#this is legit the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen
gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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Hey girl I’ve just seen your Elijah x plus reader post, could you do one for klaus?
klaus mikaelson x plus size reader headcanons:
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— warnings, lots of talks of body image, insecurities of weight & appearance, talks of binge eating, KLAUS BEING THE BEST BOYFRIEND!!!
first of all, klaus thinks you’re the most beautiful person to ever walk this earth bro
he adores you so much bby
this man will legit get mad if you mention anything negative about your appearance
“do you think my stomach looks werid in this d—“ “no, my love, it does not. please stop with this utter nonsense, you look as beautiful as you always do. extremely, extremely beautiful.”
“i don’t like the way my arms—“ “little love, if you even think about finishing that sentence with an insult to your heavenly self, i will throw you over my lap and spank your arse raw.”
you finished the sentence
he loves you are ur body an actually obsessive amount 😋😋😋
“why would you even want to hide such beauty?”
when you wear said clothes his whole breathing stops, his eyes widen, he blushes, he stutters
he’s actually a little simp for you icl
ofc if you say to him the clothes that gets you, you won’t wear bc they make you genuinely uncomfortable - he will stop
BUTTTTT continuously tries to convince you bc he genuinely doesn’t understand why you would ever want to hide your body away when it’s so perfect and beautiful
he never oversteps any of this boundaries with you tho!!
if you tell why they make you uncomfortable (i,e they highlight my figure etc) he’ll just be SOOO confused
“that is the point, my love. your body is gorgeous - why would you want to hide it?”
if you ever tell him you’re scared he won’t be able to lift you bc of ur weight or something…
he’s always picking you up, spinning you around, carrying you places, making you sit in his lap even if there’s a chair available to you just to prove you’re being RIDICULOUS
he’s all smirks and dimples as well like ‘you sure about that love’
when or if you decide to open up to him about your binges and cravings - he takes it all very seriously, anything to help his little love!!!
he’ll explain to you how he manages to get over his cravings for blood and try to help you if that’s what you want
hes actually the best bf
don’t every try test me on that
he knows that expressions on your face when you start feeling insecure about yourself and your body and immediately he’s there with you and kissing you all over your face, pulling you away from everyone else and whispering compliments
and/or taking the piss out of the people around you to distract you and make you laugh that laugh of yours he loves so much
my man 😋😋😋😋😋
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8beats-per-minute · 1 year
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️MUTANT MAYHEM SPOILERSS ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Okay now with that out of the way, my thoughts on the movie
I really enjoyed it.
I went to see it with a few friends and one of them made a really good point. They actually act like teenagers. Like yes, it was kinda cringey at some parts but that’s because it sounded like something a teenager would say because teenagers are awkward.
I’ve had very stupid conversations with my friends that sound like the conversations in the movie.
I noticed that this movie did the “teen talk” a lot better than I’m pretty sure all other versions of tmnt (in my opinion), even better than rise I think. Most others sound like adults writing teenagers and it sounds good most of the time but others it sounds weird.
Now for the main reason I made this post: April and Leo.
I was kind of dreading this when I saw in the trailers Leo would be interested in her (2012 April and Donnie flashbacks) but it was well done. I am a bit tired of April being a love interest for the turtles but I think it’s important to include that April is black, plus size and has acne and how Leo described her as “the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen”. Unfortunately the qualities she has aren’t shown very often to be attractive because of bs beauty standards.
It’s late so I can’t fully explain what I’m trying to say so disclaimer in case I didn’t come across this way: I don’t think that being black, plus size or having acne makes you not pretty, you are, just society sometimes says that and society is stupid.
April and Leo are cute together and written well and there is no “one of them is obsessed and the other is leading them on” going on. The fact that they end the movie looking into TCRI is adorable to me. My fav investigator duo.
Also Leo is an absolute dork. The whole phone call scene: “it’s a date then!” “Wait what a date?” “Uhhh *cue fumbling and wrestling for the phone* uhh nothing bad service byeee! Who’s got no rizz now?” Like Leo you are bad at this oh my god. (Again awkward teenager stuff)
And his bothers teasing him was so funny. They did not let that slide and teased him at every opportunity. Classic sibling behaviour
The tease for shredder was fun and I can’t wait to see what they do with him and his backstory.
Best Splinter. I love him so much. I love his whole “hating humans” arc and how he paralleled superfly and how he CHOSE to not be like him.
Both superfly and splinter have a very understandable fear (that turned into hate) of humans and how they both thought that the best way to protect their families were to hold their family too tight.
While splinter hid from the world and his fear pushed him into hiding and laying low, superfly’s fear caused him to lash out and take out his anger in a destructive way.
But splinter getting a girlfriend at the end was so cute he deserves this.
Also side note: why did so many turtles almost get hit by cars in this movie? Specifically Mikey.
He almost got hit in the flashback, then in the garage, then in the final battle with the flying cars. Then Donnie also almost got hit, I think just before they were captured but I’m not sure.
When they had to leave the movie and walked home really sadly and kept looking at the humans longingly I legit almost cried.
I was kind of surprised they ended up actually going to school and everyone was accepting. I thought they’d be like “we don’t need humans to accept us cause we accept ourselves” but I’m glad they got to go to school. They deserve it.
Also April being super upfront with them about if they didn’t save her she’d probably be running screaming was so funny. Also how she was planning to release a story about them while knowing humans probably wouldn’t accept them was a very realistic thing.
I loved April so much by the way. The way she fucking chucked the news mic into the crowd was iconic.
The fight scenes were SOOOO AMAZING I LOVED THEM SO MUCH. The splitting between the 4 (I think) fights at the same time and every other fight scene were so well done. Them figuring out that they skills they learned for years actually work in a fight and how they’re awesome at it was adorable to watch. And the way in the beginning how they were using their skills to steal get groceries was great.
All the turtles up from every version are good fighters (in their own ways) but these versions are definitely up there with how skilled and how well they work as a team. Love them.
AND THE TURTLES SHARING A ROOM AND BUNK BEDS WAS ADORABLE. It’s so funny cause later they were like “yea we have so much space to hold the 6 or 7 other mutants in our house on short notice we have lots of space!” Which means they chose to share a room with is adorable and a little bit unrealistic lol.
It seemed like a pretty realistic movie and I have bullet points of the least realistic parts (excluding the mutant animals cause duh). And this is just me being picky lol, I still loved this movie and these are just jokes.
The fact that they wrote nice things on aprils locker at the end of the movie
(Pointed out by my friend). She went from being puke girl to April O’hero. They would probably stop teasing her since she was friends with the most popular kids in the city but the 2 most likely outcomes would be
1. They just stopped and then left the insults on there, maybe scratched them out
2. Wiped off the locker and never spoke of it again
No one writes nice things on other peoples lockers lol
The boys want to share a room
I guarantee if 4 teenage brothers had a choice between sharing bunk beds and each having their own rooms, they’d have their own rooms.
Imagine arguing with your sibling and you don’t have your own room to sulk and avoid them? By choice??? People need their own spaces. No matter how much I love my siblings if I shared a room with them it’d be chaos.
There would be one prank done in that room to one of their beds and that’d be the end of the shared room lol
The fact that everyone unquestionably liked them (especially at school)
Kids are assholes. That’s it.
AGAIN this is just things I thought were unrealistic in a funny way, it’s a kids movie so it’s not that deep.
This was definitely one of my favourite versions of tmnt (I haven’t seen all of them but still). It was a good mix of serious and goofy and I liked it a lot. I recommend seeing it, I want to watch it again lol
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ecargmura · 6 months
A Sign Of Affection Episode 12 Review + Final Thoughts - Their Expanding World
This is one of the best romance anime I’ve watched! It’s sweet, cute and satisfying to watch. I would totally buy the manga just to see what happens next. Did the ending satisfy me? Mostly, but there are some gripes, but very minor.
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The finale is mainly Yuki and Itsuomi going on a date and I think it’s the prettiest thing ever. They go to a botanical garden and admire the flowers there. All the flowers looked so pretty! The animation studio went all out with making them look so gorgeous! I legit spent ten minutes taking snapshots of the flowers because, like Yuki, I really like taking pictures of flowers! I felt like my eyes were cleansed.
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I really liked Yuki finally learning why Itsuomi likes to travel. When Itsuomi was a boy, he moved to Germany and couldn’t adjust. When he saw a German boy with a soccer ball, the first thing he said was that he wanted to play soccer with him, to which the boy asked for him to come over to play, which started their friendship. This caused Itsuomi to love languages. He loves how people communicate with words. This is why he travels to different places so that he can teach kids about his culture and communicate with them. I think language is a beautiful thing too! Being able to communicate with someone in different language is an amazing feeling. I speak Korean to my parents and a few family friends while I speak English to my brother and anyone outside of my family. I think it’s amazing how language flows into your mind and allows you to process it and then you make it come out in whatever language option you scroll to in your brain. I think the most successful thing about communication and language is getting a response. It means someone understands you. It means you did a great job working so hard to learning the language. I get that feeling! I also understand why Itsuomi likes Yuki so much because she cannot hear words, so she ‘speaks’ by using her hands but still manages to convey herself. I think sign language is amazing and I see why Itsuomi is so fascinated by it.
I do like that the ending shows good resolutions for mostly everyone. Kyouya and Rin are officially dating with the former giving the latter a cute red ring as a present. Emma finally gives Shin a chance and the two start dating to test the waters. Oushi is still pining for Yuki, so there’s really no ‘good resolution’ for him romance-wise. Izumi does seem like she still has a thing for Oushi, but whether they will get together is unknown. Yuki finally gets her passport and she also is reunited with Madoka after a while at her workplace. Madoka’s just as energetic as her aunt and it’s cute. Overall, the finale ends happily. Nothing too tragic or confusing happens. Everyone is happy.
Final Thoughts
Like I said, A Sign of Affection is one of the best romance animes I’ve seen in a while. I do like that animes are giving cute romances a chance and it’s really working well. I really enjoyed My Love Story with Yamada at Lv. 999 and My Happy Marriage, and I’m glad that this anime helped me keep the momentum of me enjoying romance animes going.
What I like most is that the anime does revolve around young adults either college-aged or working adults (in Kyouya’s case), so all of the issues and conflicts are handled and resolved maturely. There’s no frustrating misunderstand that could be resolved by talking it out or aggravating love triangles. It’s a pure, simple and sweet love story about people in love.
The characters are great! While there’s nothing absolutely fantastic about them, I do love how they all have layered personalities that help them avoid the usual shoujo romance cliches. Yuki is reserved, shy and deaf. However, her reservedness and shyness does not interfere with her wanting what she wants and liking what she likes. She has so much personality and even gives sass to Oushi when he’s being too much. People usually think that being shy or reserved makes one a bland character, but Yuki’s nothing like that at all. She’s reserved, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t think she’s not worthy of Itsuomi. Instead, she sprints towards acknowledging her feelings as love and keeps racing on. Also, she is deaf but she doesn’t make that her entire character. She’s not seen as pitiful for being unable to hear and will stand her ground when things get tough for her due to her disability. Everyone who meets her likes her as a person, showing that she has good character above all else and that is what makes people like you.
tsuomi is tall, handsome, and easygoing. He likes to travel and can speak three languages. I think that his main “flaw” is that he can get a bit too intrusive on personal space, but that’s just how he is. I do like that even though he learns that Yuki is deaf, he never once pities her or sees her as lesser. He treats her like he would any other person and even wants to learn sign language out of curiosity. Because he likes to communicate, he’s always trying to communicate with Yuki and everyone else whenever he can. Like, when he and Yuki started dating, he kept her updated with texts and photos and not ghost her. He even wanted to get to know Oushi better; the whole segment with him and Oushi in episode 10 was cute. I think the only other instance of him showing “negative” emotions was when he was frustrating with Emma’s clinginess towards him.
The supporting cast was great too. Rin was a good friend to Yuki and always saw her as an equal despite being her underclassmen. Kyouya was cool as being the only non-college aged adult of the group. He’s kind towards Rin and never gives her false hope about her being a potential romantic partner. He’s nice towards Itsuomi like he’s his little brother and even treats his friends civilly too. Shin and Emma were interesting to learn about as they were Itsuomi’s friends since high school. Oushi was annoying, but he does seem like he mellowed a bit towards the last three episodes. My only gripe is that not much is known about Izumi. Even other minor characters like Tsujimura or Madoka have some substance; with Tsujimura, he had interest in Rin and was trying to pursue her and with Madoka, she was Yuki’s friend who is also deaf. All I know about Izumi is that she has a dog and likes to read. Who is she to Oushi? Who is she to Yuki? I’d like to know more about her.
At first glance, the animation could be a bit jarring due to Itsuomi’s lip size, but as you keep watching, that little issue bugs you less and less. The animation is really pretty in my eyes. I love how the snow falls and the way nature is colored. I really liked the camping trip episode. I think what surprised me the most was that Costco was animated, as shown in episode 4. Whoever animated the Costco needs to get a raise because they drew the interior near identical to its signature look. Why I say it’s near identical is because I don’t know what Costco actually looks like in Japan, but it does look similar to American Costcos interior-wise. I was legit surprised they even drew the Costco pizza box accurately. I’m sorry that I ramble about Costco too much because it’s legit the first time I’ve seen it in anime.
The music is great! The soundtrack fits the vibe of the anime and the opening and ending songs suit it too! I really like the opening song the most; there’s something so soothing about the singer’s voice.
The voice acting is great! Sumire Morohoshi as Yuki was a surprise since I’ve never heard her in shoujo anime and she should be in more shoujo anime because her voice suits the genre so well. She did a great job with Yuki from voicing her thoughts to sassing Oushi with the “hmmph” and such. Yu Miyazaki is a rather new name I’ve heard as he mainly had minor roles and is also Atsumi Tanezaki’s husband, but his voice suits Itsuomi so well. It’s also nice to listen too! He speaks English well too! It’s good enough that I can understand what he is saying and be amazed by it. I hope that he gets more roles because it’d be a waste to not get more roles with that kind of voice and language talent. The side characters are voiced by rather prolific voice actors and actresses. I think this is the first time I heard Nao Toyama and Kaede Hondo voicing young adults and they did a great job not making them sound too childish. Ryota Osaka as Kyouya was great as he always has a soothing voice. I think the voice actor who surprised me the most was Tasuku Hatanaka as Shin because I never heard him use such a gentler tone on a character. I mainly heard his gravely voice and usually associate him with it that him using a softer voice never crossed my mind. It’s safe to say that I really want to hear Hatanaka voice a shoujo male lead someday. He has the chops for it.
I rarely update my favorite shoujo animes of all time, but A Sign of Affection has made it on that list. It’ll be one I’d be thinking about for a long time. Yes, I’ll buy the manga too. Yes, I’ll recommend it to anyone who wants to watch a cute romance show. Yes, you should definitely watch it. What are your thoughts on the show as a whole?
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jenyifer · 6 months
Pit Babe ep 13 initial reaction
Okay let’s do the final photo review. Okay ep 11 10 12 weren’t for me but I think 13 was good. My initial rating has to be an 8/10. A very surprising 8/10.
I was EXTREMELY upset that the racing bl that I had been looking forward to was ABO I like race car driving in general so I really was said abo was gonna happen. However this show didn’t take ABO in the creepy ways I hate mainly the sexism and homosexuality of it all. Honestly it’s straight girl’s fantasy most of the time. As a lesbian I am turned off by the sexism and breeding 🤮. But Pitbabe was interesting and bearable idk if there are subsequent seasons will lean into those tropes but I hope not. I love the actor for Babe he’s extremely talented ep13 only cemented this for me. I really enjoyed JeffAlan, PeteKenta, and NorthSonic I thought they had a good amount of side character relationships. JeffAlan felt very natural and sweet. I loved the characters of Kim and Kenta just interesting. What I didn’t like was how clownery the plot was. It was a little cheesy hokey. I think the writing didn’t do any favors for Charlie either. Charlie is very V A N I L L A I don’t think it’s the actors fault. I’ve decided it’s writing. Although I think the motivation of Tony was cartoon villain the actor really brought the evil to life I enjoyed his portrayal of a cult leader really. Anyways let’s get on to the photo review
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Babe in this scene is just chef kiss if people question can bl peeps act show them this. He’s hysterical to see Charlie again. I was worried Babe would just accept Charlie back or be Angry but this is better. You can see he’s hurt but so happy Charlie is alive and with him that Babe is healed in a way. Charlie was being weird but I think it’s the writing. So beautiful in his emotions omg.
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Wow… the three of them beating up winner and NorthSonic uploading the video. So cool. Really these scenes had me sitting on the edge of my seat rooting for them. ALSO WE ALL KNOW I LOVE KIM. I’m on board with Kim being a third for NorthSonic. Kim is also very fashionable. He fits in perfectly.
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A little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now
You’re here and that’s all I need to know
I’m glad someone died. I do find it poetic and fitting that Way died saving Babe very full circle. I didn’t hate Way as much as everyone else. He was wrong for what he did but… I feel like he had the bones and the actor to make a compelling rejected love interest. I do think babe always cared about way in a true friendship which was beautiful.
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Pete and Kenta bad ass bitches getting shit done. I think Kenta might legit be Tony’s child. Like biologically. That would be a good twist. I was said we didn’t get any PeteKenta reunion in the end.
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Alan and Jeff are so…
Idk they have very high chemistry. Jeff really feels like a person who hasn’t been exposed to the real world really and he’s truly trying to comfort Alan. To be fair Alan has been through a shit ton but he does feel that pain and seeks comfort in Jeff. It’s very sweet even though we get the sexy scenes for them.
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Quick note is way buried at the race track or something?! Why is his grave on his own?! Way’s ghost is going to be lonely…. It’s pretty but still.
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The my kid is sick and so I need to sell him trope is sadly something I’ve seen before BUT!!!! I enjoyed the Dad’s acting he seemed really torn about it and he never ever gave up.
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North Sonic’s contrast pants and hyping up Kim was perfect. Kim being happy to watch Babe and Charlie is very endearing. I hope Kim and Babe can be besties who push each other. I know Kim isn’t a special alpha but I like the dynamic of him being the best human? Idk. He’s 10/10 I love him.
Idk why Babe is so shy about Charlie lol it was very cute.
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How beautiful. I really loved this show and I enjoyed the ending. I wish Pete and Kenta had been there but I found this very beautiful and meaninful. Babe and Charlie crashing Alan’s intricate date so they can be found family couples together gahhh I really loved the family aspect to the series it wasn’t super loud or overdone but you knew Babe Alan North Sonic were truly family who added in Charlie Kim Jeff.
Anyways I had fun idk what I’m watching next. I need to catch up on 23,5 or I’ll lose my lesbian card hahahaha but I am quite busy. If anyone has a suggestion for what I should start on next plzzz tell me. Other people motivate me more than myself hahaha.
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bisluthq · 1 month
If the Matt smith Olivia cooke rumors r true he has legendary game cuz she is like the most beautiful woman I've ever seen
he DOES have legendary game tho dude like this is just a fucking fact atp. Not counting hookups, here are some of the women he's had relationships with:
Billie Piper
Lily James
Daisy Lowe
Mayana Moura
Caroline Brady (who's not only hot af but the VP of a major hedge fund lol so she's clearly smart and shit too)
P sure he also dated/went on dates with:
Emilia Clarke
Alexa Chung
Lili Gattyan
Jeanne Moret
Sophie Russell (could've actually worked idk they were set up by a mutual friend and they could be in the top category where they did have a relationship)
Emma Laird lol
Likely had affairs/hookups with:
Karen Gillan
Claire Foy
So yes I buy the Olivia Cooke thing lol also because with Lily, Emilia, Emma Laird, Claire and Karen he met them all through work and I think he and Emilia did try actually date and he and Claire had an affair vibe and him and Karen were hooking up FWB style and him and Emma I think went on a date or two or three or whatever but yea idk he shits where he eats regularly.
also I’ve had arguments with people saying he was just friends with Claire and Karen and Emilia but he’s… seemingly not friends with any of them anymore lol? Karen and him I don’t think were ever official or trying to be, I legit think they were just hooking up/FWB, but they were very fucking close - not just when they were on the show but even after. Like in fact even after he went off the show completely and Peter took over, they still went to each other’s houses all the time and knew each other’s families really well and also used to be like crazy physically intimate with one another - and then he wasn’t at her wedding which… given they were legit like besties and all over each other in very very stalker pap type pics (drunk Spain night lol you will forever be in my dreams) is weird to me. You can drift apart from someone obv but if you were such close friends for a good few years, you generally make an effort to make their wedding lol. Unless you were besties who also banged. In which case yes kinda weird for u to be at the wedding.
But also what’s so funny to me is for like the last 5 years he's been saying he wants to get married and have kids and I'm like DUDE maybe STOP BANGING SO MANY WOMEN if that's legit what you want???? Fucking fuckboi of note lol.
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variousqueerthings · 10 months
Coming back to this laaaate, but @brilliantfantasticgeronimo hope it's okay I pull this onto a post, because it's easier for me to focus on than in replies!
this idea that the Doctor lands someplace and ruins everyone's day by being so Badass and Awestriking isn't really a Thing in Nu!Who "is also contrasted with the theme of the doctor inspiring *others* to do things (v Explicit theme in s1 but it's present in all those other CoDs you mention)... re:2, i think the one exception would be 7 but i think with 7 the chess-god-manipulator thing works bc we see the consequences of it thru ace. we also see it w/ amy and river but (cont) but i feel we never quite grapple w/ it emotionally (they adore the doctor anyway in the end) (except for a handful legit, hard-hitting eps like the girl who waited or town called mercy). .. and altho in both classic who and rtd who the companions function as a very important role *in the text*, u can still find fandom completely ignoring that and treating doc's 1-10 as power fantasies as well. so it's smth always there but that moffat rlly made literal also i've really liked your posts on asexuality on dw and idk if you've written this but just in case, i think it's also relevant to the very specific way some het guys are so protective of the doc's asexuality/aromancy(+the show's): "asexuality" as it functions in dw is celebrated by those guys ( i suspect) bc it gives the fantasy power over the "womanly wiles" - it's a proof of how the doc is so "enlightened" and "above" the temptress or seduction trope. (cont) (csdkjf sorry for going ott on replies rip) and it's also why i think in moffat's who the doc's sexuality is kind of tied to the idea of it like... """humbling"" or ""humanizing"" the character (as problematic as those ideas are,,, i think there's a basis to deduct that they come from before in canon)
I just watched The God Complex right after The Girl Woman Who Waited so I'm riding that high of Consequences! Emotional Follow-through! Mmmm good plots!
I have not actually seen 7 yet outside of cute clips with Ace and ofc when he died due to the American healthcare system + gang warfare if I'm remembering correctly? and became our beautiful bouncing boy Eight, so iiiinteresting that this is a Thing, I didn't know that 👀👀👀👀👀
again, God Complex + Girl Who Waited feel like the most this era has explored Eleven's kinda... vibes around in terms of being some big Machinator who ruins peoples lives by dragging them into his shit, because he cannot Not: "I stole your childhood and now I’ve led you by your hand to your death. But the worst thing is I knew. I knew this would happen, this is what always happens. Forget your faith in me. I took you with me because I was vain. Because I wanted to be adored. Look at you. You’re glorious, Pond, the girl who waited for me. I’m not a hero. I really am just a mad man in a box. And it’s time we saw each other as we really are." Mmmm good stuff
we'll see how the next episodes do/season 7, but I've heard good things about Town Called Mercy which is an episode that I was not taking in at allll last time, because I was kind of... annoyed... by then.... and not really taking in good stuff (unlike this time)
(will I ever actually put together a youtube video, who knows, but I could, I edit professionally for parts of my job, and I have the Receipts!) (but the energy of it all youknow)
I am so pleased you spelled out the "womanly wiles" trope, because yes, I hadn't quite seen that, but had been circling around like... the Enlightened Asexual (or the Celibate Monk as I believe M*ffat once called it with reference to Sherlock) (and then someone like Irene Adler is the epitome of that Temptress in his version of the story...)
and what you're saying about "humbling" and "humanising" is so fascinating, because ofc to a bunch of us aces and aros and aroaces the part where the Doctor struggles to form normative relationships is one of the the most humanising factors, and ofc M*ffat especially likes the "Godlike" Doctor quite a bit but it comes back to these ideas of allosexuality and alloromanticism
but then also rejects a lot of those ideas, from memory, for being too simplistic after all, because people struggle to write the Doctor as simply alloromantic and allosexual (I've heard because the Doctor is alien, because the Doctor is more compelling when lonely, because the narrative couldn't sustain it, etcetcetc, but in the end it all comes back to "the Doctor as Character cannot get into these relationships for... reasons...." and that becomes compelling character)
(also Gomez!Master is like "we're so beyond this, we're the best thing ever, we're nemeses, we're besties, my homeboy, my rotten soldier, my silly rabbit," etcetcetc... paraphrased. but that's in M*ffat era)
(the more the show flirts with allosexuality and alloromanticism the more nuanced the Doctor becomes to me as an aroace character! because no longer is it an Enlightened Mightier Than Thou Cannot Be Touched Celibacy type Concept, it's someone who's being affected by deep relationships and very often unable to equate them using simple terms!!!! arghhh it's sooooo!!!! SOOOOOO!!!!!!!)
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babybluebanshee · 9 months
Movies I Watched in 2023, Worst to Best
I watched 60 movies this year. Imma tell you about them. Also spoilers throughout, obviously.
60. Cats (2019): Genuinely the worst thing I’ve ever seen, and I paid to see Meet the Spartans in theaters. Very glad I drank heavily before viewing this. Can’t tell if it was worse because I’m a fan of the musical or not. I saw this movie and everything is worse now.
59. The Taking of Deborah Logan: Actually a really sound premise that goes off the rails and not in a good way. The lady who plays Deborah deserves an Oscar. Nothing worse to me than wasted potential, and this took a legit unnerving premise and made it a standard demon plot and I’m so very tired of that. Sorry @vaultsy
58. Red String and Blood Tea: This all means something, I just know it, but damned if I know what it is. I can’t really say anything that bad about it because stop motion is an intense labor of love and this clearly took a lot of time and effort, but it just didn’t leave much more of an impression on me.
57. Freddy vs. Jason: I wanted to like this movie really bad, and there were times when I did. But the 2000s stink was positively radiating off it - the slowed down footage, the nu metal blaring everywhere, the shitty costuming, it’s everywhere. Save yourself some time and just watch one of those YouTube videos where someone scrubs the whole movie for just Freddy and Jason’s bits.
56. Ladybug and Cat Noir: The Movie: Look, my girlfriend loves Miraculous. I couldn’t care less about it, but she really wanted me to see this movie and I love her very much. At least it’s very beautiful to look at and it did what it took the tv series a billion years to do.
55. Scrooge: A Christmas Carol: I’m gonna level with you - I watched this because gilf Scrooge intrigued me. Now that we have that out of the way, I can say aside from that, there’s nothing in this movie to really set it apart. A few arbitrary changes and making Scrooge more of an intentional asshole doesn’t set it apart from the millions of other adaptations of this story.
54. From Dusk Till Dawn: The line that separates the Tarantino aspects of this movie from the Rodriguez aspects of it is about as subtle as a brick to the head, but it’s there, and honestly? I wish we would have focused more on the Rodriguez parts. Call me a plebeian, but I never have been fond of Tarantino’s style, nor am I particularly interested in his barely concealed foot fetish. Remake this as two separate movies and I’ll watch the one with the rad ass vampires.
53. Beauty and the Beast (1946): Is this a horror movie? I think this was supposed to be a horror movie. I can’t really fathom how this is supposed to be romantic when there’s creepy living statues, human arm candelabras, and the Beast stealing his romantic rival’s face when he transforms into a human man.
52. Gaslight: Can be genuinely gripping in places, but also kind of boring in a plodding way. The acting is pretty great though - Charles Boyer is an amazingly effective villain and I wanted to give poor Ingrid Bergman a hug.
51. The Bob's Burgers Movie: Kevin Kline and Zach Galifinakis need chiropractors from carrying this movie on their backs. Like, it’s fine if you’re a big fan of Bob’s Burgers (and I was on a BB jag at the time), the songs are fun, and the animation is gorgeously bouncy, but it suffers from the same thing that most movies based on tv shows do - it just feels like a longer episode of the show.
50. The Addams Family: A classic for a reason, though maybe with a bit less pathos than I was anticipating. Still fun, just not as fun as the movie that would come after it.
49. Suspiria: Pretty to look at and goddamn that soundtrack. Not a favorite, but it’s such a cerebral experience that you almost don’t mind all that much.
48. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Kind of suffers from the same problems as Suspiria, with the leg-up of having an absolute banger of a third act. Also Franklin is the worst. Most of the problems in this movie could have been avoided if Franklin wasn’t around. The other ones could be solved by not trespassing on private property.
47. Paprika: Also a very cerebral film, and just as fun to look at. It’s slightly too charming to ever really be boring, but it’s still just kinda meh.
46. They Live: Fun alien designs and a neat idea. Has too many dead Keith Davids to get any higher on the list.
45. Wes Craven's New Nightmare: A fun spin on a dying franchise. I will never stop laughing at Freddy’s stupid trenchcoat and emo boots tho.
44. Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Warriors: More horror adventure than straight horror, but still fun and inventive. Probably has some of the most creative kills in the whole franchise (Freddy leading someone around by their exposed tendons, hello). My only complaint is that the absolute bitch doctor didn't get eviscerated.
43. But I'm a Cheerleader: The gays can have a silly high school rom com. As a treat. I also appreciate the movie adding in that the bible-thumping heteros tend to sexualize kids more than any queer person on this planet.
42. Psycho Goreman: I would like to congratulate PG on his coming out. Mimi was almost too annoying to be tolerable, but this is still a really fun movie with cool creatures and a lot of great humor.
41. Howard: Hi, catch me crying in the last fifteen minutes of this movie. Howard Ashman was an amazing talent and I’m forever depressed that we lost him far, far too early.
40. Little Shop of Horrors: Yeah, this is the first time I’ve ever seen the movie version of this. Gimme a break, I like the musical ending better. That being said, this movie is great camp fun and I love how much love and care was put into it. Also that Audrey II puppet will never fail to impress me.
39. Elvira, Mistress of the Dark: I would like to personally thank Cassandra Peterson for making this stupid, sexy, campy romp that made my life infinitely better.
38: Weird: The Al Yankovic Story: RIP Weird Al Yankovic, wish you could have seen the fabulous movie they made about you before you were gunned down by the cartels.
37. Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: Another movie I saw at my girlfriend’s request, but I also would have wanted to see it for those motherfuckin creature effects. Jarnathan is my husband and I love him dearly.
36. The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Chris Pratt wasn’t in this movie, what are you talking about? It was just Jack Black and Charlie Day having a good time and being extra adorable. That’s all there was. There is no Crisp Rat in my wonderful Mario movie.
35. Black Swan: I’ve heard this described as “live action Perfect Blue” and…yeah. Also I could write entire essays about how Nina’s mother may or may not exist, but we’re not getting into that today.
34. The Wolf House: On a purely technical level, this is a fucking masterpiece. It’s all stop motion (which as previously mentioned is not for the faint of heart), with creative camera work that makes it look like one, long, continuous shot. Add to that the stunningly creepy atmosphere and the framing device of this being a recruiting tool for a cult, and it’s a beautiful nightmare.
33. How to Survive a Plague: Another one that made me weep like an infant. I prefer the book, but this is still a gorgeous tribute to everyone we lost and how far we’ve come.
32. The Girl With All the Gifts: A fun take on the zombie mythos. Also, I for one welcome our new Hungry overlords.
31. Basket Case: Was initially very dubious about the supposed pathos of this film, only to be pleasantly surprised by how true that is. Yes, this movie is schlocky and sleazy (could have lived a long, happy life without ever seeing the Basket Case puppet hump a corpse), but it’s still a great little B-movie.
30. Belle: I’m always a slut for a Beauty and the Beast story, and this one is just hella gorgeous. I would have preferred an extra scene of Justin getting his ass obliterated, but what we did get was wonderful.
29. Nerdy Prudes Must Die: Not my favorite Hatchetfield musical (Black Friday my beloved), but Starkid never put out anything bad. Always a pleasure to see what the Lords in Black are up to.
28. The Sea Beast: I need Grandpa Crow yesterday. Other than that, this was a fun little adventure film that gave me my dose of found family juice. And also it made me realize that there aren’t a lot of straightforward pirate movies anymore? Like, POTC really burned everyone out on those for a while, huh?
27. King Kong (2005): I’ve heard this movie called bloated and boring, but I actually think I love it? Like…maybe it’s just because I’m a monster fucker, but the companionship between Ann and Kong is so beautiful and sad and I nearly burst into tears while she was trying to comfort his as he died. Just let the goddamn gorilla ice skate, you monsters!
26. The Celluloid Closet: Had the opposite of How to Survive a Plague happen - I read the book and wasn’t nearly as moved as I was watching the people actually involved in making these films or other queer icons talking about them. Maybe it was the lack of academic language that made it so much more effective, but while the book is still great for film scholars, the movie is a must-watch for literally everyone.
25. Nimona: We need more feral female characters in general. Also I would never in all my life believe Ballister was a bad guy, simply because he has the most innocent, watery eyes I’ve ever seen that weren’t attached to a small, damp mammal.
24. Citizen Kane: Yes, it took me this long to actually watch this movie for the first time. I was dubious at first, because I’ve seen so many movies that claim to be the best thing you’ve ever seen in your life, and then fall gloriously short of your expectations. This, however, did not do that. I can see why this is a classic. And now you can all be aghast at all the movies that I liked better!
23. Sing 2: Help, I’m crying over Bono the lion dilf! Also this movie is fun and beautiful to look at and the music is amazing. I’m also a proponent of the Shitty Crime Uncle Jimmy Crystal Domestication idea.
22. The People Under the Stairs: More movies should be about the power of community action and solidarity in the face of exploitative gentrification and also blowing up your landlord’s booby-trapped torture dungeon and freeing their kidnapped cannibalistic troll children into the wild.
21. Sense and Sensibility: I’ve never cared that much about Sense and Sensibility as a book - it was strictly middle tier. This movie has changed that. I actually like Edward now, because Hugh Grant just plays him like the autistic king he was always meant to be.
20. Shiny Happy People: No, I do not care that this was a miniseries, it's too good not to include. Watching this show will make you want to deck every evangelical asshat that crosses your path and also terrified of the amount of influence they have in the USA.
19. Black Christmas: Where Chainsaw was kinda boring with a great climax, Black Christmas hits the ground running and doesn't really stop. It's scary, tense, and cinematically gorgeous.
18. Mannequinn: Yes, I liked this movie better than Citizen Kane. No one should listen to my opinion about anything. But it doesn't matter because it's dumb, campy fun and I want Hollywood Montrose to be my auntie.
17. Wishmaster: Absolute ham-to-ham combat between Andrew Divoff, Robert Englund, Tony Todd, Tom Savini. Some amazing practical effects. I wanna kiss the djinn right on the mouth. Only complaint is that I wish the sex pest friend who kept pestering Sam for a date would have stayed dead.
16. From Beyond: This movie had three of my favorite things in the world - moistened puppets, my mommy Barbara Crampton dressing up in a sexy outfit (thank you, Ms. Crampton *blows kiss*), and Jeffrey Combs being a sad, wet kitten man.
15. Renfield: I like that we're making movies about scary vampires again. It's nice. Also Nic Cage is quickly going the way of Daniel Craig and Robert Pattinson - they need to be cast as weird little guys for enrichment purposes.
14. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem: Animation? Charming and daring. Characters? I'm adopted all of them, and loving that all the turtles are actually voiced by children. Superfly? Got me feeling a way. Shredder being teased at the end? Where'd my panties go? Also this movie got me to sixty, so everyone say thank you to Shae for nice, round numbers.
13. Paris Is Burning: It's a classic of LGBT film, if you haven't watched it just to get a taste of the glorious world of drag ball culture, you need to. Stop what you're doing and watch Paris Is Burning. Now. This is a not a request. I will report you.
12. It's a Wonderful Life: I've never seen this show all the way through, so I fixed that this year, and goddamn I always forget how much I like Jimmy Stewart until I see him in another good movie. This movie also got him investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee for communist sentiments, so all my little anarchists should watch it.
11. Return of the Living Dead: I'd like everyone to meet my husband, Tar Man. He's gonna eat your brains, you'll love it.
10. Re-Animator: I'll never get tired of watching Herbert West being a sassy little cunt to everyone around him, including his co-dependent boyfriend whom he should kiss directly on the mouth. My only complaint is the...um...scene with Dr. Hill's head and Meg. That's all I'm gonna say about it. Because it makes me extremely uncomfy and I can't even enjoy Barbara Crampton's tits because of it.
9. Bride of Re-Animator: Herbert and Dan should have just taken their beautiful daughter to live out the rest of their happy lives at the seaside. Also the effects are fucking amazing. That'll happen when your special effects guys is credited as "Screamin' Mad George".
8. Transformers: Rise of the Beasts: Catch me shrieking like a possessed baboon throughout this entire movie. Everything about it made me happy, from Bumblebee being a bamf to Ron Perlman as Optimus Primal to literally everything about Peter Cullen's Optimus. I will never be over him having enough of Scourge's shit and ripping out his spine.
7. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish: Can't talk. Too blown away by the fact Dreamworks put out one of the most visually stunning and vibrant animated films they have in decades. They are back babey.
6. Glass Onion: I cannot wait to see what else we get from Benoit Blanc. He's the blorbo from my shows and I adore him. Also you know he called up Marta after he got home and was like "hey, there's this friend of mine I want you to meet, I think you guys will get along swimmingly" while fully intending to play matchmaker.
5. Everything Everywhere All At Once: "Nothing matters so being kind and compassionate is even more important" is genuinely such a beautiful thing for a film to say, and I'm glad I finally got a chance to see it in a movie where people fight with dildos and Jamie Lee Curtis' outfit was based on a stock photo.
4. Nope: Jordan Peele owns my soul at this point.
3. To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar: I expected Priscilla but American, and was given a really heartfelt, sweet movie and I legit forgot several times that Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes, and John Leguizamo were cis men.
2. Barbie: I recommend Barbie to literally everyone who asks me about it. It's my religion now. Everything about it is delightful and
1. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: This movie is utter perfection. I would marry it if I could.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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Followup from my other one. This time, I’d like to plug nine more obscure or underappreciated series that I very much enjoy. Some of these are only in manga form, and some might require one to sail the high seas so to speak. But like...this is a niche Tumblr blog and I feel like my vibe was pretty indie already so have fun with it!
TOP LEFT - Attack no.1: This one is probably the hardest sell which is a damn shame. It’s a series from the 60s, there are pretty good fansubs out there but the manga has never been translated to my knowledge. Attack no.1 is one of the most important anime of all time, a volleyball shoujo made in the wake of the Japan Women’s team bringing home the gold in the 1964 Olympics. That sounds pretty mundane now, and a lot of it would feel that way on casual glance today too. But...it was the first. First shoujo sports series and really one of the earliest that wasn’t a kiddie magical girl show. Big, big deal that aired in primetime. Completely unafraid to touch on misogyny, racism, cold war tensions, and being one of the only anime I have ever seen call out Japan’s erasure of the disabled point blank. You’d also see the birth of so many sports anime tropes, but they make perfect sense couched in this epic that ties Kozue’s journey from middle school superstar to Olympian together with this saga of Japan undergoing massive social change. Can’t say enough good things about this one, it’s dated but still amazing. It also has this like, oddly hardcore edge to it. Kozue ain’t called “oyabun” for nothing.
TOP MIDDLE - Glass Mask: One of the bestselling shoujo series of all time. Still need to finish this one but as a former theatre kid I love it. Same format as so many others, rivals and challenges and meeting true companions...but the theatrical nature makes it feel so classy. Melodrama in the best way possible.
TOP RIGHT - Rose of Versailles: Yeah, it’s another one of the most legendary shoujo of all time. Lady Oscar, raised as a man and this captain of the guard added into the backdrop of the French Revolution. Is it entirely historically accurate? No, but still uses enough legit detail you’ll walk away with something. Beautiful, timeless. Oddly enough one of the first anime I got into outside of what I could find on TV. The one that kicked off a fascination with the history of anime and manga. A lot like Glass Mask, you’re getting a big, sweeping romantic epic. Both in the lovey-dovey and literary sense. Bara wa bara wa...
MIDDLE LEFT - Kanojo ni, Naru Hi: Or literally “The Day He Became She.” Figured fans of a blog that ostensibly started about Okiku might like some other good stories that use trans themes. Short but has good scans for it and the sequel series. Starts off a little weird but opens up a few chapters in and makes sense. Set in a world where physically transitioning can just...happen to some boys in order to keep balance. That’s just an excuse to handwave away the stupid points people get hung up on, which leads to the real strength of the series. Said this about Kiku, this is one of the few times I’ve seen a trans narrative that deals with “what comes next” so to speak. Also an amazing romance story in its own right that follows the Kare Kano tradition of getting the couple together early and letting them face hurdles as a pair.
CENTER - Kyou Kara Yonshimai: “Four Sisters, Starting Today.” Short series that executes a simple premise. Starts off as a family of three sisters buzzing with excitement to see their sole brother for the first time in two years. You can guess from the title what change makes for the inciting incident. What I like about this one is how well it executes; all four sisters shift believably around this new revelation. While it doesn’t sugarcoat friction it may cause in families, it’s always from a place of love. At the start, they’re all in proper “roles” for their family order. By the end, they’ve all followed their new sister’s example and ended up finding out where they fit in the best.
MIDDLE RIGHT - Full Moon wo Sagashite: This was like, the seasonal flash in the pan of 2004. Almost immediately forgotten when it ended but well liked at the time. It was the first series I pirated off of BitTorrent...over dialup internet. Patient process of letting it run overnight, took about two weeks for a 4 episode batch. Worth it, cute magical girl idol series. Not an uncommon blend. Centered around the hook of its young protagonist Mitsuki having cancer. Not afraid to be tragic underneath the sugary exterior. Songs are fun too. 
BOTTOM LEFT - You’re Under Arrest!: This one is deceptively good, think of it as a precursor to the “cute girls doing cute things” genre from the early 90s. But it’s about adults which is incredibly refreshing. Focuses on a pair of traffic cops, so its like a really petty police procedural. One of the major supporting characters Aoi happens to be that classy trans girl archetype a certain samurai we like here fits to boot! Comfy hand-drawn animation that sticks to the episodic format. A fluffy sitcom that can spruce it up with a little action when it wants to. 
BOTTOM MIDDLE - Paradise Kiss: Kinda forgot until I was writing this that it’s another one with a good incidental trans character in the main group. Unique series about haute coture fashion design. Ended up doing the same thing as Yu Yu Hakusho where it trying to be modern when it came out ended up making it a great period piece for the 00s. Fun cast, lots of pretty visuals, the fashion world is enough to keep things interesting given it’s a short series. Love the ending theme for the anime, funky animatic to a Franz Ferdinand song.
BOTTOM RIGHT - Lupin III: Does this count as obscure in the West? Even when it was on Adult Swim it was always late in the block. Never hear people talk about it but I’ve always loved the tales of the gentleman thief. Lupin, Jigen, Goemon, Fujiko, and Zenigata. You only need five main characters for such a massive franchise. The James Bond parody Austin Powers wishes it could be. Funny as hell and has delivered so many good emotional stories hidden in there to boot. A true classic. “Rose & Pistol,” or “Shot Through the Heart” in the English dub, is absolutely burned into my brain.
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leonsliga · 2 years
i need to jump on gay ships in football too!!!
Hiii i love you and everything you post basically ahahaha
so i think we’re all missing on the perfect pairing (in my opinion ofc) deledier
dele and eric together are sooooo perfect
the touches
the love glances they share
the things they say to each other
i mean googlebox was basically them just cuddling on a sofa
the insta live they did?!?! they didn’t care about other people watching, they probably just forgot because they were so engulfed in each other i love them
AAAAAAAHHHH THANK YOU ANON 💕 yesss come join us!! The water’s nice 😂 I love you already and I’m so glad you like my blog :)
*claps hands rapidly and jumps up and down* yayayayay I love ship recs!! Oh yeah, I know about deledier and I like them a lot! I think my problem is I’ve been swept up by way too many other ships and while I think they’re great together, I’m not obsessed with them (yet anyway…give me time and I probs will be lol, knowing my track record with footy ships).
But anyways, for the uninitiated, I present to you Deledier:
Holding each other through the good times and the bad
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Hell’s Angels who?
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The most down-to-fuck face I’ve probably ever seen from a footballer
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Whatever the fuck this is supposed to be 👀
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Dele’s literally feeding him…they’re so domestic wtf
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Have the above moment in video form because pictures simply are insufficient 🥰 it’s just so undeniably tender and sweet…I just had to include it!
Also, while I was doing research for this ask I found a compilation of their best moments…and uhh fuck yeah? If you haven’t seen it, I totally recommend a watch :) The moment where Dele said that out of the two of them, Eric would be more likely to tuck him in at night might’ve sold me on these two forever 🥰 anyway, I love that this exists and now I wanna see more of these for every football ship! I would do it but I’m shit at video editing, so someone please come thru 😩
And I nearly forgot: have this little beauty I discovered on my lil deep-dive.
So yeah…in other news, I think I might be a deledier convert now. Thanks for that anon <3
**Please note: the gifs used here aren’t mine…legit just found them on google when I was searching up these two and I don’t know who to credit 😵 I’ll add creds if I can find them!
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ladyofthelake · 2 years
Just found one of the most beautiful fanvids I’ve ever seen (reblogged it on one of my sideblogs) and it had 5 notes before I did. 5. 
Even on youtube the views/likes weren’t excessive for a piece of art that is so incredible its made me wanna aim so high with my own vidding. 
Like it was legit perfect and the point of this post is it just really really puts in perspective that notes mean squat, that the ‘popular’ things aren’t always the best (and in fact popular posts especially dumb text ones are just annoying even tho there is room for humour and stuff here its just like really? THAT got 50000000 notes? when this art is right fucking here??!) and 
that sometimes an absolute gem a beautiful sunrise can be there that barely anyone sees (like some gorgeous gifs I found lately didn’t have as many notes as similar ones) but I am beyond grateful I saw it and thats why everyone who draws, writes, gifs or vids something beautiful I am so grateful that you share your art and just know your work is as important if it gets 5 notes or 5000, because to move a person you’ll never meet through a screen by the sheer emotion you put into your art is a gift. 
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speakeasier · 2 years
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sorcerous-caress · 8 months
I really like the concept of fairy tales having crossovers/being in the same universe ever since I watched Once Upon a Time and that show was good (we don’t talk about the last season) but there so much stuff in it where I was like “I could do that better” so I’ve been wanting to do a story like this for a bit but never expected to do it in the dnd world. It’s not just fairy tales too it’s other works like The Wizard of Oz, Jekyll and Hyde, Alice in Wonderland, even though it isn’t public domain yet I’ve thought about doing a character based on Willy Wonka. Video games too, the central plot is based on the Assassins vs Templars from the Assassin’s Creed series, my Tav also takes inspiration from many of the protagonists of Assassin’s Creed, and one of the characters in The Wizard of Oz arc is based on Kratos from God of War. It’s also really funny that this all came about because I made some siblings for my Tav’s backstory lmao.
Sometimes the most beautiful things come from the most random of coincidences. I say go for it and embrace it!
You're passionate about this, you see it in a way when others would gloss over it.
The most best of stories are inspired by stories inspired by stories inspired by other stories. Every single tale told was because someone has read or seen something similar that sparked an idea, fanned an amber and ignited a flame.
I love the assassin's creed series! The only reason I looked more into Leonardo Da vinci was because of the second game, even tho i had known him before it. Nothing made me love him more than that fictional depiction of him and the ingame index mentioning how he was gay. In such an old game having an openly gay character? I was fucking stunned and immediately started looking into the irl Leonardo history.
What's so beautiful about Assassin's creed is how accurate their games are with history! How they legit teach you things. Also it is a funny coincidence that Shay is one of your favs, you mentioned it a long while ago, because I'd literally die for Haitham like you don't understand gimme that old man to protect.
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calliethetrekkie · 1 year
Star Trek TOS S01E03: Mudd's Women
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Original Thoughts
"It was mostly boring to me and the whole portrayal of women, while far from the worst I’ve ever seen, just rubbed me the wrong way. This episode is the most blatant reminder that this is a show from the 60’s, and from what I know, it ain’t even close to the last. It’s not necessarily a bad episode, the actor for Mudd is legit charismatic, Kirk was good and pointed out how beauty doesn’t make up who a person is, and the Venus pill being bogus and Eve needed to be more confident in her natural beauty and not reliant on a fake drug was a decent point at the end (though it still doesn’t feel like a properly well-concieved message to me for some reason). But still, not an episode I intend on revisiting."
(Original Post)
I picked bits of the original post because it was way too long.
Rewatch Thoughts
Well, whether past me intended to or not, we're revisiting this one. And my thoughts two years later? Well... not much has changed.
As I said before, the actor for Mudd, Roger C. Carmel, is really charismatic in the role. You could tell that he was having fun with it, and I appreciate that when it comes to villain roles like these. I liked him more in I, Mudd which is a laugh riot, but we're not there yet. But Mudd is very much a stand-out and I can see why they brought him back.
My problem is the exact same as the last time however: the 60's sexism. It's still not the worst I've ever seen, even in the show or even the franchise. It's more annoying than offensive, honestly. But that doesn't mean that I like it any better than I did. The fact that it affected every guy aside from Spock and no women were affected is one thing, but of course they wouldn't have gotten away with that. Heaven knows I'd have probably been a victim of the magnetism haha. And admittedly, seeing Spock reacting to all the guys gaping REALLY helped make it more tolerable. So thanks Spock~!
I guess I didn't hate it as much. I was able to have more fun with it than the last time. And like I said in my original post, I do see some good messages in here. The scene where the women turn 'ugly' and practically beg Mudd for the drug is sad to watch. They feel like they are nothing without their 'beauty' and need the drug for it, which is very much a thing that happens in real life. Especially with Eve, who clearly hates what she's a part of and how the drug makes her feel like a fake. There are women who get manipulated into feeling like without their looks or whatever else they aren't beautiful, even though they are. Kirk saying that you either believe in yourself or you don't and she doesn't need the drug to feel beautiful is also still very much true. Seriously, for a guy the media makes out as a womanizing asshole, he came off as one of the more reasonable here.
The sexism still shows, but again it didn't annoy me as much as before. Heck, bits like Mudd's argument with the computer and as I said Spock just being amused at everyone else's stupidity are hilarious. I still don't like how it ended since it still reeks of 'woman needs a man' and Childress is kind of an asshole and I think Eve deserves better than that. But I guess it's the best I can ask for at this point in time. I can see some goodwill effort in here.
Not much else to read into otherwise. It's an okay episode. It's not as bad as I made it out to be the first time, but it's still not an episode I plan on revisiting much. Mainly because there's just not much else in it, story-wise or character-wise, that interests me in watching it again. But it has its fun moments and isn't a bad watch at all. It's just okay if annoying, which hey that's better than how I felt the last time. The ending scene with Spock and McCoy also made all of it worth it haha~
Original Rating: 2/5
Rewatch Rating: 4/10
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madraleen · 1 year
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Attack on Titan - Hajime Isayama Vol.17-19: A rambling commentary.
-Eren: *is having an existential crisis* Me: But have you seen a manga character as beautiful as Levi
-No, shut your thoughts, shonen boy, we’re going to your father’s basement!
-The plot is so complicated and dense and intertwined, but it’s explained so simply and concisely, I love it.
-Seee, Eren, I told you Grisha couldn’t possibly be the villain here, compared to bastard Rod Reiss! Have faith! Listen to Historia! He was trying to save humanity from the First King!
-What Levi said to Erwin: “I have a long list of things to tell you.” What I read: “Bitch u not gonna believe dis shit.”
-”Sasha? You haven’t eaten anything. Are you okay...?” This is legit the most verbally caring Mikasa has ever been.
-”About as well as a swarm of cicadas pissing on it.” ASJSDF L E V I!
-It’s not just Historia, look at how much bb Armin has grown, I’m getting teary-eyed.
-Er. I don’t feel comfortable getting the chills with Kenny the Ripper’s dreams and self-reflection, thank you very much, goodbye.
-Yesss, Historia hit Levi, go Historia go!! Thank you for this moment, this is funny, thank you.
-Is. Is Levi smiling and thanking them. SMILING. Can we end this here? Wrap up the manga? And they all lived happily ever after?
-Oh, two months passed with no incident! Hooray!
-Dun dun dunnn. Who and when will Levi choose to turn into a Titan.
-I need Eren to... I don’t know. I need him to find his strength. Get emotionally stronger. Or get emotionally wrecked even, but get SOMETHING. He’s been wavering every which way for a while now. If he were hardcore haunted and broken, fine. If he were hardcore resolute and fiery, that would be fine. Currently, he’s a little bit of a everything, and I need him to become something, have a stronger inclination towards something. Literally everyone else shines -for good or bad reasons, that doesn’t matter as long as they shine as characters.
-(after seeing a spoiler-free Genshin VAs-related post) No shit, Daisuke Ono voices Erwin?!?! For real?!?! That’s the voice I’ve been giving him in my head, omggggg
-I read something on a random online article once, on which manga benefit from their anime and which work better as manga. It mentioned AoT, but I cannot, CANNOT remember if it said it undoubtedly works better in anime form because of scope and action, or if it undoubtedly works better in manga because the anime can’t deliver the scope and action. All this to say that I wonder if I’ll actually like the anime as much as the manga. I am certain I’ll cry at hearing the characters’ voices and seeing them ~in the flesh, but on the visual side of things... I wonder.
-Show us those fangs lurking beneath those eyes, Eren! Show us! It’s been a while!
-Ugh, it’s so sweet to see the Yeager family origins.
-Baby Eren gnawing on Carla’s hair, help.
-Why DIDN’T Grisha avenge Carla himself?
-Every time Levi and Erwin are alone, I’m on the edge of my seat, ‘cause every time I think they’ll drop a lore bomb.
-Lmfao, Sasha and the meat, thank you so much for this.
-How is it only three months since this? From the first Reiner attack? So it’s been ONE MONTH since the first Reiner attack and Historia’s becoming queen?! How is that possible?! Am I counting wrong
-The “Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall” is so nostalgic, I love it. It’s so nice to see Jean and Eren bicker for silliness.
-”If you keep acting suicidal, I’m gonna kill you!!” And at that moment, I became Jean.
-Yeah, that’s it, what Armin said. Eren looks like he got his energy back in this chapter, keep it up little bb.
-Yes, Eren’s “We’ll bring them back” to Mikasa’s question if they can go back to the old days, YES, that’s Eren, that’s so Eren, you’re reclaiming yourself bb, go  you!
-This conversation of Armin, Eren and Mikasa about going to the sea will be so painful one day, I can just feel it. Eren’s not gonna die soon, so I’m getting worried for Armin. I hope I’m wrong. Please let me be wrong. 
-If they kidnap Eren again, I’m gonna kick something, just saying.
-We’re hyping Armin a little too much, I’m worried. That said, I’m living for Erwin giving authority to Armin.
-You know what I really love. The detail of the windswept hair depending on people’s direction of movement.
-Aaand now I’m worried for Levi if he’s supposed to kill the Beast Titan, ehe.
-This battle really does feel like the end of something.
-Levi forbids them to die, my heart.
-Part of me is calculating death probabilities based on whose past we’ve explored the most. Right now it’s Erwin, just saying.
-What is this random panel of Levi in the rain in Erwin’s monologue, what is it!
-War Chief Zeke! We have a name!
-I’ve often wondered if we might be in the wrong, if things will prove waaaay more grey and we’re just gung-ho anti-Titan because of lack of information, but... with Bertolt outright saying “We want all of humanity inside the walls to be wiped out,” well, I don’t think there’s any forgiving that.
-Jean is on Titan Eren’s shoulder and he’s holding on to a lock of Eren’s hair - Armin is in super danger right now, but this visual makes me happy.
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woman-child91 · 2 years
I’ve played as a redhead Gryffindor witch, a raven Slytherin witch, a dirty blonde Hufflepuff witch and now I’m playing as a black Ravenclaw witch. I saved the best for last. I’m now a Pro at this game and I’ll make my beautiful witch OP as hell. I picked blue-gray eyes for this last one. Because, I remember I had a handsome History Teacher in 8th grade.
He was Mr. Smith. He was Black and had the most beautiful blue-gray eyes I’ve ever seen. (Besides my Great-Grandmother’s) He was actually besties with Michael Jordan back in college and he told us that, he actually didn’t think MJ would make it to the NBA. Like, he thought he was talented and good. But, he just thought it was too hard for him to actually become a professional Basketball player.
Many years after, my Middle School Teacher would ask MJ for money to pay rent or something. 😂 He even showed us some actual photos of him and MJ in college. So yeah, it was legit and everything. He was one of my favorite Teachers ever (also one of the cutest).
So that’s why like… 18 years after I’ve last seen him I’m basing this witch after him. Well, only in her eye color. Because, my Teacher had lighter skin than her. But, I always like playing as super dark skinned females when I decide to play as a Black girl. I just think they look super pretty and more different/uncommon.
I mean, I’ve always been more into different and uncommon things. That’s exactly why I got into making videos on YouTube in the first place. Because, I’ve always preferred unconventional ships. *cough* Goku x Bulma *cough* Goku x Bulma *cough*
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