#this gent so slash serious
h0-nk · 7 months
Stupid thing i did for discord servr..
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Also just pest without filters
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Charles Gray and Edward protect his s/o when she's stuck in the Campania!
let's hear it for the gents!!! <3
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Not only is it his duty to protect all the other citizens on board, it’s doubly his duty to protect the love of his life. Everything else is quickly tossed to the side; his irritation toward Ciel, his big-brother-instincts-in-overdrive for Lizzie, all of it. Things have gotten serious, so it’s time for him to get serious. He focuses instantly on keeping everyone that he can out of harm’s way, up to and including a firm, “Get behind me, (Name), and stay behind me!” Assuming that his S/O doesn’t know her own way around a sword, and even if she does, he wants to keep her safe at any cost. He’s a knight, for God’s sake. His hands might be shaking a bit as he cuts down any threat which gets too close, but he’s still swinging away. He’s never been in a situation like this before, this life and death, and it shows. He doesn’t stop, though, only pausing so he can round to slash away one of the creatures that’s tried to grab at his darling. Of course, he does end up with a few wounds for his trouble. For all that he thinks he was just doing the decent thing… he’s also deeply grateful that (Name) gently patches him up on the way home. He doesn’t mind a scar or two; what’s more noble than being hurt in the name of protecting someone you love?
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Ah, so his time to shine for his beloved and keep her safe has finally come!! It’s like a bit of high-energy theater. All things being equal, taking everything into account, even someone as dramatic and ready to fight as Charles Grey tries very hard to keep his S/O out of danger. He signed up for a line of work that requires him to carry a sword, or at least he was trained heavily for it from a young age; neither of those things are true for her. So he makes sure to hold her at arm’s length from his duties. That regrettably means she probably has never seen him in action until now. Funnily enough, her presence actually helps make him stronger — to hell with superstitions, he has no time to be afraid of these walking corpses when his hesitation could mean (Name) being hurt or worse. Down they all go, indiscriminately, heads chopped off with extreme prejudice for daring to exist past death! … And, likely with some big moment where he sweeps her out of biting distance just in time. There will definitely be some grateful, relieved kissing in the lifeboats later.
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sweetrays · 1 year
To urge myself to write more, I’ve decided to try out oneshot fanfic commissions :D
If you are interested or want to suggest something, please refer to my ask box or DMs. Once the fic is written, if you'd like it public, it will be posted to ao3 with the link posted on my blog
(read my intro if you’re new to my blog before you decide to interact though. Everyone's welcome except for antis/fan cops and other internet bullies who often invade fandom spaces) 
But first, here is a list of fandoms I can write for, and my personal boundaries when it comes to fictional writing
Peter Pan & related media 
The Stanley Parable (TSP)
The Promised Neverland (TPN)
Back to the Future trilogy (BTTF)
Les Miserables (book not musical)
Bendy and the Ink Machine (BATIM)
Bendy and the Dark Revival (BATDR)
Indiana Jones trilogy
A Series Of Unfortunate Events (ASOUE)
The Outsiders
West Side Story
And I'm sure there’s others I'm forgetting but if you have any suggestions, ask and I might approve.
 Now on to my writing boundaries
Stuff  I will write:
Physical whump (Of any intensity)
Erotica (As long as the character’s age lands somewhere between 15 & 55)
Age gap relationships (Again, as long as the age range is 15 - 55)
Death & tragedy
Family bonding fluff
Kissing/first kiss
Hurt/comfort & angst
Stuff I will write, but I’d prefer not to
Femslash (I just don’t enjoy it as much as straight or mxm dynamics so the oneshot wouldn’t be as good)
Heavy Fetish stuff (it depends on the fandom & what the specific kink is)
Tooth-rotting fluff (I enjoy writing relationships with dark qualities so when everything’s all glitter and rainbows, it's not really my thing)
Modern AU of fantasy/historical characters (I will maybe write modern au, it just depends on what fandom you’re asking for)
Fandom crossovers (crack crossovers are fine, I just find serious fandom crossovers a bit tedious to write because my brain works so directly)
Your own OC/self insert (I will give it a go, but because I don't know the character, I might accidentally make them act quite OOC so the fic might not be up to standard)
Y/N fics (I just can’t because i don’t know what the ladies/gents want from a character lol)
Stuff I will NOT write 
Erotica of characters who are really really young (I have nothing against people who create writing/art of extremely young characters because it's just works of fiction & i know there's no malicious intent behind it, but for me personally, writing stuff like that just feels a bit icky. So please pick a ship with characters in the previous mentioned age range. Thanks.)
FTM transgender headcanons (I use writing as an escape from my own dysphoria, if you’ve read my introduction, you’ll know i'm ftm trans, and being forced to conceive a story where a canonically cisgender character’s sudden transness is the center focus is so unbelievably triggering for me. Again, nothing against people who indulge in these types of headcannons, but please don’t ask me to make one of these)
Fetishes like scat and omorashi (I stand by Y.K.I.N.M.K.A.T.O. so do whatever you want, but personally I just can’t bring myself to write these types of things, it's just so out of my league)
I might update this later cause I know I've forgotten so many things. But contact me via ask box/DMs if you want something written :)
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Build Me Up Buttercup *Epilogue*
Note: And that’s that, ladies and gents! I have been debating whether to write a sequel, because I found another Taylor Swift song that is perfect for them. [I’m sorry I love the song tie ins, OKAY?]
But I also promised someone I’d write more on my “Return To Sender” one shot, and I’m thinking of a story where the reader is a waitress at Fazzoli’s and has a crush on the ADA that’s always eating there....
What do ya’ll think? 
.....Aaaaand almost forgot @wanniiieeee @chasingeverybreakingwave
The COMPLETE Collection: 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
~*Epilogue: One Year Later*~
“Thank you very much detective, we’ll see you next week!” 
You waved goodbye to the group of young ladies at your old campus. You had just started a program there that helped girls who had been assaulted get help physically, legally and mentally. It was your passion project that you had been working with Olivia and Rafael over the past year, and it was finally up and running. It was the greatest present for the day of you being promoted to full fledged detective at SVU. 
You were heading towards the edge of campus when your phone began going off, playing a customized ringtone:
Build me buttercup baby….
“Well hey there counselor, thought you’d be in court all day,” you grinned.
“They ended up taking a plea deal. What can I say, I’m a master negotiator,” you could hear the smirk on your boyfriend’s face through the phone.
“That’s not all you're the master of,” You lowered your voice suggestively, biting your lip with a smile. 
“Speaking of that, what are you doing right now, carino?”
“I’m leaving campus, but I’ve gotta go back to the office papi, no time for tontear,” You giggled, hearing him growl in allure.
“God I love it when you speak Española, mi vida,” 
“Well now you know how I feel all the time, mi amor,” 
“It just makes me wanna….” He started to speak but a grab from behind startled you, and you punched the assailant with your free hand-- only to see that it was Rafael.
“Oh my god!! Baby!! I am so sorry!!!” You dropped your phone and helped him up, checking every bit of his body making sure you hadn’t done any damage.
“It’s fine carino, I should know better than to sneak up on you,” He assured you, rubbing his neck. “Been working on that right hook, have you?” 
“I should come with a warning label I swear to God… are you sure you’re ok?” You smoothed out his clothes, adjusting his tie and what not until he took your hands and made you look at him. 
“I am better than okay, mi vida. And I have a surprise for you,” He smiled, taking an envelope out of his jacket pocket and handing it to you. You took it with curiosity, and when you pulled out the two pieces of paper your face lit up.
“TAYLOR SWIFT?!!! AT MADISON SQUARE GARDEN?!!!! TONIGHT?!?!?!?!?!” You squealed, jumping into his arms. He spun you around with a laugh--
“Happy Anniversary, my love,” 
You pulled back a moment, stunned. Did you actually forget your anniversary?
“You mean, a year ago we….”
“You slashed your tires so that we could have sex, yeah that was a year ago,” He chuckled, then flat out started laughing when you hit him in embarrassment, looking at the people walking by. 
“I so did NOT--” You protested, but he shut you up with a kiss.
“Oh you so DID,” he stuck his tongue out playfully while escorting you to the curb you had finally reached, where a town car was waiting.
“Fancy!” You giggled, holding Rafa’s hand while you got in the car. Champagne and roses were there to greet you in the seat.
“Rafa! Baby…” You pulled him into another kiss, the two of you smiling like idiots.
“...Somebody wants some of the good stuff tonight,” You whispered, biting your lip and tugging at his belt. 
“Well I won’t say no to that-- but it might have to wait for a while, seeing as we’re going to have drinks with Taylor after the show,” Rafa couldn’t help but laugh at the size of your eyeballs.
“SHUT UP NO WAY REALLY?!?!?!?!” You couldn’t help but scream at this news, quickly noticing the driver wince in pain, you apologized but returned to freaking out at an acceptable decibel.
“Rafa are you serious? How did you even pull that off?!”
“....I told you, I’m a master negotiator,” he winked. A million thoughts started racing through your head as to just what that meant. What kind of negotiating? With whom did he negotiate? Was it money? Did he black mail Taylor Swift?!
Rafael recognized that distant look in your eyes when your mind took off on a trail, he turned your face to look him in the eyes.
“Hey, don’t overthink it baby. Just say ‘thank you papi’, and drink your champagne before it gets warm,” He took a glass and filled it up, handing it to you. 
“Thank you papi,” you rolled your eyes with a smile. You sipped your champagne when your eyes travelled to your less than elegant pantsuit pants.
“Oh my god wait, Rafa I can’t meet Taylor Swift like THIS--” You started to resume freaking out but before you had a chance, Rafael pulled out a bag from the front seat.
“What the--?” You grabbed it and looked inside; A cocktail dress in your favorite color and new Jimmy Choos to match.
“I know I ruined the last ones you had when you chased after me in the woods,” He chuckled.
“Outside that gas station in BFE? I was SO mad, oh my god I thought I was going to kill you!” You exclaimed, remembering that day vividly. You couldn’t believe that it had been an entire year since then, it felt like it flew by.
“Well, you’re sure lucky you didn’t,” He smirked, kissing your cheek as you tried on the shoes.
“I know right, I wouldn’t be meeting TAYLOR SWIFT!” You giggled at his grumpy cat response, his little pout was more adorable than intimidating, you couldn’t remember how you ever thought otherwise.
“Hey-- In all seriousness,” You took his hand. “I am so grateful for that road trip. I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t taken it,” 
“I’d like to think one of us would have eventually said something,” Rafael smiled.
“Probably me,” “Probably you” -- you both spoke at the same time, then laughed at the fact that you were both definitely right. God knows what scheme you would have concocted in the office just to get him alone. 
“But seriously, Y/N--- I think that road trip was destiny,” He looked into your eyes. 
“I love you, more than any woman I’ve ever known. Except my abuela,” 
“And your mom,”
Rafael made a face and shrugged. “Rafael!!” You hit him with a shocked giggle. 
“I love you, and I’m never letting you go,” He said with so much sincerity and love, it was killing you not to start crying; But your makeup was on point today!
“I love you Rafael Barba, more than anyone and anything. EVER,” You enunciated the last word, trying to convey just how far other people were down the list next to him. 
He could only smile back, because tears were choking up his own throat. He pulled you in for a deep, passionate kiss and afterwards just held you, as you two rode in that car on that perfect night. 
That night, Taylor Swift herself dedicated “Sparks Fly” to ‘Mr. Barba and his Buttercup,” and you two danced in the crowd as her voice rang out in the New York air:
Get me with those green eyes
Baby, as the lights go down
Give me something that'll haunt me
When you're not around
'Cause I see sparks fly
Whenever you smile
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A Worthwhile Investment, chapter 3
Please enjoy this Grant x Shawn story. Yes, I split it into two short chapters. Apparently I can’t be succinct with these two... hopefully I made the right choice!
Next is Thomas x Allison!
Time went by. The studio worsened in most respects. Though its installation was nothing out of the ordinary, it felt as though the ink machine was creeping through the halls, its long pipes growing into new areas. Wherever it went, it left the scent of sickly rubber ink and stained through the walls, like a creeping, musty black mold. That alone would have brought down morale, but it was nothing compared to the financial crisis. Every department was operating on a slashed budget, and yet Joey refused to lower his demands on any of them. Whenever someone quit out of anger, there was relief- it meant that those who remained would be less likely to be laid off. The studio was a rotting body, ravaged by the parasite of the ink machine and struggling to move its massive weight now that so many of its workers were gone.
Grant was not handling it well. His department understood that it the studio’s financial problems weren’t his fault, but he didn’t blame anyone else for hating the man who had decided how much to slash their budget, or who told them, while they were already underpaid, that their paycheck would be late because there simply was no money to pay them. It was his job to prevent this from happening. But with Joey spending more and more on Bendyland and the ink machine, and refusing to downsize anything when it was really overdue to do so, it was proving impossible. It was soul-crushing.
Things weren’t easy on Shawn, either. Fewer staff for the same amount of plushes meant having to work longer and faster, and making plushes out of cheaper materials meant that there was less room for error before the cheap, delicate things they’d been reduced to selling simply fell apart. Shawn was getting screamed at more than usual nowadays.
At least they had each other. During better times, their relationship had been on and off. There were periods when one of them just couldn’t handle the other’s issues or couldn’t handle being in a relationship at the moment, and they’d break up, only to get back together after a while. Shawn had even dated other people during their temporary breaks. Neither of them were especially serious about their relationship, so it worked for them. Now, they were together for the foreseeable future. There was little time or energy for romance anymore, but they stole the moments they could and hoped that things would eventually improve. Shawn had even moved into Grant’s house at the time. This was good for both of them- living with someone else made things easier domestically during this busy time, and it was good to come home from a difficult day at work and meet up with someone who loved you and brightened your mood.
“Ah think we should quit,” Shawn said one day over dinner. “None-a this is healthy. I’m sick of it, you certainly ain’t yourself, and anyhow, yer always saying the company won’t last another year.” Shawn saw Grant hesitate. “Well, Ah’m quitting. Join me or don’t, Ah don’t care.”
“I have a feeling that things will improve once Bendyland opens. It’s supposed to open in three months,” well, it was supposed to open over a year ago, but hopefully they could reach the new deadline, “so, let’s see where the studio is in five months. If we’re not having a much better time at work by then, let’s do it. Or you can quit sooner- please, don’t let me hold you back. But that’s when I’m doing it.”
“Five months sounds great! I’ll mark it on the calendar. To a chance at a better life!”
Grant forced a smile. “To a chance at a better life.” He honestly wished Shawn would just quit so that he didn’t feel like he was holding him back.
There were a few reasons that Grant didn’t want to quit. It wasn’t about money (he had some saved up), or fear that he couldn’t get another job (he had the experience to land another). Mostly, it was about pride. Grant might be the financial manager of a failing massive company, but still, he was the finances manager of a massive company- with a department working under him and his own secretary. This could be the highest-profile job he would ever have. He also worried that the next job would be just as miserable. He recognized, though, that he couldn’t stay in an awful work environment for those reasons, let alone keep Shawn in one. And no matter what, the studio would be dead in a few years, so he’d have to leave it eventually. And heck- maybe Shawn was right. Maybe it would be better.
It was while Grant was walking down one of the Joey Drew Studios hallways that it happened, though it had seemed rather insignificant at the time. A burly, blond GENT worker deliberately loosened a bolt on one of the ink pipes as he passed, spraying a cloud of ink fumes into his face.
“That’s for getting my buddy laid off,” the man grumbled as Grant coughed on the fumes.
“Hey!” another GENT worker, shouted, “pull another stunt like that, and you’ll be the one leaving for good!” The GENT worker ran over to Grant. “You alright, sir? I can pay for the dry cleaning if you want.”
“Don’t bother,” Grant snapped, “just teach your men some respect.”
Grant looked down at his thoroughly stained suit and dress shirt and weighed whether to arrive at his next meeting late or drenched. He decided on the former and turned for the exit. As he left, he heard one of the GENT men telling the other, “that’s how you get our budget cut even more!” It was rather strange to be such a frightening creature nowadays.
By evening, Grant was feeling sick- as though he had a flu coming on. He spent a few days laying around before returning to work, feeling just as badly. He couldn’t afford more time off if he didn’t want to end up entirely buried by work. Shawn was mildly concerned when it was a few weeks in and the illness didn’t seem to be going away- and that Grant was intent on working through it- but all he could do was support Grant through it and give him the space he needed. Even in the beginning, it was extremely frustrating that his boyfriend was suffering and unable to do much of anything outside of work, but to an extent it was nothing Shawn wasn’t used to- Grant had had bouts of depression nearly as bad as this. As time went on, Shawn noticed some more disturbing changes.
It was about two weeks in that the voice emerged and the hallucinations began. Grant had been in his office when he’d heard a pained scream- seemingly from right outside of it. He rushed out, expecting to see an injured person or an emergency of some sort. Instead, he found only his secretary, perfectly calm and looking at him as though he was an alien. “Do you know where that came from?” Grant asked.
“Where what came from?” Oh, that judgmental stare.
“The scream? You heard the scream, right?”
Grant cringed and closed the door to his office.
The headaches, the brain fog, the fatigue, and now the hallucinations, a voice said. It was a voice that sounded as real as the scream had, but it wasn’t one he’d heard before. Do you want to know what’s causing it? There was a pause, as though Grant would answer and let his secretary think even worse of him. You’re losing your mind. You know what they do with crazy people, right? An image of an electric chair flashed through Grant’s mind, followed by an image of locked insane asylum doors and tools used for a lobotomy. Just carry on. Try to act normal, and don’t let anyone know about this. I’ll be here when you need me. Grant sat back down at his desk, taking a look around the room as though he could find where the voice was coming from. Finding nothing, he returned to his paperwork.
A few weeks later, Grant decided to coax some answers from the voice. It was absurd- if it was right, and it probably was, the voice came from him, and couldn’t know anything he didn’t. But he had few options. His symptoms were becoming glaringly obvious. Shawn had noticed that he was spacing out during conversations, and his department was noticing that he couldn’t keep track of time and was making mathematical errors he never would have before. Shawn had even seen him react to hallucinations a couple times, and it frightened him. Grant knew he needed to figure this out before it hurt his professional life, or hurt his relationship any further.
It was a cold winter’s night. Grant returned home after work- thankfully Shawn wasn’t home yet- and went to his room to interrogate.
“Alright,” he said, facing the wall. “Tell me what I have. If there’s a way to fix it, I’m going to.”
Shawn had been unable to sleep that night, so he heard Grant’s voice. It didn’t bother him, though, until Grant started yelling. Shawn got up and went to investigate. The house was totally dark except for the light coming from Grant’s room. Shawn creaked open the door. Grant was facing a wall, shifting his weight as though he might spring on his invisible adversary if it proved necessary.
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
Essential Avengers: King-Size Avengers #6: No Final Victory!
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November, 1976
There’s a sort of joke in various anime fandoms where they like to mock off-model background characters. And that’s all I could think looking at Beast on this cover.
Oh. Yeah and I guess Nuklo is up to his old tricks again. And Living Laser with his new hat. And I think an ennui-filled Whizzer just punched a GI.
And we have another Jack Kirby cover which is frankly obvious by all these Jack Kirby faces. The man had a style.
There’s a lot going on here.
So lets get to it. There’s a lot of pages to cover and I have again waited for the night before to start. Just like in college...
So last time: There’s a lot of context but suffice to say the Avengers stole the very naughty Serpent Crown from another universe and then just left it in the ruins of corporate America just because a giant whale man punched them. That’s just irresponsible.
Also, someone brought Wonder Man back to life and mailed him to the Avengers which is a hecka rude present.
Scarlet Witch went off on a journey of self-discovery and also to retrieve the crown, got ambushed by Living Laser and shot by a mook. Wonder Man wandered off and fell under the sway of Living Laser. And the Whizzer came to ask the Avengers for help only to beat them all up because someone (Living Laser) shot him in the eye with a laser. As you can see, a lot of laser is going on recently.
That brings us to: Scarlet Witch busting through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man Oh Yeah (and she is red)!
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And she seriously tries to play off getting shot as just a flesh wound and “nothing serious.” Damn, Wanda. Damn.
Anyway, before she passes out from blood loss or shock or whichever, she manages to remind the Avengers that they kind of just left the Serpent Crown at Brand. But she doesn’t manage to reveal that Living Laser has it. Just that “he’s found it... taken it...”
I’m not going to be too hard on her. I’ve certainly never flown across New York with an experimental flying belt after getting shot, blown up a wall like X-Factor, and revealed nearly everything important to my teammates shortly before collapsing. I can’t judge.
Vision, of course, goes into full on panicky protective husband mode and starts yelling for a doctor physician. It kind of makes you wonder why the Avengers don’t just have one on call all the time? Even the X-Men manage that, sometimes.
Oh, remember how last post I commented that Wanda being afraid of her powers felt like a new direction from a new writing team thing? Because now we have Wasp commenting that the Avengers changing so much since she left the team scares her more than the Serpent Crown.
Which is an... interesting character moment. From gung-ho ‘hell yes i’m going to rejoin the Avengers i’ve been so, so bored’ Wasp.
Annnnnyway. The Whizzer wakes up. Doesn’t even remember attacking them. And while he takes a moment to catch his breath, Beast decides to skip out on old man recap time. He’s going to go look for Wonder Man. And somebody has to be worried about where that mindless chump got off too.
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So Whizzer gets into his story. He explains that when he was beating up the Avengers, he saw them as Isbisa, Future Man, and Madame Death. Some of his foes from his All Winners Squad stint.
He guesses he’s just getting old. Again, the horrifying specter of a super-powered man with dementia is raised.
Wasp insists there’s another explanation. Because she understands that this is comic books and nothing is ever simple.
Lets split up, gang. We’ll cover more ground that way, Iron Man basically says. Wasp and Yellowjacket will take Whizzer to get some dinner. Cap and Iron Man will try to track down the Serpent Crown. Vision is off getting medical attention for Wanda. And Beast went looking for Wonder Man.
If the Avengers had a DM, he would be furious at them. Splitting the party so much.
So once Cap and Iron Man are off alone in the scanning room, Iron Man comes clean with Cap.
No, no. Its nothing morally dubious, as will populate Tony’s later years. But when they were on Other-Earth, Iron Man stealthily took some readings of the Serpent Crown’s unique radioactive aura with his wristlojackimator.
So conveniently, they can track the crown. Which I guess is why Iron Man was pretty casual about just forgetting it. ‘Eh, I’ll find it later using its secret radiation signature’ probably.
And the scanning room finds the crown heading west toward California. Wanda was right! In that somebody has the crown as opposed to nobody.
So Iron Man and Cap get into a Quinjet and head off after it alone.
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Because going off on your own without telling anyone has never lead to bad circumstances on this ever has it??
They just don’t learn they just don’t learn
Anyways, Wasp and Yellowjacket’s problems of their own is having dinner with a lonely old man who has been spoiling for an audience to tell his sad life story to.
I’m being uncharitable. Actually Hank and Jan would love to know where the hell Mr. Frank has been since the wedding. Because they too were worried, off-panel.
Okay so remember how the Whizzer first showed up because of Nuklo? And the Avengers stopped his rampage. And Whizzer found out that Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were his kids until they weren’t down the line? Well that was all well and good but old man Whizzer still felt old and useless.
His wife is dead. One of his children is a monster. And the other two are married and don’t really need him in their lives.
So he wrote Wanda, telling her he was going away. And then he disappeared into New York’s Bowery and tried to drink himself to death. He found himself in a charity ward and hallucinated a nurse was his wife and realized that yup, time to get his life back together.
So he took months to sober up. And then he went to the government to find out what happened to his monster son. They weren’t accommodating so he just stole the files from them. Because hey. He loves his monster son.
And apparently what happened to his monster son is that while the Whizzer was pickling himself, Nuklo became a prisoner of the US Army in California.
Hey, isn’t that where Cap and Iron Man are going? Hmm...
Meanwhile, chapter two. INTERLUDE!
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Beast has managed to track Wonder Man to an alley. Little suspecting that Wonder Man is lurking right behind him. Beast is also musing aloud about the connection between VIsion and Wonder Man because somebody has to keep the audience reminded of these things and why not Beast?
Anyway, Wonder Man jumps out and CHOMM!s Beast so hard he BOMMmms.
Beast tries to interrogate him to find out hey whats up with you. But Wonder Man isn’t really that curious how he has come back to life. Although he describes his time dead(?) as “For years I lived in darkness, unable to speak, unable to move!”
Anyway, Wonder Man kicks Beast’s big blue ass. And Beast realizes that Wonder Man is powerful enough to turn him into blue confetti unless
Unless he pulls out the most genius battle strategy of all!
He waits until Wonder Man is charging him and just kicks him so he slams head first into a wall.
And that knocks the guy out.
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Wonder Man, your durability is confusing.
But a crowd has started to gather and gawk so Beast grabs Wonder Man, takes note of some charred spots that corroborates Living Laser’s involvement, and then takes off to get Wonder Man some medical help.
And that’s how Beast beat a guy who could solo the original Avengers in one move.
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I’m not really sure how to parse the perspective on this but Iron Man and Cap have followed the Serpent Crown’s signal to a secret army outpost slash mansion.
And the outpost is ignoring their hailing frequencies. Troubling.
And I’m not sure what kind of holding pattern the Quinjet was in but a tank on the ground aims up and blows up the Quinjet.
Geez. Quinjets. Always with the exploding.
Both Cap and Iron Man jumped out at the last second so they don’t die. And Iron Man shoots a tree to ricochet a repulsor at Cap to prevent him from dying to fall damage... somehow.
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Its all a bit of a mystery.
Anyway, Cap starts beating up the rogue soldiers. As does Iron Man, who gets a cool moment of tanking a bunch of gunfire like a Terminator.
And then a tank happens.
So Iron Man breaks it.
Anyway. The two heroes have beaten up enough mooks to summon a larger fish.
General Pollock: “We’re ready for a cease-fire -- and I guess it’s time we explained!”
Cap: “You’ve got a lot to explain soldier -- so make it good. We want to know why you refused to acknowledge our radio signal -- and why you jumped us!”
Iron Man: “More important than that, Cap: where’s the Serpent Crown?”
General Pollock: “All those questions have one answer, gents. And at the moment, he’s right behind you --”
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And both Avengers are lasered unconscious.
Yup. So obviously Living Laser is in league with this renegade brigadier general. And the cease-fire was just a ruse to let Living Laser surprise them from behind.
Dirty tricks. But if a hero pulled the same move, it would be heroic resourcefulness.
Okay so now: Chapter Four: CLIMAX
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From what I gather, Living Laser is up to his old tricks. But instead of taking over South America Country, now he’s going to take over the United States. With a little help from renegade General Pollock.
Who decided to go freelance after Nuklo was placed under his care for national security reasons. Sounds like he was insufficiently vetted, really.
Anyway, lets fill in some more gaps. Living Laser read books in prison! He read about Lemuria and consequently the Serpent Crown! He decided to find it after he got out of prison.
But he heard that the crown had been destroyed so instead he did experiments so that he could incorporate laser energy into his own body and manipulate lasers in more creative ways (such as creating the hallucinations the Whizzer saw).
So now he’s a true Living Laser. Take that anyone who ever mocked his codename.
Oh and then the Serpent Crown resurfaced (from another universe). Its not really clear how he found out about it. It will remain a mystery, perhaps.
Living Laser starts gloating about how with the Crown’s knowledge he is invincible and in true tempting fate fashion, something immediately happens to undercut him.
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In this case, big stinky blue feet BONKing him about the head. And knocking the crown from said head.
Vision pulls a Vision and yoinks the crown and just flies off with it.
He honestly just flies off in the middle of the fight to “dispose of this Serpent Crown forever!”
So apparently all the Avengers that didn’t fly off half-cocked (looking at you Iron Man and Cap) compared notes off-panel. And the Whizzer was able to give them the location of the outpost because of those files he stole from the government.
Living Laser tries to regain control of the situation by atomizing Beast but Wonder Man shouts a warning. And then tanks the deadly pink glow.
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Iron Man comes to and just marvels at what all happened while he and Cap were going off half-cocked. And then he repulsors Living Laser. And then Yellowjacket and the Wasp distract him with Best Power, covering him with ants.
General Pollock orders some of his grunts to deactivate the support shell keeping Nuklo quiescent.
And the big, radioactive glowing child LIVES AGAIN!
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Or rather he wasn’t actually dead at all ever, stop being so hyperbolic, Cap. Geez.
General Pollock orders Nuklo to kill the Avengers. And he makes a mighty CAHROOM! which knocks out Wonder Man, Yellowjacket and the Wasp. But up side? Living Laser is also knocked the hell out.
Oh and when General Pollock berates Nuklo for attacking Living Laser, the giant radioactive baby just backhands him.
I’m not even sure why General Pollock thought Nuklo was even remotely under his control.
Like. Its not like its even made explicit that the renegade army group was doing experiments to control him. Its like he thought that just having Nuklo in his possession implied mastery.
Maybe he’s an idiot.
Anyway, Beast just jumps right up and socks Nuklo in the face.
And Nuklo pays him back in kind. Womp womp.
Oh, also, Nuklo is growing. Even faster than the last time the Avengers encountered him. He’s grown even taller than the mansion/outpost.
Annnnd Iron Man is at kind of a loss? The last time they fought, it was Scarlet Witch who defeated Nuklo, using her powers to drain his energy.
He tries using a reverse-polarity repulsor ray (to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow, perhaps?) but Nuklo grabs him before he can DODGE.
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Cap rouses the rest of the Avengers but before they can come up with a plan of attack, the renegade army tanks fire on Nuklo.
But he just feeds on the impact energy to grow even more swole.
What’s worse is that according to actual scientist Hank Pym, Nuklo is building to critical mass.
He’s going to blow up and take most of Los Angeles with him.
Actual engineer Iron Man reacts to this by telling the Avengers (or actually he specifically addresses this to Cap) to “run... before we all explode!”
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What part of “most of Los Angeles” seemed unclear, Tony?
But the Avengers being Avengers, won’t die running. Instead they keep trying to fight Nuklo, possibly fruitlessly.
But then. The wondrous Whizzer whizzes wondrously in a golden blur across many panels.
And like a golden hug missile, launches himself full speed right at Nuklo.
AND BAWHOOM! They explode. But not the “most of Los Angeles” explode.
In fact, more of an implode. The Whizzer’s super speed someone triggered Nuklo’s critical mass to implode and also release all his energy. Because now he’s less of a giant.
Oh. And everybody is okay. Both Whizzer and Nuklo survived.
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The Avengers prepare to take the two to a hospital while Cap muses:
Cap: “We should also say a prayer -- for a man with the courage of Abraham, a father willing to make the greatest sacrifice of all -- HIS SON!”
I don’t want to rain on your parade, Cap, but that allusion maybe doesn’t entirely fit.
Anyway, that’s the King-Size Special Avengers #6.
I don’t like Living Laser but at least this scheme is consistent with his general pattern. Trying to take over a country while obsessing over the Wasp. But in addition to lasers he has a snake-themed hat, a renegade army faction, a giant nuclear baby, and additional lasers.
Although even with that upgrade, he didn’t amount to much. He doesn’t even get a climactic fight with the Avengers. Once they show up, he gets sidelined pretty quickly. In his first Avengers appearances, he was portrayed as an actual threat. Not so here. And its this trend that will lead him to being punked by Count Nefaria of all people!
Also, Iron Man calls President Rockefeller “Rockefella” and the Whizzer calls Wasp “Mrs. McCoy” which isn’t even the Hank she’s married to.
So not only did new creative team not remember that Scarlet Witch couldn’t fly, they can’t even remember the Wasp’s last name.
There are also a few coloring errors that weren’t really worth pointing out but they existed.
We are getting some growing pains in these post-Englehart issues.
Also, in the original version of this issue there was also a short solo Vision story where he fights Whirlwind. Its not included here but I vaguely recall it from the b&w Essential volumes. You work in mysterious ways, Marvel Unlimited.
Anyway, next time we find out what Vision got up.
When he flew off with the crown, I mean.
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We are the proud 2nd Group of STEMN16′s Empowerment Technologies class. 
What is teamwork?
Teamwork, in my opinion, is the virtue, the foundation, and the meaning of a group. This is what makes the group firmly grounded and closely intact. Teamwork makes a group a group, because what is the point of staying in one when there is none? That, for me, ladies and gents, is what teamwork is.
AN INTRODUCTION *drum roll* Hello, stranger, this is our group. To get to know us, read on! From left to right of the uppermost faction: Mr. Elijah Eumir S. Cunanan, our magically-inclined and Wizarding-world-fanatic Assistant Leader in Internal Affairs, be careful though, he might call you a “mudblood,” Ms. Jay Maicca P. Herbieto, our Mass Media Officer in SMS Affairs, and mind you, she starred in the teleseryes, Forevermore and Dolce Amore, and watch out for this lovely celebrity of ours for she will be flying in the cinemas soon in the persona of the Filipino super heroine, Darna; and Mr. Matthew Ellis R. Cadusale, our ever creative Assistant Leader in External Affairs who never fails to put us in awe with his ideas he pitches out by and by. The one in the center and in different attire is Mr. Charles Andrei B. Bacalso, our Group Leader who ultimately gives his all to the best of his abilities for the glory of his group, …and who clearly didn’t get the memo regarding the outfit for the pictorial; and, near him is Ms. Sheather Brianna Mikeselle R. Mucoy, our cute, little, but terribly outstanding and sociable Secretary who helps strive to make our visions into a reality; And, the people nearest to the camera are Ms. Trisha Marie V. Aquino, our ever outspoken, straightforward, chill, and sassy Mass Media Officer in Social Media Affairs, but don’t tell her that because she might say, “tell me something I don’t know” in a remarkable and “sassy-ful” accent; Mr. Rilevz Jam Clever Sincero, the very-clever-in-serious-moments Assistant of the Assistant Leader – Internal who cheers everyone up with his “clever” puns; and, standing right next to him is the hearty singer-slash Assistant of the Assistant Leader – External who always successfully endeavors to live up to his roles, Mr. Kirtlan Karlo Estoce.   This is us and our vision is to make this group as promising as it can be. And, we thank you!
If I were to describe my team, it would be a crew of a ship. Why? I chose this for the reason that we are interdependent with each other; hence our collaboration, helping hands, support, and assistance for each crew member. Similarly, we are in need of each other - we are in need of each other’s potentials to keep the ship afloat and on the definite track to our common destination - SUCCESS - successful in everything we do, and successful in making our respective families proud. 
@alonture teacher , is this everything? If so, i’m done with the second blog. thank you. 
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Shadow Blade
[PoV: Messara]
[Location: ???]
Many years ago...
I effortlessly dodge the incoming strike of the Scyther, his swings wild and contain no discipline. The surrounding crowd roars, chanting and shouting for blood.
“Once again the Scyther misses, their movements predictable as always.” I say, looking at my opponent with narrowed eyes.
A this point the Scyther is seething with rage. “Why aren’t you shutting up?!” He growls loudly. “You just keep fucking talking!”
“Not only do his movements contain little self-control, his mouth also seems to share this quality.” I note aloud. At this point something seems to snap within the Scyther, seeing that he lets out a loud roar.
“I’M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!” He screams before lunging at me, swinging down with both of his scythes with the intention to behead me.
Such an action would be the end of me if it were to land, however...said action also made him completely open. This opportunity is something I’ve been waiting for since the beginning of the fight...
My body shimmers before fading to black, vanishing from the spot. In an instant I reappear right behind the Scyther and slash at his back with Sucker Punch, my blades effortlessly pierce right through his chitin and right into his flesh.
The Scyther is sent tumbling to the ground, his body writhing in agony. The roar of the crowd intensifies, chanting for me to end him.
“In one single move he has lost the fight, for he has forgotten who he’s dealing with.” I say as I stand over the Scyther, my expression stoic. “Because he let anger override sensible thought, he will not be able to walk out alive.” I look down at him in pity. “The rules of the pit fight are simple. We fight to the death, the victor is the last one standing.”
With great difficulty he slowly looks up at me, his eyes burning with a defiant rage. “Then what are you fucking waiting for?” He hisses. “Finish me.”
I frown at him before giving a small nod. “They show no fear, for they understand their fate.” I stab down with my arm, my blades penetrating his skull and quickly ending his life. “Hopefully they will not let their anger overtake them in their next life.”
The crowd cheers as I pull my blade out of the corpse, the metal dripping with blood.
“And there you have it!” The announcer shouts. “The Shadow Blade is once again the victor! For those who have bet on him, you have chosen well! However for those who haven’t...” He lets out a chuckle. “Then better luck next time!”
With a small shake of my head I make my way out of the ring, immediately a crew sets out to clean the blood and remove the body in order to prepare for the next match.
“Messara!” The voice of my ‘manager’ laughs, a rather overweight Azumarill wearing a vest just a size too small. “Ya did it again, at this rate we’re just gonna get more and more rich!”
I merely nod in response, my face devoid of expression.
“Oh come on, this is our nineteenth win!” He grins, nudging my side with an elbow. “You’ve gotta admit, this idea was great eh? With you doing the fighting and me making the bets, we’re gonna retire in paradise in no time! And-”
“Notify me when my next battle begins.” I say abruptly, cutting him off. Without another word I make my way towards one of the seats in the far corner to be away from the crowd to regain my strength. This is the first time I’ve participated in two battles in one day, so I need to conserve my energy.
“Welcome to another match, ladies and gentlemons!” The announcer begins. “I hope you all are ready, because THIS fight is going to be something!”
Almost like routine, I leap over the ropes when it’s my sign to enter the ring.
“For our first fighter...we have the fearsome Shadow Blade! Currently with NINETEEN wins under his belt! Now I wouldn’t blame all of you who want to immediately start placing bets on this outstanding fellow, but wait till you see who his challenger is!”
“Two warriors enter, one leaves.” I mutter to myself. “Fight to the death, as it always has been. The question now...is will I succeed as the last nineteen? Or will my opponent be my end?”
“For a second fighter...” The announcer continues. “We have the the most deadliest ladies here in the underground! That’s right folks, the second fighter is no other than the Mistress of Steel!”
I couldn’t help but pause at the name, for even though it sounds familiar...I can’t quite place it. I watch as my opponent leaps into the ring, but once I got a good look at her...I couldn’t help but freeze.
Standing on the opposite side is a female Bisharp, when I examine her I notice that she has what looks like Jynx genetics. Although her body is like that of a Bisharp, her armor contains bright shades of red and gold while her skin is a rich purple. Out of the back of her helmet is a long braid of blond hair, once she looks at me she flashes a sly smile.
Normally I would begin narrating at this time, to set the confusion and unease for my opponent. But for some reason...I’m at a loss of words, my mouth could only open and close silently.
“What’s the matter, sweetie~?” She chuckles, looking quite amused at my dumbfounded expression. “From what I hear about you, you’re quite the narrator. Did the Skitty steal your tongue?”
Her words snap me out of my trance, I quickly shake my head as my thoughts are recollected. “I was surprised by your appearance.” I respond simply, finally finding my voice. “Rarely that happens with me.”
“Is that so?” She smirks, placing a hand on her hip. “So you like what you see~?”
I blink once and look at her blankly, with my lack of response she lets out an annoyed huff.
“Oh fine, be that way.” She says with a roll of her eyes.
“And here we have our fighters!” The announcer shouts, gesturing to the two of us. “Better make your bets now, because the match is about to start!”
I let my blades slide out of their sheathes, looking at the ‘Mistress of Steel’ with slight wariness. “This battle will be my toughest...” I say to myself. “Her form is calm and collected, her eyes containing a certain confidence only a skilled warrior would possess. Whatever reputation she has, I’m confident that she earned it.”
Her smile widens somewhat at my narration. “Oh I DEFINITELY earned it!” She chuckles. “I didn’t get this far by fighting easy battles after all~” Her eyes narrow slightly as she extends her arms, letting her own blades slide out of their sheathes. She only has a singular curved blade on each arm, the length and shape resembling that of a scythe. “I’ll admit...” She adds. “I quite enjoyed watching your fights, the narrations is definitely a welcome change. But since we’re paired up against each other, well...” She rolls her head, causing several pops to come from her neck. “We both know what’s to come, right?”
I don’t respond to her, instead taking a ready stance. She follows the same, her smile vanishing as her expression becomes serious
“Time is up, ladies and gents!” The announcer laughs. “Now hold onto your seats, because the greatest match between the two of the most strongest fighters shall...” A loud clang of a bell echoes through the room and the crowd roars in response. “BEGIN!”
With the sound of the bell she immediately started dashing to the side, circling around the edges of the ring. I stand my ground and watch her movements carefully, looking for what exactly she intends to do.
Her body begins to shimmer for a brief moment before vanishing, the sure sign of the move Sucker Punch. Reacting quickly I turn to face behind me and raise my blades just in the nick of time, for the moment I did so she reappeared and struck at me with her own. Our weapons clash, creating a shower of sparks.
“Her movements are swift, but not swift enough.” I say, my arms shaking slightly as the two of us press our weapons against the other’s. “Her attack may have succeeded on an unskilled opponent, however she is not dealing with such an individual."
I quickly pull back and step to the side with the intention to cause her to stumble forward, however she immediately ceased applying pressure the moment she felt my body shift and quickly backed away..
“That’s quite right!” She grins in amusement. “But it appeared that I’ve forgotten, so thank you for reminding me~”
With that she immediately strikes forward with a blade, in which I swiftly deflect. I quickly respond with a strike of my own, which she parries as well.
In less than a second it turns into a deadly dance of blades, the two of us quickly deflecting or dodging each other’s attacks before striking with our own. Constant sparks shower when our weapons clash, the sheer speed of our actions creating a blur of metal.
“Strike after strike we deliver, however none land.” I mutter, dodging a stab from her before swiftly delivering a sweeping swipe at her neck.
She quickly raises her other blade to block the swing, her amused smile never wavering. “Pointing out the obvious, hmm?”
Our fight continues, the minutes dragging on further. One would think that such a clash is pointless since the two of us are obviously equally skilled, however we are testing each other...figuring out are skill and limits...and seeing any possible openings to exploit.
“I must admit, Shadow Blade...” She says through gritted teeth, sweat visibly trickling down her face. “You’ve also earned your reputation as well, I’ve never encountered anyone with such skilled foot bladework as you.”
“And I you, Mistress of Steel.” I reply tensely, sweat running down my own body just as much as her’s. “You are very capable with the blade, I had yet to find one to match my speed until now.”
The two of us clash together once again, creating a stalemate as we press our weapons against the other.
“I guess it’s in our blood, eh?” She chuckles. “Us Bisharps are known to be quite handy with a sword after all~”
The two of us break away, both of us breathing heavily. This is the longest match that ever occurred underground and the crowd is roaring because of it, rarely had a fight last more than a few minutes...while this one easily broken five.
“I have to say...” She says quietly, her smile slowly shifting to a frown. “I regret fighting you, Shadow Blade. You’re a very different from the others, from the way you think to how you fight. It’s very...refreshing...” Her expression hardens. “So this pains me to say that this must end.”
My eyes widen at this, feeling unsure about what she said as well as what she intends to do. She quickly dashes to the side once again, the same tactic that she did earlier.
However instead of using Sucker Punch, she instead suddenly changes her course and leaps at me. She inhales deeply before unleashing out a freezing wind from her mouth, something that caught me off guard completely.
I expected that her Jynx genetics were more than just for looks, but I didn’t think her to possess the move Icy Wind. I grit my teeth together as I feel the cold air numb my body and coat the surface with ice, hindering my movements.
Upon landing her blades become engulfed in dark energy, the scythe-like weapons lengthening further as she channels the power of Night Slash. With her eyes filled with regret she charges at me, intending to finish me where I stand.
However little did she realize that I have one move that I’ve withheld since the very beginning, one that I’ve never used in any of my past fights...until now.
Double Team.
My Double Team is a unique variant, instead of creating multiple decoys...I instead turn invisible while leaving a decoy in my original place. When she blew the freezing wind on me I immediately used it, my body shimmering for just a moment before leaving an image of me in my stead.
Despite the ice coating my body I manage to step out of the way, allowing her to slice down on my decoy. If I were to not have been invisible she would’ve easily altered her course to strike me down, but that’s not the case. Now that she has delivered her blow, she has left herself open to me. Providing me the opportunity that I’ve been seeking...
Still invisible I lash out with a powerful kick, aiming straight for her head. The attack couldn’t have landed more true, for it struck her directly and sent her to the ground. The moment my foot landed with her head my body’s invisibility worse off, making me visible once more.
The cheering of the crowd grows becomes almost deafening at the drastic turn of events, just like that I turned what looked like a hopeless situation into a victory.
I see her laying on the ground, still dazed from the attack. The side of her helmet is dented from my kick, a small trickle of blood forming around her chin from the wound.
I slowly approach her, looking down at her body. All I need to do now is end her, and then this victory is official...
She slowly looks up at me, her eyes unfocused...but also containing respect. “I never expected it...” She chuckles quietly. “I became confident, thinking that my hidden ability would give me victory. But it appears that you’ve also hidden one of your skills, which proved to be my downfall.” She lets out a sigh. “I guess it’s settled, between the two of us...you’re the better fighter.” The Bisharp closes her eyes. “We both know what needs to be done, so let me say...it was a pleasure fighting you...Shadow Blade”
She raises her chin, exposing her neck to me. The surrounding crowd chants the word ‘kill’, desiring for her death. The moment is set, all I need to do is stab down. I aim my blade at her neck, preparing to end her life and claim my victory.
I...can’t do it...
My arm shakes as I hold it over her, unable to deliver the ending blow.
She...doesn’t deserve it...
She is a very skilled warrior, one like that I’ve never seen. The only reason why she lost was because I used a trick that I’ve kept up my sleeve, otherwise she would’ve been the victor.
Her technique is perfect, her bladework and footwork is outstanding...
And...she’s very beautiful...
She cracks an eye open, curious as to why I haven’t killed her yet. Her purple pupils look into mine, wondering what’s wrong.
I’ve noticed that my narratings have grown fewer over the course of the battle, and now...they have stopped entirely. I can’t think of a single thing to say, it’s almost infuriating.
She suddenly speaks, startling me from my thoughts. “Why are you hesitating?” She asks me, her eyes expression one of genuine curiosity. “You know the rules, Shadow Blade. Only one fighter can walk out alive, we both knew what we were getting into.”
I clench my fists, my blades sliding back into their sheathes. “I know...” I grit my teeth. “Yet...I can’t bring myself to.”
“MESSARA!” My ‘manager’ calls from the crowd, his voice filled with anger. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! FINISH HER! I JUST BET EVERYTHING ON YOU!”
She blinks upon hearing this before smiling. “Messara? That is your name?”
I could only nod my head in response.
“Well...” She laughs quietly. “That’s quite a wondrous name, far better than ‘Shadow Blade’ in my opinion.” She slowly sits up, her face cringing slightly from the pain. She takes several deep breathes before looking back up at me, her smile growing ever more. “Since I know your name, I believe that I at least owe you mine.” Her own blades slide back into their sheathes. “Mistress of Steel is my ‘fighter title’, but my true name is Aina.”
I couldn’t help but give her a tiny smile when she gave me her name. “It was a great pleasure to have fought you, Aina.” I chuckle, offering her a hand.
She greatly accepts it, allowing me to pull her back to her feet. The crowd is angry now, crying out in outrage.
“What is the meaning of this?!” The announcer cries. “This is a fight to the DEATH! You both know the rules!”
My expression hardens, my eyes shifting from the announcer...to the crowd...to my ‘manager’. Eventually I turn to face them all, my decision made.
“I forfeit this match to the Mistress of Steel!” I announce, this causes their outrage to increase tenfold.
“MESSARA! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!” My ‘manager’ screams, his face turning from his natural blue to an ugly shade of bright purple. “I BET EVERYTHING ON YOU! EVERYTHING!”
Aina looks at me in shock, unsure on what to feel. “Messara? You realize what you’re doing?” She asks me.
I look back at her, my small smile returning. “In the underground ring, forfeit means that the warrior must be killed by the other. So by the rules set, you are to kill me.” My smile grows ever larger. “However...I believe such a thing would be difficult if I were to leave this place before you could deliver such a blow..”
Her eyes widen as realization dawns on her, she lets out a loud chuckle before crossing her arms. “You do realize that you can’t set foot into any of these places again, right?”
I nod my head. “I do, however I must admit...I never quite enjoyed being here.”
Aina shrugs her shoulders before giving me a cheeky smile. “I don’t blame you, but I’d like to let you know that the chances of us ever meeting again is going to be pretty very low.”
“I’m aware, however...” I glance to the side, averting my gaze. “I do hope that we cross paths again Aina, but on better...circumstances.”
She laughs at this. “Oh I hope so too, Messara!” The Bisharp winks at me, her smile turning to a smirk. “So see you later lover boy, don’t get yourself killed ya here~?”
I couldn’t help but shake my head at this. “I don’t intend to.”
After our exchange I used my power of Double Team to escape the place unnoticed, I was confident that Aina won’t get in trouble...since due to me fleeing she couldn’t deliver the finishing blow...thus meaning they can’t do anything about it. That’s of course, assuming that she would even let them do anything in the first place.
I constantly wonder on why I couldn’t kill her. What it love? Respect? A mixture of both?
Although I’m unsure on the exact reason, there is in fact one thing I am sure of...
...that I made the right decision.
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cashflowguys · 4 years
225 - Mortgage Industry Meltdown Time To Get Serious
WOW oh WOW Ladies and gents, please take a minute to read THIS:
Written by Barry Habib, a very well respected economist in the mortgage industry.
The direct link to his article is: https://mbshighway.com/mortgage-crisis.html
The Coronavirus Meltdown
The current Coronavirus crisis is having a critical impact on the Mortgage Industry, which could potentially make the 2008 financial crisis pale in comparison. The pressing issue centers around the capital that’s required by Mortgage Lenders to be able to function and meet covenants that are required for them to continue to lend.
Here’s How the Mortgage Market Works
Let’s begin with the mortgage process. A borrower goes to a Mortgage Originator to obtain a mortgage. Once closed, the loan is handled by a Servicer, which may or may not be the same company that originated the loan. The borrower submits payments to the Servicer, however, the Servicer does not own the loan, they are simply maintaining the loan. This means collecting payments and forwarding them to the investor, paying taxes and insurance, answering questions, etc. While they maintain or “service” the loan, the asset itself is sold to an aggregator or directly to a government agency like Fannie Mae (FNMA), Freddie Mac (FHLMC), or Ginnie Mae (GNMA). The loan then gets placed inside a large bundle, which is put in the hands of an Investment Banker. The Investment Banker converts those loans into a Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS) that can be sold to the public. This shows up in different investments like Mutual Funds, Insurance Plans, and Retirement Accounts.
The Servicer role is very critical. In order to obtain the right to service loans, the Servicer will typically pay 1% of the loan amount upfront. The Servicer then receives a monthly payment or “strip” equal to about 30 basis points (bp) per year. Because they paid about 1% to obtain the servicing rights and receive roughly 30bp in annual income, the breakeven period is approximately 3 years. The longer that loan remains on the books, the more money that Servicer makes. In many cases, the Servicer might want to use leverage to increase their level of income. Therefore, they may often finance half of the cost of acquiring the loan and pay the rest in cash.
Servicer Dilemma
As you can imagine, when interest rates drop dramatically, there is an increased incentive for many people to refinance their loans more rapidly. This causes the loans that a Servicer had on their books to pay off sooner…often before that 3-year breakeven period. This servicing runoff creates losses for that Mortgage Lender who is servicing the loan. The more loans in a Mortgage Lender’s portfolio, the greater the loss. Servicing runoff, or even the anticipation of it, can adversely impact the market valuation of a servicing portfolio. But at the same time, Lenders typically experience an increase in new loan activity because of the decline in interest rates. This gives them additional income to help overcome the losses in their servicing portfolio.
But the Coronavirus has caused a virtual shutdown of the US economy, which has created an unprecedented amount of job losses. This adds a new risk to the servicer because borrowers may have difficulty paying their mortgage in a timely manner. And although the Servicer does not own the asset, they have the responsibility to make the payment to the investor, even if they have not yet received it from the borrower. Under normal circumstances, the Servicer has plenty of cushion to account for this. But an extreme level of delinquency puts the Servicer in an unmanageable position.
I’m From the Government and I’m Here to Help
In the Government’s effort to help those who have lost their jobs because of the Coronavirus shutdown, they have granted forbearance of mortgage payments for affected individuals. This presents an enormous obstacle for Servicers who are obligated to forward the mortgage payment to the investor, even though they have not yet received it. Fortunately, there is a new facility set up to help Mortgage Servicers bridge the gap to the investor. However, it is unclear as to how long it will take for Servicers to access this facility.
But what has not been yet contemplated is the fact that a borrower who does not make their very first mortgage payment causes that loan to be ineligible to be sold to an investor. This means that the Servicer must hold onto the asset itself, which ties up their available credit. And with so many new loans being originated of late, the amount of transactions that will not qualify for sale is significant. This restricts the Lender’s ability to clear their pipeline and get reimbursed with cash so they can now fund new transactions.
  Mark to Market
This week, due to accelerated prepayments and the uncertainty of repayment, the value of servicing was slashed in half from 1% to 0.5%. This drastic decrease in value prompted margin calls for the many Servicers who financed their acquisition of servicing. Additionally, the decreased value of a Lender’s servicing portfolio reduces the Lender’s overall net worth. Since the amount a lender can lend is based on a multiple of their net worth, the decrease in value of their servicing portfolio asset, along with the cash paid for margin calls, reduces their capacity to lend.
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Unintended Consequences
The Fed’s desire to bring mortgage rates down isn’t just damaging servicing portfolios because of prepayments, it’s also wreaking chaos in Lenders’ ability to hedge their risk. Let’s look at what happens when a borrower locks in their mortgage rate with a Mortgage Lender. Mortgage rates are based on the trading of Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS). As Mortgage-Backed Securities rise in price, interest rates improve and move lower. A locked rate on a mortgage is nothing more than a Lender promising to hold an interest rate, for a period of time, or until the transaction closes. The Lender is at risk for any MBS price changes in the marketplace between the time they agreed to grant the lock and the time that the loan closes.
If rates were to rise because MBS prices declined, the Lender would be obligated to buy down the borrower’s mortgage rate to the level they were promised. And since the Lender doesn’t want to be in a position of gambling, they hedge their locked loans by shorting Mortgage-Backed Securities. Therefore, should MBS drop in price, causing rates to rise, the Lender’s cost to buy down the borrower’s rate is offset by the Lender’s gains of their short positions in MBS.
Now think about what happens when MBS prices rise or improve, causing mortgage rates to decline. On paper, the Lender should be able to close the mortgage loan at a better price than promised to the borrower, giving the Lender additional profits. However, the Lender’s losses on their short position negate any additional profits from the improvement in MBS pricing. This hedging system works well to deliver the borrower what was promised while removing market risk from the Lender.
  But in an effort to reduce mortgage rates, the Fed has been purchasing an incredible amount of Mortgage-Backed Securities, causing their price to rise dramatically and swiftly. This, in turn, causes the Lenders’ hedged short positions of MBS to show huge losses. These losses appear to be offset, on paper, by the potential market gains on the loans that the lender hopes to close in the future. But the Broker-Dealer will not wait on the possibility of future loans closing and demands an immediate margin call.
The recent amount that these Lenders are paying in margin calls is staggering. They run in the tens of millions of dollars. All this on top of the aforementioned stresses that Lenders are having to endure. So, while the Fed believes they are stimulating lending, their actions are resulting in the exact opposite. The market for Government Loans, Jumbo Loans, and loans that don’t fit ideal parameters, have all but dried up. And many Lenders have no choice but to slow their intake of transactions by throttling mortgage rates higher and by reducing the term that they are willing to guarantee a rate lock.
Furthering the Fed’s unintended consequences was the announcement to cut interest rates on the Fed Funds Rate by 1% to virtually zero. Because the Fed’s communication failed to educate the general public that the Fed Funds Rate is very different than mortgage rates, it prompted borrowers in the process to break their locks and try to jump ship to a lower rate. This dramatically increased hedging losses from loans that didn’t end up closing.
Even Stephen King Could Not Have Scripted This
It’s been said that the Stock market will do the most damage, to most people, at the worst time. And the current mortgage market is experiencing the most perfect storm. Just when volume levels were at the highest in history, servicing runoff at its peak, and pipelines hedged more than ever, the Coronavirus arrived.
Lenders need to clear their pipelines, but social distancing is making it more difficult for transactions to be processed. And those loans that are about to close require that employment be verified. As you can imagine, with millions of individuals losing their jobs, those mortgages are unable to fund, leaving lenders with more hedging losses and no income to offset it.
What Needs to Be Done Now
Fortunately, there are many smart people in the Mortgage Industry who are doing everything they can to navigate through these perilous times. But the Fed and our Government needs to stop making it more difficult. The Fed must temporarily slow MBS purchases to allow pipelines to clear.
Lawmakers need to allow for first payment defaults, due to forbearance, to be saleable. And finally, the Fed must more clearly communicate that Mortgage Rates and the Fed Funds Rate are not the same.
We have faith that the effects of the Coronavirus will subside and that things will become more normalized in the upcoming months.
Check out this episode!
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shirleyrx30-blog · 6 years
Quick and Easy Fix For Your Cold Pressed Oil India
There are an infinite vary of procedure lotions you'll be able to find from, however seek out items which incorporate rose hip seed oil or snail serum. among absolutely probably the most olive oil rich beauty strains which i've come throughout is Terralina. try this Several parts are thought so as to add on the disease which includes hormonal, dietary, localized pores and skin inflammatory reply and bacterial infections. browse the following options to discover what you are able to do to assist the skin All 12 months lengthy. In case you may have the right stability of healthful oils, it'll aid Your system to assemble muscle mass mass which then burns far more energy. supplied that your physique absorbs the food items eaten, there will be no lingering odor. Some really feel that oil pulling actually aids the lymphatic program simply because dangerous micro organism are taken out with the mouth that permits invaluable microflora can begin to flourish. As well as, fish oil improves the blood circulation inside the mind, and it has been discovered that pissed off Males and ladies are coping with a decreased blood transfer in the Thoughts.
Hemp oil is a serious provide of Vitamin A and Vitamin E, together with a number of different minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium amongst Some others. Flaxseed oil also helps pace up metabolism, and that is one more reason it will likely be capable of assist you fall excess weight. Flax seed oil is a good source of omega-three, even so it ought to be saved refrigerated and in no way heated. Refined macadamia oil is normally constructed from lower excellent macadamias that are not appropriate for that technology of high quality meals high quality macadamia oil. The main stage is there aren't numerous nutritional substances that demand enteric coating. often, if You aren't thinking of making monumental quantities of deodorant, just a little vial of essential oil is all You'll want to start. Now as far as dietary supplements go they aren't that distinctive from Each model. special oils are suitable for different skin varieties so understanding some major truth about basis oils might aid you discover essentially the most suitable merchandise for the skin. On prime of that, you can find natural and organic resources of canola oil obtainable that do not involve biotechnology. if you're determining the easiest way to put absent your CBD oil, be attentive into the service liquid your CBD oil is in. An occasion of the RSPO solutions to amass a certification is to not fence the area, not Slash the most crucial forest to develop plantation. Never hesitate to Get hold of me just in case you have any queries relating to oil portray. As with the vast majority of medical procedures, the implications of oil pulling may just be a private a person. You should not Surrender taking any of the standard medicines with no Chatting with your doctor initially. quite a lot of gurus really feel that it helps therapy tons of items from allergy symptoms to hypertension. grasp the recommendations on how ideally suited to identify phony LSD, which suggests you do not contemplate some. Even if flaxseed will not be cereal, it has Practically the exact number of minerals and nutritional nutritional vitamins. Furthermore, you will discover antioxidants in the shape of polyphenols. When consumed as Factor of a nutritious weight-reduction plan regime, seeds can lower blood glucose, ldl cholesterol and hypertension. Olives can help you to satisfy part inside your vegetable consumption requirement, but you proceed to will have to keep on with a properly balanced food plan plan which emphasizes fresh create, complete grains, and very low-Undesirable fat protein and dairy merchandise and options to ensure a healthful weight discount software.
The Secret of Successful Cold Pressed Oil Machine Price
Canola oil seemingly has a better Smoke place and so will be utilized more reliably for elevated-heat cooking in comparison with olive oil. Flax seed oil should by no means being heated. It is a wonderful supply of omega-three, having mentioned that it must be saved refrigerated and in no way heated. to keep away from genetically supposed canola oil, you'll be able to easily decide on pure and natural canola oil, which by definition wouldn't be genetically modified, or canola oil that has been non-GMO confirmed. Sesame oil is filled with polyunsaturated Unwanted fats. Castor oil don't contain any traces of ricin. Grape seed oil is overall well being-aware, significantly if you are going to buy one which has no solvents and preservatives (As an example, TBHQ and BHT). Additional virgin olive oil is definitely most likely probably the most fragile and should not be heated in any means. Oil pulling is extremely quick, totally innocent, and inexpensive compared with many of the well being-related remedy. chilly pressed castor oil is created in a particular course of that's both equally lengthy and complete. It pressed oil is oil produced through a combination of grinding and minimal warmth. It pressed olive oil is among the costliest various kinds of olive oil, however has amongst the very best fruitiest flavors with an excessive amount of fatty acids and antioxidants. All folks understands that olive oil is excellent in your case and has grow to be the principal components with the nominal incidence of coronary illness of people who live on a Mediterranean food plan regime. though it would appear new, black seed oil is an established panacea with an incredibly extended guidelines of benefits to your physique. In historical situations, black seed oil was utilized like an answer to deal with all kinds of well being problems. Black cumin seed oil seems to get this profitable in direction of being chubby that additional investigate is presently at present being completed to observe how nicely black cumin seed measures in opposition to prescription body weight-decline medications. eat with somewhat spoon for larger munching which triggers a greater digestion. By escalating HDL, a number of gurus imagine that coconut oil might possibly be sensible for coronary coronary heart well being in comparison with numerous fat. Every person is aware of that olive oil is great to fit your needs and is probably the Principal motives for the minimal incidence of coronary sickness of Gents and women who continue to exist a Mediterranean eating regimen program. Walnut oil is an excellent source of antioxidants and Omega fatty acids, which makes it among the many healthiest plant-dependent oils to develop your eating plan. Oil should be thought-about a pure services or products! Coconut oil is just Probably the most often used oil that's taken from your kernel of dried coconut. Walnut oil Walnut oil has a significant quantity of Omega-six, however Also a good sum of Omega-three. Andreas Coriander Seed Oil just isn't a vital oil. To start with, your hair should be wholly washed and rinsed. thus, mainly as a result of it's successful to secure our pores and skin from destructive UV rays, Additionally, it guards and humidity our hair if we have been in daylight. It is attainable to work with castor oil to reduce hair discount and regenerate your hair in an effort to love thick and healthful locks. making use of oil with appropriate hair packs can create the hair shiny, robust and glossy. pure purity is that which we're about. Oils entrain the cells of your human body to raise their vibratory pace. natural and natural oils give fairly a couple of health professionals. When vital oils are placed on the skin the oils are absorbed via the pores and skin.
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shirleyrx30-blog · 6 years
Turn Your Cold Pressed Oil Machine In India Into A High Performing Machine
There are an infinite range of procedure creams you'll be able to discover from, but search out goods which incorporate rose hip seed oil or snail serum. amongst completely essentially the most olive oil wealthy cosmetic strains which i've come across is Terralina. Several parts are thought to add on the illness which incorporates hormonal, dietary, localized pores and skin inflammatory reply and bacterial infections. browse the following options to discover what you can do to help the pores and skin All 12 months lengthy. In case you have got the appropriate stability of healthful oils, it is going to aid Your system to assemble muscle mass mass which then burns much more energy. supplied that your physique absorbs the meals objects eaten, there'll be no lingering odor. Some really feel that oil pulling in fact aids the lymphatic program just because harmful bacteria are taken out with the mouth that allows worthwhile microflora can begin to flourish. As well as, fish oil improves the blood circulation contained in the brain, and it has been discovered that pissed off Males and ladies are coping with a decreased blood transfer within the Thoughts.
Hemp oil is a serious supply of Vitamin A and Vitamin E, together with a number of different minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium amongst Some others. Flaxseed oil also helps velocity up metabolism, and that is another reason it will be able to help you fall excess weight. Flax seed oil is an effective source of omega-three, even so it must be saved refrigerated and on no account heated. Refined macadamia oil is often constructed from lower excellent macadamias that aren't correct for that generation of high quality meals high quality macadamia oil. The primary stage is there aren't quite a few nutritional substances that demand enteric coating. usually, if You are not thinking of constructing huge quantities of deodorant, just a little vial of needed oil is all That you must begin. Now so far as nutritional supplements go they are not that particular from Each mannequin. particular oils are appropriate for various skin varieties so figuring out some primary fact about foundation oils might assist you to find essentially the most appropriate item for the pores and skin. On top of that, one can find pure and organic sources of canola oil obtainable that do not contain biotechnology. in case you're determining one of the simplest ways to place absent your CBD oil, be attentive into the service liquid your CBD oil is in. An instance of the RSPO suggestions to amass a certification is to not fence the area, not Slash the most crucial forest to grow plantation. By no means hesitate to Get hold of me simply in case you have any queries regarding oil painting. As with nearly all of clinical procedures, the consequences of oil pulling could be a private an individual. check this site out You should not Hand over taking any of the typical medicines with no Chatting with your physician initially. an excessive amount of gurus feel that it helps treatment tons of items from allergy symptoms to hypertension. grasp the tips on how perfect to spot phony LSD, which suggests you do not contemplate some. Even supposing flaxseed isn't cereal, it has Virtually the exact number of minerals and nutritional vitamins. Furthermore, you will uncover antioxidants in the form of polyphenols. When consumed as Factor of a nutritious diet regime, seeds can lower blood glucose, cholesterol and hypertension. Olives can help you to satisfy part within your vegetable consumption requirement, however you proceed to should persist with a well balanced diet plan which emphasizes contemporary create, whole grains, and really low-Undesirable fats protein and dairy products and options to ensure a healthful weight discount software.
Read This Controversial Article And Find Out More About Cold Pressed Oil Health
Canola oil seemingly has a better Smoke place and so may be utilized extra reliably for increased-heat cooking compared to olive oil. Flax seed oil ought to on no account being heated. It is a wonderful source of omega-3, having stated that it must be saved refrigerated and not at all heated. to stay away from genetically intended canola oil, you possibly can easily determine on pure and natural canola oil, which by definition wouldn't be genetically modified, or canola oil that has been non-GMO confirmed. Sesame oil is filled with polyunsaturated Unwanted fats. Castor oil do not contain any traces of ricin. Grape seed oil is total well being-aware, particularly if you purchase one which has no solvents and preservatives (For example, TBHQ and BHT). Extra virgin olive oil is definitely most likely the most fragile and should not be heated in any manner. Oil pulling is extraordinarily fast, totally innocent, and cheap in contrast with most of the well being-related remedy. chilly pressed castor oil is created in a particular course of that's both equally long and complete. It pressed oil is oil produced by way of a combination of grinding and minimal warmth. It pressed olive oil is among the many costliest different types of olive oil, but has amongst the perfect fruitiest flavors with a great deal of fatty acids and antioxidants. All people understands that olive oil is superb in your case and has develop into the principal elements with the nominal incidence of coronary illness of people that live on a Mediterranean food plan regime. although it might appear new, black seed oil is an established panacea with an extremely prolonged guidelines of advantages on your physique. In historic conditions, black seed oil was utilized like an answer to deal with all kinds of health problems. Black cumin seed oil seems to get this profitable in the direction of being overweight that additional investigate is presently at the moment being finished to observe how nicely black cumin seed measures in opposition to prescription body weight-decline medications. consume with somewhat spoon for greater munching which triggers a better digestion. By escalating HDL, a number of gurus think about that coconut oil may probably be practical for coronary coronary heart health compared to numerous fats. Every particular person is aware of that olive oil is great to fit your wants and is probably the Principal motives for the minimal incidence of coronary sickness of Gents and women who live on a Mediterranean weight-reduction plan program. Walnut oil is an excellent supply of antioxidants and Omega fatty acids, which makes it among the many healthiest plant-dependent oils to develop your eating plan. Oil should be thought-about a pure product or service! Coconut oil is solely The most recurrently used oil that is taken out of your kernel of dried coconut. Walnut oil Walnut oil has a significant quantity of Omega-six, however Additionally a fair sum of Omega-3. Andreas Coriander Seed Oil simply isn't an important oil. To start with, your hair ought to be wholly washed and rinsed. thus, primarily as a result of it's successful to safe our skin from harmful UV rays, Also, it guards and humidity our hair if we've been in daylight. It's attainable to work with castor oil to reduce hair discount and regenerate your hair to be able to love thick and healthful locks. making use of oil with appropriate hair packs can create the hair shiny, robust and shiny. pure purity is that which we're about. Oils entrain the cells of your human body to raise their vibratory velocity. natural and pure oils give quite a few well being professionals. When necessary oils are placed on the pores and skin the oils are absorbed by way of the pores and skin.
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