#this is me making up for giving sayo and hina a good sibling relationship in this au /j
chisatowo · 2 years
The random card au udagawas make me feel like breaking shit I love them sm I want them to scream at eachother and I want it to be so so painful for the both of them
#rat rambles#band posting#random card au#they have very different perspectives on their family and the state of their governmemt in general#they both at least end with the understanding that they both suck but how they relate to that knowledge is very different#ako very much grew up in ignorance while tomoe grew up being expected and pressured to uphold it#and ako for most of her life idolised her family and the stories and ledgends they artificially created while tomoe was always at least#vaguely aware of their bullshittery#and that added onto the time they spent appart and different after tomoe got bonked just adds up to a mess of a time#basically that sinking realisation that theyll probably never be that close again and that they were never on the same page to begin with#and thats also even more worsened by them first reuniting before tomoe starts fully working towards actually dealing with her memory loss#which ako unintentionally holds against her even after tomoe has remembered more#ako cant let go of tomoe looking at her like a monster and tomoe cant let go of ako looking at her like theres smth wrong with her#tomoe post brain damage has a lot of issues with identity and self worth and experiences a lot of mood swings and while it does fuck with#her being treated like shes a crazy person does not help in the slightest#and she cant help but feel like ako feels that way abt her and that she hates her for it#and they dont hate eachother. even after everything they never could. but realising that their bond wasnt unbreakable made if feel that way#this is me making up for giving sayo and hina a good sibling relationship in this au /j#as always I ❤ complicated sibling relationships in fiction
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13iamlucky13 · 4 years
Rating Bandori Ships - Moca Edition:
Alright so as is probably obvious for anyone whose talked to me, I have a lot of opinions and I like to talk about my opinions. And one thing my poor multishipper heart has a lot of opinions on is Bandori ships because this fandom is either multiship heaven or hell depending on how you look at it.
So I decided 'hey why not pop off about them' so that's what I'm going to do startig with a certain Moca Aoba who I am totally not at all biased towards.
Obligatory reminder that these are just my opinions and this isn't meant as an attack on any ship. Not that I feel particularly negative towards any Moca ship I've seen yet but still.
MocaRan- 10/10
Yes I like the main arguably somewhat overrated Moca ship. What can I say? They have so much canon interaction between the two of them and their dynamic is really what got me started towards getting severely hooked on Bandori as I am now. They both are shown to care deeply for each other and seem to get the other on a really deep level. For Moca, Ran seems to bring out the most genuine shows of emotion out of her while also being a good support for her, if in a very Ran way. For Ran, Moca seems to help her take things a little less seriously, and when necessary acts as a shoulder to cry on. Sasquana broke me.
LisaMoca- 7/10
I enjoy this ship. As much as it seems to be just kind of a toss on to the people who ship YukiRan (which don't get me wrong is also a very great ship I have a thing for rivalries with tension) Lisa and Moca have a great dynamic. I tend to see it as a brOTP more often which is why I didn't give it a 9 or 10 but they definitely have potential and them kissing on company time would definitely catch my interest. They also seem like they'd be a really supportive relationship. Moca can help Lisa chill out and not be so hard on herself and Lisa can motivate Moca to do things.
MocaHima- 6/10
This is another situation where I have a harder time seeing it as anything but some very good platonic love. They have a dynamic together that is extremely fun don't get me wrong, but by that token I don't feel the same tension between them. Moca's teasing of Himari tends to feel like less flirting in disguise and more like the way she'd tease a sibling. Besides Himari clearly has a type and Idk how much Moca fits that. They are shown to care for each other quite a lot though and in a situation where they are plopped together romantically I can see them having a wholesome dynamic since they have such a good platonic base
SayoMoca- 9/10
I've seen this all of once that didn't involve the two of them in an OT3 with Tsugu, and honestly? I'm kinda there for both, but this is just about Sayo and Moca. Now this is mainly because grumpy x clown is my jam, I really don't know how much canon there actually is to go on here. I really like the idea of them both bonding over how ridiculous Yukina and Ran's posturing can be, Moca narrating every encounter like a sports commentator for fun with Sayo acting like she's ignoring it but quietly adding in her own remarks and Moca catching them. There's also potential in Lisa sorta shoving them together either to try to help motivate Moca or maybe to help Sayo with Hina in a way by giving her 'practice' with the other eccentric genius of Bandori. Either way there's a lot of ways to kickstart it but once it gets going I also think they would have a really good dynamic for somewhat similar reasons to LisaMoca with a side of it seeming similarly balanced to MocaRan.
HinaMoca- 8/10
I'm honestly not too sure why I jam with these guys together as much as I do but that doesn't stop me. One of them is enough to cause chaos so what happens when you put the both of them together? Also they would be the types to blast an extra bassboosted version of Megalovina or even just play it on guitar at their wedding if they even bothered to do something as traditional as that and I'd be there for it
ChisaMoca- 7/10
This is a ship I've been slowly warming up to so this rating is kinda subject to change. Initially I didn't understand it as they barely interact in canon and I didn't see much potential in their dynamic but the more I think on it the more there seems to be. This is mainly because, in one case a literal sense, both are actresses. Chisato literally but Moca definitely puts on her own acts and clown show. So the idea of the two being able to peek under the other's mask is kind of interesting to me. Also serious x clown will never not vibe
MisaMoca- 8/10
I don't ship this in a serious sense so I can't give it full marks but in comedy or crack, even crack taken seriously they are god tier. They're the types who would behave like an old married couple but somehow in a really chill low-energy way. There's a great fic that has them having an ironic candle-lit dinner date that sums up why pretty well I can link it if anyone sees this and wants it
TomoMoca- 6/10
Pretty much the same as HimaMoca except instead of Moca not being Tomoe's type it's more about how even if they did both have mutual feelings I have a hard time figuring out how they'd get together in the first place. Tomoe probably wouldn't realize her feelings even if she had them and Moca would do her best to bury them under humor and good ol emotional suppression. If they did manage to get together though I can see them being cute.
SaayaMoca- 5/10
I don't really feel much when it comes to this as a romantic ship. It's there I guess? I like these guys a lot platonically and don't have a reason to dislike it romantically but it doesn't really make me feel anything. There's potential but I just feel like on most fronts LisaMoca is superior.
MocaTsugu- 11/10
Probably my OTP for the fandom if I'm being honest and the fact that it's chronically underrated hurts. Don't get me wrong I adore MocaRan and SayoTsugu is also very good I've got nothing against the chocomints, but come on. The obvious name play is right there! In all seriousness though I love these guys both as a platonic and romantic pairing so much. It might just be me, but I swear it feels like every time Moca's ever actively suggested something Tsugu was the first to jump on the support train. Moca doesn't seem to really punch down with her teasing of Tsugu the same way she does with Himari and Ran either, and if I remember right there's been at least a few times it's seemed to border on flirting territory even when considering it's Moca. The two also have several of the things the other Moca ships have going for them but I think these two do it better. Tsugu being a gentle but consistent motivator who deeply cares for Moca gives me life. And Moca herself has potential to be a calming presence with her chill demeanor who could get Tsugu to take a break for once in her life like she deserves. I'm also absolute trash for the headcanon that Afterglow all took turns having crushes on Tsugu in middle school. I just like the idea that Moca never really got over that crush and it comes back in full force once they're in highschool. Pair that with some good Tsugu lacking self-worth angst and believing her feelings towards Moca aren't reciprocated because Moca clearly has a thing for Ran and even if she doesn't there's still no way she has feelings for her no matter how many times she calls her 'Tsugurific'.
And there ya go. This ended up way longer than I expected it to and tbh for most of them I have a lot more thoughts but I didn't want to turn this into a novel. Tldr MocaTsugu underrated and I have no life :')
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flipomatic · 6 years
Reason to Stay: Chapter 23
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
In the morning, Sayo went about her duties as she normally did. However, she barely talked to anyone. She shared only a few brusque words with Tsugumi in the kitchen and brushed right past Ako when she saw her in passing.
After what happened with Hina the day before, it felt like she was trapped in her own head. She couldn’t stop thinking about how Hina had just shown up, interfered with her life, and driven her quickly towards madness. She had always disliked Hina, but now the girl was even causing her to do worse and worse things.
In that state it was hard to listen to other’s responses, let alone respond.
Though each motion and conversation were done through a haze, Sayo was still able to do her job. She fetched supplies for the kitchen, perhaps a tad bit slower than usual but it was fine.
When Sayo was finished with the tasks, Tsugumi was baking some kind of puff pastry. Even just as dough it looked delicious.
Sayo didn’t stay to watch.
She left with barely a word, going to the one place that was always stable, that never let her down; the archery range.
With the mood she was in Sayo would’ve preferred to be alone at the archery range, but Lisa was already there. After all, they had planned to train together for that day. She greeted Sayo warmly, but the sentiment was hard to reciprocate.
Regardless of how she felt that day, Sayo was still committed to training Lisa in archery. The two made halfhearted small talk while Sayo tried to decide what they would work on today. At least, Sayo had trouble mustering the conversation.
She paused to think carefully about what they would practice, and a long moment of silence passed; Lisa looked concerned.
For some reason, Sayo was drawing a blank. What should she have Lisa work on today? She had no idea. There was still so much for Lisa to work on, of course, since her archery was nowhere near perfect yet. But when Sayo had to pick something to do, she just couldn’t think of anything. She couldn’t tell that to Lisa, who looked at her so expectantly.
How could she let Lisa down like this? The bitter thought that maybe Hina would be a better archery teacher than her too passed through her mind, a chill running down her spine.
“Are you feeling okay?” Lisa had stepped closer, raising one hand to Sayo’s forehead. This was likely in response to the blank staring Sayo just did. “Do you have a fever?”
Sayo stepped back, avoiding the touch. “No, I’m sorry…” Her voice trailed off, but she brought it back up. “I think I’m just tired today. Do you mind continuing your lessons next time?” She didn’t really want to cancel their session, but she couldn’t think straight at all. Maybe next time she’d feel better, would be able to focus on something other than Hina and her own mistakes.
Lisa brought her hand down, offering a half smile. “That’s fine, it’s good to practice on my own too.” She nodded reassuringly a couple times.
“I’ll be over there if you need me.” Sayo gestured a few stalls down, offering her assistance even though she probably wouldn’t be able to provide any in her current state.
Lisa nodded in response and stayed in the stall she started in as Sayo walked away to choose one. She went farther down than she initially intended to, zoning out a little as she walked. Finally, she picked a spot.
Sayo stood in the stall for a few minutes, calming herself in order to shoot. She had to gather herself, to regain control.
Once settled, Sayo drew her bow and took aim down the field. She didn’t check to see if Lisa was doing the same.
Sayo notched an arrow, took aim, and fired.
It missed the target.
For a second Sayo could only stare in disbelief. The arrow had flown straight past the target, not even nicking it. Sayo had to stop her hands from shaking as she notched another arrow and took aim again.
Another miss.
She risked a glance to the left and was surprised to see that Lisa had left. That was the only positive in this, she supposed. Lisa didn’t see her shoot so embarrassingly bad.
Sayo took a deep breath to try and calm herself, again notching an arrow. She took note of the wind, calculated for drop off, looked closely at her aim, and then fired.
Disgustingly, it missed to the opposite side.
Three in a row, all misses. How could this be happening? Wasn’t archery the one skill she learned separate from Hina, the thing that wouldn’t disappoint her, her one safe haven? Sayo’s hands started to shake as she lined up a shot to try again. It missed.
And again,
The shots missed.
Soon Sayo was out of arrows, trembling fingers grasping desperately for something that wasn’t there. She was breathing far more heavily than usual, shuddering on each inhale. Don’t cry, she told herself, you can’t cry, not like her.
A set of footsteps interrupted her thoughts, and Sayo did her best to gather herself and face whoever was approaching.
“Lisa was worried.” Yukina walked towards her slowly, eyes flicking over Sayo’s red face, empty quiver, and blank target in the distance.
Sayo inhaled deeply, one last attempt at composure. “Everything’s fine.” She insisted, opening the stall door to go retrieve her arrows. “Excuse me.”
Yukina didn’t take the blatant hint, following Sayo out into the field. She trailed after her all the way to the target, even picking up an arrow and offering it back to Sayo. When Sayo reached to take if from her, she found that Yukina wouldn’t relinquish the object.
“Is this about your sister?” Golden eyes, far softer than usual, expressed care that Yukina’s tone didn’t carry.
Sayo tried to pull the arrow away, but the knight held tight. “I’ve got it under control.” She pulled harder, but Yukina didn’t budge.
“Tell me about her.” The knight insisted.
Maybe, just maybe, talking to someone about Hina could help. Sayo never even told her friends that she had a twin, let alone that their relationship was so strained.
“Fine.” Sayo gave in. “Just give me this arrow back.”
“After.” With a small tug Yukina removed it from Sayo’s grasp, astonishingly easily. “Let’s talk at a safer spot.”
A minute later Sayo had retrieved all of her arrows and the pair walked back to the stalls. Once they were safely back on the outside of the range, Sayo collapsed to sit on the grass inside the stall. She leaned against the wood divider, staring straight ahead as she prepared to start her story. Yukina took a seat across from her, listening closely.
“Hina and I have always competed, and as far back as I can remember she has always won.” Sayo shifted her eyes up as she spoke, not watching to see how Yukina was reacting. “Schoolwork, swordsmanship, she was better than me at everything. She still is.” A sigh. “The one thing I had that she didn’t was archery. I picked it up to be different, to branch out. And then she wanted to learn, and she mastered it.” Sayo turned her head to the left, towards the corner of the stall. “It has been incredibly frustrating, having her here this last week.” Sayo looked back at Yukina, meeting her eyes.
“That sounds difficult.” Yukina was frowning. “Have you tried talking to her about it.”
“I did when we were younger.” Sayo sighed again, bringing her eyes back to Yukina’s. “But it never worked.”
“Hmm.” Yukina brought one hand to her chin thoughtfully. “I don’t have any siblings, so I can’t say for sure, but confronting your problems is the only way to resolve them.” She gestured towards the shooting range. “Bottling things up doesn’t seem to be working.”
“Perhaps you’re right.” Sayo mused, not knowing where she would even start with that task. How could she begin to tackle this? “Thank you Yukina.”
The knight’s eyes widened at being thanked. “Any time.” She rose to her feet, brushing the grass of her pants. “Don’t make Lisa worry again.” She offered the stolen arrow back to Sayo
“I won’t.” Sayo rose as well, feeling slightly better than before and almost able to muster a chuckle as she accepted her property back.
“See you later.” Yukina said, walking back towards the castle.
Sayo turned back to the range, notching the arrow Yukina returned to her.
She took a deep breath and fired. It didn’t hit in the center, but it still hit the target.
That was good enough for now.
Next Chapter
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hello the 2 people outsiders + bandori community (itd be really hard to give an in-depth explanation to people who have no clue what bandori is so it’s basically just girls in bands who are all gay)
i have it sorted into three of the bands!! i couldnt do all of them bc it wouldn’t make sense and i felt these bands fit their members the best :^ also these nd morfonica r the only live bands 👉👈
poppin party
kasumi - soda (they both have really exciteable personalities and depend on their friends and family a lot!!)
tae - steve (i had no real reason for this but dally fit her even less)
rimi - pony (the whole shy gig, also she has a very good relationship with her sister and admires her a lot. although i don’t think pony admires soda, he respects him a lot)
saaya - johnny (he helps pony/rimi out a lot and is often the voice of reason. they both tend to hide their emotions for the sake of others, even if they are getting better!!)
dally - arisa (angy. he would not have arisa’s manners. he is just mean and so is she except she has a reason)
yukina - darry (they are both very passionate people and are often seen as cold and emotionless, which makes them seem like bad people, when really, they can get carried away in what they think is best for themselves.)
sayo - tim (although sayo is a very serious person, i just assigned her tim factkin one day and boom. au. also i think her bond with hina is exactly like tim’s bond with his siblings in the sense that he knows he cares for them, but they’re so distant he doesn’t know where to start)
lisa - paul (we don’t see much of paul, so this is purely based on how i’ve seen highschool him written. also, the forlorn childhood friends dynamic fits just right with him and darry/yukina)
ako - twobit (they are both pretty eccentric and childish, but also very understanding and caring at the same time. all they want is to help those closest to them, and they’ll often do whatever they can to find out how. also two plays drums)
rinko - charlie twttin (charlie always struck me as a rinrin type. although s*san hates me and killed him off, he always seemed determined and devoted to his little bar. he took care of m*rk and bry*n even though he didn’t have to, and idk it just seems right)
raise a suilien
chu-2 - sylvia (they are both quite assertive and are girls that can stand up for themselves. although they might not express love in the best ways, they care deeply for those around them, especially their bandmates.)
layer - cherry (very mature ladies)
rock - angela (no real reason other than i wanted her in the au and there was nowhere else for her. her and rokka r nothing alike ❤️)
masuki - marcia. (at first, they seem intimidating, but really, they both are just two airheads that see no good reason to waste food. also marcia cooks. fight me)
pareo - sandy (she’s a vibe i like her and i like reona too :) )
the au takes place during season 3 of the anime!!
tdlr; i combined my polar opposite special interests and now sodapop plays guitar :>
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