#this is gon a small mini comic
ghestie-nun · 1 year
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guess whos baacccckk got my 100 plus to last me for the night hehehehehehe
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animebaby00 · 3 years
She Has Your Eyes (Present for @mochi_imochii)
Gon is upset when he discovers his and Killua's daughter Mahoro doesn't seem to have any of his genetics. Luckily, Killua is there to comfort him.
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This is my first fic based off of an artwork/comic created by @mochi_imochii on Instagram.
I was so inspired to write something based off her content and I received full permission from her to write this fic in relation to one of her most recent posts with Gon, Killua, and they're love child she created for them named Mahoro Freecss. It's a cute little mini comic.
This work is entirely credited to her and I want to give a huge thank you to her for letting me do this so please go give her some love on Instagram. Her content and art is absolutely incredible!
(Gon and Killua are aged up in this fic)
Evening was upon them. 
It wasn't hard to tell, especially after experiencing so many of them, and in so many different places. But deciphering the differences was easy once you've been in one place for a decent period of time.
The day was at its busiest, the sidewalks and streets packed mostly from people leaving work and heading home for the night to prepare for the next day, the sounds of voices and car engines or horns evident even from inside. 
Buildings were lighting up, gray-black windows igniting in white and yellow from both nearby and far away. More rectangular on closer view, but dotted farther in the distance, resembling that of flickering fireflies.
But a common sign, one known to everyone, was a sunset. 
When the ball of light was low in the sky, whose crisp blue begins to bleed with added shades of red and orange, accented by the powerful rays of yellow that could light up everything from the tallest building to the ground below in it's fading, warm light. 
And currently, 2 individuals in particular had the perfect access to all of those things.
Gon and Killua were sitting comfortably on their sofa in their home in Padokea, quiet and content with the sun's warm rays beating into their living room behind them due to the open window lined with gray silken curtains. The both of them were set on taking it easy due to how busy they've been, for just a week ago, the two of them welcomed a new member into their family.
Mahoro Freecss. Their daughter. 
The idea of having children became a very popular topic amongst Gon and Killua and they knew they wanted to be parents more than anything and decided to start looking over their options, but one stood out more than most. 
Because of their time in Greed Island, the two of them knew of its existence, that of a card, but weren't aware of anyone who had used it as of late. It was a Pregnancy Stone, one that allowed someone of any sex to carry young if held onto for one month. 
There were some questions and some what ifs, but the decision was quick and absolute. They went through with it, and 9 months later, Killua (after much discussion) delivered a healthy baby girl with Gon in utter tears directly by his side. She was a beautiful little thing with her pale skin, long lashes, and chubby cheeks, head completely covered with tufts of wavy white hair and an adorably cute, button nose. She couldn't have been any more perfect.
A few days later, they were allowed to go home, and they've been adjusting to life as new parents ever since, taking leisure time whenever they could when Mahoro was content and asleep, either nestled in her crib or in her parents arms. 
That was the case now. In their settlement for the night, Gon had Mahoro in the crook of his right arm while his other fed the small infant a bottle of milk. Her eyes closed and content, a chubby hand up and grasped onto Gon's pinky as she ate. Killua was sitting next to him, working on sewing up a hole that had formed in one of Gon's jackets, hand supporting the green fabric while he sewed away with the other. 
But even in the calm, tranquil silence with his husband and newborn daughter by his side, Gon's mind was racing with thoughts, especially about one thing in particular as he watched his daughter suckle away peacefully at the bottle in his hand.
"Ne, Killua? Do you know what eye color Mahoro has?"
The white haired male shook his head, hands moving diligently in a repeated pattern as he sewed.
"No, she hasn't opened her eyes yet."
"When will she?" Gon asked, putting Mahoro's bottle down.
Killua's focus on sewing Gon's jacket lessened a bit, eyes raising to look at him.
"Leorio told me that newborns open their eyes 1 to 2 weeks after they're born," he said, pushing the needle through the fabric once more, "Why do you ask?"
Gon's lips pressed into a thin line at Killua's inquiry, head tilting off slightly to the side.
"It's just…" he started, voice low and the tiniest bit unsure, "I've been asking myself...if Mahoro has anything from me…I mean she looks exactly like you so could it be that something went wrong when we used the card and maybe she only has your genes?"
At this, Killua paused at his sewing and looked over at his husband, "Huh?" he questioned, slightly confused.
Gon stroked Mahoro's little fist with his index finger, eyes closing as a sigh left his lips,"Don't get me wrong. I'll always love Mahoro, even if she only had your genes since she's my daughter too. I guess I'm just a bit...insecure if the card actually worked right…"
Killua blinked, and a small, sentimental smile crossed over onto lips at Gon's subconscious vent. He slowly put down the needle and jacket, scooter closer to the distressed male's side.
"Gon you baka," he said softly, "Nothing went wrong. Believe me, Mahoro has a lot of traits from you."
Killua watched as Gon's eyes opened a bit, golden orbs settled directly on him. With intention of comfort, Killua laid his head on Gon's shoulder, words still soft as they left his lips.
"Look, I don't look much like my mother or my siblings since I luckily got a lot of my genes from my dad, but I'm still their child right?"
Killua could feel Gon nod against him, and he caught the tiniest of smiles etching it's way back over his lips from out of the corner of his eye and Killua hummed a chuckle.
"Mahoro has your active soul, and your cute eyebrows, not to mention she has your-" 
A teeny coo sounded from below and Killua stopped talking. He looked downwards, as did Gon, and they both let out a small gasp at what they saw. 
Mahoro's face was scrunched, her lips pursed and eyelids fluttering before they completely opened to reveal a pair of shimmery, toasty golden irises. They were beautiful, wide, full of wonder and happiness, and they creased ever so slightly due to the teeny, gummy little smile that was growing onto her rosebud lips. 
"Your eyes…" Killua breathed, and Gon choked back a sob as he lifted Mahoro further up his chest, his own eyes watering and lips trembling as he patted the infant's back.
"Wahhhh Killua she has my eyes ! I'm so happy !" He wobbled out, both crying and laughing as Mahoro let out a burp and snuggled closer into he father's shoulder.
Killua simply sat back to watch the ridiculously funny yet adorable scene unfold before him with a knowing, cat-like grin on his face.
"See?" He said, "I told you...baka."
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fallinglntokillugon · 4 years
Gon’s Surprising Birthday Present! Part 2 {Working Title}
Gon’s Birthday 2020 Fanfic by FallingLntoPieces
{AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24002317/chapters/57999847]
Chapter Synopsis: Gon now has a small Killua in his room. Can he get a good explanation for it? Or is this all too much to handle? Well, as long as it’s Killua... [Now it’s a companion piece to Calling Killua on Saturday Night]
Characters: Gon, Mini Killua, and Mito. Killua, Alluka, and Grandma Abe mentioned.
Pairing: KilluaXGon, KilluGon
Genre/Mood: Canon Dimension, Established Long-Distance Relationship, Whale Island, Birthday, Comedy
Rating: T
Happy Birthday Week to the cutest green boi in the world! This is the next part of the series about the extra Killua found in the color birthday picture this year (found here: https://fallinglntokillugon.tumblr.com/post/617196567149019136/happy-birthday-gon-not-only-one-killua-but). It comes after the seven 4-Komas, which can also be found on AO3.
If someone can come up with a better title... I’M STILL WAITING.   
After shocking Gon with a literal cock tease, the Killua on the bed pulled his shorts back around his waist. “Heh, you’re so simple-minded,” the white-haired copy chuckled knowingly, stepping forward to pat his boyfriend’s cheek with a hand. And that’s what makes you so cute, he added to himself, kissing the blushing face while it was still frozen in surprise. 
Feeling a small pair of lips on his skin that was both familiar as well as foreign, Gon snapped out of his mental love stick comparisons. Before this Killua could start anything more, the normal-sized teen grabbed him by the back of that iconic white outer shirt and held him at length up in the air. “D-don’t do that!”
“Why not? You were leaving yourself wide open.” 
“Doesn’t mean you should take advantage of it,” the Freecss boy puffed up his cheeks in an irritated pout once again. Though, the amount of trust he had in his boyfriend was quite adorable. 
“You’re the one who conjured me,” the Killua pointed out, “so you were probably hoping we’d do all sorts of things, right?” Still in tease mode, he gave a suggestive hip thrust. 
“I was just trying it out! I didn’t think it would work - especially not like this! You’re way too small!”
“Do I gotta show it to you again?”
“No! That’s not where I meant!” Quite overwhelmed, Gon face-planted onto his blankets and let out a groan. A thin smoke started trailing out of his ears, showing that his brain was overheating. This was too much excitement for a Friday night!
Realizing he may have gone a little too far, the cat-sized Killua freed himself from the grasp and landed back on the bed. Sitting down, he decided that it was probably best to explain what was going on before anything else. “Oi, Gon. Think you could listen for a while?”
“I’ll try,” was a half-hearted mumble. He didn’t lift his head though.
For the next ten minutes, the Killua spelled out exactly how the Copy Card worked. Based on a user’s heart and mind, a copy of someone can be conjured. The Copy is created by pulling from many different sources, most of which are confidential, but personal wants and desires of the user are also included. “These are important because Copy Cards are usually used to summon Copies of the deceased or forbidden lovers,” the Zoldyck explained. 
“Deadbeat Dad doesn’t classify as either of those,” Gon commented dryly.
“But, that’s when the desires come in, yeah? To be stuck with someone you didn’t want for three days would be a terrible chore. So, the Copy is altered slightly to fit the needs of the user…”
Copies are given three extra considerations as well. First, they are aware that they are a copy. They also know the Copy Card information to help ground a user in the reality that they are not the original.  Second, Copies don’t need to eat or drink to survive. They can if it is offered to them, but it is not mandatory for their 72-hour existence. Third and most importantly, they cannot kill. This is a limiter so users can’t conjure Copies to carry out their dirty work or be murdered by the Copy.
“Even as an ex-assassin, I don’t mind that,” the Killua said, bringing out his claws and swiping at the air. He didn’t enjoy thinking about the childhood memories of work work work. He was a Copy here to play play play.
“And so why are you… this size?” Gon asked, reaching out a finger to poke the squishy cheek of his copied life partner. It was the main question that hadn’t been answered whatsoever. Even in his wildest dreams he wouldn’t have desired a cat-sized Killua.
“Well, I’m not sure. I wouldn’t have come out if my Copy Card were damaged.” The small Killua got up and hopped off the bed to check the piece of metal he had been conjured from. It was on the desk, warming under the lamplight. Picking it up with both hands, he gave it a good inspection. Gon watched from his place at the edge of the bed as the copy of his boyfriend took a minute to come to some sort of conclusion. The card clattered onto the wood and the Killua turned around with his hands on his hips and a smile on his lips. “Does it really matter? I’m here, aren’t I?” 
“Yeah, you are,” brown eyes blinked, a little surprised at such an answer. It was true, now that Gon understood what was going on, that he didn’t mind the situation so much. As long as it was Killua, any form of him would be fine. Actually, perhaps it was better this way. If the Zoldyck had been full sized and packing a package like that…
“Heh, you wouldn’t have been able to resist.” 
“Shut up.” Gon was back to blushing as he was read like an open book. Getting off the carpet, he went over to his closet and grabbed his pajamas. After training in the afternoon and babysitting the twins in the evening, he needed to shower before going to bed. “No, you can’t come,” he denied before the other even had a chance to ask. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll just watch TV,” Killua motioned at the corner where the television set was on the floor, the JoyStation collecting dust next to it. 
“Okay, just don’t turn the volume up too loud.”
“Not a problem. Enjoy your bath~”
[Read the other 2/3 on AO3!]
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cherubsoda · 4 years
4,6, and 10 for the otp questions!
ahhh thank you for the ask! im on moblie and these are pretty long so... 👉👈 sorry in advance
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its pretty late so hopefully everyones asleep so i can post cringe xoxo
4. Your OTP goes to a carnival, where would they spend most of their time?
chants petting zoo petting zoo petting zoo. Chef used to deal with a fair share of animals in their childhood and Medic just has a fascination for all things living, it sparks joy when chicks flock towards them bc They Crave Seed zo it's a win win. Also watch a goat headbutt Medics ass when he kneels over to pet something.
Who would've thought Chef was such a huge adrenaline junkie? They wanna try every ride at least once. Even though Medic likes a bit of a rush, he's not gonna do that, the drop and twits just...dont go well so, you know what? I think I'll sit this one out and watch your bag.
They probably spend just ss much time at the concession stands. Of course in Germany and Japan they have their own fairs and attractions but does your event serve deep fried twinkies like in Good Ol' U.S of A?. Medic complains that it's so bad for them and that he can't eat anymore, but once Chef goes off to ride something he finishes the plate off. It's only sometimes...so it's ok! He knows his limits! (proceeds to ask chef at 3am for deep fried oreos).
6. What is one thing about their partner that they love?
we gon talk ab more than one bc i said rrnggffg Baby Time
For Chef, they love his dedication to what he's passionate about (and they're grateful they're one of the things he's passionate about)! He has an undying loyalty to his work and he truly cares about the people around him, despite what his persona may give off. When he cares about something, he cares deeply and they can see that with the little things he does throughout the day, how he treats his doves or Chefs pets as well.
His extroverted and eccentric nature is actually what turned them off when they first joined but now it's definitely one of the things they're grateful for. Chef's more introverted and can be a bit on the reserved side in some instances, so they're glad he can speak up for them and teach them how to possibly approach things. It's a lot easier to do things when there's someone who's excited for you, and he's definitely ready whenever they are.
For a physical aspect, they're a sucker for his chest, hands/arms, and nose! Chest and hands be like...big n warm y'know, feels good man. It's definitely a comforting factor. They like the intimacy when they can sleep against his chest and they never know when Medic gets flustered so hearing and feeling his heart speed up when they say or do something, feels nice. Chef has a habit of reaching for his arm or hand when trying to grab his attention and they almost always melt when he pulls them in for a hug. His nose is kinda of just because! It's very opposite to their own small, round nose! After a kiss, he commented that it fits perfectly fits against his and it's always stuck with them!
For Medic, he loves and appreciates their willingness to understand and to forgive. He's done a lot of things a normal person shouldn't be able to forgive and they always retort that they're not that normal either. At first he saw it as a huge weakness, that they were too forgiving and a total pushover, he learned that, that's not the case at all.
Another thing would be their resilience. They have so much care and love they're willing to give away. They're capable of trusting again and again after being proven wrong, despite how many times they say "it won't happen this time, because i know better", after every instance they briefly mentioned, he didn't have to convince them that he was deserving of love or care, they gave it to him, time and time again. He won't let them down. 
He finds the fact that they're a bit dense cute, it's funny but in a sweet, endearing way!
For a physical aspect, he's weak for their hands, cheeks and legs. Their hands are so much smaller than his it's almost comical, but the way they feel against him is gentle and caring and a lot softer than what he's used to. Their cheeks, simply because they're fun to poke and squish. He has a habit of squishing their face and puckering their lips when they're thinking, and even funnier, he likes kissing them like that, just a quick peck to see them blush! Legs because I aint even gonna say, they're just firm but thighs...soft n warmth.
10. Who makes the pun and who is deadpan and shakes their head?
It's actually Medic at Chef, here's why: Chef rarely makes puns but they're always pretty shitty and almost always result in him giving the pity laugh. Medic is just Dad Joke Filled and that means shitty puns as well, but its easier to make Chef laugh.
Medic's just...full of dad jokes and it hurts sometimes. Chef laughs 6 out of 10 because they're just stupid but other times they just stare and him and make a noise of disapproval. Sometimes they'll just close their eyes, breathe in, breathe out, open their eyes and pretend it very happened like a mini reset. But if Medic laughs, right after, they'll have a higher chance of laughing along because his laugh is contagious.
Chef makes some pretty shitty puns though and it makes Medic lowkey peeved because god they're so bad but I'll give you the pity laugh...Once. They have some clever, witty comebacks that are real knee slappers but leave the dad jokes to the big boys.
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Mini rant here kay: "Tony would if you were a beautiful woman" uh huh pal. Like Steve "I kissed my almost-girlfriends niece" isn't worse. Like that isn't a thing that happened? In IW, Tony helps a woman back onto her feet. Fuck you, pal, for trying to insult the pure, unbridled "I will help the world, big or small" that is Tony Stark, force of nature and nurture.
(Also I’m rly proud of that “Tony Stark, force of nature and nurture” thing I said in my last ask and now I want fic! Just revolving around that line. I’m gon do it maybe) 
Lmao, I love you. 
I can’t fucking stand when people post that type of stuff. Just like with that illustrator that said Tony wouldn’t buy Peter’s wrapping paper for a fundraiser. Tony who literally went to Yinsen’s village and killed all of the terrorists, thanked Harley by remaking the garage into a lab, literally just meets Bruce and invites him to come to the tower, equipped Peter’s suit with everything so that he’d be safe, AND in the comics he goes and holds baby orphans. 
Like… who the hell…. Tony is an extremely caring person and would do anything to help others. If people want to shame Tony for things he did in the past the fiinneeee, but that means that they have to shame all of the others for their pasts as well. And they can fight me on that. 
Also 100x yes. That would be a great fic and I want to read it. 
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recentanimenews · 2 years
Aksys Games to Bring Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Shmup to North America
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  If you were hoping to try your bullet hell luck with the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid shoot 'em up, you can shelve those import plans. Aksys Games announced plans to release Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: Burst Forth!! Choro-gon☆ Breath on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in North America this summer, so get your practice in wherever you can so you can master this vertically-scrolling shmup when it launches. 
  Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid: Burst Forth!! Choro-gon☆ Breath features a fully-voiced original story, the ability to collect over 30 mini-dramas illustrated by creator Coolkyousinnjya and other popular illustrators, and more. Five endings are also waiting to be unlocked depending on how high your final score is.
  The game is developed by Kaminari Games and recently launched in Japan via Bushiroad on March 24. 
  Aksys sums it (shm)up:
  After receiving a cryptic email, Miss Kobayashi and her maids go to Takiya’s house to investigate. There they are mysteriously (and overdramatically, let’s face it) sucked into the PC. Help them clear stages by banding together and using their wits to defeat the computer. Using the 3-fold attack system of Long Range, Melee and the unique and deadly Choro-gon Breath (they’re dragons, get it?), you’ll obliterate the enemy! Combine the power of three with the Tag System by using Tohru, Kanna, and Elma to tackle each stage with Kobayashi’s support. There’s no enemy they can’t defeat! In certain conditions, activate the dragons' Raging Spark to deal even deadlier damage! As you progress, collect 30 unique Memorial Pieces of the friends’ precious daily life in beautiful illustrations created especially for the game!
  While we wait for more details on the English release, you can catch up with the Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid anime on Crunchyroll, which describes the series like so:
  Miss Kobayashi is your average office worker who lives a boring life, alone in her small apartment–until she saves the life of a female dragon in distress. The dragon, named Tohru, has the ability to magically transform into an adorable human girl (albeit with horns and a long tail!), who will do anything to pay off her debt of gratitude, whether Miss Kobayashi likes it or not. With a very persistent and amorous dragon as a roommate, nothing comes easy, and Miss Kobayashi’s normal life is about to go off the deep end!
  Source: Press release
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his comics at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
By: Joseph Luster
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sharknadoslutt · 6 years
What I want in the next few years
Captain Rex novel 
But like about his experiences AFTER Order 66 but BEFORE him, Wolffe, and Gregor were old farts in the deserts of Seelo
Finish the Clone Wars 
No explanation needed. I doubt we’ll ever get it in a television format but we at least deserve a 12 issue comic series finishing up those already thought out plot lines.
Mon Mothma novel
She's literally amazing. She was the soul of the Rebellion, then became chancellor for the new republic. There are just so many stories to tell!
Count Dooku novel
This one is selfish, I guess.  I want to know more about his journey from being a Jedi to the dark side.  I wanna know if his corruption was as tragic and seductive as Anakin’s was, or if he was more to blame for his own actions than controlled. 
Hondo Ohnaka mini-series
Set after Clone Wars before before Rebels - How did he fall form basically having an army and a whole planet of pirates to the.. barely liable criminal we see in Rebels? That’s what I’d like to see but idc I just love him and want to laugh at his misadventures
Obi Wan and Satine mini-series
I absolutely DO NOT WANT a Obi Wan Kenobi movie because, for the most part, we know his entire story.  HE was in the Jedi order, then he watched over Luke for 19 years on Tatooine, then he died. Cool, I dont want more of that. The only material I want of him is a small comic series about him and Satine falling in love while him and Qui Gon protect her during the war. Nothing more, nothing less. 
Something about the Organa’s
Bail and Breha are amazing. I fell in love with Breha in the Leia Princess of Alderaan novel and I want more. Those two loved each other so much. It’d like it to be pre-Leia, but if Leia is in it that’s fine, I just dont want her to be the stories center. 
Feel free to reblog and add cool things you’d like to see added to the canon!
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kylosrehn · 6 years
for the tv series thing, I know it isn't one but star wars?
send me a tv film series and I’ll tell you:
my all-time ultimate fave character: 
Since the sequels came, I’m highkey loving Rey. But before that it was Vader. Still is, I guess. They’re kinda tied. Yeah I like the villains okay fight me.
a character I didn’t used to like but now do:    
Hmm…Kylo I guess. I never disliked him, but I was pretty meh about him. I just didn’t care all that much. But I like how they fleshed him out in TLJ and built-up his backstory, and I’ve warmed to him since. He’s very much a tragic character and I always like that. Between the two of us, he reminds me a little bit of Ward—or FW Fitz, take your pick. It’s the whole lack of affection/evil mentors make monsters out of good boys/men thing all over again. 
      a character I used to like but now don’t:
I actually left this question til last to see if I could think of something, but nah, I’ve got nothing. I don’t think I went from liking to disliking any one character completely, just kind of…liking them less. Padme is one of those. She used to be my girl through my childhood and now I’m more meh about her. I guess that’s the closest example I can think of right now.
a character I’m indifferent about:
There’s a good few. Rose, Finn, Holdo out of the sequels. They’re the first ones that come to mind. Boba Fett, Phasma, Hux (aside from the fact that he makes for good comic relief). I don’t know, probably a few more.
a character who deserved better:
Maybe Padme, because the whole ‘breed and die’ trope, but it was obviously necessary because she never shows up in the originals and they had to explain that somehow. And Obi-Wan. Though it’s less of a ‘deserved better’ and more of a ‘fuck he’s been through a lot of shit in his life.’ The Rogue One crew I suppose, though again that was a plot thing. 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into:
Finn/Rey. I’m just not very interested in friends to lovers ships (looking at you FS.) And maybe Han/Leia. I know they’re basically at “iconic” level by now, but they never really wowed me. Tbh most SW ships are like, “eh, okay” for me. I tolerate/moderately like them, but there are very few that make me go into hardcore shipper mode. Mini-me loved Anidala growing up, they were literally one of my biggest childhood OTPs, but over time the allure has started to fade and I’ve picked up on more and more flaws, and honestly, I think I’ve just outgrown them. Now I’m focusing on Reylo because it’s just such a cool dynamic that’s never been explored in the films before (I mean, a telepathic/empathic bond that lets them tap into each other’s skills and memories? That’s so awesome, I’m so here for this) and all that build up and development in TLJ really got me. I was kind curious (but mostly in the worried kind of way) to see how they’d approach it after TFA but now I’m 100% on board. I loved what they did with them. Aaaand that’s not the question. (Totally unrelated: I lowkey shipped Vader with Aphra from the Comics. It’s such a rarepair, but the dynamic was quirky and I’m always here for that. She was kinda like a S1-Skye cracking jokes at this evil, murderous Sith Lord. Plus, the line “you’re what I’ve been waiting for my whole life.” ‘Nuff said.)
a ship I’ve never been able to get over:
Reylo. Please don’t screw it up in IX, please please please.
a cute, low-key ship:
Jyn/Cassian. Also, I really like platonic Finn/Rey. And Luke and Leia’s relationship. And I wouldn’t be opposed if somehow Finn/Poe happened. And Poe/BB-8. Okay so not all of those are ship-ships, but y’know.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
Tbh I lowkey wanted Poe to be with Paige, Rose’s sister, but lol she got killed off pretty quickly. Unpopular…well, I’m kinda looking forward to seeing how Han/Q’ira plays out in Solo (I’m 99% sure she plays him somehow. But hey, that seems to be my type.) I don’t know.
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
Eh, I don’t hate any ships, really, or think something was “wrong.” Not a huge fan of Rose/Finn just because I don’t see any chemistry between them and it sorta feels one-sided, but I mean, you can develop feelings over time, so that might change in IX. I don’t mind them, they’re just kinda…there. Not a fan of Kylux but that’s just a fan thing, so whatever.  
my favourite storyline/moment:
Right now it’s the Reylo Force Bond scenes. Yeah, all of them, lol. And the throne room fight scene because you expect them to start attacking each other, but instead they work together and subvert all expectations and I loved it. That scene at the end of Rogue One where Vader just demolishes the rebels. It was so dark and chilling and just all around ahh. Also, the Obi-Wan/Qui Gon/Maul fight from TPM is one of my all-time favourites. And the music! Ahh, awesome. Oh, also, the arena fight on Geonosis. I’m not sure I have a favourite storyline—though I’m admittedly a sucker for the whole ‘here, go on a totally-not-romantic trip to protect to senator on this beautiful, lush, fragrant world and try not to fall in love lol bye’ storyline because it’s just so wonderfully tropey. It’s like something pulled straight out of fic (and not necessarily in a bad way.) I’m kinda tempted to write a fic based on that, ngl. One day. 
a storyline that never should have been written:
Predictably, lol, I’m gonna say the Jar-Jar Binks/Gungan stuff from TPM. The whole underwater kingdom concept was cool, but it just felt like it took up way too much screentime. I wouldn’t have minded if it was just more of a background thing, or if it was of lesser importance. They’re just a huge part of this film and then they’re virtually never brought up again (in the films) in any significant way, so all of that just feels so moot and unnecessary, like it was just a run time filler. The political plot, although somewhat frustrating, does prove relevant to the story later on so I’m cool with it. I don’t think I hated any storyline really. TFA was a disappointment for me in that it felt a little too familiar and I really wished they would’ve taken more risks and tried to pave their own path as opposed to recycling elements (I mean, ANOTHER Death Star? Sorry, Starkiller Base. Really? And the Empire’s defeated but like, merely a few years later they’re back and crushing the rebellion again? Sorry no, that’s…It’s the First Order now. Got it. Totally different. My bad.) from the originals just to please the hardcore fans, but luckily TLJ assuaged most of that frustration. I can only hope the mood for IX is closer to TLJ than TFA because that would be regression and honestly just a huge insult to the saga.
my first thoughts on the show films:
I think I just loved them straight away, lol. I must’ve been…five at most when I first watched them—well, the originals and I and II, they were the only ones that were out at the time—on the good old VHS with my dad because he was/is a huge fan and he got me into it. Obviously the more nuanced stuff flew over my head as a small kid and certain things only really clicked when I rewatched them years later, but the love was there. 
my thoughts now:
I still love it, though my love tends to come in sporadic bursts now as opposed to being linear all the time. Like, I can just push it to the back of my mind for a year/two/three but then something like Rogue One comes out and reminds me just how much I love that world. I ride the high for a few months, read fic, etc. and then the hype tapers off and plateaus for a while. Nothing for another few months/a year, new movie, and wham, I’m sucked back in. 
I try to stay in my own little corner though and not get too involved in fandom because the drama is just nasty and can really suck the enjoyment out of, well, everything really. For a long time I guess I just wasn’t aware of how nasty the SW fandom was—aside from the group that hates on the prequels for the sake of hating the prequels because it’s what the cool kids do or whatever—probably because I didn’t actively go looking for this type of stuff. But then TFA came out and it kind of erupted like a volcano that’s been…somewhat dormant since III in 2005. Still, I stayed away from it for the most part, only hearing stories of hate in passing, and never really engaged until after TLJ, when it became a little “safer” for the Reylos to emerge. Before that it was two years of hell and name-calling and threats and verbal abuse and general fandom wank, to my knowledge. And that’s fucked up. No one should have to endure that, not in any fandom. Stuff like that just pisses me off so much. But I’m sure you already know that.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
I’M SO. FREAKING. GLAD YOU’RE BACK <3333 (I feel really stupid for this because I KNOW Queen Luna’s told me like a dozen times that if you’re not answering, it’s probably because of the internet…but ugh, Evans is an idiot who  still keeps having mini panic attacks over late replies XD like, I almost sent a 'did I say something wrong' message before I took a deep breath and realized how hecking stupid that would sound lol)
You’re welcome! They really do look amazing, though <3 I’ve also been working on aesthetics but eh. Idk, really. I made a barely-tolerable Saiko/Urie one, and then one for one of the Love Interests in that Otome Game I mentioned (not The Blind Griffin; the original thing I was working on)…which actually looks nice, but guess what? I could only find four pictures that matched with the color scheme/themes I’d picked out OTL
And tysm <333 ;-; but seriously, Mikasa is such a Zoldyck. Like, what if she and Illumi switched places. It’s like “Killua, you are my favorite sibling, I’ll follow you anywhere and protect you from everything” and “Eren you have a duty to your family (AKA me) please, stop playing the hero and come back here”
Actually I feel like Killua would be a lot happier with Mikasa for an older sibling instead of Illumi. Like, Zoldyck!Mikasa would probably be just as messed up as Illumi, but if we’re talking about canon Mikasa…let’s be honest. If Killua wanted to be a hunter she’d make sure he’d pass the test by any means necessary. If Killua wanted to get away from their family and explore, then sure, she’d order the butlers to let him out. If Killua’s friends came to visit and Mrs. Zoldyck/the servants refused to let them in, Mikasa would storm out there and open the gates herself. If the rest of the family went too far I really think she'd be perfectly willing to stab them all in the back, throw Killua over her shoulder, resign from her job as an assassin and walk right out of there.
Only Eren would be miserable. Illumi would probably do an even better job of keeping him ‘safe’ than Mikasa did (unlike Mikasa Illumi is perfectly willing to manipulate loved ones to keep them by his side), but…yeah. It’s Illumi. How could Eren be happy?
I KNOW. THE HAMILTON FEELS. (if you’d like I could send you more letters? I’ve managed to find quite a few….
Also idk if this is even true, but do you know about the relationship between Angelica and TJeffs (apparently they were friends and Jefferson may have been pining over Angelica, just a bit)? So I heard that Angelica slapped him so hard one time that he refused to go to any parties after that if he heard she was there too.
He also became terrified of Eliza as well…
Again, idk if this is true but I sorta want it to be lol)
Like, ok, maybe Eliza doesn’t get to truly shine until That Would Be Enough, and maybe Peggy comes off as simple comic relief to some people, but…HOW CAN YOU LISTEN TO 'THE SCHUYLER SISTERS’ AND NOT BE IMPRESSED BY ANGELICA FREAKING SCHUYLER
Nope nope nope nope rewind rewind
How does the bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a 
Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten
Spot in the Caribbean by providence, impoverished, in squalor,
Grow up to be a hero and a scholar?
seriously? Because I broke a lot of stuff too XD There’s only one 100% undamaged glass item in this house that belongs to me, and that’s the last snow globe, the only one I somehow haven’t smashed yet. I don’t even touch it anymore because I’m scared of breaking it lol
And aww that sounds so sweet! Weirdly enough I could destroy my own clothes and doodle all over my skin but I never had the guts to do anything to my dolls…I was tempted to give them haircuts several times but I knew mom would probably freak out if she saw doll hair all over the floor so.
Yeah, tbh I have no idea what happened there either. As for blood…well, I got used to nosebleeds as a kid. Like, a ton of blood would randomly come pouring out of my nose all the time and I didn’t even care; just like 'oh welp there it all goes…dad can you pass me a tissue?’. I also don’t mind 'messier’ injuries like scraped knees. But bruises and cuts really, REALLY bother me for some reason ;-;
Oh. Oh dear.
Um, um, um. What is that. I’m never reading this manga. It will make me suffer.
(I wonder if you’re talking about Erza/Jellal? If not, sorry ^^;;)
Feel free to show me the chapter if you want to, though! I’ll try my best to figure out what’s going on :D
Schwing *insert lenny face here*
I finally found the OPM volumes! I’m gonna do my best to catch up with both that and HxH :) (that thing with Saitama, the smol child and the snow monsters at the end of volume 1 is like the cutest thing ever in my eyes. Idk. Maybe I’m just weird?)
I mean, Roma ate Urie so. We’re in for one heck of a ride…
I tried my best, but weirdly, CP hasn’t been working very well for me the last few days…it keeps crashing. I’m really sorry OTL But I’m trying to fix it and I think it’ll work now!
nononononononononono don’t you dare write any more HCs Queen Luna please spare me
Oooh, can’t wait to see your reaction :D
That sounds amazing! Wishing you luck with finding more people to do it with you- I’m sure it’ll turn out great! Tell me how it turns out later, please??? <3
(also I’ll be sending you some HxH character pics, mostly of my problematic favs…hope that’s ok ^^ (tbh I’m mostly trying to get you to join me in my Adultrio (Illumi/Chrollo/Hisoka trio) obsession. Also my love for Leorio and Gon))
No, no, don’t worry about it!! Seriously, I felt so bad, because I’d be in the middle of watching something (USBs were my lord and saviour) and think ‘Omg I gotta tell Evans about this’ and then look up and think ‘wait when was the last time I had net for long enough to answer?’ Then I’d get depressed XD
Aaah, also, telling you in advance this time, on Thursday we’ll be traveling, so I probably won’t be able to answer for 10ish days ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I feel like crap OTL
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Ayyy thank you so much!!!  I get your struggle with colours XD It can be really hard ;-; I usually try to get 8 pics, but end up with 6. 
I finally saw some pics of Illumi and I get what you mean by ‘dead fish eyes’. Just, I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen a character so bored. 
If only, if only... Tbh, Mikasa would be an amazing sibling figure. She’d make sure that her sibling is happy and if there was someone who made them NOT happy, then she’d return the favour.  I say Killua needs a lost big sis who is pretty much Mikasa XD
Well,,, let’s say Mikasa AND Eren switch places with Illumi? But then we’re dooming pretty much everyone in the AoT universe... Poor Armin XD
AHAHAHAHAHAH I completely understand Jeff XD Weren’t they rumoured to have had an affair?  That’s amazing XD Just what did the slap have to be like to make a grown man afraid of being in the same room as you. Can you imagine what would’ve happened if he didn’t hear Angelica would be there, though? Like, he walks in and sees her.
WADDAYA MEAN ELIZA DOESN’T SHINE TILL THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH??? WHAT ABOUT HELPLESS??  And, true, you don’t know the awesomeness of Peggy unless you know the history, but damn, she was a freaking badass.  Thankfully, Satisfied did make them go ‘damn’, mostly the rap parts XD
The ten-dollar Founding Father without a father Got a lot farther by working a lot harder By being a lot smarter By being a self-starter By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter
Ahahah, that’s completely understandable XD Now that I look around my room, the only glass item which is not a lamp, is a small vial that stands on a shelf I never touch. Maybe that’s why it survived my childhood XD
Nope, the dolls looked like nightmare fuel if my sister didn’t help XD I knew ever since I was a kid that I could never be a make up artist or a hair stylist... Tbh I never had any remorse about cutting their hair, and since my sister was there as well, she taught me to always throw the hair away/do it above a trash can. 
Well, I have to blow my nose a lot (I get sick really often), so I also get nosebleeds every once in a while, but I’m still not used to them.
ALRIGHTY THEN I am totally uploading the last chapter then XD
Yep, it’s Erza and Jellal. Wait, how do you know that??
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yaay!! I’ll have to read the rest as well XD
Ah, that’s a shame... don’t worry about it though!! 
The thing is, every time I ask someone for advice on how to start a group every time, all they tell me is ‘go to cons and find cosplayers’. It’s literally the only advice I’ve received.  The problem? Nearest cons are in Germany. And that’s not exactly nearby. Even if I did go and found LL cosplayers, what are the odds they’re Croatian? It’s honestly so frustrating.  I’ll just practice dances on my own, and if I find someone who likes it, great! If not, then whatever. 
Oh boy, let’s get to the pics!
Gon really does seem like a cinnamon roll! I wanna adopt him XD
Omg I already love Leorio! Like wow, he seems extra, but nice under all that? Rumpel no2
I wanna adopt Killua as well XD He seems like the sweetest sunshine child out there
Tbh when i saw Pika, I thought he was a girl. Whoops. Also, tragedy™
I see Chrollo becoming my problematic fave XD Also, he with his hair down ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aww, that’s nice! I hope she enjoys it!
DOn’t remind me of that ep XDDD Remember when I said a while ago that I was watching Sherlock? I watched The Reichenbach Fall. You should’ve seen me during Watson’s speech at his grave.
1am, not wearing pants, stuffing my face with pancakes while crying.  Why does it seem like 1am, no pants is my default mode XD
Yes, Illumi certainly has beautiful eyes. I feel compelled to gouge them out and decorate my room with them.
Also, idk if you’ve noticed but I’m slowly reviving scenarios on ice!! I missed that blog, so I wanna go back to writing for it ^^
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talkstarwars · 7 years
Collecting: Star Wars | Celebration Exclusives
Star Wars Celebration Orlando is just a few days away and arriving with this year’s ultimate fan experience are a plethora of collecting exclusives!
Exclusives are an exciting area of collecting because unlike most collectibles that can be readily acquired at big box stores or online, convention exclusives are made and offered in very limited quantities. A big part of collecting is about ‘The Hunt’ and exclusives offer the ultimate rush for their pursuers and unbelievable satisfaction once you get your hands on them (for a reasonable price)!
Here are some of the collecting highlights for Star Wars Celebration Orlando. Good luck to those on The Hunt!
 Hasbro 6” Vintage Card Back: Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot
It was announced earlier this year that along with the ‘First 12’ vintage card back 6” figures, Celebration attendees will have an opportunity to get their hands on an exclusive 6” Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot on vintage card back. 
This is a reissued figure from the first wave of the Black Series (2012) and to this day one of the rarest Black Series figures released. The rarity of this figure combined with the already popular vintage card back line will surely make this one of the most coveted exclusives at this years Celebration.
The release of the X-Wing Pilot Luke along with the announcement of the Game Stop exclusive R5-D4 might hint at what is to come for this line, as both of the figures are part of the ‘20 back’ vintage figures series expansion, released in 1979. Keep an eye on the Hasbro Celebration panel on Saturday, April 15th for some potentially exciting announcements. 
Verdict: This figure is a must have and will nicely compliment the figures already released in the 6" vintage card back line. If you are not attending Celebration, don’t expect to pay retail for this figure but make sure to be cautious of online scalping and extreme price hikes. Watch hasbrotoyshop.com closely in the weeks following Celebration for a limited online release.
X-Wing Pilot Luke will likely retail between $20-25 USD and can be found at the Celebration Hasbro Booth (2744)
  Kotobukiya ArtFX+: Triple Zero (0-0-0) and Bee-Tee (BT-1)
The ArtFX+ series is a 1/10th scale soft vinyl statue line produced by Kotobukiya. The statues are technically models as they do require some assembly. My personal experience with the ArtFX+ series has been great and if you are looking to take your first step into higher end collecting, the ArtFX+ statues are a perfect place to start as they offer fantastic sculpting details at a very reasonable cost.
Kotobukiya's Celebration 2017 exclusives step into the world of Star Wars comics offering collectors their first opportunity to acquire Bee-Tee and Triple Zero sculpts (for more on these characters check out TSW Comics here). It is great to see new Star Wars comicbook characters getting some attention and representation in the collecting world.
BT-1 and Triple Zero will be sold as a two pack retailing for $79.99 USD and can be found at the Celebration Kotobukiya Booth (3332).
In addition to the two droids, Kotobukiya also will have three exclusive astromech droids from Star Wars: A New Hope: R5-D4, R2-X2 and R4-M9.
Verdict: These are the droids I’m looking for, but unfortunately I missed out on the preorder for non-Celebration attendees. I might wait to see if Hasbro announces a 6” Black Series version of Bee-Tee and Triple Zero but if I can snag these statues at retail price I will be definitely adding them to my collection. I personally will be passing on the 3 astromechs but for anyone who is a collector of droids, these are a must have.
 Funko Pop!
The Funko Pop! brand thrives on exclusivity, whether it is Hot Topic, Walmart, or conventions they always seem to have a wide variety and large number of exclusive Pops! available.
For this year's Celebration, Funko has offered up 9 exclusive Pop! figures that span the entire Saga. Highlights include a deluxe Rey with speeder, a holo Qui-Gon (force ghost?), Imperial disguise Chopper, Hoth Leia, and Grand Admiral Thrawn!
To streamline their sales process, a pre-Celebration lottery was held to determine eligibility to enter into the Funko booth to purchase the exclusive Pops!. This lottery entry closed on April 1st, so there might be a few more of us chasing these online after Celebration.
Verdict: Funko has just too many exclusives to be a completist, so I always pick my favourites, avoiding everything thing else and putting my money aside for other collectibles. But the Thrawn Funko Pop! is a must have, even for those that are just casual Star Wars Pop! collectors.
The Celebration exclusive Pops! can be found at Funko Booth (3444) but you will need your admission voucher to purchase any exclusives. 
Lego recently announced their Celebration 2017 exclusive to be a 220 piece set called ‘Detention Block Rescue’ which includes two mini-figures; Storm Trooper Disguise Han and Luke. This is an iconic scene and a great set to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Star Wars: A New Hope.
Similar to Funko, Lego also held a pre-Celebration raffle (closed on April 5th) to determine those eligible to enter the Lego booth to purchase the set. If you didn't get your hands on an admission voucher you might be looking online for this set after Celebration.
The Celebration exclusive set can be found at the Lego booth (2630).
Verdict: This is a nice small set but with no new or exciting mini-figures and what is certainly going to be an extremely difficult purchase, it is a pass in my opinion. 
This is another great year for Celebration exclusives and I can't wait to get my hands on some of these! Happy hunting!
For more collecting discussions you can connect with me on Twitter, the TSW Toybox Crew on Facebook, or leave a comment below! 
Thank you for reading,
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