#this is immersion breaking
clownsuu · 1 year
Have you read any welcome home fanfics? What ones to you like or would recommend? Love your art btw! :)
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Iv read a few! Though sadly there is very little of what I’d like to read, so I can’t really say any recommendations as of current 😔🥄🥄
also take some sleep deprived doodles JDGDDDH
cw obsessive behavior
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He just like me fr fr
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itsapmseymour · 2 months
Been a while since I took a photo of myself,
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 11 months
Everytime SQQ mentions how much of a lazy pretty boy he is an alarm in my head going "NO NO FALSE THATS SO WRONG" goes off in my head. Like, you're lying!! You're such a lier!! The moment you transmigrated you jumped head first in going above and beyond with your second life!! You know how I know?
...He hasn't done it because he had a twisted hobby inflicting corporal punishment upon the great male lead, but because he just couldn't endure it any longer. After taking over Luo Binghe's education, he'd mulled it over and decided that since he was to be a role model and worthy teacher, he ought to at least do some proper teaching. This way, after they fell out in the future, he would be able to utter the phrase, "Within a master-disciple relationship lies the grace of knowledge passed down," without reddening from shame before the words left his mouth. Volume 2 pg. 234.
SQQ went above and beyond, and honest to goodness, BECAME an actual attentive teacher. A good one at that apparently! His students adore and respect him, his colleagues see no fault in his teaching, no faults found among his community for years!
And we have proof that his teaching paid off with Luo Binghe specifically. Because earlier in volume 2 there is this whole thing about Shen Qingqiu being particular on teaching Binghe proper footwork and how to outmaneuver his enemies, which then cuts to Binghe using these particular skills against Shen Qingqiu and he's like "shit! He's using the stuff I taught him against me! And doing it flawlessly!"
Like, he didn't have to go all in and *literally* become a teacher/scholar/peak lord hybrid like SJ, and then also do every aspect of it ten times better. For funsies. For the immersion. But he did. Lazy my ass!
I mean, we already knew that SQQ was a lying lier who lies, but heres another example lmao.
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thegoodgege · 20 days
I've connected the dots (you didn't connect shit) I've connected them. Some fans seem to treat Jujutsu Kaisen like it's a service. Demanding that an author handle your fave in a certain way bc he's "the most popular character that even celebrities are cosplaying and is responsible for your success" is wild. This is someone's story that they are telling YOUUUUU. Yall are acting like Gege is a government official that you elected into office to serve you, the people lmao. Writers and artists put their work out and hope people will like it and support them, but you voluntarily engaging with their work doesn't make you entitled to the subject matter of it at all. In fact, are yall even buying the manga to be acting like this? And to say majority of the fanbase reads jjk only for gojo?? Let's not lie now
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galedekarios · 2 months
there is something to be said about l*rian removing the completely valid rp option for the player to retaliate against ast*rion's attack on the beach (luring you to help him under false pretenses and putting a dagger to your throat) early on in early access (iirc it was patch 2 or 3), while adding more options to kill gale when you meet him in the full release version of the game (dies by failing a roll, dies by durge gnawing off his hand, dies by leaving him in the portal, can be attacked after pulling him out of the portal).
gale, whose crime it is... to be in need of assistance and ask for help.
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the-knife-consumer · 7 months
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Hmmm bleehhh... featuring my terrible smudging eraser.
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Just thinking about “bidet” and “earth wind and fire” and how technically in-world those references make no sense but like. it’s a dnd campaign. and that’s gonna happen. and they kept them in and it makes it all the funnier when we have the world fully visualized with absolutely no ooc conversation and then these Random Ass real world references. It’s just the charm of this show idk man I love it
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wings-of-flying · 1 month
i'm a chip can barely go two sentences without swearing truther
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runningwithscizzorz · 3 months
Reading BamSaras fic and Jesus Christ guys how do you physically stop yourself from drawing every single chapter
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99bowl · 1 year
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They are in the tomatoes
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itsapmseymour · 1 year
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So fun fact~
Elden Ring does have a pause button (kinda)
Pull up your map
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Press the button for “Help”
And select Menu Explanation,
Despite hearing the sounds of the overworld, everything is put on standby like the tutorial screens. If you are caught in a bind not near a grace site, and need to answer the door or do an errand, this keeps ya safe from disaster.
Granted if you are engaged in an enemy fight the map is disabled, but if you disengage far enough away you can pull it up and trigger the pause.
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purplemys · 1 year
They're frenemies~
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 7 months
the real fearplay in vore is the fact that as a prey my JEANS are going to get WET. If you catch me screaming and going full fight in fight-or-flight mode, it's not because you're a terrifying pred, it's because my legs are halfway down your throat and my pants and socks are WET
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pyreo · 6 months
I've never thought about this in the 11 years I've played but I just realised gw2 must look.. pretty zany to outsiders? It didn't even occur to me. I'm really glad it's in a low fantasy setting that allows for pretty much anything and I think it's inkeeping with the focus on player creativity in an MMO to have that kind of range.
Like I know the overall aesthetic can get wacky but because that's so fitting for a multiplayer game... it's never occured to me that anything looks odd.
Like, here's a screenshot of me, someone's bird, and some lovely folks from the last pride march
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Like real pride marches, being over the top and loud is the point. We have the tools to do that, even in regular gameplay. I think it's fascinating that nothing about this feels out of place. Magic in this universe does practically anything you want it to. Technology varies from nonexistent to far beyond real life. There's a massive range but everything feels kind of.... justified?
Some people will wear fantasy armour and keep everything on a theme. Some people are going to group transform into giant frogs and some people are going to cosplay as Johnny Bravo. It happens. The game doesn't mind. It doesn't shy away from people being incredibly weird. I remember the devs recalling a decision they had to make about letting players jump on top of a plot-important table where NPCs sat for serious discussions. The decision was they they shouldn't stop people from doing that if they wanted to.
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The openness of the setting means these are all things that could exist. People reanimate corpses here for the hell of it. The weapons are magic and can be literally anything. The mounts are all creatures that have been tamed, or vehicles someone could have invented. Even the living plushie mounts are lore-compliant because... magic.
But on top of this, this game has one of the most sincere stories of anything I've ever played? Whether it's to your taste or not, I don't think you could deny how much care goes into it. From terminal conditions to villains having tantrums over childish insecurities to symbolic anticapitalism to racial superiority rallies, it has treated its topics with dead-solid respect. It does not undercut its serious moments - but it allows you the privilege if you'd like.
Maybe it's the balance of being so immersed in that that's stopped me from thinking any of this looks silly. The players can be silly, sure. Maybe there's a kind of game-and-player suspension of disbelief. We tell our story, and you have your freedom, and for the most part they won't intersect (except for the infamous Wynne cutscene).
In the MMO space there's other ways to approach this. You've got ESO which holds back very tightly to its high fantasy setting. That's for people with different tastes who don't want anything aesthetic-breaking in their game, and they have to cut back the player freedom to get it while trying to introduce a steady stream of new armours that can't be too interesting. They have magic, but don't go too far. It also means you get deals begging you to come to the cash shop to buy, like, rags. Fun rags for your character!
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Then inbetween those two there's 'your name has to be lore compliant but fuck it, flying convertible'
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sydney-the-faithful · 5 months
Wait if there are 2 Sydney’s… what would happen if the 2… came into contact would the universe break? One faithful the other is fallen
The yin and the yang
((ASHJHJGJGGJ... Yes. The yin and the yang <33 That's so funny!! I think the universe would break.
Also. Unasked for public announcement but I can't pass up the chance to praise @fallenangelsydney 's account. I love it soooo much ^_^ <3 I was so hyped when it dropped ahgkjhgkjhgg Hunting writes & draws Sydney soooo perfectly!!
As much as I adore faithful Syd, GOD... I'm a corrupted Sydney fucker & each post on there genuinely makes me giggle and kick my legs. It's so fun. (I am also now realizing as I type this that I've never gone the rite of promise. That. would probably be a good thing to do for character study. Whoops.))
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rowrowronnie · 9 months
Was looking through this computer I got at a local garage sale, and found this on it. It’s titled, “The Great Big Teufort Flood”, and this is all there is. Seems to be from some type of old kids show or something, I’ve never seen anything like it though..
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