#this is not to be a killjoy it’s just it’s not a tool of analysis.
restlesshush · 1 year
The use of Chuck as a tool of analysis in fandom is genuinely so frustrating, because fundamentally it encourages people not to engage with spn as a piece of media made by real life flawed human writers, which is what it is!! Like, Cas’s inadvertent structural protagonist status at various points has nothing to do with ~him vs Chuck~ or whatever, but due to specific oversights by the writers such that his actions are the ones driving the plot rather than salmondean’s. ‘Chuck’ isn’t trying to ~keep him out of the story~, that doesn’t really mean anything (and if it wasn’t for that one line in Unity, no one would necessarily even think it) – it’s that the writers, trying to keep him off screen, gave him more interesting and more impact-having things to do than they gave salmondean with their much larger amount of screen time. Like I get the Chuck explanation being enjoyable, but we already have a real life explanation, and it’s pretty fun in itself imo! Gamble very much did arguably make Cas the structural protagonist partially as a direct result of trying to kill him off, which is kind of hysterical.
Also the thing is like, Chuck as the authorgodvillain was such a late addition that pretty much nothing is designed around him being the most satisfactory explanation – and it’s incredibly nebulous what viewing earlier events in that light of his intervention is even supposed to entail. If the writers had the courage of their convictions a little more, we could have been invited to recontextualise various really out of left field events in this light, eg @autisticandroids has talked about this re godstiel and the way the leviathans came out of nowhere, and me and them have also discussed it re gadreel being set up to be the “perfect deantransgression” (as @themauvesoul has pointed out) – it would make sense for a villainous author trying to create drama (and undermine Cas) to have contrivedly brought those things about specifically to that end. It is absolutely the case that there are places where it can be fun to say “it would make sense for Chuck to have made this happen for x/y/z reasons”, and it would have been very brave and sexy for the writers to be like “oh yeah lol this thing we wrote would have made more sense of it was Chuck”, but it would be very silly to say “oh the leviathans coming out of nowhere wasn’t actually bad writing because that was Chuck” y’know? Chuck as the authorgodvillain is a concept you can play with if you like, but he’s not a tool of analysis. In the show’s protagonist-powers-deconstruction episode the writers aren’t even brave enough to attack the most egregious writing conveniences facilitating the story, so extending the Chuck lens anywhere else in a way that lets them off the hook is extremely generous, as well as just pretty meaningless.
Fundamentally , the main function that Chuck as the authorgod really serves is a way to handwave away the bad writing (or any other disliked things) in spn when 1) the bad writing is interesting and 2) do we really want to give the writers that get out of jail free card?
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magpie-trinkets · 8 months
I hate what AI art has done to my enjoyment of art. I also hate AI art for multiple other reasons, but that is one of them.
Now instead of enjoying a piece for composition or colour or plain just "this looks pretty" I am instantly suspicious. Sus, one might say. I go through the piece with a fine toothed comb. Is there an inconsistent detail? A mistake a human wouldn't make so far in the process? A weird hand?
Most of AI art trying to pass as art (that I've seen) is heavily rendered, meaning a real artist should've spent hours or days on that thing, chipping away, seeing the piece, which means more opportunities to correct mistakes made in sketch or any other part of the process; it also implies that the artist has some experience and skill, and knowledge of their medium. Art tools, references, etc. Whether you like or dislike their style, their designs or concepts is another matter entirely. This is pure art analysis.
Let's expand:
- Inconsistent details: This is not "this comic artist forgot to copy a detail from panel to panel". This is forgetting bilateral symmetry. This is having fish from the same species have different fin placement. This is weird windows in a normal building, this is breaking a pattern up for no discernible reason. This is a line not connecting with another. This is a detail that shouldn't be there, be there. The AI is good at replicating how something looks, but is bad at paying attention to concepts in the foundation, and it shows with these little details. Concepts that are easily understood by humans by just looking at references and doing sketches.
- A mistake/uncanny wrongness: when you look at a piece for so long, at the same time your back suffers from the unhealthy posture you torture it with, you start seeing mistakes, or things you want to change, or improve, or remove. Like "that pose could be better" or "I forgot this in the background", or "this colour doesn't look good", or "this pattern is too concentrated, I'd better space this element out". An AI doesn't have observational skills or these thought processes. It's also hilariously bad at replicating text. If something feels uncanny, I have to think "did a human make this decision?" or "is the anatomy even correct? the perspective? the colours? the fucking text? it's the fucking text isn't it."
I would offer more specific examples of these, but I try to avoid AI art the second I feel the uncanny wrongness, I have the tag filtered. Once a detail is wrong in a wrong way (I'm not talking an artist accidentally drawing two right hands, I'm talking fingers coming out of fingers) I start to see other mistakes or uncanny decisions. It boils down to the little details.
AI is "trained" (stealing, copying) on multiple other pieces of art. But it copies without understanding. When an artist copies they're trying to understand, they are studying what they copy, and usually they are appreciating what they study. That's why they're called "studies", and they're often properly credited. When they borrow another's style (like Rembrandt) people often say "drawn in a Rembrandt style". AI doesn't do studies, doesn't understand, doesn't credit the thousands of artworks they've stolen from. Because it's thousands, millions. If you tell an AI to generate a painting in a Rembrandt style, you bet your ass the AI is using Rembrandt AND thousand other pieces from different people. But the person posting the AI art says "piece from X AI software in a Rembrandt style!", and that's even if they disclose that it's AI. They don't know which pieces and which artists have been stolen from for that piece. Hey, maybe the AI didn't even copy real Rembrandt pieces. Maybe it's not even Rembrandt style.
I am no longer able to enjoy heavily-rendered, semi-realistic pieces. And the moment AI art encroaches on other styles, we're fucked. Suspicion is such a killjoy, a party shitter and pooper. I hate feeling suspicion every time I see a piece, and I hate feeling right even more.
There's no soul behind AI art. There's no effort or skill. There's no "hours and hours of practicing hand poses". There's no observation. There's no appreciation. There's no intention. There's no love. There's only greed.
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latulasbian-1 · 4 years
what are your thoughts on kankri? personally i never understood the appeal and im interested to hear your take since he Was on the b tier of your list
OK! Sorry for lateness but I only noticed your question at like 2:00 AM and needed a full tank of brain-gas to be able to convey my thoughts even semi-coherently. 
So Kankri’s a weird one, probably one of the most convoluted and self-contradictory characters in Homestuck. Its fitting given he’s pretty much a one note joke and hussie’s one-note joke characters actually wind up being either his most oddly complex (see: equius and feferi for instance) or most sympathetic (see: Nepeta). Kankri’s a bit of both imo, though I wouldn’t call him a favorite for me. 
Kankri’s characterization is built almost entirely on one fuckin’ note: “LOL AIN’T TUMBLR SJWs FUNNY AND ANNOYING!?!?!?”. If you disagree with this then I don’t even know what to tell you, bc everything from his style of long-winded monologues (that wind up running up on Hussie Ableism Moments bc in-narrative his infodumping is supposed to be annoying???) to his inability to take social cues to his supposed-to-be-interpreted-as-excessive use of trigger warnings to his unapologetic killjoy attitude to his supposed hypocrisy/”privilege” are literally all just a fucking layer cake of anti-SJW stereotypes. This is where the issue of how the fandom interprets Kankri kicks in, as people’s opinions on him (aside from a few diehards) tend to scale from “DAWWW CUTE WIDDLE UPPITY BEANBOY” to “fucking annoying neoliberal”. For the matter, neither of these are intended by Hussie, while he did design him to be cute he wasn’t meant to be hateable for leftist homestuck fans as a (neo-)liberal or faux leftist. Hussie just designed him after everyone hussie found annoying in the social justice community primarily on tumblr. Even his political monologues, though not WITHOUT hypocrisy and bullshit, tend to actually skew towards “pretty fucking reasonable hussie just thinks people being upset by bad stuff is stupid”.  
Now, people cite Kankri being ableist in his criticism of certain other dancestors for ~conforming to stereotypes~, which yes from an in context scenario is pretty fucking bad. If someone IRL is dealing with their disability in a way you think seems pretty stereotypical keep that thought to yourself. HOWEVER, AS ONE OF THE MOST CRUCIAL POINTS TOWARDS KANKRI BEING GENERALLY SYMPATHETIC, WE GET THE META ELEMENT. Hussie, in writing a hypocritical mansplainer who goes on and on and on about everything thats politically incorrect about the people around him, practically beat-for-beat replicates talking points PEOPLE HAVE USED TO CRITICIZE HOMESTUCK ITSELF. YES! MITUNA’S PRESENTATION AS A CHARACTER IS 100% UNAMBIGUOUSLY AWFUL IN ITS PORTRAYAL OF PEOPLE WITH BRAIN INJURIES AND MENTAL DISORDERS. DAMARA IS A RACIST STEREOTYPE SO BAD HUSSIE SHOULD GET THROWN IN JAIL. INCEST IS BAD. If ANYONE in homestuck should’ve pulled the meta knowledge shit in post-canon, kankri would’ve been a WAYYYYYY better candidate than dirk for it, especially since kankri seems halfway to realizing he’s fictional just by political analysis of the story he’s in! Kankri seems to exist at the apex of Hussie’s confusion about fandom, given he’s baffled enough by people being obsessed with his work yet so intensely negative that he can only seem to think of them as obsessive manchild wierdos with no sense of rational thought. As someone who myself unironically loves Homestuck and yet have an entire third of my brain dedicated to ripping it apart on an ethical level, I can see some of myself in that turtleneck’d contrarian. Just because someone is a fan of something doesn’t mean they will or should unthinkingly defend it from all recourse. This is something homestuck as a whole struggles with, I think back to the aspect or extended zodiac quiz where one of the questions amounted to “someone is talking shit about a show you like, how do you respond” and there wasn’t even an answer for “actually listen to what they’re trying to say and consider if they could be right”. Kankri is a symbol of sorts for those critical enjoy-ers, in a way. A stupid silly not-that-meaningful way, but a way. I think people should reclaim him. 
I’ve touched on it a bit before, but the last main sympathizing aspect of kankri for me (aside from personality things like his frankly unearned patience with a friend group that entirely fucking hates his guts) is a trait share by almost all the dancestors: Hussie’s fucking disturbing use of mental illness & psychiatric disorders with them. Between Kankri’s unwillingness to observe common social cues, his overtly poised and practiced manner of speaking, his obsession with using trigger warnings to warn off confrontation in leu of not just speaking his mind with everything, his tendency to cling to certain articles of clothing for long periods of time, his implied difficulty taking care of himself physically, and the fucking insulting “mom-friend useless-manchild-who-needs-nannying” dynamic he has with Porrim, he comes off (intentionally or no) as a beat-for-beat embodiment of an autistic person as seen through Hussie’s tropey and horribly ableist worldview. This is a common trait he shares with both Aranea and Mituna, as well as many of the other dancestors to lesser degrees (many of them, like Mituna, also have OTHER mental disorders flat-out-stated in such a way that makes their depiction just fucking confused and bad). For me, and for at least SOME other people, it makes unbiased critical reactions to them damn near impossible. They deserve better than how hussie can write them. In a lot of ways I have friends like Kankri, and Hussie’d almost fucking certainly find them just as embarrassing and annoying as he meant for Kankri to be. 
So yeah, Kankri isn’t my favorite by any means but i don’t feel like i can or should condemn him. He’s fun. I’d watch his video essays. 
And this isn’t even BEGINNING to touch on how much I loathe Porrim as an example of “good cool fun feminists that hussie can sexualize!” And her more open bisexuality than other trolls being both a tool for fetishization by Hussie and a fucking skin-crawling thing to use as a contrast for Kanaya’s status as either “the only confirmed lesbian in homestuck (until postcanon showed rose was a lesbian too)” or “the only lesbian troll in existence ever bc thats totally how sexuality would work with aliens” (sorry if you ascribe to the “all trolls are bisexual bc they’re supposedly binormative as a get-out-of-jail-free card for hussie’s hetero-ass ship tease shit” then. well get better soon) 
(seriously though everyone who pulls the “kanaya is the only lesbian alternian” shit owes every lesbian 100 dollars) 
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alipeeps · 5 years
first lines of your last ten published fics meme
@redfeathered very kindly tagged me in the meme which looks a lot of fun, so why not? :D
Rules: list the first lines of your last 10 published stories. See if there are any patterns yourself, or have other people say what they notice. Tag up to 10 friends!          
Okay so, disclaimer, my writing in recent years is generally slow and sporadic so my last 10 stories that I actually got around to finishing and publishing is probably gonna span a few years and several fandoms! :D 
With that said, here we go...
1.      “Tang Yi!” Shao Fei’s shout merged with the crack of the gun going off, Tang Yi’s finger tightening on the trigger even as Shao Fei pushed past Ah Zhi… and Tang Yi could have sworn his heart stopped beating as Shao Fei cried out, stumbling back a step as he was spun around by the force of the… the shot… his shot… he… oh god, no… he… (Okay - History 3: Trapped)
2.      It was a foolish mistake. They – he – should’ve been more careful. The Dixing-ren they had been tracking was powerful, and not shy about using his powers, leaving a trail of dark energy traces across the city. In every incident they’d investigated, he’d used dark energy to subdue and injure his victims and it was no different when they finally cornered him; he fought back ferociously, firing bolt after bolt of dark energy at them, all of which Shen Wei easily blocked.(Not All Wounds Are the Bleeding Kind - Guardian)
3.      Hank had been working with Connor long enough now to have become accustomed to his various quirks so when his partner tilted his head slightly and blinked rapidly for a second or two just as Hank was ordering himself a coffee, he knew what was coming. “Shit. Another one?” Connor nodded. “The call just came in. Attack on an android in Highland Park.” (Overpowered - Detroit Become Human)
4.       The door to CSS slid open with a quiet whoosh as Hank slapped his hand on the access panel impatiently. He squeezed through the widening gap before the door had finished opening, looking quickly around the large, equipment-filled room. He’d never been down here before, never had any need to. It was all very sparse and clinical, shelving racks neatly stacked with tools and components, a row of android repair bays – each faintly glowing cubicle surrounded by data screens and sporting a set of white plasteel mechanical arms that Hank found vaguely unsettling. (Repairs - Detroit Become Human)
5.      “Connor! Connor, are you okay? ”The timbre and urgency of Hank’s voice, the tightness of his grip on Connor’s arm, denoted concern... concern for him, for his well-being... a detail that Connor’s analytical subroutines noted and automatically processed, feeding the resulting analysis into further subroutines that governed social interaction and relationship-building. (Not Alive - Detroit Become Human)
6.       There wasn’t enough time. Which was kind of ironic, given that he was standing in a literal time machine. But, as it was, he barely had time to process what he was seeing – the incongruous device, its red light flashing ominously –before it detonated, a wave of heat and light blossoming outwards with a deafening roar. There was no time to do anything but turn away from the blast before his world disintegrated into heat and pain and darkness... (Six Weeks - Timeless)
7.      500... 499... 498...Johnny knew Dutch and D’Avin would come for him. Didn’t matter what defences this asshole had in his tooled-up crime lord compound, nothing would stop his team from getting to him. The only question was how long it would take them. (Counting Down - Killjoys)
8.      “Um, you’re.. he’s bleeding...” Quentin’s eyes rolled, expressing Alice’s frustration. “God, he’s so weak..” he – she – slurred contemptuously, even as Quentin’s legs gave way under him and he dropped to the floor. He landed heavily on the hard concrete, his hair splayed out around his head. (Uncharted Territory - The Magicians)
9.       Eamonn turned away in disgust. Roan was slumped forward in the chair, his head hanging down… at least, as much as the collar would allow. His breath rasped in his throat and yet the only sound Eamonn could extract from him was grunts of pain. Despite the beating, Roan would tell him nothing, staying stubbornly silent. (Ain’t No Sunshine - Emerald City)
10.  “What happened?!” “Nothing! Come on, go!” Wyatt fired off a last couple of shots before turning and running after Lucy and Rufus, stumbling a little as he tried to press a hand to the burning pain in his side. They burst out into the main street and Lucy immediately skittered to a halt, her face pinched and anxious as she turned to face him. (Field Medicine - Timeless)
Well there we have it... 2 years and.. lemme see, 7 fandoms. :D 
As far as patterns goes... I often start missing scene fics (which I tend to write fairly often) with a line of dialogue from the episode at the point where the fic picks up the story. And other than that I usually tend to start off with a straight into the story scene-setting paragraph.
I will tag a couple of people that I know write and post fic, but anyone that follows me, please feel free to join in. :) @sarah-yyy, @mypheralside, @terrijo2, @katishideout, @for-the-flail
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youbusiness2025 · 3 years
regarding far as I am worried, How to make profits from a small business among the main reasons the washout rate for small business owners is so high is due to the fact that way too many financiers fail to put sufficient focus on obtaining the maximum return on every dollar and hr that they take into their local business.
Instead, they seem to be much more concerned concerning pointless stuff like the color of their calling card.
In any small business undertaking, an absence of emphasis, combined with the failure to focus on jobs, is a recipe for failing.
So, as well, is the type of complacency that types an "if it ain't broke, don't repair it" attitude, which normally leads to a stagnant service that's barely able to keep its head above water.
That's why to my way of thinking, the catch-phrase "less complicated, much faster, and also cheaper" must be the rule of every investor in America.
I say this due to the fact that I have actually learned the hard way that for me to continually attain the greatest possible rate of return on the money as well as time that I buy my service, I must constantly assess, refine, as well as fine-tune every facet of my procedure, to make it easier, quicker, and cheaper to run. Nowadays, I think about my company as a high-performance auto engine, which needs to be finely turned as well as adjusted to run at its optimum speed as well as maximum effectiveness.
I can tell you from experience that in order to operate a small business at maximum effectiveness and success, it takes:
1. Personal and economic technique. 2. Organizational abilities. 3. Monitoring knowledge. 4. Thorough planning and interest to detail. 5. Prioritization of tasks according to their revenue possibility. 6. Optimum use of available technology. 7. Exact record keeping. 8. Maximum use all the tax benefits that are offered to local business owners.
It Takes Discipline to Operate a Service at Optimum Effectiveness as well as Profitability
It takes a combination of individual and also economic self-control to operate a small business at maximum effectiveness and also success. Initially, you require to have the campaign and also self-control that's needed to be effectively independent. You need to work smart, so you don't waste your valuable time doing grunt-type jobs that can be hired. Simply put, do not spend your time cleaning up trash around your office when you should be out searching for clients. Second, you need to have the economic discipline that's required to operate your local business at maximum earnings. The only manner in which you're ever before going to have the ability to maintain your costs under control is by:
Tumblr media
1. Taking on a fundamental mentality that's totally focused on making the most of the profitability of your organization.
2. Operating your service on a bare-bones spending plan by getting all tools, supplies, and also solutions at the most affordable offered prices in your location.
3. Keeping close track of business expenses by meticulously reviewing all billings for mistakes, overcharges, and also fake fees.
Prioritize Tasks according to Their Revenue Potential
The leading concern that you must continuously ask on your own when you're working in your local business is:
Is what I am doing right this min one of the most lucrative use my time? A lot of people fail as small company owners just due to the fact that they're never able to prioritize jobs according to their revenue capacity.
Because they could not distinguish between what's important and capacity just wind up earning a profit since could not is very important as well as minor differentiate crucial as well as what's minor, they end up never making a profit. As a basic rule of thumb, I think about any kind of business function that doesn't contribute straight to my profits to be reduced concern and also best left for after organization hours.
In other words, if the job available isn't part of the procedure of completing a property deal that will eventually finish with me mosting likely to the financial institution; I placed it off until later on in the day.
Avoid Transforming the Wheel Every Time You Required to Full a regular Job
Whatever you do, don't fall into the catch of transforming the wheel every single time you require to complete a routine job. The term, changing the wheel, describes re-creating something from scratch. An instance of transforming the wheel would be retyping conventional records, such as acquisition arrangements, over and over once more, rather than storing them in a Microsoft Word record data where they can be printed out as needed. The point here is to work smart by making your operating as streamlined as humanly feasible.
Run Your Local Business on a Bare-Bones Budget plan
One guaranteed method to fail as a small company proprietor is to run your operation in a slapdash manner with no financial controls in place to keep your operating expense from skyrocketing.
Do a Cost-Benefit Evaluation before You Make a Purchase
I suggest that you do what I constantly do, before I ever part with any one of my hard-earned money, and also ask on your own this really emotional question: Exactly how exactly is this-( fill-in-the-blank)-- going to have a straight impact on the productivity of my company? Unless you can validate to yourself why the acquisition under consideration will immediately contribute to your profits, you ought to keep your money. This sort of decision-making procedure is referred to in service colleges as "cost-benefit analysis," which means that if the expense outweighs the benefit that'll be gotten from purchasing a thing, it shouldn't be bought. Keep this in mind the following time that you get need to splurge.
When You Establish Up Store as a Small Organization Proprietor, what You Should Have
I agree to yield that an owner could perhaps run their local business without any of the fundamental services of a modern high-tech workplace at their disposal. However, it would certainly be an extremely inefficient operation, and I am willing to bet that most small business owners, in this type of work environment, would end up spending much of their time performing tedious tasks such as retyping the same documents over and over again. I do not know about ineffective procedure as well as want wager a lot of local business proprietors kind of workplace costs tiresome once more learn about you, however, I've never met any individual that has typed their method to a ton of money as a local business owner. Regarding I am concerned, every neophyte small company owner, that's really severe regarding consistently generating income in their small business, must have the adhering to 6 items when they started a business:
1. Telephone service as well as a pre-paid telephone calling card to make contact the road from payphones. 2. Desktop computer with Microsoft Windows operating system. 3. Microsoft Word software. 4. Internet connection. 5. Black-and-while laser or inkjet printer. 6. Financial calculator.
It's Tough to Do Well in a Digital World Making Use Of Horse-and-Buggy Innovation
Computer technology is right here to stay, and, if you wish to make it as a successful local business owner in today's electronic globe, you had much better embrace the most up-to-date technology and also learn how to use it to your benefit. So if you take place to be computer uneducated, the very best recommendations that I can offer you is to acquire an inexpensive personal computer (PC) and then jump in with both feet and learn just how to use it. If someone with a non-technical history like me can use a computer, any individual can.
What It Takes to Run a Small Company at Maximum Efficiency
According to the Local Business Administration (SBA), 80 percent of all brand-new small companies fall short within 5 years of opening their doors. Generally, the reason for failing can be straight credited to a dreadful absence of company and also planning on the part of business owners. I despise to find across as some type of killjoy, however, you simply can not toss an organization together without any company and planning and expect it to be an efficient operation. It takes meticulous planning as well as interest to detail to set up a small company to make sure that it operates at maximum efficiency. The only way that you're ever mosting likely to have a smooth-running company is by doing the little things right, such as:
1. Keeping a master to-do checklist to run your business. 2. Computerizing all business documents and records. 3. Setting up your business so you avoid re-creating anything from scratch. 4. Organizing your office so that everything you need is available at your fingertips. Use a service
files as well as
Establishing service prevent from the ground up
to make sure that whatever readily available
Utilize Master To-Do Checklist to Run Your Business To keep your business operating at maximum efficiency, I recommend that you do what I've done for the past 20 plus years, and maintain a master to-do checklist. I keep my checklist on my computer in a Microsoft Service
maintain service suggests and also maintain list of computer system Word documents. It functions as a combination checklist and appointment calendar. For instance, each access that I make on my list, details the task or appointment along with the completion or meeting date. By doing this, absolutely nothing slides with the split and also tasks are finished in a timely manner as well as visits are kept.
0 notes
wineanddinosaur · 4 years
The Best Drinks Gifts For Father’s Day
On Dad’s day (and every day), Dad deserves the best. If dad loves whiskey, beer, or wine, these gifts are what he needs (and wants). See our picks of specialty glassware, gadgets, and gifts for the dad who loves drinks below.
The Hero/Rebel Double Rocks Glasses
If Dad is a whiskey-drinking history buff, this set of glasses will be just the thing. Made in partnership with the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, each glass represents a founding father. Hero = George Washington, Philosopher = Benjamin Franklin, Diplomat = John Adam, Rebel = Thomas Jefferson. Each glass was made and sand-etched in the United States and, in true American fashion, is dishwasher safe. Each glass holds 14 oz—the perfect size for a negroni or old fashioned.
See The Glasses Now!
Geometric Drinks Rocks
Dad, as a seasoned whiskey drinker, likely already knows that you’ve got to be careful with your ice ratio. Too much and it can over dilute your drink, turning a great single-malt into something watery and spineless. But, a bit of water is scientifically proven to improve a lovely dram.
Let Dad control his own dilution with this set of Geometric Drinks Rocks, hewn from marble and soapstone. Each is finished by hand and fits easily into a standard rocks or Old Fashioned glass. With these, you chill down your whiskey and then add as little or as much water as it takes to make your perfect sipping ratio. When these aren’t making Dad’s drink look modern and elegant, they’ll do the same for his bar.
See The Rocks Now!
Glacier Whiskey Glass
Another eye-catching way to keep Dad’s whiskey cool: this Glacier Whiskey Glass. Dad can throw it in the freezer to activate the built-in cooling gel, then pull it out whenever he needs a cold glass of whiskey. Holding six ounces, this clear double-walled glass keeps things chilly while looking suave.
See The Glass Now!
Glencairn Whisky Tasting Glasses
If Dad delights in sensory analysis, consulting his whiskey flavor wheel and agonizing over whether the color is pale gold or yellow gold, get him this set of Glencairn Whisky Tasting Glasses, designed by Scotch pros to enhance the drinking experience of any single-malt imbiber. This lead-free, dishwasher safe set starts out with a solid base—tall enough so Dad’s not warming up his drink with the heat of his hands but stout enough that it’s a proper dram. The tapered mouth keeps sipping simple—not something you find in a typical nosing glass—while keeping the bouquet prominent. The wide bowl keeps the color the star of the visual show. Dad’s nightly Scotch has never looked or tasted better.
See The Glasses Now!
Etched Globe Whisky Decanter and Glasses
You could get Dad a globe for his office (classy), but here’s one better—an Etched Globe Whisky Decanter and matching Etched Globe Whiskey Glasses (classy AND practical). What looks like a spinning globe is actually a spinning, removable spirits decanter, complete with a protective cork stopper. The unique design of the etched glass, crafted from lead-free borosilicate glass, is eye-catching and a great way for Dad to see the world in the comfort of his own home.
See The Set Now!
Beer Cap Maps
Keep track of Dad’s favorite brews with the mountable US Country And State Beer Cap Maps. Available in either the shape of the USA or of Dad’s favorite state, these handmade maps are cut to fit most standard beer caps and will commemorate great times spent enjoying great beer.
See The Maps Now!
Spiegelau IPA Glasses
If Dad’s an IPA lover, get him these beautiful, Crystal IPA Glasses. They were designed with help from master craft brewers to amplify the aromas of his favorite beers and will look stunning on his home bar.
See The Glasses Now!
The Expert’s Beer Log
If Dad’s a burgeoning beer expert, help him keep track of his tasting notes with this gorgeous Expert’s Leather Beer Log, made to order from top-grain cowhide in a range of elegant shades.
A favorite of our beer expert, Associate Editor Cat Wolinski, this sturdy log is stunning, yes, but also breaks down the tasting experience into an easy-to-chart format, even prompting for technical details like the production date and how the beer was served. With room for 192 logs, Dad can chronicle his tasting experiences for many brews to come.
See The Log Now!
Glacier Beer Glass
Dad doesn’t have to be a beer geek to know that warm beer is a bummer. Ensure that Dad’s pint is always frosty with this Glacier Beer Glass, which can be thrown in the freezer until Dad’s ready to drink from it. Thanks to its double-walled design with built-in cooling gel, this clear 16-oz glass will keep Dad’s beer chilly in all seasons. Cheers to cold beer!
See The Glass Now!
Wall Mounted Bottle Opener
This Wall Mounted Bottle Opener, made from sturdy wrought iron, is easily mounted to any wall for whenever Dad needs to crack a cold one. The cast iron construction makes it feel like an opener appropriate for John Wayne, and it’s easy open design makes opening Dad’s favorite brew simple.
See The Opener Now!
Wine Breather Decanter
When drinking wine, there’s nothing more important than oxygen to bring out the fullness of its flavors and aromas. When Dad’s in a hurry to enjoy a bottle, he’ll appreciate this lovely lead-free crystal, Wine Breather Decanter, which will aerate his wine in under two minutes. After decanting, the wine can be served directly from the carafe or the original bottle. Any shyness or bitterness will disappear, leaving a wine that’s beautiful and eminently drinkable.
See The Decanter Now!
The Cooler Than Cool Wine Glasses
If Dad’s a fan of whites and chillable reds (go Dad!), these Cooler Than Cool glasses will be perfect for his continued enjoyment of his favorite wines at their ideal temperature. Made with BPA-free plastic, the proprietary gel inside the glass keeps wine cool for as long as you’re enjoying it. It also comes with a silicone band for comfortable holding, available in shades of grey, tangerine, smoke, and wood. Dad’s wine will always be ready to go with one of these glasses in the fridge!
See The Glasses Now!
Heavyweight Champagne Stopper
A fizzless bottle of bubbly is a killjoy. When you give Dad the restaurant-grade Heavyweight Champagne Stopper, his bubbles will stay alive for as long as he needs them, thanks to sturdy stainless steel construction and a silicone seal.
See The Stopper Now!
Adjustable Wine Aerator
If Dad wants wine, give him wine! Rather than waiting, decanting, and waiting some more, he can instead use this Adjustable Wine Aerator to simulate up to six hours of decanting in just minutes. Made with a combination of stainless steel and BPA free plastic, this sleek aerator will have Dad’s young, feisty Barolos and Syrahs ready in no time.
See The Aerator Now!
Le Creuset Waiters Corkscrew
Leave the flimsy branded corkscrews and over-the-top wine-opening gadgets to other dads. Your dad deserves the best, which also happens to be the simplest option. The wood Le Creuset Waiters Corkscrew features a patented 2-step system to smoothly open any wine bottle with its non-stick coated screw, serrated foil cutter, and bottle opener. This timeless tool can be admired and used for decades to come.
See The Corkscrew Now!
Stackable Countertop Wine Rack
You certainly can get maximalist with your wine rack. But, Dad deserves something classic, beautiful, and functional like this Stackable Countertop Wine Rack. The genius of this rack is that you purchase it by the shelf—each shelf holding four bottles—and then stack as you wish to accommodate wine collections of any size. It can fit comfortably under a cabinet or on a bookshelf, and its clean black metal finish keeps it low-key stylish for years to come.
See The Wine Rack Now!
The article The Best Drinks Gifts For Father’s Day appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/picks/fathers-day-drinks-gifts-2020/
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johnboothus · 4 years
The Best Drinks Gifts For Fathers Day
On Dad’s day (and every day), Dad deserves the best. If dad loves whiskey, beer, or wine, these gifts are what he needs (and wants). See our picks of specialty glassware, gadgets, and gifts for the dad who loves drinks below.
The Hero/Rebel Double Rocks Glasses
If Dad is a whiskey-drinking history buff, this set of glasses will be just the thing. Made in partnership with the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, each glass represents a founding father. Hero = George Washington, Philosopher = Benjamin Franklin, Diplomat = John Adam, Rebel = Thomas Jefferson. Each glass was made and sand-etched in the United States and, in true American fashion, is dishwasher safe. Each glass holds 14 oz—the perfect size for a negroni or old fashioned.
See The Glasses Now!
Geometric Drinks Rocks
Dad, as a seasoned whiskey drinker, likely already knows that you’ve got to be careful with your ice ratio. Too much and it can over dilute your drink, turning a great single-malt into something watery and spineless. But, a bit of water is scientifically proven to improve a lovely dram.
Let Dad control his own dilution with this set of Geometric Drinks Rocks, hewn from marble and soapstone. Each is finished by hand and fits easily into a standard rocks or Old Fashioned glass. With these, you chill down your whiskey and then add as little or as much water as it takes to make your perfect sipping ratio. When these aren’t making Dad’s drink look modern and elegant, they’ll do the same for his bar.
See The Rocks Now!
Glacier Whiskey Glass
Another eye-catching way to keep Dad’s whiskey cool: this Glacier Whiskey Glass. Dad can throw it in the freezer to activate the built-in cooling gel, then pull it out whenever he needs a cold glass of whiskey. Holding six ounces, this clear double-walled glass keeps things chilly while looking suave.
See The Glass Now!
Glencairn Whisky Tasting Glasses
If Dad delights in sensory analysis, consulting his whiskey flavor wheel and agonizing over whether the color is pale gold or yellow gold, get him this set of Glencairn Whisky Tasting Glasses, designed by Scotch pros to enhance the drinking experience of any single-malt imbiber. This lead-free, dishwasher safe set starts out with a solid base—tall enough so Dad’s not warming up his drink with the heat of his hands but stout enough that it’s a proper dram. The tapered mouth keeps sipping simple—not something you find in a typical nosing glass—while keeping the bouquet prominent. The wide bowl keeps the color the star of the visual show. Dad’s nightly Scotch has never looked or tasted better.
See The Glasses Now!
Etched Globe Whisky Decanter and Glasses
You could get Dad a globe for his office (classy), but here’s one better—an Etched Globe Whisky Decanter and matching Etched Globe Whiskey Glasses (classy AND practical). What looks like a spinning globe is actually a spinning, removable spirits decanter, complete with a protective cork stopper. The unique design of the etched glass, crafted from lead-free borosilicate glass, is eye-catching and a great way for Dad to see the world in the comfort of his own home.
See The Set Now!
Beer Cap Maps
Keep track of Dad’s favorite brews with the mountable US Country And State Beer Cap Maps. Available in either the shape of the USA or of Dad’s favorite state, these handmade maps are cut to fit most standard beer caps and will commemorate great times spent enjoying great beer.
See The Maps Now!
Spiegelau IPA Glasses
If Dad’s an IPA lover, get him these beautiful, Crystal IPA Glasses. They were designed with help from master craft brewers to amplify the aromas of his favorite beers and will look stunning on his home bar.
See The Glasses Now!
The Expert’s Beer Log
If Dad’s a burgeoning beer expert, help him keep track of his tasting notes with this gorgeous Expert’s Leather Beer Log, made to order from top-grain cowhide in a range of elegant shades.
A favorite of our beer expert, Associate Editor Cat Wolinski, this sturdy log is stunning, yes, but also breaks down the tasting experience into an easy-to-chart format, even prompting for technical details like the production date and how the beer was served. With room for 192 logs, Dad can chronicle his tasting experiences for many brews to come.
See The Log Now!
Glacier Beer Glass
Dad doesn’t have to be a beer geek to know that warm beer is a bummer. Ensure that Dad’s pint is always frosty with this Glacier Beer Glass, which can be thrown in the freezer until Dad’s ready to drink from it. Thanks to its double-walled design with built-in cooling gel, this clear 16-oz glass will keep Dad’s beer chilly in all seasons. Cheers to cold beer!
See The Glass Now!
Wall Mounted Bottle Opener
This Wall Mounted Bottle Opener, made from sturdy wrought iron, is easily mounted to any wall for whenever Dad needs to crack a cold one. The cast iron construction makes it feel like an opener appropriate for John Wayne, and it’s easy open design makes opening Dad’s favorite brew simple.
See The Opener Now!
Wine Breather Decanter
When drinking wine, there’s nothing more important than oxygen to bring out the fullness of its flavors and aromas. When Dad’s in a hurry to enjoy a bottle, he’ll appreciate this lovely lead-free crystal, Wine Breather Decanter, which will aerate his wine in under two minutes. After decanting, the wine can be served directly from the carafe or the original bottle. Any shyness or bitterness will disappear, leaving a wine that’s beautiful and eminently drinkable.
See The Decanter Now!
The Cooler Than Cool Wine Glasses
If Dad’s a fan of whites and chillable reds (go Dad!), these Cooler Than Cool glasses will be perfect for his continued enjoyment of his favorite wines at their ideal temperature. Made with BPA-free plastic, the proprietary gel inside the glass keeps wine cool for as long as you’re enjoying it. It also comes with a silicone band for comfortable holding, available in shades of grey, tangerine, smoke, and wood. Dad’s wine will always be ready to go with one of these glasses in the fridge!
See The Glasses Now!
Heavyweight Champagne Stopper
A fizzless bottle of bubbly is a killjoy. When you give Dad the restaurant-grade Heavyweight Champagne Stopper, his bubbles will stay alive for as long as he needs them, thanks to sturdy stainless steel construction and a silicone seal.
See The Stopper Now!
Adjustable Wine Aerator
If Dad wants wine, give him wine! Rather than waiting, decanting, and waiting some more, he can instead use this Adjustable Wine Aerator to simulate up to six hours of decanting in just minutes. Made with a combination of stainless steel and BPA free plastic, this sleek aerator will have Dad’s young, feisty Barolos and Syrahs ready in no time.
See The Aerator Now!
Le Creuset Waiters Corkscrew
Leave the flimsy branded corkscrews and over-the-top wine-opening gadgets to other dads. Your dad deserves the best, which also happens to be the simplest option. The wood Le Creuset Waiters Corkscrew features a patented 2-step system to smoothly open any wine bottle with its non-stick coated screw, serrated foil cutter, and bottle opener. This timeless tool can be admired and used for decades to come.
See The Corkscrew Now!
Stackable Countertop Wine Rack
You certainly can get maximalist with your wine rack. But, Dad deserves something classic, beautiful, and functional like this Stackable Countertop Wine Rack. The genius of this rack is that you purchase it by the shelf—each shelf holding four bottles—and then stack as you wish to accommodate wine collections of any size. It can fit comfortably under a cabinet or on a bookshelf, and its clean black metal finish keeps it low-key stylish for years to come.
See The Wine Rack Now!
The article The Best Drinks Gifts For Father’s Day appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/picks/fathers-day-drinks-gifts-2020/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/the-best-drinks-gifts-for-fathers-day
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isaiahrippinus · 4 years
The Best Drinks Gifts For Father’s Day
On Dad’s day (and every day), Dad deserves the best. If dad loves whiskey, beer, or wine, these gifts are what he needs (and wants). See our picks of specialty glassware, gadgets, and gifts for the dad who loves drinks below.
The Hero/Rebel Double Rocks Glasses
If Dad is a whiskey-drinking history buff, this set of glasses will be just the thing. Made in partnership with the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, each glass represents a founding father. Hero = George Washington, Philosopher = Benjamin Franklin, Diplomat = John Adam, Rebel = Thomas Jefferson. Each glass was made and sand-etched in the United States and, in true American fashion, is dishwasher safe. Each glass holds 14 oz—the perfect size for a negroni or old fashioned.
See The Glasses Now!
Geometric Drinks Rocks
Dad, as a seasoned whiskey drinker, likely already knows that you’ve got to be careful with your ice ratio. Too much and it can over dilute your drink, turning a great single-malt into something watery and spineless. But, a bit of water is scientifically proven to improve a lovely dram.
Let Dad control his own dilution with this set of Geometric Drinks Rocks, hewn from marble and soapstone. Each is finished by hand and fits easily into a standard rocks or Old Fashioned glass. With these, you chill down your whiskey and then add as little or as much water as it takes to make your perfect sipping ratio. When these aren’t making Dad’s drink look modern and elegant, they’ll do the same for his bar.
See The Rocks Now!
Glacier Whiskey Glass
Another eye-catching way to keep Dad’s whiskey cool: this Glacier Whiskey Glass. Dad can throw it in the freezer to activate the built-in cooling gel, then pull it out whenever he needs a cold glass of whiskey. Holding six ounces, this clear double-walled glass keeps things chilly while looking suave.
See The Glass Now!
Glencairn Whisky Tasting Glasses
If Dad delights in sensory analysis, consulting his whiskey flavor wheel and agonizing over whether the color is pale gold or yellow gold, get him this set of Glencairn Whisky Tasting Glasses, designed by Scotch pros to enhance the drinking experience of any single-malt imbiber. This lead-free, dishwasher safe set starts out with a solid base—tall enough so Dad’s not warming up his drink with the heat of his hands but stout enough that it’s a proper dram. The tapered mouth keeps sipping simple—not something you find in a typical nosing glass—while keeping the bouquet prominent. The wide bowl keeps the color the star of the visual show. Dad’s nightly Scotch has never looked or tasted better.
See The Glasses Now!
Etched Globe Whisky Decanter and Glasses
You could get Dad a globe for his office (classy), but here’s one better—an Etched Globe Whisky Decanter and matching Etched Globe Whiskey Glasses (classy AND practical). What looks like a spinning globe is actually a spinning, removable spirits decanter, complete with a protective cork stopper. The unique design of the etched glass, crafted from lead-free borosilicate glass, is eye-catching and a great way for Dad to see the world in the comfort of his own home.
See The Set Now!
Beer Cap Maps
Keep track of Dad’s favorite brews with the mountable US Country And State Beer Cap Maps. Available in either the shape of the USA or of Dad’s favorite state, these handmade maps are cut to fit most standard beer caps and will commemorate great times spent enjoying great beer.
See The Maps Now!
Spiegelau IPA Glasses
If Dad’s an IPA lover, get him these beautiful, Crystal IPA Glasses. They were designed with help from master craft brewers to amplify the aromas of his favorite beers and will look stunning on his home bar.
See The Glasses Now!
The Expert’s Beer Log
If Dad’s a burgeoning beer expert, help him keep track of his tasting notes with this gorgeous Expert’s Leather Beer Log, made to order from top-grain cowhide in a range of elegant shades.
A favorite of our beer expert, Associate Editor Cat Wolinski, this sturdy log is stunning, yes, but also breaks down the tasting experience into an easy-to-chart format, even prompting for technical details like the production date and how the beer was served. With room for 192 logs, Dad can chronicle his tasting experiences for many brews to come.
See The Log Now!
Glacier Beer Glass
Dad doesn’t have to be a beer geek to know that warm beer is a bummer. Ensure that Dad’s pint is always frosty with this Glacier Beer Glass, which can be thrown in the freezer until Dad’s ready to drink from it. Thanks to its double-walled design with built-in cooling gel, this clear 16-oz glass will keep Dad’s beer chilly in all seasons. Cheers to cold beer!
See The Glass Now!
Wall Mounted Bottle Opener
This Wall Mounted Bottle Opener, made from sturdy wrought iron, is easily mounted to any wall for whenever Dad needs to crack a cold one. The cast iron construction makes it feel like an opener appropriate for John Wayne, and it’s easy open design makes opening Dad’s favorite brew simple.
See The Opener Now!
Wine Breather Decanter
When drinking wine, there’s nothing more important than oxygen to bring out the fullness of its flavors and aromas. When Dad’s in a hurry to enjoy a bottle, he’ll appreciate this lovely lead-free crystal, Wine Breather Decanter, which will aerate his wine in under two minutes. After decanting, the wine can be served directly from the carafe or the original bottle. Any shyness or bitterness will disappear, leaving a wine that’s beautiful and eminently drinkable.
See The Decanter Now!
The Cooler Than Cool Wine Glasses
If Dad’s a fan of whites and chillable reds (go Dad!), these Cooler Than Cool glasses will be perfect for his continued enjoyment of his favorite wines at their ideal temperature. Made with BPA-free plastic, the proprietary gel inside the glass keeps wine cool for as long as you’re enjoying it. It also comes with a silicone band for comfortable holding, available in shades of grey, tangerine, smoke, and wood. Dad’s wine will always be ready to go with one of these glasses in the fridge!
See The Glasses Now!
Heavyweight Champagne Stopper
A fizzless bottle of bubbly is a killjoy. When you give Dad the restaurant-grade Heavyweight Champagne Stopper, his bubbles will stay alive for as long as he needs them, thanks to sturdy stainless steel construction and a silicone seal.
See The Stopper Now!
Adjustable Wine Aerator
If Dad wants wine, give him wine! Rather than waiting, decanting, and waiting some more, he can instead use this Adjustable Wine Aerator to simulate up to six hours of decanting in just minutes. Made with a combination of stainless steel and BPA free plastic, this sleek aerator will have Dad’s young, feisty Barolos and Syrahs ready in no time.
See The Aerator Now!
Le Creuset Waiters Corkscrew
Leave the flimsy branded corkscrews and over-the-top wine-opening gadgets to other dads. Your dad deserves the best, which also happens to be the simplest option. The wood Le Creuset Waiters Corkscrew features a patented 2-step system to smoothly open any wine bottle with its non-stick coated screw, serrated foil cutter, and bottle opener. This timeless tool can be admired and used for decades to come.
See The Corkscrew Now!
Stackable Countertop Wine Rack
You certainly can get maximalist with your wine rack. But, Dad deserves something classic, beautiful, and functional like this Stackable Countertop Wine Rack. The genius of this rack is that you purchase it by the shelf—each shelf holding four bottles—and then stack as you wish to accommodate wine collections of any size. It can fit comfortably under a cabinet or on a bookshelf, and its clean black metal finish keeps it low-key stylish for years to come.
See The Wine Rack Now!
The article The Best Drinks Gifts For Father’s Day appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/picks/fathers-day-drinks-gifts-2020/ source https://vinology1.tumblr.com/post/620362763870633984
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