#this has been plaguing my brain for days
hanfocus · 3 months
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homemade-potato · 2 years
diversity win! raskolnikov has got the morbs
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arvandus · 11 months
Gojo had never intended to make you cry.  Sure, he teased you.  Maybe a little bit too much.  But he never wanted to actually hurt you.  He was a cocky ass, but he wasn’t an asshole.
That’s what he wanted to tell himself anyway, even as your wide eyes brimmed with tears that clung to your lashes.  It felt like a punch to the gut when the first tear fell.
Without even thinking, his hand came up to gently cup your cheek.  “Don’t...” he whispered.  His thumb swiped away at the wet track.  “Don’t cry.”
But it was too late; more tears fell, leaving wet lines in their wake, the droplets clinging to your chin. He hated the sight of them; hated the way they documented his failure, a sentence of guilt written in watercolor against skin he’d admired with every sideways glance.
He wanted to make them disappear, to extinguish them and replace them with warmth.  To take your trembling lips and make them smile again.  Gojo cradled your face in both of his hands, his large, calloused thumbs wiping away at your tears.  You closed your eyes, caught up in the way your heart twisted in your chest at the warmth of his touch.
You felt his forehead touch yours, his soft hair cushioned between you.  “I’m sorry...” he whispered. “I didn’t mean...”
Gojo’s words died on his lips as he felt more fresh, hot tears catch on his thumbs, heard you sniffle and try to hide the soft sob that wanted to unfurl from within your chest. 
His air left his lungs, a slow panic building at the possibility that maybe, this time, a sorry wouldn’t be enough. That maybe, this time, there was no such thing as forgiveness, and that he’d never again get to see you smile at him.
“I’m sorry...” he repeated, as his lips pressed gently against your forehead.  You froze beneath his affection, stunned.
He didn’t stop there.  His lips traveled lower, brushing against your wet lashes, against your cheeks, each time echoing his apology in earnest supplication.  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Finally, he came to your still-trembling lips, the soft flesh wet where you’d licked with your tongue, although whether it was in anticipation of his lips or to taste your own tears, he wasn’t sure.  Gojo hesitated, for just the slightest fraction of a moment, waiting...
And then you gave it to him, the sign he was looking for. The ever so subtle tilt of your chin, the flutter of lashes as you peaked at him through the dew drops in hope.
His lips met yours, soft and gentle, your face still gently cupped in his hands. You finally responded, returning the kiss with your hands wrapping around his neck, your fingers curling into his hair at the nape of his neck.
Gojo pulled away just enough to be able to speak, his lips barely brushing yours.  Your eyes were open now, staring into his, and for a moment the universe consisted of just the two of you, two celestial bodies drawn together by the gravity of your hearts.
“Does this mean I’m forgiven...?” he whispered.
“No.” you replied with a grin.
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clownsuu · 1 year
Howdy My Beloved
(I’m so down bad for him it’s horrifying)
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LMAOOO mostly mutual howdy love
speaking of howdy iv been seein cowboy/Wild West aus for welcome home and I decided to dip my toes in it a lil while I was hyper KXHDGDH
cw poorly drawn guns and messy sketches
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I was just gunna make Home a sheriff’s buildin’, but I thought it would be cooler if he was a big bad spooki
also howdy’s lil bugdega is both a convenient store and a restaurant/bar (same building, all shopping stuff at the front while the restaurant is in the back) howdy can make a mean beef n cheddar KDHHFH
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shibaraki · 1 year
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real and true
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bgsdraws · 8 months
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Girls night !
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call him GARMADON the way he GARggle on MA DONg
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lemonadehtwooh · 9 months
"The Archers class really is made up of archers" factoid is actually just statistical error. The average archer servant uses zero bows and arrows. Archer Georg, who uses nothing but bows and arrows, is an outlier and should have not been counted.
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thelooniemoonie · 2 years
Another note that I havent seen many people mention, is a little detail I've noticed regarding volo and how he has this....weird tendency to break the typical rules of the game.
Leading up to his 2nd battle when the other trainers like Irida give you the option to battle, they also give the option to turn down their battle (either because you're not prepared, need to switch up your team, etc). And while this may give additional dialogue of them being grumpy/disappointed, it allows the player the opportunity to prepare.
When volo challenges you and these choices pop up, volo doesnt give you the choice. I inadvertently chose to turn down his battle so I can switch up my team, but volo just. Forces you in a battle anyway. Which completely caught me off guard because it begs the question as to why was that choice placed in the first place, only for volo to immediately break the script?
While this isnt an issue in of itself since pokemon games have always had forced battles onto the player without preparation, combined with the foreshadowing of volo's actions later in the game.....and how volo also breaks the convention of having 6 pokemon. It makes you kinda wonder.
....not to mention the extremely odd moment when after his final battle he looks at the camera at you. Not your character.
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uselessgaywhovian · 7 months
the problem with playing D&D is you have ships 'n' blorbos that only 4 other people know about
#still thinkin' about that motherfucker Cormac from the Thieves Guild#and how he lives rent free in Ariadne's brain#and therefore my brain#and how i have to deal with the fact that she wouldn't think about#that as much as she's plagued with conflicting feelings about this motherfucker#i honestly don't think that there's much reason that she would've made as much of an impact on him as he has on her#and it's driving me insane#like he got under her skin instantly because the first time they met she had just used her inspiration point only to roll two nat 1s#trying to get a crowd to disperse before things got rough#and this motherfucker sweeps in and does what she couldn't while also kind of shitting on the temple#which she couldn't even really argue because he wasn't really wrong but also this is the thing that makes up her identity#and she was fuckin' pissed#i mean we did also get sent to make a deal with him to keep the city chill while rise of the zombies was dealt with in the high district#so she#the temple's Brand Newest Paladin in full fuckin' armor gets sent into the den of the Thieves Guild#to talk with the guy who's been pretty openly (and frankly fairly) dunking on said temple#and we come out of it having to do a favor for him to get his help#and as much as she'd love to cover it with 'well we're really doing it because the prince wants us to and it's for the good of the city'#the fact that at the end of the day they were doing something on this motherfucker's orders was such a bur under her saddle#i think he got the party drinks while we were talking with him but ariadne didn't touch hers#because A) she's pretty sure someone would've spit in it and B) fuck u cormac fuck ur hospitality and fuck u#ANYWAY#all this happened over a year ago irl (not sure how long in-game) and YET#there's also the problem that our sessions have been shorter and more sporadic#which gives me more time between sessions to obsess over stupid shit#like a NPC who we haven't seen in a fuckin' year
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sternevogn · 7 months
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after the vietnam war
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animusbell · 1 year
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love ART
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
Things I would create if I was 10% more manic: shot-for-shot remake of the "Bet On It" sequence from High School Musical 2 but with kaiba
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skyeateyourdonuts · 7 months
i dont like the number five if im honest i think its glaring at me
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the-kipsabian · 7 months
bratty kip in this episode most definitely isnt helping my brain with the newest au fic idea i had mmmm
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rovermcfly · 1 year
no ethical consumption under capitalism blah blah yes but that doesn't mean you should feel encouraged to buy fast fashion and buy everything new just because. it is inevitable that as a consumer under capitalism you will buy things that were produced in a way that is not ethical and that doesn't make the consumer amoral. but if you just buy clothes or decorations or makeup whenever and from wherever bc it's a trend rn, bc it's fashion, bc it's a new thing and you absolve yourself of responsibility by saying "well there is no ethical consumption under capitalism anyway" you are maybe not a very big, but still a part of the problem. you need to stop seeing yourself as nothing but a consumer. you don't need to follow trends, you don't need a 20 step skincare and 30 step makeup routine and a monthly fashion haul to express yourself. you don't need to buy a different curling iron every 3 months bc they came out with a slightly different technology. you don't need that pair of shoes from h&m to complete your "punk" look. you need to learn to live with what you have and need, need to realise why you want certain things, why you feel this urge to always buy new things. especially if you claim to be punk or follow other alt subcultures. you can't buy yourself into having a personality, you gotta figure out who you are without just emulating what others look like and hoping the reproducibility and therefore recognisability of the look will sufficiently communicate an idea of an identity. we all need to learn how to be individuals who don't need our favourite internet personality to tell us where they bought their shirt so we can buy it and feel like that says something about who we are. who you are is not gonna be on a rack at primark. you won't find your identity and personality in an online store. and that goes beyond fashion, it goes for everything you buy, everything you see an ad for and think owning it will fill the hole in your life where your comfort with yourself should be. and I'm not saying buy nothing ever again, you can make some stupid useless purchases if it brings you joy, but really think about when you buy things why you do it and if maybe there are alternatives (like buying sth used bc you do need it but it absolutely doesn't have to be new, just moving furniture around instead of buying new stuff, not actually buying sth bc it is useless and you won't use it so it just creates waste, borrowing sth bc you only need it once). you can start fighting capitalism by starting with yourself, even if you aren't the biggest issue out there, you can still make an effort to make good choices, change your mindset and maybe help move a general mindset away from consumerism, bc the anti-capitalist revolution or whatever you wanna call it cannot happen if every individual cannot stop thinking of themselves as a consumer. that change can absolutely start with just you.
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