing. you’re their heart’s lifeline and will feel like they’re goners without you by their side. they’re the embodiment of shitting, crying, sliding down the wall in slow motion, throwing up, when y/n is mad at them. please shut them up and forgive them
GOJO, deku, kaminari, atsumu, OIKAWA, yuji, kise, jean, 1610!miles, luffy, SANJI, bachira, connie, sasha, nobara, bokuto, reo, kagami
alright mr/ms. idgaf ! — these “nonchalant” ass mfs act like they don’t give a damn that y’all fought, it’s whatever. no it’s not. these mfs are literally hurting in the chest, they just know how to cover it up well that’s all it is. well, at first they will play it off as if they genuinely don’t care and continue on with their day, playing a game of “who falls first” and believing they’ll win. but as the day goes on, they feel a growing pit of pain and regret. they feel like something is missing and start to spiral when they realize they miss you too much. they can’t keep living like this and call you quickly but cover the much earlier mood by acting nonchalant. they’re pretending that they ain’t care that much, don’t believe them babes !
BAKUGO, ymir, yelena, TOJI, megumi, nanami, choso, 42!miles, geto, zoro, AOMINE, murasakibara, midorima, kuroo, osamu, rin, SAE, barou, eren, levi, maki, dabi, hawks, porco, suna, chigiri, oliver
auntie music is playing — I genuinely don’t know which is worse, them or the dramatic mfs. they start out as dramatic, begging for forgiveness but seeing that you won’t, they continue their day with dreary and sadness. they think of how they shouldn’t have done what they did and concoct a plan to figure out how to win you back, through music. I mean, a way through a person’s heart is through music, prove me wrong? exactly. they’ve stalked your music profile and gathered what you listen to on a regular day, creating a playlist off it. they think of an idea that is brilliant, so brilliant that they’re standing outside your window at two a.m. with a boombox (yes they still make those) in their hand, and “be without you” by mary j blige is playing. they’re screaming screeching the lyrics at the top of their lungs until you text them to stop and come inside. the music stops and they walk inside with quickness and ridiculously stupid smile on their face <3
CONNIE, isagi (bachira’s idea), shidou, todo, GOJO, yuji, bokuto, hinata (haikyuu), nagi, HOBIE, tanaka
i apologize a trillion times — they are in the same category as dramatic but more subtle??? I mean they’re not snot-nosed crying on instagram or posting pictures of you two with some corny music playing in the background with the captions “guys tell y/n to take me back” “I miss my bae” “I’d rather d*e than let y/n leave me”. but depending on the person, they would find any way, shape, or form to apologize. I mean anyway, through a message from an airplane, sending you ten text messages, yes ten, of long paragraphs saying that they’re sorry and they love you so much. they’ll even apologize to you through email, with the subject saying “BABY I MISS YOU”. in conclusion, they’re just “dramatic ass mfs” in a different font
kirishima, aizawa, ARMIN, choso, REINER, mikasa, onyankonpon, kunigami, akashi (knb), kuroo, iwaizumi, akashi (haikyuu), kuroko, YUTA, inumaki, miguel, gwen, shoto, usopp, ace, aran, eren, OLIVER
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⭑ literally felt like gojo, connie, and eren could fit all 4 categories ngl 💀
⭑ okay but the amount of fun I had making this-
𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐏 💗: Psalm 139:14
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗂𝖺𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖼. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 11 months
Note: request by @willowbrookesblog after reading my NSFW alphabet :')
Warnings: 18+!!! SMUT. pwp really. threesome, some spanking, choking, DVP - do I need to go on?
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f) x Modern!Sigtryggr
summary: You and Sihtric wanted a threesome with Sigtryggr, and Finan's party happened to be just the right time and the right place.
wordcount: 4,1k
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'You're pretty damn hot, pretty boy.'
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'Did you see him?' Sihtric grinned at you as you downed another shot, his arms circled around your waist, pressing your body firmly against his.
'I have,' you said with a cheeky smile, 'you up for it?'
'If it please you, my love,' Sihtric smiled, 'you know I'll do anything to drive you wild,' he chuckled in your ear and tugged your earlobe gently with his teeth.
'Hm' you hummed and bit down on your lip, 'we should make our move now then,' you said and took Sihtric's hand, 'he went upstairs on his own. If we block his way…'
'Then he'll walk in on us,' Sihtric laughed and shook his head lightly, 'you really planned this, didn't you?'
'Well, I didn't plan it,' you snorted, 'but I fantasised, yes,' you admitted.
'You better not fantasise too much, lady,' Sihtric grabbed your chin, playfully but firmly, 'I'm still your only man, yeah?'
'You are, my love,' you giggled and pecked his smirking lips, 'you know you are the only one for me, Sihtric. But the idea of having Sigtryggr with us, just once,' you exhaled sharply, 'it makes me so wet.'
'I know,' Sihtric licked his lips, 'I can't deny he's good looking. And if this gets you going, I'm all game.'
'And that is why you're the only one for me,' you smiled and kissed his lips again.
'Anything for you, my love,' Sihtric smiled.
He quickly drank two more shots before you pulled him with you, up the stairs, leaving Finan's loud party downstairs behind you. Apparently Sigtryggr had gone upstairs because someone called him, and you both heard him speak in one of the bedrooms, his calm voice muffled by a closed door. You pulled Sihtric closer, and he pinned your hands up against the wall as he made out with you, across from the room Sigtryggr was in. 
And you didn't need much to get aroused as your own boyfriend, Sihtric, was already enough to make you a horny mess almost every day. He was more than enough to please you. But once, during a boring night, you had both confessed a threesome with Sigtryggr was an interesting thought. And when you heard he was single again since the last time you had seen him, you and Sihtric would try your luck tonight.
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Sihtric had easy access, as your skirt was short and your panties easy to pull to the side.
'You're already so fucking wet,' Sihtric breathed in your ear as his fingers played with your wet folds, slowly sliding two digits in and out of you.
'Fuck,' you sighed, letting your head rest upon his shoulder as he kept your arms pinned above you with his other hand, 'I need your cock in me, so badly, please,' you begged.
'Patience, my love,' he whispered, a tone of amusement lingered, 'you'll have me, no matter what, don't worry.' 
'Sihtric, please-' you begged, bucking your hips against his.
Then the bedroom door suddenly opened.
'Oh, shit,' Sigtryggr said with a light chuckle, 'sorry, didn't mean to interrupt...' 
He stared at the two of you as you both stared at him. Sigtryggr was handsome, incredibly good looking to be honest since he changed his appearance. His hair was recently cut short and braided, with the sides shaved. And his bright smile with those piercing blue eyes, which popped with that hint of eyeliner; he simply aroused you. Almost the same way as Sihtric aroused you, whose eyeliner was on point tonight as well, as was his half shaved haircut. But Sihtric was your man, and no one could ever take his place in your life, not even a guy like Sigtryggr. And Sihtric was well aware of your undying loyalty.
'Care to join?' you breathed after a short moment, and gave the somewhat shocked man a wink.
Sigtryggr opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Sihtric pulled his hand away from you, and brought his wet fingers up to his lips.
'I promise she tastes delicious,' Sihtric said and licked his fingers, 'this is your only chance, you'll regret it if you won't take it,' he said with a cocky look on his face, keeping you close.
'Fuck,' Sigtryggr scoffed lightly and he laughed, rubbing his hand over his slightly flushed cheek as he shoved his phone in his backpocket. 'You guys serious?'
'Yeah,' Sihtric chuckled and looked back at you, 'my girl needs to be taken care of.'
'Babe,' you moaned, finally shoving your hands under Sihtric's shirt as you looked at his scarred cheek, 'I need you to fuck me, please.'
'Damn,' Sigtryggr bit down on his lip, looking back and forth between you and Sihtric, 'can't handle her on your own?' he asked the love of your life, teasingly.
'I can handle her just fine,' Sihtric's eyes darkened as he suddenly felt threatened, for no real reason, and he pulled you hard against his chest, 'you can join, but you better remember she's mine only,' he hissed.
'Hey, man. I have no intention of stealing your lady,' Sigtryggr said earnestly, 'but I'm all down for a good time.'
'You think you can handle us both, my love?' Sihtric purred in your ear as he pushed you towards the bedroom.
'I want you to fuck me both,' you mewled as Sihtric shoved you past Sigtryggr, 'just once I want to feel two cocks inside of me, please,' you begged.
'We'll fill you up,' Sihtric grinned, then looked back at Sigtryggr, who was still standing outside the door, trying to grasp the situation, 'won't we?' Sihtric asked him.
Sigtryggr smirked and stepped back into the bedroom, locking the door behind him.
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Sihtric took off your top, leaving you dressed in only your short skirt and a risky, lace bra. You felt his hands all over you as he kissed you from head to toe and back, letting Sigtryggr watch as Sihtric knew how to treat you well. Sigtryggr clearly enjoyed the sight, leaning back against the wall, and Sihtric was quick to kiss your lips and shove you towards the other man. Sihtric pushed your back up against Sigtryggr's chest, who chuckled lightly and settled his hands on your waist, while Sihtric kissed you eagerly. You moaned against your boyfriend's lips as he pressed his hips against yours, allowing you to feel how hard he was. His cock desperate to be freed from his clothes. And with that same move, he pushed your buttocks against Sigtryggr's crotch, who felt equally as hard as Sihtric, and you squirmed between their strong bodies as you felt their hands and heavy breaths on your skin.
Sihtric moved his hand up into your hair, grabbing a fistful to give you a firm tug, tilting your head slightly up and to the side, allowing Sigtryggr to kiss your exposed neck. You moaned softly at the feeling, but Sihtric was quick to silence you with a kiss, sliding his tongue in your mouth with ease. While Sihtric's hands trailed down your body, Sigtryggr took over the grip onto your hair and gave you another firm tug, causing you to gasp and break the kiss with Sihtric.
'You guys are freaky, huh?' Sigtryggr laughed when Sihtric pulled you towards the bed.
'We're just getting started,' you purred after Sihtric threw you on the bed, who chuckled, satisfied at the sight of you.
Your hair was already a mess, your lipstick was smudged and you looked like the perfect toy with that short skirt and knee high socks. And Sihtric was a hot mess all the same. Already running out of breath, his lips, cheeks and neck stained with your red lipstick, claiming him and only him with the print of your lips on his skin, as Sigtryggr was free of any red smudges.
'You're so pretty, baby,' Sihtric whispered, stealing another light stained kiss from your lips before he stepped back and took off his shirt.
He threw his shirt on the floor as Sigtryggr walked over, who was eyeing your boyfriend up and down, licking his lips at the sight of your man's toned body.
'Damn,' Sigtryggr smirked, pulling Sihtric towards him by his belt loops, checking him out again as he did, 'you're pretty damn hot, pretty boy,' he husked and bit down on his lip.
'Yeah?' Sihtric scoffed with a cocky look as he pulled Sigtryggr's shirt, 'show me what you got then.'
Sigtryggr hummed and took off his own shirt, throwing it onto the floor as well, and he pulled Sihtric closer again. Sihtric moved his hands up over Sigtryggr's equally toned chest, to his neck, and he took his face with his tattooed fingers.
'You're pretty fucking hot yourself,' Sihtric rasped, earning another soft hum from Sigtryggr.
Your mouth fell open, your head was spinning and you felt your pulse inside your wet slit as you watched how both men trailed their big, rough hands over each other's arms and torsos, before they crashed into the hottest, sloppiest kiss possible. Sihtric brought his hands up to Sigtryggr's neck, deepening the kiss while Sigtryggr grabbed onto your Dane's dark curls, moaning into each other's mouths as the kiss got more and more heated and sloppy.
'And a good kisser too,' Sihtric smirked after he broke the kiss, and licked his lips as he looked at Sigtryggr.
Both men smiled at each other with heavy-lidded eyes, while they hummed softly upon each other's touch.
'You're a good kisser yourself too,' Sigtryggr murmured, smiling.
You looked at both men as they leaned in for another kiss, and you quickly cleared your throat.
'Guys,' you scoffed, 'really?' you threw your hands up, frustrated that both men seemed to have forgotten that you were the one who begged for them. And now they were all over each other while you sat there on the bed, almost naked, soaking wet and completely ignored.
'Oh, fuck, baby,' Sihtric spoke softly with his low voice and chuckled, 'sorry, kitten,' he hummed as he climbed in bed with you, cupping your cheeks to kiss you just as deeply and sloppy as he had kissed Sigtryggr just yet. And he made you forget your complaints as you moaned against his lips.
'You're sexy too, my love,' Sihtric smiled sweetly. He leaned in closer, then whispered softly, only for you to hear, 'I love you, lady. You're my number one, don't forget that, baby girl,' he gave you another sweet smile and pecked your lips as Sigtryggr joined you on the bed.
'I'm not out to steal your man either,' Sigtryggr smiled at you, and he pulled you in for a hot kiss.
Sihtric took your hands and guided them to unbutton his skinny jeans, while he unbuttoned Sigtryggr's jeans and watched how you two kissed each other, and it made him even more aroused.
'Fuck,' Sihtric sighed, and he leaned in, joining the kiss.
Both men got a hold of your chin, constantly pulling your lips towards their own as they tried to kiss you at the same time. You all felt and tasted each other's tongues in the sloppy, desperate threeway kiss. And the air grew thick with moans, sighs and grunts as you all stripped each other fully of the remaining clothes, while desperately fighting over each other's lips and tongues.
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Sihtric threw your legs over his shoulders and held your hips firmly in place, pressing soft, wet kisses to your core before he licked, kissed, sucked and pleased you with his mouth and tongue. Sigtryggr's hands trailed all over your body, and soon your heavy breathing turned into heavy moans.
'Oh, fuck, Sihtric,' you moaned, 'baby, please, yes, right there, fuck!' you pulled his hair, earning a hard, heavy moan from your lover as you arched your back.
Meanwhile Sigtryggr kissed your neck, your shoulder and then brought his lips to your breast, teasing your nipple with his tongue, and you moaned hard at the feeling of both men enjoying you while you enjoyed them.
'Oh my fucking god,' you cried out, one hand pulling Sihtric's hair as your other hand grabbed onto Sigtryggr's bicep. 
'Fuck, I'm gonna cum!' you screamed, and right after the words spilled from your lips, you came on Sihtric's tongue, who drank you in with a satisfied moan as if you were his source of life, and he had been dying for you.
You heard both men chuckle at your dishevelled state, and after they gave you a short moment to catch your breath, they each took one hand and pulled you up to sit on the bed as they towered over you, standing next to the bed. And without a single word, you took Sihtric's hard length in your mouth, sucking him slowly yet eager. Just the way you knew he loved it, driving him crazy with your swollen-kissed lips around his cock. At the same time, you worked Sigtryggr with your hand, making both men a heavy, moaning and cursing mess.
'Fuck,' Sihtric sighed, one hand in your hair as his other hand grabbed Sigtrygrr's chin, pulling him in for another sloppy kiss, granting you with the insanely hot view as you sucked Sihtric off.
Both men sucked and bit each other's lips as they kissed, and it didn't take long before you swallowed Sihtric's warm cum down your throat, and you wiped your mouth with a grin before he kissed you eagerly.
'I love you,' Sihtric rasped, 'I fucking love you, kitten,' he smiled and brushed his fingertips over your flushed cheeks.
And just as Sigtryggr wanted to take Sihtric's place, using your mouth for his pleasure, your handsome, sweaty Dane stopped him by placing a hand on his chest.
'Woah there, handsome,' Sihtric said with darkened eyes as he got up in Sigtryggr's face, 'you're not getting any closer to my girl unless you wear a condom, you got that?'
You giggled at your protective boyfriend, the alpha-male in the room, and pulled him down on the bed with you, making out with him as he recovered, while Sigtryggr searched the bedroom. And he was in luck, as he found a whole pack of condoms in a drawer.
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed as he pulled you on top of him, 'I love you, baby,' he nuzzled your nose softly and pecked your lips, cheek and the tip of your nose, making you giggle again.
'I love you too, Sihtric,' you smiled, brushing your lips lightly over his, 'I want you inside me, pretty boy,' you sighed when you felt he was ready for you again.
'Yeah?' Sihtric smiled, holding your face in his hands, kissing your lips occasionally, 'you want both of us inside your tight pussy?' 
'Mhm,' you hummed, desperately, while taking in Sihtric's familiar length, and he groaned lightly at the feeling, smiling at you with his lips parted as he held your hips.
'This position?' Sigtryggr asked as he joined you both on the bed again, after he overheard your conversation.
'Yes. She will only face me when we fuck her,' Sihtric said sternly, 'and you will not say her name, or anything along those lines. And no anal! She doesn't like that,' Sihtric stressed, 'I swear I will cut your-' 
'Sihtric,' you chuckled softly, hushing him with a kiss, 'I think you made your point, babe.'
'All fine by me,' Sigtryggr smiled, and you gasped when you felt his hands on your waist, grabbing you firmly as he positioned himself behind you.
'You used lube?' you quickly asked, looking back over your shoulder.
'Found that too and used it,' Sigtryggr reassured you, 'ready?'
'Yeah,' you smiled.
Sihtric was quick to take your chin, redirecting your eyes back to his.
'Hey,' Sihtric said softly but seriously, 'eyes on me, baby girl. I'm your man, yeah?'
'Yeah,' you sighed and quickly nodded, your hands moving up to his broad shoulders.
'Say it, baby,' he demanded.
'You're my man,' you smiled, sweetly and in love as you looked down into his mismatched eyes, 'I love you, and only you - oh, fuck!' you suddenly exclaimed as Sigtryggr gently pushed his cock inside you, stretching you up further as Sihtric was already inside you.
'Relax, my love,' Sihtric cooed as both men felt your walls tighten around them, 'be a good girl for me, and relax,' he said and kissed your lips softly, 'are you my good girl?'
'Y-yeah,' you inhaled sharply as both men filled your pussy up completely.
'That's it,' Sihtric smiled, keeping his eyes locked with yours, 'such a good girl.'
Sihtric alone already made your knees weak, hearing the man behind you groan with pleasure made your head spin, and you felt lightheaded when both men started thrusting into you, gently easing you into the feeling. And you quickly became eager and impatient, as the sound of their heavy breathing and soft moans aroused you intensely. The pain soon became pleasant as you became more wet with each grunt you heard.
'Fuck,' you moaned, 'you boys like that?' you chuckled.
'Yeah,' Sigtryggr moaned in your ear as Sihtric hummed with a smile underneath you.
'Is it good for you, kitten?' Sihtric husked.
'Yeah,' you sighed, 'so fucking good, oh, fuck.'
You surrendered completely to them, feeling their warm hands grabbing your hips as they fucked you gently, gradually speeding up their pace. Your body trembled at the intense pleasure you felt, and as Sigtryggr moved one hand up into your hair, giving you a tug to which you moaned, Sihtric took Sigtryggr's other hand, and you watched how your lover slowly sucked the other man's fingers, to which you all groaned.
'You like it, baby?' you asked Sihtric, who lightly wrapped his hand around your throat as he watched you on top of him.
'Yeah,' he breathed, 'you take us so well,' he hummed.
You laughed and rocked your hips against both men, earning a few hard, heavy moans from them, until Sihtric suddenly pushed Sigtryggr away from you. And before you could react, Sihtric flipped you over and picked you up effortlessly. You wrapped your legs around his waist as your arms were around his neck, and you kissed his lips, swallowing his moan when he pushed his cock back inside you again as he leaned back against a wall. You threw your head back, being fucked good, and you felt Sigtryggr's hands on you again as he breathed down your neck.
'Fuck me,' you breathed, 'I want you both to fucking use me.'
'You heard her,' Sihtric grunted as he looked at Sigtryggr behind you.
A strangled moan left your mouth when you felt both men inside you again. And their pace became relentless, your body held in place as you were pressed between theirs. Your head resting back onto Sigtryggr's shoulder as your hands held onto Sihtric's shoulders, allowing them to ravage you completely.
'Fuck, you feel good, doll,' Sigtryggr moaned after a short while, and Sihtric suddenly slapped the man's face, hard.
'Don't speak to my girl,' he said with ragged breath, staring Sigtryggr dead in the eyes.
'Slap me again, pretty boy,' Sigtryggr husked, 'and I'll take it out on your girl.'
'Guys, please,' you moaned, their useless rivalry arousing you insanely.
Sihtric breathed hard and slapped him again, to which Sigtryggr was quick to push deep inside you, hard, making you scream and laugh as your nails dug into Sihtric's shoulders.
'Oh, fuck!' you gasped, 'm- more!'
Both men smirked at each other, and you enjoyed the sight of Sigtryggr's hand around Sihtric's throat. And your man became a weak, moaning mess when you pulled his hair as Sigtryggr squeezed his throat, until Sihtric suddenly lost his grip on you with a short, sharp, raspy inhale.
'Back off!' you immediately ordered Sigtryggr, who listened and moaned as he pulled out of you.
Your feet found the floor, your shaky legs barely holding you up, and you checked on Sihtric, who had brought himself down to his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
'You good, babe?' you breathed as hard as him while you cupped his cheeks.
'Y-yeah,' Sihtric smiled at you, 'was just a little intense, love. All good. You, baby?'
'I'm good,' you sighed, and you both chuckled before you kissed softly, 'I love you.'
'And I love you,' he whispered and left wet kisses on your neck and shoulders, 'tell me what you want.'
'On the bed,' you said, and you took his hand.
You beckoned Sigtryggr over as you sat up on your knees, with Sihtric in front of you, up on his knees as well. Sigtryggr moved behind you, his back against the bed's headboard as he awaited your next words.
'Again, like we just did,' you said, out of breath, 'but no more choking!' you gave Sigtryggr a threatening look over your shoulder, 'at least, not that hard,' you giggled.
You gasped, smiling, when both men entered you again, slowly, before picking up their previously ravaging pace. Sigtryggr's hands held your hips firmly as Sihtric held your waist with his loving grip, and you took his chin as your other hand held onto his dark, messy, sweaty hair.
'Fuck me, baby,' you smiled against Sihtric's lips, who moaned desperately at your words, not being able to speak.
'Kiss each other for me?' you asked him sweetly in between heavy breaths.
Sihtric moved his hand up Sigtrygrr's neck as he kept his grip on your waist, and he pulled the man closer, both pressing their bodies against yours as they kissed, hot and heavy, their pace soon becoming as sloppy as their kiss. You felt Sihtric's hand slide down your waist to your clit, stimulating you in the right way as both men felt their climax approach deep inside your warm, wet, tightness. Your body trembled again as you tensed up, clenching your walls around both men, who moaned hard into each other's mouths, resting their foreheads against each other as they both kept one hand on the back of each other's head, staying close.
'Oh fuck,' you moaned as you felt the pressure build up in your core, 'please, don't stop.'
Sigtryggr pulled you in, leaning the side of their faces against yours, both men breathing heavily into your ear as you felt their hot breath on your neck. You wrapped one arm around Sihtric's neck, keeping him close, and you took his chin, guiding his gaze slightly down to meet your eyes while Sigtryggr kept his grip on your man.
'Look at me,' you whispered, desperately, 'look at me when you cum inside me.'
Sihtric smiled, out of breath, looking down at you with half open eyes as he continued to stimulate you as he fucked you. His lips were slightly parted, his eyeliner smudged down to his rosy cheeks, making him look even sexier and more irresistible than ever before.
'Finish with me, baby girl,' he rasped, 'come on, I know you're close.'
Sihtric words, the satisfied smile on his tired, flushed face and a sudden spank on your ass from Sigtryggr was all it took for you to come, hard, with a trembling body and a loud moan as you yelled out Sihtric's name while he spilled inside you with a deep growl. And so did Sigtryggr, who was quick to pull out immediately after, figuring Sihtric would otherwise punch him between the eyes if he didn't allow you two to have your moment. 
You moaned at the sudden loss of Sigtryggr, who already made his way to the ensuite bathroom, but you forgot it as quickly as he had pulled out when you felt Sihtric's cum drip down your thighs, just before he pulled you in to lay down with him on the bed.
'Gods,' Sihtric sighed, smiling as he cuddled up with you, 'was that good for you, love?'
'Yeah,' you giggled tiredly, burying your face in his neck as he wrapped his arms around you, 'did you like it?'
'I did,' he hummed softly, 'but I won't share you again anymore, lady. This was it.'
'I know,' you pecked his skin gently, 'we experienced it now, and it was fun,' you whispered and looked up at him, 'but you're still the only man I want, Sihtric. No one compares to you.'
'Good,' Sihtric smiled and kissed your lips.
You heard the bathroom door close and Sigtryggr cleared his throat as he got dressed.
'So, eh… thanks,' he chuckled, 'I best get going. See you two around, I guess.'
You both laughed and thanked him too, reminding him this was a one time thing only, to which he agreed with a smile.
'Oh, and,' Sigtryggr said before he closed the bedroom door behind him, 'you two are a hot couple, really, you guys better get married soon,' he winked.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @bel-bottoms @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @diosademuerte @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @st-eve-barnes
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