#this includes Kat's game btw
descalled · 2 years
hey, don't be sad..... over 2400 puzzles in all Professor Layton games and still almost 1200 if you don't count downloadable ones okay?
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Okay, but hear me out: an au where Nico is a Champion of Nyx.
Or an au where Nyx is a competent mastermidn and not this naive idiot. (Yes, I am still salty with Rick about his Nyx interpretation)
Kat I have excellent news for you---I have just come up with a brand new AU that still revolves around Nico and Nyx and Bob but a little darker. I was just bawling over it last night. Idk if it counts as Nico Champion of Nyx but if it doesn't we'll just leave it for another day lmao. (I still have a collection of asks from Ponii--)
Anw. So.
This AU is just me indulging my obsession with angst and darkness (as always). Basically, for Nico to join Nyx, instead of Nico going to Tartarus, I simply send him directly to her. How, you ask? Well there's always one thing that connects them.
Darkness, that's what.
As in: Nico disappearing into the shadows due to transporting the Athena Pathernos, and his soul returning to the House of Nyx afterward.
This is not baseless btw bc like. I headcanon dying by shadow-traveling - which is supposedly literally dissolving into the shadows - would be different from regular deaths, hence the special resting place for Nico's soul.
I understand where Rick stands to have Nyx as she is in TSATS but yeah, I can take some not-dumb Nyx as well. In this AU, Nyx still finds Nico - a soul lost in her House. Nico, though, since I've alr established that he literally died. So here he is in the Mansion of Night, wandering through Nyx's garden, and humoring her with his existence.
He asks for his father and Nyx just gazes at him pitifully, "Little one, this darkness is where your lost soul belong" and Nico figures he has nowhere else to go.
He talks to her and tells her stories, about himself, about everything he knows, and asks her for everything she knows without barely any interest besides appeasing his bored consciousness.
I just want to make it clear that Nico is, by every means in the world, dead, so I imagine this Nico to be a little indifferent, disassociated, careless. You know, the type of attitude a mindless ghost might adopt?
Nico's still emotional enough to react colorfully to Nyx's prodding and games though. As a result, Nyx becomes interested in him the same way Anklys adores him and Cupid haunts him.
Think of Nico as Nyx's most beloved favorite pet - the one with which you take joy in playing, which you'd feed carefully, cater to its need, and be concerned with every change in its behavior.
She ends up going so far as crowning him as her Champion and giving his soul a vessel. A body made of shadows and darkness, with eyes made of supernovas and hair woven from the soul fragments in her dress. (I'm playing don't mind me. Just picture him as normal lmao)
For a long time, they stay like that.
What leads to the changes can be two things, 1/ Bob finding the Mansion of Night; or 2/ Jason's death. Hades plays a crucial role in both scenarios, however.
In the latter, I hope to draw a scenario in which Jason, upon dying, is summoned to Hades' request as the last resort to get his son's soul. In exchange for returning Nico to Hades, Jason would have another chance at life. (Though I suppose if Jason heard Nico's in Tartarus he'd go there unconditionally lmao he's too kind).
If I were to write this, I'd add Reyna and Hazel as well - since 1/ A quest is best done in three; 2/ Reyna is an immortal Hunter; 3/ Hazel is an Underworld child.
Who's the better fit for a trip to the deepest of Hell am i rite?
Anw. A ghost, an immortal and a former-ghost Underworld child go to Tartarus to find another Underworld ghost-child (jeez this is such a tongue-twister). This includes the potential for: Jason-Reyna reconciliation (bc they deserve it), Jason-Hazel reconnection (only bc I hc Hazel never forgives Jason for the jar debacle), and Hazel-Reyna friendship over praetorship and/or as Nico's sisters.
All the while, they're still mourning Nico and Jason.
It's a mess, I know. I find joy in it anyway.
I have few visions of Nyx in this, however. Jason Reyna Hazel trio took too much out of me lmao.
I suppose things would go along the way of them reaching out to Nico thanks to Hazel. And the stories progress through a series of dreams spent trying to communicate without Nyx catching wind, the trio trudging through Tartarus and Nico finding a way to liberate himself.
If I could, I'd add a plot twist that Nyx knew of this all along - Hades' trick could never pass her by, but she left Nico and Jason's gang to it because she wants to see his despair upon realizing he could never leave - for she believes in his soul belonging to her darkness, that this Mansion is, indeed, Nico's home.
I'd also like to see Nico successfully free his own soul of Nyx's shackles, and Nyx, despite the pity of losing her favorite pet, let them go because she now sees Nico's burning thrive for life - a child of both darkness and spring (She's a primordial goddess of ancient times. She can live with a little bit of boredom).
I've yet to decide on an ending, mainly because it was 2 AM and I needed to sleep LMAO. But at least it was fun.
As for the first one, I just assume Bob doesn't get captured - since Nyx already has Nico to entertain him. He might be wandering across Tartarus or staying in Damasen's tent, still calling out to Nico.
His call reaches Hades instead, and he takes advantage of that to send him for Nico. Maybe send a message through Hypnos or Thanatos, telling Bob to look out for the kid, while at the same time sending for Nico as well, telling him about what might be waiting for him thereover and that Hades wants him back. This leads to Bob coming to the Mansion of Night, alerting Nyx and awakening Nico in the process.
After that, I have yet to figure out a certain plotline, but if I were to write it, it'd run along the lines of:
Bob finally found Nico and now Nico sees the hopes of escaping, he suddenly has the desire to leave the Mansion, to which Nyx vehemently forbids. He fights back, ofc. But as a soul, there's nothing Nico can do to harm her. She's a freaking primordial what do you expect--- However, there's one thing he could do - if only to oppose her, as someone who has been holding Nyx's attention for so long. And that is why Nico rejects his own Patron.
Surely, Nyx doesn't like that. She'd have many horrible things to do with him in order to retain her champion, but ultimately Nico would be released and return to his father's side along with Bob.
Yeah obviously i haven't thought that far lmao i was too invested in what Nico and Nyx might be doing back when he's still her Champion. Tbh that's the thing I like most.
I gotta say none of the above ^^^ has any morals whatsoever - Nico's still dead, Nyx would never be defeated bla bla bla - but srsly I could care less. I'm indulging my Nyx and Nico agenda and I'm enjoying myself too much. Who cares.
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alitgblog · 3 months
s9 vol 4 thoughts: actually head relatively empty this volume thats not a great thing 😬
I guess first off is I completely forgot what the cliffhanger last volume was so I didn't even know what was gonna happen coming into this volume and tbh I played it like four hours ago at the time of me writing this, I still don't remember.
I do remember deciding my MC was conflicted about Chen after his ex and I just need an excuse for my MC to be messy (I've decided to headcanon drama for her and in my head this is justified in her beach hut clips which, btw, I still miss the beach hut 🥲). more importantly, that's why I had her stay in the bed with Henri, and this resulted in basically nothing. like I know he said he was stepping back, but he's still an option so I was just hoping for a bigger fight from him? By the end of the volume it felt more like he was waiting for Chen and Jude to mess up so he could swoop in. Kinda boring, a little bit of a let down bc I did enjoy the love triangles with him and Melissa and Chen a little bit in volume 1 and we never really got more of it.
Okay the breakfast chat with Hamish was cute. His personality is definitely toned down now that he's an LI, but I'm glad they're keeping some of his personality. It does make him a bit more intriguing than the all in for you and only you and can't think about anything else type characters (Chen/Henri/Jude/Lyle)
The game being three games in one was odd to me? I'm probably just being nitpicky but I'm like no the game would've been either a physical challenge with multiple parts including the balloons, or Mr. and Mrs., or a vote from the islanders (which is not a game), but all three?? Nahh. Nevertheless, it did what it had to do.
No actually it didn't do what it had to do, because for some reason the prize was essentially MC getting three quick separate dates? She doesn't even cook in the kitchen with her date? Like if we're gonna do that might as well just make the challenge an individual one and then MC wins the challenge and then the prize is all the guys have to cook her dinner. And if we really need to remove Finn and Hamish then just have them leave the kitchen once the food is made to go have chats with their partners and then the other offer to stay behind and serve MC.
Oh yeah so Shawn is there. That's alright I guess. I kinda dislike having the old islanders show up as guest hosts? I didn't mind Bella and I like Grace but she still seemed out of place being the host for a date? Like we could've removed her. it's just so random and I think it's just because fusebox is hoping we pay gems to find out where our "favorite" islanders are now. And they can't do S1 but they needed a chef so that's how we get Shawn.
like I said, choosing chaos, so she did kiss Henri and I did feel a little bad for Chen because he saw it and dropped everything he was so shocked oops felt a little bad. But she kissed Chen too so... all good?
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and here's where I forget the order of things so forgive me if it seems like I'm all over the place
Melissa seems less aggy and that's nice bc i like her and her sprite and i wish she wasnt just another woman fusebox wants us to hate (a la Luna/Sophie/Emel). her sudden return to Henri is absolutely just because we need her to be with SOMEONE and I wish it was fleshed out just a little bit more. like either make it seem more natural that she's gone back to him and show us her like making an effort to apologize (maybe she just asks the girls for advice and MC has a chance to sabotage if actually she wants him for herself). Or alternatively let one of the girls call her out for how she seems like she's just playing the game. Like Henri is her second choice clearly she just needs to keep him close because Hamish has pied her off for Natasha. Not asking for much, this could be like five lines of dialogue and I'd forgive fusebox if this never came up again after.
Kat, Finn, and Kelly wrapping things up very quickly and OFF SCREEN right before the recoupling was odd and rushed. At least Kat is moving on thank god we can move away from this storyline
Oh crap I remember the cliffhanger from last volume now, it was the cheating thing from Kat and Finn. Boring overused trope. At least they walked away from it realizing they won't work together (or at least Kat did, I'm not so sure about Finn). Pls let that be the end of the storyline 🙏🙏
for those of yall on a wlw route, I am wondering if answering Melissa's question about who MC is more interested in between Kelly and Natasha determines only the hideaway option or also closes one of their routes? like I don't think they'll pull a S6 and if you pick Kelly then Natasha gets dumped, but that's only because it seems like they're going the S8 route of they need to stay because Hamish will be with Natasha and Kelly with Finn (the way that Claudia always goes back to Theo and Bea with Liam/Logan).
Hamish wanting to be better for Natasha is cute actually and I think it makes his character better as an LI because it shows he can change and wants to, especially for the right person. And he's loyal to her (or trying to be? it's unclear, considering how they've also had him making moves on Melissa in previous episodes). But if we say he is, then I could see his route opening up more when Natasha rejects him (maybe in Casa? Maybe before, maybe for MC) so you still have that storyline and it's less snakey, they just have to cope with essentially him having MC as second choice (which I also think we could just change make it a Jake S1 sorta storyline: he has to admit he was afraid before and also wanted to be loyal to his partner and give her a chance hoping it stuck but realizing he cant force it.. maybe that was his problem in s6 too going all in with Grace only to get burned when she stayed with Ozzy. And like I think it could work as long as its not happening at the very last recoupling)
It's a good day to be open to flirting with Finn especially after I didn't couple with him playing S5 and then subsequently never again played S5 because it's S5 and so never coupled with Finn. But I do wonder how boring these episodes must be if you're not. I'm a fan of the slow burn though I just need it to make sense!! Him getting stolen by other girls is fine for now but if it's a boys choice recoupling or MC gets to go first and he's still not an option I'll be upset 😤
Finn and Hamish every day look more and more like good routes and that's fully because they're individual routes. Like say what you want about S5, but at least they didn't merge three to four guys' personality into one. (they're all bad in their own ways.) All things considered, as long as we don't continue to merge routes (like I anticipate Henri/Chen/Jude/Lyle are the same from here on out, minus some details in the dialogue), I dont hate the idea of having a few interchangeable guys for the loyal routes and then some other guys added in with unique routes and personalities. I mean ideal scenario is they're all unique, but I guess I could see people saying for example, they like the look of Finn but wish he was more like Henri's route. So this way you get a little choice if you want Henri's route because you can pick between Chen/Jude/Lyle as well.
Kelly picks Finn and I am curious how this is gonna go because he clearly only sees her as a friend and I don't know how Kelly is gonna react. Like are they gonna make her blow up or she's just gonna be passive aggressive or like hold it all in if/when he eventually rejects her? even though she's an old islander, she's kind of a clean slatebc we saw so little of her in S4.
Why mention the hideaway and then cut to a girls chat lol literally just switch the order.
So I had MC and Chen go to the hideaway and I roll my eyes every time that box shows up. And then oh what do you know there's an argument outside do you think we're gonna have to pay gems to hear about the drama we conveniently weren't there for? 😑
not the shower scene again and Finn rejects me noooo my MC is messy on purpose this time
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I think there might be no casa this season? just based on the leaks about islander names and also there's no casa in the irl love island all stars so I guess??
Then someone's getting dumped and I can't remember if it was individual islanders or a couple but doesn't matter, we all know who ghe disposable islanders rn are and it's the two guys you didn't pick and Melissa and Kat. I actually don't know which is more likely to leave. Again, could be couples or individual islanders. i could see them doing the bottom two couples and then the safe guys choose a girl to stay and the safe girls choose a guy to stay, if the game wants a specific storyline for either Kat or Melissa, otherwise they're just gonna merge. If for some reason you don't get a choice, I could see them taking away Melissa's partner so she has more of an excuse to drive apart Hamish and Natasha since it seems like that storyline isn't finished (versus Kat and Finn may be done soon). And for similar reason I could see Kat being finished and she gives one last blessing to Finn and Kelly's relationship. Unless they're dragging out her story longer.
in conclusion, I've already committed to playing this season if not for the story, then to see what Stefan looks like, so if you see me liking posts about how this season sucks and someone else didn't finish it don't @ me 😂😂😂
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willkimurashat · 2 years
Exactly 0 people asked, but here I am anyway with a rating of Love Island The Game: Ex in the Villa lol!
As you’ve probably noticed, I played each volume as it came out, did not read the spoilers. I always loved litg for giving me escapism from reality I so much craved because it was a fun, problem-free game, where I was the center of attention in a good way, and pixels loved me unconditionally. That is until s5 rolled up. I was really excited about it, even though still not over s4 because they released it so close to each other, but nonetheless wanted to give it a fair go. I was very open to the story and the characters, but about half way through, I just could not defend them anymore. It wasn’t a good time anymore, it was a “how will fusebox piss me off today” time. Anyways, maybe this whole collective trauma of s5 is still very fresh in my mind, and I won’t think it’s so bad as time goes on, but here’s my thoughts on it now.
Disclaimer: All of these are obviously just my subjective, humble opinion - feel free to agree or disagree or add your own:) and if you’d like to use these categories for your own ratings - please, by all means!
Also, potential spoilers ahead:)
So. Let’s break it down into some categories…
Character design: 7/10
This is just my personal taste I guess, but they really went off with Suresh and Gabi. Meera and Johnny made me swoon too. The rest look aight, but I think slight tweaks like aligning Finn’s jaw or Kat’s eyes or making her hair less high up, stuff like that - it would really help. Also, never forget the atrocious outfits (I mean, rubber duckies? Really? The stupid hat? The abominable sandals?? Ugh…)
Character personality: 7/10
I’m probably being too generous, but I do feel like everyone had a distinct personality and a “role” in the villa. Now, where they annoying most of the time? Yes. Were they mean to MC? Also yes, but that’s a completely different point. Did we really get to know anyone or was it mostly just conversations about how Suresh would feel if MC went for someone else and vice versa? I’ll let you answer that one… Disclaimer: MC not included here, she’s an outlier and would skew the score too much.
Character diversity: 4/10
We got some range of characters, but where they done well? Starting with not specifying ethnicities of every single mixed race islander on their applications, perpetuating stereotypes about characters of color and abuse, making them toxic, continuing to make woc villains of the story… LGBT characters being all over the place and, again, villains/unlikeable… Yeah, do better fusebox.
MC design: 6.5/10
My first impression when I saw mc was… not the greatest. My second impression when I played the game - better, but not great. I think my main issue is some expressions, which are just not.. it… I appreciate that they made a curvier body type option, but the face just looks a bit off anyway? Like, don’t get me wrong, there’s definitely potential and so many people were able to make them look hot, but my mc? Idk, can’t help but think that something’s off with her every time I look at her:/ (I figured out who my mc reminds me of btw!)
MC personality: 1/10
It really is a 0, but again, I’m being generous. 16 volumes, 42 episodes and we know absolutely nothing about them. What do they like? Who’s their type? What’s their passion in life? What makes them, well, them? Who is mc? A hologram. A cardboard cut out that only has three preprogrammed comments: yes/no/i don’t know.
MC customization: 5/10
I think overall, the customization was alright and I was pretty much able to make mc look like me, but that being said, I’m a white girl, so I’m privileged enough to not have to run into problems like having ethnic hair gem blocked… And again, I like the curvy body type option, (though it’s still kinda limited), but we still can’t have a choice of feminine/masculine presenting bodies, which I don’t think is too much to ask for (they do it on Lovelink for example). And the outfits… granny fashion and shattered glass bikini? Please just.. let’s just move on.
Challenges: 5/10
The idea for challenges was quite good. Who doesn’t love an obstacle challenge, a snog, marry, pie, a heart racing challenge, or kiss the islander with ___ secret? I know I do! No, we didn’t get the baby challenge or the mean tweets, but it was still a good selection of challenges. However, they were written so… dryly? (Is that a word? It feels like it’s not, but it is now lol.) Anyway, just like the rest of the season, it’s three lines of dry textbook text that just didn’t excite me in the slightest. I read textbooks for grad school every day, I want creative writing in a romance game pretty please! I didn’t feel like I was actually there, doing the challenge. I didn’t care if I won the challenge either because there were no prizes for them anyway and no one-on-one time with our li’s, so… Good idea, poor execution:/
Drama: 3/10
E X C E S S I V E and U N C A L L E D F O R. Of course, it made sense that in a season about Exes in the Villa the main drama will be about Exes in the Villa. I get it, trust me. But you would hope that the drama will get resolved, which in my opinion, it wasn’t. Or it didn’t feel like a satisfying resolution to me personally. It kept going in circles, “hear me out!” “I’m done apologizing!” “Maybe we are different people” “I’m gonna win you back” “How do you think Suresh would feel if…?” “How do you feel now that Suresh is with…?” And the ending was that he wanted to propose to you too, but because of miscommunication it didn’t happen, making this whole drama actually pointless. And that’s only Suresh drama, which if you’re not on his route is tiring, repetitive, and… boring?
Moving on, I wrote a lot of rants about Alfie drama, so I won’t go into it, you all know how I feel. Arlo was feisty with mc for no reason, especially if you constantly reject Suresh’s advances. Drastically changing Meera’s character to an insufferable bitch was unnecessary. Same with Johnny/Nicolas - there was no indication that they are terrible people during casa amor, and the evil master plans came out of nowhere, and only served to further hurt mc. Eddie as a villain was enough for me tbh, we didn’t need the whole villa ganging up on mc. Plus, we shouldn’t be the only ones with drama, I would like to have some fun time at least, thank you very much. Overall, I’m not saying this should be Friend Island - I’ve seen the show, I know how it goes and I know some drama can be absolutely ridiculous, but I just think it wasn’t balanced out at all. It wasn’t healthy. It wasn’t proportional. (Maybe I’m alone in thinking this, but I think s4 had a good balance of drama/friendships/romance, so it was still there, but it wasn’t overbearing.)
Relationships: 3.5/10
The only points here are for Lulu, honestly. And Gabi, but I might be biased lol. Okay, maybe also Alfie-Finn bromance, I’m a sucker for those. Friendship-wise, the whole season I felt alone and felt like I couldn’t trust anyone. Kat was going back and forth between being my friend and being my rival. Arlo had issues with me… why exactly? I’m honestly not sure… Dana was… just there? Her friendship entailed pulling me for a chat any time I wanted to have a conversation with my li and gossiping or asking for reassurance. Meera was nothing, but an insecure bitch to me. Eddie wanted nothing to do with me, until the very end we’re apparently all buddy-buddy and he’s spilling secrets to me. Don’t forget the blackmailing too. Finn was nice only in one (1) occasion, and that is during Snog, Marry, Pie. Alfie may have been a good friend, but I didn’t do that route with him. Lulu was the only one consistently kind and on mc’s side. Gabi was an interesting addition, it’s a shame we didn’t get to know her at all basically.
Romance-wise, again, felt like I couldn’t trust anyone. It was the first season where I just wasn’t interested in anyone romantically because I didn’t get to know anyone really, and most were horrible to me. When the first character designs dropped, I liked Suresh, then was let down. I liked Alfie, then was let down. I liked Johnny, then was let down. I liked Finn, then was let down. I liked Lulu, but the choice to pick Gabi was just too tempting, and guess what? Lulu didn’t let me down, even as just a friend. (I’m glad I picked Gabi in the end, but I still know nothing about her…) Nobody really wanted mc and mc couldn’t really have anyone either. I think there was a lot of wasted potential with li’s. Like, hear me out: Suresh - enemies to lovers, Alfie/Dana - loyal routes, Finn - slow burn, Kat - friends to lovers, Johnny/Nicolas - partners in crime, Lulu - last-minute-sweep-me-off-my-feet, Gabi - messy, peak drama choice (I mean, come on, two girls wronged by the same ex get together? It’s my favorite part of this whole season - literally why I picked her, and she’s actually a sweetheart:))
Recouplings: 2/10
I remember in s4, I felt like there were too many recouplings, so in s5 they went ahead and gave us the least recouplings possible. Only once (1) can you actually pick someone you want to be with throughout the whole time in the villa, throughout all 42 episodes, all 16 volumes - right at the very end (!!!), unless you also willingly chose to twist switch to someone after casa amor. My main issue is that the whole season can be considered pointless because you can basically never couple up with who you want, casa boys wrong you and leave you anyway, bringing us back to square one with 3 og guys that you might’ve tried to escape the whole time. Or, if you’re on a Suresh route, the whole pining angst, or even, the whole idea of going to love island was useless and pointless because even though neither of them really grow or change as people (sorry my Suresh lovelies, it’s just how i see it), they finally talk it out and make up anyway, so none of these 42 episodes really mattered. Yeah, it angers me.
Finale: 4/10
As contradicting as it may sound, I do believe the team took feedback regarding s4 finale into consideration. We got final dates, prom prep, prom, declarations of love, winner announcements, love vs. money, and even a special vip guest - all components needed for a successful finale, the climactic resolution of the season, right? Wrong. I can live with the sacrifice of afterparty (not that I would want to see anyone from this season ever again anyway), but it seems natural progression of the finale was also sacrificed for the sake of jam-packing everything into the last volume. The events felt like they were happening with a speed of light: recoupling-hideaway (ugh)-date-picking a dress-prom-declaration-winners-money/love. I may be sleep deprived, but this made me even more dizzy. And not even that, but the progression of the relationship felt anything, but natural - it was more of a fever dream, really. I like you, Gabi, I do, and you’re sweet and give me full attention, but other than the fact that you like tattooing and fear squirrels, I know absolutely nothing about you (besides the obvious, of course). So all the plastic rings flying around, “being exclusive” and ahem, a PROPOSAL felt, uh… rushed. This is not Vegas, we are not eloping, and I basically don’t know you, so why, oh why would that even be an option?
Moving on, the resolution of the season overall was quite lackluster. Finn never confronted Kat, continuing on with a perfect illusion of romance for her. Well done, Finn. Suresh leaves (if you’re not with him), and decides to let loose and go to Barbados, clearly indicating that he will resort back to his old ways. Nice. Alfie claims to have become a changed man, even appears regretful about things, but who’s to say if he really did change? A half-assed “we’re friends” speech from Kat really did nothing to me neither physically nor emotionally. Sooo… 16 volumes, 42 episodes later nobody learned anything, nobody admitted they were wrong, nobody really genuinely apologized, and nobody grew as a person. Yet again - the whole season was pointless. Add in the driest, most uninteresting writing and it was enough to leave me disappointed still.
We will not talk about Bobby. I refuse to talk about Bobby. That was not Bobby, he was not canon, it did not happen, and I will not accept any criticism.
Structure: 3/10
The only points here are for casa amor, and even that wasn’t done well (i have a post about it here somewhere). Starting with only 3 couples? Only what, like, 3 recouplings ever? Not a single beach hut moment? Not a single hideaway moment??? (No no, they cannot get away with a lackluster last minute “whatever, you can have your stupid hideaway” scene in the very end of the season) We’ve only been there for what feels like a week?? Are you kidding me? It seems we keep straying further and further away from the format of the actual show it’s meant to be based on and I don’t really like that tbh.
Storyline: 5/10
Tell you what, I was actually really intrigued when they first announced the theme of the season as “Ex in the Villa”. I remember people theorizing how they’re gonna handle it, who they’re bringing in, etc. But, a few episodes in I realized just how limiting it was to constrain the whole plotline to… just Suresh. All the conversations and all the drama got very-very redundant very-very quickly. The only redeeming quality was being able to pick Gabi. Check and mate. Oh, and Lulu. Lulu is my queen:) Here’s alternative ways they could’ve improved it: let players choose who their ex is from given characters; let our ex despise mc and mc despises them back in the beginning (enemies to lovers/enemies to besties); let all islanders be exes of other islanders (it won’t be love island the show anymore, but they weren’t really sticking to the format anyway, so); let mc have multiple exes in the villa (and then those two (or three?) exes fight for them); let players choose the reason why they’re exes.
Writing: 2/10
I’m kinda conflicted because I feel like it did get better, but it also got worse? Like, I appreciate using more of love island jargon and the conversations felt pretty natural, like real people would speak, you know? (But still, I can’t really speak to that, since I don’t live in the UK, my only exposure to different accents is through tv and videos.) But at the same time all conversations (75% of which are about Suresh and MC lol) felt so repetitive and so boring and it dragged on and on and on… and then you look back at the episode and realize that nothing’s happened and you didn’t learn anything about anyone. Character development was minimal, if there at all. Very little character depth, very limited background information. I’m not even going to mention mc… Spicy scenes were basically nonexistent and a massive downgrade from s4 (don’t even talk to me). And even in general, every scene was written so dry, so robotic, and so anticlimactic that it was just constant disappointment. The constant bullying from girls to wear expensive outfits was super annoying and unnecessary as well.
Update: I initially had a higher rating for writing, but after playing the finale, I had to cut it in half for the mere reason that I have reached my limit. The utter disrespect I felt when my eyeballs glanced over the screen and read “NSFW kiss” during a prom scene with Gabi was beyond something I could accept with understanding. Perhaps in some circumstances it could be an acceptable form of writing and communicating, but personally I considered the phrasing as a placeholder, instead of a legitimate description of such kiss. I believe if the company had at least the slightest respect for their players, they would and should do the bare minimum of proofreading the text before releasing it for satisfactory gaming experience. Unfortunately, I had to remove points for personal vindication and emotional damage, which is reflective of how I have been treated as a player.
Replayability: 2/10
Hmmm idk. Idk if I’ll ever replay this one. I never got too attached to characters or the storyline, maybe because they released it so soon after s4 and I wasn’t over that yet. And when I did feel a teeny tiny spark with a character, they went on and did something stupid/annoying/hurtful, so even if I did want to go back and do their routes, I feel like they hurt me and I don’t like them much anymore. The only way I mightttt replay it at some point is to just be a bitch to everyone from the beginning because they all deserve that, honestly…
Overall score: 4/10
Well, and that about wraps it up. I never had this many… negative emotions about a season - me, the person who always tells people to not compare seasons, give it a fair go, and not take it close to heart because it’s a game. I usually love burying my face in a pillow, giggling at my screen, and kicking my feet as pixels swoon over me, professing their undying love, but I was robbed of that this season, unfortunately. I’m definitely gonna miss the memes and the rants here every Wednesday, and being the sentimental ass that I am, I will actually feel kinda sad that it’s over. At the same time, this was the first season that I spent here, as an official member of the litg fandom lol, and I’m thankful to have made friends here, bonding over this season:) Thank you for reading my rants, agreeing with me, and offering your own insights and perspectives! I hope I was able to make you laugh a little bit too:) This season prompted me to write two fics (and maybe more to come) that I’m quite proud of, and it made me want to replay other seasons, so I guess there is some good that came out of it, right? ;) and since we didn’t get a traditional ending this season, in true litg fashion I’ll say it…
…Stay hydrated, islanders xoxo
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pentacle-artist · 6 months
hello! i saw your post about the katrielle layton manga and I am having a hard time finding any info online about it. Could I ask if you have anything to share in regards to it? thanks for reading this btw
First off, an official French translation is available used on Amazon. That's what I got.
The artist and writer is Kahori Orito, who has done a few other series, including a pokemon manga.
The chapters are adaptations on cases 1-11, except case 9, and there's one manga original involving a missing dog. They aren't in the same order as the game. Instead, it's: (vol. 1) 1, 2, 8, 7, manga original, (vol. 2) 4, 6, 5, 3, 10, 11. The cases are very stripped down compared to the game and anime, but the pacing is pretty good, so it doesn't feel rushed, at least to me.
Kat is in a different outfit every chapter, not just game outfits either. Orito really likes putting Kat in different outfits, which is valid! Relating to that, within each chapter, there are a couple of bonus images of mostly Kat, 1 of Emiliana, and 4 of Ernest in different outfits that all look fantastic.
There are a couple of anime aspects, like Kat comparing cases to sweets, the specific Wight House hauntings (but the haunted mirror was included here ^v^), Kat getting a gift after finding Rex (but in the manga it's a plate), and a dog Sherl talks to for information looks more like Geowly than Yapper. Although Vic and Tim look completely different from the anime designs.
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In the first volume, there are a couple of puzzle sections in between chapters, I might upload pictures of those later, actually. There's also a couple of short extra stories at the end, the first has to do with perfume, and the second involves the trio splitting a cute cake and Kat getting half of it because of course she does.
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Okay, a couple of changes I found notable
In case 5, Ernest and Sherl just didn't go to the haunted house, and it was only Emiliana and Kat, and it was refreshing after rewatching the anime adaptation that doesn't have her in the case at all. The end of Case 5 was a Halloween costume party, and Hastings and the Lipskis were there. It was great.
In case 3, Seymour shoves Kat to the ground when she almost touches one of his projectors!
As far as I could tell, Case 8 didn't have the scavenger hunt. It was just a short tour as a distraction. I'm not 100% sure on that, though, because one of the little angle statues did show up.
Cesar's head actually looks kinda normal
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I do plan to upload scans of the pages in a month or two when I'll have access to a scanner (I also have plans to figure out translating, but that's obviously more time-consuming).
Let me know if you have any other questions! ^v^
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
I just remembered something very randomly while working on drabbles right.
So. The Capsule Monsters arc of the anime. The reason Alexander the Great had a dark side was because he got his hands on the Millennium Ring and the trials split him in two.
So just. Picture if you will. Because with Kat going on the trip, so are the rest of the DnD gang (which BTW now includes Duke bc he's Mihos boyfriend in this and look at him ofc he plays DnD this man is a BARD).
Meaning Ryou.
Meaning Bakura.
Who they all look at when the exposition comes in and he's just. Humming innocently. Because technically it's not his fault. But he also did not mention that he figured out what was going on pretty early into the game either because fuck it let's see if we can use this to ruin the Pharaoh's day.
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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9.13am. Good morning my loves..... or at least to the piece having thoughts about me.
I don't know what to make of this morning but I'm feeling like living up to my dyn-o-mite nickname.
I. Am. Livid.
But instead of exploding, I'm going to think & talk to God about all this.
Besides, I gotta get ready for my counseling appt.
Oh. I will say this tumblr world...
I have this ONE blog.
I rarely speak to anyone but a few known friends.
I believe in honesty will set a person free.
Honesty, integrity, righteousness.
My moral compass is true north.
To God Almighty.
As I have been stalked, harassed & abused, including by rape, & by an abusive person that lied about wanting to be my spouse, & having had an abusive mother too...
[I am divorced. Finally. But God is still moving chess pieces & I don't know the game. Only have read about it. Soon I shall be free!]
I will never speak harmful to or about anyone on this site.
So when the moment comes & God sets me free to be in my loves.....my mates..... arms...
I will not be on this hellhole site again.
Oh, btw, tumblr world...
Quiet spitfire.
Not a doormat.
To my loves..... each piece that loves & wants me.....
I am always Blessedly Yours.....
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺
✝️☸⚓⛓🔗🙏🤲👣🐾🐯🦉🐢🐛🐐🌱 🌟🗝🔱⚜💝🐻🦌🐺🧩♠️♾🧭🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
M.3.27.2023 9.34am.est.
PS, after counseling appt I hope to be calm & write to you.....my loves..... although I pray to be feeling you.....more. ~t.
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najatheangel · 4 years
𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞
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pairing: Lee donghyuck x reader (ft. nct members)
genre: fluff, angst, comedy and spice.
inspired song: Bestie by Lloyd.
summary: donghyuck’s and his s/o memories as best friends leading up to becoming lovers. (btw this one’s a little longer than the ones i usually write so beware loves.)
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Haechan’s POV: June, 24th, 2018. “Today’s the day where I finally tell her how I feel. After 7 years of my friendship, growing up together and holding back my feelings for so long, Today is the day where things change. I’m tired of being stuck in the friend zone this is my one and only chance before she moves away. Now or Never Hyuck...”
“She's a bad one not a fast one. Every time we get together we have fun”
Growing up, me and y/n always were always bound to be apart of each other’s lives. We’ve grew up in the same neighborhood, our parents met each other in school, our friends are dating each other and we even go to the same school together. Sounds very corny right? It’s true though.
Our thing was always playing horror games together every night after we finish doing homework together. She was always the procrastinator so I had to give her some motivation. Not only that, we always play around the swing sets in the park that’s right in front of our houses to talk about anything and everything that was going on in our life’s.
This one time she got so drunk after Mark’s birthday party and was trying to swing so high and flew off the swing set thinking she was super man. Heh, she can be such a idiot at times. She may be one of the goofiest, bubbly and sweetest people I know. She can also be caring, overprotective and keep me calm whenever I’m always acting crazy.
I don’t remember what exact moment I feel in love with you, but I do remember feeling like as time went by, my love for you stared to grow much stronger. Everyone around us was starting to suspect how we felt about it each other especially my mom she adored you so much and loved the idea of us being together.
She would always ask “Where’s your girlfriend y/n?” Or “Aren’t you supposed to be with your girlfriend right now?” Ah girlfriend, I love the sound of that. Anyways I was grossed out at the idea at first because I only saw you as my sister once before and not to mention I was immature.
She would always ask “Where’s your girlfriend y/n?” Or “Aren’t you supposed to be with your girlfriend right now?” Ah girlfriend, I love the sound of that. Anyways I was grossed out at the idea at first because I only saw you as my sister once before and not to mention I was immature.
She would always ask “Where’s your girlfriend y/n?” Or “Aren’t you supposed to be with your girlfriend right now?” Ah girlfriend, I love the sound of that. Anyways I was grossed out at the idea at first because I only saw you as my sister once before and not to mention I was immature.
She would always ask “Where’s your girlfriend y/n?” Or “Aren’t you supposed to be with your girlfriend right now?” Ah girlfriend, I love the sound of that. Anyways I was grossed out at the idea at first because I only saw you as my sister once before and not to mention I was immature.
Once we’ve started getting much older I've tried dating other girls but none of them just didn’t compare to you. I’ve tried to joke around with them, they wouldn’t take me seriously. When I try to ask them out on dates, they would ditch me for someone else. When I try to be affectionate, they reject and always want to stay friends. I normally had luck keeping girls around, but only for a short amount of time. It seemed like every week I had a new girlfriend.
I knew y/n was always frustrated at me trying to tell me there’s other fish in the sea, but hell I want to my little mermaid and that’s y/n-ie. I even teased her about it, but she didn’t seem to take a hint.
“You know y/n... we should honestly just date. We would be the next Hyuna and Edawn in the school. They would have nothing on us.” I even nudged her on the shoulder to get her smiling.
“Hmm? Are you insane that would be too weird. We’re like brother and sister.” I could tell she was flustered, but she wasn’t exactly to thrilled with the idea. “Plus you know how I feel about Mark already. I’ve got to really wow him at this game tonight.” Oh yeah I forgot to mention she had a crush on my other best friend Mark Lee at the time.
“I know she should just be my friend Yet I'm hoping, I'm hoping that maybe it will lead In love happy end.”
It would work my nerves every time she would talk about him and always would ask advice on what to do, but I was very hopeful and believed I still had to chance to win her heart. I gush to everyone including the boys everyday about how madly in love I was with y/n without even realizing.
I would tell everyone, well except her of course. Johnny almost told my secret to everyone at Jaehyun’s house party when we were all playing strip uno. It was shut down real quickly because Doyoung gave him a long hard talk after awhile.
That night was also the worst for me because that was the same days the homecoming game where you confessed your feelings to Mark and became officially a couple. In my mind I wanted to be happy for the two of you as I watched you two kissed each other in front of everyone.
After that day, I avoided you for a while and couldn’t accept the fact that I couldn’t have you at that very moment. I couldn’t spend more time with you, hold you, kiss you, brag to everyone how much I loved you.
Although I was torn and felt defeated when you started dating Mark, I still felt a tiny bit of hope that someday I would still have a chance to make you mine and have our happy ending.
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Y/N POV: June 24th, 2018. The day that I say farewell to my best friend Lee Donghyuck before going leaving to go to Harvard. I can’t believe this day has finally come we haven’t had the chance to hang out throughout our entire senior year so I want to make this count. I also want to tell him how I’ve felt about him. Let’s see where do I even start....
“We were children when we met. Just playing house and drinking sodas at the corner store.”
I remember having a hard time making friends my family moves from city to city because of my dad career as a entrepreneur for multiple companies and my mom working as a travel nurse. I was bullied for my struggling with my weight and for being an outcast which caused a lot of depression for me.
One day I remember running away from these girls in my school because they were trying to throwing apples at me. It was they’re way of trying to help me “eat healthy.” Jokes on them I was the top runner in the track team hehe.
Anyways, I lost them for a good second until I was trapped surrounded by them at the market by my house. I almost felt at lost against the 4 girls, until this crazy guy Lee Donghyuck comes out of no where scaring them away with his Freddy Kruger mask threatening them to leave me alone or he’ll haunt them in their sleep.
I felt bad for laughing, but it was one of the most nicest thing anyone has ever done for me ever since I’ve moved to Korea. He randomly introduces himself to me and offers me to play with him for an exchange of saving my life from those bullies.
“Hey my name is Donghyuck. Those girls always find their next target to pick on, but no worries princess I’m here to protect you. Let me introduce you to my other friends.”
He reached his hand on to me and ever since I was always dragged on to his crazy adventures.
“Like a brother from another. Didn't notice all the other girls they wanted more.”
Donghyuck was pretty popular when it came to having lots of guy friends and dating even when we were kids. In 5th grade on Valentine’s I remembered his desk being flooded with chocolates and anonymous love letters stuffed in backpack.
The idea didn’t bother me at first because I saw Hyuck as my older protective brother. I even slid some letters in my self saying “Happy Valentine’s Day loser. Enjoy those kits kats!” We tend to tease each other a lot, but that’s how we showed our love to each other.
People in our class including the boys Jaemin, Chenle and Yang Yang were encouraging us to date, but we just never seemed thrilled with the idea.
“Awhh c’mon you guys would be so cute together. You guys have kissed once before anyways it’s a sign.” I remember the boys would always poke fun at us, but we both would scream.
“Ew no way! Plus that kiss didn’t count it was for a school play.”
Yet every time a guy would try to ask me out, Donghyuck would scare them away because he claims that I’m still too young to date. Smh, yeah I should’ve known that it was actually because you were jealous.
“But now look at the glow up. You're the finest thing I ever seen, but you never been more than a friend to me.”
As much as I hate to admit it, but god sometimes Donghyuck can be hot...sexy...hell good looking when he wants to be. It doesn’t help that he’s teasing me about it either.
There was this one time when we were playing Mario Karts in his room and it was on a hot summer day at the time. This guy had the nerve to take his shirt off in front of me with sweat dripping on his abs, hair slightly messy to the side, and leans back with his grey sweat pants on.
GREY SWEATS!! Like cmon. I could barely concentrate on the game after awhile admiring how painly handsome. I felt very guilty because I was still dating Mark at the time, but my mind was going 2 different directions.
“Hey y/n if your hot you can take your shirt off too. I thought my mom had the mechanic fixed the ac by now so sorry about that.” There he goes sticking his tongue out like that again. Does he have no shame.
“Umm, Hyuck I just remembered I have a test on Friday to study for. Tootles!” I knew if I would’ve stayed in his room much longer I would’ve either passed out or sink deep into his tempting body leaning against mine. It was not only the heat in the room that was driving me crazy, but my beating heart that was burning my chest.
Before I tried to leave he shut the door and pushed me against the wall staring deep into my eyes. “You know princess, we don’t have a math test Friday right? I’m in the same class as you.”
This man uggh, next he proceeds to make me look at him in the eye by lifting my chin up. “D-did I say math test, silly me. I meant biology test.” After laughing awkwardly for a while I realized he wasn’t laughing with me like he usually does. It was like the vibe changed in a matter of 5 sec.
“Listen y/n...I know your dating Mark and all, but would it be wrong to just let me hold you one last time.” Yeah it would be awful, especially when your still technically half naked in front of me.
I’ve never even gotten close to kissing Mark before, yet my friend of 6 years is going to do it. So I had to run out of there before things got worse. “I-I can’t do that Hyuck. You know that wouldn’t be right. Now if you’ll excuse me.”
“I'm thinking that one day you'll be mine. And I don't wanna lose you.”
I ran home as fast as I can hyperventilating before I let myself caught any feelings. The truth was for awhile I only wanted to date Mark to try to forget about Hyuck, but after that night I’ve started to realize that I can’t escape my feelings that I have for him it’s impossible.
I love him more than anyone in this world. The thought of that saying had me laughing and crying that night.
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June 26th, the day Donghyuck will have one last chance to confess his feelings before his princess y/n leaves off to go to school. Y/N and Donghyuck both run out of each other’s house and decided to meet up at the swing set after 6 years.
They both sit down sighing looking up at the orange sunset sky that’s shinning throughout the area. The two of them slowly swing looking down at the ground waiting for the other person to speak up first.
“So...I bet you probably heard the news already huh? I’ve finally got accept to Harvard. So tomorrow I’ll be going back to my hometown to begin my semester in fall.” Donghyuck responds back by saying.
“I know, I heard from my mom. She nearly cried. You know it would’ve been nice to hear from you. I haven’t seen you since last week.” Y/n finally looks up at him with tears falling down her face.
“Hyuck I’ve been going through so much this past week. I’ve broken up with Mark, my brother was stuck in the hospital and I almost had to repeat senior year if I didn’t pass that state test. So I’m sorry I didn’t contact you lately.”
Hyuck quickly stands up and hugs y/n gently by stroking her hair. “It would’ve been nice to hear your voice. I miss you and I love you.”
They both freeze up at the words he just said “Y-you what now?” Hyuck gulps at first, but then he snaps out of it ready to pour his heart out.”
“LISTEN PRINCESS I LOVE YOU OKAY?? Not just as a friend either. This whole year I never got to hang out with you and I don't know how to pretend, I hate falling in love with my best friend. That night you left my room I almost gave up on us, but I knew I had to tell you before you walk out of my life. Talk about bad timing right?”
Y/N starts giggling wiping her tears for a split second but then smiles by saying.
“I love you too Donghyuck. I have for a long time actually I just didn’t want to ruin my one and only specially friendship I had with you. I was even thinking that trying to move on by dating someone else would work, but it didn’t. Without you in my life, I am blue as the sky.”
The two of you of crack up laughing again at your embarrassing thoughts of each other, but immediately stop trying to think of what should happen next.
“We’re truly some idiots. Now we only have a few hours left of being a couple before you leave. So what happens next y/n?”
Y/n sits on Hyuck’s lap hugging him tightly and leans into his face by saying. “No worries we’ll figure this out once I move. For right now let’s just enjoy our last few hours together as a couple.”
Hyuck wraps arms around y/n waist and feels his heart skipping a beat once she starts kissing him softly in his ear. “Princess you know I’m very ticklish right there.” Ignoring his comments y/n proceeds to kiss his ear again, but then starts trailing down to his neck.
“My B-E-S-T, a true friend to me. Give me love and energy, that is what you send to me”
“Mmm keep calling me princess and I promise you I won’t be able to hold back.” He wiggles his eyebrows at your bold response and smirks by saying...
“Well what’s stoping you? We can do it right here right now on these swing sets.” He starts sliding your hands in your thighs while finally kissing you on your lips.
All that built up passion and emotion was easily displayed as you were kissing him. Not to mention the fact that he’s sliding his hand in your jeans which is making it hard for you to keep your voice down.
“Ahh keep it down y/n...Do you want the neighbors to hear you?” He teases you more by moving your hand in his jeans. “Do it for me too.”
“Lee Donghyuck, are you crazy?? Why don’t we just do this in your room. We will get caught for sure.” He pouts for a second and says
“Yes I’m crazy for you. You already know this though. How about this, we can finish this in my room and we can just tell my mom we stayed up playing games again all night long. Deal?”
“Deal!” You give him one last peck on the lips and grab him by running into his house like there’s no tomorrow. “Slow down princess!” The two of you slammed the door in his room and for the whole night you never dared to leave his side for a split second.
“It's what you do to me.”
The morning after ended up becoming very emotional for the both of you, because this is the last the you’ll be seeing each other face to face until the both of you are done with school. While he’s off becoming a singer, you’ll be on your way becoming a lawyer.
Out of all the places you could possibly move away from again your home next to Donghyuck and his family was the hardest to leave from. You made so many memories here and would cherish it for the rest of your life.
Before heading the road you give your best friend and now boyfriend one last hug and kiss on the forehead before putting your last luggage in the trunk and hitting the road to start your journey.
Although your both moving on to different paths of life career wise, you both will always have your history together and promised to reunite as a couple again when the time is right.
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Thanks so much for reading this far you guys and feedback would be much appreciated. ✨
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🏷 : @himitsu-luna @starrdustville @xxminmixx @dundun-baby @purplepsycho03 @kpopsnowball
Send an ask if you want to be added or removed from the tag list. 💫💫💫
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jq37 · 3 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High: The Seven Ep 7
Masquerade Melee 
It is episode 7 of The Seven and it’s time to throw down y’all! The girls have rolled up to this killer party that is about to become that in a more literal sense as most of the rich guests have had monstrous transformations into--sigh, I can’t believe Brennan is making me type this--blopplegangers (which is a parasitic organism that uses a person as a host and turns them into an ooze monster). They have also located TK but didn’t have a chance to do anything with her before combat started. 
Like I did last time I’m going to stick with bullets for this combat rather than a sports announcer play by play. Let’s go!
Sam uses her water powers to try and give one of the nobles an enema to get the monster out which doesn’t quite work but is the exact combo of clever and wild you simply love to see. She also sees a figure in a black coat and silver half mask with a great sword start to rush past her and to the dais where TK is which doesn’t feel Great.
Lysander (Penny’s age appropriate shoe shining makeout partner) punches one of the monsters and almost dies on the spot because he is a peasant with peasant stats and that’s what happens to a normal person when they punch an acid monster barehanded. 
Ostentatia realizes that fire does double damage to the oozes and that they have bad dex which comes in clutch the rest of the fight. 
TK is hit with a spell from the school of Enchantment which totally incapacitates her al fight. Ost makes the Perception check to see that it was cast by some mysterious Jester person. Spooky, hate that!
Yelle, continuing her tradition of absolutely fucking with Brennan’s shit, summons 8 anarchist pixies who can call cast spells and they throw Confusion on some of the oozes, Phantasmal Force on the person with the great sword, turn Tal into an ape so he can be useful, and cast Fly on a bunch of the girls. That’s so many free spells. Yelle is a total boss.
Also, one of the pixies is fantasy Bansky because sure.
She also uses her bear spirit to give everyone 15 temp HP which is a big up from the Pixies *check notes* one HP. It also goes to Sam, Kat, herself, TK, Tal, and Coel. 
Erika as one of the pixies is like, re: Tal, “When we eat the rich, this one will feed a whole family!” Love her. 
We learn this ep that the girls have leveled up to level 10 and it seems like Sam multiclassed into Warlock (with Talura as her patron) (Sam Actually took the Magic Adept feat to get herself some Warlock cantrips but it still seems like she's drawing the magic from Talura based on the description when she used Eldritch Blast) and Kat dipped into Barbarian which we see when she recognizes the great sword wielder as HER MOTHER and goes into a rage. 
Antiope becomes the most frustrated ranger on the planet as she keeps making beautiful shots at the Jester but keeps hitting illusory copies or getting blocked by the shield spell. 
Ost got swallowed by one of the monsters earlier but goes fuck it and casts a Wall of Fire that hits her and all of the monsters in the surrounding area. She takes a bit of damage but she does like 53 points of damage to all the oozes around her, fully killing 4, including the one she’s in. 
Izzy @ Brennan as she’s whomping him: What are you gonna do? Propose to me about it? (One of the players is like, “That’s not Izzy. Ost says that in game to the universe.” Brennan: The universe is into it.)
In probably the most notable part of the episode, Kat’s mom (her name is Jana btw) makes it to the dais where TK has at this point been hit with enough spells to drop to zero and whacks at her with her sword until she FULLY DIES. And you know what happens when the superintendent dies? A new one is chosen! If this works like Adaine’s oracle-ship then they have a small window of time to revive her before it’s locked in so fingers crossed for them as they continue combat next episode!
(Ost is gonna be so mad if she has to use her Earrings of Diamond Charm as Revivify diamonds.)
In this episode, Yelle rolls one Nat 1 (as does Penny but it’s cancelled out). Ant, Zelda, and Kat each roll 1 Nat 20 and Brennan’s NPC roll 2. 
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zumpietoo · 2 years
Soooo...Mennyyyyy Observations
Hopefully this collection of thoughts on the past ep, how it translates if you watch it, as I am currently, with the concept of full butterfly effect is in full effect and everything Tabs does that seemingly is or might be a misstep is actually her veryyyyy specifically following what needs to be done to win....while also still thinking Jug will die, but with Jug ultimately figuring something out she didn’t see and causing that to not happen....
That saiddd....it still doesn’t, past “cuz the script said so” explain why she fucked off to Albany for a trip she KNEW would be fruitless (or did it need to be fruitless?), leaving Jug actually alone and vulnerable....or is this something that needs to happen? 
The problem there, OFC, is that it places her a bit in the GG’s parameter of Mammy/stepping aside and I not only dislike that, it’s, again, not her decision to make (I actually despise the “I will step aside” as noble, because it’s actually removing somebody else’s agency----it’s their choice to make, not just yours)
Sooo....I’m left with, again, it happened cuz the script said so, maybeee negative shit needs to happen, etc....which, we’ll see.
Conversely, the show’s choice to sideline Erinn/Tabs for a couple of eps has proven to be a distinctly baaddddd move, leaving a gaping hole of talent and pushing forward that, literally, everybody uses Jughead, with absolutely zero concern as to how anything might affect him, then followed by excluding him from their reindeer games, cuz Drunky Poor, who doesn’t deserve to be included, ever....
And, again, they’re doing this to the guy who presumably is facing down limited time on earth, etc....so he doesn’t even, seemingly, get to enjoy any of that....
Annndddd nearly all ends of fandumm, hilariously (or not really) see no issue with any of this and feel he needs to “fix his shit” (so he can die a together person?) so he can fix everybody else, be there even moar for them and their traumaaaassss, because, again, why should Jug EVER get a bare moment of happiness in anything???
And that none of them GAF about him is actually somehow supposed to be fully justified because.....faux feminism and pro-Jock worship/Jug’s a Poor so not like he’s human, anyway?
Kat’s actually a good example of this, fully---on the Barfie/fake Jabi shipper view:
Slizzy using him was fine, because Slizzy then serviced Douchie, who will continue to “save” her from her darknesssssssss....by, apparently, having dispassionate sex with her. Ditto her “friendship” with Vermin is glorious, cuzzz girl power (as they careen towards the inevitable BAV triangle).
But dying Jughead? Deserved to be exploited and then when the exploitation shook out some shitty stuff (that outs, fully, what a shitty person Slizzy is and always has been....Jug needs to fix himself there, stat...for his nu lady (not himself) and so he can now die “with his shit together”. Cuz, yeah, the grim reaper isn’t gonna want anybody FLAWED to sacrifice themselves while saving the world from evolll, are they?
It’s interesting to note in Kat’s case, her other favorite show, All American, is even moar about the joctocracy than Plaiderdale---and is complete with the golden boi hero with and fixing the hottest girl on the show, who OFC is an addict, because his pureness keeps her on the straight and narrow....and Kat adores this....which, eeewww....
And sorry, not sorry, not feminist....nor is the idea that Slizzy can’t be with Douchie cuz he “doesn’t love her, but Jug does”-----cuz, guess what? A) none of the Core Four past Jug is remotely capable of love and B) Jug doesn’t actually “love” Slizzy, he’s simply still hurt by her toxicity.
And naturally, I despise the GG’s entire narrative here of that Jug’s still pinining, how they delight in the prospect as well that all Jug’s few last days should be spent pining for somebody who now fully exhibited she does not GAF about him and he truly and apparently meant NOTHING to her. 
AT ALL (BTW, Kat thought Slizzy was awesome for skipping off to party carefree, which was soooo icky, on soooo many levels...)
Ditto, again, OFC, of Tabs as mammy/stepping aside is similarly disgusting...
And I remain quite confident it’s actually leading up to Jabi ILYs/potentially defeating Picky Percy by a TLK or something....
Cuzzz....what has this shown? Tabi is Jug’s tether and most likely, Pop’s isn’t her’s, after all, Jug is....and IF the show does go there? All worth it for mee (and LBR, we know Jug’s not actually dying, so it IS likely the direction).
Now OFC the other interesting thing here is, again, why sideline Erinn and how not only did the show suffer for it, but if they WERE seeking to maybe float or even resurrect Jizzy, we received, once again, FULL confirmation of why they had to be split up in the first place, an entirely new love interest cast for Jug and can never, EVER again happen, unless it’s completely offscreen. 
Cuz it’s abundantly clear PP went fully off the rails, the set was a colossal shit show....and, once again, having to now do scenes by split screen
A) is way moar work and expense
B) hardly gonna make them convincingly “passionate” as a couple---or even sustain that narrative. Even remotely.
Plus, OFC, while, yes, Cole is paid to do as he’s told, he also has rights (which he clearly exercised) to work in a non-hostile environment and, just, much easier to keep Jizzy in dry dock....
Similarly---I’m now suspecting when he had to film our next ep with Crotchi, SHE probably sexually harassed him again, as well....cuz his exclusion of both herself and PP and ONLY herself and PP of the cast from his follows makes shit really, really, REALLY abundantly apparent (also dig that he didn’t bother to refollow Michael’s starfucker ass, not gonna lie...)
Sooo....if the show was trying to yet again float the BFFs bullshit, that failed abysmally, too....and I’m guessing not gonna see much Jermin again, moving forward either...
Speaking of, I also continue to NOT think their “friendship will be gorgeous” and that was simply RiverdaleLAT’s fanfic....cuz really? Not enough time and, again, Dying Jug not only gets used by Vermin, but has to support her worthless ass and make her feel better about herself, now? Gross.
If anything? I’m hoping the “target on his back” in the episode thereafter is about Jug recognizing how he’s been used, nobody seems to GAF what happens to him (other than Tabi and she seems unable to do anything about it, which is also frustrating) and we have Jug finally recognizing he’s allowed to get mad, permitting himself this and really? Finally getting angry and leaning into that a bit....so he can die with the closure he fucking deserves, finally....
Even tho he won’t die. 
But my guess is moar likely? We’re gonna have like 5+ eps of “Iz Jug gonna diiiiieee this epppppp????!!! Psyche!!!” Until Jabi TLK defeats VoldePercy...
Oh and Scratchy has a supremely stupid post up this AM that fully illustrates why I fucking hate when shows go supernatural and hope this is even a coma dreem or their memories are wiped once victorious....even with that effectively negating the season:
Because with supernatural all you get is everything effectively negating everything, all the fucking time.....it’s why ND isn’t remotely as good as it was in season one. Cuz everything’s ultimately resolved by waving a wand or pushing a button or eating a majjjikkk cracker. 
So nothing matters and nothing is resolved in a remotely satisfying manner. And you KNOW all this going in, so everything is rendered utterly pointless. And we’re all already wildly dissatisfied with how Plaiderdale Old Man McGucketts and retcons.....AUs where shit simultaneously does and doesn’t matter makes all that even moar pointless....
And annoying. And is why I reallyyyyyy hope they don’t bother....it’s why Sabrina failed, LBR
(and holee smokes was this long! I think I said everything I wanted to???)
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mcustorm · 4 years
Thoughts on Jamie Johnson 5x13
This finale started off pretty ight to me, but they had me in the first half. The show snuck up on me and put me in my feels. But more on that later...
Okay, nobody wants to say it? I’ll say it: the whole “cast plays as the video game avatars” is very uncanny valley-esque and very weird. But I suppose “weird” is the best way to describe this show’s dream sequences. IDK.
As Jamie and Mike were arguing yet again over this gaming vs healing thing that they’ve been doing all season, I was sitting there yelling at Mike, “You can’t want this for him! Just support him in what he does want!” He initially got half of the message. I’m glad Mike came around.
And speaking of “You can’t want this for him,” I was about to completely give up on Dillon’s dad. When Dillon asked him “What if I don’t want to play at Foxborough?”...that was a test, intentional or not, which Dillon’s dad promptly failed. But he too comes around and supports his kid’s decisions. We love to see it. We also love to see mothers, but I digress.
Man, fuck Jethro. All that taunting and for what? What was the reason? That man is the definition of clown right there. Sir, please find some peace.
The reveal that Royle was likely always gonna cut Jamie is one those “Of course!” twists that you should know, likely do know deep down, yet at the same time we’re all in denial. And that briefly makes you re-think the season. I honestly don’t know how I’d prefer that news to be given to me: asap, on the hospital bed and at my lowest moment, or after tons of rehab and me building up hope.
I liked the wall of legends. Jamie was in the middle because of course. I’d argue that Dillon, Boggy, and Jack have a better case for that spot but it’s whatever. At least Boggy is on the wall. That’s what the fuck I’m talmbout!
Dillon’s coming out was...completely overshadowed by Jamie finally deciding to drag himself out to see Phoenix. And well, if Dillon’s happy, I’m happy. Everybody claps for Dillon, and that’s when the feels started. We even got to see some Dillon/Jamie interaction, which is always welcome and we frankly haven’t seen enough of considering they’re on good terms.
If we consider a huge aspect of this show to be those two characters and their relationship, which we do, then this finale’s ending was flawless. Them playing together at Northport Rovers, that there is the shit I like to see. Neither of them made it large, at least not yet, but they made it, in large part because of each other. And that’s when I began to ask myself: Wait, why is this not the series finale?
There comes a point in some tv series’ lifetime where it hits a season finale out of the park: resolution to plots, characters finally being at peace, a nice sentimental song to play us out, etc. etc. It almost feels like a series finale. And for some shows, that’s because it should be. [Currently, I’m throwing shade at Shameless. The Office and Scrubs are guilty too]
But then the show keeps going, and it’s worse. Definitely worse. Because the story hit its natural conclusion and yet kept going. Let’s consider what happened as of this last episode of season 5:
Dillon’s dad finally completely accepts him and his decisions. Dillon comes out to the entire team, is applauded, and then “graduates” to Northport Rovers.
Jamie decides to come back to see Phoenix, apologizes, heals his leg, and graduates to Northport Rovers (unless that was a dream sequence, which please no).
Boggy is content with forever being at Jamie’s side. His personal healing is acknowledged, he is apologized to once again (#JusticeForBoggy), and he is thrown up on the wall with other Phoenix Legends.
Zoe and Kat are now friends. Zoe theoretically no longer beefs with girls because girls. They are also moving on up profesionally.
Alba and Ruby are now adopted into a loving family.
The kids are alright. The eighth graders have made up, and rightfully recognize Liam as a shithead.
We got a nice ending with Dillon and Jamie with a sentimental song in the background. Once enemies, now friends, paths forever intertwined.
Liam was not downright terrible this episode. Nuff said.
That was a series finale if I ever saw one. We only needed a few more things. Sorry for another list.
A scene of Zoe and Kat at their new team. Could be included in a montage.
I want a scene of Boggy actually deciding to do something *he* wants to do. I don’t know if the show wants that, but I do.
Elliot’s glorious return. He could’ve been in the bleachers at the game in the last scene. Two seconds of eye contact with Dillon,some smiles, I would’ve been content. Fuckit.
At LEAST 3 other cameos from our GOSC, or graveyard of secondary characters. Pick 3, any 3.
A scene with Jamie and his dad once and for all hammering out what their relationship is and what it’s gonna be.
Bonus: resolution with Aisha, Liam doing anything good, Jack coming back.
Where do we go from here? Do we follow each of these kids to their new locations? Do we send most our cast to the GOSC and bring in some new ones? Are the eighth graders just gonna start fighting again? Do we really want another season just for some more Delliot content? Unpopular opinion: Not necessarily!
So it will be interesting to see what the new status quo is. In the meantime, let me revel in the greatness of those last couple of scenes again. See you next season, friends.
BTW, Duncan really played the long game with that one. Well played, you son of a gun.
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blairwaldcrf · 5 years
I am definitely obligated to ask Shadowhunters for the game! ;)
oof you really went for it, huh! haha
Top 5 favourite characters: Simon, Magnus, Clary, Maia, Jace
Other characters you like: Izzy, Sebastian, Raphael, Meliorn, Luke
Least favourite characters: Valentine, Maryse, Alec
Otps: Simon/Jace, Clary/Izzy, Clary/Maia, Izzy/Maia, Raphael/Izzy/Simon, Raphael/Simon, Jace/Maia, Jace/Simon/Maia, Magnus/Ragnor (that’s book influenced though, haha), Clary/Simon
Notps: Magnus/Alec (i said what i said), Jace/Clary, Camille/Simon, Victor/Izzy, Simon/Faerie Queen
Favourite friendships: lightwood siblings (that includes jace), clary/izzy, clary/simon
Favourite family: Lightwood Siblings, but the Garrowfray+Simon family was done dirty and could have been so much more
Favourite episodes: Don’t know what this really says about me, but the one where Valentine is torturing Jace on the boat, because it really points out the trauma he grew up with and doesn’t disclose (which the show did horrible of showing the aftermath of btw ugh), and then obviously the episode where Jace sacrifices himself to save Simon and lets him drink his blood a little too much........ I haven’t watched most of s3/4 so I haven’t seen the later Jimon scenes but I’m sure those too
Favourite season/book/movie: lol, none of the show is a fav, necessarily, but i do like some of s2. my fav book is the City of Lost Souls
Favourite quotes: Can’t think of specific ones, but pretty much anything Simon says
Best musical moment: Simon singing Fragile World. I downloaded it and listen to it still
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: jimon blood feeding
When it really disappointed you: i was mad about them not exploring jace’s trauma after the boat. i was upset they didn’t let the malec breakup last longer for alec to grow as a person before they got back together. just so much. so so much.
Saddest moment: Um, I don’t know about sad but the most poignant was when Simon was talking about his Bubbie having been through the holocaust and that was why he wasn’t about to do the shadowhunter bullshit tracker thing
Most well done character death: they did Jace’s okay. I think Simon’s was good too.
Favourite guest star: Lydia the Lesbian
Favourite cast member: Alberto 100%, although Kat is a sweetheart too. And Isaiah is hilarious.
Character you wish was still alive: Um, Jocelyn, I think. She deserved the Maryse “redemption” storyline more than anyone else after the abuse and manipulation she went through as Valentine’s wife imo
One thing you hope really happens: well the show has ended, but I guess I hope Clary/Jace break up just to break up Izzy/Simon and switch respective partners.
Most shocking twist: There wasn’t one, really, after reading the books. I guess the most shocking thing was the show actually incorporated Simon’s Judaism in a serious and respectful way? And that they let Maia talk about police harassment as a black girl vs shadowhunter harassment as a werewolf
When did you start watching/reading?: Um, reading the books would be circa 2012 I think? The show I watched when it first aired
Best animal/creature: any downworlder
Favourite location: Magnus’ flat
Trope you wish they would stop using: redemption storylines
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: showing Simon’s Judaism as a part of his life
Funniest moments: most things Simon or Magnus related
Couple you would like to see: see all above non canon otps
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: n/a
Favourite outfit: the little black dress Izzy puts on Clary because gayyy
Favourite item: Stele
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: in this world, weirdly enough, I think vamp
Most boring plotline: haahahahahahahahaha
Most laughably bad moment: Valentine’s “lair” being in Chernobyl for absolutely no reason
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: i don’t remember most of them, but I guess the lightwood siblings ones? or valentine’s? god it’s been too long. also this doesn’t count really but the alternate universe where Jimon are friends and Alec has a personality
Most layered character: if they had actually explored his psyche, Magnus
Most one dimensional character: Alec
Scariest moment: I had read the books, so really nothing?
Grossest moment: Sebastian going in to kiss Clary. Incest isn’t a good look...
Best looking male: Isaiah, but Alberto is up there. Dom.
Best looking female: all of them
Who you’re crushing on (if any): Alberto and Kat. I miss Kat’s red hair too much
Favourite cast moment: all the stupid cute domberto videos
Favourite transportation: portals
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): Alicante
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: no one has time for that list
Best promo: n/a
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: the show? the minute I saw Simon’s smile and him changing his shirt. Also the part where Clary and Izzy are actually friends but also check each other out up and down while changing clothes.
—Send me a show/fandom and i’ll answer
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mattskeebah · 5 years
I know how much y’all hate “your fave is problematic” posts...but it’s necessary.
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Summary: Matt Skiba, singer of the band Alkaline Trio and member of Blink-182, has nazi tattoos, is a fan of nazi bands, made tasteless nazi related paintings, is best friends with Boyd Rice, and in fact, owns nazi insignia. Matt claims to be a feminist but likes countless scantily clad pics of young models and sex workers and follows actual porn actresses on IG. Also, he never distanced himself from Asia Argento and still sells t-shirts with her face on them in his webstore. Matt supports the police and the military and he has a weird gun fetish. He attacked fans who criticized his behavior and his problematic associations.
He supports the police as an instutition, specifically Chicago PD. He made a post on Instagram in favor of CPD which ofc received backlash from fans but he ignored the negative comments and brushed it off as “there are bad people in every profession” and then he deleted the post. Thanks to a Tumblr user who screencapped it: [x] please notice the tiny blue (lives matters) heart. Also, here are some “cute” pics of him wearing police-related stuff [x] [x] and check out this post of him “repping” new CPD merch on his car [x] (he disabled the comments).
He supports the military, which might be because his parents served in the Vietnam war, but that doesn’t make it less shitty. Examples for his military-support can be found all over his Instagram. [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] and so on... and in this post he’s delighted that a soldier in Afghanistan is wearing an Alkaline Trio patch. [x]
He’s close friends with Asia Argento / or had possible romantic relationship with her and he still sells t-shirts with her face on them in his merch shop. For those of you who don’t know her, she was one of the leaders of the #metoo movement but then it was revealed that she herself had sex with an intoxicated 17-year-old (!) and her bf Anthony Bourdain gave the boy money so he would keep his mouth shut about the incident, ((later Bourdain committed suicide))
Story of a fan who gave Matt a letter criticizing him for being friends with Argento, and the same night he posted a picture of her on IG (I think it was this post)… which seems like a subtle F*CK YOU at the person who gave him the letter. (he can’t take criticism, can he?)
His IG activity is .. something else. Matt’s major interests are motorbikes, cars, and young, attractive, half-naked models and strippers. One of his recent likes (nudity and bruises cw) [x] [x] [x] [x]….that one is an actual porn actress he follows and thirsts over: (more nudity cw) [x] he commented ‘cool butt momma. miss you xoxo’ [x] [x] (liked)…and my “personal fave” a picture with a sex worker [x] he deleted the picture ofc
HE LOVES GUNS (+said that he would use them) he has quite a big gun collection: SIG SAUERs, a Morning Star, many knifes, a shotgun, a Desert Eagle gun, a samurai sword, a faux snakeskin baton, and more stuff I can’t remember, he posted his collection on November 5th 2018 on IG, but unfortunately I didn’t take a screenshot!! but he posted them individually on IG. [x] [x] [x] [x] etc. and a recently deleted pic at the shooting range [x] ……also this pic exists.. edgelord (tw gun to the head).
In the comments of the same post (I swear on my life it’s real, you have to trust me) a user commented that he’s a Trump supporter but he would still defend Matt, even if he’s “politically left”. Matt’s answer: “I would defend you too, my man!”. o k a y. then Matt said he identifies as “quite a bit left” o K AY. MATT. Just so btw. the user also had a name including “88″ ( is a code phrase commonly used in fascist circles for “Heil Hitler”) or he just meant the year 88. but I saw some racist “memes” on his IG too.
Matt has a weird obsession with WW2. He literally watched a holocaust docu on HIS FUCKING BDAY (or at least he posted about it) and he said he collects WW2 books. Theoretically, nothing wrong with being interested in history, but in the context of everything… bad vibes……….
He really loves Nordic/Scandinavian-related stuff, like jewelry of the Hammer of Thor etc and he even uses MS runes for his merch. Runes are popular among occultists but they also have a really problematic history concerning WW2 and the nazis. Considering one of his most favorite bands Death in June mentions runes in their lyrics and they are a REALLY REALLY questionable band flirting with nazi imagery and being openly affiliated with fascist and far-right satanists, I have every right to question Matt’s intentions.
He literally has a crutch cross tattoo on his chest (which was used as the symbol of Austro-Fascism, and is also the logo of the neo folk - nazi band Blood Axis) PHOTO 1, PHOTO 2 and an EDELWEISS tattoo [x], which is the national flower of Austria and is considered a magical flower in occult circles. Nothing wrong with having a flower tattoo but it was used a lot in the context of nationalsocialism and “traditional values”. To add, it was also used as a symbol of the 1st Mountain division “Gebirgsjäger” in WW2 (Hitler’s elite formation of the Wehrmacht who were involved in large scale war crimes). 
Matt OWNS NAZI INSIGNIA. He is wearing a WW2 Edelweiss patch in this pic [x] and here [x] combined with a crutch cross patch (Alk3 used an iron cross backdrop at their concerts 2014ish and a crutch cross symbol on their guitar picks btw.)
He owns several Death In June patches, their merch [x] [x] [x] [x] etc. and other patches and buttons featuring nazi-related symbols. [DIJ WIKI]. He is also friends with their singer. Matt’s a huge DIJ fan, attended their concerts [x] and Douglas P. reads the intro of the Alkaline Trio song “I Found Away”. DIJ uses fascist symbols and “aesthetics” for the band, including an SS Totenkopf logo.
Matt painted the same logo and exhibited it at an art show [x]
HE LITERALLY DID PAINTINGS REFERENCING DOLLFUSS AND MUSSOLINI and another piece of “art” called “surf nazis” [x] what the actual f   u    c  k .. and here he is with his painting of Mickey Mouse as Hitler [x]
HE IS BEST FRIENDS with Boyd Rice, (here’s a picture of them holding Wolfsangels, a nazi symbol) they are REALLY CLOSE. According to Rice’s IG they meet every week and hang out and Rice considers Matt “family”… the entire Boyd Rice shit can be read in this post (important please read). Matt even attacked fans that were calling him out and called them stupid.
The first liked video on his Youtube channel is a video about neo-nazi biker gangs in Germany....... [x]
He is friends with Kat von D, she did a few of his tattoos and she appeared in the Alk3 video “Help Me”.
He collabed with Jeffree Star on a violent song [x]
He was at an art show of a friend who used nazi symbols (!)
posts like these [x] [x]
In this interview [x] he’s pretty much romanticizing that people got stabbed back then at concerts and that there was a big skinhead scene (he wasn’t “stoked” about the violence happening BUT “the energy surrounding” was “very ATTRACTIVE” to him. Make of that what you will.)
When he was a sophomore in HS (and on acid) he beat up a classmate who threw a U.S. flag on the floor. [x]
Matt made a racist remark a few years ago about Chinese people [x] and according to him //or he’s joking// he has a tattoo on his dick that says “welcome to Jamaica” which can be interpreted as racist.
Many of the movies he praises blatantly depict violence against women, like Blue Velvet, Funny Games, A Clockwork Orange (it has almost 3 rape scenes in the first 15 minutes), lyrics like “Radio” can be seen as misogynist, he literally wishes that his ex-GF (/or someone’s ex-gf) should take a bath with a radio and get electrocuted.
A person on IG commented that his ex-girlfriend accused him of domestic violence, I have no proof for that but he deleted the comments ofc and then a few days later he donated money to a women’s shelter in LA… which seems like he’s trying to avoid a shitstorm…
He compared L.A. women to zoo animals in this interview [x].
He cheated on his ex-gf(s) which I think should go on this list too.
Matt used to be a member of the Church of Satan, just leaving this here. you can argue if it’s good or bad but there seems to be a connection between satanists and neo-nazis .. sadly.
He listed the song* “Los Angeles” by X among his faves in this interview [x] (*edit: Someone has reached out to me and explained that the song was not racist, antisemitic or anything but from the *perspective* of a racist. However, we don't know Matt's reason for liking the song and considering his WW2 fetish, it's sketchy that he would consider the song as one of his favorites. Maybe he likes it because the song openly says things out loud under the veil of "sarcasm" that would be criticized under different circumstances. See also: [Oscar Wild was right.] Matt still listened to the band in 2014 and was at a concert of them [x], even months after their singer spew right-wing conspiracy theories concerning (school) shootings.
THIS FUCKING PICTURE OF HIM WITH A CHARLES MANSON DOLL AND A SW*STIKA. He still had the doll in other pictures [x] [x].
This picture I found on a fansite. It’s supposed to be Matt as a child.. where does that even come from and why is he wearing a military hat with something that vaguely looks like an eagle (?)
I can’t be the only one who noticed that but Matt had a vaguely ~nazi haircut thoughout the years and even some sort of nazi / white power aesthetic~ going on, even fans recognized it as such [x] [x] [x] and in the context of him hanging out with Boyd Rice like this in this picture [x] it’s safe to say he was EXACTLY GOING FOR THAT LOOK.
When he was in Germany during the Blink-182 tour 2017 he proudly posed at a famous Third Reich location in the Alps. Yk. nothing wrong with visiting historical locations but in the context of everything mentioned in this post. IT LOOKS REALLY BAD.
…probably more.. this man is a walking disaster
- - -
In this post I listed a lot, there are probably some things you would consider “minor” because they happened years ago but I thought I’d mention them anyway. Also, I’m not saying he has those beliefs but he definitely doesn’t distance himself from nazi(-sympathizing) scum like Boyd Rice and keeps being BFFs with him. And what’s up with the problematic tattoos and WWII insignia? I can’t be the only one who thinks this is not okay!!!
Thanks for reading.
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got7-markjinson · 6 years
Strawberries and Chocolates
Pairing: JB x Reader x Yugyeom Genre: Fluff; Warnings: None!
A/N: This idea was born from a make-up fic title game link here. And since JUS2 is coming for us, I decided to write it with a friendly nudge from @katdefbeom​ and @ijustwantacue​ . Hope you enjoy!
Read: Chapter 2, Chapter 3(END)
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Chapter 1
Opening the door to your apartment half way to peek at the person knocking, you let out a disappointed sigh to see it’s none other than your annoying neighbor, Kim Yugyeom.
“Good morning!”, he stood there, giving you his signature puppy look with a smile, which you already know meant that he’s going to ask something from you.
“What do you want?”
He raised the mobile phone on his hand for you to see, “My battery’s dead. I just need to recharge it just enough to make a call, please!”
“Where’s your charger?”, you ask, though you know it’s fruitless to.
“Uhh, the girl I was with last night must’ve picked it up by mistake when she took off early this morning.”
You shook your head, you didn’t need to hear anymore of it. You have already heard plenty enough from last night with him and his “girl”, who you assumed is different from the previous girls he’s been bringing home.
You finally fully opened the door for him to go in and went back into your room. You trust he already knows his way around your apartment considering how many times he’s been in, asking for various favors. Like getting hot water for his instant noodle, borrowing a towel, a pair of scissors, etc.
After a few minutes of charging, he checked if he can now turn on his phone, and it did.
“I owe you!”, he shouted for you to hear from inside your room.
“You always say that!”, you shouted back.
“And I meant it. You’re just not using your favors-”, he said now walking towards your opened room. When he finally raised his head to give you a look, he was surprised to see you dressed up. It was an understatement that it was different on how you usually looked or dressed when he sees you, even for work, you’re usually just dressed casually with your usual no-make up face. “Wow! Are you finally going on a date?”, he asked.
You hit his arm as you walked out the room, slinging your bag to get ready. “Shut up! I’m going to my high school reunion.”
“You know, if you dress like this every day, I’m going to have to put my moves on you.”, he smirked.
“As if your moves would work on me. Go away now! I’m going to be late.”, you practically shoved him out your door and let yourself out too.
“Have fun!”, he bid you goodbye as you walk off out the hallway of your apartment building.
You were drumming your fingers on the side of the glass of the drink you have been nursing since you got inside the ballroom of the hotel. After signing for registration, you were given your assigned table number and so far, you’re the only one in your table. Aside from being alone, you’re trying to calm yourself in preparation for meeting everyone. And “everyone” meant including your childhood best friend, Im Jaebum. The one you had a one-sided love affair with. Your “the-one-that-got-away”. The perfect “man” in your life. You’ve been head over heels with him even when you were just kids, and was amplified when you went on puberty, until college brought you apart. You took different courses but still kept in touch. Until when you started working, one night when you and a few close friends got together, he introduced his girlfriend. You didn’t’ saw it coming, and it just hurt you more. After that, you made up a lot of excuses, mostly about work, to avoid him. You wouldn’t have wanted to come in this reunion if not only your best friend, Kat threatening to end your friendship if you wouldn’t come.
One by one, your close friends came, and soon only one seat is unoccupied. The one beside you. And as you feared, was reserved for JB. He finally came after a few minutes, and he was still as handsome as ever that you felt your knees weak as soon as you glimpsed his crescent eye smile. You were taken aback when he went straight towards you and gave you a tight hug, “Y/N! I missed you.”, he say through your hair, as he patted the back of your head gently. You awkwardly accepted the hug, and let yourself feel his warmth, with your arms reaching for his wide back. You were glad. He’s still the same JB. Your JB.
“So, as I was saying…”, Kat continued telling her story as soon as everyone sat down at the table, “I said yes!”, showing her ring finger, as proof that Mark Tuan, another one of your closest friends finally proposed to her. No wonder she had to threaten you to come. She planned to announce her engagement in this reunion. She invited everyone of you to her wedding with both you and JB as part of the entourage. It’s not a surprise since JB has always been a close friend to Mark, as you were to Kat.
“So, I’m finally going to see you wearing those silk flowy dresses with flowers in your hair.”, JB said when he followed you to the open bar, leaving your friends at your assigned table.
“And I, you, wearing those formal pants and clean dress shirts.”, you teased back.
“You might. Or might not. You know how I hate being all traditional.”, he said. “It’s been good to see you. It’s been awhile.”, he quickly followed.
You cocked your head. “Has it? I got too busy with work and time just passed.”, you lied. It’s been exactly 4 years, 5 months 1 week and 3 days since you last saw him. You counted.
Thankful you’ve gotten pretty good at hiding your anxiety, you somehow held a normal conversation with him. It’s gotten too good that you probably spent hours talking. You reminisce your school days. He reminded you that one time you fell asleep at class and was called out by your professor. You laughed at how he mimicked how your eyes looked, opened but not really there. Then you teased him for flunking one of your exams because he missed the question number so his answers were off by one.
You got lost in the conversation that you weren’t able to keep track of how many drinks you had. You both turned silent at one point. And suddenly the mood became serious, he was looking at you for a few seconds. “It was always fun hanging out with you.” He said with a sad smile on his face.
Your heart skipped. “Me too. It was too much fun.”, and suddenly you can’t control the words that came out of your mouth after. “In fact, it was too much fun that made me fall in love with you.”
If you weren’t too drunk, you would have seen the surprised look on his face with what you just said. But your stupid self continued exposing your lovelorn past (present) state, “It’s gotten quite bad that I’ve practically avoided you for so long because it hurts to see you with someone else.”
Someone stop me!, you imagine your sober self scream from inside you.
“Y/N, I-“, he began to respond.
You put your hand on his and quickly stood up, “Hold that, I need to pee.”, you say before swaying your way to the ladies room.
You woke up with a throbbing head ache the next day. You walked over to stop the loud continuous knock from your door.
Yugyeom whistled from the other side of the door when you opened, “Must have been one hell of a high school reunion.” He said.
“What do you want, Yugyeom?”, you asked, frustrated.
He raised his towel this time, “My shower broke, I need to get cleaned up for work.”
You didn’t even bother asking what caused his shower to break and instead let him in and went straight back into your room and into your bed. You swiped the phone from your bed side table to see numerous chats from your friend, Kat.
Mark’s Kat: “Drink plenty of water when you wake up.”
Mark’s Kat: “Oh, and btw girl, clean up your room! It looks like a warzone up there!”
Mark’s Kat: “JB contacted me asking where you lived so I gave him your address.”
Your eyes shoot up when you read that last message. And as if on cue, another knock was heard from your door.
You hurriedly got up and gave a quick look at your face in the mirror. Hair disheveled, eyes red and puffed. Face bloated. What the fuck! You screamed internally.
Finally, you opened the door halfway and saw JB standing outside your door. You see on his hands are a few bags of take-out food.
His face contorted in a worry when he saw the mask over your face, “Did you get sick?”
“No!”, you quickly answered, shaking your head. “I’m not sick. I… I just look like hell this morning.”, you admitted.
“Oh”, he smiled, relieved. “Can I come in? I brought chicken and rice soup for your hangover.”, he offered, raising the bags for you to see.
“I’m sorry, JB, I-“, you began to say, thinking of things to throw him out the door without letting him know you were too embarrassed to face him after all you confessed last night. Just then, Yugyeom came out of the bathroom, half naked. And which JB caught a glimpsed from your half-opened door.
“Are you with someone?”, he asked, confused.
“Uhhh-yeah.”, you’re still clutching the edge of the door not wanting to open it fully and let him see the mess in your place.
Still, he peered in to see half naked Yugyeom drying his hair with the extra towel from your bathroom.
“Oh.”, he nodded. Though you can’t read his expression. “I didn’t know you’re living with someone. Is he your boyfriend?”
You nodded. You would have admitted to anything just to make him leave.
JB smiled again and handed the food to you, “Take it. Just heat it up if it’s already cold. I’ll see you next time.”
“Thank you.”, was all you can say.
He left and you leaned your back to the closed door, looking at the food he brought you.
“I’m just gonna hang this here, okay?”, Yugyeom said gesturing the towel he used from your bathroom.
You only now realized, he’s half naked. The towel that he brought the only thing covering his torso. The clothes he worn was thrown on his shoulders. JB saw that!?
“Thank you for the shower, I owe you.”, he said and continued to walk towards the door that you are still leaning against to.
“Wait!”, you quickly recovered your voice when he reached for the door knob.
He chuckled and is now a few inches away from your body, “What? You want a quickie?”
You hit his arm much harder now, “What!? No!”, you only stopped him in fear he’s going to run into JB outside your door.
Yugyeom laughed at how red your face is now.
“Look, I have food! I was just wondering if you wanted to eat with me before you leave.”, you offered.
“Uhmm… but I’m still half naked, can’t I get dressed first?”
You paused and realized JB must be out the building by now and he probably wouldn’t see Yugyeom if he goes out of your apartment. “You know what? Forget it. I’ll have breakfast by myself.”, you said.
“What? But I want to eat, too!”, he whined.
Kat called another get together for lunch to talk about the wedding plans. As part of the entourage, you are “required” to go. You’re just hoping JB wouldn’t ask you about your confession from the reunion and just leave you since he technically thinks you’re with someone now.
Kat was just done discussing the wedding theme. The color motif was rose red and so that’s what your silk flowery dress’s color will be. You’re just thankful it’s not pink or other neon colors that would make you look like a traffic officer. Kat is now asking around on plus ones, or if anyone would bring an extra guest to the wedding so she can finalize the guest count.
You were surprised when JB spoke, his eyes piercing to yours, after spending most of that morning not talking,  “You should bring your boyfriend.”
You were rendered speechless. “What??? Y/N has a boyfriend?”, Kat asked, she was looking alternately between you and JB, waiting for someone to confirm.
“Yeah, I saw him when I dropped by the other day.”, JB answered, he straightened from his seat and took a sip of wine from his glass.
Although you’re thankful that he’s not staring at you anymore, your friend Kat is now looking at you, with questions one after another, “And you didn’t tell me? Wait, is that why your room is such a mess? You HAVE to bring him next time! We HAVE to interrogate him, don’t we sweetie?”, she turned to face Mark who just answered with a smile. “This is so exciting!”, she added and took down notes on her little wedding-planning-notebook.
“And you JB, I’m assuming you’re bringing Jen?”, Kat asked, now focusing her attention to JB.
JB shook his head, “No. We’ve broken up for a while now.” He answered.
“Why is nobody telling me things!?”, Kat exclaimed, “Since when!? Mark! Did you know about this?”, she turned to her quiet fiancée.
“Uh, yeah.”, Mark answered, wiping his face with the table napkin, ready to face the wrath of his soon-to-be-wife.
“Why didn’t you tell me!?”, Kat asked.
“Sweetie, it’s not my story to tell.”, Mark’s voice was as if laced with honey, to pacify his fiancée.
Maybe because you’ve been away for so long that you can’t read JB’s expression when you looked at him. But you still felt sorry, and guilty at the same time. Not being there for him when he broke up with Jen. You didn’t know how their relationship was because your selfish self didn’t want to get involved but it must’ve hurt, even a little.
The next day, Yugyeom was surprised to see you knock on his door.
“We need to talk.”, your face was serious when you saw him answer.
Although confused, he let you in without saying anything. He picked up the bowl of cereal he was eating for breakfast and continued putting a spoonful to his mouth.
“This place is a mess.”, you say after taking a quick look around the room.
“Yours is too, but I don’t state the obvious. Anyway, I don’t think you’re here to talk about how I clean up my apartment.”, he was still chewing the cereal and his hand was still on the spoon, ready to put another to his mouth. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Right.”, you tiptoed, “I’m going to have to call on those favors you owe me.”
He shrugged, “Okay. Shoot.”
You held your breath for as long as you can, you really couldn’t figure how to say it, but just state it for what it is “I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend.”
He choked on his cereal and almost made a complete mess. He’s coughing up milk and you helped pat his back. “I’m sorry? Your boyfriend?”, he asked.
He placed the bowl down and stood up, “Me? Pretend to be your boyfriend?”, he’s repeating it as if those words are foreign.
“Yeah.”, you confirmed again.
“We-How.. How exactly should we do that?", he panicked, “Should we date? Or be intimate or something? I need details! We both know I don’t really know how to be a boyfriend.”
“Calm down.”, you say. Although, you don’t really know how it would work too. You both sat down and you tried to explain what you needed from him, “We just need to date for the wedding I’m attending to by end of the month. And there’s going to be gatherings, lunches and dinners before then”, you enumerated, “so I’m going to need you to accompany to some of them. And don’t worry… I’m going to pay for everything!”
After just a few seconds of thinking, you heard him say, “Okay.”
Surprised by how quick he answered you curled your eyebrows. Maybe he didn’t understand what you were asking of, “Okay? You’re good with that?”
He nodded. “I told you I’m serious when I say I owe you, right?”
You felt relieved. And thought of something again. “Oh, and this goes without saying but just to be clear, I can’t risk having this found out. We’re going to pretend to be dating until the wedding day, okay?”
He nodded again.
“That means no dating other girls before then too, get it?”
“What??”, he exclaimed. He looked at you again and let out a defeated sigh. “Okay. Then I guess I have to cancel my plans this week.”
A/N: Team JB or Team Yugyeom? ^_^
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antimatterpod · 5 years
We're talking about Starfleet's admiralty!
Just how many Starfleet admirals are evil? Liz ran the numbers!
Why are so many admirals antagonistic, if not outright villains?
And what are the qualities which make a good admiral?
Apparently we have more sympathy for Admiral Norah Satie than most people
We're still pretty mad that Kat died
Anika proposes a game: which Star Trek characters should or definitely should not be admirals?
Career paths of the future: in a utopia where people are free to choose their paths achieving/not achieving flag rank shouldn't be the measure of a character's worth
Specific characters discussed: 
Patterson (VOY - "Relativity")
Hanson (TNG - "The Best of Both Worlds")
Haftel (TNG - "The Offspring)
Patar (DSC - "Project Daedalus")
Cornwell (DSC)
Satie (TNG - "The Drumhead")
Necheyev (TNG -- particularly the "Chain of Command" and "Descent" two-parters)
Janeway (VOY and Star Trek: Nemesis)
Kirk (TOS and Star Trek: The Motion Picture, The Wrath of Khan and The Search for Spock)
Content note: We discuss the telepathic sexual assault of Deanna Troi in Star Trek: Nemesis for about sixty seconds, starting at around the 40 minute mark. 
The script for DS9′s “Fascination”, including Lwaxana’s cut remarks about her relationship with Alynna Necheyev
Memory Alpha discusses Natalia Nogulich’s encounter with a US Marine who told her that generals used Necheyev as a model for how to speak to subordinates (an anecdote Liz totally misremembers as she recounts it!)
The decidedly NSFW Janeway/Necheyev fic Liz mentions enjoying way back in 2001. (It’s still great, btw.)
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unbearablylight · 5 years
ok i got tagged in two of these, one from @shit-she-wrote and another from @carrotgirl-1 (thanks to you both!) so time to answer some questions
1. What’s the first story you remember writing?
i was kinda late to the writing game, and the first big venture into creative writing i remember was running a hunger games roleplay blog, so i had to write the updates on those lol there was also a book i started writing in a similar genre around that time, but i don’t remember much about it
2. How has your taste in books changed since childhood?
umm i mean it’s matured somewhat i suppose, but i’ve always enjoyed a good fantasy or mystery
3. Do you see any similarities to your favorite books in your work? If yes, what are they?
i love a found family, so i like to write about those when i can
4. What sort of music inspires you?
to inspire ideas/creativity, i like music that sounds like it could be used in a movie or trailer, kinda big and epic or with emotional shifts. for actually writing, i need music i don’t know or without lyrics, otherwise i’ll start singing along and get distracted
5. Favorite book?
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
6. Favorite mythology (Greek, Norse, etc.)?
greek is the one i know best, so i’d have to say that. but anything with mythological/religious basis interests me
actually if we’re including “religions” (whatever the distinction between religion/mythology may be), christianity/catholicism is what i was raised on, so i know and like to play off of a lot of that usually
7. Dream vacation?
one someone else is paying for lol
um if i’m going with something new, i’ve always wanted to visit japan
i will also always accept a trip to Disney World
8. Favorite writing snack?
i can’t eat, i need both hands on the keyboard lol (something not super messy i suppose, like blueberries)
9. What tea do you drink the most while writing?
i don’t drink tea whoops
10. Do you have a special writing cup, that you drink tea out of specifically when writing to fill you up with inspiration?
i have this very large mickey mouse mug that i would probably use if i was drinking something hot like that, but again, not a tea (or coffee!) drinker
11. Write your favorite quote from your recent wip!!
*~~warnings for sexual language not great for work or minors probably lol~~*
RYVER: Don’t you pretend to be their boyfriend? MAX: Not like this! Usually I just tell them how special they are to me while pounding their brains out. RYVER: Huh. I would’ve pegged you as a bottom. KAT: You would’ve pegged him as a bottom? RYVER: I stand by my word choice.
and on that note, on to round two!
1. How do you pick character names?
through a long struggle. i hate naming things. honestly it depends on what i’m working on, so sometimes it’s just what sounds good, sometimes it’s to fit a personality, sometimes it’s just keysmashing until something vaguely pronounceable appears
2. Which OC would you like to meet irl?
probably Toph from where things may lie unseen for ~secret~ (spoiler) reasons
3. Sunset or sunrise?
sunset for the colors, but i do enjoy a good sunrise (tho i detest waking up that early)
4. Would you rather explore the deep space or the deep seas?
*chanting* deep space! deep space!
5. What inspired your latest WIP?
so i’m actually currently revamping an old script of mine, and for the life of me i cannot remember what sparked the initial concept for it. but what made me want to go back and rework it was watching Fleabag (which is amazing btw)
6. Happy endings or sad endings?
a mix? i guess. i’m good with either as long as whatever it is is done well
in my own writing i tend to mix them a bit, just because i think life and stories are never quite that simple (at least the stories i tell) so there’s usually some satisfaction amidst devastation
7. Do you believe in ghosts?
i grew up watching Ghost Whisperer (it was like the first Adult™ show i watched) and now i can’t not believe in ghosts
8. What’s the first line from your favorite WIP?
you’re asking me to choose a favorite child?!
for scripts, it’s probably Small Ponds which starts:
The lake is relatively still in the summer afternoon. A bird arcs out of the sky to skirt over its surface.
currently The Vestige of an Unwonted Wind is my favorite novel wip, since it’s the one i’m working on lol. it starts:
The beginning of the end was gentle, a dipping of the toe into a spring of boiling water.
Which, should you come across a pool of bubbling liquid, do proceed with caution, for it is either very hot water or not water at all, and neither offer a pleasant swim.
9. If you could shapeshift into any animal, which would it be?
ohhh this is so tough. probably into some type of bird so i could fly
10. So if you’re heading to a lovely garden buffet, with every cuisine imaginable, and you had free-flowing drinks and a chocolate fountain and desserts galore, and you’re wearing a nice dress or suit, right, and there’s a line in front of the roasted meats area, but you’re drooling and you just can’t wait to bite into that juicy steak so you go–you go to the seafood section, and then you see this person, this person who’s hogging all the lobster, just smiling at you as they keep piling on lobster after lobster, they can’t hold it anymore, they don’t have enough hands or plates, so you help them out, and after you help them out they smile sweetly and ask if you’d care for some lobster.
Who is this person?
first of all i’m obsessed with this question
second of all, i have absolutely no idea lmao i don’t know if i know anyone this into lobster. is anyone this into lobster? are they okay? do they like need to bring 99 lobster to a troll guarding a bridge in order to pass? are they on a quest? can i join them?
11. What’s your favorite line from your favorite OC?
you’re really testing me here, aren’t you?
hmm Ben and Monique from Small Ponds are the children i never stop thinking about so i’ll do a line from each of them
Any actress worth her salt makes her presence felt long after she’s gone.
Ben’s (with context, but the last line specifically):
DYLAN: If I’m lurking, what do they think you’re doing? BEN: Trying to seduce you. DYLAN: At a funeral? BEN: There’s worse they think I’ve done.
ok from what i’ve heard, this cycle has gone on for too long so i’m not gonna make questions or tag anyone because i think the people i would tag have done this at least once
however! if you haven’t been tagged and are like aw man i wanna answer some of these cool questions, feel free to pick 11 of them and just say i tagged you. i’ll take the fall, that’s a sacrifice i’m willing to make
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