#this is a self para but it still goes in their tag
antiradqueer · 10 months
Trigger warning for mentions of fetishization, pro-c for non-con stuff,paras, and like very little of cult tactics, nothing with much detail I believe. Sorry if i tagged these wrongly, I'm not really good at putting trigger warnings.
Lol, im in the rq community but its like really confusing, i dont agree with some terms that fetishize people and invalidate others but some parts are i agree with too so its weird.
Im not sure if i should leave and even if i do where do i exactly go i dont really know, also some of these terms really help me to explain and express my non-human identity better, and stuff like that. (i only have id with transbody terms that go like 'wanting to have more eyes' or 'wanting to be taller' due to non-humanity, im not sure if that is wrong. Because these terms really would be okay and very nice in my eyes if they werent soo,, interwined with pro-c for non-con paras and actual fucked up shit.)
Also the community is meant to be anti-harasment, which is what i am, knowing that harassment on the internet wont really work in anyway. Though the community is extreme (this goes for antis too, both sides are very extreme which sometimes wants me to just stay in the middle of it.) And people in the rq tend to ignore the pro-harassment rq's by saying stuff like 'oh theyre not actually rq' and that on itself sounds like very problematical to me. Maybe not just me, i have no idea.
I also thought of id as transabled due to my heavy signs of BIID, (though i am not diagnosed so it might be something else, so i wont self diagnose for now since it might be a placebo effect due to my legs not functioning well in the first place) but the things it implied was just,, not something i would like to be associated with. So idk if that makes me unvalid or anything of that.
Im so fucking confused and i dont really like the fact i am so confused and kind of not fitting for both sides and being neutral seems,, y'know,, ignorant to me because both sides have their extremes and problems, so god i have no idea.
Also i did notice rq community using ways that are like,, weird, and i have experienced cult tactics and when i noticed it literally didnt go away so yeah. And that certainly something I don't want to be associated with and harms me too.
Its weird, i have no idea, wa.
Also i quite literally dont care whos origin is what, i used to be heavily endogenic but after a while i was like,, 'dude i cant change these people nor should i can encourage possible harmful things to them and the plural community' and decided to be neutral especially because i have a traumagenic system of 750+ with some alters still heavily anti-endo and some pro-endo. Which again makes me feel like i will not be welcomed elsewhere.
I have talked to a few anti-rqs about my experience but idk
Also i have multiple paraphilic disorders and Paraphilias without disorders, so im not sure if i will be affected in the other communities since of my paraphilic disorders.
So sorry this is like very long, i apologize if i made y'all uncomfortable,, it was not what i intended.
first of all, I will just repeat what I tell every radqueer that comes into our inbox: think about if you really want to be part of and support a movement that inherently supports pro-c paraphiles of all kinds, is racist, ableist and whatnot. you simply can't on one hand call yourself radqueer and on the other hand pick and choose the parts of the community you like. if you use that label, you are supporting the WHOLE community, end of the story. of course there are disgusting people in every community, but it's different with radqueers - for example, there are quite a lot if pro-c zoophiles who are also therians and claim to be part of the therian community. BUT the therian label in itself is strictly against that and will never ever accept those people. the radqueer label however is inherently supportive of and welcoming to pro-c zoos, pedos and necros. and that's the difference. that's why you are still supporting those people even if you only use the term radqueer. please realize there are alternative terms you can use for the same experiences, which are not associated with radqueers and/or are coined by folk who are openly anti radqueer and anti transid.
aside from that, being neutral or unaligned is 100% a path you can choose! always put your own comfort and safety first and if the discourse stresses you out too much, you can always just back off.
I don't have too much to add honestly, to me it seems like you are THIS close to truly realizing how horrible the radqueer community actually is - I mean, you even noticed the cult tactics. but it is on you to take the final step and get out and I promise you, if you do, you will be welcomed by us antis and other communities!
[I won't comment on the endo system part, since we don't do syscourse topics here]
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mountphoenixrp · 2 years
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White Out: The Beginning
On January 20th at around 11:30am, dark, dense clouds gathered over Mount Phoenix and the temperature dropped dramatically. Strange, the weather forecast had been clear for the day. Large, fluffy snowflakes began falling; slowly, at first, but within moments the snowfall was so relentless that you could barely see five feet in front of you. By 1pm, a blanket of snow three feet deep laid heavily over the island.
By 3pm, the snow was more than any shovels or plows could tackle, and many entrances to businesses and residences were completely blocked. And it was still falling. As a result, the council sent out the following message to every mobile device on the island:
Residents of Mount Phoenix, please do not panic. This heavy snowfall was unexpected, but we are taking every measure in our power to ensure that things return to normal as quickly as possible. For now, we urge all citizens to shelter in place until we can clear the roads and sidewalks. Stay safe, stay warm, and do not do anything reckless.
Welcome to the blizzard event! This event will run from January 20th to the 31st, and it is a little bit different from our usual light-hearted events. The situation will evolve over the course of the first few days (in OOC time), so please be sure to pay close attention to any updates from the main blog! The second half of the event will not have updates, but will simply give muns time to start and/or continue event threads as needed.
As you can see from the blurb above, muses will essentially be trapped wherever they were between approximately 11am-2pm on January 20th. This can be at work, at home, or in any building that your muse might have stumbled into to try to wait out the blizzard. Regardless, in most cases they will be unable to leave wherever they were when the storm started to get bad.
There are also several ways to participate in this event! If you are busy but still want to participate, you can have your muse be trapped alone and write a self-para about their experience. (I would suggest doing this near the end of the event, since the situation will be evolving as time goes on.) Another easy way to participate would be to have your muse trapped alone and have them send out texts/DMs/calls to their loved ones and friends via ask. These things can also be done if your muse is trapped with others, of course.
And otherwise, you can have your muse be trapped with another person/other people! Feel free to plot some drama or fluff with a friend/lover/enemy of your muse. Or, let the other muns know where your muse is stuck via our Discord plotting channel (particularly if it is in a public place or one of the apartment buildings), and plot out interactions with whoever also ended up in the same place! There are lots of possibilities with this event, so have fun with it!
Please tag all event-related posts with “mp; white out”.
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countlessrealities · 2 years
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name. Scotty
pronouns. they / them
preference of communication. Tumblr IMs or Discord (even if I’m selective with whom I hand my Discord to. We need to have talked at least a bit here before).
name of muse. I currently have 12 active muses (both canon and OCs), 3 test muses and 1 request muse on this blog. Mort of them are Rick and Morty muses (all versions of the two titular characters).
rp experience / how  long. I don’t remember for how long exactly I’ve been RPing. It has to be at least 8-10 years. I started on another site and then landed on Tumblr about 5-6 years ago.
best experience. I don’t have a specific episode that I consider the best ever, but in general the best experience for me is connecting with kin minded people and build a world of plots and interactions through of our characters. It’s always a lot of fun and very stimulating. I have a few people I’m especially grateful to in this sense and I hope I’ll have the chance to keep writing with them for as long as possible. And hopefully to meet more like them.
rp pet peeves / deal breakers. This calls for a quite the list xD No rules / muse(s) page. Drama / callout culture. DNI for specific characters. Cyber-bulling of any sort (and yes, this includes harrassing people for liking content that you consider “problematic”. If you do that sort of things, get away from my blog, grow the fuck up and get a life). Untagged posts / untagged NSFW, or too fancy tags that are hard to blacklist. Being a self-absorbed dick in general. People who ignore the starters / replies to ask you wrote for them. People who try to force their personal headcanons / views about my muses on me. People who use the “this is a hobby” excuse to be terrible to their writing partners and to not give back the effort people offer them.
fluff,  angst, or smut. Angst is one of my favourite things to write, so that’s definitely my pick. I still like a happy ending after navigating an ocean of feels, pain, trauma, broken spirits, crushed dreams and so on x’D But yeah, angst all the way. Fluff is good to balance more intense threads, so I don’t mind indulging in that too. As for smut, I’m extremely selective with it. I write it with trusted people only, and only when inserted in the context of a developed scenario / ship.
plots or memes. I’m definitely partial to plotting. I like creating long-term storylines, dynamics and arcs / verses. It’s really important for me to plot at least the general idea for first interactions especially, because it helps me getting an idea of what the other person is looking for.
long or short replies.  I’m a descriptive RPer, so I almost exclusively do multi-para and novella threads. Single para are for brief interactions / crack.
best time to write. I don’t really have a specific time. My inspiration comes and goes as it pleases, it could hit me at every hour of the day and of the night. I usually end up writing at night mostly because it’s when I have more free time.
are you like your muse. I share some traits with most of my muses, but I wouldn’t say that there’s a muse that is exactly like me. If something I’m a bit of a mix of some of them. I tend to be almost as cynic as Rick, I can be a bitch like Summer, and I struggled with bad anger issues in the past like Morty does and I tend to put up a facade / play a certain kind of persona for the world to see Like Blitzo. I’m not super easy to approach (even if it might not seem so), I have plenty of insecurities and I’m really socially awkward, traits that characterises a good number of my muses.
tagged by: @warmongersofzaun & @surgingchef [[ thank you! ]] tagging: @advnterccs @thesafaribaggirl-returns @floweremojifound @esmorothfallen @heamvir @defactomatriarch @finitecurved​ & whoever wants to steal it !
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collidingxworlds · 2 years
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name. Scotty
pronouns. they / them
preference  of  communication. Tumblr IMs or Discord (even if I’m selective with whom I hand my Discord to. We need to have talked at least a bit here before)
name  of  muse. I currently have 6 active muses, 1 test muse and 2 request muses on this blog
rp  experience  /  how  long. I don’t remember how long exactly I’ve been RPing for. It has to be at least 8 years. I started on another site and then landed on Tumblr about 5-6 years ago
best  experience. I don’t have a specific episode that I consider the best ever, but in general the best experience is connecting with kin minded people and build a world of plots and interactions through of our characters. It’s always a lot of fun and very stimulating.
rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers. No rules / muse(s) page. Drama / callout culture. DNI for specific characters. Cyber-bulling (and yes, this includes bullying people for liking content that you consider “problematic”. Grow the fuck up and get a life). Untagged posts / untagged NSFW, or too fancy tags that are hard to blacklist. Being self-absorbed dick in general.
fluff,  angst,  or  smut. Angst is one of my favourite things to write, so that’s definitely my pick. I still like a happy ending after navigating an ocean of feels, pain, trauma, broken spirits, crushed dreams and so on x’D But yeah, angst all the way. Fluff is good to balance more intense threads, so I don’t mind indulging in that too. As for smut, I’m extremely selective with it. I write it with trusted people only, and only when inserted in the context of a developed scenario / ship.
plots  or  memes. I’m definitely partial to plotting. I like creating long-term storylines, dynamics and arcs / verses. It’s really important for me to plot at least the general idea for first interactions especially, because it helps me getting an idea of what the other person is looking for.
long  or  short  replies.  I’m a descriptive RPer, so I almost exclusively do multi-para and novella threads. Single para are for brief interactions / crack.
best  time  to  write. I don’t really have a specific time. My inspiration comes and goes as it pleases, it could hit me at every hour of the day and of the night. I usually end up writing at night mostly because it’s when I have more free time.
are  you  like  your  muse. I share some threads with most of my muses, but I wouldn’t say that I’m like them. Perhaps, the one I’m the closest with, personality-wise, is Five. I’m very cynic and pessimistic, I can be very harsh and too straightforward, I’m insanely stubborn, I have real poor people skills and a potty mouth (not always but when I let myself speak freely...yelp) xD
tagged by: @knightinsourarmor (( thank you! ))
tagging: @omniishambles @imprvdente​ @paradiseturnedhell​ @elisethetraveller​ @governmentofficial​ @waywardfeathered​ @rapxir​ @motleysort​ @aubainmary​ @batteredoptimist​ @ncxile​ & whoever wants to steal it !
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vassalagevenison · 2 months
Heavily Selective Ask/RP Blog for a headcanon-based 2P Alastor from Hazbin Hotel.
NSFT, 18+ only, Minors DNI
Broadcast by Lumen.
Heavily affiliated with @lilitophidian
Rules & About under cut
This blog is highly selective; while I answer asks from anyone, you do need to be following for me to rp. Since this is a sideblog I can't follow back, but you following lets me know you're interested. Feel free to turn any meme/ask into a thread. I do not rp with personals, only other rp blogs.
This is a sideblog, follows from @radiomurdeer. You do not need to follow that blog to interact with this one.
18+ only -- minors will be hardblocked on sight. If you follow and your blog does not have a clearly listed age/age range that is an immediate hardblock. Make sure your blog has that listed clearly, I don't mess around with that. Mun is 30+.
Dead dove content will be present on this blog and untagged. This is including but not limited to racism, non/dubcon, SA, degradation, abuse, substance abuse, self-harming behaviors, suicide ideation, child abuse, hurt no comfort, vore, cannibalism, grooming, necrophilia, incest. Not to say every thread will have any of the above at all, as I try to keep my partner's comfort in mind and encourage discussion between muns. All rp threads will be under a cut by default since I don't tag.
I don't have any triggers/need anything tagged. Pretty much the only thing I won't write is scat, and pregnancy/mpreg or kidfic isn't usually something I'm interested in but I can be convinced. Certain topics I will only write with discussion first -- technically nothing is off the table, I'll at least hear you out, but I'm not about to fetishize more controversial topics either and some topics will only be written as a dark thread with horror in mind.
Policing gets you blocked. You're in control of your online experience. If you don't want to see my posts or interact, just hardblock and move on.
I can write anywhere from para to novella. I have a tendency to go long, you don't have to match my length. If you prefer shorter replies I'll adjust accordingly. I use small text and currently most replies will not have icons or special formatting.
This version of Alastor goes by the nickname Blue. That's how he'll introduce himself, and how I'll refer to him.
While the original 2P comes from anic-mj, my own interpretation is rather different than theirs with only few similarities.
'Blue' was born in the early 1890s to a Creole woman. His father was a wealthy white man who had decided to have some nonconsensual fun with the help; when she became pregnant he paid her to go away rather than cause a scandal. Growing up didn't know this - he was raised on stories of a loving father who was unable to be there. His mother kept him quite isolated, away from prying eyes due to the color of his skin and his father's prominent features.
In his teens his mother died and he decided to seek out his father. He was quite disappointed at the truth. His father said some very hurtful things. Blue saw red and bashed in his father's head with his bare hands. It was his first kill. It disgusted him as much as it fascinated.
He still was a radio host in life, and a rather prolific serial killer. Less discerning than his normal counterpart. Blue tended to murder his romantic partners, finding it the only way to really get off. He's pansexual with little care for gender. He will not outright initiate, but will try to put others in a position where they will initiate instead. He's extremely shy, and more likely to stalk at an increasingly close distance (as he wants to be caught) though he can overcome that as needed.
He's easily attached on a surface level, falling in and out of love quickly. Deeper attachments are unlikely. Blue has terrible self-esteem and atrocious emotional regulation. He cries easily, and seemingly about anything and everything. That doesn't mean he isn't dangerous - he's a capricious murderer, sobbing and apologizing while he does so.
He's still a cannibal: pain, eating, and arousal are all bundled up together. He has a difficult time separating hunger pains from lust, and he'll always want a bite.
Blue will never, ever, take responsibility. Nothing is his fault, and he's quick to blame everyone but himself. His shadow is not conscious, but he pretends it is to have something to blame for his own depravity. He thinks he's disgusting and deserves to be hurt. A filthy little pervert who will rub one out in public and then cry when called out on it. A complete sadomasochist who pretends he is soft and innocent. He's still a feared overlord and skilled Dealmaker, and deserves that reputation. Everything he does is because he wants to, no matter how much he claims otherwise.
Sex with him often ends in death unless you're powerful enough, or at least forceful enough, to put him in his place. He loves being degraded and 'forced'. If there's a kink he's probably into it, all while crying that he isn't. He prefers someone to dominate him but he's bratty; chances are he's going to try topping from the bottom at signs of weakness.
Blue does go through a yearly rut that lasts a week to a month, in addition to his usual general horniness. This very closely resembles an actual deer's rut, with all that entails. Consider carefully.
@lilitophidian owns his soul; any mention of Lilith will refer to that relationship specifically. I am willing to explore the possibility of someone else holding his leash in a separate verse, but that's his default.
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canthelps · 2 years
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it had been four, maybe five months since maxime had last spoken to london, it had been a very abrupt way that the other ended things. at first maxime had been angry, she had been angry for a long time. she didn’t really understand why she was so angry-- they weren’t actually together, despite what she had jokingly said in the voice note that had apparently rubbed the other woman the wrong way. but they had spent a lot of time together, despite living in different continents mostly, and maxime enjoyed the blonde’s company. she tried not to be angry, told herself that this was all inevitable and that they were never going to work out due to her standing and the fact that they lived three and a half thousand miles away. 
then, after being angry, max had felt a little relieved. she had gotten the sense for a while that london had wanted more from her, and max had always tried hard to avoid that conversation. they were in different parts of their lives, and max wanted to enjoy her twenties before she inevitably got tied down. she knew from her family that if she hadn’t found a suitable husband by the time she was 30, they would find one for her- it might be 2022, but the french aristocracy still had appearances to uphold and they would rather she be unhappy than it seem like they didnt have control of one of their own. as much as it pained her to admit it, max had always secretly planned to get married to london in her late 20s, if only to fend off the looming arranged marriage, but now it seemed like that wasn’t likely to happen. she should have known that people don’t usually sleep with each other for seven years at a time. london probably would have found someone then, someone who actually lived in the same country as her and wasn’t afraid of settling down.
during their time apart, maxime had been travelling around- a few weeks at her family’s vineyard in the south of france, monaco for the casinos and racing, london for wimbledon and royal ascot, one of her friends had a boat moored in santorini and they’d spent a couple of weeks getting very tanned and very drunk on the bow, and of course she’d spent the entire time racking up the numbers in her body count- but things still never really felt right.
she was in hvar right now- a small island off the coast of croatia, known for its party culture. she had the penthouse suite in one of the finest hotels on the island, and a number of phone calls from her mother and her mother’s staff telling her to come home and stop haemorrhaging money- which she wasn’t doing because london broke up with her. of course not. she just liked to live it up in the summer, its not like she had a job or anything. it was about 3am, and everyone around her was getting ready to go out, but maxime had had a few too many shots and maybe a line too many and she didn’t want to be going to another party, she just wanted to go home. but in that moment, she realised she didn’t want to go back to versailles, back to her mother and the stiff upper lips and her childhood bedroom. she wanted to be tucked up in fresh sheets in a new york apartment in london’s arms. 
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that was how she found herself sat on the floor of a wardrobe while a party raged on around her, tearfully calling a woman who didn’t want anything to do with her. “Salut, je sais que je ne devrais pas t'appeler, je t'ai vu- merde!” she sighed, before forcing her brain to switch to english. “hi. its me. max. in case you’ve deleted my number off your phone. i know i shouldn’t be calling you since you’ve made it very clear by posting multiple instagram stories a day of you and your new girlfriend. but im in hvar right now, i dont know if you remember but it was one of the places i said i would take you so we could fuck in the fort....” she trailed off, wondering if she should just shut up now.
“i’m uh, i’m sorry if i was rude to you. its weird, i was taught etiquette as a child but actual manners was something that was never on the agenda. and, well. there’s a reason that there’s a stereotype that french people are all assholes. its because we are.” she hiccupped, before deciding that she’d embarrassed herself enough, and she should probably just go all in. “look, i really liked you london, but i never really learnt how to do proper human relationships because my parents hate each other and i’ve been at boarding school since I was four, and before then i had an around the clock nanny. even now all my friends are pretty much just here for the money. i’m not sure any of them would still be here if they’d actually had to pay for their flights and the hotel. but with you... it always felt real? and that scared me. fuck, it scared me so much. i didn’t know how to let loose, to be vulnerable. all i knew is i wanted to spend time with you and have fun. i think i could tell that you wanted something more serious so i started to pull away a little bit” she was crying now, tears streaming down her face as she said everything she’s been meaning to.
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“but i also think-- and i’m not trying to make excuses, there was a bit of a culture difference. i didn’t even think i was being mean, that’s just how french people are. we’re blunt. we bully people as flirting. but fuck, i’ve always felt like i was going to marry you one day, i just always thought it would be after i whored it out in my twenties, but then i didn’t even care that much when you started talking about knocking me up, but i think that might just be a kinky thing. i still think the idea is hot by the way, and if you ever do want to breed my royal pussy and make a baby that will be uhhhh-” she paused for a second, counting on her fingers “15th? in line for the french throne, i’m totally down.” maxime sniffed again, taking a deep breath. “sorry, i got distracted. what i was trying to say is, i wanted to whore out, i have been whoring out recently and i’ve realised that i’m sick of waking up in a hotel room bed with a stranger who doesn’t care if i live or die. i want to be in new york, with you and you never taught me how to scramble eggs even though you said you would so you’re gonna have to make some for me, but its okay because i’ll give you the best blow job of your life while you do.” 
“anyway. i’m getting sick of the med. i think i’m probably going to go to my penthouse in manhattan for a bit to decompress, because there’s no way in hell i want to face my mother any time soon. if i do go to new york, i’ll come by and say this all in person. well. if i remember what i said because as you can probably tell from the slurring, i’m real fucked up right now. pretty rude of you to not pick up, since i think its only like...9pm there? say hi to the new girlfriend from me, hope her ass is as tight as mine. bon nuit.”
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dominiqucweasley · 5 years
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tag dump !!
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thronesfms · 2 years
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plot  drop  one .    𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓  𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐒  𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐊  .
the  morning  of  the  masquerade  ,  it  was  announced  that  both  the  king  and  queen  had  fallen  ill  the  night  prior  and  would  be  unable  to  attend  with  their  guests  .  still  ,  in  a  first  gesture  of  goodwill  ,  king  lucerys  insisted  (  commanded  )  that  the  night  would  go  on  without  them  .  though  many  wished  to  ,  none  could  deny  the  king  out  of  respect  for  his  majesty  (  or  fear  of  the  consequences  ,  perhaps  )  .
the  king  had  the  guards  make  note  of  ten  costumes  ,  ten  he'd  carefully  decided  to  assure  he  could  track  who  came  and  went  over  the  course  of  the  night  .  they  stood  out  above  all  others  ,  or  did  they  ?  some  blended  ,  making  it  easier  for  them  to  sneak  out  -  something  the  king  would  not  stand  for  before  the  night  came  to  an  end  .  through  the  night  one  servant  each  would  be  assigned  to  watch  over  the  following  :  the  jester  ,  a  white  swan  ,  the  iron  throne  ,  the  pegasus  ,  the  kraken  , the  season  of  winter  ,  the  stars  ,  the  warrior  ,  the  queen  of  love  and  beauty  ,  the  violet  fairy  .
the  night  went  on  seemingly  with  little  fuss  ,  with  great  laughter  ,  music  and  dancing  filling  the  hall  .  dressed  as     an  elephant  ,     none  were  any  the  wiser  to  the  king’s  presence  at  the  great  gathering  -  even  as  they  broke  the  anonymity  rule  without  a  care  .
lord  jon  sunglass  , the  king’s  own  master  of  games ,  was  dressed  as     a  boar     and  charged  with  keeping  track  of  those  within  the  party  as  well  .  though  it  was  a  task  he  should  have  had  little  trouble  with  ,  half  way  through  the  night  it  appeared  as  though  he  had  one  too  many  beverages  and  was  ushered  away  to  his  rooms  to  recuperate  .  even   before  his  absence  he  could  account  for  none  when  he  woke  ,  for  the  drink  had  done  it’s  trick  far  too  well  .
while  the  nobility  all  gathered  in  the  ballroom  ,  no  one  could  have  known  who  it  was  who  crept  away  in  the  night  -  breaking  into  the  grand  maester  samuel  florent's  offices  and  brutally  killing  the  man  .  it  was  not  noticed  for  hours  ,  and  as  soon  as  it  was  the  king  was  alerted  .  though  he  knew  the  identities  of  many  ,  only  some  did  he  see  .  any  who  revealed  their  identities  throughout  the  night  were  placed  under  all  the  more  suspicion  ,  for  in  the  eyes  of  their  royal  majesties  what  reason  have  they  to  reveal  their  identities  if  they  were  not  plotting  against  the  throne  ?  
many  guests  had  the  fortune  of  alibis  through  the  ten  servants  dedicated  to  their  costumes  ,  for  they  could  swear  to  having  followed  after  them  all  night  .  others  the  minor  misfortune  of  having  the  boar  forgotten  them  .  the  worst  luck  of  them  all  were  those  spotted  by     the  leopard  -  the  queen  herself -     leaving  the  event  .  
despite  urges  otherwise  ,  and  the  advise  of  his  council  -  the  city  of  king’s  landing  has  been  put  on  lockdown  ,  and  while  guests  have  continued  to  arrive  late  to  the  king’s  invitation  -  once  they  enter  the  city  walls  ,  they  are  no  longer  free  to  exit  .
and  this  draws  our  first  event  to  a  close  .  threads  may  be  definitely  be  continued  /  finished  up  from  within  it  ,  as  now  knowing  how  it  goes  down  you  may  have  some  inspiration  for  how  to  end  things  .
we  did  keep  track  of  all  those  who  reacted  to  each  animal  ,  so  please  be  sure  to  follow  the  fate  of  the  one  you  chose  below  .  for  each  one  ,  please  tag  your  post  as  both  thrones.masquerade  and  thrones.task  .  
🐆    the  leopard  :  the  queen  spotted  your  muse  leaving  the  party  early  ,  and  has  her  suspicions  that  you  could  have  played  a  part  in  the  grand  maester’s  death  .  an  alibi  must  be  provided  ,  but  will  you  throw  others  under  fire  to  save  yourself  ?
write  a  minimum  one  paragraph  (  though  more  is  welcome  )    ‘  confession  ’  self  -  para  ,  where  your  character  may  give  their  alibi  for  the  evening  and  where  it  was  they  may  have  snuck  off  to  .  
🐗    the  boar  :  while  your  muse  was  never  spotted  leaving  the  party  ,  nor  do  they  have  any  who  can  vouch  for  them  .
your  task  is  to  find  some  alibi  through  the  night  for  your  muse  ,  whether  this  means  plotting  a  thread  with  someone  or  just  plotting  with  someone  in  general  and  having  both  muses  attest  on  the  dash  to  having  spent  time  together  ,  we’d  love  to  see  it  !
🐘    the  elephant  :  the  king  spotted  your  muse  during  the  events  of  the  evening  ,  and  as  such  has  no  suspicions  of  you  .  will  you  use  this  opportunity  to  stay  silent  in  your  position  of  safety  ,  or  will  you  use  it  to  throw  the  blame  elsewhere  ?
write  a  minimum  one  paragraph  (  though  more  is  welcome  )    ‘  reveal  ’  self  -  para  ,  where  your  character  reacts  to  the  king  revealing  himself  as  having  been  the  elephant  .  did  your  muse  speak  ill  of  him  to  his  face  that  now  they  worry  ,  perhaps  ?
the  jester  ,  a  white  swan  ,  the  iron  throne  ,  the  pegasus  ,  the  kraken  , the  season  of  winter  ,  the  stars  ,  the  warrior  ,  the  queen  of  love  and  beauty  ,  the  violet  fairy  :  the  servants  kept  their  eyes  on  your  muse  all  evening  ,  and  as  such  they  were  safe  .
congrats  !  for  those  select  folk  who  were  named  one  of  the  ten  -  you  have  immunity  from  a  task  !  
depending  how  convincing  your  alibis  are  ,  the  king  may  bring  this  bloody  event  to  trial  . 
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moon-silvered · 2 years
This Bitch in Particular
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Pairing: Jake Lockley x Reader
Wordcount: 2.2k
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Second Person POV, Spanglish, Canon Typical Violence, Brief Reference of Drugs,  
Summary: You keep running into Jake-fucking-Lockley while working. First as a snitch, then as a victim, then as a colleague, then while working.  It starts to become a pattern, a dangerous one. 
Taglist: Reply/Ask to be added
Now On Ao3
Part of the Fuck this Bitch in Particular One Shot Series
Translations you’ll need
¿Qué estás haciendo? - What are you doing?
Entra - Get in/Enter
¿Reconócelo? - Recognize it?
Mátalo - Kill him
Pinche cabron - Fucking bastard
¿Sin bailar? - Without dancing?
You weren't exactly sure why the Limo stopped in front of your corner,  especially not in Seven Sisters  but you weren't going to question it. Stepping off your perch you approached, and bobbed your head up to greet the driver. "Youse got a passenger looking for something?" You ask as the window rolls down. The man shook his head but curled a gloved finger at you. So you approach.
"¿Qué estás haciendo?" The Spanish threw you off.  You hadn't heard it in years, especially not that accent. Not since you moved. Too much weird shit goes on in New York City, so you left. Of course London had its fair share of weirdness but it always seemed less.  Lesson learned though, never trust the news on how weird a place is in comparison. You weren't in it, so you didn't hear about everything.
"Working, what's it look like? You buying?" You lick your lips.
"Para Información." The driver says and then pulls a wad of bills out.
"You with the yard?"
You look up and down the street before taking the last step and lean against the door. "What ya need?"
"No no. Entra." The man pointed to the passenger side.
You stare at him.  You knew better than to get into a stranger's car, and especially a limo - a tricked out one by the look of the driver's console and wheels. Those weren't standard issue Royce rims, they looked reinforced. This was dangerous, and even if you didn't look it with your clothes - you were still a woman by birth. You had to be careful.
You take a step back, and the man pulls his jacket open revealing a silenced pistol pointed your way. "Entra."
"Fuck." You whisper, cursing up and down as you head for the passenger side. The door pops open on its own and you enter. You keep a firm eye on that pistol.
"Seatbelt." The English was accented, but you don't question it and buckle up.
The drive wasn't short. But when the man parked the limo, it was in a dark alley. He unbuckled his seatbelt and set the silenced pistol on the dash and turned to face you.  A cold sweat had worked its way up your back and you regarded him as he reached for his pants.
"I don't sell my body." You blurt out through gritted teeth.  You had worked your hand into your coat pocket, grasping the knuckle dusters you kept there.
The man paused to look at you from under his cabbie hat with a smirk. His gaze squinted before he pulled his shirt loose and yanked down a wad of rolled up papers. He threw them in the seat between you.  "Tell me what you know." Then he was leaning back waiting with crossed arms.
Heat flushed your cheeks, but you grab the wad of papers to see pictures of your boss's boss.  "Shit... nah. I ain't a snitc-"  Your head bounced against the window, nose crunched under the heel of the man's palm. "FUCKING SHIT WHAT THE FUCK" You howl in pain and grab your bleeding nose.
"Tell me." The man hissed and leaned forward with a flick of a switchblade.
"Shit... aight man." Your self preservation kicked in and you folded like a paper bag. You weren't in this to get killed by some wacko vigilante - which you figured the man was some London version of Daredevil or Spiderman -  whoever the fuck knew. But worse. Because the fucker clearly had no qualms about hitting innocents.  Though would you consider yourself an innocent? With the people you've hurt? Probably not. So you tell him everything you knew. From how often drops were made, to where you picked up your cuts, to even the bits and pieces you heard about traffickers.
At the end of it, the man opened up his glove compartment and threw a small first aid kit at you and then buckled his seatbelt again. With shaking hands, you patched your nose up as best you could and tried to make yourself look smaller.
The second drive is shorter. The limo rolls past a very familiar warehouse with people right outside the doors.  You're already mentally swearing and trying to sink into the seat, to hide. You're dead for sure if any of them see you.
"¿Reconócelo?" The man laughs.
"Ya think?" You hiss and pull on your shirt to cover your face.
The man presses a button and the windshield goes dark, tinting and presumably hiding you.  "Stay put."  He's left the car.
"Like hell I'm getting out here. Crazy ass motherfucker." You grumble and watch the man cross the road. As he's crossing, the lights flicker and you watch gobsmacked as the black leather jacket and jeans he's wearing transform into something brilliantly white.  "Fucking knew it. Crazy ass supes." You groan and look around the seat. You notice however, the pistol had been left behind on the dash.  You grab it, check the chamber - empty, then the magazine. Empty.  The motherfucker held you at gunpoint with no fucking bullets. "Son of a bitch!"
You're seething by the time he gets back.  It's a full hour when he does. His breath is haggard and there's splotches of blood and some meaty bits on the bottom of his face.  You know you don't have a job anymore. Even if your boss's boss managed to survive whatever just happened, there was no way you were going to be working that corner selling baggies anymore.
The man doesn't drive you back to said corner.  Instead you're down the street from a clinic. The door unlocks and he holds out the wad of cash.
You glare, snatch it and scramble out. You don't go to the clinic though. You take the cash and go down the road to the nearest bar. You don't care how bad the drinks are, you drink enough to get drunk before the bar closes and then you're out on the street again. The limo is gone by that point. Good riddance you slur and go home.
It's weeks later, you've found a new gig.  It's not the best. It's certainly not what you expected you'd be doing again at your age. You hadn't boosted since you were a teenager trying to earn enough spare cash to go to Coney Island.  Still, you could play the part of a snotty rich American tourist with some makeup and tacky clothing. American stereotypes helped and it drew attention away from your accomplices. It goes well the first dozen or so. But where it goes wrong is when you boost in the wrong territory. It was your old crew's territory so you hadn't realized where the new lines were drawn. Needless to say, you got your ass beat for it. You deserved it for not paying the proper respects or even offering a cut.
Dressed as the tacky tourist meant you didn't have your dusters. You'd pity yourself but it's no less than you deserve. The goon held your face up, fist drawn back to add a second black eye to your face. But it doesn't connect when screams are heard up the alley.  You can barely squint out when you see the flash of white cloth and then blood was spraying.  You couldn't keep yourself up once the goon is occupied.
You expect whoever is picking them off to come for you, and they do. Pristine white shoes and an obscenely white get up. Yet not a drop of blood, despite the viscera you knew were likely no longer contained in the meat bags who gave your bruises bruises.
"You should consider an occupation change." The Spanish accent is eerily familiar but you don't question it. Not with the triple concussions you're working on.
You wheeze around a laugh that turns into a pain inducing cackle. Yeah you're sure you cracked a rib.
The man snorts but picks you up and carries you. You're not sure where but you have a brief memory of red upholstery, someone wiping your face clean and applying a bandage.  You wake up two days later in your closet of a flat with your clothes changed. You don't think about who did that.
The third time you meet him you groan. “Fucking rule of three. This better be the end of it.” You turn away from the man you were beating up, dusters dripping blood. You had caught the flash of white from the corner of your eye and felt him approach.”The fuck you want.” 
“You targeted a traveler at night.” His teeth bared. “They are under my protection.” 
“Oh so you’re gonna protect this piece of shit?” You spit and kick the man you had tracked down and attacked. 
“Exactly why is he a piece of mierda?”
“He’s a rapist.” 
That was an answer the man in white hadn’t expected. What was even more unexpected was the tremor of anger in his voice as he asked. “Did he violate you?” 
“If I said yes, what would you do that I haven’t already?” 
You snort. “That’s letting him off too easily.”  
“What would you do?” 
“Still got that switchblade?” You ask. Instantly he understands what you’re going for and throws it your way. You catch it and look at the man. You kick him once more and seethe.  “Death is too good for you.” The man groans and you work quickly. When you’re done you make sure there’s no evidence tracing back to you and then return the blade to the man in white where he was waiting on the roof. 
You grunt and sit down on the roof’s ledge. 
He’s holding a cigarette out to you.
“That shit’ll kill you.” You pull out a packet of gum and chew on that. “It wasn’t me he attacked by the way.” 
The man in white stares you down. “Then who.” 
“A kid.”
“He should be dead.”  
“Yeah, but that wasn’t what was ordered of me. You’re more than welcome to do it though.” You tell him. Instead he takes a long pull of his cigarette and then makes a move to leave. “What do I even call you?”  
“Moon Knight.” He grunts. 
“Bah, that’s what the sheets call you.” You protest. “Haven’t I earned something a little more personal. Three run ins, rule of three ya know. Plus given our respective professions we’re likely to keep meeting up like this.” 
There’s a long pause before he smirks. “Lockley.” And then he’s gone.  
“The fuck kinda name is Lockley.” 
The fourth time you run into Lockley, he’s not in uniform. Heck he’s not even working. He could be investigating but the club he enters isn’t known for anything shady. You know, you did a thorough investigation. None of the girls working there were trafficked and the place pays its taxes. It’s all above board. Well short of the usual ties to criminal organizations for start up costs of course. 
Still, seeing Lockley stroll in and take a seat for one dance is wild even for you. You recognize him by his hat, then his voice. The other bouncer beside you sees you tense up and stare Lockley down. 
“You think he’ll try anything?” 
“Dunno. I’m keeping my eye on him.” You’re beyond tense. Was there someone in here that was his target? You really don’t want to have to fight him - there was no way you’d survive that encounter. 
Your partner keeps an eye on the rest of the clientele while you’re laser focused on Lockley. Eventually Lockley orders a private room and as he’s heading back there he catches your stare. He’s smirking and makes a motion you don’t recognize before he disappears. 
Was he summoning you?  Did he need to talk to you?
“I’ll be back bruv.”  You tell your partner and go after Lockley. “Pinche cabron.” You mutter under your breath as you step into the hallways for the private rooms. You peer into each one briefly, finding the girl Lockley had picked stepping out of the fifth room. Emerald waves at you with a wink and slips toward where the champagne is stored. 
You step into Lockley’s room and eye him. He didn’t even start when you came in, but his brows did raise. 
“Didn’t realize the bouncers dance too.” Lockley says. 
Your cheeks burn.  “I’m not here to dance.” 
“Then why are you here?”  
“You…you made a signal?” You flounder. 
Lockley leans forward. “Signal?” 
You mirror the movement he made and he barks a laugh and grins cruelly. 
“Was just saying hello.” Lockley shrugged.  
“The fuck…” You stare at him. “So there’s no reason you’re here, at this club in particular?” 
“Figured it must be one of the better places if you’re working here. You don’t strike me as the type to do anything inherently immoral.” Lockley shrugged.  
“Fucking vigilantes.” You swear. 
“Is that an invitation?” Lockley tosses out. 
“No!” You bite back, but there’s a secret part of your mind that considers it - until you squash it down. 
“Pity.” Lockley shrugs. You’re staring at him and he at you. Until Emerald returns and looks between you. 
“We charge double for groups, but I’m sure bossman will give you the discount.” Emerald coos at you. 
“I was just leaving.” You grumble. 
“Aww, you’re leaving. ¿Sin bailar?” Lockley teases. 
“I’m not a fucking dancer!” You growled and left him as he chuckled.
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excellentexecution · 3 years
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Anonymous asked: hi, last anon who found you in the tags. :) i think i literally love everything? your writing is *chef's kiss* and just the way you dig into his thoughts, the paras that i've gotten sucked into, and the nsfw headcanons (but that's just my own perverted mind). i really love this blog, you do an amazing job portraying him. ❤️ literally everything you write/talk about is exactly how i think bret would be/say.
Gosh. You got me blushing, honey! Thank you so much for your kind words. I know this might seem kinda silly given that this is all RP, but it does mean a lot to me that you’ve enjoyed what I have written. Honestly, that is one of my biggest worries when it comes to writing for Bret at all - that I don’t have his character/voice down and that others aren’t as entertained as I am. I never want to cross any sort of lines, either. Though I write for the onscreen character of the Hitman, just like everyone else in the community, I know that there is a real guy on the other side who portrayed him. I wouldn’t want to do anything considered disrespectful to either, and make it an absolute priority of mine that what I do put out is within decent boundaries. It feels good to know that I haven’t failed in that regard. 
Bret’s just such an interesting person, you know? When I saw that no one had taken him as an RP muse, I was pretty shocked. Understandably, lots of the “older” wrestling muses get ignored in favor of the more modern stars, due to one thing or another, but still. I also had/have a really great group of friends that helped me to make that final decision on writing for Bret. Since that time, almost  2 years ago now, I have become fully engrossed. I just love getting into his thoughts, too. That old-school sense of self, how being raised by a legend like Stu and growing up around the ever changing business shaped who he was. Frankly, least on the TV programs of yesteryear, that much never got addressed as much as I would’ve liked it to. So, it’s fun getting the chance to create some form of it myself. As you could see already, it gets hard to stop, sometimes. I could go on and on about the Hitman’s crazy adventures. Which is reason number 1 as to why I write as much as I do. I can’t help it. My fingers and brain won’t let me. 
Hey, though, who doesn’t love some NSFW deliciousness? Especially in regard to Bret. He wasn’t like most of the guys of his era when it came down to being so open like that (not as often, anyways). Really, just take a look at how many of the boys talked about their sexy fun times on TV. HBK was all about it, Flair made it part of the entire package, and even the more wholesome peoples, like Tito, bragged about it at some point or another. I couldn’t not have that on here! I am all for allowing Bret to be his sexual self. Let him get down and dirty, you know? Ain’t no shame in it. Both he and us deserve that pleasure. Plus, it’s very exciting to write about, and totally goes into one of my favorite troupes: a gentleman in the streets but an honorable freak in the sheets.
Again, thank you for taking the time to send in this message. It really brightened up my day and brought a smile to my face. I hope you continue to be entertained by the antics that the Hitman goes through, and don’t ever be afraid to drop another line. Both Bret and I are always ready for a good chat! <3
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3 notes · View notes
anything with the tropes "secret admirer" or "Valentine's Day" centered?
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hope you enjoy!
We've Got Issues - Anonymous | T, 8.7k, Complete
Shane and Ryan were both editors on their high school's newspaper. And that's fine, except for the fact that in the February issue of the paper, you can send in anonymous love notes - and Shane forgot to make his anonymous.
The Secret Admirer - luxayaluh | T, 2.6k, Complete
When Shane starts getting Valentine's Day gifts from a secret admirer, Ryan tries his best to fight off his jealousy.
After all, they were just friends.
There Once Was A Man From Nantucket... - That_Place_Between_Sleep_and_Awake | M, 2.5k, Complete
Ryan receives a letter from a secret admirer (well, secret to nobody but him).
for you i'll be poetic - MiraclesofPaul | T, 7.3k, Complete
AU. Ryan starts getting gifts from a secret admirer. Too bad he has a huge, hopeless crush on his coworker Shane, and there’s no way in hell that Shane likes him back.
be still, my foolish heart - LexTheMoose | E, 8.7k, Complete
Shane is finally ready to fess up to his feelings for Ryan. Or, is he? Well, he’s certainly going for it, just like that, being his best romantic self.
It goes as well as expected.
Wilting - MercurySkies | T, 1.5k, Complete
'Stepping outside the first thing that hits Shane, for the second time that day, is how fucking bright it is. It feels like his retina are being seared from his eyeballs and with no shades to shield them from the glaring light of the sun he may have to resign himself to possibly being more visually impaired than he began this dismal day. February 14th, the day of love, the day that the annoying couple everyone has as an unfortunate part of their social circle doesn’t even attempt to keep their bragging humble on every social network under the sun. The day that is so overly saturated with bright colours and hearts that even kindergarteners eventually get tired of their modge podge and glitter and go back to sticking assorted crayons up their noses.'
For Love Nor Money - MercurySkies | T, 1.6k, Complete
“Valentine’s Day.” He mutters in disdain. “Capitalism will take any human experience and monetise it. Is it not enough to pay for joy at Christmas time?”
you make me (para)psycho - doradita | T, 5.3k, Complete
Shane goes to the Parapsychological Club meetings for the surprisingly nice people there and Steven's cookies and definitely not because it's intoxicating to argue with his enemy, Ryan Bergara.
Lost a fic? Check out our fic found tag, and if you still can’t find it, send us an ask!
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swamplatibule · 3 years
Okay so lemme talk about Steel and Smoke for a second
This was actually my first paracosm, and it‘s still my favorite to this day. I have a dream to turn it into an animated show someday, and if I can do it, it’s gonna be badass.
Okay so- The world? Genre? Space opera. The system is called Xeliah, which is also the name of a para in a very different paracosm, but that’s not important right now.
There are seventeen different planets in this system. There used to be nineteen, but two got completely destroyed in the Great War. Are there different systems? Oh yeah. Absolutely. Nobody in Xeliah really cares about them, but they definitely exist.
About 100 years ago, a woman named Silver Thurberi took of Xeliah. Just built a bigass army and went “heyyyy so I’m the queen now deal with it”. Actually there was more to it than that, there was a really long war n shit, but forget that lets focus on the now, which is under the cut because its long as shit and I don’t want to completely take over anyone’s feed.
Silver’s bloodline has been ruling over Xeliah for the past 100 years, leading up to the current empress, Arayla, and her two daughters, Fang and Nucifera.
Now Arayla? She is an absolute bitch. She’s manipulative, abusive, gaslighting, just kinda of a shithole of a human being with the audacity to consider herself better than everyone else.
She raised both of her daughters to believe that if they weren’t perfect, they were worthless. Nucifera took that in and started pushing herself to be perfect, to the point where it was self-destructive and harmful, but it put her in her mother’s favor. Fang wasn’t able to do that like Nucifera was, and thus was cast to the side. She ran away when she was ten and Nucifera was fifteen.
As of right now, Nucifera is 21, and she’s been assigned to handle the growing revolution while Arayla does her whole tyrant of the galaxy thing. That means keeping tabs on influential people, intimidating anyone who could cause a problem, and most important to the story, taking down those who are already symbols of the revolution. Namely, her current focus is taking town the galaxy's most infamous thief, the Silver Songbird. Who happens to be her sister, Fang, behind a mask and a fancy set of armor. But she doesn't know that. But before she takes down the Songbird - who, by the way, doesn't actually have any connection to the revolution, but is thought to be a part of it because they only steal from really rich pro-Araylian people, which makes sense because not many of the revolters are very well-off - there's one person she needs to take care of first. May Eternity. She's the elected leader of one of the seventeen planets, although most of the leaders are basically just figureheads for Arayla to exercise her control through. May Eternity, however, is rumored to be an important revolution leader, and there's pretty substantial evidence of it. So Arayla needs her gone, in a way that can't be traced back to them. Nucifera sends an assassin. And he fails. But, he gets out of there before he can be captured, and he manages to place the blame on the Songbird. So that kinda works in Nucifera's favor, because it puts the Songbird on the wanted list for both pro-Araylians and revolters. Technically, it doesn’t work that smoothly, because it does solidify in a few people’s minds that May isn’t a revolutionary and the Songbird is, and stuff like that. It’s messy. It’s complicated. Another issue is that the Songbird is simply a thief, not a killer, and therefore a pretty large amount of people refuse to believe that they were behind the assassination attempt.
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(look at this beautiful woman, I just want her to be happy but my brain won’t let her without a Zuko-level redemption arc)
But that comes in later.
That whole murder thing is what kicks off the whole story. May’s son, Nico, wants to go after the Songbird. His mother won’t let him, saying that it’s too dangerous, but he wants answers. So he goes to find them in secret.
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Here’s Nico, by the way. I’d add a link to the Picrew I used, but I believe it’s been deleted now so I kinda can’t, sorry.
Clover is a spellcaster, someone who was born with unique paranormal abilities. Hers, specifically, would be Haemokinesis and Electrokinesis. Fun fact! Spellcasters are actually a race, not just people randomly born with powers. And another fun fact! People don’t know it’s a race, they just assume all spellcasters are dangerous individuals who developed scary powers and plan to use them to destroy the world. Final fun fact? It’s illegal for them to even just exist, and it’s punishable by death (That’s why this is tagged as ‘tw racism’). So Clover has it pretty bad. She’s kept her abilities a secret for a long time, but she loses control on her fifteenth birthday and now she’s exposed so she has to run.
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[Now seems like a good time to mention that the outfits aren’t super accurate to them, it was a fantasy Picrew so I just picked what I could imagine them wearing in a fantasy AU. Xelian clothing and trends are pretty cool in my opinion, maybe I’ll make a post about that sometime in the far future]
She ends up at the Falcon Station, which is basically a really big galactic gas station and diner, except it’s mainly inhabited by those running from the law. It’s not strictly revolution or Araylian, everyone there just has a mutual understanding of ‘you leave me alone, I leave you alone’.. The Songbird happens to be there too, because they have a deal with someone who works there and also it’s one of the now few places where people don’t try to kill them.
Of course, someone has a few too many drinks and decides they’re going to try and capture the Songbird for the bounty, and a fight breaks out. Clover gets caught up in the middle of it, accidentally electrocutes the dude, and now people are trying to kill her too. The Songbird saves her, and they make it onto their ship in time to get the hell out of there unscathed.
Clover is absolutely terrified, which you would probably be too if you got stuck traveling with the most wanted person in the galaxy and weren’t certain whether or not they had tried to murder someone yesterday. She doesn’t fully trust the Songbird not to kill her, and the Songbird is trying to comfort her but it’s not working and they’re also just not great at conversations because the only reason they’ve had to talk to anyone for the past, what, two years was a deal for them to steal something.
There‘s a short exchange between them, Clover mentions something about ‘I don’t know a single thing about you I don’t even know what you look like and you expect me to just trust you I have self-preservation instincts okay’
And then they just take off the helmet, and Clover realizes a few different things at once:
- The Songbird just showed their face for her?? Um?? And they’re female, k cool we‘ll remember that
- This girl looks the same age as her, like fifteen, why is she fifteen that doesn’t make sense what
- Holy shit she’s hot
and now neither of them really know what to say, because how the fuck do you respond to that?
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oh my god these two precious gays
anyway turns out they don’t actually have to say anything to each other because just then, in that moment, something bumps into the ship. Guess who it is?
Yep, it’s Nico, because he’s a terrible pilot and honestly lucky that he made it out this far without dying, but it’s okay we still love him.
Check in Sometime Later For A Part Two Because I Want To Post This Now
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dimensionsunited · 3 years
Members may earn up to 18 points for writing, by the end of June 30 KST:
Up to three solo paras of 400+ words based on their quarterly schedule (does not count toward your monthly limit). (three points each)
Up to three threads of eight posts (four per participant, including the starter) based on the monthly schedule. (three points each)
Threads and solos do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated if new information needs to be added.
Reminder: Please do not post schedule posts in the fmdschedule tag.
Schedule posts for this quarter can be tagged with #fmddmsq221.
Most of the groups under Dimensions are making comebacks this quarter, which hopefully means good things for the quarter’s profits, but also means a higher stress atmosphere among workers. Staff that overlaps between groups under Dimensions, such as stylists and recording engineers, might be pulled thin over the course of this quarter, leaving interactions with them potentially more tense and brief when they do happen, and schedule mishaps aren’t impossible, with practice rooms and recording studios potentially accidentally double-booked.
Important dates:
June 8-13: Triple Fantasy Festival in Indio, CA, USA.
In April, the members of Gal.actic wrap up comeback preparations ahead of their new release. While its release might not be a high-charter for the group, it earns a certain amount of favor with those who keep up with new releases for showing a side Gal.actic hasn’t been showing as much with their recent comebacks. Album sales aren’t anything standout for the group either, in spite of several fan signs being held, but it gives Gal.actic a fun summer song they might be able to book some festival performances of next quarter, and the charity walkathon performance they book in June at the tail end of promotions is good publicity and positive media karma, which they could always use more of.
Important dates:
April 10: Fri. Sat. Sun. photo book shoot.
April 25: “Fri. Sat. Sun.” M/V filming.
May 1: MISSHA fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
May 13: Release of “Fri. Sat. Sun.” & Fri. Sat. Sun. mini-album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through June 13.
May 14: Fansign in Yongsan, Seoul.
May 16: Fansign in Gimpo.
May 31: Fansign in Busan.
June 1: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
June 13: End of music show promotions.
June 19: Performance (Fri. Sat. Sun & B.B.B.) at 1m1won Charity Walkathon (also performing: Chroma Crystal and 7ROPHY).
After Alien finishes music show promotions in April, they’re given the rest of the month before they return in May to begin work on their next comeback. Once they come back in in May, it’s straight into concept meetings and then eventually recording their next single album, which will include double title tracks “Bling Bling” and “B-Day”. They continue to work on their new comeback in the beginning of summer, with choreography [2] and wardrobe fittings being the focus for June. Though their fan signs for their latest comeback were kept to a minimum this time around, they’ll get two chances to meet with fans this quarter during fan signs in their roles as ambassadors for sportswear brand Kappa.
Important dates:
April 5: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
April 9: End of music show promotions.
May 8: Kappa fansign in Yongin.
June 19: Kappa fansign in Busan.
June 20: M/V [2] and stage outfit [2] wardrobe fittings.
Now that their active Japanese promotions are behind them and left mostly to pre-recorded clips and behind the scene videos here and there managed by Dimensions to lure in anyone still pondering a purchase, it’s time for MARS to turn their attention more fully to their Korean comeback. April brings with it fittings, photo shoots, and music video filming on top of continued practice of their stages. The company gets those preparations completed by the end of April so as to allow the group to concentrate on their performance ahead of their comeback at the end of May. The comeback is met with what could be considered a more lukewarm reception for MARS — it’s what they’re known for and good at, but doesn’t seem to be a gigantic standout for most fans in comparison to the sexier “Chained Up”. Nonetheless, promotions are successful enough to turn a profit and they’re already looking ahead to a looming second Korean comeback of the year by the time the quarter comes to a close.
Important dates:
April 5: M/V and stage outfit wardrobe fittings.
April 17: Light Us photo book shoot.
April 20: “Valkyrie” M/V filming.
May 26: Release of “Valkyrie” & Light Us mini-album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through June 26.
May 27: Relay Dance video filming.
May 31: In&Out Dance video filming.
June 1: Fan sign in Yeouido, Seoul.
June 3: Guesting on Arirang Sound K radio show.
June 4: Fan sign in Yongsan, Seoul.
June 7: “Eye Contact” self-cam M/V filming at Dimensions HQ.
June 16: Fansign in Yeungdeongpo, Seoul.
June 21: Fan sign in Gimpo.
June 26: End of music show promotions.
June 28: Jambangee fansign in Songpa, Seoul.
The quarter begins by finishing off promotions for “Oh My God” and before the quarter ends, they’ll be through almost an entire round of promotions for an entirely different comeback. Dimensions was quick to get to work as soon as “Oh My God” started showing charting comparable to their best digital success “Latata” and, instead of holding on to the era and milking it for all its worth, they’ve instead made the decision to aim for a summer hit with two more comebacks over the span of only a few months. The first is “Uh Oh”, which they’ll rush to record and learn the choreography for in April before completing the bulk of their comeback preparations in Ma so that the can make a comeback in the first week of June to get themselves in as one of the first large contenders for song of the summer. The comeback doesn’t end up being that, but it does benefit in the run-off of “Lion” and “Oh My God”, already making 2021 a more successful year for 7ROPHY than the previous one when it comes to making their name more known with the public.
Important dates:
April 5: Fansign in Gimpo.
April 10: Elle Song Association video filming.
April 12: Fansign in Incheon.
April 15: End of music show promotions.
May 1: M/V and stage outfit wardrobe fittings.
May 14: Teaser photo [2] shoot.
May 15: “Uh Oh” M/V filming day one.
May 16: “Uh Oh” M/V filming day two.
May 26: 100sec Choreography video filming.
June 2: Release of “Uh Oh” + press showcase, music show promotions continue through July 2.
June 19: Performance (Uh Oh & Oh My God) at 1m1won Charity Walkathon (also performing: Chroma Crystal and Gal.actic).
June 20: Try-lingual Live video filming (to be released: June 27).
This comeback involves a lot that the members of Unity have to film. Not only do they have to film the video for their title track in April after completing wardrobe fittings and photo shoots in March, but they also have a concept video, a track video, and a music video for another song off of the album to film. All of the hard work pays off, though, as their comeback album hits it out of the park with over a million sales after its release and the digital charting of the title track is pretty impressive for a boy group as well. If anyone had still been questioning Unity’s position within Dimensions, there’s not much ground left to do so anymore after this comeback. They’re one of the top boy groups of their generation, and that’s something Dimensions will be proud to mediaplay in the aftermath of this comeback’s success.
Important dates:
April 2: Unity : The Past & Future : Ether video filming.
April 11: “Misfit” Track Video filming.
April 18: “Make A Wish (Birthday Song)” M/V filming.
April 26: “From Home” M/V filming.
May 1: “Make A Wish (Birthday Song)” M/V reaction video filming.
May 3: Release of “Make A Wish (Birthday Song)” & Unity Resonance Pt. 1 album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through June 3.
May 7: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
May 10: Fansign in Jongno, Seoul.
May 11: Fansign in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul.
May 31: Fansign in Goyang.
June 3: End of music show promotions.
Near the end of the month, the CHAMPION members will fly out to Japan to hold their concert at Tokyo Dome. Decipher and Knight have played Tokyo Dome before, but Unity hasn’t. Regardless of history, it’s a pretty big deal that a fresh sub-unit is playing such a venue, so BC and Dimensions wants to make sure it goes off without a hitch. After the concert ends, the unit members will begin working on a comeback as they go in to record a single in the studio in June.
Important dates:
April 29: We Are The Future Concert at Tokyo Dome in Tokyo, Japan.
Lucid spends most of April preparing for the fanmeeting they’ll be holding in May. In addition to performances of their releases so far (leaning heavily into their “normal realm” concepts, they’re informed), as it’s a fanmeeting, they’ll have talk sessions they also have to prepare for. Other than the usual ments, the members will be expected to answer fan questions and requests and give advice to fans (all of these messages will be pre-approved by the company). They’ll also play games on stage with each other. Their fanmeeting isn’t all the have to occupy their time, though, as they’ll make making another comeback at the end of the quarter with a return to form with the normal realm concept instead of an intersection like their last release was. They’ll record the mini-album in April and begin learning the choreography a little earlier than usual within the same month. (The choreography for b-side “One Half” will need to be learned as well.) May brings in the focus on promotional materials, although rehearsals continue behind the scenes at a higher intensity than usual to guarantee the members have the choreography nailed down for this comeback. Finally, they make their return in June with a warm reception that’s expected by many due to adhering conceptually to their most successful releases.
Important dates:
April 7: Performance at Nonsan Strawberry Festival in Nonsan (also performing: Chroma Crystal).
May 2: Dear. Reverie fanmeeting at Olympic Hall in Seoul.
May 1: M/V and stage outfit wardrobe fittings.
May 9: Parallel photo book shoot.
May 30: “Love Whisper” M/V filming.
June 15: Release of “Love Whisper” & Parallel mini-album + press showcase, music show promotions continue through July 15.
June 16: OMG Live video filming.
June 17: Guesting on SBS Power FM Cultwo Show radio show, Relay Dance video filming.
June 18: Fansign in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul.
June 19: Fansign in Mapo, Seoul.
June 20: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
June 23: Guesting on SBS Power FM Power Time radio show.
June 24: Guesting on MBC Starry Night radio show.
June 27: Fansign in Gangnam, Seoul.
June 30: Guesting on KBS Cool FM Kiss The Radio radio show.
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Following the media success of Gold Star Media’s Halloween party in 2018, fans and press alike waited for news of a followup in 2019, only for Gold Star to pass up hosting the event for a second year in a row.
Gold Star Media has now announced they will once again be hosting a Halloween party this year with attendees from their own company as well as BC Entertainment and Dimensions Entertainment and several other hot figures in the entertainment industry. According to industry insiders, an invite to the party was a hot ticket after Gold Star’s inaugural event saw such praise for attendees’ exciting Halloween looks.
This year, Gold Star has announced the party will have a theme beyond Halloween; it will be a masquerade ball with a “Modern Fairy Tale” theme. Media insiders suggest an even larger amount of attention will be showered on the event’s red carpet by media and fans this year.
The party will happen on Halloween night at an undisclosed venue.
It’s time for a Halloween event! Gold Star Media has decided to follow up their successful 2018 Halloween party with another one two years later, this time themed as a masquerade ball. In addition to being a masquerade ball, the event is “Modern Fairy Tale” themed. All idols are expected to attend unless there are major extenuating circumstances such as illness or injury (which should be cleared with the admin, please!).
All attendees to the party are expected to adhere to a roughly creative black tie dress code and are required to bring a masquerade-style mask to accompany their outfit. They are also asked to keep in mind the fairy tale theme of the event, though they may interpret this as they wish; they may choose to dress up in a way that recalls a familiar fairy tale character or simply embody an elegant fairy tale-esque look, and they may choose to modernize it as little or as much as they want. A regular Halloween costume look isn’t expected or likely possible due to the dress code.
Idols will work with company stylists to choose their outfit. They’ll have more say in their look and more freedom than they normally do, but their outfit must still remain public-friendly and appropriate to their group or canon soloist image, i.e. a WISH or Lucid member won’t show up in a daring V-neck cutout dress.
Idol attendees will not be permitted a plus one and couple outfits must be avoided. Idols who serve as ambassadors of brands lending themselves to black tie attire at the time of the event may be encouraged or required within their deal to wear that brand in some way.
There will be a red carpet before entering the event for pictures that will be released as publicity. Group members will arrive at the event with their managers in vans and the rest of their group and photos on the red carpet will be taken in groups and then individually. Appointments at their regular salon will be made available for idols to schedule in advance if necessary. The red carpet will begin at 6pm, while the main event inside the venue will begin at 7pm.
The party will take place at a large modern ballroom-style event venue outside of Seoul proper, which will be decorated with modern, elegant decorations matching a typical modern masquerade ball look with a gold, white, and black color scheme.
Managers and other company employees, including CEO Bang Sunyoung herself for a period of time, will be present at this party, though press will not be allowed inside the venue beyond the red carpet.
Having a masquerade mask will be mandatory, and wearing it inside the venue is encouraged in the spirit of the event. 
Activities & Locations Overview:
The entrance lobby is where all attendees will congregate after exiting the red carpet to have their invitations and identities checked before being allowed into the event.
The main room of the event is a large ballroom set up with elegant decor in shades of gold, white, and black (decor examples: 1, 2, 3). Attendees are free to seat themselves as they wish at the tables places along the exterior of the ballroom, though they are reminded that staff is in attendance at the event and they must be on good behavior. Waiters and waitresses will still be present with trays of hors d'oeuvres such a gourmet cheeses, caviar, spiced walnuts, and crab and avocado toast and flutes of champagne, as well as sparkling mineral water for those who do not drink. A live string quartet has been hired for the evening and they will play a mix of classical favorites, songs from fairy tale media, and spooky classics such as horror movie themes. From 9pm onward, the string quartet will leave and be replaced by a DJ to end the night on a more high-energy note. At this point, the central dance floor of the ballroom is expected to become a central part of the event.
Escape room, a section of rooms of the venue have been set aside and taken over by a top escape room company, who has set up a personalized escape room situation within the venue created just for the event. They’ll allow in groups of six to eight people in at a time to solve the fairy tale-themed escape room. The escape room has a time limit of forty minutes with a predicted 60% success rate.
A lawn outside the back of the ballroom. At 10:30PM, there will be a viewing on the lawn of a scary movie on a large screen. Blankets will be laid out on the ground to keep attendees’ expensive outfits from getting dirtied and a smaller selection of small tables around the outskirts of the lawn will also be available.
A garden also outside the back of the ballroom. This features a walking path through a professionally-designed flower garden. Past the flower garden is a small hedge maze lit by lanterns to keep in the spirit of the event. 
Photo booths are set up throughout the venue which are free to use. The photo booths include a variety of Halloween- and fairy tale-themed props and offer the option to have the photos sent to your phone or printed off in a traditional photo booth manner.
A scavenger hunt will take place during the full duration of the event. A sign in the entrance lobby before entering the ballroom informs guests that there are six small white jack-o-lanterns hidden throughout the venue with numbers attached and guests that find all six numbers for a special code will win be entered into a lottery to win prizes such as tickets to Everland, a free stay at a resort on Jeju Island, etc. (The jack-o-lanterns can be found as follows: one in the ballroom on a table, one in the ballroom next to the stage with the string quartet, one in the entrance lobby on a white chair, one in the garden against the edge of a flower bed, one down an incorrect path in the maze, and one in a photo booth.) Winners of the lottery will be announced at the end of the event.
6pm-7pm: Red carpet for press photos.
7pm~12am: Masquerade ball main event.
7pm-9:25: String quartet as musical guest in ballroom.
9:25-9:30: Short speech by CEO Bang Sunyoung as a host representative before she leaves the event. The presence of staff members grows steadily more scarce after this point as they begin to leave for the night.
9:30pm~12am: DJ as musical guest in ballroom.
10:30pm~12am: Scary movie screening on back lawn (optional, guests may come and go).
In game, this event takes place on the night of Saturday, October 31 from 6pm KST to shortly after midnight, but threads and other posts for this event may be started from Sunday, October 4 at 12am EDT / Sunday, October 4 at 1pm KST (the time this post goes up), to Saturday, October 31 at 11:59pm EDT / Sunday, November 1 at 12:59pm KST.
Threads may be continued past the end date, but must be started before then. Non-event related interactions may be conducted during this time as well.
NOTE: All posts related to the event should be tagged #fmdhalloween2020. Remember to use #fmdcall if you want to post a plot or starter call for the event, which I encourage everyone to do!
As with all events, there are special points up for grabs.
INTERACTIONS: Having an event thread with a starter and at least three replies (starter ▻ partner reply  ▻ op reply  ▻ partner reply) by the end of the event is worth 2 points. This is valid for up to ten threads per muse this time and the threads can take place during any part of the event.
INTERACTIONS: Having an event thread going with someone your muse has never had a thread with before is worth 1 additional point for each thread.
INTERACTIONS: Posting an open starter for the event is worth 2 points. This counts for up to one open thread starter (not a text/sms post) per character.
CHALLENGES & PROMPTS: Completing at least three of the six event writing challenges and prompts found here is worth five points. **Solos you may choose to do for this do count toward your monthly total. (This is an experimental addition to events to inspire threads and may or may not be used in future events.)
MISCELLANEOUS: Posting an aesthetic or headcanon of your muse’s outfit and mask for the event is worth 2 points and does not count toward your monthly total.
You can also earn the normal amount of points through writing self-paras, etc. related to the event!
If anything in this post is unclear or you have any questions, please feel free to contact the admin. Please like this post to let me know you read it.
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colony22graphics · 4 years
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Welcome to Colony 22′s Holiday AU Bingo Challenge!
Since the last AU Bingo board was such a hit, we decided now would be the perfect time for volume 2—holiday style! It’s our hope that this little (totally optional) game will help give you fun bursts of muse during a quieter season on the dash, and lots of engaging things to explore, whether you’re interested in canon self-paras or headcanons, non-canon AU threads, or playful graphics, for yourself or for others!
Of course as it is not actually December in the RP verse, the ‘holiday’ theme is mostly for us muns, but is also intentionally vague—you may explore any holiday, family gathering, religious or non-religious tradition that strikes your fancy or that inspires you based on the tiles above! (i.e. in the RP verse, it’s actually around Passover time, so you may prefer to explore something along those themes, or any other holiday your character(s) would have participated in—or even decidedly not participated in). I also know snow and winter and some of the traditions references don’t apply to everyone for the December holidays, but feel free to get creative and explore them in whatever way you like!
How it Works
Each square on the board has a theme that you can incorporate into any kind of creative work you wish! The WHITE tiles (trope themes) are specifically AU, and are intended for any written or other creative works that involve other characters from the RP but are intentionally an Alternate Universe and therefore non-canon. (Of course, mentions/inclusions of characters other than your own in self-paras etc will require the consent of other muns!) The BLUE tiles, however, are WORD PROMPTS and can also be used to explore canon things, including flashbacks/self-paras, moodboards, headcanons, etc. (If you choose to do any of these blue tile word prompts as AUs instead, then be sure it’s clearly labelled as such!)
Additionally, for the AU Themes, if you are interested in writing threads with other players, you are certainly welcome to do them as paras (might be a great opportunity if you need to up your para counts) but you are also welcome to explore chat threads—and here’s a fun kicker: if you wish, you may choose alternate faceclaims for the threads, if the AU involves any age changes (your character as a kid or teenager, or perhaps your character older and married or so on and so forth!) But of course, this is totally optional!
Non-Written Creations
As all media rules still apply, the following submissions should be submitted to the Graphics Blog:
gif sets
visual artwork (i.e. sketches, drawings, paintings etc etc)
video edits
playlists (with cover art)
[ As always, you will be properly credited for all your work, and you are always welcome to add your own credit text in the description of your submission and format it any way you like! ]
[ submit here ]
Written Work
Written work (self-paras, para or chat threads, poetry, miscellaneous ~experimental~ wordy things) can be posted on your own character account as long as it is clearly marked in the title to indicate that it’s an AU bingo activity or canon flashback/word prompt/headcanon etc and everything should be tagged with #col22bingo, so that the mods can easily locate it and there is no confusion. Feel free also to track the tag!
Please also note in the TITLE (and separately in tags if you wish) which square the submission/creation is for. Some of them are going to be super obvious, but some may not be, and it’ll make things a lot easier for the mods to track if you title and tag them appropriately!
Some Theme Examples
As you can see, most of the categories are pretty self explanatory, but we thought a couple of them would benefit from a bit of clarification, so:
National Lampoon AU: Inspired by the classic Christmas film “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” this tile is basically looking for anything involving family gatherings and the chaos/absurdity/disaster that often comes with it. First holiday shared with the crazy in-laws? Family members or exes who absolutely can’t be in the same room but are in the same room? Over crowded homes with cousins and uncles sleeping on couches and air-mattresses? Disastrous cooking or decorating or gathering fiascos? Basically, you name it, and we’ll be here for it—with popcorn. 
Home Alone AU: A Macaulay Culkin style adventure—feel free to explore the ‘getting left behind at the airport’ element, the ‘going ham on home intruders’ element, any creative variation of such scenarios, or all of the above! This might be an example of one that works well as a crossover idea!
Holiday “Spirits” AU: Get into the Holiday Spirit by breaking out those Holiday Spirits!! As in, any scenario involving getting tipsy (or downright sloshed) on eggnog or liqueur or wine (the list goes on and on.) This doesn’t have to be your character, of course, it can be any combination of scenarios, just something about celebratory drinks (or lack there of!) Reminder to please tag any triggers where it might be appropriate! 
Pantomime AU: A very British Christmas tradition of comedic, fantastical stage performances often based on well known children’s stories, with encouraged (and silly) interactions from the audience. If you’re not British, but you’ve ever been to a Rocky Horror performance, it might be a little bit like that. Read about this fabulous and fun tradition here. 
"The tree” AU: This one is a bit more Christmas specific, but any scenario involving getting a tree—whether it be buying a real one from a market, fetching one from the woods and bringing it home, putting up a fake one, decorating, arguing... and of course, if you’re looking for chaos, any fiascos that may come with any of these scenarios!
Closing Details
Just like last time, this is purely for fun and there is zero pressure to participate if it doesn’t tickle your fancy, but if you do want to, you can track your progress on the board located on the graphics blog here. (We will update as frequently as we can, but it may take up to a day or two for your results to appear!)
During the course of this challenge, we will post updates whenever someone achieves a line, (or if by some miracle, someone goes for a blackout!) There are no prizes, but there are definitely bragging rights. For the time being, the end date of this challenge is TBD, but it will likely last through January. It doesn’t feel particularly necessary to close these things super quickly, but we may at some point stop tracking the results, and we’ll let you know when that happens!
As always, if you have any questions at all about the game, submission types or any of the AU themes or prompts, please hit us up on the main blog ask and we’ll be glad to help! We will tag all posts and answers regarding this challenge with col22bingo so you can easily find it in the tags or on the main blog!
And finally, to every member of this little star RP fam, new and old and everything in between, thank you for an amazing year. Though 2020 was rough on all accounts and for everyone, this community and you fabulous people helped to provide an oasis of safety and imagination to escape to when things on the outside got bad. I know I speak for just about every last one of us when I say I seriously don’t know where I would have been all year without you guys. All the mods and I are so, so grateful for your continued, absolutely staggering loyalty and commitment. So here’s to another incredible year at Colony 22! Let’s finish off our 7th year right!
Lots of love, and have fun!!
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ofrxvia · 3 years
𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓  ,  𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓  𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐆!  tag  six  muns  you  would  like  to  get  to  know  better  when  done!
name : Wulfenstine
nickname : Wulf
age : 28
faceclaim :  Ainz Ooal Gown - OVERLORD
pronouns :  he/him
height :  5′8″
birthday : March 23
aesthetics : Nordic Pagan, Books, Mountains, Snow, Storms, Crows, Ravens, Winter, Animal Skulls.
favorite  muse  you’ve  written : oof. Ever? That’s hard. I’ve got to say Hollow Ichigo, but I called him Shirosaki. I was in that fandom for a very, very long time. And I made lifelong friends there. Hell, I lived with one for six months! But maybe that’s why he’s my favorite more than he himself. I did so enjoy my Loki, but that was a really edgy purple prose phase (I fucking loved it)
what  inspired  you  to  take  on  your  current  muse(s) : I’ll start with my oc, @varbjxrn . He was a challenge I made for myself. I wanted to make an OC, but not some random plug in to an existing place. So, I took my favorite shit, the VIKINGS, and threw in some were-bear action, and really threw myself into the story. I’m kinda proud of it, and I know it gets vague at the end but I wanted it open for roleplay. I feel I wrote a believable story, I do. And I feel I portray that well in writing him. Geralt; I was getting through Witcher 3 for the first time, and this was like, a few months after release. I was maybe halfway through the game. I remember distinctly, crossing the lake with Lambert and Geralt goes “Wanna hear a limerick? Lambert, Lambert, What a prick.” I had to do it. I made a page shortly after that, and that was the tagline I used on it.
what  are  your  favorite  aspects  of  your  current  muse(s) : Geralt, and it might sound bad but I like it, is reliable. I’m not saying I can pull his muse out of anywhere, he still needs prodding sometimes, but, when he is there, I have a good feeling I’ve got him down. I feel like his voice is still there, recognizable. Sverre? It’s just fun. Even when I’m writing something sad or emotional for the poor man, or planning to put him through even BIGGER trauma, I’m excited to see how he evolves. And it’s so much fun to make him more real with every addition, good or bad.
what’s  your  biggest  inspiration  when  it  comes  to  writing : Music. If I REALLY get into a writing mood, I need music. I will loop a song until I’m done. However, I don’t do this often, because my self control goes out the window sometimes, and I’ll write a mile long post. I think I hit....18 Para on one? For like, 4 consecutive posts? My head hurt after that.
favorite  types  of  threads : I’m a fluffy boy. I like feeling warm and fuzzy shut up. ANYWAY, aside from that, probably would say I like a well rounded thread the best. Unfortunately, those take a lot of time, and a lot of investment, like start to finish kind of shit. I’m essentially trying to write a D&D campaign as a story. That’s a long fucking story lmao.
biggest  struggle  in  regards  to  your  current  muse(s) : Geralt...Despite my knowing that I do a pretty decent Geralt, I am constantly comparing myself with other Geralt’s. And I couldn’t help but always feel like they were just better. It made it hard to want to...stay around. I’ve been working on that, and would like to stick around a bit more now! Sverre; Well, this is kind of self inflicted. Sverre is really pretty much the bear he turns into, as much as he tries to think they’re two different things, they’re not. So I’m waking him up after a long-ass winter and he’s being slow about it.  Not grumpy, just slow.
Stolen from: @evermerciful
tagging: @iigniiferroque, @nightscng, @wcrstarter, @mandragoraregum, @slainchosen,  and whoever wants to steal it. Be my guest!
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