#this is a bit spoilery if I wanna write that fic in the future but I couldn't wait to upload it
sboochi · 11 months
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Hypotetical meet-cute that turns into Jack questioning his life and Hiccup wondering who the frick is that guy staring at him from across the street
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on-a-crescendo · 1 year
I made this Tumblr to share fanfic/fanart adjacent things I enjoy, as well as give any of my readers a platform to interact with me easier if they wish! 😁
I currently have two MHA (My Hero Academia) fics on the go on Ao3, but I have tons of ideas bouncing around in my brain for the future! I might even venture beyond MHA fandom eventually.
Slow Burning to Ash and Fireraiser are both BakuDeku ship fics, but Fireraiser has some TodoBakuDeku of various combinations in there too 😏. Have a look at the synopses if you think you may be interested (if you stumbled upon this post/blog by chance!) Forewarning, I've tried to be honest in the tags so looking too closely may be a bit spoilery!
My current Ao3 fics also both have soundtracks (songs I link within the chapters that I highly suggest you listen to for added affect) 🎵
Thanks for stopping by! If you're a reader of my works, I appreciate you so much! I truly love writing these stories, so to have anyone along for the journey is truly a gift!
Catch ya later, nerds! 🧡💚
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🎵 Well tell me do you hate me or do you wanna date me? It's kinda hard to tell 'cause your eyes are looking crazy. 🎵
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chromatophorium · 3 years
Hello! I have a little thing I would like to share. But it's kinda spoilery for the fics I wrote. ( https://archiveofourown.org/series/2490391) (The spoilers are for ch. 11 of This is a Story Starring The Narrator, if you're from the future when I have written more...)
But if you have read them or do not care for spoilers, here is some concept art for my design for Stanley
There he is! Stanley! The Stan-eley boy! Just.... realized that I speeled Stanley wrong in the video... I am too sleepy.
I'm kinda ok with this video and design, for now. (except for the MISSPELLING) He has little ears, for heaing better. And a little eye, for seeing better. And... Nothing more really. This red riding hood joke fell flat.
Would want him (and The Narrator too) to be more glow-y... Didn't have time for that though. And also bobbing up and down a bit... But I couldn't get that to work...
Also, this isn't how he actually looks... He just looks like real mysterious code... Who knows how sentient AI code would look? Since I know nothing about how to code, exept basic concepts, in addition to that code is probably not super fun to look at... Have this!
I want to make a better version of this, now that I know how the programs I used work... But that will have to wait for later.
Anyway. Here is my process for making this: (a bit less complicated than making The Narrator, and could probably also be made entirely online)
1. https://www.wickeditor.com/ A simple vector animation app, with a few quirks you have to work around. Has good tweening, so for animation like this, it's good. (quick tutorial on how to tween in this program: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTimi02PEg I made the finisded animation of just Stanley, no buttons in the background, into a transparent gif. Like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXl_6wSOwM0
2. Microsoft Office Powerpoint. ...Look, it's the first program I learned to animate in, so there was no extra learing time needed for me. I'm used to it, that is why I used it. I used the desktop version, but I think the online version should work as well?? I put the transparent gif in there, made the buttons, added simple fade in and fade out animations behid it, made the background black and then recorded the preview of it with a screen recorder program, doesn't matter which.
3. https://www.kapwing.com/ Put the screen recorded vieo in this program, cut out the bad begining and end of the recording and cropped the video. Then I simply exported it and posted it here.
That was my process. Now I can maybe post doodles of them, without worrying that people might not understand the design because it isn't in motion.
There is a post for The Narrator's design too, somewhere. Might edit this post to include a link to it later...
(Also, will take a bit of a break before writing the 3rd part of the series... Wanna daydream up a bit more of the plot and their new dynamic first... and I have an animation of an original creation that I wanna make too... Am in an animating mood.)
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bard-llama · 3 years
New fic universe premise (pregnant trans!Roche)
So, yesterday I came upon a list of pregnancy prompts (feel free to send me some!) and I decided to make all the prompts part of the same universe that would involve pregnant Roche. 
Now, idk how many of you know this about me, but pregnancy used to SERIOUSLY squick me out. Like, there’s a lot of dysphoria stuff related to it, but the idea of me and a baby anywhere close to each other? YIKES! But somehow this fandom/pairing has made me... idk, more comfortable with the idea? To the point that pregnancy is a plot point in a few of my WiPs. So when I saw the prompts, I figured, ‘hey, why not?’
Now for the spoilery part: (don’t read if you prefer to be surprised!)
So with the prompt for pregnant Roche, I had to figure out how the Roche in my head would get there, especially considering my own issues with it, which he might share some of in a world where he’s a transman. And what I decided is to make it PAINFUL first lmao. Sorry? So basically, I have a few specific installments in this series planned out. (again, don’t read if you don’t want spoiled):
Iorveth and Roche decide to have a baby. They’re old retired men in Vergen, they’ve been raising Anais and Boussy, they’ve been together for several years now - they decide they’re ready. Then they have to talk about who carries the kid (which is a standard part of elven baby discussions, but is a bit more surprising to Roche). Both of them have the physical, biological capability, but in Iorveth’s culture, there’s a certain amount of... idk, honor? in carrying a child. So they decide Iorveth will carry. But wait, didn’t you say this was a pregnant!Roche story? Yes, yes I did. XD Just wait. 😇
Iorveth is SUPER excited about having a baby with Roche. Babies are a big deal to a species as longlived as elves, especially now that there aren’t as many of them as there once were. And Roche loves him enough to want to have a baby with him. That’s pretty magical. So he tells EVERYONE. And I do mean everyone. If he feels safe with you? He is telling you all about how he’s having a baby with Roche. It’s kind of annoying, tbh, but he’s so excited!
So excited, in fact, that maybe he gets a bit careless. idk exactly how yet, but Iorveth gets injured. Badly. Bad enough that he physically cannot carry a child anymore. Which definitely leads to a depressive spiral, but also everyone around them (cares about them) pities them, and Iorveth hates that.
I think he gets injured protecting Saskia, which he hates that he regrets doing. She wasn’t in dragon form at the time, so she like, legit needed the protection? But also, he can’t have a baby anymore. Their future is ruined.
Saskia feels HELLA guilty and fretful and like... Iorveth is her BFF. This hurts.
It takes Roche a little bit, but he suddenly remembers, ‘hey. I can carry a child. We can still have a baby, we can still do this. Iorveth can still be happy with me. 
Which leads to Roche getting pregnant. Idk if my ideas about elven reproduction (i.e. eggs, because ovi is fun) will apply here or not, because tbh I think Roche would find the actual making a baby bit with his parts awkward and uncomfortable. Like, he wants to do it. He genuinely wants to have a baby with Iorveth and he wants to make Iorveth happy and he’s kind of excited about doing this. But it’s also just... uncomfortable. He usually doesn’t think about that part of anatomy like at all. 
Then he actually gets pregnant and once they’re sure, they share the news. I think a lot of people are a bit shocked (”wait, the Boss can do that??? Can all humans do that?” “No, Fenn, that’s not how it works.”), but excited for them. 
Then we get idk cute stories while he’s pregnant? This part is a lil fuzzy to me.
So, what do Anais and Boussy (who are now 12) think? Anais is pretty excited, honestly, caught up in the hype with everyone else. Boussy... well, Boussy’s kind of dealing with a lot at the moment, so he’s not thinking very hard about it, but he’s like “uh... cool?” But of course, things aren’t that easy.
So what’s going on with Boussy? Well, before the story (maybe about a year), Boussy lost his left arm. Not a fun time. BUT he has a really, really awesome prosthetic that’s both magical and mechanical and gives him the ability to manipulate magic! So he’s started training with Triss and Philippa and he’s honestly pretty busy. 
Which leaves Anais the odd one out. Everyone’s excited about the new baby and now Boussy has magic, and what does she have? (Fight training with Maeral? ‘cause Anais is a heavy hitter badass, but she doesn’t quite get that yet). She tries to be happy for everyone, because that’s what she’s supposed to do, but eventually something has to break. Which leads to tantrums and heart to heart communication and appointments penciled into their calendars to spend time with Anais specifically.
Did I mention Philippa? Yes, yes I did. Because I have a whoooole idea for the role Philippa plays in this universe, but idk if she’ll get a whole separate fic or if it’ll be woven into the background of the more pregnancy-centric ideas.
I really, really wanna write Philippa’s POV, tbh. Philippa flees after Witcher 2, trying to recover from all her plans shattering around her and losing her fucking eyes. 
But the fact is Vergen is able to stand against Nilfgaard. And that’s exactly what Philippa wanted - an independent state that could resist Nilfgaard and that would view magic favourably. And she decides she can’t not be part of her plans coming to fruition. So she returns to Vergen, even though she mindcontrolled Saskia and most everyone except Saskia really hates her. But ultimately, everyone defers to Saskia’s decisions and Saskia decides to give Philippa a second chance. But she has to earn her trust back.
The worries of many a dwarf, elf, and human are soothed by the knowledge that as head of Saskia’s guard, Iorveth is watching Philippa like a hawk. Or... an owl? A fox? Some metaphor.
Because we’re all thinking it: yeah, I think Saskia/Philippa happens at some point in the 4 years before the pregnancy stuff takes place. Maybe Philippa helps when Saskia feels super, super guilty about Iorveth’s injury? idk.
And then of course, they gotta HAVE the baby. I know there’s gonna be some emergency surgery involved, just because, but honestly, idk anything about their baby. Anyone have any thoughts? Ideas?
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tabbytabbytabby · 5 years
Change, buddy, therapy, is till chose you, what’s in a name, drugs or me, my date with the president son, goodbye or snuffles, stop and feel the rain Yes that should be all the thiam and ashivia 😂
Hopefully these can feed your need 😆
Change: Sooo a lot of the stuff I have for Change is spoilery. So have a little fluff from a future chapter.
“Liam,” Theo whispers. “You shouldn’t… you’re drunk okay. You shouldn’t be saying these things.”
“I mean them though,” Liam sighs. “I’d say them if I was sober. I want you, Theo.”
“I know. I want you too. But for right now you need to go to sleep.”
“Okay,” Liam sighs. “Will you stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep?”
Theo smiles to himself, “Of course I will.”
Buddy:Liam startles when his ball suddenly comes bouncing back onto the court. A moment later, a black head peeks out from behind a bush, followed by a body covered in matted black fur.
“Hey, Buddy,” Liam says, eyeing the animal warily. It looks a mix between a dog and wolf, and half starved. Something that should frighten Liam. But it’s not growling, and looks just as wary of Liam as he is of it.
Deciding that the animal isn’t a threat, Liam goes over to where his backpack is and sits down. He opens it up and pulls out a pudding cup and a spoon. As soon as the pudding is open he hears a whine nearby. The dog is sitting closer, his eyes fixed on the pudding.
“Are you hungry?” Liam asks him.
The dog whines again and step closer. Liam looks down at the pudding and sighs. He can always get another one when he gets home. He opens it completely and sets it down on the ground. When the dog doesn’t immediately come for it, Liam grabs his bag and takes a few steps away. The dog stares at him a moment before walking slowly towards the pudding.
Liam watches as he scarfs it down and feels a twinge of sadness. This dog seems to be as alone as he is. But maybe they could help each other.
Therapy:Liam leans against the wall, his arms crossed and a frown on his face. “They’re late.”
“It’s 6 o’clock on the dot,” his father tells him. “That’s hardly late.”
“It is for Mom,” Liam says.
David sighs, “Liam, if you’re still having issues about this…”
“Of course I am,” Liam mutters. “Mom is bringing home yet another stray, and just asking for him to screw us over like the other ones have. But don’t worry. I’m going to be on my best behavior. Not for this kid, but for Mom.”
“I suppose that’s better than nothing,” David says. He turns his head towards the door when they hear the sound of two car doors closing. “They’re here.”
Liam tenses, standing up straighter in preparation. He’s preparing to scowl at the kid, and let his displeasure be known in more subtle ways. But then the door is opening and his mother walks in. A kid walks in behind her, his black hoodie covering his face. When he looks up, Liam can only gape.
“Fuck,” Liam mutters, taking in the kids handsome features, and bright green eyes. He’d been picturing some hideous montorous kid to match the image he’s made up in his mind. But this kid… he’s the farthest thing from hideous Liam has ever seen.
As the kid looks over at him and their eyes meet, Liam feels his stomach twist. He’s screwed.
I’d Still Choose You: I answered this one here
What’s In A Name?:“Caramel frappuccino?” Theo asks, holding his sharpie over the cup. “Or have you decided to spice things up a bit?”
“My life is spicy enough without changing my coffee order,” Liam tells him.
“Oh really?” Theo asks, eyeing him curiously as he writes the order on the cup. “It’s nice to keep things spicy in the bedroom.”
Liam’s eyes go wide, as a he sputters out a response. “What? No. I wasn’t… That’s not what I meant! My mom has just liked making spicy foods! But the bedroom is not spicy. Not that it couldn’t be if I was dating someone. Oh god.” Liam brings his hands up to his face and groans. “Kill me.”
Theo chuckles, “Now why would I kill you when you look so cute when you’re flustered?”
Liam removes his hands and looks over at him, “I do?”
Theo grins, “Yeah, you do. Now what’s the name for the cup this time?”
“Bruce Banner,” Liam says.
Theo laughs, “Okay, Bruce. Your order will be right up.”
Drugs or Me:When she spots Asher making his way over to them she shouts and gets to her feet, stumbling towards him. The only thing that stops her from falling to the ground his Asher’s hands on her arms.
“Whoa there, where do you think you’re doing?” Asher asks her.
“To see you,” Olivia says, poking him in the chest. “You’ve been alone all night. It’s time you loosen up.”
“I’ve plenty loose,” Asher tells her. “As are you. I think it’s time you call it a night.”
Olivia sighs, “But it’s still early.”
“It’s 1 a.m.,” Asher reminds her. “Late enough for you to get home and into bed.”
“And you’ll take me?”
“Well I can’t exactly let you go alone,” Asher says. “We’d be hearing reports in the morning about a drunk girl stumbling around the streets half naked.”
“Why would I be half naked?” Olivia asks, grinning down at him. “Are you planning to steal my clothes from me Ash?”
“No, but I know how you like to take them off when you’ve been drinking,” Asher says. “I’ve come over to your house too many times to see clothes strewn across the floor.”
“I get hot,” Olivia pouts.
Asher shakes his head, “I know. Now come on. Let’s get you home.”
My Date With The President’s Son: No words yet, but it’s a My Date With The President’s Daughter AU, which I am excited about.
Goodbye Mr. Snuffles: No words yet, but Liam’s favorite childhood toy gets ruined and he’s upset about it. 
Stop and Feel The Rain: For the prompt “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” It’s going to be a short fic so no snippet. But it’s almost done so you’ll have it soon!
Send me an ask with a fic title from this list and I’ll post a snippet
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bethhxrmon · 5 years
All the odd ones 😘
Oooof of course you would do this. Soooo it’s super long so I’m probably gonna put a read more thingy so it’s not obnoxious.
1.What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Annie’s actual name is Annika, but Annie’s super short and so is Ann which is sometimes used. Although, once he finally meets her, Tony Stark calls her Pikachu because of her powers and his need to make pop culture references.
3. How tall is your OC?
Since Annie’s faceclaim is Auli’i Cravalho and she’s 5′3, that makes Annie 5′3. Kind of short, but not as short as me so she’s a lucky gal.
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
When there isn’t rehearsal to be done, Annie wears lots of hoodies, sweatshirts, and the occasional cardigan with a t-shirt under it and some jeans with either her brown or black combat boots. When she is rehearsing, just swap out the jeans with her assortment of leggings because she likes the stretchiness. Hence why the original White Swan costume involves silver leggings (silver because Harper’s extra and likes the theme). But for formal events, Annie goes with her favorite black and white polka-dot dress that cuts off just above the knee with flats. She also has a floor-length dark blue dress with silver flowers sewn in, but that was for a dance she never got the chance to go to.
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
Considering she’s a superhero and has a death wish??? Annie has scars all over the place. Though they’re mainly on her legs from bumping into buildings wrong. Also, she has a deep scar on her thigh from a certain part in I wanna say chapter 12 but who knows, I sure don’t!
9. What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
Since Annie is a superhero trying to hide from her parents, her bedroom is her living space. She has a full-sized bed against one wall, all of them are a light blue color. Right next to the left side of the bed, which has a fuckton of blankets and a couple stuffed animals, is a large desk with her desktop computer and a spinny chair. Right next to that is her window (it’s plot convenience, but ya know what? fight me how else can she get out undetected???). She has a built in closet and it has all her hoodies and cardigans and also her Heather Macnamara costume from her freshman year’s Halloween party.
11. What is your OC’s relationship with his/her mother?
Annie absolutely loves her mom. She’s always wanted Annie to do what was best for her. Whether it’s dancing or acting or writing, her mom’s the supportive one without a doubt. And while Annie knows she makes her share of mistakes, she’s able to let it slide because at the end of the day, Annie’s not dumb. She knows whether or not what someone did was selfish or not. And more often than not, her mom doesn’t have selfish intents.
13. How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
Annie has no siblings, but if she did, they would definitely know that she was a superhero and the whole plot of her story would be bribing them to keep their mouths shut.
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
I answered this one here! 
17. What is your OC’s imagination like? 
Annie has a seriously great imagination. She kind of has to in order to be decent at acting. It’s super easy for her to think of a scenario or person and put herself right into the middle of it. Also, it makes her think of all the possibilities and that gets in her way because she overthinks some aspects of her life too much.
19. What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them?
Considering Annie’s only sixteen right now, she doesn’t want to have kids. Even in the future, she isn’t sure how practical having a kid is given some parts of her past that are kinda spoilery and she doesn’t wanna pass on her powers on accident. But she does enjoy talking to little kids. She thinks they’re funny.
21. Who are your OC’s closest relatives?
Annie rarely sees her extended family, so her closest relatives are her parents. Though she currently feels like her dad can go suck it. Which is fair, he sucks.
23. Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with?
Before the fanfic, Annie was basically a knockoff Cady Heron and tried getting in with the popular crowd. But currently she surrounds herself with Harper, the fashion design genius, and her two favorite nerds Ned and Peter who are actually the sweetest people she knows.
25. If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
Everyone’s favorite Spider-Dude, Peter Parker for sure. It works great, they’re both superheroes. That’s not all, but I don’t wanna spoil stuff.
27. What are some things your OC admires about his/her soulmate?
Okay, if it’s physical, Annie is always going off about Peter’s eyes. Like, if she wants to get a real conversation done, she has to look at something that isn’t his eyes. And can you blame her? Those puppy dog eyes could work on anyone! She also really likes his hair, it just looks so soft. But if it’s not physical, Annie can’t get over how genuinely sweet Peter is. He just gives so many people so many chances and is literally one of the kindest and smartest people she’s ever met. And she does think he’s pretty funny too, which is always a plus for sure.
29. What is your OC’s level of education?
At the start of the fic, Annie’s a sophomore in high school, and at the end she’ll be a junior. Do with that what you will
31. What is your OC’s opinion of school?  What kind of student was s/he?
Annie likes school for the purpose of learning about different stuff. Even if she won’t use it, she doesn’t mind the random trivia. She’s always handing things in late, but she’s normally on the teacher’s good side so they tend to just let it slide because if she’s good at conversing then she must be a responsible student and working hard, right?
33. What subjects interested your OC?
Annie’s a huge theatre kid so she likes anything to deal with acting. English, history, and psychology are probably her favorite. The only subject she can’t get is physics, but she’s pretty solid in almost everything else.
35. How is your OC working towards his/her dream job and/or achieved his/her current profession?
Theatre classes and trying to participate in the school plays and musicals is how she tries. Also, I’m only saying this because it’s not a serious spoiler with how things are going to go, Annie definitely gets into Julliard for acting. Just saying.
37. What is your OC’s biggest dream?
Annie would KILL to be Christing Daae in The Phantom of the Opera, it’s the ultimate dream come true.
39. How does your OC handle anger?
Poorly. Annie loses control over her powers when she’s extremely angry and what happens as a consequence, she can’t control.
41. What is your OC’s greatest fear?
Annie is terrified that her powers will scare away everyone she’s ever cared about.
43. What kind of sense of humor does your OC have?
Being the regular Gen-Z kid she is, Annie has a pretty dark sense of humor, but she also likes puns and creating silly nicknames for people.
45. What are some things that annoy your OC?
Being told acting’s not a viable career, that she’s dumb, and that she’s a bad person (she can say it but will fight anyone else who says it).
47. How easily does your OC forgive?
It genuinely depends on what it is and how often the person’s screwed her over. If it’s the first time and Annie likes the person, she’s quick to forgive, but observant. If it’s a repeated deal, it wears on her and she has no qualms about messing with them.
49. If your OC experienced trauma, what was it?
I see you, trying to find out about the Fuckening™. That’s not gonna happen. You gotta read the fic to find out about all that, my dude.
51. What are some of your OC’s morals?
Don’t betray friends, don’t go down without a fight, if you know something and it’s potentially harmful then you gotta say something, and don’t leave people behind.
53. What is the health of your OC?
Physically? Annie’s pretty good except for sleep deprivation. Mentally??? Wellllllllp she may or may not have manicdepressionandanorexiai’mnotsureyet.
55. What are your OC’s thoughts on death?
Totally okay option for her, but definitely not allowed for her friends and loved ones.
57. What are some of your OC’s weaknesses?
Annie’s very critical of herself, sometimes overly competitive, she doesn’t always know when to stop, very impulsive and will do something stupid if she thinks it’s right for .5 seconds.
59. What does your OC think of him/herself?
Annie either thinks she’s the best person ever or she totally hates herself, no in between.
61. What is the general impression your OC gives other people?
Annie comes off with a bit of a resting bitch face. So she looks a little intimidating, but she’s also short so how intimidating is that really?
63. How does your OC display love?
Annie pays attention to little things and tries to do small things. Like if someone likes a certain type of tea, she’ll make it for them. Or she’ll compliment them while teasing them at the same time. That’s how anyone would ever know that she’s absolutely smitten.
65. What is your OC’s favorite drink?
Coffee, it lets her get away with sleep deprivation. Although her all-time favorite is a peppermint mocha. She would kill for it year-round.
67. What is your OC’s favorite sweet?
Annie loves anything that’s sour apple flavored. Not only because it matches her Hogwarts house and green’s her favorite color, but because the tartness is just so satisfying.
69. What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?
Rainy, it reminds her of Seattle.
71. What is your OC’s favorite movie and/or TV show?
Annie absolutely loves all the Harry Potter movies and will proudly display her knowledge of it at any time. She is a huge fan, but she also loves movie musicals to death. Except for the 1961 West Side Story  movie. It uses brownface.
73. What is your OC’s favorite form of entertainment?
Dancing around an empty room like an idiot to music. Either by herself or with someone close to her.
75. What is your OC’s favorite scent?
Rain mixed with fresh baked goods. It reminds her of the market and she would kill to go back.
77. What is your OC’s favorite sound?
Definitely the ukulele. It reminds her of some really good times.
79. What is your OC’s favorite kind of ice cream?
Green tea flavored. Ever had it? It’s so good and I recommend it hardcore!
81. Okay one thing you know about Annie that’ll never make an appearance in the story but is important to who she is as a person - whether it’s a little detail of something she experienced or a belief she has.
Alright, Annie definitely has or had a Captain America themed fidget cube that she keeps in her hoodie pocket because she used to play with the loose thread on the sleeve part and ended up constantly making thumbholes that Harper would have to fix. They got tired of it and gave her the fidget cube.
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chromatophorium · 3 years
Hello! I have a thing I would like to share. But it's kinda spoilery for the fics I wrote. ( https://archiveofourown.org/series/2490391) (The spoilers for ch. 11 of This is a Story Starring The Narrator, if you're from the future when I have written more...)
But if you have read them or do not care for spoilers, here is some concept art for my design for The Narrator.
Would you look at that? A low quality animation! Of The Narrator (AI)!
I'm not very happy with this, but it gets my concepts across and I am not used to the programs I used to make this... Did this in like only 2 days too.
Anyway, yeah! He is a little audio waveform graph creature. AI. Thing. I would have made this better if I could, with the orb in the middle bouncing around a bit, but the software I used for the waveforms either does not allow for animation like that, or I haven't figured that featue out yet.
Another thing I can't represent either is that the "spokes" outward are like, appendages he can move. Strecht em out, to get audio files (others too) and rearrange them.
Also, this isn't how he actually looks... He just looks like real mysterious code... Who knows how sentient AI code would look? Since I know nothing about how to code, exept basic concepts, in addition to that code is probably not super fun to look at... Have this!
I want to make a better version of this, now that I know how the programs I used work... But that will have to wait for later.
Speaking of the programs I used here they are: (they're all webbased, free and without watermarks*)
1. A program that could crop yt videos and make em into mp3. Are alot of them out there, mostly all the same to me
2. https://vizzy.io/ To make the soundwaves! It's a lovely programto messa around in, took me some time, but I figured it out! I put in the mp3 file I got previously, and then made this into a video.
3. https://www.wickeditor.com/ To make the eye animation! Program Has awesome tweening tools, makes animating "Vector based" (The program is weird with scaling, doesnt scale lines like other vector programs do...) stuff move pretty simple, has a couple bugs tho. (quick tutorial on the tweening if u also want to use this cool program https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiTimi02PEg). Used it more for Stanley. Anyway, made the animation, turned the canvas transparent, exported it as an image sequence.
4. https://ezgif.com/maker Simple gif maker. Put in the image sequence, selected 5 delay and 'dont stack frames' and got the gif and saved it to my computer. (this whole making transparent gif thing also has a quick tutorial, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXl_6wSOwM0 )
5. https://www.kapwing.com/video-editor Here I put the gif and the video together! It's a simple editor. Pretty good. exported the video. (*You need to make a free account to remove the watermark from this one. But it's free, as stated before.)
That was my process. Now I can maybe post doodles of them, without worrying that people might not understand the design because it isn't in motion.
Will make another post for Stanley shortly, tumblr only allows one video per post.
(Also, will take a bit of a break before writing the 3rd part of the series... Wanna daydream up a bit more of the plot and theirnew dynamic first... and I have an animation of an original creation that I wanna make too... Am in an animating mood.)
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