#this is EXACTLY why i created this side-blog
carcinized · 1 year
also i know people say this but i swear to god it never gets into anyones heads, but you cant just block out all people with other opinions from you. thats called an echo chamber and even if the ideas are the "right" ones it makes the group extremely easy to poison with harmful ideas. you have to think critically about each issue and not just shut out anything thats different from the "norm." cancel culture is literally dystopian and inhuman. things are nuanced and messy, especially politics and economics
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birdkittenn · 1 year
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arminreindl · 10 months
Croc colours and patterns
Somewhat inspired by a recent post by Joschua Knüppe, I feel like it's a good thing to remind people just how diverse colours and patterns in modern crocodilians are. When I see people make art, it often seems to stick to grey or yellowish-brown tones, which is of course not incorrect. But theres a lot of, imo, underappreciated variety still. It's also worth noting beforehand that patterns are most striking in younger individuals and naturally become more muddy the older and larger an animal becomes. But as you will see, even some decently large and old animals may maintain a striking appearance.
Take this alligator for example. Gators tend to be on the darker side, dark greys to black, sometimes countershaded and sometimes pretty consistent. Some individuals, like this one photographed by Gar Luc, still retain clearly visible stripe patterns from when they are younger.
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Or take one of my favourite species, the Cuban Crocodile, which can appear almost bright yellow with a dense pattern of leopard spots. Of course like with the gator you can find individuals that are much more drab, with washed out colours, but individuals with clearly defined patterns still exist.
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Then there's gharials of course. They can range quite a bit in colouration. They can be brown, especially younger ones and females and I've seen males range in colour from a drab grey to almost a light blue or even something that could be described as metalic black.
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Black Caimans are also pretty interesting in my opinion and pretty easy to tell apart from other species once you pay attention to their colour. They are primarily a deep dark black of course, but what sets them apart from spectacled and other caimans is that very fine pattern of thin white stripes across the flanks that creates this beautiful contrast. They can also have patches of brown like the one on the right.
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Orinocos also vary a great deal. Tho I know less about them than I wish I did, I know that individuals can range from drab brownish greys to yellow to somewhat earthy browns that almost range into reds.
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The next ones a bit of an outlier. There are specific cave dwelling dwarf crocodile populations in western Africa with striking orange colouration. Tho this one is not exactly natural pigmentation to my knowledge and instead the result of the chemicals present in the water they inhabit, brought there by bat guano. Still very pretty animals.
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And then there's Paleosuchus, the dwarf caiman which contains two species. Again highly varied. The first image, which I believe is a Schneider's dwarf caiman, shows a very earthy brown. The others, which unless I'm mistaken are Cuvier's dwarf caimans, show colours ranging from dark with a rusty head, black to this still beautifully patterned individual. Of course these variations are also subject to change with age.
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While salties aren't exactly known to be the most vibrant, I'd be remissed if I didn't mention this specific one. It's kept in a zoo in Germany and has this almost bizarre colour combination of creamy white underbelly and chocolate brown top which I've never seen in another saltwater crocodile. Photos by my friends Markus Bühler from the Bestiarium blog and René Dederich
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Spectacled, Broad-snouted and Yacare caimans I'll give a quick shout out. I think most people are familiar enough with how they look like and while their colours aren't anything special, I still think one should appreciate their patterns of spots and stripes and facial markings.
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The last one I wanna highlight is the false gharial, Tomistoma, another one of my favourites. Part of the reason why being its at times beautiful reddish-brown colours.
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evielmostdefinitely · 3 months
I just stumbled upon your blog and devoured everything you wrote like I was starving
May I ask for reader wanting children... voicing her desire to Snow... and controlling softdom!Snow with a breeding kink 👀 calculating readers' cycle and monitoring everything to make sure it takes
shake the frost |coriolanus snow x capitol!reader|
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prompt: you and coriolanus are trying for a baby. coryo is taking it very seriously.
contains: smut. dom!coriolanus. dark, manipulative, controlling coriolanus. trying for a baby. smut. pinvsex, creampie. fem!reader.
“If you’ll excuse me,” Coriolanus stood from his place at the end of the table, the room joining him on their feet- a sign of respect, a reaction of fear. Either way, Coryo was pleased. “Dr. Gaul will be taking over this meeting. I expect you all to listen to her judgment, have the plans for the arena’s extension by tomorrow.” 
A muttering of obedience filled like a steady buzz through the room, but Coryo didn’t bother to stay. Heavy footsteps pacing through the grand halls of the Capitol, hands smoothing over his pristinely pressed suit jacket as he stalked towards your private wing. 
You jumped when you heard the dull beep of the security system, the door opening under Coriolanus’ recognition. You turned, a small grin tugging at your lips. “Back already?” 
“For now, yes.” Coriolanus hummed, his mind too consumed with the task before him to scold you for your teasing. Any other time, he’d have you crawl to him, take him in your mouth and worship him, be grateful for him coming to see you. 
“I have meetings later today, but for now,” Coriolanus made quick work of undoing his buttons, shoving the shirt to the ground. “Get undressed.” 
“Oh?” You giggled at his command, thighs pressing together. Still, you reached for your skirt’s zipper, kicking off your shoes to the side. “I was going to ask if you were hungry, my dear, but I guess I’ve gotten my-” 
“-Enough.” Coryo huffed, tongue clicking in annoyance. “I do not have time for your silly games today. I am just trying to fulfill your wish, but if your mind has changed, then I will go back to work and we can abandon this at once.” 
You burned under his threat, piercing eyes pinning you with their intensity. “No,” You muttered, stepping out of your skirt, pulling the blouse carefully over your head. “No, Coryo, I-I was just teasing.” 
Coryo hummed, chin tilted high to stare at you, down the slope of his nose. “That’s what I thought.” He nodded firmly. “You act as if I have all this time. To track your fertility, take time out of my important schedule to mount you.” 
Your face fell in hurt, suddenly aware of your bare vulnerability. “Mount me?” You scoffed lightly, arms hugging tightly around your chest. Coriolanus’ heart leapt at your tone. “Please, if I’m such an inconvenience, then don’t let me hold you from your duties. Clearly they’re more important than me, than creating a family.” 
“Don’t you dare.” Coriolanus took a step towards you, tone harsh, biting with threat. “You know that’s not true. You are the most important thing to me, my darling, which is exactly why I do make time to do this. But I still have other tasks, you know that. I can’t linger for too long.”
Your gaze lifted, sheepishly meeting his gaze. “Don’t be so cruel to me now.” You muttered, a soft request. “Not when we’re doing this. That’s-That’s now how I want to bring a baby into our lives.” 
Coriolanus swallowed down his retort, sharp and firm with correction. Still, a part of him knew you were right to want the baby to come out of love, out of gentleness. He nodded, a soft hand gliding over your skin, coaxing your arms down. 
His lips found yours, capturing them in a sweet yet domineering way. You let him kiss you, your mind blanking, dizzy with lust, Coriolanus’ body sliding over yours on the rug covered floor. His lips hungrily kissing down your neck, fingers slipping between your legs, teasing your slick folds with expertise. 
“Coryo,” You gasped, fisting his blonde curls, perfectly coiffed from the day. His fingers curled inside of you, stretching you for him. “That- mmm.” Your gasps fell flat from your lips. 
“Tell me.” Coryo’s eyes were on you, as bright and piercing as they always were, filled with something that teetered on darkness. It made you shudder. “Tell me how I make you feel. Don’t hold back from me, my love.” 
You whimpered, swallowing back a shudder that still trembled over your body. “Coryo,” You whispered, breath caught in your lungs. His fingers curled, pad of his thumb brushing over your clit, toes curling into the rug beneath you. “Oh, y-you know how it feels.”
And he did, of course he did. He knew he was making you feel good, and knew exactly how to make you feel good. He’d studied your body nearly scientifically, when the two of you had first gotten together. Coriolanus wanted to know what made you feel good, how to make you feel good, what got you brainless and sweet, and what got you needy and hungry for more. 
Now, he knew more than then, but he was still learning even now. The first time he’d fucked you, trying to get you pregnant, you’d been nearly insatiable. Craving him more and more and more, until he was nearly begging for mercy to stop instead of you. 
It was why he took so much time and care, thoughtfully plotting out your cycles, because it made you so wonderstruck in his devotion. 
“Look at me.” Coryo rasped, body sliding over your own, skin to skin, your leg wrapping around his hip. “Tell me how it feels?” 
You did whimper this time, a pathetic mewling under his ardent gaze. “I-It feels good, Coryo.” You shuddered, breath hitching in the back of your throat. “You always make me feel good.” 
Coryo bit back a smug smirk, though his eyes gave him away. Lighting with fiery satisfaction, lips pressing to your jaw, trailing up your cheeks. “Do you feel good enough to take me now?” His lips vibrated against your skin with the question. 
“Feel good enough to take my release? Let it take inside of you?” It was filthy, so lewd even for Coryo. You throbbed, ached between your thighs at his words, rutting against his thigh for friction. 
“Yes,” You whined, more demanding than usual. “I’m ready, Coryo, please.” 
Coryo slipped inside of you, feeding you his cock slowly, softer than usual. His hands intertwined in yours, pinning you to the carpet beneath him, pillowy lips pressed to yours so he could feel every gasp and moan. 
He fucked you sweet, slow but filling strokes that had your eyes rolling back, hand sneaking between your bodies to toy with your clit. That hunger still resided in him, even with his soft side, he felt the need to show his superiority. 
Your head was spinning, dizzy and dazed from your third orgasm when Coriolanus finally spilled into you, cock milking inside of you every last drop of his seed. 
“You must put your legs up, my darling.” Coriolanus muttered, hands wrapped around your ankles, moving them so they hooked over the couch. You couldn’t move, too overwhelmed with sensation, body still quaking with aftershocks of pleasure. 
His eyes cut down to you, bare on the rug beneath him. Entirely boneless, his release leaking gently down your inner thighs. If only he had a camera, he’d take a million photos, print them and show them to the world- show them how he staked his claim on you, how reliant the mighty Duke heiress is on him. 
He’d never do that, of course, a fantasy to stay in the clandestine filth of his mind unless he wanted your father to have him hung. Still, his cock twitched at the idea of how you’d look pregnant, how the world would know then, when you started to round and swell with signs of life he’d put in you. How those who doubted him, wronged him, ridiculed him would know then. 
“I read it in a book.” Coriolanus added when your eyes fluttered to his, a glassy eyed gaze that had his chest swirling with warmth. He swiped his undergarments from off the floor, slipping them on before settling beside you. 
Your forehead was warm, damp under his touch, though you keened into his palm. “I also read,” Coriolanus whispered, tone in a raspy sort of coo- nearly gentle. His hand moved down your torso, towards your raised legs. 
You gasped when his hands slipped between your legs, body writhing at the sensitivity still there. Coriolanus’ left palm pressed to your sternum, held you in place. “That you should massage,” His right hand found your mound, finger tips digging and rubbing the muscle of the pubic bone gently. “Your cunt. That it will help my seed take to you.” 
You could barely register what he was saying, mouth opening dumbly, strangled with gasps. Coryo massaging your mound, his seed leaking and moving with every wiggle and clench you gave. You lifted your eyes, met by his wolfish grin, wicked and daring. “There.” Coryo gave a final squeeze to the flesh of your snatch. “That should have taken, but lie there to be sure.” A soft, ghosting of a kiss pressed to your temple, before he padded to the bedroom. The steady stream of the shower rang through your ears, cheek pressed to the carpet, left sprawled and spread limply on the floor of your living room.
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flowerandblood · 2 months
Exactly one year ago I posted my first chapter of the My Best Friend series. Nowadays I think it's something awful and I don't even try to edit it because I'd have to write everything from scratch, but I've left it for people who feel attached to the story. I remember getting about six likes and one comment on the first day and that huuuuge interest made me eager to create chapter 2 and then all the others.
I remember the excitement with which I waited and then replied to comments, not believing that people were actually waiting for the next chapter. At the time I was literally not following anyone, which was good because I wasn't comparing myself to anyone.
Eventually I felt I was ready to try writing other series and a few were successful enough that I decided to stay here permanently and create because it made me happy. Up to that point, everyone had been very kind to me and I started following more and more blogs, wanting to feel part of the fandom, to make friends with everyone. Now I know that was the biggest mistake I made.
Seeing things that didn't interest me, fanfic's whose way of writing couldn't draw me in, I felt frustrated, while at the same time fearing that if I stopped following someone, that person would see it as an affront. At the same time, The Impossible Choice, my biggest project until The Fall from the Heavens (which I'm currently editing and re-editing, while inserting on AO3), began to be written.
Just when I thought I had reached the pinnacle of my abilities (which wasn't true), I also started to clash with anonymous hate messages, probably the worst of which were those vilifying me and my husband, and those regarding my one-shot with Micheal Gavey. I know now that taking it personally and getting involved was my big mistake, and the fandom was shaken by drama that got out of hand.
I was a few steps away from deleting my blog at the time, but my husband talked me out of the idea (thankfully, as my stories aren't saved anywhere else − I'm only now moving them to AO3).
That's when I first realised that some people here I don't even like, and they probably don't like me. I wondered, why are we following each other then? Why are we pretending to have any courtesy? It was only later that I realised that to be considered someone's friend, you have to reblog their work and preferably agree with them even when they write hurtful things.
Since I've depleted my circle of those I follow to about 20 people, since I've blocked dozens of people and tags, there's been blissful silence (with the exceptions of when I write about behaviour in the fandom that I find toxic and someone accuses me of causing drama, but I'm used to it now). I've also never written happier than I do now.
Ideas come to me on their own, I don't feel uptight about what other big people will think of me, whether they reblog it, approve of it or not. I don't give a shit and life is beautiful! Although I can be emotionally unstable, I'm only 70 people short of crossing the next milestone of 3,000 followers, and that's BIG for me. It amuses me that I keep getting messages that someone is going to block me or stop following me, and you guys keep coming. It's gratifying.
I'm going to keep writing for you guys, and I'm sure during season two you'll also see my posts describing my impressions after the episodes in which I hope to involve my husband. I'll also keep you updated here on how I'm doing with my book I'm creating in my private life.
Ange. I know that sometimes I'm fucked up, but I want you to know that you've made this place so much more bearable for me that I can't imagine it without you. What I appreciate most about you is that you can talk and discuss, that you always try to understand the other side, that you are empathetic, warm and kind. I feel that, like friends in everyday life, we can also tell each other about things we disagree about, and there are not many people like that here.
On top of that, you are very talented and your stories are always a pleasure to read, even when they are short, you are able to build the plot and atmosphere perfectly, something I have always admired. Thank you for every kind word and understanding.
I still remember your first message to me via ask, referring to the fact that I didn't want to write a pairing with a mermaid because someone else was writing about it at the same time. My heart melted then, it was so nice!
Liz, Queen of Angst! Your calmness and composure puts me in awe. You're disgustingly talented when it comes to writing and you have a super-sweet personality. When you started following me I began to squirm with delight, and when you started reblogging my stuff? My goodness!!!
You've been engaging and reblogging my stories for as long as I can remember. Always involved, your thoughts make me smile. Thank you for being with me for so long!
You've been here with me since the dawn of time. You know that I love you. Your support from the very beginning really makes me feel like I have a friend here.
I am so proud of you! I remember your asks when I wrote Glass Cuts Deepest, your illustrations for me and your uncertainty about whether you should start writing yourself. I'm so happy for you and that you are so successful! You deserved it.
@black-dread & @aegonx
You are my favourite gif makers. Your work always leaves me in awe, you are amazing! I know how much work you put into it and somehow you make even the worst lit scenes look wonderful!
@summerposie; @0eessirk8; @melsunshine; @immyowndefender; @bellaisasleep; @kckt88; @thedamewithabook; @happinessinthebeing; @queenofshinigamis; @travelingmypassion; @mefools; @fan-goddess; @toodlesxcuddles; @ammo23; @troublesomesnitch; @mariahossain; @out-of-life; @apothe-roses; @heavenhatesme; @whitearemydarkestnight; @liv-cole; @blackswxnn; @echos-muses; @watercolorskyy; @at-a-rax-ia; @tssf-imagines; @snh96; @hiatuswhore; @exitpursuedbyavulcan; @darylandbethfanforever9; @the-dendrophile-bookdragon; @opheliaas-stuff @zaldritzosrose
Your comments and reblogs make me want to keep writing. You make me laugh, you comfort me and you support me. I know I'm definitely forgetting someone, but I want you to know that I love everyone who comments on my stories and there is nothing better for me than responding to your reactions and questions! I have known some of you for so many months that I truly consider you my good friends!
lottie-blue-star; aveatquevale-; aemondtargaryenwifey marvelescvpe; alphard-hydraes-blog; herejusttostan; li0nn3stuff; alexandrawho; vilmakamunen; angelinap09; theloveablestargirl; rose-blue-19; xxxkat3xxx; flosaureum; mandiiblanche; librawh0re; jasminecosmic99; ivvypg; rojocarnation; killmanduh; tokkiiidoll; wolfdressedinlace; angelofvivianne; nina2697; starwarsgirlsimmer1; katsucker; ipostwhtifeel; aemondsdelight; ilswemoon; tigrigri; pasta-rask; roselibrary; lystargs; gemini-mama; nikstrange; tempo-rary-fix; coffeeobsessedtrencher; gwuinivyre; dreamerbythewayx; diiickbrainn; mothmankit
And everyone else I missed and whose icons I would recognize from afar. I know that you have been with me for many months, often in silence or communicating anonymously. Your silent support and presence is something wonderful for me, knowing that you have been with me for so long and read all my posts!
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 7 months
Headcanons: Pre-Sagau Relationship & Post-Sagau Relationship
Pre-Sagau Relationship
Before Sagau, aka back when Reader is Creator 100% and no one was doubting or trying to kill them, the Reader created the Imposter out of their own power, creating them out of the finest silver, gifted with the powers that shined like the stars, the moon.
That was kind of their dynamic. Sun and Moon. Reader the sun, shining at night, and Imposter the moon, shining at day.
The Reader is the Supreme Ruler, while the Imposter is more of a Commander, as well as the Creator's Trusted Advisor. Anything the Reader ordered, the Imposter would be able to have a say. Once it was ordered out, the Imposter would see it through while the Reader would begin to plan something else.
When the Creator Fell and Disappeared, That's when the Imposter became Bitter. Bitter for the fact that the Creator left and Abandoned all their Work, Bitter for leaving them. They took the Creator's Place and Face, in hopes that with them in this position, The Imposter would lead Teyvat Better than the Creator would ever hope to dream of.
Post-Sagau Relationship
It's pretty rocky, to say the least. With the Reader's memories still sealed and are trying to come back, and with the entire showdown there was for trying to prove who is the real Creator, the Reader and the Imposter are...not exactly on the best of terms.
Reader has PTSD, Imposter has Trust Issues and overall a bad combination—but slowly and surely, both of them do open up little by little.
It honestly might take a couple hundred years for everything to clear itself up and yk—fix itself.
In sense, as Reader gets to know the Imposter better, they slowly get back on track with the path they originally took alongside the Creator.
Safe to say, slow and steady truly did win the race. (Maybe—Depends if your an angst writer or a fluff writer or ur mood in general lol)
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✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel’s Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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pandoraslxna · 3 months
Hi everyone.
As you all know, I’m usually not the kind of person to address these things publicly, but there is a situation going on that leaves me with no choice but to speak up about it. I‘m deeply sorry for disrupting the peace that I tried to maintain on my blog by bringing unnecessary and childish drama on here and I hope that I will only have to speak up about it once. Writing this down already makes me feel so stupid, but I just can’t keep ignoring this, hoping it will eventually get better, when I know it won’t unless I share my side of the story.
Last week it was bought to my attention that @teyamshuman had updated her blog to make it look extremely similar to mine. And I’m not just talking about a few similarities by taking inspiration, I’m talking about a direct copy of my layout, navigation, masterlist, guidelines and even my about me post.
I’ve put them side by side as demonstration:
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While I tried to think of it as a compliment, it still bothered me to see someone else basically copying me and all the hard work I’ve put into creating my blog and my layout, which is why I decided to reach out to her. I tried to approach this as respectfully as possible, even asked my friends for advice because I didn’t want to come across as rude or entitled and explained my feelings about this to her.
Here are our conversations:
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While she agreed to change it up, it took her almost a day and barely any changes were made. I had to explain to her again and in detail what exactly was bothering me, but I continued to be respectful and kind. A day later there were still some major similarities on her blog, and I was honestly running out of patience. I still didn’t want to make a big deal out of this so I simply decided to block her for my own peace of mind and also because I didn’t feel like checking her blog every other day to check if she had changed anything or maybe even copied me again —which is a valid fear and I’m fully standing behind my own feelings and won’t apologize for them.
Only then did @teyamshuman change her blog theme enough that there was barely any resemblance to mine. She then decided to reach out to my friends and sent some of her moots to try and talk to me / ask if I can unblock her / telling me she wants to talk and apologize, etc. I choose to ignore this because my decision was already made and I was honestly annoyed by the fact that she only made those changes on her blog after I decided to block her.
Now to the main reason why I am even making this post.
After this, the following days my inbox kept filling itself with weird, rude and straight up hateful asks that were seemingly coming out of nowhere. I got suspicious but thought nothing of it, since I don’t take bullying to heart, especially not by someone hiding behind the anon button. It was then bought to my attention that @teyamshuman, who had by then blocked me as well so I couldn’t see her posts myself, published several asks of stories about me being rude and straight up toxic to others. Some of these asks even included the names of my close friends that had absolutely nothing to do with this whole situation. In her responses to these asks it seemed like she was agreeing to everything that was shared about me, some of these asks also contained misinformations and descriptions of situations that were completely out of context. This all reached a point where suddenly people were bragging to her about reporting my blog and simply stating that they now hate me after whatever she had told them about me.
The asks she responded to:
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Unfortunately that is not all.
Apparently, @teyamshuman has at some point decided to stop sharing these asks, yet that didn’t change what was already done. I tried to be the bigger person in this and just continue to ignore her, especially since she told these people to leave me be, but my inbox still fills itself with hateful asks, even death threats and people straight up asking me if I’m the blog everyone is talking about / if I am "that toxic writer."
These are just some of the asks I’ve received, because I’ve immediately deleted most of them when they first started coming in. Sadly there are more and more coming every day.
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While everyone is free to have their own opinion and I, by all means, can’t and won’t force anyone to like me, seeing these things about myself really hurt. I‘m trying so hard to be nice and respectful on here, even if I don’t get the same treatment in return, and I simply choose to ignore so many things that are being said to me and the way I’m treated by some people, yet the one time I decided to speak up for myself and address something that made me uncomfortable, this is the outcome.
What genuinely confuses me up to this point is that this whole situation has taken a turn where I feel like I did something wrong, when all I did was try to protect my peace and express my feelings after someone made me uncomfortable. It was never my intention to come across as rude or passive aggressive while doing so.
Now with that being said, I hope everyone is now able to see this from my point of view and make their own opinion about it. I also hope that the people behind these asks will reflect themselves and realize that what they’re doing is not okay.
Lastly I want to remind you all that this will continue to stay a safe place for everyone and I’m not trying to cause drama over something so silly, something that could’ve been handled so much better, so please don’t send any hate, threats or rude messages to anyone involved in this. This post isn’t meant as an attack against anyone, it’s meant to protect myself and bring peace.
Thank you.
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oliveroctavius · 5 months
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I got this ask on main but thought I'd pick it up here, my comics history/fashion ramble blog. I'd been wondering this exact same thing recently, and Google initially wasn't much help—Rocketeer replica jackets describe themselves only as "Rocketeer jackets" and the one Lobster Johnson cosplay thread just suggested ordering one of those.
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The most curious part is the double seam and horizonal row of buttons that mark out the entire front as possibly being an unbuttonable "bib", like a plastron front. (Please don't ask how late in the game I worked out that "plastron" is the right word for that.)
The closest genuine Golden Age example of a plastron jacket I found was the military tunic style uniform of Blackhawk, created in 1941.
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(Pics from the '52 movie serial (right) really show how awkward it is to combine open lapels + plastron. On a double breasted coat, that chest panel IS the bottom lapel, folded shut.)
Here's the thing: This outfit mirrors that of the Nazi ace pilot he fights in the origin issue, von Tepp (middle). And compare further to the far right: real life WWI flying ace Manfred von Richthofen, AKA the Red Baron, in imperial German Uhlan (lance cavalry) uniform.
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"The Germans had designed such great costumes, we decided to use them ourselves," co-creator Cuidera is quoted as saying in Steranko's History of Comics, which (more dubiously, in my opinion) compares the look to the Gestapo or SS. Breeches or jodhpurs weren't strictly a Nazi thing at the time, but they do add to the overall effect.
Compare two other military tunic themed costumes from 1940, on Captain Marvel and Bucky Barnes. These are asymmetrically buttoned, and switch to a more classic circus strongman look below the waist.
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But somewhere around 1975, with the Invaders book, Bucky gets a buttoned bib! There's something infectious about it—the symmetry, maybe. (Even re: the characters we started with; Mignola didn't draw Lobster Johnson with buttons down the right side, but every artist after does. And Spider-Noir wore a sweater under his coat until Shattered Dimensions introduced the double-breasted vest.)
If it didn't reach his belt, Barnes' button-on front + shirt collar combo would resemble a bib-front western shirt, like the one that became the Rawhide Kid's signature look in '56. (Or Texas Twister's in '76.)
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This shirt entered the old-West-obsessed public imagination in the 1940s/50s largely because John Wayne wore it in several cowboy movies. In reality it was rare among cowboys, more common with firefighters and civil war era militia.
Military tunics, Western shirts, alright, but does anything match the style and material and era, or are these jackets a total anachronism? I tried looking into 1930s leather flight jackets and was surprised when the closest-looking results were marked as Luftwaffe.
It took me a bit to work out why: USAF and RAF issued standard flight jackets with a center closure. The Luftwaffe instead let their pilots buy non-standardized ones. The 'weird' double-breasted black German flight jackets were in fact fairly normal (but repurposed) motorcycle racing jackets.
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Far left is an English biker's jacket that dates back to the 1920s. Even without the bib, this may be as close as you'll get to an authentic Rocketeer. The jodhpurs were pretty common to complete the look. (What was an early motorcycle anyways, if not a weird metal horse?) The first biker jacket with the now iconic off-center diagonal zip was designed in America in 1928 and yet as far as I can tell, not a single actual pre-war pulp hero wore one.
The greatest weakness of this post is that I haven't been able to find any of these artists' notes on how, exactly, they arrived at similar versions of this iconic Pulp Front Panel Jacket. I'm sure I've missed some things. But as far as I can tell, this jacket is an odd bit of convergent stylistic evolution from the above influences that's picked up enough momentum to now be self-perpetuating.
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The problem with pulp heroes is that for the most part, they just wore clothes. The appeal of this jacket is actually very similar to what the 1940s thought the appeal of the bib-front shirt in westerns was: It's alien enough to feel "old". It looks like something invented before zippers or synthetic fabrics. It looks formal and militant but also renegade, rebellious. It also looks a little mad-sciencey*. It's a costume, but you can nearly fool yourself into thinking the past was weird enough that you could find something this cool on the rack.
If I wanted to end on some grand point, I could try to argue that there's a thematic throughline between fascist fashion, John Wayne movies, and throwback pulp. A manufactured aesthetic valorizing the violence of a fictional golden age... but I think the noir stylings of the post-Rocketeer comics in this lineup mean that, at least on some level, they know the "good guys" didn't dress like this.
*If I had another couple weeks of time to burn, I'd try to trace the visual history of the Howie coat in popular culture and investigate its possible connections to this. Alas, I do actually have a life.
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penaconys-hound · 2 months
Obligatory RP Blog intro post
(Warning: Contains Spoilers for the end of 2.1 and 2.2 and was initially created before 2.2)
Making a drink is a sensory skill. In dreams, creating fizzy concoctions requires adding a bit of your mood. Heavier if you're troubled, a touch sweeter if you're in high spirits... It's not just about mixing beverages. It's about mixing the experiences of life.
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Gallagher's the name, I'm one of the local "Hounds" around here. Step into Penacony, the Land of Dreams, Nameless one.
Tired? Just find a place to sit and rest for a while. Let’s have a talk and I’ll mix something up for you.
But a few words of advice…
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Don’t get lost in dreams, and not everything’s as it seems.
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Guidelines, Key, Tags and Notes from the mod:
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-Fellow RP Blogs are allowed, uh hiii Star Rail RP community
-This is my first RP Blog after like a year or so (previous ones just died) so I may be rusty so apologies for that -Using tonetags would be appreciated, not required but appreciated, especially if you say something that could come off as rude but you don’t mean it in that tone, the mod can’t read tone through text.
-SFW only please, Suggestive themes are allowed with a warning however
-Gore’s on the table though, but only if the meme gets involved, or you somehow get a good reason for it, I don’t think Gallagher would just maul you out of nowhere- However since this takes place in the dreamscape blood will be described as water and that’s all that’s gonna spill out-
-Shipping is allowed, I’ll allow any ship unless it’s pr*ship or with Sunday, with the former it’s obvious on why I wouldn’t, gross. You’ll get hit on the offense side of Gallagher’s Ultimate if you try that.
But on Galladay it’s simply cause I’m just not super comfortable with Gallagher x Sunday-
But yeah, as long as you’re follow the shipping rules the sky’s the limit, especially since I see Gallagher as bi
-Mod uses the CDT Timezone and is in education, but otherwise doesn’t have a life, and also has adhd with rapid changing hyperfixations so answer times can range from a minute to over a week
-Anything related to, but not limited to, racism, homophobia/transphobia, sexism, ableism, etc. Is not allowed here.
I’m serious if you come into the askbox with that you’ll get the “Dog” after you:
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-Anons are welcome, you can even have a custom tag if you use a sign off and show up enough
-Magic Anons are allowed however only one can be active at a time and they have a 2-5 ask cooldown depending on what the effects where
-You can technically also ask the Meme on this blog, but don’t expect it to say anything other then *STABS YOU STABS YOU STABS YOU STABS YO
“ “ (Just plain text): Dialogue
“ “ (Same as above but in bold)/“ “ (Purple bold text): (what’s used is dependent on what’s exactly being said) Dialogue where Gallagher puts on his Reaper Robe
(The text for that was originally red however I changed it to purple for two reasons: Reason one being in the lore Acheron uses Red text sometimes and I think it’d be weird if I interacted with an Acheron and she also used red text,
and I changed it to purple specifically cause it matches Sleepie)
“* *” (Asterisks around text): Action/Movement
“// //“ (Two slashes around text): OOC/Mod talking
#🥃bartenders rambles : In character posts/asks
#🐺barred fangs : In character posts/asks when Gallagher is playing the role of “The Reaper/Death”
#🌀don’t fear the reaper. : Fanart reblog tag
#👁️ The Dog. : Mentions/Discussion of the Memory Zone Meme “Something Unto Death”/“Sleepie”
#🐾mods yapping : Posts from the mod/OOC posts, not counting OOC moments in the tags of ask posts
#💫care for a drink under the stars? : Interaction reblogs/RPs, whatever with fellow Honkai: Star Rail RP blogs, can be in or out of character
#🪶hounds prey : Interactions with Sunday and/or Robin/Mentions of Sunday and/or Robin
#🧹the bellboy : (there was no mop emoji) Interactions with Misha/Mentions of Misha
(Tags may be added for specific characters and art RBs if I decide to do that, but for now that’s the tags)
Anon Tags:
#🍸 anon
#🥂 anon
#🍀 anon
Side Notes:
-If you’re wondering on the Mod’s pronouns if you didn’t read the bio, the Mod uses Any/All pronouns (like he/she/they/it etc. Idrc-)
-This will include headcanons, if it wasn’t obvious from the “I see Gally as Bi” comment
-It could possibly get OOC at times while I’m in character, I made the blog before 2.2, but I’m trying to stick to the character as well as I can, and if 2.2 changes his character again I’ll attempt to pull something to fit with that
-Mod will refer to himself ether as “The Mod” or “Mod Werewolf”
Other Blogs the Mod Runs if you’d like to check those out:
(disclaimer they’re not all gonna be for the same fandom in the future)
@the-coolest-character-in-hsr (Hanu from Honkai: Star Rail)
@trash-president-real (Trash President (OC) Honkai: Star Rail)
Anyways hope you enjoy the blog, and avoid getting stabbed by the meme
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desertdollranch · 2 months
Opening and reviewing my first Australian Girl doll
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She spent more than a month in a box, making her way halfway across the world to her new home, and now here she is! I'm so relieved that she arrived safely. It was the longest I've ever had to wait for a doll, and through much of her journey I didn't know where she was or when she would be here.
I don't want to drop too big of a spoiler, but listen to this........ she was so worth the wait, and the money. This doll instantly won my heart with how exquisite she is in every way.
Australian Girl dolls were specially made for Australian children, by Helen Schofield, a grandmother who loved dolls. She created the brand when she couldn't find an age appropriate doll that was locally available or good quality. So she created these dolls to help children feel pride in Australian culture, while teaching them about friendship and empathy. There are five girls to befriend--Amy, Jasmine, Emily, Bronte, and Matilda, each representing a different region of the country, ethnicity, and lifestyle.
The company itself has quite high standards. They strive to reduce waste in their product packaging, and they use a factory in China that treats its workers humanely and does not use child labor.
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If you've been around my blog for a while, you know how much I love collecting diverse brands and types of play dolls, especially international dolls. Also, this one will be extra special because I actually have an Australian grandmother--she's also a doll collector, and I'm looking forward to showing her my new doll the next time I see her.
After the cut, I'll show you who she is, and talk about why I chose her. I'll compare her with similar-sized dolls as well, and have her do some dressing up.
Before we get to the unboxing, let's check out the little goodies included with my doll.
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First is a little pamphlet explaining why the dolls are special, but also represent real girls growing up in Australia.
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There's another pamphlet about how to care for your doll.
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All of the dolls come with a fun freebie: this cute pair of thongs.
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Another freebie (a $30 AUD value) is this very sturdy doll carrier with pockets for accessories.
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I also bought a pair of sneakers for my new girl. I figured her feet would be a bit larger than my other dolls, and these are cute, so she now has three pairs of shoes to wear.
Anyway. Enough of the small stuff. Let's let her out of the box.
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It's Amy from Adelaide!
I chose Amy after three entire years of being indecisive and going back and forth on exactly which Australian Girl I wanted. They're all equally adorable, so I picked Amy because her personality seems very sweet, and I love that she has mixed heritage. According to the Austrlaian Girl dolls website, Amy's family tree is a mix of Aboriginal and Dutch on her mother's side, and English and Indian/Fijian on her father's side. Very representative of modern Australia!
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I have no regrets. She is perfect!!! Just the most charming little angel. I am officially WOWED.
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I'm seriously impressed at the superior quality of her construction. I understand why she was priced a bit higher than similar dolls. She is, from head to toe, beautifully made, with so many sweet details. Her dress and shoes are also impeccably made and feel very durable.
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Her hair is flawless. It's a Kanekalon wig with loose curls, in a gorgeous shade of brown. Her eyes open and close. She has both painted and attached eyelashes.
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She has a gap between her big toe and the next toe, so she can wear her sandals and thongs.
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Her elbows are dimpled and she has subtle blush color on parts of her skin, including elbows and hands.
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She has a crease across her palm.
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She has articulation at her shoulders, hips, and neck. Her limbs, head, and shoulders are vinyl, and she has a huggable soft tummy. I don't really have a strong preference for either cloth torsos, vinyl torsos, or half and half like Amy. They all have pros and cons. This specific construction is nice in that she can wear low-neckline clothes without showing a cloth body, but it does make her harder to repair in case she has to be fixed.
I have a pretty good idea of what she'll be wearing when she's ready to change out of her pink party dress.
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The first photo shows her in a dress I made. The second is a Maplelea dress and hat. The rest are all American Girl brand clothing, except for the shoes. Amy can comfortably wear most stretchy clothes by AG and similar brands like Our Generation, but her feet absolutely will not fit AG, OG, or Maplelea shoes.
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The exception to the clothes is some of the tighter pieces. This AG shirt did not fit well. Amy's shoulders are a bit more broad than smaller dolls, and so without some extra give this is too tight.
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Amy is 20 inches/51 centimeters tall. Here she is next to my Our Generation doll Jordana. I'm using an OG doll because they're actually available locally in Australia. Whereas American Girl dolls, which I usually use when I compare brands, have to make an overseas journey. So it's only fair that I consider any Australians reading this now who are wondering how Amy compares.
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Amy is tall, but not the tallest doll in the family! Here she is next to Fernanda, my Karito Kids doll, who is about an inch taller although slimmer. Karito Kids dolls are in fact just slightly skinnier than American Girl dolls, so they have a much easier time sharing clothes.
In conclusion, I highly highly recommend this doll. She's absolutely sublime! I'm so thrilled to have her here, and I'm looking forward to having lots of adventures with her.
Obviously I'm far from Australia, but my Amy will still live her life as if she were in a suburb outside of the city of Adelaide. I've been looking at pictures of the geography of the state of South Australia, and there are some places in the mountainous parts that look pretty similar to the desert southwest where I live. So Amy will have no idea she's actually in the USA. Don't tell her the truth!
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jksprincess10 · 6 months
Are we out of the woods 2. Passenger side
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Summary : Your father is a dangerous man who has a lot of enemies. One day, you’re taken from your home by force to go to a safe cabin in the woods to be protected from an unknown danger by three of his men: Ironhead, Pope and Catfish. You’re not really a nature enjoyer, but in your boredom, you discover a new love for nature. You also get to know the men working for your dad and interest sparks between you and the mysterious and silent Francisco.
CW: canon-like violence, explicit smut, reader is kind of a princess at first, talks of divorce, drugs & alcohol, talks of addiction, slight age gap (reader in her mid 20s, frankie in his late 30s), jealousy, tension, frankie is a mess.
Fic masterlist
Notification blog
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“You’re not going, it’s not safe.” Santiago settles, while Frankie and Will are silent beside him, arms crossed.
You feel like you have three different versions of your dad scolding you.
“Well I’m not trusting any of you to go grocery shopping. What will you get? Beer and chips?” You argue with your fists against your hips.
“Of course we can get the basics…” Will starts.
“Yeah? Like what?” You wait and your only answer is silence. “Exactly. I’m cooking and I’m not letting you starve, even though it’s very tempting right now.”
“I’ll go with her.” Frankie says after clearing his throat. The boys turn to him with knives in their eyes, but they sigh and agree.
You’re so excited that you could burst from joy. Well… it doesn’t seem like much, but in your current situation, it still is a victory.
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The scenery is so repetitive, you could fall asleep. The falls colors all blend together, creating a vibrant painting.
The fact that Frankie is as silent as a tomb doesn’t help. You don’t know how far the nearest shop is, but you guess it’s very far and you would have to buy groceries for a while.
The radio had been on low volume, but suddenly Frankie cranks it up way too loud when he hears the start of a song he likes. You hear him humming and drumming against the wheel and you try to hide your amusement.
“Don’t tell me you listen to Nickelback?” You ask as you camouflage your giggles behind your hand. Frankie looks at you from the side and you can tell he’s annoyed.
“There’s nothing wrong with Nickelback.”
“There’s a lot wrong with Nickelback. What is this, Frankie? Dad rock station?”
“I’m a dad, you know.” He doesn’t say it like he’s proud of it. You can feel a hint of sadness in his tone, veiled by a faint annoyance.
He’s a…dad? You have a hard time determining how old he is. His face is young with little signs of age except the dark circles under his eyes. He has the start of a dad bod. There isn’t much grey in his hair, well as far as you can see from the curls hanging out of his cap. There are a few grey hairs mixed in his brown beard, though.
And you’re probably staring… because you hear Frankie clearing his throat.
“Is it that surprising?” Frankie inquires.
“I mean, yeah, with that kind of job.” You think out loud. “But it’s none of my business.”
There’s no ring on his finger. You don’t know why, but the thought pleases you.
“You’re right, just let me do my job.”
“I’m sorry.” You respond awkwardly as you look out of the window.
Eventually, the scenery changes. Civilization. The houses are still far apart though and besides a gas station, you don’t see much until Frankie parks near a grocery store. The parking lot is empty besides a few cars. It’s still early for grocery shopping, you guess.
“Put your hood up.” Frankie orders.
The strict tone he uses unlocks something in you that you try to ignore. You shouldn’t like when a man orders you around. Still, you choose to obey and put the hood of your dark coat over your head.
“Who would attack me? It’s 10 fucking AM.” You finally say as you get out of the car.
“Better safe than sorry.”
You go through the automatic doors first, with Frankie following you closely. You grab the nearest cart. You greet the clerk with a polite nod, and you go through the first aisles. You’re overwhelmed with all your options and the quantity of things you must buy to survive the next weeks. Frankie is stressing you out, acting like a guard dog.
“You look suspicious when you keep looking around like that. Relax.” You mumble.
“Can’t you be quicker about it?”
“Go get stuff for the boys and quit stressing me out.”
“I’m not leaving you.”
“Fine, then wait.”
You can’t believe you’re fighting with Francisco like you’re an old couple. You do your best to ignore him as you fill the cart with essentials, and him with dumb things that you don’t need: like enough beer for an army.
“You have a drinking problem.”
“Yeah, well maybe you should drink too so you’d be more fun to be around with.”
You roll your eyes and head to the cashier. You pay for the food – and Frankie’s beer, with the money your dad gave you.
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When you get home, Santi and Will are outside, probably admiring nature. They look relieved when they see you coming out of the car intact.
“Relax, no one would have hurt me. Well… maybe except Catfish’s dad rock music that hurt my ears.”
He gets the bags for you. “What do you even listen to anyway?” Catfish scoffs.
“Not dad rock.”
“I see you two are getting along well.” Santi says with a tinge of teasing.
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Days pass and the lack of intimacy you have is starting to get to you. The boys are always around to watch over you. You think they’re probably listening when you’re in your room, which makes it awkward to fulfill your… needs.
Let’s say with that much free time, your mind started to wander. You can’t deny that the men hired by your father are attractive. And Frankie, even though he’s getting on your nerves, is your kind of man. Older, with a beard and pretty eyes. You can’t help thinking about him giving you orders but in other situations.
Fuck it. You can’t hold it back any longer. It’s late, the boys should be in their room anyway. You make sure the door is locked and take out your phone. It’s useless since this place is very much off the grid. But… you saved a few special videos for lonely times.
You select your favorite, thinking your air pods are connected. But there’s a loud, unmistakable tune that’s at the start of videos from that website. You curse and you reconnect your airpods, hoping no one heard. You eventually relax as you watch the amateur video of man fucking a woman roughly.  You imagine yourself and Frankie in the situation as you circle and tease your clit until you come in a silent moan.
When you come out of your room to get a glass of water, you find Santi and Frankie in the middle of a conversation, a beer in hand.
“Were you watching porn or was that from Will?” Santiago asks without any discomfort. Like it’s a normal thing to talk about.
You feel your cheeks heating up. “T-That was probably Will.”
“Don’t worry, we all have needs. Except we make sure no one hears it.” Frankie teases. He’s smiling at you, and you want to slap the smile off that pretty face. Even though it’s nice to see another expression than the pouty lips he wears constantly.
Santiago adds something in Spanish that you don’t hear. You grab yourself a glass of water as Frankie responds in the same language.
“It’s not fair to keep secrets from your boss.” You snap.
“We were just saying that you were cute when you were embarrassed and mad.” Frankie translates. “And technically, you’re not our boss. Your dad is.”
And for once, that shuts you up.
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the-thursday · 3 months
Hello everyone, this post was long overdue, and finally, prompted by our beloved Howls also leaving, it's time for me to rip off the bandaid as well.
I would also like to announce a sort of departure from Ranger's apprentice fandom.
I do not know how many from RA fandom era from few years back are still here but I assume mostly newer blogs keep up with this account.
Take a lil history walk with me, if you will. I joined this fandom around 2017-18. I was very active around here, posting all kinds of stuff, fics, takes, incorrect quotes, art and whatnot. I made many friends with whom I had a great time and I am happy and honoured that I am friends with some of them till this day. Fandom became the second home to me as things hadn't been exactly easy irl and maybe I fixated on it too much, but gods know I loved this place so much. And I wish for everyone to experience this happiness and just as I made friends who became a significant part of my life, I wish that for you as well. Being surrounded by amazing and wonderful people and sharing similar interests is one of the most pure joyous feelings in this world.
As 2020-2021 rolled around, some of you know that things in my life picked up a harsh pace and I started to drift away. In 2021 I left the fandom because of that and unpleasant things with one of the people here. It was one of the most gut wrenching decisions I had made.
In 2022, I started gradually getting worse, but also had the courage to come back at the end of the year. I felt happy and welcomed and I am so grateful to everyone who made it happen, who supported me and gave me another breath. My mental health kept getting worse but I wasn't alone and that has been everything to me.
Now it's about a little more than a year since I've been back and again, I've met wonderful amazing people who I am happy and honoured to call friends. I don't regret coming back and I am happy I did, however I think it's time for me to go again. And below, I hope to explain why.
Like I said, I've been getting worse. Last autumn and this winter have been very difficult for me and I had to rethink some priorities, as life is going on the time left for me to invest in fandoms is getting thinner and thinner. Unfortunately, among them, isn't keeping up with this fandom. With my next words I hope not to insult anyone. The truth is, I don't find enjoyment in the fandom and content itself anymore, or more like, as much as I used to. I don't exactly vibe with posts for roughly the past half a year and I don't mean this in negative way, I just think it's for me to move on. All of the new people that I've seen have wonderful content and while I don't exactly vibe like I used to, I can see that you're having fun and that's important! People come and go and I do wish all the newcomers and seniors who are still here to have a great time, but I don't think I have energy, capacity and vibes to be part of it anymore. As you know, my blog has been very much inactive for a long time, aside from dumping my dumb sketches or reblogging something here and there. And rather than letting it rot, I'd like to cleanly move on. Anyhow, on self deprecating note, since really it's not like I've been someone prominent I don't think this is a loss to the fandom and this makes it easier for me.
So to summarise, my leaving is about personal things, my life moving and the fact I don't have the mental capacity or motivation to actively keep up.
So what does this mean? I won't be posting RA related stuff on this blog anymore. This blog will turn into a neutral main blog and I'll create one side blog for art that I hope to continue to make and maybe one blog dedicated to the work of Brandon Sanderson.
However, it doesn't mean that I am not up to goof around about RA anymore, however this will be done in DMs. If I sometimes get to draw and post RA related art, it shall be posted on my new art blog with RA tag. However, I don't think there's a high probability of public RA art from me anymore, because 1) need to move on and 2) I have a very strong and maybe confrontational opinion about art in this fandom that has given me a bad taste and discouraged me from enjoying making it and posting it. I won't go into details because I don't want to sour this post for myself and for y'all with it.
I want to thank this fandom for everything it has been for me and for everyone and I wish y'all some happy fandoming!
Yours only,
The Ranger Thursday 11
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itspronouncedtessa · 10 months
The "English or continental" debate is problematic and ultimately detrimental to the community.
Every time I see one of these "are you one or the other" posts, polls, tweets (Xcreets?), blogs, vlogs, whatevers, I get so annoyed. Undies fully twisted.
So indulge me and let's get into this.
First things first:
This is not an attack on pickers or throwers specifically. Any knitting style is valid. If the end result is even, non-twisted stitches that you enjoyed putting together, you're doing it right.
That said, I have 3 major gripes with the concept of "English vs continental" knitting:
1. The terminology. The terms "English" and "continental" were coined during WWII, as continental is actually German and the English were (rightly, at the time) uncomfortable doing anything the German way, or admitting that that way could be more efficient.
As we're about 80 years removed from the war, it might be time to accept that neither is objectively better and that German isn't a dirty word. We can, and should, use English and German, or throwing and picking respectively.
2. It's exclusionary to new knitters. The whole picking vs throwing discussion has made it so that new knitters don't know there are other options. If you're new to knitting, you get the impression that these are the only two options and if you can't do either, you can't knit.
Not to mention that the overwhelming majority of patterns and instructional videos are written or made exclusively for English or German methods. Which means if you want or need to use a different style, you need the additional step and skill of translating the pattern to fit your method. This requires a certain level of understanding of the underlying techniques that new knitters don't have. (Which is why I prefer charts, but that's a whole different rant.)
3. It's exclusionary to experienced knitters who don't pick or throw. The term continental for specifically German knitting dismisses all the other non-German European styles.
An incomplete list:
Eastern, or Russian, where you purl clockwise instead of counterclockwise, mounting the stitch backwards and knitting through the back loop on the right side. Creates the same stitch, but can be so much smoother to execute. Also very useful if you're doing rows of YO, ssk, as it eliminates the need to reorient the stitches before knitting them together.
Norwegian, where you purl without the need to bring the yarn fully forward. This is hard to describe in words, so I highly recommend googling for a video on Norwegian purls. It's a game changer for rib or seed stitch.
Portuguese, where you tension the yarn at the front of the work, looping it over your neck or through a pin. My personal preferred main method. Super helpful for those of us who lack finger strength to comfortably tension at the back. Makes purling a breeze.
Irish or lever knitting. Done with straight needles and (mostly) one-handed. Extremely helpful for people with disabilities. Also one of the fastest methods. You should check out videos on this, the speed is magical.
Flicking (not exactly regional), which is right handed but instead of throwing, you move the right needle to grab the yarn. Also difficult to explain, so check out some videos on this, too. Its a very quick method with minimal wrist movement. If you have the finger strength for tensioning it's worth practicing this, as it's so quick.
All of these are valid techniques, most of them are from continental Europe, none of them are included in the question "English or continental?".
And all of the above doesn't even get into the non-western, non-English, non-European styles there must be around the world, that I can't find through Google, because the English speaking world only uses the above mentioned methods.
Also, knitters that use other methods than picking or throwing are wildly underrepresented in the community, giving the knitting scene a culturally very white, western European image. Knitting could be a far more inclusive hobby if we'd embrace all styles.
In short, we need to change the question to "tell me about your technique" and learn from each other. Combining multiple methods (I use 3 or 4 interchangeably, depending on the pattern) can increase efficiency and enjoyment. And if you're struggling in any way, there might be a technique out there that better suits your needs. Asking about English vs continental isn't going to provide that information.
So tell me about your technique, especially if you use or know of any knitting methods that aren't western or European, I would LOVE to hear about that. Let's share and celebrate all the ways we knit.
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sparkling-ariaria · 1 year
BTS fics I read and want to keep...no°1
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*Only fics that aren't already on one of my other lists*Complete fem or non-specific reader* Upd: 20.06.2023
Non-Idol AU
Only yesterday by borathae - Yoongi x Reader Your life in a small countryside village was nothing of the extraordinary, you owned a quaint little teashop, enjoyed warm evenings in your garden and liked taking walks by the river. One day a handsome stranger moves in the abandoned cottage opposite side of the river and it is not long that he becomes a source of comfort in your life.
Purr-haps I like you by taleasnewastime - Yoongi x Reader You have a no pets policy where you live, but when you find a tiny kitten in a box on the side of the road, what can you do but bring it home with you? The only problem? The landlord who made the no pets rule, also happens to be your flatmate.
A soft touch by madbutgloriouspond - Yoongi x Reader [fluff] Yoongi always knows exactly what you need.
The sweet shop by - Yoongi x Baker!Reader Yoongi gets extra clingy and too handsy while you’re whippin’ in the kitchen. And to Jungkook and Jimin’s dismay.
“You’re no longer alone” - Namjoon x Reader [hurt/comfort] God hears you when you ask him to make you feel less lonely.
Crazy, stupid love by koostarcandy - Bad boy!Jungkook x Good girl!Reader [short and adorable] Jungkook doesn't think of himself as man who would do reckless things for love, no. But he'd go to any heights, even if it drives him insane just for his love. Alternative? His drug is his baby.
Mr. Right (Swipe) family-free-side-blog - Fratboy!Jungkook x Reader Jeon Jungkook is well aware that he’s the bane of your existence. He just loves to push your buttons and lives to see you all riled up. So, what happens then when he catches you swiping left on his Tinder profile during class?
Fall back in love by bukguhope - Jungkook x Reader Jungkook somehow grew a reputation of sleeping around on campus, leaving him lonely and inexperienced with relationships. so when you, his old childhood best friend moves onto campus, he discovers what a relationship can feel like as he finds himself falling in love with you.
When I'm with you by koostarcandy - Jungkook x Reader
Heaven by daydreamindollie - Hoseok x Reader “Why do you only kiss me when I’m sleeping?”, “Can I do your hair?”, “Stop it, it tickles”
Alone again by archivedkookie - Hoseok x Reader Hoseok always ends up alone when the moon shines bright and the clock strikes midnight. Everyone eventually leaves him. And he isn’t surprised when you do, too.
A piece of your sun by holdinbacksecrets - Hoseok x Reader [talk about sickness of a relative, comfort] "You don’t have to ignore your doubts, love. It’s ok to say it hurts.”
Love Language by rmnamjoons - Namjoon x Reader Exactly one year before one meets their soulmate, their love’s first words spoken to them appear as a tattoo on their wrist. When Namjoon’s tattoo appears, however, it’s not of words, but of the most beautiful set of eyes he’s ever seen.
All to myself by madbutgloriouspond - Seokjin x Reader It's easy to come home and let yourself be wrapped up by your boyfriend.
A part of your home by jinkookspencil - Seokjin x Reader In which seokjin creates space for you in his apartment.
Bookstores and safe havens by jinkookspencil - Jungkook x Reader "Just one book", you promise Jungkook as you step into the bookstore.
Heart of the storm by ladyartemisia - Jungkook x Reader Jungkook was the handsome RA that you could never quite bring yourself to talk to, and you were the ice princess whose status kept you far out of his reach. But a selfless act of kindness in the midst of a terrible storm forges an unexpected bond between you - one that could break your guarded heart…or finally set it free. 
fxck a fxckboy by yoongifis - Yoongi x Reader Where you sort of hooked up with one of the school’s biggest fuckboys but end up leaving him hanging and never contacting him because…well…why not? Somehow the universe brought you two together and now you’re left dealing with him because he apparently caught feelings for you.
Protective by justcallmenikki7 - Platonic!BTS x Reader You’re new, and one day you get hit by a basketball and somehow, in some way, you got the Bangtan boys wrapped around your finger. 
Angel by joonberriess - Yoongi x Reader [nsfw but fluffy] He’s yours and you are his. You didn’t need a magazine to tell you that, because the media knew nothing about what went on behind the scenes.
Gold by beahae - Yoongi x Reader One thing your boyfriend isn’t shy about is his musical talent. You know he enjoys getting to show off a little. Which only makes it especially intriguing when he gets suddenly bashful about his most recent songwriting development.
Your Yoongi by yoongiphoria - Yoongi x Reader Yoongi’s a little tipsy, lots of lovey-dovey fluff and smut
One morning by aamalaaa - Yoongi x Reader What soft mornings with Yoongi would be like.
Studio Dates by mirahuyooo - Yoongi x Reader Nothing beats spending the late hours in your boyfriend's studio. 
Paws & Claws by amethystwritesbts - Taehyung x Dog groomer!Reader You get a bit exasperated when you have to stay late just to groom the dog of a high profile client, less exasperated when he ends up being a total sweetheart - his owner isn’t so bad either, turns out.
Intertwined by beenbaanbuun - Namjoon x Reader Namjoon brings home a new artpiece and you try to figure out what it symbolises.
Sunshine boy by magicchai - Hoseok x Baker!Reader Hoseok visits the bakery y/n works at regularly, enjoying the peaceful moments and the opportunity to flirt with a pretty girl.
Party on you by here2bbtstrash - Hoseok x Reader The only thing stronger than your social anxiety is your big dumb crush on Hoseok - and you're certainly not expecting it when he tells you the real reason he threw this album release party.
JK drabble by eoieopda - Jungkook x Reader Jungkook gets home from tour and is just the clingiest, cutest, softest bf.
Safety Net by orithyia-eriphyle - Platonic!BTS x member!Reader Compilation of the moments where the members of BTS are protective over the only female member, you.
Hierarchy by persphonesorchid - Panther Hybrid!Yoongi x Bunny Hybrid!Reader You go to an uni where most of the students are predators and get paired up with Yoongi for an assignment.
Out of the woods by angelicyoongie - Wolf Hybrid!Namjoon x Human!Reader Promising Jihyo that you were going to stay away from your writing for one weekend had been easy in theory, but much harder to actually do once you reached the little cabin the woods. To make matters worse, the only thing that rivals your inability to keep promises is your terrible luck – and after a particularly bad choice leads you to get lost in the mountains, you suppose that it’s only karma that you end up face to face with a wolf that looks ready to rip your throat out.
Soulmate Drabble - OT7 x Reader
The Choice by ladyartemisa - Bastard Prince!Yoongi x Reader In which y/n virginity plays an important role in fulfilling a prophecy. Who will she decide to give it to?
The Mark of Yun-Ki by ladyartemisia - Tiger hybrid!Yoongi x Human!Reader For a thousand years the tiger god Yun-Ki has marked the heirs of the Min Empire and thus only a marked heir can inherit the throne. When the beautiful daughter of the Min Emperor’s loyal warlord rescues a mysterious tiger hybrid from the imperial prison, she unleashes a secret that the throne would kill to protect. The young emperor claims to be the chosen heir... but who really bears the Mark of Yun-Ki?
My Home by purpleyoon - Dragon!Yoongi x Human Healer!Reader It was close to winter, and your medicine was nearly complete for you to use. But when it came to, you helped another whose wounds were life threatening. Now, random items kept showing up on your porch, with each item bringing you closer to the creature you healed. And when he returned, he saved you. Now, with him, you felt like you were home.
Sehebon by httpjeon - Alien!Taehyung x Human!Reader You find yourself on Izo Huen, home to the Sehebon. Luckily for you, you've arrived at an interesting time.
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wonderer399 · 11 days
Sebastian x Ciel 🥀❤️‍🔥🖤💖🌹👄 Astrology analysis (Synastry) Part 1a ✨🔮🌌
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*⚠️Non Shippers PLEASE IGNORE MY POST AND STAY OUT! I don't want your negativity in my blog! If you don't like it, then don't engage with it...as simple as that!!⚠️*
I wanted to make a really unique, fun and interesting post related to sebaxciel. I have been studying astrology for the past 8 years now and I can tell you that its not a joke and actually can be very somewhat creepy like how do they know about me so much like wtf! stop exposing me!💀 Astrology is very vast and very in depth knowledge if you want to look at it further. So I thought why not lets make a synastry and composite chart about seba x ciel and how their relationship dynamic works astrologically and how their relationship is still evolving. I have also made their numerology chart and its fun! (I'm still learning astrology and numerology , so if I make any mistakes please kindly correct me!)
Out of my curiosity I just wanted to look at Seba x Ciel 's synastry, composite and numerology chart report and analysis and BOY !!!! I WAS SH👀K !! LIKE WTF!!! HOW!?!? HOW CAN THIS BE 💯% ACCURATE!! Now its giving me creepy vibes like did Yana purposefully picked their birthdays ?!?!? SO HERE I AM BLOGGING THIS ✨ ASTROLOGICAL MIRACLE ✨ and you are reading it!! GET READY TO GET SH👀K !! CAUSE YOU KNOW SHARING IS CARING!!
In this Part 1, I will only discuss about the planetary and asteroid Synastry aspects ( synastry chart means that you take 2 different people's chart and superimpose it on top of each other to see how 2 different people act with each other between their relationship dynamic ) ( this part 1 is getting really really long, so I decided to break it down into many mini parts ( like part 1 a,b,c..I don't even know how many mini sub parts of part 1 I will write, but it is more than 2 ) , Its like writing an AO3 ...you can never stop writing lmao! In part 2 I will go further into the Synastry and the details of the House placements and how the house overlays gives their relationship dynamic more definition! Part 3 and Part 4 will be based on composite charts! ( composite chart means you combine 2 different people's chart to see how they work together as a team or as a 1 person ) Part 5 will be about Numerology and if I'm able to find out more interesting astrological facts about them then I may make part 6 ( mostly Natal analysis )...I'm gonna expose everything about SebaxCiel dynamic and their real personality and how their relationship works and how its evolving and what do we expect to see in the future especially in the manga chapters! *EXCITED*
The birthdays, time and location I used :
Sebastian : 18th January, 1886 ( 6:30 am ) London,UK
( I was extremely skeptical about Sebby's date, however after doing lots of research and some analysis, I have come up with this birthday as it is very accurate...at least I tried to make it accurate! , also I used this bd for sebby because whenever a demon a manifested in this 3d human realm, it is 'reborn' again...obviously he a thousand years old I'm not using that B.C. date lmao! )
( okay I know none of them were actually exactly born in London,Uk however I do not really know where the mansions located...so I used London as a general location and England isn't that big enough like the states lol ..so it wouldn't affect the reading and analysis much at all I think! lol )
Ciel : 14th December, 1875 ( 7:30 am ) London,UK
Synastry Chart below! I'm going to explain now what planetary and asteroid aspects creates their LOVING, STEAMY , SEXY AND IRRESISTIBLE synastry !
✨ Ciel is Deep Blue and Sebastian is Deep Orange ✨
Just like their Eye colors! *GASPS* that was a coincidence! SH👀K !!
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Their positive aspects :
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Their negative aspects :
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( these two images illustrates their dynamics of both positive and negative sides of the same coin )
I'm gonna talk about *positive aspects only ( mostly conjunctions, as trines and sextiles are very watered down version of conjunctions, its still positive though )* cause I don't wanna ruin the *rose-colored glasses* mood we all sebaxciel shippers have it on right now! I don't need to talk about *negative aspects* cause they don't really fight much...its just the power chokehold they have it on each other kinda like BDSM not physicially but psychologically and I kinda find that really really hot! *negative aspects* ( Oppositions and Squares ) aren't necessairily that bad they are just 'necessary evil' for realtionship to grow, improvise, evolve, survive and thrive . If you guys find more aspects you can reply or reblog!
*Website used : Astroseek.com*
Jupiter, the planet of expansion, faith, hope, good luck, opportunity, wealth, philosophical and spiritual values and financial gains. It's also known as the Great Benefactor because it's larger than all the other planets in the solar system. Jupiter the god and husband of Juno according to the greek mythology. Juno, the asteroid of loyalty, intimate, serious and long term relationships and partnering. Juno is the goddess of marriage and protector of women, who was known for her loyalty and protection of women. Jupiter and Juno were a married couple. Juno is Jupiter's most prominent wife and is often depicted as a beautiful queen-consort. Juno is the queen of the gods and is worshipped as the protector of marriage and homemaking. Jupiter is also known for his infidelity and he had many other affairs lol.
When Jupiter and Juno tightly conjuncts in a synastry like this, both the juno and jupiter person wants to have a strong and powerful commitment towards each other. Jupiter brings happiness in juno person's life. Jupiter's optimistic approach in life boosts the ego and confidence of juno person. They both think they have found their 'ideal match' as Juno is extremely loyal, supportive and devoted to Jupiter person's interests and goals. Jupiter helps juno through expanding Juno's vision for their future goals and Juno helps Jupiter by grounding themselves in practical day to day life. Jupiter person also helps juno to succeed in careers to achieve BIG GOALS. Juno is tolerant of Jupiter just like a loyal, devoted and faithful wife!
Its a very stable and long lasting and perfect synastry for marrige! Jupiter brings out Juno’s desire for marriage and commitment in a big way. Juno wants to get married to Jupiter right away, like juno wants to make the 'OFFICIAL CONTRACT' immediately ! or Juno wants to desperately have a family with the Jupiter. Juno's characteristics is very protective, possesive, loyal and devoted in nature, and jupiter expands or amplifies juno's these qualities or characteristics on each other and jupiter can feel its effect.
According to this synastry, Sebby's Jupiter tightly conjuncts Ciel's Juno in libra. Libra is zodiac of relationships, ruled by Venus , the planet of Love, Beauty and Harmony! Their main focus would be their relationship with each other is their #1 priority! They prioritzie to make their relationship more lovely, harmonious, compatible, diplomatic, graceful and beautiful from both inside and outside. Sebby is very important for ciel's career and his BIG GOALS in life and they are both very loyal and devoted to each other. And Sebby helps Ciel by expanding Ciel's future vision and plans!
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'Let's fuck'....This conjunction is like a ticking time bomb 💣 💥 and the explotion of the excitement would be the bed breaking session! They can't help but to get pulled by each other to do that deed...THEY LOVE TO FLIRT WITH EACH OTHER 24/7! There is no other way to describe this dynamic! Its a great synastry to have a very , BED BREAKING LOUD SEX. ( Conjunctions and Oppositions will mostly feel this, but in oppositions fights will be frequent, trine and the sextile won't be that strong ) Especially if the man is mars and the women is venus...the bed breaking session will go on all night long! their passion is just stronger..if its the other way around the 'man' in this relationship may feel emasculated or may even feel slightly uncomfortable by the women, but the passion is still there but the women might be very forceful sexually towards the man.
This synastry doesn't give enough stability for relationships to last, but this synastry is perfect for a quick fling and passionate romance. Mars, the planet of ( very masculine energy ) Aggression, Power , Temper, hot headed, SEX, impulse, War, Aries and Scorpio ruler and Fiery planet meets the Venus, ( very feminine energy ) planet of Beauty and Love, Peace, Harmony, Joy, Luxury, Riches and Diplomacy ruler of libra and taurus.
Mars can't help or stop thinking about the passion and they also want to have Venus in their life even if its for a very short fling type thrilling relationship, MARS WANTS TO HAVE THE UPPER HAND ( like controlling or owning Venus ), MARS WANTS TO MAKE THE MOVE 1st AND IMMIDIATELY AS IF VENUS IS THE SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION STUFF WHICH WON'T STAY FOREVER IN THE MARKET ! MARS WANTS TO MERGE WITH VENUS TO FEEL THE PASSION AND THE RAW BURNING DESIRE THEY CRAVE DEEP INSIDE FOR EACH OTHER. And if Venus wants Mars as well, Venus will let Mars do whatever Mars wants...venus also secretly wants to get dominated by Mars! You know the saying goes, 'Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus'..its the merging of masculine and feminine energy we are talking about.
Even if it is between platonic relationship rather than a romantic one, the 'platonic' friends will still feel some tension...and their other friends might notice it and will tease them by saying 'u guys r so gay/lesbian for each other' lots of inappropriate touching going on between these 'platonic' friendships even if they already have a bf/gf....if its the dynamic between parent and child, they will show lots of passion and affection through touching all the time.
In this case, Sebby's Venus tightly conjuncts Ciel's Mars in Pieces. If noticed carefully Ciel always wants to have the upper hand and they are becoming very 'touchy touchy' by each manga chapter, especially it is more noticeable in the Emerald witch arc...like after waking up from the psychic trauma Ciel compensated his lost touching time with sebby as Ciel and Sebby both were excited to be able to stay 'near' each other again! Also, Mars do love get bathed by Venus!!... They were constantly flirting with each other with Victorian aesthetics in Emerald witch arc, especially when ciel was in a dress and sebby called him 'my lady' while fighting with Germans! and also the train date!...Mars CRAVES the touch of Venus!
Don't let Ciel's 13 old appearance fool you, he is very forceful and demanding towards sebby ( Its an Order SEBASTIAN! LMAO ) and Ciel CRAVES sebby's affection, excitement, passion and touch! Ciel as being a Mars in Pisces is drawn to more romantic and sensitive partners who are compassionate, creative, spiritual and will listen to him and Sebby as being a Pieces venus, he wants passion, true love, and a partner that is emotionally invested in the relationship. And Ciel exudes his passion and desire for 'revenge' and very much invested in Sebby! And we got to see the constant flirting going on between them on the lastest 212 🌹 train date🌹 chapter!
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Rarest conjunction EVER!!! It takes around 250 years ( more or less ) for Pluto to even complete 1 cycle and it takes around 165 years for Neptune to complete 1 cycle. Pluto and Neptune conjuncting like this happens only once in around 500 years!! Last time it happened in 1891 , and the next time it will happen in 2385. And it is even more rare to observe it in the synastry! Therefore, its really hard for astrologers to even describe such synastry dynamics! Both Pluto and Neptune are considered generational outer planets and they are extremely slow moving...Pluto the planet of the underworld ,the mafia boss, the thug you don't wanna mess with, always Schemeing and Plotting, death and rebirth, power to control, deep dark secrets, intense earthly desire and transformation..( lmao I always think if pluto was a person that would be that anime character from jjba Goirno Giovana like Italian mafia boss ) ...sounds very scorpionic in nature as pluto co-rules scorpio with mars...on the other hand, you have Neptune the planet of illusion, delusion, manipulation, confusion, dreams, fantasy, out of this known earthly realm ( Isekai world in anime term ), spiritualism and psychics etc etc is the theme of Neptune...Neptune rules Pisces.
When these 2 planets are in conjunction with each other in a synastry like this, Pluto person will try to dominate and control the Neptune person, Pluto wants to transform the neptune and its theme...Pluto will breakdown and destroy Neptune and will help rebuilt Neptune back better than before...now this transformation can be very painful if the Neptune person resists...the annoying thing about this transformation is that it just constantly occuring , the cycle never stops...and if the Neptune person stops the 'evolution' or does not want to transform spiritually, mentally or psychologically...they will end up having very dissapointing 'reality check' which can be very devastating and life threatening to them because Neptune is the 'Illusion' Neptune can't see past the delusion they are living in...In other words, Neptune has no other choice but to listen to pluto no matter what...if Neptune wants to transform and wants to stay committed to pluto...Pluto is very protective over Neptune person and have a very strong mental and psychological and sometimes emotional attachment to Neptune. Pluto doesn't and won't let go off the Neptune person, pluto's grasp on neptune is very tight as it wants to hold onto it desprately...it can also be other way around as well if the pluto person doesn't do what they are supposed to do, like help transforming Neptune into realigning with their reality, pluto person might get into a big trouble as the confused neptune will try to manipulate and the pluto will retaliate as pluto is very grounded into the reality and will not tolerate neptune's manipulation and psychological warfare...eventually either pluto will leave neptune alone or Pluto can stay strong keep staying 'grounded' into the reality so that it can help evolve and transform neptune as much as it is needed for neptune's realigning with the reality.
Another positive side of this synastry conjunction is that there are always a space for forming an extremely strong mental, psychological and emotional attachment with each other. Overtime they will both feel the extreme affection and empathy towards each other, if both pluto and neptune do their spiritual work and transformation and don't resist the process, instead they should trust the process, as they are both transforming spiritually. And only then they will be very affectionate and empathetic towards each other. They will also have a sense of compassion, will be able to sync with their emotional needs, they will eventually learn how to be emotionally vulnerable with each other...
In this synastry Ciel's pluto conjuncts Sebastian's Neptune. Ciel had to transform sebby mentally, psychologically, spiritually over and over again throughout their journey so far..so many trial and error going on..still the good thing is that sebby is committed...even though he was somewhat injured in the book of murder and book of atlantic...both times when he got injured, he wasn't expecting he was overconfident and slightly delusioned of his demonic superpowers...he underestimated undertaker and it cost him a lot of trouble for both ciel and him...and in the emerald green witch ark , ciel being the pluto person temporarily stops functioning due to his trauma and sebby being the neptune person tries his best with his dangerous manipulation and psychological warfare on ciel and it worked as ciel being the pluto did not tolerate his disrespectful act and retaliate back asap which was very much needed at that time...also, at the book of circus at the asthma scene ciel was embracing his own transformation and managed to overcome his fear at the end that's why sebby looked so excited... so as long as they are with each other, transformation like these will keep occuring!
Also, through that transformation, their bond keeps getting stronger through each transformation and they have gained enough empathy, affection, emotional and psychological attraction towards each other as it shows how proud ciel was when he acknowledged sebby's dedication at the end of the book of atlantic on the boat when ciel said 'You did good work today, when we reach the manor I want you to rest to serve as phantomhive butler properly'...and also when ciel woke up from psychological trauma in the green witch...they both were extremely affectinate towards each other as if its their one of the big relationship transformation...
Also, on the side note, both their pluto and neptune conjuncts at the zodiac Taurus, Taurus in pluto will be obsessed with their material possesion, finance, money, will be determined and enduring and Neptune in taurus will be very artistic, being good with food, will have a natural talent for creating beauty like pleasure seeking...both their planets conjuncting in taurus would challenge and transform their view on material possesion, pleasure seeking tendencies, money, loyalty and determination...this is exactly what we see happening during the blue revenge arc when R!ciel came back and took away everything from our ciel! And as a pluto in taurus, our ciel was extremely mad and his reaction at lau's place was extremely valid.
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Juno - Ascendant (✨ 💘 ) : *ARE YOU MY HUSBAND/WIFE?*
Most common synastry among married couples!!! Its a love at 1st sight connection! When one partner's juno conjuncts the ascendant of another partner...the juno person sees the ascendant person as their ideal mate like their entire exsistance is perfect for the juno person to be considered at their significant other. Juno, as I mentioned earlier, the asteroid which is like a very loyal and devoted wife can be very possesive of their partner at well. Juno ( sebby ) person knows very well that ascendant ( ciel ) person will be very important in their life and juno dreams and even fantasies about having a life with ascendant person and how exiciting it will be...the ascendant person will immidiately realize that the juno person needs to be in a commitment with ascendant person...its a inner calling which the both juno and ascendant person realizes from deep within..both juno and the ascendant works together to succeed and accomplishing their mutual goals. Juno person is happy to provide a solid support in order to nuture ascendant person's future goals...Ascendant sees Juno as the stable and committed source of love and asc uses it to their advantages in order to achieve their desired goals...This synastry can show that the asc person feels like a wifey/hubby material to their juno partners and the juno probably proposed to them a lot or talk about marrying them every now and then. The juno person can be overly possessive and controlling over their asc partners as well.
In this synastry Sebby's juno conjuncts Ciels ascendant very tightly! And sebby shows all these possesiveness towards ciel and their small flirting here and there is a huge indicator!
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Another really common marriage indicator between most couples...Moon the planet of emotions meets the saturn the planet of restiction, authrority and strcuture. Saturn is like a benevolent restrictive father figure and the moon is that inner child. Saturn may sometimes think that moon is really childish...Saturn isn't complaining though they are happy to take the responsibility that comes along with the moon...Saturn is very mentally and emotionally mature...and moon is very moody...which can sometimes annoy saturn....moons is always emotionally ups and downs like they are always in an emotional wave of 'feelings'...They both want the same thing in terms of commitment...Moon approaches with the commitment very emotionally and Saturn with a sense of responsibility, maturity, or practicality. Doing anything in their power to keep the bond secure. Its a really stable and long lasting synastry between married couples. This synastry is very solid and strong and provides a solid base for mutual understanding, respect and commitment between couples..
In this synastry Sebby's saturn is in conjunction with ciel's moon...even if the orbs are wider, the energy is still felt and..the moon can have wider orb in conjunction...it is very evident that how bratty can ciel get from time to time and how childishly he tests sebby just so that he can annoy him...and sebby quietly endures everything ciel throws at him along with his bratty tantrums...and how sebby is very strict with his learning lessons later on how ciel took revenge by pouring the hot tea on sebby's hands LOL so petty of being cancer moon!
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Devotion, loyalty and possesiveness to the maxxx!!! As I said earlier that Juno, the goddess of marriage is also very possesive, loyal and devoted.... In this synastry, juno conjuncts with the sun ( which is the ego the core personality )... Juno is very protective, possesive, loyal and devoted to the Sun person...Juno sees the sun person as their ideal mate ....the one and only...Juno's ideals and Sun person's ideals are matching with each other...They have deep understanding of each other's desires...Sun person's ego is ideal for juno person...juno finds it very attractive...Juno will do anything to protect the sun person from any harm...They have similar ideas about family, home, career and children. They are always there for each other. There is a strong sense of admiration, mutual respect and attraction towards each other. They see themselves in a committed and fulfilling relationship with each other. They have strong foundation to build a life, family and home together. This is a very strong and stable relationship for marrige..one of the common placement found in most married couples...Juno is everything the sun person could wish for to find in their ideal mate...
In this synastry, sebastian's juno conjuncts ciel's sun. Sebby would go in extra length to devote himself in order to protect ciel and there are many small small indications in the manga that sebby is possesive , loyal, devoted to ciel. Sebby will do literally anything to protect ciel like and his possesiveness shows that how panicked he gets when he sees ciel is injured ...in the green witch and the blue cult arc! Sebby so protective that he even forgets his own injury to protect ciel...that's how deeply devoted and protective this synastry aspect between juno and sun can be.
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THIS IS SOO LONG!!! I did not want to make it into a huge thesis LMAO!! sorry for wasting your time! thank you for reading though😭😭😭 my other parts won't be that long...it took me 3 days to write lol...I just got carried away by their dynamic! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! AGHH!! I felt like I had to explain astrologically!
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sassykattery · 2 years
Elusive Slumber
Welcome to a short one-shot smut. I wrote this a while ago, and I thought why not throw this in for my readers. Basically you'll probably see a lot of Lucifer content this month from me.
synopsis: You're having trouble falling asleep, and what better way to find comfort than the eldest brother?
CW: no pronouns mentioned, no explicit genitals mentioned. this was written with an afab body in mind, but i do think anyone could enjoy the scene.
Pairing: LuciferxMC
Minors and Ageless blogs DNI
18+ only
It was late, one of the latest nights Lucifer's had in a long while, but Lord Diavolo had business to attend to, and he left his trusted right-hand to take care of some of his duties while he was gone for a few days. He could see the end of his work in sight, and it wouldn't be long before he could finally go to bed.
Meanwhile, it was also one of those nights where you couldn't sleep. Though you tried and tried, sweet slumber eluded you. Your thoughts kept drifting to those of Lucifer, and how he grabbed your waist earlier to move behind you after the student council meeting. Distinctly, you could remember feeling his pelvis brush your ass, and it made you freeze as his deep voice penetrated your ears to say, "Excuse me."
It was as if your legs were moving on their own, because suddenly, you were up and still in your pajamas, closing your bedroom door behind you to make your way to the eldest's office. You rationalized that maybe just being near him would quell your thoughts and you could eventually go to sleep.
After knocking, you heard a very quiet sigh followed by "Enter."
Slipping in silently, you closed the door behind you and approached the working demon. It was only when you were in front of his desk that Lucifer finally looked up at you, with slight surprise.
"MC, it's rather late for you to be awake," he commented, going back to his work.
"I can't sleep," you replied in a hushed tone.
Without looking up from his paper, he held up his free hand and did the "come hither" motion with his finger. Wordlessly, you came around his desk. He moved back slightly from his desk and patted his leg for you to sit on. Though you were a little surprised, you did as told and straddled his thigh, with one of your knees now in-between his legs and the other knee on the outer side of his leg you sat on. Carefully, you looped your arms down low around his waist and leaned into his torso, resting your head on his shoulder, almost like a koala to a tree. This allowed him to scoot back to his desk as he wrapped his arm around your back and continued working.
"I appreciate the company, MC. I'm sorry you can't sleep," he murmured to you, flipping another page. His chest vibrating against your torso as he spoke did wonders for you.
"Mm," is all you mumbled. It was to keep you from saying anything embarrassing, because coming here, you now realized, did nothing but stir up more of the feelings you had felt while thinking about him. To hear his gentle breathing, inhaling his intoxicating scent, feeling him all around you, it drove these thoughts and desires so much higher. It was all you could do just to stay still.
But, unfortunately, that wasn't to be in your favor, because Lucifer then shifted to put some of his papers away into a desk drawer, and his thigh was moving around between your legs, giving you the slightest friction against your crotch. It was just enough to cause you to sharply inhale, just a little, but that little bit was enough to get his attention. He continued what he was doing, but now his focus was divided, between his work and to see why exactly it was you couldn't sleep.
Returning to his original position, he only had two more documents to look through, but he was going to make them last just a touch longer while he toyed with you.
He leaned forward, as if he was trying to look at something, causing you to slide your hips back, creating more friction between the two of you at your burning center. Your body tensed up, and Lucifer fought to contain the smirk that threatened to smear his lips. Leaning himself back, you slipped into your original position, and again, your crotch was drug up his thigh. You seemed to have been holding on to him tighter now, as if you desperately wanted to stay still, but oh no, you were part of a little game he was trying to win.
He stopped moving then, giving you a little reprieve. Though, your body was betraying you to him: he could easily read how your breathing had become shallow, you were warm, oh you were burning up in-between your thighs, and now he could feel your thrumming heartbeat in your chest and down below.
After turning to the very last page, he then bounced the leg that you sat upon. It was just once, as if he were adjusting his foot position, but that one time forced the most adorable squeak from you. Now he definitely couldn't hide the smirk that graced his face. His thigh had bounced into your aching core, the one begging for any kind of stimulation. This vocalization made you freeze, and you waited for him to say something but it never came. Instead, he simply signed the last document, put his pen down, and relaxed back into his chair.
You started to wonder if maybe he didn't hear you, but then you felt his gloved hands sneak around to your hips. Gently, his fingers pressed into your plush flesh. This didn't help the ache that formed deep within your abdomen as the pressure built inside of you, begging you to relieve it. Your cheeks were burning, and you were glad that you kept your face glued to his shoulder, lest he see how embarrassed and turned on you were.
To your surprise, his hands squeezed your hips, and started to push them back, making your crotch slide back against his thigh again, and then he pulled your hips back in. The littlest gasp escaped your lips as it struck your nerves like tiny lightning bolts across your core to feel the drag of contact between you two. It was also because you realized he was now doing this on purpose, as he pushed your hips back and forth, moving you across his leg. Though you fought as hard as you could to contain it, when he bounced his leg again as your crotch drug across his thigh, you let out a little moan of surprise. You felt his head turn, his jaw now rubbing against your temple, as if to encourage you.
It took only a moment for you to consider what you wanted to do, before your hips decided for you, and they slowly rolled back and forth with the guiding motions of Lucifer's strong hands. Your breathing became ragged and the only noises in the office were your stifled moans and the rustling of fabrics. Wanting to hold on, your hands found their way to the front of his waist coat and curled into the fabric.
His hands guided you into a faster rhythm, and your sweet little whimpers increased in volume, like music to Lucifer's ears. Needing to feel closer to the demon, you moved your face to nuzzle his neck, your hot shaky breaths gracing his cool skin. He bounced his leg again, causing you to let out another surprised moan. The heat pooling in your core starting trickling out to the rest of your body, and instinctively you rocked your hips faster, pressing yourself down into his thigh as you ground out your sexual frustration.
Keeping one hand on your hip, he placed his other hand on the back of your neck and pressing the rest of his forearm into your shoulders and back, as if to hold you tight. He knew you were close, you just needed a little more. Seeing as you found your rhythm, his hand left your hip in favor of squeezing your ass, causing you to let out a more desperate whine. Turning his head again, he whispered to you,
"Cum for me."
This ignited your internal inferno, and involuntarily your thighs squeezed tightly the one of his you were riding on. Your eyes screwed shut as the coil that was tightening in your core finally sprung. With your release, your hips stuttered, grinding as hard as you could into one spot.
"L-Lucifer," you cried out to him, like a prayer. Small, light sobs racked through you as the grips of your orgasm sank deeper into you, the pleasure seeping into every nerve in your body. Your whole body was tense in this moment, and you froze except for the little twitches your hips gave.
It seemed like it was forever before your climax finally released its hold on you, and when it did, you slumped into the embrace of the demon that held you during the entire ordeal. Your body was exhausted from finally releasing all that sexual tension that had built up within you all day, and it was when you let out a content sigh that Lucifer relaxed his arms, and started stroking small circles into your back. It didn't take long for your sleep deprivation to start causing you to drift off.
Silently, Lucifer wrapped his arms around you, very tightly, and stood. Barely awake, you clung to him as he whisked you away to his room, where he gently laid you into his bed, changed into his sleeping robe, and returned to wrap himself around your sleeping frame.
There was no need for words, he was just happy he could help you fulfill a need you clearly had, and he was honored that you found a release through him. Though he didn't anticipate such a thing happening that night, he was secretly proud that just little things he did to you stirred up such feelings within yourself. Yes, he knew he riled you up earlier that day when he brushed behind you. He should like to do that again in the future, just maybe with less clothes and you grinding on something else of his.
Thanks for reading!
@delphi-dreamin @leavesandflowers
Post made by sassykattery. Do not repost. Reblogs and comments appreciated.
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