#this is now a mari fanpage
gummigvts · 6 months
Probably a leaked message from Mari to Narry or Citron
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Lookism and their silly lil hobbies
My headcannons of their less obvious interests!
Daniel: now he's in the fashion department and earning some money, he guesses he should take more of an interest in current trends. He's still wearing Jay's castoffs and he's happy with them but he takes a huge interest in women's fashion for his momma. She's worked hard and she deserves nice things and Daniel wants to spoil her 🥰
Jay: his hobby? Daniel. His thoughts? Daniel. His dreams? Daniel. But guns and motorbike? This boy has a thing for Hollywood action films and he has pretty good taste too. Classics-ish such as Matrix, Terminator, John Wick
Zoe: she loves watching animal rehab videos on social media, and even the videos of newtubers helping out homeless or down on their luck people. Most of it may be scripted but the act of kindness (even for selfish purposes) makes her melt
Vasco: you think this man doesn't have a Pinterest account? He doesn't spend his spare time putting boards together? His boards aren't public? He's not ashamed. He's got at least 1 for parties, 1 for golden retrievers and 1 for Hero Man pics
Jace: kdramas, the more romantic with as many tropes the better. He likes a good story filled with miscommunication, lots of crying, scenes in the rain and open eyed kisses 😳
Zack: sneaky little hobby of reading up on supernatural shit. After running into the ghost of J High, he's been absorbed with ghosts and demons - in particular how to avoid getting cursed...
Mira: meditation. Putting up with Zack all the time and the violent boys, she needs her moment of peace before she gets overwhelmed. She's also had some pretty traumatic experiences, so this helps her to centre and recollect her thoughts
Johan: unironically a sneakerhead. Started off researching expensive shoes so he can recognise them but now he's fully into the hobby. Way too tight to buy any for himself when he could be saving for his momma's operation but it's nice to window shop 🥺
Vin Jin: we all know he would be twerking to Dukes music. But apart from obviously his music (cos music is his life yknow), he would be leaving hate messages and death threats on Dukes social media and fanpages. He hate watches Dukes live streams but cant stop the twerk creeping up on him
Mary Kim: she's in the Vocal and Dance department but this girl can shred like no tomorrow. She has a band she's the lead vocalist and guitarist of that she keeps off Vins radar so he can keep the shitty rap to himself
Crystal: hiking and the outdoors. It's a way to keep her second body fit and get away from her desk and all the business bullshit. During the days that Gun acts as her bodyguard, she tells him to stay at least 50ft away so he doesn't ruin the mood
Jake: memelord. Cos at least humour is free. He collects pics and memes, and has so many shitty dad jokes up his sleeve to send to the Big Deal members and groupchats that he often gets kicked out or blocked. Hearing their exasperation at another one of his messages always brightens up his day
Samuel: lol drinking as a hobby. this man should be spending all his spare time in therapy but can't win them all 🤷‍♀️ Doesn't do much on his own time that doesn't advance his goals but enjoys sipping on some smooth expensive shit. Not the best for his health, but he needs something to block out the demons
Lua: not the queen of info for nothing. Spends a lot of her time on social media, forums and the dark web reading up on info (and gossip). Shes also kicked up a gear with her Muay Thai training so the assholes in Big Deal would stop underestimating her
Sinu: all that time being locked up with that little bit of chalk? You know what he did? HE'S A FIC WRITER. Headcannons of Big Deal, Sinu X Yeonhui. What the guys would be doing now, what sort of girlfriend Yeonhui would be (I wrote this as a joke but it's pretty depressing)
Gun: you thought that was a casual notepad and pen he had on hand for brekdaks autograph? No bitch its his actual autograph book. He lives and breathes fighting and fangirls a little internally meeting his fighting idols
Goo: anime and boardgames. Yes yes he's a nerd ok. He watched 1 too many anime shows and in his head he's the protagonist fighting his way to the top, with his sidekick Gun. But who do you think left all the boardgames in that shitty house? Gun is boring and Goo needs entertaining. It's one way to let them get competitive without beating the shit out of each other... Usually
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dorihey · 10 months
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Today is the birthday of the late Ed Asner. Many are familiar with him as the voices of Carl Fredricksen from Up, Santa from Elf, and Hudson from Gargoyles, as well as Lou Grant from the Mary Tyler Moore Show and the aptly named, Lou Grant (series).
Back in the mid 2000's, my family and I were staying at a very large expensive house that belonged to friends of my parents as guests. They had a larger cable package than we did back at home, and they had ToonDisney. I remember seeing Gargoyles while staying there, on the "Hangin' with the Heroes" block in the evening. I remember seeing this show very vaguely as a younger kid, but I must not have been older than 6 or 7 or so given the original air dates.
I was totally enamored with these characters almost instantly. I hopped on their upscale internet, and immediately perused various Disney media sites at the time and started going down the rabbit hole with what little material the internet had back in like 2004 about the show. I learned about the cast, Greg Weisman's blog Station 8, and somehow convinced my parents to upgrade our cable so I could watch it. I even made a Neopets Fanpage about the show, and I have no idea if it's still around.
I don't have a lot of specific memories about Hudson being my favorite, or even having a particularly verbose knowledge of the show back them, but I DO remember becoming familiar and fond of Ed Asner, seeing a teaser for Up, learning he was in it, and that detail making it NECESSARY for me to watch it on release day.
I remember the evening before watching Up, and enjoying it, but I rewatched it with my mom a few days later. I am not sure what was different here, but I became OBSESSED. I joined a Pixar fan site, became a highly active member, and began absolutely marathoning this film. I also spent 5 hours one evening with a mechanical pencil, very little drawing skill, and drew this. (apologies, the picture is 14 years old and washed out)
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To be clear, this was EXTREMELY out of nowhere. I had never drawn anything remotely this detailed before. So I (quite ignorantly, but still strongly) decided to change college majors and pursue art. Still workin' on that one...
Down the line, I ultimately watched Up in theaters 50 times, held movie nights for the fansite over Skype, made multiple forum signatures for myself and other members, and even got invited to Pixar, and met a lot of Pixar leadership (albeit briefly for most).
At the center of this though, Ed Asner was responsible for me gravitating to these characters. I've been pretty consistently enamored with his brand of wholesome curmudgeonry.
(I just made up that word, and I like it, so it's real now)
In any case, I've always felt a bit odd for having an attachment to an actor that hit his acting stride while being middle-aged in the 70s, 20 years before I was even alive - like I'm the only person my age that even knows this guy existed.
I had never gotten to meet Ed, but I did make an attempt shortly before he passed. It didn't work out, but his son Matt runs a charity organization called The Ed Asner Family Center that focuses on supporting individuals and families with autism and neurodivergence. I was fortunate enough to join an early screening of Dug Days before it released on Disney + thanks to a fundraiser by the center, including a Zoom Q&A with Ed. The thing I noticed during the call is that Ed was so immensely quick-witted, absolutely hilarious, and would not leave his piece unsaid. He had an astoundingly magnetic personality. It wasn't open mic, but I managed to get a question through - "What was it that got you into acting?"
Jonas Rivera, the Producer of Up was moderating the call and Ed about verbally trampled the guy by the time he was getting the last few words out, and he knew exactly what he wanted to say.
I don't have the exact words, but it boiled down to "escapism" - which was a bit shocking to me. You've got a former president of SAG, who'd been acting for longer than I have been a living person, and he was immediately compelled to tell everyone that the reason he got into showbusiness is to run from the world and its problems. It was remarkably humble.
Ed passed away exactly a week later. I couldn't eat for 2 days, I was so distraught.
I highly recommend that folks check out a lot of the acting Ed has done. He's absolutely brilliant, and one of the most fun people to watch. He was intimidatingly witty, and yet seemed like the guy who would talk to just about anyone. And then make them laugh their sides off.
I haven't shared my deep admiration for Ed too often other than with folks closest to me, but Ed Asner was a precious gem of a human being, and embodies a lot of things I think the world - particularly folks of the male persuasion - should have a bit more of.
Here's to you, Ed. Have a happy birthday up there for us, big guy. We love ya. <3
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(side note, the portrait at the top, I drew to commemorate his first birthday after he passed in 2021. The picture at the bottom was drawn, but not adequately finished imo, about 2 weeks before he left us. I need to give it a proper redo someday)
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lipglossanon · 9 months
Hey hello, I just finished the Spiderman Miles Morales and I started thinking, what would happen if the reader were Spiderman? Do you know how? Like- a spider-woman?
I can imagine subby stepbro Leon becoming a mega fan of this spider-woman, even starting a fanpage secretly, he's so ashamed of being a Fanboy :(
And when the reader purposely starts having small interactions with him every time she goes on her vigilante patrols?
Maann this boy Is blushing so hard thinking he may be her Mary Jean
And dark stepdad? GOD, I can imagine him going crazy every time reader suddenly has to leave the house to "take care of school business."
He has seen this spider woman on TV and considers her a potential threat, now she is doing good but who knows if tomorrow she will join the bad guys? Trusting a masked person is imposible for him.
And the reaction when they find out who Is this spider woman? MAN
I need a character ai bot of this 😣
Sorry but I needed to tell this to someone 😩
Lov u bai
💜 Hola anon!! 👋 que pasa? (Have my eleventh grade Spanish lessons finally paid off? 🤣)
I still need to watch that! 🫣 i loved the first one so I’m sure I’ll love the second one. (I did however watch the new TMNT movie and it was so fun! I still love my classic trilogy but the new one is great too 🥰).
But anyways, this is a fun idea!! I love that reader is spider woman in this and not Leon as spider man 🤭
Subby stepbro would be such a fanboy though, oh my gosh 🤭 he’s all over the newest sightings and def tries to keep it all a secret from reader who thinks it’s cute ☺️
Dark stepdad is very much like J. Jonah Jameson; like he pretends she’s a menace but is secretly a fan 😉
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orion-pdf · 1 year
this is a marie moreau gen v fanpage now. LITERALLY the loml.
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
correct me if i’m wrong but i thought priscilla herself wasn’t involved in the production of priscilla? so i’m hoping it’ll be a bit more nuanced than just the exact same view as in Elvis + Me. the other thing is that one of sofia’s big things (imo) is the use of the slightly unreliable narrator + she’s said that it’s ‘marie antoinette in graceland’ so i’m assuming the whole point is that the audience is meant to view that it’s from the perspective of a young girl in a world that’s new to her? and therefore isn’t entirely reliable in her viewpoint but still ultimately it’s *her* view? idk if that makes any sense! i’m just a huge flawed elvis fan + huge sofia stan (i have no strong opinion on P - i think she’s mismanaged some elements of epe, and exaggerated some things but i also think elvis must have been really difficult to deal with in the 70s in particular) and am praying that she allows for both an understanding that elvis is flawed but so priscilla’s perspective! but also it’s still valid as HER perspective?
(anons are off for right now because i was getting overwhelmed and want to be able to give thoughtful answers to my current inbox. love y'all and thank you for understanding)
i was just reading a priscilla fanpage say that she said at one of her tour stops in glasgow that she's not involved directly, and that she's a producer but only is a money way not an input way. and i think i saw someone else say she was screened the film in april? there's a little clip of her talking about it with someone on @priscillasdoll on instagram saying she thought sofia did a good job and that she got emotional watching her life on screen like that.
but that aside you make a really good point abt the marie antionette at graceland thing that i hadn't thought about even though ive read that sofia interview like 6 times. i'm curious to see how the film handles the 'retaliation cheating'/mike stone stuff, and think that would be a good place for what you talk about re: showing her as *also* imperfect. i actually have a whole list of things frm elvis and me that i'm curious to see be translated to the screen, esp by someone like sofia.
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thiscasualobserver · 8 days
Update on TOTSS Magazine Hunt!
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I still haven't found the actual magazine, but I now have an image of the full page spread at least! The caption on it was TV Week 1998, but if the poster didn't own the magazine themselves, then there's no telling if the year is accurate - as my research has uncovered, the show did not in fact air in 1998 as many websites suggest - it was shelved for some as of yet unknown reason, until January 1st 2000 (at least in Australia).
I would love to ask the original poster if they have the mag and could narrow down a month and state of issue, but alas, I cannot! The page this was posted on is this awesome fanpage on vk.com that has promo pics and even tracks from the original soundtrack that I haven't found anywhere else! Would kill to get in touch with them, but I need a Russian phone number to make an account, and I don't really trust all the sites that want you to pay to get a fake/temp one.
I'm trying to get in touch with them via ficbook.net instead, as the owner of this page was also partly responsible for the Russian translation of Susan Zell and Mary Whimsey's Virtual Second Season.
In case anyone's interested, I included the link below. Heads up - you can access more with mobile view than you can with PC (except for the music apparently).
Anyone manages to download the full music tracks (there are four I believe, 16, 17, 18 and 19) or get in touch more generally with the poster, please let me know!!!
I am really, really deep in this fandom archaeology/tv history hole and I don't see myself climbing out any time soon!
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billybatsonmylove · 3 months
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I am now a Freckles Marvel fanpage🤩
Mary Marvel Issue #10
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tonyandbree · 2 years
Time now for we still have Joy prayers with Rachel Joy Scott brother Tony ghost volturi Dear lord I pray for #gabriellymagalhaes I pray that your taking care of her and letting her rest in peace in your heavenly resting kingdom lord I pray for @eterna.gabi @gabrielly.forever that she's healed that they are all healed and looked after I pray Lord that you heal All sins heal All spirits I demand you to heal All back pains neck pains I demand you to heal All shoulder or knees or legs or arms or hip pains I demand you to heal heads and make the headaches go away from the heads right now I demand you to heal aching nerves I demand you to heal All cancers bullet wounds stabbing wounds heart attacks and panic attacks and anymore issues in those bodies heal them Lord take away the stress and drama take away the Hates and hard times take away All bullying and evil killings or attackings take away All hurricanes All bad weathers heal @gabrielly.forever because she been doing such a great job with the postings thank you for sharing and caring thank you for being a memorial pages fanpages supporters and roleplay persons thank Jesus thank God thank Mary in Jesus name I pray amen amen
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thegospelhighways · 2 years
Time now for we still have Joy prayers with Rachel Joy Scott brother Tony ghost volturi Dear lord I pray for #gabriellymagalhaes I pray that your taking care of her and letting her rest in peace in your heavenly resting kingdom lord I pray for @eterna.gabi @gabrielly.forever that she's healed that they are all healed and looked after I pray Lord that you heal All sins heal All spirits I demand you to heal All back pains neck pains I demand you to heal All shoulder or knees or legs or arms or hip pains I demand you to heal heads and make the headaches go away from the heads right now I demand you to heal aching nerves I demand you to heal All cancers bullet wounds stabbing wounds heart attacks and panic attacks and anymore issues in those bodies heal them Lord take away the stress and drama take away the Hates and hard times take away All bullying and evil killings or attackings take away All hurricanes All bad weathers heal @gabrielly.forever because she been doing such a great job with the postings thank you for sharing and caring thank you for being a memorial pages fanpages supporters and roleplay persons thank Jesus thank God thank Mary in Jesus name I pray amen amen
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hoggleswart · 3 years
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ft.    dudley  dursley  ,  liana  burke  ,  julius  crabbe  ,  luca  moltisant  ,  eulalia  karkaroff   &   theodore  budak .
(  @ddudleys  )   —   from the very first day i joined nox, from the very first second tbh, i have been obsessed with your dudley  &  that obsession only continues to grow. the development ?? the original ideas behind him ?? the fact you’ve taken a character people so rarely play and moulded him into someone with so much substance is an utter delight. his character truly brings me so much joy to read. i love that he’s become involved in the magical community. i love how he talks and thinks. his little gestures. i just love dudley dursley. i would lose my mind if someone so much as plucked a hair from his head. just post my unfollow now, i’ll convert this into a vicky’s dudley dursley fanpage instead. 
(  @valiantiisms  )   —   i am !!! forever !!! thinking about the burkes since you brought in liana. and i mean that in a good way. the best way. ezekiel is one of my newest muses. i created him solely for nox and i was so very nervous about that, which makes me even more thankful to have liana around. i love how much thought you’ve clearly put into their character. the way you’ve considered their childhood, their relationships, their views on certain life events. you’ve really gone above and beyond to develop their story, and it shows every time we write or talk. the way liana is soft, but also someone i know i absolutely do not want to anger or upset is something i am completely obsessed with. very looks like a cinnamon roll, but could actually murder you if necessary vibes. sending my adoption papers through for liana to sign any day now, thanx.
(  @dolors  )   —   i feel like i need to start this by first making two declarations. 1. i live and breathe the crabbe family. i am so very attached to them all and it would’ve been easy to dedicate an entire post to them & only them. 2. it was …. damn near … impossible to pick just one of your characters because cherry? cherry !!!!!! you are a true genius when it comes to writing. every single one of your muses own a piece of my heart. the thought you put into them and their background is always outstanding, breath-taking, other words i can’t think of right now. so many times i’ve forgotten anton karkaroff isn’t a canon character because now i know him, i couldn’t imagine the universe without him and the exact same thing is happening with julius. reading his interactions is a bit like reading my favourite shakespeare play. there’s tragedy, there’s bittersweet humour, there’s heartbreak. there’s everything. i’ve had so much fun getting to know him since you brought him into our crazy, little world and i can’t wait to delve even deeper. 10/10 would support him pushing any of my characters through a champagne fountain, even arthur.
(  @woesbegone  )   —   time to repeat my earlier declaration ^^^ i live and breath the crabbe family !!! rachel, i genuinely don’t know ? how to put into words how much i adore this character of yours. it was hard enough picking just one because i could’ve easily gushed about antigone, ginny, mary, everyone, but luca in particular? i am on my knees ready to propose. you had me the second you said ‘fiona gallagher parallels’ and you have been delivering ever since. in my house, i support girls who brawl. i hope she kicks zeke’s ass one day over her shitty apartment. fully support it. a great bonding experience for them both. i love how fierce luca is. i love how ready to take on any challenge she is. the day luca attended the malfoy manor ball as a server is the day i bought her engagement ring. but above all, i love how much luca cares about her siblings. those raw, do-anything-for-them family vibes is something i find? so relatable and so fun to read. i’m also constantly *eyes emoji* at her threads with marcus and percy. i find the dynamics / connections so neat and can’t wait to see where they go. all in all, i’m obsessed. i will be starting a luca’s anonymous support group imminently as i imagine i am not the only one suffering from this obsession.
(  @hvllcwedground  )   —   mozzie, where do i even start !!!! with this one ??? eulalia vivienne karkaroff could squash me like a damn bug and i’d simply thank her for the attention. i was very torn between gushing over her or blaise because they both hold themselves with such presence that they consistently live rent-free in my mind, but in the end, it had to be eulalia. there is something so captivating about every eulalia thread i read. the way you write her mannerisms blows me away. there’s always so much elegance and poise. the way you just know if looks could kill, her body count would be higher than her husband’s. she literally oozes power and i think that’s her right. everybody thinks zeke works for anton, but truthfully, sometimes? i think lil bit he works for eulalia more. that’s the real boss. i’m off to make eulalia for minister posters.
(  @tiimetvrners  )    —    this was originally going to be helene because we love one hot, boss-ass bitch who’s also a good mom ! then kasper tried to takeover. my fave lil troublemaker, definitely drew the paternal short straw with zeke as his dad, but ultimately, i had to go for theodore. it’s where my heart automatically led me because i simply ? love theo !!! so much. his one liners make me smile stupid whenever i read his threads. the way he holds himself with this air of .. ‘i literally couldn’t care less’ abt some things is such a slytherin alumnus vibe. he’s blunt and and funny, and i genuinely just think about him a lot. A LOT. he’s swell. 
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gummigvts · 6 months
This could go for either Mari or the Narrator but imagine dark room and markings just start glowing on them; lines of code in mari's case and arrows for the Narrator. Either its completely hidden when it's light or they are instead like white faint scarring on their body, almost invisible until certain lighting.
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Now that Anita has confirmed (tbf she had already confirmed it a few years ago but everyone just chose to ignore her) that Jim was present at the Kensington Party, will Queen related websites, and therefore social media fanpages who blindly quote them stop saying this:
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I’ve seen the stans use this as proof that Jim was not present, that he was probably alone drinking in a bar, despite Jim himself saying that he went to the party (but ofc, they call him a liar) and there being at least one photo of him, walking behind Freddie and Mary, just as he mentioned in M&M. I have seen this bit being quoted so widely, it’s infuriating.
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fuckyeahmercury · 4 years
Hi, please can you clear something up for me? Did Freddie and Jim give each other the rings at the same time? I ask because I saw a photo of them which I think was taken in Japan (not sure tho) and Jim was wearing a ring on his ring finger of his left hand. I know that Jim gave Fred the ring on his birthday in '86 (read it on a fanpage here). So I was just wondering if Freddie gave Jim his ring soon after. Sorry I am relatively new to the fandom and haven't gotten around to reading Mercury and Me where I think this info will be present. Thanks!
sure, I love doing detective work. The answer is no, they did not give each other rings at the same time. I'll include some quotes from Mercury & Me. This is from Freddie's 1986 Mad Hat birthday party: "Freddie spent a great deal of time planning his birthday. He decided on a Mad Hat party and sent out over two hundred invitations for the afternoon of Sunday, 7 September (1986). I wanted to give Freddie something very special for a very special birthday: a gold wedding ring. It was to be a secret, so to discover his ring size I tried on an old battered one which Winnie (Kirchberger, Freddie's ex-boyfriend) had given him but was now so relegated to the bottom of a bedroom drawer. It fitted my little finger perfectly, and on that basis I went off and bought Freddie a plain, flat gold band. I mentioned I was buying it to Mary, who thought it's a lovely idea. On Thursday, the night before Freddie's birthday,several people were at the house. Peter Straker was there, which meant he and Freddie would be up all night. Just before I went to bed, I called Freddie into the dining room. 'I wanted you to have this first thing in the morning when you got up,' I said, passing him the box with the ring in it. He opened it up and tried on the ring at once. It fitted a treat. then he kissed me and we cuddled for a minute or two. He was never a jewellery queen, wearing little chains and twee bracelets. But he always wore the ring around the house. However, if he went out in public he'd usually slip it off. Gay or straight, a ring on your wedding finger tells the world that you're attached. He wanted to give nothing away."
At the end of September of 1986, Freddie and Jim took off for their Japanese holiday where they could both be seen wearing rings:
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(sorry I don't have a scanner atm so I took these with my phone)
Freddie is obviously wearing Jim's ring, however Jim is not wearing a ring Freddie gave him because there's no mention of Freddie gifting Jim any jewellery before January 1987. I don't know where Jim got that ring but he’s also wearing it in 1985 when Freddie took him to Garden Lodge for the very first time, that’s when they were very early into their relationship: 
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So, fast forward to January 1st, 1987:
"For my thirty-eighth birthday (January 3rd) a few days later Freddie wanted to give me a piece of jewellery, a chunky gold bracelet. I knew it wasn't my sort of thing, but he disagreed. So we went off to see some in Cartier's, in Bond Street. Fortunately they had none in stock. Instead our eyes fell upon two incredible rings which had been commissioned but not bought: the smaller one was an 18 carat gold signet ring with a platinum top. I tried it on but it was way too big. We aborted the shopping spree. 'Don't worry,' Freddie said. 'We'll get something for your birthday, but you might not get it on your birthday.' A few days later I was working in the garden and Freddie came over to me. 'Here's a signed blank cheque,' he said. 'Go and buy yourself a piece of jewellery from Cartier's.' So I returned to Bond Street, picked out the ring I'd tried on with Freddie, and asked them to make it smaller. When I got home Freddie wanted to know what I'd bought as my birthday present. 'That ring we saw,' I told him. 'Lovely,' he replied."
So that's how it went, Jim bought Freddie the ring on his birthday in September 1986 and Freddie gave Jim a blank check in January 1987 to go buy himself something fancy at Cartier (how romantic 😂). also Jim didn't wear the ring at all times because as he was a gardener on the daily, it would be a risk losing it or damaging it. so to be quite honest I'm not even sure if there ever was an ‘official’ way of engagement; Freddie giving Jim a ring as a token of eternal love, this didn’t really happen like that since Freddie literally just signed him a check and said go buy yourself something. and I don’t know, maybe Freddie didn't expect that Jim would buy ring with that money, but he did.
This is the only photo in the book where Jim is wearing that ring from Cartier. taken in January 1989, Jim's 40th birthday:
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I hope this was helpful 💍
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allegra-writes · 4 years
Do you think tom and nadia are still a couple?
Is it bad if I completely open my heart with this one instead of ignoring it or posting a diplomatic, politically correct reply? I've been writing for this fandom for over a year now, and I always tried to keep it as drama free as possible, rarely taking part in fandom arguments, almost always ignoring my haters and anons and keeping how hard it is sometimes to run this blog from all my followers. But I feel like its time for me to speak up. Do you really want to know what I think? Well,
I hope so. I hope they're no longer dating, if they ever were.
But not for the reasons you probably think. I do not know either Tom or Nadia as persons. I have no idea or opinion on their relationship, I ignore if they are good for each other or make each other happy, or if they ever were in a relationship in the first place.
I want them to be over, or at least keep it in the (very) downlow, because I CAN'T STAND THE TADIA SHIPPERS. I have been harrased, sent hate and even DEATH THREATS over the last months by tadia shippers. And I'm SO DONE with them.
How do I know they were tadia shippers, besides the obvious few ones that specifically named Nadia Parkes and seemed to believe they were defending her honor? Well, they never attacked any of my Peter Parker fics, and the bottom line in all those anon messages seemed to be the same: I am a Jezabel, a Mary Magdalene, a scarlett letter for lusting over a taken man, and I should be burnt at the stake. Only they were a lot more vulgar, they don't seem to have my way with words.
I was already writing for this fandom back when those pap pictures with that poor girl Olivia came out, I didn't get any hate then, so the moral motivation they claim to have is obviously bullshit. This girl, however? This girl Olivia got a lot of it. Every inch of her body, her face, her hair and her persona was scrutinized and critisized. To this day a lot of people keeps calling her an alcoholic or an attention seeker, when she doesn't belong in the industry, she never posted pictures of Tom in her instagram and actually always kept it private. Yet when Nadia Parkes keeps doing things that deliberately attract attention to her, no one goes after her. At least not on Tumblr.
No, Nadia Parkes can do no wrong. Nadia Parkes gets fanpages, and edits to show her standing next to Tom. Am I judging her? Is it bad to want to flaunt your relationship on social media? Of course not. She actually did nothing wrong. But this fandoms double standards, THOSE ARE WRONG. THOSE ARE SICKENING. Because we all know the real reason girl next door Olivia was treated like shit by this fandom, yet Nadia Parkes is treated like a queen: Olivia is not instagram influencer level pretty. And this 13 year old shippers are shallow as fuck. I am not afraid to use this words and offend anyone because if you ARE 13 years old you should not be on this blog in the first place, to be honest.
So yeah, if they ever dated, I hope they're over now or at least do a much better job to keep it secret. And I hope the Tadia fandom rots in hell. Besi, chau.
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No it wasn't the acc you linked, although I have seen their posts on ig. I didn't know they were a Jim hater. Anyway, i have decided not to follow the 100k acc for now. You're right, i'll probably find the same content on other accs. Also, since I was on this spree to spend my time going through fan acc feeds instead of doing something productive, I realised that the biggest Freddie fanpage (in terms of followers) is similar too. Idk if they're a jim hater cuz they posted a happy birthday photo for jim but they certainly post a lot of mary, calling her 'the beautiful blonde mary'😂. So I think you must be right with your assessment of these big ass accs being homophobic to some degree.
Oh I’m not sure if the account I linked is a Jim hater, but I knew they were a big name fan engaging in nonsense, so I wondered lol. I’m less suspicious of accounts that post both Jim and Mary, because there are people who claim to like both, but I gotta be honest, I don’t know how. I’ve talked about this a lot before, but I think several firsthand accounts from people who knew her paint a very similar, negative picture, and the only way I can see being neutral on her is if someone is genuinely uninformed and hasn’t read up on stuff, but I digress. But the ones who never mention Jim, but always Mary? Definitely homophobic 
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