madmadmilk · 5 years
I haven't been on much the last couple months so if you've been active recently I've 100% missed it and I'm sorry but I got on today and saw the pants and irl discourse and I just wanna say I have MISSED your thoughts on /life/ and all there is to it. You're always such a refreshing page to come to and I appreciate it and you!!! Hope you're doing well 💞💞💞
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awh, that’s alright! i hope you’ve had a nice break! :) you didn’t miss much here, but i missed you! 😘 thank you lmao, i’m just here to liven things up haha
hope you’re doing well!
talking about pants 👖💕✨
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talk-geek-to-me · 5 years
So i met @parkerpuff today. And lemme tell you, she's so sweet and funny. Very kind too!! Her son is just the CUTEST little boy i've ever met. I will die for him. Jess is amazing and im glad i got to meet her before i moved!!
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bigilante · 5 years
Who's ass do I need to kick
honestly i have no idea, literally no one ever talks to me on here so.........idk
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spiderrrling · 5 years
!!! Love! What in the world would you have been scared of?! I wish you had said something because I didn't even notice and thought you just hadn't been on in awhile! 🥺
No I was just worried you’d unfollowed me for some reason and I didn’t want to ask because I was shy and nervous...
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ultimatespider · 6 years
I'm gonna need you and your anons to stop making me cry over this, it's 230 in the morning and I didn't ask for these feelings 😭
we can’t help ourselves therefore we can’t help you either i’m SORRY
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bethhxrmon · 6 years
All the odd ones 😘
Oooof of course you would do this. Soooo it’s super long so I’m probably gonna put a read more thingy so it’s not obnoxious.
1.What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
Annie’s actual name is Annika, but Annie’s super short and so is Ann which is sometimes used. Although, once he finally meets her, Tony Stark calls her Pikachu because of her powers and his need to make pop culture references.
3. How tall is your OC?
Since Annie’s faceclaim is Auli’i Cravalho and she’s 5′3, that makes Annie 5′3. Kind of short, but not as short as me so she’s a lucky gal.
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
When there isn’t rehearsal to be done, Annie wears lots of hoodies, sweatshirts, and the occasional cardigan with a t-shirt under it and some jeans with either her brown or black combat boots. When she is rehearsing, just swap out the jeans with her assortment of leggings because she likes the stretchiness. Hence why the original White Swan costume involves silver leggings (silver because Harper’s extra and likes the theme). But for formal events, Annie goes with her favorite black and white polka-dot dress that cuts off just above the knee with flats. She also has a floor-length dark blue dress with silver flowers sewn in, but that was for a dance she never got the chance to go to.
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
Considering she’s a superhero and has a death wish??? Annie has scars all over the place. Though they’re mainly on her legs from bumping into buildings wrong. Also, she has a deep scar on her thigh from a certain part in I wanna say chapter 12 but who knows, I sure don’t!
9. What does your OC’s bedroom look like?  His/her living area?
Since Annie is a superhero trying to hide from her parents, her bedroom is her living space. She has a full-sized bed against one wall, all of them are a light blue color. Right next to the left side of the bed, which has a fuckton of blankets and a couple stuffed animals, is a large desk with her desktop computer and a spinny chair. Right next to that is her window (it’s plot convenience, but ya know what? fight me how else can she get out undetected???). She has a built in closet and it has all her hoodies and cardigans and also her Heather Macnamara costume from her freshman year’s Halloween party.
11. What is your OC’s relationship with his/her mother?
Annie absolutely loves her mom. She’s always wanted Annie to do what was best for her. Whether it’s dancing or acting or writing, her mom’s the supportive one without a doubt. And while Annie knows she makes her share of mistakes, she’s able to let it slide because at the end of the day, Annie’s not dumb. She knows whether or not what someone did was selfish or not. And more often than not, her mom doesn’t have selfish intents.
13. How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
Annie has no siblings, but if she did, they would definitely know that she was a superhero and the whole plot of her story would be bribing them to keep their mouths shut.
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
I answered this one here! 
17. What is your OC’s imagination like? 
Annie has a seriously great imagination. She kind of has to in order to be decent at acting. It’s super easy for her to think of a scenario or person and put herself right into the middle of it. Also, it makes her think of all the possibilities and that gets in her way because she overthinks some aspects of her life too much.
19. What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them?
Considering Annie’s only sixteen right now, she doesn’t want to have kids. Even in the future, she isn’t sure how practical having a kid is given some parts of her past that are kinda spoilery and she doesn’t wanna pass on her powers on accident. But she does enjoy talking to little kids. She thinks they’re funny.
21. Who are your OC’s closest relatives?
Annie rarely sees her extended family, so her closest relatives are her parents. Though she currently feels like her dad can go suck it. Which is fair, he sucks.
23. Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with?
Before the fanfic, Annie was basically a knockoff Cady Heron and tried getting in with the popular crowd. But currently she surrounds herself with Harper, the fashion design genius, and her two favorite nerds Ned and Peter who are actually the sweetest people she knows.
25. If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
Everyone’s favorite Spider-Dude, Peter Parker for sure. It works great, they’re both superheroes. That’s not all, but I don’t wanna spoil stuff.
27. What are some things your OC admires about his/her soulmate?
Okay, if it’s physical, Annie is always going off about Peter’s eyes. Like, if she wants to get a real conversation done, she has to look at something that isn’t his eyes. And can you blame her? Those puppy dog eyes could work on anyone! She also really likes his hair, it just looks so soft. But if it’s not physical, Annie can’t get over how genuinely sweet Peter is. He just gives so many people so many chances and is literally one of the kindest and smartest people she’s ever met. And she does think he’s pretty funny too, which is always a plus for sure.
29. What is your OC’s level of education?
At the start of the fic, Annie’s a sophomore in high school, and at the end she’ll be a junior. Do with that what you will
31. What is your OC’s opinion of school?  What kind of student was s/he?
Annie likes school for the purpose of learning about different stuff. Even if she won’t use it, she doesn’t mind the random trivia. She’s always handing things in late, but she’s normally on the teacher’s good side so they tend to just let it slide because if she’s good at conversing then she must be a responsible student and working hard, right?
33. What subjects interested your OC?
Annie’s a huge theatre kid so she likes anything to deal with acting. English, history, and psychology are probably her favorite. The only subject she can’t get is physics, but she’s pretty solid in almost everything else.
35. How is your OC working towards his/her dream job and/or achieved his/her current profession?
Theatre classes and trying to participate in the school plays and musicals is how she tries. Also, I’m only saying this because it’s not a serious spoiler with how things are going to go, Annie definitely gets into Julliard for acting. Just saying.
37. What is your OC’s biggest dream?
Annie would KILL to be Christing Daae in The Phantom of the Opera, it’s the ultimate dream come true.
39. How does your OC handle anger?
Poorly. Annie loses control over her powers when she’s extremely angry and what happens as a consequence, she can’t control.
41. What is your OC’s greatest fear?
Annie is terrified that her powers will scare away everyone she’s ever cared about.
43. What kind of sense of humor does your OC have?
Being the regular Gen-Z kid she is, Annie has a pretty dark sense of humor, but she also likes puns and creating silly nicknames for people.
45. What are some things that annoy your OC?
Being told acting’s not a viable career, that she’s dumb, and that she’s a bad person (she can say it but will fight anyone else who says it).
47. How easily does your OC forgive?
It genuinely depends on what it is and how often the person’s screwed her over. If it’s the first time and Annie likes the person, she’s quick to forgive, but observant. If it’s a repeated deal, it wears on her and she has no qualms about messing with them.
49. If your OC experienced trauma, what was it?
I see you, trying to find out about the Fuckening™. That’s not gonna happen. You gotta read the fic to find out about all that, my dude.
51. What are some of your OC’s morals?
Don’t betray friends, don’t go down without a fight, if you know something and it’s potentially harmful then you gotta say something, and don’t leave people behind.
53. What is the health of your OC?
Physically? Annie’s pretty good except for sleep deprivation. Mentally??? Wellllllllp she may or may not have manicdepressionandanorexiai’mnotsureyet.
55. What are your OC’s thoughts on death?
Totally okay option for her, but definitely not allowed for her friends and loved ones.
57. What are some of your OC’s weaknesses?
Annie’s very critical of herself, sometimes overly competitive, she doesn’t always know when to stop, very impulsive and will do something stupid if she thinks it’s right for .5 seconds.
59. What does your OC think of him/herself?
Annie either thinks she’s the best person ever or she totally hates herself, no in between.
61. What is the general impression your OC gives other people?
Annie comes off with a bit of a resting bitch face. So she looks a little intimidating, but she’s also short so how intimidating is that really?
63. How does your OC display love?
Annie pays attention to little things and tries to do small things. Like if someone likes a certain type of tea, she’ll make it for them. Or she’ll compliment them while teasing them at the same time. That’s how anyone would ever know that she’s absolutely smitten.
65. What is your OC’s favorite drink?
Coffee, it lets her get away with sleep deprivation. Although her all-time favorite is a peppermint mocha. She would kill for it year-round.
67. What is your OC’s favorite sweet?
Annie loves anything that’s sour apple flavored. Not only because it matches her Hogwarts house and green’s her favorite color, but because the tartness is just so satisfying.
69. What is your OC’s favorite kind of weather?
Rainy, it reminds her of Seattle.
71. What is your OC’s favorite movie and/or TV show?
Annie absolutely loves all the Harry Potter movies and will proudly display her knowledge of it at any time. She is a huge fan, but she also loves movie musicals to death. Except for the 1961 West Side Story  movie. It uses brownface.
73. What is your OC’s favorite form of entertainment?
Dancing around an empty room like an idiot to music. Either by herself or with someone close to her.
75. What is your OC’s favorite scent?
Rain mixed with fresh baked goods. It reminds her of the market and she would kill to go back.
77. What is your OC’s favorite sound?
Definitely the ukulele. It reminds her of some really good times.
79. What is your OC’s favorite kind of ice cream?
Green tea flavored. Ever had it? It’s so good and I recommend it hardcore!
81. Okay one thing you know about Annie that’ll never make an appearance in the story but is important to who she is as a person - whether it’s a little detail of something she experienced or a belief she has.
Alright, Annie definitely has or had a Captain America themed fidget cube that she keeps in her hoodie pocket because she used to play with the loose thread on the sleeve part and ended up constantly making thumbholes that Harper would have to fix. They got tired of it and gave her the fidget cube.
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hazinhoodies · 6 years
Odd numbers 🤗
1// song of the year?
Angels - Khalid
3//Favourite artist you started listening to this year?
Rex Orange County
5// TV Show of the year?
Station 19 is my shit tbh. Love that
7// Favourite actor of the year?
Elizabeth Olsen
9// Best month for you this year?
February or June
11// Something you want to do again next year?
Go back to Montreal. It was fun but I think going on my own would be better (🍻🍻)
13// How was your birthday this year?
Lonely tbh. I only saw my best friend and family
15// What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
I now pull out my eyelashes when I get stressed. Gross and not fun
17// Post a picture from the end of the year.
Taken two days ago :)
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19// what are you excited for next year?
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. 2018 was so shitty that the only thing I’m looking foreword to is roll-up season
21// what’s something new about your place of residence now vs the start of the year?
I bought a painting for my room!
23// If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
You’re gonna go through some shit. It’s gonna be hard but you’ll be okay.
25// what’s a character you created this year?
Already answered :)
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can i request a cute fluffy quarantine fic w tom where he convinces the reader to stay in bed until like 3 pm
This was really cute to write! Thank you for requesting anon! 
Word count: 600
Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff, small hint of smut towards the end (blink and you’ll miss it) 
You stirred awake with a yawn, keeping your eyes closed against the small ray of sunshine peering through the curtains. The bed was warm and cosy as were Tom’s arms which you were wrapped up in. 
It had been weeks of staying at home, maybe months. You’d quickly lost track of the days that passed and your brain felt scattered. The only thing keeping you mildly sane was your boyfriend. Tom always tried to keep cheerful and even though you knew he wished he was still filming, he was enjoying the break. He’d just wished it was under better circumstances. 
He was trying to keep everyone entertained and cheerful whether it was a brothers trust event or just playing games in the house, he was doing his best. But his favourite part of the day was staying in bed with you in the mornings, away from everyone else in the house and just wrapped up in your little bubble. 
That’s why as soon as he felt you move to get up out of bed, he’d pout and pull you back in with a grumble. “No, stay.” 
“Tom,” You laughed, kissing his cheek. “I need breakfast.” 
He shook his head and peeked an eye open, making you smile. “Stay.” He mumbled again, wrapping his arms tighter around you and placing a lazy kiss on your lips. You ran your hand through his messy hair and smiled, not being able to resist your boyfriend. 
You snuggled into his arms and closed your eyes again. Tom sighed happily and placed little kisses over your face, a wide sleepy smile on his lips. 
Everything was so warm and Tom was so cuddly, that you felt yourself get lost in all his little touches. Eventually, you opened your eyes and looked up at him, only to see he was already staring at you.
“Hi.” Tom laughed and kissed your head, brushing a few stray hairs off your face before cupping your cheek.
“Hey baby.” You smiled wide and leaned into his touch, not wanting to move a muscle. Tom stole a kiss from your lips as he pulled you closer. The kiss was lazy but full of the love and happiness that radiated from the both of you. It soon escalated into a lazy makeout session until you both pulled back for air. 
You giggled against his lips, stealing another small kiss as Tom laughed with you. It was perfect, it was cosy and it was Tom. 
“I’m never moving.” You whispered and Tom smiled wide as he nuzzled his nose against yours. 
“Good cause neither am I.” 
Before you knew it, the morning had turned to afternoon. You checked the time and laughed before Tom’s stomach gave a loud rumble. 
“Okay maybe we should get up.” Tom admitted, rubbing his tummy. You giggled and kissed him again, nodding in agreement as your stomach rumbled too. 
Tom took your hand as you walked out of the bedroom, squeezing softly and staying close to you. Workout music was playing in the other room and you spotted Haz trying to lead a workout with Tuwaine before Harry caught your attention. 
“About time you two lovebirds got up.” 
Tom laughed and threw an orange at his brother before making you both breakfast. You giggled and blushed before helping Tom, stealing kisses as you made pancakes together. Tom deepened one of the kisses making you gasp softly before Harry loudly announced he was going to join the workout. 
“Knew that would make him disappear.” 
You smacked his arm playfully and laughed before finishing up the pancakes, serving them up on a plate before smirking at Tom. 
“Now for your next trick, take me back to bed Holland.” He laughed before taking your hand and walking back into the bedroom. 
The rest of your lazy day was spent cuddling and watching Netflix with stolen kisses. That was until the kisses escalated into a lot more and the boys decided to take their exercise outside. 
My taglist is being updated!
Taglist: @its-the-unknownspideywrites / @eeyore101247 / @thinkoutsidethebex / @hazmyheart / @parkersvibes / @aussie-holland / @moorehollandplz / @glowunderthemoon / @awkwardfangirl2014 / @buckysdoll / @ppkrtingle / @angelhaz11  / @devin-marie / @mlt2000 / @fulltime-fangirl-k / @emcsii04 / @afterglownights / @preciouspparkers / @hazzy / @aesonsgirl / @legendsofwholock / @maybemona / @biglouche / @hollandstom / @gennyld / @thomasholyholland / @writeheight / @xxtomxo / @parkerpuff / @xinyourdreamsx / @itsjusttor / @starkissedholland / @novaddictx / @waterspider7 / @tomhollandspideys / @juneholland / @simplyineffablesposts / @blackeighteen / @hollandisapuppy / @lovely-blackinnon / @laurarestrepooo / @miraclesoflove / @stiles-banshees / @xximaweirdoxx / @softbaby-tom / @u-rrose / @sarahkatexoxo / @worldoftom/ @inneedoftomholland/  @bansheeshavok/ @imdrunkisuposse / @captainbuckyy / @julimelodi / @peniparkerquill / @emistrash / @portgasdelisa /  @honeymoonparker / @spideyyypeter / @zeeneee / @disnakeshavebutts / @sholland4 / @CrazyStupidRach / @kristinathecarat / @imfreefallinall / @lonikje / @itjustkindahappenedreally / @mysticsprouts / @spider-leech / @tomscuddles / @tomhollandseverything / @msmarvel-19 / @ashleymariah19 / @happy-el / @blackeighteen  / @bitteral / @lilostif16 / @petesrparker / @friendlyneighborhood-holland / @the-crazy-fanfictionist / @averyfosterthoughts / @miraclesoflove /@realiteaas /@clara-licht / @farfromtommy / @mcuassemble / @esperanzavelez / @whodisgrace / @parker-holland-osterfield / @rebekkah4766 / @notevenlxvely / @averyfosterthoughts / @spidey-swift / @murdermornings / @juliebean247 / @msmarvel-19 / @tomshufflepuff / @awaywithtime / @rebekkah4766 / @bildungsroman-s / @hollandhearts / @americasmarauders / @spideygirl2003 / @greatpizzascissorstaco / @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh / @solarxmoonchild / @peterparkerbabyyy
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parkerpeter24 · 5 years
Roses Are Red ~ Peter Parker 💕
Part-1 of the Eight Days Of Valentine series
Warnings: fluff and nothing more.
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You picked up the roses from the table and grabbed your backpack from the chair. There were six roses in total four of which were yellow. To say that you were excited for the day was an understatement. You were ready for this week from the start of the month.
You made your way to the school not before grabbing a sandwich offered by your mum and kissing her cheek. You left a white rose for her inside her dresser as her favorite colour was white.
Peter was, like always, in front of your locker with Ned, probably talking about Star Wars. Your heart beat increased as you saw his brown curls set properly with the help of a lot of gel. You hid the bunch of roses behind your back as soon as his eyes met yours and a large grin adorned his face.
You walked up to them, “Good morning, weirdos.” You greeted and waved your free hand at them. They replied simultaneously, as you opened your locker stuffing five of the roses inside them and slipping one into your bag secretly. You took out your English book and shut the door of your with a little extra force when Ned tried to peek inside, making both of them flinch. You started walking towards your first class, which was with MJ.
Some students were already sitting in the class, chatting and some front benchers were into the sonnet that was being taught in the class. You walked to your regular seat and sat beside MJ who was reading her book on human biology. You took out the rose from your bag carefully and placed it in front of her.
“A Black rose?” She questioned, raising her eyebrow in a typical MJ style.
“Do you not know what day it is?” You asked and sighed when she sat there without any expressions on her face. “Today’s rose day and I know that you love the colour.” You said, aiming your hand towards the rose placed on the desk.
“So, there’s one for me and...” She trailed off, closing the book and placing it aside.
“And?” You asked.
“I know you brought one for Peter.” She smirked. A blush crept up to your cheeks on the mention of his name. But you shushed her, “It’s red, isn’t it?”
You met Ned in Chemistry where you gave him a yellow rose, one you gave to Betty and one to Flash.
When you met Peter at lunch, you were expecting him to ask you for a rose, and he did, “Ned told me that you were handing out roses to your friends?” He asked as soon as he placed his tray on the table. Ned and MJ still hadn’t arrived at the table so it was just the two of you, “Am I not your friend or you ran out of roses?” He asked, sarcasm dripping from his tone.
“I’m sorry Pete, but I don’t have a yellow rose for you.” You pouted. You could see the disappointment in his face however hard he tried to hide it. “Yellow’s not your favorite colour anyway. What is it?”
He had a look of disbelief spread across his face and you couldn’t help but laugh almost knocking your tray down, “You don’t know my favorite colour?” He asked and you shook your head, still laughing over his expression. He smiled, starting at you while you were busy laughing, “It’s re-”
“Yo, Penis Parker! Your girlfriend gave me a rose today. Didn’t you get one?” He yelled from the other corner of the room making all the noises to die down. A hot feeling settled onto your cheeks and your eyes grew wide.
Lucky for you, MJ came in to save the day and told Flash to piss off. Thankfully the conversation was soon diverted from the topic to things like Spanish test and degrading the food of canteen as Ned joined the table.
When the last bell for the day rang across the school, you knew Peter would be off to his Stark internship soon and you wouldn’t have the time to give him the roses. You rushed out of your class and towards the subway.
You could’ve given him the rose at anytime of the day. There were several moments, like, in the morning when he stood by your locker, or in the second period when he sat with you, or in the lunch before Flash ruined it, or in the fifth period, when the class was nearly empty. But there was only one reason as for why you couldn’t do it, it needed courage, and that you didn’t have in front of Peter.
Talking of Peter, “Pete!” You yelled at the top of your lungs as soon as you saw him, coming to a halt beside him. You breathed heavily as you supported yourself on your knees. He stopped, staring down at your figure as you caught your breath. You grinned widely at him as you stood up straight. He loved the sight of you when you were all-
He just loved the sight of you anyway. You had that contagious smile that would make it’s way to his face. “Hey. What’re you doing here?” He breathed out finally.
“I’m here to give you... this.” You pulled out the two roses from your bag. “You can choose one from these, but I wanted to give you the red one.” Your voice became smaller with every word that escaped your mouth and it was a mere whisper at the end. Thanks to Peter’s heightened senses that he could hear what you said. There was a moment of silence and you thought that you messed it up.
“But you said that you didn’t have a rose for me?” He was confused. You could tell by the tone of his voice.
“I never said that.” You said with a small smirk playing on your lips.
“No, I’m sure you said that-” He stopped, remembering what you actually told him when he asked you for a rose.
“I’m sorry Pete, but I don’t have a yellow rose for you.”
“Oh...” He trailed off before laughing nervously, scratching the back of his neck, “Smart move.” He said making you smile.
You looked up to meet his eyes before slightly extending your hand holding the roses towards him, “I wanted to give you the red rose because I do know that your favorite colour is red and I really really like you.” You said finally letting the words out in the air. “You can take eith-” You were rambling and Peter loved it when you did so. He loved to listen to your voice. But he loved what he did next more.
He leaned down and placed a quick peck on your lips. You looked at him unbelievably and he was all red in a second. You smiled at him standing on your tippy-toes to place a gentle kiss on his lips. He kissed back, placing his hands on your waist as your free hand reached to tug the curls at the back of his head.
Both of you parted, taking a deep breath. Peter laughed nervously and you placed the red rose in his hand. You turned around and started to walk away from him, “Bye, Peter.”
“Bye, (y/n).” He sighed dreamily, “Oh, wait. (Y/n)?”
You turned around to face him once more, “Yeah.”
“Happy rose day.”
@spideyyeet @screamholland @overly-obsessed @venusparker @clqudsparker @barnes-heaven @spider-manholland @justanotherfanfic @spidey-swift @harrysbbby @angelhaz11 @tomhollanddaily @peterparkersshitlist @hollandroos @petehparker @parkerpete @farfromhaz @afictionaladventure16 @fairytaleparker @parkerpter @peterparkerstingle @parkerpunology @dazzling-rubabe @parkerpuff @eeyore101247 @preciouspparkers @missbasicxxx @plushparker @spideyboipeter @spideyboipete @hazmyheart @hollandraul @dahliaspidey @itstomhollands @drunklili @ploont @ppkrtingle @onelovewonderwoman @cherryredparker @hollandharrison @angelic-holland @lauras-collection @dear-selena @rubberducky-jrr @audreylovespidey706 @starlightparker @blueberryison @parkerpete @miss-nerd95
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madmadmilk · 5 years
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(If I’m one of your favorite blogs send me “hey loser”)
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moonstruckholland · 5 years
Pumpkin Carving (t.h)
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Word count: 472
Warnings: none, just fluffy fluffiness, probably some typos
A/N: I honestly hadn't planned on writing this, it was just supposed to be a moodboard but I got inspired 😂 so here's the first writing thing of the night! Happy Halloween, my loves 🥰
"So, y/n and I decided to carve pumpkins for Halloween," Tom paused for a second, running a hand across his shaved head, "I'm apparently not very good at pumpkin carving."
"That's not true! Your pumpkin is beautiful!" You called out from the living room, doing the finishing touches on your pumpkin.
"She's lying," Tom said in a hushed tone, "mine is ugly."
"I can hear you, Tommy!"
He laughed, "Darling, come show Instagram the beautiful pumpkin you made."
"Babeee! No! I look a mess!"
"A beautiful mess, my love," you sat up to scowl at him from behind the couch, making him laugh even more.
He begged you for a few minutes, going as far as asking his followers to plead with him. You gave in, reluctantly making your way over to him, with your large pumpkin.
He pulled you onto his lap, moving back the mug holding up his phone to fit both of you into frame.
"Look at what I made," he all but shoved his Spider-Man pumpkin into the phone and you took it upon yourself to help your technology impaired boyfriend.
Thousands of comments flooded the live, all of them complimenting his pumpkin, though no one seemed shocked by his choice of carving.
You kissed his forehead, "I told you you did a great time."
"Now look at what y/n made," this time around you helped him pull it into frame, revealing the big Oogie Boogie you carved from Nightmare Before Christmas.
You looked away, before you could read any comments cheeks heating up, "It's not very good."
"I think instagram disagrees with you, princess."
Again more and more comments kept swarming, so fast you could barely read them. What your eyes skimmed over seemed to all be good comments and you felt your cheeks heat up again with pride.
Tom rested his chin on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you as he continued the live.
He talked about Cherry, updating everyone, where he's been, and how much he likes his shaved head. You didn't speak much, only occasional reading out specific comments that stuck out to you, usually the super sweet or funny ones. You didn't mind though, you loved seeing Tom interact with his followers, even in the tiniest way.
"Y/n and I are going to watch a movie, Hocus something?" He leaned forward, squishing you a bit, pretending you couldn't hear him, "I've never seen it. Shhh. Don't tell her."
You rolled your eyes playfully, watching him struggle for a second, but eventually end the live and close out instagram.
"I hope you know you're a dork."
"Yeah, but I'm your dork, so it's okay."
You got up, pulling him up with you, "Let's go watch Hocus Pocus, I need to see something scarier than how you badly you use instagram."
tagging: @fangirlwithasweettooth @bravest-at-heart @rachramblesstuff @ravenclawmarvel @petersmparker @parkerpuff @angelhaz11 @fairytaleparker @arielweasley @parkeroffline @now-imagine @lovinnholland @tomhollandsumbrella @spideyosterfield @officiallyunofficialperson @stealth-spiderr @babebenhardy @antoouu @its-the-unknownspidey @petersstarcadet @thollandx @kxrtwxgner @snjms02 @xxxxdelenaxxxx @the-queen-procrastinator @smexylemony @brookeelee98 @sleepybesson @awkwardfangirl2014 @nedthegay @styles-balor4eva @80sthottie @marvelobsessedteenager @marshyrebelcloud
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xuxibelle · 5 years
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Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Word count: 903
Warnings: Fluff
Requested: No. This was for @borhapparker​’s borhap secret santa where I got paired with @drummerqueenrmt​ as the person to give my gift to! Merry Christmas and I hope you like it! <3
Summary: Y/N gets kicked out of the apartment she’s living in with her boyfriend and she hasn’t seen her best friend in 6 months.
Taking a deep breath, you try to steady your nerves before you raise your hand to knock on the door in front of you. You knew it was late and you were taking a chance of no one even being home, but you were here anyway, knocking and waiting. After what felt like a very long minute, you heard footsteps and the door being unlocked. You looked up as the door was being opened.
“Y/N…?” You met the green eyes you hadn’t seen in over 6 months. “What are you doing here?”
“I can’t sleep… Can I stay here?” You bite your lip nervously as you gauge his reaction. You knew that he knew something was up, but he wasn’t pushing it... yet.
“Of course… You know you can always stay here.” He opens the door and lets you in before locking it again. Walking to the couch to take a seat, you start to sniffle as you try to hold back the tears before he joins you. “Are… are you okay? Why are you crying?” 
“He kicked me out, Ben…” you half sobbed as you looked at the floor. You felt the couch dip as he moved closer to you and pulled you into a hug, rubbing a hand up and down your back.
“It’s ok.”
“No it’s not… He made me give up all my friends… I haven’t seen my family in two weeks!” Tears were pouring down your face at this point, but he didn’t care. 
“No, it’s ok, really. We can fix this now. You’re away from him…” Ben pulls back to look at you, wiping away the tears. “I’ll take you to see your family tomorrow after you’ve rested, and then I’ll take you anywhere else you want to go.”
“You would do that?” Ben nods his head as he smiles at you.
“Of course I would.”
“But I was so horrible to you.”
“No, Y/N… that wasn’t you. You didn’t do anything. That was the jerk.” You pull him back into a hug, making him laugh. The next day, true to his word, Ben took you to see your family, where you explained what happened and they thanked him for bringing you to see them. After going a few other places, you go back to his place to relax. “So now what?”
“I don’t know… I guess I go stay with my family?” You shrug your shoulders as you turn to look at him. “I see the wheels turning in your head… what are you thinking?”
“You could just stay here…” 
“What…? Are you serious?”
“Yea… Why not? We were best friends before that dick made you stop seeing me and I have an extra room.” You thought about what Ben was suggesting before you looked back at him. “It would be better than moving back in with your parents…”
“Ok… fine. You got at that point.” You laughed as you threw your hands up in defeat. A couple weeks later, Ben walked in to find you asleep on the couch. Not wanting to wake you, Ben lifted you and took you to your room. As he was walking back out your door he heard your voice.
“Are you okay?”
“Nightmare. I was trying to stay awake til you got home”
“Was it like the ones you used to have?” You nod your head quickly. “Is there something I can do to help?”
“Can you… can you stay?”
“You want me to stay in here with you?” You nod your head again.
“I can do that. You be okay while I go change real quick?” You nod your head one last time and give him a small smile. Ben was back quicker than you thought he would be and crawling into bed beside you. “Okay. Come on, love.” Ben held out an arm as he waited for you to scoot closer to him. “Better?”
“Much. Thank you.” After a few minutes, you still weren’t able to fall back asleep and Ben could sense it. 
“You wanna talk until you fall asleep?”
“We could try, if you want.”
“How was your day? Do much of anything?”
“Not really. Pretty much stayed around here. You?”
“Did some stunt scenes today, so that was fun.” You felt him laugh a little and you looked up at him. You always loved when he laughed. “What?”
“Nothing. You just always look happiest when you laugh” Ben tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as he smiled down at you.
“Can I ask you something and you be honest with me?”
“I’ve always been honest with you”
“You have, I know…. Why… did you come here?” You bit your lip nervously as you searched for an answer. You knew why, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to fully say it out loud. “It’s ok. You can tell me anything, you know that.”
“I didn’t have anywhere else to go...I couldn’t go to my parents. I couldn’t tell my family what he did. You were the first person I thought of…” You feel him run his fingers through your curls as you begin to relax. You look back up and meet his eyes again. “I… I’m in love with you” Holding you in place, he presses his lips to yours in a soft kiss before he pulls back and looks at you.
“You’ve always felt like home to me.”
@definitely-not-black-cat​ @sebastiansloserclub​​ @sunshine112​​ @bringmethehorizonandpizza​​​  @empressdreams-deactivated201910​​  @justasmisunderstoodasloki​​ @bisexual-sk8r​​ @devildisguiseasangel​​​  @marvelownsmyentireass​​ @bearsbeetsbarnes​​ @justkeepdreaminganddreaming​​  @wheres-mccall​​ @uglypastels​​ @wazzupmrstark​​ @yanii-the-hippie​​ @thejemersoninferno​​ @marvelgirl7​​ @funnygirlthatgab​​ @youngmoneymilla​​ @geekandbooknerd​​ @sinner-as-saint​​ @littledarlinwrites​​  @littledarlinhavefaithinme​​ @superrezzy00​​  @pleasantlyshamelesswizard​​ @neversatisfiedgirlfics​​ @petersparkers​​ @peeterparkr​​ @saintlavrents​​ @wwesmutdonedirtcheap​​ @hollandbabyyy​​ @parkerpuff​​ @wrestlersownmyheart​​ @neversatisfiedgirl​​ @skymoonandstardust​​
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bethhxrmon · 6 years
All the even ones and for #8, top 5 marvel movies 😊
2. A picture of me:
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4. Last time i cried and why:
Ummmm like not even .5 seconds ago bc all my stress and anxiety caught up to me??? (aka the Fuckening™)
6. Favorite Band:
Either Panic! or Fall Our Boy
8. Top 5 Marvel movies:
In no particular order: Homecoming, Guardians of the Galaxy, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Thor: Ragnarok, Black Panther
10. Biggest Turn-Ons:
A good personality, nice to other people, nice hair and eyes, reads a lot, pretty smart
12. Ideas of a Good Date:
Coffee date, going to the park, fun little adventures, cuddling and sleeping
14. Piercings I Want:
None really
16. Favorite Movie:
Probable Crazy Rich Asians, but I can’t decide anything
18. Phobia:
Failure and being a disappointment
20. Height:
Five feet, I’m short
22. What’s your shoe size:
Anywhere from a 6 to a 7
24. Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
I have birth control but that’s it
26. What’s one thing you regret?
Making an effort for people who clearly don’t give a shit about me
28. Favorite ice cream?
Cotton candy flavored, fight me
30. What my last text message says:
“I gotta do a math thing”
32. Have you ever painted your room?
34. Have you ever slept naked?
Nope, too risky
36. Have you ever had a crush?
Too many fucking times
38. Have you ever stole money from a friend?
Hell no
40. Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Nahhhh I’m too small and weak
42. Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
All the fucking time
44. Have you ever made out with a stranger?
46. Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
48. Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
50. Have you ever seen someone die?
52. Have you ever kissed a picture?
I don’t think so
54. Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?
Ummmm yeahhhhh
56. Have you ever made a snow angel?
58. Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
Not that I can remember
60. Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
Yeahhh a lot
62. Have you ever felt an earthquake?
64. Have you ever ran a red light?
66. Have you ever had detention?
Nahhhh, I’m a good noodle
68. Have you ever hated the way you look?
Yeahhhhh, a lot????
70. Have you ever pole danced?
72. Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
Idk the opposite of Wyoming, but I’ve been coast to coast?????
74. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
All the fucking time lol
76. Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
78. Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
80. Have you ever sang in the shower?
82. Have you ever dream that you married someone?
84. Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
Nahhh, wtf is this, A Christmas Story?????
86. Have you ever been a cheerleader?
88. Have you ever brushed your teeth?
Uh yeah, why’s this even a question????? Dental care is hella important
90. Have you ever played chicken?
92. Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
94. Have you ever been easily amused?
Ummm yeah all the time
96. Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
98. Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
OOOOOOf all the time
100. Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
Already answered here
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hazinhoodies · 6 years
12, 20, 39!
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Hii!! This is my first time requesting anything for you but could you write a blurb or oneshot about Tom Holland x shy!reader and they're hanging out with his family it over at his family's house? Thank you Katiee (Also I don't mean to spell your name wrong I just put extra letters to emphasise the way I talk haha 😅).
Hi lovely! I loved this request and I hope this is okay! It’s a bit longer than I intended haha. I also don’t know how well I write the Holland family so I’m sorry in advance.
WC: 1.3k
Warnings: implications of anxiety, shy!reader, 
You were nervous to say the least. Meeting your boyfriend’s parents was a big deal and it also didn’t help that you tended to be quieter around new people. 
Tom stopped singing along to the radio as he saw how nervous you were from the corner of his eye, your own transfixed on the window and the passing scenery even though he knew you weren’t paying attention to any of it. 
“Darling, it’s going to be ok. They’re going to love you.” He reached and took your hand, squeezing a few times to reassure you. You smiled at the gesture and turned to him with a small nod, trying to ignore the nervous butterflies in your stomach as Tom started to talk about something to distract you. 
It wasn’t long before you pulled up to his parent’s house. You took a deep breath and smiled as you remembered the things Tom had told you about his family. Your smile only getting wider as he took your hand once you were out of the car and walking to the door. 
It felt like the butterflies in your stomach were fighting each other with how nervous you felt but one squeeze of Tom’s hand seemed to calm them for a little while. He knocked on the door and you straightened out your dress for the fourth time since standing there. 
The door opened to reveal Tom’s Mum on the other side, a kind smile on her face as she saw you and Tom. She quickly wrapped her son up in a hug before turning to you and whilst you expected a handshake or a simple smile, she wrapped you up in a hug just like she had with Tom. It was comforting. 
“You must be Y/n.” She pulled back and smiled as you nodded with a blush. “Tom’s told me all about you of course.” Your blush turned a darker shade of red as you giggled and Tom rolled his eyes fondly. 
“Mum!” There was a slight tinge of pink to his cheeks as he shook his head and laughed. She held up her hands in mock defence and laughed.
“Thank you for inviting me Mrs Holland.” You brushed a hair behind your ear just as something to do with your hands other than fiddling. The nerves continued to rage rampant in your stomach but the warm atmosphere and smiles were enough to calm you a bit more.
“Please Nicki is fine dear. And it’s a pleasure to have you.” She smiled sincerely at you and Tom before leading the way into the house after you took off your coat. As soon as you entered the kitchen, you heard yells and 3 boys run at Tom, practically tackling him to the ground. Nikki laughed and rolled her eyes. “They’re always like that when he’s been gone for a while.” 
You giggled and nodded as you watched the four boys laugh before they got up and dusted themselves off. You fiddled with your sleeve and bit your lip before Tom’s brothers came to introduce themselves. The youngest one, Paddy - you remembered his name was, smiled at you and nodded whilst the two twins said each other’s names instead of their own. Tom nudged them before coming to stand by you and taking your hand again. 
“Guys, that never works.” Tom shook his head and laughed at his brothers as you smiled. 
“No I know you’re Sam and you’re Harry.” You pointed at each twin as you said their names and they sighed with a smile. “I’ve seen photos you know.” You giggled and Tom nodded. 
“Well it’s nice to finally meet Tom’s ‘dream girl’.” Harry said, smirking at Tom who nudged him harder this time. You blushed furiously, ducking your head down with a smile.
Tom gave a fake laugh and squeezed your hand. “Shut up you div.” He went to grab an orange and throw it at Harry before Sam took it from his hand. 
“Thanks Tom.” 
Tom rolled his eyes and laughed just as Nikki asked for your help to set the table out for dinner. You nodded and smiled at her, taking some cutlery in and missing the way Tom gave a silent warning to his Mum so she wouldn’t embarrass him. 
“Stop being dramatic Tom, I just want to talk to her.” Nikki laughed before following you into the dining room. 
“Yeah stop being dramatic.” Paddy mocked back to his older brother and Tom laughed sarcastically before ruffling his hair. 
You heard Tom and Paddy’s laughs from the dining room as you set out the cutlery next to the plates. Your brain was working overtime thinking of something to say before Nikki spoke. 
“I love your dress.” 
You looked up and met her polite, kind smile with one of your own. Your eyes glanced down to the dress you were wearing, it was simple yet fancy enough to impress. “Thank you.” 
“You have a lovely home.” You spoke sincerely, smiling at her as you over processed the words in your mind. Nikki smiled and thanked you, making the worry in your brain subside. 
“Tom really likes you.” She nodded, making you laugh and nod back with a smile.
“Mum!” Tom made a face and sighed as he walked in with plates of food, his Dad following in behind him. 
“It’s our job to embarrass you, son.” He laughed and patted Tom on the shoulder before smiling at you. “You must be the famous Y/n.” He shook your hand and you smiled at him.
“Dad.” Tom groaned, rolling his eyes before he came to stand with you. He kissed your cheek and took your hand as his parents went to get the food. 
“How are you doing?” He whispered and squeezed your hand.
“I’m good. Your family are lovely.” You squeezed back and smiled lovingly at him. He returned the smile and stole a kiss. 
“I love you.” He nudged his nose against yours making you giggle. 
“I love you too Tommy.” You could have happily stayed in that bubble with Tom forever, wrapped up in the warmth of his smile.
However, your moment was broken when a chorus of “awww”’s sounded from behind you. Tom looked over your shoulder to see Harry and Sam standing in the doorway with plates of food. 
You both blushed and laughed before taking your seats as the rest of the food was brought out. You smiled at the smell and look of the food, nerves bubbling at the thought of having to make conversation. 
Tom’s hand met yours under the table and squeezed gently to let you know everything was okay. Your heart slowed down a little and you relaxed as you started to eat. 
It turned out that you had nothing to worry about, the conversation was easy and Tom always helped you with conversation. You smiled at him as he talked about how you had first met each other, his face lighting up with every detail. 
Your heart fluttered as you smiled and laughed along with the story, remembering it as if it was yesterday. He squeezed your hand tighter as he finished the story and turned to smile at you, stealing a kiss. 
That night you felt confident as if you fit into his family as easy as a piece of a puzzle. His parents took an avid interest in you and you returned the same to them. You even stayed and played video games with Tom and his brothers after dinner. 
It seemed like too soon that you and Tom were heading home, saying your goodbyes and receiving hugs from everyone. He took your hand as you left and swung his in yours as you walked. 
“Told you so.” He nudged you and smiled smugly. You turned and kissed the smirk of his face. 
“Shut it you.” You giggled and leaned into him as you started walking back home. 
Permanent: @its-the-unknownspidey / @eeyore101247 / @hazmyheart / @thinkoutsidethebex / @parkersvibes / @aussie-holland / @moorehollandplz / @glowunderthemoon / @awkwardfangirl2014 / @buckysdoll / @ppkrtingle / @angelhaz11  / @devin-marie / @mlt2000 / @fulltime-fangirl-k / @emcsii04 / @afterglownights / @preciouspparkers / @hazzy / @aesonsgirl / @legendsofwholock / @maybemona / @biglouche / @hollandstom / @gennyld / @thomasholyholland / @writeheight / @xxtomxo / @parkerpuff / @xinyourdreamsx / @itsjusttor / @starkissedholland / @novaddictx / @waterspider7 / @tomhollandspideys / @juneholland / @simplyineffablesposts / @blackeighteen / @hollandisapuppy / @lovely-blackinnon / @laurarestrepooo / @miraclesoflove / @stiles-banshees / @xximaweirdoxx / @softbaby-tom / @u-rrose / @sarahkatexoxo / @worldoftom/ @inneedoftomholland/  @bansheeshavok/ @imdrunkisuposse / @captainbuckyy / @julimelodi / @peniparkerquill / @emistrash / @portgasdelisa /  @honeymoonparker / @spideyyypeter / @zeeneee / @disnakeshavebutts / @sholland4 / @CrazyStupidRach / @kristinathecarat / @imfreefallinall / @lonikje / @itjustkindahappenedreally / @mysticsprouts / @spider-leech / @tomscuddles / @tomhollandseverything / @msmarvel-19 / @ashleymariah19 / @happy-el / @blackeighteen  / @bitteral / @lilostif16 / @petesrparker / @friendlyneighborhood-holland / @the-crazy-fanfictionist / @averyfosterthoughts / @miraclesoflove /@realiteaas /@clara-licht / @farfromtommy / @mcuassemble / @esperanzavelez / @whodisgrace / @parker-holland-osterfield / @rebekkah4766 / @notevenlxvely / @averyfosterthoughts / @spidey-swift / @murdermornings / @juliebean247 / @msmarvel-19 / @tomshufflepuff / @awaywithtime / @rebekkah4766 / @bildungsroman-s / @hollandhearts / @americasmarauders / @spideygirl2003 / @greatpizzascissorstaco / @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh / @solarxmoonchild / @peterparkerbabyyy
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parkerpeter24 · 5 years
How You Get the Girl – Tom Holland
warnings: a little bit swearing, angst, a bunch of bad writing, fluffy ending, nothing much.
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“How do I get her back?” Tom asked as he plopped down next to you on the bed. It was a typical Friday night and you were in his apartment. Well, shared apartment.
“Have you tried, moving on?” Harrison asked back as he threw a bunch of popcorn from where he sat on the beenbag. You couldn’t help but giggle at the way your best friends acted. “Seriously Tom, it’s been six months and she haven’t even said anything to you.”
“Whatever, Haz.” Tom smiled at you, “(Y/n)....” He exaggerated with the same tone he used when he wanted you to take Paddy for tennis practice as he had a date with his, now ex-girlfriend, Zendaya.
“Nope.” You shook your head knowing very well what his next sentence was going to be. “Oh, come on! You’re the only one who could help me.” He placed a firm hand over yours. You stared at the direction of Harrison but he was too busy to help you with the little problem you were facing.
You sighed as you smiled softly at him, “Do you still love her?” You asked. He played with the ring that still rested on his ring finger.
“Yes!” He huffed, “I mean, who calls off an engagement just because of an misunderstanding?!”
“I know.” You said, removing your hand from underneath his and placing it above his.
“No, you don’t.” He snapped suddenly making you flinch a little. You thought he didn’t notice. “You should go. It’s getting late.” He stated, looking anywhere but you. It was very late indeed, it was 19:30. Note the sarcasm.
You knocked on the door a few times before it flew open. Tom looked up from where he held his phone in his hand and into your eyes. Those beautiful eyes that were red now and brimmed with tears that were waiting to drop down onto your red cheeks.
“He broke up with me.” You said with a calm voice. He winced at how your voice sounded, broken.
“What?! Come in.” He held your arm softly to which you flinched. His eyebrows furrowed in concern, “Did he-”
“No.” You shook your head knowing well what the question was. “He left me because I told him that I was pregnant.” Tom felt a chill run down his spine at the emptiness of your voice.
“Oh, darling...” He trailed off as he sat you on the couch with him and wrapped his arms around you. “He does not deserve you if he can’t even support you in such a time.” You felt protected with every word he spoke.
“I love him.” You cried into Tom’s shoulder as chocked sobs left your mouth. He ran his fingers through your hair in an attempt to calm you down.
It was the day you realised that you loved him. But that didn’t matter anymore now. He started dating his co-star, Zendaya Coleman, after his second marvel movie, Spider-Man: Homecoming. It was a good two years of relationship and they finally decided to get married, but last month, ‘something’ happened, as Tom would describe it, and Zendaya called off the engagement. He wouldn’t tell you what happened.
“Hey, cupcake? You came early. What about your movie night?” Your mom asked when she opened the door and saw you standing there, “Yeah mom, we called it quits. Where’s Lizzie?” You placed your bag on the kitchen counter.
“She’s asleep.” She said and you nodded. She could sense something was off with you as she asked, “Do you still want to have a movie night? We have lots of popcorn.” You smiled when she patted the empty space beside her on the couch.
There was a knock on the door. You opened it to see Tom standing there with two daisies in his hands, Lizzie’s favourite. “Merry Christmas, darling.” You smiled softly at him as he extended one towards you. “Where’s my girl?” He asked making your heart flutter.
“Upstairs, getting ready.” You replied. “What about you?” He asked pointing to your night suit. “Tom, you don’t need to take me along everywhere you go with-.” You started but he beat you to it, “I want to. Now get ready, come on, you’re killing the Christmas vibes.” You shook your head at him but nonetheless walked into your room to get ready.
“Spider-dad!” Lizzie exclaimed when he saw Tom in the living room. She would call him ‘spider-dad’ since she saw his face on the poster of his movie ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home.’ It didn’t help with the flips your stomach would do whenever you saw him smiling at that name.
Tom pulled up in the parking lot of the general store. You were there because Tom promised Lizzie a Christmas present. As soon as you got out she ran inside the store and you followed behind. She stopped in front of the soft toys section as started scanning through them. You chuckled at her.
“Did you like anything yet?” You turned around to the familiar British voice. You shushed him softly, “Don’t disturb her.” You both giggled as you said that.
“Mommy, look!” She pointed towards the ceiling, “Can I have that?” You looked up and your eyes widened.
A Mistletoe? You looked back down to see Tom having the same look spread over his face. Blood rushed to your face as you looked down at Lizzie to see her playing with a panda bear. You leaned up and placed a soft kiss onto his cheek.
You groaned when you heard the faint sound of pitter patter against the windowpane. You yawned and carefully got up from the couch as to not disturb your mum. It was your habit to stare at the rain from the porch of your house so you opened the door.
Well, let’s say that you were not expecting Tom Holland there standing in the centre of your lawn in the rain. You grabbed an umbrella and ran towards him, “Are you insane?” You asked, voice hoarse but loud, over the rain.
He grabbed the umbrella from your hand. You let it go hesitantly and he tossed it behind his head, chuckling at the shocked expression on your face. “I’m sorry for snapping at you last night.” He said softly and you looked at him with raised eyebrows, “Thomas, you are unbelievable!” You exclaimed and turned about to leave but he pulled you back in. Close enough to make your foreheads touch.
“Dance with me.” He pleaded. You sighed as your heart did a little stunt, “But there’s no music?” You asked. “I know, but do we need one?” He replied shortly, making you giggle. A soft gasp left your mouth as he placed a hand on your waist and the other interwined with one of yours. You swayed to the song of the rain.
It was too perfect to be true, “It’s been a long six months...” He trailed off and you just hummed along. He sighed, “(Y/n) I need you to know that...” You looked up into his eyes and he looked right into yours, “That, I love you.”
“You what?” You chocked on air, “But what about Zendaya, and you, you asked me to help you get her back?” You became more and more confused with every question that came into your mind. He took a deep breath before he started, “I’ve loved you for, well forever but I couldn’t tell you. I told Zendaya that and she called off the engagement. She understood maybe, we never had time for each other. I’m sorry for not telling you but when I saw that look on your face last night, I knew that I had to. Maybe, you won’t talk to me now but I’m really-”
He was rambling, but you stopped him by placing your lips over his in a swift move. Your lips moved in synch with each other and with the the drops of rain. The kiss was short but sweet and you pulled away for the urge to breath.
“I love you too.” You smiled into his hoodie, which was now wet. As you both moved towards your house, Tom couldn’t help but think how he got the girl?
A/n: It’s trash but I would love if you read it. Tell me if you wanna be tagged.❤️🖤
Also, I’m so sorry for being dead and not responding to your requests guys😅
@spideyyeet @screamholland @overly-obsessed @venusparker @clqudsparker @avengersgroupchat @spider-manholland @justanotherfanfic @spidey-swift @harrysbbby @angelhaz11 @tomhollanddaily @peterparkersshitlist @hollandroos @peterparkerdaily @parkerpete @farfromhaz @afictionaladventure16 @fairytaleparker @parkerpter @peterparkerstingle @parkerpunology @dazzling-rubabe @parkerpuff @eeyore101247 @preciouspparkers @missbasicxxx @plushparker @spideyboipeter @spideyboipete @hazmyheart @hollandraul @dahliaspidey @itstomhollands @drunklili @ploont @ppkrtingle @spooky-starker-week @cherryredparker @hollandharrison @angelic-holland @lauras-collection @dear-selena @rubberducky-jrr @audreylovespidey706 @silver-winter-wolf @blueberryison @parkerpete @miss-nerd95
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