#this is him this is rav
munsonbrackets · 1 year
Astarion x undying male reader
Just imagine Astarion having to lure back someone who can’t die for Cazador. 
Like Cazador didn’t tell him anyone specific, just someone pretty, which you are. Undeniably.
So he lures you over from across the bar, gets to talking, does the chatting he usually does. And you are so nice to him, but he refuses to be locked in another coffin for 200 years for not doing what Cazador said, so he lures you to Cazador.
But just a small problem with you being lured to Cazador to be turned into a spawn. You are a random dude who just cannot die. Not in the “nothing can kill me, i'm unkillable and immortal!” kind of way. No. That would be too simple. You cannot die in the “bone snapping, skull shattering, viscera brought to life once more.” kind of way.
So when Cazador attempts to turn you, you just kinda wake up again. With all of your blood still in you and a REALLY pissed off true vampire looking at you. And Cazador tries, tries again, tries 100 more times and he just cannot turn you. 
And you really can’t be bothered to stay for another 100 trials, so you just leave, first chance you get. All of the spawn think you’re one of them, Cazador being too embarrassed to tell the truth. That he was too weak to turn you.
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You leave Baldur’s gate, no need to have a pissed off old vampire coming after you. Especially not when all of his plates are silver, the dude has got money.
And a while later, when you get kidnapped and forced onto the nautiloid. You were scared for the first time in a long time. You had never had an illithid parasite put into your skull. The nautiloid then came crashing down and you were half expecting to just vomit it up. The other half of you wondering whether or not your affliction with death would prevent you from becoming a mind flayer. You always heard that mindflayers very much lacked in the soul category, maybe that’s why you could never stay dead?
But you decide to go at it, you’ve been gone from Baldur’s gate for a few 100 years, maybe someone there could help. On the way you find many companions, Gale of waterdeep, Lae’zel the githyanki, Shadowheart and the rest of your astounding group.
But most importantly, Astarion. Astarion the vampire spawn. Which the group found out about fast enough, specifically when he tried to bite you. You just could not tell whether or not he knew you. Recognized you.
That is until you and him sit alone, watching the stars. 
“You remind me an awful lot about someone I used to know.” Astarion practically whispered it out, seemingly unable to make up his mind whether or not he was gonna let the words out.
“Do I now? What was he like?” You mutter back, your eyes still fixated on the stars. But you are still so aware of him next to you.
“He was… I can’t completely remember. I met him once, maybe twice.” Astarion pauses and a shuddered breath is forced out of his lungs, he’s tense. Possibly remorseful. “But he was beautiful. He would look at everyone like they were infinite. He did that to people. Made them feel invulnerable.”
You ignored Astarion’s indirect, very direct, compliment.
“What happened to him?”
The words left your lips faster than you could really think about them. You tried easing the tension by laying flat on your back, using your palms as pillows for your head. 
Astarion’s breath almost hitched at your words, but he took a second, seemingly in thought. He was probably considering whether or not he should tell you the truth. You realized you had put him into a curious position, and with the battles ahead, you were inevitably going to see Cazador once more. Cazador would definitely recognize you.
“You handed him over to Cazador, didn’t you?”
You forced the words out this time. Every single part of your very being, screaming at you to be quiet.
Astarion swallowed harshly.
“Yes. I did. I wish I could say I would do anything to bring him back from whatever wretched fate Cazador forced him into. But I can’t. It’s never that simple is it?”
An involuntary chuckle left your throat and you saw Astarion whip his head towards you, his anxiety rising a thousand fold. You quickly sat up, looked at him reassuringly, and then you gently folded his hand between yours.
“I’m certain he forgave you long ago. Especially knowing what you went through, I highly doubt he blames you.”
And in Astarion’s eyes you recognized the same man from all those years ago, the insecure vampire spawn with the twinkle of the entire universe locked in his eyes.
You hoped that you made him feel as invulnerable as the first time you met him.
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blighted-lights · 7 months
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"It's alright, Aid. Get some rest. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." -Ravage when he is a weasely little liar all of the time
what originally started out as just a practice sketch of first aid evolved into like. first aid becoming a prominent side-character in the long fic ive been working on for months. everyone say thank you to @cmofirstaid for posting about first aid, which made me think about him more than i usually do, which made me do THIS. some sad first aid for the soul, and some admittedly ridiculous spy shenanigans ravage didn't get to have in canon. all without any context whatsoever!
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aka-indulgence · 8 months
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Colours of Rav
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laniidae-passerine · 6 months
the problem with Avenue 5 is that HBO was absolutely looking at the wrong demographic as the potential audience. bet you money they cancelled it because the 40-50 year old demographic wasn’t reacting to it like they did to Veep but that’s because Avenue 5 isn’t for them. it’s for the 18-30 year old demographic. because who else will see Hugh Laurie being the biggest lamest bisexual polyamorous weirdo fail guy in space and immediately want to see a billion episodes of him just eating metaphorical asphalt??? nobody. bring that loser and his crew of freaks and his insane wife and husband back to us!
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cosmignon · 5 months
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throw back to when I tried to make a tarot deck set of illustrations, aka the greatest folly known to artist kind
never finished it of course but I think my picks for the first 6 cards & how I drew them were Pretty Good if I Do Say So Myself
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lord-rain-master · 10 months
watched hi nanna today and it was so good!
the female lead talking about not wanting to get married or have kids AND not being ridiculed for it was not smth i expected to watch in a telugu movie but it gave me exactly that!
my first favourite scene in the movie was the one where yashna breaks down after finding about their daughter's condition and she starts taking it out on viraj and he tries his best to hug her and they end up on the floor with him holding her down. i just loved everything about it! the acting was honestly amazing. mrunal did a fantastic job and even the way it was shot was just,,, beautiful
my second favourite scene was the one where viraj talks about having kids and yashna freaks out and they argue about it and viraj goes out the door saying he wished he never married her but immediately comes back in and hugs her and they make up
ALSO i love that the movie still has that lil bit of silliness that most telugu rom coms do!
i'm really not sure how i feel about the ending tho bc i didn't like it after finishing the movie bc i thought viraj deserved someone better than yashna?? hated that she blamed him for their daughter's condition but now that i think about it.... i feel like viraj should've been more understanding about her stance on kids so he shouldn't have brought up kids so suddenly in the first place and now i've finally come to the conclusion that it kinda makes sense lol
another favourite thing about the movie is yashna's character! she's a woman who's scared of getting married bc of her parents own broken marriage and doesn't want to have kids bc what if her marriage fails too? she doesn't want to put her kids through what she'd experienced and it's such a valid fear for someone like her. and sure, she gets over her fear of marriage bc of viraj but it's not easy for her to change the way she thinks about kids and so she tells viraj that she's worried that if they have kids and their marriage ends up failing, then it's gonna hit the kids the hardest and she doesn't want that which, again, makes so much sense for someone who grew up the way she did but viraj did not grow the way she did and so he hates that she thinks so pessimistically about their marriage and they have a fight about it
and after they end up having a daughter who's diagnosed at birth with a fatal pulmonary condition, yashna freaks out bc her worst fear has come true in a way she did not expect it to. she has to put her daughter through so much trouble but not bc of why she thought it would be that way
and and and the fact that the three of them don't together until after yashna gets better is amazing! might not work for everyone but it worked for them haha
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holographic-mars · 3 months
i need you to know im still thinking about the idea of ravage being in cosmos' cockpit btw. like it lives so so fresh in my brain. i got reminded of it earlier and so i needed to remind YOU of it too
I was actually thinking qgour Ravage and Cosmos earlier… Ravage begrudgingly “accepting” cosmos bc Soundwave cares so deeply for him and Soundwave’s safety and happiness is the most important thing to Ravage.. and this pathetic, meek autobot seems very insistent on making Soundwave as happy as possible (and Primus, its working) so she supposes hes not… that…. bad……. (also he’s really warm so that’s cool she guesses. whatever)
He’s so nice it throws her off guard, she has the urge to hunt him like prey every time he says hi to her in that bubbly way of his (Soundwave squints at her in a silent reprimand and she grumpily puts her claws away. She wasn’t actually gonna do it.)
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ladye-zelda · 4 months
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I've only had villain squad's Ravio for one hour and if anything happens to him I will die
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munsonbrackets · 1 year
I would love a part two to the undying reader if you are ever up to it, maybe Astarion’s reaction to finding out who the reader really is <33
I feel like Astarion would remember you. Over the years however, the many faces of everyone else he had sent to Cazador had blurred yours. Except for that look you gave. That invulnerability you gave everyone. Or maybe you just gave it to him.
But Astarion knew, realized more like it, when you smiled at him.
(On a side note, I found out that vampires, according to the rules of dnd, don't breathe cannonically.)
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Astarion was talking about Cazador, some more experiences he had had with him. You supplied some of your own stories, Astarion was outright surprised at how many stories of his you could meet given his age.
But there was one story. The same exact story you had told in the bar. You don’t even know if it was because of the details, or if you simply forgot this was the story.
But you talked about getting your wings stripped from you. Figuratively, to an extent at least. You talked on and on about getting caged, imprisoned, being stuck behind plastic bars that burned hot when you tried to pry on them. You talked about feeling lost for a while. Like a raven whose wings had been clipped by the same person who had the key to the cage.
And you looked so…gone. Astarion could tell, he had been there. He had heard something similar from another-
Astarion had heard it from someone else. The same story. From the bar, all those years ago. His realization only settled harder in his mind when you gave that smile to him. You talked about being free, your eyes made him feel invulnerable again, but your smile looked somber, as though you were trying to make light of the situation.
“Are you all right? I know it’s a little somber, but it’s not like I’m in it anymore.” You gave a reassuring shrug, but your entire face was worried. Not about yourself, not about the situation you were in. You were worried about Astarion.
You were worried about his furrowed brows, the slight uplift on one side of his mouth, his shocked eyes. You were worried about the way his eyes seemed to stare right through you.
Astarion took a deep breath, he had not even realized he was holding his own. He didn’t even need air, but the breath he took was so incredibly reassuring. Because he was not in the bar, he had not been released from a coffin mere 20 days prior. He did not have to scream until his voice gave out, because his lungs never would.
Astarion disregarded your expression, his face direction towards the ground.
“You’re him, aren’t you?”
You tilted your head in utter confusion.
“I- what? Astarion, are you okay?-”
“You’re him. From the bar. Aren’t you?” Astarion swallowed harshly and looked back at you. A mix of fury, betrayal and relief etched onto his face. You could not find the words, every thought you had simultaneously combusted and became faster, stronger, more prominent.
“All those years ago. You’re him. The man I met at the bar, the man I turned over to Cazador, the man that told me the story of getting his wings clipped and thrown in a cage. The man that made me feel infinite!”
“You are infinite! You have the endless stars locked away in your eyes! Your smile hides the universe!”
You yelled back, both of you now standing, facing each other. The others were bound to come running eventually.
“THEN WHY? You know what I have endured! So why lie to me! To punish me?! Is this some form of revenge for you!?”
Astarion yelled, his mind made his lungs burn as a reminder. A reminder of the coffin, a reminder of every face that Cazador had gotten from him.
You tried to touch Astarion, give him a reassuring hand on his shoulder, maybe pull him in for a hug. You couldn’t even tell yourself. Which might have been for the better as he slapped your hand away. You contracted your hand back to yourself.
“I forgave you. A long time ago. Before the nautiloid, before Cazador. I forgave you.”
You muttered out, hearing Karlach’s engine popping as her and the others got closer.
“JUST LIKE THAT?” Astarion gestured wildly. His hands flinging up, a doubting expression and that same anger.
A sob reeked through him. His knees gave out and he collapsed onto them on the ground. 
“It’s never that easy.”
Another sob and the tears started streaming down his face.
You were right there, following him to the ground. Gently cupping his face in your hands.
“It is. It is that easy. You make it easy. And I’m so sorry no one was ever selfless enough to teach you that.”
You felt the warm tears on your own skin. You stopped feeling the tension from everyone else, they might not know the full story, but they heard enough.
“I don’t make people feel invulnerable. I can’t do that. I can only show them what I see. And you are infinite in every way possible, Astarion.”
Astarion hands moved from lying limp on his thighs, to grabbing your shirt at the waist. Your hands moved from his face to crossing over on his shoulder, bringing him in for a hug. He let you. His own hands moving around your back.
“I'm so sorry. I should have told you I was him. That I am him. I should have told you everything. That I forgave you on the steps of the Szarr palace. That Cazador couldn’t turn me. Everything.”
You heard his sobs slowly subside and you felt his lips twitch into a smile, just slightly.
He gently pulled you away from each other.
“What do you mean he couldn’t turn you?”
“I- uh- can’t die? At least permanently?”
And there was something about your words, maybe your face, that made Astarion burst into laughter. You felt a smile tug at your lips just before laughing at yourself. You must have looked so befuddled. How does one even explain something like that?
You both eventually got up, arms swung over the others shoulders. The stars back in his eyes as you turned to face everyone else. A very mixed bag, to say the least. Gobsmacked, confused, delighted that there was not a fight breaking out.
“You can’t die? That is something I will have to ask Elminster about.”
Gale said. You knew he would never find the answers. But the determination in his voice, mixed with confusion, made you crumble to the ground laughing.
A short moment of silence, except for your laughter echoing through the forest, went by. Then Astarion was right next to you, a howling laughter breaking out from him as well. You looked at each other. And through smiles and confused comments from Gale about your outbursts made you realize. This was the right place for you. For both of you, right next to each other.
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brownpaperhag · 7 months
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Gael, according to Alaleh.
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Alaleh, according to Gael.
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Gael according to Gael.
@sqebu, you asked about Gael Viswanathan and I blacked out. Here are some excerpts from the first two or three chapters of RENOVIERUNG! Plus Alaleh, his closest (though she'd never admit it) friend who also happens to be his boss and the catalyst for his upcoming total breakdown <3
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blighted-lights · 6 months
do you ship ravage and drift? you draw them a lot and they're always so touchy lol
nah. they're really touchy amicas, tho. probably because im always touchy with my friends and it just kinda rubs off on my art. ravage is my Me character so i do end up giving him traits i have. one of those is being touchy with people he cares about 🤷‍♂️. he's especially touchy with drift as when they were grouped together in the dead end (which is where they met in my brain), ravage spent a lot of hours curled up in drift's car alt with laserbeak and buzzsaw for shelter. that touchy aspect never really left their dynamic.
and besides,
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drift/deadlock's candle has always been lit for someone else.
(plus an extra doodle of them)
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years
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Traced some old sticky note doodles last night!! Here is a bunn (or two, plus Warriors). Legend's outfit is just his green undertunic and belt because I didn't like trying to give him his red tunic. Couldn't bear to take away his ear cuff tho, he needs it.
Characters are from @ageless-soul-au, please don't tag as other AUs!!
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alastryona · 4 months
also i remembered I don't think I ever posted all my oc sprites here
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So here they are! All the Sprites I've made of my ocs (+ my present day/postUX/post subject X skuld). I havent made everyone and i wanna redo some of these but i still love them a lot.
Runa is my actual UX keykid. Tryo and Emi are twins, Reli is their older brother, Hoder is their mom. Calli, Chirou, and the twins are childhood friends, Tai joined the group later when they were in middle/high school (and is dating Tryo).
Cait and Rav are actually skyrim characters. They're part of a larger group too but they're the only ones i've made like this.
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 6 months
love thinking up the most nothingburger headcanons ever
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kitofawriter · 4 months
Going to see judgy family who will probably not like the Buddhist themes of JTTW so I can’t infodump. Help.
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lord-rain-master · 1 year
not the emperor asking if the son he neglected all these years blames him for doing so 😭😭
i feel like i've seen this question being asked in another drama (i don't remember which one) but it's a similar situation where the "sick" son helps the emperor out with some court affair and the emperor is impressed and asks that question
it's so funny bc what is the son gonna say?? yes i think you're the worst dad ever but i've gotten used to it now so just gimme the throne bitch????
ofc not,, he's gonna say, "no dad i don't blame you bc ik you've been busy with court affairs" like a good, obedient, throne-wanting son
and then the emperor is gonna sigh out of relief bc thank fuck he doesn't have to take responsibility for being a shitty father
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