#this is not about who I like more btw. I’ll admit I have a HUGE bias towards kings
laniidae-passerine · 10 months
cannot decide if Nio or Throb is going to win. Nio feels like she can take anything and make it her own, fit it to her own specific brand, but that can come at the cost of actually fulfilling the brief, you know? Throb consistently provides something that may be less striking but it’s almost always perfect. You ask for Trash Can Kid, you get Trash Can Kid. You ask for Rockstar, you get Rockstar. You get Hotel Ghoul, you pretty much get Hotel Ghoul. I love them both for such different reasons but I just feel like Nio’s branding and insanely captivating looks might edge her over that winner’s line.
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whateversawesome · 1 year
Let’s talk about SxF Chapter 82
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; even though Yor is currently not involved in the confrontation between the SSS and WISE, this arc is about Twiyor marriage.
Somehow, it seems like they are in each other’s mind. Just take a look...
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To me, this small panel is probably the most important in the chapter: Twilight the master of disguise, best spy ever, WAVERS (!!!)
In addition to quivering, WAVER also means to become unsteady, unreliable, and undecided. A spy should never waver, it could cost him his life. So, why did the best spy of the West hesitate?
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The reason is very clear to me. He has something on his mind...someone...😉
Remember what he said when Yor kicked him on the chin?
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We saw his dangerous assassin mode. He was ready to defend himself from the SSS agent, but then he saw Yuri instead. It’s funny that he called him by his full name: Yuri Briar, just like he did a couple of chapters before, when he was apologizing to his wife. It was almost as a reminder of certain other Briar (aka Mrs. Forger).
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Twilight had the opportunity to shoot and kill Yuri. He’s more experienced than him, he’s been in dangerous situations and killed before. But upon seeing his face, a last minute decision halted his most basic spy instincts:
Yuri is his enemy, but he’s also family. (Btw, Yuri looks like a kid here).
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Twilight has surely heard from his wife all the love and effort she put on raising her brother. For a long time Yuri was her only family and she married him to avoid worrying him. He KNOWS how much Yuri means to Yor.
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That last minute decision wasn’t that last minute at all. Even though he won’t admit it, he’d rather die before hurting his wife. AND he did promise he would never make her suffer that way again (even though he had no clue what she was talking about 😂)
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Now, about Yor. To be honest, I thought that she would probably forget about the gripe, but thinking it through, those infidelity allegations are not so easily brushed off. It’s not like Loid has shown her he loves her explicitly and he is out all the time. (I think she misses him 💕 Look at those sad eyes!!)
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In theory, Yor shouldn’t worry about this, since this is a fake marriage, right? The thing is Yor doesn’t see it as a fake marriage anymore. That’s why she wants to have gripes and welcome home kisses. She wants a normal marriage.
It was beautiful and heartbreaking to see her in the last panel. It meant so much, because right at that moment (probably) her husband was getting hurt. In marriage there’s a constant connection, especially when two people are in love (and these two are deeply in love).
I posted this before, but I’ll write it again, in case you didn’t see it:
This is marriage. 
When you hurt, I hurt. 
When you bleed, I bleed.
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That blood wasn’t Yor’s. Since she mentions her husband and she's thinking about him, I think that last panel is Twilight’s blood.
Bonus: Yor doesn’t think about Yuri (who she raised like her kid) or Anya (who is her kid). She thinks about her husband!! I think she's finally stepping out of the role of mom to step into the role of wife/adult woman. In other words, Your honor, she’s in love 💖
Now, questions: Did Twilight get killed? No, I don’t think so. Severely injured? Maybe. But I believe it won’t be too severe, because he still has to confront Wheeler unless...(here comes the crazy theory): Who was Wheeler talking on the phone?
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He didn’t show up at the appointment with the SSS. We don’t know where he is. So the crazy theory is that he could be involved with the Garden. Honestly, it’s a long shot. Unlikely, but it would also be a huge twist and you know l LOVE twists 😏
It could also fit, because if Twilight is injured and has to be pulled from the mission, WISE doesn’t stand a chance. AND it would leave Wheeler to appear at a later arc, now involved with the Garden and maybe our dear Thorn Princess (maybe, jealous Loid arc?) Unlikely, but fun it’s fun to dream.
My two cents: 
Twilight is the one who got shot, but is not deadly injured. He may actually have to go home early! 
Probably there will still be an encounter with Wheeler, but let’s hope he doesn’t have to fight him. Things are still very much in the air with Wheeler, so let’s just wait and see.
The arc is still very incomplete and could take a turn in any direction. I know a lot of you want some action/fighting between Twilight and Wheeler, but I would be happy if Mr. Spy just went home early to be with his wife and this turned into a complete Twiyor arc. We’ll see.
One last word about Yuri. Now, I think he’ll be the one who discovers Twilight’s identity. That kid is smart and if he starts putting the pieces together, he may end up discovering everything. This confrontation is one big piece and I’d like to believe that Twilight not killing Yuri will be a deciding factor in the end. I’ve said it before, at some point Yuri is going to have to choose between duty and his family and I believe he will choose his family (at a great personal cost).
But not only that, last time Twilight chose not to kill an enemy, something good has happened: When he spared Franky he began a transformation and stared working for peace. What will happen now that he chose not to kill another enemy? My guess is that he’ll become more human and it’ll have to do with Yor. 
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Something tells me this is one of those chapters that will be VERY important in the future. So let’s keep an eye on it.
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aalyre · 2 months
I actually didn't view Kevin as a coward myself until recently. Seeing Nora say Neil wouldn't have left Jean at the Nest changed the way I saw Kevin. I don't think anything can change my mind now tbh.
Especially because in some ways, like the other anon said, it could have been harder for Neil to stay. He would have been property like Jean, unlike Kevin. He wouldn't have gotten to travel or leave the Nest or been loved by the public, etc. He probably would have endured similar physical, psychological, and sexual abuse that Jean did.
I know it's hard to say who has it worse in the Nest (and cults in general). But I know for certain if somebody told me I had to join one and I had the choice of being 2nd/3rd in the hierarchy (depends on whether you count Tetsuji), or being even lower than dead last, like I'm literal property of the cult and its leaders... I'm choosing 2nd/3rd...
Not one of the others anons btw- just to avoid any confusion haha 😅
hi!! i can actually see that, but i think for me i don’t really count levels of cowardice based on whether he stayed or not.
don’t get me wrong, i think that the way he did it, using jean and all, wasn’t the bravest thing at all.
but i actually think that leaving in the first place was a brave act. especially when the nest was what he knew best, and in the series we see this very clearly in the way that he acts (still has some raven reflexes/habits)
i do think neil would have stayed (based on his personality not was nora said) but is it bravery? or recklessness? because we know neil has a tendency of putting himself in very dangerous/mortal situations, and i’m not sure that this equals bravery to me (not yet set on this, would need a ten hours discussion)
my bottom line is that i feel we could argue that neil is also a coward in some ways, but in the end no one really thinks that because his ultimate choices are bold, and this boldness i believe is a mix of recklessness and courage (i personally don’t think i see neil as a coward either, but he fits the comparison)
i think kevin is similar to him in that sense, but without the recklessness. he’s not reckless that’s for sure. he’s cautious, prudent in the way he acts (mostly in front of the public eye)
i also dont believe that kevin should have stayed in the nest for jean. like i get the whole, he left him there alone, and i totally agree that using him was wrong (as jean said, he didn’t have to slit his throat on the way out) but staying wouldn’t have made him brave to me.
i’ll make a small comparison that might not talk to you and then i’ll stop bc this is becoming way too long but basically i’m in the marauders fandom and there is a similar situation where Sirius Black left his abusive home (House of Black) and “left” his little brother Regulus Black behind. and there is a huge discourse about who was right (sirius for saving himself although he left his brother who wouldn’t come with him, or regulus for resenting him for leaving/thinking sirius should have stayed) but one thing everyone agrees on is that Sirius is one of the bravest characters.
kevin and sirius black are very different but basically i don’t believe that one can mesure cowardice/braveness on whether someone stays of leaves an abusing household. in the end it’s about survival and i’m not sure that bravery/cowardice have a place in survival.
anyway i liked reading about ur pov so thank you!! and pls don’t hesitate to tell me more. also thank u for specifying about the anon because i admit i wasn’t sure ahaha
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Propaganda under the cut!
Shuu Iwamine
This damn partridge kills you CONSTANTLY, regardless if you romance him or not. One of them is literally at the START of the school year, he beheads you then uses your head to pilot this grotesque horror movie android thing! Completely unprompted, you can just die immediately! Horrible school doctor material, even worse boyfriend material, but alas, he's my favorite character.
[hatobf spoilers and also gore / violence kind of ?] he literally kills the mc in both of his endings, and in the true route he uses her best friend to kill her . and chops her body up and puts them in boxes to his student . and he puts her brain in a strange scarecrow machine . its insane hes so undateable man <//3
Decapitates protagonist and puts her head in a jar. Kills multiple other characters. Just generally an unpleasant person . My favorite character btw
He hates your species, sees you more as a science experiment than a romantic partner, and also kills you in his ending. Plus he has just, the worst attitude about the whole thing.
Bad End with him the government takes you out. "Good" end with him he cuts off your head, sticks it in a jar, and talks to it while on the run from the government. (Spoilers for hatoful BBL) True End of the whole game that ties up all the characters' stories, he kills you again but this time sends your head to your childhood best friend and takes your brain out to make basically robo-frankenstein. Was also an adult when the MC was a young child, and is the school nurse at MC's high-school. He's also a partridge. 
Literal birderer (bird murderer) 
It also turns out the (unrequited?) love of his life was the father of the MC's childhood friend. AND HE DOESN'T PULL ANY OF THIS SHIT WITH HIM. HE EVEN BECOMES A SLIGHTLY BETTER PERSON FOR HIM IN HOLIDAY STAR. It even turns out that everything thing he did in the true route of Hatoful Boyfriend was to fulfill a promise he made to that man on his deathbed (ALTHOUGHT RYOUTA'S FATHER NEVER ASKS HIM TO COMMIT ANY MURDERS, FATBIRD JUST THINKS MURDERS ARE A GREAT SOLUTION TO MANY PROBLEMS). So like, he's not just a murderous sadistic partridge who is also kind of a dick. He could not be one. Just NOT FOR YOU. OR ANYONE ELSE. JUST THIS ONE SPECIFIC PIGEON.
He believes all mortal beings deserve to die. He is bald but in a very unsexy way. He exudes zero chemistry and talking to him about romance is like talking to a boiled egg. 
Described by major media as "elf hitler," he dumps you to destroy the world
He is a smelly know it all, and that's before you find out he is a deity in disguise who caused the rift you spend the game trying to fix in the first place and he betrayed you and chopped off your hand
Breaks up with you, disappears without saying anything, plans to destroy the world
Look. I’ll admit I have not personally romanced solas. I am baffled that anyone would WANT to romance solas. I know we all love a waify little elf wizard with questionable motivations but jfc look at him like im trying not to say anything demeaning about bald dudes but he does not wear it well. Also iirc you can only romance him if you’re also an elf and then he’s weirdly rude and dismissive if your character is Into Elf Culture. Look im a huge lesbian but Iron Bull is RIGHT FUCKING THERE why would you do this.
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toothlesshat · 2 years
I’ve been trying to put into words how I feel about 2007 for a few days now so let me try here.
I feel like most versions always say “Raph is angry” and that’s all there is to it. His development is reset within the next episode because we gotta stay consistent, whatever (this is a very simplified version of how I actually feel about that btw). But this version oh my goddd. His discontent with Leo is even realer than ever because he’s so kept out of the loop of what’s going on with him and Splinter, and it looks like his life has been unfairly put on hold so Leo can develop as a leader. He’s frustrated and confused so he closes himself off from his family in an attempt to make sense of his life again. He has fun going solo but ends up getting the same fear and hatred from the public as the criminals that he beats, which is something he didn’t have to endure alone before because he had his brothers as well as April and Casey to confide in. Raph tries to convince himself he’s happy because the only alternative is admitting he needs his family, especially Leo who he’s convinced abandoned him.
And as for Leo? Well, Leo is kind of the same way. He left to be a better leader but got caught up in being a hero, which he’s deeply ashamed of. Leo, as we’re told and shown, has a very cocky side to him, and it’s a huge flaw. By taking on this new territory to protect, he loses his meaning for being there because he’s so caught up in the allure of being this mysterious hero. He knows he’s messed up and he’s embarrassed, that’s why he doesn’t want to go home anymore and starts to get scared of what his family will think of him. And it’s not all good for Leo either, he’s more isolated than he’s ever been and turned himself into an urban legend. He’s doing something noble, yes, but he’s not growing anymore.
So when Leo comes back, the conflict doesn’t feel forced or unnecessary. Of course Raph is going to be mad, of course him and Leo are going to butt heads! Raph still doesn’t understand why Leo left them and Leo doesn’t know how to put aside his own ego yet. Raph thinks he doesn’t need Leo anymore because he’s carved his own name for himself. Leo thinks they need him because he was told his role as leader is the heart of the team. Neither of them consider that it’s not about what they need, it should be about what they want.
I love that Raph’s criticisms of Leo aren’t founded on jealousy! He’s right, Leo is cocky and has his head up his own ass. Raph doesn’t get mad at Leo for no reason, he 100% has a reason- even if a lot of it is built up on miscommunication, which I’ll get to. And Leo is reasonably upset with Raph too! From his perspective, Raph is mad that Leo followed Splinter’s orders and left to better himself (the “why do you hate me for that!?” Line makes me go CRAZYYYYY). Their fight is inevitable and goddamn is it GOODDDD EASILY ONE OF THE BEST TMNT SCENES EVER IDK I GO CRAZY THINKING ABOUT IT!!! But my favorite part is after it’s over.
Raph’s immediate regret is so well done idk why!!!!! I feel like we saw such a hardened version of him the whole movie, but the minute Leo is captured, you can hear how much he truly loves Leo, and how scared he is. Idk if I’m the only one who felt that but WOW the way his voice sounds so broken KILLS MEE!!!!!!!!!
So then to Raph and Splinter’s conversation- IT’S ONCE AGAIN INCREDIBLY GOOD. I mentioned that Raph’s anger is build on a miscommunication, and I think that’s what this talk is about. Leo leaves the team for god knows how long and the world seems to stop for him. Splinter doesn’t put anyone else in Leo’s position when Raph thinks he deserves it. Raph thinks he’s done something wrong, or maybe he’s still lacking as a ninja in his father’s eyes. Splinter actually does a fantastic job of telling Raph that there’s nothing wrong with him, he loves Raph just as much as the rest of his brothers and holds nothing against him. Raph isn’t leader because his strengths lie elsewhere, and Splinter’s job as a father and teacher is to help him grow, not force him into a position. THIS CONVERSATION IS AMAZING 10/10 THE BEST RAPH AND SPLINTER CONVERSATION I’VE EVER HEARD MY GOD!!!
I guess my point is that Raph is done phenomenally in my opinion. He’s understandable and sympathetic. You know he’s a really good guy he’s just in a shitty headspace. His arc from being caught up in what he didn’t get to realizing what he has is 👌👌 he’s too good!! Probably my favorite Raph ever idk but this story is unbelievably underrated and I loved it.
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AAAAAAA FRIEND IN THE ASKBOX<33333 I didn’t even rb the ask game but I’ll take it because I need to get my thoughts out!!!! Btw this list took me hours because I am so indecisive but it was worth it🫶
5. Romeo and Julius
Even though it’s the first play introduced, it’s still one of my favorites and it has a special place in my heart. The only reason it’s so low is because it’s the first one newborn Mankai put on, so there are some pacing issues and I honestly just wish there was more. I’ve also been using it to lure some of my irl friends into A3! because who doesn’t like a million totally-not-gay plays? Aside from that Bokura no Kizuna is the song ever.
4. Harugaoka Quartet
This one doesn’t have the best plot in my opinion, but I still love it. I enjoy a simple plot with really well-written characters, so it works! That and the event story is one of my favorites of all time. I’m also biased because I finally found a recording of the Mankai Stage version and it is WONDERFUL. There’s this one part I really like towards the end where it’s just Ennis on stage and it’s completely dark except for a spotlight. He continues to practice the first part of “Spring”, getting frustrated each time. There is no dialogue. It’s all in his expressions. The last time he starts playing, the rest of the quartet joins him as the lights come up and aaaaaaa ;-;. It’s sososo beautiful I think it was adapted excellently!!! And the final scene with “Hajimari wa Quartet” is incredible I love the added harmonies oughhhhh…
3. The Floral Prince and Sympathy for the Angel
I couldn’t decide. Floral Prince is up here because it’s got SUCH a pretty fairytale aesthetic and the story is so fun and sweet. I always like a good fairytale so this is right up my alley. Sympathy for the Angel is really important to me hehe it was the first Mankai play I subbed and I ended up loving it the first time I read it.(And I’m biased because Sakuya’s Uriel>>>>>)
2. The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz
Another one of my absolute favorites. The second I read it I was already imagining how it would look on stage and it’s so incredibly well-done and fun to watch and aaaaaaa!!!! Also Rick is just genuinely one of my favorite characters of all time no matter how bad I feel for him. Oswald is such a compelling character as well, I think the way Someya portrayed him made him fun to watch, both annoying but still likable. Same with Yokota’s Rick. He’s loud and gullible, a little stupid, but really offsets Oswald nicely. Not to mention the FINAL BATTLE UGH!!! Incredible. Admittedly, I don’t love that the rest of the Spring Troupe has smaller roles, but I don’t think this is the kind of story you can tell with this many people. It’s just good overall.
Honorable Mentions:
SSR Family(The costumes are lovely and I like a lot of the characters and plot, especially Blanc and Nero, I think they’re interesting and well-written. And my wife is there)
A Clockwork Heart(Yeah I cried so what)
The Great Sardine Search(CLASSIC. Though I’ll admit I can only watch it once in a while because Shiro’s voice is super obnoxious to me)
Wonder Rush(It has the same vibes as Sardine Search but it’s got more of a modern vibe to it, plus the plot and costumes are adorable)
Welcome to Akebono-so!(My favorite Autumn play, especially given that I don’t typically like Autumn’s plays. I like the elements of both a fantasy world and reality, plus the characters are a huge selling point for me)
Fallen Blood(I don’t remember much of the plot, but I remember being emotionally smacked in the face once I finished reading it)
Die by the Sword(Gay again but this time it’s me for Orin)
Luminous Circus(The plot is meh but I live for the aesthetic and the event story mentally fucked me up)
Oh, Exquisite Gaia!(Not a mainline play, I know, but it was going on in A3EN the same time I was auditioning for a play about Greek gods and was really nervous. I ended up getting a lead role and I’m blaming this event because that play was also what solidified my place in more plays with that director. Plus I ended up basing my character’s movements and stuff on Azuma because I liked the way he did Gaia ajsjdbfj)
1: Le Fantôme de l’Opéra and Magician’s Pure Love
I couldn’t choose just one. Yeah. Phantom is one that I only really fell in love with because of the stage version. I remember it was late at night when I watched it, but once it finished my jaw was on the floor and I had to pause and process what I just watched. That good. Hang on I have a note in my phone with a bunch of notes on the stageplays I’ll copy paste some stuff from there:
-the English language does not contain the words I need to express how I feel about the Phantom performance
-it just does not have. Enough.
-I’m gonna try anyway
-I liked that they didn’t just leave it and decided to use it for a conclusion/bows
-the fact that it’s ACAPELLA
-thank you for coming to my TED talk
As for Magician’s Pure Love, I honestly loved it from the moment I read it. It reminds me of the ballet Copelia, but less dark. I also love the event story because, and I know some people disagree, it is peak Masumi. This is the closest we’ve gotten to the Secret Good Masumi That Lives in my Head. And I love it. Not even that, the play’s plot is a lot of fun and had me guessing over and over again. Also Koma is there<3
Augh that was a lot but hehe thank you for the ask<333
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apoptoses · 1 year
“You and @desertfangs have been the only ones to make any comment on that fic at all and it feels so awful” okay first of all HOW??? It’s honestly shocking to me because it’s... perfect? Literally doesn’t get any better than this, Devil’s Minion-wise. It has all the components that make their relationship so complex, fascinating, and fun. With top tier writing at that. And absolutely mind blowing smut. Their interactions feel lifted right off the text, so like... what else do y’all want?!! And even kink-wise I don’t feel like it’s too extreme or anything tbh, Angle of Incidence felt a lot more experimental to me for instance (my dyslexic ass thought it was Angel of Indecency for the longest time and it somehow worked??? lmao). Anyhow this is officially a PSA from DA to the good people of tumblr.com/AO3: don’t be a fucking prude and read this, your experience in this fandom will be better for it (nothing wrong with being a prude btw, but being an Armand/Daniel fan and not tolerating even the mildest of kinks is... certaintly a choice). I hope this doesn’t discourage you from posting! Know that there are tons of people who love everything you put out there. Banger after banger, every single time 🥹
“His backlog of films is just so fucking perfect and his looks are incredible and ugh! I just love picturing him as Daniel”, just saw your post and dear god it’s doing things to me. Specially eyeing that one with Madchen Amick because the Devil’s Minion vibes are off the fucking charts. Madchen with her pale face and reddish hair and feline features... oh I’ll be looking into it. 
“are you a succession fan? haha Is this a kendall roy reference?” lmao it’s ALWAYS Succession reference babes, I’m absolutely insufferable about it. Sundays are just not the same anymore, LIFE is not the same 🤧
“They're part of him, they're a symbol of the walls he has up and the defense mechanisms he hides behind, so any time I have him remove them around Daniel he's being the most honest.” Exactly! And the fact that he allows himself to be completely bare in front of another creature (human or not) is a huge thing for him. Daniel is so doomed yet so lucky, and I get the feeling he knows it, even if he can’t fully explain why at this point. 
My cats!!! Light of my life, fire of my loins. No pictures available atm sadly as I’m in class rn but one of them is named after VC’s Pandora  and she’s the baddest bitch in the game, just like her namesake xoxo DA ❤️❤️
I have no idea! Angle of Incidence was so extreme, I thought if people enjoyed that then nothing I wrote could put them off but fate as it flows is just flopping in terms of audience response. I feel like I've done something wrong but I don't know what.
VC tends to be a surprisingly tame fandom but if people have read my other stuff and liked it...idk I really have no clue. My confidence is really off now, I have to admit. I have two completed things on deck and the idea of posting them is now excruciating lol But I deeply appreciate your encouragement.
The Madchen Amick movie is wild because if you blur your vision a little and ignore her boobs she even LOOKS Armand-y at times. It's a good one for visuals of them together but if you want him with the most Molloy-vibes action-wise I'd say you gotta watch Sex Lies and Videotape and Crash. They're both perfect erotic weirdo movies, I could scream about them for days.
You love Armand/Daniel AND Succession, you're perfect DA lmao Please respond asap with which Succession character is your favorite, I need to know. My life is so empty without Tom Wambsgans filling my Sunday nights, for real.
Pandora 🥹 I don't even know her and I love her already!
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fixomnia-scribble · 2 years
Big damn personal rant after very little sleep and two large coffees; scroll on by as you like.
I forgive far too quickly and am so hasty to land in a neutral-to-positive mindset, when I need to let myself rage around and actually, be rightfully and righteously furious for a while. Oh, there are many many reasons, all linked with a life history of ADHD-masking and anxiety about taking up space, being seen as uncooperative, uncontained, and god forbid, needing to ask for anyone’s help. Knowing that is still at some distance from actively working at it - and why, indeed, would I want to start dismantling the coping mechanisms that have served me so well and gotten me through seriously awful shit, in the midst of a rising pile of stressors? I don’t have much of a gene for anger, but I do need to up-regulate it instead of letting it fester into bitterness.
This is sparked by the family-viction notice, BTW. I would not want to be the daughter in the situation, who must know that her father has evicted a 12-year tenant with two and a half months notice, so that she can move in. “I don’t feel good about it either,” was the landlord’s protest. I would bloody hope not. I am not remotely interested in arguments that “well, that’s the law.” It is a bad law, unjustly applied and subject to broad overreach from its original intention. There is not a single moral, ethical or reasonable argument to support the way it is applied. I did not ask him to contemplate how he would feel someone doing the same to his daughter, because a) I am too nice and b) I need landlord references, and must grit my teeth on that.
This eviction is the result of the student housing crisis in my city - never mind that I am also a student. Which means I am also dealing with my end of term Grad papers and presentations, getting my 120 undergrad students through their final papers, trying to sort out an unwanted job search/change, AND NOW having to completely dig out and uproot my life, all at the same time. That’s the mental and practical mountain. At the heart of my emotional reaction is the combined sense of being invaded in my home and utter powerlessness about it. Nightmare level stuff. Just after a parkade/car smash break-in, too. (/rant)
I am so easily set off by injustice. I’ll go full Mama Bear on behalf of others, and find resources and supports and case law, dammit. When I am the one affected by an unjust situation, though, my outward reaction is to squirm away from wrathful feelings (silver linings! neutral mind! you should actually thank the person for giving you the chance to grow...real classic victim-brain stuff), and immediately assure people that I’m fine, it’ll all work out, even better than before! and here are the possible solutions I have already found. Heaven forbid I should open the door to my parents’ tendency to grill me very hard for information or try to get me to perform an emotional reaction, just because they need to feel like they’re doing something and are needed. Let alone put any more goop on the shoulders of friends who are also dealing with their own goop.
Before I sign off on this rant I need to point out the incredible depth and long history of a handful of very dear friendships, which have let me stumble through learning to admit when I’m overwhelmed and pissed off and terrified and feeling bruised. The above is not about you. As you know, you’re not people that I need to be “on” for. You’re my people. Huge difference. Difference beyond words. You know who you are, and if it’s possible for me to fling any more armloads of appreciation and adoration at you, well, just tell me where and when.
And yeah, it’ll all work out, even better than before. Already have a pile of possible solutions. Many of them due to the abovementioned friends.
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krizaland · 1 year
Hellfire chapter 2
Here’s chapter 2!
Be warned: there are minor spoilers for Magolor epilogue as well as unsettling imagery ahead!
Here’s the song I used btw
The rest of the day went by rather quickly as closing time was soon upon MerryMagoland.
You wiped away a few beads of sweat as you watched the last few customers leave.
“Phew what a day! It was fun but I’m glad it’s over!”
“Really? Even with that crazy Hyness guy yelling at you earlier?” Magolor teased as he locked the gates.
“Well ok, that part wasn't fun but the rest of my day was. Hopefully I’ll never see that crazy guy again.” You admitted as you helped clean up.
“Don’t worry, my love. That Hyness guy is permanently banned from MerryMagoland. Seriously! Who just goes around screaming crazy talk at performers?” Magolor rambled as he shook his head.
“Right? I don’t even want to know what his deal was.” You added with a sigh.
“Well, I’m still glad your day was pleasant in spite of all that fuss.” Magolor admitted as he nuzzled the crook of your neck.
You let out a cheerful hum as you kissed his hooded forehead.
Magolor let out a soft purr as he continued to nuzzle you.
“C’mon, let’s head home.” You chuckled as you patted his head.
And with that, you and Magolor headed back to The Lor Starcutter.
Upon coming inside, Magolor floated to the Lor’s Computer.
“Before we hit the hay, I gotta check on the Lor.”
“Don’t take too long!” You teased as you headed to your shared bedroom.
Once Magolor finished checking up on the Lor, a string of text appeared on the screen.
“>Have you gotten the chance to propose to Y/N?”
Magolor’s face flushed under his hood.
He quickly typed back
“Not yet, Lor! I’m waiting for the right time!”
“>Take all the time you need. The ring is still safe here with me”
A small compartment opened up to reveal a beautiful ring just your size and perfectly suited to your tastes.
Magolor couldn’t help but smile under his scarf.
He couldn’t wait to see the ring around your finger someday.
While the two of you have been dating for a few years now, Magolor was still unsure how you would feel about marriage.
Marriage is a huge commitment and a life changing event.
Magolor loved you more than anything in the multiverse but he didn’t want to scare you away with such a big decision.
He closed up the compartment and typed back,
“Thank you, Lor. I’m gonna hit the hay now. Goodnight”
“>Goonight Magolor”
Magolor let out a sigh of relief as he headed off to the shared bedroom.
After changing into his pjs, Magolor immediately snuggled into bed beside you.
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close.
Magolor let out a soft purr as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
“You’re so cute when you purr.” You whispered as you stroked his ears.
“Well that’s because I’m always cute,” Magolor chuckled, “but you’re cute too.”
You giggled softly.
“Is that so?”
“Mm-hmm. I never thought I’d meet someone as cute as me but here you are.” Magolor confessed as he leaned into your touch.
“Oh you sweet talker.” You whispered as you kissed his concealed forehead.
“I’m being serious, you know-”-Magolor let out a yawn- “-You have got to be the cutest cutie who ever lived.”
“No! You have to be the cutest cutie who ever lived!” You giggled softly.
“Alright we’re both the cutest then.” Magolor chuckled as another yawn escaped him.
“Goodnight, Magolor.”
“Goodnight, Y/N”
And with that you drifted off into a deep sleep.
Magolor let out a dreamy sigh as he took a moment to watch you sleep.
What did he do to deserve someone as amazing as you?
Even after all of the terrible things he’s done, you still saw the light in him.
And yet…
Part of him felt he didn’t deserve such kindness.
After all, he stabbed his friends in the back and tried to take over the universe!
Even though he worked tirelessly to redeem himself, Magolor still felt guilt eat at his mind like a pack of snakes.
In spite of his inner turmoil, the warmth radiating from your touch was enough to finally lull him to sleep.
Magolor soon found himself falling deeper and deeper into a blackhole.
His clothes turned to rags as he felt the icy claws of the blackhole drag him deeper and deeper.
All he could hear was a voice frantically echoing in his mind
“In the void, in the void, in the void, in the void!”
Magolor landed flat on his back.
Letting out a groan, Magolor slowly pulled himself up.
Shaking off the dust, Magolor took a look at his surroundings.
Nothing but the cold chill of darkness and rain pouring down onto him.
Magolor sighed and held his throbbing head.
“Baby, I’m spinning round the corner…It’s tasting kinda lonely..”
Magolor sang as he stumbled forward.
Magolor yelped as he felt The Master crown digging it’s claws into his skull for a moment.
He frantically patted his head but the crown was no longer there.
He let out a sigh of relief as he kept going.
“And my mind wants to control me…”
Magolor coughed up a blob of black goo and grimaced.
“Ah-Ah-Ah-Empty…There’s rotten things left in me…Injected by society…”
Magolor’s ears drooped as he hung his head.
“No one here but me to judge me…”
Sounds of heartbroken wails and distorted cries for help filled Magolor’s head.
He groaned and tugged on his ears
“Pipe down with the noise, I cannot bear my sorrow!”
Magolor squeezed his eyes shut but all he saw was a corrupted monster laughing in his face.
“I hate who I was before!”
Tears tricked down his concealed cheeks as he whimpered
“I fear I won’t live to see the day tomorrow, someone tell me if this is hell!”
Magolor’s eyes burst open and he begun to pick up speed.
“I Got to escape that void, There is no other choice, yea, Tryna turn down the voices, The void ate me!”
Magolor soon found the ruins of The Lor Starcutter along with several sad yet familiar statues holding its missing pieces.
“Look at the mess I’ve done! There is nowhere to run, yea Holding a loading gun, the void!”
Magolor cried as he flew past the somber sight.
He quickly grew tired and buried his face in his hands.
“Like a priest behind confession walls, I judge myself! Kneeling on a metal grater!”
If he had knees, Magolor would’ve fallen to them.
“Bloody like a body that has died and it’s myself! Tangled in my own intestines!”
Magolor pulled himself together and kept flying.
“I Got to escape that void, There is no other choice, yea! Got to escape the void!”
He calmed down a bit as he found himself in a distorted meadow.
“So strange, I’m trying to find a doorway..”
Magolor sighed as he looked at his shadow.
“My eyes are staring at me, and they seem so damn unhappy…”
Magolor’s eyes lit up as he noticed a small blue spark flickering on the ground.
“C-C-C-Collect my fickle insecurities…”
The moment Magolor picked up the spark, he felt a bit of his magic return to him.
“And turn them into beauty! Alchemize the dark within me-eee!”
He soon came across a puddle in the grass.
Once again, the wails and cries begun to echo through his ears.
Magolor clutched the sides of his head.
“Pipe down with the noise, I cannot bear my sorrow!”
Magolor gazed down into his reflection, only for it to morph into the same corrupted monster from before.
“I hate who I was before!”
Magolor quickly flew away from the puddle.
“I fear I won’t live to see the day tomorrow, someone tell me if this is hell!”
Magolor begun to fly as fast as his body could take him!
“I Got to escape that void, There is no other choice, yea! Tryna turn down the voices, The void ate me!”
Magolor soon found himself surrounded by volcanoes and dragon skeletons.
“Look at the mess I’ve done! There is nowhere to run, yea! Holding a loading gun, the void!”
Magolor let out a wail as he felt a bony claw drag him into the lava.
“Like a priest behind confession walls, I judge myself! Kneeling on a metal grater!”
Magolor frantically tried to fight against the claw with what little strength he had left.
“Bloody like a body that has died and it’s myself! Tangled in my own intestines!”
Just as Magolor freed himself from the lava, he felt his body freeze up.
“I got to escape that void, There is no other choice, yea! Tryna turn down the voices, The void ate me!”
Leaves and wood slowly started to engulf him, as he struggled to break free.
“Look at the mess I’ve done! There is nowhere to run, yea! Holding a loading gun!”
Soon the wood begun to dig its roots deep into the ground.
“The void…”
Was all Magolor could say as his body succumbed to the tree.
Magolor awoke with a gasp!
He put a hand on his chest and let out a sigh of relief.
He was now safe and sound in his bed, curled up next to you.
“Thank the stars it was just another nightmare…” Magolor thought to himself as he nuzzled into you.
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derelictheretic · 2 years
(For the ask game) I have a couple of OCs, but I’ll do Dove since she’s my favorite girl :3 Dove is kind, hardworking (sometimes too much), affectionate (once she knows someone well), and teasing when she wants to be. She is from Texas originally, bilingual, and loves spicy foods and Tex-Mex food. She enjoys photography, journaling, and being in nature (especially if the weather is nice and cool). And she secretly(?) has a thing for slightly evil people *cough* John Seed lol. There’s probably more info but this is all I could think of for now haha XD
First off I love her she sounds incredible 🥺💕 And she has wonderful taste in awful (affectionate) men <3
Okay so immediately I think on a surface level Heather would like her, simply because it sounds like they have a lot in common with the hard-working nature, being from Texas and enjoying journalling! They'd at least have a lot to talk about and bond over.
Heather struggles with friendships in general and Dove seems like a sweet person which is exactly the type of people Heather struggles with the most, if Dove likes evil people like John though maybe she'll be able to deal with Heathers attitude and once Heather realises she's not gonna be put off by her real personality she'll dub her the highest honor of actual friendship.
The only other problem that could arise is Heather obviously hates John and can't trust anyone close to him, but aside from that I think they could be good friends!
Piper would love Dove, she loves camping, hiking and being outdoors and she would love to have someone to do that with! She'd also enjoy how affectionate and teasing Dove is, Pip loves people she can bear hug whenever and have inside jokes with. (She would be the type to send Dove personalised memes at 3am). It's also very likely she'd get a big fat crush on her at some point because pretty women are just her weakness but she's also a lil coward so she'd never say anything about it and just be thankful to have a friend (seeing as despite being pretty laid back she can be a bit intense for some people and doesn't have many!). I think they could have a very chill, goofy kind of friendship tbh!
Anya, as you may or may not know, is a huge lesbian and when you put a hard-working, funny woman in front of her with interesting hobbies she will fall in love. She's also socially inept though so again, never admitting it—BUT, she would go out of her way to ask Dove about her hobbies and interests. She may struggle to share her own at first as she's very closed off and secretive but she's good at telling when people are honest and genuine and I think she'd see that in Dove and be more willing to tell her about herself. Anya also loves nature and she'd be more than happy to explore some of Hope County with Dove, she's great at picnics and will bring a bouquet along too because she can't help herself. (Dove may have to expand Anya's food palette tho bc her tastes are BLAND, like a pinch of paprika would kill her probably, help her).
Dean is the Golden retriever boy who befriends anyone whose nice to him for two seconds so i'd say he'd like Dove from the get go ajsjsjsj No but he'd definitely vibe with her personality and enjoy her company I think! He is touch starved so an ounce of affection would earn Dove his undying loyalty just sayin AND AGAIN outdoorsy man (I swear not all of my oc's our outdoor ppl this is a coincidence ajsjdjd) so he'd be thrilled to hang out in the wilderness and watch her take photos and if she gets tired piggy back rides are on the table! He also loves spicy foods and would always offer to cook for her btw his love language is feeding people and making them their fave drinks. He's pretty happy and laid back when there's not a cult takeover happening so I think they could definitely get along in the pre-reaping era (and they both have they same taste in evil cult men, tho Dean is super in denial abt it for a long time </3).
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bisluthq · 4 months
“I refused to believe that Harry wasn’t somewhat aware of the Jason situation with Olivia”
But legitimately, why would he be aware? From what I heard + pieced together with what we saw and the nanny said, she hired him because she wanted to sleep with him. She literally said she wanted Harry before Shia because of his role in Dunkirk and that makes no sense to me, because the roles couldn’t have been more different. What about the quiet moody young soldier Alex, which Harry portrayed very well, made her think about a conniving loser man who has to be facetious the entire time, which Harry had a much harder time portraying convincingly? She thought he was hot. She wanted to sleep with him. That’s pretty much confirmed for me.
FWIW I was a huge fan OF OLIVIA. I became a fan of Harry’s because of her. I know it’s probably me and two other people who went this route, but I can promise you that’s the case lmao, and if you dig deep in your old asks from when they got together you’ll find a bunch of mine saying this exact thing!
I say this because what I think happened between Jason and Olivia is that she realized he cheated on her with Keeley Hazell when Ted Lasso came out. She probs didn’t have hard proof but Jason and Keeley met in 2014 filming Horrible Bosses II, and then based two entire characters on Keeley, one even admitted by the actress who portrayed her, Juno Temple (who Olivia unfollowed when Ted came out, btw. They’d worked together on Meadowland). There’s no way she saw that, knowing that he’d spent months in London while she was with the kids in LA, and didn’t think “this son of a bitch is cheating on me.” I’m sorry but she’d be an idiot.
So she hired Harry and had every intention of sleeping with him. And she made a pass at him, which I presume means she told him from the jump that she was single. Maybe even told him that Jason cheated. It’s not hard to believe that it’s true considering it was the middle of the pandemic and they had two young kids. “We still share a house because it’d be too complicated.” Makes perfect sense. “We don’t want to make the breakup public since we still have to share a house.” Also makes sense.
The fact that Harry included their anniversary date on a bag he gifted her and that said anniversary date is prior to the date Jason outright said they separated (the bag said October 25 and Jason is on the record saying they separated in November) to ME says that Harry was confident in what Olivia had told him. Even if for his own image and how he was perceived, he wouldn’t flaunt being a homewrecker. I don’t think saying he’s at least somewhat aware of his own image and would be more careful than that is babying him.
Also, if my partner told me “my POS partner cheated on me look at all this evidence, we are separated but he’s an ass who wants to drag me down. So don’t believe a thing he says.” I would probably believe them.
My guess is that the nanny having hard proof (text messages) and dates is what made him go “hell no.”
Also, the nanny claimed Olivia lied about Harry hooking up with his friend’s girl. And Harry and Zach haven’t hung out since that whole thing happened, as far as we know (but Zach and Florence are all good). I can’t imagine Harry would be too happy about that. There were rumors about this whole Florence and Harry thing since before Venice. The Sun posted them. I 100% think it all stems from Olivia trying to cover her ass.
The nanny described Olivia as someone who likes to pretend that everything is perfect all the time and that there are no problems. Like she buries her head in the sand and I can SO see it.
There’s the little detail of Olivia continuing to sleep with Jason for two months after announcing their breakup AND getting with Harry. She cheated on him too.
I’m the last person to demonize a woman for the sake of it. But there’s no saving some of us. I’m sorry but she’s a mess, and if Harry even for a second glances in her direction, I’ll be extremely surprised. Even if he’d want to, his friends would probably slap him.
I hope his friends slap him but idk Harry is a big boy who makes his own decisions and I’m… genuinely not convinced he’s done™️ with her. Yes, a lot of what you say is right but also like… he really really really loved her and I think that type of love doesn’t fade in a year.
she reminds me of my bf’s ex-wife lol who is even more nuts tbh but who kept that man for like 8 years I think??? or 12??? it was a long time??? until he had irrevocable proof she’d been cheating repeatedly with multiple different dudes and that happened less than a year into the actual marriage lmfao so idk. Crazy bitches are crazy but they get shit done. I’ve got to give them that.
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Propaganda under the cut!
He believes all mortal beings deserve to die. He is bald but in a very unsexy way. He exudes zero chemistry and talking to him about romance is like talking to a boiled egg. 
Described by major media as "elf hitler," he dumps you to destroy the world
He is a smelly know it all, and that's before you find out he is a deity in disguise who caused the rift you spend the game trying to fix in the first place and he betrayed you and chopped off your hand
Breaks up with you, disappears without saying anything, plans to destroy the world
Look. I’ll admit I have not personally romanced solas. I am baffled that anyone would WANT to romance solas. I know we all love a waify little elf wizard with questionable motivations but jfc look at him like im trying not to say anything demeaning about bald dudes but he does not wear it well. Also iirc you can only romance him if you’re also an elf and then he’s weirdly rude and dismissive if your character is Into Elf Culture. Look im a huge lesbian but Iron Bull is RIGHT FUCKING THERE why would you do this.
well you (the pollrunner) already know cause hes ur icon but i will say that at least he is meant to suck as a romantic partner with only one ending (two if you include astronaut) having him and sol (the player character) staying together on the other end tho there's three ways to start dating him one is to make him go to therapy n then start dating after he is no longer abusing his girlfriend (either breaking them up by convincing him to dump nemmie or convincing nemmie that hes the scumbag he is n she deserves better) another is to be his side piece and the third way is getting him so mad he drags sol off by the neck to beat the shit out of them with this event ending with either him n sol sleeping together (also causing him and nemmie to break up) sol getting the living daylights beat out of them (to the point they got knocked out n needed medical care) with the implicit threat of vace will do this again if they dont stay out of his way and sol avoiding both of those things but being so shaken by the experience that theyre struggling to breath until theyre outside and fully away from him which gives a very different undertone to hooking up with him in this event
the stuff from when i submitted him is entirely from memory so im directly grabbing snippets from the game files this time around (stuff from the game will be in italics like this spoilers for the game btw) starting with if solanaceae is dating vace during the green vertumna ending (warning for abuse cause he is like intentionally written to be abusive)
As the military gains more power under Lum, Vace feels ambivalent over the increased role he's forced take in adjudicating the pointless squabbles of colonists indefinitely trapped in a tin can- more akin to a police officer than a pround defender. This ambivalence turns to bitterness and resentment. He backslides even further during your relationship with him, eventually becoming violent. Your relationship with him ends in a protracted, messy manipulative break-up that occupies the gossip mill for weeks.
this is the only ending where he becomes physically abusive... to solanaceae at least as if you dont break him and nemmie up and dont manage to corral him to therapy this is a piece of his ending card
Vace loves the idea of having a family to protect. Nemmie retires from active duty when they announce that they're expecting their first child... and then second, and their third shortly after that. He and Nemmie are the picture of bliss for years... that is until it all comes crashing down. Vace is your friend, which is probably why you didnt see the cracks until their family was already broken. Nemmie takes the kids and leaves him in the middle of the night, and Vace never really tells you why... but judging from the way people rally around Nemmie so he can't get to her again, you can take a guess.
the snippet if vace does go to therapy isnt much better
You know that Nemmie was never the mothering type, and having kids is tough on her. (<- nemmie has been repeatively establish throughout the game to not want to be a mom and break up with you if you get the prolific parent career) and Sometimes you wonder if they're truly happy together or just... stuck with each other, but at least they've found some peace.
here are the snippets from if you're dating him first if he goes to therapy (good ending?)
Your relationship has its ups and downs. Vace has a lot of unpacking to do, and it takes time. On his worst days, he's just as he was before: quick to anger, and quick to fall back on intimidation tactics to get his way. You're able to see through to the struggling man underneath, but it takes a toll on both of you. You date on-and-off, fighting and making up often. He's never violent or cruel towards you, (sideeyes other endings) but after a while... you just realize you're unhappy. You're both unhappy. Your relationship feels more like an metaphor for his self-improvement than a beautiful thing you share. Eventually you break up for good. [if mem_ending_parent] He says he'll help with the kids... but he doesn't really have the patience for it.
and without it
Your relationship has its dizzy highs, but more than its fair share of horrible lows. You kind of like it though... it keeps things spicy. You've never been happier than when you and Vace are tearing into each other, whether it be on the training mats or in bed. It makes you feel alive. It all comes down when one of Vace's soldier buddies breaks rank and tells you... Vace is doing the same with other people. The fight is cataclysmic. You scream and throw things, but nothing gets through to Vace. Just like how things were between him and Nemmie, he doesn't consider your feelings at all. He's in it for only one person: himself. When word gets out you two are quits for good, Nemmie gloats about it for days.
here are some bits from nemmie's endings that relate to vace as well with them staying together
However... as the years pass, you begin to see cracks form in Nemmie's happy household. Vace's overbearing nature really leaps out when he had her trapped with three of his kids under their roof, insisting he doesn't want his kids to be raised in 'some hippie creche' like Nemmie was. [if mem_vace_therapyComplete] Nemmie is miserable. She tells you about how they fight all the time- about how every day, she's scared that he'll go back to his old habits and things will break bad between them again, but she's so hopeful because she knows Vace is trying his hardest to be a good partner. It doesn't last forever, though. Vace trusts you, (and not his goddamn wife??) and with you on Nemmie's side, you get him to change his mind on the creche. With more time to breathe at home, the Nemmie you love returns. (no therapy version ->) Eventually, their relationship takes a turn for the worst. Nemmie shows her physical wounds on her skin, but it's harder to see the emotional ones. When she flees to your quarters late one night with bruises, you welcome her in and give her all the support you wished you could have given her all those long years she couldn't see.
and if you break them up
Nemmie's relationship with Vace may have been brief, but it was formative. She doesn't throw herself into loving anyone that deeply again for a long time, instead focusing hard on her work. You're by her side during her misadventures in dating some of the other soldiers- and once, notably, Rex- howling with shared indignity and laughter with every awkward breakup.
for a bit more of a spotlight of how specifically formative vace was nemmie's first relationship and she was 16 going on 17 while vace was 20 going on 21 He Is 4 Years Older Than Both Nemmie And Solanaceae And They Are The Only Named Characters He Can Get Romantically Involved With solanaceae and nemmie were 14-15 when he first meets them i dont remember exactly how old cause i havent played the game in almost a year n the files im using rn (endings + vace's character file) dont have that specific info in them but in the game you can click on character portraits to see the info you have about them which includes their actual ages (+ in game birthmonth) in them anyway theres a lot more i can include but its late n this is already long so heres the specific event i was referencing in my submission i'll do this -> (...) <- to indicate that im omitting some lines for length
You're feeling self-destructive today, so you go looking for Vace. He finds you first. CLANG! Vace gets the drop on you, grabbing you around the neck and slamming you into the metal wall. You're dragged unceremoniously into a side room. Vace's hand clamped across your mouth. He throws you to the ground, and you take quick stock of your surroundings. It looks like a munitions room, though it's been mostly empited but for a few stacks of boxes. There's no one here except you and Vace. Vace stands over you, placing his heavy boot on your chest to keep you pinned to the ground. "It's time you and I had a little chat, Solanaceae." (... just two dialogue choices that lead to vace insulting you before continuing) "Here's what's going to happen," Vace says, deadly calm. (... vace explaing that is going to beat you up expects you to lie there n take it n then ->) "And three, you're going to wake up somewhere else knowing that if you ever mouth off to me in front of my men again, next time you aren't going to wake up." (... dialogue option of "screw me yourself, coward." leads to hookup n will break up him n nemmie if you havent already broken them up n then two skill check choices of Stop You Could Kill Me and Stop You Have More To Lose (ie his position n respect from others as a solider) Than I Do leading to the successful release ->) You close your eyes and wair for the blow to land. It doesn't. "Shit," Vace mutters, lowering his hand. He drops you back on the ground and steps away. "Get the hell out of here before I change my mind." You do that, fighting down the nauseating feeling of his eyes burning a hole in your back. It's not until you're back outside and gulping huge breathes of fresh air that you stop trembling.
you can cheat on vace with a nonromantic victim of his btw n you can be in like an actual polycule in this game n attempting to date anyone else while in a monogamous relationship you automatically break up with the other person but you can cheat on vace if you want to cause he sucks so much back onto the event though those are the successful talking options you can also start fighting him back n convince him to fight you fairly (n then also run away immediately if you dont have enough skill for the Kick His Ass dialogue option netting you the same line about taking huge breathes of air to stop trembling) but here's the text for if you lose talking him down
"Please, don't hurt me." "I'm not hurting you," Vace says. "I'm making you stronger." You close your eyes. It doesn't help. As foretold in the prophecy, you awaken in the medbay some time later. Your skull feels like it's full of buzzing blip bugs. One of Congruence's monitors lights up and she slides over to your bedside. "Welcome back," she says in her best attempt at a soothing voice. "Don't be alarmed, it's quite normal to be disoriented after a head injury. How are you feeling?" (... two dialogue choices that only add one word to the following) Congruence whirrs. "Yes, according to the report from Vace, you were in a training accident," she says. "You should use more caution when sparring, Solanaceae. Concussions are not an advised part of a healthy training regimen."
you can get this event at like almost any time it just requires pissing vace off n solanaceae to be 17+ (as vace n nemmie start dating during their 17th birthday party) you might even be able to trigger it while already dating him (would have to test it tho) cause the thing that triggers the event is ~ if mem_fight_vace > 2 and the things you can do to get that number up are like winning at space soccer n then punching him for insulting your friend and winning sparring against him things unrelated to whether or not you're dating him here's some photos i took of the former event when i got it as a treat for reading all of this no one who dates him is getting a good relationship
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hanmasghost · 2 years
“Online Boyfriends”
Short story ❀ Text Fic ❀ HCs
Author’s Note:
This is a collab w/ @reallyromealone where we both give the other a character and the subject is said character with an online bf :D he gave me Izana<33
Pronouns: He/Him
Warning(s): MODERN AU(meaning Izana was born2004), strong language, mentions of COVID risk
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[U/N] Today at 7:05am
Good morning!
[U/N] Today at 9:24am
Are you busy?
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 9:57am
Sorry, had a meeting.
[U/N] Today at 9:59am
All good! Tenjiku right? Don’t worry about it, I know being a big bad gang member can be hard sometimes
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 10:00am
Is that… sarcasm?
[U/N] Today at 10:02am
Nah, jus teasin’ ya toots
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 10:02am
Don’t call me that.
[U/N] Today at 10:02am
I’ll call my boyfriend what I want!>:(
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 10:03am
I hate you.
[U/N] Today at 10:05am
If you meant that you wouldn’t be dating me, and I’d probably be blocked lol
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 10:05
Shut up.
[U/N] Today at 10:17am
Sorry! Work called! I got a customer >:)
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 10:19am
Your fine, Ran decided to be an ass and bang on my window the whole time you were gone.
[U/N] Today at 10:19am
You HAVE to let me meet him one day
Btw, it’s “you’re”
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 10:20am
No. I refuse.
He’ll corrupt you.
And screw off. English is hard.
[U/N] Today at 10:22am
You suck :((( I wanna meet your friends
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 10:25am
Yeah yeah, whatever you say.
Don’t you have a customer or something? I remember you saying that you were going to have a customer come in and pick up stuff.
[U/N] Today at 10:26am
That’s at 12, I still got time for you<3
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 10:29am
[U/N] Today at 10:30am
Ehhh you’re cuter<3
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 10:37
No you.
─┄ °❀
Izana smiled softly as he continued to argue with his boyfriend.
God how he loved the other male.
If only they lived in the same country.
Izana may be a gang leader, and crave for absolute power, but this man? He wanted to be with this man more than anything.
Izana has known this man since he and {Reader} were 12, a short while after discord had come out, and fell in love with him at 17. He’s 18 now and totally and utterly head over heels in love with the other male, not that he’d admit it.
He would do anything and everything to see this man, just once.
But since {Reader}’s siblings can’t be left unattended, and are high risk for COVID because of medical issues, neither of the males can go and see the other.
That didn’t stop them from calling almost every night, and texting everyday tho.
Most people thought their relationship was fucked over from the very beginning. As Izana was a leader of a very troublesome gang in Tokyo, and {Reader} was an owner of a small business who makes pictures, signs, and pretty decorations of all shapes and sizes from home.
It was mainly {Reader}’s family who thought that, as Izana hadn’t really told anyone, but it was whatever. They’ve been together for almost a year now, both happy with where they are and it’s overall a healthy relationship. Sure they’re both mentally unstable, but they were working on it, together.
That’s all that mattered right?
Unlocking his phone again, Izana sat up and opened Discord.
─┄ °❀
[U/N] Today at 11:53am
I’ve loved talking to you babe! But my customer just pulled in- They have like- 13 things! And two over them are super fucking huge.
Strawb3rryBoY Today at 11:53am
All good, we still on for calling tonight?
[U/N] Today at 11:53am
For sure! Love you!<3
Love you t|
─┄ °❀
Izana stopped for a second.
He’s… never really said I love you before.
He did love {Reader}, he’d even go as far to say he can see himself marrying the [h/c] haired male. Yet… he’s never really said the words “I love you” to him.
─┄ °❀
Stawb3rryBoY Today at 11:57am
I love you too.
─┄ °❀
Head Cannons!
─┄ °❀
❥ You and Izana have matching pfps
-it was actually his idea too
❥ He likes sleeping on call with you
-more like where one of you sleep why the other is just chilling
-#1 reason why he hates time zones
❥ Likes to listen to you talk about just random things you’re interested in
-depending on what it is, he will check it out if he can
❥ When he can’t sleep and knows your busy he will hug a pillow and pretend he’s cuddling you
-it happens a lot
❥ Doesn’t talk to people about you but he will gush his heart out about you in his notes app
❥ He’s still not all that good with English, so he has you teach him a little from time to time
❥ You’re his only non gang related friend he has on discord
-everyone else he’s friended on discord is from his gang(or another gang)
❥ He dreams about taking you to a bakery and sharing strawberry filled pastries with you
-if you’re allergic or don’t like strawberries, that’s okay with him, he likes chocolate and blueberries too
❥ You made him a playlist on Spotify and he listens to it all the time
-His favorite is probably “Make you Mine” or “Mr Loverman”
❥ Was your first customer, he had you make a sign that had both your initials inside of a heart and let you add whatever you wanted to it
-He paid you extra for it, refusing to take no for an answer
-It’s hanging on his bedroom wall
❥ Absolutely loves being called babe
-It makes him feel pretty, and appreciated for absolutely no reason
-Won’t admit it tho
❥ He’s teaching himself how to cook
-It’s actually Kakucho teaching him, he just says he’s teaching himself
-Kakucho has been cooking for him for too long, he wants to be able to cook dinners and stuff for you himself one day
❥ He made you both “couples bracelets” and shipped you yours
-your bracelet is a mix of whites and purples with some red
-his is black, [f/c] and [2f/c]
-it’s to remind you of each other
-both bracelets have charms of the other, which he had custom made
❥ Has a sketch book full of realistic drawings of you guys together
-there’s also a shit ton of chibi versions of you guys together, which are his favorite
❥ Thinks of what pet he wants to adopt with you from time to time
-He just wants something that’d he’d be able to say is “ours”
-Thinks that that you’d be a great fur dad
❥ He dreams of you guys getting married a lot
-Lowkey wants to wear a dress
-Or maybe a suit with a skirt
-Don’t ask why, he just does
-Also thinks it’s be cool if you both wore one
❥ Didn’t realize he like liked you until you asked him out
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 5
Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You find yourself in the middle of a predicament.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: SMUT as always, sort of public sex??? Unprotected sexy times, emotional damage lmao
A/N: Buckle up, babies!!! You’re in for a rollercoaster ride for this chapter ajckjasncjak I apologize in advance and please don’t hate me
AND BTW if you guys haven’t seen, I found the perfect playlist for this series lmao I saw the title and I was like HOLD UP this is perfect https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3Eg5ZH6wMq4iocF5fWSesb?si=aff157a6198a4446
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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Still awake, baby?
You screamed into your pillow upon reading Bucky’s text. It was quarter to midnight and you couldn’t sleep, especially not after Bucky told you that he wanted to make the relationship official.
It’d only been three months and you felt like he was moving too fast. And when he promised that he would find a way to snatch your heart the old-fashioned way? You wanted to explode because obviously, he already did.
But you weren’t going to say that to someone who already had a huge ego (and cock, too).
You composed yourself and typed in your reply, throwing your phone to your side after sending it.
Yeah. Why are you still up tho?
Not even a minute later and your phone began to ring. You sat up on your bed and squeezed your pillow, hating how Bucky had such an effect on you. Jesus, what are you, a high school student?!
You stared at his name on your screen before swiping and accepting the call.
“What’s up?” You answered as calmly as you could.
Bucky’s low chuckle sounded so fucking sexy that you had to bite your lower lip to prevent a moan from escaping.
“Still working. Can’t concentrate though, I keep remembering how you looked like with my cock in your mouth.”
You exhaled through your nose, “Jesus, you’re insatiable.” You said.
“Only for you, baby. You know that.” He said and your heart did a little somersault inside your chest.
“Don’t stay up too late, you have an early meeting tomorrow, right?” You asked, trying to change the topic because if you didn’t, you were sure how things would go.
Bucky let out another chuckle, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll just finish signing some papers and then I’m off to bed.”
You hummed and laid back down on the bed. It was completely silent but it wasn’t awkward. You heard the shuffling of paper on Bucky’s end, followed by the squeaking of a chair.
“You still there?” Bucky asked.
“Mhmm, you done?” You asked back.
“A few more papers left, baby. Can you wait ‘til I finish?”
There was something about talking to Bucky on the phone like this, so casual and so...mundane. It felt natural and comfortable, to think that this was the first phone conversation you had with him. He only sent you texts previously so this was new, but you had to admit, you loved it.
Bucky heard you yawning and let out a soft laugh. He sounded sleepy too when he spoke, “Almost done.” He reassured.
“Let’s have dinner tomorrow.” He added.
“Yeah, okay. As long as it’s not in the same restaurant we went to after my promotion.” You groaned at the memory.
Bucky snorted, “We’re banned there, babe. Even if I wanted to go back there, they wouldn’t allow it.” He said.
“No shit, Sherlock. We got caught in their bathroom, of course they’ll ban us.” You huffed out.
“I was looking forward to dessert, you know.” You pouted.
“I got my dessert though.” You could hear Bucky’s smug smirk through the phone.
“Are you done?” Bucky whispered into your ear as he placed an arm on the back of the booth.
You shivered at his voice and nodded, grabbing your champagne and drinking it in one go.
“I promised you something, didn’t I? That I’ll give you something right before dessert? Meet me in the bathroom in five. Again, don’t be late.”
And with that, Bucky slid out of the booth and adjusted his suit before leaving for the bathroom. You clutched your heart and waved at the waiter who passed by, requesting for a refill and downing it before following Bucky.
You adjusted the black dress that Bucky bought you, you were surprised at how perfect the fit was. The lovely dress though, made you uncomfortable because of its length and the fact that Bucky still had your panties with him was making you feel even more conscious.
You were immediately pulled into the men’s bathroom as soon as you got there. Bucky tugged you into one of the cubicles and wasted no time to bend you over, lifting your skirt up to squeeze your ass.
“I knew I picked the right dress, you look good enough to eat.” Bucky grunted as he unbuckled his belt.
You moaned and pressed your palms against the door, pushing out your ass towards Bucky until you felt him line his tip up to your entrance. In one swift move, Bucky bottomed out and didn’t give you enough time to adjust.
It was fast and violent, the way Bucky fucked you inside that stall. Both of you were too caught up in the pleasure to even hear the commotion happening outside.
“Not gonna last long, Bucky...” you whimpered, feeling your legs tremble.
You’d been on edge the entire time, having been denied your orgasm earlier. And Bucky kept on squeezing your thigh teasingly during dinner, palm always inching higher until it settled close to your bare mound.
Of course, you wouldn’t last long!
“I know, baby.” Bucky said, sucking the skin on your exposed shoulder as he continued to fuck you from behind.
Once done with the sex escapade, the both of you were welcomed by the restaurant’s manager with a disapproving (and scarred) look on his face.
You blushed at the memory, “Let’s not do that again, please?” You said.
Bucky laughed, “Fine, fine. But dinner tomorrow, okay?”
You yawned at the same time you hummed, “Just dinner.”
“Wholesome dinner.” He confirmed. “Alright, I’m done with work. Sleep now, baby.” He cooed and you nodded even though Bucky couldn’t see you.
You heard footsteps and then the sound of the door closing shut.
“Good night, baby.”
“Hmm, good night, Bucky.”
To say you were giddy the next day was an understatement. You were on cloud nine after having a phone conversation with Bucky last night. You even greeted Janet the snitch a very good morning when you shared the elevator with her.
You entered your floor and offered everyone a smile, but you also noticed that they seemed to be preoccupied talking to each other.
“What’s up?” You asked Martha and the other girls who were huddled together.
“Haven’t you heard?” She asked. “Sophia shared an elevator ride with Mister Barnes earlier. He called a flower shop, asked for their most expensive bouquet and then went on to make dinner reservations at an elite restaurant!”
You paled at the discovery and cleared your throat, “And that’s a big deal because?”
Martha snickered, “Girl, we’re talking about James Barnes here, a rich and eligible bachelor. It is a big deal. And ugh, I wonder who the lucky lady is! What I’d do to be her.” Martha dreamily said.
“Do you think it’s an employee here? Fuck, I’d be so envious if that girl happens to be working here!” Sophia added.
“Is that even allowed? Sounds pretty scandalous to me.” Kate chimed in.
“Oh my god. Remember the pantry incident that Janet reported? What if that was Mister Barnes and his girl? Damn, that’s juicy. It’d be horrifying if they get caught.” Kate added.
Your head felt light-headed at all the information that was going on. Hearing their conversations felt like a bucket of iced water was being poured on you. It was like a moment of a major realization.
Shit, what has gotten into you, getting all tangled up in this mess? Damn you, Tinder!
Even if Bucky agreed to take things slow, you realized that it wouldn’t really help. If news got out that you were dating the CEO of your company, you’d still receive some backlash for it.
Maybe making it official wasn’t the right thing to do. At least, not yet.
“Ladies, gossip time is over.” You announced and tried to stay calm. “And speaking of Barnes, I need to submit a report.”
You nervously knocked on Bucky’s door, hoping that he was back from his early morning meeting. You could hear him talking inside and thought that maybe he was busy.
“Come in.” He called before you could even turn around.
Slowly, you opened the door and slipped inside his office. Bucky was on his chair, talking to someone over the phone. When he saw that it was you, he quickly put his phone on mute and smiled.
“Yes, baby? What do you need?” He asked softly.
Goddammit! Bucky was surely getting used to that pet name. Initially, he’d only call you that in the throes of pleasure. But somehow, Bucky began to use it so casually that it made you nervous. What if he slipped and called you that during a meeting, in front of everyone?
You hated how Bucky was becoming soft and gentle around you, well, except maybe when he was in a certain mood. It was confusing the hell out of you. But you also enjoyed being the only one to witness his soft side.
Was his offer to make things official because he truly liked you or was the fucking that good to make him want to commit all of a sudden?
“I uhh, I think I’ll just come back later if you’re busy.” You stammered.
Bucky held up a finger and then unmuted his phone, “Hey, something important came up. I’ll call you again later.” He said and quickly ended the call before turning to you.
“You know I’m never too busy for you.” He said, his eyes the softest you’d ever seen.
There goes your heart.
“I think...” you trailed, not sure how you were going to say it.
Bucky raised his eyebrows at you, urging for you to continue. You heaved out a deep sigh. Your hands balled into fists at your side as you walked closer to his desk.
“Can we raincheck on the dinner tonight?” You asked.
Bucky frowned, “Why?”
You shrugged, “No reason.”
“Lie to me one more time and I’ll have you on my lap for some spanking.”
How the hell does Bucky do that? Become all sweet and soft and then rough and dominating all of a sudden?!
You squeezed your thighs together because the image of Bucky’s hand landing on your ass was doing things to you. You willed yourself not to give in, you came here for a reason.
“There are rumors about you. Someone heard you making dinner reservations and now everyone’s talking about it. I just...” you paused to check Bucky’s reaction but as usual, you couldn’t read his face.
“Maybe making this official isn’t...the right thing to do.”
Bucky pushed himself up from the chair slowly and stalked towards you. Was he mad? Fuck, you hoped he wasn’t. When he reached you, his hand came up to brush your cheek with his knuckles.
“What do you want then?” He asked.
Shit, you never actually thought about it. What do you want? Keep things casual between you and Bucky? Completely stop whatever it was that was going on between the two of you?
“I don’t know.” You shrugged.
“I like you.” Bucky stated and stepped back. “You’re intelligent and you don’t take shit from anyone, myself included. When you said you wanted to take things slow, I agreed to it. Hence, the flowers and dinner. Now that I’m giving it to you, you still don’t want it.”
Bucky’s livid. He was composed but the way his jaw tensed as he spoke was enough proof that he was mad, really mad. It’s his calm demeanor despite being angry that somehow scared you. The calm before the storm. What the storm was going to be? You didn’t know and honestly, you weren’t sure whether it was something that you even want to find out.
Maybe you were being confusing or indecisive but only because things happened too quickly for you to even properly process it. To think that you addressed your concerns last night, you actually that Bucky understood where your feelings were stemming from. However, it seemed to have gone over his head.
“Bucky, I don’t think you’re getting my point here.” You explained, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“If you heard what your employees have been saying about you and your...girl, you’d understand.” You said and placed your hands on your hips.
Bucky made a face, “Then make me understand. What did you hear?” he asked.
“We already talked about this last night! They’d think that the promotion was given to me because we fucked! That’s going to taint my image for the rest of my life.” You huffed out.
Bucky rubbed his face with his hand as he paced back and forth, “They’re idiots if they think of that. What do you want me to do? Give a detailed presentation why I decided to promote you? Go through your evaluation one by one? He sarcastically said.
“Oh my god, Bucky. You really don’t get it, do you?” You let out a humorless laugh.
He shrugged, “You’re confusing the hell out of me. Just tell me what the hell you want to happen.”
“Maybe I just want keep things professional.” You blurted out in the spur of the moment.
You didn’t mean it. You so didn’t mean it. Fuck. You word vomitted and now you were going to regret it.
Something in Bucky ticked, you saw it. He approached you until he was towering over your frame. It was intimidating to say the least, the way Bucky stared down at you with a blank expression on his face.
“What if I don’t want to?” Bucky asked, his eyes looking down at your lips for a quick second before moving back up to your eyes.
“I wasn’t asking for your permission.” you retorted and you’re not sure why.
Bucky exhaled through his nose and this time, you could read his face. He was fuming.
“I told you, you’re mine.” He said through gritted teeth.
The tension in the air was thick. The close proximity was making you dizzy, Bucky was so close that his scent was invading your senses. His jaw was clenched tightly as he looked down at you with piercing eyes and you were so tempted to just grab his face and kiss him and tell him that you liked him too.
But of course, your pride just had to be in the way.
“You don’t own me, Bucky. I am my own person.”
Another word vomit. You were Bucky’s the moment he laid his hands on you and you liked it.
Bucky inhaled and shrugged, loosening up before taking a step back. “So you want to keep it professional, huh?”
Bucky nodded, “You’re lying. I know you are. But okay then, professional it is. Let’s see how long you can keep lying to yourself.”
You watched Bucky walk back to his desk, sitting down on his chair with his arms crossed over his wide chest. His face was void of any emotion all of a sudden, he didn’t even look angry anymore and you hated how you couldn’t seem to figure him out.
“Anything else you’d like to discuss?” he asked, the professional tone of his voice sending chills down your spine, but not in a good way.
You slightly nodded, placing a folder on top of his desk before backing away. “It’s this month’s report.”
“Okay. You’re dismissed.” He casually said, grabbing the folder and skimming through your report as if you weren’t standing right in front of him.
You felt a pang of pain hit you right in the heart when he looked up at you questioningly, as if he was wondering why the fuck you still haven’t left his office. At that moment, you wanted to take back all the things you said and just give in to your damn feelings.
But would you really let your career nosedive just to be with Bucky? You weren’t sure if you were ready for that.
You straightened up and maintained a calm demeanor, “That’s all. Thanks, Bucky.”
“That’s Mister Barnes for you.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @prettyintopeerpressure @weloveyasmin @est19xxshit @bloodhon3yx @dressed-in-prada @lizette50 @thatfangirl42 @sunflowerbunny2 @unmagically @okiegirl24 @sugarpunch-princess @enlyume @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp @lyoongx @just-deka @nobody-will @jaziona92 @elisebuitron @dpaccione @suvikamahes98blr @buckybarneshairpullingkink @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes @iloveangstposts @weenersoldierr @asemistablehundredyearoldman @reidbuck @lizzarooni @girlfriday007 @bonkywobble @lost-in-the-stars03 @its-yasbxtch @whoth3hellisbucky​
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag​ @weird-mumbling​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @mostly-marvel-musings​ @squishybabies​ @megzdoodle​ @little-baby-vixen​ @annathesillyfriend​ @xhollycowx​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @gogolucky13​ @countonthesun​ @iloveshawnieboi​ @learisa​ @borikenlove​​ @scarlet-natasha89​
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technowoah · 3 years
Can I request a prompt #37 with Karl Jacobs? I love your writing btw :)
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The four times Karl tried to propose and the one time he actually did.
- Karl Jacobs x gen!neutral reader!
- Prompts: 37) "Are you proposing?!"
⚠︎ swearing, fluff, angst if you squint and a rushed ending. I didn't proofread either
an// TYSM FOR LIKING MY WORK 😭ALSO Thanks for requesting and sorry this came out so late! Hope you enjoy :)
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To say that Karl loved you was an understatement. He adored you and practically worshipped the ground you stood on. He is so respectful, which is a major upgrade from your other boyfriends, and loves you for who you are. You didn't have to put on a facadè at all during the 3 years you two have dated.
This love wasn't a one way thing. You loved him just as much, or even more, than he did. Everything he did you supported, you were always cheering him on from wherever you were. You were here for the good and the bad, and he was too. You two never shyed away from admiting your love and support. You could write a essay on each thing you love about Karl.
The idea of marriage came up during a late night dinner at Denny's. The idea came so naturally to you, so it surprised Karl that you didn't tense up. Karl was tense when bringing up the topic of marriage, so when you said "Yeah, I wanna get married to you one day." so casually it caught him off gaurd.
You two had already talked about marriage time and time again, but this time Karl wanted to take the initiative. He was ready to get married and since the marriage talk was just a few months ago it was fresh in his mind. Karl could vividly imagine you walking down the aisle towards him looking angelic. He could see everything now and he wanted those daydreams to become a reality. He wanted to physically feel your hands against his as you two say "I do" to one another.
He couldn't stop thinking about settling down in a nice house with you. Karl already bought a ring for you and always has it with him. Now he justs needs to figure out how to tell you.
1st proposal: Fireworks
You blocked out Jimmy's yelling as you sat in a lawn chair in the middle of the woods. Karl had invited you to a MrBeast video shoot because he thought it would be a great early 4th of July. It was late at night and slightly cool outside, so you were wearing a MrBeast hoodie Karl was wearing earlier. You zoned out as the boys talked to the camera over and over again, taking multiple shots.
You found yourself looking at Karl most of the time you sat there and you always caught his gaze towards you. Every time you caught him looking at you, you sent him a small wave or blow him a kiss and every time he sent a shy wave back or sent a more exaggerated kiss back.
During halfway through the shooting you begrudgingly had to move your lawn chair further and further away from your original spot. Karl always checked up on you before and after each firework set were blown up. He has been acting fidgety around you and you didnt know why. When you tried to confront him about it he would always turn away and go back to the boys without a glance back, and his hands in his pockets.
You loved watching the guys play with so many different types of fireworks, this was a great 4th of July for you, but you wished that Karl was sitting next to you feeling the bliss that you were.
You were currently sitting behind bulletproof glass while the guys had a control panel on their lap. Karl kept sending glances towards you and you looked at him and smiled whishing he was next to you and not over by the guys. You knew it was selfish, but he invited you here.
Karl kept bouncing his leg, he kept his hand in his pocket which held the ring. He kept sending glances towards you, knowing he should be on one knee right about now. Jimmy was about to fire off the last rocket of the night and Karl couldn't seem to go over and ask you to marry him. He knew he was hilding himself back which made him hate himself. You deserved a good night and he hoped you enjoyed the fireworks, but he knew on the ride back he would have to apologize.
He stayed with the boys as they went to go see the fireworks they would be setting off soon. Once they came back they were all about to press the button to set off the expensive fireworks they counted down from 5 and he looked towards you. You were standing up with your arms crossed, hopefully shielding yourself from the cold, and looking towards the fireworks that were going to burst. They finally pressed the button the fireworks went off.
Each burst of light in the air sent a glow onto your smiling face. Karl sent a somber glace and marveled in how the explosion of the fireworks sent a beautiful glow around you.
This wasnt the right time. Next time.
2nd proposal: Donuts
"Im sorry for last night." Karl apologized as you both took a seat at a booth by the window at the small coffee and donut shop.
This was supposed to be an apology for the last failed proposal. Instead of spending time with you, he kept his distance which was the opposite of what he really wanted to do. This was a way to spend much needed time with eachother, but this was also another attempt at a proposal.
Karl wanted to hide the ring in the middle of a donut so when you inevitably look at it when he hands it to you, you'll see the ring and then he'll propose right there. To him it seemed flawless.
You never wanted a huge proposal. You didnt want that much attention on you when your future significant other would propose. Something simple would be the ideal proposal and you've hinted that many times to Karl and right now he was listening. There were only two other couples in the small diner because others were picking up donuts and leaving. If he decided to get down on one knee it would cause a scene.
You stayed silent for a moment looking at Karl before deciding to speak.
"It's no problem. Please dont stress out about it." You smiled softly and he smiled back at you. "I mean the fireworks were beautiful, but you all were screaming too much."
You both laughed as you both recalled that night in the desert.
"Yeah I just didn't..I didn't really talk to you all night. I feel bad." Karl said fiddling with his hands.
"Its in the past Karl. And I still know you love me." You reached out to grab both of his hands and hold his cool hands in yours.
"I do love you." He whispered for only you to hear leaving both of you smiling ear to ear.
"What kind of donuts you want?" Karl asked looking into your eyes carefully.
You thought about it for a while before speaking up. "I'll keep it simple. Icing with sprinkles. Surprise me with the icing color!" You exclaimed while letting go of his hands for a second.
Once you two let go of eachothers hands he immediately went to his pocket and played with the velvet box. He nodded his head and without a word he stood up to meet the cashier behind the display box of donuts. He ordered only one donut as you said with orange icing this time.
He paid for the food and stayed at the counter where he paid. Karl looked back to see if you were paying attention to him only to see you looking out the window at the people passing by. Karl smiled at the sight knowing he really wants to marry you one day and then he looked down at the glistening ring inside of the box.
Karl was supposed to put the ring in the middle of the donut that was laying alone on a napkin on the counter. He started to think of the possibilities of what could happen. What if you didn't see the ring and crumble the ring with the napkin and throw it away? What if you accidentally put the ring in your mouth? What if you weren't hungry anymore?
He looked over again to where you were looking at him giving him the same smile you gave during the fireworks. Karl sighed and once again closed the box with the ring. He was a coward and he knew that.
Karl picked up the donut from the counter and made his way over to you.
"Here's your donut with sprinkles and orange icing!" Karl exclaimed putting emphasis on the 'orange' part.
"Thanks babe!" You smiled as he sat down across from you. "Wait, you didn't get anything for yourself?"
Karl sighed again for what seemed like the 100th time today and put on a smile. "I ended up not being as hungry as I thought I was."
"Well I could always share!" You started to eat your donut as Karl ended up looking outside.
Unbeknownst to you he was thinking of another way to propose without himself getting in his own head.
He'll find a time.
3rd proposal: Livestream
"Chat! As you can see I have my significant other here with me!" Karl exclaimed to his Twitch following.
You were sat next to him in another one of his office chairs with a blanket across your lap. You loved to join Karl's streams, the last couple of time you two played minecraft, gang beats, played on the nitendo switch for a while, but this time he didn't tell you what games you two would be playing. Karl just told you to come over tonight and ended up asking to join him for a stream last minute.
Now you are here next to him as Karl glows with excitement as he streams to his growing followers. You loved how he interacted with his fans and had a genuine connection with them, but sometimes that strong connection can, and has led to some nights where you had to stay the night and comfort him from his inner demons and the internet. Those nights made you love him even more, the vulnerability he gave to you made you comfortable with him.
It seems like the more time you spend eith him the more you want to officially get married. You didn't want to rush him because you soon figured out for yourself that there is no rush to express your love, which you two do everyday day. You two can get eloped in Vegas and you'll be happy, as long as you can spend the rest of your life with the man you love.
Karl kept sending glances towards you throughout the stream hoping you were having fun with the chill, q and a stream. Again he wanted to propose to you tonight during the stream. He loved showing your relationship whenever he could and whenever you would allow him to. His community also loved you the moment you became his significant other, so hopefully this will be a beautiful moment.
You talked to his chat as he contemplated, again, about whether to propose tonight. It wasn't infront of people, it was infront of a screen and it would be on Twitter in less than a week. This would be a good moment, but then again he wanted this moment to be between you two and he couldn't find the right time nor the right "moment".
As the stream continues you ended up wrapping yourself fully in the blanket and lying your head on his shoulder. You both cuddled eachother while you two answered questions. Karl kissed the top of your head and finally collected all of his thoughts.
He didn't need to propose to officially claim his love to you. Karl knew you both loved eachother to the ends of the Earth and back. There's no need for ceremony and the one day he will propose, he know it will come naturally. There is no need to force it, and now he wont.
Only time will tell.
4th proposal: spongebob
"Are you ready, kids?
Aye, aye, Captain!
I can't hear you!
Aye, aye, captain!
The TV illuminated the comfortable, dark room you two were in. You were lying on the couch with Karl with the blanket you had while streaming. It was late at night after the stream and you two ended up watching re-runs of spongebob. Karl sang along to the theme song softly while you hummed along. This was the 4th episode you both watched this night and it was a great way to end the week.
"Do you want to stay over tonight?" Karl asked softly with tiredness in his voice.
"Of couse. Im too tired to move, so thanks for offering." You chuckled.
"You're welcome here anytime." Karl yawned and squeezed your sides. "Do you want popcorn?"
"Hell yeah." You got off of Karl as he walked to the kitchen.
He put the bag into the microwave and leaned back onto the kitchen counter as he waited. Karl looked over to the side and saw a empty vase which was next to the velvet box he was carrying with him this whole week. He shook his head and laughed to himself before getting the popcorn out of the microwave, dumping it in a bowl and walking back to see you taking up the whole couch.
"Move over or I'll sit on you." Karl said standing above her.
"Is that a promise?" You teased.
"Okay then!" He turned around and began to slowly and dramatically fake sitting ontop of you.
You began to laugh and try to push him off of you. You successfully got him to sit down and returned to your previous position, but this time with popcorn.
"I love you, you know that?" You hummed into his chest.
"Yeah, and I love you more."
"I love you most."
"I love you mostest." Karl laughed.
"That's not a word." You smiled.
"I love you so much I made up a word for ya." Karl kissed you head and you hugged him tighter.
"You know what?" Karl chuckled. "I love you so much that I tried to propose to you 3 times this week."
Karl finished and you sat up from your spot looking surprised. Karl sat up as well thinking he made a mistake telling you. He was abkut to apologize, but you beat him to speak.
"Oh my gosh!" You exhaled.
"Look, I'm sorr-"
"Are you proposing?!" You exclaimed with a smile on your face.
Karl was surprised just like you were before. He remembered that he wanted the Maybe this was the moment he needed this week.
Karl grabbed both of your hands and caressed them both, looking into your eyes. "I was planning to all week. But now I think this is a good moment. So Y/N? Will you marry me?"
"Of course I will!" You enveloped him into a tight hug and peppered his face with kisses. He finally found his moment and he couldn't be happier.
"You said you tried to propose three other times?" You questioned. "When was that?"
"Its a long story."
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years
I come bringing ideas and headcanons.
OK, so we all already know what The Three oldest archons abilities. So I’ve come up with my own ideas we could use for the younger archons! (And yes I’m grouping Ei, Venti and Zhongli as the older siblings since Ei Is 1000 years old Venti is 2,500 and Zhongli is 5,000-6,000 and the other archons are still in the hundreds I think)
Again these aren’t canon just stuff you can use for future Requests for Twisted wonderland x Teyvat God! Reader
For Dendro archon!Reader
Definitely a Bow User. And Is a Healer. But the their Ult can cause damage
I have a theory That during the Archon War The dendro Archin created the Regisvines to fight for them, and only two were left. I also Headcanon The dendro archon can bring plants to life and overwrite what each plant can do. (Maybe even bring mushrooms to life 👀).
Maybe They can create a giant plant from the ground that spreads Healing energies and since this is a god where talking about can Cure Curses (Ahem Vils Curses Ahem) and major Diseases and what not.
For Their Ult maybe a giant plant monster (kinda like how Gouba and Oz exists ) that will attack for them (could make for fun combos with different elements like if the dendro archon was wet Hydro Plant monster)
For Hydro archon!reader
Polearm or sword (theirs way too many Hydro Catalyst) Healer and Dps, Why? Cause I say so.
You’ve mentioned how Hydro archon summons a giant wave? I’ll do you one better and their E skill summons a giant sea creature of your choosing to soak the fighters (A cool visual is their polearm turning into a big dream catcher then going swoosh and Baam Maybe like A giant Water Koi fish finna drown your ass *ahem ace ahem*)
Now mihoyo likes to reference Their character form honkai impact into genshin impact (and since they took a characters look from Honkai and another characters abilities with the whole Dual ego thing for Raiden shogun and Ei) I’m gonna base this Ultimate Skill From a character from Honkai (for research search up Herrsercher of Sentience)
Since the Hydro archons whole thing is about Justice. Now here me out here. WATER WHIP. Just a giant whip of water that can go on for miles (maybe it’s salty maybe it’s like fresh water depends on our readers mood lolol). Like, It’s whip of water strong enough to cut diamond or whatever it would be very cool (Kalim would wanna see if he could do something like that with his UM Que jamil trying to stop him)
Maybe their hair turns into water too.
Pyro archon! Reader
Claymore. A Big strong war god needs a big strong weapon. Dps and Defense.
Now It’s not just one claymore, It’s DUAL-CLAYMORE, why? Cause it’s a war god that’s why!
I like to think the shield is like Xinyans and XiangLings combined and it’s constantly sending off tiny Fire Discs. Or just symbols shooting fire like what the Pyro Abyss mages can do
For Ultimate I like to think it’s like Childes Daggers but Bigger and on fire just a huge sword made of fire.
The pyro archon doesn’t think just BURNS. and STABE
Cryo archon! Reader
I can’t really come up with much for Cryo archon. But maybe a Catalyst that can summon a giant blizzard that drops down giant ice swords (kinda like Ganyus)
Definitely a sub DPS.
Maybe a healer too since The Tsaritsa is The archon of love?
What do you think about these abilities? Since you mentioned that the students and staff would assume their just strong mages I tried to be very creative with these abilities.
Also how I think the lore could go is maybe somewhere after leonas overblot and before azuls, Crowly has found a way to send Yuu home reluctantly. Yuu, grim and the aduece duo, and maybe some of heartslaybul or savana claw whoever you want come with them to the office to send them home. But Yuu is contemplating whether or not they WANT to go home now. But something goes wrong, maybe grim messes up the spell for the portal to work becuase (although he doesn’t want to admit it ) doesn’t want Yuu leaving, and their greeted with a surprise guest. Now this gives Yuu time to decide if they genuinely wanna go home and when teh archon finally has the materials they need to create a portal Yuu will tell them to leave the portal open (maybe put it into a tiny pocket mirror like the how we have the teapot) because they wanna stay for a little while or just until grim graduates (Que a happy fire cat ) and the archon whose grown attached to some people here was like ok “let our friends visit whenever they want, only if their headmaster allows it”
Now onto the headcanons
Anemo Archon! Reader and Mondstadt! Yuu
Everyone expected a lot of things not a person with Green eyes and (H/C) hair with green highlights. And an odd thing about them was the glowing stone on their person, Yuu didn’t have that?
Everyone’s freaking out because they’ve accidentaly taken another person from Yuus world.
And since Venti Is a well known famous bard In teyvat let’s say or Dear (y/N) is also a known bard and is not at all freaking out about what’s going on in fact let’s say our dear reader recognizes Yuu! And so now (Y/N) is now a new student (and a new headache for Crowley) in the ramshackle dorm! Yup! Just an ordinary human bard, Ehe~.
I’ll leave the rest of this up to you, Where Yuu has to explain what the world of teyvat is like (and why Yuu doesn’t have a phone (and a vision) because Twisted wonderland is far more advance in Technology and teyvat has JUST invented the Camera)
Also I head canon that people with Visions can summon their weapons and object with their visions, ok? Ok. To make things make more sense when reader pulls out a lyre from floating glitter.
Geo archon!reader and Liyue! Yuu
Same things happend here, but hey! We’ve summoned a Funeral Consultant! A very (ahemATTRACTIVEahem) Wise funeral consultant at best!
Our dear Friend (y/n) is very calm about the situation as well. After all everyone and liyue knows their god was killed and The Adepti are watching over them
So Our dear reader is seeing this as a free vacation 😊
Electro Archon!Reader and Inazuma!yuu
Since the god of Inazuma isn’t “Dead” or hasn’t left and the people know what their beloved archon looks like, Yuu will definitely Be Freaking the fuck out
insert the meme of the womens face that gets zoomed in on the second panel “the. WHAT.” 😃
And y’know how Eis “Hello” voice line where she makes the traveler her guard she says the same thing to Yuu except “I recognize you are one of my people as your archon I shall be your guard and keep you safe from any danger in this Foreign world” and let’s say The puppet will not be used and Reader will be in control becuase they don’t have to worry about erosion right now so the puppet will be resting while (Y/N) is in control protecting their Precious Inazuma citizen is ok.
Well until They can get the materials they need to open a portal. I’ll let you figure out the rest, but congrats ramshackle you now have a god in your abode 😃✨
-Plot Anon 💗
PLOT ANON-SAMAAAAAAAAAA ILY!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your hard work sob
Anyways, for skills of the archons-
Dendro Archon
I think they'd use a sword or a catalyst tbh, if the skills you listed, it makes a little more sense to have them be more of a catalyst
For their elemental skill, I think they'd summon/throw something similar to Klee's and Aloy's elemental skill except they heal if someone in your party is nearby, their healing could scale by their EM or ER.
For their burst, I like your head canon for the Dendro Archon, so I might go off from that and your idea for their burst, just more tweaking. The dendro archon would be able to summon a large plant that heals AND deals Dendro damage by sapping mobs hp. The amount of life sapping it does and the healing would scale off their original HP (artifacts that give hp won't be of use)
Hydro Archon
I agree with hydro polearm or sword. Too many catalysts
Mmm... To be honest, I think you should have the burst be her skill... The whip idea is intriguing, but I think it would work more for a skill which can allow them to use it several times before waiting for the CD to go down. I think the whip skill would work better with Crit as well.
AND AS FOR THE MENTIONS OF WAVE AND A SEA CREATURE, I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER BUT FOR THEIR BURST!!!! They summon a large tsunami which takes form of a monster/animal and lunges at the mobs (similar to Zhongli tossing down a dumbbell), however the amount of damage the burst can do is depending on if they are afflicted by the wet status the mobs are afflicted by. If already afflicted with hydro, the mobs would receive double damage while those with other elements afflicted on them would receive the element combination DMG and normal DMG while those that aren't affected by an element, they would receive normal damage. The amount of damage the burst does is scaled by EM.
Pyro Archon
Hmmm.... I think the skill would be they set an AoE with magma, mobs will receive damage from it and will continue to receive damage if they stay on it, but those who are in party, they will receive an ATK boost that scales from HP.
For the burst, I think I'll use a character from Honkai Impact with their special move which is Murata Himeko in Vermilion Knight: Eclipse battlesuit. Pyro Archon uses their claymore and another claymore but made of pyro and is far more larger and their cut scene has the Archon raise the pyro claymore above their head and slam it down to send pyro erupting from the ground (similar to the pyro axe wielding hilichurls)
Cryo Archon
I agree with catalyst
Mmmmmm.... I'd say her skill would beeeeee... Trapping several mobs or so in ice. They can either do 2-4 ice traps depending if you got their c1. (The ice traps are similar to Mirror Maidens traps BTW but it deals or affects the mobs with cryo)
For burst, I like the idea of summoning a blizzard/swords, but it's similar to Ganyu's. SO I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER!!!! Cryo Archon will summon a blizzard which freezes mobs without having to use hydro, the freeze status lasts for a total of 15 seconds or higher if you got their c3
Hmmm... I like the idea, but imma tweak it a bit. The archon was in fact summoned through that portal because Grim decided to mess it up just for Yuu to stay a little longer, and so the Archon now resides in Twisted Wonderland as well in order to aide them until they can return back to their world. That way it makes more sense and makes it more fun.
Anemo archon
Yuu would be a bit jealous about them because they got a vision.
Crowley needs to hide his money
Sam has been strictly told to not give them wine that Sam stores in his shop...
Vargus is conflicted about them because they legit float without magic
Trein recurved a major headache
Divus is praying to whatever god existing to take them back
Geo Archon
Yuu feels awkward meeting the consultant of the funeral parlor having to meet the Director...
Crowley is praying for dear god for them to go away.
Train + Crewel + You = Besties
Sam was literally threatened to not joke around with you with business.
You legit did not fuck around with people when in contracts.
"Osmanthus wi-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP" - everyone
Electro Archon
Yuu is literally terrified in "your" presence.
Shogun malfunctioned due to being in an entirely new world so you had to disable Shogun's rules and create new ones regarding this world.
Yuu is still unaware of Shogun being a puppet
Crowley is no longer safe.
The staff (specifically Crewel) is supporting Shogun/You to beat Crowley's ass into shape.
Only the Diasomnia dorm knows your predicament with you and your puppet(s).
You are the definition of Queen/King/Royalty of the school. If you search up NRC, your picture literally plastered on it as the definition.
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