#this is a great episode don't get me wrong
blvvdk3ep · 2 days
Fellow Travelers was brilliantly written, don't get me wrong, but I have this one nagging grievance I just can't get over. I really wish Tim was allowed to be a more angry with Hawk in episode eight.
He tells Hawk that he has no more forgiveness left in the bathroom scene, but interrupts Hawk in the middle of his apology to absolve him and tell him that at least Hawk was his great, consuming love, and the only thing that matters is that he loved him. This feels like such an unfair thing to do to his character.
The times when Tim was angry with Hawk in the show were usually more tense, high emotional moments, where he was drinking, or seeming unreasonable/unrealistic or naive in his desires due to their situation (especially his desires for more affection amidst the Lavender scare dont strike as sympathetic as they could because Hawk's vigilance is more suitable to the situation).
So after everything, with Hawk playing push and pull with Tim, continuously calling for him knowing that Tim wants something he's never planning to give him, and then completely screwing him over, I would've loved to see a slow, raw scene at the end wherein Hawk apologizes for everything he did to Tim, and Tim is at least allowed to acknowledge and respond with seriousness lacking in hysterics, naivety, frenzy, or excessive sentimentality that yes, Hawk did hurt him, Hawk didn't have the right to do to him the things he did, and yes, he was furious at him for the hurt.
Tim deserves voice and agency, and I felt like it was plowed over to make room for this sweet ending where Hawk's guilt is vanquished because he was Tim's great love, and Tim is just glad for that. Tim deserves more than to be grateful that he loved a, frankly, shitty person. I wish he had been allowed to vocalize the damage it did to him and then choose to forgive. Because forgiveness, especially of the magnitude needed for what Hawk had done, does not come easily. It's a choice, and Tim's entire brilliant character and story is about him constantly making the difficult choice. He makes the difficult choice to turn over the photograph, leave McCarthy, go to jail, forgive himself and keep loving God, to leave the church, to come out to his family, to live as an openly gay man. He made the choice to forgive Hawk and feel gratitude for his life experiences and emotions regardless of what he got out of them. But like every choice it takes work to get there. I wish Tim's inner/emotional life, turmoil, and work regarding their relationship was something we were given privy to in that scene, and I feel that this was curtailed because the only way we really could've seen this is if he calmly pointed a finger at Hawk and called him out.
And honestly, something like that is more authentic to real, consuming love than just saying "all that matters is that I love you!" Real, consuming love can exist and exists most fervently where we can look at the other person and say yes, you nearly destroyed me, yes I forgave you, I forgive you, I still hold you in my heart.
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jadegr8 · 4 months
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every. fucking. time.
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thelassoway · 1 year
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Ted Lasso S02E05 Rainbow || Ted Lasso S03E01 Smells Like Mean Spirit
What does that mean?
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readyforsomeslapstick · 7 months
alright, taking bets on who is holding the flashlight at the end of Ep8
I've got my money on two candidates:
either the one person who was in the Biddle house that we haven't heard from, and who was sold as a villain from the start.
or the one person who willingly walked into the Biddle house but whose plans got massively derailed by Harold's sudden appearance.
it's either Allison, the ex-girlfriend, or Nathan Bratt himself.
If I'm wrong, then Disney needs new writers.
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purpleamethy · 3 months
A little rant on Pokémon Horizons because I feel like it:
If they keep having Amethio focused on his rivalry with Freed I'm going to be upset, him in relation to Liko or Terapagos is way more interesting in my opinion.
I don't know if y'all feel the same but I feel like that mysterious aura I saw around him in the first episodes has faded a bit, I was interested in him because of that, he looked different than any other rival characters in Pokémon, he was more like a real villain but now it seems he's just... another Pokémon rival.
Once again I hope I'm proven wrong by the next episodes, hoping we don't have to wait 20 and more episodes to see him again tho.
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ginger-bread-cow · 9 months
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The whole "Impossible Girl/Great Intelligence" Plot Line from season 7 of Doctor Who was better written and a more insteresting concept/excecution when RTD did Badwolf in Season 1 with Rose.
Not to mention the Badwolf plot actually had consequences in the narrative that changed the status quo and kept the story's momentum moving forward, unlike Clara who got to just jump into the time stream and live.
Clara was a more interesting concept of a character when she was Oswin Oswald, as a human Dalek, and I would've enjoyed her continuing in the series in that way instead 🤷
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kanerallels · 7 months
I watched another episode of Leverage last night-- The Bank Shot Job
And honestly I'm still not over the part where Nate gets shot and Sophie Devereaux, grifter supreme, the actress of all time, slips up and calls him by his real name cause she's so scared for him
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billpottsismygf · 8 months
Honestly, the ending of the last episode was strangely abrupt, especially after the emotion of episode 5, and doesn't really make sense as a final moment, but I'm hearing buzz about there actually being a Christmas special, so I guess that final moment is still to come.
Even so, this felt like the best series in years. I would put it up with series 1 and 2 in terms of quality, and I'm just so happy that this show gets to go out on a high. Roll on the Christmas special!
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v0iddr0id · 5 months
Does anyone have any examples of positive portrayal of psychotic or schizospec people in media?
I only know of 1 confirmed schizophrenic hero, and I'm tired of only seeing it only depicted as scary or evil.
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bifuriouslyqueer · 1 month
It's not surprising, but it was so fucking rude of them to end '97 with "To Be Continued"
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titan-fanatic · 4 months
I'm trying to get through this live action atla adaptation and boy am I having a rough time...
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shiftywing · 11 months
y'all must've been overexaggerating about velma lowkey it's not even that bad
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now that I’m dragging my mental health back to a semi-decent place and feel like I might have the energy to like....write literally anything again, at some point I’m going to write about the importance of critiquing within the context of a written story
as in, critiquing narrative points completely without any consideration of how they are contextualized in the story is a bit unfair.
as in, I continue to see things about the Ted Lasso finale that annoy me. not because people had a different read of the finale or disliked different things than I did - or that they’re critiquing it at all; there’s plenty I will critique or would have done differently - but like, saying things like “Ted going back home to Kansas is bad because he’s clearly miserable about it” is an unfair reading when, within the CONTEXT of the story, it’s not framed that way. regardless of whether it was a choice you liked or how you would have wanted things to end, it’s not framed in the story as a) a bad thing, b) a miserable sacrifice, or c) a thing that Ted is upset about. so there’s a difference between saying “I don’t like Ted going back home to Kansas at the end because to me that doesn’t read as a happy ending’ and “the finale objectively frames Ted going back as a bad thing because it makes him unhappy” 
and this isn’t JUST a critique on criticism in regards to Ted Lasso. it’s the nature of fandom criticism in general. “I didn’t like this thing” becoming “this thing is objectively bad in the story” or even “this thing is portrayed as objectively bad bc of this, this, and this” despite that contradicting how the story actually frames it.
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fictionadventurer · 1 year
The podcast host: What would it be like to go on a blind date with Theodore Roosevelt?
Library of Congress lady: One word comes to mind: Exhausting.
Me: Those are the words of an introvert.
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raisedbydirew0lves · 1 year
Still sad over the missed potential between Eber and Terra because of the whole different kind of nature they present-
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reginaofdoctorwho · 6 months
ya girl has vasovagal syncope now
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