#this dynamic is not nygmobblepot all love in my heart
lifeaspect · 2 years
earnest petition for gotham fans to stick to the nygmobblepot tag, while comics fans use riddlebird
i try to find comic book riddlebird on tumblr and i feel like catwoman in a laser grid. and the lasers are gotham content
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faakeid · 3 years
fab nygmobblepot moments that remind you of kd uwu
I want to use this moment to be sorry to everyone that follows me but keeps seeing my blog full of Nygmobs/Smaylor instead of kaisoo. I usually don’t get attached to otps like this and it happened in an unexpected way for me. But it’s here and I need to compensate for all the years I didn’t watch Gotham and had no idea about Nygmobs spamming everyone and making my heart warm.
But in general, nygmobblepot isn’t a vision of ideal relationship. Both Edward and Oswald (their surnames Cobblepot and Nygma were the ones who originated this name) are stupid and do stupid shit to each other during most of the series. So, a lot of moments related with the actors counterpart (Robin is the actor who plays Oswald and Cory who plays Ed) reminds me of kaisoo more. But a warning here! Although they have a HUGE chemistry on and off screen, they’re mostly friends. Robin is married for almost ten years so it doesn’t mean their closeness is romantic or sexual. But still, some details remind me of kd.
Similarities with nygmobs:
Height difference: it applies to Smaylor as well because it’s their height but it’s really visible in the series. Cory is a bit taller than JI I think and Robin is like 1.65 but KS is not that taller (I can’t believe he’s 1.73 at all, sorry). But, again, this factor is evident during the series and in some moments and it’s cute.
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(the way he moves his feet to reach Ed’s head ;_;)
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(when they hug, Oswald barely reaches his shoulders [their hugs are the equivalent to kisses in Gotham])
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the closest gif I could find where we can see kd’s height difference without me stealing other people’s gifs.
Penguin reference? That’s pretty obvious. Of course I didn’t start shipping nygmobs because one of them is small and has the Penguin nickname but it made so much easier for me to read some of their fics with kd as characters because they fit the profile so much! And also, I believe KD would totally fit the “murder husbands” couple if someone did a fanfic where they just kill everyone. The closest I remember of a fanfic with this criteria is Juice Pouche where Kyungsoo is a vampire and he protects Jongin and Jongin is kind of badass as well. But the kd fandom needs more fics like this. There’s also “(Before the night is over) come see me” where KS is also a vampire and JI a young werewolf but it focuses more on their relationship than a murder husbands idea Gotham shows so well. 
How they met: Gotham’s history has a lot of differences if you compare with other universes, so keep that in mind. In Gotham, Ed works with GCPD but doesn’t feel like himself with the good side. Oswald is the character that spices things up and is a rage of death and destruction and manipulation. But Oswald is infatuated with Jim Gordon (so isn’t the first time it’s implied Penguin is gay) but he goes to the police department to see him. Ed sees him and wants to talk to him no matter the cost. And he does that... And things don’t end that friendly for him because Oswald thinks he’s a weirdo and asks him to fuck off, basically. It reminded me of kd’s first meeting where KS was the one admiring JI all along but JI get frightned. But, during their second meeting, they bond and become friends. For Nygmobs it takes more time for their second meeting but they end up developing and being in good terms :’)
Their personas, sort of: Ed is the tall one, younger and logic. Oswald is the oldest, smaller and that thinks with his heart. I love how JI could show the more logic side of himself during the last few years and, again, while reading Nygmobs fics using kd names, it was easy to fit the profile for me (that was during the time I wasn’t too deep into nygmobs and I didn’t knok them that well. KS looks cold and deatached and that’s why many people got impressed when he said, during Knowing Bros that he would choose love over friendship. He doesn’t play the part but, considering all the context, it fits him pretty well and reading this description of Oswald made me so familiar because it fits KD well. Ofc I don’t know their private lives and whatever but it’s just the impression I had as a viewer and random person;
Drama issue: when I say drama here, it’s related with how people percieve the two OTPs and how different people visualize LGBT relationship in media. Nygmobblepot had a lot of drama involved because they’re the fucking Riddler and Penguin, two of the most famous Batman villains. People saw them in different sorts of media before and others idolize those characters because of videogames and comics. So, when Oswald mentioned expressedly that he was in love with Edward, it caused an uproar in the fandom. People accused the producers and Robin of messing with the comic canon because the fucking Penguin became gay??? Robin was outspoken about the homophobia behind those statements since he’s a gay man himself but yeah, the drama existed. Part of the people invovled with the series rooted for Nygmobblepot, including some writers and the actors (Cory was the one with ambiguous messages about the nature of their relationship but it’s not even close what happened with other series like Supergirl, Supernatural and Sherlock). But it was aired by FOX, a right wing channel and, as you may imagine, they didn’t become canon per se. Actually, after Oswald said he was in love with Ed and planned on confessing to him, the writers presented a clone of Ed’s ex girlfriend with no explanation and purpose, only to separate them for most part of the series future. After that, some people seemed to have FORGOTTEN Oswald was once in love with Edward, rationalizing many things that are hard to explain with a “bro explanation”, they had a scene where the characters would have evolved even more but it was CUTTED and CHANGED and execs added the sentence “we’re brothers” to make EXPLICIT that Nygmobblepot’s relationship wouldn’t be interpreted as a romance at the end of the series (but, honestly, the actors went for the romance path anyway, the deleted scenes and the final episode can’t convince me otherwise).
What’s related with KD, may you ask? I think you’re familiar with all the drama KD faced since 2016 and how many stuff exploded during that time. How many parts are involved into creating a certain image and shifting it to be appealing and “friendly” is similar with what happens with idols. It’s no secret now about many scandals of bullying and other issues that are considered problematic and how they need to be pushed under the rug for companies so idols can make money and be profitable. Especially for male idols, it’s important that they are viewed as desirable and an object of the fans affections. That’s why he needs to be handsome and kind and look like a person that doesn’t exist. If an idol is openly gay, this person isn’t viewed by the major public with the same interest because they can’t fit the fantasy. That’s why scandals involving idols being gay need to be forgotten and deleted from people’s minds, otherwise that celebrity is ostracized. Although we tend to see the Ocident as “progressive”, there’s similar things happening in that industry. If a celebrity is openly LGBT, they don’t receive certain roles or opportunities because of it. There’s still a huge stigma that needs to be broken and we, as a society, are so far way from it. But recognizing those differences exist it’s a step forward.
Similarities with Smaylor
For me, one of the reasons Nygmobblepot works so well is because of the actors. They portrait a good chemistry because of their friendship off screen and some non verbal signs they display around each other are amazing. Those are things that remind me more of KD as we see them in a lot of moments. So, I wanted space to show those comparisons below:
Mutual admiration: it’s something both Smaylor and KD display a LOT and is extrememly outspoken. I really love watching their old interviews because the affection and admiration is so genuine it makes me drawn to them despite not being romantically involved.
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(full gifset)
(there are more moments than these but I don’t want to steal gifs and there’s not much on the gif research and that sucks. Same with KD’s).
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Stares and touches: Robin was the responsible for the deep stares and Cory for the random touches. There’s so many gifs of it that is hilarious. It’s like JI divided himself in two cells because we know he’s more known for both >.<
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(Cory was touching Robin all the way during this interview rip)
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(the gifset!!!)
You’re pretty moment: Robin, like KS, is the one that mentions about Cory/JI’s physical attributes. They have a moment pretty similar and, for KD its famous among shippers:
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(gif link)
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(actually, Robin called Cory dashingly handsome but its okay)
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Cory lost it
There’s another series of gifsets with Robin calling Cory handsome LMAOO
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Synchronization: for specialists in body language, it’s a factor that shows two people are close. That’s because of the mirror neurons we have that makes us copy movements, actions or words that someone we have empathy/we are close with do or say. Both kd and smaylor do this and it’s really soft.
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(one of the classics)
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(classic 2)
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whole gifset (i love this interview so much)
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The fact the actors came up with their OTP names: people tend to forget that KD’s real otp name (according with Jongin) is dika. Cory also came up with Nygmobblepot name and Smaylor too <3
So, meanwhile Nygmobs has thropies that work a lot with KD AUs, Smaylor has healthy dynamics seen in public appearances KD made. Like I said above, there’s a huge polemic about shipping Smaylor romantically because Robin is married. On social media, is visible he loves his husband and it’s pretty cute to see. Cory himself mentioned that their relationship was sort of a platonic friendship (whatever that means) but it’s really genuine in terms of affections and display of admiration, something KD has as well.
Probably someone will question that it may changed the way I see KD or if now I ship them as bros. Nothing about that changed. With KD, although there are some similar details, there are internal AND external factors that made me support them in a romantic perspective in the first place. And it didn’t change. 
But both of them (Nygmobs too) make me feel that I’m testimoning something genuine, which is really hard in both kpop and media universes. In one side, we have a LOT of fanservice. And, in the other, it’s mostly a work interaction with lots of queerbating. Yes, Gotham has queerbating aspects in it but it’s not full of queerbating, if it makes sense. The message the actors and some writers wanted to convey are there and really display a romantic direction with character evolution and growth. And, considering the way media is nowadays, it’s nice to see.
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frommylack · 4 years
nygmmgogobmlgbpot for the ship meme!
good morning! i hate you for making me look at that word! 
anyway i’ll take the excuse to talk about riddlebird tho so thanks
What made you ship it?
the comics! they just have a fun dynamic and i love them getting along and having this kind of weird fondness of each other. sometimes they’re on opposing sides and that’s also fun, but mostly i love the ones where they very clearly would stab the other rogues for each other given the slightest reason. gotham underground was probably the run that really did me in, because edward “do not touch me” nygma and oswald “in it for the money and respect” cobblepot trying to reform together and having their arms around each other a lot and oz handing him the keys to the lounge stabs my heart very gently. 
What are your favorite things about the ship?
i love them being unrepentant culture snobs together. let them go to the opera and every museum ed hasn’t been banned from yet. also, height difference? always a plus. also their mutual ability to switch between smug serious bastard mode to wholeass gimmick mode where they just go all out on their Thing. 
more importantly, though, i’m VERY big on the fact that they both just want recognition for their worth and that they’re just... incredibly non-shallow? i don’t think either of them cares overly much about conventionally attractive features, they love each other for their smarts and their good taste and their honor and all the other things they value much more - they’ll both spend a lot of time and money on their wardrobes and nice suits, yes, but they find each other attractive for all the ways in which they stick out from the norm. they want people to recognize who they really are, what they’re capable of, that they deserve love, that their opinions are worth listening to, and they give that to each other and get it in return. just. they communicate so well and ed understands when oz has to do something unpleasant to protect him in the long run and oz plays along with his riddles and sometimes gives him little conundrums in return when ed asks him about intel and they both just know exactly which buttons to push and which to leave alone. 
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
uhhhhhhhh the comics riddlebird dynamic is superior to gotham tv’s nygmobblepot, call me a sap but i love two experienced villains who, despite everything, just trust each other nigh unconditionally and don’t hold deep grudges because they know any slight is business and not personal and/or intended to protect them from something worse 
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blackswan7x · 4 years
002 Gobblepot
when I started shipping it: 2016
my thoughts: I love the hero/villain dynamic and all the chaos and tension it causes between them. the polar opposites clashing together and the fire it ignites between them. the thin line between obsession and adoration, hate and love, good and evil. despite the differences Jim and Oswald are drawn together.
what makes me happy about them: Oswald would burn down the world if it meant giving Jim whatever he desires. Likewise Jim will protect Oswald even if it’s the detriment of his own well-being. They both would be justified in hurting the other but they never do. Trusting each other is dangerous and both could, and do, suffer greatly because of their alliance. As @gywin97 once wrote “Jim loves him [Oswald] even when he has everything to lose from it” and it’s legit something I think of often.
what makes me sad about them: oh god...so much! their relationship is fraught with tension as well as angst. they don’t end up together and by the 10 years later all that’s left of what they built is decimated. in real life such relationships aren’t fun, but within the confides of fiction I just revel in it. so every broken hearted glance, every snide comment they throw at each other, every promise shattered, breaks my heart. but damn, it hurts so good. I’m a masochist lol
things done in fanfic that annoys me: during a sex scene I hate Jim Gordon being the aggressive top. Jim is at his best in a collar at Oswald’s feet thank you very much. as far as a plot driven fanfic I do not like when the story starts out Gobblepot and quickly switches to Jim just being as asshole. Then Oswald runs to Ed for comfort and it just becomes Nygmobblepot.
things I look for in fanfic: honestly, if it’s well written I’ll read it. I do really like season 1 AUs though.
my kinks: Jim moaning “Oswald” the whole time and then right as he’s close to cumming Oswald tells him, “Call me Penguin.” and Jim does and it sends them both over the edge.
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Oswald with either Victor, obviously, and Jim with Ed.
my happily ever after for them: I don’t think they can ever truly have that. Not in a conventional sense. I imagine Jim, on nights he’s broken down to his core and he can’t fight it anymore, he’ll find himself at Oswald’s place. Oswald never turns him away and for that night Jim lets himself drown in the thought of what they could have been.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Jim is the little spoon. Oswald is the big spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: they love movies. Jim likes classic western films and Oswald is partial to old musicals his mother had him watch as a boy.
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bri-notthecheese · 4 years
Tagged by @connerluthorkent​ ! Thank you so much my dear!! <3 <3 
Pick 10 ships without reading the questions.
1) Nygmobblepot (Edward Nygma x Oswald Cobblepot - Gotham)
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2) Mergana (Merlin x Morgana - BBC’s Merlin)
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3) Handers (M!Hawke x Anders - Dragon Age 2)
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4) Korrasami (Korra x Asami - Legend of Korra)
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5) Chlodine (Chloe Frazer x Nadine Ross- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
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6) Midna x Link (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
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7) Solas x Lavellan (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
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8) Hannigram (Hannibal Lector x Will Graham - Hannibal)
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9) Cassarric (Cassandra Pentaghast x Varric Tethras - Dragon Age)
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10)  MakoHaru (Makoto Tachibana x Haruka Nanase - Free! Iwatobi Swim Club)
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1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
Oh man...that was soooooo long ago.  I played Twilight Princess for the first time when I was about 12 I think, so Midna x Link is the oldest ship on here. But I think I started shipping it after the first third of the game when Midna tries to protect you and nearly sacrifices her life because of it. You get this section where you have to sprint back for help as a wolf with her on your back in the rain as she’s dying and “Midna’s Lament” plays in the back and it was the first time I really felt myself get so worried for a video game character. And after that, she’s a lot more caring towards Link and you can see them grow closer and closer as the game progresses.
2. Have you ever read a FanFiction about 2?
Merlin x Morgana was the reason I started writing fanfiction actually <3 And I have read quite a lot! 
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr?
They have not actually!
4. If 7 were to suddenly break-up today, what would your reaction be?
OUCH™. This question came for my life a lil bit. Ow :(
*SPOILERS* But Solas does fucking break up with you in the game regardless of what you do and we’re basically doomed to face our lover and try to stop him before he destroys the world in the next game. That route/relationship is known as Solavellan Hell. Worst/best? part is that he still loves you and you him. But as for my reaction? Despite knowing it was going to happen somehow, I still sobbed and felt like I’d gotten broken up with in real life. BioWare really knows how to hurt us.
5. Why is 1 so important?
Strap in. I’ve only been into Nygmobblepot for almost exactly a year at this point and I can’t remember being *this* attached to a ship like this for a long time. Part of why it lingers in my mind is because there’s still that slight feeling of disappointment that they were so close to being explicitly canon on screen but homophobia got in the way, and yet they really are still canon in all but sharing a kiss and explicitly stating their mutual romantic intent. These two have checked off almost every box in regards to tropes because they went from strangers to friends to almost lovers to enemies to tentative allies back to friends with their mutual feelings being pretty transparent under the surface. There’s so much to play with in regards to story because you can have your pick of dynamics depending what season it’s set in and the creators in this fandom are next-level. They’re two people that are continuously ostracized from everyone around them and they consider each other their best friend, something neither of which has had before. They’re weird and pretty nasty people, but somehow are canonly so Soft™ when they’re around each other (unless they’re enemies and then helloooooo sexual tension). Both have said in so many words ‘I love you’ to the other and have been beaten, tortured, and thrown their lives on the line to protect the other. They’re stylish evil villains in love with an adorable height difference and their incredible chemistry really makes it impossible not to root for them.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
Funny! They do have serious moments, but since they are both companions (and don’t have an *actual* side romance) they’re mostly there for humorous banter when you have them both around.
7. Out of all of the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
That is really hard. I feel like it might be a tie between both sets of Murder Husbands: Nygmobblepot and Hannigram.
8. Out of all of your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
Again, I think I might say Nygmobblepot and Hannigram.
9. How many times have you read/watched 8’s fandom?
Twice! I watched the show as it aired and then I rewatched it when my best friend was getting into it!
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
MakoHaru! They’ve been best friends since childhood <3
11. How many times, if ever, has 2 broken up? 
Damn all the painful questions keep coming for the doomed ships. So, Merlin and Morgana have never officially been together EVEN THOUGH THE WRITERS GAVE US THIS WHOLE THING ABOUT HOW THEY WERE EACH OTHER’S *DESTINY* AND DOOM and yadda yada. But while Merthur is the most popular ship in this fandom, I’ll always have a special place for Mergana because they  could have been something really special had the writers not made stupid decisions and had him not tell her about his magic. (this show in general makes me so bitter lmao) But they were really great friends in the beginning and him poisoning her would probably uhhh be the breakup and then it just got worse from there :(
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
Definitely 2 because they both have incredibly powerful magic. 
13. Did 5 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
They are in the early stages of their partnership ;) The game takes place over the course of 24 hours so they aren’t quite there yet, but I doubt they’d hide it once they did get together. 
14. Is 4 still together?
Yes they are!!! And I have all their graphic novels thus far to keep getting all of that good Korrasami content <3 
15. Is 3 canon?
Yes it is, in my world state at least. They broke up for about half a year after the events of the second game but have been together ever since and Hawke gets to talk about his bae when you meet him in the third game ^_^ 
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
Uhhhhhhh there’s like 3 people in this list that are ‘the most powerful magical being in their universe’ so. It’d be down to Merlin/Morgana, Korra/Asami, and Lavellan/Solas. I feel like due to the fact that neither favor underhanded means typically, Korra/Asami would be out. But Merlin, Morgana, and Solas are real bastards so it might be down to raw power mixed with what sabotage is laid out. 
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 10’s ship?
Not really, everyone in universe kinda knows they’re a thing. 
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
This is like my fourth tie but it’s gonna be between Nygmobblepot and Mergana. Nygmobs because they’re meant for each and have said so. And I’m currently obsessed. Mergana because it was one of my very first ships and even if it still ended tragically, I’ll always mourn the boatloads of potential they had for some really intriguing stuff between the two of them and never touched any of it.
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 1’s tumblr page?
Thankfully I’ve calmed from when I first got into it but I generally have a daily check on here and AO3 <3 
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she´d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
Well since Mergana is DEFINITELY broken up forever, I’ll pick that one. 
This was SO FUN!!! Thank you so much again for tagging me!!! <3 <3 <3 Tagging @midnightanddiamonds​, @bisexualmoron​ @wicked-eyes-and-wicked-hearts​ @kessilover​ @jesscoot​ if you’d like to do it and anyone else who’d like to try!
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As promised, here is the Nygmobblepot fanmix I mostly put together this fall. (See the end of the post for links.) I’ve come across a few very nice fanmixes for them, but not a lot of the ones I found had rock music, and since Nygmobblepot is such a hard rock sort of couple I felt like the need to make a more rock-heavy playlist for them. (Plus, it’s just the sort of music I listen to most often, and so these are the songs that come to mind for me.)
I focused mainly on their season 3 arc, especially the angst. I tried to put the songs in a sort of narrative order, so it starts out with songs that are a bit more focused on their love; Lydia is meant as the turning point where the Isabella murder happens and things start heading south, and the songs thereafter are more focused on their darker dynamic in the latter part of season 3 (though they’re all on the dark side; this is meant to be an angsty playlist). Not every song precisely follows this arc; Bloodfeather, for example, leans towards that darker side of things, but it also fits them so well that I wanted to open the playlist with it. I think it works as echoing the foreshadowing of their relationship in season 2 as well. 
1. *Bloodfeather by Highly Suspect: “In the name of love, I’ll follow you. And if my body’s dead and cold I died for you; in the name of love I’d kill for you.” “You’re fatal but I love who you are. Be my death or my forever; you’re my little bloodfeather.” (Our Penguin does tend to get his feathers bloodied... Granted, that’s not what a bloodfeather is, but the image does fit.)
2. Song 3 by Stone Sour: “If you take a step towards me, you will take my breath away, so I’ll keep you close and keep my secrets safe. No one else has ever loved me, no one else has ever tried, never understood how much I could take. There’s a darkness down inside me that I know we’ll both enjoy. Did I save you? 'Cause I know you saved me too.” 
3. I’m Not Alright by Shinedown: “All messed up and slightly twisted. Am I sick or am I gifted? Maybe it’s me, I'm just crazy; maybe I like that I’m not alright.” (Honestly this one fits Gotham in general--”all dressed up in a white straight jacket” is actually a very Jerome line--but I figured I probably wasn’t going to get around to making a general Gotham playlist and it suits Nygmobblepot’s mutual madness, I think.)
4. Little Monster by Royal Blood: “Hey little monster, where’ve you been hiding, and can I come this time? Heartache to heartache, I’m your wolf, I’m your man. I say run little monster, before you learn who I am.” 
5. Glycerine by Bush: “We live in a wheel where everyone steals, but when we rise it's like strawberry fields. I treated you bad; you bruised my face. Couldn't love you more, you’ve got a beautiful taste. It could have been easier on you, I couldn't change though I wanted to. Should’ve been easier by three; our old friend fear and you and me.” 
6. Possum Kingdom by Toadies: “I’m not gonna lie. I'll not be a gentleman. Behind the boathouse I'll show you my dark secret... Do you wanna die?” (I’ve heard and thought of many interpretations for this strange, dark love song, but somehow or another, they all seem to fit Nygmobblepot.)
7. *Lydia by Highly Suspect: “I am the hungry shark, fast and merciless. But the only girl that could talk to him just couldn't swim, tell me what's worse than this. Your eyes alive in pain, black tears don't hide in rain, and I tied you to the tracks; when I turned around, I heard the sound, I hit the ground, I know there's no turning back.” (It’s particularly interesting how Oswald circuitously killed Isabella with railroad tracks, echoing the old mustache-twirling villain trope of tying the damsel to the train tracks that this song also references. Although if Isabella had had the presence of mind to realize that even if her breaks were out, her steering wheel was still working, she probably wouldn’t be dead, but that’s a rant for another day.)
8. I Only Lie When I Love You by Royal Blood: (the title says most of it but) “Go ahead, pull the plug; broken finger, sticky trigger, now I can't get it off my chest... you know I’m up to something.”
9. Roll Me Under by Stone Temple Pilots: “Do you believe in something beautiful between chaos and the light?” (harks back to their earlier romance, but) “Roll me under, I'll pull the trigger for you. Do with me what you will. Hold me under, the water running over...” (harks forward to the first dock scene. Really I could’ve put this later in the mix but I also put it here to keep the hard/soft balance of the songs cycling back and forth just for auditory balance. Narratively it probably should’ve been #11.)
10. *House on Fire by Rise Against: “I’m in over my head and she's a high tide that keeps pushing me away. I thought we would build this together, but everything I touch just seems to break. Am I your sail or your anchor? Am I the calm or the hurricane?” “Till then I’ll hold you like a hand grenade. You touch me like a razor blade. I wish there was some other way, but no. Like a house on fire, we’re up in flames. I’ll burn here if that’s what it takes.”
11. Disarm by the Smashing Pumpkins: “Disarm you with a smile. Cut you like you want me to. The killer in me is the killer in you, my love. I used to be a little boy; so old in my shoes.” 
12. Say You’ll Haunt Me by Stone Sour: “I will give you everything to... say you'll never die, you'll always haunt me. I want to know I belong to you; say you'll haunt me. Little soft pulses in my dead, little souvenirs of secrets shared, little off guard and unprepared.” (Basically Ed to Oswald in s3e15.)
13. Let it Die by the Foo Fighters: “Did you ever think of me? You’re so considerate. Hearts gone cold and your hands were tied; why’d you have to go and let it die?” (To clarify, I don’t by any means want to suggest that the ship is dead by ending my playlist on this note; I still have hope for Nygmobblepot in season 5, and if nothing else I think season 4 very clearly showed that the ship didn’t die for good in season 3. I just love how powerful and raw Dave Grohl’s voice is at the end of this song and I wanted to let it linger, to let that sound be the note this playlist ended on. Like I said, it’s an angsty playlist.)
Here are links to the playlists. I made two because the songs I’ve marked with an asterisk all have the f-word in them; in the case of House on Fire, it’s only once, but it’s several times in Bloodfeather. If you’re alright with that, here is the playlist with the original, uncensored songs. 
If you would prefer clean versions, here is a version of the same playlist with clean versions of those three songs. 
Fun fact: there was no clean version of House on Fire by Rise against on youtube, so I made my own using a handy editing trick. I probably could also have made better versions of the clean edits of the two Highly Suspect songs (no offence to the original editors but they’re not perfectly smooth and Bloodfeather has a weird gap at the end) but I decided it wasn’t worth the effort. If you would like me to make different edits of those, though, let me know and I’d consider it. I should perhaps also mention that Possum Kingdom does use the name of Jesus, but as long as you read the singer’s request as sincere it’s not taking it in vain. But, I do admit that it could be interpreted that way, for the sake of fair warning. 
So, I hope you enjoy this dark, angsty, rocking season 3 Nygmobblepot playlist! Here’s to hopefully some great Nygmobblepot scenes in season 5.
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nygmobbleblog · 7 years
My thoughts on Ed and Lee
As much as I love them being friends, it actually does make sense for Ed to take it in this direction.
Let me clarify a few things first:
Yes, I do still see him as bisexual.
Yes, I do still ship Nygmobblepot. (Hello, duh)
No, I don't necessarily like them paired as a romantic couple, even though I like them individually and I like their dynamic.
Okay, so here's the thing. Everyone's been using the argument that Oswald only thought he was in love with Ed because he was the only one who was nice to him after his mother.
But actually, out of the two of them, Ed is the one more likely to think he's in love with someone who's nice to him. He's obsessed with attention and unlike Oswald, it's more likely that he's the one who grew up with a family that didn't love him the way they should have. So he's more likely the one who gravitates towards people who are kind to him.
I would bet good money that when Ed or Kristen started working at the GCPD, whichever of them came second, she smiled at him or said something nice or indulged his eccentricities at first. I bet Ed, after being so unused to kindness and not being made fun of by other people, maybe his co-workers, he latched onto that and grew too attached to her too quickly until it became the obsession we saw. An obsession that outlived Kristen's patience, even if he couldn't see it.
Isabella had the advantage of looking just like Kristen, but she absolutely killed him with kindness. I still think suspiciously so, but that's beside the point. With both of those in mind, obviously Ed was obsessed with her right from the start.
Even with Oswald, whether he was actually in love with him or not, whether he realises he was in love with him or not, Ed's devotion to Oswald was quick and it was intense. It was evident in all their scenes in the apartment, but then especially after Oswald broke him out. "I would do anything for you" is huge, and that came after Oswald finally started treating him with kindness and respect. Ed looked up to him in the apartment, but when Oswald started being nice to him, Ed adored him.
And now there's Lee, who was kind to him from the very beginning. At the time he was with Kristen, so he didn't think of Lee like that. But now that he's spending time with her and she's treating him like he's a friend and not a moron and as her right hand man, of course that's going to stroke his ego. Which is the exact direct route to Edward's heart.
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littlehollyleaf · 7 years
Friendly reminder that I think you are amazing. Also, I am kind of new and only recently discovered you a couple of months ago so don't know if you have answered this but... how did you get into Nygmobblepot and Foxma? When did you start shipping them and why?
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You are too kind, I’m more a-mess than amazing most of the time :p
Damn, that’s a question though.
Nygmobblepot I started shipping because of 2x09 A Bitter Pill to Swallow, because h/c is a WEAKNESS of mine and that episode was NOTHING BUT Eddie and Ozzie h/c, like, I still CANNOT BELIEVE! Although I should note that I didn’t watch it live, the show was several episodes passed it when I started watching (well, properly - I did start watching S01 when it was airing, but... *mumbles shamefully* I got bored... not that I actively disliked it, in fact I recall being WOWed by Ozzie right off the bat, but I had a lot of other things going on fandom-wise at the time that distracted me... hilariously I remember thinking that the show was very SLOW, whereas now one of my consistent gripes is that it really moves TOO FAST sometimes :p)
Anyway, yes, shipping from then. H/C aside, I loved the way their characters seemed to compliment each other - Ozzie being emotional, Eddie being intellectual, but each of them sharing those traits as well and creating a nice balance of each when together, but it’s a balance that is simultaneously empowering for both of them but also destructive for both of them because being together only heightens their darker and criminal urges (which was something I guess I picked up on purely from the INTENSE scene where Ozzie has the knife to Ed and Ed calmly talks him down and they kind of define each other in the process? although I didn’t really understand the dynamic I was picking up on then at the time, I just knew that scene made my heart RACE, god!). I didn’t really think about the ship too deeply at the start though, it was just a fun hypothetical that I didn’t in my wildest dreams imagine would ever touch canon.
Foxma was NOTHING TO ME until 3x15 How The Riddler Got His Name. In fact before that episode I was actively hoping for Eddie and Foxy to be full on nemeses (check out my ‘Eddie vs Foxy’ tag for more on that, if you’re bored!), because I assumed that Foxy would be nothing but antagonistic towards Ed after what happened in the gas chamber at Arkham. 
BUT THEN in 3x15 Foxy was actually... INCREDIBLY SYMPATHETIC and made Ed all soft and wibbly for a bit and my heart was in my throat the whole time, like, WOW that scene in Foxy’s car? I’m clutching my heart just THINKING about it!
So from there I jumped to thoughts of Eddie having a crush... then maybe working out some issues about his sexuality with Foxy’s help... and this turned into an ongoing discussion with @vampirebillionaire about whether Foxy might ever return Ed’s feelings or if he was too good and sensible, which I ended up taking as something of a CHALLENGE and now I 1000% ship it for real and basically it’s ALL DAISY’S FAULT!!
What I love about the idea of Foxma is the tragic element of Foxy having so much heart and wanting so badly to SAVE ED, and yet never quite being able to manage it. Or never fully anyway. There’s also the cool possibility of Foxy being like a Morality Pet or Morality Chain (shit, I wanted to link to TV Tropes for an explanation here but the site is down, sorry!) to Ed, which is a messed up dynamic I’m rather fond of in general :)
...sorry, got a bit carried away there. But that’s the basics anyway :) Thanks for asking!
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thepuzzlepirate · 7 years
1, 9, 18
Oooo thank you for asking! This is very exciting, I think you’re the first person to send me an ask actually! ^-^
1.) What thing(s) are you most excited for for season 4?
Oh so many things. I’m super excited to see Scarecrow - he’s always been a favourite of mine and I loved the origin we got in Season 1 so I can’t wait to see what a fully fledged Scarecrow looks like! Ed coming out of the Edcicle of course, I’m really interested to see what he’s like with the effects of ‘three months frozen’. Cory’s such a good actor and has shown us so many different sides to Ed, so I’m just really excited to see where he’s going to go with this. I’m a sucker for Nygmobblepot too of course, so even if it is just as enemies, I love their dynamic together so I’m excited to see Penguin face off with the newly freed Riddler. And on that note, I can’t wait to see the Iceberg Lounge as well! Oswald on his proper throne! And actually, I want to see this new triumvirate of Ed and Lee and Butch together because that dynamic has to be an interesting one too, right?
So all of it apparently, I’m excited for all of it, haha. But unsurprisingly I’m most excited for the big baddies and what they’ll do next!
9.) What’s a scene you will never forget?
So many of them have really stuck with me, some obvious ones like the dock scene but I’m actually going to go with Ed challenging Foxy to the riddle competition while Harvey’s life quite literally hung in the balance. That’s definitely my favourite scene in the whole show and the one I’ve rewatched the most so that might be why I can’t forget it, haha! Not only was that The Riddler at his finest, we saw some serious depth in Cory’s acting. So we see Ed screeching like the tantruming child he is when a given answer is wrong, we see him struggling with breaking his own rules (nearly shoots Fox in a fit of anger but no, he can’t, because he set rules) which I think hints at the obsessive compulsive behaviour the Riddler is known for, and we see him falter and fail when Oswald is brought up (the way he stumbled over his own riddle breaks my heart). We see huge emotion from Edward in regards to his new persona and gimmick, as well as in regards to Oswald and his grief and guilt over what he’s done, and its just a fantastic scene all round.
Hell, we even see Harvey apologising for how he treated Ed which is just a beautiful little detail in there too. It’s my absolute favourite scene and I really hope we get more like it in the future!
18.) Who’s a character you relate to?
This is a difficult one, because I feel connections to a lot of the characters for different reasons. I relate to Ed and how he was bullied for being a bit odd and liking stupid facts too much, and I even relate to him not knowing what his position is in the world and floating around for a while trying to figure out who he is. I relate to Bruce because I can be far too trusting and its got me into trouble before (Galavan, Silver, arguably Ra’s too), and it hurts when the person you thought was good eventually turns on you. And I of course relate to Harvey because goddammit the world is crazy and we all deserve to sit down with a bagel and ignore it all sometimes.
Thank you so much for sending this, they were great fun to answer!
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thefanficfaerie · 7 years
Weekly Reading List 20
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Weekly Recommendations get posted every Thursday. All stories are character x reader unless otherwise stated. Graphic by the awesome@wonders-of-the-enterprise
Law and Order: SVU Rafael Barba Cuddles and Cocoa by @inconspicuous-esparza .80 by @svu-stories “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.” by @hot-cops-imagines Away From Home by @barbalyfe Lustful Nights by @barbalyfe NSFW Breakfast by @hiddndaydreams Freshman by @hiddndaydreams Basket Case by @mrsrafaelbarba
Star Trek Jim Kirk  How You Fell by @captainjimsexypantskirk Loot Part 9 by @enterprisewriting Angst part 14 by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse Fated by @flirtswithdanger Just One Dinner by @all-sortsa-stuff Buying the Space Farm, Part 2 by @janeykath318
Leonard McCoy When one sense is lost, others are heightened by @zsaszette-nygmobblepot NSFW Bones Finding Out You Self Harm, Part 2 by @imaginestartrek Long Distance by @residentevilfleet There You’ll Be Part 7 by @imoutofmyvulcanmind Blinded Part 8 by @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse Eraser by @southernbellestatues A Night on the Town by @all-sortsa-stuff  Fallen on Hard Times by @outside-the-government This Was Just the Worst by @daughterofthebrowncoats NSFW Bones Motivation Ficlet by @kaitymccoy123 Unexpected Guest by @medicatemedrmccoy Runaway by @auduna-druitt I Told You So by @trade-baby-blues Won’t Let Go by @enterprisewriting​ Broken Hearted: The Resolution by @goodnightwife​ Visions from the Abyss by @bkwrm523
McKirk In Darkenss Part 4 by @mccoymostly
Jim x Reader X Bones  Sunshine Boys by @trade-baby-blues
Avengers Steve Rogers I’ll Keep You Safe by @itsanerdlife Asking For It Part 10 by @itsanerdlife Make A Wish by @itsanerdlife Don’t Let Me Get In the Way by @imagine-assembling-the-avengers No Sleep Til Brooklyn by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord Ink my Skin by @fvckingsteverogers
Tony Stark I’m Here Now by @lazydoodlesandfanfic The Knot by @beccaamm Gold Digger by @emmelineparker308 Fix You by @avengeultrons Castle Kisses & Princess Proposals by @writers-square
NCIS Tony DiNozzo I Only Date Italians by @workingforthewidow Dancing Lessons by @spaceemonkeyyxd
Criminal Minds Aaron Hotchner Mr. Scratch Kidnapping You After a Fight with Hotch by @silentwaters4
Tropes Soulmate AU Heart Skip Part 7 by @after-avenging-hours
Daddy!Character Single Dad Headcanon by @svu-stories Rafael Barba Elegir y entender (Choosing and Understanding) by @lt-sammi-matthews Rafael Barba Papi Rafi and Surprises for Mami by @ohbelieveyoume Rafael Barba Winter Kirk Chronicles Part 1-4 by @startrekwonderer Jim Kirk x Winter Double Trouble by @trade-baby-blues  Jim Kirk  Jim Having A Teenage Daughter by @imaginestartrek Jim Kirk Parent Day by @phangirl1septiplier Tony Stark
A/B/O Dynamics
Modern AU Safe Haven Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 by @itsanerdlife Steve Rogers Misc Fandoms A Little Lesson in Easter Eggs by @vintagemichelle91 and @rauliskafan The Barba Family  A Patient Man by @imamotherfuckingstar-lord Killian Jones
Karl Urban Save a Horse, Ride a Rohirrim by @alicemoonwonderland NSFW
Chris Evans Birthday Girl by @ilovethings-somuch Far From Boring by @stallingdemons Young and In Love His Girls Episode 1, His Girls Episode 2 by @avaalons Unexpected Reader - Part 1/Part 2/Part 3A/Part 3B by @ohevansmycaptain
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gotham for the fandom meme thing!!
Send me a fandom and i’ll tell you: •the character i least understand - babs probably… her motivations are always changing and never solid its confusing•interactions i enjoyed the most - u know me… ed and oz even when theyre fighting i love how oz makes fun of ed bc his shit is admittedly ridiculous (also i love ed and lees dynamic not romantic but just their interest/fighting/smarts)•the character who scares me the most - honestly??? oz. hes so unpredictable and powerful and hes constantly underestimated but hes proven to be so capable of so much•the character who is mostly like me - edward…. so much it scares me•hottest looks character - EDDIE (esp s2) and tabitha•one thing i dislike about my fave character - his hypocrisy like s2 he complained about love being a weakness and then continued to love after a few days and then complain about oz not heeding his advice or whatever like bro….•one thing i like about my hated character - fish’s confidence and her pride like she hated oz but she didnt kill him bc she was proud of how strong a person she cultivated •a quote or scene that haunts me - when oz is elected mayor… the air hearts and all that shit just hurts because of how close they were and how it was literally them saying they loved each other…. but here we are….•a death that left me indifferent - LOTS bc there so many assholes like galavan, oz’s stepfam, fish (first time def, second time a bit less bc oz) for the short list•a character i wish died but didn’t - for a while fish but now…. ngl i kinda hate jim but hes the main so i cant wish for his death so idk i like all of them in their own fucked up way•my ship that never sailed - nygmobblepot was so close it hurt…. theres still hope tho so one that def wont sail is jim/harvey
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tagged by @diea-kierlyn
A ship that makes you cry: Um, all of them, honestly. I have to have some good angst. But especially Coldwave, Hannigram, and Nygmobblepot (Marlana made me cry happy tears)
A ship that makes you happy: All of them, but I’ll go with BatCat. Oldie but a goodie. Runners up are Harlivy and Ray Palmer/a nice boy or girl that loves him very much and doesn’t get killed off/leave him to hurt my science puppy even more.
A ship that makes you scream: Nygmobblepot (mostly at the fandom, though, shhhh)
A ship that makes you ache: Hannigram (duh) and Coldwave has been fucking me up lately.
A ship that makes you frisky: Again, Hannigram. (nothing like a good fic about murdering some rude guy and then bloody makeout sessions)
A ship that makes you feel dirty: I ship Gradence like a teeny bit and honestly its the porniest fics I’ve read since Hannigram. (no shame though, I still like it._
A ship you’re willing to barfight for: FRED SQUARED. YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT FREDERICK CHILTON AND FREDDIE LOUNDS DID NOT AT LEAST HAVE A ONE-NIGHT STAND (sassy immortal vegans of my heart)
A ship you didn’t think you’d ship: Pretty much all of them before I consumed the show/book/movie/musical.
A rare pair: Motherfucking FRED SQUARED. And also Molliarty, but that was many years ago...
An ot3: Elliot/Parker/Hardison (aka the only OT3 that matters in the world)
A ship you regret to admit you like: ...okay I’m going to SAY Joker/Harley BECAUSE I’ve always been fascinated by their dynamic and I was raised on the animated series. I know, I know, it’s fucked up and awful but I don’t...REALLY ship it, if that makes sense? I don't seek out fanfiction or anything, but I enjoy their interactions in canon.
Any canon ships?: HANNIGRAM, BITCHES. I will say Nygmobblepot because it was ‘unrequited’ (yeah but Ed was WAY into Oswald all through seasons one and two before the writers snorted coke to write season three) and Coldwave because they’ve been partners for years (in crime, but that counts) And the Leverage OT3 is fucking canon and you will never convince me otherwise.
A ship you at first didn’t like but now ship: Hannigram, funnily enough. I didn’t ship it until almost the middle of season two.
A ship you used to like but now don’t: Oh man, I read a lot of Phantom/Christine shit back in the day. But then Love Never Dies happened, which was the equivalent of Andrew Lloyd Weber putting on a musical of his won bad fanfic and it left a bad taste in my mouth.
The ship you want to be canon the most: Hmm. I will settle for a scene of Freddie and Frederick bitching and snarking together in hypothetical season four in Hannibal. And maybe Nygmobblepot coming to an understanding, at least.
I tag @marywisdom, @stolligaseptember, @agentmarymargaretskitz, @morganbritton132, and any of my followers who want to do this!
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tagged by the gorgeous @stolligaseptember! she wants me to pick my top 5 OTPs from 5 different fandoms
Hannigram: The OTP to rule them all. All praise to our Lord and Savior Bryan Fuller for blessing us with this complex romance that never fails to rip out my heart and then eat it. Nothing like the dynamic between snooty suit-wearing cannibal psychiatrist ad rustic criminal profiler with a dog addiction.
FredSquared: Fine, it’s a crackship, don’t judge me. You cannot tell me that Freddie Lounds and Frederick Chilton did not hook up at least once. It’s canon in my mind. Who looked over Chilton’s manuscript? Freddie, obviously. She kept him alive, after all.
Nygmobblepot: Currently my new obsession. Gotham had the balls to make a long-time enemy of Batman queer and I respect that. (Now don’t fuck it up too bad)
Batcat: My first ever OTP, and still the finest. Two people firmly on opposite sides of the scale, but they wave at each other and do deeply love each other. Perfect couple is perfect.
Coldwave (Leonard Snart/Mick Rory, Legends of Tomorrow): I blame @marywisdom for this one. I HAVE AN ADDICTION TO CRIMINAL COUPLES I AM WEAK. They’re already basically married, so Snart, get your ass back to the Waverider, and give Mick a hug.
tagging @marywisdom, @morganbritton132, @kingofthesevenseas, @agentmarymargaretskitz, @batmanisagatewaydrug
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