#this goes beyond just me not being a musical person i'm literally hanging on for dear life
refractical · 2 months
i'm glad the unauthorized saw musical parody did a livestream show tonight because, watching it right now, i know that if i had waited to see it vip style in chicago this summer i would either have allowed my fight or flight to kick in and left mid-show or i would've dropped dead in the theater due to the demon core levels of cringe radiating off of the stage
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Info-dump then, man! /pos
Okay- okay okay, this is probably going to be really long and I'm gonna start with DOOM (yes, both of them, both 2016 and Eternal and the DLCS for Eternal), and then move onto the entire Splatoon series (but focusing more heavily on 2 and its DLC since that one just... Got me man)
Warnings below for definite spoilers for DOOM 2016, DOOM Eternal, The Ancient Gods Part 1, The Ancient Gods Part 2, Splatoon 2, Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion
Okay so... With DOOM, just the everything? I hate gore and blood and all that nasty stuff usually but with DOOM it's... Different I guess? All the different weapons you get, and the fact you never have to reload?? I adore that so fucking much. Like and how it goes level by level, slowly giving you things while also feeling like everything's speeding past you, it's the perfect pace. And oh my gods, the soundtrack for them both goes so fucking hard, though I do personally prefer Eternals soundtrack they're both amazing. And the story it tells? How it goes beyond just The Slayer and saving Earth and all that? How every single demon is completely different from the last and how it consistently throws new mechanics at you? I love love love that.
I'm also going to touch on Eternal more here because I love the collectables and the secrets? How you get music that you can play and also all the toys? The Slayers room? It gives him so much more than just huge guts kill maim murder man because he got fucked over. The comics, the books, how it displays your weapons in your room? The broken mech that hangs in the station? Just the entire scenery is... It's incredible, it's so detailed and being able to see just how far it's come from when it first came out to now is... It blows my mind when I think about it too long.
And the DLCs for Eternal? The plot twist? The fact that everything led up to this if you go back and play it and all the little hints they left along the way that didn't mean anything if you haven't played the DLC yet I just... Wow. Wow man wow. Also just saying getting to finally fucking deck Samur? Oh I was thrilled to do that, absolutely delighted I love getting to bash his stupid fucking Seraphim head in over and over. And part 2? Where everyone just showed up to literally help you I had to put the controller down. In a good way because just... Oh it was the perfect ending, just everything about these DLCs was perfect. The very end of the game where they seal you back up? Man... Gets to me every fucking time without fail for a game that's on the surface funny haha kill game
Now for Splatoon... I didn't get a chance to play the first one unfortunately, though I've probably spent a good couple hours digging into it, though I don't know as much about it as I do Splatoon 2. For starters, the square? It's so detailed and thorough. How the TV's move with things on them, how there's players just chilling? I love all that. And that all the characters, at least NPCs all look different, and have such different backstories and personalities on top of all that.
I love the differences in Pearl and Marina. Looks, their personalities, their histories and backstories just all of it? I mean Marina was a fucking child soldier for the Octarian Army if I'm not mistaken. And Pearls dad is so fucking rich, and yes she's spoiled, but she's kind at the same time. They did a really good job balancing her out and I adore her color pallet. And it's the other little things around the game that really make it for me.
For a game with really simple and repetitive mechanics, it keeps you interested. Because it's not just turf wars. That not your thing? Go do salmon runs, or play one of their ranked battles! Personally I love splat zones. Or you just wanna be here for the story? Play hero mode! That too hard and you want a different branch of the story? Get the DLC.
The mem cakes, the fact that you could skip levels if they were too hard and still get the rewards from them, the fact that the train consistently refreshed with new passengers on it? Oh and dont forget the chat logs you got to see giving you even more story, alongside the fact that once you beat it you can actually play as an Octoling? And OH MY GODS THAT END FIGHT. The music, the setting, the everything got me so hard. I won't even lie I cried a little at it.
It's not just a game where you shoot either, all of the incredibly creative weapons, and how if you don't like the bomb or the special on that one weapon, you can find the same weapon, but with a different bomb and/or special? I love that so much. I also love how it's locked behind leveling, it makes leveling seem actually important and not just... Do it for bragging rights, which yes it's also that once you stop getting weapons at level 30 I believe, but you get what I'm getting at. And all of the clothes and the shoes and the hats you can put onto your little guy! Oh sometimes I just go in to mess around with that.
There's just so much to them both and I love them both dearly.
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charming-2d-boys · 4 years
I'm so happy to hear you write for female characters. Could you do some headcanons for Paku, Machi, and Shizuku in a relationship with a female reader? >:3
Of course! I honestly can't wait to write for so many characters and try understanding them better, so thank you for this opportunity! 🙇
Man, Shizuku is so hard for me to understand... And I thought Illumi would pose a challenge for me...
Also, very, very long, you’ve been warned!
I hope you'll like these! ❤️
you’ve definitely met somewhere on the street when you stopped walking to pet a cat and to your surprise, it actually started rubbing against you and purring loudly
yeah, enjoy this chance
how many cats that you stopped to pet either came to you or let you pet them for a long time?
so when you hear a meow and the cat stops and goes towards the sound, you’re disappointed because you wanted to pet it some more
you probably thought it was another cat that meowed, but surprise! It’s Pakunoda, who smiles as the cat hurries to her and rubs against her legs
she feels your eyes on her and sees your pout because the cat just... up and left you with your hand in mid air and it’s not fair how some people attract them so easily
Pakunoda will think you’re so cute so she beckons you with her hand, telling you that you can still pet it
if she stays, the cat stays and it loves the attention you both give her
you offer the cat the remaining bit of sandwich that you had prepared that morning and didn’t get to eat
it purrs happily as it eats and then looks up at you and Pakunoda expectantly, probably wanting some more
I’m sorry, little guy, that’s all I had left
it just meows before bumping its head against your hand and then going back to rubbing against Pakunoda’s legs
you sigh because it doesn’t look as if it’s going to come back to you and you get up, ready to leave
but Pakunoda gently grabs your wrist, stopping you
Don’t be upset, this little guy is a little glutton. Aren’t you, hm?
she says as she scratches the cat behind its ear, making it meow and purr in satisfaction
when you tell her that you really like cats and feel relaxed around them, she suggests you go to a nearby cat café that she sometimes frequents when she’s in town
it’s a pretty sudden request and you’re a bit hesitant, but when she introduces herself and you do as well... you decide to give this a shot
Pakunoda seems harmless enough and no one who likes animals that much can be such a bad person, right?
the whole day is spent playing with and petting the cats while talking with Pakunoda about yourselves
she really does seem like someone you could probably get along with very well
she’s beautiful and has got a nice personality and you love the way she talks, it’s like music to your ears
Pakunoda seems to think pretty much the same thing about you
you seem to be different from other people and you’re so friendly, kind and funny that she almost wonders how she hasn’t seen you around before
you'd been swamped before with work and/or classes and just now had a day off when you decided to go out and get some fresh air after being cooped up with all those papers and documents
so you wonder if Pakunoda will be in town for a bit longer so you can hang out again
and when she asks you if you want to meet up again in a couple of days, you're immediately smiling and telling her that you can't wait
you two start frequenting pretty much every cat café that the city has to offer, and when you’ve been to all of them at least a few times, start looking after other cafés where you can see other types of animals: dogs, parrots, hedgehogs, owls etc.
you always end up spending entire days in those places, always talking and always having fun
one such night, after leaving another cat café that you managed to find hidden somewhere between some tall and narrow buildings in an alleyway, you’re both walking on the street, just getting ready to go your own separate ways
Pakunoda stops you as you’re ready to cross the street and you look up at her questioningly
you can barely see it, but her cheeks and the tops of her ears have a very faint pink tint to them
you were so curious as to why she stopped you that when you opened your mouth to ask, Pakunoda quickly asked you out... on an actual date
the surprise quickly faded before you happily agreed, making Pakunoda’s shoulders sag in relief
she insists on walking you home that night and of course, you let her, just to spend some more time together
after that, things get progressively more intimate and romantic
Pakunoda often comes over to your place and you two often cook together
she loves teaching you new recipes
when you decide to surprise her by cooking something for when she comes home late one night, she hugs you really tight and thanks you for being there
always gives you a hug and a kiss when she comes over to your place
she’d love to introduce you to the others if you were to accept her as who she is fully
Pakunoda often cuddles with you when you’re both done with everything for the day
whether you’re on the couch or on the bed, she’ll often pull your head on her chest and play with your hair
you always giggle when you tell her you love her and feel her heart beat faster
arguments? pretty much none
Pakunoda is not really the confrontational type and you just... easily discuss whatever might come up between you two
you’ll definitely get a cat and take care of it, maybe even the cat that brought you two together, who knows?
you always reassure her that she’ll have a place to come to and call home, even when she tells you that you don’t need to tell he because she’s fine
Pakunoda definitely appreciates it, though, because she’s always dreamt of having somewhere and someone to come home to
you were frantically looking for a really old book at the local library because you were so close to finishing your paper
and this book would be one of the last ones you needed to use and then you’d finally be done
the old librarian was currently helping someone else so you started going in-between bookcases, searching by yourself
and there it was!
on a shelf barely out of reach
you started jumping, trying to grab it by the spine, when you finally managed to pull it out a bit from the other dusty, old books
just a bit more and you’d finally get it-
there goes the book
you just blink because... what the hell was that? where did it go?
you look to where the book was, still seeing specks of dust flying around, before looking to the ground
and when you look to your right, you see a small girl with pink hair and... shinobi clothes?
she holds several books in her hands and is quickly walking away
 Hey! Excuse me, I need that!
you’re almost yelling because you’re so close, you can’t have someone else take the book, the due date is in two days!
when she turns around, you’re left speechless
she’s adorable looking and even that serious look on her face almost looks like a pout to you
she’s looking at you expectantly, as if waiting for you to just say what you have to say so she can leave
I need that book... *hard stare*
For my paper... *hard stare*
That’s due in two days... *hard stare*
she sighs as if it’s a great effort and takes it out of the little pile in her arms, handing it out to you h she’ll tell Chrollo that she couldn’t find the book and that she’ll go and look for it in the coming days
and as she turns around to leave, you actually say a loud wait! that attracts several glares and a few shushes
you quickly apologize before jogging up to her to introduce yourself and tell her that if she still wants it, you can meet up with her here and give the book to her
she still stares at you, a bit of apprehension readable in her eyes, before telling you her name is Machi and that we’ll see before leaving
it didn’t even occur to you that she literally picked up the books and walked out with them without even stopping by the checkout desk
that night, you read and used to book as fast as you could so you could finish writing up your paper
and the next day you were waiting at a nearby table in the library, trying not to fidget so much because you had already been waiting for an hour and there was no sign of the pink-haired girl yet
you felt a little tug on your hand and shook it a bit, thinking it’d gone numb from how you were staying
only that you felt the same tug again, only stronger, and you looked up when you felt as if you were pulled by an invisible force, only to see the girl from the day before
you finally got up and walked to where she was, between bookcases, before taking the book out of your bag and handing it to her
she took it without a word and it almost seemed as if she was going to turn around and leave, but you stopped her and asked her what her name was, before introducing yourself
it was a cute name and apparently, your mouth was faster than your brain because you saw her blue eyes widen and a bit of redness cover her cheeks before she looked to the side, avoiding your eyes
why you felt the need to ask her to hang out if she had time was beyond you, but it was too late to take your words back
only that then you thought how rude and weird that sounded and started fretting over how to apologise and explain yourself, but to your surprise, Machi accepted (she was surprised that you had the courage to ask her as you didn’t really seem to have it in you, but apparently, she was wrong)
it was a simple hang out as friends situation
you actually did most of the talking, with Machi contributing only a little bit
you actually felt a bit upset, thinking that you’re bothering her or boring her
but when you stopped talking and apologized for talking, she only told you to keep talking because she enjoys what you were saying
she wasn’t going to tell you that she loves how enthusiastic you look when you talk about something you like or that it’s funny how much you gesticulate or what a good storyteller you are
and it was actually fun hanging out with you
Machi had a good feeling about you and because she trusted her intuition, she surprised you when she asked if you could see each other again
let’s just say that the relationship between you two’s been getting better the more you saw each other
Machi’s made it a habit of bringing you flowers from time to time
and you do the same because you like that little blush on her face when she receives them and thanks you quietly
loves hugging you and breathing in your scent whenever you see each other
she thinks that she could see you as her home
Chrollo and Pakunoda will definitely notice a positive change in Machi’s attitude, as much as she tries to hide it
when she tells them about you, they slowly become your biggest supporters
Chrollo will want to meet you at one point, just to assess you and your intentions with Machi
he almost seems like an older, protective brother and it’s adorable
when he’ll tell her that you’re a good girl and that he hopes you’ll be happy together, you can’t stop smiling
and honestly, neither can Machi - although her smile is smaller, it’s still there
loves it when you wake up after her and come into the bathroom, only to hug her from behind while you greet her sleepily
for your birthday, she’ll cook you something that she learnt as a kid in Meteor City
when you tell her you love her for the first time, she’ll hug you reeeeeally tight and whisper it back, telling you that she’ll always protect you
on your first year anniversary, you’ll take her to the beach and spend the day together playing in the water, volleyball and eating ice-cream, while at night, you’ll go to a restaurant and order whatever the two of you want and then walk on the beach while holding hands
you will insist on taking photos of the two of you and even ask others to do it for you
Machi will take one of those photos that she liked the best - the one where she put a bit of ice-cream on your nose and your face was confused and adorable - and keep it in her wallet or in a special little compartment underneath her pincushion
always looks at it when she misses you or can’t call or text you
no one tells her that she smiles every time she looks at that photo of you
Shizuku is... forgetful, to put it nicely
so when she dropped her phone and you saw it, you hurried to give it back to her
only that you were pretty much blocked off by two men, one very tall, with scars on his face and huge hands and another one who was really short and had half of his face covered by a bandana with a... skull?
you’re intimidated enough that when the shorter man asks you what you want while glaring at you, you can only show them the phone
a short and monotone oh from the girl is what makes the two men move out of her way as she comes and takes the phone from you before thanking you
you can only nod before you both stare at each other for maybe a second or two
the little cough you hear from the larger man makes you both end your staring contest and stare at him instead
We have to go he says plainly as they all turn and start walking away from you
you can only stare at them, feeling a bit confused
and, as if feeling your gaze, but not really caring, only Shizuku turns around, curious about why she can still feel your eyes on her
and you just wave at her, because you don’t know what else to do when she’s staring at you like that
you keep seeing her from time to time in different places, usually really crowded ones, along with the two men from before, still flanking her on both sides
you always wave and smile at her whenever she looks at you - she always finds you even in the biggest of crowds
Shizuku can’t really remember you all the times and while the other two always tell her that yes, we’ve seen her before and no, we don’t know her name, she sometimes wishes she remembered you and know why you always wave and smile at her when you see her
you’re acting as if you know each other
so, one day, after you do what you always do, she tells the Franklin and Feitan that she’s going to talk with you
they don’t try to stop her, but they are ready to defend her if anything were to happen
when Shizuku does finally ask you why you smile and wave at her, you just tell her that you thought she was really pretty and wanted to get to know her, but her two friends kind of scare you and you didn’t want to trouble them, since they always seem to be in a hurry or on an errand or something
when she only tilts her head a bit, as if still confused, you smile and ask her what her name is, then introduce yourself
looks like you’ll have to be the bold one today
you ask her out, as friends, just because you’re curious about her and want to get to know her
if she wants to, of course
Shizuku is still a bit confused by the sudden turn of events and almost feels herself drift away before she says yes
and just in time, because her two intimidating friends come and tell her that they have to leave, while looking at you apprehensively because, well... you’re a bit of a pretty, weird little girl, aren’t you?
still, all three of them leave and when Franklin finally asks Shizuku what you’d talked about, she finally told them
well, that was... unexpected, to say the least
you were definitely weird - but so were they, so they had no right to judge, right?
he asked her if she planned on going and she said yes
they had nothing important to do for the next few days that would follow, so it would be okay to take some time off
Shizuku does have to be reminded several times about her promise and you, mostly by Franklin, since Feitan couldn’t really care any less
your hangout is fun, at least you think it is
Shizuku is pretty... calm and doesn’t really show much, if any emotions
but at the end of the day she does say that she had fun and that you’re cute when you’re happy
so you ask her if she’d like to do this again some other time
and when she accepts, you exchange numbers
you go out several times and you feel like you’re getting closer to Shizuku, both emotionally and physically
and when you shyly hold onto her hand during one of those times, you almost deflate when she doesn’t really squeeze back or let go and just glances at you
pretty much ready to let go of her hand and abruptly end this hangout and leave before you embarrass yourself any more, you’re taken by surprise when your hand is finally squeezed back before Shizuku laces your fingers together
you almost loudly sigh in relief and find yourself talking again, about whatever just comes to your mind, happy and just filled with a newfound energy, while Shizuku quietly listens to you and feels herself absorbed into this little bubble of joy you created and trapped her in
the next few months see the two of you getting closer and opening up more
she’s quiet for the most part and even appears cold, especially to others who don’t know her
but behind closed doors, she just loves having you in her arms, either watching TV, cooking, sleeping, washing the dishes etc.
plays cards with you and almost always lets you win because she likes your smile more than your pout - even though you’re cute no matter what
the others are dying to meet you when they see Shizuku meeting up with them and wearing a shirt that’s definitely not hers
oh, I took (Y/N)’s shirt again
yep, they really wanna meet you
they all treat you nicely and Shizuku holds your hand throughout the entire meeting
which they think it’s adorable because they can actually feel that Shizuku is happy
she loves giving you massages, especially when she sees that you’re really tired
will sometimes forget to do chores, but she does write them down somewhere or has you remind her
whenever you two can, you really like going window shopping
she could steal everything for you, you know?
just say the word and it’s all yours
writes down on her hand and wherever else she can so she can remember your birthday and anniversaries
you surprise her by baking her a cake from scratch for her birthday
and Shizuku’s even happier when you bake another one so she can celebrate it with her friends as well - she insists on you joining them and actually have a lot of fun listening to them tell funny stories about Shizuku and what her memory problems did (nothing too bad and that everyone remembers fondly)
will take you on the rooftop of the building and stargaze with you
also tells you she loves you because she really does
you definitely proved that you loved her, so it’s only fair she returns the favour
loves kissing you under the stars and it’s one of the few memories that Shizuku actually remembers and holds onto dearly
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air-in-words · 4 years
The Phantom of the Opera: Sorting Hat Chats System
I have returned! This time, I'm talking about one of my longest running obsessions: The Phantom of the Opera musical. Keep in mind, this will only be in reference to the way the characters are presented in the musical, so the housing may be different in different media.
Also, if you have any questions about the system, I'd direct you to my last post about Scooby-Doo, or to @sortinghatchats (the originators of the system) and @wisteria-lodge (my personal favorite fan sorter.)
First off, as discussed elsewhere, stories themselves can have houses as well! Since this musical is my absolute favorite and I have dissected it on more than one occasion, I feel I can speak on the houses this story comments on. At it's core, Phantom is a story that sets the Gryffindor Primary way of life against the Slytherin way, and forces the heroine to acknowledge what kind of person she is. Is she a fighter or a lover?
In this story, Gryffindor Primary says that your ideals are most important. What is right and what is good should win out in the end. Those who are wrong should be punished and evil and good truly exist in this world. There are angels and there are demons, and only the angels have earned their right to love.
Meanwhile, the Slytherin Primary says love is the final word. It argues that you love who you love, and all is fair in love and war. And that doesn't just mean romantic love. Creative love, familial love, friendly love, love of one's career.... all of these are beyond "good" and "evil," "right" and "wrong." Love is not created by seeing the goodness of a person, and can exist despite the existence of evil there, and that is okay.
The moral of this story, in my opinion, falls in the Slytherin camp. And that is because two of three main characters are Slytherin Primaries, and it is through their love, of art, of creation, and of each other (romantically or not) that the main conflict is resolved.
I'll only be sorting the three main characters, as they're really all I need to illustrate this point. Here we go!
The Phantom: Slytherclaw (Exploded Slytherin Primary, Ravenclaw Secondary)
The Phantom is an ultimate example of the "Jack of All Trades" Ravenclaw Secondary. He is a scholar, musician, composer, singer, architect, inventor... the list goes on. He is a collector of tools, and these tools he uses to compensate for his deformity. He has made himself overly competent to feel better and as though he might deserve a place at humanity's table. He uses careful planning and control over an environment he claims is his to give the impression of being a ghost. That brings us to his Exploded Slytherin Primary, or rather, his initially Petrified Slytherin Primary. Being a ghost is the dream of any Petrified Slytherin. To become a literal non-entity, unable to be hurt, unable to love, unable to care for anyone other than themselves. He was very unfortunate to be born with a Slytherin Primary housing, as the rejection of those he loved lead him to his petrifying. He wanted no one in his circle but himself and sought to other himself purposefully, removing himself from society. Until, he met Christine. Her love of music and creation, a love he had used to replace his need for chosen people, helped him to connect, and he slowly began to un-petrify. This could have been a healthy thing for him, a way for him to return to life, but no. He was so certain he'd never need anyone else, never want anyone else, never find anyone else that he clung desperately to her, became obsessed, and we watch his explosion throughout the musical. In one fell swoop, he went from entirely petrified to an explosion of pent-up love and devotion aimed only at her, all his love for the chosen people before him aimed only at her. And, with his newly ignited love, he tries to convince Christine to be only with him, care only for him, which as an Exploded Slytherin Primary, feels like the only way to properly love someone, the only right way to live, and murder and extortion are perfectly respectable ways to attempt to hang onto that love. So, he asks her to give in to the "music of the night." Her love of music, creation, and her devotion to him as her Angel of Music. But, there is another man in her life, telling her there's a higher calling, a higher judge of character than love.
Raoul de Chagny: True Gryffindor (Gryffindor Primary, Gryffindor Secondary)
I know Raoul has a reputation of being a soft-hearted guy, but this guy is most definitely a Gryffindor Secondary. After not seeing Christine for years, he has no problem coming into her dressing room uninvited and inviting her to dinner, and expects no pushback from her. He is quick to judgement, confronting the managers about sending him a note that he has little proof they sent. He makes himself as a barrier against evil, as he swears with confidence that he will protect Christine from a man who has already killed once. He is filled with fiery passion for doing what is right above all else and will barrel over any evil-doer who stands in his way, an old school Knight in Shining Armor. But, his Gryffindor Primary ultimately leads him into conflict with the woman he loves. After having seen this monster attack innocent people, he is sure that Christine would want to run away with him and condemn the Phantom for all time, but he is utterly confused by her reaction. Not only is she not running away, she's actively refusing to help capture him and pushing against him! Why?? Raoul's extreme Gryffindor-ness leads him down into the lair to save her when she is taken, to be immediately rendered useless by both the punjab lasso and the plot. His righteous nature is not wrong, and in many other stories, he would be the hero of the day. But, this is a Slytherin story, and so love is the only solution.
Christine Daaé: Slytherpuff (Slytherin Primary, Hufflepuff Secondary)
We spend a lot of the musical inside Christine's head, more than we spend watching her physically act in reality, but we can still figure out her secondary. Her Hufflepuff Secondary comes out in her devotion to her craft. She is a hard worker and takes her art very seriously. But, Christine can also be a doormat, allowing people like Carlotta to walk all over her for far too long out of fear of rocking the boat. She is regarded as a quiet and kind woman who works diligently at her craft, so Puff Secondary felt right. Now, for her most defining trait in the musical, her (almost unhealthy) Slytherin Primary. Christine has never quite petrified, but she has come very close. Her father was, and, for a while into the musical, still is, her entire world. He was her only companion in life for a very long time, and all of her creative energy came from her love for him. Then, she met Raoul as a child. The young and charming True Gryffindor was easily able to slip past her shyness with his Gryff Secondary panache, and she had found another chosen person to bring into her life. Even after they were separated, she never forgot him and continued to love and appreciate him. Then, her father died. She nearly petrified, wanted to push most people away, especially with Raoul nowhere to be found, but the Angel of Music her father promised her came to her. The Angel replaced her father in her circle of chosen people and became the most important person in her life. She would sing for him out of devotion and love, just like her father was a muse to her. But, Raoul's sudden return into her life creates the conflict. Things have changed, Raoul. She has someone she feels a loyalty to that she cannot break. Even as her Angel is proven to be a deformed man, even after he has murdered, even then, she cannot bring herself to despise him and shun him. When you're in with a Slytherin, you're in hard. It is only when the Phantom tries to take advantage of her grief at her father's grave, only after she fully confronts that her father is never coming back, that she can bring herself to fully side against him with Raoul. The Phantom should know how much her father means to her. He should understand. A Slytherin using another Slytherin's person against them is the ultimate betrayal. The next betrayal came when he threatened to take away Raoul, her last chosen person beyond the Phatom himself, trying to force her to become like him and live in the darkness alone. Instead, it is through Christine's Slytherin-like act of love towards Phantom, even beyond his horrible acts, that ends his tirade.
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Let me know what you think of my analysis! [And, if anyone in the Phandom sees this: yes, I love Raoul. No, I don't like LND. I'm technically a fan of both E/C and R/C, but I believe R/C is ultimately canon and better aligns with the moral of the original story. Meghan Picerno is my current favorite Christine (love me an operatice Christine,) Jordan Donica is the best Raoul to ever grace the stage and deserves a spin at the Phantom, and Earl Carpenter has my favorite acting interpretation of the Phantom even if his singing was only okay.]
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1kook · 5 years
✗ Wong Yukhei x (F) Reader
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summary→ You thought you told Yukhei you didn’t trust Rohei, especially when she was high. Why he even bothers to hang out with her despite her obvious crush is beyond you. wc→ 6.6k tags→ angst, homewrecking attempts, drug use, couple fights :/, makeup vanilla sex, bulging mention, breath play but not rlly lol
fly→ soar→ freefall 
this has been in my drafts for 7 MONTHS!! I'm sorry also not proofread lol
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A lot of the things you knew about your boyfriend where things he told you himself, like his favorite color or his grandma’s name. He loved to tell you every little detail of his day, from the fact his socks were inside out to the weird LARPer group he’d seen on the way to class. He’d told you about his love for soccer and his first crush and the last movie he saw and how he liked his phone beneath his pillow. Yukhei literally told you absolutely everything about himself. 
There’s two things Yukhei’s never directly told you. 
The first was something you’re sure Yukhei isn’t exactly aware of himself, and that was the ridiculously Casanova persona he took on when he was high. Of course, you knew firsthand about this Yukhei. His playful expression would fade away, until he was all molten gazes and wandering hands, sneaking beneath your skirt after he’d cornered you against some frat house’s kitchen. Breathy laughs, plush lips pressed against your jaw in some sort of twisted game to see if he could make you come in front of all those people, pressing his wonderfully hidden cock against your hip until you begged him to go home. 
With a little bit of weed, Yukhei became an absolutely delectable man, and you’re not the only one who’s noticed. 
Which leads you to the second piece of information Yukhei’s never told you, and that was the existence of one very clingy girl. Her name was Rohei, an accounting major in the same year as Yukhei. She was pretty and nice, and everyone seemed to like her, which somehow made her entitled to your boyfriend.  How ridiculous. 
You’re not sure when exactly she’d become such a blip in your radar, or when she even started hanging around him. Yukhei never mentioned her, so for a while, you ignored her. 
That is until she started showing up to your sessions, all giggly and annoying as she tried to squish herself beside Yukhei. Even then you’d given her the benefit of the doubt, knowing you were also, quite frankly, an annoying person when you were high. The smoke made a lot of things foggy, but her hand resting on his thigh was as clear as day. 
After that, you’d warned Yukhei against seeing the home wrecker, citing your own personal girl instincts as the only solid reason you had against disliking her, not that Yukhei particularly cared. The first time you mentioned her had confused the fuck out of him, and it only took about five minutes of physical descriptions for him to realize exactly who you were talking about. 
“Oh,” he sighed, pausing his game of Zelda to glance over at you. “The girl with the Windex bottle laugh?” 
You snorted, giving his side a gentle shove with your foot. “Yeah, that girl,” you said. You abandoned your phone in favor of meeting his gaze. He’d invited you over fresh out of his shower, his hair wonderfully fluffed up and soft. God, was he attractive. As if sensing your sudden shift, he wrapped one huge hand around your ankle, tugging you down the bed and towards him. 
“Don’t worry, baby,” he crooned, ducking down to brush his lips over yours. You let an airy moan escape you, sliding a hand around his neck to pull him closer. He grinned something wicked against your lips, game abandoned as he slotted himself against you. “You’re my girl.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Yukhei—no, if anything, you trusted him too much. The real issue was that you didn’t trust these other bitches. Yukhei could flaunt your relationship as much as he wanted, could walk around with your name across his chest, but that wouldn’t stop mean and desperate girls from throwing themselves at him. They’d use any chance they’d get to entice him, which is exactly why you’d begged him not to go smoke with his friends one night. 
“Are you serious?” He asked, halfway through tugging his hoodie over his head. After an enjoyable evening tangled in the sheets with you, his best friend in the entire world, Mark Lee, had invited him out to smoke. ‘With the usual gang,’ had been his words, and Yukhei being the pothead that he was, instantly agreed. 
You sighed, tugging the sheets to your chest as you sat up. “Well, is she gonna be there?” You grumbled, not trying to hide your annoyance that well. Yukhei blinked. 
“Are you talking about that girl again?” You pursed your lips, avoiding his gaze. Yukhei snorted, and you yelped as he flopped back down on the bed to envelope you in his arms. “Baby, I’m crazy about you, you know that?”
You rolled your eyes, covering your face with your hands, as if he hadn’t seen you completely naked fifteen minutes before. “I know,” you sighed, though it came out more like a whine. “But she wants to fuck you! I know she does.”
Yukhei ignores you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. Begrudgingly, you wrap your arms around his soft form, the pout on your face slowly fading. It’s the sweet and romantic side of him, the one he usually hides from his friends, that melts your resolve. A sudden nip at your collarbone brings you out of your rosy vision. 
“Babe, stooop,” you whine, your inner Sammi from Jersey Shore jumping out. “My calves still hurt.”
“Chiiiill,” he murmurs against the skin of your neck, plush lips caressing the skin. With each soft kitten lick he gives, you feel yourself slowly melt into the mattress below you. “Lemme take care of you,” he proposes, and as much as you want to protest, the hand that snakes its way between the two of you sucks the words from your mouth. 
“S-Sensitive,” you say instead, head lolling onto the pillows as Yukhei’s deft fingers rub small circles against your clit. He hums against your skin, carefully taking note of each tremble your thighs give, and the gasps that catch in your throat. 
After he’s done ravishing your throat and your orgasm is creeping up on you for the second time that night, he juts his chin up to meet your gaze. “You did so well tonight, baby,” he praises right before he slots his mouth against yours. “Rode me so good, fuck, you looked so pretty for me.” You reminisce on the grueling work out riding your boyfriend had been, the guiding hands on your waist the only help he’d provided. 
Another whimper escapes you, right before Yukhei does his signature move (the one he’d claimed about a week ago), which was slowing down all movements, letting your orgasm build, before giving your clit one final flick that sent you crashing through your own bliss. 
After you’ve received your second orgasm of the night, and you’re feeling especially pampered, Yukhei kisses you on the lips sweetly and scampers off to meet his friends. 
Afterwards, you’re feeling a little bad about trying to limit his outings because of your own raging jealousy. Yukhei was your boyfriend, but that didn’t mean you had to keep an iron grip on him. He was his own free person; a goofy soul who needed social interaction more than others. For you to keep him on a leash because of some unproven theory was wrong. 
You’re still feeling pretty sour, but that all changes when you do your usual nightly Snapchat sweep. Your swiping through snaps of your classmates and friends, crying over projects or complaining about jobs, when the one and only Mark Lee’s story pops up next. Nothing unusual, just him blowing smoke into the camera while some cheesy RnB music plays on the radio of someone’s car. In fact, everything’s fine until you click right, and are met with a three second snap of a particular group shot, the entire right side of the camera frame taken up by Yukhei’s lean figure and one scheming Rohei wrapped around him. 
You click your phone off, calmly set it to the side, and fall asleep. 
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You don’t mention it to Yukhei. For some reason, there’s this annoying voice in the back of your head telling you Yukhei should tell you on his own. After all, you had been having an internal battle on whether you were too protective or not, and going off on him for something that could just be a minor instance would only prove that. 
There’s another big frat party this weekend, and though you usually go with your friends, Yukhei invites you to come with him this time. You can’t say no, especially with the way half of his smile gets hidden by the pillow he’s pressed into. He looks so soft and sweet, you find yourself peppering him in kisses as you agree. 
You don a pretty dress you’d bought that week, a tight little number that accentuates your figure. Right as you bend over to strap your heels into place, you hear a low whistle from the bathroom door. 
“Baby,” Yukhei whines, hands slowly gliding around your waist from behind. “You’re gonna be the death of me,” he huffs, nose pressed against the side of your head. You giggle, leaning back to meet his dark gaze. As if the wolf whistle wasn’t enough, he adds, “I’m gonna bend you over and fuck that pretty little pussy.”
Your jaw drops open, and you playfully slap his hands away. “Yukhei!” You scold, strutting across the room to grab your cell phone and his keys. You ignore his gaze as you go about collecting yourself, and when you’re waiting for him at the door, you say, “who says I’m gonna let you?”
The night goes similarly to that encounter, Yukhei’s eyes trailing you wherever you go. It’s like he refuses to look away from you, from the way your hips sway to the music and the way your collarbones glisten with the thinnest sheen of sweat. Even when he’s settled down in the den for a quick session with his boys, his eyes find their way back to where you’re chattering with your friends right outside the door. 
With each hit, his dark eyes become hazier and hazier. But he also becomes bolder and bolder, sinful pink tongue swiping across his lips as he eye fucks you for the entire world to see. Your friends giggle at your boyfriend’s behavior, and then scramble away when they see his tall figure come swaggering towards the doorway. You presume they’re done with their session for now, everyone parting ways. 
“You come here often?” He croons, and your lips press together in an effort to hold back the ridiculously dopey smile threatening to take over your features. 
“Every now and then,” you respond, easily falling into his little game. It ends up consisting of him babbling out every pick-up line he knows until you’re giggling and falling into him. He’s not exempt from the goofy smile you wear, staring down at you as if you’ve hung the stars in the night sky. 
After a particularly corny comment, he leans down and accidentally knocks your foreheads together. “Come back to my place, baby. I promise I can treat you better than anyone ever has.” Cherry ready lips ghost over your own. 
You hum in response, dizzy from your boyfriend’s flirty behavior. “I don’t know,” you joke, tilting your head up slightly, enough so that you upper lip brushes against his. “My boyfriend wouldn’t like that.”
“Smart guy,” he says, and you roll your eyes. “Seriously, though,” he says, suddenly more sober than he’s been in the past few hours. “I told you I was gonna fuck your pretty little brains out tonight, remember?”
His vulgarity strikes a chord within you, and you find yourself pressing your legs together. But Yukhei is nothing if not observant, his hands tracing down your side until it’s snaked its way around to rest upon the swell of your ass. He knows he’s already won you over for the night, so he presses a quick kiss to you lips before scampering off to tell his friends he’s off. Nows as good a time as ever for you to do the same. 
You nonchalantly stride back over towards where all your friends have congregated this time, telling them you’ve decided to turn in for the night. Them being your friends obviously know that you’re not heading home to sleep, but rather to get fucked into another dimension. You don’t deny nor confirm their claims, instead leaving them with a coy smile that has them up in hoots as you walk away. 
Normally, Yukhei is able to find you in a crowed party easily enough—being tall has its undeniable perks—so you’ve never really been the one searching around for him. But you remember his current state, how he’d stumbled over his words and how his long legs seemed to be working of their own accord tonight. You decide the safest option is to find him yourself, because a high Yukhei tends to have the attention span of a child. 
It doesn’t take long to find the group of guys he’s usually around, Mark Lee’s newly dyed blonde hair particularly standing out to you. They all greet you in the polite way that is customary for a fellow bro’s girlfriend, and you do the same. You turn towards Mark, “where’s Yukhei?”
Mark’s brows furrow together in confusion. “He said he was gonna look for you, actually,” he answers, and you find yourself as confused as him. 
“When was this exactly?” You press, a weird feeling settling in your gut. 
Mark’s lips quirk to the side, eyes drifting around the kitchen as he seems to try to recall when he’d last seen your boyfriend. In the end, he can only offer you a half-assed shrug and an unsure, “ten minutes ago?”
You end up thanking Mark, as well as bidding him adieu, before continuing your search for Yukhei. As you’d mentioned before, he rarely had trouble finding you in crowded areas, always gravitating towards you like a magnet. It was weird that it’d taken him this long, even weirder if he’d actually been stoned enough to have forgotten or strayed away. 
You pass by the beautiful oak study built into this frat house, and almost completely dismiss it had you not caught sight of sudden movement inside. Gently, you push open the glass paneled doors, eyes slowly adjusting to the dark room. 
“Baby,” you hear your boyfriend say. You sigh in relief, thanking god that Yukhei wasn’t lost, just dumb. You glance around for a light switch, only for your eyes to stumble upon the frame of one very out of place figure. Your brow twitches, and had you not been sheathed in darkness, you’re sure she would have seen the way your entire expression changed. 
A movement to her left finally alerts you of where Yukhei is in this dark room, and you don’t hesitate to make your way towards him. Suddenly, you have the vision of the stealthiest nightcrawler as you absorb every detail of this situation. 
The first one is Rohei’s frame, curled up beside Yukhei far enough that she isn’t touching him but close enough she can probably see the swell of his plush upper lip. The second is the vulnerable state of Yukhei’s body, a dab pen clutched between his fingers that definitely isn't his. The third and most telling factor has to be the annoyed expression on her face, similar to your own. 
Oh this bitch was definitely up to something. 
“Babe,” you say, calmer than a retail employee dealing with a stuck-up customer, “we’re supposed to be leaving.”
Yukhei nods, fast and cute like a puppy, but these circumstances make you want to strangle him. “Of course of course, baby, Rohei was just telling me about this new pen flavor!” As if on cue, Rohei smiles sweetly at you, curling just the slightest bit closer to your boyfriend. “I know you really like the watermelon one, so I was wondering if she knew any other good fruity ones.”
You flash her the fakest smile you can muster, and in his state, Yukhei doesn’t seem to notice. “That’s nice,” you play along, eyes burning into her like laser beams. “But I’d really like to get going before it gets darker out.” You tug Yukhei’s arm, his body following you to rise off the couch. 
Right before his ass can leave the cushion, there’s a sudden force being exerted on his other side that has him falling backwards. Your eyes widen, but then narrow into slits when you finally see what had stopped him from leaving with you. Your met with two perfectly manicured hands wrapped around his forearm, attached to the same girl you told Yukhei you didn’t trust.��
“But we were just beginning to talk!” she whines, flashing you an innocent pout that lets you know she knows exactly what she’s doing. You feel your insides boil. “We were having a good little chat, weren’t we, Lu?”
“Lu?” You humph, eyes flickering between her face and Yukhei’s. 
He shrugs, too dazed by the lights sweeping through the open door to really focus on the situation at hand. “She calls me by my American name, baby, remember it?” He beams, not at either of you, but at some invisible object in the air only he seems to be aware of. 
“Yes,” you seethe, “That’s nice and all, but wouldn’t your talk be better when you can actually remember it?” You try, hand gliding from his wrist to his palm to tangle your fingers together. “Let’s get you home now.”
She scoffs, not releasing her grip on his forearm even the slightest bit. “Don’t be a prude, ___,” she spits, “he’s having a good time with me right now, can’t you see.”
Your eyebrows raise at her sudden and rude comment, and you find yourself providing a quick rebuttal. “He’s having a good time because he’s high right now, you’re not that special.” 
“Really now,” she laughs, every bit of malicious intent in her tone. “I’m sure that’s why he always goes out of his way to sit next to me during rotations, right?”
You roll your eyes. “Probably because you take weak, short ass hits, and he knows that.”
"Not because he knows my mouth was there already?” She fights back. “You know my lip gloss looks real cute on him when he goes after me.”
The fact irks you, and you add it to the list of questioning you need to do later. For now, you’re not about to lose to this girl. “I don’t really care if he sits by you, honey,” you reply, finally gathering enough strength to pull Yukhei off and away from her. “Just know that those same lips that hit the blunt right before you are the same ones that ate my pussy twenty minutes earlier,” you smirk, watching as first the shock and then the humiliation washes over her face. 
You throw Yukhei’s arm over you shoulder, staggering towards the doorway as you leave a stunned Rohei behind. “And another thing,” you call out, not even bothering to look at her. “Stop going after my fucking boyfriend.”
As you and Yukhei stumble out of the house, leaving the loud music, alcohol, and weed behind, you realize how warm your face had become during the verbal altercation, turning the air on full blast once you get inside Yukhei’s car. He says nothing as he settles in the passenger seat, letting you drive the short distance to the student apartment he’d been assigned at the beginning of his junior year. 
You’re pulling up on the club when he finally regains power over his tongue. 
“Mean,” he mumbles as you guide him up the stairs until you reach the third floor. 
“Huh?” You say, unlocking his door and ushering him inside. You abandon your shoes by the door, keeping note of his whereabouts as he stumbles around his home. He ultimately crashes on the couch, staring at you with glazed over, red eyes. 
“That was mean,” he repeats, and you raise an eyebrow in confusion. He elaborates. “You didn’t have to be so mean towards Rohei,” he yawns, tugging a throw pillow onto his chest to hug. “She was just being nice, s’all.”
You blink. 
The anger you’d felt towards Rohei seemed overwhelming to you when you encountered her, but it was nothing but a candle flame to the sheer amount of fury that enveloped you now. “Being nice?” You calmly repeat, and Yukhei nods. “Oh, so taking your high as fuck ass to an empty room during a party is being nice now? Flirting with you and touching you in front of my face—that’s being nice?” You splutter.
“Chill out,” Yukhei huffs, sitting up in the slowest manner possible. “We were just smoking,” he mumbles, flashing you an unimpressed glare. 
You snort, tossing his keys on the coffee table to cross your arms over your chest. “Yeah, I know. She loved telling me how her lip gloss looks on you, Yukhei.”
If he wasn’t upset before, he definitely was now as he sits up on the sofa. “Come on now,” he snaps, “you know better than anyone how your little lip gloss sticks to the paper, don’t act stupid now, ____.”
Something snaps inside you, and you whirl directly to face him in anger. “Don’t fucking call me stupid when I’m rightfully mad at you for flirting with other girls.” 
“Rightfully, my ass,” he retorts, tugging his jacket off to throw it over the couch. “She was right, you’re a fuckin’ prude.”
It’s as if every single alarm goes off in your head, eyes narrowed in absolute fury (though it doesn’t stop the water from collecting on your waterline). “If you agree with her so much, then why don’t you invite her over and fuck her brains out tonight, Yukhei,” you spit.
He rolls his eyes, “maybe I fucking should. Probably fucks better than you anyway.”
“You’re such a fucking asshole,” you rasp out, hands balling into fists beside you. 
Yukhei simply flops back onto the sofa, ignoring you even as you stomp back to the entryway with tears in your eyes to put your shoes on. If he says anything  else, you don’t hear it past the thudding of your heart in your throat or the slam of the door behind you. 
There’s not much for you to do then other than stomp your way home in the dark and cold of night, tears blurring your vision on the entire trek back. It’s only as your swiping your ID to unlock the building that you realize you’d left your phone at Yukhei’s, but you’re feeling too humiliated to go back. You settle on washing your makeup off, and tugging your favorite loungewear on (of course, it’s just a pair of shorts and Yukhei’s t-shirt) before moping all night. 
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There’s a knock on your door early the next morning that rouses you from what was probably the deepest slumber you’d had in months. It has you shaking the drowsiness away as you try to remember what awoke you in the first place. The knocking continues and you lazily slump off the bed and stumble towards the door. 
There’s a devastatingly handsome man at the door, nothing like his high counterpart that had left you a sobbing mess last night, presenting you with your forgotten phone and an apologetic frown. 
“Hey,” Yukhei murmurs, and you sniff in response, too tired and sleepy to greet him back. “I brought you your phone,” he says, as if you hadn’t already noticed. You snatch it out of his hand. “And I just wanted to—”
You let the door shut in his face, and for a moment all is silent. A second later, and your heart is fluttering wildly in your chest again, the same overwhelming sense of heartbreak you’d dealt with all last night taking a hold of you again. At the same time, the knob begins rattling like crazy, your boyfriend’s desperate voice breaching through the door. 
“Baby, please, I didn’t mean anything last night,” he pleads, the raw emotion noticeable even through the wooden door. “I was high and so fucking stupid, and I know that’s not an excuse but I-I didn’t mean any of it, please,” he begs, and a soft thud against the door leaves you wondering if he’s leaning on it. 
You can feel your heart thundering in your chest, every shaky inhale leaving your throat feeling more and more constricted. It doesn’t take long for your eyes to well up with yesterday’s leftover tears, but you’ll be damned if this dumb ass makes you cry two days in a row. 
Another soft knock pulls you out of the deep hole you’ve dug within yourself. “Please,” Yukhei rasps out, voice oh so vulnerable, “just open the door, baby.”
You tug the door open, narrowing him with the most furious glare you can muster through your watery gaze. “Don’t call me that,” you spit, and you hope he can see how hurt he’s left you. 
“___...” he says, slowly reaching a hand out towards you, one you brush away before turning to head further into your dorm. You plop down on the edge of your bed, turning your phone on to see it’s down to the last quarter of its battery. Yukhei shuffles in, shutting the door behind him before awkwardly hovering over you. 
He doesn’t say much, just plops down on the perfectly made bunk across from you (your roommate has been gone abroad all semester). You start toying around on your phone, watching from the corner of your eye as he plays with the ruby red comforter beneath him, all the while sneakily glancing your way, almost as if he’s unsure if he can even do as much. 
After a couple minutes of awkward silence, you decide to face your fears head on. “So how was Rohei last night?” You murmur, eyes zeroing in on your fuzzy sock-clad toes. Yukhei lets out a harsh exhale, and when you glance up at him, he meets your glare head on. 
“Baby,” he says, soft and slow, in that same tone he uses when he thinks he’s right and he won’t leave until you say otherwise. “I didn’t mean what I said last night, and you know it. I was way out of it and—”
“Shut up,” you spit, unable to contain the annoyance from curling around your voice. “Just say you’re fucking sorry instead of trying to blame this on everything else, Yukhei.”
He blinks, doe eyes comically wide as he takes in your sudden outburst. You take his silence as a sign to continue. “Stop trying to say it was because you were high or drunk or whatever the fuck you were and just say it like it is.” Your chest heaves as a huff escapes you. 
“Calm down,” he says when he regains his wits, “you know better than anyone that I would never say that to you normally, I was just really faded and shocked from all the yelling you were doing.”
“That doesn’t matter, Yukhei!” You burst, hands flailing as the frustration builds inside of you. “You said it, which means you obviously thought it before—”
“I didn’t!” He counters, voice as loud as yours. “It slipped out in the heat of the moment, it was an accid—”
“Oh, everything you said was by accident then? Calling me stupid and a prude? That was all just an accident?”
“It fucking was! Don’t act like you’re not the same way when you’re high. You let any and every guy hang off of you, but suddenly the one time I do it it’s a problem?” He snorts, brows furrowed dangerously close. 
You scoff, your chest feeling tighter and tighter with each passing second. “Don’t you dare turn this on me, Yukhei, because I’ve never said I’d rather be with someone else,” you spit, your words seemingly slowing his defensive attacks. Your traitorous eyes flood with tears. “High or no—,” you mean to end with, but your voice cracks as a sob escapes through your throat. 
You look away in shame, covering your face with your hand. It takes everything in you to stop your frame from shaking because you know he’s watching you with those big sad eyes of his. 
You’ve always been unnecessarily weak when it came to Yukhei, his smile just too bright for your heart and the way he’d softly call out baby making every bone in your body weak. You were too much of a pushover, always won over by his charming words and his talented fingers. Even now, as you feel the bed dip beside you, you don’t hesitate to throw yourself into his arms and let your sobs overtake you. 
His hand rubs against your back as he softly shushes you, murmuring, “I’m sorry,” over and over into your hair. You cry out all the tears from last night and then some. Faintly, from your spot pressed against his chest, you can hear the thundering of his heartbeat and know it matches your own. His fingers continue their dance over your skin, gently massaging your scalp before tracing along your spine, ever so softly and gently. 
“I’m sorry,” he says when your sobs have been reduced to sniffles. “I was stupid, and should have thought about what I said before I said it.” He pauses, and you pull away from your safe spot nestled in his arms to meet his forlorn gaze. “Honestly, I think I was just trying to say whatever I could to hurt you,” he admits, his glazed eyes looking down. The tip of his nose is red and you know it’s taking everything in him to not cry with you. 
Your soft spot for Yukhei is nothing compared to the weakness he has for you. 
He repeats his apology a third time, ducking his head to bump your foreheads together, eyes fluttering shut as he takes in your presence. You sniffle once more before tilting closer to brush your mouth against his. The shaky exhale he releases against you has you melting into his embrace, the fingers that had been clutching to his biceps for dear life, slowly relaxing. 
He gently eases you onto your bed, lips departing from yours to trail down your neck, pressing his knee between your spread thighs. One of his hands glides from its position on your shoulder to cradle the underside of your thigh, tugging it upwards until you’ve thrown it around his waist. The gesture has your bodies pressing closer, cores aligned. 
“You don’t have to,” you murmur when you feel his cold fingers creep beneath your top, dancing along your skin. 
He presses a peck to your collarbone. “I do,” he responds, and you jump when his fingers brush against the underside of your breast. “Have to show you how much I love you.”
Your heart swells, and you find your hands reaching up to tangle in his dark brown locks, the pretty blonde color he’d had when you first met now completely gone. The memory has you thinking back even further in time, to your lazy days spent working the movie theater over the summer, when he’d been just a silly work crush, to the first time you’d hung out and he taught you how to smoke. The rose-tinted glasses in which you view all these memories with him has you murmuring out the words back to him. 
He wastes no time tugging your little shorts off, leaving you clad in just heart-patterned undies that have Yukhei muffling a snort into your shoulder. “You’re so fucking cute, baby,” he croons, letting one lone finger trace along your slit. 
You whimper, thighs quivering as you watch him tease and toy with you until you’re begging him to fuck you already. “But you’re not stretche-”
“Please,” you whine, cupping his cheeks in your palms, “I need you so bad.”
He caves without much of a fight, leaning back onto his haunches to tug himself out of his grey sweatpants. The sight of his slowly plumping cock has you salivating like a dog, and before he leans over you again, you press a palm to his chest. 
He blinks, big brown eyes staring at you in confusion. “What?” You pinch the fabric of his shirt between two fingers, pulling it back, before letting it fall into place again. Yukhei snorts, “oh,” and with one hand, tugs his shirt over his head. The movement gives you a delicious view of his muscles in action, and you feel yourself grow impossibly wetter. 
With the material finally out of the way, he reaches down to tug your panties to the side, giving him the perfect view of your throbbing center. He doesn’t bother to line himself up, just grabs his cock in his hand before plunging it where he knows it should go. He doesn’t waste any time, bottoming out in the first go.
Your toes curl, hands wildly gripping onto whatever they can—the pillow, the comforter, his hair—until they settle on digging into his shoulders. He grinds his hips, leaning down to place his palms on the bed on either side of your head. You proximity allows you to wrap your arms around his neck, but you also use it to press a soft kiss to his jaw. 
“Fuck,” he grunts, finally pulling his hips back until only the head of his dick is sheathed inside you. He stays like that for a second, before thrusting back in full force. “You’re so perfect, baby,” he tells you, repeating the action over and over again. “I don’t know what I’d do with myself if I ever lost you.”
You moan, nails digging into the flexing muscles of his shoulders. You choke out another moan, his speed picking up and rendering you speechless afterwards. A particular hard thrust has you groaning in pleasure, a hoarse shout of “fuck!” leaving your lips. 
Yukhei huffs, hot breath fanning across your face. “You like that?” He taunts, snapping his hips forward, clapping his skin against yours. You nod, hands falling limp as they slide off his shoulders. “Tell me how much you like it, baby.”
Your tongue feels heavy inside your mouth as you struggle to find the words. The drag of his cock against your pussy walls making you draw a blank. “I-I-I love it,” you gasp, the hands that slid off his form a moment ago limply wrapping around his waist. Your head rolls to the left, and you press a chaste kiss to his wrist. “Fuuuck,” you whimper, eyes squeezing shut at the pleasure enveloping you. “Yu-Yukhei,” you cry, though he doesn’t slow down to hear you. “I love you,” you babble, and then say it another two times for good measure. 
He huffs out a chuckle at your mindless state, finally slowing his hips. He begins gently rocking against you, one hand snaking down to toy with your clit. You cry out again, every part of your being feeling so sensitive. “I love you too, baby,” he murmurs, the tip of his pointer finger tracing circles around your clit. Right as you’re about to climax, he pulls that goofy signature move of his and halts everything, letting you hang of the precipice before giving your clit one final caress. 
Your orgasm has you babbling even more nonsense, from how much you love him to how good he fucks, to a randomly thrown in “and fuck you, rohei” that has him smiling against your jawline where he’s been pressing kisses. 
Your body feels featherlight afterwards, and you almost fall asleep had Yukhei not begin shallowly thrusting in you again. You’re reminded of his pleasure, and you reach a hand up to cradle his face as he continues rutting against you. “So good, baby,” you purr, eyes hazy with love and euphoria as you watch him. He smirks at the usage of your pet name against him, turning his head to press a kiss to your palm. 
“You’re usually not a—a dirty talker,” he mumbles, looking away from you for a second to watch how his length plunges into your dripping hole. 
“I can be,” you murmur, you thighs twitching as a result of your oversensitivity. “For you.”
Yukhei snorts. “Yeah?” You nod. “Talk me through it then, baby,” he teases. 
You bite your lip in an attempt to contain a smile, but it still shines through. “Anything for you, baby,” you play along, finally letting go of his face to trace your hand down his abdomen, until it’s rested right above his pelvis. “You really outdid yourself this time,” you murmur, watching how his dick disappears inside of you. “You love fucking me when I cry, don’t you?” 
“You know it, baby,” he responds, flashing you that wicked smirk of his. 
Your laugh trails off into a light moan, and you can’t tell if the wetness you feel is from your own come or a new wave of arousal. “Ugh, I can’t,” you whine, your resolve weakening as you watch him shallowly thrust into you. Your boyfriend laughs, tightens his grip on your waist, and then pushes further in. Your eyes roll back, but you snap them open when you catch sight of your stomach. 
Something pokes up through your skin, and aside from the initial fear and confusion that’d caused your eyes to fly wide open, your entire body tingles anew when you realize it’s Yukhei’s huge cock bulging through your skin. 
“Fuck, baby,” your traitorous tongue starts, eyes hazy as you watch him move beneath your skin. “You’re so fucking big you can see it.”
If you were surprised, Yukhei is completely awestruck at the sight, his body moving as if under a trance as he watches the way his cock makes your skin bulge. Right before you can start babbling like a dumb ass, Yukhei reaches his hand down to cup over your mouth. “Just shut up for a second,” he warns, and suddenly, begins picking up his pace at the same angle. 
Each thrust has his cock pushing up into your tummy, and you moan and whine under his hand as your second orgasm builds inside of you. “Jesus, fuck,” Yukhei spits, eyes wild as he fucks for himself, completely disregarding you. “Look at my fucking cock inside of you.”
His hand stays firmly clamped over your mouth, your only airway available being your nose, so you find yourself huffing and gasping for breath. Yukhei doesn’t notice, his movements growing sloppier and more out of rhythm the closer he gets to his own orgasm, until finally he lets you go. He doesn’t give you a second to catch your breath though, as he shoves his tongue down your throat. 
Suddenly, he freezes, and you can feel his hot seed coating your walls as he groans into your mouth. The sensation of your pussy being so deliciously full of both your pleasures has something inside you snapping, and a second wave of euphoria crashes over you. Your toes curl, and his name falls from your mouth like a mantra, before eventually the both of you fall numb and silent. 
You regain your wits first, reaching a hand up to gently card at his hair, humming a tune as he catches his breath. You think he’s fallen asleep, when suddenly he leans back to look at your worn out features, and says, “did you see my cock, baby?”
You snort, and push his face away from you, much to his amusement. “Yeah, I felt it,” you murmur, and hiss when he pulls out of you, momentarily staring at your overflowing and abused hole.
He groans at the sight. “God, I can't wait to get you pregnant.”
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poseidonwife · 6 years
So, these days I've been reading a lot of things about Greta Van Fleet and what the fans are doing at their concerts. Apparently some girls flashed the boys and some of them threw their bras on stage. I’d like to point out that I think there’s nothing wrong with this, things like that have always happened at concerts and it’s certainly not a matter of different "eras" or “times”. But some other fans expressed their dissent over those behaviors stating that such ways of doing do nothing but change the attitude of the members of the band towards their audience, distancing them more and more from the fans. Some of them claimed not to endure this kind of behavior and they immediately labeled those girls as "groupies" underlining that those girls are just seeking for attention, at the expense of those fans who really love the band and support it.
Faced with this kind of statements I felt involved because I’ve always defined myself as a "groupie" and I’ve always been proud of it. I struggled and I'm still struggling to make people understand the REAL meaning of the word "groupie" making clear that it’s just a cliché that groupies are nothing more than "girls seeking for fame" or even worse "backstage whores".
I read someone saying that groupies “are usually known as women who follow bands they want to sleep with and that’s exactly what groupies were known for back in the days”. This thing really made me super mad. So now I’d like to explain some concepts and reflections on this.
I want to start saying that it is true, the component of sex and physical attraction was a very strong thing "back in the days" especially in the 60s and 70s (remember that at the time there were the so-called "sexual revolution" and the "free love”, very important elements in what is known to all as counterculture of the 1960s). Many girls enjoyed going to bed with the band members and there’s nothing wrong with that, there’s nothing wrong with free sex, even if it’s a woman who practices it. In support of this I’d like to ask somthing to you: which of you isn’t somehow physically or emotionally attracted by one/or more of the Greta Van Fleet boys? Which of you wouldn’t be happy to date one of them and maybe become their girlfriend? Probably none;
another thing is about fame. Just like it happens nowadays some people just wanted to take advantage of the fame of famous people in order to shine with reflected light and become important. Therefore some girls did nothing but date the band to get in some pictures or some scoops of magazines. But THOSE WERE NOT GROUPIES.
Summarizing these points, it is a common opinion that groupies are nothing more than women seeking for fame and party time with musicians. Even Wikipedia says “The term is almost universally used to describe young women who follow these individuals [musicians] in hopes of establishing a sexual relationship with them or offering themselves for sex”. THIS IS THE POPULAR OPINION, A COMMON PLACE and nothing else. Just a cliché.
Now I’d like to discuss what it really means to be a groupie and what I do and believe as a groupie.
being a groupie goes beyond sex, goes beyond fame and goes beyond the thirst of attention. Being a groupie means, and I quote, “to truly love some silly little piece of music, or some band, so much that it hurts”. Groupies are there for the MUSIC, they’re there for LOVE and GRATITUDE towards music and those who create it and groupies don’t care about becoming famous or going backstage and get noticed. As a groupie I go to concerts and I show respect to the band and musician’s work and support them every day and I love them for the emotions they make me feel. That's it. Of course, it would be amazing to be the girlfriend of one of them and to go on tour with them and live a life like that but THAT’S NOT THE PURPOSE OF A GROUPIE. The purpose of a groupie is to SUPPORT the band, IDOLATE the band, and NOT to go to bed with them;
being a groupie means RESPECTING the band and its members and their choices. This is a very important point especially for all the stuffs going on here on Tumblr over Greta Van Fleet. There are bands that love crazy and promiscuous fans willing to go backstage and "having fun" but NOT GRETA VAN FLEET. The Greta Van Fleet boys have specifically stated that they don’t want to get into that kind of things. Josh said to Rolling Stone: “All of those wild, absurd things that you would like to romanticize about are very honest truth. The amount of excess always around. The amount of women that always want to hang out. It really is all there. It’s tempting, and crazy stuff. But we don’t seem to have too much interest”. And he is not only talking about sex but also about everything else: wild parties, drugs, alcohol... everything. That said, a true fan and consequently a real groupie RESPECTS the decisions of the band and doesn’t try to behave exactly the opposite of what the band wants. Do you understand what I’m trying to explain here? RESPECT is the first important thing. This is what a groupie does: SHE RESPECTS THE BAND.
I summarize these points too: being a groupie means respecting the band in all its decisions, it means to love music and those who create it, it means to support them for what they do and above all it means to go to a concert and enjoy the show because that feeling of being there in the front row is indescribable and it’s the best thing ever. This is what it means to be a groupie.
I want to close this thing saying that as a groupie and proud to call me one I think: those girls who know the intentions of the band [in this specific case Greta Van Fleet] but continue to behave in such a rude way, stripping in front of the band and throwing underwear on stage, THEY’RE NOT GROUPIES but they’re just trying to get visibility from the band without respecting the band itself. They’re not “bad girls” but if they really love and respect Greta Van Fleet and if they really are fans then they should avoid certain behaviors, trying to respect the artists and their work.
Now I ask you, please stop to juxtapose groupies to girls who are just seeking for attention but please know that you too can be a groupie. If you respect the band, if you love musician’s work, if you want to support them in every choice and if you are polite when you approach them, both at concerts and when you ask for an autograph or a photo, then you are also groupies and there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way. Being a groupie is beautiful, it means to love music with all your being and with all your soul.
🌻 Thank you 🌻
[Of course the discussion is open for those who want to express their opinion and same will be my asks. Feel free to say what you think about the subject]
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[Down here I’ll leave some interesting links for those who want to deepen the  "groupies" topic or those who are simply curious and interested]:
“Almost Famous” dir. Cameron Crowe, is a beautiful movie about groupies and it depicts very well all the things I just said in this post. I recommend the vision;
“I’m with the band” a book from the most famous groupie Pamela Des Barres. She asserts that a groupie is to a rock band as Mary Magdalene was to Jesus and that’s a strong statement but if you know the real story of Mary Magdalene [this is a very good movie about her] then you’ll understand the meaning of Pamela’s sentence;
Some quotes about groupies: “The altar was rock n’ roll, the guys were the gods, and the women were the high priestesses.“ (Gail Zappa) // “Girls get their hearts broken all the time. I figured, if I was going to get my heart broken, I’d rather it be broken by someone like Mick Jagger or Keith Moon.” (Pamela Des Barres) // "Sexual? Sometimes yes, but also friends, helpers, assistants, guides…we wanted to uplift and enhance these people who moved us so much. That’s all a groupie is. They are music-loving muses." (Pamela Des Barres) // “The sex angle is important. But not more important than girls who are also good friends and make you feel like family.” (Jimmy Page) // “You do actually fall in love with them because that’s the only love you can have. It’s not always the physical thing. They actually tell you something.They release different things inside themselves.” (Jimi Hendrix) // “They’re like our alter egos. They’re doing the same thing we are.” (Steven Tyler) // “Being a groupie doesn’t mean you’re backstage doing something sleazy. Being a groupie is like worshipping at the church of rock and roll—and you’re the high priestess." (Pleasant Gehman) // "Real groupies are people who love the music, want to be with people who make it, and that’s it." (Pamela Des Barres) // “We wanted to be a part of this incredible musical brilliance that was lighting up the world. It’s really all about love, you know. People would say, ‘Why did you want to meet these guys?’ Why not? Why not? Why not want to be a part of something so important?" (Pamela Des Barres) // “I dig musicians, I feel they have the most to offer me mentally and emotionally because they think basically along the same lines that I do; extremely creative people. Music is Life.” (Pamela Des Barres) // "For me, it was always the music. I wanted to be in on the cosmic secret. I wanted to get so close to the music I could taste it- and nothing was going to stop me." (Pamela Des Barres) // “They were devotees of the band and would literally service those bands. It was a religious experience for most of those girls.” (Gail Zappa) // “Freedom fighters at the avant garde of the sexual revolution.” (Frank Zappa) // “Most of the girls who come backstage simply want to say ‘thank you’ to us for giving a good concert. Outsiders who think that all sorts of other stuff is going on just don’t know us.” (Robert Plant);
and of course my personal link about groupies
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starship-imzadi · 4 years
S1 E10 Haven
Riker enjoying some...women. This is the second instance of his the development of the character's sensual interests (the first time this is introduced is in "Justice")
What is this object? I don't know, let me sit down right next to it...
So, last episode I was unhappy with what the writers did to Riker's episode arc, this episode I'm going to be unhappy with what they do to Troi's episode arc. Also, this is the first Troi centric episode. Which of the writers was the asshole who said "I know what to do with her, let's put her in an arranged marriage."?
Those jewels totally like like costume jewelry. And boy Tasha is skittish for being head of security.
I'm really just watching Riker's reactions and it's a little bit heartbreaking.
I'm pretty sure the Enterprise doors are sentient because they only open when someone is going to walk through, even if there's a second person behind who stays in the room.
"more than anything in the world you want to be a starship captain" this is the first time this has come up. But hang on tight because this little bit of information is in for a rough ride over the series. Riker's response is: "that's not all I want Deanna"
So....Riker has never known about this tradition before BUT we find out later in "Manhunt" he does know about heightened sexuality for Betazoid women in mid life....he certainly has an odd mixture of Betazoid cultural knowledge and ignorance
At the onset Troi seems as distraught as Riker at the whole affair.
"I knew romance was still alive somewhere" what? Is there none in your marriage?
Lwaxana was married to a human. She should know how fickle they are.
Deanna says she can read thoughts "sometimes" and she thinks she and Wyatt "could read each other eventually" but ultimately she only ever seems to have telepathic communication with her Mother and Riker. She even says she's only ever established telepathy with "someone who's in this ship" i.e. Riker. For everyone else she can just "feel" (and even later in the series there are some species revealed to be telepathically unreadable even for Lwaxana e.g. Ferengi in "Menage à Troi"). With her mother the ability might be because Lwaxana is Betazoid, or it could be because they are close. With Riker it is without a doubt a reflection of their intimacy.
Here's where I start to find myself displeased with the writers. She's initially so distressed by the arranged marriage but after this conversation with Wyatt she seems almost fine with the notion of marrying him. Since she's fine, Riker's emotional distress starts to feel like he's pouting, it doesn't seem to resonate any deeper and if she's happy now he's just being selfish.
Everyone pretty much derails Data's briefing. So much for that.
"may this union be a productive one." Productive? PRODUCTIVE?! What are the producing? Certainly not children...how antiquated would that be?? Let's get married for the sake of making babies...
Riker won't toast the couple... I'm not sure how much Riker is shown to grow as a character but he certainly has a different perspective by they time we get to The Price
The little akward plant on Lwaxana's arm feels so low production value and very OST.
The cyc sky is now a pinky-purple. The music really makes the moment seem like some cheesy romance trash.
R: I will miss you Deanna.
T: I am no longer imzadi to you?
R: You taught me that word means 'my beloved.'
T: and the human heart is too small to permit that feeling now?
In the arc of the Imzadi relationship this is an incredibly important conversation but I don't remember how the writers move the characters beyond their current perspectives. It's especially confusing that Deanna asks Will to love her as a friend when a few episodes ago in the Naked Now she drunkenly goes to Riker and asks if he wants to be alone with just her in his mind...granted this is sober Troi using her prefrontal cortex for judgment and discernment but still... Talk about mixed signals. She at least literally knows what he's feeling. He doesn't have that advantage.
There Troi goes calling Riker "Bill" again. I'm pretty sure that's a season one phenomenon.
I'd like to point out though that Riker is about to angrily divulge their conversation to Wyatt but Troi stops him and rephrases it to keep the true nature of their conversation private.
Deanna says she wants to go through with this and I have no idea why.
"unless they have all died" Data says that so matter of fact, so non plus
Wow those costumes and that hair scream 1980's
"...who drew me here" it's almost a pun
Troi jumps very quickly to protecting Riker from her mother, and Riker seems amused though I'm not sure if it's because of Troi or Lwaxana.
Riker and Troi share a look there at the end, and as always I wonder what they're thinking.
Riker gets to say "engage" again.
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swiftiesupportgroup · 7 years
Semester 1 results are out soon and I'm positive I failed one of my units. I'm so stressed because I don't want people to think I'm dumb. I also know I won't be able to handle re-doing the unit as well as my units for next semester. I just don't know how to cope.
Hi sweetie,
I’m sorry to hear you’re so stressed out right now, sending you a big comforting hug💞
I think the most important thing to realize is that you did the best you could, and that’s all anybody can do. Also, there’s nothing left to do to change anything, so stressing out about it only serves to make you even more stressed out. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle. I can very much relate to this. I’ve always stressed myself out so much about test results and more often than not, I worried for nothing. And even if I did worry for a good reason, I learned that having to take a resit or even graduating later than planned is really not the end of the world. And it certainly isn’t more important than your mental health.
I think it’s really easy these days to crumble under all of these expectations, whether it be in school, everyone taking the same AP classes to get into college, no jobs, student loans, etc.
The pressure that young people are expected to deal with is unprecedented. And we don’t even realize how damaging that can be. Adolescence and young adulthood are critical times for brain development, which is negatively impacted by high levels of stress. Like severely negatively impacted. 
So many (probably the majority of) students are working themselves into breakdowns and burn outs before even turning 21. Anxiety related illnesses are at an all time high. 
And we’re all like, yeah we’re suffering but let’s keep on going, go go go! And then, when you finish (or drop out of) college, your an emotional wreck deserving of some rest. But all you get is more competitive job hunting, more pressure, student loans, basically no hopes for a job you studied for because let’s face it, us millennials, we’re kind of screwed. And we just keep going going going. We’re literally working ourselves into mental illnesses because who could take that kind of pressure? No one, and so we all suffer. (I don’t mean this in a gloomy way though well maybe kind of but I do have a point, hang in there with me). 
We forget that we are all humans who deserve to be happy and not suffer emotionally (or physically for that matter). 
We forget that we matter enough to self care, to rest and to experience relaxation and stress free living. Some actual joy and comfort. 
We forget how important it is to self care because when you do, you do feel better, you can do more, you can get more confidence. It’s an upward spiral. 
And it’s like none of us have the clarity or distance to even see ourselves that way, so we just keep working ourselves to death no questions asked because those are the times we are living in.
And that’s just not acceptable. We matter and we deserve to feel at least well enough to be functional human beings. But we don’t put enough effort into caring for ourselves, and often we are discouraged even to actively self care. And that’s such a shame. Because if you don’t feel good, it affects everything and it becomes this really negative vicious cycle your spending all of your energy on. When in stead we could put all of this energy into self care, and feel better, which makes us more likely to succeed in reaching our goals. 
Ok now this got way longer than I intended, sorry about that!
So now for the practical advice: 
I know it’s way easier said than done to let go of things and focus on something else, something positive. But if you can manage, it might be good for you to try. *Though it’s important to know that if you’re at a point where absolutely anything is too much, this is not gonna work, I’ve been there too. In that case I’d suggest you see your doctor and ask for a referral for a therapist who can help you cope and manage your stress.
Something that has worked for me is creating distractions for myself. I’m really good at procrastinating, and I’ve learned that you can actually procrastinate your stress. Whenever I’d get overwhelmed and on the verge of a panic attack, I’d say to myself: ‘NO. STOP. Think about something else. NOW.’ Then I would actively distract myself with music/ tv shows/books/cooking/organizing/tumblr/anything that would occupy my mind fully. And in a matter of minutes I’d be preoccupied with my new activity and actually not think about whatever was stressing me out. So I procrastinated my stress right until I had to do the thing that was giving me anxiety. And I would only be fully stressed for a few minutes/hours in stead of actual weeks. So weeks of misery turned into only hours, which is pretty good if you ask me.
Another thing to help you think about something else or feel a bit better is to spoil yourself. Don’t save that yummy treat for the you ‘deserve’ it, have it cheer yourself up. Use that fancy lotion or shampoo, get dressed for a glamorous night out (especially if you’re staying in), grab a hair brush and jump on your bed and sing your heart out to your favorite song. They’re all small things, but when you find that little thing that always puts a smile on your face, do it. 
If you can, squeeze in some more sleep. I know that can be very difficult but more sleep is always good, you’re less susceptible to be affected by hormone level changes through out the day. It’s like, if you start off the day after a good night’s sleep, you have more back up energy to help you manage your triggers. Naps are also good, but not too late in the day because that will in turn disturb your sleep at night.
Nature can do wonders to manage stress. Exercise as well. Taking a walk, seeing beautiful nature stuff can be very relaxing, and again, whatever you like most. A walk on the beach, a walk in the woods, a hike, a run, a dance class, whatever you’re in the mood for.
And for all of these goes: Even if it doesn’t work, it’s more than worth the try to spoil yourself a little bit and treat yourself and show yourself some love in the form of self care.
If you find yourself doing these things without any results, or you maybe can’t even bring yourself to do any of these, I’d really suggest getting professional help. It’s not shameful to see a therapist, nor is it shameful to take meds for your illness. 
Therapy and meds. From my own experience I can tell you that sometimes, when we live with mental illnesses or even high levels of anxiety for a while, we get to a point of no return. Brain wise. Your brain chemistry just doesn’t work the way it should when you’ve been subjected to prolonged periods of anxiety, stress, depression, ocd, ptsd and many more. Your brain chemistry changes and it cannot change back on it’s own. Not always of course, therapy can work wonders on it’s own, but sometimes at some point it really just is a matter brain chemistry that needs help working like it should. I’ve been on meds for a while now and the difference it has made is unfathomable. Honestly I feel like a different person. I no longer get stuck in these negative thought spirals. Things that sent me into a blind panic sometimes no longer even phase me? It’s beyond anything I could have hoped for. And I could gotten the meds sooner if I hadn’t been so scared of getting a diagnosis and actual treatment. It has been life changing and I’m in no way ‘cured’, I still have relapses and am nowhere near the energy levels of a healthy human being, but I also no longer feel like absolute crap all the time. My perspective has changed, it’s really unbelievable. And I would absolutely recommend asking your doctor about it to see if it would be something that you could benefit from.
So what I’m trying to say, there are things that can help, and the only way to find out is to try. And if you can’t, don’t be afraid to ask for help. 
We all need help sometimes. And issues like these, well we’re not meant to deal with those on our own. Reach out to someone you trust and feel comfortable with and share your worries and your feelings and let them ease your mind. And if you need to, let them help you find the help you need to be able to manage your stress and live a happy life and be your best self. 
So please know that you matter, you’re worth the effort, your joy is worth the effort. And there are so many people out there who want to help you, and actually can help you. There is no shame in reaching out to get better. 
I love you, I know you can do this. And if you feel like you can’t, we’re always here if you want to talk and we’re always rooting for you.
Diana @coffee-midnights and everyone at Swiftie Support Group
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