#this is probably really messy but i just kinda feel done w it so whatever
peachducy · 4 months
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autumnrory · 2 months
woooo my niece took 5 of my 13 lego sets, one of which was one of the three larger ones, so that's one huge box out of the way and i'm just glad she wanted them because like they ARE twenty years old and they look fine ofc but sometimes kids aren't gonna want stuff that isn't new and shiny ya know, but she did seem to want everything which would've been fine with me but i knew there was no way they would take all that with them, and at least i still have stuff of my own to sell, plus should get at least a cut of my brother's stuff for doing the inventory and putting together that stuff that wasn't already done
#i mentioned the hp sets and how they had been pretty much left together and he was like '....i had harry potter sets?'#which once he saw them he did think they were familiar which was some of my feeling with mine#like oh YEAH i do remember these i just didn't remember having so many#i mean between 13 sets it's really like 3 categories so i would've played with like the whole ice palace and its related sets#i do just wonder how it'll be at the store like everything is pretty much in fine shape#and probably there are people who want older stuff that's rarer and whatever now#BUT then there might be more of a demand for newer stuff at a better price or whatever idk#anyway 6 sets left in the upstairs and then the bionicles and statue of liberty are still in the attic#i'm still not convinced there couldn't be another box somewhere bc idk how to explain the few sets#that are missing so much that i can't actually do them bc even if we had gotten rid of some why would we not include the huge base or w/e#anyway we'll see! but i'm getting closer! and i did a little one this morning#that seemed to be complete it didn't list some of the pieces as extras but based on the instructions i figure they have to be#so i don't really need them like i'll include them if i find them and they're not needed for something else but yeah#anyway i can go back to fic though these first two at least are short so i may be going back to another one tomorrow#can't wait to have my room back though fr like#it is not the only thing making it feel messy because i have newer jewelry and clothes and stuff that i just have to organize and put away#but man the jewelry situation is just. it's not even having so many pieces it's like big earrings that take up a lot of space or whatever#so i just have not wanted to deal with it but it's kinda out of hand#but i can really think about that after this particular project is done#and do puzzles again oh my god i have 3 puzzles waiting for me at least#plus my mom always has a bunch to be done since everyone knows to buy her puzzles lol but that has also gotten out of hand#i wouldn't mind getting rid of a couple of mine though just bc it is like okay you do it but then you just have it and it takes up space#would be cool to have pretty ones framed tho
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buckymorelikefuckme · 5 months
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spice up your life
jake jensen x fem reader
words: 1k
warnings: none i don't think?? maybe a tiny bit of secondhand embarrassment. otherwise this is just fluff! but let me know if there's something i should tag pls.
a/n: i've had a beloved girl group stuck in my head all morning and this was my outlet for that. sorry not sorry for yet another jakey story. that's my baby and i love him. no proofreading whatsoever, just vibes!! any and all mistakes are mine, feedback is encouraged and greatly appreciated ♡ xoxo
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On this blessed weekend morning (afternoon, actually, but that’s not important) you’ve just finished your shower. You’re dressed in a tiny tank-top and a matching pair of panties, your hair wrapped in a towel while you sit on the bench at the end of your bed and rub lotion into your freshly shaved legs. The Spice Girls are blasting through your bluetooth speaker and you’re happily singing along without a care in the world.
“Say you can handle my love, are you for real?” you croon, wiggling in place of dancing until you’re done with the lotion. “I won’t be hasty,” you wail louder, “I’ll give you a try. If you really bug me then I'll say goodbye.”
You stand with a bounce, alerting the room at large that you’ll tell them what you want, what you really, really want. As you put away your lotion, you shimmy your chest and shake your hips. You even stop for an extended dance break.
“Slam your body down, and zig-a-zig ah! If you wanna be my lover,” you finish with a flourish, giggling.
The next song starts playing and you let out a gasp of delight, reaching for your hairbrush and using it as a microphone. You set yourself up in front of your mirror, using yourself as a makeshift audience and doing what you can remember from the choreography.
“Slam it to the left, if you're havin’ a good time! Shake it to the right, if ya know that you feel fine!”
You have a split second of thinking that you should probably calm down, since you just showered, and working up a sweat because you can’t help yourself from putting on a one-woman show would be very annoying. But… it’s the Spice Girls. It’s next to impossible to not dance and sing along. At some point, your now damp hair has fallen out of the towel, and instead of using your brush for its intended purpose, you continue singing into it. When you start getting almost too warm, you make yourself stop flailing around and actually brush your hair.
You pull it up into a messy bun on top of your head when you’re done and skip out of your room to the kitchen, taking your speaker with you. You’re feeling kinda hungry, so you go about fixing up a sandwich for yourself, still warbling away with whatever song that plays.
Since it’s early spring, the weather is still relatively cool out, so you’ve got your windows open to let in the fresh air and natural light. It never crossed your mind that perhaps your audience of one was actually an audience of two. However, when you’re in the middle of singing through a mouthful of your sandwich, you just so happen to glance out the window in your living room.
“All that joy can bring, this I swear—“ You freeze, eyes growing wide, cheeks bulging with food, and heat crawling up your neck when you lock eyes with the tenant across the courtyard of your apartment complex.
It’s just your luck it turns out to be the new guy—the cute, nerdy, beefy one. He’s equally wide-eyed behind his glasses, mouth open a little in surprise. You squeak and dart out of his line of vision, mortification consuming you as you lean against the wall and groan. What a fucking first impression to make. Prancing around in next to nothing and stuffing your face like a goddamn squirrel. Jesus.
Your music is still blaring, though, and you've kind of lost your groove, so you hastily scamper back across the kitchen to jam your thumb on the button to lower the volume. Even with the song continuing to play, it feels much too quiet now. You try to finish your sandwich and act normal and not like you were just caught parading around in your underwear. Very pointedly, you do not look out the window again. If you can't see him, then he can't see you. Seems logical.
Except… You sigh dreamily. Oh, man, he's so cute, and he looked even cuter with that dumb look on his face. You try to fight it for as long as you can (which is, to your shame, not long at all) but your gaze drifts back over to the apartment across the courtyard. You're not sure if it's excitement or dread that swirls in your stomach when you see he's still standing there. He waves, sending you a lopsided smile, and you find it impossible to prevent yourself from smiling back.
“Nice moves,” he calls out of his own open window.
“Thanks, I try my best,” you reply with a bashful laugh as you approach the windowsill.
“We should tango together sometime,” he offers, immediately flushing after.
You see his mouth move as he whispers tango? under his breath, an incredulous expression on his face as he shakes his head. You cover your growing grin with your hand.
He scratches at his jaw and shrugs. “Or, you know… any kind of dancing.”
“I just do whatever comes naturally,” you flirt, tilting your head coyly.
“Right, yeah, makes sense,” he agrees with a lot of nodding.
Good grief.
“If you came over,” you start, raising your eyebrows significantly, “I could show you.”
It looks like he short circuits for a second, standing perfectly still as he processes what you just said. He suddenly jerks back to life and points a finger at his chest.
You laugh and mimic the gesture, saying your name in return. Jake grins as he repeats it, soft and pleased, like he's trying it out on his tongue.
“So, I’ll just…” He trails off and waves in the direction of your apartment with a question in his eyes.
You tell him your unit number, then bite your lip to tamp down on your smile. “See you soon, big guy.”
Jake giggles, high and nervous, before clearing his throat. “Yeah, see you soon,” he replies in a gruff tone.
You cover your mouth again to stifle your own giggles, wiggling your fingers in a wave. He starts backing away from his window, his shoulder knocking into the doorway because he isn't paying attention to where he's walking. With a salute that he appears to regret instantly, he hurriedly leaves, the slam of his door echoing across the courtyard.
Okay, so, maybe your day took a turn, and you might have to shower again anyway, but it's so worth it.
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godisaturtle · 7 months
Waywardtale seems really interesting so far, can I get some more details?(please info dump if you have time I love it when people infodump)
Also I have the designs for a lot of characters! Still working on them 💔💔
So this whole au revolves around Charlie, and she falls into the mountain instead of Chara, so it's like, if Chara never fell
And she's totally freaked out by the whole situation with the monsters because she was one of those homeschooled kids where their parents won't teach them things they don't want them to know, so she has no idea who or what the monsters are. Sooo she kinda kills a few monsters out of panic-- smaller ones like froggit?
But Toriel takes her in because she feels bad and also because that's just what she does
Charlie gets used to it a bit, but still has a weird grudge, especially for the people outside of the ruins? But she also doesn't exactly know who they are, not really
So flash forward a bit, they're now angsty teens and the Dreemurrs leave to New Home because the ruins are getting way too out of shape
However, Chalrie and Asriel had a huge fight, and turns out she's developed some sort of small agoraphobia? So she ends up staying in the ruins. They would've taken her with them but she didn't wanna go because she was worried about what else might've been out there
And so Charlie ends up being the new Toriel, taking care of the ruins and what not. Yknow knock knock jokes the whole shabang, but she doesn't exactly have the same bond as Toriel and Sans. Every time she hears a knock knock joke she's like "your jokes fucking suck" and Sans is like "I think they're humerous" ba dum tss and then she's like "that was awful....tell me another". Just more of Charlie needing someone to keep her company so she doesn't go absolutely insane
But the difference in this is, humans aren't really interested in the monsters rn since the whole Asriel and Chara thing didn't happen
So no one's coming down to the mountain
And Error is like "this is a waste of space???? They're literally doing nothing it's so boring" and so he starts messing up stuff in the universe to be like "oh, whoops looks like it's defective and it's totally not my fault"
Ink ends up visiting the au one day in the ruins when he's fixing whatever Error had done and Charlie finds him and she's like "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" and he's like "NOO NO NO I'M SAFE I PROMISE LOOK" and draws some stupid looking doodle, which is probably the worst way to plead your case
They talk for a bit, be it begrudgingly, but he has to calm her down somehow. And then he finds out she's been alone all this time and decides to become her friend to keep her company. Error finds our and is like "YOU'RE RUINING MY WHOLE PLAN ARE YOU SERIOUS" His jealous rage gets the best of him for sure, but also just normal rage, and he attempts to destroy the universe
And again
And again
And it's not really working
And that's all l've got
Just Ink being friends w her and distracting her from the fact that Error is probably trying to blow up that au
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fraternum-momentum · 1 year
Okay, so let me ramble abt making the last comic, cause that was an absolute behemoth to work on, and I have a lot of thoughts in my head. Man, I don't know how those webtoon artists do it every week. They scare me now.
This is super long btw, so get cozy if you want to read :]
Starting off, I actually got this idea from my lil 'ol diary I keep by my tableside :] I like writing down what I feel so I can see it in a more concrete(?) manner, helps me cope i think. One time, I really did cry for someone because I guess I just really liked them a lot. Having crushes is fun, but catching feelings isn't.
I always get this giddy feeling of being head over heels for someone. Every interaction is so exciting. Intoxicating even. And I couldn't get enough of it, but after that few seconds of bliss I immediately think to myself that all these scenarios in my head will never happen, not in a million fucking years. I just preemptively reject myself without ever telling the person what I feel. I know what the outcome will be anyway, and I'm afraid of what will happen if I did say anything. It's just too risky.
The second half is completely made up tho, I will never ever kidnap someone... unless? (For legal reasons, I will have to clarify that this is a joke, Thank you.)
Now onto the comic itself!
The composition is probably the easiest and the most fun part. I love, love, love, how versatile you can be in the webtoon format. Figuring out how to transition the panels is super fun, and it sucks that most of the webcomics I see on tapas or webtoon, etc. are just sticking to those boring box formulas over and over again when it has so much potential, although there are exceptions like, for example, Lore Olympus. While it has it's fair share of flaws when in comes to other aspects, you can't deny the artist's talent esp when it comes to knowing how to place the character in an illustration, (again) the compositioning etc etc. (ep. 8 is p good. They stick to the box stuff during dialogue but gets more experimental in some parts. I haven't been keeping up with it, so idk any other good eps)
One of my only big regrets is that I wish I had made the space between the '...but I love it." and "And soon..." parts longer. I think it changed scenarios way too fast and your eye immediately moves onto the next piece of text,, but eh, it is what it is, and I can't be bothered to edit it so ig I gotta learn to live with it.
It's still messy in,, a lot of parts actually, and I still can't do lineart to save my life, but i kinda tried just cleaning up the sketches instead???? I mean, it kinda works, but it isn't really smooth so,, And there are small mistakes here and there that I could've fixed or colored stuff in properly or whatever. But at that point, I'm just done with it. No more. Am tired and want to draw other shit now. Maybe boobs n dicks n pussy-
Oh actually i have another comic in my wip folder that I started before the sad Kylar crying one. Here's some of the thumbnails for it:
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the fucking lisa simpson looking ass face just cracks me up every time I see it LMAOQJSJQJ I just wanted to show it to u but stay tuned for that ig
I eventually want to make little comics like this for other characters as well! Like Sydney, who is also one of my favorites cause of the whole religion aspect to them, and I would like to tackle that topic with yet another super personal experience of mine that for some reason I'm comfortable with sharing with a bunch of ppl lmao
I also really want to make a full on nsfw one, like gut rearranging, carnal fucking, hardcore banging,, ok ill stop. But I do need to do more,, uh, "research" on that,, i swear it's research, i have no clue how im gonna draw it. Hell, I already struggle with drawing people fucking and imagine adding cool transitions to that. Guess even my masochistic tendencies extend to this shit too.
And I think that's pretty much it? I'll probably just stick to b and w or monotone with a few accent colors because i just know that it would break me if i did a fully colored one.
Okay, thank you for reading this ramble, I'll go ahead and answer some asks now,, Here's your prize though!
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firstdivisiongirl · 6 months
Heyy, I’d like to request a match up from Tokyo revengers. Specifically a boy.
My pronouns are she/her.
I’m a Sagittarius. (Not sure if that helps in any way)
I would say I’m ambiverted. I enjoy my time alone and need time to recharge, but I also love to see people and be social. I usually attempt to initiate conversations with people I meet, but usually if they fall on the more quiet shy side I don’t really put in the effort unless I’m rlly interested in developing a friendship/relationship with them.
I talk about anything under the sun once I get the vibes that we get along and that we are comfortable w each other. I could consider myself a funny person (at least that’s what I hear from most ppl I hang around). I would say I have a dark sense of humour, but only indulge in it if I know that person is comfortable and finds that kinda stuff funny as well.
Likes: I rlly enjoy trying new foods, I’ll pretty much each anything, but I stay away from dairy stuff, rlly strong tasting vegetables, are meats with the gooey fat in it. Sometimes the oils in the fat is way too rich for me and the texture makes me gag.
I rlly rlly like going out to dinners w my girl friends
Love amusement parks and night markets
I enjoy going on trips to wherever, love the idea of travelling with friends or a significant others,
I’ve been trying to stop, but I love drinking with friends. On weekends I’m out with friends at the club or a random persons house or wherever the night takes us. Usually get home at 3-4am.
On weekdays I like to chill out, I’m either working, at the gym, or shopping online for clothes or grocery shopping. I try to do something productive everyday, even if it’s something small.
I rlly rlly enjoy the gym, I feel like it’s the perfect place for my favourite things. I love music and I can do that while lifting on the smith machine or going on the treadmill and just zoning out and day dreaming 😂also a perfect excuse to not text anyone back and to not have anyone bother me. I rlly like to check myself out in the mirror once I’m done. I feel like after u lift heavy weights on ur glutes ur ass gets rlly pumped😭😭
I love shopping online on FaceTime with my friend. Sometimes it can take hours, but whatever. Love to buy new make up and try new things for the weekend. Probably have a bad spending habit, but it’s ok the money will come back.
I enjoy reading. Usually stuff about psychology, philosophical stuff, business or any sort of fiction. It’s hard for me to start, but once I do I can’t stop.
I love deep talks with people, I feel like sometimes it’s hard to come across that. Usually ppl have small talk or surface level conversations, while it’s not a bad thing I don’t particularly enjoy it as much. But, I don’t necessarily hate it.
I love to just drive around aimlessly so I can listen to music. If I could I would just walk around outside for that, but I feel like I would look dumb walking on the same street back and forth. I like any kind of genre as long as it’s pleasant to my ears.
I like cooking as long as I have all the right ingredients.
I like watching those drama reality tv shows when I’m alone or with a girl friend. Like love is blind on Netflix. Idk if you’ve heard of that but it’s messy and entertaining. Not rlly a good thing, but sometimes I like to watch ppl argue😭. I love horror movies, but ONLY if I’m with a significant other or a group of friends. I like actions movies etc all of them. Not rlly a fan of the dark drama movies unless I’m feeling emotional and it fits the face of the day.
Dislikes: not rlly a fan of hypocritical ppl.
I don’t like ppl who get moody easily or if they’re having a bad day they make sure EVERYONE is having a bad day. If ur mad go b mad by yourself.
Don’t particularly enjoy it if smo doesn’t know or like to have fun. Everyone has their dislikes and I can respect that, but for me I’d like to b around smo who can enjoy things.
I don’t like it when ppl r unnecessarily loud. Pipe down. More specifically (shion and sanzu)
Don’t like guys who can’t have fun w their girl’s girly stuff. Like just have fun.
I don’t get along w ppl who can’t take a joke or can’t joke around. Ppl who r dead serious all the time.
I get annoyed w ppl who don’t rlly have common sense. If they ask a question w a very obvious answer. Smth like that. Or create a problem for themselves and I offer a very much different easy solution and they just don’t like it.
I don’t like ppl who r very goody two shoes. It’s not bad to have a good head on ur shoulders, but through my teen years I’ve always been surrounded by a lot of trouble makers. The girls I would b with are much like me, yk normal but quite accustomed to messed up things. A lot of the guy friends that I have/had have been to jail or been involved w not so morally good things. It isn’t a good thing to say or what not, but for a good portion of my teen hood and a little now I’ve been surrounded by a lot of immoral stuff that I didn’t realize it was because it was so normalized. ( this is not me bragging because I rlly don’t think it is smth to brag about). But, I’ve realized that because of all this I’ve noticed I find it very hard to truly get along with ppl who have grown up in a more clean environment. I’ve always felt I had to bite my tongue or not truly b able to say the things I wanna say. At my work I’ve let things slip and I can tell my coworkers r sometimes a little taken back. I myself don’t indulge in those stuff, but when we r talking stories n stuff I don’t realize that the stuff I am talking about r not normal. I always feel like I can’t rlly open up about personal stuff and etc because that other stuff that I have seen or been associated with is going to b a part of it. It’s like telling a story to ur mom and stopping halfway cuz u realize ur about to snitch on yourself😂
I always feel happy when I’m able to find smo who can relate or have similar experiences and I can rlly unveil myself. It feels very freeing and comforting.
I dislike hot n cold ppl.
My type:
I am rlly fond of guys who r cold on the outside, but are the sweetest to their significant other or ppl they love. Makes u feel extra special😂and it’s also cute
I like guys who joke around and can take a mean joke.
I like playful guys
I like guys who will worship the ground u walk on
I like guys who r happy to spend money on u
Very turned on by a guy that would protect u and will fight for u.
Unfortunately, I do like those bad boy types😭BUT not to me. That’s a no no.
And add on is if he has status. Not a must have but it would be nice. Like yes baby pop off 😭🫶🏼
I love men who lead the way for u. Initiates plans, wants to do things w u. Like to go out w u. Brings u home. Basically I don’t have to use my brain around him.
Love a man who wants u to meet his buddies. Brings u to his house etc
I want a man who will go to the gym w me. Let’s build our booties together.
This sounds messed up, but I’d like a guy who has been through smth😭I only say that because a lot of the time ppl who have been through smth traumatic become perceptive to other ppls emotions what not and it would b easy to bond and relate to things. Basically I want a guy who can see through me.
I like tattoos. Not a must, but it’s nice.
I’ve been described as a bitch when I first meet ppl because I have a rbf, unfortunately. But, when they get to know me they say I’m quite kind. Sometimes I am taken back because I do feel over the years I’ve gotten a little cold and I do believe that ppl do feel it sometimes. I’ve very quick to cut ppl off despite knowing them for many years. In the past, I would definitely believe in second chances, but if u did what u did then that’s it. Although, from ppl that I got to know very closely they say that I’m very sweet many many times. I remember one of my coworkers was kinda just staring at me and she was like “ur actually a very sweet girl inside”. I was rlly taken back but it was nice. Same w my mom and best friend. Literally that word “sweet” has been used over and over I’m not sure why. Maybe I rlly do come off as a cold person and I don’t realize it😭
I would say I’m very polite and good at reading ppl.
Im pretty straight forward. I make jokes out of any situation even if it’s bad. But, if ik it’s serious I’ll give heart felt advice and words. I would say I’ve reserved my sympathy and love for ppl that I choose. It kind of goes against about me saying that I’m a sweet person, but that’s what most other ppl were saying so we’ll go w that.
While I do keep my walls up for ppl on the outside, when it comes to ppl I choose to be in my life I would do anything for them.
I have been called a “player” by most of my friends, but idk I’ve never seen it that way. If I know a guy isn’t good news I will mess around w him, as he’s probably doing the same. Although, if I know a guy genuinely has good intentions for me I’ll open my heart up to him and treat him w the same respect and so on. A lot of ppl misunderstand my character a lot and sometimes it does bother me, but it’s whatever.
I can tease ppl quite a bit, and sometimes it annoys them, but I find it quite amusing. I will make sure to apologize after though 😂
Sometimes ppl think I’m mean because I can be a liiiittle too sarcastic and may come off as me being dead serious, but I’m not.
I make out of pocket jokes all the time and say things that ppl want to say, but don’t. And I’ve grown comfortable w doing that because they do laugh since ur saying what everyone is thinking. A little confusing, but yk😭
I would say I’m quite a confident person with new ppl. When it comes to guys I don’t feel shy even if they’re rllyyyy cute. Although, if I genuinely like a guy I do get very flustered and nervous. With guys I don’t have any intentions with, I feel like I usually lead the way, but w a guy im talking to I feel like a little girl😂
I find a lot of things fun and always make smth out of nothing.
I’m pretty in control with my emotions and can be very analytical w my thoughts. But, when it comes to ppl I genuinely care about I’ve noticed all of that goes out the window.
I can feel pretty jealous when it comes to a significant other, but then my thoughts contradict that. For example I’ll FEEL jealous but I’ll be thinking “lol why would he ever have his eyes on another girl when he has me, personality, looks and everything”. Basically saying that it’s impossible for him to do anything grimy.
I am very understanding and smart with other ppls emotions and decisions. (If that makes any sense)
When I get angry I don’t allow myself to take my anger out on whoever. I always calm myself down and then talk to them calmly and rationally.
Sometimesss I can be a little selfish without realizing it. But, I make up for it when it’s pointed out or when I realize it. It’s been a work in progress.
Looks: I got black long hair. Might cut it a bit shorter for change who knows.
I have lash extensions, but not those heavy butterfly lashes.
I get my nails done. Pedicure manicure.
I have a cursive script tattoo on my collarbone. Wanted to get smth a little classy looking. I have a nose stud. Used to have a ring but switched it.
I also have Japanese kanji between my b00bs. It’s hidden so only for a special smo to see. It sounds funky, but I promise it looks good😂
I wear jewelry, not tooooo much though. A good amount.
I have an average amount of b00b. My bum is quite there. Time at the gym has rlly been fruitful😗
During chill days, I would say my style is more laid back, but put together. I usually wear a small purse w whatever I have. Very feminine looking especially during the summer and spring. I like wearing long or short skirts. The long ones I like tight so I can show my curves. Summer and spring varies between clothes like that. Winter time I would say smth more comfy. Usually converse w those tna flare pants. And a nice cute top. Usually smth loose. Maybe a knitted top.
On weekends I go all out. When I go to the club I wear heels and smth tight😭 usually curl my hair or straighten it. Nice winged eyeliner etc
If we’re drinking and we don’t go to the club I’ll wear smth nice but with shoes.
If me n my friends r going to those expensive restaurants, I’ll wear smth classy looking. Have my hair in a blow out if I can accomplish that. It’s very hard, so usually I’ll just curl it. I feel like curling hair softens ur features and makes u look more approachable.
Anyways that was very long. I didn’t mean to make it long, but I got carried away😭I hope u can respond 😋<3 (plz don’t give me draken, kaku or mikey. But, if u do it is what it is🫡OR HANMA N KISASKI)
Hi. As I’ve said before, I take all characters into consideration when I do a matchup. Lucky for you, you didn’t get any of those characters you didn’t want. I did give you a more controversial character though. So, I hope you like it.
You Got…
Taiju Shiba!!
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First off, he has tattoos. And you cannot tell me you get abs like that from not working out!
SPOILER ALERT 🚨: He ends up owning a restaurant so he would only take you to the finest!
I think you would be able to calm him down if he gets really angry since you understand being angry.
I picture rooftop club dates.
I will argue anyone who disagrees with me on this. I think he is secretly a softy. He just had to grow up too fast. He cared enough to leave them because he knew he was always going to be a monster.
Lastly, he’s been through a lot.
This man is literally your ideal type!
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bisluthq · 7 months
I suspect Joe probably cheated or did something really bad, though that doesn’t mean she didn’t cheat also, just because there had to be something really bad she was telling all her friends including Ryan Reynolds who wrote that nice thing about him before, and Gigi who basically introduced them, to make them all immediately unfollow him. If she also cheated I imagine it was something worse like she found pics of him w another girl, guess we’ll see on TTPD though.
Or - hear me out - they were her friends and she was over it and she was feeling kinda petty so messy ass dramatic friends of hers unfollowed him because they don’t have to like him post breakup. You’ll note Jack has never done so and he’d know about the supposed cheating first lol like she’d have written about it and so Jack would know. Whatever issue she has with Joe and however willing Jack may even have been to uninvite him from his fucking wedding, none of it lead to him unfollowing lmfao because he’s not a lil petty bitch who lives for drama tbf (also no shade though because it’s okay to be one!!! I don’t think it’s a bad thing!!) And as I’m saying she was CLEARLY talking to someone from at least December/Jan so like I don’t think she’s wrong for that personally but let’s also not be overly dramatic? Like no one as far as we know did anything “that bad” - even factoring in Matty because she’s entitled to talk to people and get excited/motivated - like shit between two people who are not together anymore and who’ve both moved on tbh didn’t work out which is just a part of life y’all lmfao.
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widow-maximov · 3 years
Sorry to double send, I realized my ask probably may not have been detailed enough
I imagine like reader works at a bookstore or library or cool store of some kind. And Wanda walks in lookin Daddy af but is polite and kind of a gentleman ya know? Like she’s confident and definitely flirting with reader but in a gentle kinda soft not to forward way. But reader is just fumbling anyway cuz hello Wanda Maximoff is in front of her smiling at her.
Also picturing Wanda like wearing a short sleeve shirt that’s like tight on the sleeves or something OR she’s wearing a button up with the sleeves rolled up (AHHH) and yes so I’m imagining her leaning on the counter just casually flexing and her shirt already shows off her biceps but reader (me) is trying not to faint
Also picturing Wanda genuinely wants to get a book or whatever thing she decides to buy if not a bookstore and it’s like a cool af book. And reader is like 😍 —-If you need book ideas you could do Kindred by Octavia Butler or Beloved by Toni Morrison (ik those two are intense) you could also do How Long til Black Future Month By NK Jemisin..(that one is sort of less intense anyways I love all those books and they’re really good).
Evening Shift
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Warning: Language, angst, fluff
Summary: Regular day working at a book store, you wouldn't think that someone as famous as Wanda Maximoff takes a trip to where you work, how will your gay heart react?
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: I would just like to say that I prefer detailed requests but I don't mind those who send some what detailed, thank you for this request, it was quite fun writing it.
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
You always would recall messy interactions with girls that you met, it was horrible. You could never keep your cool around women, especially ones that just look so fucking hot.
The reason you took the job at the book store, it was because not many people nowadays like books and that just gives you some peace with yourself whilst you're stacking books.
Plus it's a way for you to be yourself and not fall over every word at a sight of a woman, it was a perk that not many young women came in here, but mostly elderly who are just looking to stay somewhere quiet.
This bookstore was known to have every book that has ever been published, some are in the storage room and some are out on display, you really loved it especially when you would have your breaks, you would just sit and read.
It was one of the things that came with the job, unlimited amounts of books and it was the best feeling in the world, day after day went by and yet you were still stunned by how many people were tempted to walk into the store.
Your colleague Mike, recently joined the store as an employee as one of the girls who worked on evening shifts left, so he was hired to replace her but since evening shift didn't have many people, you offered to do it as well.
Since then, you were promoted, it was a feeling of reward for you really, I mean you worked here for sometime and dedicated a lot of time to make sure everything was in order.
As time came to slowly start closing the story, you and Mike were managing the books that were left in places that didn't belong, you heard the door bell as if someone walked in.
You knew that Mike was here so you didn't bother going over to the counter until he ran over to you with his eyes widen "What's wrong?"
"Wanda Maximoff is here" That was his only words.
Your eyes widen at what came out from his mouth "W-what?"
It wasn't the first time she stopped by just never when you were at work but not many people knew who she was, but not you, you knew about her. God of course you knew, you adored her, the way she left everything behind with no one to trust and her brother dead.
It must've done a lot to her and now that she is here, you couldn't face her, you knew you would just make a whole ass mess out of this so you stood glued to your spot "W-well go!"
He whispered "No, you go"
You pushed him slightly "Are you crazy! I'm not going"
He pushed you back "I'm not talking to her, you're the supervisor here!"
Before you could try to send him again, her voice echoed "Hello?"
You gulped, as this time he pushed you out so she could actually see you, you sheepishly smiled at her as you made your way towards the counter.
"Ah, I thought it was closed" She spoke when you were closer.
You smiled at her "N-no, we are soon though"
Her smile dropped "What? Oh silly me I didn't think it was this late"
Your eyes dropped to what she was wearing, a button up shirt with rolled up sleeves with jeans that complimented her figure really well, that shirt fit her perfectly, showing off everything that she wanted to.
How her muscles would flex and teasingly just enough of her cleavage to make you weak in the knees but it all tied together with the most softest smile anyone could pull off.
"Is it okay if I quickly take a look around?" She asked as she noticed your eyes travelling down her body.
You met her eyes, feeling the sudden butterflies hit your stomach "Yes!" You answered quite too loudly and quickly for your own liking
"Check me-" Your eyed widen at your words but quickly tried to cover it up "Check whatever you need" You chuckled nervously in hopes it worked.
Wanda forced the most innocent smile anyone could plaster across their face "With pleasure" she answered as she walked off and a small smirk replaced the smile within seconds.
Your heart hammering in your chest, not quite registering what she said yet, your head whipped to Mike who appeared next to you with a shocked face "That was-"
"Insane!" You whispered, as excitement coursed through you.
He stood next to you as he slightly leaned with his hip on the counter "But you girl are a mess"
You rolled your eyes, knowing that from the start "Yeah no shit"
You didn't even had the time to calm your nervous down before she appeared back by the counter "I'm so sorry to bother, but I can't see the book I am looking for"
Your breath hitched as if she just walked in but this time you actually held onto the counter, trying very hard to not just faint "What book are you looking for?"
Mike asked before any words left your mouth, she smiled at him "Beloved by Toni Morrison"
He smiled slightly "Let me check if I can find it for you"
Now that he was gone, her attention was pulled back to you but your eyes never left her face, who would've believed that the Wanda Maximoff would step into some corner book store at night.
"Very good taste in books" You spoke up, quite surprising yourself when you didn't stutter.
She raised her brow perfectly "Coming from someone who works at a book store it must be true then"
You laugh slightly at her as you nod "Not many people come here and ask for books from the 80s"
She leaned on the counter "They are fascinating, wouldn't you say?"
You nodded with a slight smile across your lips but before you could say anything, she fired another question towards you "I haven't seen you before here, are you new?"
You shook your head "Uh, no, I have worked here for 3 years"
Her brows shot up in shock "Wow, and I haven't had the pleasure to meet you"
Your heart picked up again "Well at least you did now"
Her eyed dropped down to your hands after giving you a nod, her hands reached out to it as she grabbed it and looked at the ring on your finger "That's a really nice ring."
You swallowed down your dry throat "T-thank you, my ex girlfriend bought it"
For some reason you felt the need to point out the gender that you dated, causing her to look up at you "So you're into girls?"
The grip on the counter definitely tighten, trying very hard to keep yourself in balance as you smiled and just nodded "Good to know"
Mike's head appeared with a little smile "Uh Y/n could you come for a second"
His eyes never failed to notice that your hand was held by Wanda, her eyes only left you when she looked at him but they were solely focused on you.
You looked back at her with a nervous smile as you slowly slid by your hand "Excuse me"
She nodded as she turned around to take a double look at the empty room whilst you went to sort out whatever he needed.
"What?" You asked slightly worried.
"You see I can't find out box with the books from the 80s" He confessed with anxiety.
You sighed as you let your eyes close for a second before opening them, you pointed in the direction of a box that was well hidden "They should be there"
He nodded as he walked over to where you pointed and pulled out the box where, you were correct, the books were. He quickly found the book that Wanda needed and handed it to you.
"Here, you can take it to your new girlfriend" He smirked as you took the book from him.
"Not my girlfriend" You whispered as you walked out with a slightly glare at him.
You walked back, a little bit less nervous this time, you held the book out for her to see if it was 100% this one "We had the last one"
She sighed with relief "Thank god I got here when I did because not only I would miss my chance to meet you but also buy this book"
Your cheeks flush a red colour and she noticed, causing slight giggle to escape from you, she smirked as she takes the book but doesn't pull it out of your hands.
Her hands touch yours but her eyes are glued to your face as if to search for some sort of conformation, when you looked into her eyes so quickly at the interaction, letting your breath hitch in your throat at the direct contact.
She knew exactly what she was doing "Thank you little one"
You let go of the book when you realised that you had to calm yourself otherwise you would just trip over your words again, you looked over at the monitor which displayed the price.
"You know, have the book, it's on the house" You offered it as you knew this was once in the life time opportunity.
The corner of her lips tugged upwards at your words "I can't let you do that"
You waved your hands to dismiss her "Nonsense, it's yours"
"Plus when have you ever gotten a free book after walking in near closing" You joked causing her to let out the most cutest giggle you ever heard.
"True" She replied simply, you knew it was the end of this moment, that this was probably the last time you'll see her.
She was close to turning around and walked out but something was stopping her "This could go two ways"
You looked at her a little confused and just let her continue "I could walk out and there could be a possibility of never meeting again or I ask you out to a date and you agree and we see where this goes"
Now your throat was dry, was she really just suggesting a date, it was as if the time has stopped as you stared into her eyes. They felt warm and you without a doubt knew she was that warmth you needed in your life.
"I could give you a choice but I think I already know your answer" She smiled widely as your shocked face made her giggle.
"I'll be back tomorrow by 7pm before the closing for our date, what you say?" She asked as she stood straight with the book held to her body with one hand.
You swallowed down the dry throat, realising you haven't said anything "Y-yeah okay, I will be ready"
But were you? How could anyone be ready for a date with the Wanda who looked like she could grab you by your throat and you would only encourage her to proceed.
As she walked towards the exit, she stood by the door as she looked at you once again and just send one of her winks towards you with a wide smile, all you could do is just blush a deep red colour and try your best to return a smile.
She disappeared and you almost immediately fell to the floor as your knees gave in on you as Mike appeared with a simple "Whoa"
You nodded with your eyes focused on the shelf in front of you, trying to process what just happened "I have a date with Wanda Maximoff.."
He smirked "Now aren't you glad you did evening shifts, little one?"
You finally looked at him with a simple eye roll "At least I got a date"
He opened his mouth in shock "Shut uppp"
You giggled as you finally stood up and looked at the clock "Okay, let close up and head home, I need to pick an outfit"
He laughed as the two of you worked your way through the book store and closed within couple of minutes. As you walked home a smile never left your lips.
It was a very good day, the best day you ever could wish for, you met someone who you adored and now she is here, asking you out like you were the only person in the world.
The next day came quickly and before you knew, even though you felt like it was longer than it was, you stood anxiously as you waited for her.
Mike has gone home as you waited in the book store, the only thing you had to do was close the door and enjoy the rest of the day with your date.
As excitement slowly leaves you and disappointment starts to flood in, a sad realisation hits you, maybe she wont come? Maybe she forgot or maybe it was only false hope..
As time starts to drag with the anticipation of her arrival, you stared at the clock on the wall with a sad smile, maybe it was too good to be truth.
You took a deep breath trying the best to hold back your tears as you closed the door, just as you turned around there she stood, breathing heavily with a smile.
It was as if she read your mind "I'm sorry, the meeting was longer than I expected"
You gave her a smile of relief, she didn't bail, she looked like she ran here, you walked towards her as her eyes finally took you in "Even more beautiful than I remember"
Even though the air was cold, it was easy to tell that her comment made you blush "Good save"
"You look- very hot" Your words left your mouth as you looked up and down at her, she smiled at you as a giggle left her soon after when your eyes took her in.
She laughed as she extended her arm towards you "Ready?"
You smiled at her laughter, taking her hand, taking a second to answer "Always"
Her smile widen and her eyes shined with excitement and a familiar warmth that engulfed the two of you, good you were holding onto her because you were sure you would faint.
If this was your chance at happiness, you took it with a smile and followed it with ease, her eyes were more beautiful with the street lights shining and the most beautiful smile.
This was the start of a beautiful story...
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robinofinashiro · 3 years
request from anon: “Hi, can I request yandere alphabet for Kyojuro Rengoku 👉👈Thank you and have a good day Queen.”
pairing: yandere! kyojuro rengoku x fem reader
request status: OPENED
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A - Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
rengoku does not give a singular fuck who sees him when it comes to giving you affection! you’re in the public? you’ll be holding his hand, kissing your cheek when he feels like it, and if it’s that bad, he’ll do a quickie in the bathroom. 
B - Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
very messy! he doesn’t care. if he sees someone getting too close to you, he’ll make sure to get rid of them as soon as possible. he can’t let anyone get close to you. he’ll go to the ends of the earth to make sure that you’re by his side and that no one comes in between the two of you. 
C - Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
honestly, he’ll mock the hell out of them when he feels like it’s necessary. if you’re purposely doing things to annoy him or going out of your way to piss him off, he’ll make sure to remind you that you’re never leaving him. other than that, he’ll treat you like you’re a princess! you deserve everything in the world and he’ll give it to you if he feels like you deserve it. 
D - Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
despite from the sweet nature that he gives off, he will do ONE thing against your will and that’s to have kids. he needs to continue his family line and since Senjuro isn’t working to be a pillar anymore, he needs to make sure that someone continues that and it might have to be his kid. 
E - Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
rengoku, when he feels like the time is right, will bare everything to his darling. come on now, you’re gonna be his wife, right? it’s only right that you know what his baggage is! he doesn’t care if you judge him or not, when it comes to this sort of thing, he kinda wears his heart on his sleeve. 
F - Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
he would be kinda pissed. you’re supposed to be this perfect wife/darling and by you acting out, he doesn’t sit well with that. why can’t you be more like Sanemi’s wife? a perfect little darling that just sits there and waits for her husband like she should. punishment is a whole other ballgame that i will touch on later. 
G - Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
absolutely tf not. how can this be a game to someone? rengoku is the kinda person where if he meets someone that he falls madly in love with, he’ll stick by you until one of you dies first and even then, he might commit sewerslide if you happen to be the one to go first. however, he might get a kick watching you trying to leave him bc it’s nearly impossible to leave where you’re trapped.
H - Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
rengoku’s affection, jesus christ. that shit could get mad annoying. if he’s had a particularly bad day, just brace yourself and let it happen bc he will be one affectionate mf. it could get to the point where he’ll be affection even into the next day if it’s that bad. 
I - Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
literally a picture perfect life. (very much the american dream in a sense). he wants kids, hell, if you want pets of some sort, he’s down to adopt a few dogs or whatever you or your kids want. he just wants everyone to see that his family is perfect and how far he’s willing to go for them. 
J - Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
oh absolutely. rengoku is the type of mf that if he sees someone flirting with his darling, he’s ending that shit QUICK. he cannot and will not let it happen. clearly it isn’t your fault so he’ll console you that you had no way of knowing what that scums intentions were and after he’s done with that, he’ll try to find the person to give them a lesson. 
K - Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling
he will be very clingy like i said. he wants everyone to know that his relationship is perfect but in private, double that. he’ll make sure that you know you’re loved and that he wouldn’t trade his life with you for anything in the world. 
L - Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
he would try the attempt to court you at first. rengoku is someone who is very charming so 8/10 times, it’ll work. however, if you’re being stubborn, that’s when the other side of rengoku comes out. but if you do decide to date him willingly, he’s the sweetest mf ever. he’ll bring you courting gives to every date, etc, etc. 
M - Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
honestly, rengoku is seen as the black sheep in the sense that he’s always readily happy and enthusiastic. not much changes when he’s in the public. unless you happen to piss him off in public, seemingly the only time when he would change his personality. 
N - Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
he doesn’t try to do it often, he hates seeing you hurt. but if you happen to actually piss him off to the point where you need to be punished, anything ranging from being alone for days to sexual punishment (that i wont be going into detail for).
O - Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
not many tbh. you have free range into his entire estate. however if he has maids working around, they know it’s best for them not to talk to you. he wont let you leave his estate to speak to anyone. you have the right to anything as long as you’re not trying to leave or get into contact with someone. he’ll even let you visit your friends or family as long as he’s there. 
P - Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
eh, he’s about 50/50. he can be very patient with you or be ticked off almost immediately. more than likely tho, he’ll deal with your shit most days. the days that he doesn’t, it’s probably bc he had already probably had a bad day and you’re just making shit worse. 
Q - Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
if you die, rengoku won’t move on and like i said before, he’d probably commit sleep forever. if you escape, he’ll spend the rest of his days looking for you. regardless if you escape or die, he won’t move on. you’re his and you will remain that way important person in his life. 
R - Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
to a certain point, he’d feel guilty. i think the only thing eating him up is the unethical part in all of this. the fact that he’s basically abducted you and refuses to let you go. but will he ever let you go? absolutely not. you’d have to kill him before that happens. 
S - Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
i see the only way this happening is bc of his life. his childhood wasn’t the greatest but it wasn’t exactly the worst so idk, i think more than anything it was out of curiosity and probably seeing others do it that make him snap. 
T - Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
if rengoku isn’t at fault for making you upset, he’s HEARTBROKEN. he doesn’t like seeing you that way and he’ll find the person that did it and make them pay for it. HOWEVER, if he was the cause of it, he almost turns into a wall and brushes it off, probably murmuring that you deserved whatever it is that made you cry. 
U -Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
honestly no. he wouldn’t only bc he’s very much the person that finds the classics of being a yandere as the only way to do it. anything like killing your darling or along those lines are way to extreme for him and he doesn’t like it when others step out of line. 
V - Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
SENJURO RENGOKU. his little brother is also his world and i think if you catch kyojuro in a situation where you can exploit senjuro, he might give in but honestly, it probably won’t hurt and it’ll be worse for you when he finally has you alone. 
W - Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
like i said before, only if it was necessary. he wouldn’t ever intentionally hurt you if you didn’t deserve it. he doesn’t like seeing you hurt and he hates seeing you cry so only if it came to you being a brat would he then actively physically punish you. 
X - Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
ehhhhhh, not really. he sees this relationship as 50/50 however he did kinda worship you when he wasn’t your boyfriend/husband but he would go different lengths in order to win you over. he doesn’t really care what he has to do, he will make you his whether you like it or not. 
Y - Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
tbh, it doesn’t take long before he snaps. if he sees you going out with someone and he feels like you might leave him, that’ll be a point. if he sees you being too free, that might be another point. in general, less than a year before he snaps. hell, less than half a year. 
Z - Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
mentally, YES! physically, if he needed to. but not to the point where he’s killed you. 
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spideykaiparker · 4 years
Embarrassing Encounters
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Peter Parker x fem!reader
warning(s) : slight smut, some fluff
summary : peter has a girlfriend that Tony doesn't know about, one day, when Tony was visiting peter, he found an interesting item in his room.
authors note : yeah, i don't know about this, i think this is so bad, but i like the plot so I'm gonna post this, i apologize if this is bad. i wasn't in the mood to write a full smut, so i left it at that, I'm really sorry if you're disappointed.
happy reading! ^_^
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Peter was just studying in his room, because you were out with your friends, so he got bored and decided to catch up on some work, because spidey was really holding him back from his studies. his room was a mess, mainly because he was always too tired after patrolling to clean his room.
suddenly the door opened and in comes Tony Stark himself. "hey pete, can i borrow your suit for a while? i have some adjustments i need to make" he said while looking around peter's room.
"w-what? how'd you get in the apartment?
"May let me in" he answered simply, walking towards his desk
"you can't be in here, here, I'll go find the suit while you wait outside" peter was scared Tony would find something he wasn't supposed to see.
"why? what's the matter? can't i just take a look around my protégé's room?" he said, looking around with his hands behind his back.
"well y-you can, but I'd like my p-privacy" peter answered while shifting nervously.
"I'm just here for a little while anyways, so you can go find your suit, while i have a look around your room"
"fine" then he immediately moved to find his suit, wanting Tony to be out of his room as quick as possible.
while he was searching for his suit, Tony just looked around, looking at the posters he put on the walls. his room looked like a typical teenage boy's room.
"—hey pete?"
"how old are you?"
"I'm 18, why?" peter answered, still searching for his suit.
"do you have a girlfriend by any chance? 'cause if you don't, then this is pretty creepy" Tony asked while picking up a red lacy bra, holding it infront of his face, looking at it with amusement evident on his face.
peter immediately stopped looking, and turned around so fast, he thought his head was going to come off. his eyes widened, looking at the item infront of tony's face, horror evident on his face.
he immediately sprinted towards tony, snatching the bra from his hands, throwing it in his closet.
"t-that's none of your business" he found his suit laying near his bed, he picked it up "here's the suit", he said handing Tony the suit, then pushing tony out of his room, face sporting a bright shade of red.
Tony didn't said anything, deciding to bring it up later on, but the amusement and disbelief was still evident on his face.
when Tony was out of his room, peter slammed the door and leaned against it, sighing, slowly sliding down, holding his face in his hands.
peter couldn't believe that just happened, that was probably the most embarrassing thing that happened in his life.
eventually peter got up, still feeling embarrassed, but pushed the feelings away, then continued on studying.
the next day, you came over to peter's apartment to have a study date, because you were also a bit behind on your studies, but unlike peter, who was behind because of spidey, you were behind because you were just a bit lazy. so you both decided to have a study date.
"u-um so, you know how you left your bra the last time you were here?" peter started nervously.
"oh yeah, i was looking for that, why? did you do anything with it?" you said while smirking.
"uh, not really, but Mr. Stark... kinda found your bra?" peter replied unsurely. you widened your eyes.
"what? what do you mean by kinda?"
"i mean he was here the other day, and was snooping around my room, then he found your bra...?"
"oh my god, why didn't you put it somewhere safe?!" you exclaimed, embarrassed by the fact that Tony Stark found your bra.
"i was going to! but he came over before i got the chance to clean my room!"
"ugh.. i can't believe this" you said while dragging your hands down your face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, please forgive me, I'll do anything, just please forgive me" he pleaded
truth is, you already forgave him, i mean, what's done is done, you can't do anything about it now. but you still want him to think you're mad at him.
"yes!" he nearly jumped out of his seat, exclaiming.
"okay then, you're going watch 2 seasons of The Originals with me" you said while smirking.
"what?!" he saw you pouting at him, "okay okay, fine, anything for you" he continued, pulling you into a tight hug, his hands on the back of your head.
"I'm sorry, okay?" he said softly, caressing the back of your head, then kissing your forehead. "right, so now let's study"
the both of you began studying, but while studying, peter can't stop looking at your lips, how you bite your lips when there's a question that you can't solve, he can't resist it any longer, wanting to just plant his lips against yours.
eventually peter got tired of that, and deciding to just smash his lips against yours, the kiss got heated almost immediately.
both of you manuvered across the bed, while still kissing, eventually ending up with peter sitting against the headboard, and you straddling him.
the kiss was really messy, tongues intertwining, fighting for dominance, where eventually peter won, teeth clashing against each other.
your hands finding its way to his curls, tugging on it slightly, he moans softly against your mouth, while his arms wrapped around your waist, caressing your back, touching every inch of your back he could reach.
one of your hand slid down against his chest, taking off his shirt, then continuing its way to his pants, going inside of it, and taking him in your hands, your hands gently begin massaging his hard member in his underwear, slowly sliding it up and down his length. he moans against your mouth again, hips bucking up to your touch.
while you were playing with his hard member, his hands slid down to your ass, tightly gripping it through the material of your shorts. then his hands went inside, caressing your ass. now it's your turn to moan against his mouth.
you continued to stroke him in his underwear, while your other hand was buried in his hair. his hips bucking up against you, while you slightly grind against his thighs. you both moaned against each others mouths.
"a-ah Y/N that feels so good" he moaned against your mouth, too lost in the feeling of your hand wrapped around him. your hand that was in his hair slightly tilted his head to the side, to give your mouth easier access to his neck, placing kisses there, leaving marks.
"—so you do have a girlfriend" you both froze, immediately turning your heads towards the door. there, standing in all his glory, Tony Stark himself, leaning against the door, arms crossed, amusement clear on his face, with his eyebrows raised.
both of you immediately pushed away from each other, peter scrambling to find his t-shirt. peter took back the words he thought yesterday about the most embarrassing moment in his life, no, this was the most embarrassing moment in his life.
"Mr. Stark! what are you doing here?!" peter exclaimed, while you just hid behind him, too embarrassed to face Tony.
"well, i finished the adjustments on your suit, and i was going to hand it back to you myself, because coincidentally, i had some business to do around here, but i see that you're a little busy there"
"ugh! okay, whatever," he took the suit case from Tony, "you can go now" he exasperated.
"yeah okay, by the way, you have a really pretty girlfriend over there pete, don't lose her, and why didn't you told me you had a girlfriend? geez i thought we were closer than that pete" Tony said, faking a sad expression.
"because i knew you were going to be like this" peter answered, cheeks red with embarrassment.
"okay, well, I'm already late, so I'm going now," he said walking away, "oh, and don't forget to wear protection, okay?" he clicked his tongue, winking.
when he was out of sight, you hit peter on the arm, "why didn't you lock the door!?" you exclaimed.
"ouch! i thought it was locked!
"now you're gonna have to do more than just watching the originals with me!" you said, still hitting him
"okay okay! what is it?!" he replied, while trying to dodge your hits.
"hmm.. I'm going to wax your legs!"
"what?! no! anything but that!" he saw you with a look on your face that said 'are you sure about that?' "okay okay, fine" he sighed, looking down.
"again, I'm really sorry okay?" he said while looking at you with huge puppy eyes, practically begging you to forgive him.
"tch yeah yeah, but you're still gonna watch the originals with me and still going to let me wax your legs"
"okay..." he said while looking down.
"c'mon, let's continue studying now," you pulled at his arms, heading to the desk
"i have a better idea than that" you looked at him, confused, "let's continue what Mr. Stark interrupted earlier" he continued, looking at you with lust evident in his eyes.
"hmm.. i don't know.." you teased, but the truth is, you were more than willing to continue what was interrupted earlier.
"oh come here you" he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his chest, kissing you deeply.
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drakenology · 4 years
“what that mouth do?” - w/ random haikyuu boys. because I dont know all the team names yet.
ft. bokuto, aakashi, kageyama & asahi
🎵 inspo song 🎵
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warnings: oral sex (fem!receiving), cussin’, d+ddy kink, exhibitionism?, slight overstim, spit (yall know me), use of kitten in asahi’s sowwy, dash of somnophilia, a pinch of “cunt”
bokuto (mine)
i feel like bokuto would be the type to just get straight to it.
and believe you me he is a messy eater.
the whole room would be filled with sounds of him slurping and sucking all over your pussy
loves eating it from the back to prep you for the brutally beautiful backshots he’s about to bestow upon you.
also just loves your ass in his face.
fingers you and eats you out at the same time. (demon)
will tongue kiss you when he’s done to make you taste yourself.
talks about eating pussy to his teammates alll day. (much to their dismay)
he just loves eating pussy.
pussy eating experience: 10/10.
bokuto laid on the bed like a sniper with his sights on his target between your legs, hands resting on both thighs to keep you nice and spread for him. his tongue glides over your plush folds, poking and prodding at your entrance as his pretty eyes lock onto your face.
fuck, you were so beautiful like this; face scrunching up with every swipe of his tongue. you whimper as his fingers dive deep into your dripping sex, slurping noises ringing in your ears as he took your clit between his soft lips. you were blinded by pleasure, incoherent sentences flowing out of your lips of how good he was eating you right now.
bokuto nods, a cheeky “mhm.” sending you into a daze. your legs quiver and vibrate around poor bokuto’s head as you cum violently on his tongue. Even as your thighs are squeezing him to death he’s still licking you, riding you through your high and straight to yet another. Your back arched, your fingers entrapping into bokuto’s hair as you try and escape his killer grip on your hips.  “fuuuck, baby!” you cry, sobbing at the assault on your oh-so-sensitive pussy. bokuto can’t get enough of seeing you this way; begging and crying for him to stop. part of him loves your desperate pleas, relishing in every little jumbled swear you let out. 
aakashi (also mine)
another one who devours the pussy.
absolutely insatiable
will eat you anywhere... like anywhere
and will go all out on purpose so others could potentially hear you moan for him eek!
likes to 69 so your pretty mouth pleases him while he pleases you
high-key likes it when you get so tongue dumb that you can’t even focus on sucking his dick. 
loves to praise you; could literally write an essay about how good your pussy tastes
he’s just a damn demon ok?
you’re out trying on cute little dresses for aakashi; short ones to tease him when you go out. you smirk as you watch his face flush, loving the way he looked at you with such hunger. your panties soak at the thought of what he was going to do to you when you got home; what he might do when he sees you all dressed up pretty and ready to go out with your friends.
as you go to change out of the dress you tried on to put your clothes back on, aakashi rushes into the dressing room and pushed you inside. he doesn’t say a word, his feral eyes speaking every filthy desire for him. he kissed you, so hard you both stumble into the wall. clothes molted off your bodies quickly, aakashi lightly pushing you down onto the bench following you down. in an instant you spread your legs for him, panties wearing a wet spot as aakashi moans at the sight.
his lips are on you before you can even speak, a long, sloww drag of his tongue over your panties turning your thoughts to mush. aakashi rests your legs onto his shoulders as he kneeled in front of you as if eating you was a privilege. slowly he peeled your panties off to the side, looking up at you with those fucking eyes of his. he leaves these sloppy kisses all over your sopping wet pussy that were so intoxicating that you completely forget you’re in public with all the noise you start to make.
your slick mixed with his spit dripped down your ass and all over the bench as aakashi traced circles on your clit, leaving only to dip his tongue inside to really taste you. your breathing seemed to stop as you hold back your whimpers, catching your lip between your teeth as he pushed you down to your end. “yess. you taste so good, love. give me more.”
Kageyama (psh.. buckle up)
closet freak
mr. tobio likes to tease a lot
loves when you beg for him
in fact it’s mandatory that you beg for him
will not stop until you cum at least twice and even then you’re pulling him off you
leaves little hickies on your thighs as a reminder of how good he makes you feel everytime he revists your pussy.
Kageyama comes home late at night; a celebration of another successful game still lingering on his breath (probably from drinking all night). He stumbles inside, eager to claim his prize. Tobio shuffled into the bedroom you share to see you sleeping soundly, stomach flat on the bed and your perfect ass sitting right up as if to greet him.
He practically drools seeing you like that all but fully clothed, the only thing covering your body was one of his jerseys. You looked good enough to eat. Kageyama crawls on top of your sleeping body, trying to nudge you awake all to no avail as you snore away completely unaware of the savage beast leaning over you. He starts kissing your body, whispering your name to stir you awake as he trailed down to your ass giving it the biggest kiss so far.
“wakey wakey...” he whispers, snapping the waistband of your panties with his thumb, taking two loving fingers to prod at your clothed cunt. you stir, moaning as he moved you to lay completely flat on the bed. “there she is..” he smiles, looking at your half sleeping face. “T-Tobii. What time is it?” You whine, reaching for your phone only for him to pull you to the edge of the bed. “Doesn’t matter. Bend over.” Tobio groaned, drinking in your body as he prompts you to lay down with your ass up. You bite your lip, doing as your told.
“You’re in a good mood. You guys won?” You ask, eyes closed as he kissed your thighs, licking just below your now aching pussy. He was so needy for you, words only slowing the process of him getting what he wants. He doesn’t even answer your question, only thing he used his mouth for was to devour the woman who lay bent over for him.
Kageyama pulled your panties down about half way, just to get to your cunt as quickly as humanly possible. He prods at your folds, taking in the taste of your sweet juices as he moaned into you. You shudder, leaning into the bed to muffle your noise.
His hands explored your lower half, focusing on grabbing your ass and caressing your thighs then refocusing his attention on sticking his tongue deep inside you; just drunk on your body. You’re quickly reduced to a moaning mess, the massaging of his big hands along with the intense make out session on your pussy was just doing it for you. Tobio lost all composure.
Your pussy was quite possibly the best thing that had ever happened to him or maybe that’s just how it felt. Not a single spot of you wasn’t touched, filthy sounds of him tonguing you down caused you to utter filither things back.
“Tobiii!” You sob into the pillow, almost completely sure you’re crying. You start shaking, arching your back to get him to go deeper somehow, telling him you’re soo fucking close. Keep going, don’t stop, you urge him. He obliged happily, suckling on your clit and sinking his slender fingers inside you in such a way that caused you to boil over as fast as you could dig your nails into the sheets. You feel your slick drip down your leg, Kageyama pulling away from your leaking pussy to lick up your thighs not wanting a drop to go to waste.
fuck.. i’m hot.. i’m hot.
huge slut for foreplay, he just wants to make you feel good
eating you out is now second nature to him
it’s kinda scary how quickly he’s learned your body; what to do and what not to do
ways to get the faucet running smoothly, ya know?
loves when you pull his hair, it’s like a sign he’s got you going crazy for him.
probably the one to stop eating you to get his dick in there, soooo needy.
Something about seeing you in a skirt just makes Asahi want to tear you apart. So when he comes home to you getting dressed to go out with your girlfriends he froze. Not only did you wear a skirt but you also had the nerve to put on some thigh high socks with it. Wherever you were going didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was getting his face in between those thigh highs.
Asahi takes you by the hand and pulled you away from the bathroom sink, kissing you with sheer lust and passion. Even though your friends were blowing up, call after call falling on deaf ears you didn’t fucking care. You kissing your boyfriend became the only thing that seemed right. Fuck going out to be honest. Asahi whisked you away to the bedroom, laying you carefully over the bed. He crawled on top of you with this starved look on his face, as if he’d never taste you again.
“A-Asahi, I’m gonna be late.” You say, being completely ignored by Asahi. Whatever it was you said though didn’t matter, his hands running up your thighs and lifting up your skirt. You’re flushed, looking down at him as he pulled your panties off in one fell swoop.
“This will be quick, promise. I just have to have you, kitten.” Asahi chokes out, eyeing your pussy. He was usually the calm one; the one who brought you to beg for him but now he’s practically aching to taste you. And so he does, diving deep into your pussy with his tongue. Any rationality left your thinking, the sensation the only thing making sense to you right now.
Asahi now has your thighs pressed into your chest, spread just enough to lick your sweet cunt. Your knees cover half your face as you practically drool on them, his mouth working it’s magic all over your most sensitive spots. He takes his thick fingers and slides them inside with easy feat (its the wap for him.), causing your thighs to quiver. Your eyes roll back as you try holding your legs open for him, thighs quivering as Asahi makes it harder to do so.
“fuuuck, asahii!” you mewl, eyes crossing at every stroke of his tongue; every pump of his fingers. Asahi swore and pulled away, sloppily kissing you with his wet lips.
“I lied. I won’t be quick.”
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ink-on-the-brink · 3 years
How do you feel about ns*w prompts?
If you want, how about how medic, sniper and engie are acting during sexy times ? Or foreplay if you prefer !
I've been kinda thinking about doing stuff like that for a while so I decided why not now? It's not gonna be my first time writing it but it is my first time posting this stuff so fair warning.
Okay so like, I don't know if it's just me but like I kinda see Medic as a bit ace? Like he doesn't usually think about that type of stuff and it's very rare that he feels this sort of pull, but he won't reject doing it if you want to either.
You'd need to be very blunt with the man. It's not that he's dumb, he just doesn't pick up well on social cues in the first place so he doesn't want to assume anything.
He's never one to initiate. Like ever. You want some? You best come get it.
Kinks? Literally whatever the fuck you're into. Man does not give a fuck. He'll indulge in the most insane shit if you're up for it. He had no line that can't be crossed. He loves experimenting. (I mean that's what he does 98% of the time anyway)
Mega switch. He can be the absolute whiniest sub and the most controlling dom. It's almost scary how good he is at both.
Foreplay can be common or not happen at all. Again it depends entirely on what his partner wants and if you want him to spend an hour just touching you then that's exactly what he'll do.
He holds no shame if caught. Everyone knows better than to say shit to the person that's literally in charge of their bodily functions. No one dares to say a word if they catch the two of you.
He will often slip into German in the heat of the moment so whatever he saids is completely lost on you. (He's honestly just saying random shit but you don't need to know that)
His favorite position is downward dog. Something about hearing your muffled moans just kinda does it for him.
For him, it's more of a casual thing. Like a 'sure, why not'.
Overall whoever he's with gets to decide what smexy time will be like.
This man has one hell of a sex drive. It's honestly surprising he hasn't exploded from the number of times he's found himself in a situation where he just really needed that release but couldn't get it that moment.
One small comment, purposeful or not, has him wanting you. There have been more than a few times he's heard the wrong meaning in your words, flustering and really pushing him.
He doesn't initiate it so much as you can see that he really really needs it. He'll deny himself no matter how worked up he gets and it's up to you to shove some reality in his face and give him what he wants.
Man is a full dom when he's in the mood though. I'm talking you won't even know what's happening before he has you against a wall, whispering the dirtiest things you've ever heard in your ear. Which is frankly surprising since he was usually so easily flustered. It's almost shocking how quickly he changes from flustered mess to confident and absolutely fucking H O T.
He doesn't venture into the world of kinks much. He likes it rough and messy, not complicated. He'd rather be the one to hold you down than have some rope do it for him. That doesn't mean he won't try if you ask though.
He draws a hard line with extreme stuff. He will never harm you and would never like to be harmed by you.
If he trusts you enough, and you play your cards right, he can become a melted mess. Sometimes he just really likes to give up all control to you and honestly, it just makes him hotter.
He's definitely the type to use semi-demeaning words but not in a way to put you down. Something like 'you're such a good lil' slut for me'
Voyeurism is something he's turned on about but deathly afraid to do. He's had many a fantasy of fucking where he might get caught but actually getting caught would probably embarrass him to unimaginable lengths. So to indulge in these fantasies he'll do so when you both go camping. No one's around yet the thrill is still there.
He most often likes to fuck you into a wall of some kind. He likes how the position makes it a bit harder to look at anything but him. Your expressions are what he practically lives for.
Foreplay is rare. He's often too worked up to think about it. He mostly likes to get straight to the good part. So when he gives you the reins he can often be even more of a mess if you prefer soft touches and a slower session.
How casual it is depends on how long he's been with you. For the first year they tend to be more rare and often very intense sessions. Once he's more comfortable with you though it can become extremely common and more casual with those intense sessions sprinkled in now and then.
Overall he's a bit hard to predict. You'll start off thinking he's going to be a nervous mess under your fingers before he turns around and fucks you until you can't stand anymore. Then after a while you get to take control and do the same to him.
It's a win/win
A decent sex drive. Usually he's very good at controlling his urges and keeping them in check but when he wants it damn does he want it bad.
He's a man of words. Nothing, and I mean nothing will get him going faster than a suggestive comment. Keep talking and you'll have him hooked in moments.
Despite what one might think, Engie is a dom. Look, you listen to him when his voice gets deep and tell me he doesn't use that tone to turn on whoever he's with. Man's knows every way to turn someone on without even touching them.
Is most likely the one to initiate. He likes to start it off with a little bit of light touching so it's very often that he turns what was supposed to be a cuddle session or a short kiss into something a lot more.
HUGE praise kink. He's going to compliment each part of your body in the sexiest way he can. Stuff like 'ya sound beautiful when you're beggin sweetheart' and 'ain't you just the most perfect thing ah've ever seen'. He is going to make even the most stone-cold mercenary flush with how good he is at talking dirty.
Foreplay is this man's forte. He's good with his hands and his tongue and you can be damn sure he's using both to his advantage. Kisses all around your body, whispered words that send shocks through your skin, soft touches that send shivers down your spine, he's good at it all.
To him it has to be intimate. He's not one for casual. If he's going to do anything with you it's going to be slow and romatic. He doesn't like anything quick, it just doesn't do it for him. He wants to hold your body, to feel every bit of skin revealed to him.
He doesn't want anyone disturbing his moment with you and it will annoy him to no end if someone does. He'll quickly cover you before throwing whatever's closest to him at whoever disturbed the session. Despite this, he has a huge thing for spontaneous sessions rather than planned ones. This means that you two have done it more than a few times in his workshop. Luckily at this point everyone's learned to just not come in if the doors are closed, no matter how important it is. He's not going to talk or help anyone until he's finished.
He has a different set of nicknames that are saved especially for smexy time. These include 'cute lil' thing, sugar, angle' and a few others. Upon hearing any of those nicknames you'll know exactly what he's planning to do.
He likes it when you ride him. He very much enjoys the hold he has on your hips as you bounce on top of him, not to mention your face contorted in pleasure that he gets a front-row seat to.
Overall he's a man of foreplay and long passionate sessions.
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ravenwitch45 · 3 years
Maybe once things are patched up between V and Blitz the Succubi Crew starts showing interest in I.M.P? Like they wanna learn how to use guns, knives, create makeshift weapons and bombs, etc. What would each members' specialty be?
Oh this is a really good ask, I'll try to do my best to give it justice, I also decided to include Verosika and Vortex just to cover bases if your not just referring to the background succubi.
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Verosika and her crew getting interested in weapons and I.M.P teaching them and what they like using.
Verosika: She took a while to admit she was interested, to her even though her and Blitzo made up she still tries to avoid him cause it's awkward and she thought it would be even more awkward to ask her ex boyfriend to teach her how to use a gun. But after all the others did it she relented and walked across the hall with the excuse it was ONLY to avoid another situation with the Human Police (It's not because she thinks learning how to use weapon would be cool, no of course not). But even then to me She feels like a minimalist, only carrying around the most basic stuff and outright refusing to use makeshift stuff or bombs, she finds them too messy, I think she would carry around a small pistol (Perhaps bedazzled cause she's glam) and maybe something like a butterfly knife, and would probably keep them in her boot (Cause having them in pockets would ruin her silhouette)
Vortex: Personally I can't see him using a weapon, I think he would probably fight like Loona but probably with less slashes and more grabs and throws. That's all I have to say for him honestly, maybe a barbed baseball bat, i don't know
Josh: Knives. Knife king, he just get's obsessed with every type of knife and will now be carrying at least ten on his person at all times. Every kind, Butterfly, switch blade, bow tie knife, throwing knives just a ton of blades so much so anyone who touches him has a 50% chance of getting pricked, Also has lowkey done that knife circle thing the Joker did in Suicide Squad and Ace walked in and Josh was just like "What?"
Coco: I honestly see her just packing a baseball bat and using it to chuck grenades at whatever is unfortunate to look a like a good target. It's a show that Apple enjoys watching, while all the others are just looking on in terror at the sight. silently wondering why she doesn't just work at I.M.P.
Apple: Makeshift Queen. Ever play Dead Rising? I haven't but you get to combine almost everything you find into weapons and that is Apple's style in a nutshell. She will make stuff as simple as the humble board with nails in it to something as ludicrous as another board she covered in razor blades from shavers she stole from everyone else. Everyone tries to keep a close eye on their personal belongings from now on or else Apple will make a weapon out of it. It will be good but your not getting stuff back.
Kat: They adore any weapon that makes everything chaotic. So he's get's interested in automatic firearms and explosives, AKA an Uzi and just a ton of different explosives which he will detonate as he laughs maniacally. Sadly he doesn't really get much chance to do that but everyone knows to keep him away from someone who might annoy them or else the concert will literally go up in flames.
Milky: Ohhhh... Her and Millie would be fast friends. Milky get's teased about her height a lot and now she has a perfect reaction to those people. Pull out a knife, baseball bat, sword, axe or any variety of melee weapon to terrify them into silence, This is lowkey how she got Kat to stop picking on her. Her and Millie also borrow eachother's weapons just to try new stuff out once in a while.
Kiki: Is the polar opposite of her brother's style, Instead of intentionally making things chaotic Kiki likes to end things with a single well aimed shot. That is to say she's a really good sniper that Moxxie trained so she's even better, She is kinda bitter she can't bring her rifle most of the time but she will sneak it with her sometimes just for target practice.
Ace: The Messier the better, He likes shot guns, Baseball bats, generally just anything that's bound to have a lot of blood splatter and Verosika just knows Blitzo is giving him all this stuff but he won't admit it so she just groans and tries to have Ace calm down a bit so no one ends up covered in blood by the time any fight they end up in is over. Also Ace and Josh fighting together is just... cool melee power couple stuff I guess.
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Okay, soo can you write a pseudoincest one for Midoriya? I feel like he’ll be shy at first & the reader will be the one to approach him (in a non sexual way of course) but then one day he’ll just break & pin her against a wall. :> hehe
Okay okei ok lissen listen litsen
Midoriya and his sister are picture-perfect step-siblings. From the moment they met each other, the two have gotten along great, perfectly at ease with each other. 
Warnings! - NSFW, cunnilingus, dub-con. Pseudo-incest. 
It’s easy to relax around the green-haired man, with how smiley and soft and completely non-threatening he is. You’ve met plenty of men that are the complete opposite; men that make your skin crawl when they look at you. But your stepbrother isn’t like that - you’re pretty sure he doesn’t even know what a girl is, considering he’s never even shown interest in one. 
You like hanging out with him. Going with him to get coffee every Saturday morning (his treat), plopping down in the bean-bag chairs in his room and completely wrecking each other in Mario Kart, even doing mundane things like laundry or homework is always more fun with Izuku around. it doesn’t hurt that the man is a little too kind for his own good, always offering to do your laundry for you, asking if you need help on any of your homework. He’s always happy to drop whatever he’s doing and come help if you get frustrated with a problem. 
The two of you were watching a movie, parents gone out on date-night. Both of your gazes were zeroed in on the screen, you clutching at Izuku’s sleeve at every jumpscare, your brother leaning forward and mumbling about cgi and the mechanics of the fake monster suits. 
A sex scene came out of no where, gross. This always happens with semi-decent movies, and it was so awkward. Thankfully, it was just you and Midoriya in the room (if your parents were here, both of you would be red and embarrassed and suddenly interested in the thread count of the couch cover) and it wasn’t that long of a scene. You were still shy though, turning away from the screen to fiddle with your sleeve, look at the texture of the ceiling, pick at your nails.
A load screech drew your attention back, thinking that the movie had returned to the monsters and the chasing and the thrill. You were wrong. In full HD, there was a semi-nude woman, chest tastefully covered by her ripped shirt, a man kneeling in front of her. The man was moving his face against her, the shots being vague but not needing much brainpower to figure out what was happening. You frowned.
“What is he doing? That’s so gross.”
You felt Izuku shift beside you, the man looking down at you. It’d be weird if you looked at him now, saw your flushed, embarrassed face. Why was the man on the screen putting his face down there?
“(Y/N)...... do you..... do you not know?”
He was just as shy as you, stuttering over his words. Know what? Sure, you weren’t exactly experienced in the realm of physical pleasure, but you thought you knew the basics.
At your confused silence, you saw Izuku drag a trembling hand over his face.
“It’s uh... well, you see... when a man and woman love each other very much-”
“Seriously  ‘Zuku?”
You turned to look at him. He was blushing just as hard as you, movie now forgotten.
“Okay, uh, it’s-it’s oral. I guess kinda like a blowjob, but for girls.”
“How would that even feel good? There isn’t anything for him to even like...” You trailed off, regretting blurting out the first thing that popped into your head. Gosh, you sounded like a kid, Izuku probably thought you were so dumb. “Nevermind, let’s just forget it.”
Izuku was still looking at you, nervously shuffling closer.
“You’ve never....?”
“Of course I have!” You spluttered, rising from the couch. Now you were angry, embarrassed, humiliated. Izuku thought you were so stupid that you didn’t even know how sex worked. It’s not like you were currently seeing someone, not in the four short months since you moved into the Midoriya’s house. But you’d had experience in the past! Maybe nothing past penetration, but that still counted as experience!
Izuku rose with you, hands held out in front of him as he tried to salvage the conversation. “I didn’t mean! Not like that anyways...... I was just...”
He waved noncommittally with his hands. You crossed your arms, waiting for him to continue. Izuku was a bit on the shyer side, and you knew that talking about sensitive subjects made him stutter and blush, lose his cool and all. You were willing to be patient, expecting an apology. You got anything but.
“I just mean... I could like, uh... s-show you?”
Your jaw dropped.
Before you could speak, Izuku was rushing on, his words jumbled and breathless. ‘Y’know? It’s just like the uh, well the nice thing to do. It-it feels really good and I know you’d enjoy it, well, I-uh I think. I mean, I-I do... enjoy blowjobs! I could teach you how to do that too, if-well, if you want. We don’t have to do that toda-”
“’Zuku, no...”
You cut him off, staring pointedly at the ground. This was the weirdest situation you’d ever been in. You couldn’t look your brother in the eye, this was just too awkward. 
There was a beat of silence.
Automatically, your feet started carrying you towards the stairs, towards your room where you could play on your phone and forget this whole thing happened. 
Izuku grabbed your arm.
“Wait, wait, just.... c’mere?”
You grabbed Izuku’s arm, trying to pull yourself away from him. “Izuku, I really don’t think-”
“No, no don’t-don’t think. just... just let me...”
The man was pulling you back, giving you a gentle push onto the couch. This was so weird. A hand splayed across your chest, keeping you stationary as you tried to sit up, and Izuku was kneeling. The man pried your legs apart, despite you protesting.
“’Zuku, this really isn’t something I wanna do right now, please don’t touch me like that.”
Izuku raised a finger to his lips, before yanking down your shorts. You squealed his name in surprise. He groaned.
“Oh, oh, this’ll feel so good, just-just trust me, okay? You know I wouldn’t hurt you.”
He was still pressing down on your chest with one hand, ignoring the way your panic rose as his other hand gently caressed your leg, climbing higher and higher. You knew he wouldn’t hurt you, but this was making you uncomfortable. The thought of your stepbrother doing oral or whatever made you squeaky. You didn’t know what to label the feeling - only knew it was bad.
You gasped when a finger pressed against the fabric of your panties; began tracing your folds, prodding at your mound. Your hands flew down to grab his wrist, to push him away, but Izuku wouldn’t be deterred.
Izuku was so much bigger than you, so much stronger. You couldn’t stop him when he pulled your panties to the side, shoved his face between your thighs, close to your cunt. A yelp left your throat when cool air blew gently across your pussy. He was - he was literally blowing on your pussy. 
You shivered.
“Hey, please I don’t wanna do this ‘Zuku, please let me up. Stop doing that, I won’t tell dad, I won’t tell anybody! Please just let me up.”
Your pleas were ignored
A finger began slowly brushing against your cunt, as if Izuku was afraid to touch, afraid to break. You groaned; never in your life had you given that area this much attention. “Feels - feels weird.” you whined, drawing Izuku’s green eyes away from your clenching cunt and up to your face.
“It’ll start feeling good In a second, don’t worry. I’m taking care of you (Y/N), just like I always do.”
Your stomach flipped. This didn’t feel like him taking care of you.
“I-I’ve been wanting to do this for so long... god, thank you.” He was almost whispering, you barely caught the tail end of his sentence before a hot, wet tongue was licking up the length of your pussy. 
“Ah! w-wait!”
Izuku didn’t listen. HIs first lick was slow, calculated. The green-haired man was savoring your taste, licking his lips before diving back in. The sensation was good, you were writhing and squirming in Izuku’s hold, but now for an entirely different reason. 
He quickly became feverish as he drooled over your pussy, pausing occasionally to gather the moisture in his mouth and spit. Then he’d let his tongue spread the wet around, flicking rapidly against your clit.
“’Zuku, ‘Zuku! I can’t - stop, stop!”
It was so wet, and so, so messy. It was downright filthy, the way his tongue was suckling and lapping and dancing against your sensitive pussy. You were losing your mind, trying to free yourself from Izuku’s grasp, escape the intense stimulation that he was attacking you with.
Your orgasm hit you so fast, you barely had the chance to gasp out a stuttered, weak “Cumming!”. 
It felt so good it almost hurt.
The hand on your chest stopped anchoring you to the couch, but you were defeated, boneless. You stopped pushing at Izuku, let yourself lay back and try to catch your breath, sweat making hair stick to your forehead.
The green mass of curls between your legs bobbed gently as Izuku gave short, teasing kitten licks to lap up your juices, loving the way you twitched and whimpered as he played with your sensitive cunt. You were too tired to fight him. 
When the man finally stopped, leaned back on his heels and wiping a hand across his face, you didn’t want to look at him. Instead, you buried your face into one of the couch cushions, hiding from your older step-brother.
“I love you.”
You had loved him too, but not in the same way. He was your brother, your friend. What was he now?
Izuku reached forward, slid your panties back into place so they covered your pussy, giving you some semblance of privacy. You felt the couch dip as he sat next to you, far too close to comfort. It was hard to believe what he had just done.
You couldn’t possibly know that he was going to do more.
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afrival · 4 years
Insecurities That the AoT Characters Have [and some they find cute] Scouts Edition
Hello yes I love them sm and like to remember that they would also be insecure abt shit bc they aren’t perfect hope someone finds comfort in these 👍
warnings: slight body issues, insecurities w/ appearance in general
- their insecurities, + insecurities they love
- He’s more insecure about his personality than his appearance. Like, he’s aware he can be a dumbass, and thinks he’s too loud and irritating sometimes. Probably wants to be reassured that he’s literally fine and talking at a normal volume but won’t ask
+ Maybe kinda basic, but he’s a fan of larger hips and thighs. They just look nice to him. Arms too! Please hold him
- She has really thin hair and hates it, but doesn’t really know what to do with it Loves whenever she gets complimented on her hair, it makes her feel a lot better
+ MUSCLES bro, especially in the legs. She can appreciate curves but really gets behind a more masculine physique (flat, few curves, etc) especially w/ women
- His height— Wishes he was taller all the fucking time even though he’s literally average height. Also really specific, but he thinks his ears are too big. Please just give this man some ear pecks idk it will heal everything
+ Big noses and lips are cute as hell too him, especially more flat or Roman noses. Just really appreciates being able to smooch your nose or smth idk
- Again, not rlly any physical insecurities, doesn’t talk about his interests that much because he thinks that he’ll be annoying about it— loves when people just listen to him talk abt whatever and don’t make him embarrassed abt it
+ Broad shoulders baybeee, likes wrapping his arm around them. I feel like people give this man a bad rep when it comes to what he’s attracted to LAMJDJR give him some credit bro
- Literally has a shaved head but thinks his head shape is weird ??? Like he thinks he looks like a 💡 but rlly he’s just
- Acne and rough skin!!!! He LOVES how natural these are and it literally doesn’t affect appearance ever
- REALLY wishes she had blue eyes, like, have you seen armin and historia? Who wouldn’t want a pair of pearly blues after seeing theirs. Please remind this mf that brown eyes are just as pretty
+ Chub/body rolls :,) thinks it’s the cutest shit, but doesn’t comment about it but like she just hdjfjrkrkf
- Her freckles :((( She would honestly just prefer to have clear smooth skin but def has some scars and freckles and everything. Historia always makes sure she knows that she doesn’t need perfect skin to be pretty
+ Short legs. She just thinks they’re so cute, especially if they don’t reach the ground when you sit
- It’s a bit specific but sometimes feels kinda embarrassed of her femininity? Like all of these people around her are more tough looking and she just feels like she’s 👸💕 and can’t compare. But like who says you can’t be traditionally feminine AND kick ass at the same time
+ TALL GIRLS. SHE LOVES TALL GIRLS PLEASE dawg. Like just absolutely adores them. Long legs? Yes plz. ALSO BI QUEEN alternatively she thinks short guys are the absolute best
- Listen. We’ve all seen those screenshots. Mans has chubby cheeks :,)) He isn’t like INSECURE about them but if someone points them out (cough cough, Hange pinched them or some shit) he will get upset
+ Flat chests, Loves just being able to lay on someone without any potential problems of it hurting the person he’s laying on
- She hates whenever she goes on bigass rambles about shit but cannot stop. Like Eren she just feels like she’s annoying everybody with her existence. Please let her talk it’ll make her day
+ Naturally frizzy hair SHE WILL GO BONKERS. ITS SO CUTE PLEASE . She just loves messy looks in general like??? Yes please be chaotic with her she will adore your
- Eyebrows ??? Honestly ?? Like in a modern au I could see him getting them done frequently or getting Historia to teach him how to use a brow pencil
+ Curly hair, ALL KINDS. LOVES it it’s so fucking pretty and just loves it when curls bounce or just exist and look stunningZ Also genuinely does not mind body hair like he couldn’t care less lmao
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coldflame96 · 3 years
Wrapped up in you
Summary: Sharing a scarf with your girl when you don’t like things around your neck is something that can be so personal..
Rating: T
Also found on AO3 and FF.net
Based off that picture in the very last scene with Kyoru sharing a scarf <3
“Wow!" He heard her gasp. "It's snowing!" But then she furrowed her brow. "But it was so mild this morning."
Neither of them had brought coats with them, but Tohru brought her scarf with the pom poms. She really loved that thing and it was cute.
"Kyo-kun," she grabbed his hand. "Are you cold?"
He didn't think he could ever truly be cold as long as she was around.
But he did shiver a bit. "A little. The temperature really dropped."
"Well here!" She took her scarf off, handing it to him. "Maybe this will help."
He knocked her head gently. "Then you'll get cold, dummy."
"I'll be okay!" She waved her arms. "I don't want you to get sick!"
He could tell this was gonna go nowhere fast. He rolled his eyes fondly and grabbed the scarf. She looked at him expectantly and he got an idea. It was cheesy, but knowing her, she'd probably love it.
He pulled her in closer, wrapping one end of the scarf around her neck, and the other end very loosely around his own.
"There." He said triumphantly, breath visible, "now neither of us have to be cold." He punctuated with a gentle whack with one of the poms and she giggled. He paused and then whacked her again. "Huh, this is kinda fun."
He was met with a whack on his own cheek with his girlfriend grinning impishly. "You're right, it is."
He gently whacked her again, this time pressing the pom right on top of her nose, shaking it as she tried to bat it away.
She tried to do a little twirl but the scarf wasnt quite long enough for that so she just did an awkward twist. The temperature was dropping by a lot and her nose was starting to turn red.
He leaned over to kiss it and she gave a questioning look.
He shrugged. "It looked cold."
She grabbed his hand, peeking at him from under her lashes. "I think my lips are cold too."
Subtle. He cradled her face and kissed her gently. "Better?"
"Still feels pretty cold."
He hummed, kissing her again. It was something he never really got tired of doing. She fisted her hands in his uniform jacket as he just kissed her slowly, careful to keep it chaste.
"Oi, lovebirds," he jumped when he felt a hand slap his back and saw Uotani to his side. She smirked. "When you're done being gross, you might wanna actually head home before you turn into snowmen." She put her arm over her head like a visor. "It's supposed to snow all night."
"Oh really?" Tohru asked. "I had work tonight."
She grunted. "So did I. But I called off. You should too."
She frowned. "I wouldn't wanna trouble them-"
He'd heard enough. "You're not walking to work in a blizzard. If you don't wanna call off, then just have Momiji do it for you. His dad owns the place."
She bit her lip. "I suppose…"
"Momiji Sohma is quite fond of you," Hanajima came out of nowhere. "I would imagine he wouldn't expect you to risk yourself in such weather."
"C'mon, we should go." Uotani said, wrapping an arm around Tohru's neck. "It's already cold and it’s only supposed to get worse."
She relented and he followed behind her closely, the scarf still hanging off his neck.
"Apparently we're supposed to get 15 cm," he heard Uotani say vaguely.
Tohru clapped her hands in excitement. "Really? Wow. We could play in the snow!"
"We could have a snowball fight." And then Uotani smirked. "Betcha I could beat Kyon."
He rolled his eyes. "Don't start a fight you can't finish, Yankee."
She snorted. "Yeah okay. You know your ‘bad boy’ image is ruined with that scarf around your neck."
He shrugged. It wasn't like he had anything to be embarrassed about.
Tohru was talking to Hanajima now about something, her face lit up. He smiled softly. She was happy and that's all he cared about.
The wind was really picking up and everyone in the group did a full-body shudder. It really was getting freezing and the snow was sinking into his clothes uncomfortably. Tohru was trying to hide it, but she was shivering. How did she manage to wear skirts in this kind of weather?
They parted ways with Uotani and Hanajima and no sooner than they rounded the corner, he wrapped his arms around Tohru's waist from behind.
"Are you cold?" He whispered.
She nodded. "Only a little."
He kissed her temple. "C'mon, let's get home."
By the time they got into the doorway, her teeth were chattering and he rubbed her arms to try and warm her up.
"My, my, my," he heard Shigure say from the kitchen door and he looked up to see him standing there, looking way too amused. "I understand you kids are in love, but there is a time and place."
"Piss off," he snapped. "It's snowing and freezing outside."
"Well, that's why coats exist." He said smugly. "Honestly, Kyo-kun, do you not ever check the weather forecasts?
He was gonna punch this asshole. He felt a light tug on his shirt and he brought his attention back to his currently shivering girlfriend.
"D-do y-you m-m-m-mind if I shower first? I...c-can w-wait if you w-want to."
He pushed her back gently towards the bathroom. "Go shower before you get sick."
It was once he heard the bathwater running that Shigure turned back to him, smirking. "Nice scarf." He gave him a flat look in response, which he took as a cue to continue talking. "Tsk, tsk, you made a rookie mistake just now."
"What are you talking about?" He asked on impulse, and then came to the conclusion that maybe he shouldn't have.
Shigure's grin only grew wider. "When a beautiful woman you're with is going to the shower, it's only natural you offer to join her."
Kyo grabbed him by the collar, growling, "Don’t talk about her like that, you fucking creep. I’ll kill you!”
"Scary~" And then something else seemed to come to him. "Where's Yuki-kun? Don't tell me you left him out there."
"How should I know? He was never even with us."
And that was when the phone rang. Shigure waved, saying "I'll let you handle that” and then went back to his own room, hopefully to die.
He scoffed. He didn't usually answer the phone but he had a good idea who it was.
"Hello?" He sighed out.
"Kyo?" Yuki's voice came through the speaker. He sounded surprised, which was fair.
"Where’s Honda-san?"
"In the shower.
"I see. when she gets out, tell her not to save me any dinner. The weather's getting bad so I went home with Kakeru."
"Fine. That it?"
"Great. See ya."
"You and Honda-san are alone...don't do anything stupid."
His face heated up. "Shigure's here, you jackass." He gritted. And probably eavesdropping. "And that's none of your business."
"Oh, he's actually home?"
"My condolences."
"Whatever. Anything else?"
"No. You can hang up now."
And he was about to do just that but something paused him. "Oi."
"You too," he mumbled through gritted teeth because he really didn't wanna think about Yuki doing anything like that. "Don’t do anything stupid."
A pause and then a "Thanks" before the line went dead.
"Oh, was that Yuki-kun?" He heard Tohru behind him, her skin flushed from the steam and her hair still damp. “Is he alright?”
He grunted in affirmation, trying not to look at how a stray water droplet ran down her neck. "He's fine. He's at Manabe's, so don't wait up for him on dinner."
She made to hug him, but then reeled back. "Kyo-kun, you need to get out of those wet clothes! You'll get sick."
If it were just them, he would suggest she help him with that, but Shigure was here and he was not gonna give him the satisfaction of that.
He patted her head. "I'm going."
Without work to go to, her and Kyo-kun took the night in. She had already changed into her sleepwear (which consisted of one of his shirts that was way too big on her and a pair of flannel pants).  
He had changed too, in a loose long-sleeve and a pair of sweatpants.
With Shigure-san here, they couldn't exactly do anything more than kiss, so they'd just ended up watching a movie.
He'd fallen asleep halfway through and was currently clinging to her, head on her chest.
She could really admire him without being questioned when he was asleep, how his nose wasn’t set completely straight, the smattering of light freckles on the bridge that were more pronounced in the summer.
She lightly stroked his strong jawline and his arms tightened around her waist.
She smiled to herself. He was such a cute sleeper. She lightly threaded her fingers through his fiery hair, noting how it curled around his ears now.
It's getting so long..
She heard her phone vibrate from the nightstand and strained to reach it without disturbing her sleeping boyfriend.
She saw the message was from Uo-chan and then shot up in alarm at the attachment.
She heard a light groan and saw Kyo-kun blearily blinking his eyes open and she felt a little guilty.
"Wha's goin' on?" He mumbled.
"Uo-chan just sent me something."
He hummed. "'Splains why you woke me up."
She was pretty sure he was being sarcastic based off the grumpy look on his face but paired with the messy hair, it didn't have much of an effect.
"Look at this." She shoved the phone under his nose and watched him squint as he put his own hand over hers.
It was a picture of them, sharing the scarf with snow falling around them. Neither of them were looking at the camera but she was chatting with Hana-chan, though the angle of the photo cut her poor friend off, and Kyo-kun just watched her, looking content.
He normally hated getting pictures taken so it was rare to see him so relaxed in one.
"Was this from today?" He asked.
"Yep! Uo-chan took it." Then she cocked her head. "I wonder how she managed to do it without us noticing."
He stretched, his shirt riding above his waist, which she attempted to steadfastly ignore for her own sanity.  
"Probably because I wasn't looking at her."
He always said things like that so easily and it was a marvel each time.
"I know you hate pictures," she started hesitantly, "but do you mind if I keep this one?"
"I don't mind pictures," he said softly. "Not with you, anyway."
She blushed, smiling to herself. "Right." She put one foot down on the carpet. "I'll go ask Shigure-san if I can borrow his printer."
A warm hand grabbed her wrist. "Do it tomorrow," he said. "It's late." And then he slumped on top of her. "I want my pillow back."
He was actually pouting and it was quite possibly one of the most adorable things she’d ever seen.  
She just stared at the picture of them, smiling softly, Kyo-kun’s chin on her shoulder.
"You look cute," he murmured.
"I look the same as always, don't I?"
He was warm. Like a steady heater on her back. It made her feel sleepy.
At some point, she’d been gently coaxed on her back again, eyes heavy and her boyfriend a comforting weight on her chest. She managed to text Uo-chan a 'Thank you' through bleary eyes before letting sleep take her.
The next day, she bought a frame and added the picture to her shelf next to her mother and Kyo-kun’s beads.
“You’re such a sap,” he’d said when he walked in and saw it.
But he couldn’t hide how his eyes kept softening when they landed on it.
Not from her.
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