#this is probably more ranty than it should be but i've been communicating with them all day and they will NOT stop.
justjupitersart · 1 year
got a request for an outrageously complex commission (they were willing to pay very well though), but oh my god, they just did NOT undertstand that i can't do that right now??? like i'm literally leaving for college halfway across the country in 5 days, and it's my very first time ever living away from home?? i explained that to them multilple times but they didn't get it?? they just kept asking and asking. jesus christ.
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
Over the last, I don't know, two weeks? I've written a few confessions down and sent none of them in. They've felt like I've rambled too long, too ranty, or whatever. I always close out. And I've come to the conclusion that is okay. Sometimes you just need to write something down, say something out loud, for the mere reason to get it out of your system. Someone else seeing it may not matter. A lot of the time, I feel better better after some frustration of "not being brave enough" or however the internalized guilt-tripping goes despite being anon. This isn't really an aroace confession, but the majority I have tried to send have been on here. So if you need to whisper something to yourself, do it! If you want to, the whole point is not making yourself uncomfortable. idk.
Some of the confessions I've summarized, in case they relate to someone. I already got them out of my system and I now I just want to share: (this ask is still probably too long and unfocused, I'm sorry.)
Tag. Please. If you don't trust community labels and Tumblr taking down your blog, at least use something. That's just good marketing, right? So people can find what they like easily and people who aren't interested can not see it. (Tumblr, your algorithm is too young and drunk, how many iterations of "smut" do I need to have in my filtered tags and content for you to stop recommending them to me)
I think I'm projecting on a family in-law-to-be with how he described falling in love. I'm more worried that my excuse of "well they're not married and are older than me" will be gone in a few years.
Amatonormativity and heteronormativity are a pain. I should be able to talk to people without feeling like I'm leading them on. I should be able to post about platonic relationships without someone taking it the wrong way.
A happy one :). The one time I came out to a friend they accepted it. No having to awkwardly explain, no "you'll find someone ;)," no nonsense. It was nice.
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luvsjimmyreed · 7 years
Jimmy Reed: On Individual Determination
Question: First, I would like to say that I'm a big fan of your music - and have been for a long time. I do remember being a bit surprised when you announced that you did not support Donald Trump - as I've noticed how, up until that moment, you were always one to avoid getting political. As I myself am no fan of Donald Trump, I didn't exactly have any objection to it. When I heard that you'd be doing a vlog series, I decided to subscribe immediately. I respect you even more so, now. You've always been very fair with calling issues across the political spectrum. Anyway, my question is this: Do you believe that there are any bad traits that both the far right and the far left are guilty of, aside from heavy intolerance of differing views.
Jimmy Reed: First off, thank you for your message. I love to hear stuff like this. You are right in that, for a long time, I did try my best to avoid political commentary. With the election of Trump, though - it is getting quite hard to really avoid, uh, political discourse. So I decided to try my hand at providing an open, non-angry, non-ranty approach to political discourse. In answer to your question, I would say that the biggest issue I have with both the far right and the far left... By the way, I should warn you that what I'm about to say is probably very US-centric. It's possible that the political situation might be different elsewhere. Anyway, the issue I have with both is that they seem to reject the concept of... individual determination. With the far right, it seem as if many enforce culture homogeneity. While they might tout about how much they value freedom, it's clear that they really don't like people being too... different. Even if they are different in perfectly harmless ways. Then, of course, there is also the US exceptionalism - and they seem to view emigrants from the US as being... traitors. As for the far left... well, it seem as if many try to... to over-compensate... in the other direction. They seem to act as if members of minority cultures have a sacred obligation and duty to say... within the confines of their culture. In a ways, this seems to parallel greatly the tendency of those on the far right to... to condemn anyone born in the US who *isn't* proud to be an American. Again, it's telling people that they aren't allowed to be themselves... that they have to sacrifice certain things that give them pleasure... out of cultural loyalty. Now, it's one thing to feel a connection to your culture - but it's another think to enforce cultural conformity. Even if they might highly oppose conforming to the... the dominant culture... they still advocate that people conform within the culture. Either way, it's telling people that they are not allowed to be themselves... enjoy doing whatever brings them pleasure... and even that they need to try to force themselves to... to not enjoy certain things. Of course, if someone within a minority culture conforms neither within the confines of their own culture nor within the confines of the dominant culture... well, then they face rejection from *both* the far right and the far left. Of course, we as humans are social beings... even if some might be more social than others. So I am not, in any way, advocating for rugged individuality. Rather, I am suggesting that it is not, in any, contradictory to embrace *both* community and individual determination. In fact, I believe that accepting diversity *within* a community helps provide for the most stable and most healthy communities. Too many people try to simplify everything, or see contradictions in issues where there don't need to be contradictions.
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