#this is a sideblog so I can’t reply directly
myfandomhalf · 11 months
Season Finale
Sick and tired of reading about people say that Dazai knowing about the plan beforehand somehow takes away from the genuineness of the skk moments
You mean you WANT Dazai to choose to kill Chuuya for the greater good and then not give a shit immediately after?? Ignoring the speech for a second, the reason he was able to be so carefree after “killing” Chuuya is because he KNEW Chuuya was gonna be okay.
First of all, Dazai knowing Chuuya wasn’t gonna die doesn’t take away from his speech. He replayed all those memories for himself, nobody else was seeing what was happening in his head. He was GENUINELY upset at the idea of losing Chuuya and having to put Chuuya through that, DESPITE knowing Chuuya would be okay. He was STILL upset. That’s way better than him thinking he just killed Chuuya, sparing him a thought, not even crying (bc no that wasn’t a tear) and then just moving on being silly as if nothing happened.
And then the other speech him saying that they’re destined to - do you seriously think he’d just make that up for shits and giggles? He was being serious. If he was gonna play it up for Fyodor’s sake he would’ve said the most emotional out of pocket line to ever be written, which to them would be related to him leaving Chuuya behind. But no he just said they’re destined to do something.
Dazai talks a lot about the past to Chuuya (Chuuya does not participate) but those two are clearly emotionally constipated bc they never have a conversation about what they mean to each other (which I think is bc Asagiri is not ready to reveal that yet). This was clearly Dazai taking his opportunity to say what he REALLY thinks / feels forcing Chuuya to listen without the commitment. Bc if anyone gets the ick later he can use the convenient excuse of “oh I didn’t mean that” which is bullshit.
And I do think an element of this idea that it’s worse that Dazai had everything planned comes from the misunderstanding that Dazai has completely changed since he was in the port mafia. Dazai just tends to make “better” (as in more objectively good) choices, but he very much still puts on a front. You guys do realize that his silly persona is just that right? A persona? He’s literally being fake every time he’s silly. That’s not his real personality. He’s a morally gray character. He never became a purely good person and he never will. It makes MUCH more sense that he planned everything out with Chuuya beforehand.
He met up with Akutagawa before getting arrested, he probably did the same with Chuuya.
And yes, this means he DID use and manipulate Sigma the entire time. Why wouldn’t he? Sigma has an ability Dazai needed. I’m sure Dazai planned for sigma to not die bc in his role as a detective it’s part of his job to mitigate losses of innocent lives, he knows this, but also bc Dazai needs to know what sigma learned. I genuinely hope there isn’t anyone out there thinking Dazai wouldn’t manipulate sigma bc he cares about him? He just met him. He has no personal investment in him. But he WILL make sure sigma is alive bc of the aforementioned reasons.
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fandomflotilla · 1 year
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See I don’t really see it that way? Because if I know the term right, Tsundere implies they’re into each other from the get-go and the anger is just an excuse to get to know each other.
For Alabastards their ship dynamic is default White Knight, only instead of developing a mutually respectful relationship, they instead diverge into a more toxic direction.
They genuinely do not like each other for basically most of the time up till their hatefucking and a good chunk of time after.
Jaune got off on the wrong foot with Weiss, so she’s just constantly lambasting him.
And Jaune eventually got fed up with Weiss giving him shit even after he stopped propositioning here.
I’m thinking he gets mad at her after seeing her be mean to Ruby. Ruby obviously forgives weiss basically immediately, but Jaune had already went “fuck this shit.” And cussed a bitch out.
And they realized as they were arguing that
a) both of them have ludicrously thick skin because of family/hate crimes and 7 sisters, respectively so it’s nigh impossible to get them actually angry if there’s no malice behind their words
b) they’re pretty much always going to be in close proximity because Ruby and Jaune genuinely love hanging out together, and their teams get along incredibly well
And c) it’s really, REALLY fun to rile the other up.
The rest of their teams are fucking baffled by how seeing each other just turns them into complete assholes, even with all the character development. But also they work incredibly well together when they have a common goal?
Eventually it’s less they hate each other and more they just got used to sniping at each other.
…wait…fuck, I suppose in the end it is kinda two tsunderes who are into each other. Lol
Idk. The vibe still feels different to me? More like belligerent sexual tension than tsundere vibes. Where it’s not that they both secretly love each other and they use anger to cover for it, but it’s more they both love making the other angry/worked up. More hatefuck than reluctant/embarrassed date.
Someone made a lovely comment on one of these posts that mentioned “The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s apathy.” And those two are anything but apathetic to the other.
…also I’m debating adding other ships/assholes into the Alabastards type AU’s. Low key wanna do one where Ruby demonstrates why she’s best friends with both of them, and one where Pyrrha fucking roasts someone. I’ll have to be careful tho otherwise I’m gonna indulge in my polyshipping tendencies and someone is going to get in the middle of an Alabastards sandwich.
Though tbh it’s not really a full AU or anything, so I’m always open to ideas if people want to have them! Feel free to add some in the notes below!
(Also, guys, if you want me to respond to you directly, please submit an ask or reblog the question. This is a sideblog and I can’t answer replies like in the screenshot without exposing my main.)
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gotchibam · 1 year
Btw just in case ppl get confused, this blog is a sideblog w/c means I can’t reply to ppl’s comments directly so you’ll see me replying from my main as @bam-blabs!
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crownhcart · 2 months
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rules. ( i don't require a password, but please do throw an eye at them! )
i. mun & activity. hello! i go by ghost, 28 years old, any pronouns. i'm italian, and english is my second language, hence you might see mistakes or weird phrases in my turns! i can get pretty busy and lately i worked to take the habit of staying as little as possible at the computer, which means that sometimes i can't get to it for days or even weeks. because of this, this blog, as all my blogs are, is permanent low activity! it might take a while for me to reply, but eventually always will! this blog is a sideblog of ghostories!
ii. adult content and tagging system. due to the nature of most of the muses i take on here, mature themes might be present very often. because of this, this blog is 18+. everytime a trigger appears in my turns, i will tag it with the name of the trigger, followed by "//" - for example, blood //. if i forget or don't think about tagging something, never hesitate to tell me!
iii. shipping, suggestive and smut. i tend to ship only with people i know, and write suggestive rarely and with the ones i trust the most. do not force a ship on me, because it's the right way to not get me to write it to begin with. as for smut, it makes me extremely uncomfortable, so i will avoid it altogether.
iv. starting threads and prompts lists. anything works for me to start a thread - prompts from lists or original ones, or plotting, anything! i just really enjoy writing, and love receiving things that give me new excuses to write even more. send anything anytime you like! i do my best to send often prompts as well, but i might always be a little late for prompts lists or for particular events for the aforementioned low activity. if you want to reblog a prompt list i reblogged, please go to the source and don’t reblog directly from me, unless the source itself is broken.
v. dropping threads. if you don’t feel inspired anymore for a thread of ours, don’t be afraid to drop it! no need to tell me, and i promise i won’t get mad, it’s alright! due to my constant low activity, i know inspiration can simply disappear after a while. don’t be afraid to drop it and move on - we can always start something new!
vi. mun's drawings. i like to draw little things that might involve my muses as much as my writing partners’, and sometimes i like to post them. if the drawing is posted on the rp blog and i specify that only certain people can reblog, please do not reblog them unless you have permission. if i post them here instead than my art blog, it is because i’d rather keep them in a smaller circle.
vii. muses' thoughts. mun =/= muses! i often write muses i disagree with, and some of them do appear on this multimuse. what they do or think is not necessarily what i would do or think. don’t compare me to them.
viii. fixing and rewriting turns. if you can’t understand something i wrote, don’t be afraid to ask me for clarifications! as aforementioned, english is my second language: while i do my best, mistakes might not be that uncommon in my turns. furthermore, i might misunderstand your turn as well - if it happens, or if more in general i need to change anything in my turn for any reason ( be it also that i might have written you into a corner or you don’t know how to continue! ), don’t hesitate to tell me! i have no problems at all in fixing my turns, or even rewrite them entirely if necessary!
ix. turns length. i tend to write A LOT, especially when i’m very inspired by a thread. please remember, you don’t need to match my length in your reply! don’t feel pressured to write more than you wish, write as much as you want.
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what exactly is a shadow ban and how long does it last?
Okay so from what I’ve gathered, your blog usually gets shadow banned either because it’s been flagged by a bot as a bot, or it’s been flagged and staff has determined it to go against ToS. It means, and I don’t know this for certain because they don’t tell you anything but this is what’s happened to me, that people won’t be able to see your additions on reblogs (tags, replies, images, etc), notes on other posts (likes, reblogs, comments), any notifications from your blog at all, and you can’t comment on your own posts, DM, receive DMs, send asks, or access your ask box (except on mobile and only directly in your activity feed for some GD reason). So you basically become a ghost. Which fucking SUCKS for me because my entire schtick relies on the tags because I, and I’ll say it til I die, AM THE TAGZ MAN I GO OFF IN THE NOTES. Ahem. As for how long it lasts I’ve heard the lowest number being a day, steepest estimate was something like a month, sometimes even several months if it’s not noticed and reported as soon as the ban happens (like my sideblog). Sooooo yeah.
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grem-archive · 2 years
i'm so glad that I have been dedicated enough to your lore that I knew that you were in texas (rip my sideblog so I can't reply to you directly) and it's in the 20s here, I could handle the 50s lmao
also i literally cannot WAIT to see what more romerica you have up your sleeve
- romericas 💜💜
I promise you my lore is boring as hell man 🤣 also it’s fairly easy to spot Texans. We usually reveal that information willingly, or we say weird Texas-specific things. Both a blessing and a curse. For some it’s like a colorful banner, and everyone knows in nature that many colorful things are toxic. Some avoid such things. Interpret this banner how you please. But by all means, you’re always welcome in my silly clown house dude fr (all of you that read this are)
And yessss I can’t wait to put more romerica propaganda content on Tumblr >:)
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gouden-carolus · 2 years
This is a sideblog so I can’t actually reply directly to anyone but I do appreciate the warm welcome! Hopefully I’ll get around to drawing some more for the fandom :) 
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deathbringer6 · 2 years
hi! I’m Ceres, I read this book series for the first time in middle school, and for better or worse, it’s still got its hooks in me.
I love messing around with the worldbuilding of this series. this includes adding my own ideas, so I have a lot of original lore stored in my brain.
it’s my personal opinion that the series went downhill after book 6, and I really don’t like the resurrection cycle. no hate to anyone who does, but just a heads up that I can sometimes be very critical about these books. I’ll try to tag anything excessively negative, though.
my favorite group of characters is definitely the necromancers, especially Solomon Wreath.
I might post art of debatable quality, and I really enjoy writing.
I have a hard time with making my tone clear online. when in doubt, assume I’m not angry or annoyed, just phrasing something a little awkwardly.
This is a sideblog, so I can’t reply to posts directly.
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beinghuman11235 · 1 year
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@inthelittlewood​ Ack, this is a sideblog so I can’t directly reply, but thank you so much! :D
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standfucker · 1 year
Despite the vacation from work everything has still been crazy at home. I rested a lot and I even wrote a little bit. Not enough for a finished piece but progress has been made.
Thanks to everyone who’s responded kindly to my earlier posts. And to any sharing of my work, I’m grateful.
I can’t reply because this is a sideblog, and I really want to thank people directly when they comment on my work... lately I keep thinking about just biting the bullet and making a separate blog and moving all my work there. I use Firefox and there’s an extension that lets you switch between accounts easily, so it wouldn’t be an issue on that end. I’m just not sure how I would go about the transfer without losing all my current stuff, all the notes and comments and whatnot.
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theprophetsaid · 2 years
Hey! Friendly reminder that this is a sideblog, so I can’t respond directly to replies. If you have a question you want me to answer, just put it in my ask box. I’d love to respond. I’d love to talk, but I can’t/won’t if you only put the question in the replies. 
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melrosing-main · 4 years
no plans to post content here, just a new primary to follow/reply from for @melrosing! all my content is still gonna be over there
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whumpiary · 3 years
yo artists! (particularly whumpy ones)
I often (very often) have a huge burning desire to draw moments and scenes from different writers up on here and everywhere and would love to do so more.
HowevEr, as someone largely self taught when it comes to visual art and illustration, I feel like I have massive knowledge gaps in terms of figure drawing and object interaction which obviously makes drawing scenes or character moments…. Difficult. To say the least.
I can get by well enough but I find it a struggle, and have to rely very heavily on references being at exactly the right angle and position I want Which can be a real bummer if I can’t find what I need, and often takes all my steam finding instead of putting that energy into making the thing. It’s also obvs difficult to find reference poses for scenes that are, well, whumpy. So if a scene calls for something specific, I feel like I’m at a loss from the get go.
I know there are some amazing artists in the community who produce stunning art so I’m wondering, do any of y’all have tips or advice for approaching this sort of thing? Do you have specific resources you use? Exercises that work for you? Hints and tips on what to practice for improvement over time? Would love any advice!
[edit! thank you to anyone giving advice in the replies. can’t reply directly because sideblog but it’s much appreciated]
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dankbydeadlight · 3 years
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sorry i can’t reply to you directly bc tumblr sideblogs still aren’t allowed to do that for some reason but DON’T GET ME STARTED ON SALLY’S TOME LORE LMAO. bruh i was SO salty. like it directly contradicted everything we knew about her previously & made her character extremely confusing. it also reeked of bhvr’s “edgy” writing style and just. ugh. they could’ve written a poignant story about ableism in mid-century america & how prison-like psychiatric systems can be, and how sally struggled both as someone with grief-triggered mental illness and also as someone tasked with being a caretaker for her mentally ill peers & how the system she works under is trying to strip her of her empathy. maybe have spencer/kavanaugh & father campell be the devil & angel on her shoulder respectively, the former trying to convince her that her patients aren’t worth having empathy for & the latter reminding her that her work is important & that her patients need her compassion, instead of introducing a completely new character who’s obviously possessed by the entity and somehow convinces sally that eugenics is cool, actually. they just fucked it ALL up lmaooo. in any case, considering she seems to be in constant pain due to her power, i don’t think sally enjoys her position in the entity’s realm all that much. she seems extremely sad. ):
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bastsoldtrollblog · 3 years
Rules (requested)
I go by Bast/Bastet and use they/them or he/him pronouns. I’m nonbinary and asexual. I do tend to draw myself presenting feminine, but please don’t use she/her for me.
While I post little sexual content beyond suggestive material, I do RP, write, and draw gore and violence. Visual representations are kept to my NSFW sideblog, and anything NSFW will be tagged appropriately.
I tag things as ‘tag //’. If you need something tagged or would prefer I use a different tagging method, let me know.
If we’re mutuals PLEASE tag vomit, nausea, stomach illness, ect. as ‘emetophobia’. This includes OOC mentions of nausea/illness, artwork, gagging/retching sounds in videos or songs, ect..
This is a selective RP blog; I can’t RP and be friends with everyone. Please respect my personal boundaries and don’t ask directly to RP, be my friend, ect..
- Anyone 16 and under will be soft-blocked. This includes people who don’t have state their age or that they’re an adult. If you keep trying to follow me after I’ve soft-blocked you a few times, that will be a perma-block.
- I do not condone pedophilia in any form. Portraying kids in sexual or romantic relationships with adults, even if it’s held in a ‘bad/abusive’ light; Adults preying on, grooming, and sexually harassing minors through the guise of RP; Aging up child characters for the sake of porn/smut; Just outright porn involving child characters; Ect.
- Neo-nazis, alt-right, exclusionists, TERFs, MAPs, racists and so on are NOT welcome on my blog. I do not condone any hateful agendas.
I do not RP the following: - Porn/smut/sex - Extremely sensitive topics like sexual assault. - Extreme age gaps, if one member is under or around 10 sweeps.
——– RP RULES ———-
- Don’t godmod, powerplay, metagame, ect. - Let me know if your troll is from a different version of Alternia  so I can take the differences into account. - Do not send me, the mun, NSFW asks or involve me in NSFW content.  I’m fine with receiving these asks for my characters, barring minors and asexual muses. - I don’t ship with minors. That means anyone under 18 for me. You’re free to follow me, and I might reply if you respond to my opens, but don’t expect any real relationships. - Please don’t send IC asks.
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{I’ll probably redo the banner later, but hey here’s a shipping call! Like this post if you’re interested in a romantic ship with any of my muses, and lmk which one(s) by either replying to this post or sending me an im! Sideblogs can also just reply to this, since I know you can’t like from the sideblog directly uwu. I am (mostly) non-exclusive so don’t worry about anyone being ‘taken’ already.*
If we’ve already talked about shipping our muses together, then also like this post so I know you’re still interested even though I am a slow.
Every muse except for Sera, the Ojama Trio, and Ruby Carbuncle (for obvious reasons) is available for romantic shipping.
*If you wish to be exclusive, let me know and we can discuss it, but for the most part, my muses are multi-ship.}
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