#this is my current hyperfixation + my old one
vix-png · 7 months
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THEM AND THEIR hypothetical POKEMON TEAM (i would like to hear other people's thoughts because i am unsure and i plan to post this on the subreddit eventually)
explanations under the cut (its gonna be extensive so be prepared) (this has been rotting in my brain for a while)
he has a secret soft spot for his pokemon, if they faint or get injured he worries really badly
he likes to bond with them during training :D he pesters the others for pokemon battles
umbreon, poochyena - i feel like they kinda just have the same 'mysterious, dark' vibes that kyborg wants to have has!! but funnily enough, they're not as scary as they seem. very affectionate!! like dogs!! kyborg loves them
riolu - okay so think with me here.. riolu/lucario can read auras and emotions and so they know that kyborg isnt a bad person and they know when he's trying to mask his emotions ??!!???? so riolu would be understanding of him n they'd be pretty close
also i'd just like to think riolu (and the rest of his pokemon) enjoy battling alongside kyborg
scorbunny/froakie - when i see these pokemon i think of athleticism and/or dexterity and i couldn't decide between the two :'3
scorbunny/froakie would go on runs / exercise with kyborg, they have a similar personality type where they're both brash, energetic, enthusiastic and they click easily like that!!
though i imagine froakie is more calculated in battles compared to scorbunny whos more impulsive
alolan vulpix - SPOILERS FOR EP 33 (?)
this vulpix, alongside hannibal (perhaps a dragonair) and gumbo (the linoone), was fighting against .. lets say abomasnow?
and during that fight lets say gum gum and kyborg interfered by sending out their pokemon and assisting in the battle n kyborg became really fond of the vulpix and decided to keep him as a per
WHY alolan vulpix? idk i think it'd be fitting since kyborg has some ties to snow and ice and also because i believe the region they were in during that arc was snowy !!1
he performs little shows with his lute and his pokemon!! and he also occasionally has pokemon battles
he loves his pokemon dearly tbh and i feel like all of them appreciate music in some way :3!!
pikachu - one of the pokemon he's owned for a long time! his pikachu particularly is quite fond of his trainer and his quirks n music, it helped the crew during the time bart was on the jebediah!!
i have no explanation for this one actually but a fun thought is that pikachu would evolve into an alolan raichu (look at the little guy surf!!) and this would mean that bart would live in the alolan region so who knows honestly... LISTEN HE JUST HAS A PIKACHU
chatot - a gift from marrrge to bart, passed down because the two started to bond while on the ship. they sang together n marrrge could tell they really had potential so boom kapow wachow
ALSO ABOUT THE MIMICKI NG THING chatot can mimic voices (from what i remember) and i think it'd be funny if it mimicked kyborg like the kenkus from that one library and it annoys kyborg to no bounds
mantine - caught during his time on the ship! mantine sometimes swim near ships in little packs and i suppose this one took a liking to bart, and bart was pretty fond of it as well :D not much to say here except for the fact its a silly little water guy
tauros - bart got like.. a baby auroch or something right?? idk i forgot but either way he is (weirdly) fond of beastly bulls and i suppose a tauros is a good substitute
i also like to imagine bart likes mounting (strange wording) his pokemon since it just means he doesn't have to walk much and he likes being a bit higher up than he usually is n tauros (and maybe mantine) are good for that
would he own the notorious pokemon? that is but a thought left for the audience.
he's weirdly lucky, seems to have a good chance at finding shiny pokemon and other rare things
wonder why
anyways, his pokemon r kinda just companions that he likes to hug and hang out with :) occasionally he does battle with them
floette - flower buddy!!! i'd like to think that gum gum likes to spend time in flower fields when he has the chance and the one thing he's honestly pretty knowledgeable in is flowers
so he might've met a flabebe or a floette and they became buddies! he had no idea it was a shiny until maybe one of the party members mentioned it
bulbasaur - okay so i struggled on this decision but then it came to me that bulbasaur is PERFECT idk they have the same vibes and it eventually starts growing a little flower when it evolves
i can't explain this one they just have the same vibes and energy. i think they'd go well together
tyrunt - so let's imagine that for some reason there were some fossil pokemon that kinda just escaped and that's how we explain the dinosaur encounters from rhe campaign
anyways he befriends the tyrunt in typical gum gum fashion (kyborg is SHOCKED because out of all the pokemon this one was a shiny) and they become friends! it loves hugs but it often initiated them running full speed and knocking over the victim (which is fine for gum gum, not fun for anyone else though)
despite gum gum's bad experiences with rum rum (WHICH BY THE WAY rum rum perhaps was a rockruff that evolved into midnight lycanroc or a houndour/houndoom and that bite wouldve HURT) he's still fond of puppies n yamper helped with this slight uneasiness he's felt
idk i think gum gum deserves a silly little puppy
all his pokemon r very cuddly :)
prefers mellow, calm pokemon since he finds it a bit tiring to keep up with high energy pokemon (unlike the other three)
his pokemon are quite well trained!! he's caught a lot of them and they're all very well taken care of
despite his pokemon being pretty strong, he doesn't find much use in pokemon battles
snivy - got the snivy during his time with his family! royal background buddies!!! snivy is a very calm pokemon (but it shares the same sass that mudd has), they're pretty close :D
linoone - GUMBO!!!!! at first, linoone wasn't too big of a fan of mudd but they gradually becamw closer! they do everything together, if you look at mudd linoone would always be on his shoulders or being carried
lycanroc - its the vibes honestly..
midday lycanroc is calm and loyal, and maybe mudd has raised it since it was a rockruff so they're also pretty well bonded!
idk i think they'd get along well
lapras, gogoat - both pokemon that remind me of mudd's personality
i cant explain this except for the fact that theyre correlated to some of the pokemon he's wild shaped into so ....
archen - i think it'd be funny if mudd just had a feral little pokemon . end quote
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ixcap · 11 months
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so,,,, imagine vanguard au 👀
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porcelaindragons · 9 months
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Alright riders, todays challenge, is to stop the jyamato grand prix.
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What’s the best episode of fraggle rock in your opinion?
So sorry, I have no idea how long this AAM has been sitting in my inbox!
Hmmmm… there are a ton of them that I rank in my personal favorites, and I could answer this according to that list, or from an objective angle based on overall writing and thematic traits.
Objectively, I’d say the best episode is “Change of Address”, as it’s the full circle moment that the series has been building up to- not to mention that I get CHILLS every time “Magic be With You” starts playing in that haunting choral arrangement. It’s impacted me so much, and maybe it sounds odd to anyone else, but it was the song I sung to my newborn niece to soothe her the first time I met her, and it worked. Overall if’s just a beautiful episode, and I’m always teary afterwards.
Other strong contenders based on objective reasons are “The Day the Music Died”, “Gone But Not Forgotten”, and possibly “River of Life” (?). I give RoL a hesitant nod because it’s so somber that I’ve only been able to watch it twice- and I’ve seen the entire series otherwise so many times I couldn’t even guess, maybe upwards of 30-40 full views? Probably more, honestly, since it’s been my favorite companion since I was a tiny kid.
In terms of my favorites though, I have a long list! It doesn’t have huge overbearing weight in the story, but “Capture the Moon” has always been one of my biggest comfort episodes, as have “Boober’s Dream”, “Red’s Blue Dragon”, and “Wembley’s Flight”. Oh, and “A Brush with Jealousy”!! Man, the song from that one… “show me the light in a butterfly’s eye/and show me the dreams of the earth and the sky”… ahh.. so pretty.. I just feel refreshed upon hearing it. :)
Capture the Moon is where the foundation for my two main Fraggle OCs comes from (and weirdly enough, I came up with them due to a very specific Fraggle dream I had as a little kid, so that’s probably why they’re so dear to me! Hah!)
I also (hot take, I know!) do have a couple episodes I don’t actually care for that much. Of course, I love them all, but I do definitely have some least favorites. (I have never really liked “The Great Radish Famine”. I can’t place why, but it’s 1000% near the bottom of my list, LOL!)
Anyway, you asked a short question, and I totally blathered on for way too long! I’m not sure if I gave a very satisfactory answer 😅 I do suppose I could be more specific and take a more analytical approach if you’d like!! There are several ways to answer this specific question, HAH! Please feel free to ask more!!!! :0
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lousy-old-shrimp · 8 months
coming back? to fandom?? ME?????
hi so. i fell out of the fandom over a year ago but i can FEEL the tism blending up my hyperfixations again. i've changed my fics from abandoned to on hiatus (you may thank a fellow former newsies fixator that is in my current fandom for enabling me) ~ lopsidedtophat on ao3
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piratespencil · 11 months
I’m really curious which of my hyperfixation eras people followed me for lol. (If it was more than one, just vote for the main one!)
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seventh-district · 1 year
why have i suddenly been gripped with the desire to get back into fishkeeping
#Seven.txt#fish stuff#fishkeeping#fish keeping#fishblr#i’m not complaining cause i’ve lowkey missed feeling so passionate about the hobby but. my brain couldn’t have picked a less convenient tim#me: trying to spend less money and manage my time better#my brain: hey hey hey you know what you should do? you should get back into a really expensive and time-consuming hobby!!! it’ll be fun!!!#and i mean. it’s not like i truly ever got out of it i just sort of dialed back the number of tanks and fish i have over the past few years#so i’ve currently got a bunch of empty tanks and equipment sitting around collecting dust#i do still have three fish that i thought would be my last for a While. i’ve had them for a number of years and they’re all old by now#so i’m just trying to help them live the rest of their days as comfortably as they can#well. Paprika and Thing One are near their end but in spite of the Mystery Growth on Thing Two’s head that little guy is still doing fine#so he could still be here for awhile. who knows. but anyways#fishkeeping was one of my first really intense and long lasting special interests/hyperfixations so it’s such a strange feeling#to have it come back so strongly and for no obvious reason. but. that’s the nature of fixations i suppose!#insert Drake and Josh ‘I do not control the hyperfixation’ meme here#anyways. the project to finally set up the 75gal that’s been sitting empty for years is finally underway!!! so that’s exciting!#now i’ve got to make a list of things i need and find somewhere to set up a quarantine tank. hrmmm#and also cry over the fact that the filter i need is 200 dollars ahahahaaaaa why did my brain have to latch onto this hobby oh my god#oh man. i’ve gotta order the snails and activated media before the weather gets any warmer or they’ll cook in the bag on the way here ugh#This Post Brought To You By- me sitting here refreshing my email every 10 mins. waiting for Cynthia to let me know if she still has#these two adorable Sakura Ranchus avaliable to purchase. i mean. they were listed in Sep. 2021 so i will be Shocked if she still has them#but maybe the universe will smile upon me and i'll get lucky!
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beautifully-lumpy · 1 year
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
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Aurelion Sol 88x31 buttons
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rainswept · 9 months
someone posted something ab lyney + lynette w/ an evelyn evelyn song and now i am helplessly listening to their entire discography again
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hummingsposts · 1 year
updated the username and am vibrating in excitement over my husbands name 💕💕💕💕
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jtbb · 1 year
mom pick me up theyre posting bastille songs in the hannibal server. soo so scarey
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
*sheds almost 10 year old url like a snake*
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bunnuela · 10 days
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୨୧ I wanted to update this ! ୨୧
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temporal-witch · 2 months
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shows up 2 days late to 4/13 with mine and my friend's star wars ocs but homestuck'd
hey whats up
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aria0fgold · 3 months
Wait, I got reminded of another core memory and thinking bout it is the silliest thing but I'm happy to have gotten it. Like, I can still vividly remember the very first time I daydreamed and also the catalyst of me creating original characters in the first place. It was when I was 7 years old, right after I got into Inuyasha, one night I had a wacky dream I still remember to this day because it was that very dream that started everything for me.
That dream was literally so short and simple too, basically it was just a scenario where Inuyasha, Kagome and my aunt (that I did not like as a kid) were in the house and Kagome had gone so mad she just kept shouting a storm of curse words in my mother tongue while throwing stuff at my aunt and Inuyasha was just in the background.
Before I got that dream, I couldn't daydream cuz everything was blank BUT after I got it and I woke up the next day, suddenly I could see images in my mind and I was like: "Whoa..." And I spared no time using that to creating lil scenarios in my head nearly 24/7 it was disrupting my sleep.
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