#this is a life
lwveless · 2 years
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mo0nfairy · 1 year
A different person, but tailing off of the last request you answered:
Is reader dead or alive in Peter B. Parker and Mayday’s universe? And if they are alive, are the yanderes just okay with that? I don’t know your plans for the storyline, but if you are somewhat following the canon, wouldn’t reader need to be alive if they’re taking the place of MJ in that universe? Because in canon, MJ was the one who sort of indirectly pushed Peter B into taking action and helping Miles, which then would create the group that re-introduces Noir in this installment of the movie series. Maybe you have a workaround, or maybe your story diverges from canon before then—either way I know all your releases will be phenomenal and I can’t wait to inhale all the yummy words you write for us.
Sending love as well as a reminder to take frequents breaks and hydrate often <3
i haven't put much attention into how the story of the other spider-people plays out, only since they are irrelevant in this story. to answer your question, y/n is not MJ, y/n is just y/n !! in peter's world, i guess i would say that him and reader got pregnant/adopted mayday before reader died. that fatherly nature is what pushed him into helping miles, which means that mayday has been here since before peter ever met miles. and he has enough of a brain (unlike a certain pair of four losers) to acknowledge that the version of reader in miles' universe is not his y/n. the others are total yanderes and can't resist being with their beloved again! but, i do not plan on adding peter in the story (this may change lol), so i haven't put much thought into how he affects the plot.
i hope this sheds more light on my intentions for the series. and thank u so so much for the sweetness, i genuinely appreciate it !! please take frequent breaks and hydrate, as well ~~ <3
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mango-rosa · 4 months
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MAY 2024 life update!!! hello again, tumblr
'this is a life,'
as mitski sang. truly, life has a way of coming to resemble a bagel. one minute you're in your senior year of high school figuring out what university to apply to, and in the next, over 4 years have passed, and all you have to show for it is a sense of futility coming to rest over everything like a big heavy suffocating blanket, rendering most of existence, at its core, (seemingly) void of meaning. (if ur wondering what a bagel has to do w it watch everything everywhere all at once)
but at the same time, life proves time and time again to be at its heart, full of meaning and love even if it's just a tiny black speck of it in a silly googley eye. (again, the movie)
this is a blog!
and i'm trying to make sense of this life as a twenty-something year old nearly done with her degree. the degree that was meant to be done in 3 years, but has since stretched to four, the degree that i had dreamt of attaining abroad before a pandemic grounded me to this island. a degree that i am, again, nearly done with. done as in i'm close to graduating, but mostly done as in im so over it !!
i am a student of what you'd call 'communication arts,' but truly our times have also made me a student and witness of genocide(s), poverty and corruption, police brutality and extrajudicial killings, oppression and exploitation; but also of apathy, greed, and complacency in the face of it all. you'd think it's just too much for a sensitive little 'gen z' to handle. and it almost is. and yet!
i embark on this journey still. of self discovery, yes, but also of observation. a search of this sense awe and wonder in everyday life. to embrace that little googly eye you need a recognition and awareness of the persisting beauty and humanity in our world.
this is not weakness, this is not naive optimism or an invite to look away or hide in ignorance, but it is a commitment to stand and see that even now there are little glimpses of creation. brief glints of what we could be and what the world has to offer. it is finding promise and hope in the sunsets that mark each day, in the tropical storms that boast of their power, in the gentle song of the maya bird... it is in the warm smile and reassuring touch, in the young generation that refuses to be bystanders of injustice.
this is a life. and we have to choose to live it still. i'm still figuring it out. some days i identify more with the bagel (can i have some cream cheese w that), but we have to hold on to our little joys. there is a strength that comes in embracing the googly eye lol. (also, read some mary oliver ur life will change)
ok .. so... feel free to join me as i try to once again make my cute little blog posts on this cute little blog !! hah ha
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snakebitcat · 2 years
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Raccoocoonie is a jealous god, and you shall have no other gods before Him.
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3qu1us · 1 year
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“every possibility, i choose you and you choose me”
welcome back to alex listening to a song and drawing the image that came into his head
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catchandelier · 1 year
All of you are making Everything Everywhere All At Once more complicated than it is. Here, I’ll help you: An immigrant woman with undiagnosed ADHD has to figure out a way to balance the demands of her life, her crumbling marriage, and her taxes— against what her first generation from immigrant parents daughter, who is suicidal, needs. It takes several tries to figure out. There is a multiverse involved.
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mars-aria · 9 months
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nonesuchrecords · 2 years
David Byrne performed “This Is a Life,” the Oscar-nominated song from the Oscar-winning film Everything Everywhere All at Once, at the 95th Academy Awards ceremony at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles last night with Stephanie Hsu, who herself was nominated for an Oscar for her performance in the film, and the band Son Lux, which was up for an Oscar for Original Score. Byrne, Mitski, and Son Lux’s Ryan Lott were nominated for the Oscar for Original Song.
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therealestwizard · 2 years
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on the subject of his recent oscar preformance
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dumbbitchawards · 2 years
I fucking love this is a life but jesus fucking christ that performance was awful. BELOVED BROADWAY ACTRESS STEPHANIE HSU. What the fuck did I just watch
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keep reading to see some links:
mitski talking about her new album!
mitski's site, which now features a broken cup:
mitski's new tiktok:
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mo0nfairy · 1 year
This is a life was so good! I'm really excited for the next parts ^^
But it had me wondering, is there a world where the reader is (or more likely was) a spiderperson?
(Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, english isn't my first language.)
thank u sm, my sweet !! to answer you're question, y/n is not a spider-person in any reality!! the only role they have is to be romantically involved with a spider-person ~~ <3
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this is a life has me screaming crying sobbing dying decomposing reincarnating screaming crying sobbing dying decomposing reincarnating etc etc so on and so forth
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buntong-h1ninga · 2 years
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eluvion · 1 year
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photos from my tokyo vacation, july 2023 - eluvion
(IDs in alt text)
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mannyblacque · 1 year
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This is my life.
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