#this is my only contribution to society
musubiki · 1 month
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balor 🥰
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countriesgame · 10 months
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
If you have any fun fact about Italy, please tell us and I'll reblog it!
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momo-roo · 1 year
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This must have been done a thousand times over, but I haven't seen one yet so here it is.
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myce · 1 year
This Is How You Lose the Time War, by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladwell 2019
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 years
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There’s this idea that people are meaner than they used to be. Because of the internet, you know, people are meaner. They’re not meaner. People are not meaner than they used to be. People have always been assholes, except you guys. But they… But they are, and people are not meaner. What happens is the technology is just faster. It’s just faster. What happens is, you have this crazy idea, and there’s a crazy, angry thought, and you’re like, “I’ve got a crazy, angry thought.” Tickety-Tick, tick, tick, boom! And it’s out.
Craig Ferguson: Does This Need To Be Said? (2011)
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mechazushi · 1 month
Fortitude Privilege {Staring Yu/Na and Base Inspector} (A short story)
After everything had settled down, they let Kafka do what-the-fuck-ever. That also includes snuggling on his boyfriend at anytime during work hours.
Vice Captain Hoshina was the first to leave the training room when Iharu passed by with a new recruit. He was showing her around the expansive base when he was presented with an opportunity to have a down to earth meet-and-greet with the base's second in command.
"Hey! Vice Cap! Good timing. Yunna, this is our Vice Captain Hoshina. Vice-Cap, this is Yunna. She's a transfer from Division Seven." Iharu took the lead on the introductions while the two of them were exchanging salutes. They all began trading questions with each other, busy distracting themselves with platitudes to not notice another person turning a corner and coming up behind Hoshina. A tall, burly, and clearly tired individual shambled up behind the vice captain and slumped over his shoulder unceremoniously, almost knocking him over.
"Oof, Kafka! Is everything okay?" Hoshina said calmly at the intruder. The man he called Kafka just wrapped his arms lopsidedly around Hoshina's left shoulder as he dug his face into the crook of his neck on the right.
" 'M fine. Drained" He mumbled incoherently, sacrificing vowels in his state of exhaustion. He nuzzled his nose affectionately in the curve of Hoshina's neck and took a noticeable whiff. "New cologne's nice."
Yunna, the new recruit, became visibly flushed as she continued to stare on. Iharu was already completely desensitized to this and just continued his conversation with the Vice Captain. Noticing the state of shock on the newcomer, Iharu took a second to explain what was happening.
"This is Kafka Hibino. He's the Captain's and Vice Captain's boyfriend. Everyone has learned to just let him get away with this bullshit." Iharu smiled cheekily at Yunna after he had finished.
"What am I supposed to do when he's like this? Tell him 'No'?" Hoshina said as he crossed his arms. He felt the rumbling of deep throated laughter coming from the man on his shoulder.
"Conveniently leaving out the fact that I'm also a kaiju." Kafka said as he lifted his head a little just to speak clearly. Yunna made a small squeak of surprise as the revelation made all the pieces click into place.
Down the hallway behind Iharu, everyone could hear another person aggressively shouting as they came down their direction.
"Aw, shit." Hoshina whispered under his breath.
"Who's that?" Iharu questioned as he turned around to look.
"Base Inspector. Probably looking for me to bitch about something inane." Hoshina continued. Iharu took that as a sign to whisk the new person off to a different location, sensing a need to disappear before he got themselves caught in possible corporate crossfire. Hoshina prepped his best Resting Bitch Face as the lanky inspector approached viciously.
"Afternoon, Inspector." Hoshina said in a deadpan manner. He took a longer look at the man coming toward him and noticed he recognized none of the man's features.
'Hmm. I wonder if he's new?' Hoshina thought. His hopes were raised a little, thinking that this possibly new base inspector wouldn't have the same stick up his ass like the last two did.
"Vice Captain Hoshina. Just the person I was looking for." The inspector called out. He opened his mouth to begin what was most certainly about to be a mindless rant concerning some slighted offence over some breach in paperwork or protocol, but quickly shut it when he noticed Kafka making no move to acknowledge his presence.
"Well, I was going to bring up your continued disregard to execute less leniency toward how officers structure their reports, but now it seems I should take over instilling basic officer conduct as well." The Base Inspector straightened his square framed glasses and leveled the most demeaning glare at the tired, hairy, lump that had made its place on Hoshina's shoulder.
"Oh, lay off. He said he's tired." Hoshina countered. He was beginning to wonder if a mightier-than-thou attitude was a requirement to being an inspector.
"Lethargy is no excuse for blatant indifference to higher authority." The stringy looking man sniffed haughtily. A threatening, rolling, and loud inhuman growl emanated from Kafka, still not looking up from his place at Hoshina's side. Hoshina chuckled as he ruffled his hair while he talked to him.
"Mind being a dear and head up to Mina's office for a bit? The only adult in the room needs to discipline this child, apparently." Hoshina spoke in hushed tones, sounding incredibly loving into Kafka's ear. Only a more disappointed growling whimper was heard in response.
"You could beg for more cuddles if she's in there." Hoshina sang quietly as he nosed Kafka's hair. The slacked-spined man lifted his head to stare disapprovingly at the unwanted interloper before planting a smooch to his Vice Captain's cheek and walked away, radiating an irritated aura all the way down the hall. The two that were left followed his path and waited for him to turn around a corner before continuing the discussion.
"You do know that having a relationship between a higher authority figure and an officer is prohibited, correct?" The inspector said as he turned back to face Hoshina.
"You know that man has a fortitude rating, correct?" Hoshina snarked.
"Don't you mean an aptitude rating?" The inspector returned wearily.
"No, fortitude." Hoshina reiterated firmly as he stepped closer into the inspector's personal space, " Ya'know, because he's a kaiju and all." The inspector tried not to express it, but he seemed taken aback. first from the clear hostility, then from realizing what Hoshina meant.
The inspector's lips flapped open and closed for a moment before letting slip a small, simple "oh."
"Were you not made aware that we had such a person within our ranks?" Hoshina asked poignantly.
"I was made very aware of such personnel." The inspector said as he adjusted his glasses again, "What I wasn't made aware of was how much leniency he seems to be permitted to have because of such an obscenely paltry standing." The inspector spoke with baseless higher authority, attempting to recover from finding himself on the back step. Hoshina could feel his lips being stretched thin over his teeth as he felt the need to use them to rip the throat out of this obstinate and unwarranted trespasser.
"Then you should have also been made aware of how that man had not only saved the lives of millions, but also saved the planet six times over consecutively." While being shorter than the inspector, Hoshina did a fine job of making it seem like he was towering over the other man.
" As... notable... as those achievements are, it shouldn't take away the fact that a relationship between an officer and a Vice Captain is unconducive to to the workplace since it could be used to unjustly gather sway in one's ranking." The base inspector held his position in the conversation, but was forced to slink down in height as he cowered under Hoshina's invasive presence.
"Ohh, trust me. The higher ups have made it very clear that he's already achieved the highest ranking they'll allow him, and that's being an exploitable weapon." Wrath tinged the edges of his words as he managed to climb higher over the base inspector.
"There is nothing in this world that he hasn't earned by not working his ass off for. So excuse me for thinking that the least he's owed is the right to express some fuckin' PDA." Hoshina could feel the tips of his lips curl into an unfriendly smile with an uncanny amount of teeth showing.
"If you really want to drag rank over this and piss off a man who's capable of leveling all of Western Japan for no decent reason, be my guest. If you have nothing drastically important to talk about, like something that's impeding the health and wellness of my officers, then I bid you farewell and hope your day is as wonderful as you are." Hoshina reclined back onto his heels and crisply marched away from the inspector, who still wasn't recovered from the invasion of personal space and was stuck being slant backwards, even as Hoshina moved out of eyesight.
Minutes later, Hoshina had found himself in Mina's office. Hoping to join in on Kafka's sudden bout of needed physical closure, he slipped past the threshold and quietly dumped his gym bag next to the door. Taking up most of the center of the room in front of the desk, was Mina, sandwiched between Bakko and Kafka. Reclined against the tiger formed monster, Mina looked silently overjoyed to have an asleep Kafka nestled between her legs as he rested his head on her stomach. Laying tilted on his side, the left portion of his face was buried in Mina's clothes while his arms had dug a hold around her midsection, framing his head. A low vibration hung in the air, getting louder as Hoshina snuck over.
"Need me to pry him off?" Hoshina lovingly muttered into Mina's forehead as he planted a small smooch as well.
"Later. Now, I need you to grab my phone!" Mina tried to contain her excitement as quietly as she could while gently brushing her free hand through Kafka's hair, the other being trapped under his heavy shoulder.
"Yes, he looks adorable, doesn't he?" Hoshina playfully rolled his eyes as he made moves to stand up.
"Well, yes, but you can't tell me you can't hear this?" Mina's smile was wide as she looked up at Hoshina. He took a second to listen as he processed the low rumble in the room.
"Is... is that not Bakko purring?" Hoshina questioned.
"No, he's awake!" Mina harshly whispered in joy as she jabbed her finger behind her, "This is all him!" She pointed her finger again at Kafka, emphasizing her revelation.
Hoshina made a quiet, deep throated cackle as he comically tiptoed around her desk to grab the phone and pull up the camera. He managed to settle onto the floor and shimmy his way under Mina's free arm as he held the camera close to Kafka's face. They got at least a good minute of audio, starring his purrs before Hoshina decided to end it there, not wanting to push their luck.
"It's a shame he can't purr all the time. Instead of the sleep talking, I mean." Mina commented as Hoshina made himself more comfortable in their embrace on the floor.
"We wouldn't be able to get out of bed in the morning if he did." Hoshina muttered sleepily as he finally stopped shifting when he found a good spot to settle into. Mina brushed his hair for a second while she returned the forehead kiss from earlier before relaxing into the warm and heavy pile she had unintentionally made for herself.
I hate to ask this from ya, but... Have you seen this yet? If you didn't have an opinion one way or another, that's fine. Just wanted to ask.
#I need to stop procrastinating on my fanfiction with other fanfiction.#Anyway#Kafka should be allowed leniency for random bullsh*t because he's technically a threat to society.#he should just flex the whole “I'm a Kaiju and you can't stop me” thing more often.#I like to picture that he doesn't listen to Narumi or Hasegawa while in the field AT ALL (After the story ends of course.)#He'll at least hear out any other division leader but won't guarantee he'll do what they say.#He only definitively listens to Mina or Hoshina.#I also think that the lines between Human and Kaiju traits should become a grey area.#About Yunna#I can't read X Reader fic that have (y/n) in the dialogue.#not because its cringe but because my mind can't fill in the blank like that.#so I've started reading (y/n) as Yunna/ a separate entity in the story. basically a fill in for me that my brain can work with.#I also hope I've been successful in making Mr. Base Inspector an unredeemable buracratic *sshole.#I should also say that Kafka still acts like a soldier#I.e. he still salutes/stands at attention/trains with everyone#they just let him get away with having two partners and publicly snogging them.#i had like four different iterations of the conversation between Hoshina and Base inspector and this turned out to be none of them?#I don't know where they all went so I think this ended up being an amalgamation of them all?#my contribution to the HoshiMinaKaf agenda#kaiju no. 8#kafka hibino#soshiro hoshina#kn8#kaiju no 8#mina ashiro#Hoshiminakaf#kafhoshimina#polyamory#polycule#will NOT be posted to Ao3
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˗ˏˋ⋆✧ lustrous ✧⋆ˎˊ˗
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berketexbride · 1 year
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Artemy burakh has enlisted in the idgaf wars
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soppsop · 1 year
i just rememberd adhd meds exist and now im upset because i could have that if it wasn't for that freakin neurologyst we went to see that told us it was impossible that i could have adhd because i have good grades in school. literally the ONLY question he asked me and immediately said it was impossible. we spent like 5 minutes there. he could've at least... explained something???? anything?????? and now i'd feel bad about asking my parents to see another neurologist because that costs a lot of money :((
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holypowell · 2 years
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seaglassdinosaur · 7 months
I love Thuggory he exists to be cool and hype up Hiccup, everyone goes ‘wow, Thuggory, he’s everything a Viking’s son should be, he’s strong, charismatic, and leaderly’ and he immediately turns around and says ‘OKAY EVERYONE, WE’RE LISTENING TO HICCUP NOW.’
#he’s there for like five scenes in three books but i stg I love him#so much#y’all remember when he brushed off a rock for hiccup to sit on while he problem solved?#there’s something to say about his modern Viking masculinity#how it reflects a readiness for mass cultural change among his and hiccup’s generation#in the way that he recognizes the value of Hiccup’s contributions and knows when to let someone else#even someone who isn’t at first glance the best choice#take charge#thuggery could have stayed quiet at any point and maintained the status quo but despite that and despite his position of privilege#he yelled at everyone in book 1 to shut up and let hiccup think#when hiccup and Valhalarama were at the prison and calling for supporters#thuggery was the first person to step forward#and importantly—he had the privilege to! he was important to the revolution because he was popular and had social influence!#he was the ideal Viking youth so if he supports hiccup everyone else should too!#in my fire metaphor he’s like tinder—only requiring hiccup’s spark to set him to change#and when he joins the whole prison sets itself ablaze#and again—hes someone willing to give up his privilege to do the right thing (support the weak and unwanted)#I’d say he probably recognizes the flaws in viking society and is ready for things to change#even if he isn’t entirely sure how. he just knows things should be different#he lets someone with better ideas step forward and take command content to back them up in self-recognition of his weak points#and demonstrating a humility not often seen in the Viking parents#am I ridiculous for typing all this out? yes#but in a story about revolution I think it’s work it to analyze the pieces and players#if thuggery has no fans I’m dead#httyd books#Thuggory the meathead#Thuggory#my post#I misspelled his name many times but I’m not going back to fix it!
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bunnihearted · 3 months
i thinkkk i thinkk ppl like just blaming the "oil companies" so that they can completely renounce any responsibility whatsoever and keep doing whatever they want without feeling a single drop of guilt 💀
#also im just allergic to ppl not admitting and acknowledging their behavior#just be upfront abt the fact that your own personal comfort and luxeries are more important to you than the state of the earth#like human nature is to not be competent enough to see consequences of their actions#and to live lavishly and greedily in the now#but to walk around and pretend you're better than everyone else#when you're actually only lazy and apathetic.... 🥴#idk i dont think i'll ever be able to connect to any person i meet bc like... just be for fkn real#i am honest abt the fact that i spend all days on the internet using electornics bc i use it to escape from my mental state#but the internet is one of the things that damage the environment the most... so yeah i do that. i contribute to that#but like every fucking one walks around acting so superior and like theyre compleeeetlyyyyy powerless 💀#and that ppl who realize that there is no hope and the core of humanity is apathy are called misanthropic depressed emo edgelords....#and like they are superior bc they 'love humanity' even if they on every level in their lives do things that harm nature around them.....#like just be honest#one thing we could do to save the climate is to fundamentally change our society#like we should have a hybrid between 1700s farmer society and modern day cities#but that would mean the loss of so many luxeries and comfort in ppl's lives they would NEVER agree to that#they'd rather live the way we do now and kill this planet and say that they're the superior human beings#just bc they're 'postitive' and 'happy' and 'love people' when really theyre just braindead#anyway.... i hate having been born an abnormality bc it is so lonely#and i trult dont give a fuck abt ppl bc they choose to be so dumb. i just want ONE person :((( just a single person and then fuck the rest
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lystring · 1 year
just love that amongst all the insane pushback people have been getting lately for talking very openly about fatphobia in our society which is a serious problem people are straight up reblogging posts adding severely triggering images of extremely anorexic people as some sort of Gotcha, like fatphobia Cant be real because Look how mean people are being about this person who is clearly dying from one of the worst diseases born Out Of Our Fucking Society Being Fatphobic im losing my mind what is happening etc
#like i dont think ive ever talked about this on this blog or ever#but i used to be DEEP into proana tumblr back in the day like.#most of us didnt consider ourselves 'proana' or 'probulimia' or whatever but it was a fucking lifestyle and it was a dark hole#that i had to claw myself out of#and im sorry its extremely triggering that people are harping onto posts TALKING ABOUT A REAL ISSUE THEY DO NOT EXPERIENCE#with images of severely diseased women sayin Well Actually Your Experiences Arent That Bad Cus Look#We Also Have It Bad#yeah well#one does not detract from the other#and also Maybe. hmm. there is a correlation...if not even causation........#maybeeeee if fatphobia wasn't such a huge issue....you wouldn't feel the need to...idk avoid experiencing that...#cus like okay I know im only speaking from my own experience but#seeing the way society treated fat people growing up constantly surrounded by people on Diets all the time#trying to Avoid being fat at All Cost#miiight have contributed to my ED and wanting to be skinny#like.#honestly moving away from those spaces and being friends with and following people that experience fatphobia#has heloed me in soooo many ways to just like accept myself a bit more and also realize the enormous damage#that fatphobia does to us through media and social media like#im honestly just ranting rn but god im so mad#I saw like One Too Many posts like that but didn't wanna jump on being annoying so i made my own posr#im sorry for anyone going through it rn being stuck in proana or fitblr whatever hell#because like it wont make it better. it will feel like your only escape because People in your life wont understand#but it will just continue to pull you in until nothing else or no-one else mkes sense#and that is Not Good or okay and yeah#talk to someone outside of this site about this please#don't argue with others talking about their own experiences that you cant relate to because if you somehow#like#see that as an attack on you personally#thats a problem...you need to address that.
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daydreamerdrew · 7 months
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The Incredible Hulk (1968) #279
now that is just not what happened here. obviously Bruce’s life has sucked, but the Hulk is primarily the one that has actually had to deal with being “harried, hunted and hounded,” he is the one that has been living in a state of immense stress because he’s always either on the run from fights, being attacked because it was assumed he was going to start a fight, or starting a fight himself either because he’s paranoid from all his traumatic experiences or is lashing out because he’s overwhelmed by his senses, because he is significantly mentally disabled. and him supposedly being killed/Bruce being cured of his existence is taken as Bruce triumphing over his disability, because the Hulk is too inconvenient for it to be imagined that there is a good outcome where he still exists. inconvenient for everyone else, at least, the Hulk actually wanted to find a way to live peacefully
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red-moon-at-night · 1 year
I put the yuno and mahiru 'drabble' onto ao3 because I liked it that much... enjoy!! 💜
(and also I should probably get in the habit of adding my work there anyway as an extra back up)
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arolesbianism · 1 year
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Glory my bestie Glory
#keese draws#eternal gales#oc posting#oc#ocs#oc art#man it been Forever since I’ve last drawn her which is a shame she’s rly fun to draw#actually. idk if I’ve ever posted any art of her before? I’ve vaguely talked abt her but idk#but ya she’s one of the historical figures from my semi prequel story#I say semi cause it doesn’t rly directly relate to the main story of eternal gales just worldbuilding shit#but ya I love glory sm she’s just hanging out#she lives out in the marshes that surround the main cities#shes a chemist that has done a lot of work for underground medical communities#she also loves to study the wildlife of the marshes and even has tamed a few#it’s actually because of this that she’s still alive tbh#the animals themselves aren’t even That dangerous but since most living staliens in this society have never seen other animals in their#lives they are all incredibly unwilling to take the risk to take out someone who only lives on the edge of society anyways#she has done a Lot of rebel work in her time even before she got into medicine#for example she did a lot to contribute to the big movement towards individuality at the time#one big thing she did at the time though that was especially controversial was chose her own pronouns#an act that was only made more controversial by her choosing one that suggests power and high status#this combined with her long mane and low status as a food packager made her a big target of harassment even within activist communities#this is in fact why she moved out so far in the first place#she finds animals to be much better company in general and can’t deny being bitter towards the hypocrisy of some of her peers#but despite this she still wants society to move in a better direction so as she learns more and more she continues to share said knowledge#that’s what brought beetle and bugs to her door in the first place
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