#this frigging fandom i swear
autisticburnham · 8 months
The Supernatural fandom has this term, the Ghostfacers Effect, named after the episode Ghostfacers, which is presented as though it is an episode of the in universe Ghostfacers webseries where some dweebs do your average real life ghost hunting bullshit. In the episode Sam and Dean are both swearing up a storm using real swear words, not the "frig" they typically otherwise use, and are bleeped out with the Ghostfacers logo covering their mouths the way they do in reality TV. The Ghostfacers Effect then refers to the idea that we the audience do not see the true story of what is happening in universe but instead an unreliable recounting of the true story, which is why we typically hear "frig" despite knowing the characters actually say "fuck."
Which, ignoring the concept of a story "really" happening in a way disconnected from the canon because that's a can of worms I do not want to touch right now, is generally a good explanation for why characters who you would reasonably expect to swear don't. And you can of course apply this to any character and say that even if they don't swear in canon, you know they do really.
You could say Captain Kirk always swears as much as he does in The Voyage Home, we the audience just aren't being told the truth about it usually. But I reject this notion. The point of this post, why I explained the Ghostfacers Effect, is to say I refuse to believe it in relation to Captain Kirk. The Voyage Home is an outlier which should not be counted and 99% of the time the most scathing insult Captain Kirk will level you with genuinely is "go climb a tree."
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roleplayhonestybox · 25 days
I'm just so close to giving up right now. I play a top/dom character (who's not really a bad boy but still attracts partners) and I want to play against the most stereotypical sub/bottom shorter, cute, insecure but sunshine characters around and I don't seem to get one person who 1) read my whole ad to know my very few hard limits or character's personality and 2) has at least a couple of ideas to throw at me. Or at least opinions on my ideas. A favourite idea among the ones I suggested. Literally a bone they can throw at me to make me think I'm interacting with a person.
You'd think, seeing how sought after this trope seems to be, that it would not be so hard to find one partner I can click with. But it is! At this point I'm sure they just spam like everything that suggests they can play the bottom and see how it goes. And I swear, if at least one of the 16 people who liked my ad actually read it and had even just a setting (I'm not talking about anything fancy. Just a "I like college settings/fake dating/frigging omega verse") in mind, they'd be set! They would get to play their bottom OC. But apparently this is too much to ask for. And partially I get it, maybe they're tired of looking for partners and being rejected so they start the conversation with little enthusiasm. But I'm starting to feel the same. And I'm not even looking for this dynamic because I think it would be easier to find partners, and I'm looking for this because I genuinely like to play the top who takes care of his cute partner, has a soft spot for them, wants to keep them safe etc. So this is so much more frustrating.
I don't like liking ads because I have very specific boundaries and I want to list them but even the few times I like other people's ads it ended the same way. I don't even have particularly high standards geez. Some of them don't even reply to the plotting, the few that make it through all the stages and start the roleplay get amnesia about my "no daily replies/one liners" rule and start to spam me after 10 hrs of silence or give me just a couple of sentences. I'm just going back to fandom roleplay.
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
hey for day 20 of the event, lets talk about homra! any unpopular opinions you have about characters or the clan itself? Any AUs or ocs?
Ohhh, you might get me into trouble here, haha! I do have some very unpopular opinions about HOMRA, haha. And you all know me well enough to know I have like, a thousand AU’s for these boys!
As far as unpopular opinions go, HOMRA? Most interesting clan, by fucking far.
But guys, spicy moment here for me? HOMRA? It’s a fucking gang. HOMRA IS A GANG. They do some shady and very violent things. They break into places, they rough up people (and it’s not always horrible people). They took a school hostage in the first season and yes, we know why they did it and there’s so much sympathy for them for losing Totsuka but again – they took an entire school hostage in their search for revenge. These boys are not angels, they are not white knights in shining armor, they are not even technically ‘good guys’. I think all the characters in HOMRA have great hearts deep down, are wonderful characters and I love them all but HOMRA is morally grey – they drink, they smoke, they swear, they commit violent acts. I really hate when people completely disregard that fact and woobify the boys into these righteous, saintly guys.
Going along with that, guys, Scepter 4 are not evil. They’re really, REALLY not. Technically they are a police force, they follow the law, they don’t run around committing violence unless tasked to. They’re not horrible, slimy gross people. Their biggest flaw is that they’re just REALLY fucking boring compared to HOMRA.
With that rant over…unpopular opinion that will get me stuck in the guillotine? Yata’s a little overrated. I do enjoy him, he’s a fantastic character, I either like him a lot or just feel favourably neutral on him. But he’s so goddamn huge in the K fandom, to such an extent, that he got boring to me. Someone says K and 85% of the time, they’ll be talking about Yata or talking about the Yata/Fushimi ship. 10% of the remaining time, they’re talking about Mikoto or Totsuka, and the following 5% is dedicated to the rest of the HOMRA boys and I’m part of that 5% haha. Yata? Fricking great character. He’s interesting, dynamic, his design is well done, he has some amazing scenes. Mikoto? Absolutely frigging spectacular, I love him. Totsuka? Despite how often I kill him, he was HOMRA’s glue and an absolutely underused character that I would have loved to see more of. But HOMRA has other members than those three and those other characters are just as well designed, interesting, and dynamic and while we mostly got them in spin-off media, I wish not only the fandom, but the creators had showed them more love.
Now onto something I love – AU’s. I have a shit ton of them for HOMRA. Recent ones I’ve thought of:
A beauty pageant for guys and HOMRA, as well as Scepter 4, being the contestants.
HOMRA as the Parachute Infantry Regiment or just a general company of soldiers(Yes, I have been rewatching Band of Brothers)
HOMRA as a male stripper troop
HOMRA having to save Christmas
HOMRA as an actual bar, the guys working there and the different customers and experiences they’d have
HOMRA working at a busy retail store
Genderbent HOMRA! as magical girls
Preschool K with everyone being little kids in the same preschool
HOMRA horror movie AU! Both as what they'd be like in a horror movie and imagining them as actors filming a horror movie where weird shit starts happening.
As for OC’s…I have some self-inserty type OC’s, I’ll admit to that, but other than that, only two of them. There’s a brother, who tried out and got into HOMRA and his sister, who works as a nurse, who often gets called in to patch up the boys and god, she is so constantly fucking done with them all but still enjoys them.
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stepswowdsen · 1 month
【YGO DM】 Kaiba Seto 🍄🐉💙
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Kaiba Seto 🍄🐉💙
My first time drawing the maniac gay man 🥰🌈🏳️‍🌈
Doodled this really quickly
I tried drawing Kaiba for the first time in my life 👍
My fave YGO DM chara~ Gay autistic meow meow mf man 💞
Kaiba is so Sen-core~
(No one is surprised)
I've been experimenting with drawing his eyes!
First two have influences from YGO's art style, 3rd is a mix of both my usual style and influenced from YGO's art style, and the last one is closer to how I usually draw.
Not gonna tag this cuz I plan on drawing the rest later
KaiYami (Kaiba/Yami) has been my fave YGO ship ever since I was a kid. I have such a huge soft spot for YGO DM…
I'm also into the YGO spin-off series, YGO GX and YGO 5Ds. I grew up with those three during my childhood.
Admittedly, YGO designs are really hard for me to draw cuz YGO designs are always so detailed and complex and sharp and angular and really geometric, too… And I'm not really used to drawing those kinds of designs. I'll be practicing more in the future!
I've seen many artists who draw YGO charas in their art style soften the shapes, so I'm still experimenting and trying to decide how I want to draw YGO charas.
I took some influences from the YGO art style and drew with sharper shapes and a sharper brush than I normally would, cuz it felt more fitting. I'm not as used to this brush yet.
I saw YGO EA KaiYami/AteKai artists represent them with the star and mushroom emojis cuz of their hair… I'm gonna cry LMFAOOO 😭😂
Starfish and mushroom? ⭐🍄
(YGO DM & DSOD: Spoilers)
My friend Cinna has been reading YGO DM lately for the first time, and I got reminded of my obsession for these two. I really want to reread the YGO DM manga and rewatch YGO: DSOD for THEM…
YGO: DSOD (Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions) is a movie that takes place after the end of the YGO DM manga (after Atem passes onto the afterlife).
Kaiba's inability to move on from the lack of closure, and his gay brooding, yearning, and obsession…
It was co-written by Kazuki Takahashi, the YGO mangaka, so this movie is canon. Bless his heart. I hope he rests in peace 🙏
2 hours of Kaiba's gay yearning, baby!!!
YGO: DSOD has really pretty colours…
(These are old screenshots so some of the ones I've saved are super saturated or in low res. I need to rewatch the movie to take new screenshots)
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Me: Kaiba has issues but that makes the ship sexy. Next.
The mental illness is what makes him [Kaiba] interesting.
C: Yeah like Kaiba is just dysfunctional AKA average late 90s/2000s anime rival
Me: LITERALLY I swear like almost Rivals/Enemies to Lovers ship goes like this Kaiba is just. More obsessed than most This is on like Douman (FGO) levels tbh
C: Kaiba is a prime example of "So obsessed with someone they want to fight that it's gay"
C: Enzan (MMBN/EXE), Kaiba (YGO DM), Hibari (KHR), etc.
C: If you think about the rivals from that era, from 90s and 2000s animanga, they're all either unintentionally autistic vibed, or generally horribly dysfunctional socially.
C: Ren (SK) is pretty much the typical Rival Chara Type B (Aggressive and rash), as opposed to Rival Type A (Calm and collected), but like, genuinely well written and complex enough to work
Makes me sad Ren is still robbed of SO MUCH writing potential tho cuz of frigging SK's writing tho
Me: Like the Rival Type A that is very cold, aloof, stoic, cool, calm and collected… Kaiba, Enzan, Hibari
Me: Hibari (KHR) is not explicitly a rival figure since he's a deuteragonist (protag's side ally) in KHR but he does conveniently slot into the "rival figure" role
Kaiba is rival type A, the very cold, aloof, stoic, cool, calm and collected type…
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Source: (X)
Kaiba/Yami line in Duel Links (YGO mobile game) 🌈
I know Kaiba/Yami's ship name is Prideshipping in YGO's EN fandom, and it fits them so well because of their pride as Duelists, and coincidentally Gay Pride, but that ship name is so long, I don't want to have to type that everytime. KaiYami it is! Kaiba/Yami also has a good ring to it.
KaiYami/KaiAte and YamiKai/AteKai are what EA ship fans use for them.
I was, and am still insane about this ship, like there's SO much.
Kaiba is OBSESSED with Yami Yuugi (Atem)
C: Homosexual. Why is he so gay.
They need to kiss so bad
C: Kaiba is a prime example of "So obsessed with someone they want to fight/defeat that it's gay"
Not surprising but I find it wild how the dudebros try to insist that Kaiba is straight.
There's not a single heterosexual cell in this man's body. It's so funny.
YGO is so unintentionally gay. YGO is gayer than most shounen???
Cuz just in general, the shounen genre is infamous for unintentional homoeroticism. The shounen staple where an author/series is so homophobic and misogynistic/sexist that it actually cycles back around to being gay/homoerotic
KaiYami is a subtext based ship but the subtext with them is so good. YGO DM feeds us SO MUCH
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Me: I should reread the YGO: DM manga and rewatch YGO: DSOD. This movie is so fucking pretty man. 2 hours of Kaiba's gay yearning!
Also I find it so funny how YGO: DSOD made Kaiba muscular. Like he was a twink in the OG YGO DM manga
C: Two hours of gay fucking yearning Buffed up!
Me: YEA THE COLOURS ARE FRICKING GORGEOUS God I'm so glad the YGO: DSOD movie keeps YGO's sharp black lineart and saturated colours. It's honestly defining to the YGO art style
Cuz so many anime reboots nowadays have flat and bland ass colours unless they're super high end productions (ie. Fate anime productions, etc.)
C: Agghh yeah
S: “I hope the reboot of your favorite anime softens up the characters appearance with a new style and makes the colors look washed out“ is terrifying and it’s already happened
Me: My gay sons in their gorgeous glory thank god the colours in this movie are phenomenal
C: Why is Atem yellow though
Me: I think it's just cuz these edited screenshots have super high saturation/contrast 😭 Couldn't find clearer ones
S: The blue glow on his arm is making me blow up and act like I don’t know nobody
Me: OH yeah it's from DSOD Kaiba's Duel Disk that holds his deck
F: (CW: NSFW joke)
Kaiba has such a revenge/hate boner for Yami-- Wait no I mean a regular boner
Me: LMFAO. Both lmfao
C: Canon
F: Btw I never watched that movie, now I GOTTAAAAA …..Oh man and now I wanna draw Yami Yuugi ;;
(YGO DM: Summary)
Me: Just gonna put this summary for my non-YGO mutuals and those who haven't seen YGO: DSOD so they can follow along with the rambles if they're curious
Also it's been a long time since I read YGO DM and watched YGO: DSOD so I'm mostly going off memory
3000 years ago, Atem was sealed away in the Millenium Puzzle and lost his memories and name. Mutou Yuugi solved the Millenium Puzzle, causing the spirit of an ancient Pharaoh, Yami Yuugi (true name: Atem), to take over his body to protect Yuugi and his friends. Eventually, others learn of Atem's existence.
Kaiba is the arch-rival of Yami Yuugi (Atem) who is hate obsessed with him after losing to him because he wants to get revenge and defeat him, thinking of him as his nemesis and rival.
(YGO DSOD: Summary)
YGO: DSOD takes place after the end of the YGO DM manga where Yami Yuugi (Atem) passed onto the afterlife. Kaiba, who was unable to find closure, and in his own way of mourning, was looking for 6 months to find a way to meet Atem again.
Kaiba Corporation (KC) develops Duel Links, a virtual reality system that links the consciousness of people around the world to play Duel Monsters.
At the start of the DSOD movie (or at least near the beginning), Kaiba recreates a perfect holographic reconstruction of Atem, down to Atem's deck, voice, appearance, and personality, but isn't satisfied because it's not the real Atem and lacks Atem's soul.
Kaiba has a whole ass space station developed, orders the Millennium Puzzle to be dug up from the excavation site it was buried in, and secures it in his space station for it to be reassembled with the highest quality tech, in the fastest time possible, heavily guarded (like encased in glass and surrounded by lasers and shit), in a safe place only he can access, to try and reach Atem in the afterlife.
F: OMG HFJFJD YEAHHH that's gay af
YGO DM: The infamous episode preview card
(This one's read by Yami Yuugi)
S: I need that one video of a Yu-Gi-Oh character telling someone to not die and the title card pops in right after saying "[Character name] dies!"
I'm downloading this video
I didn't edit a single thing, guys, this is exactly what happens 😭😂
This will always be the fucking funniest thing in YGO DM, LMFAO
This is exactly what I needed
Me: This scene became so popular that the infamous episode preview scene lines were read out by Kaiba and Marik's VAs at live events.
Anzu's, Kaiba's, and Marik's in order
Kaiba's VA, Kenjirou Tsuda, reads out the "Please don't die, Jonouchi! Next episode: Jonouchi dies!"
Kenjirou Tsuda is also the VA of TYL Lambo (KHR), Sigurd (FGO), Dainsleif (Genshin)
Me: Kenjirou Tsuda's deep voice is so good man
Gay autistic son!
I love how the "Duel- standby!" is read out 😭
By Kaiba
C: You are valid
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mommalosthermind · 6 months
[kid#1] …why are you glaring at the screen?
Because! Your frigging brother got me into a new thing and now I want to read a specific kind of story! And apparently no one has fucking written it yet! Which means either the other fandoms I am in have spoiled me or this one is missing the obvious and Im sulking about it. It’s fine. But also: rude of them to not have written it.
[kid#1] huh. So, you want to read a story that has not been written….
Don’t. Do not.
[kid#1] …which really only has one solution…
Don’t do this to me child I will end you I swear—
[kid#1] …you gotta write it
Goddamnit I’m disowning you.
[kid#1] *cackles*
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liacchin · 2 years
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So the other day my eldest nephew saw me playing Pokémon Esmerald emulated on my oldest PC, and wanted me to let him play. I am very protective of my saved games, however, so after promising that I let him play if he finished his homework and the kid actually finished it, yesterday I opened him a rom for Fire Red in English since I couldn't find one in Spanish (kiddo can understand spoken English better than me but cannot read it well yet)
So, the kid
Immediately named the Rival "TONTO" (dumb in Spanish), and after seeing him being a douche wanted to name him "PUTO" in another game (I had to talk him down from it)
Named the pokemon with real names (he chose Squirtle and named him COCO after his paternal grandparents' poodle)
Has refused to catch more pokemon after getting a Rattata and a Pidgey, on the vein that he didn't like to see pokemon suffer. BTW, he hadn't gotten in yet that he has to make the other pokés fight.
Apparently, he had this idea that Pokemon actually died in-game (he probably saw a Youtuber doing the Nuzlocke challenge), and I had to explain to him that not, they just fainted and the Pokemon Center is free
After using only his Squirtle he defeated the first gym with it only and found the first gym trainer harder than Brook
When I had to go to the other room to watch over his baby brother, kiddo asked about every new pokemon or key element he got, and conversations were like "Auntie, auntie, what is [new pokemon found]?" "Well, it's a pokemon you can and should catch" "It is useful?" "Everything has its uses" [He doesn't capture said poké]
Somehow he make his Squirtle carry a Pokeball, and he didn't realize how, or that he did it
Another Convo: "Auntie, why do Rattatas appear so often" "Because they like the frigging grass fields. but at least they are not as annoying as Zubats" "What's a Zubat" "A pokemon that appear in caves, that are really annoying and appears every ten steps or so" "I don't like that" "Probably by then you can get repellents that alleviate it" [Later, when I return to my room for a bit and see him fighting his first Zubat] "Auntie! See, I defeated the Zubat!" "well yeah, congrats!" *walks his character* "And I have walked ten steps and I hadn't found anoth-" *Enters in a battle and yes, it's another Zubat* Me and the kid: "..."
While I was making the baby watch nursery rhymes on Youtube "Auntie~, what's an escape rope?" "It's an Item that let you escape from caves and dungeons if you are lost" "Ok, I am going to use it right now" *pause* *Me, realizing at what part of the game he is* "No honey, don't use it, you need to traverse the cave to continue the game!"
So today, because he asked, if he finishes his homework I'll open him a Spanish rom for Pokemon Esmerald as promised. If something interesting happens I'll tell you.
0 notas. Fecha de publicación: 15 de junio de 2022
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I swear this has a picture of ordinary sprinkle cookies when I queued the post weeks ago.
What the hell @Staff, what the hell
0 notas. Fecha de publicación: 14 de junio de 2022
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So much for the kiddification and the scrubbing of everything remotely sex related, only for the pornobots still present with them hiding between normal tags and accented characters that cannot be blocked least this site become even more unusable
0 notas. Fecha de publicación: 16 de abril de 2022
Feliz Año 2022!
Alos que todavía me siguen y a mis pocos mutuals que han visto este blog convertirse en food queueing y metafandom reblog cental, gracias, que este año no sea tan piedrero y les traiga salud, fortuna, amor a los que quieran de eso, el escape de Latinoamérica y la destrucción del socialismo.
0 notas. Fecha de publicación: 1 de enero de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
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Found this thing in my inbox.
Honestly, I don't know how to respond to this without dozens of imprecations.
The "Not really communism" card is strong on these asshatss.
5 notas. Fecha de publicación: 12 de enero de 2022
Descubre tu resumen del 2022 en Tumblr →
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Adrichat Craziness plus Miraculous/Batfam Crossover
In light of this new trend I had an urge to do this. This is a Miraculous/Batfam crossover. I'm sorry.
Imagine Damian, Marinette, and Adrien are friends.
How they met and all that backstory stuff is up to you.
Maybe Damian was sent in on a League mission or maybe it was an exchange program.
Maybe Adrien went to a gala with his father or Marinette's parents was catering a party in Gotham or something.
The important part is that they know eachother.
They could all be in a poly, just friends, cult members, secret relatives, a couple and a third wheeler, whatever.
Oh! And they know eachother's identities.
That's important too.
The great thing about this relationship is that no one knows about it except for the tree of them.
It's been hard hiding it from their family and other friends but they already have secret identities.
Lying and making excuses is easy for them.
They have weekly video chats, online movie nights, group chats, revenge plans, black mail, all that good stuff.
They know eachother better then they know themselves at this point.
So one day Damian is at Gotham Academy just scrolling through Tumblr when he finds this gem on #1 trending.
There are adrichat memes, adrichat fanfics, adrichat comics, ADRICHAT.
The reaction is instant.
He bursts out in laughter, scaring everyone in the vicinity.
The Ice Prince LAUGHING?!?
Either the world is ending or it's the Joker.
Cue the panic and screaming.
Everyone is either running out, looking for places to hide, frozen in fear, or something else along those lines.
After a bit everyone has calmed down a bit and their has masks on they start to notice things.
Wait, where's the henchmen? The rumbling ground? The crazed laughter?
The only laughing that can be heard is Damian's.
Now as they look around they realize that there's no gas seeping out from the windows, under the doors, or through the walls either.
What is happening??
The Batfam arrives and observes from the shadows for a bit.
The cafeteria is full of people but non of them are really reacting like they normally do in some sort of villain attack.
Wait, why is everything just standing around awkward? Where's the henchmen, the guns, the JOKER?!
After a few minutes they come out and start questioning people.
The students and staff just sorta point to a corner of the cafeteria where they are greeted at the sight of a hysterical Damian on the floor.
After the shock of seeing Damian LAUGHING wore off, Nightwing instantly went into panicking mother hen mode and gave him the Joker laugh gas antidote.
It didn't work.
He's still laughing.
At this point the rest of the fam snaps out of it and tries to figure out why the antidote isn't working while panicking. (Well they weren't outwardly showing it so that the civilians could see but they were.)
Through his laughter and tears-wait. TEARS?! Damian tells them to get his phone and call someone called Angel?
Confused Red Robin picked up his phone from off the floor (he dropped and kicked it away during his fit) and looks through Damian's contacts.
As he scrolls through he sees them, Jon, and someone called 'Banana Sunshine Boi' before coming across "Scary Pastry Angel".
He calls them, puts them on speaker, and is surprised when he hears a accented tired female voice say "Dove? *groan* Why in the kwami are you calling me in 2 in the flipping morning?"
From where he is on the floor clutching his stomach, he makes a grabbing motion with one of his hands.
Once the phone is passed to him and he brings it to his ear he wheezes out "M-Mari."
Now panicked Marinette says "Omg are you crying?! Or are you laughing? It's hard to tell?"
"It's b-both actually. But t-that's not what's imp-portant here. Have you *wheeze* c-checked tumblr y-yet?"
"No? I literally just woke up. Wait, Lemme jussstttt......."
After that there was a long pause.
They thought maybe he accidentally hung up when the mystery person whispers through the phone.
"I... I can't... is this for real?"
"........... Heh.... Hhehe. Ehheeheheh. HehEHWHHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAH!"
Slowly the voice on the other side delves into uncontrollable laughter, triggering Damian to laugh harder as well.
He drops the phone again only for it to be caught by Red Hood before it hit the ground.
"What the hell are we supposed to do now? What even HaPpEnEd?!" Asked the anti-hero as he turned to his brothers.
They all just sorta look at eachother before Damian tells them to add Banana to the call.
"Excuse me. WHO?!?" Asked Jason before the phone was snatched out of his hand by Tim.
He does as Damian tells him to and after a few rings another tired accented but now male voice is heard.
"Guys why are mew calling me so early?What's happeting? Mew know I have a furto shoot in the meowning."
'Even half asleep he's still punning.' thinks Damian as Marinette answers his question.
"We c-called because ppttt C-can you check t-tumblr please. I-It's important."
"Umm. Okay?" Was the reply.
They all waited for a few moments before Adrien's voice was heard again.
"Is this real?"
"So I'm actually trending on Tumblr?"
"*wheeze* y-yeah?"
"And hundreds of people are writing fanfics, making memes, and drawing comics about me dating myself?"
"Dang. I never though about me and Chat like that but I guess we do make a cute couple. After all, the dashing royal and the smooth knight has always been one of my favorite tropes."
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I don’t want to sound like I’m gatekeeping Halo but:
My soul isn’t ready for the influx of people who ship John and Cortana because of the TV show.
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shine-of-aldhani · 3 years
This post is going to be fandom-critical and Loki series-appreciative, so get out and block/unfollow/whatever while you can if that's not your cup of tea.
There is a trend in many fandoms of characters who are in opposition to the hero (villains, antiheroes etc) that is critical of the "redemption through death" scenario. The latest that comes to mind is Star Wars, but there are countless examples. The typical in-story narrative is that the villain had committed too many crimes and there is no place for him in the new world where the heroes won, so he's killed off - usually not by heroes but by tragic circumstances that allow him some positive light before the end (Loki in Thor2, Ben Solo in SW). Fans of the character argue that a fully realised, slow redemption would be an awesome storyline, and that it'd be both interesting and refreshing to look at the life post wrongdoing.
So far, no mainstream media has ever done a fully realised, psychologically grounded redemption storyline. Hollywood go-to idea to rehabilitate the villain is to make the villain useful to the heroes and ultimately just "forget" about the initial transgression. The initial bad deed is never looked back on, addressed or analysed except maybe as a funny oneliner. Because addressing shit is hard... And also because, as Loki series has shown us, the fandom doesn't really want to see the true psychologically grounded redemption storyline.
For the Loki series is exactly this: the first time a character must face uncomfortable truths about themselves, to better themselves. This is a process that isn't nice. It's a beatdown after a beatdown. It's humiliating, soul-destroying, there is much kneeling and grovelling and unflattering names. The character isn't shown as pretty and composed, he isn't allowed to wear nice clothes that give him a feeling of power. He feels useless, powerless and messes up a lot, for his self esteem is gone. He doesn't strut around showing off magic feats and yes, almost everyone around him is shown in better light. Because that's what a true redemption storyline is like. It's a deconstruction of the ego. Eventually, it will lead to a stronger and better sense of self, but first we must crawl on the floor. And the fans, who usually overidentify with the character and his background, just cannot take seeing him, and by extension themselves, in that light.
So what does the fandom do?
1) Insist that Loki does not need a redemption storyline. Because he was tortured by Thanos (this is fanon), because he was influenced by scepter (this is still mostly fanon but has a bit more substance), because he was emotionally abused by Odin (this is almost canon). Now before you crucify me - these are my favourite fanons, my go-to fanfiction, I adore them all. But. There is absolutely nothing incorrect or malicious with the Loki series going "You know what? Loki still carved out that eyeball, and I am not going to sit here and "address" the fact that Odin emotionally neglected him, because that's already been shown and is in the past. I am going to postulate that Loki, deep in his core, is ashamed of himself for his deeds, and that bringing up Odin isn't going to solve that shame, and explore how Loki can move forward from there. The story isn't not going to be about Odin or Thanos, who are both gone and dead, it's going to be about Loki -who is the one who gets to live with the consequences."
2) Insist that the series hates Loki and was written specifically to humiliate him. This ties back to my thesis that the fandom simply does not want to see what a true psychological work of a redemption storyline looks like, for the ego beatdown is the essential part of it. This is how the story of Ben Solo would have had to look like, had he survived Star Wars. This is how Thor 2 would have looked like, had we been following Loki and not Thor: Loki being chained by the same soldiers he commanded, being stripped of his armour, being led down the rainbow bridge and into the palace. In that movie, it would have been worse because he had personal history with all these people. In the series he gets TVA's indifferent approach, which should incidentally be easier to swallow.
3) Insist that Loki is not the protagonist of his own series. Apart from this not making an ounce of sense, this reading comes from the idea that only physical deeds are valid storytelling material. Sylvie is stronger than Loki, hence she's the protagonist. Mobius is in the position of power, hence he is more important than Loki. All the while Loki is out there, doing enormous self-work, changing by the hour and showcasing more stable coping techniques. But he's not glamorous while doing it and he's kneeling a lot, so it cannot be that the writers actually like him and wish him to do well in the long run.
4) Insist that the new Loki is OOC and give him a plain, insulting new nickname to differentiate him from the beloved and cool old Loki. The one who liberated eyeballs while clad in impeccable clothes because he was terrified of Thanos. Or the one whose non-existent coping mechanisms almost made him kill his own beloved brother in despair. The one who had plans upon plans and was always so ready for betrayal that he had no friends on his own. The one who would surely glamour awesome clothes onto himself to avoid signalling any weakness. The one who was incredibly high strung and could never allow any weakness. You guys want that Loki back? Ok, that's fair. That guy was deeply damaged, and very interesting to watch. But then, a story that takes these aspects from him (and make no mistake, all of them are maladaptive and trauma induced - all -of - them) isn't hating on Loki, or making him dumb, or exists to hurt you personally. It allows him to overcome his internal hurdles, lower his defences and eventually arrive to a better place.
So here I rest my thesis: actual well written redemption stories, of which Loki is the frigging first (and how groundbreaking is that) aren't really wanted by the fandom. Most fans would rather whitewash or cocoon themselves in the trauma aspect, leaving the actual responsibility and consequences out of it. Which is fine as a comping mechanism, fiction is escapism after all, you're all perfectly valid... But there should at least be enough self-awareness to differentiate between a good story that's uncomfortable/too heavy for you and a bad story with evil writers who either have no idea about Loki or specifically want to punish his fans.
The Loki series isn't the latter. It might not be the fantasy escapism most would have preferred, but it has a very specific and respectable goal and it's going about it in a grounded way which is - actually - fully respecting of Loki as a person. I swear that the series sees him as more capable of doing the work he needs to do than his own fans.
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Runaan: *does a battle dance* Me, 3 years later: Nice
I have found thee coolest thing today! It's badass, it's graceful, it's terrifying, and it was hiding in plain sight right under my nose, every time I rewatched TDP.
How very Moonshadow.
Okay, from the top: I've had headcanons for a long time now about Runaan probably using various little magic tricks in combat, or to avoid combat, that the big gust of wind that blew out the torches in Harrow's stairwell was created using some kind of enchantment, perhaps from a horn cuff, and that Ethari's swirlies are literally enchantments he engraves in metal to keep his husband safe somehow and that's why he loves putting them in everything he makes: the more swirlies Runaan is wearing, the more tricky tricks he has to ensure he'll come home to Ethari in one piece.
Today, watching S1E3 again, something clicked, and Lady Serotonin has blessed me with her presence. Seems that those headcanons are all tied together, and that there's much much more to what Runaan was capable of doing in battle - as long as he had all the swirlies Ethari had given him, and moonlight to activate them in.
You guys remember this Completely Extra Showmanship tee emm that Runaan displayed atop the wall before literally running down the side of it and crashing directly into Rayla's swords with his own?
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Right at that last pic, when Runaan's leaping off from the wall at her, there's a pretty big sound effect. I usually watch and listen with everything down pretty low for sensory reasons, but today I had the volume up, and I realized (after almost three years in this fandom, how many times have I rewatched this show, I admit that sound is Hard tee emm for me sometimes, but GAH) that the noise that happens when Runaan's blades clash with Rayla's isn't just some dramatic collision noise. It's an actual thunderclap. It's definitely not the noise of four swords literally smacking together, not even close.
Ahaha, echoes of thunder, anyone? Yeah.
I had to stop and listen to it several times and try to figure out why it was there. I had an express train of thought that went like this, in about 12 seconds flat, and left me literally clutching my head and swearing in amazement:
bahaha Runaan has a lightning enchantment jewel in his bowblade
omg wait does he??
no, no jewels, but SWIRLIES
are. are they really enchantments after all, all of them, does Runaan really have that many spells he can yeet off if he needs them
Ethari would not like me questioning his loyalty and dedication to Runaan coming home alive all the time, no wonder he loves putting swirlies in everything
holyshitholyshit Runaan just cast a thunderclap at Rayla, no wonder she's grumpy at him in the next shot
that wind spell might have literally come from his hair cuff after all, are you kidding me rn
okay thunder and wind, these are nature sounds
it sounds like forces of nature or... acts of God fate? definitely not elf sounds, Runaan's using the illusions of natural elements to obscure his true actions and mislead the enemy
just like mystica arbora, trees are natural
no no wait wait no wait I'm missing something
because he said "Mystica Arbora" out loud, but he didn't say anything on the castle roof, what, what did he do up th-
holyshit all over again
Runaan wasn't being Extra for no reason, he was being Extra for good reason
Rayla danced with Callum to open the Silvergrove cloaking spell
Callum copied a dance from an elf who activated the Moonhenge on a floor covered with big swirlies
Runaan wasn't slish slashing randomly, he was dancing to activate his thunderclap enchantment
is this why Runaan is such a pretty fighter, because it's literally a dance battle every time?? the answer is yes!
is every dance literally enchanting, then, because that actually makes sense, the moon is constantly circling and spinning so Moonshadow elves doing the same thing to activate their inherent magic would be so cool
this is why Moonshadow elves get the Elf Grace distinction in Tales of Xadia isn't it
okay so wedding dance, it's an enchantment or a spell then, or a bunch of spells? what do they do, aaaaaaaa
okay but I can't stop thinking about the Moonhenge, those swirlies on the floor
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are those runes on that floor then, is that the deal, and if those are runes, then
does that mean all of Ethari's swirlies are dance moves??
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Omg whew, that was a ride.
Basically, it looks like Runaan can activate some pretty fun stuff to help him out, just by dancing the right patterns in the moonlight. If all his enchantments are nature-based, I wonder what else he can do. Could he summon an illusory banther or a flock of birds? How about a fog bank? Could he make it rain bananas? Don't look at me like that, you know it would be very distracting! Echoing, ghostly voices could be fun, or the flickering lights spell from ToX, or-
You get it. Nature-based shenaniganry ftw. This is gonna be so much fun for fics.
Also, I do want to mention that there's no way to be certain that any of the things Runaan can create in the light of the full moon come from Ethari's enchantments. Maybe Runaan can just do that as a trained assassin, and Ethari's enchantments are for other things, like good sleep, warm feet, no blisters, no infections, sweet dreams, swift running, staying alert, and so on.
meta: Runaan danced the key for his thunderclap enchantment, and it released without needing a verbal trigger word
theory: Runaan dances enchantments in moonlit battle
headcanon: Ethari's swirlies are his crib notes
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otp-holic · 3 years
So, this is it. The last one!
I don't know where this idea came from, I swear, but I can tell you that this morning I had a very different one... but it was too angsty I started from scratch and embraced fluff and the love that filled my heart, haha. I hope you enjoy it, I will probably revisit it in the future more calmly, and with less computer trouble than today because some of it itches me still.
I'm so tired I cant even rant, but don't worry about me... tomorrow I will since I have deep thoughts about all this process and many collateral things. I will also post the last part of the above on a separate post just so you know.
And that's it: 30 whole days. You cannot understand how unbelievable it is that I got here... and in more ways than not, because of your support!
I love these boys and this amazing fandom A LOT. THANK YOU again!
DAY 1 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 | DAY 5 | DAY 6 | DAY 7 | DAY 8 | DAY 9 | DAY 10 | DAY 11 | DAY 12 | DAY 13 | DAY 14 | DAY 15 | DAY 16 | DAY 17 | DAY 18 | DAY 19 | DAY 20 | DAY 21 | DAY 22 | DAY 23 | DAY 24 | DAY 25 | DAY 26 | DAY 27 | DAY 28 | DAY 29 |
Sorry, I edited this this a tiny bit morning because a frame with an adjustment layer that wasn't supposed to have it was giving me a insomnia. Why like this?
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madrigaljail · 2 years
5 and 12 for the Encanto asks or whichever one you really wanna answer
Encanto Funsies Qs
5. Any Encanto pet peeves? Can be canon or fic related.
Sort of for both? We were yelling about this last night in the Discord about how Luisa kind of gets left out a lot in fandom, and I had the realization that it might stem from how she gets relegated to comic relief in canon. After her song it's all falling over and crying, which is presented as for the lolz rather than, like, an expression of trauma, so she sort of vanishes in the wake of the less over-the-top characters. Then in like...so many fics the VERY first thing, and maybe the only thing, she does is go collect those FRIGGING DONKEYS again and I s2g we need some sort of swear jar or something for every time someone uses that. Please, please, I am begging you, go back and listen to - don't watch, spare yourself the dancing donkeys - Surface Pressure, remember all that this girl has going on, don't relegate her to big-girl-hangs-out-with-beasts-of-burden trope. It makes me itchy.
Also I am 5000% over arepas being the go-to healing food. It's been played out, let's all move on.
12. You’ve gotta kick one canon character out of Encanto. Sorry.
SENOR RENDON TAKE YOUR DONKEYS AND GTFO, see above, your crimes are yuckydisgusting.
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kingkatsuki · 3 years
I absolutely adore your work! Since in a recent ask you talked about one of your favorite blogs getting deactivated, I was wondering if you could recommend any BNHA blogs. ❤
I’ve got a lot of recs in my “fic recs” tag but I don’t really like doing blog recommendations because I’m so dumb and always end up leaving someone out and feeling so guilty about it 🥺😭
But I promise there are some really good fics in my tag, I swear we are so blessed to have such a frigging talented fandom!💕
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hanazou · 3 years
Hiii dear Miss Hua,
I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love your writing. I got into the BSD fandom just three weeks beforehand and I'm utterly enamoured with this show. Your blog is one of the first one's I've found and your writing is he most blissful thing! Your character insight is so dedicated and careful and just straight up fascinating, I'm in awe! Your Chuuya firsts almost made me cry; I swear I love that man so frigging much /// Also, your blog I so beautifully constructed! I admire that. I hope this message finds you in good health <3
Now, I am really shy so I wanted to tell you this since last week but I just...eek. But your kind interactions with anons really encouraged me! So thank you <3 (May or may not have only made a Tumblr account to tell you how happy your writing makes me asdfghjkl)
printing in deep gratitude... ` - * , ✒
📝 ; Dear my beloved anonymous...
Your message found me.. in good health indeed– I just opened my phone while working on assignments and requests simultaneously to discover this heartfelt and enthralling message. I really don't know what I had done to deserve such positivity from you.
It took me a minute or two to figure out how I should respond to this because truth be told my dear, you have me dumbstruck at least. I would like to wholeheartedly thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to write this endearing ask. I really appreciate, I really do. Most ardently. I'll treasure this message as long as I write.
Thank you for appreciating the Firsts with Chuuya, coming up with those was indeed tiring but I'm very glad it reached the eyes of kind people like you who love Chuuya. It's my honour to be making Chuuya content for those like you. I hope my future works won't disappoint you.
Another thank you for your effort of making a tumblr just to send me a message, I don't know what I can say to thank you enough.
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nalufever · 4 years
do you have any more nalu fic recs?
Sorry, not sorry - you’ve unleashed more than you could’ve guessed. ^^ Always happy to Recommend a List of Fics ~ And thank you for asking! Admittedly there’s a few Recs that aren’t Nalu - I got excited to share my favs. ;)
A Girl Worth Fighting For: Natsu navigates unspeakable horrors to win Lucy’s love or Natsu goes shopping, looking for the perfect white day gift. 
A Lesson: Natsu and Lucy can’t keep themselves from expressing their passions - and the results are bed breaking. Short but smutty - smexy in fact. ;P 
A Solidly Constructed Kiss: Erza strong-arms Lucy and Natsu into working the Kissing Booth to raise funds for a school trip. Lucy’s never been kissed and Natsu acts like he’s never entertained even the idea of kissing another person. Things naturally come to a head when Lucy and Natsu are given the task to build the actual booth; will they fight over construction or build themselves some kind of relationship? 
Fairy Tail Week: A collection of drabbles from tumblr prompts to celebrate Fairy Tail. Fairy, Ladies, Lads, Magic, Guild, Ultimate Team, Stronger, Mashima, Tail. Only rated teen to err on the side of caution, family friendly content featuring most of the Fairy Tail Guild! 
Feathers and Scales: Angel/Demon AU. Devils are more than they seem and Angels no less. Pitted against each other in a never-ending battle for souls, a single Angel and Devil trade mercies and fall in love. Warning: major character death(s). 
Full Moon Secret: Natsu had wanted to tell Lucy his secrets, to share his family history with the fey…it had just never been the right time. Tonight the truth was going to be revealed, one way or another. 
Okay, I could just keep hyping all of my own fics individually - but I won’t - other than to just put in a link to ALL OF THEM. ;) Fair warning, I have a few other fandoms works in all the Fairy Tail stories - from Brooklyn 99 to The Flash, Snow White with the Red Hair, RWBY, Blue Exorcist, Teen Titans and some Hakuouki. Yes, I’m a shameless self-promoter. Speaking of that - one more I need to rec!  Natsu’s Stars in Lucy’s Sky. I swear Imma finish this. 
I also have more than a few favourite authors who write for Fairy Tail (and other fandoms) ~ some have not contributed lately to Fairy Tail or chosen to concentrate on other fandoms - but I like them and their excellent writing. 
ObsessedwithNalu: One of my first fandom friends and pretty much any of her FT stories is gold. @obsessedwithnalu  
Christmas Treats: Admittedly a gift to me and very cherished for that fact - and - it’s frigging awesome. Lucy does a little holiday baking at home before Fairy Tail’s Christmas party. Natsu, as always, is there. One thing leads to another… 
Thanks, Krov: When Krov decided to relax at his favorite bar after work, he never imagined that he’d be seeing some of his old guild members, especially since he thought they had died long ago. Nalu fluff. 
Edo-Nalu love fest: Submissions for the Nalu love fest week of 2014. But instead of regular Nalu, these ones feature Edo-Nalu. Smut-tastic and delightfully mature. 
ImpracticalDemon: Another early fandom friend who’s still writing this, that and the other thing - and she’s just GREAT. Again, a link to all her works and a few that are special to me follow. XOXOX @impracticaldemon  
May the Best Man Survive: “Gray would never have in a million years thought he’d host Natsu’s bachelor party (Nalu pairing). Why is it his job to herd the bunch of rowdy mages from bar to bar, ending up at the guild where the real surprise party is? Oh yeah, the idiot had asked him to be the best man at his wedding. Hijinks, chaos and hilarity ensue.” ^^ A prompt supplied by me and I’m smirking so wide because the fic Imp came up with delivered more awesomeness than I could have hoped for! 
A Star At His Side: “Accidentally Fall Asleep Together” for Endragoneel on tumblr. Natsu and Lucy spend the day together at a festival in Magnolia. Natsu ends up watching more than just the stars when the festival is over… 
Christmas Gifts: When Erza walks Wendy home from the Guild’s Christmas Party, Wendy realizes how alone her friend and mentor is feeling. She sets out to recruit Lucy, Natsu and the rest to break Jellal out of prison for just one night, as a Christmas gift for Erza. Meanwhile, Natsu has accidentally burned some of Lucy’s writing. Will she forgive him? 
Dark Shining Light: One of the best and most welcoming writers I have ever interacted with! I’m still gobsmacked she’s a friend! She’s a legend and I don’t know what else I could add to any discourse about her writing - but the classics are classic for a reason, yeah? Here’s a few of my personal favourites of her works and just know there’s too many to list them all! AKA @ff-darkshininglight 
Mischievous Cat: Let’s just say there have been a few incidents where Happy has come in at a bad time. 
What Belongs to a Demon: Everyone knew she belonged to the great demon lord and she would prove that she deserved to stand by his side. 
The Truth Revealing Cards: Lucy should have known if there was a card that would reveal her secrets, Natsu would want it. 
Eliz1369: Got introduced to her for her Hakuoki fics but she’d dipped her toes into FT as well ~ and this is a great fic. ^^ @eliz1369 
The Light of Fairy Tail: The members of Fairy Tail may be their own brand of crazy, but their hearts are always in the right place. 
rougescribe: Shame on me for not reading more of this author’s works! @rougescribe  
Fire Sprite No 5: For him, Heaven wasn’t a place or a single moment in time. It was a feeling built on memories upon memories, past and present and a hope for future ones all tied down together. All sharing one common denominator: Her. Nalu. Tumblr Valentine’s Event. 
Fallen Ark Angel: Admittedly I only have interacted from afar with this writer. I mainly read Nalu fics but I love her take on Mira and Laxus and her next gen offspring characters. She’s got a lot to offer and it’s all superb. @fallen029
Loving Satan: Loving Satan is never easy. But when she loves you back, its twice as bad. 
Madartiste: Another one-sided love affair with someone else’s writing. And her stories are all wonderful and prolly appear on hundreds of Fic Rec Lists - but here’s one of my Favs! @madartiste  
Hoarding: Getting interrupted gets old fast. 
UranoMetria: I added her to my stable of fav authors 05-03-2014. Wow. Eons ago and even if I’m not sure she’s still active in the fandom, I salute her. Kudos. 
The Goddess Gate: With six years of partnership, Natsu and Lucy are torn apart by a mysterious visit from a secret magic council. Lucy is kidnapped and her memories suppressed. She fights her way back home to regain her life - with a startling secret revealed as she begins to remember. The lives of all Earthland hang in the balance. **Okay, this is a wicked old fic - but amazingly written and fuelled my own desires for writing. Last updated in 2018 but who knows? Some current attention may slay any demons on her back in regards to writing - and even if not - the hours of enjoyment reading this is worth giving a comment just to say, ‘thank you for writing.‘ 
Wild Rhov: Do I even need to say anything about this author? Famous, famous, famous. Excellent. Writes a lot of pairings and fleshes every relationship into something REAL. I Can’t Even. @wildrhov  
Beastly Possession: Something is murdering people in Magnolia. When Lucy is attacked, Natsu goes on a rampage to find the culprit, and everyone in Fairy Tail wants revenge. But could this bloodthirsty attacker be someone they know? Warning: High octane nightmare fuel! Do not read while eating, and beware of red eyes in the dark! 
Shell1331: Introduced via Imp. This writer is in a few fandoms and is worth reading. @shell-senji  
Juicy: Impulsivity and poorly chosen words get Natsu into more trouble than he’d expected, which is saying something for him. 
AbsentAngel: Everyone should know this writer. Been stalking her since 2014 so that says something. Tho, it’s prolly just that I’m creepy. ;) My suggested fic here is being re-written/has been? into something original and worth being purchased when it becomes available and re-read over and over. No, I am not being paid to shill but I am open to having senpai notice me. @absent-angel  
To the Flame: She stares, transfixed, as the blood runs down his fingers and begins to pool in his palm. He holds his hand up to her lips in offering, and she tears her eyes away from the blood to study his face. He is smiling softly. “Go on Luce, I didn’t cut them for nothing.” [Vamp AU] 
HawkofNavarre: Loved for awesome and delightful Gruvia content. Looks like there’s a tumblr but I can’t manage to link it. :(
You Stole the Rain: He just wanted to be friends; fine, she just needed to change his mind. Gray x Juvia 
Ricardian Scholar Clark-Weasley: Not sure I spelled that right even after checking three times! I usually short hand that to RS-CW in my head. And she’s prolific - has a tonne of fandoms and is a tower of talent. Is anyone reading all my fangirl gushing? 'Cause she follows one of my fics and comments (sorry I haven’t updated that fic in a while) and it’s a source of happiness that someone who writes so well happens to enjoy some of my content. Okay, bragging over - back to the Recs! 
Tales of Fairies: A collection of oneshots exploring different friendships, ideas, sad themes, comical scenarios, and lots and lots of pairings…but mainly Nalu. 
snogfairy: Another giant in the FT fandom. Impressive talent. @lineffability  
naughty nalus: smutty nalu oneshots B) ***Mature content!*** 
Rivendell101: Another giant in FT and other fandoms. This author would be considered required reading if I ran a fandom course in a University setting. Just sayin’ @rivendell101  
Crave: /krāv/ Verb. To feel a powerful desire for (something). They crave each other. And satiation doesn’t come easily. He growls against her again. “Beg for it,” he demands, lips ghosting against her. 
Lakerae aka @hidetheremote : Did you think I’d forgotten you? Ha! Gotcha good! You’re an inspiration to me because you’re working so hard to publish your children’s books. Kudos to you li'l sis! You’re busy but still make it a point to talk to me and I love you for that and everything.
The Gift of the Magi: A Gajevy Twist: A retelling of the classic Christmas story “The Gift of the Magi,” with your favorite Fairy Tail couple Gajeel and Levy! It’s Christmas time and Gajeel and Levy exchange gifts. They both are surprised what they receive and learn a lesson of the true meaning of Christmas. 
I could add more and more as I search my saved favs on FF.net ~ and I’m sorry to not include all of them - but this is crazy long as it is. If you read and like any of the recommended fics, please be sure to let the author know. To the authors of these and all fanfics, Thanks for everything.
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blue-tongue · 5 years
Examining the Group Dynamic of the Seven
      I feel like I see a lot of posts complaining about the lack of friendship between the various seven members. Since I have an ungodly about of time on my hands, I’ve taken it upon myself to take a deep dive into all of the friendships between them. 
       Before anything, I should note- there are seven main characters in this series- Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Hazel. That means you have twenty one relationships you have to develop (each of the seven times each of their viewpoint on the other six divided by two to make the relationship go both ways). 
I’m going to breakdown how their relationships develop book by book-
1) The Lost Hero (TLH)- POVs: Jason, Piper, Leo
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Percy and Annabeth- well developed from the previous series.
Jason and Piper- complicated as frick. Since Hera just happened to plant fake memories of their relationship in Piper’s head, there’s this awkward one-sided relationship going on while they have crushes on each other. Percabeth started on a clean slate and had four years to slowly come together. Jiper is condensed into one book/quest, meaning that their relationship has less time to develop.
Jason and Leo- Best friends. Similar Percy/Grover in the sense that Jason is supposed to be the HeroTM and Leo doesn’t fit the archetype as much.
Piper and Leo- Sibling-esque friendship.
Piper and Annabeth- Beginning a best friend relationship
Jason and Annabeth/ Leo and Annabeth- Acquaintances I guess? They have to work together? They might call each other friends but only in the vaguest sense of the word? They’re work colleagues?
2) Son of Neptune (SoN)- POVs: Percy, Hazel, Frank
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Percy and Hazel- Big brother/ protective friendship. Hazel literally thought Percy was a god when they first met. It should be noted that Percy sees the chemistry between Hazel and Frank and starts ashipping like there’s no frigging tomorrow.
Percy and Frank- Friends. Percy sees Frank’s potential besides his deep insecurities. Percy serves as the older, more experienced (although he can’t remember his experiences) one. Again, Percy is a huge Frazel shipper. 
Hazel and Frank- Everything that is good and pure in this world.
3) Mark of Athena (MoA)- POVs: Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Leo
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The group is finally together! Yeehaw!
Things that happened in the time jump between TLH and MoA:
Piper and Annabeth- Best friends
Piper and Jason- Have a stabler relationship. Congrats on that.
Things that happened in the book:
Percy and Annabeth- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I can’t describe it better than this)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Percy and Jason- BROS. Little bit competitive because they’re both alphas, but BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS
Leo and Hazel- Long sigh. Leo is a carbon copy of Hazel’s ex (from seventy years ago) and Leo’s like oh. Hazel’s kinda pretty. I mean she has a boyfriend sure I respect that but still. Pretty. (Turns out she’s his great grandpa’s girlfriend. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.)
Leo and Frank- They start of great. Frank is paralyzed with fear that Leo’s going to steal his girlfriend and then murder him with fire. Leo spends the entire book teasing Frank without realizing this. Yey.
Annabeth and Frank- The have one scene together where Annabeth’s like “Aw look at this adorable manchild” and that’s pretty much it. 
Leo and Percy- Leo’s kinda disappointed that Percy’s so basic. Percy’s big brother instinct kicks in and he’s like “Listen here lil’ punk *jabs finger into Leo’s chest* if you lay one hand on Hazel and break up this pure relationship I SWEAR TO THE GODS-”
Piper and Percy- Piper’s kinda disappointed that Percy’s so basic. Percy’s like okay. Her. My girlfriend’s friend. We’re work colleagues. She’s okay I guess. 
Also as a side note:
Annabeth thinks Nico has a crush on her 
4) House of Hades (HoH)- POVs: Hazel, Annabeth, Leo, Percy, Frank, Jason (literally everyone except Piper WOW)
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Percy and Annabeth- Surviving through Tartarus. There’s So Much Development To Their Relationship. Downside being Dark! Percy. Which isn’t really acknowledged as much as it should be. Like do they ever really talk heart to heart about it? No?
Leo and Hazel- Leo gets a girlfriend so he stops his weird soft pining @ Hazel. 
Leo and Frank- Frank’s not scared of Leo stealing his girlfriend and then murdering him with fire because he now has a ^girlfriend^ and Leo gave him a fire-proof pouch thing for his stick. 
Hazel and Frank- Frank’s hot now so... yeah!
Leo and Percy- .....So we’ve both on Calypso’s Island, huh? 
Piper and Hazel- They... apparently practice sword fighting? I mean, it’s not much but it’s something? Points for that?
Jason and Frank- They bond over being praetor/ roman although WE DON’T GET TO SEE THEM ACTUALLY HAVE THAT CONVERSATION DO WE RICK? 
Bonus relationships:
It should be noted that although I love Nico, he really isn’t one of the seven. I think Rick originally intended him to be a secondary character like he was in the first series, but then he became a main character. This wouldn’t be a problem except Rick is having enough trouble juggling the seven on their own.
Nico and Percy- SO SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH (although honestly wow doesn’t have a crush on Percy at this point). Their relationship is still strained from the last series.
Jason and Nico- Jason is basically Nico’s supportive Straight AllyTM/ Life Coach/ Mom who wants to grab Nico by the Ramones t-shirt, shake him a bit, tell him that there there are millions of queer kids in the world finding love everyday, that he’s his own worst enemy, he needs to get away from the underworld, go outside, make some friends, stop hating Percy, get some hobbies and then who knows maybe he’ll develop a disposition that others find more approachable (yes this is Contrapoints reference thank you for noticing)
5) Blood of Olympus (BoO)- POVs: Jason, Reyna, Leo, Nico, Piper (Note that Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel are not included >:((((()
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Jason and Piper- Their relationship is developed a little bit. They work together the most out of all of the seven to defeat Gaia. They say I love you to each other at the end of the book (*represses all my knowledge of Trials of Apollo for the sake of this post*) Except for Leo’s “death”, everything’s great! 
Percy and Annabeth- Everything’s fine. Percy’s fine. Percy doesn’t have a dark side. Nope. “If I can’t drown neither can my pancakes!” Haha. Ha. Funny. 
Piper and Annabeth-  Let me cup your face, pull you forward until our foreheads are touching, and feel your rapid pulse as I whisper softly, “Fear can’t be reasoned with. Neither can hate. They’re like love. Stop thinking about it. Just feel. Let it scare you. Trust that it’ll be okay anyway”~
Leo and Percy- They address the Calypso thing (in the middle of a battle). So. You know. They’re on okay terms I guess?
Piper and Frank- Frank goes and “Brings the family full circle” offscreen and he’s like ‘yeah they didn’t like me because I’m not white’ and Piper’s like ‘well white people do suck sometimes’
Leo and Hazel/Frank- Oh hi I know we just resolved the awkwardness between us a few seconds ago but can collude with me on this top secret plan in which I’ll die and then maybe (if we play are cards right) come back to life? 
Bonus relationships:
Hazel and Nico: They’re cute siblings and I love them
Reyna and Nico: They’re cute adoptive siblings that have shared trauma and I love them.
Nico and Percy: Nico comes out. Percy’s confused because he doesn’t understand how internalized homophobia works (Wait... but you hated me... but then... you liked me this whole time??? What?????)
Nico and Annabeth: Oh I guess you didn’t have a crush on me then. Well. Good for you anyway *high five*
Nico and Will: SOLANGELO!!!!!  *rainbow flags*
Nico and Jason: Aw Jason’s so proud of him. 
Reyna and Piper: Reyna! Doesn’t! Need! A! Man! To! Be! Happy! She Has Friends! And Two Camps! They can get some sleep now! Wheeeeee!
In Conclusion, the Underdeveloped Relationships Are:
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Percy, Piper, & Leo BROTP
Annabeth and Hazel
Piper and Hazel
Annabeth and Jason
Annabeth and Leo
Jason and Frank
Jason and Hazel
Piper and Frank
       All in all of the underdeveloped dynamics, you’re really left to believe that they’re just acquaintances fighting in the same war together. And I honestly believe that Rick just gave himself too many characters to work with. That, and tacking on two major characters in the end of the second to last book made a lot of the developments of Blood of Olympus feel rushed and weak. We call them the Seven, but honestly, it’s really the Nine. Part of what I really enjoy about this fandom is that people fill in the gaps and try to make all the interconnected friendships within the nine main characters really strong.
  In PJO, there was only one POV- Percy’s- and each book consisted of a core group of three or four characters going on one major quest together. The simplicity of both the narrative and group dynamic made developing character relationships more straight forward. Although the alternating POVs in HoO allows for more complex characterization and group dynamics, it’s a hard ship (pun intended) to handle.  The structure of a core group of three characters going on one major quest continues in TLH and SoN, but dissolves when all the characters come together in MoA. The sheer number of main characters mean that characters and character relationships get starved of development. Riordan has himself said that although he loved all his characters, having he regretted having so many. 
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