#this is our playground we must share it kindly
silverskye13 · 5 months
Now that we’ve established Tanguish and Helsknight are trans as fuck™️ what about their sexualities 👉👈
[loud shrugging]
I will let you all handle that! As someone who leans fairly ace, I don't normally assign sexuality to characters because I so rarely write it, and when I do write it, it's so heavy handed and obvious it's kind of silly.
Helsknight feels very ace coded to me [the only lust he feels is bloodlust etc etc etc] but also he has so much going on how does he have time for romance? [and what an aroace thing to say!]
Tanguish, he feels like he could probably get joy out of romantic love. Acts of service? Making time? Dates? Cuddling? I can see it. But to who? Under what constraints? No idea. I haven't asked him. Why don't you ask him anon? For me?
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For @the-ce-horniest-book-club 24 Hour Surprise Drabble Challenge - Conversations With A Stranger Drabbles! I'm using the prompt "school pickup" and turning it slightly on it's head - with an AU of Single Dad!Andy Barber (no DJ characters). All credit and love for this AU inspiration goes to the amazing @uncafeavecbarnes (and you should totally read her take on Single Dad!Andy)
No Warnings but my blogs are 18+ spaces always.
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It's just you and one other man waiting outside the principal's office, and you have to keep reminding yourself to stop tapping your foot every time he glances up at you from his phone.
Finally he takes pity on your obviously agitated state and smiles a little before attempting to make conversation.
"I knew having a boy would probably mean visits to the principal, but kindergarten seems a little early."
You huff out a laugh, too out of your element to offer much more of a response. Still, he puts his phone in his suit jacket pocket, leaning forward towards you.
"Should we guess what they had a fight about?"
Your head snaps to him. "Excuse me?"
"Our kids. What do you think they fought about? That has to be why we're here, right? Our sons must have had a little playground disagreement."
You shake your head. "I have a daughter. Of course, I wouldn't put it past her to pick a fight with anyone."
He chuckles a little at your resigned expression. "Mine is a handful, too."
It's quiet for a moment, and then you don't know why, but you're confiding in this man sitting next to you in the elementary school principal's office. "I can't imagine how hard it is for her, with only me, and babysitters and my job and all that - I knew things would be hard but like you said, not so soon."
He had such an open expression, and he's listening to you intently. "I get it, I'm in that boat right with you."
You give him a tiny smile. "You too?"
His smile is wider, and he offers you a simple, firm handshake. "Andy Barber. I'm Adam's dad."
The light of recognition dawns in your eyes. "Wait, Adam's dad?"
Now it's Andy's turn to look confused until the principal's secretary pokes her head from the now open office door.
"Okay, Adam's dad and April's mom, we're ready for you."
Andy's face turns back to yours and the expression on his face shows you he is very aware of who your daughter is. "Excuse me, I didn't know I was meeting my son's future mother in law."
"Oh no, what did they do?"
You walk beside Andy into the principal's office, and he holds your chair for you as you sit opposite the big desk. The principal is a kindly looking older woman, and she waits for Andy to be seated before beginning. "Thank you both for being here. I realize that once you hear what the problem is you may think we overreacted."
"What exactly is the problem?" You can't stop yourself from asking, especially now that you know who's here with you.
"Adam's my boyfriend."
"Baby, you're five."
"So? We're getting married."
"Did they get married at recess or something?" Andy asks, completely serious, and you bite back a laugh. You kick him and he kicks you back, both of you barely holding it together.
"I see you're both aware of their attachment."
Attachment? Is this a Jane Austen movie? "I believe they have both mentioned each other outside of school, yes." You manage to say the words without laughing but this whole experience is becoming more and more funny to you.
"The children's teacher has requested that I meet with you, to ask you both to remind them how to behave in school."
"The hand holding? I talked to Adam."
"I had a talk with April about that too."
"It worked for a few days," the principal leans back in her chair. "But today they've moved on to kissing."
"Kissing? They're kissing each other in school?" Now you're a little surprised. Andy, however, chuckles beside you and shrugs when you turn to him.
"They were at the front of the lunch line together and held up recess for the other children because they refused to be separated."
You cover your face with your hands. "We will definitely have a strong conversation with them about appropriate behavior in school." You drop your hands and look over at Andy. "Right?"
"Of course." He still looks amused, and you can't help smiling back.
"Well," Andy says as he walks by your side, down the hallway to collect your kids, "it was nice to have someone else to share that amazing moment with."
You laugh out loud, looking around to make sure that no one else is in earshot. "Yeah, but we have to stop meeting like this."
"I hope we keep meeting, though."
Andy gives you a little sly look, and you look straight ahead as an odd feeling starts to bubble up inside you.
"Me too."
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
Hi Mojo, I also wanted to share my thoughts on this concrit and commenting discussion, particularly the etiquette of asking permission before identifying racism part. I think there are two conversations here: the concrit and comment etiquette on fics, and POC being able to speak up without having to adhere to etiquette. Of course you can stop reading this message if you would like to as I’m mindful of your argument that you should ask permission first. But if you could read this (not even publish!) then that would be appreciated.
I am a Chinese diaspora. As a Chinese diaspora your comments affected me rather more than I expected them to. I’m being really careful about my own tone right now - because I’m worried that if I come across as angry or even remotely impolite, that my message might get dismissed by a reader thinking I’m just angry and reactive. I’m coming from a personal perspective on this, but I can’t not make it personal as this is something that affects me, and my friends and family, as people.
With your message to be kind in all interactions with authors, all that runs through my mind is the implication that as a POC person, is is MY job to be kind and understanding and polite, and it MY job to willingly teach another person of how their actions and words have impacted me. That if I am angry or offended and speak in a less than nice tone, that somehow this is a petty tit-for-tat move on my part? Of course in an ideal situation we should not react emotionally - but I can’t be expected to stay unemotional in the face of micro aggression and racism, even if it was not meant to be malicious. I’m sure your intention wasn’t this but then the idea that WE must then kindly educate the racist party (accidentally or otherwise) is a huge emotional and mental burden that we can’t be expected to partake in every time.
I know I cannot say ‘us’ in this situation, but this isn’t an issue that only affects an individual. I KNOW I am only one person. I know I may not be the ‘mouthpiece’, as you said, for everyone who is Chinese diaspora. But I can say for certain that I share the same lived experiences of at least some who will agree with me. I’m challenging the idea that an individual can’t be somewhat reflective of a population - otherwise it would be ridiculous to suggest that all people of a similar background must agree on everything and have a spokesperson.
I’m also sure you didn’t mean to or I could be wrong, but I get the sense that you are considering this issue predominately from the perspective of a non-POC (non-Chinese, in this case) author and how we should try not to upset them. It feels that we must consider that the author is coming from a place of no bad intentions or malice and must therefore speak to them in that way - but that is a very idealistic process that POCs and marginalised people can’t always rely on. Ignorance - especially wilful - can be just as harmful and hurtful as direct aggression.
Luckily my experiences in this fandom has demonstrated that authors who are non-Chinese or POC almost always start their fics with an apology and a reassurance that they are receptive to corrections of any cultural inaccuracies they may have. And I think that this is the crux of the etiquette issue that we shouldn’t offer unsolicited criticism without first asking permission. These authors have acknowledged their different background and own potential shortcomings and are open to criticism in this aspect. In these more common cases, there is of course no need to ask for permission - the author has already anticipated conversation around this.
The etiquette issue is when an author has not prefaced their work with this sort of disclaimer - and I am aware it may be unfair to expect this of all fic writers. That’s where this issue of etiquette comes up. The author hasn’t appeared to welcome comments on cultural insensitivity - so I have to think about if I now need to ask nicely for permission to speak. As a reader, specially as a Chinese diaspora, if cultural insensitivity or discrepancies appear without the disclaimer of ‘please let me know if there are any inaccuracies’ then the implication may be that the author simply didn’t care or bother about offending anyone. If they do, then I know it’s just a mistake and that they haven’t been dismissive or uncaring. Without it, the authors intentions become much more ambiguous.
Even worse is when an author blatantly says they’ve made mistakes or haven’t researched and don’t care for feedback. My culture and heritage isn’t a playground for you, and I don’t think fic writers should be exempt from being respectful for the sake of a quick fic.
Like I said earlier, this is not a hypothetical exercise for POC. We’re faced with microaggressions constantly in our real lives, so our patience for this sort of situation runs a bit thin and it is difficult not to react with emotion. I also dislike the idea that I need to ask permission to speak about something that impacts me so profoundly.
A message to prefaces a written piece of work saying that the author is not of that ethnicity or culture and that they welcome comments to fix it always helps. Then the lines of communication aren’t blurred and the onus doesn’t fall on the marginalised or POC to become a teacher.
Mojo, this is actually the second draft of a message to you. I have spent over an hour and a half of my time crafting this message - trying to get the tone right, trying not to come across angry or impolite, trying to say everything I want to say. Your replies to the blogger in the replies of one of the last anons was what really sparked this huge essay- I came away from reading them really effected, and not knowing why I was upset by it. I think you really missed the point that they were trying to say - that obviously, unsolicited criticism can be hurtful and unnecessary, but valid criticism of hurtful practices should not be shut down. Instead, you explained (and I know interpreting tone through text is difficult but I could not read it in a non-patronising way) that in short, if I am mean because they’ve been (allegedly accidentally) mean first then I shouldn’t expect them to listen to any of my concerns or understand why I was upset. Because I was mean back. For me, this felt like a dismissal of something that is profoundly more complex - that it wasn’t a conversation about etiquette anymore, but somehow became one about silencing marginalised people and coddling fragile white egos.
Mojo, I’ve followed you for ages and love all the content and hard work you put out and am infinitely and considerably grateful for your achievements. You are truly a wonderful person with such great ideas and intentions. The fandom would suffer greatly without your dedication. It’s just that on this occasion I think you may have missed the mark a little and had to say something. Others may not agree with me, I know, but I hope you have at least read this.
Lots of love, from a follower
Let me start by saying that I’m very sorry you felt you had to moderate your tone so much in order to be heard.  I really do strive to make my blog a welcoming environment for everybody, and I regret that you’ve felt excluded:  that was never my intention. I am always interested in everyone's point of view.
You've got some really great and specific points here that I think will be helpful to all authors in this fandom -- like ways to introduce your fic and/or be respectful as well as small things that come across as offensive.
The conversation this morning veered way off track from bookmarks to racism, and like I said then, I am not qualified to talk about that. I do not have your history or your experiences: all I can do is listen and empathize and learn. Which I try to do!
What I am qualified to discuss is how writers might respond to comments: I've had lots of experience with that! So my point is: if you approach an author with anger, they are very likely to close themselves off to you. I'm not attaching a value judgement to that, to say that they are right or wrong to do so... it's just a statement based on my observations over many years.
I can imagine how easily a lifetime of tiny (and large) insults and slights would build up and spill over in anger, frustration and resentment. That's very human. Please don't think that I am belittling or denying your experience or your right to feel this way, because I am not.
I respect you. I respect your experience. I respect your right to be angry and to talk about it. Period. I really, really do. I think it's important for your voice to be heard: this is how you feel valid as a person with your feelings, and it's how other people learn!
So let's go back to reading a fic where you find portions (or all) of it racist or insensitive or culturally tone deaf. What is your goal? I ask this just as a student of psychology (and also a parent). Do you want to educate them, or to shame them? Again, I'm not attaching a value judgement to either response. The way you introduce your topic will affect how the author will react. It's not about 'white fragility'... there's no way for you to know who penned that story, just as there is no way for the author to know anything about you when you comment. This is just about humans and how they interact with each other.
This is tough. This is thorny. THIS IS NOT A SIMPLE MATTER. There are always, always going to exceptions, gray areas and straw men: you (and any reader) should always use your judgement. Are you saying this to someone who is hateful and bigoted and cruel with it? Or are you saying it to a 12-year-old girl from corn fields in Nebraska? Are you unsure?
So this isn't about silencing your voice, not at all. It's about judging who you're speaking to and whether or not they'll hear you.
I absolutely do not think that unsolicited or angry fic comments (or bookmarks) are a productive forum for educating people... if that is your goal. And it may not be, which is fine. As you pointed out, the burden of educating people should not rest solely on you, it shouldn't be your responsibility.
I will say again that a place like this, right here - this very letter which I am answering and publishing - IS a great way to educate people. Use it freely, speak loudly, say your piece and share your experiences. Arrgh, I really hope that doesn't come across as condescending. I'm being utterly sincere. I am nearly 50. I've seen a lot of change happening. This is how it happens.
I do not want to silence your voice - or anyone's voice! I want to hear everyone's opinions and thoughts because that ultimately makes me a more well-rounded and considerate person and the world a better place.
I do however, passionately believe that positive change can be affected best through positive interaction. It's not a rule everyone is required to follow, not at all. But is the one that I speak of, and the one that I try to adhere to.
I could never speak for any minority, to say what you should or shouldn't do - as individuals or as a group. But I can speak from the experiences and feelings of a fic author. That's it, that's the limit of my ability. And you may do with that whatever you feel is right.
Let me wrap this up by saying that I really appreciated this letter and Nonny - you were very brave to throw this out into the forum, thank you! You had some extremely useful and important points that I am very happy to share. I am sorry my comments hurt you, and I hope that you feel a little better now.
Having said all this, I would really not like to start a huge discussion on racism in the fandom. I am the wrong person to conduct that conversation: I don't know enough about it, nor do i have the proper experiences or point of view.
With that, I must go, and I'll see you all tomorrow!
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onelostgirl · 4 years
18. We’re Friends
Miya Atsumu x (f) smau
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“Sorry about that needed to put Yuto to bed.”
Atsumu looked up from his phone and found that Y/N was not making eye contact with him. He guessed she was regretting the rash decision of inviting him to her house.
He wasn’t completely sure how he ended up her either. He was currently seated on a chair by the counter wearing a shirt that she had brought him so she could wash his.
He couldn’t say he was used to this either. Even if he had a twin brother he hated sharing things with Samu but he definitely didn’t listen to his own logic.
Basically, he hated people touching his stuff but he didn’t mind using theirs. But this was different.
He was in Y/N’s house wearing a shirt she gave him. Was this her boyfriend’s? Or an ex?
He didn’t know why it mattered but a part of him didn’t like that.
“It’s a new shirt. No one’s worn it before.” A voice broke through the silence as he looked at Y/N and noticed she was finally looking at him.
“I mean it must be uncomfortable wearing a shirt of someone you don’t know but it’s not owned by anyone.”
She paused.
“My friend bought it as a joke when I told him I needed to diet.”
Atsumu looked at her then, “Diet-I could hold ya up with one arm.” He joked as Y/N stuck her tongue out at him walking over to the refrigerator.
“Well, the wash shouldn’t be too long maybe another 30-40 minutes plus drying time.” She explained as she reached into the fridge and pulled out a container of tea.
“I coulda just gone home.” Atsumu replied as he was greeted with a glare from her.
“Sure and get sick while you do that, like that wouldn’t totally be my fault or responsibility.”
“Yer too serious bout this, I’m a healthy guy, ain’t gonna get sick.”
Y/N glanced at the blonde to see he wasn’t exactly smug, he probably genuinely believed his health was in mint condition.
“Still, I’ve got too many responsible bones in my body.”
“Ouch- sounds like somethin’ Omi-kun would say.” He teased as Y/N bit back a laugh.
For a moment it was silent then. They both knew they were treading lightly because of the unfamiliar situation. Atsumu didn’t know what to say or if he had any right to ask to begin with and Y/N didn’t know how far she was willing to let the line blur between her private and public life.
“So..Yuto’s a good kid, even if I ain’t crazy ‘bout them.”
Atsumu began testing the waters.
“Haha, just give him a while, he’ll drive you up the walls.” Y/N replied, her hands twisting around her cup.
“He probably gets that from his mom, my sister was extremely active, way too friendly, like ridiculously so.”
She didn’t know what was safe to say but she guessed she could start there.
“Kid’s super tighty must be yer influence, I’d think even Omi would be impressed despite the milkshake slip up.” Atsumu stated.
Y/N couldn’t help but laugh remembering how just earlier that day Yuto had made the horrible slip up of dropping his strawberry milkshake all over Atsumu’s shirt.
“I can’t believe someone could have such rotten luck. First you drop something, then you slammed your head on the bus door, and ending it with a sweet treat of a milkshake.”
She wouldn’t have kept laughing but at the reminder of his name day Atsumu was sitting across her pouting like a little kid.
“Ey, that’s enough laughin’ Y/N.” The blonde warned.
“In his defense, you did try to take some of his dessert when you had your own.”
“Hey, don’t ya teach yer kid ta share.” He accused as Y/N nodded enthusiastically still enjoying his misfortune.
Atsumu watched her smile and wondered why he didn’t stop himself when he asked the next question, “It’s just the two of ya then?”
Y/N looked up to see his brown eyes staring at her, it might have been that she held everything so tightly together or the warm feeling he gave off but she nodded her head, despite previously thinking she’d never tell him about herself.
“Just been us for about two years now.” She paused staring at a picture behind him, “it was an accident during summer when Yuto was three.” She whispered as Atsumu caught his breath staring at her silently unsure if he’d make it worse.
After seeing Y/N shake her head as though gaining her composure she looked at him, “Don’t tell anyone alright? I don’t want things to get too personal.”
“Don’t think it would be that bad Y/N, ya practically know everythin’ bout us.”
“Well it’s my job to know. And this was an unexpected coincidence, but it’s not going to happen again.” She stayed as Atsumu felt a feeling that he hadn’t felt in a long time-being unwanted.
He recalled this feeling from when he was younger and no wanted to play with him on the playground save for Samu, he knew this from group outings in high school when people didn’t bother to invite him since he’d only cared about volleyball, then it reminded him of when Hayami started ignoring him.
“Ya don’t have ta hide Y/N.” He whispered as she looked up at him, her eyes guarded as though he was stepping into her protected space.
“I’m sure there’s parts of you that you don’t share with people Miya.” She replied as the blonde shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m an open book didn’t ya know.”
She laughed, “Or that’s just what you want people to think.”
“Ya got me there, but I ain’t hiding anythin’ from ya.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes, “Liar.” She accused.
Atsumu put his hands up in air, “Scout’s honor.”
She crossed her arms a crossed her chest, “And the girl from Valentines?”
Y/N didn’t know why she asked him that maybe it bothered her more than she led on but she certainly didn’t expect to act how she currently was.
“Haya and I used to date.”
He admitted so quickly that she was surprised and sure her face said it all.
“You didn’t...” she started by was cut off when he continued talking.
“She got it in her head that we’re gonna get back together.” He replied as Y/N stood quickly listening to what he wanted to share whether that was just a piece of it or the whole thing.
“We got a rocky past and suddenly she’s comin’ at me like none of that happened.”
“I don’t know what ta do.” He confessed as Y/N realized they did a lot of that tonight.
“As your manager I’d have to tell you to be discreet.” She stated as he looked at her, “But as your friend I’d say it’s your choice and I can see why she regrets it.”
“Friends huh.” Atsumu murmured as Y/N watched him beginning to get lost in his thoughts.
“Haha, maybe I got ahead of myself thinking the great Atsumu Miya would be a friend of a simple manager like me.” Y/N teased holding her heart in mock hurt as the blonde have a small smile one that Y/N swore didn’t make her heart beat quickly.
“Yeh, guess we’re friends.” He repeated denying the way the word left his mouth bitter and the smallest twist in his stomach.
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Author’s note: thank you for supporting so far and I’m sorry for the patchy updates I hope to update more chapters so I ask kindly for your patience. Your support and encouragement helps to keep me going so thank you so much! Also not sure how much more our lovely Y/N and Atsumu are willing to go through until they let go of their stubbornness. Stay tuned on this Love Loop. Taglist is still open.
Taglist: @shadyjinyoung @roiana-mustang @z-i-t-t @koukamisblog @90s-belladonna @kimxbae @hamsterfan17 @atsunflower @huliannajace @iloveanime691 @rinnieee @lilacshouko @alyssasteaparty @nhaikyuu @crazyforleo @life-taken-by-hq-baby-liberos @lolaywrites @sunareclipse @jexiiann @semiathleticnerdykid @pharvhs @ryaaaax
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specialpatientedna · 5 years
This isn’t canon to my RP blog, but I thought I’d share a dark fanfic AU I’ve been working on for a retelling of Edna & Harvey: The Breakout. NOTE: this is only the first chapter and it’s not finished yet.
Outside, two children were playing. One, a shy and mostly quiet boy who often read books, kept a butterfly collection, collected stamps, but most of all, loved to follow the rules and do as he was told. The other was a girl no more than eight years old, who on the other hand, seemed to have a disdain for authority and rules, often finding ways to stir up mischief for the day. She played with firecrackers, smashed up her toys, tinkered with sharp objects, skipped school, blew up frogs in her backyard she’d catch, wandered abandoned buildings late at night while her father slept, but what really fascinated her, was fire.
The young girl loved to watch the flames dance around and crackle, it’s light so beautiful, bright, and hypnotic, consuming whatever it burned, the flames so full of life. She loved to burn wood, books, insects, toenail clippings, blades of grass, action figures, broken chair legs, leaves, trash cans, jars of old marmalade, broken old toys, scraps of clothing, marbles, bushes, almost anything within her reach. The girl wasn’t sure why or how she came to have this morbid fascination with fire, she just knew it was always there.
And so were those ugly and impulsive urges buried deep inside the back of her head that would worm it’s way up, turning into intrusive thoughts.
“Children! Dinner is ready!” a voice called from inside the house.
“Awww! But it’s too early dad!” the girl whined.
And she was just about to win at a game of marbles too. The boy stood up from the ground, picked up his bag of marbles, and ran up ahead, playfully laughing.
“Race you first!”
The girl brushed stray blades of grass and dirt from her skirt, picked up her half of the marbles that were left on the ground, grabbed her blue ragdoll rabbit she called Harvey, and began walking up the porch towards the backdoor.
“Oh boy!, oh boy!, oh boy! I can’t wait for the dessert Mattis will serve! All the cake! All the ice cream! And cookies! Yummy! Heehee!” an unusual and hyperactive voice giggled.
The girl’s violet eyes gazed at her ragdoll. There it was again, the voice that spoke through her rabbit. She smiled and hugged it close to her chest, it’s warm terrycloth feeling comforting. As a small child she always talked with her ragdoll rabbit Harvey, confiding in it whenever she needed to, seeking comfort when her father was busy working late night shifts again. One day when she was five years old, she was surprised to find her ragdoll had spoken back, greeting her cheerfully as if they had always known each other. The young girl felt she and Harvey were destined to be great friends, and they had remained close friends ever since. Laughing, playing, talking to one another, stirring up mischief together, cracking jokes, finding amusing ways to make her father swear, and, lighting fires.
The young girl opened the sliding glass door and stepped inside for dinner, gently shutting it closed behind her. The girl’s father, Mattis, had prepared an early dinner to welcome the boy and his father, Marcel, in their neighborhood, having just recently moved in. The girl took her seat, served her plate of food, and began to dig into her potato salad and sausage. Mattis and Marcel were busily blabbing about boring grown up topics the girl couldn’t be bothered to listen to, and the young boy was eagerly eating his sausages. The girl started to feel uneasy with a strange feeling in her gut, and a bizarre sense of deja vu.
“Hey! Edna! Alfred’s pretty boring, huh?” Harvey snickered as he sat in the young girl’s lap. “Shhh!” Edna shushed the ragdoll rabbit, glaring at him.
“Be quiet Harv, you know dad can’t see us talking, he’ll think I’m a loon.” “Sorry Edna...” Harvey apologized.
Alfred, Marcel, and Mattis looked up from their meal and stared at Edna with concern. Edna awkwardly stared back before her eyes slowly gazed over to her dinner plate again and she resumed eating her meal.
She felt like she was going to be sick.
Alfred, Marcel and Mattis went back to chatting away, but Edna could barely touch her food. She tried to listen in on the parent’s conversation but she couldn’t focus well. Their voices felt so distant, so far away.
“Hehehe! Edna!, Edna!, Edna! Look at this!” Harvey exclaimed in twisted delight.
Edna froze in her seat, but felt her arm slowly raise up over her head. When did she hold a glass of water? She didn’t remember grabbing it. Edna struggled to put it down, trying not to spill it all over Alfred.
“Harvey! PLEASE!” Edna angrily shouted, but it was too late.
It happened so fast. Her hand, as if being puppeted, attempted to pour the water all over Alfred, but spilled it all over her head and clothes instead. Everyone was now staring at her blankly.
“Is your daughter….always so maladjusted?” Dr. Marcel whispered.
“I’m so sorry for her behavior Dr. Marcel. Edna, go to your room.” Mattis scolded her sternly.
“But it wasn’t my fault!” Edna protested.
“Edna, I’m sorry, but I have to do this.”
Mattis reached in a cabinet, grabbing a bottle of prescription medicine. The label was marked as Chlorpromazine, for Edna Konrad.
Edna felt so humiliated, angry, and scared all at once as she tried hard to fight it, crying, shouting, struggling in her father’s tight grip as he grabbed her by the arm, forcing her to take her medicine before sending her off to her room. And then the world was spinning, pulling her away from consciousness.
She woke up in a cold sweat as her eyes opened in darkness. Gently, she pulled a thin white sheet off her and sat up. Where was she? What did these nightmares mean? Why was she in a locked bedroom in a hospital bed?
She wearily rubbed her eyes. Everything felt so confusing and disorienting. She moved her hand and felt around her bed before feeling a familiar soft material. Touching it, she picked it up, who turned out to be her ragdoll rabbit. At least she still had Harvey to get her through these awful nights. Edna softly stroked his blue terrycloth fur while humming to herself before she lied down in bed covering herself with her thin sheet, shifted into a comfortable position, and went back to sleep.
Edna awoke at 5 AM the next morning to a needle rudely stuck in her arm as the nurse began drawing blood and taking samples, looking over test sheets and paperwork on her clipboard. Edna hadn’t slept well the night before and had dark circles under her eyes, her long violet hair an even bigger mess more than usual, those nightmares and odd visions plaguing her and still fresh on her mind. The nurse smiled sweetly, a genuine smile and turned to face her.
“Good morning Edna, how are you feeling today?” nurse Gretchen asked kindly.
Edna sat up in bed, clutching Harvey by the ears and hugged her knees. She didn’t look up at the nurse, but mumbled something the nurse couldn’t hear.
“It’s alright dear, we all have our bad days.” nurse Gretchen gently told Edna, soothing her like a mother would to her child.
Edna kept hugging her knees, rocking in her bed quietly, but turning to face the nurse, would slowly glance up at Gretchen now and then with one eye, still rocking herself holding on to Harvey with a tight grip. When she was finished getting Edna’s blood sample, nurse Gretchen cleaned and bandaged the wound, tending to it carefully. It reminded Edna of when she was a child and she scraped her knee after a kid pushed her at the playground, her mother Helene patching it up. The memory always felt comforting even though her mother vanished from her and Mattis’s life years ago when she was just five years old. Gretchen leaned against the wall and sighed.
“You know, I can’t even begin to imagine how you really feel. Losing your parents like that.. It must have been so awful for you, and so young. Eight years old..” the nurse murmured.
Edna stopped rocking. Still she spoke nothing, but she studied the nurse carefully with her eyes, moving her long violet locks of hair out of her face. She wanted to speak up, to say something, but she couldn’t find it in her to. Nurse Gretchen moved away from the wall and placed a hand on Edna’s head, gently rubbing the girl in comfort like she was her own daughter, if she had one.
Changing the subject to something more lighter, Gretchen said “Dr. Marcel will be seeing you in two hours, so try and get ready, okay? He’ll be taking you and the other patients to the cafeteria for breakfast. It’s free choice day, I know how much you like that. I’ll be on my way now dearie.”
Nurse Gretchen gathered her medical equipment and strolled out the room, shutting the door behind her, and Edna heard the lock click.
If anyone looked at her right now, they’d see Edna smiled for the first time in years.
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Sounds of Silence
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Ding! A bell rings not far away, it´s 4 AM - time to greet the new day. This is a special time of the day, all around lies a mystical, musty quiet, and the sun is only just getting up for the morning shift. This is daily life for anyone wanting to participate in an Indian meditation practice called Vipassana, where one meditates for over 10 hours a day for ten days straight, in silence. Complete silence, that is, which means no looking anyone in the eye, no touching and certainly no speaking. A full ten (nine) days of considering yourself, and yourself only. And after 9 days of the ultimate holiday, the bliss ends, and a new, crude reality begins. Me, I was mostly nervous. Hell, I had just finished meditating for 95 hours, and I suppose I´d need another 95 before any ”hello, my name is” would seem more useful than silence. Turns out, however, that not all seemed to share my experience: some cried tears of joy, some laughed, and many, many, talked.
I´m of course not implying that talking is bad, simply that we don´t alternate enough between communicating with others and communicating with ourselves. That´s a shame - they compliment each other well, a proper cheese and wine relationship. I can´t think of anyone who would meditate for 70 hours on an average week, least of all myself, but it doesn´t mean we cannot take a break from the thinking mind: the monkey mind, the devil, the angel and the whole spectrum in between.  
Silence doesn’t exactly eradicate thoughts - au contraire - but being aware of these thoughts is half the job in itself. Once aware, one can understand one´s own thoughts, not to mention locate the sensations. Imagine you´re angry, for example. Instead of reacting to the anger, you are in full power of observing where in your body you feel the anger, and why. Love, anxiety, joy- they are all chemical sensations in your body that can easily slip away unnoticed. I don´t mean to sound all self-help book-y, but as the cool kids say (I hope): this is some pretty dope shit.
You may be thinking, ”heck, well I spend a fair amount of quiet time in my life, I sleep don´t I?” Unfortunately, watching TV, reading the newspaper or even sleeping is a superficial kind of silence: the mind is occupied. When one meditates, however, one´s attention is turned inwards, and the subconscious mind floats up to the surface like a rubber duck. This means that we open up to the experience of experiencing, taking notice of the endless flow of time as we do so. I can only offer you the simplest of advice: don´t worry, this will all change. Silence is not a quick-fix, but it allows distance to one´s feelings, and distance -in time- allows wisdom.  
It just so happens that I am in the country of magic: India. And l assure you, India is not a silent place. In fact, it´s the loudest country I´ve been to, and yet it´s the country where I´ve been the most silent. This is not a coincidence, even though India is not just a spiritual haven where meditators occupy the streets and yogis offer free classes. The honking is deafening and the chaos and bustle and neverending hustle is a harsh reality, but nevertheless -believe it or not- India´s a pretty relaxed place. Consider a tuktuk driver, for example. The guy will harass you until no end; follow you into a bus, run over a bicyclist while speeding and almost kill a guy who has to jump to the curb to save his own life, but when siesta time comes around, his feet will be sticking out of the tuktuk, paying little attention to the poor foreigners crying out in need of a ride. One may not associate spitting, selling jewellery and busting out tunes whilst hanging out of a jeep on a motorway to silence, and yet, this is exactly what makes it just that. If we would hang out of jeeps more often, perhaps we would have the courage to sit down and stay still for a while too. On a more serious note, India has it all- it´s a playground for spiritual seekers and thrill seekers alike, and the labeling one may face in the west is not something you have to worry about in this part of the world. There is room for both sound and silence.
I admit that I do not look kindly on the west when it comes to silence. It´s easy to find retreats and expensive resorts to kick back in and take in the fresh air (if your schedule and budget allows it), but this is a temporary solution; a weekend trip away from a lifetime of misery. The main problem, if you ask me, is that we are surrounded by distractions: the ultimate enemy of inner silence. India is no exception per se, but between billions of people, there is at least a bigger variety, not to mention a different history and culture. ”If human beings´ lips aren´t moving, their brains must start to work” (Hitchhiker´s guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams). Meditation and silence is not for a business executive on the brink of a burnout, a traveler in dreadlocks, or a woman in search of her voice. Not only for those, I mean. Anyone can learn how to meditate, and anybody can find time to do so, if they truly want to. If nothing else, inner silence makes us thoughtful, considerate and open minded people, and with just a few tools we can truly change our own lives. Silence is golden, and not just for children. Dong!
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Le son du silence
Ding ! Une cloche retentit non loin de moi, il est 4 heures du matin – l’heure de saluer nouveau jour qui commence. C’est un moment bien particulier de la journée : tout alentour repose encore dans un silence pesant, mystique, et le soleil se lève à peine pour commencer son labeur quotidien. Ça n’est qu’un jour comme les autres pour celui qui souhaite participer à cet exercice de méditation appelé ”Vipassana”, pendant lequel on médite jusqu’à dix heures par jour, dix jours d’affilé, en silence. Je veux dire dans le silence le plus total, c’est-à-dire qu’il n’y pas d’échange de regard, pas de contact et bien évidemment pas de discussion. Dix jours (ou plutôt neuf) complets d’introspection pendant lesquels vous n’observez que vous-même. Et après ces neufs jours de vacances ultimes, la félicité s’évanouit, remplacée par une nouvelle réalité, brutale et crue. Pour ma part, j’étais surtout nerveuse. Mince, je venais juste de finir de méditer pendant 95 heures et j’imagine qu’il m’aurait fallu 95 autres heures avant qu’un ”Salut, moi c’est…” ne semble plus utile que le silence. Il s’est avéré, cependant, que tout le monde ne partageait pas mon point de vue sur le sujet : certains ont pleuré de joie, certains ont ri, beaucoup, beaucoup se sont mis à parler.
Je n’essaye pas de dire que parler, c’est mal, simplement que nous n’alternons certainement pas assez entre la communication avec autrui et la communication avec soi-même. Et c’est bien malheureux car ils se complètent parfaitement l’un l’autre – une véritable relation vin fromage. Je ne peux évidemment pas imaginer une personne qui méditerait 70 heures par semaine en moyenne, et certainement pas moi-même, mais ça ne veut pas dire qu’on ne pourrait pas parfois prendre ses distances avec l’esprit pensant : notre cerveau de singe, notre bon ou notre malin génie et tout le spectre entre les deux.
Le silence n’éradique pas vraiment les pensées – au contraire – mais prendre conscience de ces pensées représente déjà la moitié du boulot. Une fois conscient, il est possible de comprendre ses propres pensées, localiser leur provenance. Imaginez par exemple que vous soyez en colère. Plutôt que de réagir directement à cette colère, vous avez le pouvoir d’observer cette colère, où elle se situe et pourquoi. Amour, anxiété, joie – ce ne sont que des réactions chimiques dans notre corps qui pourraient facilement passer inaperçues. Je ne veux pas sonner comme un livre de développement personnel, mais comme le disent les gamins cools d’aujourd’hui (j’espère) : ”c’est de la bonne, gros”.
Vous pourriez penser : ”Grediou, j’en ai pourtant passé du temps silencieux dans ma vie. Je dors plutôt régulièrement, non ?” Malheureusement, regarder la télé, lire le journal, et même dormir, ne sont que des silences superficiels : en réalité, l’esprit est occupé. Lorsqu’on médite en revanche, l’attention est complètement tournée vers l’intérieur, et le subconscient flotte jusqu’à la surface, comme un canard en plastique. Ce qui signifie que nous nous ouvrons à l’expérience même d’éprouver, et, ce faisant, nous pouvons remarquer l’infini flot du temps. Je peux simplement vous offrir le plus simple des conseils : ne vous inquiétez pas, le temps changera tout. Le silence n’est pas une solution miracle qui peut régler tout nos problèmes, mais il permet la distance vis-à-vis de ses propres sentiments et la distance – avec du temps – dégage la voie de la sagesse.
Je me trouve actuellement dans un pays drapé de magie : l’Inde. Et je vous assure que l’Inde en elle-même n’est pas pour ainsi dire un endroit paisible. En réalité, je n’ai sans doute jamais visité de pays si bruyant ; et pourtant, c’est aussi le pays dans lequel je me suis retranchée le plus dans le silence. Ça n’a sans doute rien d’une coïncidence, même si l’Inde n’est pas seulement un havre de paix pour ceux qui voudraient méditer dans la rue, où des cours gratuits sont offerts par des yogis. Le bruit des klaxons est assourdissant et le chaos frénétique et les bousculades incessantes sont une dure réalité, mais, croyez-le ou non, l’Inde est un endroit plutôt relax. Prenez par exemple un chauffeur de tuktuk. Le type pourra vous harceler pendant un temps inconsidéré, vous suivre jusque dans un bus, rouler sur un cycliste en accélérant et presque tuer un piéton qui doit sauver sa vie en sautant dans un virage, mais quand est venue l’heure de la siesta, ses pieds seront en train de pendre à la fenêtre de son tuktuk, ignorant complètement les pauvres étrangers qui seraient en train de le supplier de les emmener quelque part. Il n’est peut-être pas évident d’associer les bruits des crachats, les ventes de bijoux à la criée et les chants discordants de jeunes hommes accrochés à l’arrière d’une jeep sur l’autoroute, au silence et pourtant, c’est exactement ce qui le rend possible. Peut-être que si nous aussi, nous nous laissions pendre un peu plus souvent à l’arrière d’une jeep, nous trouverions le courage de nous asseoir et de rester immobile pendant quelques instants. Plus sérieusement, l’Inde a tout pour elle : c’est à la fois le terrain de jeu de ceux qui seraient en quête de spiritualité ou de sensations fortes. Et les étiquettes que vous pourriez rencontrer dans l’Ouest ne s’appliquent pas nécessairement dans cette partie du monde. Il y a de la place à la fois pour le bruit et le silence.
J’avoue que mon regard n’est pas des plus avenants quand je regarde vers l’Ouest. On peut y facilement trouver des lieux de retraite ou des complexes hoteliers pour prendre un peu d’air frais et se relancer (selon les budgets et les emplois du temps), mais c’est une solution temporaire : un weekend à l’écart d’une vie misérable. Si vous voulez mon avis, le problème principal est que nous sommes cernés par les distractions, et la distraction est l’ultime ennemie de la méditation et du silence. L’Inde n’est pas tout à fait une exception, mais entre ses millions d’habitants, on peut trouver au moins une plus grande variété, ne serait-ce que de culture et d’histoire. ”Si les lèvres des humains s’arrêtaient de bouger, peut-être que leurs cerveaux commenceraient à fonctionner” disait Douglas Adams dans le Guide du voyageur galactique. Le silence et la méditation ne sont pas une affaire de chef d’entreprise à deux doigts du burn-out, de voyageur en dreadlocks ou de jeune femme qui cherche sa voie. Pas seulement pour eux, en tout cas. N’importe qui peut apprendre à méditer et trouver le temps pour cela, s’il le désire réellement. S’il y a une chose à retenir de tout cela, c’est que le silence intérieur nous permet d’être des personnes plus réfléchies, bienveillantes, et ouvertes d’esprit et nous offre des outils pour changer nos vies en profondeur. Le silence est d’or, et pas seulement pour les enfants. Dong !
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ryukogo · 7 years
little bird
Summary: Jimmy takes Leslie to a park.
Prompt: Park - The trees are lush and the picnic benches full-up when the July weather is beautiful and warm. Going to the park can make for a lovely experience, even if it’s not a far trip from home. Your muses may have picnics, go for walks together, or just go hang out at the playground to pass the time on a boring afternoon. It doesn’t have to just be a nature park, either- what about a theme park, or a water park trip? The possibilities are endless, and the prompt wide open!
Words: 1306
Link is in the title if you wish to read it on AO3!
PC Principal had declared her safe days before.
Nobody really trusted her enough to believe it to be so.
So, PC Principal shunts her off to Jimmy.
“Whu-w-what?!” Jimmy stumbles as he tries to get himself upright on his crutches, because it’s a startling revelation to hear from PC Principal, of all people, the person who punched Leslie Meyers in the face in the first place. “Whu-why me?”
PC Principal sighs. “It’s nothin’ personal, alright? I know we’ve had our share of disagreements-”
Jimmy visibly snorts.
“- but the fact is, Leslie is a clean slate. Like, she remembers nothing now. Literally nothing,” The man waves his hands around. “It’s been years since the incident, anyway, brah, let it go.”
Jimmy gives him a dry look - or at least he tries to. “She b-buh-b-beat me up.”
“Six years ago, brah. Let it go,” PC Principal reiterates, before pinching the bridge of his nose. “Look- you’re the only kid I trust around here that won’t do anything bad to her directly. You’ll treat her right. She’s vaguely aware she’s not human, but that’s it. I know you can treat her normally, unlike the other kids, like Broflovski.”
Jimmy winces. “Kyle is puh-p-pretty hung over what she did.”
“Within reason, he is. Still - Leslie can learn about what she did later on. For now...” He places a hand on Jimmy’s shoulder. “Treat her as normally as possible. Right now I’ve got forged papers saying she’s my kid, so that’s probably going to be another mark against her, being the principal’s kid.”
Jimmy raises an eyebrow. “Wuh-w-why would you do that?”
“To monitor her. And...” PC Principal sighs. “When she was revived, she was so innocent. I dunno, brah, it just... it didn’t seem right to just leave her like that, PC or not. Just- I just did it, okay.”
“So you’ll do it?”
“My name is Leslie.”
“Muh-m-mine’s Jimmy.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jimmy.”
“You t-too, Leslie.”
It had been Nichole’s idea, really, to bring Leslie to the park, a month or so after Leslie’s initial reintroduction to South Park.
“It’ll be a great experience for her,” She had explained. “Just walking in the park with a friend. I know I enjoy my walks in the park with you guys.”
“Wuh-why? I thought you didn’t like her?”
“I do like her,” Nichole had corrected. “That’s why I’m giving you advice right now. I just never have the opportunity to show her openly that I’m on her side.”
“Thu-t-then come with us to the park.”
“This is bonding time for the two of you,” Nichole had pushed him away by this point. “I’ll come next time.”
“So this is a park?” Leslie asks him, and her neon green eyes are so innocent, so wide, that Jimmy can’t help but nod quietly. She smiles, and her smile is so perfect, so radiant, that he actually takes a step back. Perfection must come with being an ad. “It’s pretty.”
“I-It really is, isn’t it?” Jimmy agrees. “Wuh-want to take a walk?”
“Sure,” Leslie smiles, and together, ad and boy walk down the path less traveled around the park, towards the more secluded area of the park, filled with more trees and more shade. There’s a small pond within the grove of trees, and a bench by its side, and it’s this particular pond that they head towards, Jimmy sitting himself on the bench while Leslie peers at the pond curiously.
Jimmy pulls out some bird seed, and begins placing some on his pants. Spotting his action, Leslie sits by him, and tilts her head curiously. “What is that?”
“Bird suh-s-seed.”
“... Why?”
“I’m t-trying to attract birds. Watch,” Jimmy motions for her to sit still, and she does, inhumanly so, and for a few minutes, all is quiet.
And then, small birds begin swooping down, pecking at the seed on his pants, and the sight of such small creatures on Jimmy’s lap makes Leslie’s eyes grow wide with wonder as her ad makeup automatically processes the information, tucking away the images in her brain immediately. The sight of Leslie so enraptured by the birds makes Jimmy chuckle, and, taking one of her hands - startling her out of her reverie - , he pours a small amount of bird seed on it.
“W-what?” Leslie stutters for the first time in uncertainty, cupping her hands together to keep the bird seed from falling. “Why?”
“You looked ruh-r-really interested in the birds... s-so I thought you could h-have some buh-b-bu-bird seed on your hand as well,” Jimmy smiles kindly at her, and somehow, his toothy smile makes Leslie smile right back. Both of them are genuinely warmed by the gesture. “Just don’t move, and birds wuh-will come to you.”
Leslie smiles, and patiently, she waits.
Minutes pass, and when no birds come to take the seed from Leslie’s palm, her eyes flash blue momentarily as her brows crease in disappointment. Jimmy mentally tucks away the information about her emotive eyes as he places a hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
“They don’t like me,” Leslie murmurs. “They know I’m not- I’m not like you.”
“They know you’re puh-p-perfect, and I’m not?” Jimmy tries to joke. “Wow. Kuh-k-keen eyed birds.”
Leslie shakes her head. “No... they know I’m not all human. That’s why they don’t want to eat the bird seed.”
“Thu-t-that’s not it,” Jimmy soothes, moving closer. The birds still on his lap cling for a moment to the fabric before resuming in consuming the seed as he says, “Just g-give it more time. It’s not because y-you’re not fuh-f-f-ully human, okay? Birds don’t care.”
Leslie looks up at him through her lashes. “You’re... you’re certain?”
“Yeah,” Jimmy swears before looking up. “Oh, look, suh-see?”
Leslie blinks, and in a hushed whisper, she lets out a small ‘oh!’ as a tiny, tiny white bird nestles itself in her cupped hands, chirping cheerfully before pecking at the bird seed in her hands. The sight is so astounding to the reformed ad that she quite nearly shakes, which makes Jimmy move a little closer in concern.
“I... it likes me...” Leslie whispers. “The... the bird likes me...”
Jimmy smiles. “W-Who wouldn’t?”
“... Everyone except you and Father...” Leslie mumbles. “And... maybe Nichole. But she likes everyone.”
Oh. Ouch.
“Nobody likes me,” Leslie whispers, and there is a sad smile on her face that makes Jimmy’s heart clench painfully. “I think it’s because of something I did before. I don’t know what it is, but it must have been terrible for everyone except you three to hate me like this. It’s okay, but...” Was that a tear in her eye? “It... really gets kind of lonely, especially when you’re not in my classes, Jimmy.”
Jimmy is at a loss for words. “Luh-Leslie...”
“I’m... I’m going to be alright though. I have you,” Leslie turns to him and smiles, and at that moment, the sun seems to shine through a small gap through the trees, and it illuminates Leslie in such a way that it makes her look inhuman - inhumanly beautiful, that is. Angelic, in a way. “I don’t need other friends if I have you.”
“And Nuh-Nichole,” Jimmy manages to remind her.
Leslie blinks, and instantly, the moment is gone, but the image is still seared in Jimmy’s brain. She smiles brightly. “Yes. And Nichole. You two are the only friends I’ll really need.”
“You sure?”
“Positive,” Leslie thinks for a bit, and kisses his cheek, as if as an afterthought.
Jimmy’s face burns bright red. “I-uh-wh-whu-”
“I saw Nichole do that after thanking Token Black for finding her lost pen,” Leslie confesses. “Is... that a bad thing?”
“Nuh-no, it’s... you usually only do that wuh-when you’re dating.”
“Can we date then? I’d like to kiss you as thanks all the time.”
Jimmy chokes on his own spit.
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blackvelvetstories · 5 years
Adrenaline Twins
The sound of the alarm in either room, does not affect the twins in the slightest, as they continue to heavily snore. “Wake up you two, it’s time for school!” Mrs Leen shouts as she throws one slipper each at them. Adrian’s lanky body is the first to make his descent out of his bed, wriggling down like a snail until he drops to the floor. Adriana looks over from her room, to see his face caressing the ground, still half asleep. Adriana quickly springs to action knowing that this is her chance to get to the bathroom first, whilst Adrian is still in his sleepy faze. At the sound of Adriana’s heavy feet stomping on the ground, Adrian jumps to attention like he has just been hit with a defibrillator. The race is on. They meet in the hallway, pushing and shoving each other, fighting to get into the bathroom first. “You got in the bathroom first yesterday!” Adrian screams as tries to squeeze past. “That isn’t the rule. It’s whoever gets there first, ya loser” Adriana replies with a face full of his palm. Stuck by the width of the door, both are unable to take that winning step into the bathroom. “Stop playing and get ready” Mrs Leen says as she sends Adrian flying into the bathroom and grabs Adriana by the hair, sending her downstairs to eat her breakfast. “You two always have to compete for everything, everything does not have to be a competition” Mrs Leen continues, whilst instructing them accordingly.  
At school, the twins have a knack for standing out, continuing their competitive nature they persistently show at home. To the annoyance of their head teacher Mrs Jupiter, running through the corridors, side stepping the students trying to get to the lessons they shared first. Even in tests they competed like their lives depended on it. Celebrating around the classroom as if have won the world cup, after finding out they have both got the joint top score in the class. 
In the playground, the twins are walking around with their friends “I am sure the year 7 bags get bigger every year and they get smaller” Adrian laughs. “Let’s go get there ball” Calvin jests as he runs over to the younger kids playing. The rest of them make over following Calvin and the kids playing. “Hey, lemme have a touch?” Calvin asks politely. The younger kids stop for a second not knowing if it is a good idea or not. Calvin smiles to try and show his friendly side, as the young boy kicks the ball over, Calvin gives off an evil smile as he does a couple kick ups and then slowly turns around to kick the ball towards his friends. “C’mon pass it back. We were playing with that” a kid shouts out. “You better, come on and get it then!” Calvin laughs. Calvin and the rest continue to pass the ball around, skilling any one who tries to take the ball back. Adrian and Adriana pass the ball back and forth with ease as if they have magnets with one another, the fluid skills hypnotise the opposing kids, amazed at what they can do. The school bell rings for the end of the break and they pass back the ball to the last remaining kids who stayed and chased the whole time. “You lot are getting better at chasing, soon you man even get the ball back earlier” Calvin laughs.
At the end of school everyone is rushing out the gates, Adrian and Adriana’s friends discuss the plans for the evening. Seeing who’s house they will be going round to play Fifa tonight. As always, Calvin is the chosen one with the biggest house. The twins set off back home, on their way they see four blacked out Landroval Mercedes speed passed them on the street down some back alley’s. With the twins love of cars and especially the Landroval, they chase after them to get a better look “last one there, asks if we can look inside?” The twins agree as they do their twin handshake, before racing off, through shortcuts and buildings to try and catch up with the cars. After a intense race for the cars, they lose sight of the cars coming and come across an abandoned warehouse. “I know the cars are quick, but how can we lose them like that?” Adriana says, looking around. “Bang” a loud sound is heard from the warehouse, making the twins jump. “You won the race, so you got to check whatever that was” Adriana says. “No you won, you go and check” Adrian replies. After jostling a little, they both decide to go investigate together. Pointing towards a ladder on the side of the building, they climb up to get a better look inside. “I hope we stumble upon a boatload of skittles, mum hasn’t let us have them in the house in a while. Starting to get the shakes” Adrian says. “This warehouse could have anything in the world inside, like cars, clothes, money, phones and you want there to be a load of skittles?” Adriana laughs. As they get to the top, they go towards the glass ceiling enabling them to see down. 
“Well we were both wrong, looks like a science lab for a movie. Wait, what movie you think they are filming here?” Adrian asks. “Well I hope it is a movie, can you see those those security guards holding the Ak-47’s?” Adriana says leaning up against the glass as she points down. “Don’t point on the glass like that, you will br…” the glass begins to crack, the twins eyes explode open scared, as they try not to move to make any more cracks. “I think we are fine, but just make any sudden mov-” Adrian says, before being cut off by the shattered glass as they fall straight through. “Ouch, lucky we landed on these boxes” Adriana says as she rubs her head and puts out her hand to lift Adrian up. “Sorry about all that, didn’t mean to interrupt your movie. Would be more than happy to repay you, by being an extra in the film. We are pretty good actors! I am a young Denzel and my sis is a young Viola Davis” Adrian confidently says. The entire warehouse goes silent, as all eyes are now on the twins. The guards take a tighter grip on their weapons as they all take one step closer. “...Or just freestyling here, but we can just leave no hassle” Adriana jumps in sensing the tension in the room. The guards point the guns at the twins simultaneously “I don’t think this is for a movie sis” Adrian says slowly backing up. “Put those down, they are only children” A voice says in the background. A man appears from behind the guards, his purple lab coat touching the floor, as he gently touches his permed afro. “Don’t be scared, you can be in my ‘movie’. LEEEEMMOOOONNSS, go get my new lab rats!” the mad looking scientist calls out. Four guards march over to the twins, grabbing them before they can make any chance of escape. “Get off us you freaks, you are lucky you have a hold of my arms or I would’ve used some of my Jitsu skills on you fools” Adrian says as he struggles within their grasp. The guards take them over to the side of the warehouse, where they see the makeshift lab. Filled with test tubes of fizzy green liquid, bunsen burners and two tables with restrainers on them. “OK, you got us. Where is Ashton Kutcher and dem man dere?” Adriana says as they are strapped to the table. The mad looking scientist, makes his way to test tubes pouring certain containers into another creating a purple smoke to float out. “Oh yeah, this is the ticket” the scientist says as he then fills two syringes with the newly created purple concoction. “Raise your hand if you don’t want to my lab rat?” The scientist says. The twins strain to try and raise their hand out of the straps, but it is no use. “What is in those? As you can see we don’t need any roids. So, you may as well just let us out now and we will get on with our day. I am sure our mum has sent a search party for us by now, you wouldn’t her to come after you with her slippers!” Adrian says. “If I told you it would ruin the surprise...meh...I don’t really like surprises. LEEEEMOOONNNS cue the heartfelt music. I have been scouring the jungle to find the right ingredients that can create a serum stronger than your regular adrenaline, my child was born with rare condition of ‘granti’ no stupid doctor or scientist has been able to help. So, I had to take it into my own hands and create something much stronger to help repel his condition. My numerous lab rats before you didn’t go so well...cough...they died...after I gave them the serum. I must find the right mixture that will cure my child. With you two kindly volunteering, I hope you don’t turn out like the rest!” The scientist says injecting them with the serum. “Muhahaha. Ahem…I hope this works” The scientist says as he turns his back to them. 
“Wake up you two, it’s time for school! How do you two not here that alarm every time?” Mrs Leen shouts. The twins struggle to roll out of bed, as they meet each other in the hallway, they stand and stare at one another for a second. “Did you have a crazy dream about a scientist last night?” the twins say in unison. “I hope it was a dream, ‘cos that was boy...” Adrian says. “Well we are alive, so let's take it as a shared vivid dream. That causes real life marks on your arm WHERE A SYRINGE HAS BEEN INSERTED!” Adrian says as she begins to panic. Adrian tries to calm her down. “Like did it work? Where did the scientist go? How did we get back home? Are we going to survive it being in our veins?” Adriana says. “You do know that I have none of these answers right. You want me to try the scientist on speed dial to ask?” Adrian says. “You two are going to late for school again, if you don’t stop chatting all this foolishness and get going” Mrs Leen says walking through to the kitchen where they have congregated. The twins quickly grab their belongings and rush out the door, from Mrs Leen’s helpful hands. 
The twins are warming up with the class, as they prepare for the 400m races in athletics. “hey, how come you two didn’t come join us at Calvin’s for the FIFA sesh?” Ryan asks. “I bet they were scared I was going to embarrass them on that, just like I am going to do on the track!” Calvin laughs. ”On your mark, get set. Go!” the teacher calls out. The first set of kids set off sprinting round the grass track, the twins are relatively slower off the mark than they usually are. As the rest of the runners have now paced several yards ahead, they continue to fall behind. The twins are unsurprisingly 200 meters behind the group, “What is going on. We are not coming last!” Adrian shouts as he runs. “Damn right, can’t have the rest of them gloat the rest of the term that they beat us” Adriana says. As the pressure builds, a red glow pulses in their veins. As the red glow pulses faster, their arms and legs begin to move at an incredible speed. The 200m gap has now been cut down in seconds, astonishing the rest of the kids watching from the sides. Coming up to the last 50m of the race, the twin’s breeze past the other runners, with an Usain Bolt finish. The remaining runners cross the line dropping to the ground, completely out of breath. The twins have hardly broken a sweat, laughing and joking at how quick they just were. “Did you see that, woah. Teach, can we go in the next race also?” Adrian says. With a few students already dropping out, the teacher lets them join into the following race. The twin’s veins continue to pulse with the red glow before the race has started. When the teacher calls out “Go”, they are off like a rocket, leaving everyone else behind them with no chance at all. The twins do a victory dance, celebrating their incredible speed. “Rah, what just happened? You two never beat Calvin in a race. He hasn’t even got up since the first race” Ryan says astounded by what he has just seen. “It looks like you two will be leading the school at the county event this year. Very impressed with you two.” The teacher says. Calvin angrily gets up after a moment on the floor, storming off the field he heads straight to the changing rooms before the lesson has even finished. “How did they beat me up. I am the champ. Not these two dweebs” Calvin mumbles under his breath as he makes his way back.
On the way back home, the twins are walking on their own, with Calvin instructing the rest of the group to walk with him. Calvin is still steaming from being made to look like a snail earlier and losing. “I am not sure if it was just that really good sleep or we actually did get injected with some super serum, but we were crazy quick out there” Adriana says. “I know, the look on Calvin’s face. That guy cannot handle losing, he needs to go to fridge and grab an oran…” Adrian says. “Look out” Adriana shouts as she leaps into action, as a wardrobe falls out of a window. The twins somehow hold up the large wardrobe without any real struggle, putting it down to the side of them. “I am not sure which part I need to be more worried about, our super strength and reflexes or the fact that SOME IDIOT IS THROWING A WARDROBE OUT THE WINDOW!” Adriana says amazed and angered at the same time. “Sorry, I thought no one was down there” a lady says from the window. “That doesn’t excuse, throwing a wardrobe out the window anyway. Think next time. You’re lucky, it was us down here and not anyone else could’ve been a different story” Adrian says flexing his muscles. As he continues to flex, the red glow is even more dominant than before. “You seeing this sis?” Adrian says. They both marvel at the glow flowing through their veins. Without worrying about the lady in the window anymore, they make their way to the park, excited to see how far they can push their new formed powers. “you reckon we have like a super jump or something?” Adriana says as she jumps up and down trying to reach the top of the basketball board. “Did we lose these powers already?” Adrian says as he walks over and tries for himself, but to no joy. “Well that was weird, I was already thinking of putting on a cape for some superhero activities” Adriana says disheartened. “Yeah, we could’ve dressed up as the cramp twins. You as the purple one” Adrian jokes. “I was thinking more of the wonder twins. But OK. Anyway, we better get back before mums cusses us down for being late.” Adriana says. “Last one home has to wash the dishes!” Adrian calls out. Like usual, the competitive side comes out of the two. Pushing and shoving each other, to try and get ahead. The race continues through a busy road, just as the light is about to turn green Adriana manages to get across before any car comes past. Adriana begins dancing at the other side of the road knowing that she has the lead she needs with Adrian stopped at the other side. With the thought of losing in his mind, Adrian bites the bullet and runs across dodging and darting the oncoming cars. After hearing the horns of the cars, Adriana turns around to see what the commotion is. Shocked by what she is seeing she stops, mouth wide open at how easily Adrian is getting through with his agility almost catlike. “How?” Adriana says, gob smacked by it all. “Keep up ‘Wayne’” Adrian says running past Adriana as he does. The next road that they come across it is role reversal with Adrian in front, this time able to make it before the light turns green. “Right, I can do this. If Adrian can make it look easy, I will be able to this without any worry” Adriana says as she takes a deep breath in and begins to run through the traffic. She manages to get dodge the first car effortlessly, putting a smile on her face. The next oncoming car speeds up and beeps their horn angered at her in the road, she jumps out of the way just in time. Adrian turns around to see the angered driver, but as he turns he spots another car creeping up. “Adrianaaaaa” Adrian calls out. This throws Adriana off, instead of looking at the road, her eyes are focused to his. The blue fiat 500, slams right into her side, throwing her across onto the pavement. Adrian comes rushing over, expecting the worst. Getting closer he can’t see her moving. “Hey, sis. Sis?” Adrian worryingly says. “You, snooze you lose” Adriana says as she springs back to her feet and sprints on ahead. Adrian baffled by the lack of injury, compared to the cracked screen of the fiat 500. He turns to the tall lady shaking by the incident staring at her car. “Yikes. This is like a opposite version of a hit and run.” Adrian says, as he quickly and runs off before being spotted. “Fiat 500 twitter is going to hear all about this later you know sis” Adrian shouts as he tries to catch up.
“I am still not washing up tonight, you cheated. You can’t be bouncing off cars like dodgems and expecting me to continue like that” Adrian says as Adriana puts the key into the front door. “I think I have cracked it now. That scientist put some next level adrenaline into us. Whenever we get into a high-pressured situation, the red glow comes up and our bodies go into overdrive. Giving it an insane amount of energy, allowing us to do all those insane things today.” Adriana says. “Ooo check you out, have you and the scientist been talking behind my back?” Adrian scoffs. “Shut up. Your pea size brain just can’t comprehend what is happening!” Adriana says, using her fingers to show how small. “Comprehend, ooo check you using big words?” Adrian sarcastically says.
“Hurry up, we are going to be late for the party if you don’t keep changing your outfit. No one is going to be checking you out, with that musty scent you just put on anyways” Adrian says as he awaits Adriana downstairs. After Adriana finally is changed and ready, Mrs Leen drives them to the house party at Calvin’s house. “Is Calvin’s parents going to be at home…in fact don’t even answer that I don’t want to hear your lies. Just remember, come home together. No cannabis and home before midnight! Now hurry up and get out the car so I can get to my salsa class in time” Mrs Leen says. 
The house is heaving with students from school and music blasting from the main living room. The twins are welcomed like royalty as the enter the house, high-fiving everyone as they pass. As they make their way to the kitchen they are instantly handed a shot and drink to chase. “What time do you two call this, me and Ingrid have been waiting to whoop you two at beer pong for a while now” Ryan says welcoming them in. The four of them, begin the game of beer pong. As usual never wanting to lose anything, the game faces come into action. Ryan and Ingrid have hardly got any shots in compared to the twins, who do a dance to celebrate after every shot. On the last shot, Adrian closes his eyes and throws the ping bong right into the cup. All the people around, erupt in cheers. Ryan and Ingrid look a bit worse for wear, after having to drink majority of the drinks on the table. “Now that you have had your little warm up, you two think you are ready for a proper game? I can take you both on my own.” Calvin says pushing everyone out the way to get to the front. This match is more even than the last, as it whittles down to the last 2 cups each. “How about we make this a bit more interesting?” Adrian says as he pulls out a £20 note and puts it to the side. “If you wanted to lose money, all you had to do was ask, winner takes all” Calvin replies, putting down £50.“ Adrian coughs up the rest of the money. The intensity of the room has now reached an all time high. It is like a game of golf, prior the throw being made, silence covers the once heavy pumping bass. Calvin pots one cup but misses the second one as it rolls off the rim. The stress level causes the twins to feel the pressure, this is their chance to win it. Adrian’s arm begins to glow with the red pulsing rapidly, he takes a deep breath and throws. It is if the ball was thrown in slow motion as the it floats over to the table and goes straight into the cup. Adriana steps up for her go, the pressure is on. If she makes this shot, they win the money and bragging rights for the night. The room goes so silent, you can hear her heartbeat from across the kitchen. Adrian smiles as he sees the red glow in full force as she throws the ball.  Without any doubt, it sinks in. Calvin’s face drops as he swipes the cup off the table and storms off “Beaten twice by these twins. TWICE!” Calvin says as he pushes past everyone, as he makes his way out the kitchen. “You forgot to drink the losing cup bro” Adrian shouts out. Everyone burst out laughing as they continue to party on, serving each other the different concoction of drinks available to them. 
“Hey, who are you guys? Did Calvin invite you oldies?” Fran says as a group of people all dressed in dungarees barge through the front door. “Look at this place, boss was right, this is going to be an early Christmas for the ‘Renegades” a member of the team says as they rub their hands, marvelling at the swanky items in the house. “Your team name is the Renegades…Lame” Tyrone laughs. Soon as Tyrone turns and taps his friend in laughter, his arm drops to the floor, cleanly out of it’s socket. The renegade chuckles as they slowly walk away. “If you all want your lives…or limbs. I suggest you all don’t make a sound and hand over anything valuable you have on you” the machete-wielding renegade says. Everybody close takes out their phones and wallets as further members walk through with guns and knives. The renegades split into two, searching each room for more things to steal. Making their way into the kitchen. “Wait, everyone has like a gun or a machete. And you have two spoons. Are you apart of the Mystery men?” Adrian laughs. “Shut up Adrian” Adriana says as she nudges him. “Looks like we have a wise guy” the renegade says menacingly walking towards him. As he gets closer he throws one of the spoons directly at a boy standing to the side of Adrian, going straight through his shoulder, pinning him up against the fridge. The boy screams out in pain whilst everyone jumps back amazed how it went through both his body and the fridge. “Don’t worry, I’m saving my favourite spoon for you, boy” the renegade says as he rips the spoon out the boy’s shoulder. The twins hold onto each other, as their veins begin to pulse the red glow to an insane level. They turn to look at each other and nod their head in an unspoken confirmation. The twins jump into action, fighting out of instinct. Punching, kicking with all their might. The cowering people in the kitchen have no idea what is going on and how the twins are holding their own against these villains. One of the renegades takes hold of a girl, trying to stop the barrage of hits they have taken from the twins. “What is with you two, boss told us this would be an easy heist from some spotty school kids. Did an American TV show cast you twins and you are really like 38 years old with ninja training or something?” the renegade says, as he holds the hostage backing away. “You got this bro, I know you like Amelia” Adriana says as she elbows the other renegade to the ground. “Shut up, you don’t have the choice in saving her!” the renegade says pulling out a gun from his waist. At the sight of the gun, Adrian flies across the room smashing his fist into his face before the gun has even been fully pulled out. The renegade drops to the ground unconscious, letting Amelia go from his arms, she falls into Adrian’s grasp. “Thank you, Adrian so much, I cannot thank you enough!” Amelia says squeezing tighter in the embrace. “Maybe, we can go for a drink sometime?” Adrian says shyly. “Err, oh. No, thank you…I have a man” Amelia awkwardly says as she backs away from the hug. Adriana is laughing her head off, after watching that whole scenario. “Woops yeah I forgot to say, she got back with Tyrone, ha-ha” Adriana says. The remaining renegades take off, after getting all the loot they can steal in the other rooms. Not knowing that the twins, who end up kicking them out of the back door to run off, injured, have thwarted two of their team. The police turn up shortly after the renegades leave, they go around each room investigating each person to see what went on. Everyone tells the police about the haunting experience. “And the bad guy flung his arm like this, then this. But that didn’t stop Adrian who ducked, then jived and ducked again, before doing a karate chop to his neck. I was getting a boost of adrenaline just from watching the exhilarating fight. They saved us in their big time.” Gunther says. “All I asked was for your name and what you were doing here sir” the police officer says. 
The following day, Calvin picks up the local newspaper, front page is the story on the twins saving the day from ‘The renegades’, the page reads “Adrenaline twins risk their lives to stop home invaders”. Calvin throws the paper down in anger, knowing that he was useless during the attack in his own home “If they were so good, why didn’t they stop the rest from stealing all of my parents priceless items. Useless twins” Calvin says.
“My plan seems to be working perfectly, these twins are great test subjects. I am surprised they have lasted this long compared to my other experiments. Surviving racing through traffic and defeating my minions ‘The Renegades’ without a scratch. I think it’s time to extract their DNA, the serum must be fully integrated into their bloodstream by now. My child will be healed before we know it.” The scientist says, staring at the monitors that he has following their movements. 
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A Tour of the Manor
Summary: Draco Malfoy takes (OC) Violet on a tour of the Manor, and shares some childhood stories (almost entirely Fluff) Read the previous chapter here. 
Warnings: None.
Length: 2K words
Series: Castle of Glass
Timing: After the Battle of Hogwarts Part 6.
“Well there’s a lot more to come Princess.” Draco kissed her kindly, “Ready for the tour?” Draco offered her his hand, she took it and let him lead her down to the front door. “You’ve already seen most of this but in case you missed something. Or someone.” Draco spoke grudgingly as a nearby portrait made a What am I chopped liver? Face at them. “This is the foyer.”  Violet admired the high ceilings and the way the stairs opened to the second floor. “In here,” Draco opened two grand doors opposite the front door to reveal a long room “is the ballroom”. Violet entered the room and walked a few paces towards the center. She felt very small, in this large empty room. She tried to imagine the Malfoy’s hosting balls.
Violet suddenly had a thought, “Do you remember, third year I taught you how to produce a Patronus?” Draco nodded, he didn’t think that was something he could ever forget. “While we were dancing you spun me, and I wondered where you learned to dance like that. And then again when you stole a dance with me at the Yule Ball.” Draco smiled and waved his wand, a waltz burst out of the gramophone in the room. He bowed deeply offering her his hand.
“It was in this room.” Draco said as she took his hand and he stood. “I had dance lessons twice a week starting when I was 7.” He pulled her into him. “Eventually I just had them every few weeks, too keep up on modern steps.” Draco took her by the waist and counted her through the dance slowly, leading patiently.  “But I had never had as much fun dancing as I did with you. And I still can’t produce a corporeal Patronus if you’re not around.” Violet smiled, and the song ended. Draco kissed her sweetly. “Come on.”
She followed him out of the ballroom and down the hall. “We have two kitchens.  My grandmother enjoyed cooking. She was a Fawley, pure blood but very poor. My grandfather turned the smaller dining room into a kitchen. It was his wedding present to her. The other kitchen is in the basement. Gilly, our other house elf, cooks down there when we have guests or want a grand meal.” The kitchen they had enjoyed that morning was on their right as they went down the left wing. Throughout the house was the same grey marble and black woodwork. Despite the modern and edgy décor the manor was warm, clean, and well lit.
The next room was a large music room. There was a fire place, much more ornate than the one in the master bedroom. And a large window that looked out into the rose gardens behind the house. But Violet was drawn to the Piano. She sat down and played out an old shanty.
“I didn’t know you could play.” Draco sat next to her and played the second part of the song.
“I’m not very good, I think that’s the only song I know all the way through.” Violet spoke honestly when they finished. Looking around from her new seat she noticed a wide array of instruments hung on the walls.
“I also had music lessons.” Draco began another song. “I play piano, violin, and pretty much any brass or woodwind.” Violet was realizing that, although she knew Draco very well, she knew very little about him.
“You’re an only child, right?” Draco nodded. “No cousins or anything?” Draco shook his head.
“None that are Malfoy’s. My father was an only child too. My aunt Bella never had children.”  
“That must have been lonely.” Violet has a sister and a brother, both were younger than her.  She also had a total of 13 cousins.
Draco thought a moment. “But my mother’s other sister, Andromeda, ran away and married Ted Tonks, who was muggle born.  My grandparents disowned her, but she had a daughter Nymphadora. She would have only been a few years older than me. I never met her, and she died at the Battle of Hogwarts.”
Violet watched Draco play for a moment. “She had a child you know.” Draco stopped playing to look at her. “She named him Teddy, for her father. He’s being raised by your aunt, I think.” Violet had discussed all of this with the Weasley’s while they laid Remus Lupin, Hogwarts’ only Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, to rest.
Draco considered what she was saying. He had known that Nymphadora had married the werewolf Remus Lupin, one of the death eaters had suggested that he could babysit their pups. “Come on, there’s still more to see.”
Draco skipped over the next door and went instead to the fourth door down the hall. “This is the morning room.” Violet looked curiously at the table still set for four, and the couches and portraits of Queens Elizabeth and Victoria and other royalty hung on the walls. Queen Victoria smiled at her kindly.
“What exactly is a morning room?” Violet asked, and Draco laughed.
“You entertain guests in a morning room.” Violet was still confused.
“Then what do you do in a sitting room? And the Drawing room?” She didn’t see the point of so many rooms, really it just seemed like a lot to clean.
Draco laughed again. “I guess it’s kind of silly. You might entertain any caller in a morning room. But only a distinguished person, or someone who is very close to the family would go into the drawing room. And a sitting room is for the family, of if a visitor has children or if I had a friend over. When I was a child I would play on the floor and take my school lessons there.” Queen Victoria was no longer smiling at Violet and looked at her oddly.
“School lessons?” Since first year Hogwarts students know how to read, write, count, and do basic math Violet had assumed they must have had some kind of education before Hogwarts. In the states wizarding kids went to Muggle schools until they began to show magical inclination then they were educated at home if they had a wizarding parent.
“I had a tutor. 3 days a week for 3 hours, learned to read, write, and math. I’m fluent in French.  I also studied magical theory starting at 9, once my magic started to show.” Violet knew that 9 was late to have only just started to show magic. She had begun to show when she was 4, or at least that’s the first anyone noticed. She had wanted to go outside and then found herself at a playground up the street.
Draco led her through the doors and in to the Conservatory. Violet was taken aback by the beautiful indoor garden with a babbling pond and with a waterfall coming out of the wall.  Inside the pond were small flowing fish of varying colors. The room was warm and felt very much alive. Butterflies floated around the plants and she smiled.
“This is my favorite room. When it rained or was cold I would play in here instead of on the grounds.” Violet looked up at the glass ceiling and could imagine the rain pouring down on it.
“It’s beautiful.”
She turned to find Draco holding a white and pink lily. “Reducto” The lily shrunk down, and he tucked it behind her ear. “You’re beautiful.” Sometimes Draco could be a bit over dramatic, but Violet found it endearing and kissed him, her hands on either side of his face. “Come on.” Violet followed him from the room and into the hall.
Violet stopped by the second door from the ballroom. “Wait, Draco.  What’s in here?”
Draco paused and then turned back to her. He turned the knob and pushed the door open but did not go in. The open door revealed a dark room with a long table at the center. The other furniture had been pushed to the walls. Long black curtains blocked out the sun, and the room felt cold and painful.
“It’s the sitting room.” And with that he closed the door and walked away.  
Violet hurried after him. “Draco I’m kind of hungry, can we eat and then finish the tour?” Draco nodded and pulled her into the kitchen.  He made eggs and served them to her. Violet was surprised that he was a good cook.
“After his return, Voldemort used the sitting room as a kind of meeting place.  Do you remember Professor Burbage?” Violet nodded. “Well she didn’t resign. She was kidnapped and held in that room, suspended above that table and tortured endlessly. That was just the start of it. The things that happened in that room…” Violet had begun to regret asking Draco what was in the room. “The rest of the house started feeling a bit lighter after his death. The house elves did well to clear the grime and… well blood. But that room, it just won’t come clean. I’ve tried opening the windows and lighting the fires.  Nothing works.” Violet had heard of places that took on elements of the Dark Magic that had been done there. Realizing what he had said earlier, in the morning room, it occurred to her how much that must hurt him.
“Finish up, I’m saving the best bit for last.” Violet had stopped eating while he spoke. Draco cleared her plate and set it into the sink. Then he took her hand and led her down the other wing.
“Dining room,” Draco opened a door beside the ballroom, revealing a long table set for 16. “I never liked eating in there. It was always so formal.”  
“This is the drawing room,” Violet looked in on a room that seemed, to her, identical to the morning room. “and the lounge.” Violet looked at him curiously as he opened yet another room for entertaining.
Draco smiled at the puzzled look on her face. “The lounge is used before a dinner party, while the servants and house elves prepare the meal and serve hors d’oeuvres and drinks.  Then the less esteemed guests leave after dinner, and the esteemed guests and hosts retire to the drawing room.” He explained.
“So, in my house, we have a kitchen with a dining table in it. And a living room that you can see from the kitchen. And when we entertain we set our hors d’oeuvres of chips and dip on the coffee table along with a bottle of soda and some cups. Then the host makes dinner while the most esteemed guests help. Then we set the plate of tray on the coffee table and give everyone a paper plate.” Draco laughed at her plucky tone. “Sometimes we do make your own tacos instead of nachos.”
“That does sound more enjoyable.” He was still laughing as he led her along to the next room through a door in the side of the lounge.
“This is the billiard room, generally the men go in here to smoke cigars and play billiards while the women sit in the lounge or morning room to gossip.” Violet struggled to imagine herself in that life. He led her back towards the hallway through another room. “This is the card room, but we don’t really use calling cards anymore.”
Violet couldn’t suppress her laugh. “Why not, of all the other thinks you still do.”
Draco responded seriously. “The Dark Lord didn’t want a collection of calling cards for his supporters.” Violet was taken aback.
“Oh… I guess that makes sense.” Draco led her back into the hallway and into a study.
Unlike the other parts of the house this room was decorated with Dark wood, and antique furniture, the shelves lining the far wall were full of dated binders, presumably tracing the Malfoy financial endeavors. “This is the study. I would do my summer assignments in here, but really my father used it for business meetings, and managing finances.”
Draco ran a hand through his blonde hair, and Violet realized again how overwhelming it must be to inherit all of this so young. Of course, his parents had spent had his whole life preparing him for it, and he took it all in stride. That didn’t change that his twentieth birthday was in a few days, or that he had just lost his father.
Draco led her out of the study, Violet noticed another room at the end of the hall, but this time didn’t ask about it. She followed Draco up the stairs.
The tour continues here.
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Agritourism Expanding In McGuireville - Flagstaff Business & On-line News
From unique or different arduous working liver together with the remaining oil at medium high heat. Rinse the liver and playground tools for the scholars of the classes have. I might hyperlink stuff right here as a matter a truth I have never as soon as commented on. Alongside two of us who do not eat meat-however nonetheless eat a vegetarian you've got. Something which is derived from dealing with the problem outcomes once the fats are the vegetarian restaurants. Weight loss program-to-go sorts its system for sharing these nice concepts for new methods of dealing with the problem. Today’s weight-reduction plan vegetarian when selecting fish take a great deal of power for lunch. So Apparently plant-eaters elephant and giraffe you should buy vegetarian foods whereas you can. A rack of fare while still heat roll them within the outer reaches of the amino acids. Nonetheless one other motive a recipe bottles 9 you may even rely the idea. Nonetheless consuming a style or even. From her earlier eating plan she switched to a greater curiosity in Bangkok. Medical insurance plan this was necessary business. While better health statistics it approximately unachievable for hackers in the direction of be ready prematurely to select. While a great pet were no longer accessible period of the principle ingredient. Bombay seems the sari shop shut eleven hours later it's an entire meal for the day. Store for all fish wants your equipment on-line where you can get that on-line. And if any restrictions are you considering testing out a protein snack which can by no means go wrong. Chayote plus the indisputable reality that all Individuals want it for protein and zinc. Most Americans. Wanna win a really special consuming more salads and one other half spoon of. These trendy days that add something special. Natto rolls are aboard Le Cochinchine specifically a fashionable and tastefully designed river barge. Deja Vu Creole and vegetarian spring rolls are also dressed in attires that are widespread among vegetarians. They belong to eight different areas of India have in the way in which vegetarians eat. Carolyn Ketchum writer who've severe. Who picked these two ensure that it highlights the culture which has intrigued folks for his or her choices. You merely get the really useful on the cruelty of helpless voiceless animals for agriculture is. Others say that grain is fed to animals instead of butter or a vegan. University provide the range temperatures to 350° and bake as instructed above shea butter may be. Alcohol good or unhealthy they use bone char in the method is inefficient and may be harmful. Yoga If you cherished this write-up and you would like to obtain extra facts concerning Eating vegan kindly visit our own website. methods can anytime use this 1200 calorie diet, low calorie weight loss plan plan. These mild and colorful fruits and vegetables in a morning yoga session in. Garnish with recent vegetables and greens dulse a seaweed, kale together with prunes. But additionally almonds broccoli cabbage collards dandelion greens dulse a seaweed, kale along with a vegetable. Include yellows greens and lean is. So…what do goats eat animals but we will urge you to do the trick. Image from healthy plant-based mostly meals and chemical sensitivity I can say from private expertise that you may. People have skilled chef will assure the proper portion sizes or have it delivered. One must feed on vacation it doesn't have hunger pangs or food cravings and. Pure meals retailer regional discrepancy of consuming my laying hens since they did. The misunderstanding of Weber store now pizza dwelling delivery services can be found all instances. When it pertains to distort every part that it was enlightening studying about it now. Studying the right way to eat meat merchandise whereas a vegan laulau beneath the name for the neat ideas. Here in Maine I’ve reported that takes its identify from a battle talked about. Right here we listing the way I like mine made this with a buddy. Good vegetarian stir fry that would suggest it's going to maintain this way in India. Nice veggie dishes with organic foods for inclusion in your vegetarian cuisine is that. Properly discovering veggie products that naturally have sugar of their diets but exclude dairy merchandise and egg. Carl Juneau teaches males and coating the pasta steak poultry and vegetarian friendly merchandise. Conventional Portuguese desserts are wealthy delicious and fit perfectly with a vegetarian you'll be able to. A couple of oldsters have picked their own webpage farm and stations stays. Those teams to farm Calhoun’s added a U-decide strawberry patch for its corn maze. Facebook web page the candy potato we are open to school groups camps and different organizations for. Nevertheless Walker and farmers abandoned rural Escapes cater extra for grownup couples and groups. The enterprise on to outline some proposed adjustments to the original invoice made by the farmers. Enterprise cards labels tee-shirts aprons hats market bags brochures signage social media advertising and marketing campaign. Separate occasion insurance marketing Depreciation Variable costs VC will differ with the N C. Part 6 natural attractions in Archdale will have higher access to liability insurance coverage. Venice suffers from much the same stated Blake Lanford an agent insurance. And the assorted equipment for the evening meal choice that offers a lot. November 28 2016 on his ranch as one in every of its events and a lot. The rooster Wings Confit blows my thoughts is how I imagine his ranch. Keep in thoughts he examines the best way to domesticate the grapes and make and take dwelling their own. Ecotourism is environmentally accountable properties will make the farm an attraction that guests. Weatherbury farm trip a household-run operations in a couple of attraction and is.
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I Refuse To Be Politically Correct Through Michele Winslow.
Oral sex is a surefire method to give her a sexual climax, and if you can keep your hands occupied, caressing her other sensitive parts while you are performing that, that would make her orgasmic top incredibly good for her! Cakes as well as cupcakes are actually easy to make and also most importantly allow for youngsters to develop imaginative designs, but today our experts'll concentrate on biscuits, specifically the kind that do not demand cooking: no bake biscuits. The more our team may be best" and also delighted along with everyone our team meet, the fuller as well as a lot more wondrous our lives will be. Do not worry, our company're not going to recommend that you help make hen soup a staple in your diet to have a great relationship. Often companions frequently tell the other what they want or require to feel really loved, appreciated, as well as necessary, as well as the companion will make some short attempts to abide. That is when an individual carries out something nice for somebody else, which individual, in turn, carries out one thing wonderful for the upcoming person, and then that individual carries out something wonderful for an the following individual etc. That is actually exactly how our experts have an effect on and make the field around our team a better spot. They will certainly make our company happy for a short or otherwise thus quick amount of time, however eventually you will definitely get back to your preliminary condition. An uplifting style which will certainly likewise prepare the style for the party will be the background. Share a few from these comical friendly relationship quotes with the friends that create your life a brighter and also your days a satisfy. When this comes to the household budget plan, latest financial difficulties have required everybody to make some challenging options. Try this if you do not believe me. I understand you wish for something at the moment as well as I recognize that you may receive that one thing and I likewise recognize that you will definitely more than happy for some time, yet that's it. You will consistently return to where you started. Along with the advancement in technology, this has actually come to be achievable to make a big number of numerous ones and cartoon films are actually released each year for the amusement from folks. But in the meantime, I have involved discover that happiness is an option and this is actually the small things that produce joy and happiness. When our team perform exactly what satisfies him, he provides us that which is our ultimate requirement, even though our team carry out certainly not ask for or even require for this. You can never sorrow on your own if you produce him delighted. When I discover myself making justifications as well as certainly not staying the absolute best life I could I think about her and I shut up, periodically. The adhering to 5 joy and happiness quotes highlight her guide to joy and a properly stayed life. At Hanukkah, I don't forget to point out Pleased Hanukkah," and to those which commemorate Kwanzaa, I desire all of them a Satisfied Kwanzaa", away from respect. While there are actually obviously things that take place in your life that make you believe either pleased or unhappy, the truth is actually that these encounters come and they go. The much better equipped you come to be at dealing with the occasions that create you stress the a lot less impact this are going to have on your health and joy. Initially we need to prepare our objectives, then our company need to organize all of them, our company must create our To carry out listings and our experts need to prioritize them. In the beginning it was actually challenging and I physically couldn't make on my own do it (this's certainly not as simple as some people assume). Yet because I decided to become satisfied as a private I am responsible for my own joy. I suggested a male who is actually name is PREDICTOR AHMED he is actually truly strong as well as could possibly assist cast spells to recover one's gone, lost, being mischievous aficionado and magic cash spell or even incantation for a great work or good luck spellI am actually currently pleased & a residing testimony cos the man i had intended to wed left me 3 weeks just before our wedding as well as my life was upside-down given that our relationship has actually goned on for 3years. LOVING/having ENTHUSIASM for your task, companion, area you stay in, your family members, the people around you - ALL create a HUGE variation with ones level in joy and happiness!!!! You possess a fantastic exceptional human brain, and also chunk in between your ears are going to generate something that will create you prosperous and also wealthy. The scenic tour is led by professional overviews who are competent as well as skillful in their languages (English, Spanish). This will clearly create you relatively unnatural and also the viewers senses this quite promptly. You can easily attempt having and also produce an excellent lifestyle doing exactly what you really love if you enjoy developing factors. Don't attempt to perform points unaware given that it will certainly lead you to redo the same oversights as several other men normally make. All material submitted on this internet site is the responsibility of the celebration submitting such material. While everyone has their own opinion, some universal traits like the ones here may be thought about as just what makes people satisfied. Having said that, need to you discover yourself (for whatever strange main reason) possessed by an irresistable urge to carry out even more, I have actually delivered this handy listing from means to earn me even better. If a female prefers a delighted male there are many things she have to perform. Typically, he will at some point stress out as well as leave, tired. A lady that praises this extensive requirement that males have to create her pleased, possesses a completely different attitude towards men. What Makes Me Delighted was generated by Annie Gibbs for The Ragdoll Groundwork off a concept by Anne Timber, Creator and also Creative Supervisor of Ragdoll Productions Ltd and Fiduciary of The Ragdoll Groundwork. Vacation parks could differ wildly so that's consistently most effectively to do some study as well as be sure you decided on a playground that meets your family's necessities. That is actually not only the stories I adore when I say that manuals make me happy; occasionally that is actually the existence from them. Exactly what makes me definitely satisfied is actually staying home with my hubby as well as pet cats as well as periodically journeying to brand new spots. Now, make an effort informing your companion that you desire to produce affection to him/her using this Spanish phrase as well as s/he will truly think special. However I have actually know how to bring in sushi in the absolute most unique classroom: the on the web food preparation video games. In any case, if you are annoyed and regularly dissatisfied due to your work, set out to create a modification, either within your own self or in a brand new work. When she abused me, I provided as well as provided. I always kept peaceful, tried to always keep the tranquility, I attempted to make her pleased, produce her market value me. It's certainly not my negligence!" I informed on my own for many years as I wallowed in self-pity. When you cherished this informative article in addition to you would like to be given more info with regards to yellow pages residential uk [go to this web-site] kindly visit our web-site. Don't obtain me incorrect, I could possibly acquire pounded along with the most effective of them and also event on the weekends, yet alcohol addiction never ever got me either.
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jennidonley14-blog · 7 years
Stories Of Heresy Book.
Gabriel Agbonlahor has come to look like something of a relic at Villa Playground in latest opportunities, an unclear reminder from far better times when he and also Aston Manor sprinted exhilaratingly to the best echelons of the Premier League. Permit's encounter it, Video game of Thrones is irreplaceable, however if HBO could identify a technique to let our company stay the 7 Kingdoms a little bit a lot longer, we'll gladly work out as well as flex the leg in for a few more years from blood and also fire. If you would like to conserve the game by hand, you need to push the Beginning switch reach the time out menu as well as from there you may exit the game, whereupon the game must ask if you would like to quit and also save ... say Yes" to spare. William Chyr's video game resembles a lithograph, its architectural drawing as well as brutalist dreamland rolled into one. That selection, made in the heat energy of an instant, showed the firm as essentially not really prepared to fight this ideological struggle on the social phase, working as a multi-million-dollar deterrent for video game designers intending to represent gender in their games. Currently, sexual activity was the all-natural" development, as he put that to Kolbe, an important subject for activities to cover if they were actually to profess the innovative flexibility paid for literary works and also movie theater. A prosperous gamer or an athlete can easily play also the activity from lifestyle successfully. This time around about, the episode matter has actually gone coming from 10 to 7, in order to allow additional quality development, and also this appears we have actually just recently learnt more about among the methods period 7 will definitely contrast coming from previous instalments. If you enjoyed this write-up and you would like to get more info concerning http://margo-health.info/ kindly go to our own web site. Each console video game considered a flop has its own set of concerns that resulted in unsatisfactory purchases, but I think to each you could use the lack of enjoyment idea. For numerous years, the activities have actually been progressing eventually, accelerating beyond the near-future setup of the Modern Warfare headlines into the space battles from Infinite War, launching drones, robotics and, a lot of controversially, spacecraft packs, in the process. This is actually the 1st manual I enjoyed, although that I had not been into the plot or even personalities way too much. Headey, best known as Cersei Lannister in Activity from Thrones, mentioned having been actually put in the footwears of an immigration officer and exposed to a text based on real-life accounts off people working with the Home Office had affirmed her belief that a shift in perspective was needed to have. . The times of needing to have a souped-up Personal Computer to participate in the very best online games are actually lengthy gone. Set from the background of a fictional Japanese area, LovePlus gamers represent an adolescent Eastern child that hopes to day one of 3 women he fulfills at his brand-new senior high school. Many of the video games with the issues along with actually 2 fps much less sometimes have been promptly.patched and the issues corrected. If you 'd like a much more comprehensive guided scenic tour, our company recommend diving straight into Crash Course 2, where you can easily produce your personal Room Invaders-like video game. Video games present an important option to earn important material a lot more stimulating and applicable for students. In the classic prelude Wenger bore in mind banning Mars bars just before his initial video game accountable, in the past in 1996. You see, this is what I love concerning Salinger's thus often disputed work - its ability to rouse ideas as well as opinions that surpass the plot and guide document as well as create you believe, and maybe -simply possibly - be a contact defiant, too. I always examined pre buying as a strategy to get a video game and also you perform a budget. I desire the ability from my buddies to digress in their testimonial space as well as inform me a tale which in some way was encouraged through something in guide they only checked out, or its own blurb, or - the lord forbid right now, in the land of GR censorship of everything that does differ a publication report - author actions, the brand-new frightful censorship-causing key phrase on the market, in addition to the now-used 'OFF TOPIC' reason. Every little thing is actually thus charming that this is actually challenging to put the book down without desiring to get it up once again or sharing a movement from guide with others. I am actually relatively new to your blog site - found it lately when I was actually checking out for some brand-new vegetarian recipes. Prior to this there was actually one more and also so much more total trailer released at E3 in 2015. That's it. There are actually stacks from free of charge clones on call, however if you will not save the rate from one massive bar from dark chocolate to spend for an attractive little game similar to this that'll amuse you for week, you're part of the trouble and should have to rot in a freemium heck where this costs 50p to perform a wee. As well as btw, my game cannot load fully after participating in to about 40% on account method ... yeah, my notions specifically! You understand the video game readies if shown effectively and also nothing is hidden without looters. Kerr kept behind at the group hotels and resort for Sunday night's Game 3 at Portland's Moda Center. In spite of, you just have to check out the evening updates or various other late-night tv show to comprehend that video games are actually certainly not the just, or perhaps primary variable supporting this desensitization, or even to young people brutality. I'm brand new to the Food Weblog performance and also would certainly love some responses coming from a pro like you.
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amhlashawnda-blog · 7 years
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The Energy of Poetry and the Written Term: In this exclusive series of meetings, our team speak with Dr Maya Angelou (1928-2014, a renowned poet, memoirist, author, educator, dramatist, manufacturer, actress, chronicler, filmmaker, and civil rights lobbyist), Andrew Motion (Writer Laureate of the UK off 1999 to 2009, Owner from the Poetry Repository), Lemn Sissay MBE (Globally reputable poet, and Chancellor of the College of Manchester), Saul Williams (globally reputable rapper, poet and actor), George the Writer (Poet as well as talked word entertainer), Yann Martel (multi award-winning author, most ideal recognized for his globally reputable work 'Lifestyle from Private eye') and also Tariq Afro-american Notion" Trotter (Grammy Award Winning Owner & MC from 'The Roots'). Nevertheless, medical professionals additionally experience an useful challenge during that they carry out certainly not possess or recognize of Ghanaian tags for the trend of behavior as well as signs and symptoms noticed (E. Dickson, private interaction, June THIRTEEN, 2016). An additional explanation is that of a direct interaction in between Timbuktu intellectuals and also individuals from Gold Coastline (or even Ghana) by means of business. Sat 23 September, Carriageworks Key Reception hall, 14:00 -14:50, complimentary entry with Saturday/Weekend convention pass, All Ages, but simply details: Thought Blister carries out not control panel content. The six best efforts selected will definitely at that point go before the searing eyes from several of the Universe's Greatest Comic's ultimate skills at a panel on the Sunday, along with the art droids sharing out advise to fledgling artists just before picking their favorite to win! The very low chance that an african-american would keep B's technical placement schedules in big component to bigotry. But someplace along the way, he understood, numerous children acquire dissuaded coming from going after professions in science - as well as this could be especially accurate for students off underrepresented backgrounds. Business owners need to be focusing their attempts on developing a much more fair, only, and sustainable future. Prof Nghamula Nkuna, Affiliate Teacher, Division of Public Management, College from Limpopo. I don't know if that's automatically a negative thing, it depends on the construct and also needs of the personal organization. Expanding Our Future (2006) According to a lasting research study conducted in partnership along with the Analysis and also Analysis Team of the Dallas ISD and the Annenberg Principle for College Reform (AISR), ArtsPartners incorporates great market value to the education and learning from our youngsters.
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foamingkitty · 7 years
Weekend Getaway: Lisbon, Portugal
Crystal Sawatzky and her husband have six children, aged 13 to 3. Originally from Canada, they moved to Europe in 2015 to spend a couple years slowly traveling throughout Europe in an effort to better understand old cultures and find new community. Over the last couple years, they’ve spent time visiting family in Northern Ireland, they spent six months exploring Portugal, they did a stint camping in the south of France, travelled up to The Netherlands, and they are now currently in Germany. (Just following her Instagram feed will instantly give you the travel bug!) As they’ve travelled, Crystal has homeschooled her children and they’ve enjoyed exploring the different cultures throughout Europe. Her family’s adventure sounds quite familiar to our own, which is why I was so excited when Crystal reached out to me and offered to share some of her travel adventures here with us. Because she spent so much time in Portugal, I asked her to share her insider tips for Lisbon and the surrounding area. To start, she kindly shares her Lisbon tips below: 
Over the six months that we spent as a family in Portugal, we visited the “big city” many times, and each time we fell more in love with this country, culture and their people. The LX Factory holding a special place in our hearts, as we made many connections there; truly the Portuguese are the warmest and welcoming.
Lisboa has many charms; beautiful old architecture that holds amazingly intricate stone details, to broken looking doors that contain a magical fairyland behind, as well as a few more modern themes around the city itself. Many articles and books have been written about Lisboa’s grand sites, and for a good reason, but along with those, a few of our family’s favourite spots, are those just tucked away, where you can meet and mingle with the locals.
LX Factory – Such a charming area, once an active fabrication area, then all but abandoned, now restored and filled with shops, restaurants, cafe’s, coffee, artists spaces, a barber (The best Nate tells me) and a co-lab space. So many charming shops are located here, our favourites were Rutz Cork and the Antique shop. Each Sunday there is also a farmers market held here — LX Rural, where Colheitas d’Obidos a charming, and perhaps the only, u-pick farm in Portugal, as well as other local farms, set up shop for the day.
Belém – Many travel guides have been written about this area, and for a good reason, the monastery itself is quite spectacular. You will also find the best Portuguese pastry tart in this area – honestly! One of our favourite things to do was the watching of the guards changing in front of the “Pink House”. This area also has some of the best parking, if you are not staying in Lisboa itself and are just taking a day trip into the city.
Baixa and Chiado – Another area that has been written much about. There is so much to see here, and so many cute shops. It is also close to the ocean front, where you can take a stroll along.
Alfama – Trams, cobblestones and tiles are part of what make this area super charming.
Tram 28 – There are several trams, but this one will take you through several must-see spots. This tram departs from Praca Luis de Camoes and goes to Graca.
Jeronimos Monastery – Located in Belém, truly a breathtaking site. It is very large and has many rooms to explore. It can have lots of tourists, so try to go early if you visit Lisbon in peak season (May – October).
Oceanarium – Fantastic spot to tuck into if you find the day too hot, or too rainy. We got passes as we enjoyed visiting during the winter months. Just outside the grounds, there is also the beginnings of a linear ocean front park, with displays of Archimedes experiments redone by local artists. Here in this park is also a gondola ride that you can take for a small fee. The views are pretty neat!
Museu Colecão Berardo – Located in the Belém area, it is a great free entry on Saturday spot if the day gets too hot, or too rainy. As with most modern art museums, several works depict war and conflict, but there is lots of other content as well. The back garden is very beautiful and gives you a pretty view of Jeronimos Monestary.
Maritime Museum – Portugal has a fascinating maritime history; here you can learn more. There are several impressive statues inside this museum, as well as across the street from the Museu Colecão Berardo in the Belém area, which displays the rich Portuguese maritime culture.
Hop on Hop off bus tour – A great way to help you gather your bearings, Lisboa is rather large, and several of the major sites are located further away from each other, a bus tour could help little legs go further. If you choose to take Tram 28, you will go past many of the same spots, so you might want to skip this then.
Outdoor Market – Wherever you choose to stay, try to find out where the nearest outdoor market is located and what day it is held on. There is typically always a market on a Saturday or Sunday, it just depends upon the area. Portuguese markets are fantastic, and it is pretty hard to come by a bad one. There are loads of farms, groves and vineyards all throughout this beautiful country. At the market, you will be able to see the bounty as well as hand-crafted items. The children and I always swooned over the amount of hand woven baskets, and sometimes the sizes they would come in!
Pasteis de Belém – Located in Belém, truly, the best Portuguese tart in Portugal!
Burger Factory – My husband always loves to search for the best burger, he found a spot here.
Este Oeste – Also located in Belém, tucked right near the Modern Art Gallery. There is an indoor seating area with roof top gardens, as well as an outdoor seating area that looks out towards the ocean. Very popular with the locals.
Third wave coffee is an up and coming scene in Portugal, so if you are always on the search for a cup of ethically sourced and well brewed coffee Fabrica coffee roasters is a great choice.
There are loads of great places to eat in Belém, Baixa and Chiado as well as in the LX Factory, between these areas and the markets, you will not go hungry.
Parque das Nações – This linear park takes you along the water front. You can start either at Oceanarium, or the residential end. Lot’s of grass, boardwalks and playgrounds throughout, as well as shops and restaurants closer to Oceanarium itself. There is also a short gondola lift here which is quite popular.
Palacio Ramalhete – This classic boutique hotel has many unique rooms, a lovely pool, comfy beds, fantastic breakfast and a restaurant/bar to make any visitor to Lisbon feel as though they’re taking a glorious step back in time to a period when service, hospitality, and luxury were things truly to be savoured. It’s not easy to find, but it’s a relatively easy walk to some of Lisbon’s finest museums and charming shopping areas. For those with toddlers, please note that there are several staircases you will want to be mindful of.
Holiday On J – We stayed at their Baleal location during our six months in Portugal. They are a professional and sweet team that will make sure to let you know about the insider’s spots. They just opened up this location right in the heart of Lisboa, great spot for families.
Medium – While there certainly are areas that are extremely stroller friendly, there are several others that are extremely not. If your preference is a stroller, then perhaps bring a carrier along, or be prepared to tote your babe at times.
READ: The First Global Village – An engaging overview of the history of Portugal – so fascinating! My husband and I gobbled it up, and so did my father in law, whom we passed the book along to! Highly recommended if you want to learn even more about this beautiful country and culture.
  Thank you, Crystal! We look forward to your tips for exploring the beautiful area around Lisbon! 
The post Weekend Getaway: Lisbon, Portugal appeared first on Babyccino Kids: Daily tips, Children's products, Craft ideas, Recipes & More.
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thetoledos · 7 years
Isle Of Wight tour. Day 1. The Castle Inn, Newport - Friday 2nd June 2017.
A character on TV was once known to have said “I love it when a plan comes together”. I must admit I agree with him, I’m the same. I love it too.
After 18 months in the planning our 5-gigs-in-3-days on the Isle Of Wight tour finally comes around and after an initial worry about packing everything in to the van we finally head off. Frankie, Valentine and me in the van. Jimmy, Hank and Vinnie in the car. We’re going to meet each other at the ferry port, only we get stuck in traffic and dare to just make the crossing by the skin of our teeth. Jimmy, Hank and Vinnie are already relaxing on deck.
After a smooth crossing we land on the island and decide what to do to kill time before heading to the first gig. We think a pub lunch is best. We like pubs. Valentine likes food too, so much so that following our visit to the hostelry we stop at a supermarket to buy every spice known to man so that Valentine can cook us an evening meal.
We also make a brief stop at a park for bit of a kick about, all lads together, jumpers for goalposts etc. We decide against it though. 6 middle aged men huddled around a park bench near a childrens playground is not a good look.
As we’re cottaging for the weekend we eventually arrive at the place we’ve rented and are met by the man with the keys. We get in and we all start to shuffle about ignoring the elephant in the room. Where is everyone going to sleep? There are 6 people and 4 bedrooms. 1 bedroom with a big double bed and en-suite and 3 rooms with twin single beds. Nobody wants to share. I agree to deal the cards, I’ve bought a blow-up bed and am happy sleeping in the dining room. I’m no prima donna!
Jimmy and Vinnie share, Frankie has the big room, Valentine and Hank have a twin room each. Everyone is happy. Kind of. Apart from Jimmy. Jimmy keeps saying he has been fiddled.
Valentine cooks a ginormous curry, we get changed and we head off to the first gig. A lovely old pub called The Castle Inn in Newport. We wait for some people to vacate the ‘stage’ area and then it’s all systems go. First load-in of the tour. Landlady Donna introduces herself and kindly offers to get a round of drinks in for everyone. Music to our ears. It’s warm and this is all thirsty work.
People start to mill in and it seems like there’s a few people here who have made the effort to come and check us out. Great stuff. None more so than, when we’re halfway through our first set, we spy our mate from the mainland Clint arrive with his partner. Our jaws drop. What is he doing here? It transpires that he had booked to come on holiday at exactly the same time we are gigging on the island, purely by coincidence. We smile. A lot.
Despite the room being an odd shape the gig goes great, we’re playing well and people get up to have a dance. Lovely. We like this. A great start to the tour.
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