#this is about skittlescripts
mortal-mayhem · 1 year
I cannot express the absolute EJFBUSHFJSJFJES!!!!!!!!!?????????!!!!!!!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ when I realize someone I really like the content of follows me back.
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riuhere · 1 year
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➪Pov: Reader and her dumb-dumb got Isekai'd (again on reader's part) and this time it's somewhere interesting.
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ITTW Wukong : *Hiss*
Lmk Wukong : ..Uh.. *Sweats nervously*
ITTW reader : here we go again-
Though you can totally imagine your own scenario that fits in your head about the second pannel- 👀
Edit: Isekai'd To The West rightfully belongs to @skittlescripts you can go read it on ao3!
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theweepingegg · 1 year
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LMK: TRIAD AU by @skittlescripts
So Reader is sometimes depicted as either a Cafe owner, or Baker at a Bakery or Librarian or Florist by DAY and by NIGHT they are like a totally different person at a Club or something.
My take in this AU is that Dragonhead Sun Wukong always visit this one Flower Shop cause the owner doesn't give a shit about him. This Flower Shop recently opened and it was on his turf, so of course he'll go there to check it out. Only for him to get sassed by the owner.
Monkey fells in love and keeps on visiting until he eventually got kicked out from the shop. By night.....Nothing happened. Reader just goes home and rest and then wakes up in the morning, go to her shop, check inventory and bla bla bla
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jscribbs · 1 year
Jealousy (pt 1)
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While stopping in a kingdom the Lord's son seems interested in reader.... The pilgrims gossip about it
(Based on @skittlescripts fic 'isekai'd to the west')
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emelinstriker · 1 year
{Triad AU} Wukong ♡ Crafty Love
This is my own lil take/idea on the Triad AU by @skittlescripts​ - Basically you don't have a double life in my version but are the reincarnation of his love. Just cuz I can only write what my interest chooses to sit on, and it apparently didn't sit well with the by day/nightlife concept hfdngfhdngfd- So it ended up with picking a different path in my head. :'D
Smol doodle drawn by me with my persona cuz it fits more than a random Wukong screenshot. c:
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
Today was a pretty chill day for your workplace. You did have customers come in, but it wasn't as many as usual. Assuming people were simply busy themselves today, you didn't think much of it. Well, that was until one of your co-workers told you about how your boss seemed to have gotten into some trouble with a member of the local triad. Something along the lines of her having gotten into an argument over keeping the restaurant on their king's turf. But apparently it was a lower member, so he ended up threatening to get a higher-up. And customers who received the news were wary about eating there for a while.
Nothing happened however, so it seemed more like an empty threat from your boss's point of view.
And yet due to what you heard, you were a little bit on edge yourself. Mainly about the potential shut down of the restaurant, making you essentially jobless once more. And you actually did enjoy your job here.
You were the one who designed the restaurant aesthetically, making it feel more welcoming for those afraid of the organization lurking everywhere. And since the restaurant was in a rather shady part of Megapolis, it stood out quite a long. You were also in charge of making to-go packages look nicely. Aluminum animals were littered around the windows for show of your abilities in the crafts of origami and general design.
And it did garner a lot of attention because most passerby found it really cute. Even customers' children sometimes asked if they could make their own little animals with your assistance. But your skills did not make you famous or really be seen. You were quite invisible to the public eye, always sitting quietly in a corner or in the back of the restaurant. In fact, you were so invisible that the two powerful demons that came in later that day didn't notice you folding up another delivery for someone who ordered for pick-up. The customer specifically asked for a fox as a little gift for one of his family members. You yourself were so occupied by your artistic piece and playlist's music that you didn't notice them coming in either.
The demons were talking to your co-worker and were 'kindly' asking for your boss. And of course, your co-worker, terrified as she was, jogged towards the back to get your boss.
"Ugh, why does everyone keep on picking this part of the city for their business?" The monkey with an eye patch questioned while scrolling through his phone, thoroughly bored. He knew this 'talk' wouldn't take long, so why was he demanded to join in the first place?
The other simian leaning against the counter huffed, "Well, they simply don't learn this area is off-limits. I don't even see any reason to keep this restaurant here anyway. We can just scare off every customer if we go the non-violent route." He quickly flipped through the menu, or rather looked at solely the pictures. "Even the food here looks mediocre at best. Killing the people here plus the business would actually be a blessing."
"At least the decoration's nice. I mean, look at this cat!" The black-furred one commented, holding up a miniature kitten made out of aluminum foil he found by the counter.
"Hm, true", the other one admitted. His eyes then glanced around the room's decor... until his eyes landed on you.
You, who made The Great Sage instantly freeze in shock.
You, who was sitting lonely in the corner of the empty restaurant.
You... who looked like an exact replica of his long lost lover, just with different clothing.
His one and only beloved, who managed to tame this beast of a feral demon... until they died to another demon's talons. It caused the Monkey King to snap and make sure this demon would no longer serve as a reminder of what happened. The environment wasn't safe from the encounter either. Unfortunately, he was unable to bring you back, and he had no way of knowing if you would ever be able to reincarnate. But it seems he finally had found you after so many years. And you were the one behind the creation of the only good thing about this restaurant.
The monkey stared at you for so long that his eyes started to dilate and his tail started to slowly swish from side to side. His lips curled into a soft smile as he witnessed your happiness with your work. His friend seemed to notice and followed his gaze.
Ah. Now he understood.
He smirked at his superior's lovestruck expression. Until your co-worker returned, trailing behind your boss, who suddenly seemed a lot more anxious than ever before. The two monkeys gazes snapped back at the two women behind the counter. One monkey seemed amused while the other seemed to have been caught off-guard.
"Yeah, so, we came here because one of my men noticed your restaurant and you were not willing to leave our turf. And we came to settle what he didn't manage to do", the black-furred one stated nonchalantly, his gaze lingering back onto his phone, seemingly searching for something specific.
"Oh Great Sage Equal To Heaven! I beg of you! Please don't kill us!" Your boss pleaded, lowering her head and putting her hands together.
The Great Sage's eyes then glanced back over to you, still vibing to your music and smiling at your crafty little work. You just finished another smaller fox as extra, and he couldn't help but find it absolutely adorable. He then looked back at your boss with a smirk. "You know what? Nevermind, you get to keep your lives and your business."
Confused, yet still frightened, your boss asked him what made him change his mind.
"Simple. You got one amazing and absolutely stunning crafty person working here. Would be a shame if anything happened to your or this business while they still work here~", he answered as his eyes traveled back over to your corner. Your boss glanced between him and you repeatedly before laughing in what one could only describe as a mix of relief and confusion... or concern.
"W-Well, they are a great person, indeed! I assigned them to this task specifically because they don't want to be seen or have to talk to customers. So we- ...huh?" Your boss stopped, watching helplessly as The Great Sage Equal To Heaven approached your seat with his hands in his pockets. Both her and your co-worker were silently praying for your life.
You were still busy with another aluminum animal, when you suddenly felt someone's presence drawing closer. You finally looked up when the person was hovering over you. "Um... may I help you, sir?" You asked as you took off your headphones. What you didn't expect was that the person was a monkey with fancy-looking clothing. He was blushing a little but you were too confused to notice. Apparently you didn't recognize him. He saw it as mostly a blessing because he didn't want the reincarnation of his beloved to fear him. The way you were so casual towards him was what drew him into your past life's relationship in the first place.
"Oh, I just saw your fascinating little crafts and wanted to say you- I-I mean, they look lovely!" He stammered out nervously. You blinked at him before leaning over the table to grab a little aluminum monkey you made before. It wasn't quite as accurate as the birds you've created, but it was still recognizable. You then held up the mini monkey in front of him with a smile.
"Would you like to have this one? It's not great by any means, I'm... still practicing monkeys. I-I hope it doesn't look offensive, otherwise I could-" "It's perfect..." He cut you off, gently taking the animal made out of foil. He would hate himself if he accidentally damaged it in any way with his strength. His claws barely brushed over the softness of your hands, but it was enough to make him feel the tingling sensation you imprinted on him. The Great Sage then gave you a loving smile and a nod in appreciation, "Thank you..."
While the two of you were chatting away about your masterpieces, laughing when certain jokes were made, your boss and co-worker were baffled. They wouldn't have believed it if the scene wasn't playing out right in front of their eyes. The Sun Wukong, Great Sage Equal To Haven, leader of the most feared triad, and immortal Monkey King... was casually talking to a practically invisible stranger without threatening them even once. Or even making them feel uncomfortable.
Were you so oblivious to the fact that you were speaking to a man who could not only kill you, but also destroy everything around you without even trying?
Well, it wasn't so much about being oblivious than it was just about being a decent person. You've heard of the triad, and you've heard rumors of the infamous Monkey King. However, that doesn't mean you would necessarily have to treat him any different to any other customer since you didn't know him personally. You've never even seen the guy until now. And by his looks, you could easily assume it was him.
Meanwhile Macaque seemed amused by the situation. Something only he seemed to have noticed was Wukong's tail wagging happily. Its movement wasn't fast, but it still reminded him of a dog who found its long missing owner. So he couldn't help but take a picture of the scene. It wouldn't serve so much as blackmail, but it would be enough to calm him down with a picture of you if the other simian started to go off again.
And if that wasn't enough, he took some extra pictures of specifically you being happy with Wukong.
"So what you're saying is that if I order food for pick-up or delivery, you would be the one packing it up?" The orange monkey asked, purposefully playing dumb.
"Yeah, unless I'm sick or have a day off. Then one of my co-workers does the packing instead", you responded, pointing in the counters' general direction. Your co-worker let out a nervous squeak before hiding behind your boss.
"Great, so I'll get to see your pretty face a lot more often!" Your face turned a light shade of red at his comment. Too shocked that someone, anyone, let alone The Great Sage would compliment you past your work. He gave you a grin, "It's decided. You can expect me to order food at least once a day."
You blinked in absolute confusion, meanwhile your co-workers were dumbfounded. "Eh?"
"Well, it was nice talking to a stunning and demon-friendly person such as yourself, peaches. But I believe my visitation time's up for today. I hope you're back here tomorrow though." He winked at you at the end, making your blush darken just a bit that he could still notice.
"And don't worry about your business, boss lady", he added as he turned towards the counter with a smirk. "So long as your amazing artist's working here, this restaurant is under the triad's protection. Anyone who tries to get rid of it will have to get through me and my men first." His eyes seemed to darken just a little as his smirk grew into something a bit more sinister. The Monkey King let out a laugh at your co-workers' scared expressions. The dark-furred simian on the other hand huffed in amusement, showing his own fanged grin to the two women. This seemed to scare them a few steps further away from the counter he was now sitting on.
The orange-furred monkey then pulled out a pen and used a piece of unused foil before writing something down on it. He then slid it over the table towards you, placing his other hand on his hips. "Here, feel free to text or call me anytime. And by anytime, I do mean anytime. Feel free to also contact me when you feel unsafe or just want company! I really wouldn't mind showing up in person!"
To be honest, it was actually strange for Macaque to see his old friend act this weirdly. He could tell Wukong was trying to sway and seduce you. But due to how he wasn't trying to do it to manipulate you, and him haven't genuinely done this in hundreds of years, he kind of lost his touch. The shadow monkey could see him struggling as he was a nervous mess on the inside.
His tail gave away his nervous vibes the most. It kept on moving around, curling in on itself, as well as seemingly trying to hold itself back from just wrapping around you for much needed comfort. You glanced at the info written down on the piece of aluminum before gently smiling at him with a nod. "Will do, thanks! It was nice chatting with you too, Mr. Monkey King."
"Please, just call me Wukong. 'Mister' just makes me feel an extra millennium older."
"But you are old, grandpa!" Macaque exclaimed from across the room, earning him a death glare from his ticked off boss.
"You're one to talk, emo dinosaur!" The King snapped back. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh at their childish insults, making the orange-furred monkey slowly turn towards you, his heartbeat seemingly increasing at the sound. He needed to hear your laugh more.
"Anyway, I'll take this with me," he stated as he picked up one the menus from the table, "and we'll be on our way now. See you tomorrow, peaches~" The Great Sage then rather aggressively grabbed the other amused demon by the back of his coat, casually picking him up and carrying him towards the exit, the aluminum monkey still being gently held by his other hand. "Move along Macaque, we don't have all day."
"Until next time, (Y/N)!" Macaque called out as he waved at you as best as he could, still being carried away like a kitten.
...How did he know your name? You only told Wukong during your conversation... 'Man, those rumors about the Six-Eared Macaque having incredible hearing must be true if he was able to hear that', you thought. Little did you know that he already knew your name despite his hearing.
However, from that day on your life's daily routine changed. Wukong would ask for a different order everyday, testing out everything from the menu to see if it was even worth buying more than one specific order everytime. And any food he didn't like he would give to MK to try out. His adoptive son was actually pretty fond of the restaurant's food, to the point where he would either go eat there by himself, with friends or come eat with his dad. Most of the time the triad would only ask to grab pick-up food, but there were days where members would actually eat by the tables. You weren't sure if they only asked for pick-up as to not scare away any non-triad customers, but it did seem to invite in more people each day.
Wukong would sometimes also stay at the restaurant, specifically eating at the same table as you while you were packing up other peoples' orders. He started off pretty nervous during your first conversations, but he quickly became a lot more casual with you. Even his flirting attempts became a lot smoother and would easily catch you off-guard, leaving you a blushing mess everytime. Meanwhile you decided to show him how to create his own little army of aluminum animals.
It might take a while to get you to fully fall for him again, but he would do anything to be with you forever. Even if simple little animal crafts would bring you two closer step by step. Reincarnation or not, he loved you until the day he dies...
Which is saying a lot in his case.
> Masterlist <
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asleepyy · 8 months
i was talking to my partner (@skittlescripts) about oopsie!omens and they had a rlly good idea/theory. since crowley wears sunglasses, they were imagining azazel wearing a pair too, but the reflective kind. like those silver lenses that look like mirrors. and itd be super poetic cuz he didnt fall for something he did, but for a question someone else had. so when hes hiding his eyes with the sunglasses while around jophiel, itd be reflecting jophiels face (aka the person he fell for)
im ramlbing a bit so idk if any of that makes sense haha. anyway, love ur art! cant wait for more!
this is absolutely brilliant and i REALLY REALLY need to draw this. Obviously when Azazel first starts wearing them, Jophiel mostly believes it's Azazel's insecurities (and it kind of is, really). but When Azazel reveals who he used to be, I think Jophiel will almost instantly pick up on the irony/metaphor of the glasses where Azazel didn't.
(Jophiel might insist he wear them instead after that.)
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semisolidmind · 1 year
(hey @skittlescripts and @theweepingegg , saw a design for evil wukong and now im having some thoughts )
ok so. bad end monkey king. scary dude. you thought he was morally gray before, hoo boy
like what if he never went on the journey at all, never wanted or tried to become more than a monster? what if on the og journey, he was one of the demons that wanted to eat the monk? or in lmk, he's one of the big bads? (and maybe his role in the journey and lmk is filled by macaque instead-)
in the case of Isekai'd, he trails the gang, messing with them for fun and trying to find a way to easily get at the monk. he just needs to beat macaque, the other three demons won't be a problem. but from what wukong's seen, his fellow monkey demon is rather protective of the reader and the monk, never leaving their sides for long and constantly listening.
so, he makes moves to get closer to the reader, likely dressing more plainly and hiding his distinctive facial markings so she won't recognize him. at first it's a pretty standard "get you to like me so you won't put up as much of a fight later on" type of deal, but wukong comes to enjoy reader's wit and willingness to stand up to him. she's also just genuinely kind to him, something he doesn't get a lot of, being a universally-feared demon. so, his plans...
...change a little bit.
wukong knows he's the stronger demon, but he wants a clean shot. he sheds his disguise, macaque and the disciples fight him, and though they fight their hardest, the gang loses...
...and wukong throws a terrified, crying reader over his shoulder, dragging the bodies of her companions and protector behind him as he flies back to his mountain.
"Game over, Peaches.♡"
in lmk, macaque's trying to keep reader safe and away from villain wukong.
current reader is the reincarnation of the reader from the journey and sun wukong has been waiting for her return so he can make her properly immortal this time. at first she's friends with the noodle gang, maybe she even works with them. MK's her lil buddy, practically her younger brother, and one day his mentor, macaque (who up until this point has been a casually flirtatious presence in her life), busts into her apartment at night telling her she has to leave with him. somebody incredibly dangerous is coming for her now that he knows she exists, and mac's her best bet at escaping him.
from then on, she's constantly in hiding. although, somehow, wukong always manages to find her, no matter how well she's hidden and how many protective seals macaque casts on her. eventually it all comes to a head.
"Leave us be, Monkey King!" Macaque snarled.
"Gladly. After you return my Queen."
"I am not your queen!" Reader exasperated. "I never was! Why can't you just let this go?!"
"Because you were always gonna be mine, sweet peach. I missed my chance a thousand years ago. I'm not going to lose you again."
"Although," The Monkey King laughed lowly. He raised his staff to point at the other monkey demon.
"You've caused me quite a bit of trouble. I was just going to take her and let you off with a warning, but you've been a thorn in my side for a loooong time, Six Ears. I think it's about time I put you down permanently."
(maybe there's a bit where reader is refusing the immortality elixir or peach and wukong puts it into his mouth, and then forces it into reader's mouth with a kiss 👀 now she's stuck with him)
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Everyone favorite JTTW chapter
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"Me" as The Reader would make probably only ever try the most feeble attempt at warning the others or would just straight up forget.
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Based off a post I read @skittlescripts about Wukong trying to restrain himself in the daytime at The Reader's request
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eeveewishes · 1 year
Sun Wukong being curious about Reader’s glasses
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I’d imagine that in the Tang Dynasty, you don’t really see people wear glasses. So I think Wukong would be curious about the small pieces of glass resting on Reader’s face. Might even be curious to test them out himself. Also, I’ve been sorta experimenting my own way to draw Sun Wukong…
Isekai’d to the West is written by @skittlescripts
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Songs I listen to about Skittlescript’s Isekai’ed to the West and Triad au Playlist
hahaha lol checkout @skittlescripts’s isekai to the west au, here’s some songs that remind me of the au and some scenarios imagined would make the daydreams better, special thanks to the works of @semisolidmind, @rennsdeaddoves, @thesexydancingcrepe, @rainyriu, @ritzhasmonkeybrain and @theweepingegg
this is for the Sun WuKong and Six-Eared Macaque simps out there
problem - ariana grande - reader starting to have feelings for Sun Wukong
dear future husband - meghan trainor - reader saying what marriage be like
right there - ariana grande - how macaque feels in triad au
the guy that i'd kinda be into - be more chill the musical - reader describing the monkie she likes
bad romance - lady gaga - macaque’s feelings for reader in triad au
one last time - ariana grande - Wukong trying to understand his emotions
la on a saturday night - hearts & colors - macaque’s monologue song in triad au
a whole new world - aladdin - Wukong and reader just ridding his cloud to Flower Fruit mountain
symphony - clean bandit - Macaque when he finally accepts he’s inlove
rhythm of the tambourine - hunchback of notredame the musical - Triad au
made you look - meghan trainor - reader’s themesong in triad au
title - meghan trainor - Wukong in triad au trying to get a date
not fall in love with you - rwby soundtrack - works both for the Isekai and triad au
kiss the girl - the little mermaid - Sandy making sure his OTP is cannon
there's nothing holding me back - shawn mendes - triad au wukong in general 
stutter - mariana's trench - wukong’s 5 stages of grief about having a crush
troublemaker - olly murrs - wukong’s themesong
still into you - paramore - if Isekai to the west had a crossover with Triad au
millennium parade - belle - a reader song for triad au
light switch - charlie puth - wukong’s crush in triad au
i wanna be your slave - maneskin - wukong in a more hornii mood for reader
she's kinda hot - 5 seconds of summer - Isekai to the west chapter 3 song
teeth - 5 seconds of summer - triad au wukong’s song during a meeting
marry you - bruno mars - wukong trying to convince reader that they get married
paper rings - taylor swift - wukong finally getting a date with reader in triad au
teenage dirtbag - wheatus - macaque’s angst about having a crush on reader
my heart's a stereo - maroon 5 - Macaque starting to fall inlove in isekai au
hips don't lie - shakira - reader meets wukong for the first time in triad au
voodoo doll - 5 seconds of summer - wukong before he realises he likes reader
she looks so perfect - 5 seconds of summer - both monkey’s admiring reader
love me like you do - ellie goulding - wukong and reader in isekai
love me harder - ariana grande - reader’s feelings with wukong
girlfriend - avril lavinge - macaque's song when he’s jealous in isekai
everytime we touch - cascada - wukong simping for reader in triad au
teenage dream - katy perry - reader realising her crush in isekai au
ET - katy perry - reader and wukong’s relationship in a nutshell for isekai
lucky strike - maroon 5 - wukong vs macaque in isekai au
levitating - dua lipa - reader in isekai au
the story of the phantom - goosebumps the musical - macaque in isekai au
take me to church - hozier - wukong having a crush angst in isekai
can't hold us - macklemore - a sun wukong song in isekai
bad reputation - joan jett - how heaven feels about reader and wukong together
guy.exe - superfruit - reader describing her type of guy in triad au
super mario hyadain - wukong vs macaque for reader in isekai au
play with fire - sam tinnesz - macaque and reader first impressions
positions - ariana grande - wukong and reader relationship song in isekai au
34 + 35 - ariana grande - wukong and reader song in triad au
dinero - trinidad cardona - reader’s alter ego song in triad au
no roots - alice merton - isekai to the west in a nutshell
sway - micheal buble - triad wukong takes reader out dancing
helpless - hamilton - triad wukong being lovesick and lovey dovey, while MK witnesses his mentor being cringe
call me by your name - lil nas x - triad wukong themesong
dead girl walking - heathers - wukong and reader having some spicy fun just after wukong is banished by tripitaka
i wanna dance with somebody - whitney houston - reader during the triad au before having a relationship
fairytale - alexander rybak - reader angst on having feeling for wukong in isekai 
why don't you do right - who framed roger rabbit - triad wukong meets reader’s alter ego for the first time
La seine and i - a monster in paris - reader performing in triad au
blues in the night - queen tyr'ahnee cover - reader having feelings for triad wukong angst
the great pretender - the platters - reader’s emotional stability during isekai
boys - charlie xcx - reader thinking about wukong in isekai
you will be okay - helluva boss - reader’s song for ao lie and her kids in isekai
no matter what - book of life - reader choosing to be with wukong instead of going home in isekai
Someone you like - girl and the dreamcatcher - triad wukong pining for reader
Ang huling el bimbo - eraserheads - slow dancing in the kitchen in triad au
Something just like this - cold play - macaque pining for reader in triad
Love story of a certain bakeneko - vocaloid
Ahh, it’s a wonderful cat’s life - vocaloid
The wolf that fell inlove with little red ridding hood - rin and len kagamine
Magic mirror - rin and len kagamine
Dance with me tonight - olly murs - a date night song with macaque in triad 
La la dee - cody simpson - triad wukong describing his feelings for reader 
Perfect - ed sheeran - wukong’s feelings for reader near the end of the journey to the west
Shape of you - ed sheeran - triad wukong being a simp for his wife reader
Seniorita - camila cabello - triad wukong flirting with reader
My oh my - camila cabello - reader’s accepting her feelings for wukong in triad
Uwu - chevy - Wukong’s feelings when he realises he wants to be with reader in isekai au
Canterella - vocaloid - triad wukong and reader on a mission
Je t’aime - kelly sweet - wukong descrining his love for reader in isekai
You’ll be in my heart - tarzan - reader just being happy with her family
Strangers like me - tarzan - wukong being curious aboutreader’s life before the journey to the west
A million dreams - the greatest showman - wukong’s song when he marries reader in isekai
One kiss - descendants - wukong when reader because of magic shenannigans needs to wake-up with true loves kiss
Secret garden - undertale - flowerfell au fansong - triad wukong and reader angst
So she dances - josh groban - triad wukong describing reader to MK
Beautiful ghosts - taylor swift - macaque’s song about reader in isekai
Slow dance with you - adventure time - macaque’s song regarding his pinning for reader
Tightrope - the greatest showman - reader’s conflicting emotions about staying with wukong or going home
Thinking out loud - ed sheeran - wukong pining for reader in isekai
Work form home - fifth harmony - reader flirting with triad wukong
Criminal - britney spears - triad wukong and reader’s relationship in a nutshell
Do it for her - steven universe - triad wukong training isekai wukong to protect reader
Back to life - bumblebee movie - reader and wukong’s wedding song in isekai
I love you to much - book of life - macaque pinning for reader in isekai
Death of a bachelor - panic! At the disco - triad wukong pinning for reader
I’m in love with a monster - fifth harmony - triad reader tells isekai reader on her feelings for triad wukong
Black magic - little mix - reader is jealous that triad wukong is flirting to get info
Animals - maroon 5 - wukong being in heat and wants to mate with reader
I’m a lady - meghan trainor - the jttw crew finds out about reader being isekai’ed to help them
Who i am - the score - macaque introducing himself to the reader in isekai after kidnapping her
Rewrite the stars - the greatest showman - triad wukong and reader fall inlove 
Buwan - juan karlos - wukong serenading reader during their first date in isekai
Bad little boy - adventure time - reader and wukong’s dynamic
Monster - adventure time - Wukong angst about reader’s mortality in isekai
Hey soul sister - train - triad wukong being a simp while being cringe
Crush - tessa violet - reader pinning for triad wukong
Would you be so kind - dodie - reader pinning for wukong in isekai
I do adore - mindy gledhill - triad wukong and reader cuddling
Despair - leo - reader pinning for wukong and vice versa in isekai but angsting of it being unrequited
Save me - bruno martini - macaque and wukong paniking because their falling for reader in isekai au
Can’t sleep love - pentatonix - reader talking to sandy about her crush on wukong in isekai
Suki kirai - rin and len kagamine - reader being in denial about being inlove with triad wukong
Someday - disney’s zombies - wukong and reader in general for isekai
Boop - rwby soundtrack - wukong trying to show off and impress reader after he accepts that he loves her
Little miss perfect - owl house fandom - reader angst on wanting to focus on the journey to the west but the dilemma of falling inlove complicates things for her once the journey is done
Ordinary - owl house fandom - reader questioning wukong why he’s inlove with her in isekai au
One more night - maroon 5 - triad wukong wanting reader to stay longer in bed cuddling
You’re the one that i want - grease - triad macaque romantic feelings for reader
If i can’t i love her - beauty and the beast - wukong being in denial for being inlove with reader in isekai au
Evermore - beauty and the beast - wukong angst when reader is presented with the option of returning to her original home
Love like you - steven universe - wukong wondering why reader loves him in isekai
If i could tell her - dear evan hansen - triad macaque hiding his feelings for reader
Only us - dear evan hansen - set during the time wukong is banished from the journey to the west
Your text - sundial - triad wukong trying to get reader’s number
Glad you came - the wanted - triad Wukong meets reader for the first time
Castle on a hill - ed sheeran - wukong reminises his life before the journey to the west and meeting reader
I won’t say i’m in love - hercules -  reader being in denial about being inlove with wukong in isekai au
Circus - britney spears - another themesong for reader in triad au
love story - taylor swift - how wukong tells his kids on how he met their mother in isekai au
you belong with me - taylor swift - how triad macaque feels when he sees reader with triad wukong 
burn for you - bridgerton musical - wukong pining for reader, but not wanting to confess in isekai au
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arta-ow-o · 1 year
I just love horsies,in childhood I was obsessed with it.
It's just silly draw don't worry about it(Im sowwy horsie😢)
If I had a chance to ride horse.... I would never lose this.
Thank you for your book💕
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rinitachan · 1 year
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More Isekai’d to the West fanart.
Some notes: I do sleep with a plush and can’t sleep without it, genuinely, I can’t imagine getting through the journey without one. And I also can’t imagine this would be neither discovered or teased about.
The tattoo is placed in the place I originally wanted to put it.
I also have no idea what the garment construction of the undershirt of the robes is supposed to be and I took influence from Spirited Away for that.
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From this scene specifically.
The top two images were the first 2 I ever drew for this fanfic. I was trying to beat my artistic funk while being constantly watched by family in an awkward situation. (Not like in a creepy way, like an “ooo what are you drawing, Rina? Can I see?” And it’d break my focus.)
Also: I liked that drawing of Wukong, I’m getting better at drawing him (hopefully).
I’m posting this at 2 am because there’s a tornado watch going on and I’m so bored.
Isekai’d to the West: @skittlescripts
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theweepingegg · 1 year
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For @skittlescripts
We were talking about what if Reader sashays and Wukong was so captivated by it and asked her to do it again.
Wukong: Do it again
Reader: Do what? *crocks her hips to the other side*
Wukong: That. Do that again. The thing you do with your hips.
This is based on their characters from their AO3 fic 'Isekai'd To The West'
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rennsdeaddoves · 1 year
What if? Pilgrims meet..........The pilgrims,
Rue and the reader just happy to have a modern person to relate to amid all the bullshit, the tripitaka's are happy to have a MAN to diss all the heretics with, the pigs are incel-ing,
Wujing's are happily sharing tea and maybe inviting the girls to SPILL the tea ( isekai'd wujing shows ruejing his ship art book 🙊) and the wukong's..........Loud hissing and cat fight noises 😐
(Does this count as spam??)
(Nah doesn’t count as spam dw)
And I actually think about this more than I’d like to admit….
BUT on god it would be the funniest thing ever. Reader and Rue would instantly just be like “where are you from, remember how shitty the government was?” And rue would pull out her phone cause this is a special occasion and being to play some music she has downloaded for reader. If either Pigsy were to act up (I’d assume isekai’d would with wwmittos Pigsy trying to stop him) Rue would verbally assault him with so much shade he’d have to sit.
The two Tripitaka’s would be in their own little world of meditation and internal screaming at the fact that THERES SIX OF THEM NOW AND TWO WUKONGS!!!! No their not dealing with it. Honestly I think wwmittos Tripitaka would just turn to his counter part and go “rue has this. She can “babysit” as she puts it. Let’s go before we get dragged into this” and they just disappear (because they are cowards!)
The two Sandy’s are having a blast ittw Sandy is telling wwmittos Sandy all about reader and Wukong and wwmittos Sandy is getting so many ideas (cause Rue and Wukong are semi together but it’s very confusing both of them are pinning and too stupid to realize anything at all) so it’s Sandy is helping come up with ideas about how the other can speed things along.
Now the wukongs…. Honestly THEY ARE THE BEST!! As soon as they see each other it’s the spider man meme. Their pointing at each other and pulling out the staff ready to GO. reader and rue get involved real quick reader likely telling ittw wukong that if he can’t get along with the other she will ban him from cuddles or something like that. So now the only way they can duke it out to establish dominance is verbal abuse and wwmittos Wukong has been listen to rue diss kings for MONTHS! So he’s got some really nasty comments thanks to her. But ittw Wukong also has some comments too (rue was not about to let her wukongs ego skyrocket so she shared some of her secrets)
@skittlescripts if ya got anything to add DO IT cause I’m sure you’ve thought about this too lmao
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artbyink · 1 year
"I" as reader in Isekai'd to the West
@skittlescripts I will be very honest. Never in my entire life have I been SO fascinated by a fanfic about a monkey, seriously, your writing is impeccable! I got emotional with the first chapter, I spent days talking about it with my friends (I almost got slapped heheh) Anyway, I made this fanart for this masterpiece, I couldn't resist doing it ✧(。•̀ᴗ- )✧
(Sorry about the spelling, English is not my native language, I really had to use the translator)
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semisolidmind · 1 year
@skittlescripts to add onto the bad end thing;
occasionally, bad end wukong will let macaque steal reader on purpose. he loosens up the wards around his cave, let's them think he's too preoccupied to maintain them properly. juuuust enough to not be suspicious. wouldn't want ol' six ears catching on too soon, would he?
i imagine he enjoys the hunt.
he lets them get away, lets his rival think he's pulling one over by stealing away his bride, "saving" her from him, lets him hide her away where he thinks the monkey king won't find her.
then, after a while, he goes and finds reader, wherever she may be. perhaps this time he'll find her on another mountain somewhere, or in one of the dragon kings' castles (old fool doesn't even realize when a celestial monkey and a human have breached his hoard), or perhaps trying to blend in with the common folk in one of the many large cities in the region. if there's anything wukong can say of macaque, it's that he's creative when it comes to hiding spots.
and determined to get reader away from him.
once, he almost managed to pull a fast one on wukong, hiding reader in a cave and casting a glamour to make her appear to be a normal mountain spirit. wukong almost flew right over her without a thought, but something about the way the "mountain spirit" breathed was much too familiar to him. he stopped at the caves entrance, tearing down the wards easily before strolling inside. upon further inspection, the figure hidden inside the altar at the caves end is none other than his precious bride, wrapped in coarse blankets and sleeping a bit too deeply for someone who's supposed to be on the run. the monkey king had to hand it to macaque. if he'd been paying just a little less attention, he wouldn't have noticed her here. the king laughs to himself, casting a small sleep charm on reader before bundling her up into his arms. she'll wake up back at home in her fine silk sheets and be as adorably angry as she always is.
needless to say, the monkey king enjoys the game he's made out of these escape attempts. but he also let's macaque know just how thin the ice he treads on is–
"Honestly," The king sighs in amusement. "I don't know where you get these ideas about how much "better" life will be for her off the mountain. Sure, she's still a bit angry about the whole "kidnapping and forced immortality" thing, but she'll get used to it, just like we did! She's got a good thing going here. I'm not sure why you keep trying to mess that up for her."
wukong scoffs at the figure of his long time rival on his back in the dirt, pinned beneath his staff. the dark-furred monkey was desperately trying to keep it from crushing his windpipe.
"Really, I'd have no reason to keep you alive if these games of hide and seek weren't so entertaining. After all, you've done nothing but steal away my queen every chance you get, and you know I'm not fond of being stolen from."
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