#anti racist
aloeverawrites · 1 month
I want black children to be seen as children and not treated like adults. I don’t want black boys to be targeted as black men or black girls to be written off as “acting too grown.”
I want them to pursue their interests and dreams and not have anyone stand in their way. I want them to grow up and only know racism as a thing of the past, something that’s never happened to them.
I want them to be loved, and safe, and supported and respected.
I want a better world for our black children.
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eponastory · 20 days
So you can read Katara's mind now?
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Sorry about the big blue dot, but I had to fit all of this in one screen.
Let's start off with the fact that this person completely disregards the entire character arc of both Zuko and Katara to put this point across.
From what it looks like, Katara is actually okay with being in the Fire Nation. Otherwise, she wouldn't be very comfortable at the BEACH HOUSE at Ember Island, where OZAI laid his head, too. But yeah, let's just glance over that. She even goes to the same theater where the Royal Family frequented when Zuko was a small child and had no issues with it up until the last act of the play. I mean, she had problems with her portrayal, but that was the play. Not the place. She even has fun in the Fire Nation.
Why? Because the Fire Nation is not all bad people. There are a lot of innocent people in the Fire Nation. That's like condemning all Japanese for the bombing of Pearl Harbor... oh wait... that happened. Yeah, Japanese Americans were treated like traitors after Pearl Harbor, even after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Some were forced to live in 10x10 horse stalls. But I digress. You realize what I'm getting at here don't you?
Probably not because you are naive.
I agree that Fire Lady is an irrelevant title. She wouldn't take it anyway, but instead, because she is very good in politics and loves her culture, she'd likely take on a more political role. Ambassador Katara is overused. But I do know that she is a guiding voice for Zuko (this is in the show btw) so maybe his right-hand advisor who gets shit done could work. Remember, they work incredibly well as a team. Plus he's the damn Fire Lord. He'd find a position for her that she could do some good. (I know this is kinda my headcanon, but it's based on information gathered from various source material from the franchise) hell, even a health coordinator would be in the cards.
Anyway, it seems you don't really understand her arc given that she is very good at politics post-war and has the capacity to FORGIVE Zuko and put all of that behind her. I mean... the way you guys make it sound is that she hates everybody. And that isn't true.
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This weather sure is looking up, huh. The flowers and birds are starting to come out.
We should make plans to do something now that the weather isnt so gloomy
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Bring back the old ways throwing bricks at people who keep pushing us into a corner
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smallblueblondie · 3 months
Please never stop ignoring that white supremacy is a huge core element of radfem/terf ideology.
Like yes they hyperenforce gender roles and stereotypes on all cis women, but it is primarily women of color that they target and accuse of being predatory and "not real women" when they're targeting cis women.
The metrics of "real woman vs trans woman" that terfs love to share are almost all just white eurocentric beauty standards. Small nose, thin fine hair, little/no body hair, petite but somehow curvy, hell I've even seen a post saying skin lightness is a determiner.
Terf/radfem circles are racist at their core. You cannot separate radical feminism from it's violently white supremacist roots. You can't have "anti-racist radical feminism", that's a fucking oxymoron. There is a very clean path from terfs to tradfems/tradwifes, to just straight up conservative republican women.
Yes yes always, terfs are super misogynistic. They hurt all women by forcing them back into the little impossible painful boxes that they claim they're fighting. But one of their biggest targets other than trans women is black women. Not to mention ignoring, discrediting, or just straight up trying to erase all the hard work that black trans women did for queer rights.
Radical feminism is very much transphobic, homophobic, and misogynistic. I'm not saying stop addressing it as such. Don't ever do addressing it as such!
But racial feminism is white supremacy in a coat of pink paint. Please never forget that when talking about how it hurts us all.
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radicalgraff · 1 year
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"Fight old Etonian racists by any means necessary"
Seen in London
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acetaminofem · 2 years
Not the white trans people naming themselves Asian names as an aesthetic... Please have some critical thinking you piece of shit weeaboos.
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violottie · 2 months
as someone who's gone my ENTIRE life having my name mispronounced at best and ridiculed at worst, this hits
"Do you have an ethnic name? I love when people use their cultural name. What is in a name? Everything is in a name. It is represent who you are and where you from? It could be a reflection of your birth, a prophesy and a statement of who you are!
"As madekuti said, free your mind from the shackles of European supremacy :)" from Chisom 29/Mar/2024:
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theasexual-jackson · 10 days
Me: Bro, ao3 has a bunch of racism can cannot be easily escaped from and the fact that they kicked out someone for trying to get rid of it doesn't help.
Mf on tiktok: Tags?
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personal-blog243 · 4 months
Quick thought about cultural appropriation in language discourse….
I am white so I hope I can handle this topic appropriately, but I would like to hear from some POC about if picking up words, slang, or speech patterns from someone of another culture is ALWAYS INHERENTLY insensitive or not.
I am NOT trying to excuse using another cultures accent or dialect to MOCK them because obviously that’s mean, but my state of Tennessee has not been LEGALLY racially segregated since the 1960’s and black teenagers and white teenagers are allowed to be friends now, so I don’t necessarily think that it’s as simple as “white gen z teenagers are STEALING black words”.
Also black Americans have had a MASSIVE influence over pop culture and slang and youth culture ever since Jazz music and record players were invented over 100 years ago so it’s not like today’s white teenagers are only just now discovering black people exist on TikTok. This has been part of the cultural discourse ever since jazz records were able to be sold to people from other cultures.
I am NOT saying that it is ok to MOCK other people’s slang. I am NOT saying that racism and cultural appropriation aren’t still real issues that need fixing. We still unfortunately live in an unequal system.
I am just saying I happen to live just outside of a rapidly growing city that has become more diverse over the past few decades and I live in a country that once claimed to be a “melting pot of diversity” so I think there are ways to blend cultures and pick up on slang in a way that isn’t inherently racist.
Also there is more than just “white people” and “black people” so where do Asians, Latin Americans, Native Americans, etc. and their slang and engagement with other cultures fit into this? I am obviously just one white idiot on tumblr who is NOT an expert so I would hope some POC would weigh in on this? What are some examples that are insensitive and what is not? In what ways might I be missing the point?
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sugaronyourtongu3 · 1 year
If you are friends with, defend, or don’t instantly cut ties with people who have been called out as racists, nazis or fascists, you are also apart of the problem. If people who are hurt by these ideologies tell you how to respond to these people and you ignore that, you’re apart of the problem. If you only care when it begins to affect you, you are a huge part of the problem.
Stop silencing those who are hurt by racists and nazis and silence the racists and nazis. Cut them off, don’t associate with them or you are complicit in their ideologies. You are not showing them consequences or negative responses to their actions. You are complicit.
If you’re guilty of any of these things, take your anti racist and anti patches or punk wear off. Because you clearly don’t actively work for your beliefs. I will actively tear your patches off myself.
Do better.
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aloeverawrites · 6 months
If you want to learn math, no amount of good intentions and warm feelings alone is going to help you understand math.
If you want to learn science you can’t just sympathise with a biology textbook without reading it.
If you want to learn another language you can’t just smile at the text until you understand it.
So if you want to learn how to be an effective ally, you have to learn about the people you’re trying to help and the bigotry you’re trying to fight.
It’s a nice attempt but you can’t purely affection your way out of the bigoted teaching that the dominant culture taught you.
You’re going to have to do some studying.
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newsfrom-theworld · 3 months
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the only fitting statement.
I think people don't hate the US enough.
Like who the fuck votes against a ceasefire?
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defleftist · 1 year
The first time I had a black woman professor she discussed with us the idea that modern football is continued exploitation of the black body for the entertainment of white folks. And I’ve never been a sports fan but that’s an intriguing lens with which to view men risking extreme bodily harm in the form of concussions, heart attacks, etc for our amusement.
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samasmith23 · 1 month
I always thought that it was ironically fitting that when Bolivar Trask first created the Sentinel robots to try and hunt down and destroy mutants, his creations almost immediately turned on their creator and threatened to conquer and enslave the human race as a whole.
In essence, Trask ended up creating the ACTUAL threat to humanity that he falsely labeled mutants to be:
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As Stan Lee so eloquently narrated at the end of the 3-part storyline which introduced the Sentinels:
“Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!”
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That's a message that sadly continues to be increasingly relevant with the current ongoing resurgence of fascism and far-right extremism worldwide...
From X-Men (1963) #14 & #16 by Stan Lee & Jack Kirby
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My biggest hope for the reading community for 2024 is that we start vetting an author’s morals before getting attached to their work and really critically examining the messaging in their work. This is something I’m also personally working on. There are books that I loved in 2023 but will never recommend because I found out too late that the author is not someone I want to support. But we’re not doing that in 2024. We’re not supporting transphobes, racists, zionists, and people who romanticize abusive behavior. No ifs, ands, or buts. We’re researching author’s before reading their work, and if they support oppression, we don’t support them!
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“Protect each other against the enemy that is white supremacy”
Graphic by @nicthepainter
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