#this is a very easy way to get their acct taken down
bigboobshaunt · 9 months
Something's gone terribly askew for video game fans to be thanking people who leaked an upcoming game's content* because, in their words, they wouldn't know whether to preorder a game or not going solely by previews, and @'ing the studio to tell them this.
*the leaking is not the issue here, to clarify. Gaming is a billion dollar industry, it's morally ok to leak, edit and pirate game content.
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the-corset-witch · 26 days
It's time to scrounge together all the random notes that I took on scraps of paper while listening to audiobooks at work and put them in the Obsidian. Most of my templates have come together, with different headings that can be taken out or added to underneath when needed. This all builds together into a new list of to dos!
Book Notes - New ones going forward will have the new template. Old ones will not need to be reconned, I'm lazy. However, I do want their Properties to all be the same, if I can find the information on my Goodreads Acct.
Templates - There's a few that still need polishing and getting these nailed down will enable me to safely add new Notes without worrying about having to retrofit them.
Tarot Card Database & Deck Studies - Speaking of retrofitting.......... The Properties on each card need to be redone since we've deleted the Reading Logs from the Properties. Since this is referenced the most, I want it looking tight. There's also the debate of how do I keep the Database across Multiple Decks, as the way I did it in Notion might not translate very well? Will I instead put that on the actual Deck Page, under Headings-- this is the idea I'm leaning toward. It allows a dive into each card's symbolism, and thus allowing the reading of the individual Deck's Card which could be linked influence the main Card Page? Is this making sense? That's a lot of Links, since I can just Ctrl+O any card, it might not be actually linked, and that's a lot of links for some card studies.
Condense The Closed Practices - When things like books have referenced Closed Practices in the past (ie, Chakras comes to the mind off the top of my head), I had an actual Note that detailed that Practice, Why it was Closed (to me), & How to Respect From A Distance. I want to put these notes all in one, there's only a handful, I think, so it should be pretty easy. I did a lot of 30DayGrimoire Challenges in 2020 where I took on a topic to learn about for 30 Days in order to expand my Grimoire. Unbeknownst to me when taking on some topics, they were indeed Closed to me, which was then noted and is how we got to where I am now, but these pages are relatively short, it'd be easy to reformat and condense them into one Note. Obsidian allows linking to Headings via [[Page#Heading]] so I think I'll end up using that if I ever need to reference any of these.
We're getting to the part where I want to flood the atmosphere of this Vault with new Notes, so I have decided to read pretty much everything I can this year, take all the notes I can, and Grow All I Can. EzPz.
This means the Grimoire side of things is coming together really nicely. The flip side, the Life Side, however, is very much lacking for 2024. I've been in a bit of a slump, we all know I struggle, we all struggle, no explanations needed. I have decided I am okay with doing things Retroactive, like Monthly Reviews for January-March. This opens a different chapter for the Vault, so I'll keep y'all posted on that as well.
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aranarumei · 11 months
tagged by @hua-fei-hua! it’s been ages since I’ve done one of these it was kind of fun lol! sorry for the delayed answers...
1. are you named after anyone?
a couple of ppl assume my name is kiri because it’s like, referencing kirishima from bnha. i haven’t kept up with bnha properly since. honestly since the dabi reveal ch dropped so that’s… nov 5th 2020 lol. I’ve got residual feelings abt it but not much interest in actually reading it (sorry). nowadays I don’t get as much of that anymore—my name is just like. digimon dusk only lets your character have a 4 character name max so I hit various syllables together and keysmashed until it sounded good. im attached to it now.
2. when was the last time you cried?
…today lol. i cry easy when i'm frustrated.
3. do you have kids?
no. I have a Feeling this will be rather unrelatable to whoever I tag so. electing to present my own question:
3 (again). [FREE SPACE] recommend a song?
im gonna recommend Tsuru (en: Bowstring) by koyori / denbolP bc it’s great. I love this producer actually.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
mm I think im probably averagely sarcastic but like. I do have a habit of like. ex: someone will be like oh where’s [kiri]? when I’m literally right there and I have the immediate impulse to say, completely straightfaced, like “oh [kiri]? sorry they’ve been dead for seven years. they’ve never been in this room in your entire life.” so essentially I like doubling down on things when I think it’s funny.
5. what sports do you play/have played
i played basketball for six years!
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
i think the first like, physical detail I pay proper Attention to is earrings. just cause I like em. apart from that it’s probably their voice and what they find funny.
7. eye color?
brown. comparatively I think it’s rather dark to the point of looking black.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
i mean I feel like this is a. false dichotomy but I really don’t have a good stomach for horror and stuff so. happy endings ig.
9. any special talents?
talents… I’ve memorized my squares up to 30-ish, so like if for example if someone says 28 I can rattle off 784. I’ve been told I have a talent for talking abt media I like but that’s also something said by my lovely friends lol.
10. where were you born?
on earth. im also electing to replace this with my own question:
10 (again). what made you make a tumblr account?
if ppl look at my blog they shall think I showed up in 2020 but I’ve actually been here since 2015. I just… deactivated my acct by accident when I meant to delete a sideblog. ok. so obviously I remade in that case. I made one back in 2015, though, because I was like, really into hxh and ran into some hxh blogs I was like. in love with. also some fairy tail fic authors I rly respected were on here. and I wanted to discuss hxh and post fic. so I joined.
11. what are your hobbies?
writing! and reading! and drawing! and playlist making. im basic. writing is probably #1 to me tho I rly enjoy it. like for all I complain about it I actually really enjoy the act of like putting down words and crafting stuff and editing. I’d actually love to beta fic more regularly. and get reallllly good at grammar (seriously if anyone has any resources on that chuck it at me) and action scenes. those r my big two dreams.
12. do you have any pets?
nope! i do have a depressing amount of wips I have not taken care of, tho…
13. how tall are you?
5’2” or about 158 cm, i haven't measured myself lately. I’ve been told my various sources that I have “tall person energy” tho. im not as good abt it nowadays but I tend to be a bit careful abt keeping my back straight. at the very least I’m pretty aware of it. I wanna say it was just cool of me to be that way bc I was into having good posture but I’m like 90% sure it was because I read skip beat and I really liked that kyoko stood that way.
14. favorite subject in school?
math by farrrr. literature is dependent on the teacher for quality imo and while I enjoyed it I was always a bit sad that we never did any creative writing. math is just very nicely methodical.
15. dream job?
honestly I don’t have one. like I’d love to publish a book some day but I don’t want it to be my Job. im pretty satisfied just doing smthing productive-feeling and where I have enough free time tbh.
no obligation to answer ofc to anyone tagged. also if you don’t want to answer any of the questions just reject them... I just provided alternates bc I felt like it. i think this is supposed to be 15 questions for 15 mutuals but i dont want to tag that many people... @icharchivist @sunnnfish @dirtbra1n @mxddyhero @heartsdash @watcher-ofthe-sky @estradasphere
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honeycashmere · 4 years
Love On The Brain
Warnings: Smut, face fucking, a little rough, angsty, a little possessive side to Chris
Summary: You ever been in a relationship where both you and your boyfriend have an attitude but love each other like crazy and sort of break up almost all the time only to make up all the time with some freaky sex? Yeah me too. Chris breaks up with unnamed ofc, a young feisty women. Her mind debates as she thinks of the time she was better on her own. After a stormy confrontation at her house she realizes a couple things...
Note: I posted this on my AO3 acct (@ goodonesgo) on August 14, 2017
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It has been eight months since Chris broke up with me and within those eight months I found out, he began dating some no-name actress he was working with. He said it was because I was “too busy” and that going the distance would be “too hard right now” … Really? Real love is about sacrifices. I had to stand my ground which I’m sure no one he’s ever dated has done. I had to stand up for myself but I slightly bashed him in the process. Stating that I didn’t want to take a five month break to not do anything with my career like him. Yup I threw the shade. I mean I was a savage, not trying to be degrading just simply stating the facts. I was Miss Petty but what did he expect? I could’ve said worse. What little I said was enough to infuriated him. We knew how to push each other’s buttons when we wanted to.
Not only that but he knew what he was getting himself into. I’m working hard so hard right now to have stable future and to take care of my family for life. Money doesn’t just grow on trees. I mean, they do but they go through a lot to get into my pocket. I couldn’t stop my life and jump whenever he said jump. I know what you’re thinking, I sound like those crazy ambitious women who wear the balls in the relationship but that’s not the case at all. Yes it’s true, I want a long lasting career but in a relationship I want to take the back seat. I want to be taken care of because I spend a lot of time taking care of everyone in my life. Chris had brought so much happiness into my life and some stress when we broke up. I wish he was just more understanding. Maybe it was our age difference.
Every time I try to convince myself that I am not better on my own. That maybe just maybe I really do need someone to rely on, the world shows me something. Whether it was an ex friend’s true colors or another loser I had fallen for. The universe gives me signs. I’m better on my own. It was all unfair. Because if he were in my shoes and our relationship had to take the back seat so he could achieve his goals and dreams than I would of supported it. Instead he dumped me and within four months started dating his co-star on a new movie.
I had just finished a movie and headed home to my little place in LA. I was going to hang out with friends and possibly have a spa day tomorrow. After having to fly for over six hours, all I wanted was a pizza and a Netflix binge. It was 2 o’clock in the afternoon and I was already in my oversized t-shirt and shorts. I couldn’t be happier though. Sounds lame right? Honestly it is going to be the perfect Saturday evening with no interrupt-
Brrrp Brrrp
Shit. I forgot to turn off my phone. I quickly glanced down and saw his name. I feel myself freeze. We haven’t talked in months. What does he want?
Hey can we talk? Heard you were in town. This was 20 minutes ago.
The last text message said: I’m outside. 2 minutes ago.
I can’t believe this mother- I look out my window to see his car in my drive way. I went to open my door and muttered, “What the fuck?” as I saw Chris get out of his car. I stood in front of my door way, definitely dressed incorrectly to entertain a uninvited guest. “What do you want?” “No hello?” he brushed the back of his head with his finger tips looking timid as ever but then noticed my outfit or lack there of. He started looking me up and down.
(Just imagine Chris showing up to your house looking like THIS.)
“Hello. What do you want?” I repeated, this time trying not to sound too brash. He stood there tall, his hands tucked into his jean pockets, the fabric of his shirt tightened in right places, making his muscles visible even hidden under… Shit. I need to stop. “I just wanted to talk to you. It will be short,” he said probably trying to reassure my already suspicious thoughts. “Can I come inside?”
“Hmm short talks don’t usually mean an invitation inside someone’s house.” I couldn’t stop myself. I was always a smart ass which is why Chris liked me in the first place. I broke face. I slightly laughed after my own comment, letting him know it was kind of okay to come into my house. I’ll probably regret it later.
“I thought you hated me,” he said, taking a look around my house. “I’m just trying to be polite. Now tell me why you came here.”
Chris paused as he looked at a picture sitting on my bookshelf causing him to sigh. It was a picture of us and his family at Disney World. He stayed silent, looking at our photo. Probably remember the story behind it, filling his mind with nostalgia. Which he loved by the way. I interrupted his thoughts by casually saying, “I haven’t been home in months. I didn’t take anything down yet.”
He turned his head and looked at me. “That’s actually why I wanted to see you, I wanted to talk to you about everything. Life has been crazy.” I felt like I knew where this was heading. I couldn’t let him charm me. “You can’t do this,” I said crossing my arms. “You can’t end it the way you ended it and expect me to be your shoulder to lean on. We can’t be friends.” By the look on Chris’s face I could tell he was offended. “That’s kind of harsh.”
“Breaking up with me and dating someone you worked very closely with… Someone you told me ‘not to worry about’… is kind of harsh.” I knew that had to hurt a pinch if not a slap but it was the truth. When I found out… I couldn’t believe it. All my friends tried to convince me it was a ‘rebound’ girl but I knew better… He stared at me in disbelief that I went there. “Sooooo we can’t be friends?” His voice went up in protest.
“No, we can’t,” I said firmly. I began walking towards the front door. I was ready to open it and hopefully get him out of my house. Chris took a deep breath trying to calm his frustration with me. “After everything we’ve been through… I wanted to say I’m sorry. I made a mistake... We broke up already.” “I don’t see how that changes anything.” What does he expect me to do? Just pretend this didn’t happen?
“She isn’t you.”
I visibly roll my eyes at him. Did he really just- I can’t. Did he really just say that? My annoyance grew. I could feel the heat of my frustration grow within me. “Yeah okay but you did what you did, and it doesn’t change anything.” “Can’t you forgive me?!” Chris asked genuinely.
“It’s not that easy.” I can hear the sudden raise in my voice. I tried to calm it. I took a deep breathe and reached for my next word. "You made me feel really bad... for being driven. You know that’s who I am. I want a successful career before a family. I’m young and you made me feel bad for wanting what I want. Then you dated that bitch.”
“Yeah and you made me feel bad for wanting to spend time with my family and taking a break.” He returned the attitude.
There was a moment of silence. I mustered up the courage and walked towards him. “It’s over, I don’t even know why you’re still here. This doesn’t change the fact that you broke us up.” I whispered. I felt both of his hands grip my arms firmly. “But I want to fix this. I want this. I should of been more understanding. You were right, you told me from the beginning what you wanted and I stupidly thought otherwise.”
He reached for the back of my neck pulling me into his kiss. I gasp and try to fight it but I can feel myself wanting his lips against mine. A feeling of passion I missed. The smell of his cologne, his firm muscular body, even the touch of the fabric on his shirt made me want this all back. My body began relaxing, getting familiar with his again. The heat coming off our bodies. Come on, stop. I hear my internal voice say. I forced myself to pull away from his strong grip.
“You can’t do this,” my voice cracks. Oh god. I really didn’t mean to sound so vulnerable.
“I only love you,” he said.
I looked away from his gaze. I knew I still wanted Chris. What I didn’t know is if I’d be able to take him back that easily. But he left me high from one kiss, like inhaling the first puff of thick smoke. “I don’t know what you do to me,” I say desperately.
Within a second I was pulled into him by his strong arms again. He rested his forehead against mine, breathing me in, and holding me so tightly I couldn’t even push him away if I tried. I looked up, staring at those blue eyes that usually hid when he was hurt but they were as visible as ever.
“Please,” he whispered. I should of said “leave” or “go“ but all I could get out was, “Fuck.” His lips crashed into mine and my body was lifted into his arms. He carried me from my living room to my bedroom, it all felt so familiar to me. Chris laid me on to my bed, quickly climbing on top of me.
“You’re mine.” He face turns into a determined expression with a small smirk creeping.
“Wow,” I rolled my eyes and laughed at him only making him chuckle. His hand pulled away my shirt, throwing the fabric on to the floor, exposing my skin. He started running his fingers up my side which made me tingle surprisingly.
“You think I’m kidding?” He smirked, his voice became low. “You belong to me.”
I couldn’t help but grin. He did charm me again with his delicious determination. “Then fucking prove it,” I said.
Chris kept that smirk on his face, scooting lower, pulling my bottoms off so more skin would be exposed. He kissed my thigh. I felt his finger hooked my panties, pulling them off of me quickly. The urgency to feel his touch was overwhelming. I lifted myself up using my elbows to watch what he would do next. One hand caressed up my body towards my mouth. He let two of his fingers slip into my mouth, letting me suck and lick them. Moistening them as began kissing my other thigh.
Chris slightly caressed my opening before slipping his two wet fingers inside of me. He didn’t even wait for my to response, they were fully inside of me and I gasped at the feeling. I couldn’t even remember the last time we've touched. He moved his face closer to my clit. I could feel the heat from his breath on my skin. How I wanted him to fuck me soon… instead his tongue found it’s way to my clit causing me to let out a moan.
I tilt my head back enjoying the pleasure he was giving me. How I wanted him to leave, how I wanted him to stay. He knew what to do to drive me crazy… He worked fingers in and out of me. I could tell from his sensual movements that he was determined to make me cum. I felt another finger find it’s way inside me and I looked up at him in shock. I was enjoying the stretch. I orgasmed so fast. Panting, moaning uncontrollably, and then I laid there flat enjoying my endorphins as I was wildly aroused awaiting his next step. I watched him quickly remove his clothes. Chris came up to my face hovering over me with a satisfied boyish smirk. He gave me a quick kiss too.
My orgasm was so good I was ready to please him as well. “I want you to fuck my face.” His eye widen at his smirk got bigger. “And then I want you to fuck me.”
Chris eagerly stood on my bed as I sat up on my knees. His cock was already erect. Right in front of me. I look up at him smiling giving his head a lick before taking him in my mouth. I felt his hands already on my head guiding me before he started thrusting into my mouth. His pace was steady and my mouth became messy. All my moisture coating his cock as he fucked my face and some of it dripped out of my mouth. He would stop sometimes only to let me catch my breath but I was ready. I was ready to be fucked. I grab his hands from my head, moving them away as I laid on the bed on my stomach, turning my head to look up at him. I arched my back a little, letting my ass stick up a bit.
Chris came down, grabbing my cheeks and massaging them with his strong hands even giving them a kiss. “God I’ve missed this. Your ass is so beautiful,” he gazed at it before giving it a nice slap causing me grin because I loved the mixture of pleasure and a little pain. Het got behind me, rubbing the tip against my entrance before sliding into me where we both moaned experiencing our mutual pleasure. I keep my eyes on Chris as he begins thrusting deeply in and out of me. His lips pressed against my shoulder. He steadied his breathing making sure as he thrusted in and out of me that I really felt him. My body almost forgot how good his cock felt. It would even feel more incredible if I was on top of him.
“Get off,” I said. Chris looked confused but did as so. “Lay down baby.” He complied liking my change in mood. I give him a kiss before getting on him reverse cowgirl style. I knew he would enjoy the view since his hands touched my ass as soon as I slid down on him. I began grinding on him really letting his hard cock hit me in the right spot. From the feeling of Chris’s hands gripping my skin to his pleasurable groans I could tell he was enjoying it too. I throw my head back really riding him, taking my time to build my orgasm. God it felt so good. I could feel Chris’s hands slap my ass cheeks again. I knew he was close and being patient with me. Enjoying the work I was putting in until I felt him sit up, grabbing me on top of him. My back to his chest, my legs spread and his legs bent. He began thrusting into me, his fingers finding their way to my clit as he began to rub but he gets impulsive again. He changes the script and flips me over so I’m on my stomach. He pulls me up so my back is arched and our bodies reconnect as he starts thrusting harder into me. My hands grip the sheets, my mouth bites the pillow as I’m being fucked roughly by him. One of his hands pushed my head into the pillow with the grip of my hair and the other hand wondered my body. I feel him reach for my clit wanting to make sure I cam before him and when I did I screamed in orgasmic bliss. I laid completely flat, ready to pass out in that moment but Chris wasn’t quit done.
I look back at him, completely flustered with a happy grin. I could see in his eyes his concentration and steady pace. His chest was pounding and turning red. His body was glistening from sweat, his muscles were looking so… tight. I felt myself more turned on than before. “Fuck me harder. I want to feel you cum.”
Chris made eyes at me. Smirking at my directions but he did so. He. Fucked. Me. So. Hard. Thrusting into me as if he were going to physically nail me to the bed. I felt his cock reach so deeply inside of me and out of me a hundred times causing me whimper. He gripped my hair a little tighter with his last few thrust as he came. He immediately fell next to me on the bed and laid there in silence for a while as we caught out breaths.
“I’m so fucked,” I said. “What’s wrong?” “No, I’ve been sooooo fucked,” I said while attempting to get up. I wanted to clean myself up and probably take a shower but Chris bursts out laughing and pulled me into his chest. He kept me there tightly which was probably a good thing cause I start to feel how sore I was going to be in the morning. “Does this count as break up sex?” I wanted to know.
“No, because we aren’t breaking up this time,” he said. “Whoa, you think it’ll be that easy?” I looked up at him amused. “Well your heart is connected to mine,” Chris said with the most satisfied silly grin. “Oh cornball. Don’t think it’ll be that easy. You think one good fuck is enough?” Chris chuckled. “How about a few more fucks then?” He pulled my face closer to him, giving me the most passionate kiss. It was all so easy for me to fall for him again within a matter of moments. “Who’s gonna fuck you like me?” I gasped, slapping his chest. Who does he think he is?
“Oh by the way, people don’t belong to me,” I said running my hands over his arm. My fingertips feeling the veins that ran up his arms. “I don’t care. You’re mine. That ass... is mine.” I burst out laughing, grabbing the pillow behind my head to hit him. “Get over yourself.” I tried to hit him more a few times but he gripped his arms around me even tighter.
If there was such a thing called “Dick Whipped” that is what I am.
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rhondawoody · 4 years
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Oversharing Time: Without all the details, I have to tell y'all about all the miracles that have happened. It was time to downsize our home as our last kid is off to college. God gave us great favor and our home was very popular. We home shopped and the 3rd home was the right one for us. Right in the middle of moving, my body tried shutting down with a major flare. Then I got mild phenomena. Then the corona virus hit and all the banks shut down home loans 😳😔. Then so many other obstacles started hitting and that's when it was time to go to work. It was full blown spiritual warfare and it was personal! God gave Ben favor with his employer and he got a raise. My body healed. The family buying our home is in ministry (that was an answered prayer). Our lender bailed but God sent another lender that is even better. A woman stole our checking acct information and tried to steal $2,000. Our bank stopped it and we got it taken care of. God protected us again. It has been miracle after miracle and great favor. It is so easy to get focused on the obstacles but during this Holy week, I want to be transparent and real. God is good and he is faithful. Things might not go the way we want them to but we will always end up where we are supposed to as long as we follow God's will and not our own. It's easy to get emotional during hard times but stay focused on the promises and keep praying and praising. We always win! Thank you so much for your prayers and encouraging words. PS. Ministry has been busier than ever so please keep IHOPE in your prayers as well. 🙌 #restoration #miracles #moving #blessed #thankful #prayerispowerful #promises #godhasthis #favor #holyweek #breakthrough #warrior #faith #battles (at Lake City, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-0-wThDjvSaHNTEoyeBuPjs2moyDAoFTmDDuE0/?igshid=1l3c97ho32c50
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In Bloom—Seasons of Taekook Prompts from Google Docs
{• Prompt –Ratings –Notes (for Genre, Remarks, etc.) –Tags (Optional)}
• Pilot Jungkook falls for new flight attendants Taehyung en route to Paris –Mature –not too much fluff and a little light angst –side Yoonmin
• I don’t want to fall in love with you in this life. –Mature –Angst
• based on black mirror’s Fifteen Million Merits. a story about an age where we’re strapped to our machines. jeongguk and taehyung find a way to beat all odds? maybe. –Mature –the genre would be scifi-esque?
• 19 days!au –Mature –Tae as Jianyi and Jeon as Zhengxi in an alternate 19 days universe (manhwa by Old Xian)
• Jungkook & Taehyung fake-dated for some reasons only both of them knew and their goodbyes were easy, no blinking-back-tears, and there were no hard feelings. That is, until they meet again in a stupid college party, with Taehyung looking like a Hotshot and Jungkook is just,,,, 😍 –Teen and Up Audiences –College!au pls –PLEASE MAKE THIS VERY FLUFF
• they’d been best friends for years - and maybe jeongguk had also known for a while that his feelings for taehyung were more than that, but he would never admit it. not even when their long friendship was on the line - 10 yrs stripped down to a 7 day roadtrip before taehyung leaves him for uni - a few cities away from him. but a lot can happen in 7 days. –Mature –OT7 go on a roadtrip and make some final memories together before they separate for different unis, and jeongguk doesn’t know how he’ll say goodbye to taehyung, scared of drifting apart from his best friend whom hes been in love with for years. –Roadtrip AU, Pining, Angst, slight HYYH AU from the run and butterfly prologue mv verse
• jeon jeongguk, the heir to his family’s corporate business, ends up in the shady parts of korea after his now ex-girlfriend broke up with him after refusing to join him to his family’s business party. lost and frustrated, he encounters escort kim taehyung, who he may or may not be falling for after he hires him to be his “boyfriend” for a week. –Mature –Basically a slight Pretty Woman AU with rich!Jeongguk and escort!Taehyung
• Alpha Jungkook was a delinquent in his previous school, he did all the bad things a badboy always do. His parents sent him to a religious school. Pissed because he always gets punished by the priests because of his rebels, Jungkook takes his revenge. He took the high priest only Omega son’s, Taehyung virginity and impregnated him. Taehyung gets severely punished, because pregnant without a mate is taboo. But abortion is not an option. –Explicit –Angst, Hurt/Comfort –top jungkook, bottom taehyung, alpha jungkook, omega taehyung, a/b/o dynamics, high school alternative universe, mpreg, male pregnancy, badboy jungkook, innocent taehyung, hurt taehyung, jungkook is bad at feelings, angst with happy ending, broken vmin, jimin is taehyung’s supposed to be mate, vmin is engaged since kids, but a jungkook happened
• Jungkook, a criminal, falls in love with a cute college student named Taehyung who had saved him one day after almost getting caught by the police. Jungkook doesn’t know what to do to get close to Taehyung, so he kidnaps him? –Explicit –Romance, Comedy –top jungkook, bottom taehyung, clueless jungkook, even more clueless taehyung, jungkook is bad at feelings, taehyung is dense, dumb couple, kidnapping, smut and fluff
• Taekook Planetarium AU One or both of them work at a planetarium and they meet during one of the shows. –Teen and Up Audiences –Fluff? Really open for anything… slow development? maybe 1 is interested in astronomy and maybe 1 just needs some cash during college? Anything sweet pls
• Taekook coffee shop au!! https://twitter.com/taegukkei/status/749102612067127296 –Mature –Coffee Shop
• Stripper! Tae or Jungkook while the other is an artist or photographer mesmerised by the beauty of the dancer on poles and lyras and slowly falls in love with him with every visit, every time the dancer looks him in the eyes, each time the light catches on his skin making him glow –Not Rated –Taekook pls~ and whatever rating you want it to be i would absolutely not mind some body appreciation while they do the do –Beauty appreciation
• Soulmate au inspired by “summer blue by batman on ao3” in which soulmates can be chosen by giving the other an object. And have some sort of power that’s shared between them too PLEASE just make me hooked on the story make me breathless –Not Rated –Make my heart bleed, happy ending , make them love each other to the point it hurts and make it as long as you want like i don’t even mind 100k stab me. And you choose the rating whatever is comfy for you
• Weightlifting Fairy!! –Teen and Up Audiences –Fluff & Drama
• Stan Twitter! AU Jeongguk is an idol and has an acct for other idols he admirers and Tae has one for him & they become mutuals but Tae doesn’t know it’s him. –General Audiences –Fluff or Crack maybe??
• you're my sister's boyfriend even tho everything about you screams gay af and no she's not home right now but you should totally come in and play with me that video game we both like do you want homemade juice i make killer homemade juice why yes that is a tattoo on my hipbone that says roses are red my name is tae this poem makes no sense microwave (note: taken from the internet) yolo y'know  – Teen and Up Audiences – strangers to friends to lovers i guess? also kinda angsty but with a happy ending. fluff. PINING SO MUCH PINING. god pls anything but pwp of mcd. humor-ish? hope you have fun ! kisses (esp to dara lu jesse case mae if they're reading this) xx 
• "Something went wrong during a surgery/procedure and when I come round you’re angry at me because I nearly left you"  – Not Rated –  Angst, Fluff, preferred if taehyung is the one getting surgery
• one character gets possessed/loses control of their powers and then another character - heedless of the danger - rushes forth to embrace them to try and snap them out of it – Not Rated –angsty and fluffy
• Jungkook is the emergency on-call doctor and taehyung is accident prone – General Audiences – fluff and ANGSTTTTTT but a happy ending
• “i’ve finally rescued you from that science lab that those scientists brought you to after they kidnapped you and oh God what have they done to you”  –Not Rated  –spy!au –kidnapped!taehyung
• jungkook proposing to taehyung and emotional smut afterwards – Explicit – just a cute imagine
•  taekook having their first fight/argument maybe?? – Teen and Up Audiences
• taehyung is a rich kid/celebrity and jungkook is his newly assigned bodyguard after saving him from a car accident! guns and fighting! bulletproof vests! jungkook being hella badass! smart taehyung getting kidnapped but managing to escape even b4 jungkook saves him!! yada yada, they fall in love! some angst here and there too with some sexy smut too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) –Not Rated  –fluff? crack? smut?
• jungkook has the ability to rewind time and uses it to save taehyung's life, with subsequent consequences; a life is strange au, with changes to the plot – Not Rated – feel free to deviate from life is strange's plot, i'm just fascinated by the main concept
  • when jeongguk was a baby, he was gifted with obedience. ever since then, when someone gives him an order he's unable to refuse; a modern day ella enchanted au, set in university – Not Rated – please no dubious sexual consent/noncon 
• Vampire Taehyung is searching for his lost love and finds him reincarnated into teenage pop idol Jeon Jungkook – Mature – Romance – Reincarnation, supernatural au
• reincarnation au where they live through a few separate lifestyles but they never end up together happily !! – Mature
• a fic based off the little mermaod where either tae / jeon is a mermaid and comes up on land, falls in love etc etc but perhaps sth happens and they don't end up together ! – Mature – thank you!
• 'I accidentally ran into the hottest guy in school while he was flirting with the cheerleader and now he hates me for ruining his chances of getting laid but now he won't quit staring at me what the heck' – Explicit – college au – smut, dominant/top Jeon
• Taehyung swears he doesn't have a muscle kink- he has a Jungkook-muscle-kink and now he deeply regrets getting a gym membership with his best friend because he constantly gets awkward boners, and prays Jungkook doesn't notice – Explicit – Top/Dominant Jungkook, Submissive Taehyung,  Smut
• Taehyung, a merman, meets Jungkook, a human in line for the Throne. – Mature – Romantic with a lot of fluff, descriptive smut scenes, angst but with a happy ending – Smut, angst, dominant jungkook, fluff
• After 5 years of marriage Jungkook and Taehyung plan to adopt and discover the joy of being parents – General Audiences – Taehyung is super excited to adopt while Jungkook is nervous Have them interact with different kids until they meet one just as nervous as Jungkook and instantly click. Show bits of Taekook parenting from the child's early years till the day of the Child's wedding. A bit of comedy would make it even cuter – Established Relationship, Fluffy Couple, Parents, Comedy
• Kim Taehyung is a famous actor who's films have consisted of mostly melodramatic movies. (So basically he's kind of really soft???) He's looking to expand into other genres and he's offered a role in an action/crime movie as a detective/vigilante. For some reason the director is friends with real-life detective Jeon Jeongguk and asks for his help/consults him for his film. That's basically how they meet. Although other ways are ok too. They don't hit off well at first because JJG's kind of a jerk and KTH is just a little stuck up. – Explicit – (this prompt is actually inspired by something i watched on a drama called Goblin – movie!au, detective!au
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